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Contact The Week in Chess Mark Crowther E-Mail Tel or fax 01274 882143 [Bradford England] Mobile 07866 484824 Contents 1) Introduction ![]() |
Contact the London Chess Center Contact the London Chess Center email: Call 1-561-714-0828 in the USA or Canada Call +44 (0) 207 388 2404 or Fax +44 (0) 207 388 2407 in the UK and ROW Great New Software: Order from: MEGA DATABASE 2002 £99.95/$150 Contains more than 2 million games with 45.000 games annotated by top players. Upgrade from Mega 2001 £39.95/$49.95 Upgrade from Older mega £69.95/$89.95 BIG DATABASE 2002 £39.95/$49.50 Upgrade £24.95/$34.95 Contains more than 2 million games without annotations. FRITZ POWERBOOK 2002 £39.95 / $49.50 Upgrade £24.95/$34.95 The Fritz Powerbook 2002 contains 7.6 million opening positions, derived from 630,000 high-class tournament games. FRITZ 7 £39.95 / $49.50 The most popular chess program. FREE CHESSBASE MAGAZINE for FRITZ 6 OWNERS Shredder 6.0 £39.95 / $49.50 Upgrade from Shredder 5.32 £24.95/$34.95 World Computer Chess Champion 2001 ChessBase Opening Encyclopaedia 2002 $99/£69.95 At least 1 survey on each ECO code. More than 3200 opening surveys in total with more than 1.1 million games 60,000 of them annotated. New Books: Order from: Total Marshall CD by CC GM Vitomskis, CC IM Tim Harding and Bennedik. £17.50 / $29.00 With over 7,500 games plus 37 detailed database surveys, 58 page pdf book with text and analysis. Pirc CD by Grandmaster School St Petersburg £17.95 $27 There are 8 database texts and 116 sample games where the author GM Lugovoi has compiled all his knowledge about this opening. The whole material was checked and revised by Alexander Khalifman, FIDE World Champion 1999. 80,000 games in total, making this a top product from a quantative point of view as well. Elmars Zemgalis: GM Without A Title Jon Donaldson 160 pages £12.99 $16 Many well annotated games and colour photographs release an intriguing insight into this original player. A real collectors piece. Secrets of Pawnless Endings John Nunn £14.99 $19.95 After the success of Secrets of Rook Endings, John Nunn turns his attention towards endgames without pawns. These occur surprisingly often in practice and are extremely tactical in nature. This book unites man and machine in the search for ultimate answers. For more information: go to or |
Games section
Amber Tournament, Monaco 24 games 13th Goodricke International 54 games First Saturday March 44 games Reykjavik Open 178 games Bundesliga 88 games Argentine Championships 63 games Victor Ciocaltea Memorial 30 games Finnish Team Championships 359 games Polish Women's Championships 66 games Wroxham Masters 45 games Mediteran Cup 80 games Belgian Teams 16 games 35th International Ladies GM 15 games Zwolle Open Weekender 27 games Russian Junior Championships 407 games Budapest Spring Festival 60 games National Open 74 games Kali Cup 66 games 1696 games
My thanks to Laszlo Nagy, Gustavo Albarrán, Przemek Jahr, Steve Laios, Frank Berry, Marjan Kovacevic, Henri Spijkerman, Dorian Rogozenko, Al Losoff, Bill Snead, Bill Friesema and Alan Watson, Sami Hamalainen, Eugeny Atarov, Istvan Magyar, Jovan Petronic, Stephen Boyd and all those who helped with this issue.
The Amber Blindfold and Rapid tournament is the strongest event of the week with Vladimir Kramnik returning after a break. Disappointingly the event isn't live on the internet. The event, financed by millionaire JJ van Oosterom, seems to have no need of such publicity. Elsewhere is the usual mixture of team, open and all-play-all events. Plenty going on.
Hope you enjoy this issue.
The Amber Blindfold and Rapid tournament takes place 16th-28th March 2002. There are 2 free days. The first round is on 16th March, there are rest days on 20th and 25th March and the final round is on 28th March.
Internet coverage:
Rapid Results Round 1 (March 16, 2002) Bareev, Evgeny - Ljubojevic, Ljubomir 1-0 40 B14 Caro Kann Panov Attack Ivanchuk, Vassily - Van Wely, Loek 1-0 49 E54 Nimzo Indian Kramnik, Vladimir - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 32 A40 Unusual Replies to 1.d4 Almasi, Zoltan - Morozevich, Alexander 1/2 70 C78 Ruy Lopez Piket, Jeroen - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 49 D47 Queens Gambit Meran Leko, Peter - Gelfand, Boris 0-1 39 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Round 2 (March 17, 2002) Gelfand, Boris - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 31 D05 Colle System Morozevich, Alexander - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 57 B22 Sicilian Alapin Shirov, Alexei - Ivanchuk, Vassily 1/2 28 C42 Petroff's Defence Almasi, Zoltan - Leko, Peter 1/2 69 B33 Sicilian Sveshnikov Ljubojevic, Ljubomir - Piket, Jeroen 1-0 42 A26 English Sicilian Attack Van Wely, Loek - Bareev, Evgeny 0-1 52 D19 Slav Defence Amber Rapidplay Monaco MNC (MNC), 16-28 iii 2002 cat. XVIII (2699) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Bareev, Evgeny g RUS 2707 * . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 2.0 2 Gelfand, Boris g ISR 2703 . * . = . . . . . . 1 . 1.5 2954 3 Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2717 . . * . . = . . . . . 1 1.5 2899 4 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2809 . = . * . . = . . . . . 1.0 2721 5 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2742 . . . . * . = = . . . . 1.0 2691 6 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2715 . . = . . * . . . = . . 1.0 2688 7 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2739 . . . = = . * . . . . . 1.0 2775 8 Almasi, Zoltan g HUN 2644 . . . . = . . * . . = . 1.0 2727 9 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir g YUG 2548 0 . . . . . . . * 1 . . 1.0 2683 10 Piket, Jeroen g NED 2659 . . . . . = . . 0 * . . 0.5 2438 11 Leko, Peter g HUN 2713 . 0 . . . . . = . . * . 0.5 2480 12 Van Wely, Loek g NED 2697 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . * 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blindfold Results Round 1 (March 16, 2002) Morozevich, Alexander - Almasi, Zoltan 1-0 44 C33 Kings Bishops Gambit) Shirov, Alexei - Piket, Jeroen 1-0 38 C99 Ruy Lopez Chigorin Van Wely, Loek - Ivanchuk, Vassily 1/2 25 E12 Queens Indian Petrosian Gelfand, Boris - Leko, Peter 1/2 25 E15 Queens Indian Topalov, Veselin - Kramnik, Vladimir 1-0 49 E20 Nimzo Indian Ljubojevic, Ljubomir - Bareev, Evgeny 0-1 60 A28 English Four Knights Round 2 (March 17, 2002) Bareev, Evgeny - Van Wely, Loek 1/2 35 A29 English Four Knights Leko, Peter - Almasi, Zoltan 1-0 78 C92 Ruy Lopez Chigorin Ivanchuk, Vassily - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 46 B82 Sicilian Scheveningen Topalov, Veselin - Morozevich, Alexander 0-1 42 C42 Petroff's Defence Piket, Jeroen - Ljubojevic, Ljubomir 1-0 40 A34 English Symmetrical Kramnik, Vladimir - Gelfand, Boris 1/2 50 E15 Queens Indian Amber Blindfold Monaco MNC (MNC), 16-28 iii 2002 cat. XVIII (2699) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2742 * . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . 2.0 2 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2715 . * . . = . . . 1 . . . 1.5 2881 3 Bareev, Evgeny g RUS 2707 . . * . . = . . . . . 1 1.5 2815 4 Leko, Peter g HUN 2713 . . . * . . = . . . 1 . 1.5 2866 5 Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2717 . = . . * = . . . . . . 1.0 2706 6 Van Wely, Loek g NED 2697 . . = . = * . . . . . . 1.0 2712 7 Gelfand, Boris g ISR 2703 . . . = . . * . . = . . 1.0 2761 8 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2739 0 . . . . . . * . 1 . . 1.0 2775 9 Piket, Jeroen g NED 2659 . 0 . . . . . . * . . 1 1.0 2631 10 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2809 . . . . . . = 0 . * . . 0.5 2528 11 Almasi, Zoltan g HUN 2644 0 . . 0 . . . . . . * . 0.0 12 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir g YUG 2548 . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . * 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Standings: Amber All Monaco MNC (MNC), 16-28 iii 2002 cat. XVIII (2699) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Bareev, Evgeny g RUS 2707 ** .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1= .. 11 3.5 2958 2 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2742 .. ** .. .. .. =1 .. .. .. .. =1 .. 3.0 2884 3 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2715 .. .. ** .. == .. .. .. =1 .. .. .. 2.5 2783 4 Gelfand, Boris g ISR 2703 .. .. .. ** .. .. 1= == .. .. .. .. 2.5 2856 5 Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2717 .. .. == .. ** .. .. .. .. 1= .. .. 2.5 2801 6 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2739 .. =0 .. .. .. ** .. =1 .. .. .. .. 2.0 2775 7 Leko, Peter g HUN 2713 .. .. .. 0= .. .. ** .. .. .. =1 .. 2.0 2673 8 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2809 .. .. .. == .. =0 .. ** .. .. .. .. 1.5 2634 9 Piket, Jeroen g NED 2659 .. .. =0 .. .. .. .. .. ** .. .. 01 1.5 2544 10 Van Wely, Loek g NED 2697 0= .. .. .. 0= .. .. .. .. ** .. .. 1.0 2519 11 Almasi, Zoltan g HUN 2644 .. =0 .. .. .. .. =0 .. .. .. ** .. 1.0 2534 12 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir g YUG 2548 00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 .. .. ** 1.0 2490 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 13th edition of the Goodricke International Open Chess Tournament, recognised by FIDE & All India Chess Federation has been scheduled between 17th and 27th March 2002 at Gorky Sadan, Calcutta.
Further details:, and
Leading Round 2 Standings: -------------------------------------------------------------- 13th Goodricke Calcutta IND (IND), 17-13 iii 2002 -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Kotsur, Pavel g KAZ 2578 +34 +28 2.0 2. Sorokin, Maxim g ARG 2551 +49 +30 2.0 3. Yegiazarian, Arsen g ARM 2567 +48 +27 2.0 4. Fominyh, Alexander g RUS 2536 +55 +25 2.0 5. Goloshchapov, Alexander g UKR 2545 +52 +22 2.0 6. Sasikiran, Krishnan g IND 2569 +53 +21 2.0 7. Gleizerov, Evgeny g RUS 2587 =10 +23 1.5 2555 8. Motylev, Alexander g RUS 2639 +31 =14 1.5 2648 9. Aleksandrov, Aleksej g BLR 2645 +44 =11 1.5 2661 10. Blauert, Joerg m GER 2390 = 7 +42 1.5 2699 11. Shariyazdanov, Andrey g RUS 2532 +46 = 9 1.5 2675 12. Al Sayed, Mohamad N m QAT 2413 =19 +39 1.5 2623 13. Abdulla, Al-Rakib m BAN 2432 =38 +37 1.5 2461 14. Barua, Dibyendu g IND 2515 +54 = 8 1.5 2658 15. Kuzmin, Alexey g RUS 2568 =37 +43 1.5 2641 16. Ovsejevitsch, Sergei g UKR 2529 =40 +36 1.5 2444 17. Mahesh Chandran, P IND 2436 =36 +40 1.5 2444 18. Sulskis, Sarunas g LTU 2579 =39 +41 1.5 2579 54 players
The First Saturday March tournaments took placce 2nd-15th March 2002 in Budapest Hungary. There was a GM group, two IM and two GM groups. Humpy Koneru withdrew after playing 7 rounds due to illness from the GM event. 14 year old Viktor Erdos scored an IM norm in the GM event. In the IMA event the winner Asauskas Henrikas (LTU) produced an IM norm. In the IMB event Dub Zeev (ISR) also scored an IM norm.
Internet coverage:
Final Standings: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSGM March Budapest HUN (HUN), 2-13 iii 2002 cat. VIII (2427) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Butnorius, Algimantas m LTU 2449 * 0 1 = = = = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 8.5 2535 2. Lukacs, Peter g HUN 2444 1 * = = = = = = 1 = = = = + 8.0 2513 3. Antal, Gergely m HUN 2426 0 = * 0 1 1 0 = 1 = = 1 1 1 8.0 2514 4. Breder, Dennis m GER 2441 = = 1 * = 1 0 = 0 = 1 = = 1 7.5 2483 5. Erdos, Viktor HUN 2383 = = 0 = * 0 1 = = 1 = 1 = 1 7.5 2487 6. Kustar, Sandor m HUN 2413 = = 0 0 1 * 0 = 1 = = 1 = + 7.0 2457 7. Jakab, Attila m HUN 2406 = = 1 1 0 1 * = 0 0 = 0 1 = 6.5 2429 8. Balogh, Csaba f HUN 2398 0 = = = = = = * = = = = = + 6.5 2429 9. Dembo, Yelena wg HUN 2346 = 0 0 1 = 0 1 = * = = = = + 6.5 2433 10. Varga, Zoltan g HUN 2510 0 = = = 0 = 1 = = * = = = + 6.5 2421 11. Kosanovic, Goran A g YUG 2428 = = = 0 = = = = = = * = = = 6.0 2398 12. Vajda, Albert m ROM 2364 0 = 0 = 0 0 1 = = = = * 1 1 6.0 2403 13. Flumbort, Andras HUN 2436 = = 0 = = = 0 = = = = 0 * + 5.5 2369 14. Koneru, Humpy wg IND 2539 0 - 0 0 0 - = - - - = 0 - * 1.0 2017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I'm assuming Koneru-Varga (13) was a default rather than a draw) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSIMA March Budapest HUN (HUN), 2-13 iii 2002 cat. II (2280) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Asauskas, Henrikas LTU 2324 * 1 1 1 1 1 = = 1 1 8.0 2625 2. Vigh, Bela m HUN 2357 0 * 1 = = = 1 1 = 1 6.0 2396 3. Mensch, Etienne f FRA 2380 0 0 * = 1 1 1 1 0 1 5.5 2348 4. Eperjesi, Laszlo m HUN 2276 0 = = * = = = 1 1 1 5.5 2360 5. Boguszlavszkij, Jevgenyij m HUN 2290 0 = 0 = * 1 1 0 1 = 4.5 2278 6. Ashok, K IND 2182 0 = 0 = 0 * = 1 1 1 4.5 2290 7. Molnar, Bela HUN 2338 = 0 0 = 0 = * 1 = 1 4.0 2230 8. Szabo, Krisztian HUN 2231 = 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 1 = 3.0 2160 9. Schulze, Hubertus GER 2203 0 = 1 0 0 0 = 0 * 1 3.0 2163 10. Bognar, Csaba f HUN 2215 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 * 1.0 1935 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- FSIMB March Budapest HUN (HUN), 2-13 iii 2002 cat. II (2277) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Dub, Zeev f ISR 2238 * 0 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 1 7.0 2501 2. Nemeth, Zoltan m HUN 2361 1 * 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 6.0 2392 3. Brustkern, Juergen f GER 2289 0 1 * 1 1 = 0 = 1 0 5.0 2318 4. Kahn, Evarth m HUN 2303 = 0 0 * 1 0 = 1 = 1 4.5 2274 5. Alfred, Nathan ENG 2247 0 0 0 0 * 1 = 1 1 1 4.5 2280 6. Cooke, Eric USA 2195 0 1 = 1 0 * 0 = 0 1 4.0 2243 7. Dombai, Istvan HUN 2214 0 0 1 = = 1 * = 0 = 4.0 2241 8. Papp, Gabor HUN 2320 = 0 = 0 0 = = * 1 = 3.5 2192 9. Farago, Sandor m HUN 2318 0 0 0 = 0 1 1 0 * 1 3.5 2192 10. Schlusnik, Nandor HUN 2285 0 1 1 0 0 0 = = 0 * 3.0 2151 -------------------------------------------------------------------
The Reykjavik Open Chess Tournament takes place March 7th-15th 2002. Jaan Ehlvest and Oleg Korneev finished on 7/9.
Internet coverage:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Reykjavik ISL (ISL), 7-15 iii 2002 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Ehlvest, Jaan g EST 2589 +48 + 6 =14 +10 =32 + 4 + 3 = 2 = 5 7.0 2711 2. Korneev, Oleg g RUS 2568 +24 +25 +20 + 8 - 3 =32 + 9 = 1 + 7 7.0 2693 3. Gretarsson, Helgi Ass g ISL 2520 +52 +21 =26 +12 + 2 = 7 - 1 +16 = 4 6.5 2623 4. Neverov, Valeriy g UKR 2578 +45 =15 = 7 +47 +17 - 1 +18 +14 = 3 6.5 2593 5. Rowson, Jonathan g SCO 2512 +58 =42 +33 =17 =13 +27 = 7 + 8 = 1 6.5 2575 6. Ivanov, Mikhail M g RUS 2446 +56 - 1 +39 -38 +31 +37 =13 +32 +14 6.5 2541 7. Kristjansson, Stefan f ISL 2389 +43 =13 = 4 +40 + 8 = 3 = 5 + 9 - 2 6.0 2585 8. Danielsen, Henrik g DEN 2520 +39 +23 +11 - 2 - 7 +19 +15 - 5 +29 6.0 2513 9. Stefansson, Hannes g ISL 2604 +44 =17 =15 +34 +11 +23 - 2 - 7 +25 6.0 2532 10. Lobron, Eric g GER 2517 +54 +34 +18 - 1 -23 =42 +33 +20 =11 6.0 2515 11. Olafsson, Helgi g ISL 2474 +59 +47 - 8 +21 - 9 +26 =25 +35 =10 6.0 2512 12. Miezis, Normunds g LAT 2498 +36 =33 +42 - 3 -27 +44 =24 +47 +23 6.0 2445 13. Brodsky, Michail g UKR 2542 +35 = 7 +19 =14 = 5 =25 = 6 =23 =22 5.5 2470 14. Berg, Emanuel m SWE 2500 +51 +22 = 1 =13 +38 =16 +32 - 4 - 6 5.5 2522 15. Westerinen, Heikki M.J g FIN 2412 +50 = 4 = 9 =31 =37 +38 - 8 +24 =16 5.5 2464 16. Berkes, Ferenc m HUN 2522 +40 -26 =37 +48 +28 =14 +17 - 3 =15 5.5 2468 17. Thorhallsson, Throstur g ISL 2434 +66 = 9 +27 = 5 - 4 +47 -16 +38 =19 5.5 2482 18. Stefanova, Antoaneta m BUL 2451 +65 +31 -10 =37 =26 +22 - 4 =25 +35 5.5 2433 19. Boricsev, Oleg m HUN 2333 =27 +46 -13 =24 +29 - 8 +48 +42 =17 5.5 2421 20. Hillarp Persson, Tiger g SWE 2456 +60 +38 - 2 =44 =42 +30 =23 -10 +33 5.5 2419 21. Sigfusson, Sigurdur f ISL 2351 +61 - 3 +58 -11 =24 -35 +64 +53 +32 5.5 2334 22. Bjornsson, Sigurbjorn ISL 2312 +71 -14 -36 +56 +51 -18 +52 +39 =13 5.5 2353 23. Thorfinnsson, Bragi ISL 2360 +62 - 8 +29 +36 +10 - 9 =20 =13 -12 5.0 2441 24. Bjornsson, Tomas f ISL 2248 - 2 =55 +49 =19 =21 +28 =12 -15 +42 5.0 2375 25. Holmsten, Aleksei m FIN 2420 +55 - 2 =54 +33 +44 =13 =11 =18 - 9 5.0 2435 26. Lie, Kjetil A NOR 2388 +69 +16 = 3 -32 =18 -11 -38 +45 +48 5.0 2414 27. Kiss, Pal m HUN 2390 =19 +57 -17 +54 +12 - 5 =42 -29 +47 5.0 2367 28. Gunnarsson, Jon Viktor m ISL 2402 =57 +63 -32 +45 -16 -24 +46 +50 =31 5.0 2282 29. Thompson, Ian D f ENG 2209 -32 +70 -23 +61 -19 +55 +30 +27 - 8 5.0 2333 30. Paasikangas-T., Johanna f FIN 2300 -63 =67 =56 +57 +36 -20 -29 +46 +43 5.0 2182 31. Thorfinnsson, Bjorn ISL 2279 +64 -18 +67 =15 - 6 -34 +59 +58 =28 5.0 2311 32. Votava, Jan g CZE 2515 +29 =37 +28 +26 = 1 = 2 -14 - 6 -21 4.5 2420 33. Shahade, Jennifer wm USA 2302 +41 =12 - 5 -25 +50 +40 -10 +49 -20 4.5 2304 34. Asmundsson, Ingvar f ISL 2347 +53 -10 +51 - 9 =40 +31 -35 =43 =38 4.5 2271 35. Ptacnikova, Lenka wg CZE 2239 -13 -43 =46 +41 +67 +21 +34 -11 -18 4.5 2263 36. Halldorsson, Jon Arni ISL 2181 -12 +41 +22 -23 -30 =63 -49 +62 +53 4.5 2173 37. Thorsteinsson, Thorsteinn f ISL 2332 +70 =32 =16 =18 =15 - 6 -39 =52 +60 4.5 2332 38. Bergsson, Snorri f ISL 2275 +72 -20 +60 + 6 -14 -15 +26 -17 =34 4.5 2347 39. Halldorsson, Bragi ISL 2236 - 8 +62 - 6 -65 +69 +60 +37 -22 =44 4.5 2250 40. Edvardsson, Kristjan ISL 2239 -16 +69 +64 - 7 =34 -33 -53 +57 +56 4.5 2207 41. Karlsson, Bjorn Ivar ISL ---- -33 -36 =69 -35 =68 =62 +67 +59 +58 4.5 2134 42. Gunnarsson, Arnar ISL 2322 +68 = 5 -12 +63 =20 =10 =27 -19 -24 4.0 2287 43. Kjartansson, Gudmundur ISL 2060 - 7 +35 -44 =60 =45 =58 +51 =34 -30 4.0 2216 44. Jonasson, Benedikt f ISL 2267 - 9 +66 +43 =20 -25 -12 -50 +55 =39 4.0 2245 45. Bjarnason, Saevar m ISL 2256 - 4 +50 =63 -28 =43 -46 +61 -26 +64 4.0 2149 46. Schmied, Andreas GER 2142 =67 -19 =35 =64 =55 +45 -28 -30 +63 4.0 2139 47. Hardarson, Robert f ISL 2298 +49 -11 +61 - 4 +65 -17 +54 -12 -27 4.0 2263 48. Johannesson, Ingvar Thor ISL 2267 - 1 =56 +55 -16 =60 +64 -19 +54 -26 4.0 2225 49. Runarsson,Gunnar Freyr ISL ---- -47 =59 -24 =68 =57 +70 +36 -33 =51 4.0 2126 50. Hagesaether, Ellen NOR 2102 -15 -45 +71 +58 -33 =51 +44 -28 =52 4.0 2210 51. Johansson, Victoria wm SWE 2199 -14 +71 -34 +53 -22 =50 -43 +66 =49 4.0 2120 52. Kjartansson, David ISL 2235 - 3 -61 -53 +71 +70 +56 -22 =37 =50 4.0 2124 53. Arnarsson, Hrannar ISL 2035 -34 -54 +52 -51 =66 +67 +40 -21 -36 3.5 2129 54. Thorarinsson, Pall A ISL 2217 -10 +53 =25 -27 =63 +65 -47 -48 =61 3.5 2153 55. Einarsson, Einar Kristinn ISL 2107 -25 =24 -48 +62 =46 -29 =60 -44 +70 3.5 2118 56. Jiretorn, Eva SWE 2112 - 6 =48 =30 -22 +61 -52 =66 +67 -40 3.5 2138 57. Arngrimsson, Dagur ISL 2094 =28 -27 =59 -30 =49 =66 =65 -40 +68 3.5 2112 58. Fridjonsson, Julius ISL 2200 - 5 +68 -21 -50 +62 =43 +63 -31 -41 3.5 2073 59. Halldorsson, Halldor ISL 2149 -11 =49 =57 =67 -64 +68 -31 -41 +69 3.5 2023 60. Thorsteinsson, Erlingur ISL 2142 -20 +72 -38 =43 =48 -39 =55 +68 -37 3.5 2114 61. Ingolfsdottir, Harpa ISL 2053 -21 +52 -47 -29 -56 +72 -45 +70 =54 3.5 2110 62. Gretarsdottir, Lilja ISL 2056 -23 -39 +72 -55 -58 =41 +71 -36 +66 3.5 2053 63. Knutsson,Larus ISL ---- +30 -28 =45 -42 =54 =36 -58 =64 -46 3.0 2100 64. Schubert, Hans-Joach AUT 2005 -31 +65 -40 =46 +59 -48 -21 =63 -45 3.0 2075 65. Ragnarsson, Johann ISL 2118 -18 -64 +70 +39 -47 -54 =57 . . 2.5 2088 66. Petursson, Gudni ISL 2112 -17 -44 =68 =69 =53 =57 =56 -51 -62 2.5 1975 67. Gislason,Ingolfur ISL ---- =46 =30 -31 =59 -35 -53 -41 -56 +72 2.5 1973 68. Bergsson, Stefan ISL 2021 -42 -58 =66 =49 =41 -59 +72 -60 -57 2.5 1947 69. Ingason, Sigurdur ISL 2059 -26 -40 =41 =66 -39 =71 -70 +72 -59 2.5 1963 70. Gudmundsson, Kjartan ISL 2034 -37 -29 -65 +72 -52 -49 +69 -61 -55 2.0 1903 71. Kristinsdottir, A ISL 2007 -22 -51 -50 -52 =72 =69 -62 . . 1.0 1828 72. Thorgrimsdottir,Anna Bjorg ISL ---- -38 -60 -62 -70 =71 -61 -68 -69 -67 0.5 1627 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 10th and 11th rounds of the Bundesliga took place over the weekend of 16th-17th March 2002. Luebeck retain their lead through a big win against Heiligenhaus and a narrow win against Solinger SG. Games from various rounds now availble. My thanks to Georg von Bülow for the games from the last weekend in Hamburg.
Coverage: and
Round 10 16th March 2002 Venue: Godesberg Godesberger SK 4½-3½ Erfurter SK 1 Dautov ½ : ½ Luther 1 2 Gurevich ½ : ½ Haba 2 3 Kengis ½ : ½ Kuczynski 3 5 Kveinys 1 : 0 Paehtz,T 4 6 Langheinrich 1 : 0 Mueller 6 7 Breder 0 : 1 Casper 8 8 Jackelen ½ : ½ Voekler 11 9 Seger ½ : ½ Brueggemann 12 SG Köln Porz 5 - 3 SK König Plauen 1 Lutz ½ : ½ Beliavsky 1 2 Khalifman ½ : ½ Bischoff 2 6 Vaganian ½ : ½ Markowski 3 8 Andersson ½ : ½ Boensch 5 9 Hansen ½ : ½ Kindermann 6 10 Graf 1 : 0 Espig 7 11 Van der Doel 1 : 0 Kuraszkiewic 8 13 Nijboer ½ : ½ Dirr 13 Venue: Bremen Ksp Hamburg SC 2 - 6 SFR Neukölln 1 Lamprecht 0 : 1 Movsesian 1 2 Pajeken ½ : ½ Stohl 2 3 Hochgraefe 0 : 1 Berndt 4 4 Trisic 0 : 1 Borriss 6 6 Voigt ½ : ½ Polzin 7 7 Von Buelow 0 : 1 Poldauf 9 8 Berger ½ : ½ Thiede 10 9 Wendt ½ : ½ Rudolf 11 Venue: Stuttgart Stuttgarter Sfr 5½-2½ Castrop Rauxel 1 Golubev 0 : 1 Georgiev 1 2 Hickl ½ : ½ Rozentalis 2 3 Gabriel 1 : 0 Doettling 4 4 Bunzmann ½ : ½ Appel 5 5 Buhmann 1 : 0 Gallagher 6 6 Schmittdiel 1 : 0 Watson 7 7 Duppel 1 : 0 Dinstuhl 11 10 Berezovsky ½ : ½ Brendel 13 TV Tegernsee 4 - 4 SV Wattenscheid 1 Khenkin 0 : 1 Aronian 1 2 Ribli ½ : ½ Rustemov 3 3 Sokolov 1 : 0 Hall 4 4 Hertneck ½ : ½ Holzke 5 7 Teske 0 : 1 Handke 6 8 Stangl 1 : 0 Ellers 7 9 Gross 1 : 0 Straeter 10 10 Kachiani-Ger 0 : 1 Thiel 12 Venue: Luebeck Lübecker SV 7½- ½ SG Heiligenhaus 2 Adams ½ : ½ Skripchenko- 3 4 Speelman 1 : 0 Van Mil 4 5 Epishin 1 : 0 Dutreeuw 6 6 Hodgson 1 : 0 Schmitz 9 8 Nunn 1 : 0 Lindner 10 9 Hansen 1 : 0 Heller 11 10 Conquest 1 : 0 Perschke 13 13 Agdestein 1 : 0 Van Beers 14 Hamburger SK 3 - 5 Solinger SG 1 Dorfman ½ : ½ Kasimdzhanov 3 2 Kempinski ½ : ½ Jussupow 5 3 Ftacnik 0 : 1 Nikolic 6 4 Gustafsson ½ : ½ Fressinet 7 6 Hansen 1 : 0 Emms 10 7 Wahls 0 : 1 Chandler 11 10 Wilhelmi 0 : 1 Naumann 13 11 Reeh ½ : ½ Schaefer 14 Round 11 March 17th 2002 Venue: Godesberg Erfurter SK 2 - 6 SG Köln Porz 1 Luther 0 : 1 Lutz 1 2 Haba ½ : ½ Khalifman 2 3 Kuczynski 0 : 1 Vaganian 6 4 Paehtz,T ½ : ½ Andersson 8 6 Mueller 0 : 1 Hansen 9 8 Casper 0 : 1 Graf 10 11 Voekler 0 : 1 Van der Doel 11 12 Brueggemann 1 : 0 Nijboer 13 SK König Plauen 4 - 4 Godesberger SK 1 Beliavsky 0 : 1 Dautov 1 2 Bischoff ½ : ½ Gurevich 2 3 Markowski ½ : ½ Kengis 3 5 Boensch 1 : 0 Kveinys 5 6 Kindermann ½ : ½ Langheinrich 6 7 Espig 1 : 0 Breder 7 8 Kuraszkiewic 0 : 1 Jackelen 8 13 Dirr ½ : ½ Seger 9 Venue: Neukoelln SFR Neukölln 4 - 4 SV Werder Bremen 1 Movsesian ½ : ½ Hracek 1 2 Stohl ½ : ½ Babula 2 4 Berndt 0 : 1 Pelletier 5 6 Borriss 1 : 0 Knaak 6 7 Polzin ½ : ½ Joachim 7 9 Poldauf 1 : 0 Meins 8 10 Thiede 0 : 1 Heissler 10 11 Rudolf ½ : ½ Meyer 13 Venue: Stuttgart Castrop Rauxel 4 - 4 TV Tegernsee 1 Georgiev ½ : ½ Khenkin 1 2 Rozentalis ½ : ½ Ribli 2 4 Doettling ½ : ½ Sokolov 3 5 Appel 1 : 0 Hertneck 4 6 Gallagher ½ : ½ Teske 7 11 Dinstuhl ½ : ½ Stangl 8 12 Hennig 0 : 1 Gross 9 13 Brendel ½ : ½ Kachiani-Ger 10 SV Wattenscheid 3½-4½ Stuttgarter Sfr 1 Aronian 1 : 0 Golubev 1 3 Rustemov ½ : ½ Hickl 2 4 Hall 0 : 1 Gabriel 3 5 Holzke ½ : ½ Bunzmann 4 6 Handke ½ : ½ Buhmann 5 7 Ellers 0 : 1 Schmittdiel 6 10 Straeter 1 : 0 Duppel 7 12 Thiel 0 : 1 Zeller 9 Venue: Luebeck SG Heiligenhaus 1½-6½ Hamburger SK 3 Skripchenko- ½ : ½ Dorfman 1 4 Van Mil ½ : ½ Kempinski 2 6 Dutreeuw 0 : 1 Ftacnik 3 9 Schmitz 0 : 1 Gustafsson 4 10 Lindner 0 : 1 Hansen 6 11 Heller 0 : 1 Wahls 7 13 Perschke 0 : 1 Reeh 11 14 Van Beers ½ : ½ Sebastian 13 Solinger SG 3½-4½ Lübecker SV 3 Kasimdzhanov ½ : ½ Adams 2 5 Jussupow 1 : 0 Speelman 4 6 Nikolic 0 : 1 Epishin 5 7 Fressinet ½ : ½ Hodgson 6 9 Lobron 0 : 1 Nunn 8 10 Emms ½ : ½ Hansen 9 11 Chandler ½ : ½ Conquest 10 13 Naumann ½ : ½ Agdestein 13 Round 11 Standings 1. Lübecker SV 10 54½:25½ 19- 1 2. SG Köln Porz 9 48 :24 16- 2 3. SV Werder Bremen 9 45½:26½ 13- 5 4. TV Tegernsee 10 45½:34½ 13- 7 5. Solinger SG 9 42½:29½ 12- 6 6. SFR Neukölln 9 40 :32 12- 6 7. Stuttgarter Sfr 10 44½:35½ 11- 9 8. Godesberger SK 9 37½:34½ 10- 8 9. Hamburger SK 10 40½:39½ 10-10 10. Castrop Rauxel 9 33 :39 8-10 11. SV Wattenscheid 9 33 :39 6-12 12. Erfurter SK 9 31 :41 4-14 13. SK König Plauen 9 26½:45½ 3-15 14. SG Heiligenhaus 9 17 :55 2-16 15. Ksp Hamburg SC 10 21 :59 1-19
The 72nd Argentine Championships take place 11th-20th March 2002. Fernando Peralta and Ruben Felgaer lead with 6.5/9 with four rounds to go.
Following directly on will be the Pinamar Internation March 21st-27th 2002. This will be a Category XI event with: 1 GM Ivan Morovic (Chile) 2544, 2 GM Dusko Pavasevic (Slovenia) 2547, 3 GM Pablo Ricardi (Argentina) 2544, 4 GM Jaime Sunye Neto (Brasil) 2531, 5 GM Georg Mohr (Slovenia) 2509, 6 GM Sergio Slipak (Argentina) 2498, 7 GM Pablo Zarnicki (Argentina) 2493, 8 GM Bent Larsen (Denmark) 2486, 9 GM C.Garcia Palermo (Argentina) 2467 and 10 GM Andres Rodriguez (Uruguay) 2460.
Official internet coverage:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72nd ch-ARG Pinamar ARG (ARG), 11-20 iii 2002 cat. IX (2472) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Peralta, Fernando m ARG 2490 * 1 = . . 1 = 1 . 1 = 0 . 1 6.5 2620 2. Felgaer, Ruben m ARG 2509 0 * . = . 1 . = . = 1 1 1 1 6.5 2625 3. Zarnicki, Pablo g ARG 2493 = . * 0 . . = 1 1 = 1 = 1 . 6.0 2597 4. Sorin, Ariel g ARG 2512 . = 1 * = 0 1 . = 1 . . 1 0 5.5 2557 5. Spangenberg, Hugo g ARG 2508 . . . = * 0 . 1 = = = 1 = 1 5.5 2544 6. Giardelli, Sergio C m ARG 2428 0 0 . 1 1 * = = = . . 1 = . 5.0 2533 7. Pierrot, Facundo m ARG 2430 = . = 0 . = * = . = = = . 1 4.5 2461 8. Flores, Diego ARG 2442 0 = 0 . 0 = = * = . 1 1 . . 4.0 2431 9. Campora, Daniel H g ARG 2542 . . 0 = = = . = * 0 = . = 1 4.0 2415 10. Slipak, Sergio g ARG 2498 0 = = 0 = . = . 1 * . . 0 = 3.5 2406 11. Fiorito, Fabian m ARG 2353 = 0 0 . = . = 0 = . * = 1 . 3.5 2408 12. Giaccio, Alfredo m ARG 2517 1 0 = . 0 0 = 0 . . = * . = 3.0 2328 13. Garcia Palermo, Carlos g ARG 2467 . 0 0 0 = = . . = 1 0 . * = 3.0 2349 14. Rosito, Jorge m ARG 2424 0 0 . 1 0 . 0 . 0 = . = = * 2.5 2331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Victor Ciocaltea Memorial took place in the Chess Club RATB in Bucharest March 4th-15th 2002. The event was a Category IX. Nikola Djukic finished on 8/11 half a point clear of Mircea Parligras. News from Radu-Catalin Chirila.
The event is followed by the Supercom Cup which takes place 17th-28th March 2002. Round 1 results available.
Internet coverage:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ciocaltea Mem Bucharest ROM (ROM), 4-14 iii 2002 cat. IX (2459) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Djukic, Nikola YUG 2383 * = 1 0 = 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 8.0 2640 2. Parligras, Mircea ROM 2498 = * 1 = = = 1 1 = 1 0 1 7.5 2587 3. Vajda, Levente g ROM 2513 0 0 * = 1 = = = 1 1 1 1 7.0 2555 4. Sofronie, Iulian m ROM 2458 1 = = * 0 = = = = 1 = = 6.0 2494 5. Lupulescu, Constantin ROM 2473 = = 0 1 * 1 0 1 0 = = 1 6.0 2493 6. Ionescu, Constantin g ROM 2481 0 = = = 0 * = = 1 = = 1 5.5 2456 7. Miljanic, Boro m YUG 2431 = 0 = = 1 = * = 0 = = = 5.0 2425 8. Svetushkin, Dmitry m MDA 2501 0 0 = = 0 = = * 1 = 1 = 5.0 2418 9. Manolache, Marius m ROM 2433 0 = 0 = 1 0 1 0 * 0 1 1 5.0 2424 10. Rogozenko, Dorian g ROM 2530 = 0 0 0 = = = = 1 * = 1 5.0 2416 11. Bets, Anatolij m MDA 2383 0 1 0 = = = = 0 0 = * 1 4.5 2400 12. Murariu, Andrei ROM 2418 0 0 0 = 0 0 = = 0 0 0 * 1.5 2153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supercom Cup Bucharest ROM (ROM), 17-28 iii 2002 cat. VIII (2448) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Grunberg, Mihai m ROM 2463 * . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.0 2. Ardelean, George Catalin m ROM 2444 . * . = . . . . . . . . 0.5 2506 3. Bets, Anatolij m MDA 2383 . . * . . . . . = . . . 0.5 2435 4. Dumitrache, Dragos m ROM 2506 . = . * . . . . . . . . 0.5 2444 5. Ionescu, Constantin g ROM 2481 . . . . * = . . . . . . 0.5 2414 6. Musat, Adrian f ROM 2414 . . . . = * . . . . . . 0.5 2481 7. Svetushkin, Dmitry m MDA 2501 . . . . . . * = . . . . 0.5 2326 8. Tikhomirov, Sergei m MDA 2326 . . . . . . = * . . . . 0.5 2501 9. Vasiesiu, Dan m ROM 2435 . . = . . . . . * . . . 0.5 2383 10. Badea, Bela g ROM 2477 . . . . . . . . . * ? . 0.0 11. Golubev, Mihail g UKR 2531 . . . . . . . . . ? * . 0.0 12. Nanu, Ciprian m ROM 2412 0 . . . . . . . . . . * 0.0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Henri Koskinen reports: The Finnish Team Championships ended last weekend. The title went to Joensuu Chessclub for the first time. Second was Taraus from Tampere and third Matinkyla from Espoo. Last years champion Garde ended only fifth this year. [Dates Round 1 22.09.2001, Round 2 20.10.2001, Round 3 21.10.2001, Round 4 17.11.2001, Round 5 18.11.2001, Round 6 19.01.2002, Round 7 16.02.2002, Round 8 16.03.2002 and Round 9 17.03.2002.]
Internet coverage:
Final results: 1. JoeSK, Joensuu 15/18 2. Taraus, Tampere 14 3. MatSK, Espoo 13 4. JYS, Jyvaskyla 12 5. Garde, Helsinki 10 6. HSK, Helsinki 8 7. EtVaS, Vantaa 7 8. Gaia, Helsinki 5 (19-30) 9. TuTS, Turku 5 (14-25) 10. Moro, Tampere 2 Best individual results: FM Sampsa Nyysti, Taraus 8,5/9 5th board Sauli Tiitta, MatSK 7/9 7th board Markku Lahtinen, JoeSK 5,5/7 6th board IM Jussi Tella, Garde 6/8 4th board IM Tapani Sammalvuo,Garde 4,5/6 3th board FM Risto Nevanlinna, JYS 6,5/9 4th board Heikki Salo, EtVaS 6,5/9 6th board Timo Porrasmaa, JoeSK 6,5/9 8th board Tuomas Nivala, JoeSK 6,5/9 reserve
The Polish Women's Championships 2002 took place in Ostrow 5th-15th March 2002. Iweta Radziewicz won the event with 9/11. Note I've used the maiden name Barbara Grabarska rather than Barbara Jaracz which is her married name as her old name is still that which appears in the rating list. Information Przemek Jahr.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ch-POL w Ostrow POL (POL), 5-15 iii 2002 cat. I (2252) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Radziewicz, Iweta wg POL 2395 * 0 = 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 9.0 2501 2. Zielinska, Marta wg POL 2410 1 * = = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 8.5 2448 3. Kadziolka, Beata POL 2210 = = * 1 = 0 = = 1 = = 1 6.5 2321 4. Socko, Monika m POL 2353 0 = 0 * 1 1 0 = = = 1 1 6.0 2279 5. Worek, Joanna POL 2224 0 = = 0 * = 0 = 1 1 1 1 6.0 2290 6. Dworakowska, Joanna wg POL 2441 0 = 1 0 = * 1 = 0 1 0 1 5.5 2235 7. Zawadzka, Jolanta POL 2172 0 0 = 1 1 0 * 0 1 1 = = 5.5 2259 8. Grabarska, Barbara wm POL 2302 = = = = = = 1 * 0 0 = = 5.0 2211 9. Andrzejewska, Edyta POL 2231 0 0 0 = 0 1 0 1 * = = 1 4.5 2189 10. Balkiewicz, Elzbieta POL 2085 0 0 = = 0 0 0 1 = * 1 = 4.0 2165 11. Jurkiewicz, Katarzyna POL 2175 0 0 = 0 0 1 = = = 0 * = 3.5 2126 12. Pokojska, Daria POL 2029 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 = = * 2.0 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Wroxham Masters took place March 9th-15th 2002. Keith Arkell won with 7/9 half a point clear of Glenn Flear.
Internet coverage:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Masters Wroxham ENG (ENG), 9-15 iii 2002 cat. VII (2417) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Arkell, Keith C g ENG 2463 * = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 7.0 2631 2. Flear, Glenn C g ENG 2511 = * = 1 1 = 1 1 = = 6.5 2572 3. Gormally, Daniel m ENG 2506 = = * = = = = 1 1 = 5.5 2487 4. Kelly, Brian m IRL 2445 = 0 = * 1 = = = 1 = 5.0 2456 5. Repkova, Eva wg SVK 2345 0 0 = 0 * 1 1 = 1 1 5.0 2468 6. Bauer, Christian g FRA 2578 = = = = 0 * 0 0 1 1 4.0 2356 7. Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan m GEO 2410 0 0 = = 0 1 * 1 0 = 3.5 2337 8. Fierro Baquero, Martha L wg ECU 2382 0 0 0 = = 1 0 * = 1 3.5 2340 9. Paehtz, Elisabeth wg GER 2383 0 = 0 0 0 0 1 = * 1 3.0 2295 10. Buckley, Melanie ENG 2147 0 = = = 0 0 = 0 0 * 2.0 2227 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rejika was the venue for two events: the Mediteran Cup WGM and the Mediteran Cup IM. They took place 9th-16th March 2002. Regina Pokorna won the WGM event with 6.5/9 and Milan Vukic the IM event with 7.5/9.
Internet site: and
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Mediteran Cup WGM Rijeka CRO (CRO), 9-16 iii 2002 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Pokorna, Regina wg SVK 2323 * 0 = = = 1 1 1 1 1 6.5 2362 2. Krivec, Jana wf SLO 2254 1 * 0 = 1 0 = 1 1 1 6.0 2329 3. Medic, Mirjana wg CRO 2273 = 1 * 0 = = = 1 1 1 6.0 2326 4. Kaps, Darja wf SLO 2243 = = 1 * = = = 0 1 1 5.5 2285 5. Lakos, Nikoletta wg HUN 2306 = 0 = = * = 1 1 = = 5.0 2241 6. Jelica, Mara wm CRO 2204 0 1 = = = * = 0 1 = 4.5 2209 7. Macek, Vlasta wm CRO 2239 0 = = = 0 = * = 1 1 4.5 2205 8. Pahor, Andrea CRO 2011 0 0 0 1 0 1 = * 0 = 3.0 2106 9. Trtanj, Tina wf CRO 2187 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 * 1 2.5 2045 10. Franciskovic, Borka CRO 2050 0 0 0 0 = = 0 = 0 * 1.5 1953 --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mediteran Cup IM Rijeka CRO (CRO), 9-16 iii 2002 cat. II (2277) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Vukic, Milan g YUG 2500 * = 1 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 7.5 2525 2. Bistric, Faruk m BIH 2486 = * = = 1 1 1 1 = 1 7.0 2473 3. Brkic, Ante f CRO 2312 0 = * = 1 = = 1 1 1 6.0 2397 4. Videki, Sandor m HUN 2443 0 = = * 0 1 1 1 1 1 6.0 2383 5. Guidarelli, Laurent f FRA 2283 = 0 0 1 * 0 1 1 1 = 5.0 2319 6. Plenkovic, Zdenko CRO 2208 0 0 = 0 1 * = = 1 1 4.5 2284 7. Doric, Darko CRO 2253 = 0 = 0 0 = * 0 0 1 2.5 2113 8. Ramesa, Davor CRO 2136 0 0 0 0 0 = 1 * = = 2.5 2126 9. Lulic, Igor CRO 2068 0 = 0 0 0 0 1 = * 0 2.0 2080 10. Bosiocic, Marin CRO 2079 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 1 * 2.0 2078 --------------------------------------------------------------------
The Belgian Team Championships have reached their 10th round. Steve Laios send games and news.
Round 10 : 03.03.2002 1.KGSRL 2 - Temse 1.0-7.0 (games) 2.Leuven - Rochade 3.5-4.5 3.Charleroi - Jean Jaurès 4.5-3.5 (games) 4.Borgerhout - KBSK 1.5-6.5 5.KAOSK - KGSRL 1 4.5-3.5 6.Liège - Eupen 6.0-2.0 Standings after round : 10 Teams pts p.m 1.Liège 1 55.0 9.0 2.Temse Boey 1 51.0 8.0 3.Rochade Eupen 1 47.5 8.0 4.LV Leuven 1 42.0 5.0 5.Jean Jaurès 1 40.0 4.0 6.K Brugge SK 1 38.5 5.0 7.K Gent SRL 1 37.5 3.0 8.Charleroi 1 37.0 5.5 9.Eupen 47 1 36.5 3.0 10.K Gent SRL 2 34.0 3.5 11.K Antwerp OSK 1 33.0 3.5 12.Borgerhout 1 28.0 2.5
The 35th International Ladies' Grandmaster Tournament (9th cat. ELO=2255) takes place in Belgrade from 15th to 23rd March 2002.
Internet coverage: (Belgrade Chess Federation) and (SAH in the Sports Section)
Round 3 Standings: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 35th Ladies GM Belgrade YUG (YUG), 15-23 iii 2002 cat. I (2255) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Chelushkina, Irina wg YUG 2388 * . . 1 . . = . . 1 2.5 2513 2. Savic, Marijana wf YUG 2169 . * = . . 1 . . 1 . 2.5 2556 3. Grabics, Monika wm HUN 2283 . = * . = . . 1 . . 2.0 2323 4. Petrenko, Svetlana wg MDA 2338 0 . . * 1 . 1 . . . 2.0 2417 5. Kalevic, Sanja wg YUG 2246 . . = 0 * . . . 1 . 1.5 2296 6. Bogza, Adina wm ROM 2298 . 0 . . . * . = . 1 1.5 2162 7. Petrovic, Marija wm YUG 2243 = . . 0 . . * . = . 1.0 2206 8. Ujhazi, Danijela YUG 2180 . . 0 . . = . * . = 1.0 2115 9. Chilingirova, Pavlina wm BUL 2269 . 0 . . 0 . = . * . 0.5 1946 10. Nestorovic, Irena wf YUG 2139 0 . . . . 0 . = . * 0.5 2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Marjan Kovacevic of Politika writes: The 57th Yugoslav Championships take place in Banja Koviljaca (a popular Serbian spa), they started on 16th March 2002. The Category 10 tournament (2500 average, one point short of Category 11!) has 14 participants. The list was cut from 16 to 14 after Ivan Ivanisevic was conscripted into the army for 9 months and 79 year old Gligoric has given up (not because of his health, he is still in a good shape, playing tennis and piano. He has recently finished his three books which should appear in England in May).
Daily results at: (SAH in the Sports Section)
Round 2 Standings: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 57th ch-YUG Banja Koviljaca YUG (YUG), 16-30 iii 2002 cat. X (2500) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Kosic, Dragan g YUG 2511 * . . . . . . = . . . 1 . . 1.5 2665 2. Blagojevic, Dragisa m YUG 2508 . * = . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.5 2709 3. Kovacevic, Aleksandar g YUG 2549 . = * . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1.5 2719 4. Ilincic, Zlatko g YUG 2534 . . . * . . = . . . . . . 1 1.5 2653 5. Popovic, Petar g YUG 2533 . . . . * . . . . . = . 1 . 1.5 2727 6. Pikula, Dejan m YUG 2466 . . . . . * . . . . 1 . . . 1.0 7. Arsovic, Goran m YUG 2437 . . . = . . * . = . . . . . 1.0 2501 8. Antic, Dejan g YUG 2470 = . . . . . . * . = . . . . 1.0 2504 9. Savic, Miodrag R m YUG 2469 . . . . . . = . * . . = . . 1.0 2456 10. Pavlovic, Milos g YUG 2497 . . . . . . . = . * . . . . 0.5 2470 11. Abramovic, Bosko g YUG 2524 . . . . = 0 . . . . * . . . 0.5 2306 12. Ostojic, Nikola m YUG 2475 0 . . . . . . . = . . * . . 0.5 2297 13. Damljanovic, Branko g YUG 2545 . . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . * . 0.0 14. Jeremic, Veljko YUG 2484 . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . * 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Round 1 (March 16, 2002) Blagojevic, Dragisa - Jeremic, Veljko 1-0 Kovacevic, Aleksandar - Damljanovic, Branko 1-0 Popovic, Petar - Abramovic, Bosko 1/2 Pikula, Dejan - Pavlovic, Milos Postponed Arsovic, Goran - Ilincic, Zlatko 1/2 Antic, Dejan - Kosic, Dragan 1/2 Ostojic, Nikola - Savic, Miodrag R 1/2 Round 2 (March 17, 2002) Kosic, Dragan - Ostojic, Nikola 1-0 Blagojevic, Dragisa - Kovacevic, Aleksandar 1/2 Savic, Miodrag R - Arsovic, Goran 1/2 Pavlovic, Milos - Antic, Dejan 1/2 Abramovic, Bosko - Pikula, Dejan 0-1 Damljanovic, Branko - Popovic, Petar 0-1 Jeremic, Veljko - Ilincic, Zlatko 0-1
The Zwolle Open Weekender took place March 8th-10th 2002 reports Henri Spijkerman.
The eleventh edition of the weekender in Zwolle, the Netherlands, was won by Belgian grandmaster Michail Gurevich. He scored five points from six rounds, sharing first prize with Igor Glek, Bogdan Lalic and Alexei Gorbatov. On ground of his superior WP tie-break score Gurevich was declared winner of the tournament.
In the fifth round Gurevich and Glek played a drawn game of great quality which went down to bare kings. Dutch vice-champion grandmaster Erik van den Doel, gathered only 3,5 points, ending in a shared 11th place.
Dutch talents Erwin lAmi and Jan Werle had better performances, along with IGM Dgebuadze they shared 5th place with 4,5 points.
Leading Final (Round 6) Standings: No. PNo. Name Score WP SB ------------------------------------------------- 1. M. Gurevich 2639 5.0 25.5 20.50 I. Glek 2565 5.0 21.5 17.25 B. Lalic 2523 5.0 21.5 16.75 A. Gorbatov 2416 5.0 19.5 16.00 5. A. Dgebuadze 2490 4.5 22.5 15.00 E. l'Ami 2373 4.5 20.0 12.75 J. Werle 2406 4.5 19.0 11.75 8. A. Kabatianski 2459 4.0 22.0 10.25 M. Naalden 1969 4.0 21.5 12.75 F. van Assendelft 2003 4.0 20.0 10.50 11. E. vd Doel 2562 3.5 24.5 12.50 J. Swinkels 1854 3.5 21.0 11.00 G. van Otten 2030 3.5 19.5 9.25 E. Blees 1848 3.5 18.5 10.00 L. Cako 2117 3.5 18.0 9.75 M. Hoffer 1885 3.5 18.0 8.50 A. Pietrow 2042 3.5 16.5 8.50 H. Plasman 2102 3.5 16.5 8.25 R. Hendriks 2026 3.5 12.0 6.50 47 players
The Russian Junior (Under-20) Championships for boys and girls took place in Vladimir March 1st-12th 2002. Ernesto Inarkiev won the boys event with 9.5/11. Elmira Hasanova won the girls event.
Internet coverage: (in Russian)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ch-RUS Boys U20 Vladimir RUS (RUS), 1-12 iii 2002 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Inarkiev, Ernesto m RUS 2500 9.5 70.0 59.50 57.5 2747 +3.01 2. Riazantsev, Alexander g RUS 2511 7.5 74.0 50.25 47.5 2566 +0.79 3. Grigoriants, Sergey m RUS 2443 7.5 71.0 45.50 44.5 2572 +1.89 4. Bocharov, Dmitry m RUS 2452 7.5 66.5 42.00 44.0 2540 +1.34 5. Kokarev, Dmitry m RUS 2478 7.0 72.5 42.00 45.0 2540 +0.84 6. Kurnosov, Igor m RUS 2419 7.0 65.0 39.75 41.5 2528 +1.61 7. Belov, Vladimir m RUS 2487 7.0 65.0 40.00 38.5 2492 +0.07 8. Smirnov, Pavel m RUS 2510 6.5 75.0 41.25 44.0 2497 -0.21 9. Kim, Alexey m RUS 2414 6.5 66.0 32.50 41.0 2485 +1.11 10. Grachev, Boris f RUS 2394 6.5 64.0 34.75 36.5 2490 +1.44 11. Panarin, Michail RUS 2413 6.0 72.0 37.00 42.0 2467 +0.83 12. Bryzgalin, Kirill f RUS 2396 6.0 71.5 35.25 41.5 2485 +1.27 13. Anisimov, Pavel RUS 2405 6.0 66.0 30.75 40.5 2433 +0.40 14. Lysyj, Igor RUS 2330 6.0 62.5 33.50 37.0 2483 +2.26 15. Timofeev, Artyom m RUS 2539 6.0 65.5 35.75 37.0 2426 -1.70 16. Khismatullin, Denis RUS 2449 6.0 59.0 27.50 36.5 2431 -0.38 17. Asanov, Timur RUS 2411 6.0 63.5 32.50 35.0 2433 +0.28 18. Nepomniachtchi, Ian f RUS 2280 6.0 57.0 24.50 33.0 2364 +1.03 19. Zablotsky, Sergei RUS 2381 6.0 62.0 31.00 33.0 2426 +0.61 20. Yashtylov, Anatolij RUS 2370 5.5 72.0 35.25 38.5 2450 +1.21 21. Evdokimov, Alexander A RUS 2367 5.5 64.5 29.50 37.0 2432 +0.99 22. Tomashevsky, Evgeny m RUS 2452 5.5 63.0 30.75 34.0 2382 -1.10 23. Chebotarev, Oleg RUS 2425 5.5 59.5 28.00 33.0 2392 -0.55 24. Kosintseva, Tatiana wg RUS 2358 5.5 60.5 27.25 31.5 2418 +0.88 25. Bachin, Vitaly m RUS 2459 5.5 53.0 24.75 29.5 2359 -1.54 26. Skorchenko, Dmitriy m RUS 2420 5.0 65.0 26.00 32.5 2344 -1.16 27. Farakhov, Rafail RUS 2307 5.0 52.5 21.25 29.5 2351 +0.71 28. Iljin, Artem RUS 2364 5.0 55.5 23.25 28.0 2348 -0.17 29. Prizant, Jaroslav m RUS 2459 5.0 54.5 19.75 26.0 2285 -2.40 30. Shinkevich, Vitaly m RUS 2480 4.5 66.0 35.25 37.5 2456 -0.22 31. Sitnikov, Dmitrij m RUS 2381 4.5 60.0 18.75 30.5 2293 -1.20 32. Geller, Jakov RUS 2417 4.5 58.0 21.25 28.0 2298 -1.88 33. Kosintseva, Nadezhda wm RUS 2340 4.5 51.0 12.75 27.0 2254 -1.20 34. Danin, Alexandre RUS 2314 4.5 53.0 17.75 23.5 2276 -0.50 35. Bedarev, Sergey RUS 2302 4.5 53.5 17.00 22.5 2300 -0.01 36. Sultangareev, Marat RUS 2327 4.5 55.5 18.00 22.0 2303 -0.34 37. Kuznetsov, Viktor2 f RUS 2367 4.5 45.0 16.75 20.5 2237 -1.80 38. Zabotin, Alexander RUS 2249 4.5 44.5 12.25 18.5 2227 -0.30 39. Utnasunov, Alexander RUS 2301 4.0 49.5 14.75 23.0 2261 -0.51 40. Doukhine, Iokhan RUS 2299 3.0 48.5 7.50 17.0 2112 -2.30 41. Klyashtorny, Vladislav RUS 2327 2.5 43.5 6.00 14.0 1976 -3.50 42. Ostertag,Yuri ---- 1.5 45.0 1.50 7.0 1872 1872 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ch-RUS Girls U20 Vladimir RUS (RUS), 1-12 iii 2002 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hasanova, Elmira wm RUS 2263 8.5 66.0 51.00 46.0 2450 +2.67 2. Fominykh, Maria RUS 2163 7.5 74.0 49.25 50.0 2396 +3.54 3. Ovod, Evgenija wg RUS 2355 7.0 72.5 43.75 50.0 2328 -0.37 4. Pogonina, Natalija wf RUS 2263 7.0 71.5 43.25 46.5 2349 +1.28 5. Khusnutdinova, Luiza wm RUS 2250 7.0 66.5 39.25 39.5 2336 +1.28 6. Sudakova, Irina wm RUS 2354 7.0 70.5 43.25 39.5 2307 -0.70 7. Zimina, Olga wm RUS 2345 6.5 67.0 36.50 43.0 2276 -0.98 8. Kolganova, Natalia RUS 2139 6.5 69.5 36.50 41.0 2323 +2.76 9. Druzhinina, Olga RUS 2238 6.5 61.0 34.50 38.5 2222 -0.20 10. Meshcheriakova, Evgenia RUS 2169 6.5 67.0 38.75 37.5 2333 +2.54 11. Zainullina, Nataliya wf RUS 2167 6.0 73.0 39.50 43.5 2313 +2.15 12. Ubiennykh, Ekaterina wf RUS 2269 6.0 73.0 37.50 39.5 2281 +0.17 13. Novikova, Anna RUS 2218 6.0 59.0 29.50 37.0 2235 +0.20 14. Kineva, Ekaterina wf RUS 2175 6.0 53.0 26.00 29.0 2263 +1.20 15. Guseva, Marina RUS 2253 6.0 53.0 25.50 28.5 2155 -1.30 16. Zakurdjaeva, Irina wm RUS 2310 5.5 63.5 27.00 33.5 2167 -2.00 17. Sazanova, Julia RUS 2173 5.5 53.0 22.50 28.5 2217 +0.48 18. Molkova,Oxana ---- 5.5 51.5 24.00 26.0 2232 +0.50 19. Ivkina, Olga RUS 2216 5.0 62.5 23.50 36.0 2176 -0.60 20. Kharashkina, Bairta wf RUS 2187 5.0 59.5 22.00 35.0 2133 -0.60 21. Korbut, Ekaterina wg RUS 2359 5.0 59.0 25.25 33.0 2159 -2.92 22. Tabrina, Anna wf RUS 2142 5.0 58.5 24.75 30.0 2166 +0.38 23. Kuznetsova, Irina RUS 2177 5.0 52.5 20.25 28.5 2129 -0.70 24. Postnova, Ekaterina wf RUS 2215 5.0 59.5 23.00 28.0 2089 -1.50 25. Kucherova, Lija wf RUS 2171 4.5 53.5 18.00 26.0 2071 -1.19 26. Zhevakina, Anastasiya RUS 2157 4.5 55.0 17.75 25.5 2138 -0.28 27. Kuzmina, Olga RUS 2236 4.0 59.0 19.75 30.0 2096 -2.05 28. Kovanova, Baira RUS 2124 4.0 50.5 15.50 22.0 2015 -1.28 29. Ertel, Svetlana RUS 2088 4.0 52.0 16.50 20.5 2106 +0.12 30. Shchepetkova,Margaret ---- 3.5 49.0 14.25 19.0 1946 1946 31. Dordzhieva, Nadezhda wf RUS 2123 3.0 51.5 10.75 15.5 1932 -1.86 32. Yeremina,Tatiana ---- 2.0 49.5 9.25 10.0 1806 1806 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 18th Budapest Spring Festival is a 9 round Swiss Open Chess Tournament which takes place 15th-23rd of March 2002.
Round 3 Standings: 1. Lengyel Bela 2354 3.0 4.0 Majeric Zoran 2337 3.0 6.0 Boros Denes 2240 3.0 5.0 Banusz Tamas 2217 3.0 4.5 Erdelyi Zombor 2215 3.0 4.0 Sipos Istvan 2199 3.0 4.0 7. Rajlich Vasik 2384 2.5 6.0 Wolter Michael 2211 2.5 5.5 Kolus Lajos 2200 2.5 4.5 Karabalis Harilos 2196 2.5 5.5 Szobi Geza 2138 2.5 4.5 Por Attila 2077 2.5 6.0 97 players
The 2002 National Open took place March 7th-11th 2002 in Las Vegas USA. Alex Yermolinsky and Walter Browne finished on 5.5/6. Full tournament Bulletins (3 issues and a total of 415 games) are available from the USCF Catalog. My thanks to Al Losoff, Bill Snead, Bill Friesema and Alan Watson. Games now available.
National Open Championship Final Round 6 Standings No. Ttl Name USCF Pts TBrk1 TBrk2 TBrk3 1 GM YERMOLINSKY, ALEX 2639 5.5 21.0 23.5 20.5 2 GM BROWNE, WALTER S 2540 5.5 20.0 22.5 20.5 3 GM GALLAGHER, JOSEPH 2583 5.0 21.0 24.0 18.5 4 GM PELLETIER, YANNICK 2599 5.0 20.5 23.0 19.0 5 GM BLATNY, PAVEL 2572 5.0 20.5 20.5 18.0 6 GM KUDRIN, SERGEY 2609 5.0 20.0 22.0 18.0 7 IM SARKAR, JUSTIN 2410 5.0 19.0 21.0 18.0 8 IM AKOBIAN, VARUZHAN 2529 5.0 17.5 20.5 17.0 197 players
The III Internet Chess Tournament "Ciudad de Dos Hermanas" is taking place on the Internet Chess Club (ICC), March 15th-23rd, 2002. There are 5346 registered players, including 42 GMs and 89 IMs, after the first six qualifiers.
IM Michael Rahal (EDAMI, Barcelona) reports that for the third year running Internet Chess Club ( holds the third annual Internet Chess Tournament "Ciudad de Dos Hermanas" (Spain). This event has consolidated itself as the most important Internet tournament in the world, both in the number and strength of the participants. Last years statistics are being smashed to bits. There are six qualifiers still left to play, and the number of participants and titled players are already above those of the 2001 edition. The Dos Hermanas web counter ( will soon not have enough digits to count up the number of hits on the page: more than 110.000 during the last two weeks! The following table summarizes the statistics of this years event, compared to the last two editions. The column 2002 gives data after the first six rounds.
2000 2001 2002 Registered players 1374 4424 5346 Participants 783 2145 1733 Countries 72 62 86 GM 21 48 42 IM 36 85 89
As last year the playing system is as follows: 12 9-round Swiss qualifiers using the Fischer System playing rate: 8 minutes + 2 seconds. Qualifiers are held twice a day (from March 15th to 20th). March 21st is a rest day, and the finals are held on March 22-23. The 12 qualifier winners plus the 20 best scores qualify to the 32 KO final. Registration for the last six qualifiers is still open. Complete standings, game files and other interesting information can be found at the Dos Hermanas web site.
RESULTS OF THE FIRST SIX QUALIFIERS Qualifier (S 15 A):Friday, March 15th, 2002 334 players. 9-round Swiss. Game rate 8/2. 1º GM Roland Schmaltz (DEU) 8.0 (Qual.) 2º GM Petr Kiriakov (RUS) 8.0 3º IM Oleg Krivonosov (LVA) 8.0 4º Mark Glukhovsky (RUS) 7.5 5º GM Sergey Shipov (RUS) 7.5 Note: V-Popov" was disqualified in S15A when evidence emerged that it wasn't really GM Popov, but rather someone else using his account.. Qualifier (S 15 B):Friday, March 15th, 2002 245 players. 9-round Swiss. Game rate 8/2. 1º IM Michail Feygin (DEU) 8.0 (Qual.) 2º IM Rodrigo Vasquez (CHI) 8.0 3º GM Alexey Dreev (RUS) 7.5 4º Francis Brea (USA) 7.5 5º Ali Frhat (EGY) 7.0 Qualifier (S 16 A):Saturday, March 16th, 2002 336 players. 9-round Swiss. Game rate 8/2. 1º GM Sergey Shipov (RUS) 8.0 (Qual.) 2º GM Alexandr Stripunsky (USA) 8.0 3º GM Pavel Jaracz (POL) 8.0 4º IM Oleg Krivonosov (LVA) 8.0 5º IM Dmitry Bocharov (RUS) 7.5 Qualifier (S 16 B):Saturday, March 16th, 2002 228 players. 9-round Swiss. Game rate 8/2. 1º GM Roman Dzindzichashvili (USA) 8.0 (Qual.) 2º IM Vladimir Belov (RUS) 8.0 3º FM Stefan Kristjansson (ISL) 8.0 4º GM Alexey Dreev (RUS) 7.5 5º IM István Almasi (HUN) 7.5 Qualifier (S 17 A):Sunday, March 17th, 2002 380 players. 9-round Swiss. Game rate 8/2. 1º IM Diego Adla (ARG) 8.0 (Qual.) 2º GM Zurab Azmaiparashvili (GEO) 8.0 3º GM Alexey Dreev (RUS) 8.0 4º IM Hikaru Nakamura (USA) 8.0 5º GM Pawel Jaracz (POL) 8.0 Qualifier (S 17 B):Sunday, March 17th, 2002 210 players. 9-round Swiss. Game rate 8/2. 1º Jorge Soto (PER) 7.5 (Qual.) 2º GM Vladimir Potkin (RUS) 7.5 3º Juan Carlos de la Torre (ARG) 7.5 4º IM Andrey Deviatkin (RUS) 7.5 5º Brandon Ashe (USA) 7.5
The Kali Cup took place 18th-26th January 2002. Attila Czebe won the event. My thanks to Ferenc Pasztor for the information.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kali Cup HUN (HUN), 18-26 i 2002 cat. II (2276) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Czebe, Attila m HUN 2489 * = 0 1 = = = 1 1 = 1 1 7.5 2389 2. Bodo, Norbert f HUN 2339 = * 1 = = = = = = 1 = 1 7.0 2372 3. Resika, Nathan A f USA 2241 1 0 * 0 = = 1 0 1 1 1 1 7.0 2381 4. Hammes, Michael f GER 2372 0 = 1 * 0 = = 1 = 1 1 1 7.0 2369 5. Majeric, Zoran f CRO 2337 = = = 1 * = = 1 = = 0 1 6.5 2335 6. Istvandi, Lajos m HUN 2286 = = = = = * = = = 1 = = 6.0 2311 7. Lakos, Nikoletta wg HUN 2306 = = 0 = = = * 1 = 0 1 1 6.0 2309 8. Fodre, Sandor f HUN 2207 0 = 1 0 0 = 0 * = 1 1 1 5.5 2282 9. Horvath, Imre m HUN 2284 0 = 0 = = = = = * 1 = = 5.0 2239 10. Rossato, Armando ITA 2163 = 0 0 0 = 0 1 0 0 * 1 1 4.0 2184 11. Kosztolanczi, Gyula f HUN 2192 0 = 0 0 1 = 0 0 = 0 * 1 3.5 2150 12. Gadacsi, Miklos jr HUN 2099 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 * 1.0 1909 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 players took part in an internet qualifier for the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix tournament. Four players Sergey Karjakin (UKR), Maxim Novik (RUS), Nugzar Zeliakov (RUS) and Genrikh Chepukaitis (RUS) will fly to Abu Dhabi to play a round robin event face to face the top two will play in the main Grand Prix. This over the board element was supposed to reduce the impact of cheating. Whether it has is another question. Dorian Rogozenko of Romania was extremely unhappy writing a lengthy open letter to me with a lot of allegations about the event entitled "Cheat when playing on-line, FIDE Commerce will support you!". I don't know the truth of the matter so I don't feel I can publish the letter here which names a lot of names. He feels that there was plenty of computer and database use and even collusion during the event. The truth is that I didn't expect this to be any better than the last FIDE internet event and neither should have any of the participants. I find it pretty hard to care.
Further details:
Final Standings: # Name NR Total Buch Koya Wins Black 1 Karjakin, Sergey (UKR) 1600 7.5 42.5 6.5 6 3 2 Novik, Maxim (RUS) 1726 6.5 41.0 6.5 4 2 3 Zeliakov, Nugzar (RUS) 1879 6.5 41.0 5.5 4 2 4 Chepukaitis, Genrikh (RUS) 1775 6.5 39.5 4.5 5 2 5 Qureshi, Asif (PAK) 1704 6.0 39.5 6.0 4 2 6 Singhsandhu, Rajkamal (IND) 1723 6.0 39.0 4.0 5 2 7 Rogozenko, Dorian (ROM) 1748 6.0 38.0 4.5 5 1 8 Capezza, Marco (ITA) 1951 6.0 36.5 3.5 5 2 9 Mitin, Andrey (RUS) 1917 6.0 33.5 2.0 5 2 10 Isaev, Jamshed (TJK) 1623 6.0 29.5 2.0 6 3 11 Velickovic, Sasa (YUG) 1600 6.0 28.5 2.0 5 1 12 Sulypa, Alexander (UKR) 1835 5.5 34.5 3.0 3 2 13 Bykov, Andrey (RUS) 1600 5.5 28.0 1.5 4 1 14 Pokorny, Roland (GER) 1883 5.0 36.5 4.0 5 1 15 Bjelajac, Milan (YUG) 1624 5.0 35.5 3.0 5 3 16 Jean-Marie, Matisson (FRA) 1745 5.0 33.0 3.5 3 1 17 Golikov, Alexei (RUS) 1632 5.0 31.0 1.0 5 2 18 Kostic, Milutin (YUG) 1669 5.0 30.0 1.5 3 2 19 Soares, Eduardo (BRA) 1591 5.0 27.5 2.5 4 2 20 Tay, Tony (MAS) 1517 5.0 25.5 0.0 5 3 21 Carlsson, Conny (SWE) 1541 5.0 24.5 1.0 5 3 22 Chandra, Pitigala (SRI) 1809 4.5 34.5 2.5 4 2 23 Krivosheya, Sergei (UKR) 1684 4.5 32.0 1.5 4 2 24 Gildred, Terrence (USA) 1844 4.5 29.0 1.0 3 2 25 Panjkovic, Aleksandar (ITA) 1600 4.5 22.0 0.0 4 1 26 Touzane, Olivier (FRA) 1735 4.0 35.5 1.5 3 1 27 Harkamal,Singh Sandhu (IND) 1678 4.0 33.5 1.5 3 2 28 Juegel, Marcel (GER) 1600 4.0 32.0 2.0 3 2 29 Franzen, Thomas (SWE) 1626 4.0 27.5 1.5 3 1 30 Juan, Minaya (COL) 1595 3.5 32.0 2.0 2 1 31 Borkert, Reginald (GER) 1585 3.5 28.5 0.0 3 1 32 Panagiotis, Basiakos (GRE) 1621 3.5 23.0 0.5 3 1 33 Korensky, Sergei (RUS) 1730 3.0 25.0 1.0 3 3 34 Stoicescu, Dan (USA) 1600 3.0 24.5 0.0 3 1 35 Fernandes, Viana (BRA) 1611 3.0 22.5 0.0 3 0 36 Vukmirovic, Nenad (YUG) 1664 2.5 29.0 1.5 2 0 37 Palacios, Francisco (MEX) 1800 2.5 27.0 0.5 2 1 38 Iclicki, Willy (BEL) 1665 2.0 30.0 1.0 2 2 39 Sergio, Curtacci (ITA) 1719 2.0 24.0 0.5 1 1 40 Chandrasekar, B (IND) 1311 2.0 18.0 0.0 2 0 41 Bakic, Rados (YUG) 1668 0.5 10.5 0.5 0 0 42 Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander (POL) 1723 0.0 5.0 0.0 0 0 43 Bahen, Richard (CAN) 1601 0.0 5.0 0.0 0 0 44 Schrombeck, Jon (USA) 1445 0.0 5.0 0.0 0 0 45 Emmanuel, de Castro (CAN) 1778 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 46 Svetushkin, Dmitry (MDA) 1681 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0
The 8th Schloss Open takes place Friday March 22nd to Sunday March 24th 2002 in Werther/Westfalen.
220 participants in three groups including 3 GMs and 13 IMs are expected to take part in this five round swiss system event. The prize fund has been increased to 4600 Euro this year also with several rating prizes. GM Epishin favourite to make it a hat trick of tournament wins in for him in Werther but he is facing even stronger opponents than in last year´s event (eg GM Berelovich, IM Kalod and FM Kunin)
Internet coverage: and Live coverage:
The Open du Parc takes place in Paris 18th-20th May 2002.
- 7 rounds 2 hours KO, FIDE homologation - free for Masters and Grand Masters - 1st prize : 760 euros - 2nd prize : 460 euros - 3rd prize : 270 euros,... - etc
Further information:
The Bergen Chess International 2002 takes place 20th-28th July 2002 in Bergen, Norway. Open GM-tournament 9-round Swiss 7-hour playing session Side events: Lower section, Cafe Chess Championship, Blitz tourneys
Further information:
The "Pula Open 2002" takes place 12th-19th May 2002 in Pula, Croatia.
A group of title qualifying round robins, including 1 GM-, 2 IM- and 1 ELO-group, each consisting of ten players will take place 11th-18th April 2002 in Gausdal Høifjellshotell (the famous chess hotel of Norway). Time limits 2 hours in 40 moves and 1 hour for the rest. Prizes 3000-2000-1000 NKR in the GM-group, 2000-1200-800 in the IM-groups. There are place left in all groups, but interested players should contact IA Hans Olav Lahlum as soon as possible at: IA Hans Olav Lahlum Bassengveien 28 a N - 2821 Gjøvik Phone +47 611 71 398. Email
Further details:
The 6th Voronezh International Chess Festival takes place June 10th-21st 2002.
Further details:
The 3rd European Individual Women's Chess Championship takes place May 26th - June 9nd 2002 in Varna, Bulgaria.
Further details:
The 12th Heart of Finland Open takes place in Jyväskylä, July 17th-21st 2002. The tournament is played in one group with Swiss system. The event is FIDE-rated, and there are possibilities to reach title norms. There is the option to start the tournament from the 2nd round with a ½ point bye. Time rate: 2 hours / 40 moves + 1 hour to finish.
Entry fees GM/IM free (must register May 31 at the latest), FM/U20 50 EUR, ELO-players 60 EUR, others 80 EUR. 10% discount from the entry fee if registration before May 31, 20% discount if registration before March 31. Total prize fund approx. 7000 EUR, also rating prizes.
Contact info: Sami Hämäläinen: Tel. +358-9-3238840 Email:
Beginning March 11th, 2002 the World Team will begin a new game against GM Nick de Firmian. Having most recently finished the second of two games against Chinese IM Yin Hao (WT 1.5 YH 0.5) the World Team now will play against three-time U.S. champion Nick de Firmian, who will play the white pieces.
The World Team consists of players from around the World, many of whom came together for the first time during the Kasparov vs. World Internet Game held in 1999. The games against Yin Hao attracted players from Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and the United States.
Everyone willing to follow the rules of the game is welcome to play in this new game against GM de Firmian. To participate or observe go to the World Team strategy board and official site at
More details about the game (and how to join the World Team) can be found at the Game Info and Rules link at the official site. It should be fun and "A Serious Game Among Friends".
GM James Plaskett will play the Rest of the World starting 1st March on the internet at:
The match will be played at the rate of 5 days per move. Players will vote their moves by clicking on the chess board while discussing and formulating strategies and tactics in the Rest of World team forum. This match is open to all who visit Those wanting to play Plaskett will need to login and follow the Opponents menu to 'Play the Expert'.
This year the Golden Cleopatra Open will be open to all and held 7th-17th April at Eastern Company Club about 5 Km from the Pyramids Cairo, Egypt. The event will be a Swiss Sytem 11 Rounds 160 players (7 GMs 25 IMs , available for Fide Rating and Titles) New Fide Time Control (90 Min for all game and 30 Sec. Added for every move) play starts at 5 p.m. daily from 7 to 17 April , Arrival 6 April , Closing Ceremony 18 April 7 p.m. then departure.
Prizes as follows : 1st till 12th. 1000 - 800 - 700 - 600 - 500 - 400 - 300 - 200 - 200 - 200 - 150 - 150 US$. Players who wants to participate will pay - 30 US$ daily for full accommodation in Double Bedroom or 40 US$ for single Room 4 Star Hotel 20 US$ daily for Double bedroom or 30 US$ for Single Room 3 Star Hotel . That included : Free transportation inside Egypt , including from and to Airport; Free Tourist tours; Free entry fee ; 3 free daily soft drinks ; Daily Bullettin , and Book of the tournament distributed on Closing Ceremony.
Special conditions for limited no of GMs and IMs. Last day for registering is 27 March 2002 . Our email is
Contact: E-Mail and Hassan Khaled General Director Egyptian Chess Federation
Phone +20-2-3378987 and Mobile:+20-10-5003063; Blitzin handle: haskd Eastern Company Club Fax : +20-2-5620931 Egyptian Chess Federation : Phone and Fax : +20-2-2604285 Tanta Open will be played during May , and not confirmed yet.
The 13th International Chess & Bridge Festival CZECH OPEN 2002 will be held 11th-28th July 2002 in Pardubice, Czech Republic. Further details:
IM Michael Rahal (EDAMI) reports that the Dos Hermanas City Council and the Municipal Foundation for Sport of Dos Hermanas in conjunction with ICC and EDAMI (Miguel Illescas Chess School) are holding their third Internet Chess tournament between the 15th and the 23rd of March 2002.
The event will take place on ICC ( and has prizes totalling 4.850 Euros (1st: 1.500 Euros + invitation to the Dos Hermanas International Open).
There will be 12 Swiss System qualifiers (two per day) with the winner of each event progressing to the final.
Last years field included 48 GM over 2.145 participants from 70 countries.
If you wish to take part there are further details, rules and entry forms available at:
The Astana tournament (Kazakstan) takes place at the end of May. The players will be Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Viswanathan Anand, Michael Adams, Veselin Topalov and Peter Kostenko.
2nd International Round Robin Tmt. Eger (HUN) For acquiring rating and IM norms date: from the 20th to 28th february 2002 category: Tournament A = category II to IV Tournament B = Rating tournament Tournament C = GM tournament, category VII to IX number of participants: 12 to 14 (3 unrated players in the rating tournament) time limit: closed tournament with 10 - 12 rounds, 2 h/40 moves + 1 h /20 moves + 30 min for all remaining moves entry fee: depending on rating, to be stipulated with the organizer additional program: active chess tournament, thermal bath, sight seeing of the historic city of Eger and its pituresque surroundings place: Apartmenthouse Atrium, Eger accomodation: lodging at good price, right next to the tournament place: apartments with bath/shower and WC, telephone, TV, balcony, garage information: Europe Chess, IM Ali Habibi * Postfach 1148 * D-35436 Linden * email: The Europe Chess Round Robin Tournaments will be held in different European Countries. Combine quality chess with your vacation! If you register at least 5 participants ahead of time, we can organize a tournament at a date you pick. Soon more information in different chess magazines and on the internet.
The website for the 2002 Uruguayan Championships is at: There are various qualifiers in February and March before the finals in April. They started on February 9th 2002.
The 36th Ballarat Begonia Chess Tournament will be held the weekend of 9-11th March 2002 coinciding with the Begonia Festival. Confirmed participants include Australias two grandmasters Ian Rogers and Darryl Johansen. 80-100 chess players are expected to play in Ballarat arriving from as far as Queensland, South Australia and even overseas. Details:
Chess Siberia has a new article "Study of the January 2002 FIDE Rating List" (by Boris Schipkov, 11.02.2002).
Results of the British Chess Federation Grading Questionaire are available at the British Chess Federation site.
Internet site:
Sinisa Drazic reports: that the Third Saturday tournaments in Novi Sad will take place 16th-24th March. The GM event has Drazic S 2471, Kosanovic G 2428, Konery H.2539, Fontaine R. 2469, Micic C 2411, Sedlak N 2447, Perunovic M 2475, Bistric F 2486, Stojanovic D 2436, Shirazi Kamran 2450, Popchev M 2445, the organisers would like at least one more player. Likely to be Category IX.
In the IM event players already competing are: Basagic Z. 2357 (slo), Pap M 2415, Markotic G 2305 (cro), Koneru Ashot 2186(ind), Sebenik Matej 2326( slo) , fm Mujagic Ramo 2297, fm Stojkovic Miroljub 2296, fm Dumpor Atif 2328 (bih), Markus Held 2167 (ger), Petkovic Radoslav 2320, Jovic Stevan 2165. One or three more players required.
Contact Sinisa Drazic
SAVARIA SUMMER International Chess Open Szombathely (Hungary), 26th July- 1st August 2002. Two events an "A" group- for FIDE-Elo and a "B" group- for children under 13. Further details from: KORPICS Zsolt H-9700 Szombathely, Rohonci 13. +(36)-30/951-0063
The five winners of the 1st On-Line Chess Tournament in Greece will receive free hospitality without entry fee in the following tournaments: International Tournament of Ikaria 2002, International Tournament of Korinthos 2002, International Tournament of Kavala 2002 "NATIONAL" ORGANIZ SYSTEMS S.A. the official sponsor of the 1st Internet Chess Championship in Greece has offered 3.000 Euros towards the prizes.
Further details:
Free entry:
Oslo Easter Chess Festival consists of The Open Norwegian Championships 23-30 March and The Open Norwegian Youth Championships 23-27 March. Both tournaments will be rated in FIDE.
Further information: (also in English).
On March 30th for the second time a so called Denkbiatlon will be organized in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. It is a 5 round Swiss tournament and in each round a participant plays a game in chess and in international draughts (10 x 10) against the same opponent (15 minutes per person) Prices 200 euro, 100 euro and 50 euro. Ron Heusdens, who participated in several Dutch championships in international draughts and has a national chessrating of 2076, will defend his title. Homepage: E-mail, tel. (31)402431617.
Canadian Championship Zonal 2.2 will run March-April as an 11 round Swiss with GMs Spraggett and Lesiege. Internet coverage:
The Toronto Closed Championship will finish the 12 player RR schedule Sat. Feb. 9. Isai Berengolts leads FMs Brett Campbell (2001 Champion) and Ian Findlay. Dutton CC hosts one weekend Swiss per month. The top active Canadian IMs play, as well as the occasional visiting GM (Tyomkin, Yudasin).
6th United Insurance International Masters Chess Tournament 2002 10th April to 20th April 2002 Venue: Conference-Room National Sports Council 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000 Organised by : Bangladesh Chess Federation Sponsored by : United Insurance Company Limited Tournament System : 11 Round Swiss Number of Participants : Around 40 Schedule : 10th April to 20th April 2002 Arrival : 9th April 1st Round plays : 10th April Main session : Every day 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Last Round : 20th April 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The rate of play : 6 Hours play. Rate of play 40 moves in 2 hours and rest of the moves in 1 hour to finish the game. Prize distribution : 20th March 5:00 p.m. Prize Fund : US$ 1500 divided as follows: 1st - US$ 500, 2nd - US$ 300, 3rd - US$ 200, 4th - US$ 100, 5th -100 US$ 6th - US$ 75, 7th - US$ 75, 8th - US$ 75, 9th - US$ 75 Note: Cash prize will be divided equally among Equal pointers. Accommodation : Free for all IM and Foreign Rated Players with 2200+ Food : Modest Food & Local transportation will be given to all IM and Foreign Rated Players with 2200+ Appearance Fee : No appearance many will be given but some pocket money Will be given to select foreign players. Passage : Passage up to Dhaka would have to be borne by players own Federation. Last Date of entry : Invited players must send their conformation to participate in the above tournament on or before 15th March 2002 to the General Secretary, Bangladesh Chess Federation, 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000, Fax No- 880-02-9666766 or 9563304 Phone N0- 880-02-9666766, E-mail: (Syed Shujauddin Ahmed) General Secretary Bangladesh Chess Federation.
Open International Chess Tournament 2002 29th March 2002 to 8th April Venue: Conference-Room National Sports Council 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000 Organised by : Bangladesh Chess Federation Tournament System : 11 Round Swiss Number of Participants : Around 40 Schedule : 29th March - 8th April, 2002 Arrival : 28th March 1st Round plays : 29th March Main session : Every day 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Last Round : 8th April 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The rate of play : 6 Hours play. Rate of play 40 moves in 2 hours, then rest of moves in 1 hour to finish the game. Prize distribution : 8th April 5:00 p.m. Prize Fund : US$ 5000 divided as follows: 1st - US$ 1800, 2nd - US$ 1000, 3rd - US$ 600, 4th - US$ 300, 5th - US$ 300 6th - US$ 200, 7th - US$ 200, 8th - US$ 200, 9th - US$ 200, 10th -US$ 200 Note: Cash prize will be divided equally among Equal pointers. Accommodation : Free for all GM, IM and Foreign Rated Players with 2300+ Food : Modest Food & Local transportation will be given to all GM, IM and Foreign Rated Players with 2300+ Appearance Fee : Some appearance money will be given to GM's. Some pocket money will be given to IM's and Rated 2400+ Passage : Passage up to Dhaka would have to be borne by players own Federation. Last Date of entry : Invited players must send their conformation to participate in the above tournament on or before 15th March 2002 to the General Secretary, Bangladesh Chess Federation, 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000, Fax No- 880-02-9666766 or 9563304 Phone N0- 880-02-9666766, E-mail: (Syed Shujauddin Ahmed) General Secretary Bangladesh Chess Federation
The NK Snelschaken Voor Clubteams takes place 1 June 2002 at the Golden Tulip Bel Air hotel, Johan de Witlaan, Den Haag organised by the SC De Vogelwijk Further information: Ruud Vissers, 010-2207070 (kantoor) of 06-26776496
The Reykjavik Open takes place March 7th-15th 2002. Organised by "The Icelandic Chess Federation" and "Reykjavik Chess Club".
2nd Helsinki Chess Circuit, Feb 25 - Mar 8, 2002 Helsinki Chess Circuit will be played in the House of Chess, in the center of Helsinki, from February 25th to March 8th, 2002. Events: Group A: 10-12 players all-play-all IM-event, for players ELO-rated over 2200, IM-norm possibility. Group B: 8-12 players all-play-all ELO-event, for players rated 1900-2200. Group C: 8-12 players all-play-all event, for players rated under 1900. Players interested to participate, please contact the main organizer Mr. Sami Hämäläinen,
Further details:
The 2nd Oxford University Chess Congress takes place on the 27th & 28th April, 2002 at Lincoln College, Oxford. Sections: Open (a new Terence Chapman Grand Prix Elite event), U-170 Major & U-125 Minor. Please visit for more information. Alternatively one can contact Jonathan Smith at The Queen's College, Oxford, OX1 4AW; email or on 07813 307563 , but please only 'phone after 7pm.
The Schachklub Rochade Eupen-Kelmis VoG, Kehrweg 11, B-4700 Eupen ( is organising an Easter Open 23rd-24th March 2002. Info Entry: Guenter Delhaes, Karl-Weiss-Strasse 44, B-4700 Eupen Telefon & Fax : 0032(0)87.552716 bis 18h00 Telefon : 0032(0)87.742578 nach 19h00
The X Lasker Memorial Festival in Barlinek Poland takes place 17th-27th July 2002. Blitz, rapid, open A, open B and under-16 events. Further details: Krzysztof Kedzior E-Mail:
Tony Miles Memorial Open on May 18th-19th 2001 in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Esbjerg will stage a 17th North Sea Cup July 5th-13th 2002, probably category 13-14. A 10 player round-robin hoping to carry on the reputation with previous tournament winners like Short, Jusupov, Adorjan, Larsen, Vaganian, C.Hansen, Svidler etc. Info: Brian Isaksen at
There are two new FIDE sites. Chess Daily has individual FIDE rating calculations. Also the FIDE site for the World Championships in Moscow has been launched at:
Jeff Sonas has updated his site: It now has lots of colorful graphs. It includes ratings based on ChessBase games from 1851 to 1998, and then weekly rating lists based on TWIC issues from January 1999 to September 10th 2001.
The IX ANIBAL CHESS OPEN in Linares, Spain takes place 1st-10th March, 2002. The dates are parallel to the XX CIUDAD DE LINARES International Chess Tournament. The event will be Swiss system, 10 rounds using the new FIDE time control. The venue will be the Hotel Anibal, Linares.
Prizes in Euros (-25% taxes) 1º D.Luis Rentero Suarez prize 10.000 2º 5.000 3º 2.500 4º 1.500 5º 1.000 6º-25º 300 26º-50º 160
Conditions: GM and IM with inscription confirmed by the Organization: free accommodation in a double room Hotel Anibal GM 2600 ELO check special conditions.
Special prices at Hotel Anibal for those players whose inscription had been confirmed by the Organization:
Double room: 24,50 euros per person Single room: 45,00 euros Continental Breakfast: 1,90 euros Buffet Breakfast: 3,80 euros Lunch: 4,90 euros Dinner:4,90 euros
IMPORTANT: Only those players whose inscription had been confirmed by the Organization are guaranteed these prices
Inscription: Every player: 50 euros e-mail: Fax: 34 953 652204
DEADLINE: Monday, 18th February
The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information: