THE WEEK IN CHESS 402 22nd July 2002 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting
3) Biel Chess Festival
4) 2nd "Pentium 4 Chess Trophy"
5) Queens against Kings Chess Challenge Match
6) Scottish Championships
7) First Saturday July
8) Smith & Williamson Young Masters
9) Jacques Lemans Open
10) Mercosur Cup
11) Politiken Cup
12) 25th Oberwart Open
13) 5th Open Vins du Medoc
14) Czech Open 2002
15) Richard Aronow Foundation Invitational
16) 3rd Stage Russian Cup
17) Elekes Memorial - Koneru's 3rd norm
18) European Juniors
19) 30th World Open
20) SCCF Championships
21) 12th Heart of Finland Open
22) X Emanuel Lasker Memorial Open
23) 1st Condom International Open
24) Ikaros Chess Festival
25) Arab Childrens Championships
26) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting          17 games
Biel Chess Festival                         3 games
2nd "Pentium 4 Chess Trophy"               15 games
Queens v Kings Match                        4 games
First Saturday July                        51 games
Smith & Williamson Young Masters           20 games
Jacques Lemans Open                       119 games
Mercosur Cup                               19 games
Politiken Cup                             660 games
25th Oberwart Open                        272 games
5th Open Vins du Medoc                     99 games
Richard Aronow Foundation Invitational     45 games
3rd Stage Russian Cup                     278 games
Elekes Memorial - Koneru's 3rd norm       132 games
European Juniors                          240 games
SCCF Championships                         28 games
1st Condom International Open             103 games
Ikaros Chess Festival                     133 games
2238 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Johan Verduyckt, Hesham Elgendy, Argiris Kotsis, Przemek Jahr, Kristianus Liem, Olivier Breisacher, Yin Hao, Richard Palliser, Jack Peters, Emil Anka, Andras Bacsi, Laszlo Nagy, Manny Benitez, Victor Karpov, Radu Chirila, Kurzemes Vards, Andy McFarland, Stephen Boyd, Roberto Alvarez, Harald Grafenhofer, Michael Atkins and all those who helped with this issue.

The Dortmund qualifier saw Peter Leko go through to meet Vladimir Kramnik in the final. The event showed that Classical Chess can deliver a great event and I was excited by it throughout. The only negative point would be the tight scheduling which saw Topalov play every day of the event. I would like to see a straight double or quadrouple round robin being the final Candidates stage of any future World Championship. There is no need for complexity. 6, 10 or maybe more players playing off for places with the highest stakes will produce great chess there isn't any need for a more complex system in my view.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting

The Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting 2002 took place 6th-21st July 2002. Peter Leko emerged as the challenger for Vladimir Kramnik's Einstein Group World Chess title. The match will probably take place in May next year.

As I reported last week Leko crushed Alexei Shirov 2.5-0.5 to earn himself two days off. Vesselin Topalov came back from the dead to level his match against Bareev and then win the playoff. Tiredness seem to catch up with Topalov as he lost a very long 1st game against Leko and then in a fluctuating game turned down an easy draw after he thought he had found a winning line and lost that game two. Topalov won game three and created some pressure in game four but Leko survived.

You can read John Henderson's reports on the event daily on TWIC's pages.

There was an Open A tournament won by Tigran Nalbandian. Details:


Leko, Peter       -  Topalov, Veselin  1-0   81  B45  Sicilian Classical
Topalov, Veselin  -  Leko, Peter       0-1   66  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Leko, Peter       -  Topalov, Veselin  0-1   61  B42  Sicilian Paulsen
Topalov, Veselin  -  Leko, Peter       1/2   61  E27  Nimzo Indian Saemisch

Sparkassen Final Dortmund GER (GER), 18-21 vii 2002
                               1   2   3   4 
Leko, Peter       g HUN 2722    1   1   0   =   2.5  2840
Topalov, Veselin  g BUL 2745    0   0   1   =   1.5  2635


Bareev, Evgeny    -  Topalov, Veselin  0-1   46  A67  Benoni Three Pawns System
Topalov, Veselin  -  Bareev, Evgeny    0-1   58  B19  Caro Kann
Bareev, Evgeny    -  Topalov, Veselin  1-0   61  E97  King's Indian Classical
Topalov, Veselin  -  Bareev, Evgeny    1-0   40  B12  Caro Kann Advanced

Sparkassen sf Dortmund GER (GER), 13-16 vii 2002
                               1   2   3   4 
Bareev, Evgeny    g RUS 2726    0   1   1   0   2.0  2745
Topalov, Veselin  g BUL 2745    1   0   0   1   2.0  2726
Bareev, Evgeny    -  Topalov, Veselin  1/2   55  A29  English Four Knights
Topalov, Veselin  -  Bareev, Evgeny    1-0   27  C11  French Defence

Sparkassen sf Playoff Dortmund GER (GER), 17-17 vii 2002
                                1   2   
Topalov, Veselin  g BUL 2745    =   1   1.5  2919
Bareev, Evgeny    g RUS 2726    =   0   0.5  2552

Side Matches

Baramidze, David  -  Maric, Alisa      1-0   32  B19  Caro Kann
Maric, Alisa      -  Baramidze, David  1-0   35  D37  QGD 5.Bf4
Baramidze, David  -  Maric, Alisa      1/2   57  B19  Caro Kann
Maric, Alisa      -  Baramidze, David  0-1   38  D37  QGD 5.Bf4
Baramidze, David  -  Maric, Alisa      1/2  126  B19  Caro Kann
Maric, Alisa      -  Baramidze, David  1/2   23  D37  QGD 5.Bf4
Baramidze, David  -  Maric, Alisa      1-0   50  B18  Caro Kann
Maric, Alisa      -  Baramidze, David  1-0   28  D37  QGD 5.Bf4

Sparkassen Match Dortmund GER (GER), 13-21 vii 2002
                               1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 
Baramidze, David    GER 2351    1   0   =   1   =   =   1   0   4.5  2498
Maric, Alisa      m YUG 2455    0   1   =   0   =   =   0   1   3.5  2308
Naiditsch, Arkadij  -  Timman, Jan H       1-0   58  B03  Alekhine's Defence
Timman, Jan H       -  Naiditsch, Arkadij  0-1   36  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Naiditsch, Arkadij  -  Timman, Jan H       1/2   62  B17  Caro Kann
Timman, Jan H       -  Naiditsch, Arkadij  1-0   47  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Naiditsch, Arkadij  -  Timman, Jan H       1/2   29  C42  Petroff's Defence
Timman, Jan H       -  Naiditsch, Arkadij  1-0   47  A18  English Opening
Naiditsch, Arkadij  -  Timman, Jan H       1/2   41  C42  Petroff's Defence
Timman, Jan H       -  Naiditsch, Arkadij  1/2   45  A13  Reti Opening

Sparkassen Match Dortmund GER (GER), 13-21 vii 2002
                                 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 
Naiditsch, Arkadij  g GER 2581    1   1   =   0   =   0   =   =   4.0  2623
Timman, Jan H       g NED 2623    0   0   =   1   =   1   =   =   4.0  2581

Open Final (Round 11) Standings
 1. Nalbandian, Tigran    ARM IM 2458 9.0 75.5
 2. Zumsande,Martin       GER    2360 8.5 68.0
 3. Schebler,Gerhard      GER IM 2474 8.0 77.5
 4. Henrichs,Thomas       GER IM 2437 8.0 64.5
 5. Klyuner,Vyacheslav    UKR    2415 7.5 79.5
 6. Schippan,Bernd        GER    2237 7.5 72.0
 7. Sarbok,Torsten        GER FM 2322 7.5 69.0
 8. Eismont,Igor          GER    2264 7.5 67.5
 9. Kummerow, Heiko       GER FM 2263 7.5 67.5
10. Rüberg,Jobst          GER    2315 7.5 67.5
11. Fiebig,Thomas                2039 7.5 63.0
12. Scholz,Christian      GER    2391 7.0 71.0
13. Pröttel,Swen          GER    2150 7.0 65.0
14. Ciornei,Dragos        GER    2223 7.0 64.5
15. Meyer,Malte           GER    2223 7.0 64.5
16. Hengelbrock,Joachim   GER    2298 7.0 64.0
17. Windfuhr,Thomas       GER    2178 7.0 63.5
18. Neumann,Michael       GER    2218 7.0 54.5
108 players

Official website: or directly

3) Biel Chess Festival

The 35th Biel International Chess Festival takes place July 20th to August 3rd 2002. There are ten different tournaments including a GM -Tournament (category 16) and a match between the swiss national team and Computer Shredder 6-0 from Chessbase.

Internet coverage:

Round 1 (July 22, 2002)

Korchnoi, Viktor         -  Vallejo Pons, Francisco  1-0   46  D48  Queens Gambit Meran
Tkachiev, Vladislav      -  Dreev, Alexey            1-0   31  B10  Caro Kann
Pelletier, Yannick       -  Smirin, Ilia             1/2   41  E97  King's Indian Classical

GM Biel SUI (SUI), 22 vii-1 viii 2002              cat. XVI (2637)
                                       1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Korchnoi, Viktor         g SUI 2626 ** .. .. .. .. 1.  1.0      
2 Tkachiev, Vladislav      g FRA 2625 .. ** .. .. 1. ..  1.0      
3 Pelletier, Yannick       g SUI 2571 .. .. ** =. .. ..  0.5  2676
4 Smirin, Ilia             g ISR 2676 .. .. =. ** .. ..  0.5  2571
5 Dreev, Alexey            g RUS 2676 .. 0. .. .. ** ..  0.0      
6 Vallejo Pons, Francisco  g ESP 2648 0. .. .. .. .. **  0.0      

4) 2nd "Pentium 4 Chess Trophy"

The 2nd "Pentium 4 Chess Trophy" took place 9th-17th July 2002 in Milan (Italy). The event was a category 8 round robin with 9 rounds. Michele Godena was clear winner with 6.5/9. Note the ratings of Lazic and Drazic are April's as there are no Yugoslav ratings in the July rating list until their Federation pays up.

Internet coverage:

2nd Pentium4 Milan ITA (ITA), 9-17 vii 2002      cat. VIII (2437)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Godena, Michele    g ITA 2488  * = 1 1 = 1 = = 1 =  6.5  2596 
 2. Cebalo, Miso       g CRO 2548  = * 1 = 1 0 = = 1 =  5.5  2504 
 3. Drazic, Sinisa     g YUG 2474  0 0 * 0 = 1 1 1 1 =  5.0  2475 
 4. Bellia, Fabrizio   m ITA 2412  0 = 1 * = = = = = =  4.5  2439 
 5. Lazic, Miroljub    g YUG 2474  = 0 = = * = 1 = 0 1  4.5  2432 
 6. Borgo, Giulio      m ITA 2420  0 1 0 = = * = = = 1  4.5  2438 
 7. Belotti, Bruno     m ITA 2430  = = 0 = 0 = * 1 = =  4.0  2394 
 8. Qendro, Llambi     f ALB 2355  = = 0 = = = 0 * = 1  4.0  2402 
 9. Lanzani, Mario     m ITA 2349  0 0 0 = 1 = = = * =  3.5  2366 
10. Sedina, Elena      m ITA 2416  = = = = 0 0 = 0 = *  3.0  2313 

5) Queens against Kings Chess Challenge Match

Yin Hao reports on the start of the Queens against Kings Chess Challenge Match. The match in Jinan (a city in North China) consists of 4 players including Xie Jun, Zhu Chen, Nigel Short and Yasser Seirawan. On July 21st-22nd Xie plays Short while Zhu plays Seirawan. On July 24th-26th, Xie will play against Seirawan and Zhu will play Short. Time control: 20min each plus 10sec increment. On July 27th all the players will go to Beijing and play some Mixed Double chess there. Either Ladies can choose a man to form a team and play four 2 vs 2 games.

After two games Xie Jun 2-0 Short and Seirawan 1.5-0.5 Zhu Chen.

6) Scottish Championships

The Scottish Championships took place July 6th-14th 2002 in Stirling. Paul Motwani won for the 6th time and is now only one short of Roddy Mckay's record of seven. No final round games available.

Internet coverage: and

ch-SCO Stirling SCO (SCO), 6-14 vii 2002
                                         1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

 1. Motwani, Paul        g  SCO 2509  +12 + 6 = 2 + 3 +10 = 4 + 5 + 8 = 7  7.5  2542 
 2. Bryson, Douglas M    m  SCO 2383  + 7 +14 = 1 = 4 + 8 = 5 - 3 + 6 +10  6.5  2430 
 3. McNab, Colin A       g  SCO 2404  =11 + 8 +18 - 1 = 4 +12 + 2 + 7 = 5  6.5  2423 
 4. McKay, Roderick M    m  SCO 2375  =16 +11 =17 = 2 = 3 = 1 = 6 +13 = 8  5.5  2341 
 5. Berry, Neil             SCO 2255  =13 -18 =12 +14 + 6 = 2 - 1 + 9 = 3  5.0  2255 
 6. Gourlay, Iain           SCO 2248  +15 - 1 + 7 = 8 - 5 +17 = 4 - 2 +13  5.0  2297 
 7. Redpath, Joseph         SCO 2174  - 2 + 9 - 6 =15 +18 +10 = 8 - 3 = 1  4.5  2233 
 8. Grant, Alan             SCO 2195  + 9 - 3 +14 = 6 - 2 +16 = 7 - 1 = 4  4.5  2248 
 9. Spencer,Edwin           SCO ----  - 8 - 7 +15 =11 =13 =14 +16 - 5 +17  4.5  2149 
10. Grant, Jonathan         SCO 2201  -14 +16 =13 +18 - 1 - 7 +17 +12 - 2  4.5  2196 
11. Nolan, Graeme           SCO 2175  = 3 - 4 =16 = 9 -12 =13 =15 +18 =14  4.0  2109 
12. Fraser, Mark Gordon     SCO 2186  - 1 +15 = 5 =17 +11 - 3 -13 -10 +18  4.0  2180 
13. Beaton, Kenneth S       SCO 2103  = 5 =17 =10 -16 = 9 =11 +12 - 4 - 6  3.5  2116 
14. Mcgowan, Daniel         SCO 2016  +10 - 2 - 8 - 5 =15 = 9 =18 =16 =11  3.5  2086 
15. Kafka, Graeme           SCO 2098  - 6 -12 - 9 = 7 =14 =18 =11 =17 +16  3.5  2052 
16. Stevenson, James        SCO 2130  = 4 -10 =11 +13 =17 - 8 - 9 =14 -15  3.0  2026 
17. Robertson, Ian C        SCO 2202  =18 =13 = 4 =12 =16 - 6 -10 =15 - 9  3.0  2030 
18. Rutherford, Elaine   wf SCO 2061  =17 + 5 - 3 -10 - 7 =15 =14 -11 -12  2.5  2024 

7) First Saturday July

There were a number of First Saturday events in July. IM Lajos Seres of Hungary took clear first in the GM event with 9.5/13 and scored a GM norm 9/12. Andras Thoth produced an IM-norm (6/11) as did FM Stefan Kristjansson (7/13) and Nicolai Pedersen. In the IMA event Zoltan Hajnal and Borki Predojevic both made IM norms on the way to winning the event with 8/11.

Internet coverage:

FSGM July Budapest HUN (HUN), 6-18 vii 2002                            cat. VII (2424)
                                                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1. Seres, Lajos                   m HUN 2462  * = = 1 = 1 1 = 0 1 = 1 1 1  9.5  2595 
 2. Pedersen, Nicolai Vesterbaek     DEN 2458  = * 1 1 = = 1 1 = = = 0 1 =  8.5  2531 
 3. Csom, Istvan                   g HUN 2448  = 0 * = = = = 1 = 1 1 = 1 =  8.0  2508 
 4. Kristjansson, Stefan           f ISL 2428  0 0 = * 1 0 0 1 = 1 = = 1 1  7.0  2452 
 5. Horvath, Jozsef                g HUN 2535  = = = 0 * 1 1 = = = 0 = = =  6.5  2415 
 6. Toth, Andras1                    HUN 2401  0 = = 1 0 * = 0 1 = 1 1 0 =  6.5  2425 
 7. Sedlak, Nikola                 m YUG 2468  0 0 = 1 0 = * = 1 = = 1 = =  6.5  2420 
 8. Radziewicz, Iweta             wg POL 2407  = 0 0 0 = 1 = * 1 0 = = 1 1  6.5  2425 
 9. Bui Vinh                         VIE 2444  1 = = = = 0 0 0 * 1 0 = 1 =  6.0  2393 
10. Ovod, Evgenija                 m RUS 2372  0 = 0 0 = = = 1 0 * 1 1 = =  6.0  2398 
11. Thorfinnsson, Bragi              ISL 2362  = = 0 = 1 0 = = 1 0 * = 0 =  5.5  2371 
12. Rajlich, Vasik G               f USA 2338  0 1 = = = 0 0 = = 0 = * 0 1  5.0  2343 
13. Gerzhoy, Leonid                  ISR 2366  0 0 0 0 = 1 = 0 0 = 1 1 * =  5.0  2341 
14. Lukacs, Peter                  g HUN 2444  0 = = 0 = = = 0 = = = 0 = *  4.5  2312 

FSIMA July Budapest HUN (HUN), 6-18 vii 2002             cat. II (2299)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Hajnal, Zoltan      f HUN 2377  * 0 1 1 1 1 = = 1 = 1 =  8.0  2466 
 2. Predojevic, Borki   f YUG 2359  1 * = 0 1 0 1 1 1 = 1 1  8.0  2468 
 3. Galyas, Miklos      m HUN 2407  0 = * 1 = = = = 1 = = 1  6.5  2353 
 4. Pachow, Joerg       f GER 2334  0 1 0 * 0 0 = 1 1 1 1 1  6.5  2360 
 5. Lengyel, Bela       m HUN 2352  0 0 = 1 * = = 0 1 1 1 1  6.5  2358 
 6. Dudas, Janos        m HUN 2368  0 1 = 1 = * 0 1 0 1 = =  6.0  2328 
 7. Alfred, Nathan        ENG 2249  = 0 = = = 1 * 0 = = 1 =  5.5  2303 
 8. Le Kieu Thien Kim  wm VIE 2256  = 0 = 0 1 0 1 * 1 = 0 =  5.0  2266 
 9. Resika, Nathan A    f USA 2276  0 0 0 0 0 1 = 0 * 1 1 =  4.0  2198 
10. Tanaka, Yuuki         JPN 2187  = = = 0 0 0 = = 0 * 0 1  3.5  2175 
11. Suranyi, Pal          HUN 2188  0 0 = 0 0 = 0 1 0 1 * =  3.5  2175 
12. Dencsi, Tibor         HUN 2232  = 0 0 0 0 = = = = 0 = *  3.0  2129 

FSIMB July Budapest HUN (HUN), 6-18 vii 2002                   cat. II (2284)
                                             1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Le Dinh Tuan                   VIE 2361  * 1 1 = = = = = 1 = 1  7.0  2425 
 2. Farago, Sandor               m HUN 2252  0 * 1 = = = 1 1 0 = 1  6.0  2359 
 3. Pedersen, Christian Kyndel     DEN 2258  0 0 * = 1 1 1 0 1 = 1  6.0  2359 
 4. Hardicsay, Peter             m HUN 2302  = = = * = = = = = 1 1  6.0  2354 
 5. Eperjesi, Laszlo             m HUN 2289  = = 0 = * = 1 = 1 1 =  6.0  2356 
 6. Berczes, Csaba               f HUN 2316  = = 0 = = * 0 1 = 1 1  5.5  2317 
 7. Philippe, Christophe         f FRA 2316  = 0 0 = 0 1 * 1 1 1 =  5.5  2317 
 8. Rendle, Thomas                 ENG 2241  = 0 1 = = 0 0 * 1 = 0  4.0  2216 
 9. Feibert, Fred                f GER 2270  0 1 0 = 0 = 0 0 * 1 0  3.0  2136 
10. Metaxasz, Vaszilisz            HUN 2181  = = = 0 0 0 0 = 0 * 1  3.0  2145 
11. Zimmerman, Yuri              m ISR 2343  0 0 0 0 = 0 = 1 1 0 *  3.0  2129 

First Saturday FMA 6-16th July 2002 Budapest HUN
  1.  NGO NGOC Quang    2172  8.5 
  2.  GELENCSER Jozsef  2101  7.0 
      VESTLY Jan        2123  7.0 
      EVANS Cory        2137  7.0 
      ROTH Jozef        2160  7.0 
  6.  LIU Elliott       2107  5.5 
  7.  RAIBL Zoltan      2004  5.0 
  8.  SEELE Hartmuth    2087  4.5 
  9.  ONDUL Aydin       0000  4.0 
      JENSEN Leif       2139  4.0 
 11.  AIRD Ian          2132  3.5 
 12.  WOHLLEBEN Manfred 0000  3.0 

First Saturday FM-B 6-18th July 2002 Budapest HUN
  1.  KRAEMER Martin       GER 2127 9.5 
  2.  HALLDORSSON Halldor  ISL 2168 8.0 
  3.  SZIRMAI Eduard       HUN 2177 7.5 
      TOGNELLA Olivier     FRA 2056 7.5 
  5.  BIRO Gergely         HUN 2072 6.0 
  6.  SZILARDFY Gyula      HUN 2168 5.0 
      KAUBE Steffi W       GER 0000 5.0 
  8.  ZILAHI Gabor         HUN 2108 4.5 
      PALI Gabor           HUN 2033 4.5 
 10.  LUKACSOVICS Laszlo   HUN 2093 3.0 
      STAVRIANAKIS I.      GRE 0000 3.0 
 12.  FRANK Jozsef         HUN 2039 2.5 

8) Smith & Williamson Young Masters

The 2002 Smith & Williamson Young Masters took place 10th-17th July 2002 at Millfield School, Somerset. This year's top British junior event was again generously sponsored by Smith & Williamson. The tournament was held at Millfield School for the first time. The tournament was headed up by the Masters section, a 9-round, 20-player swiss.

Richard Palliser reports "A very close tournament saw a late burst from Eddie Dearing sufficient to gain him first equal with IM Karl Mah and also his third IM norm. Dearing and Mah made 3/3 with the English Opening against the Hungarian IMs Gergely Antal and Gabor Pinter which pushed them down the field to equal third along with Stewart Haslinger."|

S&WYM Millfield School ENG (ENG), 10-17 vii 2002
                                        1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1 Dearing, Eddie            SCO 2343  +17 = 2 = 7 - 8 +16 = 9 + 3 + 4 = 5  6.0  2476
 2 Mah, Karl               m ENG 2409  +19 = 1 = 4 + 3 = 6 = 8 =11 +10 = 7  6.0  2484
 3 Antal, Gergely          m HUN 2492  + 5 + 9 =18 - 2 + 7 = 4 - 1 = 8 +11  5.5  2437
 4 Pinter, Gabor           m HUN 2381  +13 = 7 = 2 +18 + 8 = 3 = 6 - 1 = 9  5.5  2438
 5 Haslinger, Stewart        ENG 2310  - 3 =16 =10 =19 =14 +13 +18 +12 = 1  5.5  2355
 6 Skytte, Rasmus          f DEN 2366  =12 +11 =20 = 7 = 2 =10 = 4 = 9 = 8  5.0  2400
 7 Palliser, Richard       m ENG 2441  +14 = 4 = 1 = 6 - 3 +16 = 8 =11 = 2  5.0  2408
 8 Middelburg, Tom         f NED 2382  =10 =20 +19 + 1 - 4 = 2 = 7 = 3 = 6  5.0  2408
 9 Sinkevich, Petr         f RUS 2337  +16 - 3 =11 =10 +20 = 1 =12 = 6 = 4  5.0  2381
10 Jones, Gawain C           ENG 2237  = 8 =13 = 5 = 9 =18 = 6 +15 - 2 =14  4.5  2315
11 Gladyszev, Oleg         m RUS 2388  +15 - 6 = 9 -16 +13 +18 = 2 = 7 - 3  4.5  2327
12 Addison, Bret             ENG 2219  = 6 -18 -15 =17 +19 +14 = 9 - 5 +16  4.5  2269
13 Broomfield, Matthew       ENG 2229  - 4 =10 +14 =20 -11 - 5 +19 +17 =15  4.5  2302
14 Erwich, Frank           f NED 2330  - 7 =17 -13 +15 = 5 -12 =16 +20 =10  4.0  2236
15 Trent, Lawrence           ENG 2246  -11 -19 +12 -14 +17 +20 -10 =16 =13  4.0  2227
16 Martyn, Rafe              ENG 2201  - 9 = 5 +17 +11 - 1 - 7 =14 =15 -12  3.5  2233
17 Woodward, Timothy DM      ENG 2211  - 1 =14 -16 =12 -15 +19 +20 -13 =18  3.5  2188
18 Koster, Ramon             NED 2226  =20 +12 = 3 - 4 =10 -11 - 5 -19 =17  3.0  2192
19 Skjoldborg, Jesper DEN    DEN 2201  - 2 +15 - 8 = 5 -12 -17 -13 +18 =20  3.0  2169
20 Williams, Simon         m ENG 2421  =18 = 8 = 6 =13 - 9 -15 -17 -14 =19  2.5  2114

9) Jacques Lemans Open

The 21st International St. Veiter Chess Tournament and the Jacques Lemans Open 2002 took place 6th-14th July 2002. Games now available.

Internet coverage:

Leading final standings:
  1  GM  Teske Henrik                2522 GER  7½ 55½ 
  2  IM  Rogic Davor                 2478 CRO  7½ 54  
  3  IM  Mazi Leon                   2378 SLO  7  52½ 
  4  FM  Pilaj Herwig                2318 AUT  7  52½ 
  5  FM  Kaspret Guido Mag.          2252 AUT  6½ 54  
  6      Franz Karsten               2232 GER  6½ 53½ 
  7      Seifert Volker              2261 GER  6½ 53½ 
  8  FM  Wegener Dirk                2345 GER  6½ 53  
  9  MK  Hebesberger Thomas          2282 AUT  6½ 51  
 10      Zechner Gernot              1993 AUT  6½ 49  
 11      Ragger Markus               2160 AUT  6½ 47½ 
 12  IM  Jeric Simon                 2303 SLO  6½ 47  
 13      Hafner Robert               2127 AUT  6½ 43  
 14  ÖM  Schwab Rene                 2237 AUT  6  50½ 
 15  MK  Genser Harald               2259 AUT  6  49½ 
 16  MK  Wallner Dieter              2131 AUT  6  49  
 17      Mussnig Manfred             2117 AUT  6  47½ 
 18      Kreisl Robert               2128 AUT  6  43  
146 players

10) Mercosur Cup

The V 'República Argentina' Chess Masters Tournament - Mercosur Cup sponsored by Chessbase GmbH takes place July 18th-28th 2002. Venue: Círculo Medico de Vicente Lopez, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento 1767 1er piso , entre Hipolito Yrigoyen y Libertad, Olivos city, Buenos Aires, Argentina Organized by: F.A.VI.LO Federación de Ajedrez de Vicente Lopez Time controls: FIDE: 40 moves/75 min, then 15 min to finish, with each player getting a 30 sec bonus from the first move. There will be used electronic chess clocks approved by FIDE.

Internet coverage:, and Spanish page:

Round 4 Standings:
Mercosur Cup Vicente Lopez ARG (ARG), 19-29 vii 2002             cat. VI (2388)
                                               1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Roselli Mailhe, Bernardo       m URU 2426  * . = . . 1 1 . . . =  3.0  2600 
 2. Panno, Oscar                   g ARG 2481  . * . . . . = . 1 . 1  2.5  2640 
 3. Valerga, Diego                 m ARG 2487  = . * = . . . 1 . . .  2.0  2433 
 4. HIARCS 8.0                           ----  . . = * . . = 1 . . .  2.0  2578 
 5. Pelikian, Jefferson            m BRA 2409  . . . . * = . . = = =  2.0  2398 
 6. Spangenberg, Hugo              g ARG 2508  0 . . . = * . . . 1 .  1.5  2397 
 7. Paglilla, Carlos               m ARG 2374  0 = . = . . * = . . .  1.5  2264 
 8. Slipak, Sergio                 g ARG 2498  . . 0 0 . . = * . . 1  1.5  2193 
 9. Rodriguez, Andres              g URU 2467  . 0 . . = . . . * = .  1.0  2291 
10. Scarella, Enrique              m ARG 2358  . . . . = 0 . . = * .  1.0  2336 
11. Granara Barreto, Sebastian A     URU 2261  = 0 . . = . . 0 . . *  1.0  2260 

11) Politiken Cup

The 24th Copenhagen Open Politiken Cup takes place 15th - 26th of July 2002.

Internet coverage:

Standings Round 7 (of 11)
24th Politiken Cup Copenhagen DEN (DEN), 15-26 vii 2002
  1. Volokitin, Andrei           g  UKR 2545  6.0  2679 
  2. Turov, Maxim                g  RUS 2518  6.0  2642 
  3. Ward, Christopher           g  ENG 2498  6.0  2598 
  4. Hillarp Persson, Tiger      g  SWE 2461  6.0  2691 
  5. Nielsen, Peter Heine        g  DEN 2626  5.5  2548 
  6. Hector, Jonny               g  SWE 2562  5.5  2508 
  7. McShane, Luke J             g  ENG 2544  5.5  2494 
  8. Felgaer, Ruben              m  ARG 2509  5.5  2543 
  9. Peralta, Fernando           m  ARG 2478  5.5  2456 
 10. Aagaard, Jacob              m  DEN 2359  5.5  2556  
 11. Epishin, Vladimir           g  RUS 2643  5.5  2641 
 12. Tiviakov, Sergei            g  NED 2628  5.5  2578 
 13. Schandorff, Lars            g  DEN 2547  5.5  2545 
 14. Kiriakov, Petr              g  RUS 2553  5.5  2524 
 15. El-Kher, Henrik                DEN 2355  5.0  2429 
 16. Greger, Roland                 DEN 2365  5.0  2333 
 17. Rasmussen, Allan Stig          DEN 2305  5.0  2242 
 18. Hansen, Torbjorn R             NOR 2280  5.0  2337 
 19. Hovmoller, Kristian            DEN 2248  5.0  2326 
 20. Dominguez, Lenier           g  CUB 2613  5.0  2355 
 21. De Firmian, Nick E          g  USA 2551  5.0  2495 
 22. Kallio, Heikki              g  FIN 2501  5.0  2476 
 23. Mortensen, Erling           m  DEN 2450  5.0  2459 
 24. Aaberg, Anton                  SWE 2408  5.0  2379 
 25. Bekker-Jensen, David           DEN 2338  5.0  2394 
 26. Hanley, Craig               f  ENG 2331  5.0  2284 
 27. Timmermans, Ivo                NED 2177  5.0  2287 
 28. Jakobsen, Ole               m  DEN 2398  5.0  2301 
 29. Beliavsky, Alexander G      g  SLO 2652  4.5  2492 
 30. Pert, Nicholas              m  ENG 2460  4.5  2371 
 31. Palo, Davor                 f  DEN 2394  4.5  2433 
 32. Bromann, Thorbjorn          f  DEN 2378  4.5  2384 
 33. Nilssen, John Arni          f  FAI 2363  4.5  2410 
 34. Holm, Sejer                    DEN 2321  4.5  2237 
 35. Cech, Pavel                    CZE 2316  4.5  2387 
 36. Collins, Sam                   IRL 2313  4.5  2383 
 37. Tozer, Richard              m  ENG 2312  4.5  2313 
 38. Moen, Andreas                  NOR 2278  4.5  2226 
 39. Carstensen, Jacob              DEN 2246  4.5  2216 
 40. Naes, Flovin Tor               FAI 2232  4.5  2198 
 41. Kongsted, Christian            DEN 2224  4.5  2334 
 42. Romsdal, Trond                 NOR 2205  4.5  2292 
 43. Matamoros Franco, Carlos S  m  ECU 2473  4.5  2316 
 44. Brinck-Claussen, Bjorn      m  DEN 2369  4.5  2181 
 45. Pert, Richard G             f  ENG 2357  4.5  2346 
 46. Adamski, Jan                m  POL 2304  4.5  2286 
 47. Ekeberg, Carl Fredrik          NOR 2213  4.5  2274 
 48. Rohrmueller, Ulrich            GER 2257  4.5  2327 
197 players

12) 25th Oberwart Open

The 25th Oberwart Open took place 5th-13th July 2002 in Austria. Alexey Kuzmin took clear first with 7.5/9. My thanks to Harald Grafenhofer.

Open Oberwart AUT (AUT), 5-13 vii 2002
  1. Kuzmin, Alexey             g  RUS 2582  7.5 55½ 46,00 
  2. Burmakin, Vladimir         g  RUS 2574  7.0 56  41,75 
  3. Shariyazdanov, Andrey      g  RUS 2562  7.0 55  41,75 
  4. Cvitan, Ognjen             g  CRO 2574  7.0 53½ 40,50 
  5. Eingorn, Vereslav S        g  UKR 2604  7.0 53  40,75 
  6. Al-Modiahki, Mohamad       g  QAT 2523  7.0 52½ 39,75 
  7. Beim, Valery               g  AUT 2555  7.0 52  40,25 
  8. Loginov, Valery A          g  RUS 2526  7.0 51½ 38,00 
  9. Fridman, Daniel            g  LAT 2571  7.0 51  38,50 
 10. Stanec, Nikolaus           m  AUT 2523  7.0 48  37,00 
 11. Timoscenko, Gennadij       g  SVK 2522  6.5 55  38,00 
 12. Rashkovsky, Nukhim N       g  RUS 2511  6.5 54½ 37,00 
 13. Al Sayed, Mohamad N        m  QAT 2405  6.5 53½ 36,75 
 14. Weiss, Christian           m  AUT 2421  6.5 50½ 33,75 
 15. Kovacs, Gabor2             f  HUN 2385  6.5 47  32,25 
 16. Lendwai, Reinhard          m  AUT 2390  6.0 56  34,75 
 17. Fercec, Nenad              m  CRO 2494  6.0 54  33,00 
 18. Schmittdiel, Eckhard       g  GER 2497  6.0 53  33,25 
 19. Balinov, Ilija             g  AUT 2448  6.0 51  33,00 
 20. Mahdi, Khaled              m  AUT 2376  6.0 51  32,00 
 21. Kupreichik, Viktor D       g  BLR 2466  6.0 51  31,25 
 22. Sale, Srdjan               m  CRO 2403  6.0 50½ 30,00 
 23. Moser, Eva                 wm AUT 2335  6.0 50  29,50 
 24. Horvath, Peter1            m  HUN 2514  6.0 49½ 31,25 
 25. Fucak, Emilijo             f  CRO 2317  6.0 49  30,50 
 26. Othman, A. Moussa          f  UAE 2370  6.0 48½ 29,50 
 27. Danner, Georg              m  AUT 2369  6.0 48½ 29,25 
 28. Zsinka, Laszlo             m  HUN 2359  6.0 48  29,25 
 29. Posch, Werner                 AUT 2283  6.0 48  28,75 
 30. Stuhlik, Marko                AUT 2244  6.0 47½ 29,00 
 31. Miniboeck, Guenter         f  AUT 2348  6.0 47  29,00 
 32. Sandhu, Mario              f  AUT 2320  6.0 47  26,50 
 33. Gasiunas, Natalia             UKR 2199  6.0 45  26,50 
 34. Steiner, Bruno                AUT 2252  6.0 44  27,00 
 35. Kropik, Martin                AUT 2109  6.0 40½ 23,25 
195 players

13) 5th Open Vins du Medoc

The 5th Open Vins du Medoc took place 30th June - 7th July 2002. Viorel scored a crushing 8.5/9. Games now available my thanks to Stephen Boyd.

Internet coverage:

Final Round 9 Standings:
 1 g  IORDACHESCU Viorel     2555 MDA  8,5 43,5 54,5 2784 2776 
 2 g  RENET Olivier          2494 FRA  7,0 44,0 54,0 2469 2468 
 3    HELVENSTEIJN Dennis    2242 NED  6,5 43,0 52,5 2303 2308 
 4 gf FOISOR Cristina Adela  2437 ROU  6,5 42,0 50,5 2388 2373 
 5 m  FOISOR Ovidiu          2431 ROU  6,5 41,5 51,5 2331 2330 
 6 m  WOHL Aleksandar H.     2388 AUS  6,0 46,0 56,0 2419 2416 
 7    MILHAROUX Guillaume    2040 FRA  6,0 41,5 50,5 2310 2339 
 8 m  SERET Jean-Luc         2322 FRA  6,0 39,5 49,0 2263 2272 
 9    RUNDE Thomas           2180 GER  6,0 36,5 45,0 2165 2162 
10    BERT Jerome            2086 FRA  6,0 36,5 44,5 1978 1994 
11    LAGUNES Jean-Renaud    2108 FRA  6,0 35,5 44,0 2092 2089 
12    VAN DE LAAR Clement    2067 NED  6,0 35,5 43,5 1997 2016 
108 players

14) Czech Open 2002

The Czech Open 2002 takes place in Pardubice 11th-28th July 2002. There are 5 FIDE open tournaments, 2 teams tournaments, an active chess tournament, a blitz tournament, a blitz marathon, a problem solving competition and bughouse and Fischerandom tournaments. There are 1400 players from 46 countries including 55 GMs and WGMs and 88 IMs and WIMs competing.

There are 350 players in the top GM open with an average rating of 2329. Average TOP 20 ELO is 2572 and TOP 100 2491. Top players include: Krishnan Sasikiran (IND, 2650), Bartolomiej Macieja (POL, 2607), Zbynek Hracek (CZE, 2600), Valery Neverov (UKR, 2587), Evgeny Alekseev (RUS, 2580), Zoltan Gyimesi (HUN 2580), Vladimir Burmakin (RUS, 2574), Lev Psakhis (ISR, 2574), Andrei Kovalev (BLR, 2572), Daniels Fridmans (LAT, 2571), Vladislav Borovikov (UKR, 2570), P. Harikrishna (IND, 2568), Peter Acs (HUN, 2560).

Internet coverage:

Leading Round 3 Standings:
   2 ACS PETER                 HUN GM 2560 3 
   3 HABA PETR                 CZE GM 2531 3 
   4 TESKE HENRIK              GER GM 2529 3 
   5 PARLIGRAS MIRCEA          ROM    2511 3 
   6 BRYNELL STELLAN           SWE GM 2508 3 
   7 VOKAC MAREK               CZE GM 2502 3 
   8 DEVIATKIN ANDREI          RUS IM 2416 3 
   9 KUNTE ABHIJIT             IND GM 2477 3 
  10 GUNARSSON ARNAR           ISL    2282 2.5
  11 LIVSHITS GABY             ISR    2380 2.5
  12 NEIKSANS ARTURS           LAT IM 2440 2.5
  13 SASIKIRAN KRISHNAN        IND GM 2650 2.5
  14 VARITSKI IGOR             UKR IM 2330 2.5
  15 STOCEK JIRI               CZE GM 2555 2.5
  16 NEVEROV VALERY            UKR GM 2587 2.5
  17 JAKOVENKO DMITRY          RUS GM 2552 2.5
  18 FRIDMANS DANIELS          LAT GM 2577 2.5
  19 NATAF IGOR-ALEXANDRE      FRA GM 2560 2.5
  20 GANGULY S.S.              IND IM 2524 2.5
  22 INARKIEV ERNESTO          RUS IM 2545 2.5
  23 GUTMAN GENNADI            UKR GM 2518 2.5
  24 FARAKHOV RAFAIL           RUS FM 2317 2.5
  25 BERG EMANUEL              SWE IM 2516 2.5
  26 KANTORIK MARIAN           SVK    2315 2.5
  27 KHOLMOV RATMIR            RUS GM 2431 2.5
  28 CVEK ROBERT               CZE IM 2430 2.5
  29 MOROZ ALEXANDER           UKR GM 2514 2.5
  30 VOTAVA JAN                CZE GM 2511 2.5
  31 VOLOSHIN LEONID           CZE IM 2429 2.5
  32 BARUA DIBYENDU            IND GM 2542 2.5
  33 KLOVANS JANIS             LAT GM 2425 2.5
  34 ARUTUNIAN DAVIT           GEO IM 2420 2.5
  35 SANDIPAN CHANDA           IND IM 2507 2.5
  36 SHAPOSHNIKOV EVGENY       RUS IM 2532 2.5
  37 PRIBYL JOSEF              CZE IM 2409 2.5
  38 ROIZ MICHAEL              ISR IM 2507 2.5
  39 BELOV VLADIMIR            RUS IM 2510 2.5
  40 GRIGORIANTS SERGEY        RUS IM 2490 2.5
  41 POTKIN VLADIMIR           RUS GM 2485 2.5
  42 MARKOS JAN                SVK IM 2467 2.5
  43 SHTYRENKOV VENIAMIN       RUS GM 2457 2.5
  44 STRYJECKI MAREK           POL IM 2424 2.5
  45 MACIEJA BARTLOMIEJ        POL GM 2607 2.5
  46 WOMACKA MATHIAS           GER IM 2493 2.5
  47 ZILBERMAN YAACOV          ISR GM 2443 2.5
  48 BALOGH CSABA              HUN FM 2441 2.5
  49 BURMAKIN VLADIMIR         RUS GM 2574 2.5
  50 BALABAEV TIMUR            KAZ IM 2441 2.5
  51 STAROSTITS ILMARS         LAT IM 2442 2.5
  52 KASHTANOV RUSLAN          RUS FM 2413 2.5
  53 LINGNAU CARSTEN           GER IM 2426 2.5
  54 MALYKIN VITALY            UKR IM 2410 2.5
  55 NEUMAN PETR               CZE IM 2410 2.5
309 players

15) Richard Aronow Foundation Invitational

The Richard Aronow Foundation Invitational Tournament takes place July 12-21, 2002. The chess tournament is named in memory of Richard Aronow, and on behalf of the Richard Aronow Foundation, Inc. (whose application for charitable status in New Jersey and New York is pending). Richard died tragically in the World Trade Center attack of September 11th. He left behind an autistic son, William, who is now 5 years old, and his wife Laura Weinberg. The Foundation supports education and medical research for autistic people. The provided the opportunity for players from the Philadelphia and New York areas to score IM norms. GM Gennadi Zaichik won the event with 6.5/9, Yury Lapshun, Mikhail Belorusov and Stanislav Kriventsov made IM norms.

Internet coverage:

Richard Aronow Mem Philadelphia USA (USA), 12-21 vii 2002 cat. VI (2398)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Zaichik, Gennadi          g GEO 2516  * 0 = = 1 1 = 1 1 1  6.5  2550 
 2. Lapshun, Yury             f USA 2393  1 * = = = = = = 1 1  6.0  2523 
 3. Najer, Evgeniy            g RUS 2585  = = * = 0 = 1 1 1 1  6.0  2502 
 4. Belorusov, Mikhail          USA 2293  = = = * 1 = 1 1 0 =  5.5  2489 
 5. Kriventsov, Stanislav G   f USA 2443  0 = 1 0 * = 1 1 1 =  5.5  2472 
 6. Smith, Bryan G            f USA 2412  0 = = = = * 1 = 0 0  3.5  2316 
 7. Chiong, Luis              m PHI 2368  = = 0 0 0 0 * = 1 1  3.5  2321 
 8. Gersov, Evgeny              USA 2351  0 = 0 0 0 = = * 1 1  3.5  2323 
 9. Adu, Oladapo              m NGR 2263  0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 * =  2.5  2246 
10. Rogers, Norman              USA 2354  0 0 0 = = 1 0 0 = *  2.5  2236 

16) 3rd Stage Russian Cup

The 3rd Stage of the Russian Cup took place in Tomsk 8th-16th July 2002. Pavel Smirnov scored 7.5/9. My thanks to Victor Karpov for the information.

3rd Stage Russian Cup Tomsk RUS (RUS), 8-16 vii 2002
 1. Smirnov, Pavel          m  RUS 2539  7.5  2711 
 2. Pridorozhni, Aleksei    m  RUS 2453  7.0  2646 
 3. Ovetchkin, Roman        m  RUS 2557  6.5  2566 
 4. Akselrod, Vladislav     m  RUS 2395  6.5  2492 
 5. Frolov, Denis           m  RUS 2459  6.5  2485 
 6. Belozerov, Andrei       g  RUS 2541  6.0  2534 
 7. Khasin, Alexander       g  RUS 2518  6.0  2515 
 8. Nepomniachtchi, Ian     f  RUS 2306  6.0  2521 
 9. Maletin, Pavel          f  RUS 2344  6.0  2459 
10. Yandemirov, Valeri      g  RUS 2502  6.0  2487 
11. Logunov, Maxim          m  RUS 2388  5.5  2510 
12. Saveljev, V                RUS 2265  5.5  2493 
13. Bocharov, Dmitry        m  RUS 2475  5.5  2429 
14. Shomoev, Anton          m  RUS 2533  5.5  2474 
15. Zablotsky, Sergei          RUS 2388  5.5  2359 
16. Beletsky, Alexey           RUS 2386  5.5  2449 
17. Skatchkov, Pavel        m  RUS 2485  5.5  2352 
18. Grebionkin, Vladimir    f  RUS 2475  5.5  2389 
19. Salinnikov, D.Y         m  RUS 2327  5.5  2294 
20. Grachev, Jury              RUS 2398  5.5  2374 
21. Pokazanjev, Nikolai        RUS 2329  5.5  2268 
22. Kazakov, Peter             RUS 2424  5.0  2424 
23. Lependin, Anatolij      m  RUS 2356  5.0  2357 
24. Voinov, Alexandr           RUS 2304  5.0  2363 
25. Frolyanov, Dmitry          RUS 2448  5.0  2308 
26. Pres, Grigorij          f  RUS 2315  5.0  2294 
27. Lavrov, S                  UKR 2420  5.0  2411 
28. Osipov, Vladimir           RUS 2296  5.0  2219 
29. Nigametzianov, Mikhail     RUS 2254  5.0  2211
64 players

17) Elekes Memorial - Koneru's 3rd norm

The Elekes Memorial took place 18th-28th May 2002. The GM event was won by Evgeny Postny and Humpy Koneru both scoring GM norms with 8/11. Humpy Koneru scored her 3rd norm and needs only now to raise her rating to above 2500 to become a GM. Its not clear how you would measure any age records as she did not achieve this rating in the July list and thus didn't get the title. GM Bui Vinh and Nora Medvegy won the IM event with 8/11.

My thanks to Emil Anka.

Elekes Mem GM Budapest HUN (HUN), 18-28 v 2002        cat. VIII (2437)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Postny, Evgeny     m ISR 2482  * = = = 1 = = 1 = 1 1 1  8.0  2607 
 2. Koneru, Humpy     wg IND 2486  = * = = = 1 = = 1 1 1 1  8.0  2607 
 3. Anka, Emil         g HUN 2438  = = * = = 1 = 0 = 1 = 1  6.5  2501 
 4. Fogarasi, Tibor    m HUN 2445  = = = * = = = 1 = 1 = 0  6.0  2472 
 5. Lukacs, Peter      g HUN 2460  0 = = = * = = 1 = 1 = =  6.0  2470 
 6. Weiss, Christian   m AUT 2409  = 0 0 = = * 1 1 0 = 1 1  6.0  2475 
 7. Erenburg, Sergey   m ISR 2450  = = = = = 0 * = = 0 1 1  5.5  2435 
 8. Almasi, Istvan     m HUN 2437  0 = 1 0 0 0 = * 1 = 1 1  5.5  2436 
 9. Horvath, Csaba     g HUN 2539  = 0 = = = 1 = 0 * 0 = 1  5.0  2391 
10. Moser, Eva        wm AUT 2311  0 0 0 0 0 = 1 = 1 * = 1  4.5  2383 
11. Danner, Georg      m AUT 2407  0 0 = = = 0 0 0 = = * 1  3.5  2306 
12. Rajlich, Vasik G   f USA 2377  0 0 0 1 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 *  1.5  2133 

Elekes Mem IM Budapest HUN (HUN), 18-28 v 2002            cat. II (2292)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Bui Vinh               VIE 2420  * 1 = 0 = 1 = 1 1 = 1 1  8.0  2455 
 2. Medvegy, Nora       wm HUN 2338  0 * = = 1 1 = 1 = 1 1 1  8.0  2462 
 3. Galyas, Miklos       m HUN 2391  = = * 1 = = = 1 = = 1 1  7.5  2416 
 4. Petran, Pal          m HUN 2368  1 = 0 * = 1 = 0 1 1 = 1  7.0  2387 
 5. Balogh, Viktor         HUN 2236  = 0 = = * 0 1 = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2399 
 6. Diermair, Andreas      AUT 2196  0 0 = 0 1 * 1 = = = 1 1  6.0  2336 
 7. Lorincz, Istvan      f HUN 2357  = = = = 0 0 * 1 = 0 = 1  5.0  2250 
 8. Harmon, Clark          USA 2201  0 0 0 1 = = 0 * = = = 1  4.5  2235 
 9. Brustkern, Juergen   f GER 2293  0 = = 0 0 = = = * 1 0 1  4.5  2227 
10. Dudas, Janos         m HUN 2402  = 0 = 0 0 = 1 = 0 * = =  4.0  2180 
11. Benda, Herbert       f AUT 2303  0 0 0 = 0 0 = = 1 = * 1  4.0  2189 
12. Petz,J                     ----  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 *  0.5  1848 

18) European Juniors

The European Junior CHampionship under 20 took place in Baku, Azerbaijan 14-24 July 2002. In two groups (Boys & Girls) are played 31 And 27 participants from 16 countries. My thanks to Vladimir Dvorkovich for the news.

Notes: The player Djavid Aliev of Azerbaijan is given as unrated which I've gone with however I find it hard to believe that this isn't in reality Dzhavid Aliev in the rating list as a Russian rated 2320 and born in 1986. In the standings on the website Svetlana Polushkina is given a score of 4/8 I make it 3/8 and as all the other scores are correct I think this must be too.

Internet coverage:

Standings Round 8 (of 11)
EuJun Baku AZE (AZE), 14-24 vii 2002
                                            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 

 1. Gashimov, Vugar           m  AZE 2470  +19 +23 =16 = 8 + 5 = 2 + 6 = 4 6.0  2619 
 2. Izoria, Zviad             m  GEO 2565  = 5 =10 +23 +13 +16 = 1 = 4 + 7 6.0  2597 
 3. Gaprindashvili, Valerian  m  GEO 2471  =10 +22 =13 - 5 +17 +14 +11 +12 6.0  2533 
 4. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyaz       AZE 2542  -14 +18 +26 = 9 +25 + 8 = 2 = 1 5.5  2544 
 5. Kanep, Meelis                EST 2358  = 2 +17 = 6 + 3 - 1 - 7 +22 +18 5.0  2519 
 6. Riazantsev, Alexander     g  RUS 2537  +20 =13 = 5 +10 = 8 =16 - 1 +15 5.0  2490 
 7. Guseinov, Kadir           g  AZE 2510  +25 =15 =11 =17 = 9 + 5 +16 - 2 5.0  2471 
 8. Gasanov, Eldar            m  UKR 2471  +27 =14 +15 = 1 = 6 - 4 +19 = 9 5.0  2489 
 9. Gozzoli, Yannick             FRA 2373  -17 +24 +21 = 4 = 7 +25 =12 = 8 5.0  2426 
10. Gashimov, Sarkhan            AZE 2262  = 3 = 2 +28 - 6 +18 -11 +25 +16 5.0  2547 
11. Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios     GRE 2462  +29 +31 = 7 -16 =15 +10 - 3 +22 5.0  2409 
12. Jakubowski, Krzysztof     f  POL 2475  -26 +27 +14 -25 +21 +15 = 9 - 3 4.5  2334 
13. Werle, Jan                m  NED 2443  +30 = 6 = 3 - 2 -14 =20 +29 +25 4.5  2415 
14. Aroshidze, Levan             GEO 2345  + 4 = 8 -12 =22 +13 - 3 =20 =19 4.0  2408 
15. Mamedov, Rauf                AZE 2358  +21 = 7 - 8 +20 =11 -12 +17 - 6 4.0  2366 
16. Mamedov, Nidjat           m  AZE 2463  +24 +26 = 1 +11 - 2 = 6 - 7 -10 4.0  2409 
17. Chkhaidze, Nikoloz           GEO 2138  + 9 - 5 +20 = 7 - 3 =22 -15 +26 4.0  2362 
18. Stellwagen, Daniel        f  NED 2464  =22 - 4 =19 +23 -10 +27 +21 - 5 4.0  2264 
19. Loetscher, Roland         f  SUI 2288  - 1 -28 =18 +24 +29 +26 - 8 =14 4.0  2349 
20. Teterev, Vitaly              BLR 2342  - 6 +30 -17 -15 +31 =13 =14 +27 4.0  2283 
21. Abdullaev,Mahish             AZE ----  -15 +32 - 9 +30 -12 +28 -18 +29 4.0  2307 
22. Buckley, Simon T             ENG 2237  =18 - 3 +27 =14 +28 =17 - 5 -11 3.5  2312 
23. Esen, Baris                  TUR 2189  +28 - 1 - 2 -18 -27 +32 =24 +30 3.5  2273 
24. Laciner, Kerem               TUR 2220  -16 - 9 =29 -19 +32 =30 =23 +31 3.5  2174 
25. Cernousek, Lukas             CZE 2294  - 7 +29 +31 +12 - 4 - 9 -10 -13 3.0  2265 
26. Davidov, Samir               AZE 2248  +12 -16 - 4 -29 +30 -19 +32 -17 3.0  2204 
27. Krupenski, Yuri              EST 2240  - 8 -12 -22 +32 +23 -18 +28 -20 3.0  2230 
28. Tahirov, Farhad           m  AZE 2363  -23 +19 -10 +31 -22 -21 -27 +32 3.0  2065 
29. Aliev, Chingiz               AZE 2213  -11 -25 =24 +26 -19 +31 -13 -21 2.5  2103 
30. Baladjaev, Gara              AZE 2210  -13 -20 +32 -21 -26 =24 +31 -23 2.5  2039 
31. Aliev, Djavid                AZE ----  +32 -11 -25 -28 -20 -29 -30 -24 1.0  1941 
32. BYE                              ----  -31 -21 -30 -27 -24 -23 -26 -28 0.0       

EuJunW Baku AZE (AZE), 14-24 vii 2002
                                         1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8  
 1. Dzagnidze, Nana        wm GEO 2281  +26 +19 + 7 +21 = 2 + 4 = 3 + 8  7.0  2594 
 2. Charkhalashvili, Inga  wf GEO 2295  =10 + 3 +25 +13 = 1 + 6 = 5 +11  6.5  2399 
 3. Mamedjarova, Zeinab    wm AZE 2312  =17 - 2 +10 +25 +18 +13 = 1 + 6  6.0  2353 
 4. Khukhashvili, Sopiko   wm GEO 2327  +16 - 6 +24 +19 + 8 - 1 =11 +10  5.5  2337 
 5. Mammadova, Nargiz         AZE 2058  - 6 -24 +28 +23 +22 +21 = 2 + 7  5.5  2329 
 6. Makka, Ioulia             GRE 2196  + 5 + 4 -21 + 9 = 7 - 2 +12 - 3  4.5  2276 
 7. Zakurdjaeva, Irina     wm RUS 2236  +14 + 8 - 1 +17 = 6 -11 +13 - 5  4.5  2192 
 8. Javakhishvili, Lela    wm GEO 2319  +22 - 7 +15 +12 - 4 = 9 +17 - 1  4.5  2228 
 9. Melia, Salome             GEO 2262  +15 =13 =17 - 6 +24 = 8 -10 +14  4.5  2171 
10. Agaeva, Shahana           AZE 2123  = 2 -17 - 3 +26 +23 +19 + 9 - 4  4.5  2261 
11. Milliet, Sophie           FRA 2173  +27 -21 -12 +15 +20 + 7 = 4 - 2  4.5  2212 
12. Topel, Zehra              TUR 2067  -18 +16 +11 - 8 =19 +24 - 6 +17  4.5  2232 
13. Batsiashvili,Nino         GEO ----  +23 = 9 +18 - 2 +21 - 3 - 7 +19  4.5  2296 
14. Hodova, Lucie             CZE 2060  - 7 -22 -23 +28 +15 +20 +21 - 9  4.0  2155 
15. Kirik, Irina              BLR 2069  - 9 +23 - 8 -11 -14 +28 +22 +21  4.0  2180 
16. Mamedjarova, Turkan       AZE 2134  - 4 -12 =26 -20 +28 =27 +18 +25  4.0  2099 
17. Esebua, Megi              GEO 2107  = 3 +10 = 9 - 7 =25 +18 - 8 -12  3.5  2157 
18. Shukurova, Meihriban   wm AZE 2238  +12 =25 -13 +22 - 3 -17 -16 +26  3.5  2065 
19. Jurkiewicz, Katarzyna     POL 2190  +20 - 1 +27 - 4 =12 -10 +25 -13  3.5  2068 
20. Isgandarova, Khayala      AZE 2047  -19 +26 -22 +16 -11 -14 =27 +23  3.5  2075 
21. Khusnutdinova, Luiza   wm RUS 2312  +24 +11 + 6 - 1 -13 - 5 -14 -15  3.0  2037 
22. Polushkina, Svetlana   wf GER 2131  - 8 +14 +20 -18 - 5 -25 -15 +27  3.0  2017 
23. Buckley, Melanie          ENG 2184  -13 -15 +14 - 5 -10 +26 +24 -20  3.0  1986 
24. Ismailova, Aytaj          AZE 2157  -21 + 5 - 4 +27 - 9 -12 -23 +28  3.0  2064 
25. Khudaverdieva, Afag       AZE 2043  +28 =18 - 2 - 3 =17 +22 -19 -16  3.0  2088 
26. Rzayeva, Svetlana         AZE 2073  - 1 -20 =16 -10 +27 -23 +28 -18  2.5  1984 
27. Umudova,Nargiz            AZE ----  -11 +28 -19 -24 -26 =16 =20 -22  2.0  1920 
28. BYE                           ----  -25 -27 - 5 -14 -16 -15 -26 -24  0.0       

19) 30th World Open

The 30th World Open took place June 29th - July 7th 2002. There was a nine way tie for first amongst Alex Smirin, Alexander Onischuk, Artur Yusupov, Jaan Ehlvest, Alek Wojtkiewicz, Benjamin Finegold, Jonathan Rowson, Varuzhan Akobian and Kamil Miton. Kamil Miton won the playoff.

Internet coverage:

20) SCCF Championships

Jack Peters reports: The Southern California Chess Federation (SCCF) ran its eight-player state championship on the weekends of July 13-14 and July 20-21 in Costa Mesa, about 50 miles south of Los Angeles. The new state champion is IM Melikset Khachiyan, who won his first three games and led the tournament all the way. Former state champion Cyrus Lakdawala suffered severe back pain before the second weekend and could not muster the strength for his usual comeback. His games against Levon Altounian and Ron Hermansen were agreed drawn without play. Nevertheless, he tied for third place with newcomer (to California!) Whee Ky Ma, who won all three of his games on the second weekend. The SCCF hopes to make next summer's championship, the 15th in the series, an international title tournament. Plans call for adding two more players to fulfill the requirements for titled players and foreigners. For more Southern California chess news, see

SCCF State Ch Costa Mesa USA (USA), 13-21 vii 2002cat. V (2356)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
1. Khachian, Melikset   m ARM 2477  * 0 = 1 1 1 1 1  5.5  2568 
2. Peters, John A       m USA 2456  1 * = = = 1 = 1  5.0  2499 
3. Lakdawala, Cyrus     f USA 2435  = = * 1 = = = =  4.0  2394 
4. Ma, Whee Ky          f NED 2294  0 = 0 * 1 = 1 1  4.0  2414 
5. Casella, Michael     f USA 2265  0 = = 0 * = 1 1  3.5  2368 
6. Altounian, Levon     f USA 2448  0 0 = = = * = =  2.5  2240 
7. Hermansen, Ron         USA 2224  0 = = 0 0 = * 1  2.5  2272 
8. Small, Greg            USA 2245  0 0 = 0 0 = 0 *  1.0  2062 

21) 12th Heart of Finland Open

12th Heart of Finland Open took place July 17rg-21st, Jyväskylä, the biggest open tournament in Finland. Maxim Novik won the event with 7.5/9. No games available. My thanks to Sami Hämäläinen for the news.

Internet coverage:

Final Standings:
 1. Novik Maxim           IM  7.5  52.5
 2. Solozhenkin Evgeniy   GM  7.0  57.0
 3. Glek Igor             GM  7.0  55.5
 4. Yrjola Jouni          GM  7.0  54.5
 5. Kveinys Aloyzas       GM  7.0  54.0
 6. Salmensuu Olli        IM  7.0  53.5
 7. Aseev Konstantin      GM  7.0  51.5
 8. Kengis Edvins         GM  7.0  51.5
 9. Nyback Tomi           IM  6.5  53.0
10. Agopov Mikael         IM  6.5  51.5
11. Koskela Niina        WIM  6.5  51.5
12. Nevanlinna Risto      FM  6.5  50.0
13. Kochyev Alexander     GM  6.5  48.5
14. Vorotnikov Vladislav  IM  6.5  47.0
15. Lehtinen Heikki       FM  6.5  46.5
16. Issakainen Ari            6.5  46.0
17. Rantanen Yrjo         GM  6.5  44.5
18. Aijala Jouko              6.5  44.0
19. Nyysti Sampsa         FM  6.0  51.5
20. Nouro Mikael          IM  6.0  51.0
21. Paasikangas-Tella J  WIM  6.0  48.0
22. Lahtinen Markku           6.0  48.0
23. Vager Igor                6.0  47.0
24. Molander Riku         FM  6.0  45.5
25. Parkkinen Jyrki           6.0  45.0
26. Kivipelto Kaj             6.0  41.0
172 players

22) X Emanuel Lasker Memorial Open

The X Emanuel Lasker Memorial Open takes place 17th-27th July in Barlinek 28 players above 2200 (incl. 7 GMs) play in the Open A. There are also opens B, C and D.

Internet coverage:

Round 3 Standings:
  1   VOITSEKHOVSKY, Stanislav (7) gm  RUS 2511   2.5
  2   MIROSHNICHENKO, Evgenij (6)  im  UKR 2525   2.5
  3   MALANIUK, Vladimir P (4)     gm  UKR 2547   2.5
  4   GLEIZEROV, Evgeny (1)        gm  RUS 2576   2.5
  5   SENFF, Martin (9)            im  GER 2464   2  
  6   BRODSKY, Michail (5)         gm  UKR 2539   2  
  7   ZUBAREV, Alexander (8)       im  UKR 2470   2  
  8   SOÆKO, Bartosz (2)           gm  POL 2562   2  
  9   VYSOCHIN, Spartak (3)        gm  UKR 2553   2  
 10   HEBERLA, Bart³omiej (15)         POL 2417   2  
 11   SOLODOVNICHENKO, Yuri (11)   im  UKR 2448   2  
 12   SPRENGER, Jan Michael (14)   im  GER 2426   2  
 13   DEMKOVICH, Anatoliy (13)     im  UKR 2426   2  
 14   ANDREEV, Eduard (10)         im  UKR 2463   1.5
 15   SHISHKIN, Vadim (16)         im  UKR 2396   1.5
 16   SZCZECHOWICZ, Bartosz (21)       POL 2289   1.5
 17   SCHMIDT, W³odzimierz (12)    gm  POL 2446   1.5
 18   SOÆKO, Monika (IM) (17)      wgm POL 2347   1  
 19   BUCZAK, Krzysztof (23)           POL 2246   1  
 20   GUSHPIT, Iaroslav (25)           UKR 2221   1  
 21   KRUPA, Monika (27)           wim POL 2211   1  
 22   TOMCZAK, Rafa³ (18)          fm  POL 2341   1  
 23   KAIM, Piotr (20)                 POL 2293   1  
 24   AKVIST, Hakan (22)               SWE 2281   1  
 25   IVANOV, Andrey (19)              RUS 2324   0.5
 26   LUBIEÑSKI, Tadeusz (26)          POL 2216   0.5
 27   ISSEL, Oliver (24)               GER 2242   0  
 28   ZSCHAEBITZ, Klaus (28)       fm  GER 2183   0  

23) 1st Condom International Open

The 1st Condom International Open took place 13th-19th July 2002. 9 round FIDE Swiss.

Further details:

1st Open Condom FRA (FRA), 13-19 vii 2002
 1. Inkiov, Ventzislav       g  BUL 2421   7 
 2. Khamrakulov, Ibragim S   m  UZB 2474   7 
 3. Iordachescu, Viorel      g  MDA 2555   7 
 4. Todorov, Todor           m  BUL 2455   6.5 
 5. David, Vincent              FRA 2290   6.5 
 6. Miezis, Normunds         g  LAT 2483   6.5 
 7. Cioara, Andrei Nestor    m  ROM 2414   6.5 
 8. Smetankin, Stanislav     m  BLR 2455   6.5 
 9. Bogza, Adina             wm ROM 2270   6.5 
10. Belkhodja, Slim          g  TUN 2505   6 
11. Szitas, Gabor               HUN 2207   6 
12. Bedue,Julien                FRA ----   6 
97 players

24) Ikaros Chess Festival

The Ikaros Chess Festival 2002 took place from 7th-23rd of July 2002. The Ikaros Chess Festival has been held for the last 24 years on Ikaria island, one of the most picturesque aegean islands of Greece. Dmtry Svetushkin and Andrey Rytchagov won the main Aegean Open. Total participants 160 players from 19 countries. My thanks to Argiris Kotsis for the games and results.

Full details at:

Open Aegean Ch Ikaros GRE (GRE), 13-21 vii 2002
  1. Svetushkin, Dmtry           2491 7.5  54.5   2590 +0.93
     Rychagov, Andrey            2537 7.5  54.0   2606 +0.66
  3. Antoniewski, Rafal          2450 7.0  53.5   2555 +1.04
     Managadze, Nikoloz          2428 7.0  52.0   2461 +0.32
     Antic, Dejan                2496 7.0  51.0   2430 -0.56
  6. Borriss, Martin             2437 6.5  55.5   2468 +0.30
     Kosic, Dragan               2537 6.5  53.5   2469 -0.61
     Tsanas, Athanasios          2176 6.5  53.0   2533 +3.17
     Perunovic, Miodrag          2334 6.5  53.0   2486 +1.66
     Sebag, Marie                2344 6.5  52.5   2502 +1.66
     Hellsten, Johan             2478 6.5  51.0   2384 -0.82
     Genov, Petar                2526 6.5  50.5   2387 -1.22
     Galianina-Ryjanova, Julia   2362 6.5  50.0   2440 +0.78
     Khamatgaleev, Alexej        2416 6.5  49.5   2401 -0.18
     Pavlovic,S Dejan            2354 6.5  48.5   2370 +0.14
     Pranje, Dieter              2000 6.5  41.5   2337 +2.10
 17. Karapanos, Nikolaos         2237 6.0  53.0   2412 +1.88
     Shavtvladze, Nikoloz        2399 6.0  51.0   2372 -0.36
     Simeonidis, Ioannis         2313 6.0  51.0   2406 +0.93
     Lekic, Dusan                2410 6.0  49.5   2322 -0.93
     Radovanovic, Dusan          2294 6.0  48.5   2286 -0.06
     Maryasin, Boris             2400 6.0  48.5   2326 -0.76
     Vasilevich, Tatjana         2425 6.0  47.5   2328 -1.00
     Haritakis, Theodoros        2295 6.0  47.5   2259 -0.34
     Dolzhikova, Olga            2258 6.0  47.5   2371 +1.24
     Maksimovic, Branimir        2406 6.0  47.5   2371 -0.44
     Zalahoras, Nikolaos         2189 6.0  44.0   2277 +0.60
     Kyriakidis, Thrasos         2128 6.0  43.5   2355 +0.58
163 players

25) Arab Childrens Championships

Arab Individual Championships for children U10 & U12 , held in Abu Dhabi, UAE 7-17 July 2002 for the third year in row and sponsored by NIDO. Salem Abdul Rahman and Saeed Ishaq , both from UAE, shared the first place with 8 points in U10 category to keep the title for UAE for the the third year in row ( 2000,2001 & 2002 ). Saeed Ishaq got FM title , while Salem has already got FM title since 2001 where he won the same event. In U12 category , Ghanem Al Sulaity of Qatar came first with 7.5 points and got FM title. 9 Arabian countries participated in the event: Morocco , Tunisia , Syria , Iraq , Jordan , Qatar , Yemen , Bahrain and UAE. Report Dr. Hesham Elgendy.

Category U12 :

Ghanem Al Sulaity  QAT 7.5
Mahdi Ayat Hamido  MAR 7  
Walid Aziz         IRQ 6.5
Karam Bennawi      SYR 5.5
Marwan Abdul Wahab UAE 5 
Ahmed Abbas Khouri UAE 5  
Ahmed Mohsen       YEM 4  
Ahmed Bin Saeed    TUN 3.5
Kanan Sabry        JOR 1  
Osama Al Ghasra    BRN 0  

Category U10  : 

Salem A.R. Saleh      UAE 8  
Saeed Ishaq           UAE 8  
Raouf Abdo            YEM 5  
Mahmoud Sakr          JOR 5  
Abdul Aziz Karmostaji UAE 4.5
Samer Monzer          IRQ 4.5
Hosam Tarboush        SYR 4  
Abdul Aziz Ibrahim    UAE 3 
Abdul Aziz Yousef     QAT 3
Ahmed Al Ghasra       BRN 0  

FIDE Master title is awarded to :
1- Ghanem Al Sulaity  Qatar
2- Saeed Ishaq - UAE

26) Forthcoming Events and Links


The "ZMD-Open" takes place in Dresden (Germany) 18th-26th July 2002. Entry includes 1. GM Alexander Graf (2624); 2. GM Robert Zelcic (2565), ... 23. Wolfgang Uhlmann (2436)

Further info:

Liepajas Rokade

The 9th annual Chess festival, "Liepajas Rokade", organized by "Sport Club Baltic" and "Liepaja's Chess Club", will be held from August 1st–August 4th. There will be three tournaments during the festival: Grandmasters Super tournament, Open tournament, and Blitz tournament. The four best "Open" players will enter the Super-tournament. They will then compete against four other chess players in a one-round tournament after which a winner will be determined. Participants of Grandmasters Super-tournament: Alexander Khalifman (Russia, FIDE 2690) Jaan Ehlvest (Estonia, 2600) Edvins Kengis (Latvia, 2577) Aloyzas Kveinys (Lithuania, 2559) Top participants of "Open" tournament: Zurab Azmaiparashvili (Georgia, 2676) Aleksej Aleksandrov (Belarus, 2646) Andrei Kharlov (Russia, 2609) Sarunas Sulskis (Lithuania, 2577) Daniels Fridmans (Latvia, 2571) Evgenij Sveshnikov (Latvia, 2556) Maris Krakops (Latvia, 2530) Normunds Miezis (Latvia, 2483) Around 200 participants will take part in the tournament. “Liepaja's Castling” is the largest and most important chess tournament in the Baltic states after the declaration of independence.

Internet coverage:

Tel Aviv IM

A new IM norm tournament will take place in Tel Aviv 22nd August - 1st September 2002. Prizes about 3000sh (min). A few places are available for players seeking norms. More information: GM Zvulon (Leonid) Gofshtein. Phones 972-3-7329233 (home), 972-54696432 (mobil) or

Ghent Open

The 25th Ghent Open takes place 20th-24th July 2002. Entry includes GM Mikhail Gurevich.

Internet coverage:

Dubai Junior Open Championship

The first Dubai Junior Open Championships are being held by the Dubai chess club. The official web site is there is some games in pgn and complete table and results and photo album.

European Championship for Cadets in rapid and blitz

The European Individual and Team Chess Championships for Youth and Juniors (Rapid And Blitz) takes place in Novi Sad August 15th-22nd 2002. Contact by mail, fax or e-mail to the Yugoslav Chess Federation, Nusiceva 25/II, 11000 Belgrade

Organizing Committee’s Chairman: Mr. Danko Bokan Secretary of Yugoslav Chess Federation tel. ++ 381 11 33 44 268, ++ 381 11 33 44 172, fax ++ 381 11 3227 826 mob ++381 64 15 05 735; E-mail: ssyug@eunet.yu; or bokand@eunet.yu;

2003 Australian Open

The Australian Open Chess Championships is to be held 2nd-10th January 2003. The Championships are jointly organised by The New South Wales Chess Association Inc. and Australian Chess Enterprises on behalf of the Australian Chess Federation Inc.

Further information:

Wismilak International

The Wismilak International Grandmaster Chess Tournament takes place in Surabaya, Indonesia, 22nd-29th July 2002. The Category 8 (average 2446) event has a GM norm at 8 and IM Result 6.

Internet coverage:

Embong Sawo, Surabaya, 21-30 Juli 2002

GM Antoaneta Stefanova (Bulgaria, 2497)
GM Zaw Win Lay (Myanmar, 2531)
MI Nay Oo Kyaw Tun (Myanmar, 2504)
MI Enrique Pacienca (Filipina, 2483)
GM Edhi Handoko (Indonesia, 2431)
GM Ardiansyah (Indonesia, 2411)
MF Hamdani Rudin (Indonesia, 2375)
MI Danny Juswanto (Indonesia, 2520)
MN Susanto Megaranto (Indonesia, 2364)
MF Irwanto Sadikin (Indonesia, 2362)
MN Cecep Kosasih (Indonesia, 2422)
MI Cerdas Barus (Indonesia, 2456)

Kategori 8 (2446)
Norma GM = 8 angka
Norma MI = 6 angka

Curacao Open

The Curacao (*) 1962-2002 chess tournament is an open tournament that will be held November 16th-28th 2002. The tournament commemorates the 40th Anniversary of the Candidates tournament in 1962. Viktor Korchnoi (a player) and Yuri Averbach (a second) from the original event have already confirmed that they will return after 40 years. The tournament will have 9 rounds and a maximum of 120 players including about 15 titled players. Jan Timman (NL), Bartek Macieja (Pol), Sofia Polgar (Israel/Hungary), Yona Kosashvili (Israel), Anjelina Belakovskaia (USA), Alonso Zapata (Colombia), Johan Alvarez (Venezuela) and Carlos Gallegos (Venezuela) are amongst the players.

More information (including a 1962 and a 2001 picture gallery and general information about Curacao) is available at: There is also a download of the electronic tournament book of the 2001 edition available. Jan Timman was the winner of that tournament.

(*) Curacao is an island in the Caribbean and is part of the Netherlands Antilles.

US Junior Invitational

U S Junior Open and Invitational is hosted by the Dallas Chess Club July 19-21, 2002.

Players for the invitational: IM Dmitry Schneider, IM Vinay Bhat, Aaron Pixton, Andrei Zaremba, FM Philip Xiao Wang, FM Daniel Fernandez, Daniel Rensch, Matthew Hoekstra, Stanislav Ritvin and Noah J. Siegel.

Internet coverage: Games live on ICC.

Miercurea Ciuc (Romania)

The V International Chess Festival Miercurea Ciuc (Romania) takes place 19.08 - 01.09.2002 Miercurea Ciuc, 19.08 - 25.08.2002 : V." Ciuc-Premium" (9 rounds), Miercurea Ciuc, 26.08 - 01.09.2002 : III." Banc Post" (9 rounds)

Venue : Study-house Jakab Antal ** (Szék str. 147) and Banc Post ** (Sadoveanu str. 4). A) International FIDE round robin tournaments for international rating B) International FIDE open tournaments Rate of play : 40/2 ; + 0.30 minutes.

Program : Monday, August 19 and August 26 : 15.30 opening ceremony 16.00-21.00 round I Tuesday, August 20 and August 27 : 16.00-21.00 round II Wednesday, August 21 and August 28 : 09.00-14.00 round III 16.00-21.00 round IV Thursday, August 22 and August 29 : 16.00-21.00 round V Friday, August 23 and August 30 : 09.00-14.00 round VI 16.00-21.00 round VII Saturday, August 24 and August 31 : 16.00-21.00 round VIII Sunday, August 25 and September 1 : 09.00-14.00 round IX 15.00 closed ceremony

Entry fee (EUR): FIDE rating Group "A" unrated 60 2000-2099 30 2100-2199 20 2200-2299 10 above 2300 no entry fee Group "B" Adult 20 EUR, Youth 10 EUR. Prizes : V. "Ciuc-Premium" + III. "Banc Post" prize funds = 500 EUR + extra prizes. Accomodation prizes : Study-house Jakab Antal ** and Banc Post ** - Full board, Single room/day = 22 EUR, - Full board, Bouble room/person/day = 18 EUR

Organizer : IM Sandor Biro Postal address : R-4100 Miercurea Ciuc 1, C.P. 68, Romania Phone/fax : (+40)-266-316712, mobile : (+40)-740-021866 E-mail :

ChessBrain and Distributed Chess Project

There are a couple of chess projects involving linking computers Worldwide to form a single chessplaying computer. According to Carlos Justiniano "The ChessBrain project currently had over 230 members from 25 different countries around the world. Over 300 hundred computers have already been linked up to form a preliminary global network."

You can read more at: in addition there is Ralf Seliger's Distributed Chess Project which you can read about at: knockout has announced its first World championship knockout event. This is an open to all event, which has the time limit of two days per move. The ambitious target to meet is one thousand and twenty four players. They will go through a series of knockout elimination rounds:- 1st round: 1024 players 2nd round: 512 players 3rd round: 256 players 4th round 128 players 5th round 64 players 6th round 32 players 7th round 16 players 8th round 8 players 9th round 4 players 10th round 2 players. The format of this event will make it very easy for players to find the time to compete, as you can play a move every 2 days and there is no software download required.

Further details:

Hungarian and Yugoslav Tournaments

Hungarian and YUG Chess tournaments in the second half of 2002.

1. 3rd-15th of August, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM tournaments, Budapest. org: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail:

2. 16th-22nd of August, TALENTUM KUPA Open 9 rounds Swiss, Balatonkenese org: Mr.VALIS, Janos, e-mail:

3. 7th-19th of September, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM Budapest,

4. 21st of September-2nd of October KECSKEMET, GM closed, org: dr.Erdelyi,

5. 5th-18th of October, FIRST SATURDAY, 2 GM /cat.IX-X !!, cat.VII-VIII/, IM-FM, Budapest,

6. 18th-31st of October, GM-IM tmt THIRD SATURDAY, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, org: Kotevski

7. 2nd-15th of November, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, Budapest,

8. 16th-28th of November, GM-IM KECSKEMÉT, org: dr.Erdelyi,

9. 7th-19th of December, GM-IM-FM, FIRST SATURDAY Budapest

European Rapid & Blitz Championship

The European Rapid & Blitz Championship is in Crete. The KYDON SPORTS CLUB is organising the championship 29/-4/10 in IBEROSTAR CRETA MARINE hotel. Contact MARY VIGLIRAKI for further details

Live coverage:

ICC World Blitz Championship

The Internet Chess Club ( is running an on-line tournament series, the ICC World Blitz Championship, which is likely to draw the largest and strongest field of any internet chess event to date.

Complete information on the tournament, including scheduling and format of the qualifying tournaments and the knockout stages, prizes and rules, is available on the ICC's webpage at

Sixty-four finalists will be determined by qualifying Swiss-system tournaments to be held on weekend dates between June 29 and August 11. The qualifiers will be held at different times of day for the convenience of participants in different parts of the globe. One need not play in all of the qualifiers; a good score in any one of them may suffice to advance to the knockout stage.

A series of knockout matches will begin on August 17 and will culminate in a 20-game final match on September 7 and 8.

Time controls will be four minutes to start plus a two second per move increment in the qualifying tournaments, and five minutes plus a five-second increment in the knockout stages.

The prize fund will be $5000 US, with $1500 going to the first place winner. There will be cash prizes for the 32 finalists who win in the first knockout round, and over 33 years of free membership in ICC will be divided among as many as 200 players for their results in their respective rating classes in the qualifying tournaments.

Entry is free, but is limited to ICC members with paid or exempt accounts. (The ICC grants an exempt account to any FIDE GM, IM, WGM, or WIM. For others, membership costs $49 US per year, or $24.50 for youth and students. Free trial accounts are available, but are not eligible to play in this event.)

ICC organizers expect that this summer-long event will break the record for number of participants in an Internet chess event which was set by the third Dos Hermanas tournament, hosted by the ICC in March of this year. 1460 ICC members from around the globe, including 56 GMs and 97 IMs, participated in the qualifying rounds of that tournament, which was won by GM Aleksander Rustemov.

Organizers also are confident of their ability to prevent cheating by the use of computer programs or chess databases in this event. "Any time you are offering prize money to people who are playing over the Internet out of sight of each other, you have to prepare for the possibility that someone will try to use computer software to cheat," says ICC co-owner Martin Grund, lead organizer for the tournament. "But our investigatory team is the best there is. And we have improved the rules and format based on our experiences with other events. For example, the rules for this event guarantee our right to use proctors to observe play in person if we believe it is appropriate."

International Youth Rapid and Blitz

The 2nd European Individual and Team Chess Championship for Youth and Juniors (Rapid and Blitz) will be held from August 15th-22nd 2002, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.

Entry by mail, fax or e-mail to the Yugoslav Chess Federation, Nusiceva 25/II, 11000 Belgrade Organizing Committee's Chairman: Mr. Danko Bokan Secretary of Yugoslav Chess Federation tel. ++ 381 11 33 44 268, ++ 381 11 33 44 172, fax ++ 381 11 3227 826 mob ++381 64 15 05 735; E-mail: ssyug@eunet.yu; or bokand@eunet.yu;

6th Mind Sports Olympiad

The 6th Mind Sports Olympiad will take place at Loughborough University from August 14th-18th 2002. This is the first year that the event, which started in London in 1997, has moved outside the capital.

The Mind Sports Olympiad is an annual games festival in which all the contests are thinking games. The competitors play each other at a variety of well known strategy games such as Chess, Bridge, Backgammon, Scrabble, Othello and Go, and compete for Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. There are junior medals for those aged under 16.

Gold, Silver and Bronze medallions will be awarded to the top adults and top juniors in each competition. In addition there will be sponsored prizes in some tournaments.

For media information contact: David Levy, founder of the Mind Sports Olympiad Telephone: 0208 883 5180 e-mail:

For entry information contact: Tony Corfe, Event Manger Telephone: 01707 659080 e-mail:

Web site at

35th Chess Olympiad Bled and 73rd FIDE Congress

The 35th Chess Olympiad Bled takes place 25th October - 11th November 2002 and the 73rd FIDE Congress, 1st-11th November 2002.

Federations can get registration forms at:

6th Open International Bavarian Masters

The 6th Open International Bavarian Masters Bad Wiessee takes place 26th October to 3rd Novebmer 2002. Prize-fund: EUR 21.000. Former champions of Bad Wiessee are A. Khalifman (1997,1998), A. Shabalov (1999), A. Graf (2000) and V. Akopian (2001). Details:

2003 Australian Open Championships

The 2003 Australian Open Championships will take place 2nd-10th January 2003 at the Penrith Panthers World of Entertainment in Western Sydney. The official entry form will be published early in August and will appear on the website The Main Tournament will be run as an 11 Round Swiss event, which will provide opportunities for FIDE ratings and possibly title norms. There will be various supporting events, including lightning and rapid play. Penrith is one hour by car or train from Sydney International Airport and/or Sydney CBD. It is just 15 minutes from the picturesque Blue Mountains National Park. Panthers World of Entertainment is one of Australia's largest entertainment complexes - see Accomodation is available at the venue from A$49/night (twin-share) Complete details (entry fees, rates of play, rating limits etc) will be announced in due course. For additional information contact: Brian Jones, PO Box 370, Riverstone NSW 2765, Australia. Fax: 61-2-9838-1614 or Email:

Braille Chess Association

The Braille Chess Association (B.C.A.) has a new website

Swiss Chess Tour Event 2002

There is a new tournament on the "Swiss Chess Tour 2002" in Davos. The 1st International Chess-summer Open will be August 4th-10th, 2002. The host and one of the sponsors is Hotel "Sunstar Parkhotel". Swiss system, 7 rounds (count for FIDE and Swiss rating); 40 moves for 2 hours and 60 minutes till the end. Prizes are: 1.500/1.200/900/700/500/400/ 300/250/200/150 SF. From 11.- 20. places natural prizes. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1942), junior(1982-85) and schoolboy (1986). Entry fee: 130 SF (juniors 60+ FIDE masters) GM + IM free. At the door 10 SF for the all players. Time table: August 4th, Round 1st 14.00-20.00; August 5th, Round 2nd 14.00-20.00; August 6th, Round 3rd 14.00-20.00; August 7th, Round 4th 14.00-20.00; August 8th, Round 5th 14.00-20.00; August 9th, Round 6th 14.00-20.00; August 10th, Round 7th 10.00-16.00. Beochess +41+34+424-01-06 (Robert Spoerri) or

Further information:

New York Masters

Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.

Further details:

Computer Chess Database

Frank Quisinsky has added games to the computer chess database he has. These include: - 2nd MASPV Hungary (Hungary-ch) - 4th Massy 2002, French programmers organized this tournament. - 2nd CSVN computer chess tournament - 2nd Italien-ch

Internet site:

6th Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament

The 6th Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament in Vlissingen (The Netherlands) will take place August 4th-11th 2002. It's a 9 rounds Swiss, FIDE-rated. Rate of play: 40 moves in 2 hours, followed by 30 minutes k.o. per player. Entry fee: 30 Euro (GM/IM free; FM 15 Euro). Prizefund: Euro 1750 - 1250 - 750 - 375 - 250 - 125 - 75 - 75 - 50 - 50 and several rating prizes. 6 GM's have already confirmed their participation: Tiviakov (NED, 2625), Glek (GER, 2605), Gyimesi (HUN, 2605), Van den Doel (NED, 2583), Nijboer (NED, 2578) and Ikonnikov (RUS, 2522). During the tournament there will be a training for participating juniors given by GM Igor Glek. Information and registration: or


Imre Konig Memorial

The Mechanics' Institute of San Francisco, the oldest continuously operating chess club in the United States (founded in 1854), will be hosting the Imre Konig Memorial from September 4th-15th 2002.

Participants in the event, which will be Category 12 or 13, are GMs Suat Atalik, Alexander Baburin, Walter Browne, Larry Christiansen, Nick DeFirmian, John Fedorowicz, Lubomir Ftacnik, Yury Shulman, Alex Wojtkiewicz and Alex Yermolinsky, plus teenage IMs Varuzhan Akobian and Hikaru Nakamura. This will be the strongest international round robin held in the United States since the 1995 Pan Pacific, also organized by the Mechanics.

Coverage for this event can be found at MI Chess Room (

Italian Events

In Milan July 9th-17th 2002 the 2nd edition of the "Intel Trophy". Players: GM - Cebalo, Drazic, Lazic, Godena; wgm E. Sedina; IM Belotti, Bellia, Lanzani, Borgo; FM Qendro.

In August, 20th-28th the BRATTO della Presolana near Bergamo the top open tournament in Italy. Many GMs and IMs invited (invitation completed). Four groups: Master group for players with elo Fide or national elo over 1900. Details - phone ++39-02-9513573

Chess School Villa Martelli

Luis Scalise reports there is a chess school in a small town called Villa Martelli. Is just on the border of the Federal District (Buenos Aires City). Its name is: "Escuela de Ajedrez Ruy Lopez de Segura". More than one thousand children every year pass through the institution. The school depends on the Goverment of the Vicente Lopez Coundie (Municipalidad de Vicente Lopez).


Hastings 2002

The 78th Hastings International Congress will take place 28th December 2002 - 5th January 2003. The official entry form will be published early in August and will appear on the website

Events schedule is as follows: The Premier Tournament will run from 28th December 2002 to 5th January 2003. It will be an all-play-all event for 10 invited players.

The Challengers Tournament will also run from 28th December to 5th January. This will be a Swiss event and will provide opportunities for title norms and for FIDE ratings.

A new event this year will be an opening Weekend Congress running on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th December 2002. It will probably be in four graded sections and will comprise five games - three on Saturday and two on Sunday. Christmas Tournament will be in its usual format - participants will be divided into graded sections of about 16 players. It will run from Monday 30th December to Friday 3rd January 2003 The final Weekend Congress will run from Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th January 2003 As usual there will be six games and the event will be in four graded sections.

All events will take place at Horntye Park Sports Complex, Bohemia Road, Hastings

Complete details (entry fees, rates of play, grading limits etc) will be announced in due course.

As well as the above events, additional evening events are planned - once again sponsored by the Pig in Paradise. It is hoped that the local community will become more involved.

For information re entries contact: Con Power, Congress Director, 418 Harold Road, Hastings, East Sussex TN35 5HG Tel and fax: 01424 431970 e-mail:

Additional information from Pam Thomas, Press Officer 5 High Wickham,Hastings,East Sussex,TN35 5PB Tel/Fax 01424 445348 e-mail:

Anand vs. Ponomariov Rapid Match

Chess Classic Mainz will hold an 8 game match Viswanathan Anand and FIDE world champion Ruslan Ponomariov. August 15th-18th 2002.

5th Jaroslav Pelikan Memorial

The 5th Jaroslav Pelikan Memorial takes place in Prague - Czech Republic 20.07 - 27.07, 27.07.-03.08 and 03.08-10.08. The 12th International Chess Holiday has Tournaments for strong and weak chessplayers, both men and women of all ages. A rich programme for chessplayers and non-chessplayers too. 7 days hotel/shower+WC, bed and breakfast, chess, souvenir prizes for all chessplayers, sightseeing in Prague, trips, a farewell party - for 230 Eur to 260 Eur /210 USD - 240 USD/. It is possible to order lunch, dinner - every meal 5 Eur /4,5 USD/. A offer of Theatre Performances. Discounts for children, students, retired and those who have already been to the International Chess Holiday. In groups the tenth person free of charge.

Entries till 30.06 2002 Info: Jindra Kollerov  U Plyn rny 15, 140 00 Praha 4 - Michle Czech Republic Tel: + 420 2 41407355 Fax: + 420 2 61210054 Mobil: + 420 777 677899 E-mail:

Festival Schneider Bohemia" Pilsen

The 8th International Chess Festival "Festival Schneider Bohemia" Pilsen 2002 takes place 17th-25th August 2002 at "Strelecky stadion" Pilsen Lobzy (The Czech Republic). The main tournament of this Festival is International Open Czech Championship ( 1st prize 20 000 CZK, sum of prizes 81 000 CZK ).


Chesmayne Chess Dictionary

The 2002 edition of the Chesmayne Chess Dictionary is now available at a new permanent address. It has 100,000+ chess related keywords, AZ indexes, pictures, midi's, graphics etc.


Magnus Carlsen vs. The World

11 year old Magnus Carlson is playing the rest of the net in a match organised by the Norgwegian TV Channal TV2. Internet coverage

There have been more than 100.000 hits and 8.000 votes. The moves so far: Magnus Carlsen vs The World: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 b5 6. Bb3 Bc5 7. c3 Nxe4?!? 8. Qe2 d5 9. d3 Now grandmaster Simen Agdestein has suggested 9... Nf6 or 9... Bxf2+, the latter probably a novelty. Voting closes at 08.00 GMT Tuesday. Week days voting is daily.

Stork Young Masters - Hengelo (August 5-10) and other Dutch events

The Royal Dutch Chess Federation (KNSB) invites strong players born after January 1st, 1982 to the second Stork Young Masters. This is a 9 round Round-Robin IM tournament (at least category 4). During the first edition 3 IM-norms and 1 WGM where scored.

Conditions: A. For IM or GM with FIDE Elo above 2400: - Full board and lodging (4-10 August) during the tournament and EURO 115,- pocket money. B. Player with FIDE Elo above 2350: - Full board and lodging during the tournament.

Prize money: 1st EURO 700,- 2nd EURO 450,- 3rd EURO 350,- 4th EURO 250,- 5th EURO 200,- 6th EURO 150,- 7th EURO 100,-

Interested players can contact Harry Kroeze (

Other interesting tournaments in Holland during the summer: Jul 8-18: Dieren: Open Dutch Championships (; Jul 26-Aug 4: Amsterdam: 10th Lost Boys (; Aug 5-10: Hengelo: Open Dutch Junior championships (U20, U16, U14, U12).

Contact for general information.

1st Davos Chess Summer

The 1st Davos Chess Summer takes place 4th-10th August 2002. Venue the Sunstar Parkhotel in Davos. 7 round Swiss.

Further information: E-Mail:; Internet:

15th Kiel Open

The 15th Kiel Open takes place 10th-16th August 2002.


Brno closed and open tournaments

SK Duras BVK Kralovo Pole in cooperation with city of Brno chess federation and SK Brno-Zabovresky presents the Duras Cup in Brno 5th-14th July 2002. This will be a Round-robin of 9-11 rounds, category III-IV. There is also a 9 round Swiss at the same time and place. For further information:

Internet -

E-mail - Phone - Petr Mlynek, +4205 49273402 (home) Fax - Petr Mlynek, +4205 48215239 (office)

European Club Cup 2002

Information about the European Club Cup 2002 "The Champions League" takes place 22nd - 28th September in Kallithea -Halkidiki.


Olomouc Chess Summer Festival 2002

The Olomouc Chess Summer Festival 2002 in the Czech Republic takes place 31st July - 8th August 2002. The event includes: 1) 3-4 groups of round-robin IM tournaments, category 3-4 FIDE (10-12 players) 2) FIDE open - swiss, 9 rounds, 2/40+1, 1st prize 10000 CZK 3) open for youngsters up to 18 years of age.

Detailed information at:

IV Sants Hostafrancs

IV Sants Hostafrancs I La Bordeta Open takes place in Barcelona 30th August - 8th September 2002.

Details of entry:

Tiviakov in Egypt

Tiviakov reports on his victory in the 6th Golden Cleopatra Chess Open with a huge photo report including sight seeing around the pyramids where he claims to have photographed a "creature from the the parallel world"!

Reports in Russian and English

Gausdal Tournaments

Hans Olav Lahlum has put more details on his the web site for this tournament. It now includes: 1) Introduction and basic information about the tournament. 2) Portraits of all 40 participants. 3) Results and moves of all 180 games. 4) Bulletins with round reports covering all 180 games. 5) Commented grades and ELO-calculations for all 40 participants. 6) A list of quotes from the tournament (!?). The final results and games appeared in last weeks TWIC.

Internet site:

Cesenatico International Open

The Cesenatico International Open takes place in Italy 2nd-8th September 2002.

Further Information and entry at:

5th Malbork Castle Cup

The 5th Malbork Castle Cup (Poland) 14-15 September 2002 (swiss type, open tournament in 9 rounds, 30' game, prizes fund 7000 PLN (about 2000 Euro). The Castle Malbork was honoured with an entry into UNESCO's List of the World's Cultural Heritage. The city populated by forty-thousand inhabitants is visited each year by half a milion tourists.

Detailed information (English, Germany and Polish) at:

South African and Open Chess Championships

The South African and Open Chess Championships take place in Boardwalk Casino & Entertainment Centre (Tsitsikama Conference Hall) Port Elizabeth South Africa 1st-13th July 2002.

Further details:

Frank Quisinsky Computer Chess

Frank Quisinsky's Computer Chess pages have been updated. Computer Chess calendar and a database computer games since 1990 are availble.


Bergen Chess International

The Bergen Chess International 2002 takes place 20th-28th July 2002 in Bergen, Norway. Open GM-tournament 9-round Swiss 7-hour playing session Side events: Lower section, Cafe Chess Championship, Blitz tourneys

Further information:

New Internet Correspondence Game to Begin

Beginning March 11th, 2002 the World Team will begin a new game against GM Nick de Firmian. Having most recently finished the second of two games against Chinese IM Yin Hao (WT 1.5 YH 0.5) the World Team now will play against three-time U.S. champion Nick de Firmian, who will play the white pieces.

The World Team consists of players from around the World, many of whom came together for the first time during the Kasparov vs. World Internet Game held in 1999. The games against Yin Hao attracted players from Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and the United States.

Everyone willing to follow the rules of the game is welcome to play in this new game against GM de Firmian. To participate or observe go to the World Team strategy board and official site at

More details about the game (and how to join the World Team) can be found at the Game Info and Rules link at the official site. It should be fun and "A Serious Game Among Friends".

Plaskett vs The ROW

GM James Plaskett will play the Rest of the World starting 1st March on the internet at:

The match will be played at the rate of 5 days per move. Players will vote their moves by clicking on the chess board while discussing and formulating strategies and tactics in the Rest of World team forum. This match is open to all who visit Those wanting to play Plaskett will need to login and follow the Opponents menu to 'Play the Expert'.

Pardubice Chess and Bridge Festival

The 13th International Chess & Bridge Festival CZECH OPEN 2002 will be held 11th-28th July 2002 in Pardubice, Czech Republic. Further details:

Savaria Summer

SAVARIA SUMMER International Chess Open Szombathely (Hungary), 26th July- 1st August 2002. Two events an "A" group- for FIDE-Elo and a "B" group- for children under 13. Further details from: KORPICS Zsolt H-9700 Szombathely, Rohonci 13. +(36)-30/951-0063

X Lasker Memorial Barlinek Poland

The X Lasker Memorial Festival in Barlinek Poland takes place 17th-27th July 2002. Blitz, rapid, open A, open B and under-16 events. Further details: Krzysztof Kedzior E-Mail:

New FIDE Sites

There are two new FIDE sites. Chess Daily has individual FIDE rating calculations. Also the FIDE site for the World Championships in Moscow has been launched at:

Hawaii International Chess Festival Postponed

The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information: