THE WEEK IN CHESS 40            09/07/95        Mark Crowther

1) Introduction
2) PCA World Championships to be played in New York
3) FIDE Match bids fail
4) Polka Chess Tournament. Info from Tasc Tournament System
5) Hastings International Chess Festival
6) Quebec Closed Championships.
7) Deep Blue v Illescas
8) Aval Bank Yalta Crimea
9) Kagawa Tournament The Hague Netherlands
10) World Open $160,000 Tournament in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
11) Copenhagen Open Tournament games from Under Uret /Flemming Jensen
12) Croyden Central International
13) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski 
	Computer Chess Exhibition Match			  2 games
	Yalta Russia					  1 game
	World Open					  2 games
	Polka Tournament - Prague			 20 games
	Copenhagen Open					118 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Tasc Tournament Systems (Marc Derksen and Eric van der Schilden of Tasc
Tournament Systems (, Under Uret /Flemming Jensen,
Bob Wade, Otto Borik, Simon Latendresse's, Howard Streit, Hugh Brodie
Jonathan Berry, Aviv Friedman and Wlodek Proskurowski for their help in preparing
this issue.

The main story is the confirmation of the movement of the PCA final to New York.
Also it is becoming increasingly clear that the interests of Kamsky and Karpov
are not being looked after at all by FIDE. The Polka tournament is always an interesting
event between closely matched foes, the ladies are in front of the Veterans after
round 4.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) PCA World Championships to be played in New York

As reported in TWIC 39 the PCA have announced a change in venue
from Cologne to New York for the Kasparov - Anand match.


Prizefund $1.5 million
Venue: The World Trade Centre (Observation deck)
Dates: September 10th - October 15th 1995.

There were simultaneous announcements from the PCA and from
German TV and the German Chess Federation.

Horst Metzing, General Secretary of the German Chess Federation, said:

"We are disappointed to learn that the World Championship is being switched
from Germany, but we understand the situation under this circumstances.
We are already in discussions with the PCA about staging a major event in
Germany in 1996."

According to some reports Rod Alexander who is a staff member of Sports
Bureau International (who work with INTEL and the chess) will handle
the cancelation of the contract.

So what were the reasons for this abrupt turn of events only a few weeks
before the start of the match?

There were two factors in play:

1) The German side of the operation were struggling to raise the money
necessary to finance certain elements of the match.
2) INTEL's unhappyness with the lack of US TV coverage, and
the enthusiasm of Mayor Giuliano for chess after seeing the PCA Rapidplay
in New York recently. (Also he was impressed by the scale of junior chess
activity in New York and New Jersey (this is the traditional heartland
of American Chess producing Lombardy, Fischer etc etc,) the PCA offered
$30,000 for the promotion of chess in this area.)

The contract negotiations in Germany were protracted. It seemed, at first,
almost certain that the match would be held in Dortmund and this was
widely known. Then at the last moment there was a contractual hitch.
Dortmund, a wealthy city, had in place commitments from business,
banks and industry with which to finance the match. However they had
a condition. They wanted the PCA to pay a guarantee of DM 0.5 million
to the organising committee of the event. Such money would be used
as part of the financing of the match, but would be defaulted if the
match moved elsewhere. (this was an attempt to avoid the experience of
Manchester over the Kasparov - Short match where the match was snatched
away from the city with the founding of the PCA.) Cologne appeared happy
to come to an agreement without such a clause. However in other ways
Cologne was not such an ideal choice for the PCA. It is by no means
as wealthy city as Dortmund and has suffered some devistating floods
this year. Their offer to the PCA was to support the match. This amounted
to making available a tournament hall, a press centre and other useful
municipal facilities. It didn't include any finance for the match.

So the match was to be financed from two sources:

1) $1.5 million from INTEL as the prizefund.
2) $1.0 million or more which was to be financed by other sponsors
   for the organisation of the match. A PR company was appointed to
   raise this money.

It appears that in spite of their best efforts, it was not possible
to raise all the money required to finance the organisation of the
match (although some of the money had been raised.)

So the "circumstances" referred to by Horst Metzing were those of
struggling to raise the finance for the match. It is not clear what
would have happened if they hadn't got the possibility of New York
in hand.

For INTEL and the PCA it has worked out well. They were struggling to
get good US TV coverage for the match when it was going to be held in
Germany (at least according to some reports). Now, provided they manage
to raise the full finance, (of which they seem confident.) they will
have a very prestigeous venue right in the heart of the New York
business district. The PCA are not home and dry, it will still take
a lot of work, and skill, to promote the event into a large media
event. But they do have a chance.

3) FIDE Match bids fail

Meanwhile the bid deadline for the Karpov-Kamsky match has passed without
any bids whatsoever. This was on July 7th. Karpov is reported as saying
that FIDE are insisting that the match be played for a lower prizefund
than the PCA match and that it be AFTER the PCA match. In this way, by
stealth it will be seen as a Candidates final match not a World Title
match. It also took a long time for bids to be invited. All this suggests
to me that FIDE aren't full of enthusiasm for the match.

4) Polka Chess Tournament. Info from Tasc Tournament System

My thanks to Marc Derksen and Eric van der Schilden of Tasc
Tournament Systems.

Games recorded with the Tasc Tournament System,

Always an interesting event with closely matched players this years
event sees Spassky play for the first time in a long time and
Korchnoi as a newcomer to the format. Called the Walzer tournament
in one edition, this years event is called the Polka.

The event is a double round robin Scheveningen System event.

Polka Veterans vs Women Tournament

Round 1 (1995.07.01)

Spassky, Boris V     - Xie, Jun (GM)         1/2   22  C49  Four knights
Hort, Vlastimil      - Polgar, Zsuzsa (GM)   1/2   40  E94  KID Classical
Korchnoi, Viktor     - Ioseliani, Nana (IM)  1-0   50  D31  Queen's gambit
Portisch, Lajos      - Cramling, Pia (GM)    0-1   59  E62  Kings indian
Smyslov, Vassily     - Polgar, Judit (GM)    0-1   29  B27  Sicilian; Closed

Round 2 (1995.07.02)

Cramling, Pia (GM)   - Korchnoi, Viktor      1-0   42  D43  Queen's gambit
Polgar, Judit (GM)   - Spassky, Boris V      1/2   26  C65  Ruy Lopez
Polgar, Zsuzsa (GM)  - Portisch, Lajos       1/2   22  E08  Nimzo indian
Xie, Jun (GM)        - Hort, Vlastimil       1/2   57  B12  Caro-Kann
Ioseliani, Nana (IM) - Smyslov, Vassily      1/2   55  E14  Nimzo indian

Round 3 (1995.07.03)

Spassky, Boris V     - Ioseliani, Nana (IM)  1-0   53  B52  Sicilian
Hort, Vlastimil      - Polgar, Judit (GM)    1-0   42  A45  Queen's pawn
Korchnoi, Viktor     - Polgar, Zsuzsa (GM)   1/2   30  D31  Queen's gambit
Portisch, Lajos      - Xie, Jun (GM)         1/2   40  D79  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6
Smyslov, Vassily     - Cramling, Pia (GM)    1/2   44  B40  Sicilian

Round 4 (1995.07.05)

Cramling, Pia (GM)   - Spassky, Boris V      1/2   31  D43  Queen's gambit
Polgar, Judit (GM)   - Portisch, Lajos       1/2   35  B48  Sicilian
Polgar, Zsuzsa (GM)  - Smyslov, Vassily      1/2   55  E16  Nimzo indian
Xie, Jun (GM)        - Korchnoi, Viktor      1/2   47  C08  French; Tarrasch
Ioseliani, Nana (IM) - Hort, Vlastimil       1-0   38  E97  KID Main line



Spassky,Boris	2.5
Hort,Vlastimil	2
Korchnoi,Viktor	2
Portisch,Lajos	1.5
Smyslov,Vassily	1.5


Cramling,Pia	3.0
Polgar,Zsuzsa	2.0
Polgar,Judit	2.0
Xie,Jun		2.0
Ioseliani,Nana	1.5

Prague (CZE), VII 1995.                            cat. XIII (2566)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Cramling, Pia (GM)   wg SWE 2510  * = . 1 . . . . 1 =  3.0  2785
 2 Spassky, Boris V      g FRA 2555  = * . . = . = 1 . .  2.5  2635
 3 Hort, Vlastimil       g GER 2560  . . * . 1 = = 0 . .  2.0  2553
 4 Korchnoi, Viktor      g SUI 2635  0 . . * . = = 1 . .  2.0  2522
 5 Polgar, Judit (GM)   wg HUN 2635  . = 0 . * . . . = 1  2.0  2573
 6 Polgar, Zsuzsa (GM)  wg HUN 2565  . . = = . * . . = =  2.0  2593
 7 Xie, Jun (GM)        wg CHN 2540  . = = = . . * . = .  2.0  2591
 8 Ioseliani, Nana (IM) wg GEO 2475  . 0 1 0 . . . * . =  1.5  2491
 9 Portisch, Lajos       g HUN 2615  0 . . . = = = . * .  1.5  2475
10 Smyslov, Vassily      g RUS 2565  = . . . 0 = . = . *  1.5  2459

5) Hastings International Chess Festival

The Hastings International Chess Festival will run from the 19th - 29th
August. Events include the Hastings Masters 9 round Swiss Open (20th -
27th), August Centenary special (20th -25th) for 175 BCF and under,
Weekend Congress (25th-27th) and Intel PCA London Qualifier 28th-29th
August. All congresses will be played at the Phoenix Arts Centre Hastings.

Entry forms and information:
Con Power, 418 Harold Road, East Sussex, Hastings, TN35 5HG
Tel: 01424 431970
Pam Thomas, 5 High Wickham, Hastings, East Sussex, TN35 5PB
Tel: 01424 445348 Fax: 01424 712812

I forgot my more detailed listings, I will post that tonight
or tomorrow morning.

6) Quebec Closed Championships.

The information here has mostly come from Simon Latendresse's
excellent www page (I'm afraid I've temporarily mislaid the
address). My thanks also to Howard Streit, Hugh Brodie
and Jonathan Berry.

Alexandre Lesiege couldn't keep up the tremendous pace that
he set at the start of the event. He eventually lost his
adjourned round 6 game and had to settle for a draw in the
last round. Having had several tries last week, I must stress
that this was the Quebec Closed Tournament. It is hoped that
there will be a Canadian Championships later this year.

Howard Streit reports:

"The generous prize fund totalled $5,000 Cdn. Lesiege's victory earned
him $1,600. In the Women's Closed, 20-year old Johanne Charest claimed
the $400 first prize and the title."

Tournament Director: Valentin Prahov

Round 6 (1995.07.28)

O'Donnell, Tom     - Lesiege, Alexandre  1-0
Leveille, Francois - Hebert, Jean        0-1
Levtchouk, George  - Gravel,Simon        0-1
Ross, David        - Schleifer, Michael  0-1
Linsky, Oleg       - Latendresse,Simon   0-1

Round 7 (1995.07.29)

Lesiege, Alexandre - Leveille, Francois  1-0
Hebert, Jean       - Linsky, Oleg        1/2
Schleifer, Michael - Levtchouk, George   0-1
Gravel,Simon       - O'Donnell, Tom      1/2
Latendresse,Simon  - Ross, David         0-1

Round 8 (1995.07.30)

Lesiege, Alexandre - Gravel,Simon        1-0
O'Donnell, Tom     - Schleifer, Michael  1/2
Leveille, Francois - Linsky, Oleg        1-0
Levtchouk, George  - Latendresse,Simon   1-0
Ross, David        - Hebert, Jean        1-0

Round 9 (1995.07.02)

Hebert, Jean       - Levtchouk, George   1-0
Schleifer, Michael - Lesiege, Alexandre  1/2
Gravel,Simon       - Leveille, Francois  0-1
Linsky, Oleg       - Ross, David         1-0
Latendresse,Simon  - O'Donnell, Tom      1/2

Quebec (CAN), VI-VII 1995.
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Lesiege, Alexandre  m CAN 2460  * 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 1  7.5  2571
 2 Hebert, Jean        m CAN 2400  0 * = 1 1 1 1 0 = 1  6.0  2400
 3 O'Donnell, Tom      m CAN 2360  1 = * = 1 = = = = =  5.5  2457
 4 Schleifer, Michael    CAN 2260  = 0 = * 1 = 0 1 1 1  5.5  2420
 5 Leveille, Francois  f CAN 2360  0 0 0 0 * 1 1 1 1 1  5.0  2305
 6 Gravel,Simon              ----  0 0 = = 0 * 1 = = 1  4.0  2269
 7 Levtchouk, George   f CAN 2345  0 0 = 1 0 0 * = = 1  3.5  2255
 8 Ross, David         f CAN 2350  0 1 = 0 0 = = * 0 1  3.5  2199
 9 Linsky, Oleg          ISR 2315  0 = = 0 0 = = 1 * 0  3.0  2260
10 Latendresse,Simon         ----  0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 1 *  1.5  2105

7) Deep Blue v Illescas

It is reported that the match was only over two games. In which case
Illescas won 1.5 - 0.5. Deep Blue Prototype lost on time in game
two. 45 mins per side.

The gamescores come from Spanish Teletext. They cannot be regarded
as official. The may not be totally correct. (Due to my miscopying,
their mistyping etc etc)

8) Aval Bank Yalta Crimea

A great might have been. This was supposed to be a Category 16 event, the
strongest in the Crimea's history. Instead the players arrived to find that
the prizes were no longer guaranteed and the players returned home after
playing a rapidplay event to entertain the spectators.

1st = Ivanchuk, Dreev
3rd Morozevich
4th Korchnoi

Its especially disappointing as Morozevich would have had his first real
chance to show what he can do. The only game available from the speedplay
was a Korchnoi victory against Morozevich.

9) Kagawa Tournament The Hague Netherlands


1-2 	Van Wely,Van der Weide					5.5
3-9 	Szecely, Knoppert, Wirschell, Kroeze, Wagemakers	5
	De Jong, Kuipers

10) World Open $160,000 Tournament in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Information as appeared on ICC. Alex Yermolinsky won the World Open
and with it the first prize of $12, 000. There has been little reporting
of this event, so hopefully someone can provide a selection of games.

Aviv Friedman (sveshi on ICC) scored an IM norm. He kindly sent me a
couple of games at my request.

World Open $160,000 Tournament in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania July 1-4!
*****  Top Scores in the OPEN Section (9 rounds total)  *****

Results after Round 3:
3.0:  Kaidanov, Saidy, Ehlvest, Wojtkiewicz, Yermolinsky, Zaitchik, Frias
      Fishbein, Ibragimov, *Shabalov (FlamingSkull)
2.5:  Kudrin, Schwartzmann, Lein, Margulis, *Benjamin (GMJoel), Goldin,
      Epishin, Atalik, *Sagalchik, Blatny, Gamboa, *Kaufman, Bonin,
      Shliperman, Getz, *Adamson (BLITZMASTER), *Friedman (sveshi)

Results after Round 4:
4.0:  *Kaidanov, *Shabalov, Yermolinsky, Zaitchik
3.5:  *Benjamin, Kudrin, Goldin, Atalik, Wojtkiewicz, Ehlvest, D.Gurevich,
      Fishbein, Garcia, Raprintsev, *Adamson, *Friedman

Results after Round 5:                                          7pm Sunday
5.0:  Yermolinsky, Zaitchik
4.5:  *Benjamin, Wojtkiewicz, Garcia, Raprintsev
4.0:  Ehlvest, *Kaidanov, *Shabalov, Norwood, Epishin, D Gurevich, A.Ivanov,
      Atalik, Frias, Sevillano, Burnett, Yedidia, Fong, Manion, *Friedman,

Results after Round 6:                                         11am Monday
5.5:  Yermolinsky, Zaitchik, Raprintsev
5.0:  *Kaidanov, *Benjamin, Wojtkiewicz, Sevillano, D.Gurevich, *Friedman,
      *Shabalov, Norwood

Results after Round 7:                                          7pm Monday
6.5:  Yermolinsky
6.0:  *Kaidanov, D.Gurevich, Norwood, Sevillano
5.5:  Zaitchik, Wojtkiewicz, Epishin, *Fedorowicz (crewcut), Schwartzmann,
      Goldin, Raprintsev

Results after Round 8:                                        10am Tuesday
7.5:  Yermolinsky
6.5:  Goldin, Wojtkiewicz, *Fedorowicz (crewcut), *Kaidanov
6.0:  Norwood, D. Gurevich, Sevillano, *Schwartzmann (gasch), DeFirmian,
      *Benjamin, Frias, *Sagalchik, Gamboa, *Kaufman, *Shabalov, Kudrin,
      A.Ivanov, Atalik

Final Results  after Round 9 (tentative):                      5pm Tuesday
8.0:  Yermolinsky ($12,000)
7.5:  *Kaidanov ($6,000)
7.0:  DeFirmian, *Benjamin, Wojtkiewicz, Norwood, Goldin, Epishin, Gamboa
      *Fedorowicz, Nelson (about $900 each)

11) Copenhagen Open Tournament games from Under Uret /Flemming Jensen

Copenhagen (DEN), VI-VII 1995.
                                          1   2   3   4   5   6   7
 1 Emms, John M              m ENG 2500  +47 +28 +11 = 3 = 5 +40 = 4  5.5 /7  2658
 2 Fries-Nielsen, Jens-Ove   m DEN 2430  +70 + 6 -20 +42 =11 +28 +40  5.5 /7  2580
 3 Glek, Igor V              g RUS 2590  +62 +13 +19 = 1 = 9 = 4 +14  5.5 /7  2676
 4 Hansen, Lars Bo           g DEN 2565  +24 = 7 +32 +40 +20 = 3 = 1  5.5 /7  2679
 5 Hector, Jonny             g SWE 2540  +76 =10 +27 + 7 = 1 = 8 +15  5.5 /7  2651
 6 Hellsten, Johan             SWE 2420  +58 - 2 +65 +41 +19 = 9 +31  5.5 /7  2602
 7 Jelling, Erik             m DEN 2415  +75 = 4 +17 - 5 =18 +41 +37  5.0 /7  2542
 8 Lutz, Christopher         g GER 2560  +52 +14 =12 =30 +26 = 5 = 9  5.0 /7  2539
 9 Mortensen, Erling         m DEN 2500  +64 +18 +31 =20 = 3 = 6 = 8  5.0 /7  2607
10 Borge, Nikolaj            m DEN 2405  +73 = 5 +39 =31 =12 =37 =19  4.5 /7  2535
11 Brinck-Claussen, Bjorn    m DEN 2355  +81 +16 - 1 =38 = 2 =26 +48  4.5 /7  2464
12 Hansen, Sune Berg         m DEN 2460  +57 +56 = 8 =15 =10 =20 =16  4.5 /7  2525
13 Hoi, Carsten              m DEN 2415  +44 - 3 =55 +50 =42 +56 =20  4.5 /7  2392
14 Lyrberg, Patrik           m SWE 2415  +50 - 8 +70 +24 =15 +35 - 3  4.5 /7  2476
15 Moskalenko, Viktor        g UKR 2525  +33 =30 +38 =12 =14 +39 - 5  4.5 /7  2489
16 Nielsen, Peter Heine      g DEN 2500  +72 -11 +46 =18 +22 =31 =12  4.5 /7  2437
17 Olesen, Martin              DEN 2340  =74 +60 - 7 +80 =35 =24 +45  4.5 /7  2343
18 Rewitz, Poul                DEN 2325  +51 - 9 +44 =16 = 7 +32 =23  4.5 /7  2443
19 Ward, Christopher         m ENG 2485  +55 +29 - 3 +56 - 6 +27 =10  4.5 /7  2451
20 Wells, Peter K            g ENG 2530  +65 +22 + 2 = 9 - 4 =12 =13  4.5 /7  2530
21 Nordenbak,Jan                   ----   .  -58 =76 +75 +73 +70 =26  4.0 /6  2265
22 Barkhagen, Jonas          m SWE 2400  +54 -20 =67 +55 -16 +49 =29  4.0 /7  2312
23 Bjerring, Kai             m DEN 2370  +71 -31 =33 +67 -37 +46 =18  4.0 /7  2277
24 Brondum, Eric               DEN 2245  - 4 +59 +34 -14 +60 =17 =30  4.0 /7  2362
25 Christensen, Jan            DEN 2240  =45 -27 =49 -28 +68 +72 +69  4.0 /7  2247
26 Claussen, Uwe               GER 2135  =60 =42 +74 +53 - 8 =11 =21  4.0 /7  2394
27 Dausch, Rene              f GER 2305  =61 +25 - 5 =46 +72 -19 +58  4.0 /7  2395
28 Greger, Roland              DEN 2275  +34 - 1 -36 +25 +58 - 2 +50  4.0 /7  2311
29 Holmsgaard, Henrik          DEN 2275  +82 -19 +58 =37 -39 +67 =22  4.0 /7  2384
30 Jakobsen, Ole             m DEN 2380  +68 =15 +48 = 8 -40 =42 =24  4.0 /7  2382
31 Maksimenko, Andrei        m UKR 2525  +59 +23 - 9 =10 +45 =16 - 6  4.0 /7  2442
32 Pedersen, Steffen         m DEN 2400  =46 +79 - 4 =33 +38 -18 +55  4.0 /7  2350
33 Pioch, Thomas               GER 2220  -15 +51 =23 =32 +53 =45 =38  4.0 /7  2374
34 Rasmussen, Peter            DEN 2250  -28 +57 -24 -58 +82 +79 +73  4.0 /7  2240
35 Schandorff, Lars          m DEN 2450  =79 -46 +71 +52 =17 -14 +59  4.0 /7  2352
36 Schultz-Pedersen, Jesper    SWE 2190  -40 +63 +28 -45 -56 +62 +53  4.0 /7  2319
37 Skembris, Spyridon        g GRE 2525  +69 +53 -40 =29 +23 =10 - 7  4.0 /7  2406
38 Sobjerg, Erik               DEN 2275  +78 +67 -15 =11 -32 +44 =33  4.0 /7  2297
39 Thorhallsson, Throstur    m ISL 2420  +49 =48 -10 +47 +29 -15 =42  4.0 /7  2343
40 Vescovi, Giovanni         m BRA 2465  +36 +41 +37 - 4 +30 - 1 - 2  4.0 /7  2463
41 Ziegler, Ari              f SWE 2305  +43 -40 +54 - 6 +65 - 7 +56  4.0 /7  2305
42 Aagaard, Jacob              DEN 2245  =80 =26 +61 - 2 =13 =30 =39  3.5 /7  2268
43 Bekker Jensen,D                 ----  -41 -72 =57 +79 +64 -48 +67  3.5 /7  2212
44 Henrichsen, Jens            DEN 2135  -13 +76 -18 =66 +61 -38 +60  3.5 /7  2120
45 Hvenekilde, Jorgen          DEN 2330  =25 =61 +64 +36 -31 =33 -17  3.5 /7  2285
46 Jorgensen,Michael               ----  =32 +35 -16 =27 =47 -23 +70  3.5 /7  2342
47 Schneider, Stefan           SWE 2210  - 1 =71 +77 -39 =46 =60 +66  3.5 /7
48 Sorensen, Henrik          f DEN 2255  +63 =39 -30 =60 =49 +43 -11  3.5 /7  2130
49 Van Wissen, Michiel E       NED 2140  -39 =77 =25 +82 =48 -22 +61  3.5 /7  2236
50 Andersen, Ole Bo            DEN 2085  -14 =75 +79 -13 =55 +65 -28  3.0 /7  2207
51 Bekker Jensen,S                 ----  -18 -33 =69 +57 =59 -55 +72  3.0 /7  2177
52 Einersen, Eivind            DEN 2240  - 8 +68 =80 -35 =54 -58 +74  3.0 /7  2120
53 Furhoff, Johan            f SWE 2345  +66 -37 +72 -26 -33 +82 -36  3.0 /7  2126
54 Guindy, Esmat               DEN 2045  -22 +62 -41 =59 =52 =69 =57  3.0 /7  2210
55 Nielsen, Soren Holst        DEN 2195  -19 +66 =13 -22 =50 +51 -32  3.0 /7  2117
56 Nilsson, Nils S             DEN 2255  +77 -12 +73 -19 +36 -13 -41  3.0 /7  2197
57 Petersen, Steen             DEN 2190  -12 -34 =43 -51 +76 +63 =54  3.0 /7  2161
58 Ronneland, Daniel           SWE 2135  - 6 +21 -29 +34 -28 +52 -27  3.0 /7  2169
59 Sylvan, Jacob               DEN 2225  -31 -24 +68 =54 =51 +74 -35  3.0 /7  2125
60 Andersen,Preben                 ----  =26 -17 +75 =48 -24 =47 -44  2.5 /7  2099
61 Christensen,Paw                 ----  =27 =45 -42 =70 -44 +64 -49  2.5 /7  2114
62 Isaksen, Brian              DEN 2245  - 3 -54 +63 -72 +77 -36 =71  2.5 /7
63 Karlsen,Arne                    ----  -48 -36 -62 =81 +75 -57 +80  2.5 /7  2125
64 Petermann, Hubert           GER 2195  - 9 +78 -45 =74 -43 -61 +82  2.5 /7  2203
65 Petersen, Soren Boeck       DEN 2230  -20 +81 - 6 +73 -41 -50 =68  2.5 /7  2185
66 Rasmussen,Niels Erik            ----  -53 -55 +78 =44 -70 +80 -47  2.5 /7  2011
67 Schmied, Andreas            GER 2150  +83 -38 =22 -23 +80 -29 -43  2.5 /7  2150
68 Siles,Luis                      ----  -30 -52 -59 +78 -25 +77 =65  2.5 /7  1897
69 Sinkbaek, Aage              DEN 2220  -37 -73 =51 +71 =74 =54 -25  2.5 /7  1959
70 Werner, Bernd-Michael       GER 2165  - 2 +82 -14 =61 +66 -21 -46  2.5 /7  2231
71 Wiese,Hans Joachim              ----  -23 =47 -35 -69 =79 +76 =62  2.5 /7  2171
72 Auchenberg, Per             DEN 2215  -16 +43 -53 +62 -27 -25 -51  2.0 /7  2087
73 Fant, Goran                 SWE 2080  -10 +69 -56 -65 -21 +78 -34  2.0 /7  2032
74 Hansen, Johnny Hvam         DEN 2105  =17 =80 -26 =64 =69 -59 -52  2.0 /7  2060
75 Preuss, Flemming            DEN 2090  - 7 =50 -60 -21 -63 +81 =76  2.0 /7  2296
76 Molvig, Henrik              DEN 2240  - 5 -44 =21 =77 -57 -71 =75  1.5 /7  1916
77 Nicolaisen,Erik                 ----  -56 =49 -47 =76 -62 -68 =81  1.5 /7  2062
78 Nielsen,Morten                  ----  -38 -64 -66 -68 +81 -73 =79  1.5 /7  2086
79 Ostergaard, Rasmus          DEN 2180  =35 -32 -50 -43 =71 -34 =78  1.5 /7  1974
80 Svendsen, Odin              NOR 2175  =42 =74 =52 -17 -67 -66 -63  1.5 /7  2067
81 Bogdanov, Valentin          UKR 2445  -11 -65 -82 =63 -78 -75 =77  1.0 /7
82 Pedersen, Henrik B          DEN 2225  -29 -70 +81 -49 -34 -53 -64  1.0 /7  1950
83 BYE                             ----  -67  .   .   .   .   .   .   0.0 /1

12) Croyden Central International

Another of Chris Dunworth's all-play-all events, the most prolific organiser
in the country at the moment. Arkell is running away with the event but a
large number of the players seeking an IM norm are still in the hunt, the
target is 11 from 15. My thanks to Bob Wade for the table.

Croyden Central International	   A C C R D V M B H W B G M V F B TOTAL
Arkell, Keith C		ENG 2485 m £ 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1           1 9.0 /10
Coleman, David		ENG 2240   0 £ 1 1 0 = 1 0 0           = 0 4.0 /10
Campbell, Eoin		SCO 2085   = 0 £ 0 0 = 1 0           0 = 0 2.5 /10
Rice, Christopher	ENG 2165   0 0 1 £ = 0 1           0 = 0 0 3.0 /10
Dive, Russell John	NZL 2295 f = 1 1 = £ 1           = 1 0 1 1 7.5 /10
Vegh, Endre		HUN 2345 m 0 = = 1 0 £         = 0 1 = =   4.5 /10
Maduekwe, Chiedu	NGR 2270   0 0 0 0     £     P = = 1 = 0   2.5 / 9
Bates, Richard		ENG 2355   0 1 1         £ 1 1 1 P 1 0 =   6.5 / 9
Holland, Christopher	ENG 2260   0 1           0 £ = P = 1 0 0 0 3.0 / 9
Whiteley, Andrew J	ENG 2335 m 0           P 0 = £ P = 1 = = 0 3.0 / 8
Britton, Richard	ENG 2320 f           = = 0 P P £ P 1 = = 1 4.0 / 7
Giddins, Stephen	ENG 2290 f         = 1 = P = = P £ 1 =   = 5.0 / 8
Marley, Justin C.	ENG 2110         1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 £     0 1.0 /10
Vareille, Francois	FRA 2390 f     1 = 1 = = 1 1 = = =   £     7.0 /10
Franklin, Michael J	ENG 2240 f   = = 1 0 = 1 = 1 = =       £   6.0 /10
Buckley, Graeme		ENG 2310 f 0 1 1 1 0       1 1 0 = 1     £ 6.5 /10
IM Norms 11 / 15

13) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski 

				TWIC # 40

  |   |   |   |   |   | B |   | b |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   | r | o |  Jan Rusinek, T.f.Schack, 1974, 1st Prize
  | Q |   |   |   | o |   |   | k |  (after 4 moves, from TWIC # 39)
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | + |  W: Kg3,Qa6,Bf8,p.d4,e4,f4,g4,h5 (8)
  |   | o |   | + | + | + | + |   |  B: Kh6,Qc3,Rg7,Bh8,p.b3,b4,e6,h7 (8)
  |   | o | q |   |   |   | K |   |  White to move and win
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

  5.Qd3!!	  Third wQ sacrifice, similar in motifs to Mitrofanov's
		  study presented in TWIC 37-38.
		  5.Kh4? Qe1+ with a perpetual check.

	  Qc8	  Again, it must be refused: 5...Qxd3+ Kh4, and there is no
		  check on the diagonal e1-h4.
		  5...Qe1+ 6.Kg2 b2 and I almost thought that the study is
		  unsolvable.  Here White finds an interesting counterpunch
		  in 6.Qf3! (controlling h5, and thus threatning 7.g5 mate,
    		  defendind d4 square, and preventing checks on row 3)
		  6...Qh4 7.g5+ Qxg5 8.fg+ Kxg5 9.Qb3 is easily won.

  6.Qc4!	  Fourth wQ sacrifice, also blocking c3 and attacking e6.

  	  Qxf8	  Forced, since the sacrifice again must be refused:
		  6...Qxc4 7.Kh4 wins.

  7.Qxe6+ Rxg6

  8.g5+   Kg7

  9.h6+   Rxh6 mate.