THE WEEK IN CHESS 38            25/06/95        Mark Crowther

3) Netherlands Championships 1995
4) 44th Greek National Championships Glyfada by Panagis Sklavounos
7) Iscia Open
8) G7 Internet event
9) Pozarevac Yugoslavia
10) StaTWICtics by Anjo Anjewierden (
11) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski 
		Intel Grand Prix New York		36 games
		Netherlands National Championships 	18 games
		Iscia International Open		 2 games
		Greek Women's National Championships 	 1 game
		Greek National Championships Glyfada	36 games
		Santiago Chile Zonal 2.5 Men		86 games


My thanks to Vadim Kaminsky, Anjo Anjewierden, Bob Wade,
Walter, Panagis Sklavounos, Roberto Alvarez, Bosko Grove
and Wlodek Proskurowski.

Last week one nonpgn game Rausis-Kjeldsen Denmark International (round
5 ) Its a mystery to me how that happened. The only problem is that
0-0 instead of O-O was used.

A nice mixed issue of games and reports. The top July FIDE ratings
appear here too. (I stress I only have the ratings that appear
here so don't ask me for others please.)

Hope you enjoy this issue.



My thanks to Vadim who worked incredibly hard to get the
games out quickly from New York.

Games were 25 minutes per players for the mini-match
of two games followed by a playoff of 5 minutes to
white and 4 to black with black getting draw odds
if required.

Probably the best performance was in Ivanchuk's victory over
Morozevich. There were a number of iffy games in this event.
Although it was nice to see Morozevich reach the semi's.

Morozevich-------  2    Morozevich
Vyzmanavin-------  1                   2   Morozevich
Christiansen-----  1.5  Christiansen   1
Yusupov----------  0.5                                   0   Ivanchuk
Ivanchuk---------  2    Ivanchuk                         2
Hjartarson-------  1                   2    Ivanchuk
Speelman---------  2    Speelman       0
Korchnoi---------  1                  FINAL  Kasparov WINS 2-0 against Ivanchuk
Ehlvest----------  1.5  Ehlvest
Polgar-----------  0.5                 0.5   Kramnik *
Kramnik----------  1.5  Kramnik        1.5
Chernin----------  0.5                                   1.5  Kasparov
Kasparov---------  2    Kasparov                         1.5
Adams------------  0                   1.5   Kasparov
DeFirmian--------  2    DeFirmian      0.5
Smirin-----------  1

* Kasparov had black against Kramnik and thus went through.


My thanks to Bob Wade for the early faxing of this information.
It is the FULL information I have. So please don't ask for
further ratings, I don't have them.

A comparison with the PCA ratings I put in TWIC recently would
reveal some differences I believe. Its all very close at the
top, but intuitively I would have expected Anand higher.

Incidently Shay Bushinsky tells me the will be another new
GM for Israel: GM Eran Lies. Bringing the total number of
Israeli GMs to the incredible 24!


JANR is the January rating, JULR is the July (new) rating.
T is title, gm is the number of games available for rating.

These ratings were all typed in by me, so I hope there aren't
any typos. In addition I took the previous rating list as
a start so if someone has changed country I may not
have spotted it. (I changed one, Shirov which I knew about
and is changed to Spain on the new list.) Also I know of
a number of players who, by virtue of their rating on this
list, will get titles. These titles didn't appear on this list.
(I may have missed the odd change of title whilst typing in
but I did check a few that I knew of)


NAME			NAT JANR T   JULR gm Date of Birth
Kasparov, Gary          RUS 2805 g   2795 26 13.04.63
Karpov, Anatoly         RUS 2765 g   2775 37 23.05.51
Ivanchuk, Vassily       UKR 2700 g   2740 36 18.03.69
Kamsky, Gata            USA 2710 g   2735 16 02.06.74
Kramnik, Vladimir       RUS 2715 g   2730 31 25.06.75
Anand, Viswanathan      IND 2715 g   2725 10 11.12.69
Shirov, Alexei          ESP 2710 g   2695 61 04.07.72
Gelfand, Boris          BLR 2700 g   2685 29 24.06.68
Salov, Valery           RUS 2715 g   2685 25 26.05.64
Yusupov, Artur          GER 2660 g   2680 53 13.02.69
Dreev, Alexey           RUS 2650 g   2670 35 30.01.69
Adams, Michael          ENG 2655 g   2660 63 17.11.71
Tiviakov, Sergei        RUS 2625 g   2655 53 14.02.73
Khalifman, Alexander    RUS 2635 g   2655 31 18.01.66
Beliavsky, Alexander G  UKR 2650 g   2650 41 17.12.53
Bareev, Evgeny          RUS 2675 g   2650 37 21.11.66
Short, Nigel D.         ENG 2655 g   2645 58 01.06.65
Lautier, Joel           FRA 2655 g   2645 51 12.04.73
Vaganian, Rafael A      ARM 2640 g   2645 45 15.10.51
Nikolic, Predrag        BIH 2645 g   2645 26 11.09.60
Topalov, Veselin        BUL 2630 g   2640 40 15.03.75
Epishin, Vladimir       RUS 2635 g   2640 35 11.07.65
Korchnoi, Viktor        SUI 2635 g   2635 57 23.03.31
Svidler, Peter          RUS 2585 g   2635 54 17.06.76
Hracek, Zbynek          CZE 2595 g   2635 53 09.09.70
Polgar, Judit (GM)      HUN 2630 g   2635 31 23.07.76
Hansen, Curt            DEN 2630 g   2635 22 18.09.64
Almasi, Zoltan          HUN 2590 g   2630 90 29.08.76
Sokolov, Ivan           BIH 2645 g   2630 69 13.06.68
Smirin, Ilia            ISR 2630 g   2630 44 21.01.68
Yudasin, Leonid         ISR 2615 g   2630 40 08.08.59
Ehlvest, Jaan           EST 2615 g   2630 37 14.10.62
Huebner, Robert         GER 2620 g   2630 35 06.11.48
Oll, Lembit             EST 2610 g   2630 35 23.04.66
Morozevich, Alexander   RUS 2605 g   2630 19 18.07.77
Andersson, Ulf          SWE 2630 g   2630 15 27.06.51
Piket, Jeroen           NED 2670 g   2625 49 27.01.69
Akopian, Vladimir       ARM 2655 g   2625 46 07.12.71
Seirawan, Yasser        USA 2600 g   2625 22 24.03.60
Gulko, Boris F          USA 2595 g   2620 50 09.02.47
Illescas Cordoba,Miguel ESP 2595 g   2620 45 03.12.65
Azmaiparashvili, Zurab  GEO 2610 g   2620 33 16.03.60
Speelman, Jonathan S    ENG 2610 g   2620 19 02.10.56
Dautov, Rustem          GER 2625 g   2620 11 28.11.65
Nunn, John D M          ENG 2630 g   2615 33 16.03.60
Portisch, Lajos         HUN 2585 g   2615 27 04.04.37
Dolmatov, Sergey        RUS 2605 g   2615 11 20.02.59
Psakhis, Lev            ISR 2625 g   2610 41 29.11.58
Rozentalis, Eduardas    LTU 2600 g   2610 39 27.05.63
Korneev, Oleg           RUS 2540 m   2605 84 25.07.69
DeFirmian, Nick E       USA 2590 g   2605 66 26.07.57
Tkachiev, Vladislav     KAZ 2575 m   2605 55
Lerner, Konstantin Z    UKR 2560 g   2605 47 28.02.50
Giorgadze, Giorgi       GEO 2590 g   2605 46 10.10.64
Leko, Peter             HUN 2555 g   2605 43 08.09.79
Georgiev, Kiril         BUL 2625 g   2605 39 28.11.65
Granda Zuniga, Julio E  PER 2620 g   2605 30 25.02.67
Gavrikov, Viktor        SUI 2600 g   2605 09 29.07.57
Vyzmanavin, Alexey      RUS 2605 g   2605 00 01.01.60
Miles, Anthony J        ENG 2615 g   2600 58 23.04.55
Tukmakov, Vladimir B    UKR 2585 g   2600 48 15.03.46
Chernin, Alexander      HUN 2600 g   2600 42 06.03.60
Eingorn, Vereslav S     UKR 2595 g   2600 36 23.11.56
Rogers, Ian             AUS 2570 g   2600 36 24.06.60
Zvjaginsev, Vadim       RUS 2585 g   2600 35 18.08.76
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir    YUG 2580 g   2600 32 02.11.50
Alterman, Boris         ISR 2575 g   2595 52 04.05.70
Kurajica, Bojan         BIH 2585 g   2595 51 15.11.47
Lobron, Eric            GER 2575 g   2595 38 07.05.60
Rublevsky, Sergei       RUS 2585 g   2595 09 15.10.74
Hodgson, Julian M.      ENG 2615 g   2590 56 25.07.63
Lalic, Bogdan           CRO 2590 g   2590 56 08.03.64
Kotronias, Vasilios     GRE 2570 g   2590 50 25.08.64
Timman, Jan H           NED 2635 g   2590 44 14.12.51
Krasenkov, Mikhail      RUS 2575 g   2590 32 14.11.63
Adianto, Utut           INA 2585 g   2590 25 16.03.65
Ribli, Zoltan           HUN 2600 g   2590 24 06.09.51
Christiansen, Larry M   USA 2570 g   2590 23 27.06.56
Savchenko, Stanislav    UKR 2585 g   2590 21 21.01.67
Van Wely, Loek  NED         2575 g   2585 59 07.10.72
Lputian, Smbat G        ARM 2630 g   2585 41 14.02.58
Nenashev, Alexander     UZB 2605 g   2585 40 25.08.62
Kaidanov, Grigory S     USA 2605 g   2585 36 11.10.59
Razuvaev, Yuri S        RUS 2580 g   2585 26 10.10.45
Sokolov, Andrei         RUS 2575 g   2585 25 20.03.63
Goldin, Alexander       RUS 2580 g   2585 24 27.02.65
Gurevich, Mikhail       BEL 2605 g   2585 21 22.02.59
Morovic Fernandez, Ivan CHI 2575 g   2585 16 24.03.63
Agdestein, Simen        NOR 2600 g   2585 11 15.05.67
Vladimirov, Evgeny      KAZ 2580 g   2585 04 20.01.57
Hellers, Ferdinand      SWE 2585 g   2585 00 28.01.69
Polugaevsky, Lev        RUS 2585 g   2585 00 20.11.34
Ibragimov, Ildar        RUS 2520 g   2580 74 16.08.67
Kozul, Zdenko           CRO 2570 g   2580 71 21.05.66
Romanishin, Oleg M      UKR 2595 g   2580 63 10.01.52
Malaniuk, Vladimir P    UKR 2615 g   2580 59 21.07.57
Ftacnik, Lubomir        SVK 2605 g   2580 58 30.10.57
Sveshnikov, Evgeny      RUS 2560 g   2580 41 11.02.50
Glek, Igor V            RUS 2590 g   2580 37 07.11.61
Novikov, Igor A         UKR 2590 g   2580 30 23.05.62
Dvoirys, Semen I.       RUS 2550 g   2580 29 02.11.58
Kosashvili, Yona        ISR 2560 g   2580 22 03.07.70
Dorfman, Josif D        FRA 2590 g   2580 14 01.05.53
Huzman, Alexander       UKR 2590 g   2580 10 10.04.62
Dokhoian, Yury          RUS 2580 g   2580 08 26.10.64
Pigusov, Evgeny         RUS 2590 g   2580 08 31.03.61

NAME			NAT JANR T   JULR gm Date of Birth
Kramnik, Vladimir       RUS 2715 g   2730 31 25.06.75
Topalov, Veselin        BUL 2630 g   2640 40 15.03.75
Svidler, Peter          RUS 2585 g   2635 54 17.06.76
Polgar, Judit (GM)      HUN 2630 g   2635 31 23.07.76
Almasi, Zoltan          HUN 2590 g   2630 90 29.08.76
Morozevich, Alexander   RUS 2605 g   2630 19 18.07.77
Leko, Peter             HUN 2555 g   2605 43 08.09.79
Zvjaginsev, Vadim       RUS 2585 g   2600 35 18.08.76
Dao, Thien Hai          VIE 2480 m   2545 66 10.05.78
Sutovskij, Emil         ISR 2530 m   2545 50 10.09.77
Shulman, Yuri           BLR 2490 m   2540 53 29.04.75
Har-Zvi, Ronen          ISR 2500 m   2535 38 13.10.76
Markowski, Tomasz       POL 2470 m   2530 81 30.07.75
Gyimesi, Zoltan         HUN 2500 m   2525 61 31.03.77
Krakops, Maris          LAT 2475 m   2525 38 03.04.78
Dyachkov, Sergej        RUS 2490     2520 29 06.11.76
Schwartzman, Gabriel    ROM 2495 g   2520 27 23.10.76
Filippov, Valerij       RUS 2455     2510 61 28.11.75
Istratescu, Andrei      ROM 2505 g   2505 50 03.12.75
Yemelin, Vasily         RUS 2515 g   2500 32 01.02.76
Kumaran, Dharshan       ENG 2505 m   2500 09 07.06.75

NAME				NAT JANR T   JULR gm Date of Birth
Polgar, Judit (GM)      	HUN 2630 g   2635 31 23.07.76
Polgar, Zsuzsa (GM)             HUN 2545 g   2565 21 19.04.69
Xie, Jun (GM)                   CHN 2555 g   2540 35 30.10.70
Cramling, Pia (GM)              SWE 2520 g   2510 40 23.04.63
Chiburdanidze, Maia (GM)        GEO 2520 g   2500 24 17.01.61
Polgar, Sofia (IM)              HUN 2500 g   2485 48 02.11.74
Ioseliani, Nana (IM)            GEO 2465 g   2475 11 12.02.62
Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa (IM) UKR 2475 g   2475 00 18.01.72
Maric, Alisa (IM)               YUG 2415 g   2445 35 10.01.70
Matveeva, Svetlana              RUS 2430 g   2440 31 04.07.69
Bojkovic, Natasa                YUG 2430 g   2425 27 03.09.71
Arakhamia, Ketevan (IM)         GEO 2400 g   2420 38 19.07.68
Donaldson-Akhmilovskaya, Elena  USA 2415 g   2420 22 11.03.57
Levitina, Irina S               USA 2420 g   2420 00 08.06.54
Stefanova, Antoaneta            BUL 2365 g   2415 50 19.04.79
Hoang Th., Trang                VIE 2325 m   2405 61 25.04.80
Prudnikova, Svetlana            RUS 2405 g   2405 09 18.03.67
Skripchenko, Almira             MDA 2260 m   2400 57 17.02.76
Zhu, Chen                       CHN 2330 g   2390 31 16.03.76
Gaprindashvili, Nona (GM)       GEO 2390 g   2390 00 03.05.41
Hunt, Harriet                   ENG 2265 m   2385 43 04.02.78
Manakova, M                     RUS 2385     2380 06
Madl, Ildiko (IM)               HUN 2405 g   2375 39 05.11.69
Voiska, Margarita               BUL 2390 g   2370 25 03.04.63
Qin, Kanying                    CHN 2375 g   2370 23 02.02.74
Borulia, Ekaterina              GER 2340 g   2370 20
Gaponenko, Inna                 UKR 2390 m   2365 49 22.06.76
Zhukova, Natalia                UKR 2260 m   2360 65
Eidelson, Rakhil                BLR 2290 m   2360 56 14.11.58
Kachiani-Gersinska, Ketino      GER 2380 g   2360 42 11.09.71
Petek-Medic, Mirjana            CRO 2350 m   2360 40 30.07.64
Zaitseva, Ludmila G             RUS 2320 g   2360 34 10.02.56
Gurieli, Nino                   GEO 2370 g   2360 23 07.12.61
Velikhanli, Firuza              AZE 2340 g   2355 40
Peng, Zhaoqin                   CHN 2395 g   2355 15 08.05.68
Wang, Pin                       CHN 2365 g   2355 06 01.12.74
Litinskaya, Marta I.            UKR 2315 g   2350 48 25.03.49
Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina         RUS 2370 m   2350 43
Sofieva, Ainur                  AZE 2370 g   2350 41 19.07.70
Sedina, Elena                   UKR 2340 m   2350 35 01.06.68
Alexandria, Nana                GEO 2350 g   2350 00 13.10.49
Foisor, Christina Adela         ROM 2375 g   2345 39 07.04.67
Shumiakina, Tatjana             RUS 2350 g   2345 26 04.10.65
Belakovskaia, Anjelina          USA 2340 g   2345 20 17.05.69
Demina, Julia                   RUS 2345 g   2345 00 03.02.69
Sakhatova, Elvira               KAZ 2385 g   2340 38
Basagic, Vesna                  BIH 2360 g   2340 38
Peptan, Corina                  ROM 2295 m   2340 22 17.03.78
Segal, Anna                     ISR 2245 m   2335 42 13.09.75
Nutu-Gajic, Dana                ROM 2320 g   2335 12 08.06.57
Lelchuk, Zoja                   UKR 2300 g   2335 11 01.01.61

NAME				NAT JANR T   JULR gm Date of Birth
Polgar, Judit (GM)      	HUN 2630 g   2635 31 23.07.76
Stefanova, Antoaneta            BUL 2365 g   2415 50 19.04.79
Skripchenko, Almira             MDA 2260 m   2400 57 17.02.76
Zhu, Chen                       CHN 2330 g   2390 31 16.03.76
Hunt, Harriet                   ENG 2265 m   2385 43 04.02.78
Gaponenko, Inna                 UKR 2390 m   2365 49 22.06.76
Peptan, Corina                  ROM 2295 m   2340 22 17.03.78
Segal, Anna                     ISR 2245 m   2335 42 13.09.75
Repkova, Eva                    SVK 2250 m   2320 31 16.01.75
Edzgveradze, Natalia            GEO 2265 m   2320 23 23.07.75
Roschina, Tatiana               RUS 2190     2315 41 28.03.76
Velcheva, Maria                 BUL 2285 m   2315 22 14.10.76
Bobrowska, Monika               POL 2310 m   2310 69 24.03.78
Kadimova, Ilaha                 AZE 2370 g   2305 29 05.11.75
Khurtsidze, Nino                GEO 2300 g   2295 33 28.09.75
Lomineishvili, Maia             GEO 2280 f   2295 08 11.11.77
Dworakowska, Joanna             POL 2225     2290 23 21.10.78
Wang, Lei                       CHN 2280 f   2290 12 04.02.75
Lakos, Nikoletta                HUN 2265 m   2275 32 14.12.78


Motwani, Paul           SCO 2510 g   2505 12
McNab, Colin A          SCO 2475 g   2440 27
Condie, Mark L          SCO 2450 m   2450 00
Bryson, Douglas M       SCO 2380 f   2405 20


Cooper, John G          WLS 2380 m   2390 12


Quinn, Mark             IRL 2340     2360 19
Orr, Mark J L           IRL 2370 m   2370 07


Arkell, Keith C         ENG 2485 m   2505 32
Chandler, Murray G      ENG 2535 g   2535 23
Davies, Nigel R         ENG 2530 g   2505 36
Emms, John M            ENG 2500 m   2485 45
Flear, Glenn C          ENG 2480 g   2495 33
Hebden, Mark            ENG 2550 g   2570 42
Hennigan, Michael       ENG 2410 m   2465 25
Howell, James C         ENG 2520 m   2525 88
King, Daniel J          ENG 2500 g   2510 24
Kosten, Anthony C       ENG 2540 g   2540 29
Kumaran, Dharshan       ENG 2505 m   2500 09
Mestel, A Jonathan      ENG 2520 g   2515 06
Norwood, David          ENG 2545 g   2525 21
Plaskett, Jim           ENG 2485 g   2465 07
Sadler, Matthew         ENG 2575 g   2565 28
Summerscale, Aaron      ENG 2435 m   2455 31
Ward, Christopher       ENG 2485 m   2500 32

Hunt, Harriet           ENG 2265 m   2385 43
Lalic, Susan            ENG 2355 g   2313 30

3) Netherlands Championships 1995

A close and tense finish saw Ivan Sokolov survive a tricky
game against Jeroen Piket in the final round (his closest
rival) in order to become Dutch Champion.

My thanks to Walter for some of the games from the final

Dimitri Reindermann who scored a fine third place and a GM
norm first came to Workd notice when he gave Timman some
trouble in the last edition of Interpolis. Anjo Anjewierden
adds some information about him.

- Failed to qualify for the Dutch championships (through the semi-finals)
  each time he tried.
- Was given a "surprise" wild-card by the organisation.
- He is a Psychology student at the University of Amsterdam (i.e. the
  very same faculty where I work).
- Spends most of his time on one of the public Internet terminals
  in the entrance of the University.
  (so I suppose I should add "Hi Dimitri and well done!" Mark)
- Vegetarian.

Round 9 (1995.06.19)

Piket, Jeroen             - Wiersma, Eelke             1-0   33
Van der Sterren, Paul     - Nijboer, Friso             1/2   30
Brenninkmeijer, Joris     - Sosonko, Gennadi           1/2   44
Cifuentes Parada, Roberto - Van Wely, Loek             1-0   54
Riemersma, Liafbern       - Sokolov, Ivan              0-1   33
Van der Wiel, John        - Reinderman, Dimitri        1/2   29

Round 10 (1995.06.21)

Sokolov, Ivan             - Brenninkmeijer, Joris      1-0   23
Van Wely, Loek            - Reinderman, Dimitri        1/2   24
Nijboer, Friso            - Riemersma, Liafbern        1-0   53
Cifuentes Parada, Roberto - Van der Sterren, Paul      1/2   50
Sosonko, Gennadi          - Piket, Jeroen              0-1   24
Wiersma, Eelke            - Van der Wiel, John         1/2   37

Round 11 (1995.06.22)

Piket, Jeroen             - Sokolov, Ivan              1/2   81
Reinderman, Dimitri       - Wiersma, Eelke             1/2   29
Van der Sterren, Paul     - Van Wely, Loek             1/2   29
Brenninkmeijer, Joris     - Nijboer, Friso             0-1   28
Riemersma, Liafbern       - Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  1-0   36
Van der Wiel, John        - Sosonko, Gennadi           1/2   19

Amsterdam (NED), VI 1995.                                     cat. XI (2512)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Sokolov, Ivan              g BIH 2645  * = 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1  9.5  2808
 2 Piket, Jeroen              g NED 2670  = * = = = = 1 1 1 1 1 1  8.5  2708
 3 Reinderman, Dimitri        m NED 2440  0 = * = 1 = 1 1 1 = = =  7.0  2620
 4 Van Wely, Loek             g NED 2575  0 = = * = = = 0 1 1 1 1  6.5  2570
 5 Van der Sterren, Paul      g NED 2560  = = 0 = * = = = = 1 = =  5.5  2507
 6 Brenninkmeijer, Joris      m NED 2490  0 = = = = * 0 1 = = = =  5.0  2477
 7 Nijboer, Friso             g NED 2510  0 0 0 = = 1 * = 1 0 = 1  5.0  2475
 8 Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  g NED 2535  = 0 0 1 = 0 = * 0 = = 1  4.5  2444
 9 Riemersma, Liafbern        m NED 2430  0 0 0 0 = = 0 1 * = 1 1  4.5  2454
10 Van der Wiel, John         g NED 2570  0 0 = 0 0 = 1 = = * = =  4.0  2404
11 Sosonko, Gennadi           g NED 2535  0 0 = 0 = = = = 0 = * =  3.5  2376
12 Wiersma, Eelke               NED 2180  0 0 = 0 = = 0 0 0 = = *  2.5  2330

4) 44th Greek National Championships Glyfada by Panagis Sklavounos

I will post the entire event again. Ilias Kourkounakis only played
3 rounds and after not coming to play against Spyridon Skembris he
was defaulted from the event and was expunged after not completing
half his alotted games.

Moreover, the loss of Georgios Mastrokoukos against Spyridon Skembris
was without a real game (Mastrokoukos is student and was taking exams).

Round 1 (1995.06.14)

Skembris, Spyridon       - Tzoumbas, Anastasios      1-0   38  E10  Nimzo indian
Haritakis, Theodoros     - Nikolaidis, Ioannis       0-1   41  A56  Benoni
Mastrokoukos, Georgios   - Nikolaidis, Konstantinos  0-1   37  E66  KID
Grivas, Efstratios       - Kotronias, Vasilios       0-1   40  E90  KID; Classical

Round 2 (1995.06.15)

Kotronias, Vasilios      - Mastrokoukos, Georgios    0-1   61  C96  Ruy Lopez
Nikolaidis, Ioannis      - Nikolaidis, Konstantinos  1-0   48  A13  English; 1.c4
Kalesis, Nikolaos        - Skembris, Spyridon        0-1   36  D36  Queen's gambit
Tzoumbas, Anastasios     - Grivas, Efstratios        1-0   48  C77  Ruy Lopez

Round 3 (1995.06.16)

Skembris, Spyridon       - Haritakis, Theodoros      1-0   54  E70  KID
Mastrokoukos, Georgios   - Tzoumbas, Anastasios      1-0   41  A56  Benoni
Nikolaidis, Konstantinos - Kotronias, Vasilios       1/2   93  B67  Sicilian
Grivas, Efstratios       - Kalesis, Nikolaos         0-1   40  A46  Queen's pawn

Round 4 (1995.06.17)

Nikolaidis, Ioannis      - Kotronias, Vasilios       0-1   52  E70  KID
Haritakis, Theodoros     - Grivas, Efstratios        1-0   40  A81  Dutch defence
Kalesis, Nikolaos        - Mastrokoukos, Georgios    1/2   12  E94  KID; Classical
Tzoumbas, Anastasios     - Nikolaidis, Konstantinos  1/2   44  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)

Round 5 (1995.06.19)

Kotronias, Vasilios      - Tzoumbas, Anastasios      1-0   41  B99  Sicilian; Najdorf
Skembris, Spyridon       - Nikolaidis, Ioannis       0-1   39  E70  KID
Mastrokoukos, Georgios   - Haritakis, Theodoros      0-1   34  E05  Nimzo indian
Nikolaidis, Konstantinos - Kalesis, Nikolaos         1/2   49  E42  Nimzo indian

Round 6 (1995.06.20)

Nikolaidis, Ioannis      - Tzoumbas, Anastasios      1/2   18  A13  English; 1.c4
Skembris, Spyridon       - Grivas, Efstratios        1/2    1  C20  1.e4 e5
Haritakis, Theodoros     - Nikolaidis, Konstantinos  1/2   14  C92  Ruy Lopez
Kalesis, Nikolaos        - Kotronias, Vasilios       0-1   44  B63  Sicilian

Round 7 (1995.06.21)

Kotronias, Vasilios      - Haritakis, Theodoros      1-0   48  C08  French; Tarrasch
Mastrokoukos, Georgios   - Skembris, Spyridon        0-1    1  D00  Queen's pawn
Tzoumbas, Anastasios     - Kalesis, Nikolaos         1/2   17  B52  Sicilian
Grivas, Efstratios       - Nikolaidis, Ioannis       1/2   79  E90  KID; Classical

Round 8 (1995.06.22)

Nikolaidis, Ioannis      - Kalesis, Nikolaos         1/2   80  A07  Reti (1.Nf3)
Skembris, Spyridon       - Nikolaidis, Konstantinos  1-0   42  D45  Queen's gambit
Haritakis, Theodoros     - Tzoumbas, Anastasios      1/2   42  E14  Nimzo indian
Grivas, Efstratios       - Mastrokoukos, Georgios    1/2   20  E90  KID; Classical

Round 9 (1995.06.23)

Kotronias, Vasilios      - Skembris, Spyridon        1-0   39  B09  Pirc; Austrian
Kalesis, Nikolaos        - Haritakis, Theodoros      1/2   28  D56  Queen's gambit
Mastrokoukos, Georgios   - Nikolaidis, Ioannis       0-1   37  A31  English; 1.c4 c5
Nikolaidis, Konstantinos - Grivas, Efstratios        0-1   30  B80  Sicilian

Glyfada (GRE), V 1995.                               cat. VII (2421)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Kotronias, Vasilios       g GRE 2570  * 1 1 1 1 0 = 1 1  6.5  2652
2 Nikolaidis, Ioannis       m GRE 2495  0 * 1 1 = 1 1 = =  5.5  2552
3 Skembris, Spyridon        g GRE 2525  0 0 * 1 1 1 1 1 =  5.5  2548
4 Haritakis, Theodoros      f GRE 2250  0 0 0 * = 1 = = 1  3.5  2398
5 Kalesis, Nikolaos         m GRE 2410  0 = 0 = * = = = 1  3.5  2378
6 Mastrokoukos, Georgios    m GRE 2425  1 0 0 0 = * 0 1 =  3.0  2333
7 Nikolaidis, Konstantinos  f GRE 2290  = 0 0 = = 1 * = 0  3.0  2349
8 Tzoumbas, Anastasios      f GRE 2360  0 = 0 = = 0 = * 1  3.0  2341
9 Grivas, Efstratios        g GRE 2460  0 = = 0 0 = 1 0 *  2.5  2274

The 17th Women's National Greek Championship finished, as well, yesterday,
in the same beautiful hall (the Atrium of "KTIMATIKI" bank), in

  Mrs Fakhirova, I think, was of Georgian origin and was naturalized Greek.
  Players in places 1-4 of the table do not have international ELO ratings.

17th  Women's Greek Championship   Glyfada (GRE), 1995.
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Fanouraki, Irini            GRE       * 0 1 = 0 0 0 0 0 0  1.5 /9
 2 Garneli, Evagelia           GRE       1 * = 1 0 1 0 0 0 =  4.0 /9
 3 Giasta, Eleni               GRE       0 = * = 0 0 0 0 0 0  1.0 /9
 4 Sarafoglou, Maria           GRE       = 0 = * 0 0 0 0 0 0  1.0 /9
 5 Fakhirova, Ekaterina        GRE 2090  1 1 1 1 * 1 1 = 1 0  7.5 /9
 6 Hadzinikola, Eleni          GRE 2080  1 0 1 1 0 * 0 0 0 0  3.0 /9
 7 Papadopoulou, Triantafylia  GRE 2025  1 1 1 1 0 1 * 0 0 0  5.0 /9
 8 Makropoulou, Marina      wg GRE 2270  1 1 1 1 = 1 1 * 1 =  8.0 /9
 9 Petraki, Maria              GRE 2130  1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 * =  6.5 /9
10 Kondou, Eva              wm GRE 2260  1 = 1 1 1 1 1 = = *  7.5 /8

In the games section is the decisive game of the final (last) round :


Even after an unexpected defeat in the round 3 (a loss to the Uruguayan
FM Daniel Izquierdo) the Chilean GM Ivan Morovic won the South American
Zonal (FIDE Zone 2.5 ) by wide margin. Held in the "Comuna de San
Joaquin" ,Santiago, Chile, from the 22nd of May to the 4th of June of 1995.
It deserves be underlined the absence of the better Argentine players (Zarnicki,
Campora, Sorin, Ricardi, Panno, Quinteros,  etc), who refused to attend the event
due to the poor prizes on offer (the first prize was of about US$ 800).
This contrasts very unfavourably with the conditions offered during
the zonal held in Sao Paulo, Brazil (in the one which the winner
obtained U $S2500 and participated 5 IGM) and giving evidence of the lack
of interest of the directors of the zone of which FADA (Argentina Chess
Federation) is a member.

In the wake of this, no Argentine will participate of the next Interzonal
Tournament of  FIDE.

The Argentine Masters Jorge Sanchez Almeyra and Diego Valerga (obtained the
IM title) represented Argentina, only losing their chance to qualify be
being defeated by the winner Ivan Morovic.

Countries that participated in this "zonal" were players from Argentina,
Chile,Paraguay and Uruguay.

A small number of games are missing in the games section. Hopefully
they'll appear next week.

Santiago (CHI), 1995.                                            cat. VI (2376)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
 1 Morovic Fernandez, Ivan  g CHI 2575  * 1 1 = = 0 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 1  10.5  2611
 2 Sanchez Almeyra, Jorge   m ARG 2430  0 * = = 1 1 = = 1 = = 1 1 1   9.0  2512
 3 Valerga, Diego           f ARG 2465  0 = * = = = = 1 1 1 1 = 1 1   9.0  2510
 4 Soppe, Guillermo         m ARG 2445  = = = * = = 1 = = 1 = = 1 =   8.0  2457
 5 Bianchi, Guillermo       m ARG 2425  = 0 = = * = 1 0 = 1 1 = 1 =   7.5  2429
 6 Izquierdo, Daniel        f URU 2320  1 0 = = = * = 0 = 0 1 = 1 1   7.0  2409
 7 Bauza, Alejandro           URU 2265  0 = = 0 0 = * = = = = 1 1 1   6.5  2384
 8 Cortes Moyano, Julio       CHI 2345  0 = 0 = 1 1 = * 0 1 0 1 0 =   6.0  2349
 9 Peralta, Eduardo         f PAR 2275  0 0 0 = = = = 1 * = 1 = 0 =   5.5  2326
10 Valiente R, Cristobal    f PAR 2335  0 = 0 0 0 1 = 0 = * = 1 1 =   5.5  2322
11 Arancibia, Eduardo         CHI 2320  0 = 0 = 0 0 = 1 0 = * = 1 =   5.0  2293
12 Navarro, Nelson            CHI 2270  = 0 = = = = 0 0 = 0 = * = 1   5.0  2297
13 Quiroga, Facundo           ARG 2440  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 = * 1   3.5  2196
14 Godoy, David A             CHI 2355  0 0 0 = = 0 0 = = = = 0 0 *   3.0  2166


Utut Adianto has already qualified for the InterZonal with a very
efficient performance in Genting Highlands Malaysia. His aggressive
brand of chess impressed me when I saw him at Lloyds Bank last year.

More results and hopefully some games will follow in the next few
weeks along with the women's results.

My thanks for the help I received from Bob Wade in producing the
table that appears below.

Due to some uncertainty about the events strong players such as
Ian Rogers didn't play this time.

                            |R1  |R2  |R3  |R4  |R5  |R6  |R7  |R8  |R9  |R10 |R11 |
1.  Adianto, Utut   	    |W15 |B11 |W18 |B16 |W13 |B3  |W4  |B9  |W6  |    |    |
    INA     2585    g       |1   |1.5 |2.5 |3.5 |4   |4.5 |5.5 |6.5 |7.5 |8.5 |    |
2.  Handoko, Edhi           |B16 |W22 |B15 |W11 |B20 |B12 |W21 |W5  |B7  |    |    |
    INA     2500    g       | 0  |1   |1.5 |2   |2.5 |3   |4   |4.5 |4.5 |    |    |
3.  Antonio, Rogelio Jr     |W17 |B6  |W11 |B13 |W4  |W1  |B9  |B14 |W15 |    |    |
    PHI     2495    g       |0.5 |1.5 |2.5 |3   |4   |4.5 |5   |5.5 |6.5 |    |    |
4.  Nguyen, Anh Dung        |B18 |W23 |B26 |W10 |B3  |W16 |B1  |W17 |B22 |    |    |
    VIE     2480    m       |0   |1   |2   |3   |3   |4   |4   |4   |5   |    |    |
5.  Hsu, Li Yang            |W19 |B12 |W8  |B14 |W16 |B6  |W28 |B2  |W18 |    |    |
    SIN     2445    m       |1   |1.5 |2   |2.5 |3   |3   |4   |4.5 |4.5 |    |    |
6.  Irwanto                 |B20 |W3  |B27 |W24 |B28 |W5  |B15 |W13 |B1  |    |    |
    INA     2375            |0.5 |0.5 |1   |2   |3   |4   |4.5 |5.5 |5.5 |    |    |
7.  Tu, Hoang Thong         |W21 |B13 |W17 |B12 |W23 |B19 |W26 |B20 |W2  |    |    |
    VIE     2430    m       |1   |1   |1   |1   |2   |2   |3   |4   |5   |    |    |
8.  Yang, Xian              |B22 |W16 |B5  |W18 |B9  |W20 |W13 |B21 |W12 |    |    |
    HKG     2425    f       |1   |1.5 |2   |2.5 |2.5 |3.5 |3.5 |4   |4   |    |    |
9.  Nadera, Barlo A.        |W23 |B18 |W19 |B17 |W8  |B13 |W3  |W1  |B14 |    |    |
    PHI     2405            |1   |1   |2   |3   |4   |5   |5.5 |5.5 |5.5 |    |    |
10. Wohl, Aleksandar H.     |B24 |W28 |W13 |B4  |B27 |W18 |W14 |B12 |W19 |    |    |
    AUS     2400    m       |1   |2   |2   |2   |2.5 |3.5 |3.5 |4   |4.5 |    |    |
11. Kagan, Naum             |W25 |W1  |B3  |W7  |W17 |B21 |W20 |B18 |B24 |    |    |
    AUS     2395    f       |1   |1.5 |1.5 |2   |2.5 |2.5 |3.5 |3.5 |4.5 |    |    |
12. Ginting, Nasib          |B26 |W5  |B16 |W7  |B15 |W2  |B17 |W10 |B8  |    |    |
    INA     2390    m       |1   |1.5 |1.5 |2.5 |3   |3.5 |4   |4.5 |5.5 |    |    |
13. Garma, Chito            |W27 |W7  |B10 |W3  |B1  |W9  |B8  |B6  |W17 |    |    |
    PHI     2390            |1   |2   |3   |3.5 |4   |4   |5   |5   |6   |    |    |
14. Donguines, Fernie       |B28 |W24 |B20 |W5  |B18 |W15 |B10 |W3  |W9  |    |    |
    PHI     2380            |0   |1   |2   |2.5 |3.5 |3.5 |4.5 |5   |6   |    |    |
15. Sandler, Leonid         |B1  |W25 |W2  |B21 |W12 |B14 |W6  |B16 |B3  |    |    |
    AUS     2375    f       |0   |1   |1.5 |2.5 |3   |4   |4.5 |5   |5   |    |    |
16. Ker, Anthony F          |W2  |B8  |W12 |W1  |B5  |B4  |W19 |W15 |B21 |    |    |
    NZL     2335    f       |1   |1.5 |2.5 |2.5 |3   |3   |4   |4.5 |5.5 |    |    |
17. Toh, Terry              |B3  |W20 |B7  |W9  |B11 |W27 |W12 |B4  |B13 |    |    |
    SIN     2315            |0.5 |1   |2   |2   |2.5 |3.5 |4   |5   |5   |    |    |
18. Nishimura, H.           |W4  |W9  |B1  |B8  |W14 |B10 |B27 |W11 |B5  |    |    |
    JPN     2285            |1   |2   |2   |2.5 |2.5 |2.5 |3.5 |4.5 |5.5 |    |    |
19. Aung, Thant             |B5  |W26 |B9  |W26 |B22 |W7  |B16 |W23 |B10 |    |    |
    MYA     2215            |0   |1   |1   |1   |2   |3   |3   |4   |4.5 |    |    |
20. Mohd,Kamal Abdullah     |W6  |B17 |W14 |B23 |W2  |B8  |B11 |W7  |W26 |    |    |
    MAS     2210            |0.5 |1   |1   |2   |2.5 |2.5 |2.5 |2.5 |2.5 |    |    |
21. Mas, Hafizulhelmi       |B7  |W27 |B22 |W15 |B24 |W11 |B2  |W8  |W16 |    |    |
    MAS	    2205            |0   |0.5 |1.5 |1.5 |2.5 |3.5 |3.5 |4   |4   |    |    |
22. Tsang, Hon Ki           |W8  |B2  |W21 |B26 |W19 |W25 |B24 |B28 |W4  |    |    |
    HKG	    2200            |0   |0   |0   |1   |1   |2   |3   |3.5 |3.5 |    |    |
23. Norris, Damien          |B9  |B4  |W26 |W20 |B7  |W28 |B25 |B19 |W25 |    |    |
    FIJ	    2170            |0   |0   |1   |1   |1   |1   |2D  |2   |3   |    |    |
24. Ho, Cheng Fai           |W10 |B14 |B25 |B6  |W21 |B26 |W22 |B25 |W11 |    |    |
    MAC                     |0   |0   |1*  |1   |1   |1.5 |1.5 |2.5 |2.5 |    |    |
25. Mohd, Salleh Hj Moktar  |B11 |B15 |W24 |W27 |W26 |B22 |W23 |W24 |B23 |    |    |
    BRU                     |0   |0   |0*  |0   |0   |0   |0D  |0   |0   |    |    |
26. Thiraparkbpaisit,Wisuwat|W12 |B19 |B23 |W22 |B25 |W24 |B7  |W27 |B20 |    |    |
    THA                     |0   |0   |0   |0   |1   |1.5 |1.5 |1.5 |2.5 |    |    |
27. Yong, Darren            |B13 |B21 |W6  |B25 |W10 |B17 |W18 |B26 |W28 |    |    |
    MAS                     |0   |0.5 |1   |2   |2.5 |2.5 |2.5 |3.5 |4.5 |    |    |
28, Mohd Saprin Sabri       |W14 |B10 |W4  |B19 |W6  |B23 |B5  |W22 |B27 |    |    |
    MAS                     |1   |1   |1   |2   |2   |3   |3   |3.5 |3.5 |    |    |

7) Iscia Open

Michael Adams scored a rating performance of 2935 in
a fine performance in this open event. He scored 8.5/9.

Adams, Michael  	ENG     2655    g 	8.5
Palac, Mladen   	CRO     2545    g	6.5
Smirin, Ilia    	ISR     2630    g	6.5
Tiviakov, Sergei        RUS     2625    g 	6
Ortega, Lexy    	CUB     2435    m	6
Formanek, Edward W      USA     2345    m	6
Godena, Michele 	ITA     2430    m	6
Howell, James C 	ENG     2520    m	5.5

8) G7 Internet event

For an internet event this doesn't seem to have been particularly
well publicised. I have no idea where all the games or even
results are. Here are some results I got from Die Schachwoche,
big question, anyone know where the results are!!!


Canada		  0-2	Russia
Germany 	1.5-0.5	France

USA		1.5-0.5	England
Italy		0.5-1.5	Japan


USA		0.5-1.5	Russia
Germany		  2-0	Japan


Russia		2.5-1.5 Germany

Lautier, Lutz, Smagin and  Bareev were big
names who played in teams of one man and one
woman. Its a shame that this wasn't really an
internet event that could have been followed live.

More next week hopefully.

9) Pozarevac Yugoslavia

The best result in recent years for Gligoric.

Komliakov, Viktor       MDA     2535    m	9.5 *
Sonntag, Hans-Hubert    GER     2410    m	9.5
Gligoric, Svetozar	YUG	2455	g	8
Peng, Xiaomin		CHN	2480	m	7.5
Blagojevic, Dragisa     YUG     2470    m	7
Ivkov, Borislav		YUG	2460	g	6.5
Milanovic, Vojislav	YUG	2375	m	6.5
Trifunovic, Miroljub    YUG     2295    f	6.5
Dmitriev, Igor		RUS	2435	m	6
Milovanovic, Rade	BIH	2450	m	6
Velimirovic, Dragoljub	YUG	2520	g	6
Matulovic, Milan	YUG	2445	g	5
Mitrovic, Petar		YUG	2390		4
Ristic, Nebojsa 	YUG     2370    m	    **

*  I have Komjakov, this is the closest I can find.
** Didn't appear in the final standings.

10) StaTWICtics by Anjo Anjewierden (

This feature of TWIC covers statistics over a certain period.  The first
installment covers 1995 up until May.  The statistics are drawn from a
database containing about 6500 games from "important" tournaments.  It is,
of course, possible that an important tournament was overlooked.
Suggestions and error reports to the author.

a) Best TPR's in 1995 so far.

Below are the highest TPRs (Tournament Performance Rating) of tournaments
played in 1995.  My software is not yet capable of processing knock-out
tournaments, hence Wijk aan Zee matches is excluded.  The biggest surprise
is that Viktor Korchnoi scored two 2700+ performances in the two
tournaments he participated in.

 1 2861 Ivanchuk, Vassily    g UKR 2700 7 10.0/13 Linares
 2 2843 Kasparov, Gary       g RUS 2805 5  7.5/10 Riga PCA
 3 2825 Karpov, Anatoly      g RUS 2765 4  6.0/ 9 Sanghi Nagar FIDE sf m
 4 2808 Anand, Viswanathan   g IND 2715 5  7.0/10 Riga PCA
 5 2805 Kasparov, Gary       g RUS 2805 4  6.5/ 9 Novgorod PCA
 6 2794 Korchnoi, Viktor     g SUI 2635 5  6.5/ 9 Madrid
 7 2786 Karpov, Anatoly      g RUS 2765 5  9.0/13 Linares
 8 2775 Anand, Viswanathan   g IND 2715 3  6.5/11 Las Palmas PCA cf m
 9 2771 Ivanchuk, Vassily    g UKR 2700 3  6.5/10 Riga PCA
10 2763 Adams, Michael       g ENG 2655 3  5.5/ 9 Dos Hermanas
11 2761 Van Wely, Loek       g NED 2575 7  8.0/ 9 Nederland tt 9495
12 2757 Kamsky, Gata         g USA 2710 3  5.5/ 9 Dos Hermanas
13 2751 Karpov, Anatoly      g RUS 2765 3  5.5/ 9 Dos Hermanas
14 2750 Ehlvest, Jaan        g EST 2615 2  5.5/ 9 Novgorod PCA
15 2748 Topalov, Veselin     g BUL 2630 3  5.5/ 9 Novgorod PCA
16 2746 Short, Nigel         g ENG 2655 3  5.5/ 9 Novgorod PCA
17 2744 Salov, Valery        g RUS 2715 3  6.0/ 9 Madrid
18 2742 Topalov, Veselin     g BUL 2630 6  8.0/13 Linares
19 2741 Ivanchuk, Vassily    g UKR 2700 3  5.5/ 9 Novgorod PCA
20 2738 Hansen, Curt         g DEN 2630 7  8.5/11 Reykjavik zt
21 2737 Short, Nigel         g ENG 2655 3  6.0/10 Riga PCA
22 2736 Shirov, Alexei       g LAT 2710 3  8.0/13 Linares
23 2731 Kramnik, Vladimir    g RUS 2715 2  6.0/10 Riga PCA
24 2729 Sokolov, Ivan        g BIH 2645 3  6.0/ 9 Wijk aan Zee open
   2729 Polgar, Judit        g HUN 2630 1  5.0/ 9 Dos Hermanas
26 2723 Adams, Michael       g ENG 2655 3  5.5/ 9 Wijk aan Zee open
27 2721 Gelfand, Boris       g RUS 2700 2  5.0/ 9 Dos Hermanas
28 2719 Korchnoi, Viktor     g SUI 2635 5  8.0/11 San Francisco
29 2712 Khalifman, Alexander g RUS 2635 4  7.5/13 Linares
30 2708 Hodgson, Julian M    g ENG 2615 5  7.0/ 9 Bern open
31 2703 Almasi, Zoltan       g HUN 2590 4  5.5/ 9 Wijk aan Zee open
32 2702 Kramnik, Vladimir    g RUS 2715 3  5.0/ 9 Novgorod PCA

The following tournament performances were achieved while playing less than
nine games or in rapid tournaments.

   ---- Kuijf, Marinus       m NED 2465 8  8.0/ 8 Nederland tt 9495
   3052 Karpov, Anatoly      g RUS 2765 9 10.0/11 Monaco AMBER rapid
   2945 Kamsky, Gata         g USA 2710 4  5.5/ 7 Sanghi Nagar FIDE sf m
   2910 Tiviakov, Sergei     g RUS 2625 5  6.0/ 7 Wijk aan Zee open
   2848 Kramnik, Vladimir    g RUS 2715 6  8.0/11 Monaco AMBER blind
   2826 Lautier, Joel        g FRA 2655 2  4.0/ 6 Amsterdam VSB Euwe-mem
   2808 Ivanchuk, Vassily    g UKR 2700 6  7.5/11 Monaco AMBER rapid
   2806 Anand, Viswanathan   g IND 2715 5  7.5/11 Monaco AMBER rapid
   2775 Anand, Viswanathan   g IND 2715 4  7.0/11 Monaco AMBER blind
   2750 Polgar, Zsuzsa       g HUN 2545 4  5.5/ 7 St Petersburg Wcf m
   2740 Ivanchuk, Vassily    g UKR 2700 2  6.5/11 Monaco AMBER blind
   2739 Kamsky, Gata         g USA 2710 5  6.5/11 Monaco AMBER blind
   2717 Polgar, Judit        g HUN 2630 4  6.0/11 Monaco AMBER rapid
   2710 Shirov, Alexei       g LAT 2710 3  6.0/11 Monaco AMBER rapid
   2708 Kasparov, Gary       g RUS 2805 3  3.5/ 6 Amsterdam VSB Euwe-mem
   2705 Karpov, Anatoly      g RUS 2765 4  6.0/11 Monaco AMBER blind

b) Best TPR's over the entire year 1995 so far.

Below are the combined TPR's over tournaments in 1995.  Rapid games have
been excluded and the minimum number of games was 15.  The most active
player was Nigel Short (Wijk aan Zee, Linares, Riga, Madrid, Novgorod).
According to these statistics "it gets crowded at the top".  Viktor
Korchnoi is in the top-10 and Judit Polgar is closing the gap.

 1 Ivanchuk, Vassily         g UKR 2700  22.0/32  2797
   Kasparov, Gary            g RUS 2805  20.0/28  2797
 3 Anand, Viswanathan        g IND 2715  13.5/21  2787
 4 Karpov, Anatoly           g RUS 2765  20.5/31  2785
 5 Kamsky, Gata              g USA 2710  15.5/27  2752
 6 Topalov, Veselin          g BUL 2630  16.0/28  2721
 7 Korchnoi, Viktor          g SUI 2635  15.5/22  2720
 8 Kramnik, Vladimir         g RUS 2715  11.0/19  2716
 9 Tiviakov, Sergei          g RUS 2625  15.0/25  2699
10 Dreev, Alexey             g RUS 2650  14.5/25  2691
11 Almasi, Zoltan            g HUN 2590  22.0/32  2681
12 Polgar, Judit             g HUN 2630   9.5/18  2678
   Gelfand, Boris            g BLR 2700   8.0/18  2678
14 Sokolov, Ivan             g BIH 2645  20.5/34  2667
15 Khalifman, Alexander      g RUS 2635  14.5/26  2662
16 Glek, Igor V              g RUS 2590  18.0/24  2653
17 Adams, Michael            g ENG 2655  19.5/34  2652
18 Ehlvest, Jaan             g EST 2615   9.0/19  2649
19 Short, Nigel              g ENG 2655  27.5/54  2647
20 Lautier, Joel             g FRA 2655  13.0/28  2644
21 Dizdar, Goran             g CRO 2510  11.5/17  2641
22 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  g ESP 2595  14.5/31  2639
23 Svidler, Peter            g RUS 2585  19.0/28  2637
24 Beliavsky, Alexander      g UKR 2650  17.5/32  2627
   Hodgson, Julian M         g ENG 2615  12.0/17  2627
26 Kuijf, Marinus            m NED 2465  13.0/16  2626
27 Shirov, Alexei            g LAT 2710  10.0/22  2624
28 Salov, Valery             g RUS 2715  11.0/25  2622
29 Gulko, Boris              g USA 2595  22.0/39  2618
30 Epishin, Vladimir         g RUS 2635   8.5/17  2617
31 Spangenberg, Hugo         m ARG 2500  12.0/19  2610
32 Piket, Jeroen             g NED 2670  17.5/34  2602
   Yusupov, Artur            g GER 2660  12.0/28  2602

c) Strongest tournaments in 1995.

Organising a category XV+ tournament is still an achievement:

Amsterdam (NED) VSB Euwe-mem, V 1995.   cat. XVIII (2690)
Dos Hermanas (ESP), IV-V 1995.          cat. XVIII (2681)
Riga (RUS) PCA, IV 1995.                cat.  XVII (2665)
Novgorod (RUS) PCA, V-VI 1995.          cat.  XVII (2665)
Linares (ESP), III 1995.                cat.  XVII (2654)
Madrid (ESP), V 1995.                   cat.   XVI (2629)

d) Opening move statistics.

Here are statistics according to the opening moves.  Time to switch to 1.d4
if you believe the statistics!  The following positions were reached at
least 1000 times:

All            6536 +2385 =2405 -1746  54.9%

1.e4           3117 +1147 =1062  -908  53.8%
1.e4 c5        1328  +464  =469  -415  52.6%
1.e4 ...       1789  +683  =593  -493  54.8%

1.d4           2384  +913  =904  -567  57.3%
1.d4 Nf6       1454  +539  =564  -351  56.5%
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4  1004  +375  =399  -230  57.2%

11) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski 

				TWIC # 38

  | k | b |   |   |   |   | Q |   |
  | + |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  L.Mitrofanov, Mem.Rustaveli
  |   | + | + |   |   |   |   |   |  (after 5...Qxh5+, from TWIC #37)
  | K |   |   |   |   |   |   | q |  White to move and win
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  |   |   |   |   | n |   |   |   |


  6.Qg5!!	   Completely mind boggling, giving away wQ for nothing?


  7.Ka6		   Not quite for nothing, now bQ cannot give checks, so

     	   Bxa7	   7...Qb5+ 8.Kxb5 Bxa7 9.c7 Kb7 and wins


  | k |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | b |   | + |   |   |   |   |   |
  | K | + |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   | q |   |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  |   |   |   |   | n |   |   |   |

  What a position!  Two White pawns win against vastly dominating Black
  forces, Queen+Bishop+Knight, and Black are to move!
  The threats are 9.b7 mate and 9.c8Q+.  After the only defense 8...Qd5
  follows 9.c8Q+ Bb8 10.b7+.  Fantastic.