THE WEEK IN CHESS 414 14th October 2002 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Brains in Bahrain match
3) Bacrot - Gelfand Match
4) FIDE World Cup in Hyderabad
5) Essent Chess tournament 2002
6) Spanish Chess Championships
7) Milk Tournament in the Hotel Selfoss
8) Peruvian Championships
9) Najdorf Memorial 2002
10) First Saturday October
11) Hotel Opatija
12) Bad Wildbad Autumn Open
13) European Youth Championships
14) 1st Klaksvík International
15) Alushta Autumn
16) Ponomariov
17) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Brains in Bahrain match               5 games
Bacrot - Gelfand Match                6 games
FIDE World Cup in Hyderabad         120 games
Essent Chess tournament 2002         97 games
Spanish Chess Championships         135 games
Milk Tournament - Hotel Selfoss      25 games
Peruvian Championships               70 games
Najdorf Memorial 2002                14 games
First Saturday October               99 games
Hotel Opatija                        42 games
Bad Wildbad Autumn Open              71 games
European Youth Championships        374 games
1st Klaksvík International           15 games
Alushta Autumn                      284 games
1456 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Andy McFarland, Anjo Anjewierden, David Llada, Rod McShane, Laszlo Nagy and Andras Bacsi, Carl Eli Samuelsen, Mikhail Golubev, Mig Greengard and everyone else who helped with the issue.

The Brains in Bahrain Match has a lot of competition this week with the FIDE World Cup in India and the Essent Glass Tournament in Hoogeveen. Shock of the week was probably Kramnik's one mover against Fritz in game 5 of their match. After carefully building a near unassailable match advantage after four games he was close a draw that would just about clinch things for him when he made the kind of one move blunder that most amateurs would blush at. Elsewhere Bacrot beat Gelfand with a win in the final game of their match in Albert, France and Shirov showed great efficiency in overpowering the field in the Spanish Championships.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Brains in Bahrain match

The Brains in Bahrain match between Vladimir Kramnik and Deep Fritz takes place 2nd-22nd October 2002 (Opening Ceremony 2nd October. Playing days 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17 & 19 October, 2002).

After taking a 1.5-0.5 after game two Kramnik took control of the match by winning game three on the black side of a Scotch Defence. Deep Fritz drew easily on the black side of a Tarrasch Defence. The match sprung back into life when Kramnik committed an amazing one move blunder in a relatively simple position to lose game five.

TWIC has daily coverage of the match including live moves, pictures and reports. Live moves are at

Official coverage: and

DEEP FRITZ         -  Kramnik, Vladimir  1/2   28  C67  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Kramnik, Vladimir  -  DEEP FRITZ         1-0   57  D27  QGA
DEEP FRITZ         -  Kramnik, Vladimir  0-1   51  C45  Scotch Game
Kramnik, Vladimir  -  DEEP FRITZ         1/2   41  D34  Tarrasch Defence, Main Line
DEEP FRITZ         -  Kramnik, Vladimir  1-0   35  D57  Queens Gambit Lasker's Defence

Brains in Bahrain Manama BAH (BAH), 4-19 x 2002
                                 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 
Kramnik, Vladimir  g RUS 2807    =   1   1   =   0   .   .   .   3.0 
DEEP FRITZ               ----    =   0   0   =   1   .   .   .   2.0 

3) Bacrot - Gelfand Match

Etienne Bacrot played Boris Gelfand in his home town of Albert in France 7th-13th October 2002. He has played a match there every year since 1995. Games 1-5 were drawn before Bacrot won the match by winning the final game and taking a 3.5-2.5 victory.

Further details:

Gelfand, Boris   -  Bacrot, Etienne  1/2   45  A29  English Four Knights
Bacrot, Etienne  -  Gelfand, Boris   1/2   42  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Gelfand, Boris   -  Bacrot, Etienne  1/2   29  D15  Slav Defence
Bacrot, Etienne  -  Gelfand, Boris   1/2   28  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Gelfand, Boris   -  Bacrot, Etienne  1/2   43  D15  Slav Defence
Bacrot, Etienne  -  Gelfand, Boris   1-0   46  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov

Match Albert FRA (FRA), 8-13 x 2002
                              1   2   3   4   5   6 
Bacrot, Etienne  g FRA 2653    =   =   =   =   =   1   3.5  2761
Gelfand, Boris   g ISR 2704    =   =   =   =   =   0   2.5  2596

4) FIDE World Cup in Hyderabad

The FIDE World Cup in Hyderabad, India takes place 9th-20th October 2002. Play starts 1:30 local time (GMT +5.5). Vassily Ivanchuk and Alexander Morozevich both crashed out of the World Cup in Hyderabad after the preliminary group stages. The top two from each group go through to the knockout quarter finals. There were no playoffs instead the players who were tied on the same scores were separated using their individual results and the Koya system.

Qualifiers: Group A: Vladimir Malakhov (Russia); Ye Jiangchuan (China, 3.0) Group B: Alexey Dreev (Russia, 3.5), Sergei Rublevski (Russia, 3.0) Group C: Rustam Kasimdzhanov (Uzbekistan, 3.5); Viswanathan Anand (India, 3.0) Group D: Alexander Belyavski (Slovenia, 3.5); Nigel Short (England, 3.5) Women: Group A: Svetlana Matveeva (Russia, 3.5); Li Ruofan (China, 3.0) Group B: Antoneta Stefanova (Bulgaria, 4.5); Xu Yuhua (China, 3.5) Group C: Koneru Humpy (India, 4.5); Irina Krush (USA, 3.5) Group D: Subbaraman Meenakshi (India, 3.5), Wang Pin (China, 3.5)

Internet coverage: and and additional material at:

FIDE World Cup Gp A Hyderabad IND, 5-14 x 2002 cat. XVI (2631)
                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 
1 Malakhov, Vladimir   g RUS 2670 * = 0 1 1 1  3.5  2772
2 Macieja, Bartlomiej  g POL 2615 = * = = 1 =  3.0  2706
3 Vescovi, Giovanni    g BRA 2614 1 = * 0 = 1  3.0  2706
4 Ye Jiangchuan        g CHN 2667 0 = 1 * = 1  3.0  2695
5 Ivanchuk, Vassily    g UKR 2709 0 0 = = * 1  2.0  2543
6 Iuldachev, Saidali   g UZB 2511 0 = 0 0 0 *  0.5  2289

FIDE World Cup Gp B Hyderabad IND, 5-14 x 2002 cat. XV (2601)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 
1 Dreev, Alexey           g RUS 2673 * = 1 = = 1  3.5  2735
2 Rublevsky, Sergei       g RUS 2664 = * = 1 = =  3.0  2660
3 Radjabov, Teimour       g AZE 2628 0 = * = 1 1  3.0  2667
4 Azmaiparashvili, Zurab  g GEO 2666 = 0 = * = 1  2.5  2587
5 Yermolinsky, Alex       g USA 2575 = = 0 = * 0  1.5  2457
6 Kobese, Watu            m RSA 2399 0 = 0 0 1 *  1.5  2492

FIDE World Cup Gp C Hyderabad IND, 5-14 x 2002 cat. XVI (2644)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 
1 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  g UZB 2653 * 0 1 = 1 1  3.5  2791
2 Anand, Viswanathan    g IND 2755 1 * 0 = 1 =  3.0  2693
3 Sasikiran, Krishnan   g IND 2670 0 1 * = 1 0  2.5  2638
4 Hamdouchi, Hichem     g MAR 2593 = = = * 0 1  2.5  2654
5 Al-Modiahki, Mohamad  g QAT 2550 0 0 0 1 * 1  2.0  2590
6 Xu Jun                g CHN 2643 0 = 1 0 0 *  1.5  2495

FIDE World Cup Gp D Hyderabad IND, 5-14 x 2002 cat. XV (2621)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 
1 Beliavsky, Alexander G  g SLO 2650 * = = 1 1 =  3.5  2763
2 Short, Nigel D          g ENG 2684 = * = 1 1 =  3.5  2756
3 Ehlvest, Jaan           g EST 2600 = = * = 1 1  3.5  2773
4 Ganguly, Surya Shekhar  m IND 2531 0 0 = * = 1  2.0  2566
5 Harikrishna, P          g IND 2551 0 0 0 = * 1  1.5  2485
6 Morozevich, Alexander   g RUS 2707 = = 0 0 0 *  1.0  2363

FIDE Women's World Cup Gp A Hyderabad IND (IND), 5-14 x 2002
cat. VII (2416)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 
1. Matveeva, Svetlana       wg RUS 2465  * = = = 1 1  3.5  2554 
2. Li Ruofan                wg CHN 2357  = * = = 1 =  3.0  2499 
3. Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina  wg RUS 2466  = = * = = 1  3.0  2477 
4. Chiburdanidze, Maia       g GEO 2497  = = = * = 0  2.0  2327 
5. Cmilyte, Viktorija        m LTU 2460  0 0 = = * 1  2.0  2334 
6. Harika, Dronavalli          IND 2248  0 = 0 1 0 *  1.5  2300 

FIDE Women's World Cup Gp B Hyderabad IND (IND), 5-14 x 2002
cat. VIII (2436)
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 
1. Stefanova, Antoaneta        g BUL 2541  * 1 1 1 = 1  4.5  2781 
2. Xu Yuhua                   wg CHN 2473  0 * = 1 1 1  3.5  2578 
3. Khurtsidze, Nino            m GEO 2455  0 = * = 0 1  2.0  2360 
4. Vijayalakshmi, Subbaraman   m IND 2394  0 0 = * 1 =  2.0  2372 
5. Swathi, Ghate              wm IND 2247  = 0 1 0 * 0  1.5  2325 
6. Cramling, Pia               g SWE 2508  0 0 0 = 1 *  1.5  2273 

FIDE Women's World Cup Gp C Hyderabad IND (IND), 5-14 x 2002
cat. VII (2415)
                                                1 2 3 4 5 6 
1. Koneru, Humpy                  wg IND 2484  * = 1 1 1 1  4.5  2766 
2. Krush, Irina                    m USA 2403  = * = = 1 1  3.5  2565 
3. Kosteniuk, Alexandra            m RUS 2455  0 = * 1 = 1  3.0  2478 
4. Ioseliani, Nana                 m GEO 2491  0 = 0 * = 1  2.0  2327 
5. Stepovaia-Dianchenko, Tatiana  wg RUS 2398  0 0 = = * 1  2.0  2345 
6. Thipsay, Bagyashree Sathe      wm IND 2256  0 0 0 0 0 *  0.0       

FIDE Women's World Cup Gp D Hyderabad IND (IND), 5-14 x 2002
cat. VI (2399)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 
1. Meenakshi, S         wm IND 2309  * = 1 = = 1  3.5  2566 
2. Wang Pin             wg CHN 2473  = * = 1 = 1  3.5  2533 
3. Zhu Chen              g CHN 2509  0 = * = 1 1  3.0  2449 
4. Dworakowska, Joanna   m POL 2389  = 0 = * 1 0  2.0  2329 
5. Ramaswamy, Aarthie   wm IND 2271  = = 0 0 * =  1.5  2275 
6. Peng Zhaoqin          m NED 2443  0 0 0 1 = *  1.5  2241 

5) Essent Chess tournament 2002

The Essent Chess tournament 2002 takes place October 11th-19th 2002 in Hoogeveen, Netherlands. The highlight is the double round robin Crown event with Alexander Khalifman, Judit Polgar, Loek van Wely and Peter Acs. Khalifman leads after two rounds. Playing days for this event 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 19th October 2002. There is also an international open being led by Vlastimil Hort on 3/3.

Internet coverage:

Round 1 (October 13, 2002)

Polgar, Judit         -  Van Wely, Loek        1/2   48  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Acs, Peter            -  Khalifman, Alexander  0-1   31  C48  Four Knights Rubinstein

Round 2 (October 14, 2002)

Khalifman, Alexander  -  Polgar, Judit         1/2   22  E15  Queens Indian
Acs, Peter            -  Van Wely, Loek        1-0   38  B80  Sicilian Scheveningen

Essent Crown Hoogeveen NED (NED), 13-19 x 2002cat. XVII (2662)
                                    1  2  3  4 
1 Khalifman, Alexander  g RUS 2690 ** =. 1. ..  1.5  2831
2 Polgar, Judit         g HUN 2685 =. ** .. =.  1.0  2685
3 Acs, Peter            g HUN 2591 0. .. ** 1.  1.0  2685
4 Van Wely, Loek        g NED 2681 .. =. 0. **  0.5  2445

Leading Round 3 Standings:
Essent Open Hoogeveen NED (NED), 11-19 x 2002
                                                1   2   3

 1. Hort, Vlastimil               g  GER 2531  +60 +19 +18 3.0       
 2. Riazantsev, Alexander         g  RUS 2543  +22 +23 =10 2.5  2668 
 3. Alekseev, Evgeny              m  RUS 2593  +24 +51 = 4 2.5  2682 
 4. Bezgodov, Alexei              g  RUS 2536  +46 +20 = 3 2.5  2669 
 5. Radulski, Julian              m  BUL 2487  +21 =25 +26 2.5  2528 
 6. Cheparinov, Ivan              m  BUL 2473  +35 = 7 +27 2.5  2632 
 7. Dvoirys, Semen I              g  RUS 2567  +32 = 6 +28 2.5  2662 
 8. Grooten, Herman               m  NED 2379  +59 +17 =14 2.5  2684 
 9. Brodsky, Michail              g  UKR 2547  =31 +42 +25 2.5  2515 
10. Goloshchapov, Alexander       g  UKR 2536  +56 +43 = 2 2.5  2622 
11. Nijboer, Friso                g  NED 2556  +57 =28 +30 2.5  2634 
12. Solleveld, Maarten            m  NED 2453  =39 +31 =13 2.0  2437 
13. Ionov, Sergey                 g  RUS 2538  +44 =27 =12 2.0  2461 
14. Kiriakov, Petr                g  RUS 2553  =37 +38 = 8 2.0  2397 
15. Van de Oudeweetering, Arthur  f  NED 2413  =33 +39 =16 2.0  2344 
16. De Vreugt, Dennis             g  NED 2501  =38 +37 =15 2.0  2409 
17. Rogers, Ian                   g  AUS 2557  +49 - 8 +29 2.0  2429 
18. Shaposhnikov, Evgeny          m  RUS 2544  +52 +50 - 1 2.0  2504 
19. Hanley, Craig                 f  ENG 2345  +48 - 1 +44 2.0  2415 
20. Filipek, Jakub                f  BEL 2374  +45 - 4 +52 2.0  2423 
21. Hamelink, Desiree                NED 2188  - 5 +53 +43 2.0  2385 
22. Pel, Bonno                       NED 2229  - 2 +54 +50 2.0  2474 
23. Prasad, Devaki V              m  IND 2421  +54 - 2 +49 2.0  2437 
24. Sawadkuhi, Massoud Amir       f  GER 2263  - 3 +62 +51 2.0  2512 
62 players

6) Spanish Chess Championships

The Spanish National Chess Championships took place in Ayamonte, Huelva 4th-12th October 2002. Alexei Shirov beat Paco Vallejo in the final 2-0. Shirov scored a massive 8.5/9 throughout the various phases of the event. There were two preliminary groups, playoffs followed by a semi-final and final. In addition there was an open event, the top four qualify (Juan Mario Gomez Esteban, Jose Candela Perez, Enrique Rodriguez Guerrero and Javier Moreno Ruiz) for next year's main championships. My thanks to David Llada for his help.

Official site: games at: also details at Paco Vallejo Pons website in the news section:

ch-ESP Gp A Ayamonte ESP (ESP), 4-8 x 2002           cat. XI (2509)
                                             1 2 3 4 5 6 
1. Shirov, Alexei                g ESP 2699  * 1 = 1 1 1  4.5  2836 
2. Romero Holmes, Alfonso        g ESP 2524  0 * = 1 1 1  3.5  2654 
3. San Segundo Carrillo, Pablo   g ESP 2523  = = * = = 1  3.0  2577 
4. Del Rio Angelis, Salvador G   g ESP 2494  0 0 = * = 1  2.0  2439 
5. Fernandez Garcia, Jose Luis   g ESP 2453  0 0 = = * =  1.5  2370 
6. Estremera Panos, Sergio       m ESP 2359  0 0 0 0 = *  0.5  2172 

ch-ESP Gp B Ayamonte ESP (ESP), 4-8 x 2002           cat. XI (2522)
                                             1 2 3 4 5 6 
1. Vallejo Pons, Francisco       g ESP 2635  * = = 1 = =  3.0  2571 
2. Herraiz Hidalgo, Herminio     m ESP 2458  = * = = = 1  3.0  2607 
3. Illescas Cordoba, Miguel      g ESP 2585  = = * = = 1  3.0  2581 
4. Arizmendi Martinez, Julen L   m ESP 2510  0 = = * 1 1  3.0  2596 
5. Comas Fabrego, Lluis          g ESP 2496  = = = 0 * =  2.0  2455 
6. Gual Pascual, Antonio           ESP 2450  = 0 0 0 = *  1.0  2296 

Gp B Playoffs: Paco Vallejo Pons 3-1 Julen Arizmendi, Herminio Herraiz 2½-1½ Miguel Illescas. Then to decide 1st-2nd places Paco Vallejo Pons 2-0 Herminio Herraiz

Round 1 (October 9, 2002)

Vallejo Pons, Francisco    -  Romero Holmes, Alfonso     1-0   28  A52  Budapest Defence
Herraiz Hidalgo, Herminio  -  Shirov, Alexei             0-1   20  D10  Slav Defence

Round 2 (October 10, 2002)

Shirov, Alexei             -  Herraiz Hidalgo, Herminio  1-0   33  C11  French Defence
Romero Holmes, Alfonso     -  Vallejo Pons, Francisco    1/2   51  C67  Ruy Lopez Berlin


Shirov, Alexei           -  Vallejo Pons, Francisco  1-0   79  B12  Caro Kann Advanced
Vallejo Pons, Francisco  -  Shirov, Alexei           0-1   47  B32  Sicilian Labourdonnais

ch-ESP Final Ayamonte ESP (ESP), 11-12 x 2002
                                      1   2 
Shirov, Alexei          g  ESP 2699    1   1   2.0      
Vallejo Pons, Francisco g  ESP 2635    0   0   0.0      

ch-ESP Open Ayamonte ESP (ESP), 4-12 x 2002
 1. Gomez Esteban, Juan Mario       m  ESP 2476  7.5
 2. Candela Perez, Jose             f  ESP 2427  7.5
 3. Rodriguez Guerrero, Enrique        ESP 2319  7.0
 4. Moreno Ruiz, Javier             m  ESP 2409  7.0
 5. Moreno Carnero, Javier          m  ESP 2503  6.5
 6. Pablo Marin, Alejandro          f  ESP 2434  6.5
 7. Lopez Martinez, Josep Manuel    m  ESP 2437  6.5
 8. Garcia Garcia, Ruben               ESP 2263  6.0
 9. Fernandez Romero, Ernesto       f  ESP 2394  6.0
10. Mellado Trivino, Juan           m  ESP 2459  6.0
11. Garcia Luque, Agustin           f  ESP 2400  6.0
12. Lacasa Diaz, Jose Antonio       f  ESP 2424  6.0
13. Baron Rodriguez, Jesus          m  ESP 2412  6.0
14. Calzetta, Monica                wm ESP 2239  6.0
15. Palacios Perez, Manuel             ESP 2192  6.0
16. Garza Marco, Sergio                ESP 2413  6.0
17. Munoz Moreno, Francisco J       f  ESP 2280  6.0
18. Perez Candelario, Manuel        m  ESP 2408  6.0
19. Barrero Garcia, Carlos             ESP 2311  6.0
20. Hernando Rodrigo, Julio A          ESP 2303  6.0
21. Aguera Naredo, Javier           f  ESP 2309  6.0
110 players

7) Milk Tournament in the Hotel Selfoss

The Category XII Milk Tournament takes place in the Hotel Selfoss, Iceland October 8th-16th 2002.

Internet Coverage:

1st Milk Masters Selfoss ISL (ISL), 8-16 x 2002       cat. XII (2547)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Sokolov, Ivan          g NED 2684  * . = . . . 1 1 1 1  4.5  2863 
 2. Nikolic, Predrag       g BIH 2661  . * . 1 1 . = . = 1  4.0  2774 
 3. McShane, Luke J        g ENG 2546  = . * . = . = 1 . 1  3.5  2678 
 4. Tregubov, Pavel V      g RUS 2594  . 0 . * = = . . 1 1  3.0  2593 
 5. Stefansson, Hannes     g ISL 2566  . 0 = = * . . 1 = .  2.5  2555 
 6. Olafsson, Helgi        g ISL 2476  . . . = . * 0 = 1 =  2.5  2507 
 7. Hracek, Zbynek         g CZE 2607  0 = = . . 1 * 0 . .  2.0  2487 
 8. Kristjansson, Stefan   m ISL 2431  0 . 0 . 0 = 1 * . .  1.5  2426 
 9. Oral, Tomas            g CZE 2546  0 = . 0 = 0 . . * .  1.0  2356 
10. Thorfinnsson, Bragi    f ISL 2357  0 0 0 0 . = . . . *  0.5  2226 

8) Peruvian Championships

GM Granda Zuñiga won the Peruvian Championships in Lima with 12/13. These were his first games for four years.

Internet coverage at: and comments at: and

ch-PER Lima PER (PER), 1-10 x 2002                              cat. IV (2337)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Granda Zuniga, Julio E   g PER 2605 * = 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  12.0  2716
 2 Belli, Mario             m PER 2401 = * = = = 1 = = 0 1 1 1 = =   8.0  2418
 3 Pacheco, Marco             PER 2284 0 = * 1 = 1 = 0 = = 1 1 = 1   8.0  2427
 4 Esplana, Christian       f PER 2335 0 = 0 * 1 1 0 = 1 0 = 1 1 1   7.5  2393
 5 Cruz, Filemon            f PER 2363 0 = = 0 * = = = = 1 = 1 1 1   7.5  2391
 6 Nina, Miguel               PER 2238 0 0 0 0 = * 1 1 1 = = 1 1 1   7.5  2401
 7 Castaneda, Georgui       m PER 2425 = = = 1 = 0 * = 1 0 1 1 0 =   7.0  2358
 8 Garcia, Javier           f PER 2297 0 = 1 = = 0 = * 0 1 = = 1 =   6.5  2339
 9 Gutierrez, Renzo           PER 2233 0 1 = 0 = 0 0 1 * 1 0 = = 1   6.0  2315
10 Oblitas, Carlomagno      m PER 2408 0 0 = 1 0 = 1 0 0 * = 0 1 =   5.0  2244
11 Robbiano Taboada, Carlo    PER 2252 0 0 0 = = = 0 = 1 = * = = =   5.0  2256
12 Cotrina Moscoso, Wilder    PER 2225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = 1 = * 1 1   4.5  2235
13 Soto, Jorge                PER 2412 0 = = 0 0 0 1 0 = 0 = 0 * =   3.5  2155
14 Vera, Kelver               PER 2233 0 = 0 0 0 0 = = 0 = = 0 = *   3.0  2133

ch-PER w Lima PER (PER), 1-10 x 2002
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1. Zapata, Karen             wm PER 2067  * = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  12.0  2419 
 2. Morales Mendoza, Luciana     PER 2147  = * 1 = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  11.5  2348 
 3. Calle, Miryam                PER 2091  0 0 * 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  10.5  2267 
 4. Esplana,Estefany             PER ----  = = 0 * 1 1 = 0 1 = 1 1 1 1  9.0  2164 
 5. Aliaga,Ingrid                PER ----  0 = = 0 * 1 = 1 0 0 = 1 1 1  7.0  2052 
 6. Mendoza,S                    PER ----  0 0 0 0 0 * 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  7.0  2052 
 7. Aquino,Milsy                 PER ----  0 0 0 = = 1 * 1 = = 0 = 1 1  6.5  2023 
 8. Cori,Deysi                   PER ----  0 0 0 1 0 0 0 * = 1 1 1 1 1  6.5  2023 
 9. Zapata,Talia                 PER ----  0 0 0 0 1 0 = = * = 1 1 1 1  6.5  2023 
10. Huerta,Nora                  PER ----  0 0 0 = 1 0 = 0 = * 0 1 1 1  5.5  1966 
11. Roncal,Elena                 PER ----  0 0 0 0 = 0 1 0 0 1 * 0 1 1  4.5  1913 
12. Gutierrez,Sandra             PER ----  0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 1 * 0 =  2.0  1727 
13. Alejandro,Liz                PER ----  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 * 1  2.0  1727 
14. Vasquez,Maria                PER ----  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 *  0.5  1522 

9) Najdorf Memorial 2002

Najdorf Memorial 2002 took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina from September 23rd to October 8th. The Final stage of the knockout event on October 7th-8th saw Hugo Spangenberg beat Diego Valerga in a play off for 1st-2nd. Facundo Pierrot beat Bent Larsen in a match for 3rd-4th, Ariel Sorin beat Sergio Slipak for 5th-6th and Pablo Zarnicki beat Raul Claverie for 7th-8th. There were two standard time rate games followed by a pair of rapid playoff games and a pair of blitz games if required.

The official website of the tournament is at: and there will be live games, pictures and commentaries.

Final Round 4 (October 7th-8th 2002)

Valerga, Diego     -  Spangenberg, Hugo  0.5-1.5
Pierrot, Facundo   -  Larsen, Bent       1.5-0.5
Slipak, Sergio     -  Sorin, Ariel       3.5-4.5
Claverie, Raul     -  Zarnicki, Pablo    2.5-3.5

10) First Saturday October

There are five tournament in October in Budaptest: 1 GM, 2 IM and 2GM tournament which take place 5th-17th October 2002. My thanks to Laszlo Nagy and Andras Bacsi for the news.

Internet coverage:

FSGM Oct Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-17 x 2002                cat. VII (2416)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Kallio, Heikki       g FIN 2471  * = = . = . 1 . 1 1 = 1  6.0  2625 
 2. Antal, Gergely       m HUN 2465  = * . . = = . . = 1 1 1  5.0  2572 
 3. Horvath, Csaba       g HUN 2506  = . * = = = 1 1 . . = 0  4.5  2429 
 4. Todorovic, Goran M   g YUG 2467  . . = * = 1 0 = 0 1 1 .  4.5  2445 
 5. Horvath, Peter1      m HUN 2482  = = = = * . = 1 . = . .  4.0  2483 
 6. Kahn, Evarth         m HUN 2355  . = = 0 . * = 1 = = = .  4.0  2414 
 7. Erdos, Viktor          HUN 2416  0 . 0 1 = = * = . . . 1  3.5  2413 
 8. Suarez, Damian         ARG 2240  . . 0 = 0 0 = * 1 . = 1  3.5  2375 
 9. Seres, Lajos         m HUN 2465  0 = . 1 . = . 0 * 0 . 1  3.0  2355 
10. Fogarasi, Tibor      m HUN 2466  0 0 . 0 = = . . 1 * = =  3.0  2333 
11. Brustkern, Juergen   f GER 2288  = 0 = 0 . = . = . = * 0  2.5  2276 
12. Szieberth, Adam      m HUN 2371  0 0 1 . . . 0 0 0 = 1 *  2.5  2273 

FSIMA Oct Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-17 x 2002               cat. II (2281)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Papp, Gellert             HUN 2275  * = 1 1 = = 1 . = 1  6.0  2491 
 2. Orso, Miklos            m HUN 2352  = * 1 = = = = 1 1 .  5.5  2419 
 3. Babos, Csaba              ROM 2207  0 0 * . = 1 1 1 1 1  5.5  2417 
 4. Werner, Dimo            m GER 2384  0 = . * = 1 = 1 = 1  5.0  2371 
 5. Dudas, Janos            m HUN 2362  = = = = * . = = 0 1  4.0  2263 
 6. Lengyel, Bela           m HUN 2338  = = 0 0 . * = 1 1 =  4.0  2263 
 7. Eperjesi, Laszlo        m HUN 2304  0 = 0 = = = * = . =  3.0  2199 
 8. Bognar, Csaba           f HUN 2143  . 0 0 0 = 0 = * 1 1  3.0  2211 
 9. Compagnie, Luc Gerrit     NED 2212  = 0 0 = 1 0 . 0 * =  2.5  2145 
10. Resika, Nathan A        f USA 2228  0 . 0 0 0 = = 0 = *  1.5  2027 

FSIMB Oct Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-17 x 2002                        cat. I (2261)
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Galyas, Miklos              m HUN 2406  * = 1 . 1 1 = . = 1 . 1  6.5  2487 
 2. Dub, Zeev                   f ISR 2270  = * 1 1 = 0 . . 1 1 . =  5.5  2411 
 3. Farago, Sandor              m HUN 2299  0 0 * 0 1 . 1 1 = . 1 .  4.5  2302 
 4. Alfred, Nathan                ENG 2251  . 0 1 * 0 . = 1 1 . = =  4.5  2281 
 5. Cooke, Eric                   USA 2185  0 = 0 1 * 1 . 0 . 1 1 .  4.5  2340 
 6. Berczes, David                HUN 2232  0 1 . . 0 * = = 1 0 . 1  4.0  2255 
 7. Abella Vazquez, Cesar         ESP 2117  = . 0 = . = * = . = = 1  4.0  2288 
 8. Banusz, Tamas                 HUN 2274  . . 0 0 1 = = * . = = 1  4.0  2240 
 9. Boguszlavszkij, Jevgenyij   m HUN 2258  = 0 = 0 . 0 . . * 1 1 1  4.0  2287 
10. Schneider, Attila           m HUN 2337  0 0 . . 0 1 = = 0 * . .  2.0  2090 
11. Berczes, Csaba              f HUN 2311  . . 0 = 0 . = = 0 . * =  2.0  2067 
12. Sallai, Kalman                HUN 2194  0 = . = . 0 0 0 0 . = *  1.5  2013 

11) Hotel Opatija

The 4th IM Closed "ZNG 111" tournament took place in the Hotel Opatija in Opatija, Croatia 4th-13th October 2002. FM Miroslav Zufic won the event with 8.5/11.

Internet coverage:

4th ZNG111 IM Opatija CRO HUN (CRO), 4-13 x 2002        cat. IV (2337)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Zufic, Miroslav     f CRO 2321  * 1 = 1 0 1 = 1 1 = 1 1  8.5  2549 
 2. Bistric, Faruk      m BIH 2484  0 * = = = = 1 1 1 1 1 1  8.0  2498 
 3. Fercec, Nenad       m CRO 2504  = = * = 1 1 = 0 1 1 = 1  7.5  2454 
 4. Topalovic, Zlatko     CRO 2272  0 = = * = = = 1 = 1 1 1  7.0  2444 
 5. Rukavina, Josip     m CRO 2393  1 = 0 = * = = = = = 1 =  6.0  2367 
 6. Armanda, Ivica        CRO 2316  0 = 0 = = * = 1 0 1 1 1  6.0  2374 
 7. Rezan, Sasa         f CRO 2414  = 0 = = = = * = = 1 = =  5.5  2329 
 8. Sitnik, Igor          SLO 2238  0 0 1 0 = 0 = * 1 0 1 =  4.5  2280 
 9. Gombac, Jan           SLO 2286  0 0 0 = = 1 = 0 * = 0 1  4.0  2239 
10. Orak, Ljubomir        CRO 2298  = 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 = * = 1  4.0  2238 
11. Glavas, Dragan      f BIH 2252  0 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 1 = * =  3.0  2169 
12. Kljako, Damir       f CRO 2263  0 0 0 0 = 0 = = 0 0 = *  2.0  2081 

12) Bad Wildbad Autumn Open

The 3rd Bad Wildbad Autumn Open took place 5th-12th October 2002.

Internet coverage:

3rd Autumn Open Bad Wildbad GER (GER), 5-12 x 2002
 1. Martinovic, Slobodan    g  YUG 2462  7.5 53.0
 2. Delchev, Aleksander     g  BUL 2560  7.5 52.5
 3. Galdunts, Sergey        m  ARM 2486  7.0 55.0
 4. Waldmann, Hans-Joachim     GER 2332  7.0 53.5
 5. Dausch, Rene            f  GER 2347  6.5 48.0
 6. Nasshan,Dennis             GER ----  6.5 41.0
 7. Inkiov, Ventzislav      g  BUL 2424  6.0 54.5
 8. Schork, Stefan             GER 2170  6.0 48.0
 9. Fronczek, Heinrich      f  GER 2272  6.0 47.0
10. Rutkowski, Ingo            GER 2205  6.0 45.0
11. Armbrust,Florian           GER ----  6.0 43.0
70 players

13) European Youth Championships

The European Youth Championships took place in Peñiscola (Castellón, Spain), September 29th - October 8th 2002. There were ten events, 5 for girls and 5 for boys U10 U12 U14 U16 U18. I have sorted out the games for the U18 Boys and Girls and U16 Boys events, the round 4 games for the U18 event were corrupt and so are missing.

Internet coverage:

EuYCh B18 Peniscola ESP (ESP), 29 ix-8 x 2002
 1. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyaz          AZE 2542  7.0 
 2. Bartel, Mateusz              m  POL 2418  7.0 
 3. Nyback, Tomi                 m  FIN 2459  7.0 
 4. Zhigalko, Andrey                BLR 2421  6.0 
 5. L'Ami, Erwin                    NED 2438  6.0 
 6. Drozdovskij, Yuri            m  UKR 2443  6.0 
 7. Llobel Cortell, Enrique         ESP 2377  6.0 
 8. Mamedov, Nidjat              m  AZE 2463  6.0 
 9. Novikov, Stanislav           f  RUS 2485  6.0 
10. Mladenov, Svetlin               BUL 2305  6.0 
11. Raev, Rastislav                 BUL 2192  6.0 
12. Lupulescu, Constantin           ROM 2476  5.5 
13. Zaragatski, Ilja                GER 2319  5.5 
14. Moreno Tejera, Emilio        f  ESP 2365  5.5 
15. Smeets, Jan                     NED 2392  5.5 
16. Cornette, Matthieu              FRA 2355  5.0 
17. Meszaros, Tamas                 HUN 2392  5.0 
18. Ibarra Jerez, Jose Carlos       ESP 2368  5.0 
19. Palekha, Alexey              f  UKR 2365  5.0 
20. Werle, Jan                   m  NED 2443  5.0 
21. Doric, Darko                    CRO 2250  5.0 
22. Tronenkovs, Valdis              LAT 2177  5.0
54 players

EuYCh B16 Peniscola ESP (ESP), 29 ix-8 x 2002
 1. Kharitonov, Alexandr            m  RUS 2439  7.0  
 2. Iljin, Artem                    f  RUS 2450  7.0  
 3. Pakleza, Zbigniew                  POL 2362  6.5  
 4. Jakymov, Volodymyr                 UKR 2321  6.5  
 5. Oleksienko, Michailo               UKR 2306  6.5  
 6. Murariu, Andrei                 m  ROM 2401  6.5  
 7. Borisek, Jure                   f  SLO 2341  6.0  
 8. Daskevics, Vadims                  LAT 2266  6.0  
 9. Barnaure, Vlad                     ROM 2234  6.0  
10. Trent, Lawrence                    ENG 2246  5.5  
11. Lopez del Alamo, Antonio           ESP 2221  5.5  
12. Polivanov, Anatoliy             f  UKR 2349  5.5  
13. Erwich, Marc                    f  NED 2376  5.5  
14. Alcazar Jimenez, Victor            ESP 2326  5.5  
15. Blokh, Dmitry                      ISR 2221  5.5  
16. Shytaj, Luca                       ITA 2216  5.5  
17. Kuzin, Anton                       RUS 2240  5.5  
18. Kim, Alexey                     m  RUS 2407  5.0  
19. Soskov,Vjatsheslav                 EST ----  5.0  
20. Esen, Baris                        TUR 2189  5.0  
21. Sebestyen, Balazs                  HUN 2308  5.0  
22. Bercys, Salvijus                   LTU 2174  5.0  
23. Zamarbide Inarrea, Borja           ESP 2128  5.0  
58 players

EuYCh B14 Peniscola ESP (ESP), 29 ix-8 x 2002
 1 Romanov, Evgeny       RUS f 7.0 
 2 Rodshtein, Maxim      ISR   7.0 
 3 Laznicka, Viktor      CZE   7.0 
 4 Zhygalka, Siarhei     BLR   7.0 
 5 Brkic, Ante           CRO f 6.5 
 6 Lenic, Luka           SLO   6.5 
 7 Czarnota, Pawel       POL   6.0 
 8 Luch, Michal          POL   6.0 
 9 Neimer, Vitaly        ISR   6.0 
10 Moranda, Wojciech     POL   6.0 
11 Grigoryan, Avetik     ARM   6.0 
72 players

EuYCh B12 Peniscola ESP (ESP), 29 ix-8 x 2002
 1 Nepomniachtchi, Ian   RUS f 8.0 
 2 Andreikin, Dmitry     RUS f 7.5 
 3 Khairullin, Ildar     RUS f 6.5 
 4 Can, Emre             TUR   6.5 
 5 Dimitrov, Pavel       BUL   6.5 
 6 Carlsen, Magnus       NOR   6.0 
 7 Potapov, Pavel        RUS   6.0 
 8 Saric, Ivan           CRO   6.0 
 9 Stupak, Kirill        BLR   6.0 
10 Howell, David Wl      ENG f 6.0 
11 Chirila, Christian    ROM   6.0 
59 players

EuYCh B10 Peniscola ESP (ESP), 29 ix-8 x 2002
 1 Safarli, Eltaj         AZE  8.0 
 2 Sugirov, Sanan         RUS  7.5 
 3 Yilmaz, Mustafa        TUR  6.5 
 4 Strzemiecki, Zbigniew  POL  6.0 
 5 Papp, Abel             HUN  6.0 
 6 Yevstihnyeyev, Roman   UKR  6.0 
 7 Szabo, Leon            HUN  6.0 
 8 Ilyushenok, Ilya       RUS  6.0 
 9 Kilpatrick, Callum     ENG  5.5 
10 Ter-saakyan, Samvel    ARM  5.5 
11 Novikov, Sergey        RUS  5.5 
12 Petenyi, Tamas         SVK  5.5 
13 Svoboda, Vaclav        CZE  5.5 
14 Graf, Felix            GER  5.5 
15 Jorczik, Julian        GER  5.5 
16 Durarbayli, Vasif      AZE  5.5 
17 Heimann, Andreas       GER  5.5 

EuYCh G18 Peniscola ESP (ESP), 29 ix-8 x 2002

 1. Motoc, Alina                wf ROM 2264  7.0
 2. Vozovic, Oksana                UKR 2291  7.0
 3. Meshcheriakova, Evgenia     wf RUS 2223  6.5
 4. Bronnikova, Elizaveta          RUS 2233  6.0
 5. Bonnafous, Nathalie            FRA 2040  6.0
 6. Komiagina, Maria               RUS 2218  6.0
 7. Partac, Elena               wm MDA 2206  5.5
 8. Hasanova, Elmira            wm RUS 2325  5.5
 9. Bashkite, Viktoria             EST 2138  5.5
10. Kisonova, Katarina             SVK 2166  5.0
11. Yakivchik, Myroslava        wf UKR 2257  5.0
12. Sharevich, Anna                BLR 2145  5.0
13. Skrochocka, Justyna            POL 2096  5.0
34 games

EuYCh G16 Peniscola ESP (ESP), 29 ix-8 x 2002
 1 Sebag, Marie              FRA  7.5 
 2 Zawadzka, Jolanta         POL  7.0 
 3 Kadziolka, Beata          POL  7.0 
 4 Czarnota, Dorota          POL  7.0 
 5 Kovanova, Baira           RUS  6.5 
 6 Vega Gutierrez, Sabrina   ESP  6.0 
 7 Guseva, Marina            RUS  6.0 
 8 Tomilova, Elena           RUS  6.0 
 9 Padurariu, Smaranda       ROM  5.5 
10 Raeva, Eiitsa             BUL  5.5 
11 Seps, Monika              SUI  5.5 
12 Chistiakova, Tamara       RUS  5.5 
13 Rodriguez Costa, Moira    ESP  5.5 
14 Koursova, Maria           RUS  5.5 
50 players

EuYCh G14 Peniscola ESP (ESP), 29 ix-8 x 2002
 1 Mamedjarova, Turkan    AZE  7.5 
 2 Shmirina, Evgenija     GER  7.0 
 3 Ambartsumova, Karina   RUS  6.5 
 4 Gunina, Valentina      RUS  6.5 
 5 Foisor, Sabina         ROM  6.0 
 6 Remete, Zsuzsa         HUN  6.0 
 7 Yilmaz, Ezgi           TUR  6.0  
 8 Cochet, Caroline       FRA  6.0 
 9 Martirosyan, Lia       ARM  6.0 
10 Olsen, Miriam          DEN  6.0 
54 players

EuYCh G12 Peniscola ESP (ESP), 29 ix-8 x 2002
 1 Muzychuk, Anna         UKR  8.0 
 2 Tairova, Alena         RUS  8.0 
 3 Severiukhina, Zoya     RUS  6.5 
 4 Saulyte, Evelina       LTU  6.5 
 5 Ignacz, Maria          HUN  6.0 
 6 Nemcova, Katerina      CZE  6.0 
 7 Gvilava, Maya          RUS  6.0 
 8 Baptista, Ana Filipa   POR  6.0 
 9 Ozturk, Kubra          TUR  5.5 
10 Sharova, Aliaksandra   BLR  5.5 
11 Gavrilova, Anastassia  SUI  5.5 
12 Ostrovekhova, Olena    UKR  5.5 
47 players

EuYCh G10 Peniscola ESP (ESP), 29 ix-8 x 2002
 1 Muzychuk, Mariya       UKR  8.5 
 2 Savina, Anastasia      RUS  7.0 
 3 Bodnaruk, Anastasiya   RUS  7.0 
 4 Matchula, Daria        RUS  6.5 
 5 Repina, Varvara        RUS  6.5 
 6 Warakomska, Anna       POL  6.0 
 7 Bulmaga, Irina         MDA  6.0 
 8 Szabo, Noemi           HUN  6.0 
 9 Salauyova, Volha       BLR  6.0 
10 Stock, Lara            CRO  5.5 
11 Tunyan, Zara           ARM  5.5 
12 Hasanova, Turkan       AZE  5.5 
13 Makarova, Kermen       EST  5.5 
46 players

14) 1st Klaksvík International

The Category IV 1st Klaksvík International takes place in Viðareiði, Faroe Islands, 12th-16th October 2002. My thanks to Carl Eli Samuelsen.

Official site:

1st It Klaksvik FAI (FAI), 12-16 x 2002                   cat. IV (2330)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Jakobsen, Ole             m DEN 2381  * = . . . . . 1 . 1  2.5  2602 
 2. Sloth, Jorn               f DEN 2340  = * . . = . . 1 . .  2.0  2474 
 3. Pilgaard, Kim             m DEN 2432  . . * . = . = . 1 .  2.0  2414 
 4. Ahlander, Bjorn           m SWE 2393  . . . * . 1 . 0 . 1  2.0  2421 
 5. Olsen, Heini              f FAI 2248  . = = . * . . . = .  1.5  2385 
 6. Simonsen, Olavur            FAI 2239  . . . 0 . * 1 . = .  1.5  2338 
 7. Nolsoe, Eydun               FAI 2236  . . = . . 0 * . . 1  1.5  2300 
 8. Blauert, Joerg            m GER 2418  0 0 . 1 . . . * . .  1.0  2246 
 9. Nilssen, John Arni        f FAI 2385  . . 0 . = = . . * .  1.0  2181 
10. Simonsen, Hans Kristian     FAI 2231  0 . . 0 . . 0 . . *  0.0       

15) Alushta Autumn

The Alushta Autumn III-A tournament took place 27th September - October 7th 2002. The GM norm was 9.5 points and the three winners of the event all reached it, they were Alexander Obukhov, Ernesto Inarkiev and Igor Kurnosov. I also round up two similar events in Alushta that took place in September. My thanks to Mikhail Golubev for the news.

Internet coverage:

Autumn III Alushta UKR (UKR), 27 ix-7 x 2002                  cat. VIII (2427)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1. Obukhov, Alexander      m RUS 2444  * 0 = = 1 1 = 1 1 = = 1 1 1  9.5  2600 
 2. Inarkiev, Ernesto       m RUS 2545  1 * = = = 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  9.5  2592 
 3. Kurnosov, Igor          m RUS 2433  = = * 0 = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1  9.5  2601 
 4. Belikov, Vladimir       g RUS 2487  = = 1 * 1 = = = = 1 = 1 = 1  9.0  2562 
 5. Yagupov, Igor           m RUS 2460  0 = = 0 * 0 1 = 1 1 1 1 = 1  8.0  2511 
 6. Pisakov, Ilia             RUS 2260  0 1 = = 1 * 0 1 0 0 1 = = 1  7.0  2468 
 7. Kaiumov, Dmitry D       m UZB 2460  = 1 0 = 0 1 * = = 0 = = 1 1  7.0  2453 
 8. Nikitin, Andrey         g RUS 2471  0 0 = = = 0 = * = = 1 = 1 1  6.5  2423 
 9. Shtyrenkov, Veniamen    g RUS 2457  0 0 0 = 0 1 = = * 1 0 = = =  5.0  2337 
10. Gasanov, Eldar          m UKR 2471  = 0 0 0 0 1 1 = 0 * = 0 = =  4.5  2313 
11. Kozlov, Viktor Mihail     RUS 2340  = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 1 = * = = =  4.5  2323 
12. Selin, Oleg             f RUS 2432  0 0 0 0 0 = = = = 1 = * = =  4.5  2316 
13. Kayumov, Sergey           UZB 2267  0 0 0 = = = 0 0 = = = = * =  4.0  2297 
14. Arbakov, Valentin       g RUS 2445  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = = = = *  2.5  2174 

Kaissa I Alushta UKR (UKR), 1-14 ix 2002                   cat. VIII (2426)
                                      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 
1 Agamaliev, Gamil        m AZE 2489 ** == =1 10 1= 1= 11 11 11  12.5  2638
2 Kaiumov, Dmitry D       m UZB 2460 == ** == 10 1= 11 =1 11 11  12.0  2615
3 Kalygin, Sergey V       g RUS 2468 =0 == ** == 1= 10 0= 11 11   9.5  2486
4 Nikitin, Andrey         g RUS 2471 01 01 == ** 0= == 10 11 1=   9.0  2463
5 Shtyrenkov, Veniamen    g RUS 2457 0= 0= 0= 1= ** =0 =1 =1 11   8.5  2443
6 Stjazhkin, V              RUS 2384 0= 00 01 == =1 ** 01 =1 11   8.5  2452
7 Konstantinov, Alexandr  f RUS 2410 00 =0 1= 01 =0 10 ** 11 11   8.5  2449
8 Murashko, Vyacheslav L  m UKR 2385 00 00 00 00 =0 =0 00 ** 1=   2.5  2147
9 Khudiakov, Alexandr       UKR 2314 00 00 00 0= 00 00 00 0= **   1.0  1996

Autumn I Alushta UKR (UKR), 15-25 ix 2002                           cat. IX (2451)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 
 1. Yevseev, Denis         m RUS 2546  * 1 = = 1 = 1 = = 1 = = 1 1 0 1  10.5  2593 
 2. Smirnov, Igor UKR      m UKR 2364  0 * = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 = = = 0 1 1  10.0  2582 
 3. Obukhov, Alexander     m RUS 2444  = = * = = = 0 1 = 0 = 1 = 1 1 =  8.5  2501 
 4. Belikov, Vladimir      g RUS 2487  = 0 = * = = = = = = 1 1 = = 1 =  8.5  2498 
 5. Erenburg, Sergey       m ISR 2475  0 = = = * 0 1 = 1 1 1 0 = = = 1  8.5  2499 
 6. Shtyrenkov, Veniamen   g RUS 2457  = = = = 1 * 0 = = 1 0 = = = = 1  8.0  2471 
 7. Livshits, Gaby           ISR 2380  0 0 1 = 0 1 * 0 = 1 1 0 = 1 1 0  7.5  2455 
 8. Kaiumov, Dmitry D      m UZB 2460  = 0 0 = = = 1 * = = 1 0 = = 1 =  7.5  2450 
 9. Potapov, Alexander1    m RUS 2515  = 0 = = 0 = = = * 0 = 1 = 1 = 1  7.5  2446 
10. Yagupov, Igor          m RUS 2460  0 0 1 = 0 0 0 = 1 * = = = 1 1 1  7.5  2450 
11. Solovjov, Sergey I     m RUS 2457  = = = 0 0 1 0 0 = = * = 1 = = 1  7.0  2429 
12. Kurnosov, Igor         m RUS 2433  = = 0 0 1 = 1 1 0 = = * 1 0 0 0  6.5  2402 
13. Nikitin, Andrey        g RUS 2471  0 = = = = = = = = = 0 0 * = 1 =  6.5  2399 
14. Arbakov, Valentin      g RUS 2445  0 1 0 = = = 0 = 0 0 = 1 = * = =  6.0  2379 
15. Zavgorodniy, Sergiy    m UKR 2393  1 0 0 0 = = 0 0 = 0 = 1 0 = * 1  5.5  2360 
16. Selin, Oleg            f RUS 2432  0 0 = = 0 0 1 = 0 0 0 1 = = 0 *  4.5  2303 

16) Ponomariov

Mikhail Nikitovich Ponomariov died on September 28th 2002. He was Rulsan Ponomariov's chief coach in Kramatorsk and shared his name also. Details:

There is also an interview with Ponomariov at: where he complains at his treatment claiming FIDE "They want to create the most favourable terms for Garry Kimovich!"

17) Forthcoming Events and Links

Tel Aviv all-play-all norm events soon

A Category 3 IM tournament: 10 players will take place 20th-29th October 2002. There are free places for those who want to make IM-norms.

There will be a Category 9 GM tournament 10 players 1st-10th of November 2002 for those who are looking for GM-norms; Players over 2300 may participate in both! Money prizes in both tournaments. For more info and details apply to: Zvulon Gofhstein or phone number 972-54-696432 972-37329233

Lautier vs. Shogi Players

Joel Lautier plays a match against three Japanese professional shogi players on October 20th in Tokyo, Japan. They are: Yoshiharu Habu (who participated in the last NAO Chess Masters) Yoshiyuki Moriuchi and Yasumitsu Sato.

This simul will take place on the 20 october in Tokyo at 14h00 local time. This event is sponsored by NEC. The games can be followed live at:

Vladimir Kramnik has given his support to this event with a personnal message : In addition there is coverage by the NAO Chess Club in France Read about Shogi at:

XXVI Tenkes Cup

XXVI Tenkes Cup (Lajos Ózdi Memorial) takes place in the Hotel "Platán" in Harkány, Hungary November 14-22 2002. There will be 9-round A and B Opens. GMs, IMs, and over 2400 ELO no nominetings cost. More Information Lajos Gyökös: E-mail Fax (36)-72-579-025

Cartak (CZE) Friendship Tournament 2002

The Friendship chess tournament takes place 6th- 15th December 2002 in Cartak (Czech Republic). There will be events including a: round-robin GM tournament, round-robin IM tournament and an open tournament.

Further details:

Junior 7 vs. Evan Olivier Match

6 Rapid Chess games between Evan Olivier + a chess engine vs. Junior 7.

Round 1, 01.10.2002 21-00 CET EVAN,O + Shredder 5.32 (engine) vs JUNIOR 7 
Round 2, 03.10.2002 21-00 CET JUNIOR 7 vs EVAN,O + Fritz 7 (engine) 
Round 3, 06.10.2002 21-00 CET EVAN,O + Hiarcs 7.32 (engine) vs JUNIOR 7 
Round 4, 08.10.2002 21-00 CET JUNIOR 7 vs EVAN,O + Shredder 5.32 (engine) 
Round 5, 10.10.2002 21-00 CETEVAN,O + Fritz 7 (engine) vs JUNIOR 7 
Round 6, 13.10.2002 21-00 CETJUNIOR 7 vs EVAN,O + Hiarcs 7.32 (engine) 

Internet site:

French Computer Championships

The 9th French Computer Chess Championships took place in Massy France 8th-9th October 2002 and saw F. Louget's Chess Wizard win out with 9.5/11. Full coverage: and . The page has 6400 computer chess games since 1990.

19th Münsterland Open

The 19th Münsterland Open took place 12th-18th October 2002. Result only up to round 4 are available. I'll round up the final results next week.

Internet coverage:

Evgeny Bareev vs. HIARCS 8

Evgeny Bareev will play a match against HIARCS 8 January 28th-31st 2003.

Further details:

AJ Goldsby's Chess Pages

AJ Goldsby has an internet site including annotated games (latest the game between Bacrot and Lautier) and a training program.


Pula International Correspondence Tournament

The Pula Chess Club in Croatia are organising an International correspondence chess tournament which will start on October 10th on The tournament is not official and is not registered in any federation. The main idea is to promote chess as a game and chess friendships all over the world.

Czech Mountains Open 2002

The 3rd International Czech Mountains Open takes place 17th-24th October 2002 in the town of Bedrichov (in the Jizerske mountains). This tournament is a part of series Czech Tour 2002-3

Further details: and

6th Email Afro-Asian Championship

6th Email Afro-Asian Championship: All players from Africa and Asia are invited to take part to the 6th email Afro-Asian championship which will start in January 2003. Like the previous editions, there are two stages : The preliminaries for all participants and the final for those who will qualify. The number of sections will depend upon the number of entries. The players interested by this competition may send their application to M. Samraoui. Email address is : No entry fees is required but deadline for entries is 20.12.2002. (ICCF's website: ) Announcement: Hirokaz Onoda (ICCF delegate for Japan)

14th Leuven Open

The 14th International Open Tournament of Leuven takes place 8th - 11th November 2002 in the city of Leuven, Belgium. Swiss tournament, 7 rounds, 40 moves/2h + 15' KO. More than 5.500 EUR in prizemoney, including several ratingprizes.

More information:

Frank Quisinsky Computer Chess Pages

Frank Quisinsky who writes on computer chess has moved his activities to "Arena by Martin Blume" at: and won't be updating his old page Arena is a graphical user interface compatible to WinBoard protocol I, II by Tim Mann and UCI protocol by Rudolf Huber (SOS) and Stefan Meyer-Kahlen (Shredder). SOS and Shredder are chess programs, UCI and WinBoard are protocols for chess programs.

20th Cairnhill International Open

The 20th Cairnhill International Open Chess Championship will be held from 11th to 15th December 2002 in Singapore. 7 rounds Swiss System. The Championship will be limited to a maximum of 120 entries only. E-mail:

Further details:

Cap d'Agde 5th Chess Festival

The Cap d'Agde 5th Chess Festival takes place 23rd-30th of October 2002.

Events include: CCAS Trophy From the five continents (Africa, Asia, America, Oceania and Europe), the best players in the world will meet in Cap d'Agde at rapid chess. A. Karpov, M. Gurevich, A. Dreev, B. Guelfand, V. Tkachiev, I. Nataf .

"Open game Match" Tkachiev - Nataf For the first time in a chess match, two top Grand Masters will play and comment their games "live" for the public. The audience will grasp the ideas and strategy from the champions themselves, seconds before they make their move.

Chess for all 3 Open tournaments according to Elo rating The "Grand-Prix CCAS" (above 2000 Elo rating) The "Tournoi du Cavalier" (between 1700 and 2100 Elo rating) The "Open de l'Avenir" (unrated and players with a rating below 1800 Elo)

3 competitions "social activities" Final of the French championship "inter-comités d'entreprise" (work concils) Final of the "CMCAS" (competition for "Electricity and Gas of France" employees) Super Final between "inter-comités d'entreprise" and "CMCAS"

This 5th Chess meeting "Rencontres Nationales et Internationales d'Echecs" is organised by CCAS (management of social activities for electricity and Gas of France employees) in cooperation with FFE (French Chess Federation) and FSGT (sports and gymnastic Federation of workers).

Contacts: Centre de vacances CCAS, avenue de la Butte 34309 Cap d'Agde Cedex Tél : 04 67 01 39 89 Fax : 04 67 26 45 83


Patrick Wolff vs. The World

GM Patrick Wolff will play the Rest of the World starting 31st August. The time limit for the match is 5 days per move. GM Wolff is a two times United States Champion. To play in the match go to and follow the Play menu to ‘Play the expert’ and from there join the world team.

1st Computer Chess Handheld Tournament

John Marountas announces the 1st Computer Chess Handheld Tournament (CCHT) organized by Digital Chess Network (

Weekend : November 2-3
Weekend : November 9-10.
Registration Date : Until October 31

Winner    : Gold Metal + Trophy
Runner Up : Sliver Metal
Third     : Bronze Metal

Registration URL :

Operators The operators of the first three participants will win a FREE website with 10 MBs of available space at the DigiChess Server. Official Website :

Winterthur Chess Week

The 2nd Winterthur Chess Week takes place in Winterthur (Switzerland) October 11th-20th 2002. The main event is a 9-round Open with a total prize money of CHF 10750 (EUR 7400, USD 7200). Other events include an invitational Young Masters tournament and a Youth Open (7 rounds October 14th-18th), as well as one Rapid and two Blitz tournaments. Further details:

Benidorm, Spain

There are tournaments in Benidorm, Spain November 22nd-30th 2002.

Further info: Telephones of general information during the month of August: 965202214 from 19 to 21 h.; 650407091; Sr. Hernández 950 130493 y 607631481,


America's Foundation for Chess

America's Foundation for Chess (formerly known as the Seattle Chess Foundation) has a new website. The address is:

Bethune Open

The 23rd Bethune International Open takes place 26th-30th December 2002 in the Salle Olof Palme, Commercial center La Rotonde, 62400 Bethune, FRANCE. There are 7 rounds over 5 days with a time rate of 40 moves for 2hours followed by one hour KO. Accelerated pairings, possibility of getting a FIDE rating.

This year the open is divided in two tournaments :- tournament A only for players whose ELO rating is above or equals 1600 (> or =1600) - tournament B only for players whose ELO rating is strictly under 1800 (<1800) At least 5500 euros prize (8300 euros given in 2001) 1st prize tournament A : 1500 euros 1st prize tournament B : 250 euros General standing and ELO-category prizes for both tournaments Entry cost : 40 Euros (adults) 20 Euros (youngsters under 20) A Blitz tournament (5 mins for each player) will be organised on Saturday 28th December from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm (free morning) in the tournament room. All the players can take part in it (entry cost 5euros). Prizes : 100 % of the entry. (for information 1 $ (US dollar) = 1.05 Euros)

Website : http://bethunechess.freefr

Contact e-mail:

1st Benidorm Internatonal

The 1st Benidorm Internatonal is an open taking place 21st-30th November 2002.

Further details:

2003 Australian Open

The Australian Open Chess Championships is to be held 2nd-10th January 2003. The Championships are jointly organised by The New South Wales Chess Association Inc. and Australian Chess Enterprises on behalf of the Australian Chess Federation Inc.

Further information:

Curacao Open

The Curacao (*) 1962-2002 chess tournament is an open tournament that will be held November 16th-28th 2002. The tournament commemorates the 40th Anniversary of the Candidates tournament in 1962. Viktor Korchnoi (a player) and Yuri Averbach (a second) from the original event have already confirmed that they will return after 40 years. The tournament will have 9 rounds and a maximum of 120 players including about 15 titled players. Jan Timman (NL), Bartek Macieja (Pol), Sofia Polgar (Israel/Hungary), Yona Kosashvili (Israel), Anjelina Belakovskaia (USA), Alonso Zapata (Colombia), Johan Alvarez (Venezuela) and Carlos Gallegos (Venezuela) are amongst the players.

More information (including a 1962 and a 2001 picture gallery and general information about Curacao) is available at: There is also a download of the electronic tournament book of the 2001 edition available. Jan Timman was the winner of that tournament.

(*) Curacao is an island in the Caribbean and is part of the Netherlands Antilles.

Hungarian and Yugoslav Tournaments

Hungarian and YUG Chess tournaments in the second half of 2002.

1. 21st of September-2nd of October KECSKEMET, GM closed, org: dr.Erdelyi,

2. 5th-18th of October, FIRST SATURDAY, 2 GM /cat.IX-X !!, cat.VII-VIII/, IM-FM, Budapest,

3. 18th-31st of October, GM-IM tmt THIRD SATURDAY, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, org: Kotevski

4. 2nd-15th of November, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, Budapest,

5. 16th-28th of November, GM-IM KECSKEMÉT, org: dr.Erdelyi,

6. 7th-19th of December, GM-IM-FM, FIRST SATURDAY Budapest

35th Chess Olympiad Bled and 73rd FIDE Congress

The 35th Chess Olympiad Bled takes place 25th October - 11th November 2002 and the 73rd FIDE Congress, 1st-11th November 2002.

Federations can get registration forms at:

6th Open International Bavarian Masters

The 6th Open International Bavarian Masters Bad Wiessee takes place 26th October to 3rd November 2002. Prize-fund: EUR 21.000. Former champions of Bad Wiessee are A. Khalifman (1997,1998), A. Shabalov (1999), A. Graf (2000) and V. Akopian (2001). Details:

New York Masters

Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.

Further details:

Hastings 2002

The 78th Hastings International Congress will take place 28th December 2002 - 5th January 2003. The official entry form will be published early in August and will appear on the website

Events schedule is as follows: The Premier Tournament will run from 28th December 2002 to 5th January 2003. It will be an all-play-all event for 10 invited players.

The Challengers Tournament will also run from 28th December to 5th January. This will be a Swiss event and will provide opportunities for title norms and for FIDE ratings.

A new event this year will be an opening Weekend Congress running on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th December 2002. It will probably be in four graded sections and will comprise five games - three on Saturday and two on Sunday. Christmas Tournament will be in its usual format - participants will be divided into graded sections of about 16 players. It will run from Monday 30th December to Friday 3rd January 2003 The final Weekend Congress will run from Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th January 2003 As usual there will be six games and the event will be in four graded sections.

All events will take place at Horntye Park Sports Complex, Bohemia Road, Hastings

Complete details (entry fees, rates of play, grading limits etc) will be announced in due course.

As well as the above events, additional evening events are planned - once again sponsored by the Pig in Paradise. It is hoped that the local community will become more involved.

For information re entries contact: Con Power, Congress Director, 418 Harold Road, Hastings, East Sussex TN35 5HG Tel and fax: 01424 431970 e-mail:

Additional information from Pam Thomas, Press Officer 5 High Wickham,Hastings,East Sussex,TN35 5PB Tel/Fax 01424 445348 e-mail:

New Internet Correspondence Game to Begin

Beginning March 11th, 2002 the World Team will begin a new game against GM Nick de Firmian. Having most recently finished the second of two games against Chinese IM Yin Hao (WT 1.5 YH 0.5) the World Team now will play against three-time U.S. champion Nick de Firmian, who will play the white pieces.

The World Team consists of players from around the World, many of whom came together for the first time during the Kasparov vs. World Internet Game held in 1999. The games against Yin Hao attracted players from Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and the United States.

Everyone willing to follow the rules of the game is welcome to play in this new game against GM de Firmian. To participate or observe go to the World Team strategy board and official site at

More details about the game (and how to join the World Team) can be found at the Game Info and Rules link at the official site. It should be fun and "A Serious Game Among Friends".

Plaskett vs The ROW

GM James Plaskett will play the Rest of the World starting 1st March on the internet at:

The match will be played at the rate of 5 days per move. Players will vote their moves by clicking on the chess board while discussing and formulating strategies and tactics in the Rest of World team forum. This match is open to all who visit Those wanting to play Plaskett will need to login and follow the Opponents menu to 'Play the Expert'.

New FIDE Sites

There are two new FIDE sites. Chess Daily has individual FIDE rating calculations. Also the FIDE site for the World Championships in Moscow has been launched at:

Hawaii International Chess Festival Postponed

The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information: