THE WEEK IN CHESS 385 25th March 2002 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Amber Tournament, Monaco
3) 13th Goodricke International
4) Bundesliga
5) Argentine Championships
6) Pinamar International
7) Supercom Cup
8) Belgian Teams
9) 35th International Ladies GM
10) Yugoslav Championships
11) Budapest Spring Festival
12) III Dos Hermanas Internet Tournament
13) Canadian Closed (Zonal)
14) 4th Arab Champions League
15) Kali Cup
16) 2nd Eger International
17) Suetin Memorial
18) Latvian Championships
19) 8th Schloss Open
20) 1st New York Masters
21) 4NCL
22) FIDE Rapid Rating List
23) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Amber Tournament, Monaco          72 games
13th Goodricke International     243 games
Bundesliga                        96 games
Argentine Championships           30 games
Pinamar International             30 games
Supercom Cup                      42 games
Belgian Teams                     16 games
35th International Ladies GM      10 games
Budapest Spring Festival         120 games
III Dos Hermanas Internet         73 games
4th Arab Champions League        220 games
Kali Cup                           1 game
2nd Eger International            45 games
8th Schloss Open                  25 games
1023 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Laszlo Nagy, Istvan Magyar, Jovan Petronic, Radu Chirila, Steve Laios, Michael Rahal, Mohamed Al Hitmi, Ali Habibi, Eugeny Atarov, Kaspars Migla, John Fernandez, Peter Sowray, Willy Iclicki and all those who helped with this issue.

The Amber Blindfold and Rapid tournament continues this week. The big surprise is the performance of the favourite Vladimir Kramnik who is stuck around the 50% mark.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Amber Tournament, Monaco

The Amber Blindfold and Rapid tournament takes place 16th-28th March 2002. With just three rounds to go Boris Gelfand and Evgeny Bareev lead the rapid event with 6/8, Alexander Morozevich and Alexei Shirov have 6.5/8 in the blindfold event and Alexei Shirov leads the combined standings with 11/16 half a point clear of Peter Leko and Evgeny Bareev. Vladimir Kramnik the strong pre-event favourite is having a very mediocre event with scores of 4.5/8 in the rapid and 4/8 in the blindfold, these results include a 2-0 loss to Evgeny Bareev.

Internet coverage:

Amber Rapid

Round 3 (March 18, 2002)

Bareev, Evgeny         -  Ivanchuk, Vassily      0-1   42  D47  Queens Gambit Meran
Leko, Peter            -  Morozevich, Alexander  1/2   33  B28  Sicilian Early a7-a6
Topalov, Veselin       -  Gelfand, Boris         1/2   35  C42  Petroff's Defence
Kramnik, Vladimir      -  Almasi, Zoltan         1/2   75  E15  Queens Indian
Piket, Jeroen          -  Van Wely, Loek         1-0   39  D12  Slav Defence
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   -  Shirov, Alexei         0-1   47  B80  Sicilian Scheveningen

Round 4 (March 19, 2002)

Bareev, Evgeny         -  Piket, Jeroen          1-0   33  A20  English Opening
Ivanchuk, Vassily      -  Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   1-0   54  A14  Reti Opening
Leko, Peter            -  Kramnik, Vladimir      0-1   37  C95  Ruy Lopez Breyer
Morozevich, Alexander  -  Gelfand, Boris         1/2   40  B51  Sicilian Rossolimo
Almasi, Zoltan         -  Topalov, Veselin       0-1   48  B67  Sicilian Rauzer
Van Wely, Loek         -  Shirov, Alexei         0-1   45  D31  Semi-Slav Defence

Round 5 (March 21, 2002)

Gelfand, Boris         -  Almasi, Zoltan         1-0   33  E18  Queens Indian
Topalov, Veselin       -  Leko, Peter            0-1   49  A34  English Symmetrical
Kramnik, Vladimir      -  Morozevich, Alexander  1-0   34  D17  Slav Defence
Shirov, Alexei         -  Bareev, Evgeny         0-1   51  C10  French Rubinstein
Piket, Jeroen          -  Ivanchuk, Vassily      1/2   54  D47  Queens Gambit Meran
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   -  Van Wely, Loek         1-0   79  A29  English Four Knights

Round 6 (March 22, 2002)

Bareev, Evgeny         -  Leko, Peter            0-1   44  A30  English Symmetrical Variation
Ivanchuk, Vassily      -  Morozevich, Alexander  1-0   25  D10  Slav Defence
Shirov, Alexei         -  Topalov, Veselin       1/2   34  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Piket, Jeroen          -  Kramnik, Vladimir      1-0   36  E15  Queens Indian
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   -  Gelfand, Boris         0-1   30  A12  Reti Opening
Van Wely, Loek         -  Almasi, Zoltan         1/2   34  D15  Slav Defence

Round 7 (March 23, 2002)

Gelfand, Boris         -  Shirov, Alexei         1/2   75  D47  Queens Gambit Meran
Leko, Peter            -  Van Wely, Loek         1-0   43  B84  Sicilian Scheveningen
Topalov, Veselin       -  Ivanchuk, Vassily      1/2   32  B04  Alekhine's Defence
Kramnik, Vladimir      -  Bareev, Evgeny         0-1   51  C01  French Exchange
Morozevich, Alexander  -  Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   1-0   24  B86  Sicilian Sozin Attack
Almasi, Zoltan         -  Piket, Jeroen          0-1   29  C99  Ruy Lopez Chigorin

Round 8 (March 24, 2002)

Bareev, Evgeny         -  Almasi, Zoltan         1-0   74  A37  English Symmetrical
Ivanchuk, Vassily      -  Gelfand, Boris         0-1   58  B90  Sicilian Najdorf
Shirov, Alexei         -  Morozevich, Alexander  1/2   44  B12  Caro Kann Advanced
Piket, Jeroen          -  Leko, Peter            0-1   47  E15  Queens Indian
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   -  Topalov, Veselin       0-1   65  A33  English Symmetrical
Van Wely, Loek         -  Kramnik, Vladimir      0-1   42  A17  English Opening

Amber Rapidplay Monaco MNC (MNC), 16-28 iii 2002      cat. XVIII (2699)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Gelfand, Boris         g ISR 2703 * . 1 1 = = = . = 1 1 .  6.0  2896
 2 Bareev, Evgeny         g RUS 2707 . * 0 0 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1  6.0  2880
 3 Ivanchuk, Vassily      g UKR 2717 0 1 * . = . = = 1 . 1 1  5.5  2829
 4 Leko, Peter            g HUN 2713 0 1 . * 1 0 . 1 = = . 1  5.0  2807
 5 Topalov, Veselin       g BUL 2739 = . = 0 * = = . = 1 1 .  4.5  2741
 6 Kramnik, Vladimir      g RUS 2809 = 0 . 1 = * . 0 1 = . 1  4.5  2743
 7 Shirov, Alexei         g ESP 2715 = 0 = . = . * = = . 1 1  4.5  2732
 8 Piket, Jeroen          g NED 2659 . 0 = 0 . 1 = * . 1 0 1  4.0  2693
 9 Morozevich, Alexander  g RUS 2742 = . 0 = = 0 = . * = 1 .  3.5  2655
10 Almasi, Zoltan         g HUN 2644 0 0 . = 0 = . 0 = * . =  2.0  2528
11 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   g YUG 2548 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 1 0 . * 1  2.0  2516
12 Van Wely, Loek         g NED 2697 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . = 0 *  0.5  2245

Amber Blindfold

Round 3 (March 18, 2002)

Morozevich, Alexander  -  Leko, Peter            1-0   39  C65  Ruy Lopez Berlin Defence
Shirov, Alexei         -  Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   1-0   29  C02  French Advance
Ivanchuk, Vassily      -  Bareev, Evgeny         0-1   28  D23  Queen's Gambit Accepted
Gelfand, Boris         -  Topalov, Veselin       1-0   53  B36  Sicilian Maroczy Bind
Almasi, Zoltan         -  Kramnik, Vladimir      1/2   30  C95  Ruy Lopez Breyer
Van Wely, Loek         -  Piket, Jeroen          1/2   39  A41  Modern Defence counter 1.d4

Round 4 (March 19, 2002)

Shirov, Alexei         -  Van Wely, Loek         1-0   43  B80  Sicilian Scheveningen
Kramnik, Vladimir      -  Leko, Peter            1/2   37  E15  Queens Indian
Gelfand, Boris         -  Morozevich, Alexander  0-1   36  B14  Caro Kann Panov Attack
Topalov, Veselin       -  Almasi, Zoltan         1/2   44  E13  Queens Indian 5.Bg5
Piket, Jeroen          -  Bareev, Evgeny         1/2   46  A11  Reti Opening
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   -  Ivanchuk, Vassily      1/2   55  A29  English Four Knights 

Round 5 (March 21, 2002)

Morozevich, Alexander  -  Kramnik, Vladimir      1/2   24  C48  Four Knights Game Rubinstein
Leko, Peter            -  Topalov, Veselin       1-0   64  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov 
Ivanchuk, Vassily      -  Piket, Jeroen          1-0   49  C99  Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Bareev, Evgeny         -  Shirov, Alexei         0-1   21  E11  Bogo Indian Defence
Almasi, Zoltan         -  Gelfand, Boris         0-1   25  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Van Wely, Loek         -  Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   1/2   68  E12  Queens Indian Petrosian

Round 6 (March 22, 2002)

Morozevich, Alexander  -  Ivanchuk, Vassily      1/2   81  B03  Alekhine's Defence
Leko, Peter            -  Bareev, Evgeny         1/2   20  C10  French Rubinstein
Kramnik, Vladimir      -  Piket, Jeroen          1-0   39  D43  Anti-Meran Gambit
Gelfand, Boris         -  Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   1-0   66  E52  Nimzo Indian
Topalov, Veselin       -  Shirov, Alexei         1/2   39  B30  Sicilian Rossolimo 
Almasi, Zoltan         -  Van Wely, Loek         1/2   45  B80  Sicilian Scheveningen

Round 7 (March 23, 2002)

Shirov, Alexei         -  Gelfand, Boris         1-0   63  C10  French Rubinstein
Ivanchuk, Vassily      -  Topalov, Veselin       1/2   61  A13  Reti Opening
Bareev, Evgeny         -  Kramnik, Vladimir      1-0   36  A29  English Four Knights
Van Wely, Loek         -  Leko, Peter            0-1   63  E12  Queens Indian Petrosian
Piket, Jeroen          -  Almasi, Zoltan         1/2   28  E17  Queens Indian
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   -  Morozevich, Alexander  0-1   52  D07  Tchigorin Defence)

Round 8 (March 24, 2002)

Morozevich, Alexander  -  Shirov, Alexei         1/2   36  C42  Petroff's Defence
Leko, Peter            -  Piket, Jeroen          1-0   54  C54  Giuoco Piano
Kramnik, Vladimir      -  Van Wely, Loek         1-0   22  D13  Slav Exchange
Gelfand, Boris         -  Ivanchuk, Vassily      0-1   46  A58  Volga Gambit
Topalov, Veselin       -  Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   1-0   35  E15  Queens Indian
Almasi, Zoltan         -  Bareev, Evgeny         1-0   52  C10  French Rubinstein

Amber Blindfold Monaco MNC (MNC), 16-28 iii 2002      cat. XVIII (2699)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Morozevich, Alexander  g RUS 2742 * = 1 = . = 1 1 1 . . 1  6.5  2949
 2 Shirov, Alexei         g ESP 2715 = * . = 1 . 1 = . 1 1 1  6.5  2940
 3 Leko, Peter            g HUN 2713 0 . * . = = = 1 1 1 1 .  5.5  2853
 4 Ivanchuk, Vassily      g UKR 2717 = = . * 0 . 1 = . = 1 =  4.5  2731
 5 Bareev, Evgeny         g RUS 2707 . 0 = 1 * 1 . . 0 = = 1  4.5  2730
 6 Kramnik, Vladimir      g RUS 2809 = . = . 0 * = 0 = 1 1 .  4.0  2700
 7 Gelfand, Boris         g ISR 2703 0 0 = 0 . = * 1 1 . . 1  4.0  2703
 8 Topalov, Veselin       g BUL 2739 0 = 0 = . 1 0 * = . . 1  3.5  2655
 9 Almasi, Zoltan         g HUN 2644 0 . 0 . 1 = 0 = * = = .  3.0  2634
10 Van Wely, Loek         g NED 2697 . 0 0 = = 0 . . = * = =  2.5  2548
11 Piket, Jeroen          g NED 2659 . 0 0 0 = 0 . . = = * 1  2.5  2552
12 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   g YUG 2548 0 0 . = 0 . 0 0 . = 0 *  1.0  2387

Combined Standings:

Amber All Monaco MNC (MNC), 16-28 iii 2002                         cat. XVIII (2699)
                                      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 
 1 Shirov, Alexei         g ESP 2715 ** .. 01 == == =1 .. == =1 .. 11 11  11.0  2830
 2 Leko, Peter            g HUN 2713 .. ** 1= =0 .. 0= 0= 11 11 =1 11 ..  10.5  2829
 3 Bareev, Evgeny         g RUS 2707 10 0= ** .. 01 .. 11 .. 1= 10 1= 11  10.5  2804
 4 Morozevich, Alexander  g RUS 2742 == =1 .. ** 0= =1 0= =1 .. =1 .. 11  10.0  2793
 5 Ivanchuk, Vassily      g UKR 2717 == .. 10 1= ** 01 .. == =1 .. 1= 1=  10.0  2783
 6 Gelfand, Boris         g ISR 2703 =0 1= .. =0 10 ** == =1 .. 11 .. 11  10.0  2798
 7 Kramnik, Vladimir      g RUS 2809 .. 1= 00 1= .. == ** =0 01 == 11 ..   8.5  2721
 8 Topalov, Veselin       g BUL 2739 == 00 .. =0 == =0 =1 ** .. 1= .. 11   8.0  2698
 9 Piket, Jeroen          g NED 2659 =0 00 0= .. =0 .. 10 .. ** 1= 1= 01   6.5  2628
10 Almasi, Zoltan         g HUN 2644 .. =0 01 =0 .. 00 == 0= 0= ** == ..   5.0  2580
11 Van Wely, Loek         g NED 2697 00 00 0= .. 0= .. 00 .. 0= == ** 0=   3.0  2438
12 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   g YUG 2548 00 .. 00 00 0= 00 .. 00 10 .. 1= **   3.0  2458

3) 13th Goodricke International

The 13th edition of the Goodricke International Open Chess Tournament takes place 17th-27th March 2002 in the Gorky Sadan, Calcutta.

Further details:, and

Leading Round 9 (of 11) Standings: 
13th Goodricke Calcutta IND (IND), 17-27 iii 2002
                                             1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11 
 1. Sulskis, Sarunas           g  LTU 2579  =37 +35 +48 +14 = 2 + 6 + 7 +23 = 3  .   .   7.5  2790 
 2. Sasikiran, Krishnan        g  IND 2569  +42 +20 =14 + 9 = 1 = 7 =12 =11 + 6  .   .   6.5  2718 
 3. Ovsejevitsch, Sergei       g  UKR 2529  =38 +50 = 7 =27 =19 +28 = 6 +16 = 1  .   .   6.0  2578 
 4. Sermek, Drazen             g  SLO 2595  =35 =28 -24 +29 +31 = 8 =15 +34 +19  .   .   6.0  2547 
 5. Ghaem Maghami, Ehsan       g  IRI 2513  +43 - 6 =47 =26 +50 =25 +36 + 7 =14  .   .   6.0  2559 
 6. Yegiazarian, Arsen         g  ARM 2567  +19 + 5 =13 +10 =23 - 1 = 3 +14 - 2  .   .   5.5  2612 
 7. Aleksandrov, Aleksej       g  BLR 2645  +45 = 8 = 3 +13 +21 = 2 - 1 - 5 +28  .   .   5.5  2568 
 8. Shariyazdanov, Andrey      g  RUS 2532  +49 = 7 =25 +17 =12 = 4 =23 =10 =13  .   .   5.5  2596 
 9. Motylev, Alexander         g  RUS 2639  +33 =15 +22 - 2 +20 -14 =18 =17 +29  .   .   5.5  2552 
10. Kotsur, Pavel              g  KAZ 2578  +47 +18 =12 - 6 =28 +17 =14 = 8 =11  .   .   5.5  2583 
11. Kuzmin, Alexey             g  RUS 2568  =32 +36 =27 =28 +24 =12 =19 = 2 =10  .   .   5.5  2555 
12. Goloshchapov, Alexander    g  UKR 2545  +52 +24 =10 =23 = 8 =11 = 2 =13 =15  .   .   5.5  2599 
13. Fominyh, Alexander         g  RUS 2536  +34 +31 = 6 - 7 +47 =23 =20 =12 = 8  .   .   5.5  2580 
14. Sorokin, Maxim             g  ARG 2551  +40 +54 = 2 - 1 +27 + 9 =10 - 6 = 5  .   .   5.5  2547 
15. Barua, Dibyendu            g  IND 2515  +39 = 9 -23 =24 =35 +45 = 4 +25 =12  .   .   5.5  2557 
16. Sherbakov, Ruslan          g  RUS 2539  -29 +51 =26 +45 =25 =18 +24 - 3 +32  .   .   5.5  2472 
17. Sandipan, Chanda           m  IND 2452  -31 +52 +33 - 8 +38 -10 +47 = 9 +23  .   .   5.5  2541 
18. Kunte, Abhijit             g  IND 2479  +46 -10 =31 =35 +34 =16 = 9 =19 =21  .   .   5.0  2460 
19. Satyapragyan, S               IND 2354  - 6 =43 +51 +22 = 3 +30 =11 =18 - 4  .   .   5.0  2497 
20. Lalic, Bogdan              g  ENG 2523  +44 - 2 +54 =25 - 9 +26 =13 =21 =22  .   .   5.0  2435 
21. Wong Zi Jing               f  MAS 2256  -24 +53 +41 +30 - 7 -36 +27 =20 =18  .   .   5.0  2488 
22. Mahesh Chandran, P            IND 2436  =50 +38 - 9 -19 +41 =47 =32 +36 =20  .   .   5.0  2454 
23. Gleizerov, Evgeny          g  RUS 2587  =25 +29 +15 =12 = 6 =13 = 8 - 1 -17  .   .   4.5  2494 
24. Prakash, G B               m  IND 2451  +21 -12 + 4 =15 -11 +35 -16 =26 =33  .   .   4.5  2468 
25. Blauert, Joerg             m  GER 2390  =23 +41 = 8 =20 =16 = 5 =30 -15 =26  .   .   4.5  2502 
26. Sriram, Jha                m  IND 2408  =28 =30 =16 = 5 =36 -20 +37 =24 =25  .   .   4.5  2476 
27. Al Sayed, Mohamad N        m  QAT 2413  =30 +37 =11 = 3 -14 =32 -21 +38 =34  .   .   4.5  2418 
28. Bakre, Tejas               m  IND 2477  =26 = 4 +44 =11 =10 - 3 =29 +43 - 7  .   .   4.5  2468 
29. Shetty, Rahul                 IND 2335  +16 -23 -30 - 4 +44 +38 =28 +41 - 9  .   .   4.5  2483 
30. Ramesh, R.B                m  IND 2480  =27 =26 +29 -21 +43 -19 =25 -32 +44  .   .   4.5  2341 
31. Sundararajan, Kidambi      m  IND 2412  +17 -13 =18 =50 - 4 =39 -34 +46 +43  .   .   4.5  2377 
32. Ravi, Thandalam Shanmugam  f  IND 2357  =11 -48 =46 +54 =33 =27 =22 +30 -16  .   .   4.5  2391 
33. Ravi, Lanka                m  IND 2395  - 9 +34 -17 =44 =32 =43 =39 +47 =24  .   .   4.5  2382 
34. Yogesh, Gore                  IND 2333  -13 -33 +53 +37 -18 +54 +31 - 4 =27  .   .   4.5  2362 
35. Saravanan, V               m  IND 2393  = 4 - 1 +49 =18 =15 -24 =48 =40 =39  .   .   4.0  2402 
36. Koneru, Humpy              wg IND 2539  =41 -11 =38 +46 =26 +21 - 5 -22 =40  .   .   4.0  2348 
37. Sharma, Dinesh K              IND 2380  = 1 -27 =43 -34 =46 +50 -26 =48 +52  .   .   4.0  2313 
38. Visweswaran, K                IND 2310  = 3 -22 =36 +42 -17 -29 +53 -27 +48  .   .   4.0  2351 
39. Sengupta, Deep                IND 2292  -15 -47 -50 +53 +52 =31 =33 =45 =35  .   .   4.0  2297 
40. Suvrajit, Saha                IND 2346  -14 =46 -45 -43 +51 =48 +50 =35 =36  .   .   4.0  2313 
41. Hossain, Enamul            f  BAN 2426  =36 -25 -21 +51 -22 =44 +54 -29 +47  .   .   4.0  2267 
42. Roy Chowdhury, Saptarshi      IND 2358  - 2 -44 +52 -38  .  =46 =49 +50 =45  .   .   3.5  2293 
43. Mohota, Nisha              wm IND 2257  - 5 =19 =37 +40 -30 =33 +45 -28 -31  .   .   3.5  2337 
44. Singh, S. Vikramjit           IND 2299  -20 +42 -28 =33 -29 =41 =46 +49 -30  .   .   3.5  2316 
45. Konguvel, Ponnuswamy       m  IND 2404  - 7 =49 +40 -16 +48 -15 -43 =39 =42  .   .   3.5  2331 
46. Palit, Somak                  IND 2257  -18 =40 =32 -36 =37 =42 =44 -31 +54  .   .   3.5  2272 
47. Swathi, Ghate              wm IND 2362  -10 +39 = 5 +48 -13 =22 -17 -33 -41  .   .   3.0  2326 
48. Abdulla, Al-Rakib          m  BAN 2432  =51 +32 - 1 -47 -45 =40 =35 =37 -38  .   .   3.0  2242 
49. Ramaswamy, Aarthie         wm IND 2320  - 8 =45 -35 -52 -54 +51 =42 -44 +53  .   .   3.0  2159 
50. Dhar-Barua, Saheli         wm IND 2193  =22 - 3 +39 =31 - 5 -37 -40 -42 =51  .   .   2.5  2216 
51. Sangma, Rahul                 IND 2180  =48 -16 -19 -41 -40 -49 +52 =53 =50  .   .   2.5  2167 
52. Girinath, P.D.S               IND 2336  -12 -17 -42 +49 -39 =53 -51 +54 -37  .   .   2.5  2120 
53. Ghader Pour, Shayesteh     wm IRI 2055   .  -21 -34 -39 +55 =52 -38 =51 -49  .   .   2.0  2060 
54. Krishna, Thapa                IND ----  +55 -14 -20 -32 +49 -34 -41 -52 -46  .   .   2.0  2124 
55. BYE                               ----  -54  .   .   .  -53  .   .   .   .   .   .   0.0       

4) Bundesliga

The 10th and 11th rounds of the Bundesliga took place over the weekend of 16th-17th March 2002. Luebeck retain their lead through a big win against Heiligenhaus and a narrow win against Solinger SG. Games from rounds 10-11 now available.

Coverage: and

5) Argentine Championships

The 72nd Argentine Championships took place 11th-20th March 2002. Ruben Felgaer won a playoff 1.5-0.5 against Fernando Peralta after both players finished on 9/13.

Official internet coverage:

72nd ch-ARG Pinamar ARG (ARG), 11-20 iii 2002                    cat. IX (2472)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1. Peralta, Fernando        m ARG 2490  * 1 = = = 1 1 = = 1 = 0 1 1  9.0  2612 
 2. Felgaer, Ruben           m ARG 2509  0 * = = = 1 = = 1 = 1 1 1 1  9.0  2610 
 3. Zarnicki, Pablo          g ARG 2493  = = * 0 = = = 1 1 1 = = 1 1  8.5  2580 
 4. Sorin, Ariel             g ARG 2512  = = 1 * = 0 1 = = = 1 1 0 1  8.0  2556 
 5. Spangenberg, Hugo        g ARG 2508  = = = = * 0 = = = 1 = 1 1 =  7.5  2526 
 6. Giardelli, Sergio C      m ARG 2428  0 0 = 1 1 * = = 0 = = 1 = =  6.5  2475 
 7. Slipak, Sergio           g ARG 2498  0 = = 0 = = * 1 = 1 = 1 = 0  6.5  2470 
 8. Campora, Daniel H        g ARG 2542  = = 0 = = = 0 * = = 1 = 1 =  6.5  2467 
 9. Fiorito, Fabian          m ARG 2353  = 0 0 = = 1 = = * 0 = = = 1  6.0  2452 
10. Flores, Diego              ARG 2442  0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 1 * = 1 0 1  5.5  2417 
11. Pierrot, Facundo         m ARG 2430  = 0 = 0 = = = 0 = = * = 1 0  5.0  2388 
12. Giaccio, Alfredo         m ARG 2517  1 0 = 0 0 0 0 = = 0 = * = 1  4.5  2358 
13. Rosito, Jorge            m ARG 2424  0 0 0 1 0 = = 0 = 1 0 = * =  4.5  2366 
14. Garcia Palermo, Carlos   g ARG 2467  0 0 0 0 = = 1 = 0 0 1 0 = *  4.0  2331 

72nd ch-ARG Playoff Pinamar ARG (ARG), 20-20 iii 2002
                                1   2 
Felgaer, Ruben    m  ARG 2509    =   1   1.5  2683
Peralta, Fernando m  ARG 2490    =   0   0.5  2316

6) Pinamar International

The Pinamar International takes place March 21st-27th 2002. This Category XI event followed directly on from the Argentine Championships. After six rounds Pablo Zarnicki and Ivan Morovic Fernandez lead with 4/6.

Official internet coverage:

Masters Pinamar ARG (ARG), 21-26 iii 2002                 cat. XI (2513)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Zarnicki, Pablo           g ARG 2493  * . = = . . 1 = = 1  4.0  2630 
 2. Morovic Fernandez, Ivan   g CHI 2554  . * = . = . = 1 = 1  4.0  2629 
 3. Slipak, Sergio            g ARG 2498  = = * = . = . 1 = .  3.5  2569 
 4. Pavasovic, Dusko          g SLO 2547  = . = * = = . . 1 =  3.5  2563 
 5. Ricardi, Pablo            g ARG 2544  . = . = * = 0 = 1 .  3.0  2518 
 6. Mohr, Georg               g SLO 2509  . . = = = * = . = =  3.0  2519 
 7. Sunye Neto, Jaime         g BRA 2531  0 = . . 1 = * 0 . 1  3.0  2507 
 8. Rodriguez, Andres         g URU 2460  = 0 0 . = . 1 * . 1  3.0  2517 
 9. Felgaer, Ruben            m ARG 2509  = = = 0 0 = . . * .  2.0  2399 
10. Larsen, Bent              g DEN 2486  0 0 . = . = 0 0 . *  1.0  2242 

7) Supercom Cup

The Supercom Cup which took place 17th-28th March 2002. My thanks to Radu Chirila.

Internet coverage:

Round 7 Standings:
Supercom Cup Bucharest ROM (ROM), 17-28 iii 2002             cat. VIII (2448)
                                           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Grunberg, Mihai            m ROM 2463  * = . . . 1 = 1 = 1 1 .  5.5  2676 
 2. Ardelean, George Catalin   m ROM 2444  = * = = . = . . 1 . 1 1  5.0  2596 
 3. Ionescu, Constantin        g ROM 2481  . = * = . = = = 1 . 1 .  4.5  2557 
 4. Badea, Bela                g ROM 2477  . = = * . = = . 1 . 1 =  4.5  2545 
 5. Svetushkin, Dmitry         m MDA 2501  . . . . * 1 1 = = = 0 1  4.5  2531 
 6. Dumitrache, Dragos         m ROM 2506  0 = = = 0 * . 1 . 1 . .  3.5  2456 
 7. Golubev, Mihail            g UKR 2531  = . = = 0 . * = . = . 1  3.5  2439 
 8. Musat, Adrian              f ROM 2414  0 . = . = 0 = * . = . 1  3.0  2410 
 9. Vasiesiu, Dan              m ROM 2435  = 0 0 0 = . . . * 1 = .  2.5  2349 
10. Nanu, Ciprian              m ROM 2412  0 . . . = 0 = = 0 * . 1  2.5  2351 
11. Bets, Anatolij             m MDA 2383  0 0 0 0 1 . . . = . * =  2.0  2288 
12. Tikhomirov, Sergei         m MDA 2326  . 0 . = 0 . 0 0 . 0 = *  1.0  2142 

8) Belgian Teams

Steve Laios reports that the final round of the Belgian Team Championships have just taken place. Liège (CRELEL) won the Belgian Interteams. Liège and Temse Boey qualified for the European Cup. Borgerhout were relegated from the 1st Division. There will be a play-off on March 24th between Antwerp (KAOSK) and Gent 2 (KGSRL2) to settle the other relegation place. Hoboken and Eynatten (winners of the 2nd division) are promoted into the 1st division.

Round 1 : 14.10.2001                    Round 2 : 28.10.2001

1.KGSRL 2 - KGSRL 1          4.5-3.5    1.LVL Fortis  - Temse    3.0-5.0
2.KAOSK   - Rochade          1.5-6.5    2.KBSK - Eupen           4.5-3.5
3.Borgerhout  - Jean Jaurès  4.0-4.0    3.KGSRL 1 - Liège        2.0-6.0
4.Liège - KBSK               6.0-2.0    4.Jean Jaurès  - KGSRL 2 4.0-4.0
5.Eupen - Temse              2.5-5.5    5.Rochade - Borgerhout   5.5-2.5
6.Charleroi - LVL Fortis     2.5-5.5    6.Charleroi - KAOSK      4.0-4.0

Round 3 : 25-11-2001                    Round 4 : 09-12-2001

1.Liège  - Jean Jaurès       4.5-3.5    1.Charleroi - KGSRL 2    3.0-5.0
2.Borgerhout  - Charleroi    3.5-4.5    2.Rochade - Liège        5.5-2.5
3.Temse - KBSK               5.0-3.0    3.KGSRL 1 - Temse        3.5-4.5
4.KAOSK - Leuven             2.5-5.5    4.Leuven - KBSK          3.0-5.0
5.KGSRL 2 - Rochade          6.5-1.5    5.Jean Jaurès - Eupen    6.0-2.0
6.Eupen - KGSRL 1            3.0-5.0    6.KAOSK - Borgerhout     6.0-2.0

Round 5 : 23-12-2001                    Round 6 : 06-01-2002

1.Borgerhout 1 - Leuven 1    4.5-3.5    1.Leuven 1 - KGSRL 1     5.5-2.5
2.KGSRL 2 - KAOSK 1          3.0-5.0    2.Jean Jaurès 1 - KBSK 1 3.0-5.0
3.Liège 1 - Charleroi 1      6.5-1.5    3.Rochade 1 - Temse 1    6.0-2.0
4.Eupen 1 - Rochade 1        3.5-4.5    4.Charleroi 1 - Eupen 1  5.5-2.5
5.Temse 1 - Jean Jaurès 1    2.0-6.0    5.KAOSK 1 - Liège 1      3.5-4.5
6.KBSK 1 - KGSRL 1           3.0-5.0    6.Borgerhout 1 - KGSRL 2 4.5-3.5

Round 7 : 20-01-2002                    Round 8 : 03-02-2002

1.KGSRL 2 - LV Leuven 1      3.5-4.5    1.Leuven - Jean Jaurès   5.5-2.5
2.Liège 1 - Borgerhout 1     6.5-1.5    2.Charleroi - KBSK       5.0-3.0
3.Eupen 1 - KAOSK 1          5.5-2.5    3.Rochade - KGSRL1       5.0-3.0
4.Temse 1 - Charleroi 1      6.0-2.0    4.KAOSK - Temse          0.0-8.0
5.KBSK 1 - Rochade 1         2.0-6.0    5.Borgerhout - Eupen     2.0-6.0
6.KGSRL 1 - Jean Jaurès 1    6.0-2.0    6.KGSRL2 - Liège         1.0-7.0

Round 9 : 17-02-2002                    Round 10 : 03-03-2002

1.Liège 1 - Leuven 1         5.5-2.5    1.Leuven 1 - Rochade 1        3.5-4.5
2.Eupen 1 - KGSRL 2          6.0-2.0    2.Charleroi 1 - Jean Jaurès 1 4.5-3.5
3.Temse 1 - Borgerhout       6.0-2.0    3.KAOSK 1 - KGSRL 1           4.5-3.5
4.KBSK 1 - KAOSK 1           4.5-3.5    4.Borgerhout 1 - KBSK 1       1.5-6.5
5.KGSRL 1 - Charleroi 1      3.5-4.5    5.KGSRL 2 - Temse 1           1.0-7.0
6.Jean Jaurès 1 - Rochade 1  5.5-2.5    6.Liège 1 - Eupen 1           6.0-2.0

Round 11 : 10-03-2002      

1.Eupen 1 - Leuven 1         3.0-5.0  
2.Temse 1 - Liège 1          5.0-3.0  
3.KBSK 1 - KGSRL 2           3.5-4.5
4.KGSRL 1 - Borgerhout 1     6.0-2.0  (games)
5.Jean Jaurès 1 - KAOSK 1    2.5-5.5  (games)
6.Rochade 1 - Charleroi 1    4.0-4.0

Final standing after round 11 
     Teams                 pts     pm
  1. Liège 1               58      9
  2. Temse Boey 1          56      9
  3. SK Rochade Eupen 1    51.5    8.5 
  4. LV Leuven Fortis 1    47      6
  5. K Gent SRL 1          43.5    4
  6. Jean Jaurès 1         42.5    4
  7. K Brugge SK           42      5
  8. Charleroi 1           41      6
  9. KSK Eupen 47 1        39.5    3
 10. K Antwerp OSK 1       38.5    4.5
 10. K Gent SRL 2          38.5    4.5
 12. Borgerhout 1          6.5     0.5

9) 35th International Ladies GM

The 35th International Ladies' Grandmaster Tournament (9th cat. ELO=2255) took place in Belgrade 15th-23rd March 2002. For the second year in succession the event was won by Irina Chelushkina. She took clear first with 7/9. Games from the first five rounds only are available.

Internet coverage: (Belgrade Chess Federation) and (SAH in the Sports Section)

35th Ladies GM Belgrade YUG (YUG), 15-23 iii 2002         cat. I (2255)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Chelushkina, Irina     wg YUG 2388  * 1 0 1 1 = 1 1 1 =  7.0  2460 
 2. Grabics, Monika        wm HUN 2283  0 * = 1 = = 1 1 1 1  6.5  2418 
 3. Bogza, Adina           wm ROM 2298  1 = * = = 0 = 1 1 1  6.0  2375 
 4. Petrenko, Svetlana     wg MDA 2338  0 0 = * 1 1 1 = = 1  5.5  2326 
 5. Kalevic, Sanja         wg YUG 2246  0 = = 0 * = 1 1 1 1  5.5  2336 
 6. Savic, Marijana        wf YUG 2169  = = 1 0 = * 0 1 = 1  5.0  2307 
 7. Ujhazi, Danijela          YUG 2180  0 0 = 0 0 1 * 0 = 1  3.0  2138 
 8. Chilingirova, Pavlina  wm BUL 2269  0 0 0 = 0 0 1 * 1 =  3.0  2128 
 9. Nestorovic, Irena      wf YUG 2139  0 0 0 = 0 = = 0 * =  2.0  2048 
10. Petrovic, Marija       wm YUG 2243  = 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = *  1.5  1983 

10) Yugoslav Championships

The 57th Yugoslav Championships take place in Banja Koviljaca they started on 16th March 2002. After 8 rounds Dragisa Blagojevic and Dejan Pikula lead with 5.5/8.

Daily results at: (SAH in the Sports Section)

Round 8 Standings:
57th ch-YUG Banja Koviljaca YUG (YUG), 16-30 iii 2002            cat. X (2500)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1. Blagojevic, Dragisa     m YUG 2508  * = . = . = = 1 = . 1 1 . .  5.5  2634 
 2. Pikula, Dejan           m YUG 2466  = * = . . 1 0 . 1 . = . 1 1  5.5  2654 
 3. Pavlovic, Milos         g YUG 2497  . = * = = . . = = 1 1 = . .  5.0  2575 
 4. Ilincic, Zlatko         g YUG 2534  = . = * = . . = . 1 1 . = =  5.0  2591 
 5. Kosic, Dragan           g YUG 2511  . . = = * . . = = = 0 1 1 .  4.5  2529 
 6. Kovacevic, Aleksandar   g YUG 2549  = 0 . . . * = = 1 . = = . 1  4.5  2532 
 7. Popovic, Petar          g YUG 2533  = 1 . . . = * . 0 . = 0 = 1  4.0  2502 
 8. Arsovic, Goran          m YUG 2437  0 . = = = = . * . = . . = 1  4.0  2517 
 9. Antic, Dejan            g YUG 2470  = 0 = . = 0 1 . * . . . 0 1  3.5  2473 
10. Savic, Miodrag R        m YUG 2469  . . 0 0 = . . = . * = = 1 =  3.5  2457 
11. Jeremic, Veljko           YUG 2484  0 = 0 0 1 = = . . = * . . .  3.0  2421 
12. Ostojic, Nikola         m YUG 2475  0 . = . 0 = 1 . . = . * = 0  3.0  2430 
13. Abramovic, Bosko        g YUG 2524  . 0 . = 0 . = = 1 0 . = * .  3.0  2399 
14. Damljanovic, Branko     g YUG 2545  . 0 . = . 0 0 0 0 = . 1 . *  2.0  2298 

11) Budapest Spring Festival

The 18th Budapest Spring Festival was a 9 round Swiss Open Chess Tournament which took place 15th-23rd of March 2002. Bela Lengyel won with 8/9.

Final Standings: 
  1.  Lengyel Bela        2354 8.0  52.5  
  2.  Sipos Istvan        2199 7.0  50.5  
      Berczes Csaba       2244 7.0  46.5  
  4.  Karabalis Harilos   2196 6.5  49.5  
      Cooke Erik          2195 6.5  49.5  
      Weglarz Leszek      2362 6.5  48.0  
  7.  Majeric Zoran       2337 6.0  54.5  
      Banusz Tamas        2217 6.0  50.5  
      Berczes David       2146 6.0  50.0  
      Vass Viktor         2182 6.0  48.5  
      Erdelyi Zombor      2215 6.0  48.0  
      Nagy Zoltan         2246 6.0  47.5  
      Laszlo Imre         2124 6.0  47.5  
      Puschmann Laszlo    2273 6.0  45.0  
      Wolter Michael      2211 6.0  44.0  
      Juracsik Jozsef     2209 6.0  40.0  
 17.  Boros Denes         2240 5.5  54.5  
      Kolus Lajos         2200 5.5  48.5  
      Kis Bela            2189 5.5  47.0  
      Horvath Andras      2299 5.5  45.5  
      Alfred Nathan       2247 5.5  45.0  
      Kahn Ewarth         2303 5.5  42.5  
      Martini Balazs      2220 5.5  41.0  
      Gorgs Alfred        2169 5.5  38.5  
87 players

12) III Dos Hermanas Internet Tournament

The III Internet Chess Tournament "Ciudad de Dos Hermanas" took place on the Internet Chess Club (ICC), March 15th-23rd, 2002. There were 12 qualification events which led up to a knockout on March 22nd-23rd 2002.

Alexander Rustemov won the event beating Roland Schmaltz in an extra game in the final, their first two games were drawn. 850 spectators followed the final game live.

Time rate 8 minutes + 2 seconds. The event was sponsored by the Patronato de Deportes de Dos Hermanas, with the technical advice of ICC and EDAMI (Miguel Illescas Chess School). My thanks to Michael Rahal for the information.


Results of the Final Knockout
1st       GM   Alexander Rustemov       RUS   2607 
2nd       GM   Roland Schmaltz          GER   2534 

3rd-4th   GM   Zurab Azmaiparashvili    GEO   2676 
          GM   Roman Dzindzichashvili   USA   2542 

5th-8th   IM   Diego Adla               ARG   2498 
          GM   Daniel Fridman           LAT   2571 
          IM   Oleg Krivonosov          LAT   2440 
          GM   Sergei Shipov            RUS   2630 

9th-16th  GM   Manuel Apicella          FRA   2520 
          MF   Jose Candela Perez       ESP   2399 
          GM   Alexey Dreev             RUS   2683 
          IM   Michail Feygin           UKR   2475 
          IM   Gyula Izsak              HUN   2436 
          GM   Petr Kiriakov            RUS   2555 
          FM   Stefan Kristjansson      ISL   2389 
          IM   Rodrigo Vasquez          CHI   2468 

17th-32nd GM   Evgenij Agrest           SWE   2572 
          IM   Istvan Almasi            HUN   2437 
          GM   Boris Avrukh             ISR   2591 
          GM   Julio Becerra            CUB   2586 
          IM   Vladimir Belov           RUS   2487 
          IM   Dmitry Bocharov          RUS   2452 
          IM   Bernal Gonzalez          CRC   2424 
          GM   Vitali Golod             ISR   2516 
          GM   Pawel Jaracz             POL   2513 
               Ular Lauk                EST   2348 
          IM   Hikaru Nakamura          USA   2430 
          IM   Arkady Shevelev          ISR   2348 
               Jorge Soto               PER   2386 
          GM   Alexander Stripunsky     USA   2542 
               Neo Choo Tong            USA   ----
          FM   Christoph Wisnewski      GER   2416 

13) Canadian Closed (Zonal)

The Canadian Closed (Zonal) takes place Thursday March 21st - Tuesday April 2nd 2002. The 11 Round Swiss has 36 players. The top seeds are: 1. Alexandre Le Siège 2660, 2. Kevin Spraggett 2629, 3. David Cummings 2490, 4. Jean Hébert 2470 and 5. Pascal Charbonneau 2428.

Internet coverage: (live) and (Federation)

14) 4th Arab Champions League

The 4th Arab Champions League took place in Doha, Quatar, 2nd-12th March 2002. The winners were Doha with an average rating of 2427 (Alexey Kuzmin, Mohamad Al-Modiahki, Mohamad Al Sayed and Aziz Nezad Husein) they were a point and a half clear of the Eastern Company (Sergei Tiviakov, Imed Abdelnabbi Aly Ahmed Esam, Barakat Hassan Sayed and Ahmed Adly. My thanks to Mohamed Al Hitmi for all the games and information.

Rnk Team                  Pts. MP
 1  Doha                  32½  20
 2  Eastern Company       30½  18
 3  AL-Muhafaza           24½  14
 4  Al-Wahda              23   11
 5  Wadi Al-Layl          22   13
 6  Sharjah               19½  10
 7  AL-Dhahra             19½   7
 8  AL-Barid              15½   6
 9  AL-Jasra              14    7
10  AL-Muhandisin         12    3
11  Orthodoxi Bait Sahour  7    1

15) Kali Cup

The Kali Cup took place 18th-26th January 2002. Attila Czebe won the event. My thanks to Ferenc Pasztor for the information. Note the corrected table from last week.

Kali Cup HUN (HUN), 18-26 i 2002                           cat. II (2276)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Czebe, Attila         m HUN 2489  * = 0 1 = = = 1 1 = 1 1  7.5  2389 
 2. Bodo, Norbert         f HUN 2339  = * 1 = = = = = = 1 = 1  7.0  2372 
 3. Resika, Nathan A      f USA 2241  1 0 * 0 = = 1 0 1 1 1 1  7.0  2381 
 4. Hammes, Michael       f GER 2372  0 = 1 * 0 = = 1 = 1 1 1  7.0  2369 
 5. Majeric, Zoran        f CRO 2337  = = = 1 * = = 1 = = 0 1  6.5  2335 
 6. Istvandi, Lajos       m HUN 2286  = = = = = * = = = 1 = =  6.0  2311 
 7. Lakos, Nikoletta     wg HUN 2306  = = 0 = = = * 1 = 0 1 1  6.0  2309 
 8. Fodre, Sandor         f HUN 2207  0 = 1 0 0 = 0 * = 1 1 1  5.5  2282 
 9. Horvath, Imre         m HUN 2284  0 = 0 = = = = = * 1 = =  5.0  2239 
10. Rossato, Armando        ITA 2163  = 0 0 0 = 0 1 0 0 * 1 1  4.0  2184 
11. Kosztolanczi, Gyula   f HUN 2192  0 = 0 0 1 = 0 0 = 0 * 1  3.5  2150 
12. Gadacsi, Miklos jr      HUN 2099  0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 *  1.0  1909 

16) 2nd Eger International

The 2nd Eger International Round Robin took place 20th-28th February 2002. Lajos Seres and Levente Vajda finished on 7/9. My thanks to Ali Habibi.

Europe Chess GM Eger HUN (HUN), 20-28 iii 2002       cat. VII (2412)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Seres, Lajos         m HUN 2465  * 1 = = 1 1 = 1 1 =  7.0  2626 
 2. Vajda, Levente       g ROM 2513  0 * 1 = = 1 1 1 1 1  7.0  2621 
 3. Koneru, Humpy       wg IND 2539  = 0 * = = 1 1 1 = 1  6.0  2523 
 4. Varga, Zoltan        g HUN 2510  = = = * 1 = = = 1 =  5.5  2481 
 5. Pataki, Gyozo          HUN 2308  0 = = 0 * = = = 1 1  4.5  2424 
 6. Rajlich, Vasik G     f USA 2384  0 0 0 = = * = = 1 1  4.0  2372 
 7. Kosanovic, Goran A   g YUG 2428  = 0 0 = = = * = = =  3.5  2330 
 8. Resika, Nathan A     f USA 2241  0 0 0 = = = = * 0 1  3.0  2306 
 9. Hajnal, Zoltan       f HUN 2403  0 0 = 0 0 0 = 1 * =  2.5  2247 
10. Boricsev, Oleg       m HUN 2333  = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 = *  2.0  2201 

17) Suetin Memorial

The Suetin Memorial takes place in Tula 23rd-31st March 2002. It is the start of the VI Russian Cup. The event is a 9 round swiss.

Top players list
 1 Kharlov, Andrei          2638 GM RUS
 2 Burmakin, Vladimir       2564 GM RUS
 3 Turov, Maxim             2563 GM RUS
 4 Vaulin, Alexander        2560 GM RUS
 5 Alekseev, Evgeny         2552 IM RUS
 6 Balashov, Yuri S         2545 GM RUS
 7 Rychagov, Andrey         2544 IM RUS
 8 Kornev, Alexei           2536    RUS
 9 Vorobiov, Evgeny E.      2534 GM RUS
10 Voitsekhovsky, Stanislav 2527 GM RUS
11 Loginov, Valery A        2524 GM RUS
12 Iljushin, Alexei         2523 GM RUS
13 Nikolenko, Oleg          2517 IM RUS
14 Yandemirov, Valeri       2502 GM RUS
15 Zhelnin, Vladimir V      2477 IM RUS
16 Kuporosov, Viktor        2473 IM RUS
17 Bagirov, Rufat           2471 IM AZE
18 Zakharevich, Igor        2466 GM RUS
19 Skatchkov, Pavel         2464 IM RUS
20 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina  2462 GM RUS
76 players

18) Latvian Championships

Kaspars Migla reports on the Latvian Championships which took place 5th-13th March 2002. The winner men's event has yet to be decided as there was a three way tie between Roland Berzinsh, Ilmars Starostits and Viesturs Meijers. The tie will be resolved by a double round robin at some time in the future. GM Evgeny Sveshnikov, who formerly represented Russia but who has lived for a long time in Latvia, now has changed chess citizenship, and FIDE accepted his participation in the championship. Ilze Rubene has returned to Latvia after spending 10 years in Sweden.

Latvian Championships 2002 
9 rounds Swiss

1-3.   Berzinsh, Roland       m 2455   6,5
1-3.   Starostits, Ilmars     m 2450   6,5
1-3.   Meijers, Viesturs      m 2455   6,5
4-6.   Petkevich, Jusefs      m 2429   6
4-6.   Neiksans, Arturs       m 2434   6
4-6.   Luckans, Arnolds       f 2413   6
7-10.  Nikolajev, Denis         2242   5,5
7-10.  Krivonosov, Oleg       m 2440   5,5
7-10.  Jankovskis, Guntis       2364   5,5
7-10.  Raudive, Aivars        f 2289   5,5
11-13. Sveshnikov, Evgeny     g 2565   5
11-13. Zhuravliov, Valerij    m 2416   5
11-13. Putka, Verner            2294   5
14-23. Chehlov, Aleksander    f 2272   4,5
14-23. Stasans, Aivars          2238   4,5
14-23. Klovans, Janis         g 2440   4,5
14-23. Viksna, Talis            2248   4,5
14-23. Grasis Janis                    4,5
14-23. Ozolins, Aris          f 2337   4,5
14-23. Smorodinskis Igors              4,5
14-23. Daskevics, Vadims        2287   4,5
14-23. Semasev, Kim           f 2271   4,5
14-23. Dzjuba, Vsevolod         2283   4,5
24-27. Katishonok, Nikolaj      2309   4
24-27. Volodins, Igors          2094   4
24-27. Pavlovs Sergejs                 4
24-27. Visockis, Janis          2250   4
28-32. Metreveli, Sergejs       2218   3,5
28-32. Strebkovs, Andrejs       2085   3,5
28-32. Zhuravlev, Nikolay     f 2286   3,5
28-32. Tronenkovs, Valdis       2181   3,5
28-32. Batakovs, Olegs          2201   3,5
33-34. Daudzvardis, Janis       2158   2,5
33-34. Neimanis Juris                  2,5
35-36. Griezne, Edvins          2173   2
35-36. Volkovs Janis                   2

Latvian Women's Championships 2002 
5th-13th March 2002
11 player Round Robin

 1. Erneste, Inguna       wg 2284   7
 2. Berzina, Ilze         wf 2239   6,5
 3. Reizniece, Dana       wg 2282   6,5
 4. Rubene, Ilze          wm 2205   5,5
 5. Voronova, Tatiana     wm 2277   5,5
 6. Rogule, Laura            2226   5
 7. Krumina, Linda           2067   5
 8. Smirnova, Marina                4,5
 9. Titareva, Tatjana               4
10. Rozlapa, Vija            2015   3,5
11. Praude, Renate           2087   2

19) 8th Schloss Open

The 8th Schloss Open took place Friday March 22nd to Sunday March 24th 2002 in Werther/Westfalen. Vladimir Epishin took first place on tie-break from Alexander Berelovich.

Internet coverage: and Live coverage:

Final Standings: 
 1. Epishin,Vladimir          RUS GM 2599  4.5 14.0 15.5 
 2. Berelovich,Alexander      UKR GM 2522  4.5 13.5 16.0 
 3. Kopylov,Michael           UKR IM 2418  4.0 12.5 16.0 
 4. Kasparov,Sergey           BLR IM 2458  4.0 12.5 14.5 
 4. Antoniewski,Rafal         POL IM 2445  4.0 12.5 14.5 
 6. Kalod,Radek               CZE IM 2462  4.0 11.5 14.0 
 7. Kunin,Vitaly              RUS FM 2424  3.5 13.0 16.0 
 8. Velicka,Petr              CZE IM 2445  3.5 12.5 16.5 
 9. Souleidis,Georgios        GRE IM 2404  3.5 12.0 15.5 
10. Lingnau,Carsten           GER IM 2436  3.5 11.5 14.5 
11. Petrosian,Suren           ARM IM 2388  3.5 11.5 13.5 
12. Porper,Eduard             ISR IM 2424  3.5 10.5 15.0 
13. Boewer,Roland             GER    2210  3.5 10.5 14.0 
14. Hetey,Laszlo              GER IM 2338  3.5 10.5 13.0 
15. Okrajek,Alexander         GER    2295  3.5 10.0 13.0 
16. Cioara,Andrei Nestor      ROM IM 2439  3.5 10.0 12.5 
17. Essing,Arnold             GER    2311  3.5  9.5 13.0 
74 players

20) 1st New York Masters

John Fernandez reports: On Tuesday the 19th, the Marshall Chess Club hosted what is hopefully the first of many weekly events. The New York Masters, the brainchild of IM Greg Shahade, ran for the first time. With $150 in sponsorship money, the four round Game/30 event was guaranteed to have a large prize fund to lure the top players. The only condition for play? You must be over 2200 USCF. No exceptions. (There is in the works a qualifying tournament on Thursdays for players under 2200 USCF.)

Fourteen masters showed up to play in the inaugural event and battle over the $430 prize fund. Walking away with $190 each were Georgian GM Giorgi Kacheishvili and Ukrainian (now American) GM Igor Novikov, who scored 3.5 out of 4, drawing the game they played against each other. In this field of 3 GMs, 4 IMs, 3 FMs, and 4 masters, there was no such thing as an easy pairing, and all games were very hard fought. Taking clear third place with three points was the founder of the event, IM Greg Shahade, who after drawing the first two games, turned things on with two wins to capture the $50 third prize.

This tournament is the first in a series of weekly events. As of now, there is $150 in sponsorship money lined up per event given by eleven different anonymous donors. The event is a four round Game/30 tournament which begins at 7PM on Tuesday at the historic Marshall Chess Club, on 23 West 10th Street in New York City. The entry fee is $25 plus a $10 deposit to be returned upon completion of the tournament. Those that do not finish the tournament forfeit their deposit. Entry for GMs is free with no entry fee deducted from their prize, except for the deposit. Anyone requesting more information can contact Greg Shahade at or by phone at +1 (917) 294 - 1338

1st New York Masters Action USA (USA), 19 iii 2002
                                     1   2   3   4  Total
  1. Kacheishvili, Giorgi g  GEO  2584  + 9 +12 = 2 + 7  3.5
  2. Novikov, Igor A      g  UKR  2583  + 8 +10 = 1 + 6  3.5
  3. Shahade, Gregory     m  USA  2454  = 6 = 4 +10 + 8  3.0
  4. Lapshun, Yury        f  USA  2384  =   = 3 +12 = 5  2.5
  5. Furdzik, Rafal          POL  2249  +   + 7 - 6 = 4  2.5
  6. Privman, Boris       f  USA  2223  = 3 +14 + 5 - 2  2.5
  7. Ashley, Maurice      g  USA  2486  +11 - 5 + 9 - 1  2.0
  8. Sarkar, Justin       m  USA  2382  - 2 +11 +14 - 3  2.0
  9. Ariel, Donny         f  USA  2367  - 1 +13 - 7 +12  2.0
 10. Bonin, Jay R         m  USA  2419  +13 - 2 - 3 =11  1.5
 11. Eisen, Lewis            USA  2265  - 7 - 8 +13 =10  1.5
 12. Siegel, Noah J          USA  2239  +14 - 1 - 4 - 9  1.0
 13. Norowitz, Yaacov        USA  ----  -10 - 9 -11 +    1.0
 14. Rao, Vivek           m  USA  2435  -12 - 6 - 8 ---  0.0

21) 4NCL

The fourth weekend of the 4NCL took place March 23rd-24th 2002. It saw the loss of the last 100% record when Beeson Gregory were held 4-4 by Wood Green 2 (strengthened with the addition of Tiger Hillarp Persson on top board). The final three rounds will take place 4th-6th May. At the bottom of the league three teams will be relegated. Whilst Beeson Gregory 2 and Wessex are all but relegated the final position is not yet settled. Games should follow next week. My thanks to Peter Sowray.


Round 7 23rd March 2002

    BEESON GREGORY 2     2287 3 - 5 BARBICAN 4NCL 2 2188 
1 w Norwood, David       2507 ½ - ½ Collins, Sam           2299
2 b McDonald, Neil R.    2398 ½ - ½ Berry, Neil            2257
3 w Richardson, John R.  2308 ½ - ½ Duncan, Christopher R. 2336
4 b Moskovic, David M.   2250 0 - 1 Shikerov, Stefan       2298
5 w Broom, Mark          2240 0 - 1 D'Costa, Lorin A.R.    2212
6 b Lyell, Mark          2218 0 - 1 Trent, Lawrence        2208
7 w Shaw, David A.       2211 ½ - ½ Taylor, Peter          2229
8 b Flear, Christine (F) 2164 1 - 0 Macnab, Louise C (F)   1665

    BRISTOL 1            2271 2 - 6 WOOD GREEN 1           2526
1 w Ansell, Simon        2396 0 - 1 Short, Nigel           2663
2 b Beaumont, Chris      2300 0 - 1 Speelman, Jonathan S.  2596
3 w Burgess, Graham      2298 0 - 1 Baburin, Alexander     2565
4 b Cobb, Charles        2297 ½ - ½ Emms, John M.          2537
5 w McFarland, Robert S. 2280 0 - 1 Agdestein, Simen *     2572
6 b Buckley, David E.    2192 0 - 1 Martin, Andrew D.      2443
7 w Collier, David O.    2255 1 - 0 Pein, Malcolm          2424
8 b Buckley, Melanie (F) 2147 ½ - ½ Arakhamia-Grant, K (F) 2410

    BARBICAN 4NCL 1      2370 5½-2½ WESSEX                 2268
1 w Parker, Jonathan     2532 ½ - ½ Webb, Richard M.       2361
2 b Webster, Andrew      2413 1 - 0 Rossiter, Philip J.    2380
3 w Knott, Simon         2383 1 - 0 Poulton, James         2409
4 b Palliser, Richard    2443 ½ - ½ Corkett, Anthony R.    2316
5 w Ferguson, Mark       2376 ½ - ½ Yeo, Michael J.        2206
6 b Collinson, Adam      2391 ½ - ½ Simons, Martin J.      2230
7 w Rogers, Jonathan W.  2346 1 - 0 Neil, David R.         2222
8 b Kieran, Rosalind (F) 2079 ½ - ½ Howard, Emily (F)      2017

    THISTLE WHITE ROSE   2249 1½-6½ MIDLAND MONARCHS       2313
1 w Arkell, Keith C.     2463 1 - 0 Williams, Simon K.     2375
2 b Kirsanov, Oleg       2353 0 - 1 Pert, Nicholas         2451
3 w Gayson, Peter M.     2281 0 - 1 Ledger, Andrew J.      2399
4 b Buckley, Simon T.    2249 ½ - ½ Pert, Richard G.       2302
5 w Barrett, Steve J.    2199 0 - 1 Eames, Robert G.       2327
6 b Burnett, Jim         2218 0 - 1 Ledger, David J.       2298
7 w Gourlay, Iain        2183 0 - 1 Naylor, John           2229
8 b Keeling, Karen (F)   2048 0 - 1 Tidman, Sophie (F)     2119

    WOOD GREEN 2         2414 4 - 4 BEESON GREGORY 1       2490
1 w Hillarp Persson, T * 2456 1 - 0 McShane, Luke J.       2525
2 b Turner, Matthew J.   2502 1 - 0 Chandler, Murray G.    2543
3 w Ward, Christopher    2486 0 - 1 Hebden, Mark L.        2558
4 b Tiller, Bjorn        2383 0 - 1 Flear, Glenn C.        2511
5 w Hunt, Harriet (F)    2411 ½ - ½ Summerscale, Aaron     2503
6 b Heidenfeld, Mark     2370 0 - 1 Cherniaev, Alexander   2472
7 w Littlewood, Paul E.  2403 1 - 0 Mestel, A. Jonathan    2495
8 b Sowray, Peter J.     2302 ½ - ½ Sheldon, Ruth (F)      2310

    SLOUGH 1             2351 3 - 5 GUILDFORD-ADC 1        2416
1 w Wells, Peter K.      2517 0 - 1 Kosten, Anthony C.     2533
2 b Houska, Jovanka (F)  2380 ½ - ½ Rowson, Jonathan       2512
3 w McNab, Colin A.      2425 0 - 1 Plaskett, James        2474
4 b Wohl, Aleksandar H.  2395 0 - 1 Gormally, Daniel W.    2506
5 w Thiruchelvam,Murugan 2269 0 - 1 Matros, Alexander      2455
6 b Howell, David W.L.   2237 ½ - ½ Kinsman, Andrew P.H.   2401
7 w Devereaux, Maxim     2282 1 - 0 Povah, Nigel E.        2351
8 b Houska, Miroslav     2300 1 - 0 Yurenok, Maria S. (F)  2098
Round 8 24th March 2002

    BEESON GREGORY 1     2491 7½-½  THISTLE WHITE ROSE     2249
1 w Hebden, Mark L.      2558 ½ - ½ Arkell, Keith C.       2463
2 b Flear, Glenn C.      2511 1 - 0 Kirsanov, Oleg         2353
3 w McShane, Luke J.     2525 1 - 0 Gayson, Peter M.       2281
4 b Chandler, Murray G.  2543 1 - 0 Buckley, Simon T.      2249
5 w Summerscale, Aaron   2503 1 - 0 Barrett, Steve J.      2199
6 b Cherniaev, Alexander 2472 1 - 0 Burnett, Jim           2218
7 w Norwood, David       2507 1 - 0 Gourlay, Iain          2183
8 b Sheldon, Ruth (F)    2310 1 - 0 Keeling, Karen (F)     2048

    MIDLAND MONARCHS     2313 4½-3½ WOOD GREEN 2 2370 
1 w Ledger, Andrew J.    2399 1 - 0 Hillarp Persson, T *   2456
2 b Williams, Simon K.   2375 ½ - ½ Turner, Matthew J.     2502
3 w Pert, Nicholas       2451 0 - 1 Martin, Andrew D.      2443
4 b Eames, Robert G.     2327 1 - 0 Heidenfeld, Mark       2370
5 w Pert, Richard G.     2302 1 - 0 Littlewood, Paul E.    2403
6 b Ledger, David J.     2298 0 - 1 Sowray, Peter J.       2302
7 w Naylor, John         2229 ½ - ½ Law, Andrew P.         2302
8 b Tidman, Sophie (F)   2119 ½ - ½ Jackson, Sheila (F)    2183

    WOOD GREEN 1         2532 7 - 1 BARBICAN 4NCL 1        2357
1 w Short, Nigel         2663 1 - 0 Parker, Jonathan       2532
2 b Speelman, Jonathan   2596 1 - 0 Palliser, Richard      2443
3 w Agdestein, Simen *   2572 1 - 0 Knott, Simon           2383
4 b Baburin, Alexander   2565 1 - 0 Crouch, Colin S.       2360
5 w Emms, John M.        2537 ½ - ½ Ferguson, Mark         2376
6 b Ward, Christopher    2486 1 - 0 Duncan, Christopher R. 2336
7 w Pein, Malcolm        2424 ½ - ½ Rogers, Jonathan W.    2346
8 b Hunt, Harriet (F)    2411 1 - 0 Kieran, Rosalind (F)   2079

    GUILDFORD-ADC 1      2416 6½-1½ BEESON GREGORY 2       2252
1 w Kosten, Anthony C.   2533 ½ - ½ McDonald, Neil R.      2398
2 b Gormally, Daniel W.  2506 1 - 0 Moskovic, David M      2250
3 w Plaskett, James      2474 1 - 0 Richardson, John R.    2308
4 b Rowson, Jonathan     2512 1 - 0 Lyell, Mark            2218
5 w Matros, Alexander    2455 1 - 0 Broom, Mark            2240
6 b Kinsman, Andrew P.H. 2401 ½ - ½ Anderton, David W.     2230
7 w Povah, Nigel E.      2351 1 - 0 Shaw, David A.         2211
8 b Yurenok, Maria   (F) 2098 ½ - ½ Flear, Christine (F)   2164

    BARBICAN 4NCL 2      2240 3 - 5 SLOUGH 1               2351
1 w Collinson, Adam      2391 ½ - ½ Wells, Peter K.        2517
2 b Shikerov, Stefan     2298 ½ - ½ Houska, Jovanka (F)    2380
3 w Collins, Sam         2299 0 - 1 McNab, Colin A.        2425
4 b Berry, Neil          2257 0 - 1 Wohl, Aleksandar H.    2395
5 w D'Costa, Lorin A.R.  2212 0 - 1 Thiruchelvam, Murugan  2269
6 b Trent, Lawrence      2208 1 - 0 Howell, David W.L.     2237
7 w Hodgson, John H.     2214 ½ - ½ Devereaux, Maxim       2282
8 b Bhatia, Kanwal (F) * 2039 ½ - ½ Houska, Miroslav       2300

    WESSEX               2268 2 - 6 BRISTOL 1              2289
1 w Webb, Richard M.     2361 ½ - ½ Ansell, Simon          2396
2 b Rossiter, Philip J.  2380 0 - 1 Sherwin, James T.      2339
3 w Poulton, James       2409 ½ - ½ Burgess, Graham        2298
4 b Corkett, Anthony R.  2316 0 - 1 Beaumont, Chris        2300
5 w Simons, Martin J.    2230 ½ - ½ McFarland, Robert S.   2280
6 b Yeo, Michael J.      2206 ½ - ½ Cobb, Charles          2297
7 w Neil, David R.       2222 0 - 1 Collier, David O.      2255
8 b Howard, Emily (F)    2017 0 - 1 Buckley, Melanie (F)   2147

Team                +  =  -  Pts
BEESON GREGORY 1    7  1  0  15
WOOD GREEN 1        7  0  1  14
GUILDFORD-ADC 1     6  0  2  12
BARBICAN 4NCL 1     5  0  3  10
MIDLAND MONARCHS    4  0  4  8
BRISTOL 1           4  0  4  8
WOOD GREEN 2        3  1  4  7
BARBICAN 4NCL 2     3  1  4  7
SLOUGH 1            3  0  5  6
BEESON GREGORY 2    1  0  7  2
WESSEX              1  0  7  2

22) FIDE Rapid Rating List

The new FIDE Rapid rating list have been released. There are nearly 1300 names on the list. Events included are the WC-tie-breaks, Europe-Asia, Corsica, Villarobiedo, Kramnik-Kasparov, Riga.... The headlines include: Kasparov is back at number 1, Joel Lautier has moved from 40th to 4th and Ponomariov has moved from 100th to 38th. My thanks to Willy Iclicki.

FIDE Rapid Rating List Top 100
   1  RUS  Kasparov  Gary          Russia          286  23.04.02
   2  ENG  Adams  Michael          England         283  23.04.02
   3  RUS  Kramnik  Vladimir       Russia          279  23.04.02
   4  FRA  Lautier  Joel           France          277  23.04.02
   5  ISR  Gelfand  Boris          Israel          276  23.04.02
   6  UKR  Ivanchuk  Vassily       Ukraine         274  23.04.02
   7  FRA  Tkachiev  Vladislav     France          273  23.04.02
   8  BUL  Topalov  Veselin        Bulgaria        273  23.04.02
   9  IND  Anand  Vichy            India           272  23.04.02
  10  RUS  Rublevsky  Sergei       Russia          272  23.04.02
  11  RUS  Bareev  Evgeny          Russia          272  23.04.02
  12  GEO  Azmaiparashvili  Zurab  Georgia         272  23.04.02
  13  UZB  Kasimdzahnov  Rustam    Uzbekistan      272  23.04.02
  14  FRA  Bacrot  Etienne         France          272  23.04.02
  15  BUL  Georgiev  Kiril         Bulgaria        271  23.04.02
  16  NED  Piket  Jeroen           Netherlands     270  23.04.02
  17  USA  Kamsky  Gata            USA             270  25.12.99
  18  RUS  Dreev  Alexey           Russia          270  23.04.02
  19  BIH  Sokolov  Ivan           BIH             270  25.01.01
  20  RUS  Grischuk  Alexander     Russia          270  23.04.02
  21  HUN  Chernin  Alexander      Hungary         269  23.04.02
  22  ARM  Akopian  Vladimir       Armenia         269  01.07.00
  23  NED  Van Wely  Loek          Netherlands     268  23.04.02
  24  NED  Timman  Jan             Netherlands     268  23.04.02
  25  BEL  Gurevich  Mikhail       Belgium         267  23.04.02
  26  CZE  Movsesian  Sergei       Czech Republic  267  23.04.02
  27  RUS  Karpov  Anatoly         Russia          266  23.04.02
  28  HUN  Leko  Peter             Hungary         266  23.04.02
  29  ESP  Shirov  Alexis          Spain           266  23.04.02
  30  RUS  Shipov  Sergei          Russia          265  23.04.02
  31  RUS  Kharlov  Andrei         Russia          265  16.03.02
  32  BLR  Fedorov  Alexei         Belarus         265  25.12.99
  33  RUS  Ibragimov  Ildar        Russia          265  23.04.02
  34  RUS  Svidler  Peter          Russia          265  23.04.02
  35  UKR  Ponomariov  Ruslan      Ukraine         265  23.04.02
  36  RUS  Salov  Valery           Russia          265  01.11.99
  37  EST  Ehlvest  Jan            Estonia         264  23.04.02
  38  RUS  Khalifman  Alexander    Russia          264  23.04.02
  39  SUI  Milov  Vadim            Switzerland     264  23.04.02
  40  GEO  Giorgadze  Giorgi       Georgia         264  25.12.99
  41  USA  Gulko  Boris            USA             264  23.04.02
  42  BIH  Nikolic  Pedrag         BIH             264  23.04.02
  43  RUS  Zvjaginsev  Vadim       Russia          264  23.04.02
  44  HUN  Almasi  Zoltan          Hungary         263  23.04.02
  45  UKR  Baklan  Vladimir        Ukraine         263  23.04.02
  46  ENG  Speelman  Jonathan      England         263  25.01.01
  47  SWE  Andersson  Ulf          Sweden          262  25.12.99
  48  ISR  Sutovsky  Emil          Israel          262  23.04.02
  49  FRA  Spassky  Boris          France          262  23.04.02
  50  POL  Krasenkow  Michael      Poland          262  25.01.01
  51  YUG  Ljubojevic  Ljubomir    Yugoslavia      262  23.04.02
  52  USA  Shabalov  Alex          USA             262  23.04.02
  53  USA  Seirawan  Yasser        USA             262  01.06.99
  54  RUS  Epishin  Vladimir       Russia          262  23.04.02
  55  RUS  Pigusov  Evgeny         Russia          262  25.01.01
  56  ISL  Hjartarsson  Johann     Iceland         262  01.07.00
  57  BRA  Leitao  Rafael          Brazil          261  25.01.01
  58  HUN  Gyimesi  Zoltan         Hungary         261  23.04.02
  59  ARM  Minasian  Artashes      Armenia         261  01.07.00
  60  SWE  Agrest  Evgenij         Sweden          261  23.04.02
  61  RUS  Landa  Kontantin        Russia          261  23.04.02
  62  ISR  Psakhis  Lev            Israel          261  23.04.02
  63  RUS  Kobalija  Mikhail       Russia          260  23.04.02
  64  SVK  Ftacnik  Lubomir        Slovakia        260  01.06.99
  65  GER  Seul  Georg             Germany         260  23.04.02
  66  ENG  Lalic  Bogdan           England         260  23.04.02
  67  BUL  Kolev  Atanas           Bulgaria        260  23.04.02
  68  RUS  Tiviakov  Sergei        Russia          260  23.04.02
  69  ISR  Smirin  Ilya            Israel          260  23.04.02
  70  UKR  Savchenko  Stanislav    Ukraine         260  23.04.02
  71  ENG  Short  Nigel            England         260  23.04.02
  72  UKR  Shneider  Aleksander    Ukraine         260  23.04.02
  73  RUS  Dolmatov  Sergey        Russia          260  25.12.99
  74  SUI  Korchnoi  Viktor        Switzerland     260  23.04.02
  75  ARM  Anastasian  Ashot       Armenia         260  23.04.02
  76  USA  Serper  Grigory         USA             260  25.01.01
  77  RUS  Najer  Evgenij          Russia          259  23.04.02
  78  RUS  Sakaev  Konstantin      Russia          259  23.04.02
  79  SLO  Sermek  Drazen          Slovenia        259  23.04.02
  80  RUS  Rustemov  Alexander     Russia          259  23.04.02
  81  FRA  Dorfman  Iossif         France          259  25.01.01
  82  RUS  Filippov  Valeri        Russia          259  19.01.01
  83  RUS  Volkov  Sergei          Russia          259  23.04.02
  84  ISR  Greenfeld  Alon         Israel          259  25.01.01
  85  CHN  Ye  Jiangchun           China           259  23.04.02
  86  CRO  Cviltan  Ognjen         Croatia         259  25.01.01
  87  HUN  Ribli  Zoltan           Hungary         259  25.12.99
  88  USA  Benjamin  Joel          USA             259  25.01.01
  89  USA  Gurevich  Ilya          USA             259  01.06.99
  90  ISR  Huzman  Alexander       Israel          259  25.01.01
  91  CUB  Dominguez  Lenier       Cuba            259  23.04.02
  92  UKR  Brodsky  Michail        Ukraine         259  25.01.01
  93  ARM  Aronian  Levon          Armenia         259  23.04.02
  94  AUS  Rogers  Ian             Austalia        259  23.04.02
  95  ESP  Vallejo Pons  N         Spain           259  23.04.02
  96  LTU  Kveinys  Aloyzas        Lithuania       258  23.04.02
  97  SWE  Hellers  Ferdinand      Sweden          258  23.04.02
  98  KAZ  Vladimirov  Evgeny      Kazakhstan      258  23.04.02
  99  GER  Jussupov  Artur         Germany         258  23.04.02
 100  RUS  Malakhov Vladimir       Russia          258  25.01.01

23) Forthcoming Events and Links

Swiss Chess Tour event 2002

International Chess Festival Lenk

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2002" will continue in Lenk with the 14th "Kreuz-Open" March 28th-April 1st 2002. New host, for the first time, will be Hotel “Kreuz” and Chalet “SMUV”. Swiss system, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). The first four after 5th round, play knock-out and the other continue tournament. Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. From 11.- 20. places natural prizes. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1942), junior(1982-85), schoolboy (1986) and best local player. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 10 SF more, GMs and IMs free. Venue: Hotel "Kreuz".

Time table: Round 1st 18.30-22.30 April 12,; Rounds 2/3 09.30-14.30 and 15.30-20.30 April 13,; Round 4 13.30-18.30 April 14,; Rounds 5/6 09.30-14.30 and 15.30-20.30 April 15,; Round 7 10.00-15.00 April 16. Closing ceremony April 16 at 16.00. The 11th “Ferien-Open” (under 2000 Elo) Swiss system, 5 rounds, 5 hours for the game. Natural prizes. Entry fee 100 SF. Venue: Chalet “Solitide-SMUV”. Time table: Round 1st 14.00-19.00, the other rounds daily 10.00-15.00. Closing ceremony April 16 at 16.00. List of participants: GMs: Vogt (GER), Groszpeter (HUN), Gheorghiu (ROM); WGMs: Kachiani-Gersinska (GER), Roschina (RUS); IMs: Jenni (SUI), Horvath Adam (HUN), Yewdokimov (RUS), Horvath Tamas (HUN), Joksic (YUG), Videki (HUN) etc. Info: Beochess +41+34+424-01-06 (Robert Spoerri) or

Open du Parc Paris

The Open du Parc takes place in Paris 18th-20th May 2002.

- 7 rounds 2 hours KO, FIDE homologation - free for Masters and Grand Masters - 1st prize : 760 euros - 2nd prize : 460 euros - 3rd prize : 270 euros,... - etc

Further information:

Bergen Chess International

The Bergen Chess International 2002 takes place 20th-28th July 2002 in Bergen, Norway. Open GM-tournament 9-round Swiss 7-hour playing session Side events: Lower section, Cafe Chess Championship, Blitz tourneys

Further information:

Pula Open 2002

The "Pula Open 2002" takes place 12th-19th May 2002 in Pula, Croatia.


Gausdal Tournaments

A group of title qualifying round robins, including 1 GM-, 2 IM- and 1 ELO-group, each consisting of ten players will take place 11th-18th April 2002 in Gausdal Høifjellshotell (the famous chess hotel of Norway). Time limits 2 hours in 40 moves and 1 hour for the rest. Prizes 3000-2000-1000 NKR in the GM-group, 2000-1200-800 in the IM-groups. There are place left in all groups, but interested players should contact IA Hans Olav Lahlum as soon as possible at: IA Hans Olav Lahlum Bassengveien 28 a N - 2821 Gjøvik Phone +47 611 71 398. Email

Further details:

6th Voronezh International Chess Festival

The 6th Voronezh International Chess Festival takes place June 10th-21st 2002.

Further details:

3rd European Individual Women's Championships

The 3rd European Individual Women's Chess Championship takes place May 26th - June 9nd 2002 in Varna, Bulgaria.

Further details:

12th Heart of Finland Open

The 12th Heart of Finland Open takes place in Jyväskylä, July 17th-21st 2002. The tournament is played in one group with Swiss system. The event is FIDE-rated, and there are possibilities to reach title norms. There is the option to start the tournament from the 2nd round with a ½ point bye. Time rate: 2 hours / 40 moves + 1 hour to finish.

Entry fees GM/IM free (must register May 31 at the latest), FM/U20 50 EUR, ELO-players 60 EUR, others 80 EUR. 10% discount from the entry fee if registration before May 31, 20% discount if registration before March 31. Total prize fund approx. 7000 EUR, also rating prizes.

Contact info: Sami Hämäläinen: Tel. +358-9-3238840 Email:

New Internet Correspondence Game to Begin

Beginning March 11th, 2002 the World Team will begin a new game against GM Nick de Firmian. Having most recently finished the second of two games against Chinese IM Yin Hao (WT 1.5 YH 0.5) the World Team now will play against three-time U.S. champion Nick de Firmian, who will play the white pieces.

The World Team consists of players from around the World, many of whom came together for the first time during the Kasparov vs. World Internet Game held in 1999. The games against Yin Hao attracted players from Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and the United States.

Everyone willing to follow the rules of the game is welcome to play in this new game against GM de Firmian. To participate or observe go to the World Team strategy board and official site at

More details about the game (and how to join the World Team) can be found at the Game Info and Rules link at the official site. It should be fun and "A Serious Game Among Friends".

Plaskett vs The ROW

GM James Plaskett will play the Rest of the World starting 1st March on the internet at:

The match will be played at the rate of 5 days per move. Players will vote their moves by clicking on the chess board while discussing and formulating strategies and tactics in the Rest of World team forum. This match is open to all who visit Those wanting to play Plaskett will need to login and follow the Opponents menu to 'Play the Expert'.

Golden Cleopatra Open 2002

This year the Golden Cleopatra Open will be open to all and held 7th-17th April at Eastern Company Club about 5 Km from the Pyramids Cairo, Egypt. The event will be a Swiss Sytem – 11 Rounds – 160 players (7 GMs – 25 IMs , available for Fide Rating and Titles) – New Fide Time Control (90 Min for all game and 30 Sec. Added for every move) play starts at 5 p.m. daily from 7 to 17 April , Arrival 6 April , Closing Ceremony 18 April 7 p.m. then departure.

Prizes as follows : 1st till 12th. 1000 - 800 - 700 - 600 - 500 - 400 - 300 - 200 - 200 - 200 - 150 - 150 US$. Players who wants to participate will pay - 30 US$ daily for full accommodation in Double Bedroom or 40 US$ for single Room 4 Star Hotel – 20 US$ daily for Double bedroom or 30 US$ for Single Room 3 Star Hotel . That included : Free transportation inside Egypt , including from and to Airport; Free Tourist tours; Free entry fee ; 3 free daily soft drinks ; Daily Bullettin , and Book of the tournament distributed on Closing Ceremony.

Special conditions for limited no of GMs and IMs. Last day for registering is 27 March 2002 . Our email is

Contact: E-Mail and Hassan Khaled General Director Egyptian Chess Federation

Phone +20-2-3378987 and Mobile:+20-10-5003063; Blitzin handle: haskd Eastern Company Club Fax : +20-2-5620931 Egyptian Chess Federation : Phone and Fax : +20-2-2604285 Tanta Open will be played during May , and not confirmed yet.

Pardubice Chess and Bridge Festival

The 13th International Chess & Bridge Festival CZECH OPEN 2002 will be held 11th-28th July 2002 in Pardubice, Czech Republic. Further details:

III Internet Tournament "Ciudad de Dos Hermanas"

IM Michael Rahal (EDAMI) reports that the Dos Hermanas City Council and the Municipal Foundation for Sport of Dos Hermanas in conjunction with ICC and EDAMI (Miguel Illescas Chess School) are holding their third Internet Chess tournament between the 15th and the 23rd of March 2002.

The event will take place on ICC ( and has prizes totalling 4.850 Euros (1st: 1.500 Euros + invitation to the Dos Hermanas International Open).

There will be 12 Swiss System qualifiers (two per day) with the winner of each event progressing to the final.

Last years field included 48 GM over 2.145 participants from 70 countries.

If you wish to take part there are further details, rules and entry forms available at:

Astana Tournament

The Astana tournament (Kazakstan) takes place at the end of May. The players will be Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Viswanathan Anand, Michael Adams, Veselin Topalov and Peter Kostenko.

2002 Uruguay Championships

The website for the 2002 Uruguayan Championships is at: There are various qualifiers in February and March before the finals in April. They started on February 9th 2002.

36th Ballarat Begonia Tournament

The 36th Ballarat Begonia Chess Tournament will be held the weekend of 9-11th March 2002 coinciding with the Begonia Festival. Confirmed participants include Australia’s two grandmasters Ian Rogers and Darryl Johansen. 80-100 chess players are expected to play in Ballarat arriving from as far as Queensland, South Australia and even overseas. Details:

January 2002 FIDE List Study

Chess Siberia has a new article "Study of the January 2002 FIDE Rating List" (by Boris Schipkov, 11.02.2002).

BCF Grading Questionaire

Results of the British Chess Federation Grading Questionaire are available at the British Chess Federation site.

Internet site:

Third Saturday March

Sinisa Drazic reports: that the Third Saturday tournaments in Novi Sad will take place 16th-24th March. The GM event has Drazic S 2471, Kosanovic G 2428, Konery H.2539, Fontaine R. 2469, Micic C 2411, Sedlak N 2447, Perunovic M 2475, Bistric F 2486, Stojanovic D 2436, Shirazi Kamran 2450, Popchev M 2445, the organisers would like at least one more player. Likely to be Category IX.

In the IM event players already competing are: Basagic Z. 2357 (slo), Pap M 2415, Markotic G 2305 (cro), Koneru Ashot 2186(ind), Sebenik Matej 2326( slo) , fm Mujagic Ramo 2297, fm Stojkovic Miroljub 2296, fm Dumpor Atif 2328 (bih), Markus Held 2167 (ger), Petkovic Radoslav 2320, Jovic Stevan 2165. One or three more players required.

Contact Sinisa Drazic

Savaria Summer

SAVARIA SUMMER International Chess Open Szombathely (Hungary), 26th July- 1st August 2002. Two events an "A" group- for FIDE-Elo and a "B" group- for children under 13. Further details from: KORPICS Zsolt H-9700 Szombathely, Rohonci 13. +(36)-30/951-0063

Greek On-line Tournament

The five winners of the 1st On-Line Chess Tournament in Greece will receive free hospitality without entry fee in the following tournaments: International Tournament of Ikaria 2002, International Tournament of Korinthos 2002, International Tournament of Kavala 2002 "NATIONAL" ORGANIZ SYSTEMS S.A. the official sponsor of the 1st Internet Chess Championship in Greece has offered 3.000 Euros towards the prizes.

Further details:

Free entry:

Oslo Easter Chess Festival

Oslo Easter Chess Festival consists of The Open Norwegian Championships 23-30 March and The Open Norwegian Youth Championships 23-27 March. Both tournaments will be rated in FIDE.

Further information: (also in English).

Denkbiatlon in Eindhoven

On March 30th for the second time a so called Denkbiatlon will be organized in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. It is a 5 round Swiss tournament and in each round a participant plays a game in chess and in international draughts (10 x 10) against the same opponent (15 minutes per person) Prices 200 euro, 100 euro and 50 euro. Ron Heusdens, who participated in several Dutch championships in international draughts and has a national chessrating of 2076, will defend his title. Homepage: E-mail, tel. (31)402431617.

Canadian Championship Zonal 2.2

Canadian Championship Zonal 2.2 will run March-April as an 11 round Swiss with GMs Spraggett and Lesiege. Internet coverage:

Dutton Chess

The Toronto Closed Championship will finish the 12 player RR schedule Sat. Feb. 9. Isai Berengolts leads FMs Brett Campbell (2001 Champion) and Ian Findlay. Dutton CC hosts one weekend Swiss per month. The top active Canadian IMs play, as well as the occasional visiting GM (Tyomkin, Yudasin).


6th United Insurance International Masters

6th United Insurance International Masters Chess Tournament 2002 10th April to 20th April 2002 Venue: Conference-Room National Sports Council 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000 Organised by : Bangladesh Chess Federation Sponsored by : United Insurance Company Limited Tournament System : 11 Round Swiss Number of Participants : Around 40 Schedule : 10th April to 20th April 2002 Arrival : 9th April 1st Round plays : 10th April Main session : Every day 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Last Round : 20th April 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The rate of play : 6 Hours play. Rate of play 40 moves in 2 hours and rest of the moves in 1 hour to finish the game. Prize distribution : 20th March 5:00 p.m. Prize Fund : US$ 1500 divided as follows: 1st - US$ 500, 2nd - US$ 300, 3rd - US$ 200, 4th - US$ 100, 5th -100 US$ 6th - US$ 75, 7th - US$ 75, 8th - US$ 75, 9th - US$ 75 Note: Cash prize will be divided equally among Equal pointers. Accommodation : Free for all IM and Foreign Rated Players with 2200+ Food : Modest Food & Local transportation will be given to all IM and Foreign Rated Players with 2200+ Appearance Fee : No appearance many will be given but some pocket money Will be given to select foreign players. Passage : Passage up to Dhaka would have to be borne by players own Federation. Last Date of entry : Invited players must send their conformation to participate in the above tournament on or before 15th March 2002 to the General Secretary, Bangladesh Chess Federation, 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000, Fax No- 880-02-9666766 or 9563304 Phone N0- 880-02-9666766, E-mail: (Syed Shujauddin Ahmed) General Secretary Bangladesh Chess Federation.

Open in Bangladesh

Open International Chess Tournament 2002 29th March 2002 to 8th April Venue: Conference-Room National Sports Council 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000 Organised by : Bangladesh Chess Federation Tournament System : 11 Round Swiss Number of Participants : Around 40 Schedule : 29th March - 8th April, 2002 Arrival : 28th March 1st Round plays : 29th March Main session : Every day 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Last Round : 8th April 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The rate of play : 6 Hours play. Rate of play 40 moves in 2 hours, then rest of moves in 1 hour to finish the game. Prize distribution : 8th April 5:00 p.m. Prize Fund : US$ 5000 divided as follows: 1st - US$ 1800, 2nd - US$ 1000, 3rd - US$ 600, 4th - US$ 300, 5th - US$ 300 6th - US$ 200, 7th - US$ 200, 8th - US$ 200, 9th - US$ 200, 10th -US$ 200 Note: Cash prize will be divided equally among Equal pointers. Accommodation : Free for all GM, IM and Foreign Rated Players with 2300+ Food : Modest Food & Local transportation will be given to all GM, IM and Foreign Rated Players with 2300+ Appearance Fee : Some appearance money will be given to GM's. Some pocket money will be given to IM's and Rated 2400+ Passage : Passage up to Dhaka would have to be borne by players own Federation. Last Date of entry : Invited players must send their conformation to participate in the above tournament on or before 15th March 2002 to the General Secretary, Bangladesh Chess Federation, 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000, Fax No- 880-02-9666766 or 9563304 Phone N0- 880-02-9666766, E-mail: (Syed Shujauddin Ahmed) General Secretary Bangladesh Chess Federation

NK Snelschaken Voor Clubteams

The NK Snelschaken Voor Clubteams takes place 1 June 2002 at the Golden Tulip Bel Air hotel, Johan de Witlaan, Den Haag organised by the SC De Vogelwijk Further information: Ruud Vissers, 010-2207070 (kantoor) of 06-26776496

Reykjavik Open

The Reykjavik Open takes place March 7th-15th 2002. Organised by "The Icelandic Chess Federation" and "Reykjavik Chess Club".


2nd Helsinki Chess Circuit

2nd Helsinki Chess Circuit, Feb 25 - Mar 8, 2002 Helsinki Chess Circuit will be played in the House of Chess, in the center of Helsinki, from February 25th to March 8th, 2002. Events: Group A: 10-12 players all-play-all IM-event, for players ELO-rated over 2200, IM-norm possibility. Group B: 8-12 players all-play-all ELO-event, for players rated 1900-2200. Group C: 8-12 players all-play-all event, for players rated under 1900. Players interested to participate, please contact the main organizer Mr. Sami Hämäläinen,

Further details:

2nd Oxford University Chess Congress

The 2nd Oxford University Chess Congress takes place on the 27th & 28th April, 2002 at Lincoln College, Oxford. Sections: Open (a new Terence Chapman Grand Prix Elite event), U-170 Major & U-125 Minor. Please visit for more information. Alternatively one can contact Jonathan Smith at The Queen's College, Oxford, OX1 4AW; email or on 07813 307563 , but please only 'phone after 7pm.

Eupen Chess Open

The Schachklub Rochade Eupen-Kelmis VoG, Kehrweg 11, B-4700 Eupen ( is organising an Easter Open 23rd-24th March 2002. Info Entry: Guenter Delhaes, Karl-Weiss-Strasse 44, B-4700 Eupen Telefon & Fax : 0032(0)87.552716 bis 18h00 Telefon : 0032(0)87.742578 nach 19h00

X Lasker Memorial Barlinek Poland

The X Lasker Memorial Festival in Barlinek Poland takes place 17th-27th July 2002. Blitz, rapid, open A, open B and under-16 events. Further details: Krzysztof Kedzior E-Mail:

Tony Miles Memorial

Tony Miles Memorial Open on May 18th-19th 2001 in Thunder Bay, Ontario.


17th North Sea Cup

Esbjerg will stage a 17th North Sea Cup July 5th-13th 2002, probably category 13-14. A 10 player round-robin hoping to carry on the reputation with previous tournament winners like Short, Jusupov, Adorjan, Larsen, Vaganian, C.Hansen, Svidler etc. Info: Brian Isaksen at

New FIDE Sites

There are two new FIDE sites. Chess Daily has individual FIDE rating calculations. Also the FIDE site for the World Championships in Moscow has been launched at:

ChessMetrics Site

Jeff Sonas has updated his site: It now has lots of colorful graphs. It includes ratings based on ChessBase games from 1851 to 1998, and then weekly rating lists based on TWIC issues from January 1999 to September 10th 2001.

Linares Chess Open 2002

The IX ANIBAL CHESS OPEN in Linares, Spain takes place 1st-10th March, 2002. The dates are parallel to the XX CIUDAD DE LINARES International Chess Tournament. The event will be Swiss system, 10 rounds using the new FIDE time control. The venue will be the Hotel Anibal, Linares.

Prizes in Euros (-25% taxes) 1º D.Luis Rentero Suarez prize 10.000 2º 5.000 3º 2.500 4º 1.500 5º 1.000 6º-25º 300 26º-50º 160

Conditions: GM and IM with inscription confirmed by the Organization: free accommodation in a double room Hotel Anibal GM 2600 ELO check special conditions.

Special prices at Hotel Anibal for those players whose inscription had been confirmed by the Organization:

Double room: 24,50 euros per person Single room: 45,00 euros Continental Breakfast: 1,90 euros Buffet Breakfast: 3,80 euros Lunch: 4,90 euros Dinner:4,90 euros

IMPORTANT: Only those players whose inscription had been confirmed by the Organization are guaranteed these prices

Inscription: Every player: 50 euros e-mail: Fax: 34 953 652204

DEADLINE: Monday, 18th February

Hawaii International Chess Festival Postponed

The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information: