THE WEEK IN CHESS 411 23rd September 2002 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) European Club Cup
3) FIDE Rapid Ratings September 2002
4) Ignatius Leong withdraws his FIDE challenge
5) Kasparov - Junior Postponed
6) Pablo Gorbea Memorial
7) Switzerland vs. Germany
8) First Saturday September
9) Polish Team Championships
10) Latvia vs. Estonia Match
11) 5th Lausanne Open
12) Croatian Teams
13) Poio Open
14) 20th Villarrobledo Rapid
15) Educational Internacional Tournament
16) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

European Club Cup           126 games
Pablo Gorbea Memorial       240 games
Switzerland vs. Germany       4 games
First Saturday September     63 games
Polish Team Championships   270 games
Latvia vs. Estonia Match     50 games
Croatian Teams              270 games
Poio Open                    90 games
1113 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Laszlo Nagy, Gustavo Albarran, Alexei Shirov, Michal Krasenkow, Willy Iclicki, Argiris Kotsis, Antonio Bento, Andras Bacsi, Kaspars Migla, Luis Costa, Rafa Couto, Mirjana Medic, Przemek Jahr, Luis Maseda, Peter Heine Nielsen, Bobby Ang, Pablo Sierra and all those who helped with this issue.

The European Club Cup got off to an interesting start yesterday. Some very strong players including Grischuk, Svidler, Adams, Shirov, Bareev, Khalifman, Ivanchuk, Polgar and Van Wely play in this team event. Shirov's complaint about the lack of an updated rapid rating list published on the TWIC site earlier in the week brought quick action and a new list. Ignatius Leong's withdrawal from the FIDE election for President didn't come as a tremendous surprise. Ever since the election of Florencio Campomanes beating the incumbent has been practically impossible. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov now seems to have complete control of the organisation. Leong and Morten Sand look set to join the presidential board as part of the deal to withdraw and try for reforms on the "inside". It seems that apparently implacable opponents of Ilyumzhinov are prepared to work with him now even though very few of the objections to him have changed.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) European Club Cup

The European Club Cup takes place September 22nd-28th 2002 in Greece. Players include: Grischuk, Svidler (playing for the NAO club), Adams, Shirov (Bosna Sarajevo), Bareev (Norilsky Nikel), Khalifman (Kazan), Ivanchuk, Polgar (Polonia Warsaw), Van Wely (Clichy).

Internet coverage: and

1 ASA ¨Shlomo Har-Zvi¨ Tel-Aviv - NAO Chess Club 2-4 

 Harzvi, Ronen               Grischuk, Alexander       0-1 
 Gofshtein, Leonid           Svidler, Peter            ½-½ 
 Kantsler, Boris             Lautier, Joël             0-1 
 Zoler, Dan                  Fressinet, Laurent        ½-½ 
 Finkel, Alex                Nataf, Igor-Alexandre     ½-½ 
 Stisis, Yaacov              Hauchard, Arnaud          ½-½ 
2 BOSNA Sarajevo - Chess Academy of D.E.I.Northern Greece 5-1 

 Adams, Michael              Banikas, Hristodoulos     ½-½ 
 Shirov, Alexei              Mastrovasilis, Athanasios 1-0 
 Sokolov, Ivan               Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios  ½-½ 
 Movsesian, Sergei           Karayiannis, Athanasios   1-0 
 Radjabov, Teimour           Tzermiadianos, Andreas    1-0 
 Kozul, Zdenko               Pinchuk, Sergey T         1-0 
3 C.A. Reverte Albox - "Norilsky Nikel" (Norilsk) 2-4 

 Suba, Miha                  Bareev, Evgeny            ½-½ 
 Saldano, Horacio            Dreev, Alexey             0-1 
 Romero Holmes, Alfonso      Zviagintsev, Vadim        ½-½ 
 Del Rio Angelis, Salvador   Malakhov, Vladimir        0-1 
 Zlotnik, Boris              Tregubov, Pavel           0-1 
 Hernando Rodrigo,Jose Maria Glek, Igor                1-0 
4 "Ladia-Kazan-1000" (Kazan) - Schachfreunde Neukölln 03 3-3 

 Khalifman, Alexandr         Berndt, Stephan           1-0 
 Akopian, V                  Polzin, Rainer            ½-½ 
 Baklan, Vladimir            Borriss, Martin           1-0 
 Timofeev, Artyom            Poldauf, Dirk             0-1 
 Yandemirov, Valeri          Thiede, Lars              0-1 
 Hasangatin, Ramil           Rudolf, Henrik            ½-½ 
5 DIE KLAGENFURTER - Polonia Plus GSM Warsaw  0,5-5,5 

 Bischoff, Klaus             Ivanchuk, Vasyl           0-1 
 Horvath, Jozsef             Polgar, Judit             0-1 
 Hoelzl, Franz               Krasenkow, Michael        0-1 
 Steflitsch, Erich           Macieja, Bartlomiej       ½-½ 
 Pilaj, Herwig               Kempinski, Robert         0-1 
 Titz, Heimo                 Rozentalis, Eduardas      0-1 
6 "Saint-Petersburg LTG" - Rochade Eupen  3,5-2,5 

 Sakaev, Konstantin          Chuchelow, Vladimir       ½-½ 
 Volkov, Sergey              Kishnev, Sergey           ½-½ 
 Popov, Valery               Coenen, Norbert           ½-½ 
 Ivanov, Sergey              Ahn, Martin               1-0 
 Smirnov, Pavel              Marechal, Andy            1-0 
 Anisimov, Pavel             Petzold, Klaus            0-1 
7 Hellir Chess Club - "Tomsk-400" (Tomsk) 1-5 

 Stefansson, Hannes Hlifar   Filippov, Valerij         0-1 
 Olafsson, Helgi             Motylev, Alexander        0-1 
 Karlsson, Agust Sindri      Pigusov, Evgeny           ½-½ 
 Asmundsson, Ingvar          Kobalia, Michail          ½-½ 
 Bergsson, Snorri            Landa, Konstantin         0-1 
 Bjornsson, Gunnar           Belozerov, Andrei         0-1 
8 KISELJAK - Sollentuna Chess Club 5-1 

 Azmaiparashvili, Zurab      Agrest, Evgenij           1-0 
 Nikolic, Predrag            Carlsson, Pontus          1-0 
 Lputian, Smbat              Couso, Luis               1-0 
 Palac, Mladen               Bergstrom, Peter          ½-½ 
 Yemelin, Vasilij            Lindberg, Bo              1-0 
 Lugovoj, Aleksej            Rygaard, Michael          ½-½ 
9 CORPORA Lipovec - BM Kisela Voda Skopje 0,5-5,5 

 Stohl, Igor                 Georgiev, Kiril           ½-½ 
 Timoscenko, Gennadij        Onischuk, Alexander       0-1 
 Jaromir, Bednar             Damljanovic, Branko       0-1 
 Kajan, Milan                Ivanisevic, Ivan          0-1 
 Radovan, Dibala             Mitkov, Nikola            0-1 
 Vladimir, Petko             Georgiev, Vladimir        0-1 
10 CLICHY - Arhus  4,5-1,5 

 Van Wely, Loek              Palo, Davor               1-0 
 Relange, Eloi               Boe, Mads                 ½-½ 
 Degraeve, Jean-Marc         Vinter-Schou, Uffe        ½-½ 
 Conquest, Stuart            Pedersen, Finn            1-0 
 Apicella, Manuel            Rasmussen, Casper         ½-½ 
 Moingt, Jean-Claude         Rewitz, Poul              1-0 
11 Boey Temse  - A.V.Momot Regional Donetsk Chess Club 1,5-4,5 

 Stryjecki, Marek            Borovikov, Vladislav      0-1 
 Van Der Stricht,            Geert  Efimenko, Zahar    0-1 
 Filipek, Jakub              Miroshnichenko, Evgenij   1-0 
 Boeykens, Marc              Areshchenko, Alexander    0-1 
 Dardha, Arben               Korobov, Anton            ½-½ 
 Barbier, Wim                Karjakin, Sergey          0-1 
12 Danko Donbass - Shakkikerho Taraus (Chessclub Taraus) 5,5-0,5 

 Eingorn, Vecheslav          Mäki, Veijo               1-0 
 Kruppa, Yuri                Nyysti, Sampsa            1-0 
 Savchenko, Stanislav        Lehtinen, Heikki          ½-½ 
 Timoshenko, Georgy          Penttinen, Jarkko         1-0 
 Kuzmin, Genadi              Mertanen, Janne           1-0 
 Shneider, Aleksandr         Hokkanen, Petri           1-0 
13 Barbican - Beer-Sheva Chess Club 3-3 

 Parker, Jonathan            Avrukh, Boris             ½-½ 
 Ferguson, Mark              Huzman, Alexander         ½-½ 
 Dishman, Stephen            Greenfeld, Alon           1-0 
 Sands, David                Roiz, Michael             ½-½ 
 Taylor, Peter P             Golod, Vitali             ½-½ 
 Tucker, Alex                Vydeslaver, Albert        0-1 
14 Karpaty - Galychyna - Joensuun Shakkikerho 4,5-1,5 

 Romanishin, Oleh            Kiik, Kalle               ½-½ 
 Volokitin, Andriy           Karttunen, Mika           ½-½ 
 Gritsak, Orest              Lampén, Timo              ½-½ 
 Maksimenko, Andriy          Lahtinen, Markku          1-0 
 Kozakov, Mihaylo            Nivala, Tuomas            1-0 
 Firmin, Nazar               Saastamoinen, Aarne       1-0 
15 Studenti  - Chess Club Alkaloid - Skopje 1-5 

 Stavri, Igor                Aleksandrov, Aleksej      0-1 
 Seitaj, Ilir                Tiviakov, Sergey          0-1 
 Rama, Lorenc                Nedev, Trajce             0-1 
 Mehmeti, Dritan             Jacimovic, Dragoljub      ½-½ 
 Cela, Shkelqim              Bogdanovski, Vlatko       ½-½ 
 Adhami, Vangjel             Stanojoski, Zvonko        0-1 
16 SK Merkur Versicherung - CERCLE ROYAL DES ECHECS DE LIEGE E.L. 4-2 

 Luther, Thomas              Winants, Luc              ½-½ 
 Stanec, Nikolaus            Kocsis, Levente           ½-½ 
 Kindermann, Stefan          Gulbas, Cemil             1-0 
 Teske, Henrik               Hautot, Stephane          1-0 
 Watzka, Horst               Goossens, Etienne         ½-½ 
 Detter, Peter               Dal Borgo, Albin          ½-½ 
17 Bristol - NSK - SZ Rafinerija" - Novi Sad 0,5-5,5 

 Sherwin, James              Kovacevic, Aleksandar     0-1 
 Beaumont, Chris             Ilincic, Zlatko           0-1 
 Burgess, Graham             Polak, Dragan             0-1 
 Collier, David              Popovic, Petar            0-1 
 Buckley, David              Lazic, Miroljub           0-1 
 Dilleigh, Steve             Petrovic, Vojislav        ½-½ 
18 NAPREDAK Sarajevo - C.E. Dudelange   5,5-0,5 

 Atalik, Suat                Habibi, Ali               1-0 
 Blagojevic, Dragisa         Hisler, Thomas            ½-½ 
 Varga, Zoltan               Mossong, Hubert           1-0 
 Kosic, Dragan               Schartz, Alain            1-0 
 Rasic, Damir                Gaspar, Lucien            1-0 
 Glavas, Dragan              Schammo, Jean             1-0 
19 Istanbul - CSUTI A. SK Zalaegerszeg 1,5-4,5 

 ATAKISI, Umut               Sax, Gyula                ½-½ 
 YEKE, Serkan                Horváth, Ádám             ½-½ 
 ERDOGAN, Hakan              Horváth, Csaba            0-1 
 KILICASLAN, Hasan           Grószpéter, Attila        ½-½ 
 GUNER, Bulent               Horváth, Gyula            0-1 
 BOLCAN, Engin               Horváth, Tamás            0-1 
20 Hapoel "Cellcom" Kfar-Sava - Randaberg SK 5-1 

 Sutovsky, Emil              Egeli, Per Ove            1-0 
 Gershon, Alik               Storland, Knut Harald     1-0 
 Lerner, Konstantin          Harestad, Thor Geir       1-0 
 Soffer, Ram                 Harestad, Hans Krogh      1-0 
 Rabinovich, Alex            Vestly, Jan Vidar         1-0 
 Kaganskiy, Gleb             Steedman, James           0-1 
21 CARDIFF CHESS CLUB - SK Hohenems 1-5 

 Cobb, Charles               Hickl, Jörg               1-0 
 Trevelyan, John             Atlas, Valery             0-1 
 Spice, Alan                 Gustafsson, Jan           0-1 
 Borg, A                     Naumann, Alexander        0-1 
 Fletcher, J.                Bezold, Michael           0-1 
 Davies, Peter L.            Novkovic, Milan           0-1 

3) FIDE Rapid Ratings September 2002

The latest FIDE Rapid Ratings were released on September 20th 2002. Shirov tops the list even without his strong result in Villarrobledo which may be added if the organisers send a full tournament table. The publication of the list followed a letter earlier in the week by Shirov.

Willy Iclicki comments:

Alexy Shirov was right to insist for the publication of the rapid list. He is now sharing the lead with Kasparov and Adams. His rating could be even bigger but I could not include his strong result at Villarrobledo, unfortunately the organizers never send me the final cross-table.

Kasparov lost 9 points mainly because of its poor performance at the match Russia vs. Rest of the World, one of his worst result in chess. Kramnik did the same. Lautier lost 20 places and Morozevich make the biggest jump, he is now 8th. Radjabov, who did so well this year, becomes the best junior.

By the way, looking at the standing, it looks that the victory of the Rest of the World was not an accident as only 2 Russian players are in the top 10! Well done Yasser! but next time don't forget Tkachiev and Kasimdzahnov since a while they are close or in to the top 10. For this period, all top tournaments were included: Monaco, Prague, Moscow, Dubai, Russia vs. Rest of World… and some matches like Anand- Ponomariov, Shirov-Topalov etc. Thanks to those who support the rapid rating. See you next February. Willy Iclicki

  Top 100 Men Rapid Rating List 20th September 2002
  No  NAT ID     Name                   Elo  Elo date
   1  ESP 00001  Shirov  Alexis         279  20-Sep-02
   2  RUS 00012  Kasparov  Gary         279  20-Sep-02
   3  ENG 00002  Adams  Michael         279  20-Sep-02
   4  IND 00001  Anand  Vichy           278  20-Sep-02
   5  BUL 00001  Topalov  Veselin       277  20-Sep-02
   6  ISR 00001  Gelfand  Boris         277  20-Sep-02
   7  HUN 00005  Leko  Peter            275  20-Sep-02
   8  RUS 00021  Morozevich  Alexander  274  20-Sep-02
   9  UKR 00001  Ivanchuk  Vassily      274  20-Sep-02
  10  FRA 00008  Tkachiev  Vladislav    273  20-Sep-02
  11  UZB 00001  Kasimdzahnov  Rustam   272  20-Sep-02
  12  BIH 00002  Sokolov  Ivan          272  20-Sep-02
  13  RUS 00002  Kramnik  Vladimir      270  20-Sep-02
  14  USA 00008  Kamsky  Gata           270  25-Sep-99
  15  FRM 00001  Georgiev  Kiril        270  20-Sep-02
  16  RUS 00003  Karpov  Anatoly        270  20-Sep-02
  17  HUN 00014  Chernin  Alexander     269  23-Mar-02
  18  RUS 00020  Rublevsky  Sergei      269  20-Sep-02
  19  AZE 00001  Radjabov  Teimour      269  20-Sep-02
  20  RUS 00015  Khalifman  Alexander   269  20-Sep-02
  21  RUS 00022  Bareev  Evgeny         268  20-Sep-02
  22  GEO 00001  Azmaiparashvili Zurab  268  20-Sep-02
  23  RUS 00054  Grischuk  Alexander    267  20-Sep-02
  24  UKR 00008  Ponomariov  Ruslan     267  20-Sep-02
  25  NED 00006  Timman  Jan            266  20-Sep-02
  26  FRA 00001  Lautier  Joel          266  20-Sep-02
  27  RUS 00001  Svidler  Peter         266  20-Sep-02
  28  RUS 00023  Salov  Valery          265  01-Jun-99
  29  RUS 00019  Shipov  Sergei         265  23-Mar-02
  30  RUS 00041  Ibragimov  Ildar       265  23-Mar-02
  31  SUI 00002  Milov  Vadim           265  20-Sep-02
  32  RUS 00078  Kharlov  Andrei        265  16-Mar-02
  33  BLR 00001  Fedorov  Alexei        265  25-Jun 99
  34  CZE 00001  Movsesian  Sergei      265  20-Sep-02
  35  FRA 00002  Bacrot  Etienne        265  20-Sep-02
  36  ARM 00004  Akopian  Vladimir      265  20-Sep-02
  37  ISR 00002  Smirin  Ilya           264  20-Sep-02
  38  USA 00015  Gulko  Boris  USA      264  23-Mar-02
  39  ISR 00112  Sutovsky  Emil         264  20-Sep-02
  40  RUS 00013  Dreev  Alexey          264  20-Sep-02
  41  NED 00002  Piket  Jeroen          264  20-Sep-02
  42  GEO 00004  Giorgadze  Giorgi      264  25-June99
  43  BEL 00001  Gurevich  Mikhail      263  22-Sep-02
  44  UKR 00024  Baklan  Vladimir       263  23-Mar-02
  45  ENG 00009  Speelman  Jonathan     263  25-Sep-01
  46  SLO 00003  Beliavsky  Alexander   262  20-Sep-02
  47  POL 00004  Krasenkow  Michael     262  25-Jun-01
  48  RUS 00060  Pigusov  Evgeny        262  25-Jun-01
  49  FRA 00110  Spassky  Boris         262  23-Mar-02
  50  HUN 00006  Almasi  Zoltan         262  20-Sep-02
  51  SWE 00001  Andersson  Ulf         262  25-Jun-99
  52  USA 00019  Shabalov  Alex         262  23-Mar-02
  53  RUS 00005  Epishin  Vladimir      262  23-Mar-02
  54  ISL 00005  Hjartarsson  Johann    262  01-Jul-00
  55  ARM 00006  Minasian  Artashes     261  01-Jul-00
  56  BRA 00003  Leitao  Rafael         261  25-Jul-01
  57  LTU 00001  Gavrikov  Viktor       261  20-Sep-02
  58  RUS 00072  Landa  Kontantin       261  23-Mar-02
  59  HUN 00016  Gyimesi  Zoltan        261  23-Mar-02
  60  SWE 00005  Agrest  Evgenij        261  23-Mar-02
  61  ISR 00009  Psakhis  Lev           261  23-Mar-02
  62  RUS 00039  Svesnikov  Evgeny      261  20-Sep-02
  63  USA 00003  Seirawan  Yasser       261  20-Sep-02
  64  EST 00001  Ehlvest  Jan           261  20-Sep-02
  65  BIH 00001  Nikolic  Pedrag        261  20-Sep-02
  66  ENG 00011  Lalic  Bogdan          260  23-Mar-02
  67  USA 00014  Serper  Grigory        260  25-Jul-01
  68  SVK 00001  Ftacnik  Lubomir       260  01-Sep-99
  69  BUL 00013  Kolev  Atanas          260  23-Mar-02
  70  RUS 00028  Kobalija  Mikhail      260  23-Mar-02
  71  UKR 00010  Savchenko  Stanislav   260  23-Mar-02
  72  SUI 00001  Korchnoi  Viktor       260  23-Mar-02
  73  RUS 00017  Dolmatov  Sergey       260  25-Jun-99
  74  GER 00133  Seul  Georg  Germany   260  23-Mar-02
  75  RUS 00014  Zvjaginsev  Vadim      260  20-Sep-02
  76  UKR 00025  Shneider  Aleksander   260  23-Mar-02
  77  POL 00003  Macieja  Bartlomiej    260  22-Sep-02
  78  ARM 00007  Anastasian  Ashot      260  23-Mar-02
  79  AUS 00001  Rogers  Ian  Austalia  259  23-Mar-02
  80  NED 00016  Tiviakov  Sergei       259  22-Sep-02
  81  SLO 00007  Sermek  Drazen         259  23-Mar-02
  82  ISR 00010  Huzman  Alexander      259  25-Jul-01
  83  RUS 00038  Filippov  Valeri       259  19-Jul-01
  84  HUN 00012  Ribli  Zoltan          259  25-Jun-99
  85  ISR 00003  Greenfeld  Alon        259  25-Jul-01
  86  RUS 00044  Najer  Evgenij         259  23-Mar-02
  87  IND 00005  Sasikiran  Krishan     259  20-Sep-02
  88  RUS 00056  Rustemov  Alexander    259  23-Mar-02
  89  RUS 00018  Sakaev  Konstantin     259  23-Mar-02
  90  USA 00001  Gurevich  Ilya         259  01-èþí-99
  91  UKR 00027  Brodsky  Michail       259  25-ÿíâ-01
  92  CUB 00004  Dominguez  Lenier      259  23-Mar-02
  93  FRA 00003  Dorfman  Iossif        259  25-ÿíâ-01
  94  CRO 00008  Cviltan  Ognjen        259  25-ÿíâ-01
  95  ARM 00009  Aronian  Levon         259  23-Mar-02
  96  USA 00009  Benjamin  Joel         259  25-ÿíâ-01
  97  ESP 00007  Vallejo Pons  N        259  23-Mar-02
  98  YUG 00001  Ljubojevic  Ljubomir   259  20-Sep-02
  99  ROM 00010  Istratescu  Andrei     258  23-Mar-02
 100  ARM 00003  Asrian  Levon          258  25-June99
 101  FRA 00010  Fressinet  Laurent     258  20-Sep-02
 102  GER 00126  Jussupov  Artur        258  20-Sep-02
 103  RUS 00024  Ulibin  Mikhail        258  01-èþë-00
 104  RUS 00055  Malakhov  Vladimir     258  25-ÿíâ-01
 105  ISR 00050  Gofshtein  Leonid D    258  23-Mar-02
 106  DEN 00001  Nielsen  Peter Heine   258  25-June99
 107  GER 00131  Lobron  Eric  Germany  258  23-Mar-02
 108  UKR 00021  Onischuk  Alexander    258  20-Sep-02
 109  KAZ 00003  Vladimirov  Evgeny     258  23-Mar-02
 110  UKR 00020  Timoshenko  Georgy     258  23-Mar-02
 111  ENG 00008  Short  Nigel           258  20-Sep-02
 112  LTU 00005  Kveinys  Aloyzas       258  23-Mar-02
 113  SUI 00004  Gallagher  Joseph G.   258  01-èþë-00
 114  CHN 00044  Ye  Jiangchun          258  20-Sep-02
 115  CHN 00007  Zhang  Zhong           258  23-Mar-02
 116  SWE 00007  Hellers  Ferdinand     258  23-Mar-02

Shirov Letter

What happened to the Rapid ELO lists?

Dear sirs,

With this open letter I would like to express my concern about the current situation in ratings calculation. Putting aside my personal opinion (I strongly believe that the rapid chess competitions should be integrated into the same rating system as the classical chess tournaments) I can not help expressing my disgust that the rapid ratings that were published up to March 2002, have stopped being calculated by now.

After the Russia vs. ROW match I asked FIDE about it and they claimed that it was Willy Iclicki's fault as he was responsible for Rapid ratings calculations. Of course, Iclicki himself claimed that it was FIDE's responsibility when asked the same question. I don't care whose fault it is but I do want the rapid rating lists to continue being published.

Needless to say, precisely since March 2002 I had some strong results in rapid competitions (the tournaments that I played were Monaco, Dubai, Prague, tie-break in Dortmund, Villarrobledo and Russia vs. ROW in Moscow) and, of course, now I would like to see my name where it belongs - somewhere in the top five of the Rapid ratings lists. But none of these tournaments has been calculated until now.

In the afore mentioned tournaments I played all together 49 rapid games against the average opposition of 2654 (counting normal FIDE rating as there is no any other ultimately) and scored 33 points which would be approximately 2782 performance. Of course, there are players that had even better achievements but once again there is the question - why not to take those achievements into account? I kindly ask FIDE and any parties involved to calculate all the important rapid events of 2002 and issue the new rapid rating list.

I still believe that for future it's better to unify the rating system and give, for example two rapid games (always having minimum 10 seconds added per move to avoid losing by time when it's not by game) the same value as one game with classical time control. I sincerely hope that this topic will be discussed during the next Olimpiad in Bled where unfortunately I am not able to be present. But as I said, that is the question for future, for the moment I just urge FIDE to publish the rapid rating lists as the rapid tournaments get more important year by year.


Alexei Shirov 18th September 2002

Michal Krasenkow Letter

Dear Editor,

Alexey Shirov's letter is a good occasion for me to remind the young players the whole story of the discussion on rapid chess, its championships, titles and ratings.

Rapid (or "active") chess appeared in 1980s and was mostly used for demonstration and other unofficial events. In 1988, for the first time, FIDE organized official European and World Championships in rapid chess (in Gijon and Mazatlan correspondingly), both won by Karpov. On that occasion there was a heated discussion on rapid chess in the whole world and particularly in the Soviet Union (both in press and at the meetings of the Soviet Chess Federation). It happened to me to take an active part in that discussion. To some extent, that discussion reflected the struggle against the Communist dictatorship, which took place in the USSR at that period, and the Karpov-Kasparov + FIDE-GMA struggle in the chess world. It was therefore overshadowed by the polytical circumstances but still remained quite substancial. There was no doubt that the element of chess art in rapid chess is very limited while the element of pure chance is higher than in "classical" chess. Therefore, the conclusion, shared by most of the grandmasters and stated in the official opinion of the Soviet Chess Federation Board (then dominated by pro-perestroyka activists) in June, 1988, was, in my opinion, quite reasonable (excuse me for forgetting the exact wording):

"Rapid chess is an entertaining but still a superficial form of chess, which should not enjoy the full rights of classic chess;

Therefore, it can be used and even spread in commercial and demonstration events;

However, organizing official World and European Rapid Championships is inexpedient while awarding ratings and titles in rapid chess is inadmissible."

That appeal was supported by the world chess community (including FIDE, GMA, PCA etc.). For a dozen of years many interesting rapid events were organized (including PCA Gran Prix) but championships were not held and ratings were not calculated. The situation changed at the end of the last century when European Chess Union started organizing European Rapid and Blitz Championship (with awful conditions and indecently low prize funds) and FIDE started calculating rapid ratings. Fortunately, they were never taken really seriously by chess players and, most importantly, chess organizers. Therefore the rapid ratings simply "died from natural causes" and nobody appeared to regret about that.

However, that was not all. Some officials launched a whole campaign of killing chess art altogether by means of shortening the time control in "classical" chess. As a pretext, they used controversial proposals by none other than Alexey Shirov! Now the same outstanding grandmaster suggests that the rapid ratings should be artificially revived; moreover, they should be mixed with "classical" ratings! A very dangerous approach, spoiling our ancient game even further, which can once again serve as a pretext for some to act accordingly!

I think those for whom chess art are not just mere words (I can't believe that Shirov doesn't belong to them! Remember ...Bh3!!) should strongly protest against all forms of spoiling chess. The 7-hour time control (perhaps with Fischer modification) should be restored! Rapid chess should have its proper place as a way of advertising chess as itself: demonstrations - yes! opens - yes! commercial tournaments like Amber or Frankfurt Classic - yes! Gran Prix - yes! official championships - no! ratings - no!

Kind regards,

Michal Krasenkow, GM 19th September 2002

4) Ignatius Leong withdraws his FIDE challenge

The FIDE habit of producing a President by acclamation continues, this time the candidate didn't even make it to the FIDE Congress. An accord between FIDE President Kirsan Ilymuzhinov and Ignatius Leong means that the strength of opposition to FIDE will not even be tested. Read the accord at: Leong's website is at: contains a statement ( saying that "The agreement we have signed is the best we could achieve at this time.". Leong and Morten Sand seem set to join the Presidential board.

5) Kasparov - Junior Postponed

The Garry Kasparov match against Deep Junior in in Jerusalem under the auspices of FIDE has been postponed.

The match will thus not act as a spoiler for the Kramnik Brains in Bahrain match between Vladimir Kramnik and Deep Fritz which takes place over 8 games October 4th-19th 2002. Full daily coverage on TWIC including on the spot reports, photos and an applet with the games live. Official coverage: and

Kasparov's manager Owen Williams sent out a press release saying "FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov announced on Monday that the human-machine chess match between world number one Garry Kasparov and world computer champion Deep Junior had been postponed until December 1, 2002."

Kasparov - Deep Junior Million Dollar Match Postponed until December

Press Release 17th September 2002 from Owen Williams.

FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov announced on Monday that the human-machine chess match between world number one Garry Kasparov and world computer champion Deep Junior had been postponed until December 1, 2002. "We regret the delay," said Ilyumzhinov, "but all of the parties involved have agreed that there was not enough time to give such a prestigious event the required presentation." The event will be the first time Kasparov has faced a computer since his famous matches against Deep Blue in 1996 and 1997. He won the first and narrowly lost the second to the IBM machine.

The six-game match was scheduled to begin on October 1 in the Israeli capital and finish on the 13th. Jerusalem mayor Ehud Olmert welcomed the rescheduling. "The whole world will be watching and we want people to see Jerusalem host a world-class event between two great champions." After Deep Junior won the World Computer Chess Championships in the Netherlands little time remained to complete the negotiations and organize the match before the starting date. Efforts were additionally complicated by the onset of the Jewish high holidays.

Both Garry Kasparov and the team behind Deep Junior expressed disappointment at the delay but enthusiasm for the benefit it will provide the event. "I think I am already well prepared," said Kasparov, "and since I have other events to play before December I don't think the postponement will help me at all." Kasparov will lead the Russian team in the Chess Olympiad that starts October 25. He added, "I've waited five years for my revenge, so what is two more months?"

Deep Junior's Israeli programmers, Amir Ban and Shay Bushinsky, also sounded patient. "We have always dreamed of taking on the world's top player and Deep Junior will not mind the delay at all."

The match has a prize fund of one million dollars and is auspiced by the International Chess Federation (FIDE) and the International Computer Games Association (ICGA). The full event schedule and additional information for the media will be made available by FIDE.

6) Pablo Gorbea Memorial

The VI Pablo Gorbea Memorial (V Open) takes place in Madrid, Spain 16th-24th September 2002. After seven of nine rounds Ruslan Pogorelov leads on 6.5/7.

Internet coverage:

VI Pablo Gorbea Mem Madrid ESP (ESP), 16-24 ix 2002
  1. Pogorelov, Ruslan                g  UKR 2453 6.5      30.5
  2. Felgaer, Ruben                   m  ARG 2509 6        31.0
  3. Spraggett, Kevin                 g  CAN 2533 6        31.0
  4. Moreno Carnero, Javier           m  ESP 2494 6        30.5
  5. Korneev, Oleg                    g  RUS 2583 6        30.0
  6. Martin Martin, Luis Vicente         ESP 2140 6        29.0
  7. Zapata, Alonso                   g  COL 2549 6        28.5
  8. Abreu, Aryam                     m  CUB 2454 5.5      31.5
  9. Peralta, Fernando                m  ARG 2478 5.5      30.5
 10. Sprenger, Jan Michael            m  GER 2426 5.5      29.0
 11. Vilela, Jose Luis                m  CUB 2355 5.5      29.0
 12. Almagro Llanas, Pablo               ESP 2290 5.5      29.0
 13. Arencibia, Walter                g  CUB 2534 5.5      28.5
 14. Valles Moreno, Ivan                 ESP 2294 5.5      28.0
 15. Pilgaard, Kim                    m  DEN 2437 5.5      27.5
 16. Alonso, Salvador                 m  ARG 2445 5.5      26.0
 17. Van Hoolandt, Patrick               MNC 2163 5.5      21.5
237 players

7) Switzerland vs. Germany

Viktor Korchnoi and Yannik Pelletier took on Christopher Lutz and Arkadij Naiditsch in Berlin in the return section of the Switzerland vs. Germany match played at standard time controls. The first half of the event in Zurich September 7th-8th 2002 saw the Swiss take a 3.5-0.5 lead. The return in Berlin took place September 14th-15th 2002 and saw the Germans win with 2.5-1.5. News from Pablo Sierra.

Round 1 (September 14, 2002)

Lutz, Christopher   -  Korchnoi, Viktor    1-0   33  C17  French Winawer
Korchnoi, Viktor    -  Naiditsch, Arkadij  1/2   57  E38  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2

Round 2 (September 15, 2002)

Pelletier, Yannick  -  Lutz, Christopher   1/2   26  E17  Queens Indian
Naiditsch, Arkadij  -  Pelletier, Yannick  1/2   41  B92  Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2

8) First Saturday September

The Category VII First Saturday GM event and three IM events started 7th September 2002. Bui Vinh won with 9/13 and a GM norm. 11 year old Nguyen Ngoc Truongson destroyed the IMB tournament winning 11/12 games and losing just in the 11th round to Janos Dudas. Miklos Galyas and Ngo Ngoc Quang finished on 8/11.

Internet coverage:

FSGM Sept Budapest HUN (HUN), 7-19 ix 2002                    cat. VII (2408)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1. Bui Vinh                 VIE 2444  * = 1 1 = = = = 1 0 1 = 1 1  9.0  2546 
 2. Williams, Simon        m ENG 2421  = * 0 1 = = 0 1 = = 1 1 1 1  8.5  2517 
 3. Marzolo, Cyril         m FRA 2415  0 1 * 1 1 0 = = = = = 1 1 .  7.5  2504 
 4. Lechtynsky, Jiri       g CZE 2404  0 0 0 * = 1 1 = = 1 1 1 = =  7.5  2465 
 5. Breder, Dennis         m GER 2438  = = 0 = * = = 1 = 1 = = 1 .  7.0  2464 
 6. Pham Minh Hoang1         VIE 2354  = = 1 0 = * = 0 1 = = 1 1 .  7.0  2471 
 7. Lane, Gary W           m AUS 2446  = 1 = 0 = = * 0 = = 1 1 1 .  7.0  2463 
 8. Todorovic, Goran M     g YUG 2482  = 0 = = 0 1 1 * = = = = 1 =  7.0  2431 
 9. Balogh, Csaba          m HUN 2441  0 = = = = 0 = = * 1 1 1 0 .  6.0  2407 
10. Szeberenyi, Adam       m HUN 2395  1 = = 0 0 = = = 0 * = 1 1 .  6.0  2411 
11. Claverie, Christophe   f FRA 2392  0 0 = 0 = = 0 = 0 = * 0 1 .  3.5  2253 
12. Aagaard, Jacob         m DEN 2359  = 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 1 * 1 .  3.5  2256 
13. Rajlich, Vasik G       f USA 2338  0 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 * .  1.5  2093 
14. Barczay, Laszlo        g HUN 2389  0 0 . = . . . = . . . . . *  1.0  2244 

FSIMB Sept Budapest HUN (HUN), 7-19 ix 2002                       cat. III (2301)
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 
 1. Nguyen Ngoc Truongson        VIE 2234  * 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11.0  2708 
 2. Schneider, Attila          m HUN 2337  0 * = 1 1 1 0 1 1 = 1 1 1  9.0  2491 
 3. Brustkern, Juergen         f GER 2293  0 = * = 1 0 1 = = 1 = 1 1  7.5  2397 
 4. Gonda, Laszlo              f HUN 2309  0 0 = * 1 = 1 = = 1 = 1 =  7.0  2357 
 5. Dudas, Janos               m HUN 2368  1 0 0 0 * = = = = = = 1 1  6.0  2295 
 6. Philipowski, Robert          GER 2299  0 0 1 = = * = = 1 0 = = 1  6.0  2301 
 7. Johannesson, Ingvar Thor     ISL 2284  0 1 0 0 = = * = = 0 1 1 1  6.0  2302 
 8. Korpics, Zsolt             f HUN 2331  0 0 = = = = = * = = = = =  5.0  2242 
 9. Nemeth, Miklos               HUN 2337  0 0 = = = 0 = = * 1 1 0 =  5.0  2241 
10. Kahn, Evarth               m HUN 2355  0 = 0 0 = 1 1 = 0 * = 0 =  4.5  2210 
11. Berczes, Csaba             f HUN 2316  0 0 = = = = 0 = 0 = * 1 =  4.5  2213 
12. Richards, Heather         wm ENG 2275  0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = 1 1 0 * 1  4.0  2178 
13. Metaxasz, Vaszilisz          HUN 2181  0 0 0 = 0 0 0 = = = = 0 *  2.5  2081 

FSIMC Sept Budapest HUN (HUN), 7-19 ix 2002                cat. II (2295)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Galyas, Miklos        m HUN 2407  * 1 1 = = = 1 1 = = 1 =  8.0  2459 
 2. Ngo, Ngoc Quang         VIE 2172  0 * 1 = = 1 1 = = 1 1 1  8.0  2480 
 3. Lund, Esben             DEN 2329  0 0 * 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1  7.0  2393 
 4. Hanley, Craig         f ENG 2331  = = 1 * 0 1 = 0 = 1 = 1  6.5  2356 
 5. Soos, Bela            m GER 2283  = = 0 1 * = = = = = = 1  6.0  2331 
 6. Thorfinnsson, Bjorn     ISL 2314  = 0 1 0 = * = = 1 0 1 1  6.0  2328 
 7. Petran, Pal           m HUN 2364  0 0 0 = = = * = = 1 1 =  5.0  2252 
 8. Resika, Nathan A      f USA 2276  0 = 0 1 = = = * = = 0 =  4.5  2231 
 9. Pert, Richard G       f ENG 2357  = = 0 = = 0 = = * = = =  4.5  2223 
10. Berczes, David          HUN 2205  = 0 0 0 = 1 0 = = * = =  4.0  2200 
11. Le Kieu Thien Kim    wm VIE 2256  0 0 0 = = 0 0 1 = = * =  3.5  2165 
12. Frink, Ferenc           HUN 2240  = 0 0 0 0 0 = = = = = *  3.0  2124 

9) Polish Team Championships

The Polish Team Championship 2002 (Extra League 2002) took place in Lubniewice 31st August - 8th September 2002. The winners were Polonia Plus GSM Warszawa. My thanks to Przemek Jahr.

Lubniewice 31.08-08.09.02
                                1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   0    
 1  Polonia Plus GSM Warszawa  *** 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.5 5.0 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.0 37.0 
 2  AZS UMCS Lublin            2.0 *** 2.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 6.0 34.5 
 3  Polfa Grodzisk Maz.        4.0 3.5 *** 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.5 4.0 6.0 33.0 
 4  Miedz Legnica              3.0 2.5 4.0 *** 3.0 3.0 4.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 32.0 
 5  PTSz Plock                 1.5 2.5 3.5 3.0 *** 4.0 4.5 3.0 5.5 4.0 31.5 
 6  Zelmer Rzeszów             1.0 1.5 3.0 3.0 2.0 *** 3.5 3.5 4.0 3.5 25.0 
 7  Stilon Gorzów Wlkp.        2.0 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 *** 3.0 2.5 5.0 23.0 
 8  Pocztowiec TP SA Poznan    0.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 3.0 2.5 3.0 *** 2.5 5.5 22.5 
 9  Juvena-Hancza Suwalki      2.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 0.5 2.0 3.5 3.5 *** 4.0 21.0 
10  MOK Budoprojekt Glogów     1.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1.0 0.5 2.0 *** 10.5 

10) Latvia vs. Estonia Match

The Annual Latvia vs. Estonia match took place in Riga on August 31st 2002 over 100 boards with Latvia winning 60.5-39.5 reports Kaspars Migla. Games of the first 50 boards are available.

1976 Latvia-Estonia 50:50
1980 Latvia-Estonia 41:59
1982 Latvia-Estonia 52:48
1985 Latvia-Estonia 50,5:49,5
1987 Latvia-Estonia 52,5:47,5
1990 Latvia-Estonia 47,5:52,5
1993 Latvia-Estonia 43:57
2000 Latvia-Estonia 34,5:65,5
2002 Latvia-Estonia 60,5:39,5

Total: +4 -4 =1, 431,5:468,5

11) 5th Lausanne Open

The 5th Lausanne Open takes place 13th-16th September 2002. Vladimir Tukmakov and Charles Lamoureux finished on 6/7. No games available.

Internet coverage:

Final Standings (7 rounds)
 1 Tukmakov,Vladimir B   GM 2566 6   32.5 210 
 2 Lamoureux,Charles     IM 2372 6   30   200 
 3 Huss,Andreas          IM 2354 5.5 31   206 
 4 Starostits,Ilmars     IM 2442 5.5 30   192.5 
 5 Berset,Philippe          2189 5   34   194.5 
 6 Bucher,Denis          FM 2295 5   32   198.5 
 7 Erdelyi,Tamas         IM 2300 5   31.5 193 
 8 Horvath,Tamas         IM 2411 5   31   194 
 9 Vesin,Jean-Robert        2196 5   30.5 201.5 
10 Gallagher,Joseph G.   GM 2517 5   29.5 190.5 
11 Lehtivaara,Petri      FM 2329 5   29   200.5 
12 Kaenel,Hansjuerg      IM 2375 5   27   196.5 
13 Ambrosini,Nicola         2232 5   27   190 
14 Perruchoud,Benoit        2198 4.5 31   188.5 
15 Preissmann,Emmanuel   FM 2342 4.5 30.5 195 
16 Le Floch,Sebastien       2188 4.5 27.5 181 
17 Montavon,Gerard          2042 4.5 27   183 
18 De Reymaeker,Walter      2095 4.5 27   171 
19 Tournier,Pascal          2162 4.5 26.5 190.5 
84 players

12) Croatian Teams

The Croatian League Championships took place in Medulin 8th-18th September 2002. The winners were Mravince DC who were led by Vladislav Tkachiev who scored 75% with 6/8. My thanks to Mirjana Medic.

Internet coverage:

Croatian 1st League
 1 Mravince DC     7 1 1 44,5 
 2 Zrinjevac       6 3 0 41,0 
 3 Pozega          5 3 1 35,0 
 4 Pula            4 2 3 31,5 
 5 Osijek          3 3 3 30,0 
 6 TKC Split       3 2 4 27,5 
 7 Slavonska banka 2 2 5 27,0 
 8 Mladost         2 4 3 26,0 
 9 Goran Bibinje   2 1 6 24,5 
10 Casino          0 1 8 17,0 

Scores Board by Board

Board 1

 1 GM Tkachiev Vladislav   2625 Mravince DC     8 6,0 75,0 8 
 2 GM Cebalo Miso          2548 Pula            9 6,0 66,7 9 
 3 GM Palac Mladen         2564 Pozega          9 5,5 61,1 9 
   GM Pinter Joszef        2562 Slavonska banka 9 5,5 61,1 9 
 5 GM Lalic Bogdan         2540 Zrinjevac       8 4,0 50,0 8 
 6 GM Hracek Zbynek        2600 Osijek          9 4,0 44,4 9 
   GM Hulak Krunoslav      2570 Mladost         9 4,0 44,4 9 
   GM Sax Gyula            2518 Goran           9 4,0 44,4 9 
 9 GM Gyimesi Zoltan       2580 TKC Split       9 3,5 38,9 9 
10    Krstic Uros          2420 Casino          9 1,5 16,7 9 

Board 2

 1 GM Fedorov Alexei       2578 Zrinjevac       9 6,5 72,2 9 
 2 GM Stevic Hrvoje        2527 Slavonska banka 9 6,0 66,7 9 
   GM Stohl Igor           2556 Osijek          9 6,0 66,7 9 
 4 GM Mohr Georg           2523 Mladost         9 5,0 55,6 9 
 5 GM Dizdar Goran         2525 Pozega          8 4,5 56,3 8 
   GM Sermek Drazen        2603 Mravince DC     8 4,5 56,3 8 
 7 IM Fercec Nenad         2494 Pula            9 3,5 38,9 9 
 8 IM Bukal Vladimir       2425 Casino          9 3,0 33,3 9 
 9 FM Zelic Mladen         2272 TKC Split       9 2,5 27,8 9 
10 FM Rezan Sasa           2414 Goran           8 1,5 18,8 8 

Board 3

 1 GM Shariyazdanov Andrey 2562 Zrinjevac       9 7,5 83,3 9 
 2 GM Kozul Zdenko         2588 Mravince DC     9 7,0 77,8 9 
 3 GM Horvath Jozsef       2535 Pozega          9 5,0 55,6 9 
 4 FM Bilobrk Franjo       2348 Goran           9 4,5 50,0 9 
   IM Leventic Ivan        2424 Osijek          9 4,5 50,0 9 
   FM Rade Miroslav        2372 TKC Split       9 4,5 50,0 9 
 7 IM Kovacevic Blazimir   2458 Slavonska banka 9 4,0 44,4 9 
 8 GM Nikolac Juraj        2430 Mladost         9 3,0 33,3 9 
 9 IM Tratar Marko         2466 Pula            8 2,5 31,3 8 
10 IM Bukal Vladimir Jr.   2405 Casino          9 2,5 27,8 9 

Board 4

 1 GM Horvath Csaba        2517 Pozega          9 6,5 72,2 9 
   GM Zelcic Robert        2565 Zrinjevac       9 6,5 72,2 9 
 3 GM Cvitan Ognjen        2574 Mravince DC     8 5,5 68,8 8 
 4 IM Feletar Darko        2420 Osijek          9 5,5 61,1 9 
 5 FM Biliskov Vjekoslav   2338 Goran           9 3,5 38,9 9 
 6 IM Vujakovic Branko     2370 Mladost         6 3,0 50,0 6 
 7 IM Brumen Dinko         2398 Casino          9 3,0 33,3 9 
   IM Ljubicic Filip       2432 TKC Split       9 3,0 33,3 9 
   IM Milu Romeo Sorin     2442 Slavonska banka 9 3,0 33,3 9 
10 IM Boric Muhamed        2402 Pula            6 2,5 41,7 6 
11    Zecevic Dean         2305 Mladost         5 2,0 40,0 5 

Board 5

 1 GM Kurajica Bojan       2548 Mravince DC     8 6,0 75,0 8 
 2 GM Sulava Nenad         2556 Zrinjevac       9 6,0 66,7 9 
 3 IM Berebora Ferenc      2412 TKC Split       9 5,5 61,1 9 
 4 IM Franic Milan         2412 Pula            8 5,0 62,5 8 
 5    Zufic Miroslav       2349 Pula            7 4,0 57,1 7 
 6 FM Jankovic Alojzije    2299 Mladost         9 4,0 44,4 9 
 7 FM Kuljasevic Davorin   2365 Casino          9 3,5 38,9 9 
   IM Levacic Patrick      2336 Goran           9 3,5 38,9 9 
   GM Muse Mladen          2474 Pozega          9 3,5 38,9 9 
10 FM Brkic Ante           2351 Slavonska banka 7 2,5 35,7 7 
11 IM Jukic Branimir       2380 Osijek          6 1,5 25,0 6 

Board 6

 1 GM Pavasovic Dusko      2568 Mravince DC     9 7,0 77,8 9 
 2   Armanda Ivica         2316 TKC Split       9 5,5 61,1 9 
 3 IM Kutuzovic Branko     2398 Pozega          9 5,0 55,6 9 
 4 IM Mestrovic Zvonimir   2387 Goran           9 4,5 50,0 9 
 5 GM Zaja Ivan            2445 Zrinjevac       8 4,0 50,0 8 
 6 IM Jovanovic Zoran      2393 Osijek          9 4,0 44,4 9 
 7 FM Novak Danijel        2359 Pula            6 3,5 58,3 6 
 8 FM Biti Ozren           2308 Casino          9 3,5 38,9 9 
 9 FM Rasic Damir          2353 Mladost         7 3,0 42,9 7 
10    Teofilovic Vjeran    2225 Slavonska banka 6 2,5 41,7 6 
11 FM Vitic Ivan           2283 Osijek          3 1,5 50,0 3 
12 FM Vargic Drago         2314 Slavonska banka 5 1,5 30,0 5 
13 GM Dizdarevic Emir      2520 Mravince DC     3 1,0 33,3 3 
14 FM Fucak Emilio         2317 Pula            1 0,5 50,0 1 
   GM Kovacevic Vlado      2500 Mravince DC     1 0,5 50,0 1 
16 IM Rogulj Branko        2445 Zrinjevac       2 0,5 25,0 2 

13) Poio Open

The II Poio Internation Open took place 31st August - 8th September 2002. Azer Mirzoev won the event with a superior tie-break ahead of Dragan Barlov and Kim Pilgaard, all scored 7.5/9. My thanks to Rafa Couto.

Internet coverage:

II Open Poio ESP (ESP), 31 viii-8 ix 2002
 1. Mirzoev, Azer               g  AZE 2498 7.5 
 2. Barlov, Dragan              g  YUG 2422 7.5 
 3. Pilgaard, Kim               m  DEN 2437 7.5 
 4. Rivera, Daniel              m  URU 2323 6.5 
 5. Espineira Gonzalez, Diego      ESP 2194 6.5 
 6. Rodriguez Lopez, Rafael     m  ESP 2273 6.0 
 7. Pena Gomez, Manuel             ESP 2109 6.0 
 8. Abalde Fernandez,Esteban       ESP ---- 6.0 
 9. Barral Rubirosa, Cristobal     ESP 2129 6.0 
10. Bjerring, Kai               m  DEN 2263 5.5 
11. Piankov, Evgenij            m  UKR 2341 5.5 
12. Fleitas, Yuleikis           wm CUB 2229 5.5 
13. Piay Augusto, Diego            ESP 2289 5.5 
14. Outerelo Ucha, Manuel          ESP 2181 5.5 
15. Leite, Catarina             wm POR 2151 5.5 
16. Cubero Ferreiro, Rodrigo       ESP 2095 5.5 
17. Moldes Diez,Luis F             ESP ---- 5.5 
18. Ces Gens,Jose                  ESP ---- 5.5 
19. Saavedra Rionda,Victor         ESP ---- 5.0 
20. Dias, Paulo                 f  POR 2347 5.0 
61 players

14) 20th Villarrobledo Rapid

The 20th Villarrobledo Rapid took place 18th-18th August 2002. Ivan Sokolov won the event ahead of Igor Khenkin and Alexei Shirov all scored 7.5/9. I can't find a way to download the games from the site.

Internet coverage:

Leading Final Standings:
 1. SOKOLOV Ivan         g NED 7.5
 2. KHENKIN Igor         g GER 7.5
 3. SHIROV Alexei        g ESP 7.5
 4. CHERNIN Alexander    g HUN 7.0
 5. BERTONA Fernando       ARG 7.0
 6. JANEV Evgeni         m BUL 7.0
 7. BELIAVSKY Alexander  g SLO 6.5
 8. BRUZON Lázaro        g CUB 6.5
 9. HERNÁNDEZ Gilberto   g MEX 6.5
10. BARSOV Alexei        g UZB 6.5
11. KURAJICA Bogdan      g BIH 6.5
12. GEORGIEV Vladimir    g MKD 6.5
13. CIFUENTES Roberto    g ESP 6.5
14. ANDERSSON Ulf        g SWE 6.5
15. KOGAN Arthur         g ISR 6.5
16. STRIKOVIC Aleksa     g YUG 6.5
17. MITKOV Nikola        g MKD 6.5
18. F.CMILYTE Viktorija  g LIT 6.5
19. FERNÁNDEZ José Luis  g ESP 6.5
20. LLOBELL Enrique        ESP 6.5
21. ROMERO Alfonso       g ESP 6.0
22. LANDA Konstantin     g RUS 6.0
23. KORNEEV Oleg         g RUS 6.0
24. POGORELOV Ruslan     g UKR 6.0
25. DE LA PAZ Frank      m CUB 6.0
26. CABRERA Alexis       m COL 6.0
27. ARIZMENDI Julen      m ESP 6.0
28. F.AMURA Claudia      g ARG 6.0
29. BORGES Juan          m CUB 6.0
30. GARCÍA ROMÁN Daniel    ESP 6.0
31. MARTÍNEZ Jorge         ESP 6.0
32. REYES Juan           m PER 6.0
33. SERNA Sergio           ESP 6.0
34. ORATOVSKY Michael    m ISR 5.5
35. KOLEV Atanas         g BUL 5.5
36. SALDANO Horacio      m ARG 5.5
37. ZLOTNIK Boris        m RUS 5.5
38. CONQUEST Stuart      g ENG 5.5
39. VÁZQUEZ Renier       m CUB 5.5
40. PÉREZ Rodney         m CUB 5.5
41. GIACCIO Alfredo      m ARG 5.5
42. ABREU Aryam          m CUB 5.5
43. KOMLJENOVIC Davor    g CRO 5.5
44. BERMEJO Julián         ESP 5.5
45. DELGADO Jesús F.       ESP 5.5
46. RIZOUK Aimen         m ALG 5.5
47. CANDELA José         f ESP 5.5
48. GÓMEZ PECO Pablo       ESP 5.5
49. MAGEM Jordi          g ESP 5.0
50. ESCOBAR Alder        m COL 5.0

15) Educational Internacional Tournament

The Educational Internacional Tournament took place in Faxinal do Céu - Paraná, Brazil 15th-19th September 2002. GM Carlos Garcia Palermo won the event with 7,5/9. Luís H. Coelho, 20, achieved his second IM Norm. No games available. My thanks to Antonio Bento.

Educational Internacional Tournament
Faxinal do Céu - Paraná, BRA 15-19 ix 2002
 1. Giardelli, Sergio H Carlos      ARG 2437 * 1 = 1 = = 0 1 = =  5.5/9 6.30
 2. Choma, Ernani Francisco         BRA 2216 0 * 1 = 0 1 1 1 0 0  4.5/9 3.24
 3. Aranha Filho, Alvaro            BRA 2281 = 0 * = 1 = = 1 = 0  4.5/9 4.14
 4. Valiente, Cristobal             PAR 2330 0 = = * = = 0 = = =  3.5/9 4.86
 5. Pita, Vivian Ramon              CUB 2251 = 1 0 = * 1 = 1 0 0  4.5/9 3.78
 6. Benares, Ricardo                BRA 2307 = 0 = = 0 * = 0 = 0  2.5/9 4.50
 7. Fernandes, Rogerio P.  Muller   BRA 2205 1 0 = 1 = = * = 0 0  4.0/9 3.15
 8. Egoroff, Jomar                  BRA 2235 0 0 0 = 0 1 = * 0 0  2.0/9 3.51
 9. Coelho, Luis Henrique Pinto     BRA 2352 = 1 = = 1 = 1 1 * =  6.5/9 5.13
10. Palermo, Carlos Horacio Garcia  ARG 2443 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 = *  7.5/9 6.30

16) Forthcoming Events and Links

6th Itau Cup

The 6th Itau Cup takes place September 28th - October 5th in the São Paulo Chess Club. There will be R$ 30.000,00 (thirty thousand reais), about US$ 10.000,00, in prizes, with R$ 5.000,00 for the first place. The 9 round swiss will have a double round on September 29th. Games are at a rate of 23 moves for the first hour and another hour for the remaining moves.

There is a very strong field which includes:

Leading players:
Vescovi, Giovanni Portilho           SP  2611 2508 gm 140678
Korneev, Oleg                        RUS 2583      gm 250769
Leitão, Rafael Duailibe              SP  2558 2507 gm 281279
Lima, Darcy Gustavo                  SC  2541 2436 gm 220562
Mikhalevski, Victor                  ISR 2520      gm 120772
Galego, Luis                         POR 2511 1942 gm 250466
Soppe, Guillermo                     ARG 2469 2425 im 190960
Rodríguez, Andrés                    URU 2467 2475 gm 191273
Gómez Baillo, Jorge                  ARG 2462      im 190459
Matsuura, Everaldo                   SC  2450 2302 im 011070
García Palermo, Carlos               ARG 2443      gm 021253
Crosa, Martin                        URU 2441 2204 fm 140980
Giardelli, Sergio                    ARG 2437      im 270655
Roselli Mailhe, Bernardo             URU 2426      im 170965
Braga, Cícero Nogueira               SC  2415 2350 im 070358
Pelikian, Jefferson                  SP  2409 2260 im 101065
Martínez, Carlos Alejandro           SP  2402 2290 fm 080855
Limp, Eduardo Thelio                 SP  2399 2247 im 120455
Dorin, Mauricio                      ARG 2391      im 160360
Cubas, José Fernando                 PAR 2370 1880 fm 090481

Coverage: and list of players at:

Najdorf Memorial 2002

Najdorf Memorial 2002 will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina from September 23rd to October 8th. The tournament has 2 stages, a Great Swiss Open to 8 rounds, and a Playoff Final, played by 10 top players from the Open plus 6 invited masters. Total prize fund will be U$S 5000.

The official website of the tournament will be and there will be live games, pictures and commentaries.

European Senior Championship 2002

The European Senior Championships take place September 28th - October 6th in Saint Vincent, Italy.

Further details:

European Youth Championships

The European Youth Championships will take place in Peñiscola, Spain September 29th - October 8th 2002. There are ten events 5 for girls and 5 for boys U10 U12 U14 U16 U18.

Internet coverage:

Junior 7 vs. Evan Olivier Match

6 Rapid Chess games between Evan Olivier + a chess engine vs. Junior 7.

Round 1, 01.10.2002 21-00 CET EVAN,O + Shredder 5.32 (engine) vs JUNIOR 7 
Round 2, 03.10.2002 21-00 CET JUNIOR 7 vs EVAN,O + Fritz 7 (engine) 
Round 3, 06.10.2002 21-00 CET EVAN,O + Hiarcs 7.32 (engine) vs JUNIOR 7 
Round 4, 08.10.2002 21-00 CET JUNIOR 7 vs EVAN,O + Shredder 5.32 (engine) 
Round 5, 10.10.2002 21-00 CETEVAN,O + Fritz 7 (engine) vs JUNIOR 7 
Round 6, 13.10.2002 21-00 CETJUNIOR 7 vs EVAN,O + Hiarcs 7.32 (engine) 

Internet site:

AJ Goldsby's Chess Pages

AJ Goldsby has an internet site including annotated games (latest the game between Bacrot and Lautier) and a training program.


Pula International Correspondence Tournament

The Pula Chess Club in Croatia are organising an International correspondence chess tournament which will start on October 10th on The tournament is not official and is not registered in any federation. The main idea is to promote chess as a game and chess friendships all over the world.

Czech Mountains Open 2002

The 3rd International Czech Mountains Open takes place 17th-24th October 2002 in the town of Bedrichov (in the Jizerske mountains). This tournament is a part of series Czech Tour 2002-3

Further details: and

6th Email Afro-Asian Championship

6th Email Afro-Asian Championship: All players from Africa and Asia are invited to take part to the 6th email Afro-Asian championship which will start in january 2003. Like the previous editions, there are two stages : The preliminaries for all participants and the final for those who will qualify. The number of sections will depend upon the number of entries. The players interested by this competition may send their application to M. Samraoui. Email address is : No entry fees is required but deadline for entries is 20.12.2002. (ICCF's website: ) Announcement: Hirokaz Onoda (ICCF delegate for Japan)

14th Leuven Open

The 14th International Open Tournament of Leuven takes place 8th - 11th November 2002 in the city of Leuven, Belgium. Swiss tournament, 7 rounds, 40 moves/2h + 15' KO. More than 5.500 EUR in prizemoney, including several ratingprizes.

More information:

7th World University Chess Championships

The 7th World University Chess Championships take place in Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, September 11th-20th 2002. Players include:Zhang Zhong 2637, Viorel Iordachescu 2555, Anton Shomoev 2533, Sergey Iskusnykh 2485 and Dmitry Bocharov 2464.

Internet coverage: or

Frank Quisinsky Computer Chess Pages

Frank Quisinsky who writes on computer chess has moved his activities to "Arena by Martin Blume" at: and won't be updating his old page Arena is a graphical user interface compatible to WinBoard protocol I, II by Tim Mann and UCI protocol by Rudolf Huber (SOS) and Stefan Meyer-Kahlen (Shredder). SOS and Shredder are chess programs, UCI and WinBoard are protocols for chess programs.

20th Cairnhill International Open

The 20th Cairnhill International Open Chess Championship will be held from 11th to 15th December 2002 in Singapore. 7 rounds Swiss System. The Championship will be limited to a maximum of 120 entries only. E-mail:

Further details:

5th Malbork Castle Cup

The 5th Malbork Castle Cup (Poland) 14-15 September 2002 (swiss type, open tournament in 9 rounds, 30' game, prizes fund 7000 PLN (about 2000 Euro). The Castle Malbork was honoured with an entry into UNESCO's List of the World's Cultural Heritage. The city populated by forty-thousand inhabitants is visited each year by half a milion tourists.

Detailed information (English, Germany and Polish) at:

Cap d'Agde 5th Chess Festival

The Cap d'Agde 5th Chess Festival takes place 23rd-30th of October 2002.

Events include: CCAS Trophy From the five continents (Africa, Asia, America, Oceania and Europe), the best players in the world will meet in Cap d'Agde at rapid chess. A. Karpov, M. Gurevich, A. Dreev, B. Guelfand, V. Tkachiev, I. Nataf .

"Open game Match" Tkachiev - Nataf For the first time in a chess match, two top Grand Masters will play and comment their games "live" for the public. The audience will grasp the ideas and strategy from the champions themselves, seconds before they make their move.

Chess for all 3 Open tournaments according to Elo rating The "Grand-Prix CCAS" (above 2000 Elo rating) The "Tournoi du Cavalier" (between 1700 and 2100 Elo rating) The "Open de l'Avenir" (unrated and players with a rating below 1800 Elo)

3 competitions "social activities" Final of the French championship "inter-comités d'entreprise" (work concils) Final of the "CMCAS" (competition for "Electricity and Gas of France" employees) Super Final between "inter-comités d'entreprise" and "CMCAS"

This 5th Chess meeting "Rencontres Nationales et Internationales d'Echecs" is organised by CCAS (management of social activities for electricity and Gas of France employees) in cooperation with FFE (French Chess Federation) and FSGT (sports and gymnastic Federation of workers).

Contacts: Centre de vacances CCAS, avenue de la Butte 34309 Cap d'Agde Cedex Tél : 04 67 01 39 89 Fax : 04 67 26 45 83


Patrick Wolff vs. The World

GM Patrick Wolff will play the Rest of the World starting 31st August. The time limit for the match is 5 days per move. GM Wolff is a two times United States Champion. To play in the match go to and follow the Play menu to ‘Play the expert’ and from there join the world team.

II Abierto de los Viernes

The II Abierto de los Viernes starts September 6th 2002. 5 round swiss. Round 1 6th Sept, 2nd Round 13th Sept. 3rd Round 20th Sept, 4th Round 27th Sept, 5th Round 4th Oct 2002. Further info: E-mail Tel.: 311 2699 José Riverol

1st Computer Chess Handheld Tournament

John Marountas announces the 1st Computer Chess Handheld Tournament (CCHT) organized by Digital Chess Network (

Weekend : November 2-3
Weekend : November 9-10.
Registration Date : Until October 31

Winner    : Gold Metal + Trophy
Runner Up : Sliver Metal
Third     : Bronze Metal

Registration URL :

Operators The operators of the first three participants will win a FREE website with 10 MBs of available space at the DigiChess Server. Official Website :

Winterthur Chess Week

The 2nd Winterthur Chess Week takes place in Winterthur (Switzerland) October 11th-20th 2002. The main event is a 9-round Open with a total prize money of CHF 10750 (EUR 7400, USD 7200). Other events include an invitational Young Masters tournament and a Youth Open (7 rounds October 14th-18th), as well as one Rapid and two Blitz tournaments. Further details:

European Rapid & Blitz Championship

The European Rapid & Blitz Championship is in Crete. The KYDON SPORTS CLUB is organising the championship 29/-4/10 in IBEROSTAR CRETA MARINE hotel. Contact MARY VIGLIRAKI for further details

Live coverage:

Benidorm, Spain

There are tournaments in Benidorm, Spain November 22nd-30th 2002.

Further info: Telephones of general information during the month of August: 965202214 from 19 to 21 h.; 650407091; Sr. Hernández 950 130493 y 607631481,


America's Foundation for Chess

America's Foundation for Chess (formerly known as the Seattle Chess Foundation) has a new website. The address is:

Bethune Open

The 23rd Bethune International Open takes place 26th-30th December 2002 in the Salle Olof Palme, Commercial center La Rotonde, 62400 Bethune, FRANCE. There are 7 rounds over 5 days with a time rate of 40 moves for 2hours followed by one hour KO. Accelerated pairings, possibility of getting a FIDE rating.

This year the open is divided in two tournaments :- tournament A only for players whose ELO rating is above or equals 1600 (> or =1600) - tournament B only for players whose ELO rating is strictly under 1800 (<1800) At least 5500 euros prize (8300 euros given in 2001) 1st prize tournament A : 1500 euros 1st prize tournament B : 250 euros General standing and ELO-category prizes for both tournaments Entry cost : 40 Euros (adults) 20 Euros (youngsters under 20) A Blitz tournament (5 mins for each player) will be organised on Saturday 28th December from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm (free morning) in the tournament room. All the players can take part in it (entry cost 5euros). Prizes : 100 % of the entry. (for information 1 $ (US dollar) = 1.05 Euros)

Website : http://bethunechess.freefr

Contact e-mail:

1st Benidorm Internatonal

The 1st Benidorm Internatonal is an open taking place 21st-30th November 2002.

Further details:

2003 Australian Open

The Australian Open Chess Championships is to be held 2nd-10th January 2003. The Championships are jointly organised by The New South Wales Chess Association Inc. and Australian Chess Enterprises on behalf of the Australian Chess Federation Inc.

Further information:

Curacao Open

The Curacao (*) 1962-2002 chess tournament is an open tournament that will be held November 16th-28th 2002. The tournament commemorates the 40th Anniversary of the Candidates tournament in 1962. Viktor Korchnoi (a player) and Yuri Averbach (a second) from the original event have already confirmed that they will return after 40 years. The tournament will have 9 rounds and a maximum of 120 players including about 15 titled players. Jan Timman (NL), Bartek Macieja (Pol), Sofia Polgar (Israel/Hungary), Yona Kosashvili (Israel), Anjelina Belakovskaia (USA), Alonso Zapata (Colombia), Johan Alvarez (Venezuela) and Carlos Gallegos (Venezuela) are amongst the players.

More information (including a 1962 and a 2001 picture gallery and general information about Curacao) is available at: There is also a download of the electronic tournament book of the 2001 edition available. Jan Timman was the winner of that tournament.

(*) Curacao is an island in the Caribbean and is part of the Netherlands Antilles.

Hungarian and Yugoslav Tournaments

Hungarian and YUG Chess tournaments in the second half of 2002.

1. 21st of September-2nd of October KECSKEMET, GM closed, org: dr.Erdelyi,

2. 5th-18th of October, FIRST SATURDAY, 2 GM /cat.IX-X !!, cat.VII-VIII/, IM-FM, Budapest,

3. 18th-31st of October, GM-IM tmt THIRD SATURDAY, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, org: Kotevski

4. 2nd-15th of November, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, Budapest,

5. 16th-28th of November, GM-IM KECSKEMÉT, org: dr.Erdelyi,

6. 7th-19th of December, GM-IM-FM, FIRST SATURDAY Budapest

35th Chess Olympiad Bled and 73rd FIDE Congress

The 35th Chess Olympiad Bled takes place 25th October - 11th November 2002 and the 73rd FIDE Congress, 1st-11th November 2002.

Federations can get registration forms at:

6th Open International Bavarian Masters

The 6th Open International Bavarian Masters Bad Wiessee takes place 26th October to 3rd Novebmer 2002. Prize-fund: EUR 21.000. Former champions of Bad Wiessee are A. Khalifman (1997,1998), A. Shabalov (1999), A. Graf (2000) and V. Akopian (2001). Details:

New York Masters

Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.

Further details:

Hastings 2002

The 78th Hastings International Congress will take place 28th December 2002 - 5th January 2003. The official entry form will be published early in August and will appear on the website

Events schedule is as follows: The Premier Tournament will run from 28th December 2002 to 5th January 2003. It will be an all-play-all event for 10 invited players.

The Challengers Tournament will also run from 28th December to 5th January. This will be a Swiss event and will provide opportunities for title norms and for FIDE ratings.

A new event this year will be an opening Weekend Congress running on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th December 2002. It will probably be in four graded sections and will comprise five games - three on Saturday and two on Sunday. Christmas Tournament will be in its usual format - participants will be divided into graded sections of about 16 players. It will run from Monday 30th December to Friday 3rd January 2003 The final Weekend Congress will run from Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th January 2003 As usual there will be six games and the event will be in four graded sections.

All events will take place at Horntye Park Sports Complex, Bohemia Road, Hastings

Complete details (entry fees, rates of play, grading limits etc) will be announced in due course.

As well as the above events, additional evening events are planned - once again sponsored by the Pig in Paradise. It is hoped that the local community will become more involved.

For information re entries contact: Con Power, Congress Director, 418 Harold Road, Hastings, East Sussex TN35 5HG Tel and fax: 01424 431970 e-mail:

Additional information from Pam Thomas, Press Officer 5 High Wickham,Hastings,East Sussex,TN35 5PB Tel/Fax 01424 445348 e-mail:

European Club Cup 2002

Information about the European Club Cup 2002 "The Champions League" takes place 22nd - 28th September in Kallithea -Halkidiki.


New Internet Correspondence Game to Begin

Beginning March 11th, 2002 the World Team will begin a new game against GM Nick de Firmian. Having most recently finished the second of two games against Chinese IM Yin Hao (WT 1.5 YH 0.5) the World Team now will play against three-time U.S. champion Nick de Firmian, who will play the white pieces.

The World Team consists of players from around the World, many of whom came together for the first time during the Kasparov vs. World Internet Game held in 1999. The games against Yin Hao attracted players from Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and the United States.

Everyone willing to follow the rules of the game is welcome to play in this new game against GM de Firmian. To participate or observe go to the World Team strategy board and official site at

More details about the game (and how to join the World Team) can be found at the Game Info and Rules link at the official site. It should be fun and "A Serious Game Among Friends".

Plaskett vs The ROW

GM James Plaskett will play the Rest of the World starting 1st March on the internet at:

The match will be played at the rate of 5 days per move. Players will vote their moves by clicking on the chess board while discussing and formulating strategies and tactics in the Rest of World team forum. This match is open to all who visit Those wanting to play Plaskett will need to login and follow the Opponents menu to 'Play the Expert'.

New FIDE Sites

There are two new FIDE sites. Chess Daily has individual FIDE rating calculations. Also the FIDE site for the World Championships in Moscow has been launched at:

Hawaii International Chess Festival Postponed

The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information: