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Contact The Week in Chess Mark Crowther E-Mail Tel or fax 01274 882143 [Bradford England] Mobile 07951 967851 Contents 1) Introduction ![]() |
Contact the London Chess Center Order from the online shop at email: Call toll free 1-888-chess06 in the USA or Canada Call +44 (0) 171 388 2404 or Fax +44 (0) 171 388 2407 in the UK and ROW Three New Engines New at Chess & Bridge: Junior 7.0, Shredder 5.32, Deep Junior 7.0 three world leaders in computer chess. All 2500+ ELO : Super-Grandmaster strength programs in YOUR home. Junior 7.0 - ruthless attacking style, deep tactical calculations. $49.50 £39.95 Upgrade from Junior 6 $34.95 £25 Deep Junior 7.0 (for multi-processors) giant opening database $99 £79.95 Upgrade from Deep Junior 6 $69.95 £49.95 Shredder 5.32 positional intelligence, superb endgame technique. $49.50 £39.95 NOW SHIPPING FREE TO THE USA !! Buy online at For the latest chess book releases check out For the latest new software check out For the latest new products check out New Products at the London Chess CenterChess Tiger 14.0 Christoph Théron's ChessTigerhas gained enormously in strength over the past few years as its impressive victories in several international tournaments have demonstrated. In autumn of 1999, ChessTiger entered the ranking list of chess programs (SSDF) and immediately topped the list. Apart from ChessTiger 14.0, the CD also contains GambitTiger 2.0. GambitTiger is a particularly aggressive version of ChessTiger which mercilessly attacks the king. Thats why GambitTiger often chooses moves other programs would never play. Recently GambitTiger showed its claws in the Linares of chess programs" and came second behind DeepFritz. In contrast to their direct predecessors, ChessTiger 14.0 and GambitTiger also take advantage of the endgame databases (tablebases) and support multi-variation mode. System requirements: Pentium 16 MB RAM, Windows 95, 98, 2000 or NT, Language (Online-Help + program menu text): English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Dutch (only Menu), Slovenian, Database: 320,000 games RRP: £39.95 / $49.50 The Chigorin Defence by Martin Breutigam At master level, the Chigorin Defence has seldom been played and probably thats why it has been less analysed than other openings - good prerequisites for freethinkers and adventurers on the chess board!â (Breutigam) The Chigorin Defence resulting after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6 has become popular again thanks to Alexander Morozevich who with has been holding his own even against the best. FIDE master Martin Breutigam includes a small but swell database with 100 entries - 7 texts and 93 sample Another database includes 54 training questions enabling the user to test his freshly acquired knowledge. Furthermore, the CD features a big database of more than 4.000 games as a reference database plus a big tree of all games. System requirements: Pentium, Windows 95,98,2000,Me RRP: £17.95 / $27 CHESSBASE MAGAZINE 80 February 2001 ChessBase Magazine 80 contains the main body of 1262 games and five database reports. There are many strong tournaments, the men´s Olympiad in Istanbul and the Braingames and FIDE World Championships in London and Delhi/Teheran.l RRP: £17.95 / $27 Main Line Caro-Kann Neil McDonald Everyman $21.95/£14.99 The Caro Kann has always been one of the most widely played openings among club and tournament players. This handy battle manual deal with the critical main line positions after 1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 dxe4 4 Nxe4. Highly-regarded author Grandmaster Neil McDonald offers a comprehensive survey of the state of opening theory for both White and Black players, explaining the basic elements, strategies and tactics for both sides New In Chess Yearbook 58 New In Chess $22.50/£15 Opening preparation is not the first thing that comes to mind when the name of Brain Game World Champion Vladimir Kramnik is brought up. However, with the right ingredients in hand he is more than capable of producing some spicy opening dishes. Have a taste from Kramnik's Kitchen. CHEF DE CUISINE Thanks to Vladimir Kramnik an old line against the Gruenfeld Indian has come back into fashion. Offbeat Spanish Glenn Flear Everyman $21.95/£14.99 Deciding what to do against the Spanish (Ruy Lopez) is a perennial problem for those who play too passively and end up having to face what is known as the 'Spanish Torture'. In this book Grandmaster Glenn Flear studies a wide variety of ambitious and offbeat answers catering for many different playing styles. From the super-solid Berlin (as used so successfully by Vladimir Kramnik in his Brain Games World Championship victory against Garry Kasparov) to the uncompromising Schliemann, there is enough choice here for any prospective black player facing the Spanish For more information: go to
Games section
Johann Thorir Jonsson Memorial 105 games Ladies vs. Veterans 30 games Golden Autumn 43 games World Youth Championships 210 games World Seniors 91 games Polish Team Championships 270 games Third Saturday Tournament 54 games S.C. Lasker Tournament 42 games British Rapidplay Championships 6 games Kishinev ULIM Cup 279 games Slovenian Teams 168 games Chigorin Memorial 261 games Panormo Open 21 games Helsinki vs. Tallinn Match 20 games 1600 games
My thanks to Eugeny Atarov, Rafal Furdzik, Bartlomiej Macieja, Aard Daanen, Przemek Jahr, Vladica Andrejic, Chirila Radu-Catalin, Sam Nicholls, Feodor Skripchenko, Ales Drinovec, George Mastrokoukos, Mika Lako, Marc Davis and all those who helped with this issue.
The Corsica Rapidplay Open sees the final events for a number of the players before the FIDE World Championships. Players such as Anand and Leko will compete in the knockout stage starting tonight. News also that there should be a delayed press conference on November 12th to confirm a 2Ks event between Kasparov and Kramnik taking place December 1st-9th 2001 including four normal time-rate games and a mixture of rapidplay and blitz also.
Hope you enjoy this issue.
The Corsica International Rapidplay Open takes place October 28th-31st 2001. 600 000 F of prices (91 500 euros). The event started with a nine round Swiss to produce the top 16 players. This very strong event saw the elimination of Alexei Shirov (a last round loss to Igor Glek finally finished him, he had earlier lost to Cyril Marzolo also). Things could have been almost as hard for Anand after a penultimate round loss to Van Wely. However both he and his final round opponent Mikhail Gurevich both needed draws to go through and so it was. The 1/8th finals are on the evening of Monday 29th October, 1/4 and semi-finals on Tuesday 30th October and the final on Wednesday 31st October. No games available so far. The knockout games should be live.
1/8th Finals (Monday 29th 21-00CET)
Sergei Rublevsky (2634) vs. Andrei Kharlov (2656)
Sergei Tiviakov
(2599) vs. Mikhail Gurevich (2605)
Predrag Nikolic (2652) vs. Peter Leko
Loek Van Wely (2714) vs. Alexander Chernin (2592)
Tkachiev (2632) vs. Aleksandr Shneider (2506)
Etienne Bacrot (2653) vs.
Viswanathan Anand (2770)
Alexander Rustemov (2611) vs. Igor Glek
Alexei Barsov (2525) vs. Joel Lautier (2653)
Internet coverage:,, French Chess Federation ( and ICC.
9 Rounds Swiss Final Standings: 1 g Rublevsky Sergei 2634 RUS 7.0 2790 44.0 31.0 2788 2 g Tiviakov Sergei 2599 NED 6,5 2738 40,5 27,5 2731 3 g Nikolic Predrag 2652 BIH 6,5 2735 40.0 26,5 2728 4 g Van Wely Loek 2714 NED 6,5 2724 40.0 27.0 2717 5 g Tkachiev Vladislav 2632 FRA 6,5 2718 41,5 28.0 2711 6 g Bacrot Etienne 2653 FRA 6,5 2709 37,5 25,5 2702 7 g Rustemov Alexander 2611 RUS 6,5 2677 39.0 27.0 2670 8 g Barsov Alexei 2525 UZB 6,5 2660 37,5 25.0 2669 9 g Lautier Joel 2653 FRA 6,5 2659 38.0 26.0 2652 10 g Glek Igor V. 2590 GER 6,5 2634 36,5 24.0 2627 11 g Anand Viswanathan 2770 IND 6.0 2702 41.0 28.0 2699 12 g Shneider Aleksandr 2506 UKR 6.0 2677 40.0 26,5 2703 13 g Chernin Alexander 2592 HUN 6.0 2660 41.0 27,5 2657 14 g Leko Peter 2739 HUN 6.0 2660 40.0 27.0 2657 15 g Gurevich Mikhail 2605 BEL 6.0 2651 38.0 26.0 2648 16 g Kharlov Andrei 2656 RUS 6.0 2650 40.0 27,5 2647 17 g David Alberto 2522 LUX 6.0 2607 37,5 24.0 2619 18 m Moreno Carnero Javier 2514 ESP 6.0 2590 38,5 25,5 2634 19 g Lupu Mircea-Sergiu 2470 FRA 6.0 2583 40.0 27.0 2632 20 g Sermek Drazen 2577 SLO 5,5 2646 43,5 30,5 2647 21 g Piket Jeroen 2649 NED 5,5 2603 39,5 27.0 2597 22 g Wojtkiewicz Aleksander 2573 POL 5,5 2582 37,5 25.0 2577 23 g Djuric Stefan 2512 YUG 5,5 2577 37,5 25,5 2585 24 g Kotsur Pavel 2572 KAZ 5,5 2573 38,5 25,5 2570 25 g Iordachescu Viorel 2561 MDA 5,5 2556 37,5 25.0 2580 26 g Tregubov Pavel V. 2611 RUS 5,5 2545 35.0 24.0 2539 27 g Kozul Zdenko 2569 CRO 5,5 2538 38.0 25.0 2531 28 g Shirov Alexei 2706 ESP 5,5 2531 38.0 25,5 2542 29 g Marciano David 2505 FRA 5,5 2518 36,5 24.0 2529 30 g Nisipeanu Liviu-Dieter 2609 ROM 5,5 2515 35,5 23,5 2509 99 players
The "Johann Thorir Jonsson Memorial" tournament takes place in the Reykjavik City Hall in Iceland 23rd October - 2nd November 2001. The event is a 10 round Swiss and players include: Ivan Sokolov, Jaan Ehlvest, Peter Heine Nielsen, Jan Timman, Hannes Hlífar Stefánsson, Johnny Hector, Lars Schandorff, Henrik Danielsen, Murray Chandler, Friðrik Ólafsson, Helgi Ólafsson etc .
Internet coverage:
Round 5 of 10 Standings: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Johann Thorir Jonsson Mem Open Reykjavik ISL (ISL), 23-2 x 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Sokolov, Ivan g BIH 2658 +22 +14 = 4 + 6 + 5 4.5 2868 2. Timman, Jan g NED 2600 = 7 +28 =21 + 8 +14 4.0 2612 3. Ehlvest, Jaan g EST 2626 =28 + 7 =12 +23 +11 4.0 2659 4. Stefansson, Hannes g ISL 2575 +38 + 9 = 1 =11 = 6 3.5 2655 5. Schandorff, Lars g DEN 2551 +29 = 8 +15 +12 - 1 3.5 2598 6. Nielsen, Peter Heine g DEN 2620 +39 +23 +10 - 1 = 4 3.5 2647 7. Gunnarsson, Arnar ISL 2289 = 2 - 3 +33 +27 +20 3.5 2517 8. Nyback, Tomi m FIN 2430 +35 = 5 +27 - 2 +18 3.5 2505 9. Johannessen, Leif Erlend m NOR 2429 +34 - 4 =13 +36 +17 3.5 2385 10. Hector, Jonny g SWE 2528 +37 +36 - 6 =17 +21 3.5 2440 11. Chandler, Murray G g ENG 2544 +25 =21 +16 = 4 - 3 3.0 2510 12. Danielsen, Henrik g DEN 2526 +32 +18 = 3 - 5 =15 3.0 2494 13. Johannesson, Ingvar Thor ISL 2201 =26 =31 = 9 =16 +28 3.0 2433 14. Olafsson, Helgi g ISL 2460 +19 - 1 +29 +25 - 2 3.0 2469 15. Kristjansson, Stefan f ISL 2374 =27 +33 - 5 +22 =12 3.0 2379 16. Asmundsson, Ingvar f ISL 2359 =17 +30 -11 =13 +34 3.0 2319 17. Arngrimsson, Dagur ISL 2060 =16 =20 +39 =10 - 9 2.5 2413 18. Hardarson, Robert f ISL 2315 +24 -12 =36 +26 - 8 2.5 2298 19. Kjartansson, David ISL 2224 -14 =22 =28 +31 =26 2.5 2357 20. Olafsson, Fridrik g ISL 2460 =30 =17 +37 =21 - 7 2.5 2241 21. Gunnarsson, Jon Viktor m ISL 2386 +42 =11 = 2 =20 -10 2.5 2452 22. Gislason, Gudmundur ISL 2305 - 1 =19 +30 -15 +36 2.5 2325 23. Thorhallsson, Throstur g ISL 2442 +40 - 6 +34 - 3 =25 2.5 2382 24. Palmason, Gudmundur ISL ---- -18 =32 =38 =29 +37 2.5 2268 25. Thorfinnsson, Bjorn ISL 2248 -11 +42 +31 -14 =23 2.5 2380 26. Thorfinnsson, Bragi ISL 2393 =13 -27 +32 -18 =19 2.0 2145 27. Halldorsson, Halldor ISL 2103 =15 +26 - 8 - 7 =29 2.0 2276 28. Ulfarsson, Magnus Orn ISL 2298 = 3 - 2 =19 +40 -13 2.0 2301 29. Karason, Askell O ISL 2258 - 5 +35 -14 =24 =27 2.0 2193 30. Bjornsson, Tomas f ISL 2228 =20 -16 -22 +38 =35 2.0 2251 31. Thorsteinsson, Bjorn ISL 2329 =33 =13 -25 -19 +41 2.0 2089 32. Edvardsson, Kristjan ISL 2245 -12 =24 -26 =33 +40 2.0 2165 33. Kjartansson, Gudmundur ISL 2052 =31 -15 - 7 =32 +39 2.0 2233 34. Thorarinsson, Pall A ISL 2202 - 9 +38 -23 +39 -16 2.0 2287 35. Steindorsson, Sigurdur P ISL 2213 - 8 -29 +42 =37 =30 2.0 2186 36. Halldorsson, Jon Arni ISL 2143 +41 -10 =18 - 9 -22 1.5 2183 37. Ptacnikova, Lenka wg CZE 2246 -10 +41 -20 =35 -24 1.5 2107 38. Thorhallsson, Gylfi ISL 2279 - 4 -34 =24 -30 +42 1.5 2077 39. Bjarnason, Saevar m ISL 2289 - 6 +40 -17 -34 -33 1.0 1989 40. Simonsen, Olavur FAI 2214 -23 -39 +41 -28 -32 1.0 2031 41. Valgardsson, Gudjon Heidar ISL 2083 -36 -37 -40 +42 -31 1.0 1972 42. Baldursson, Hrannar ISL 2129 -21 -25 -35 -41 -38 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Klompendans Ladies vs Veterans tournament takes place in Amsterdam 23rd October - 3 November 2001. The venue is the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. The event is called the "Klompendans" chess tournament. Sponsored by Mr. J.J. van Oosterom. After six rounds the Veterans lead the Ladies 16-14.
Players: Ladies Zhu Chen (China), Alisa Galliamova (Russia), Nana Ioseliani (Georgia), Xie Jun (China) and Sofia Polgar (Israel) Captain / Coach: Ljubomir Ljubojevic (Spain) Veterans Vlastimil Hort (Germany), Victor Korchnoi (Switzerland), Lajos Portisch (Hungary), Vassili Smyslov (Russia) and Mark Taimanov (Russia) Playing captain : Vlastimil Hort (Germany)
Internet coverage:
Round 1 (October 23, 2001) Zhu Chen - Hort, Vlastimil 1/2 22 D34 Tarrasch Defence, Main Line Xie Jun - Taimanov, Mark E 1-0 64 B46 Sicilian Paulsen Galliamova, Alisa - Smyslov, Vassily 1/2 22 A12 Reti Opening Ioseliani, Nana - Portisch, Lajos 1/2 61 E55 Nimzo Indian Polgar, Sofia - Korchnoi, Viktor 0-1 56 C14 French Classical Round 2 (October 24, 2001) Portisch, Lajos - Zhu Chen 1/2 34 D27 Queen's Gambit Accepted Korchnoi, Viktor - Ioseliani, Nana 1/2 93 D37 QGD 5.Bf4 Smyslov, Vassily - Xie Jun 1/2 16 C48 Four Knights Game Rubinstein Hort, Vlastimil - Galliamova, Alisa 1/2 44 D11 Slav Defence Taimanov, Mark E - Polgar, Sofia 1-0 57 A13 Reti Opening Round 3 (October 25, 2001) Zhu Chen - Korchnoi, Viktor 1/2 41 E16 Queens Indian Xie Jun - Hort, Vlastimil 1/2 21 C88 Ruy Lopez Closed Galliamova, Alisa - Portisch, Lajos 0-1 53 B23 Sicilian Closed System Ioseliani, Nana - Taimanov, Mark E 0-1 57 B48 Sicilian Paulsen Polgar, Sofia - Smyslov, Vassily 1-0 22 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin Defence Round 4 (October 26, 2001) Portisch, Lajos - Xie Jun 1/2 72 E97 King's Indian Classical Korchnoi, Viktor - Galliamova, Alisa 0-1 28 D12 Slav Defence Smyslov, Vassily - Ioseliani, Nana 1/2 12 B22 Sicilian Alapin Variation Hort, Vlastimil - Polgar, Sofia 1-0 40 D00 Queen's Pawn Game Taimanov, Mark E - Zhu Chen 0-1 38 A17 English Opening Round 5 (October 28, 2001) Zhu Chen - Smyslov, Vassily 1/2 44 D94 Gruenfeld Defence Closed Xie Jun - Korchnoi, Viktor 1/2 35 B83 Sicilian Scheveningen Variation Galliamova, Alisa - Taimanov, Mark E 1-0 52 E12 Queens Indian Petrosian System Ioseliani, Nana - Hort, Vlastimil 1-0 57 D27 Queen's Gambit Accepted Polgar, Sofia - Portisch, Lajos 1/2 47 B33 Sicilian Sveshnikov Variation Round 6 (October 29, 2001) Portisch, Lajos - Ioseliani, Nana 1-0 46 D45 Anti-Meran Variations Korchnoi, Viktor - Polgar, Sofia 1-0 40 B38 Sicilian Maroczy Bind Smyslov, Vassily - Galliamova, Alisa 1-0 62 B22 Sicilian Alapin Variation Hort, Vlastimil - Zhu Chen 1/2 29 D12 Slav Defence Taimanov, Mark E - Xie Jun 1/2 31 A25 English Sicilian Attack ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Klompendans Amsterdam NED (NED), 23 x-3 xi 2001 cat. XI (2524) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Portisch, Lajos v g HUN 2591 ** =. =. .. .. 1. .. =1 .. =. 4.0 2635 2. Zhu Chen l g CHN 2497 =. ** .. =. =. .. == .. 1. .. 3.5 2590 3. Xie Jun l g CHN 2553 =. .. ** =. =. .. =. .. 1= .. 3.5 2576 4. Korchnoi, Viktor v g SUI 2639 .. =. =. ** .. 0. .. =. .. 11 3.5 2562 5. Smyslov, Vassily v g RUS 2491 .. =. =. .. ** =1 .. =. .. 0. 3.0 2518 6. Galliamova, Alisa l m RUS 2547 0. .. .. 1. =0 ** =. .. 1. .. 3.0 2528 7. Hort, Vlastimil v g GER 2519 .. == =. .. .. =. ** 0. .. 1. 3.0 2510 8. Ioseliani, Nana l m GEO 2497 =0 .. .. =. =. .. 1. ** 0. .. 2.5 2488 9. Taimanov, Mark E v g RUS 2439 .. 0. 0= .. .. 0. .. 1. ** 1. 2.5 2462 10. Polgar, Sofia l m HUN 2469 =. .. .. 00 1. .. 0. .. 0. ** 1.5 2360 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 3rd Golden Autumn tournament took place in Alushta, Ukraine. 7th-17th October 2001. The winner was 15 year old Kadir Gusenov.
Internet coverage:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd Golden Autumn Alushta UKR (UKR), 7-17 x 2001 cat. VIII (2435) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Guseinov, Kadir m AZE 2489 * = = = = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 8.5 2. Gasanov, Eldar m UKR 2440 = * = = = 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 7.0 3. Belikov, Vladimir g RUS 2488 = = * = = = = = 1 = 1 = 6.5 4. Yagupov, Igor m RUS 2442 = = = * = 0 1 = = = 1 1 6.5 5. Varavin, Viktor g RUS 2491 = = = = * 0 = = = = 1 1 6.0 6. Shalimov, Valery m UKR 2439 0 0 = 1 1 * = = 0 1 0 1 5.5 7. Rogovski, Vladimir m UKR 2443 0 0 = 0 = = * 1 = = 1 = 5.0 8. Tishin, Petr m RUS 2471 = 0 = = = = 0 * = = 1 = 5.0 9. Murashko, Vyacheslav L m UKR 2436 0 0 0 = = 1 = = * = 1 = 5.0 10. Shtyrenkov, Veniamen g RUS 2492 0 1 = = = 0 = = = * 0 1 5.0 11. Khudyakov, Alexander f RUS 2238 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 * 0 3.0 12. Pavlov, Maxim f UKR 2350 0 0 = 0 0 0 = = = 0 1 * 3.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The World Youth Championships take place in Oropesa del Mar, Spain 20th October - November 3rd 2001. There are sections for Under-18, under-16, under-14, under-12 and under-10 both boys and girls. I give the round 7 standings and games from the two strongest sections.
Coverage: and
Round 7 Standings: Boys Under 18 1-3 Timofeev, Artyom (6) RUS 2517 fm 6 23.0 Izoria, Zviad (5) GEO 2533 im 6 24.5 Iakovenko, Dmitri (4) RUS 2536 gm 6 25.5 4-5 Werle, Jan (10) NED 2459 im 5.5 22.5 Naiditsch, Arkadij (2) GER 2540 gm 5.5 22.0 6-11 Paragua, Mark (12) PHI 2447 im 5 22.5 Kovchan, Oleksandr (7) UKR 2504 im 5 24.0 Lupulescu, Constantin (9) ROM 2467 5 22.0 Erenburg, Sergey (17) ISR 2421 fm 5 20.0 Jakubowski, Krzysztof (22) POL 2387 fm 5 17.5 Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios (16) GRE 2426 5 19.0 12-21 Khismatoulline, Denis (11) RUS 2448 4.5 23.5 Ni, Hua (3) CHN 2538 fm 4.5 20.5 Schneider, Dmitry (19) USA 2401 fm 4.5 20.0 Gharamyan, Tigran (48) ARM 2215 4.5 20.0 Perez Candelario, Manuel (21) ESP 2393 im 4.5 19.0 Gagunashvili, Merab (8) GEO 2480 im 4.5 18.5 Sadykov, Rustem (33) KAZ 2290 4.5 18.5 Popovic, Dusan (24) YUG 2372 4.5 17.5 Lindberg, Bosse (43) SWE 2247 4.5 17.5 Himanshu, Sharma (54) IND 2189 4.5 17.0 83 players Boys Under 16 1-2 Korobov, Anton (6) UKR 2467 im 6 25.0 Heberla, Bartlomiej (10) POL 2390 6 22.0 3-4 Alekxeev, Evgueni (1) RUS 2548 im 5.5 22.0 Porat, Shi (15) ISR 2365 5.5 21.0 5-13 Mamedov, Nidjat (9) AZE 2405 im 5 23.0 Aryeshchenko, Alexandr (5) UKR 2479 5 22.5 Cheparinov, Ivan (7) BUL 2461 im 5 22.0 Yefymenko, Zakhar (3) UKR 2523 im 5 21.5 Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar (4) AZE 2503 5 21.0 Llobel Cortell, Enrique (13) ESP 2376 5 21.0 Husnutdinov, Damir (86) UZB 5 21.0 Ibarra Jerez, Jose Carlos (16) ESP 2364 5 20.5 Shanava, Konstantine (22) GEO 2332 fm 5 20.5 14-27 Pixton, Aaron (18) USA 2351 4.5 21.5 Alcazar Jimenez, Victor (43) ESP 2237 4.5 21.5 L'ami, Erwin (20) NED 2344 4.5 21.0 Zhao, Zong-Yuan (12) AUS 2387 im 4.5 20.0 Zhigalko, Andrei (14) BLR 2369 4.5 20.0 Zhao, Jun (19) CHN 2347 4.5 18.0 Smeets, Jan (27) NED 2312 4.5 18.0 Buckley, Simon (44) ENG 2236 4.5 18.0 Sitnikov, Anton (47) UKR 2218 4.5 18.0 Berkes, Ferenc (2) HUN 2541 im 4.5 17.5 Ekdyshman, Mikhail (34) RUS 2281 4.5 17.5 Kukel, Imre (50) SVK 2215 4.5 17.5 Perdomo, Leandro (38) ARG 2262 4.5 16.5 Daskevics, Vadims (83) LAT 4.5 15.5 102 players
The World Senior Championships takes place 16th-28th October 2001 in Arco, Italy. After ten of eleven rounds Janis Klovans leads by half a point.
Internet coverage:
Standings after 10 rounds: 1. Klovans Janis GM LAT 8.5 21264.00 2. Csom Istvan GM HUN 8.0 20804.00 3. Karasev Vladimir IM RUS 7.5 46.00 4. Bukal Vladimir IM CRO 7.5 42.00 5. Shabanov Yuri IM RUS 7.5 42.00 6. Chernikov Oleg GM RUS 7.5 42.00 7. Zichichi Alvise IM ITA 7.5 40.00 8. Khanukov Boris GER 7.5 39.00 9. Kholmov Ratmir GM RUS 7.0 45.50 10. Vasiukov Evgeni GM RUS 7.0 44.00 11. Bebchuk Evgeni RUS 7.0 38.50 12. Dornieden Dr.Manfred GER 7.0 38.50 13. Hecht Hans-Joachim GM GER 7.0 38.50 14. Uhlmann Wolfgang GM GER 7.0 37.50 15. Titz Dr.Heimo FM AUT 7.0 36.50 16. Zakhatov Vladimir IM RUS 7.0 35.00 163 players
There have been a number of developments after the conclusion of the FIDE Internet qualifiers last week. Firstly Rafal Furdzik has continued to protest at his exclusion from the Championships at the website I think its clear he isn't going to give up without a big fight. Secondly the only non rated player to qualify, Nugzar Zeliakov, gave an interview with in which he spoke of his playing strength (gaving a draw he had with Kasparov in a simul) and which revealed he was director of the Grandmaster Chess School which is strongly connected to Alexander Khalifman. I'm sure in retrospect Khalifman wishes he hadn't been on the committee which examined potential use of computers in the competition and which disqualified Furdzik and which allowed Zeliakov in as the final qualifier as it was a clear conflict of interest.
Again all this points up the need for clear rules, established and checked prior to the tournament. Certainly checks for computer use should have been made right from the start not at the end. All these problems were so predictable right from the start. Now that they've all been demonstrated no-one has an excuse for making them in the future.
Details of the tournament at:
Final Standings: 1 Vlassov, Nikolai m RUS 2453 6.5 2 Touzane, Olivier m FRA 2368 6.0 3 Rogozenko, Dorian g ROM 2536 6.0 4 Nataf, Igor-Alexandre g FRA 2535 6.0 5 Nielsen, Peter Heine g DEN 2620 6.0 6 Sarthou, Gaetan f FRA 2361 5.5 7 Shipov, Sergei g RUS 2625 5.5 8 Zeliakov, Nugzar RUS ---- 5.5
The Polish Team Championships took place in Glogow September 8th-16th 2001. The winning team was Polonia Plus GSM Warszawa who were clear winners of the event. The team consisted of Macieja, Rozentalis, Krasenkow, Socko etc. My thanks to Przemek Jahr of
I Liga Seniorów Glogów 08-16.09.01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Polonia Plus GSM Warszawa *** 3.5 4.0 4.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 4.5 5.0 6.0 41.0 2 Devo-Maraton Lomza 2.5 *** 2.0 3.5 4.0 3.5 5.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 34.0 3 Pocztowiec TP SA Poznan 2.0 4.0 *** 3.0 3.0 4 2.5.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 32.5 4 Porto Balbo Bielsko-Biala 1.5 2.5 3.0 *** 3.0 3.5 5.0 3.5 4.5 4.5 31.0 5 PTSz Plock 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 *** 3.5 4.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 30.0 6 AZS UMCS Lublin 1.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 *** 3.0 3.5 2.5 5.0 25.0 7 Juvena-Hancza Suwalki 1.0 1.0 3.5 1.0 1.5 3.0 *** 4.0 4.0 5.0 24.0 8 Stilon Gorzów Wlkp. 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 *** 4.0 4.0 23.5 9 Drakon-Leasing Fabryczny Lublin 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 2.0 3.5 2.0 2.0 *** 5.0 20.5 10 Gambit Swiecie 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 *** 8.5
The fourth edition of the Category 7 Third Saturday Tournament takes place in Belgrade 20th-30th October 2001. The 11 Round robin event sees 14 year old World Junior chess champion Humpy Koneru leading after 9 rounds with 7 points and has already scored a 9 game men's GM norm. This is her second GM norm. Now she needs one more norm to become a men's GM. News from Vladica Andrejic.
Internet coverage:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSGM October Belgrade YUG (YUG), 20-30 x 2001 cat. VII (2415) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Koneru, Humpy wg IND 2484 * 1 1 = = . 1 = = 1 . 1 7.0 2636 2. Stojanovic, Mihajlo m YUG 2425 0 * = 1 1 . 0 . 1 1 1 1 6.5 2582 3. Lopez Martinez, Josep Manuel m ESP 2474 0 = * . 1 1 0 1 1 = . = 5.5 2491 4. Kosanovic, Goran A g YUG 2442 = 0 . * = = = 1 . 1 = = 5.0 2443 5. Orlov, Pavle m YUG 2378 = 0 0 = * = 1 1 . . 1 = 5.0 2465 6. Todorov, Ognjan m BUL 2381 . . 0 = = * 1 = = = = = 4.5 2409 7. Nestorovic, Dejan m YUG 2428 0 1 1 = 0 0 * 0 = . = . 3.5 2344 8. Pap, Misa m YUG 2422 = . 0 0 0 = 1 * = = = . 3.5 2335 9. Popchev, Milko g BUL 2452 = 0 0 . . = = = * = = = 3.5 2331 10. Boskovic, Drasko f YUG 2343 0 0 = 0 . = . = = * = 1 3.5 2345 11. Prelevic, Dusko f YUG 2358 . 0 . = 0 = = = = = * = 3.5 2326 12. Sahovic, Dragutin g YUG 2387 0 0 = = = = . . = 0 = * 3.0 2290 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The "Autumn Festival" organised by the Lasker Chess Club in Bucharest, Romania took place 13th-27th October 2001. The GM event was won by Mircea Parligras. News Chirila Radu-Catalin.
Internet coverage:
Final Standings: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lasker Autumn GM Bucharest ROM (ROM), 13-25 x 2001 cat. VIII (2443) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Parligras, Mircea ROM 2431 * 0 = 1 1 1 1 = 0 = 1 1 1 1 9.5 2618 2. Golubev, Mihail g UKR 2530 1 * = = = = 0 1 = = 1 = 1 1 8.5 2545 3. Ionescu, Constantin g ROM 2481 = = * 1 = = = = 1 0 = = = 1 7.5 2496 4. Manolache, Marius m ROM 2394 0 = 0 * 0 1 1 0 1 1 = 1 = 1 7.5 2503 5. Badea, Bela g ROM 2530 0 = = 1 * 1 = = 1 = = 0 = = 7.0 2464 6. Grunberg, Mihai m ROM 2472 0 = = 0 0 * = = = 1 = 1 1 1 7.0 2469 7. Kalezic, Blazo m YUG 2462 0 1 = 0 = = * = = 1 = 1 = 0 6.5 2441 8. Vajda, Levente g ROM 2489 = 0 = 1 = = = * = = = = = = 6.5 2438 9. Miljanic, Boro m YUG 2423 1 = 0 0 0 = = = * = = = 1 1 6.5 2444 10. Vasiesiu, Dan m ROM 2440 = = 1 0 = 0 0 = = * = = = 1 6.0 2413 11. Vajda, Albert m ROM 2416 0 0 = = = = = = = = * = = = 5.5 2387 12. Vajda, Szidonia wg HUN 2352 0 = = 0 1 0 0 = = = = * = = 5.0 2362 13. Podinic, Vladimir f YUG 2366 0 0 = = = 0 = = 0 = = = * 1 5.0 2361 14. Szabo, Gergely ROM m ROM 2409 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 = 0 0 = = 0 * 3.0 2234 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lasker Autumn IM Bucharest ROM (ROM), 13-25 x 2001 cat. III (2306) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Jianu, Vlad f ROM 2397 * = 1 = = = 1 1 = 1 1 1 8.5 2509 2. Nanu, Ciprian m ROM 2412 = * 1 = = = 0 1 1 1 1 1 8.0 2471 3. Murariu, Andrei ROM 2348 0 0 * 1 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 8.0 2477 4. Grigore, Nicolae Petre m ROM 2363 = = 0 * 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 = 7.5 2434 5. Burnoiu, Nicolae-Costel ROM 2304 = = 0 0 * 1 0 = 1 1 0 1 5.5 2306 6. Hrzic, Ivan YUG 2310 = = 0 = 0 * = = 0 1 1 1 5.5 2306 7. Bochkarev, Alexander UKR UKR 2361 0 1 = 0 1 = * = 1 0 0 = 5.0 2265 8. Tikhomirov, Sergei m MDA 2357 0 0 0 = = = = * = = 1 1 5.0 2265 9. Bogza, Adina wm ROM 2314 = 0 0 0 0 1 0 = * 1 1 1 5.0 2269 10. Voicu, Carmen wf ROM 2205 0 0 = 0 0 0 1 = 0 * 1 1 4.0 2213 11. Barnaure, Vlad ROM 2167 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 * 1 3.0 2144 12. Osman, Mihai FRA 2138 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 * 1.0 1938 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The British Rapidplay Chess Championships 2001 took place 20th-21st October 2001 at Bradford City Football Club, Valley Parade, Bradford. Mark Hebden took the title with 9.5/11 half a point clear of Julian Hodgson on 9. Nick Pert finished in clear 3rd on 8.5 and Ameet Ghasi took fourth on 8. There were 308 players in all sections. My thanks to Sam Nicholls.
There are more games this week.
Further details:
Leading final standings: British Rapidplay Bradford (ENG), 20-21 x 2001 ---------------------------------------------- 1 Hebden, Mark g ENG 2567 9.5 2 Hodgson, Julian M g ENG 2589 9 3 Pert, Nicholas m ENG 2451 8.5 4 Ghasi, Ameet K ENG 2290 8 5 Pert, Richard G f ENG 2302 7.5 Parker, Jonathan g ENG 2539 7.5 7 Quillan, Gary ENG 2319 7 48 players
Feodor Skripchenko reports on the International Chess Cup of the University "ULIM" held in Kishinev 7th-15th October 2001. A 9 round swiss system event with 62 participants from Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova and Yugoslavia with a prize fund of $4200. First prize - $1000 and a total 23 money prizes. First prize was won by IM Vadim Chernov (ROM) on 7/9, second prize IM Alexey Khruschiov (MDA) 7, third prize =IM Dmitry Svetushkin, 4th Ruslan Soltanich (produced an IM norm), 5th IM Alexey Diulger (all MDA) 6,5 6th WGM Marina Sheremetieva (MDA) (and IM norm), 7th Dmitry Stepa (MDA) (IM norm), 8th IM Veacheslav Slovineanu (MDA), 9th Igor Nester (UKR), 10th IM Dmitry Fingerov and 11th Gheorghe Botezatu (IM Norm) 6. Games now available.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULIM Cup Kishnev MDA (MDA), 7-15 x 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Chernov, Vadim m ROM 2388 +21 +25 +16 + 2 = 7 =17 +30 = 3 = 4 7.0 2534 2. Khruschiov, Alexey m MDA 2402 +36 +22 +28 - 1 +10 = 7 +16 +15 = 3 7.0 2546 3. Svetushkin, Dmitry m MDA 2459 +26 = 5 =27 +39 = 4 +15 +18 = 1 = 2 6.5 2492 4. Soltanici, Ruslan MDA 2312 +47 - 6 +41 +31 = 3 = 8 +13 + 7 = 1 6.5 2482 5. Diulger, Alexey m MDA 2310 +51 = 3 - 8 =45 +21 +23 +46 = 9 +16 6.5 2444 6. Sanduleac, Vasile m MDA 2461 +23 + 4 =17 =12 =16 =22 =10 +29 = 7 6.0 2411 7. Stepa, Dima MDA 2278 +34 =14 +46 +28 = 1 = 2 +17 - 4 = 6 6.0 2456 8. Slovineanu, Viacheslav m MDA 2406 =44 +54 + 5 =15 =18 = 4 =19 +32 =10 6.0 2398 9. Nester, Igor UKR 2258 +42 -17 +34 -18 +31 +25 +28 = 5 =11 6.0 2364 10. Sheremetieva, Marina wg MDA 2308 +57 =13 =11 +26 - 2 +37 = 6 +17 = 8 6.0 2444 11. Fingerov, Dmitry m UKR 2419 +45 =39 =10 -23 =29 +26 +24 +30 = 9 6.0 2388 12. Botezatu, Gheorghe MDA 2258 +62 =15 +20 = 6 =27 -13 =14 +22 +28 6.0 2454 13. Itkis, Boris m ROM 2472 +29 =10 =18 -22 +26 +12 - 4 +41 =19 5.5 2345 14. Bets, Anatolij m MDA 2376 +33 = 7 =39 +21 =22 -16 =12 +37 =15 5.5 2337 15. Zajarnyi, Anatolyi m MDA 2339 +43 =12 +32 = 8 +23 - 3 +22 - 2 =14 5.5 2382 16. Zhadko, Vladimir f MDA 2315 +40 +52 - 1 +19 = 6 +14 - 2 +18 - 5 5.5 2380 17. Pavlovic, S. Dejan YUG 2346 +48 + 9 = 6 =27 +44 = 1 - 7 -10 +29 5.5 2375 18. Nevednichy, Boris M m MDA 2311 =55 +61 =13 + 9 = 8 +24 - 3 -16 +30 5.5 2398 19. Vedmediuc, Serghei MDA 2266 +59 -27 +52 -16 +34 +41 = 8 =28 =13 5.5 2319 20. Radovanovic, Dusan YUG 2351 +50 =31 -12 -30 -37 +57 +35 +38 +32 5.5 2251 21. Bargan, Sergei MDA 2217 - 1 +56 +53 -14 - 5 +52 =44 +39 +27 5.5 2344 22. Deseatnicov, Ivan MDA 2280 +37 - 2 +49 +13 =14 = 6 -15 -12 +41 5.0 2351 23. Shkuro, Iuri UKR 2243 - 6 +47 +37 +11 -15 - 5 -32 +54 +40 5.0 2286 24. Petrenko, Svetlana wg MDA 2336 -52 =40 +55 +35 +32 -18 -11 +44 =25 5.0 2238 25. Vezdeutsan, Viorel MDA 2270 +56 - 1 =35 -54 +59 - 9 +34 +46 =24 5.0 2227 26. Solcanean, Serghei f MDA 2236 - 3 +51 +59 -10 -13 -11 +52 +53 +37 5.0 2290 27. Luzhinsky, Vitaly UKR 2348 +49 +19 = 3 =17 =12 -30 -29 +45 -21 4.5 2269 28. Romcovici, Victor f MDA 2341 +35 +41 - 2 - 7 +33 +44 - 9 =19 -12 4.5 2246 29. Podgursky, Sten MDA 2235 -13 =57 +40 =38 =11 +54 +27 - 6 -17 4.5 2307 30. Furtuna, Alexei MDA 2234 =38 -32 +60 +20 +54 +27 - 1 -11 -18 4.5 2289 31. Madan, Augustin ROM 2139 +53 =20 =38 - 4 - 9 =39 =54 =33 +44 4.5 2291 32. Soloviov, Alexandr MDA 2183 =61 +30 -15 +53 -24 +45 +23 - 8 -20 4.5 2315 33. Gordin, Artiom MDA 2226 -14 -34 +51 +43 -28 +47 -37 =31 +46 4.5 2169 34. Plyaskin,Maxim ---- - 7 +33 - 9 +48 -19 =36 -25 +52 +49 4.5 2215 35. Yarmysty, Mikhail UKR 2117 -28 +42 =25 -24 -46 +59 -20 +47 +45 4.5 2218 36. Moshina, Cristina wm MDA 2226 - 2 -37 +47 =52 =40 =34 -38 +55 +50 4.5 2142 37. Mutu, Veaceslav MDA 2114 -22 +36 -23 +58 +20 -10 +33 -14 -26 4.0 2245 38. Susterman, Lazar m RUS 2403 =30 =44 =31 =29 =45 -46 +36 -20 =43 4.0 2192 39. Pavlenko, Bogdan MDA 2292 +60 =11 =14 - 3 -41 =31 =42 -21 +53 4.0 2195 40. Voiteanu, Gabriel ROM 2097 -16 =24 -29 +60 =36 +49 -45 +42 -23 4.0 2154 41. Ianocichin, Victor MDA 2180 +58 -28 - 4 +50 +39 -19 +53 -13 -22 4.0 2260 42. Vicol, Dorian MDA 2015 - 9 -35 -43 =56 +60 +48 =39 -40 +54 4.0 2093 43. Geru, Victor MDA 2112 -15 -58 +42 -33 +61 -53 =55 +57 =38 4.0 2188 44. Baltag, Iulian MDA 2231 = 8 =38 +58 +46 -17 -28 =21 -24 -31 3.5 2241 45. Crivoi, Alexandr MDA 2233 -11 =60 +57 = 5 =38 -32 +40 -27 -35 3.5 2130 46. Tikhomirov, Sergei m MDA 2357 =54 +55 - 7 -44 +35 +38 - 5 -25 -33 3.5 2150 47. Barasiant, Mariana MDA 2062 - 4 -23 -36 +57 +50 -33 =49 -35 +59 3.5 2075 48. Chirpii, Alenxandru MDA 2148 -17 -59 +56 -34 =55 -42 =51 =61 +60 3.5 2005 49. Partac, Elena wf MDA 2178 -27 +62 -22 =59 =52 -40 =47 +51 -34 3.5 2020 50. Dergach, Vladimir MDA 2078 -20 -53 +62 -41 -47 =56 +59 +60 -36 3.5 2049 51. Prociuc, Evgenii MDA 2020 - 5 -26 -33 +62 -53 +61 =48 -49 +57 3.5 2121 52. Kapchuk, Alexandr MDA 2093 +24 -16 -19 =36 =49 -21 -26 -34 +61 3.0 2111 53. Solonar, Ion f MDA 2344 -31 +50 -21 -32 +51 +43 -41 -26 -39 3.0 2036 54. Susterman, Anja wg MDA 2203 =46 - 8 +61 +25 -30 -29 =31 -23 -42 3.0 2125 55. Doibani, Lilia MDA 2035 =18 -46 -24 =61 =48 =58 =43 -36 =56 3.0 2118 56. Roitburd, Marina MDA ---- -25 -21 -48 =42 =62 =50 -57 +58 =55 3.0 2000 57. Fedotov, Eduard MDA 2018 -10 =29 -45 -47 +58 -20 +56 -43 -51 2.5 2019 58. Greabca, Irina wf MDA 2348 -41 +43 -44 -37 -57 =55 -60 -56 +62 2.5 1910 59. Sava, Vasilii ---- -19 +48 -26 =49 -25 -35 -50 +62 -47 2.5 1984 60. Bocancea,Dmitrii ---- -39 =45 -30 -40 -42 +62 +58 -50 -48 2.5 1994 61. Greabca, Diana wf MDA 2355 =32 -18 -54 =55 -43 -51 =62 =48 -52 2.0 1902 62. Talmazan,Ion ---- -12 -49 -50 -51 =56 -60 =61 -59 -58 1.0 1786 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Slovenian national league took place in Bled 18th-24th October 2001. 15 GMs and 15 IMs participated for the 8 best teams. The team of ZSD Maribor SK Piramida (Kozul, Mohr, Sax etc) took first place ahead of SK Nova KBM Kovinar (Tukmakov, Pavasovic, Cebalo). In third were SK ZM Branik Maribor (top board Palac). Pre-event ELO favourites SD Ptuj (Beliavsky, Mikhalchishin, Atalik etc) were a surprising 4th. My thanks to Ales Drinovec.
Games and all other information at:
Final Standings 1 ZSD Maribor SK Piramida 13 28.0 1 2 SK Nova KBM Kovinar 11 28.0 2 3 SK ZM Branik Maribor 8 23.5 3 4 SD Ptuj 8 23.0 4 5 LSK Metalka trgovina Lj 7 21.5 5 6 SD Radenska Pomgrad MS 6 20.0 6 7 SK Nova Gorica 3 15.0 7 8 SK Grize 5B 0 9.0 8
IXth International Open Tournament Chigorin Memorial takes place in St. Petersburg, Russia October 26 - November 3, 2001. The event is 9 round Swiss (about 200 participants, including 25 GMs, 6 WGMs).
Internet Coverage: (in English) (in Russian) and also
Round 3 Standings: --------------------------------------------------------- Chigorin Mem Open St Petersburg RUS (RUS), 26 x-3 xi 2001 --------------------------------------------------------- 1. Kobalija, Mihail g RUS 2603 3.0 2. Kupreichik, Viktor D g BLR 2453 3.0 3. Dzhakaev, D RUS 2401 3.0 4. Yagupov, Igor m RUS 2442 3.0 5. Obukhov, Alexander m RUS 2436 3.0 6. Yevseev, Denis m RUS 2541 3.0 7. Beshukov, Sergei g RUS 2483 2.5 2629 8. Kosyrev, Vladimir g RUS 2558 2.5 2676 9. Najer, Evgeniy g RUS 2599 2.5 2673 10. Potkin, Vladimir g RUS 2483 2.5 2610 11. Shinkevich, Vitaly m RUS 2469 2.5 2644 12. Sorokin, Maxim g ARG 2554 2.5 2672 13. Vaulin, Alexander g RUS 2548 2.5 2666 14. Moiseenko, Alexander g UKR 2569 2.5 2657 15. Kokarev, Dmitry m RUS 2473 2.5 2664 16. Belov, Vladimir m RUS 2458 2.5 2631 17. Solovjov, Sergey m RUS 2497 2.5 2666 18. Yandemirov, Valeri g RUS 2486 2.5 2618 19. Bocharov, Dmitry m RUS 2425 2.5 2737 20. Egorov, Evgeni m KAZ 2416 2.5 2693 21. Fominyh, Alexander g RUS 2550 2.5 2649 22. Ionov, Sergey g RUS 2544 2.5 2624 23. Rychagov, Andrey m RUS 2513 2.5 2652 24. Ulko, Jaroslav m RUS 2477 2.5 2589 25. Eljanov, Pavel g UKR 2522 2.5 2638 26. Pushkov, Nikolai g RUS 2541 2.5 2640 27. Skatchkov, Pavel m RUS 2454 2.5 2596 28. Shchukin, Dmitry RUS 2359 2.5 2598 29. Tunik, Gennady m RUS 2460 2.5 2623 30. Zakharevich, Igor g RUS 2456 2.5 2549 175 players
The Panormo Open took place in Crete 20th-27th October 2001. IM Marijan Petrov (2463) of Bulgaria took clear 1st place with 7/9 points, followed by IM Andreas Tzermiadianos (2446) of Greece who finished half a point behind at 6.5/9. The following unrated players achieved FIDE rating performances: 1) Roger Patterson of Canada (2268 in 7 games), 2) Peter Davies of Wales (2098 in 7 games), 3) Emmanouel Fragiadakis of Greece (2074 in 6 games) 4) Yvonni Manolaraki of Greece (2066 in 6 games). The total prize fund of the event was 3000 euro and the tournament was organized by OAA Heraklio Chess Club and the Greek Chess Federation. My thanks to IM George Mastrokoukos.
Internet coverage:
Panormo Open Crete GRE (GRE), 20-27 x 2001 Final Round 9 Standings: 1. Petrov Marijan BUL IM 2463 7.0 37.5 2. Tzermiadianos Andreas GRE IM 2446 6.5 34.5 3. Dochev Dimitar BUL IM 2382 6.0 31.5 Khetsuriani Besarion GEO FM 2415 6.0 31.0 5. Thompson Ian ENG FM 2240 5.5 31.5 Lacrosse Marc BEL FM 2285 5.5 30.0 Babaniotis Evangelos USA 2037 5.5 29.0 Chilov Alexandros GRE 2307 5.5 27.5 9. Patterson Roger CAN 5.0 26.0 Schumi Manfred AUT 2240 5.0 25.5 Sorokina Anastasia BLR WIM 2196 5.0 22.0 Frank Albert BEL 2034 5.0 22.0 Manolaraki Yvonni GRE 5.0 22.0 14. Ntatsis Georgios GRE 2108 4.5 25.5 Kounalakis Evryklis GRE 2164 4.5 24.5 Karapanos Nikolaos GRE 2282 4.5 23.5 17. Fragiadiakis Emmanouel GRE 4.0 22.0 Davies Peter WLS 4.0 21.0 Lyrakis Stavros GRE 4.0 18.5 Fragiadakis Dimitris GRE 4.0 16.0 21. Berger Vincent SUI 3.5 20.0 De Gregorio Alexis SUI 3.5 17.5 Agathou Maria GRE 3.5 13.5 24. Petsetidi Maria GRE 2022 3.0 13.5 Dixon Jim ENG 3.0 10.0 26. Kolomvakis Stelios GRE 2.5 8.5 27. Eleftherakis Stavros GRE 2.0 11.0
There was a match held in Helsinki between Helsinki and Tallinn on October 28th 2001. This time Tallinn won official match 12.5 - 7.5. My thanks to Mika Lako for the news.
Further details:
Results: 1 Sammalvuo Tapani - Sepp Olav 1-0 2 Norri Joose - Zjukin Sergei 1-0 3 Manninen Marko - Shishkov Andrei 0-1 4 Agopov Mikael - Narva Jaan 1-0 5 Mäki-Uuro Miikka - Vooremaa Andres ½-½ 6 Kekki Petri - Kärner Hillar 1-0 7 Pirttimäki Timo - Vetemaa Juri ½-½ 8 Hurme Harri - Remmel Anton 0-1 9 Haapasalo Jukka-Pekka - Tsoganova Monika ½-½ 10 Paronen Petteri - Krupenski Juri 0-1 11 Lako Mika - Truus Tonu ½-½ 12 Holopainen Timo - Luik Helmut 0-1 13 Johansson Jukka - Pärnpuu Leili ½-½ 14 Hytönen Harri - Tonu Rauk 0-1 15 Tuovinen Jukka - Jänes Taivo 0-1 16 Korhonen Pasi - Vaher Andres 1-0 17 Katajainen Kimmo - Tarakanov Oleg 0-1 18 Pakarinen Pekka - Karjakin Sergei 0-1 19 Nyman Leif - Danilov Nikolai 0-1 20 Patola Eero - Timosin Juri 0-1
The 5th Open International Bavarian Masters takes place in Bad Wiessee, 27th October - 4th November 2001. Players include: Vladimir Hakobyan, Rustem Dautov, Alexander Graf,Vereslav Eingorn, Eduardas Rozentalis, Josif Dorfman, Gyula Sax, Michal Krasenkow, Vladimir Baklan, Alexander Shabalov, Vladimir Epishin, Giorgi Kacheishvili, Mikhail Ulibin, Evgeny Gleizerov, Lev Psakhis and Igor Khenkin.
Internet coverage: :
Marc Davis has written a lengthy article for the Virginian-Pilot on Claude Bloodgood. It will be available for the next few weeks.
GM Bartlomiej Macieja reports: The 20th Stanislaw Gawlikowski Memorial includes two tournaments: 1) Amplico AIG Life Chess Tournament 15-16 December 2001. 2) Warsaw Blitz Chess Championship 15 December from 18:00.
Both tournaments will be played in the sport hall, located in the main building of Polonia Warsaw Sport Club 6, Konwiktorska Street Warsaw Poland
Full details (Polish and English):
Lasker Chess Club in Bucharest is organising a Winter cup with a GM and IM event. 11th-23rd December 2001.
Further details:
The traditional Lohmar Rapid Chess Open takes place on October 28th for the 8th time. Further info (german and english) at: The tournament is limited to a maximum of 120 participants.
The 77th Hastings International chess Congress takes place 28th December 2001 - 6th January 2002. There are events for all strengths of players, lasting from 3 to the full 10 days. There is play either in the morning or afternoon. Invitees to the Premier include: Radjabov, Sasikiran, Harikrishna, Hebden, Parker, N Pert. Acceptances have been received from Zhang Zhong, Kiriakov, Gallagher, Krush.
Invitees to the Challengers include: Barua, Kunte, Ravi Lanka, Konguvel, A and R Rizouk, Poley, Barsov, Mannion. Acceptances have been received from: G Flear, Tseshkovsky, Arkell, Cherniaev, Marusenko.
Further details: Con Power:
Internet coverage:
The I. International Chess Tournament OPEN MARIANSKE LAZNE 2002 takes place 25.1.-1.2. 2002 in the spa Marianske Lazne (the Czech Republic). This tournament is a part of series CZECH TOUR 2001 / 2002.
Further details:
Mastermove with chess quizzes and endgame studies.
200 words by Lev Khariton.
As soon as all the players are known the annual Fantasy Chess Tournament to be based on the FIDE World Championships will start.
The Gausdal Troll Masters Open International takes place January 6th-13th 2002 at Gausdal Høifjellshotel. Includes: * GM- and IM norms available * 9 rounds * FIDE rules. * 2h/40 moves, 1h/20 moves and ½hour rest. * 1st round Sunday January 6th at 19:30. * 9th and last round Sunday 13th at 9:00. * Double rounds on Thursday. * Open to all with FIDE-rating and a limited number of non-FIDE-rated players. * Several strong GMs and IMs are invited.
All chessplayers from Africa and Asia are invited to take part to the 5th email Afro-Asian Championship 2002-2003 , organised by the ICCF. The start date for the preliminaries is : 15-01-2002. Like the previous editions there are 2 stages (preliminaries and Final) and no entry fees are required . The entries should be sent not later than 31.12.2001 to M. Samraoui , email address : .
The 18th European Team Championships take place in Leon, Spain 6th-15th November 2001. There are 40 registered countries, 38 mens teams and 32 women's. Players include 134 GMs, 49 IMs, 13 FMs, 33 WGMs and 20 WIMs. There will be more than 400 people including arbiters and organisation at the event. 9 of the 15 top players in the World will compete: GMs Michael Adams (England), Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine), Eugene Bareev, Alexander Morozevich, Alexander Khalifman (Russia), Boris Gelfand and Ilia Smirin (Israel), Loek Van Wely (Netherlands) and Alexey Shirov (Spain).
Internet site: (coverage by
The Hull Chess Congress takes place 2nd-4th November 2001.
Further information:
The 2002 US Chess Championships are held under the auspices of the United States Chess Federation (USCF) and sponsored by the Seattle Chess Foundation.
They take place in Seattle, Washington, January 5th-13th 2002 at the Seattle Center, home of the Space Needle, Pacific Science Center and Experience Music Project. 56 players will compete in a nine-round Swiss tournament for a $200,000 prize fund, with $15,000 slotted for the winner. Included in the line-up are Grandmasters, top women and junior players, as well as an emerging young stars who qualified in the US Open such as the second strongest woman player, 12 year old Hana Itkis.
Further information
The 3rd Friendship chess tournament takes place 4th-14th December 2001 in Prerov (Czech Republic). There will be organized several tournaments including round-robin IM and GM tournament and 3 open tournaments. For more information contact the director of this tournament Mr. Richard Biolek (
Internet site:
Next month there will be some lectures by famous people in chess: Leontxo Garcia, GM Valery Salov, IM Boris Zlotnik, IM Ricardo Calvo. The organisers will publish the names of the winners of the literary contest about chess at the same time. ONCE is the organizer (spanish organization for blind people) of all these events.
Further details: launches an International on-line Tournament 3 levels : Beginners, Advanced and Profesional, in series of 5 players. Registration is free.
The IX ANIBAL CHESS OPEN in Linares, Spain takes place 1st-10th March, 2002. The dates are parallel to the XX CIUDAD DE LINARES International Chess Tournament. The event will be Swiss system, 10 rounds using the new FIDE time control. The venue will be the Hotel Anibal, Linares.
Prizes in Euros (-25% taxes) 1º D.Luis Rentero Suarez prize 10.000 2º 5.000 3º 2.500 4º 1.500 5º 1.000 6º-25º 300 26º-50º 160
Conditions: GM and IM with inscription confirmed by the Organization: free accommodation in a double room Hotel Anibal GM 2600 ELO check special conditions.
Special prices at Hotel Anibal for those players whose inscription had been confirmed by the Organization:
Double room: 24,50 euros per person Single room: 45,00 euros Continental Breakfast: 1,90 euros Buffet Breakfast: 3,80 euros Lunch: 4,90 euros Dinner:4,90 euros
IMPORTANT: Only those players whose inscription had been confirmed by the Organization are guaranteed these prices
Inscription: Every player: 50 euros e-mail: Fax: 34 953 652204
DEADLINE: Monday, 18th February
Title of Tournament: New Dolmen International Tournament Country: Malta Tournament dates: 13th January to 19 January 2002 Venue: New Dolmen Hotel, Qawra, St. Paul's Bay Prize Fund: US$ 5000 Format: Open 7 round Swiss FIDE Rated Organisers: International Chess Organising Committee (Malta) C/O New Dolmen Hotel, Qawra, St. Paul's Bay, Malta Fax No. +356 438730 Email:
Entries are still open for two FIDE open tournaments in the Czech Republic: OPEN ZNOJMO (7.-14.10. 2001) and OPEN KRKONOSE (1.-8.11. 2001) without additional pay. Nowadays more than 30 players from 8 countries in OPEN ZNOJMO and 40 players from 8 countries in OPEN KRKONOSE are registred. For more information look at:
Alan Cowderoy (Palamede), Ben Bulsink (DGT Projects), Andrew Templeton (Palamede/Palview), Eric Bentzen (, Palamede), Mathias Feist (Chessbase) and Victor Zakharov (Chess Assistant) have started discussions on possible extensions to the PGN standard. The original standard was compiled by Steven J. Edwards but it hasn't been possible to contact him (if you read this they'd like to talk to you!).
The new proposals can be read at:
The 40th Groningen International Open is also the 3rd European Chess Championships, there are also invitational and open events. The festival takes place 19th December 2001 - 5th January 2002 Groningen, the Netherlands and is organised by Stichting Schaak Groningen.
Internet coverage:
The XXXI Rilton Cup takes place 27 December 2001 to 5th January 2002.
The 109th New Zealand Chess Championships 2001/2002 take place 28th December 2001 - 11th January 2002 in Christchurch. The venue will be at The Millennium Hotel, 14 Cathedral square, Christchurch, New Zealand. The Chief Arbiter will be IA Leon Muys (Netherlands).
Chris Wright reports they have had numerous enquiries from overseas regarding the tournament, from Russia, Belarus, England, Netherlands, Hungary, Ireland, and Australia. They hope to have a number of strong international players competing. The tournament will involve many of New Zealand's top players, as it is a selection event for next year's 35th World Chess Olympiad in Bled, Slovenia 2002.
Internet coverage:
There are two new books in German are out. Both are written by famous chess players.
Svetozar Gligoric and Sinisa Joksic have produced a book in German about the King's Indian Defence. The title is "Gligoric-variante" and it is in German. It is the story of the Mar del Plata variantion which Gligoric played first in 1953 and afterwards played and analysed a lot. The last games included in the book from May and June 2001.
More info:
The Exzelsior Verlag Berlin has just just published (in German) the only story by Emanuel Lasker: "Wie Wanja Meister wurde". A Hardcover book of 184 pages is costs DM 29.90. Further information
Chess Siberia an article "Study of the July 2001 FIDE Rating List. Parts I-II" (By Boris Schipkov) are now available.
The 22nd International chess Tournament takes place in Bethune (North of France) 26th-30th December 2001 7 rounds, 40 moves in 2 hours plus one hour K.O, first prize 10000 Francs (about 1500 $)
For more information:
The 44th World Congress of Chess Composition was held at Wageningen, Netherlands from 28th July to 4th August. The highlight of the week's program was the 25th World Chess Solving Championship, which took place on 31st July and 1st August.
Internet coverage:
OAA Heraklio Chess Club, Epimenidis Cultural Company and the Greek Chess Federation are announcing the 2001 Panormo open tournament, part of the 2001 European Grand-Prix.
The tournament will be held in sunny Crete, Greece from October 20th-27th 2001 with a total prize fund of more than 3000 Euros (1st prize: 1000 Euros).
More information is available through the official website of the event:
The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information:
Sergey Tiviakov's site has his reports on the European Championship in Ohrid (Macedonia) and the Dutch Championships in Leeuwarden.
Tom Hendricks reports: On July 5, 2001, Chinese IM Yin Hao (2576) will begin play against the World Team in an Internet correspondence chess game. This will be a rematch of the game they played last year. That game, which began July 5th, 2000 and ended January 18, 2001, was a 44-move struggle ending in a draw. This time colors will be reversed with Yin Hao now being white and the World Team black. As he was in the first game, Yin Hao will be assisted by U.S. correspondence player Richard Fleming (2404). The first game attracted World Team players from Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and the United States. Most of these players first came together during the Kasparov vs. The World game held in 1999. The upcoming game is open to anyone who wishes to play and is willing to follow the basic guidelines of the World Team. Players of all skill levels are welcome. General game topics and specific strategy are discussed at a moderated board found at:
Visit the site and review the Game Rules and Move Selection Rules. To participate you must both register with AND click on 'Request Password' at the top of the strategy board page. Registration with is the process of selecting your UserName and Password. When you click on 'Request Password' you will be e-mailed another password that is specific to the strategy board. You will need to enter it only the first time that you post to the board. Those of you who participated in the first game with Yin Hao need not request the board password - it remains the same.
Book prizes and ICC (Internet Chess Club) memberships will be awarded throughout the game to lucky members of the World Team. So come and join the fun. Additional information can be obtained by writing to
There will be several invitational GM and IM Tournaments in the Five star Elbow Beach Hotel in Bermuda prior to their traditional 5 round Open, 17th January to 4th February 2002. There will also be a nine round GM Open.
Contact Nigel Freeman at or see the site
The Weihnachts-Open 2001 takes place in Strausberg (Berlin) Germany from 27.12.2001 to 30.12.2001. The tournament will be ELO and DWZ rated. First prize : 500 DM entry fee : 30 DM
Further information: