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Contact The Week in Chess Mark Crowther E-Mail Tel or fax 01274 882143 [Bradford England] Mobile 07951 967851 Contents 1) Introduction |
Contact the London Chess Center Order from the online shop at email: Call toll free 1-888-chess06 in the USA or Canada Call +44 (0) 171 388 2404 or Fax +44 (0) 171 388 2407 in the UK and ROW Three New Engines New at Chess & Bridge: Junior 7.0, Shredder 5.32, Deep Junior 7.0 three world leaders in computer chess. All 2500+ ELO : Super-Grandmaster strength programs in YOUR home. Junior 7.0 - ruthless attacking style, deep tactical calculations. $49.50 £39.95 Upgrade from Junior 6 $34.95 £25 Deep Junior 7.0 (for multi-processors) giant opening database $99 £79.95 Upgrade from Deep Junior 6 $69.95 £49.95 Shredder 5.32 positional intelligence, superb endgame technique. $49.50 £39.95 NOW SHIPPING FREE TO THE USA !! Buy online at For the latest chess book releases check out For the latest new software check out For the latest new products check out New Products at the London Chess CenterChess Tiger 14.0 Christoph Théron's ChessTigerhas gained enormously in strength over the past few years as its impressive victories in several international tournaments have demonstrated. In autumn of 1999, ChessTiger entered the ranking list of chess programs (SSDF) and immediately topped the list. Apart from ChessTiger 14.0, the CD also contains GambitTiger 2.0. GambitTiger is a particularly aggressive version of ChessTiger which mercilessly attacks the king. Thats why GambitTiger often chooses moves other programs would never play. Recently GambitTiger showed its claws in the Linares of chess programs" and came second behind DeepFritz. In contrast to their direct predecessors, ChessTiger 14.0 and GambitTiger also take advantage of the endgame databases (tablebases) and support multi-variation mode. System requirements: Pentium 16 MB RAM, Windows 95, 98, 2000 or NT, Language (Online-Help + program menu text): English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Dutch (only Menu), Slovenian, Database: 320,000 games RRP: £39.95 / $49.50 The Chigorin Defence by Martin Breutigam At master level, the Chigorin Defence has seldom been played and probably thats why it has been less analysed than other openings - good prerequisites for freethinkers and adventurers on the chess board!â (Breutigam) The Chigorin Defence resulting after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6 has become popular again thanks to Alexander Morozevich who with has been holding his own even against the best. FIDE master Martin Breutigam includes a small but swell database with 100 entries - 7 texts and 93 sample Another database includes 54 training questions enabling the user to test his freshly acquired knowledge. Furthermore, the CD features a big database of more than 4.000 games as a reference database plus a big tree of all games. System requirements: Pentium, Windows 95,98,2000,Me RRP: £17.95 / $27 CHESSBASE MAGAZINE 80 February 2001 ChessBase Magazine 80 contains the main body of 1262 games and five database reports. There are many strong tournaments, the men´s Olympiad in Istanbul and the Braingames and FIDE World Championships in London and Delhi/Teheran.l RRP: £17.95 / $27 Main Line Caro-Kann Neil McDonald Everyman $21.95/£14.99 The Caro Kann has always been one of the most widely played openings among club and tournament players. This handy battle manual deal with the critical main line positions after 1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 dxe4 4 Nxe4. Highly-regarded author Grandmaster Neil McDonald offers a comprehensive survey of the state of opening theory for both White and Black players, explaining the basic elements, strategies and tactics for both sides New In Chess Yearbook 58 New In Chess $22.50/£15 Opening preparation is not the first thing that comes to mind when the name of Brain Game World Champion Vladimir Kramnik is brought up. However, with the right ingredients in hand he is more than capable of producing some spicy opening dishes. Have a taste from Kramnik's Kitchen. CHEF DE CUISINE Thanks to Vladimir Kramnik an old line against the Gruenfeld Indian has come back into fashion. Offbeat Spanish Glenn Flear Everyman $21.95/£14.99 Deciding what to do against the Spanish (Ruy Lopez) is a perennial problem for those who play too passively and end up having to face what is known as the 'Spanish Torture'. In this book Grandmaster Glenn Flear studies a wide variety of ambitious and offbeat answers catering for many different playing styles. From the super-solid Berlin (as used so successfully by Vladimir Kramnik in his Brain Games World Championship victory against Garry Kasparov) to the uncompromising Schliemann, there is enough choice here for any prospective black player facing the Spanish For more information: go to
Games section
Europe versus Asia Match 104 games European Club Cup 2001 114 games Battle of Crete Rapid 45 games European Senior Championships 125 games Armenian Championships 35 games Hungarian Women's Championships 15 games African Championships 72 games 6th European Club Cup for women 140 games Cesenatico Open 24 games Croatian Team Championships 511 games 5th Pablo Gorbea Memorial 101 games Mitropa Cup 45 games 123rd New York State Championship 72 games President's Cup 135 games 1538 games
My thanks to David Llada, Ian Rogers, Gaguik Oganessian, Gabor Kallai and Paul Suranyi, Hassan Khaled, Sergey Sudakov and Mihajlo Savic, Mirjana Medic, Juan Carlos Ruiz, John Donaldson, Richard Furness, Bill Townsend, Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh and all those who helped with this issue.
A number of exciting events this week. The Europe vs. Asia match has just concluded, Kasparov scoring a fine 11/12 in this rapid-play match. The European Club Cup has just started in Crete with a number of very strong players competing. In the aftermath of the terrorist attack on New York and Washington the BGN computer match between Fritz and Kramnik has been postponed.
Hope you enjoy this issue.
The Europe versus Asia rapidplay match took place in Batumi Opera House September 16th-20th 2001. This was a Double round Scheveningen system rapidplay (25 mins per side) event with play on three days: 17th,18th and 19th September 2001.
Final Scores Men : Europe 47.5 - Asia 24.5
Women : Europe 10.5 -
Asia 21.5
Total : Europe 58.0 - Asia 46.0
European Team Garry Kasparov RUS 11/12 Loek Van Wely NED 8/12 Etienne Bacrot FRA 7.5/12 Emil Sutovsky ISR and Mikhail Gurevich BEL 6.5/12 Zurab Azmaiparashvili GEO 5/6 Christopher Lutz GER 3/6
Asian Team Rustam Kasimdzhanov UZB 7.5/12 Utut Adianto INA 4.5/12 Ye Jiangchuan CHN 4.5/12 Evgeny Vladimirov KAZ 3.5/12 Dao Thien Hai VIE 2.5/12 Ian Rogers AUS 2/10 Zhu Chen 0/2
Internet coverage:
The Captains were for Europe Alexander von Gleich of Germany and for Asia Ignatius Leong of Singapore.
Men Round 1 (September 17, 2001) Rogers, Ian - Kasparov, Garry 0-1 47 D00 Queen's Pawn Game Dao Thien Hai - Van Wely, Loek 1/2 48 D85 Gruenfeld Defence Adianto, Utut - Azmaiparashvili, Zurab 1/2 39 A42 Modern Defence (with c2-c4/without Nf6) Vladimirov, Evgeny - Bacrot, Etienne 0-1 39 B22 Sicilian Alapin Variation Ye Jiangchuan - Sutovsky, Emil 1-0 39 B92 Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam - Gurevich, Mikhail 1-0 30 E11 Bogo Indian Defence Round 2 (September 17, 2001) Kasparov, Garry - Rogers, Ian 1-0 48 B01 Centre Counter Van Wely, Loek - Dao Thien Hai 0-1 34 D43 Anti-Meran Gambit Azmaiparashvili, Zurab - Adianto, Utut 1-0 62 D17 Slav Defence Bacrot, Etienne - Vladimirov, Evgeny 0-1 47 A25 English Sicilian Attack Sutovsky, Emil - Ye Jiangchuan 0-1 27 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo Variation Gurevich, Mikhail - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam 0-1 55 A36 English Botvinnik Variation Round 3 (September 17, 2001) Gurevich, Mikhail - Rogers, Ian 1-0 30 A41 Modern Defence counter 1.d4 Kasparov, Garry - Dao Thien Hai 1-0 45 C42 Petroff's Defence Van Wely, Loek - Adianto, Utut 1-0 46 A21 English Opening Azmaiparashvili, Zurab - Vladimirov, Evgeny 1/2 23 D53 Queens Gambit Bacrot, Etienne - Ye Jiangchuan 1/2 38 E97 King's Indian Classical Sutovsky, Emil - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam 0-1 52 B06 Modern Defence Round 4 (September 17, 2001) Rogers, Ian - Gurevich, Mikhail 1/2 52 C11 French Defence Dao Thien Hai - Kasparov, Garry 0-1 27 E35 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2 Adianto, Utut - Van Wely, Loek 1-0 31 D19 Slav Defence Vladimirov, Evgeny - Azmaiparashvili, Zurab 0-1 35 A42 Modern Defence (with c2-c4/without Nf6) Ye Jiangchuan - Bacrot, Etienne 0-1 59 B06 Modern Defence Kasimdzhanov, Rustam - Sutovsky, Emil 1/2 68 D98 Gruenfeld Defence Smyslov Round 5 (September 18, 2001) Rogers, Ian - Sutovsky, Emil 1/2 63 A16 English Opening Dao Thien Hai - Gurevich, Mikhail 0-1 27 D52 Queens Gambit Cambridge Springs Adianto, Utut - Kasparov, Garry 0-1 62 D77 Gruenfeld Defence 3.g3 Vladimirov, Evgeny - Van Wely, Loek 0-1 40 D19 Slav Defence Ye Jiangchuan - Lutz, Christopher 1-0 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam - Bacrot, Etienne 1/2 30 D15 Slav Defence Round 6 (September 18, 2001) Sutovsky, Emil - Rogers, Ian 1-0 38 B12 Caro Kann Advanced Gurevich, Mikhail - Dao Thien Hai 1-0 Kasparov, Garry - Adianto, Utut 1/2 Van Wely, Loek - Vladimirov, Evgeny 1-0 Lutz, Christopher - Ye Jiangchuan 1-0 Bacrot, Etienne - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam 1/2 Round 7 (September 18, 2001) Bacrot, Etienne - Rogers, Ian 1/2 Sutovsky, Emil - Dao Thien Hai 1-0 Gurevich, Mikhail - Adianto, Utut 1/2 Kasparov, Garry - Vladimirov, Evgeny 1-0 25 C88 Ruy Lopez Closed Van Wely, Loek - Ye Jiangchuan 1-0 58 E90 King's Indian Classical Lutz, Christopher - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam 1/2 Round 8 (September 18, 2001) Rogers, Ian - Bacrot, Etienne 1/2 35 D23 Queen's Gambit Accepted Dao Thien Hai - Sutovsky, Emil 0-1 Adianto, Utut - Gurevich, Mikhail 1-0 51 D46 Semi-Slav Defence Vladimirov, Evgeny - Kasparov, Garry 0-1 23 E54 Nimzo Indian Ye Jiangchuan - Van Wely, Loek 0-1 36 C10 French Rubinstein Kasimdzhanov, Rustam - Lutz, Christopher 1-0 62 E05 Catalan System Round 9 (September 19, 2001) Rogers, Ian - Azmaiparashvili, Zurab 0-1 Dao Thien Hai - Bacrot, Etienne 1/2 Adianto, Utut - Sutovsky, Emil 1/2 Vladimirov, Evgeny - Gurevich, Mikhail 1/2 28 D47 Queens Gambit Meran Ye Jiangchuan - Kasparov, Garry 0-1 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam - Van Wely, Loek 1/2 Round 10 (September 19, 2001) Azmaiparashvili, Zurab - Rogers, Ian 1-0 50 E11 Bogo Indian Defence Bacrot, Etienne - Dao Thien Hai 1-0 30 D11 Slav Defence Sutovsky, Emil - Adianto, Utut 1-0 31 B12 Caro Kann Advanced Gurevich, Mikhail - Vladimirov, Evgeny 1/2 Kasparov, Garry - Ye Jiangchuan 1/2 25 B43 Sicilian Paulsen Van Wely, Loek - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam 0-1 52 D35 QGD Exchange Variation Round 11 (September 19, 2001) Van Wely, Loek - Zhu Chen 1-0 32 D15 Slav Defence Lutz, Christopher - Dao Thien Hai 1-0 30 B80 Sicilian Scheveningen Bacrot, Etienne - Adianto, Utut 1-0 55 A21 English Opening Sutovsky, Emil - Vladimirov, Evgeny 1-0 48 B31 Sicilian Rossolimo Variation Gurevich, Mikhail - Ye Jiangchuan 1/2 Kasparov, Garry - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam 1-0 70 B36 Sicilian Maroczy Bind Round 12 (September 19, 2001) Zhu Chen - Van Wely, Loek 0-1 34 D85 Gruenfeld Defence Dao Thien Hai - Lutz, Christopher 1/2 37 E25 Nimzo Indian Saemisch Adianto, Utut - Bacrot, Etienne 1/2 31 D15 Slav Defence Vladimirov, Evgeny - Sutovsky, Emil 1-0 72 D90 Gruenfeld Defence Flohr Ye Jiangchuan - Gurevich, Mikhail 0-1 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam - Kasparov, Garry 0-1 29 A60 Modern Benoni Defence EUR-ASIA Rapid Match Batumi GEO (GEO), 17-19 ix 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Kasparov, Garry g RUS 2838 +13 +13 +12 +12 + 8 = 8 +10 +10 + 9 = 9 + 3 + 3 11.0 /12 3017 2 Van Wely, Loek g NED 2695 =12 -12 + 8 - 8 +10 +10 + 9 + 9 = 3 - 3 +14 +14 8.0 /12 2735 3 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam g UZB 2704 + 6 + 6 + 5 = 5 = 4 = 4 =11 +11 = 2 + 2 - 1 - 1 7.5 /12 2780 4 Bacrot, Etienne g FRA 2653 +10 -10 = 9 + 9 = 3 = 3 =13 =13 =12 +12 + 8 = 8 7.5 /12 2711 5 Sutovsky, Emil g ISR 2651 - 9 - 9 - 3 = 3 =13 +13 +12 +12 = 8 + 8 +10 -10 6.5 /12 2645 6 Gurevich, Mikhail g BEL 2633 - 3 - 3 +13 =13 +12 +12 = 8 - 8 =10 =10 = 9 + 9 6.5 /12 2645 7 Azmaiparashvili, Zurab g GEO 2674 = 8 + 8 =10 +10 . . . . +13 +13 . . 5.0 / 6 2855 8 Adianto, Utut g INA 2598 = 7 - 7 - 2 + 2 - 1 = 1 = 6 + 6 = 5 - 5 - 4 = 4 4.5 /12 2603 9 Ye Jiangchuan g CHN 2677 + 5 + 5 = 4 - 4 +11 -11 - 2 - 2 - 1 = 1 = 6 - 6 4.5 /12 2598 10 Vladimirov, Evgeny g KAZ 2612 - 4 + 4 = 7 - 7 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 = 6 = 6 - 5 + 5 3.5 /12 2532 11 Lutz, Christopher g GER 2643 . . . . - 9 + 9 = 3 - 3 . . +12 =12 3.0 / 6 2651 12 Dao Thien Hai g VIE 2572 = 2 + 2 - 1 - 1 - 6 - 6 - 5 - 5 = 4 - 4 -11 =11 2.5 /12 2455 13 Rogers, Ian g AUS 2538 - 1 - 1 - 6 = 6 = 5 - 5 = 4 = 4 - 7 - 7 . . 2.0 /10 2449 14 Zhu Chen wg CHN 2497 . . . . . . . . . . - 2 - 2 0.0 / 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Women Round 1 (September 17, 2001) Hoang Thanh Trang - Chiburdanidze, Maia 1/2 49 E38 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2 Zhu Chen - Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina 1-0 Xu Yuhua - Ioseliani, Nana 1-0 34 B85 Sicilian Scheveningen Variation Xie Jun - Gurieli, Nino 1-0 33 A08 Barcza System Round 2 (September 17, 2001) Chiburdanidze, Maia - Hoang Thanh Trang 0-1 51 A25 English Sicilian Attack Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina - Zhu Chen 0-1 46 B26 Sicilian Closed System Ioseliani, Nana - Xu Yuhua 1-0 66 A33 English Symmetrical Variation Gurieli, Nino - Xie Jun 0-1 42 D02 Queen's Pawn Game Round 3 (September 17, 2001) Gurieli, Nino - Hoang Thanh Trang 0-1 46 A87 Dutch Leningrad System Chiburdanidze, Maia - Zhu Chen 0-1 57 D12 Slav Defence Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina - Xu Yuhua 0-1 47 B23 Sicilian Closed System Ioseliani, Nana - Xie Jun 1-0 35 A16 English Opening Round 4 (September 17, 2001) Hoang Thanh Trang - Gurieli, Nino 1-0 30 D97 Gruenfeld Defence Russian Zhu Chen - Chiburdanidze, Maia 0-1 36 E15 Queens Indian Xu Yuhua - Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina 1-0 50 B51 Sicilian Rossolimo Xie Jun - Ioseliani, Nana 1/2 47 B48 Sicilian Paulsen Round 5 (September 18, 2001) Hoang Thanh Trang - Ioseliani, Nana 1-0 60 D46 Semi-Slav Defence Zhu Chen - Gurieli, Nino 1/2 Xu Yuhua - Chiburdanidze, Maia 1/2 41 B19 Caro Kann Xie Jun - Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina 1-0 50 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo Variation Round 6 (September 18, 2001) Ioseliani, Nana - Hoang Thanh Trang 1/2 Gurieli, Nino - Zhu Chen 0-1 38 A14 Reti Opening Chiburdanidze, Maia - Xu Yuhua 0-1 40 E46 Nimzo Indian Rubinstein Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina - Xie Jun 0-1 Round 7 (September 19, 2001) Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina - Hoang Thanh Trang 1-0 29 C01 French Exchange Ioseliani, Nana - Zhu Chen 1-0 40 A37 English Symmetrical Variation Gurieli, Nino - Xu Yuhua 0-1 37 A30 English Symmetrical Variation Chiburdanidze, Maia - Xie Jun 1/2 40 D72 Gruenfeld Defence 3.g3 Round 8 (September 19, 2001) Hoang Thanh Trang - Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina 0-1 64 A55 Old Indian Defence Zhu Chen - Ioseliani, Nana 1/2 53 E15 Queens Indian Xu Yuhua - Gurieli, Nino 1-0 52 B08 Pirc Defence Xie Jun - Chiburdanidze, Maia 0-1 29 B19 Caro Kann EUR-ASIA Rapid Match Women Batumi GEO (GEO), 17-19 ix 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Xu Yuhua wg CHN 2502 +5 -5 +7 +7 =6 +6 +8 +8 6.5 2717 2 Hoang Thanh Trang m VIE 2445 =6 +6 +8 +8 +5 =5 -7 -7 5.0 2561 3 Zhu Chen wg CHN 2497 +7 +7 +6 -6 =8 +8 -5 =5 5.0 2561 4 Xie Jun g CHN 2553 +8 +8 -5 =5 +7 +7 =6 -6 5.0 2561 5 Ioseliani, Nana m GEO 2497 -1 +1 +4 =4 -2 =2 +3 =3 4.5 2542 6 Chiburdanidze, Maia g GEO 2513 =2 -2 -3 +3 =1 -1 =4 +4 3.5 2456 7 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina wg RUS 2507 -3 -3 -1 -1 -4 -4 +2 +2 2.0 2306 8 Gurieli, Nino m GEO 2347 -4 -4 -2 -2 =3 -3 -1 -1 0.5 2055 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
The European Club Cup finals take place in Crete 22nd-30th September 2001. The event is a 7 round Swiss system and the teams will comprise 6 players and the right to use two substitutes. Players include Korchnoi, Svidler, Bareev, Dreev, Beliavsky, Onischuk, Grischuk, Ivanchuk, Rublevsky, Ponomariov, Ivan Sokolov, Svidler and Zvjaginsev.
The event is a 7 round Swiss system and the teams will comprise 6 players and the right to use two substitutes.
In addition just before the start of the event was the "Battle of Crete" rapid-play tournament won by Stelios Halkias on tie-break from Dmitry Svetushkin both scoring 8.5/11.
Live coverage:
The Berlin team of Schachfreunde Neukoelln plays and they will cover the event at:
Round 1 Results: Bosna Sarajevo - Herzlia Chess Club 5.5-0.5 Schachfreunde Neukölln 03 - S-Petersburg LTD 1-5 Gazovik - HOLDIA DP Praha 5.5-0.5 K Slovan Bratislava - Norilsky nikel (Norilsk) 1-5 Polonia Plus GSM Warsaw - BM Kisela Voda Skopje 4.5-1.5 Hellir Chess Club - Danko Donbass 2-4 Kiseljak - SK Rockaden 4-2 Riga, TSI - Merkur Versicherungen Graz 1.5-4.5 Beer Sheva Chess Club - Vesnianka 4.5-1.5 C.C.Reykjavik - SV Werder Bremen 2-4 Kydon S C - Supersport - Bray Chess Club 3.5-2.5 Rochade Eupen - ASA Tel Aviv Chess Club 1-5 SK Hohenems - Koninklijke Antwerpse - OSK 5-1 Cercle des Échecs Gambit Bonnevoie - Csuti Antal SK 0.5-5.5 ULIM Moldova - SK Bestex Nove Zamky 3.5-2.5 Joensuu Chessclub - Helsinge Skakklub 3-3 ALKALOID - Asker SK 4-2 Dublin Chess Club - Boavista Futebol Club 1-5 Chess Association Plock - Monmouth Minnows Chess Club 4-2 Randaberg SK BYE -------------------------------------------------------- Battle of Crete Rapid Panormo GRE (GRE), 1-12 ix 2001 -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Halkias, Stelios m GRE 2505 8.5 75 2505 2. Svetushkin, Dmitry m MDA 2461 8.5 73.5 2461 3. Grivas, Efstratios g GRE 2489 8.0 74.5 2489 4. Zoler, Dan m ISR 2507 8.0 74.5 2507 5. Banikas, Hristos g GRE 2531 7.0 76.5 2531 6. Nikolaidis, Ioannis g GRE 2531 7.0 74.0 2531 7. Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios GRE 2435 7.0 72.0 2435 8. Galego, Luis m POR 2467 7.0 68.0 2467 9. Stisis, Yaacov m ISR 2391 6.5 69.0 2391 10. Gofshtein, Zeev-Alon g ISR 2518 6.5 69.5 2518 11. Kantsler, Boris g ISR 2524 6.5 68.0 2524 12. Chilov, Alexandros GRE 2307 6.5 63.0 2307 40 players
The European Senior Championships took place in Saint Vicent, Italy 15th-23rd September 2001. Jacob Murey was the clear winner with 7.5/9.
Internet coverage:
---------------------------------------------------------------- European Seniors Saint Vincent ITA (ITA), 15-23 ix 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Murey, Jacob g ISR 2480 7.5 52.5 42.25 2591 2. Tatai, Stefano m ITA 2350 7.0 53.5 41.25 2545 3. Taimanov, Mark E g RUS 2439 7.0 52.5 39.00 2532 4. Csom, Istvan g HUN 2415 7.0 52.5 38.25 2531 5. Klovans, Janis g LAT 2446 6.5 54.0 36.75 2491 6. Cibulka, Vladimir f SVK 2321 6.0 51.0 31.00 2345 7. Vucenovic, Dragomir SUI 2275 6.0 50.5 30.00 2450 8. Lapienis, Donatas f LTU 2311 6.0 43.5 27.50 2313 9. Gruzmann, Boris f RUS 2308 5.5 48.5 26.25 2269 10. Khanukov, Boris GER 2313 5.5 48.5 26.00 2275 11. Semasev, Kim f LAT 2300 5.5 48.5 26.00 2199 12. Kraidman, Yair g ISR 2322 5.5 48.0 26.75 2231 13. Rahls, Peter f GER 2320 5.5 46.5 27.50 2164 14. Lieb, Harald f GER 2286 5.5 46.5 26.75 2328 15. Arkhangelsky, Boris m RUS 2416 5.5 45.5 26.00 2310 16. Luboshitz, Alexander BLR 2200 5.5 44.5 26.25 2267 17. Laco, Giuseppe ITA 2167 5.5 44.5 24.25 2130 18. Orev, Petar m BUL 2245 5.5 41.0 20.25 2183 19. Chehlov, Aleksander f LAT 2267 5.0 47.5 22.25 2258 20. Vaisman, Volodia m FRA 2398 5.0 46.5 23.50 2213 21. Dotan, Valeria ISR 2031 5.0 43.0 21.25 2235 22. Etmans, Maarten f NED 2142 5.0 43.0 21.00 2038 23. Kraaykamp,Wim ---- 5.0 41.0 19.75 2133 24. Kohlschmidt,Christoph ---- 5.0 41.0 19.50 1920 25. Schwertel, Johann ---- 5.0 40.5 18.50 1975 63 players
The Armenian Championships took place September 13-24th 2001. 11 players (6 GMs 4 IMs and 1 NM) competed in the event which was won by Smbat Lputian.
Internet coverage:
----------------------------------------------------------------------- ch-ARM Yerevan ARM (ARM), 13-23 ix 2001 cat. XI (2518) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Lputian, Smbat G g ARM 2608 * 1 = = = = = 1 1 1 1 7.5 2702 2. Aronian, Levon g ARM 2562 0 * 1 = 1 = = 1 = 1 1 7.0 2663 3. Anastasian, Ashot g ARM 2588 = 0 * 1 = 1 = = = 1 1 6.5 2621 4. Asrian, Karen g ARM 2604 = = 0 * = = 1 1 = 1 = 6.0 2581 5. Yegiazarian, Arsen g ARM 2551 = 0 = = * 1 = 0 1 1 1 6.0 2587 6. Minasian, Artashes g ARM 2581 = = 0 = 0 * = 1 = 1 1 5.5 2548 7. Minasian, Ara m ARM 2480 = = = 0 = = * = = 0 1 4.5 2486 8. Sargissian, Gabriel m ARM 2514 0 0 = 0 1 0 = * 1 1 = 4.5 2482 9. Nalbandian, Tigran m ARM 2458 0 = = = 0 = = 0 * = 0 3.0 2375 10. Haroutjunian, Gevorg ARM 2346 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 = * 1 2.5 2342 11. Hachatrian, Vahagn m ARM 2411 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 = 1 0 * 2.0 2289 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
The Hungarian Women's Championships take place in Budapest 21st-29th September 2001. My thanks to Gabor Kallai and Paul Suranyi.
Internet coverage:
------------------------------------------------------------------ ch-HUN Women Budapest HUN (HUN), 21-29 ix 2001 cat. I (2273) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Grabics, Monika wm HUN 2295 * . . . . . 1 = . 1 2.5 2498 2. Gara, Anita wm HUN 2303 . * . = . . . 1 . 1 2.5 2573 3. Goczo, Melinda HUN 2158 . . * 0 1 . . . 1 . 2.0 2495 4. Gara, Ticia wm HUN 2381 . = 1 * . 0 . . . . 1.5 2215 5. Dembo, Yelena wm HUN 2391 . . 0 . * 1 . . = . 1.5 2227 6. Toth, Lili HUN 2184 . . . 1 0 * . = . . 1.5 2355 7. Adam, Olga HUN 2156 0 . . . . . * . = 1 1.5 2287 8. Horvath, Julia wm HUN 2294 = 0 . . . = . * . . 1.0 2135 9. Lakos, Nikoletta wg HUN 2339 . . 0 . = . = . * . 1.0 2110 10. Csonkics, Tunde wg HUN 2227 0 0 . . . . 0 . . * 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Hassan Khaled reports: The African Chess Championships and Womens African Chess Championship take place in Cairo at the Eastern Company Chess Club, 16th-25th September 2001. The events are 9 round Swiss System and are played using the new FIDE time control. Tiebreak Matches will be played on 25 September. 24 players from 13 Federations participate in Men section, lead by GM Hamdouchi, Hichem from (MAR) then IM Belkhodja, Slim who got his origin nationality (TUN). One player from each federation plus two over 2300 can participate in the tournament. 6 players qualify to World Championship. 12 players from 8 federations participate in Womens Section. The number of participants per Federation is not limited. The Chief Arbiter is Andrzej Filipowicz from Poland.
Round 4 Standings: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ch-Africa Cairo EGY (EGY), 16-25 ix 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Belkhodja, Slim m FRA 2531 +17 =12 + 7 = 5 . . . . . 3.0 2605 2. El Taher, Fouad m EGY 2477 +15 =11 = 5 +13 . . . . . 3.0 2579 3. Hamdouchi, Hichem g MAR 2533 =13 = 4 +22 +10 . . . . . 3.0 2538 4. Kobese, Watu m RSA 2373 +23 = 3 =10 +11 . . . . . 3.0 2554 5. Simutowe, Amon m ZAM 2462 +22 +20 = 2 = 1 . . . . . 3.0 2516 6. Belouadah,Saad ALG ---- =16 =17 +14 +12 . . . . . 3.0 2515 7. Rizouk, Aimen m ALG 2442 + 8 =10 - 1 +17 . . . . . 2.5 2470 8. Lungu, Nase f ZAM 2250 - 7 +25 = 9 +16 . . . . . 2.5 2391 9. Bouaziz, Slim g TUN 2379 =14 =13 = 8 =15 . . . . . 2.0 2270 10. Tissir, Mohamed m MAR 2383 +21 = 7 = 4 - 3 . . . . . 2.0 2384 11. Abdelnabbi, Imed m EGY 2430 +19 = 2 =12 - 4 . . . . . 2.0 2373 12. Labib, Ibrahim Hasan m EGY 2409 +18 = 1 =11 - 6 . . . . . 2.0 2290 13. Malupande, Lungu ZAM 2338 = 3 = 9 +20 - 2 . . . . . 2.0 2347 14. Aranov, Yuri RSA 2180 = 9 =16 - 6 +22 . . . . . 2.0 2257 15. Henni, Mohamed m ALG 2314 - 2 +23 =16 = 9 . . . . . 2.0 2330 16. Kaabi, Mejdi m TUN 2365 = 6 =14 =15 - 8 . . . . . 1.5 2099 17. Chahrani, Ibrahim LBA 2337 - 1 = 6 +21 - 7 . . . . . 1.5 2203 18. Domingos, Catarino ANG 2200 -12 =21 =19 =20 . . . . . 1.5 2121 19. Ben Nasser, Khaled LBA 2234 -11 -22 =18 +23 . . . . . 1.5 2167 20. Woldeyes,Mekitew ETH ---- +24 - 5 -13 =18 . . . . . 1.5 2163 21. Nadir, Samir SUD 2190 -10 =18 -17 +25 . . . . . 1.5 2143 22. Gwaze, Robert m ZIM 2287 - 5 +19 - 3 -14 . . . . . 1.0 2159 23. Molale, Ofentse BOT 2101 - 4 -15 +25 -19 . . . . . 1.0 2037 24. BYE ---- -20 . . . . . . . . 0.0 25. Bhowany,Koomaren MRI ---- . - 8 -23 -21 . . . . . 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ch-Africa Women Cairo EGY (EGY), 16-25 ix 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Arouche, Farida ALG 2065 + 8 = 5 + 6 + 3 . . . . . 3.5 2348 2. Houli,Asma ALG ---- + 4 + 6 - 3 + 5 . . . . . 3.0 2205 3. Van der Merwe,Cecile RSA ---- +11 + 7 + 2 - 1 . . . . . 3.0 2209 4. Toubal,Wissam ALG ---- - 2 +10 +11 + 8 . . . . . 3.0 2193 5. Bahji,Hind MAR ---- +12 = 1 + 7 - 2 . . . . . 2.5 2111 6. Mudongo, Boikhutso wf BOT 2050 +10 - 2 - 1 + 9 . . . . . 2.0 2016 7. Afonso, Flora ANG ---- + 9 - 3 - 5 +10 . . . . . 2.0 2000 8. Metosy,Amina TUN ---- - 1 +12 + 9 - 4 . . . . . 2.0 2016 9. Namutebi,Catherine UGA ---- - 7 +11 - 8 - 6 . . . . . 1.0 1819 10. Nakandi,Juliet UGA ---- - 6 - 4 +12 - 7 . . . . . 1.0 1819 11. Makumbe,Tiritoga ZIM ---- - 3 - 9 - 4 +12 . . . . . 1.0 1807 12. Nanteza,Charity UGA ---- - 5 - 8 -10 -11 . . . . . 0.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 6th European Club Cup for women took place in Belgrade, September 15th-23rd 2001. My thanks to Sergey Sudakov and Mihajlo Savic.
Mihajlo Savic reports: Only ten teams competed including four from Yugoslavia, including defending champions "Agrouniverzal" from Belgrade. A seven round swiss was played. "Agrouniverzal" retained the title. The title was to be decided on board points however due to a tie match points decided the title. Among the 49 players there were 21 WGMs and 10 IMs. The best top board score was made by GM Natasa Bojkovic with 5/7 on board 2 GM Corina Peptan scored 6,5/7 (the best result of the tournament), board 3 GM Evgenia Ovod 5,5/7, board 4 GM Svetlana Prudnikova with 6/7. The winning "Agrouniverzal" team was: GM Alisa Maric, GM Nino Khurtsidze, GM Tatiana Stepovaia-Dianchenko and GM Svetlana Prudnikova. The chief arbiter was Jasmina Sakotic and the tournament's permanent director Werner Stubenvoll.
6th Women's European Club Cup, Belgrade, September 15-23
Source: Politika Information collated by Sergey Sudakov at:
Swiss system, 7 rounds
1. Agrouniverzal (Zemun YUG): A. Maric (2457), Khurtsidze (2446), Stepovaja (2451), Prudnikova (2406), Chelushkina (2394).
2. AEM Timishoara (ROM): Zhukova (2440), Peptan (2460), Olarau (2312), Bogza (2290).
3. BAS (Belgrade YUG): Bojkovic (2452), Gaponenko (2404), Manakova (2353), Kalevic (2219), G. Zarkovic (2265).
4. Cheljabinsk (RUS): Shumjakina (2371), Grabuzova (2391), Galjanina (2335), Strutinskaja (2361), Kochetkova (2248).
5. St.Petersburg (RUS): Polovnikova (2368), Stjazhkina (2343), Ovod (2327), Zimina (2312), Sudakova (2319).
6. Bucharest (ROM): Fojor (2423), Ionescu (2354), Calotescu (2283), Marin (2159).
7. Nova Gorica (SLO): Sedina (2380), Krivec (2242), Grosar (2220), Srebrnic (2176).
8. Gosha (Smederevska Palanka YUG): Aleksandrova (2387), M. Petrovic (2244), Dragaevic (2151), Zarkovic (2085), Milivojevic (2035).
9. Rad (Belgrade YUG): M. Savic (2180), J. Miloradovic (2173), Drljevic (2132), R. Kovacevic (2082), Kezele (unrated).
10. Slavija (Srpsko Sarajevo YUG): Benderac (2276), Dimovska (2090), J. Ivanovic (2061), Skrkar (2000), V. Djuric (2015).
Final Standings: 1. AGROUNIVERZAL, Beograd YUG 11.0 (18,5) 2. AEM-Luxten, Timisoara ROM 10.0 (18,5) 3. B A S, Beograd YUG 10.0 (17,5) 4. ST.PETERSBURG, St.Petersburg RUS 10.0 (16,0) 5. SHISHMATE-MECHEL, Chelybinsk RUS 9.0 (17,5) 6. CHES CLUB, Nova Gorica SLO 7.0 (14,0) 7. ASOCIATA SPORTIVA RAT, Bucharest ROM 7.0 (14,0) 8. G O S A, Smederevska Palanka YUG 4.0 (10,5) 9. SLAVIJA, Sarajevo BIH 2.0 (10,0) 10. R A D, Beograd YUG 0.0 ( 3,5)
Best boardscores:
1. N. Bojkovic (BAS) 5(7) 2. C. Peptan (Timishoara) 6,5(7) 3. E. Ovod (St.Petersburg) 5,5(7), 4. S. Prudnikova (Agrouniverzal) 6(7).
The VI International Chess Festival in Cesenatico took place 9th-16th September 2001. Sinisa Drazic took first place with 7/9. Only a small number of games are available with none from round 9.
Internet coverage:
Final (round 9) Standings: Open Cesenatico ITA (ITA), 9-16 ix 2001 ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Drazic, Sinisa g YUG 2480 7.0 41.0 2. Mrdja, Milan m CRO 2399 6.5 43.5 3. Voiska, Margarita wg BUL 2296 6.0 43.0 0.5 4 4. Naumkin, Igor g RUS 2411 6.0 43.0 0.5 3 5. Kunze, Holger GER 2220 6.0 41.0 4.0 6. Roos, Michael GER 2294 6.0 41.0 3.5 7. Tomescu, Vlad m ROM 2417 5.5 39.0 8. Bertagnolli, Alexander ITA 2290 5.5 37.5 9. Dunsbach, Ralf Dr. f GER 2320 5.0 44.0 10. Wehmeier, Stefan m GER 2377 5.0 41.5 3.5 11. Maksimovic, Suzana wg YUG 2294 5.0 41.5 0.5 12. Brancaleoni, Maurizio ITA 2196 5.0 39.5 13. Bonacci, Mauro GER 2202 5.0 39.0 30 players
The Croatian Team Championships took place in Pula (Croatia) 10th-18th September 2001. There were 1st league (men, women and juniors) 2nd league (women and juniors). Mravince Dalmacijacement won the men's team event. My thanks to Mirjana Medic for the information.
Detailed information on the official internet site:
1st league (team) Pula (Croatia) 10-18, September 2001. Final Standings Mravince Dalmacijacement 47,5 Pozega 47,0 Zrinjevac 40,5 Slavonska banka 33,0 Osijek 31,0 Goran 25,0 HT-TKC Split 24,0 Casino-Aksiom 21,5 Mladost 20,5 Bilokalnik 16,0 1st league (team) (women) Pula (Croatia) 10-18, September 2001. Final Standings Mravince Dalmacijacement 30,0 Slavonska banka 22,5 Belisce-Metalis 21,0 Goranka-Kenda 19,5 Stridon 19,5 Mladost 14,5 Bilokalnik 12,0 Delnice 11,0 Zadar 10,0 Maestral 9,0 1st league (team) (juniors) Pula (Croatia) 10-18, September 2001. Final Standings Sokadija 19,0 Mravince Dalmacijacement 18,0 Pula 17,5 Dubrovnik 17,5 Slavonska banka 17,0 HT-TKC Split 14,5 Mladost 13,5 Maestral 10,5 Junior Jadroagent 9,5
The V Pablo Gorbea Memorial took place 6th-15th September 2001. 264 players competed in the event which was won by Davor Komljenovic ahead on tie-break from Walter Arencibia and Oleg Korneev all scored 7.5/9. The game Korneev vs Herrera round 7 earned Korneev a special prize for the best attacking game.
Information Juan Carlos Ruiz
------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th Pablo Gorbea Mem Madrid ESP (ESP), 6-15 ix 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Komljenovic, Davor g CRO 2478 7.5 50.0 54.50 2. Arencibia, Walter g CUB 2548 7.5 48.5 53.50 3. Korneev, Oleg g RUS 2572 7.5 48.0 52.50 4. Del Rio Angelis, Salvador G m ESP 2484 7.0 51.5 56.00 5. Lalic, Bogdan g ENG 2528 7.0 49.5 54.00 6. Georgiev, Vladimir g BUL 2584 7.0 49.5 53.50 7. Hellsten, Johan m SWE 2471 7.0 47.0 51.00 8. Gustafsson, Jan m GER 2535 7.0 46.5 50.50 9. Campos G., Luis Maria m ESP 2421 7.0 44.5 47.50 10. Arencibia, Juan Joel m CUB 2418 7.0 42.0 46.00 11. Hernando Rodrigo, Julio A ESP 2294 6.5 51.5 53.50 12. Belezky, Sasha m UKR 2398 6.5 50.0 53.50 13. San Emeterio Cabanes, Jose Luis ESP 2288 6.5 49.5 53.00 14. Pogorelov, Ruslan g UKR 2401 6.5 49.0 53.00 15. Alonso, Salvador m ARG 2430 6.5 48.5 52.50 16. Moreno Ruiz, Javier f ESP 2416 6.5 48.0 52.00 17. Moreno Carnero, Javier m ESP 2514 6.5 47.5 50.50 18. Alvarez Ibarra, Rafael m ESP 2417 6.5 47.0 52.00 19. Roeder, Mathias m GER 2466 6.5 45.0 48.50 20. Kovacevic, Slobodan m YUG 2378 6.5 44.5 45.00 21. Adla, Diego m ARG 2499 6.5 44.0 48.50 22. Simonenko, Sergei m TKM 2419 6.5 44.0 48.50 23. Roa Alonso, Santiago f ESP 2335 6.5 44.0 48.00 24. Lazarev, Vladimir g RUS 2459 6.5 44.0 46.00 25. Khamrakulov, Ibragim S m UZB 2485 6.5 41.5 44.50 26. Ballesteros, David ESP 2285 6.5 39.0 40.00 264 players
The Lausanne Open took place 14th-17th September 2001. The seven round open was won by Andrei Shchekachev on 6/7 ahead of a group of five on 5.5/7. No games available.
Internet coverage:
------------------------------------------------------- Open Lausanne SUI 14-17 ix 2001 ------------------------------------------------------- 1 Shchekachev Andrei g RUS 2546 6.0 33.5 211 2 Lamoureux Charles i FRA 2369 5.5 35.0 208 3 Gallagher Joseph g SUI 2516 5.5 32.5 207 4 Raetsky Alexander i RUS 2452 5.5 30.0 208.5 5 Bucher Denis SUI 2256 5.5 30.0 201.5 6 Burnier David SUI 2290 5.5 29.5 198.5 7 Kaenel Hansjuerg i SUI 2426 5.0 31.5 202 8 Huss Andreas i SUI 2332 5.0 31.0 202 9 Zuodar Lucio SUI 2036 5.0 31.0 186 10 Trabert Bettina wg GER 2234 5.0 30.5 203.5 11 Pinol Fabrice SUI 2127 5.0 29.5 187 12 Vesin Jean-Robert FRA 2215 5.0 26.5 179.5 13 Smit Frans NED 2143 5.0 24.0 176 84 players
John Donaldson reports: The 6th Annual Governor's Cup, held September 21-23 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, saw Grandmasters Yury Shulman and Alex Wojtkiewicz repeat as champions with a score of 4 1/2 - 1/2. Two-time US Champion Patrick Wolff,ending a three year layoff from the game, tied for third at 4-1 with fellow GM Alex Ivanov, IM John Donaldson and FM Emory Tate. A total of 244 players participated in the multi-section event organized by De and David Knudsen for the Sioux Empire Chess Foundation.
The Mitropa Cup took place alongside the European Seniors in Saint-Vincent (Vallée DAoste) 15th23rd September 2001. Ferenc Berkes won with 6.5/9.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Mitropa Cup Saint Vincent ITA (ITA), 15-23 ix 2001 cat. III (2301) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Berkes, Ferenc HUN 2525 * = 0 1 1 = = 1 1 1 6.5 2442 2. Santo Roman, Marc g FRA 2426 = * = 1 0 = 1 1 = 1 6.0 2412 3. Vavrak, Peter SVK 2286 1 = * = 0 1 = = 1 = 5.5 2383 4. Plachetka, Jan g SVK 2443 0 0 = * = 1 1 = 1 1 5.5 2365 5. Guidarelli, Laurent f FRA 2323 0 1 1 = * = 0 0 = 1 4.5 2299 6. Vaculik, Martin CZE 2144 = = 0 0 = * = 1 1 = 4.5 2318 7. Kuemin, Simon f SUI 2313 = 0 = 0 1 = * = = = 4.0 2257 8. Sakelsek, Tadej SLO 2202 0 0 = = 1 0 = * = = 3.5 2232 9. Zaragatski, Ilja GER 2248 0 = 0 0 = 0 = = * 1 3.0 2182 10. Mogranzini, Roberto ITA 2104 0 0 = 0 0 = = = 0 * 2.0 2103 --------------------------------------------------------------------
The first two rounds of the 4NCL took place this last weekend. The venue for all matches will be the Grand Moat House Hotel in Birmingham. The dates for the 2001-2 season are: Rounds 1-2 22nd-23rd September 2001. Rounds 3-4 24th-25th November 2001. Rounds 5-6 19th-20th January 2002. Rounds 7-8 23rd-24th March 2002. Rounds 9-11 4th-6th May 2002.
Official coverage: and
MIDLAND MONARCHS 2-6 GUILDFORD-ADC 1 1 w Pert, Nicholas 2475 0-1 Conquest, Stuart C. 2565 2 b Ledger, Andrew J. 2418 0-1 Kosten, Anthony C. 2542 3 w Hunt, Adam C. 2408 1/2 Plaskett, James 2482 4 b Williams, Simon K. 2369 0-1 Rowson, Jonathan 2514 5 w Pert, Richard G. 2245 1/2 Baker, Chris W. 2370 6 b Ledger, David J. 2312 0-1 Povah, Nigel E. 2362 7 w Ledger, Stephen C. 2196 1/2 Broomfield, Matthew 2271 8 b Tidman, Sophie (F) 1928 1/2 Yurenok, Maria S. (F) 2088 2 - 6 SLOUGH 1 2½-5½ BRISTOL 1 1 w Miles, Anthony J. 2565 1/2 Ansell, Simon 2376 2 b McNab, Colin A. 2437 1/2 Buckley, Graeme 2370 3 w Houska, Jovanka 2354 1/2 Lalic, Susan (F) 2329 4 b Thiruchelvam, M 2240 0-1 Cobb, Charles 2310 5 w Richmond, Robert 2234 0-1 Burgess, Graham 2292 6 b Devereaux, Maxim 2268 0-1 Beaumont, Chris 2292 7 w Houska, Miroslav 2284 1-0 McFarland, Robert S. 2278 8 b Smith, Andrew P. 2234 0-1 Collier, David O. 2254 BARBICAN 4NCL 2 3-5 BARBICAN 4NCL 1 1 w Shikerov, Stefan 2298 0-1 Parker, Jonathan 2547 2 b Hodgson, John H. 2297 1/2 Kelly, Brian 2458 3 w Berry, Neil 2256 0-1 Crouch, Colin S. 2407 4 b Trent, Lawrence 2249 1/2 Collinson, Adam 2405 5 w Coleman, David 2234 1-0 Knott, Simon 2373 6 b Twyble, Michael S. 2234 1/2 Dishman, Stephen 2347 7 w Collins, Sam * 2194 0-1 Palliser, Richard 2337 8 b Rutherford, Elaine 2117 1/2 Lauterbach, Ingrid (F) 2138 THISTLE WHITE ROSE ½-7½ WOOD GREEN 1 1 w Arkell, Keith C. 2431 1/2 Speelman, Jonathan S. 2603 2 b default 0-1 Baburin, Alexander 2584 3 w Kirsanov, Oleg * 2365 0-1 Emms, John M. 2532 4 b Gayson, Peter M. 2282 0-1 Turner, Matthew J. 2511 5 w Townsend, M. Paul 2238 0-1 Ward, Christopher 2493 6 b Barrett, Steve J. 2210 0-1 Hunt, Harriet (F) 2418 7 w Burnett, Jim 2209 0-1 Martin, Andrew D. 2449 8 b Keeling, Karen 2048 0-1 Tiller, Bjorn 2376 WOOD GREEN 2 5½-2½ WESSEX 1 w Littlewood, Paul 2410 1/2 Webb, Richard M. 2356 2 b Levitt, Jonathan 2415 1/2 Rossiter, Philip J. 2363 3 w Pein, Malcolm 2424 1-0 Poulton, James 2414 4 b Lee, Graham D. 2321 1/2 Corkett, Anthony R. 2283 5 w Sowray, Peter J. 2334 1-0 Simons, Martin J. 2215 6 b Tan, Desmond 2253 1/2 Yeo, Michael J. 2213 7 w Norris, Alan 2304 1/2 Upton, Ian J. 2260 8 b Jackson, Sheila A 2185 1-0 Kosten-Forintos, G. * 1800 BEESON GREGORY 1 6-2 BEESON GREGORY 2 1 w Adams, Michael 2744 1-0 Hennigan, Michael T. 2451 2 b Nunn, John D.M. 2584 1-0 McDonald, Neil R. 2406 3 w Gallagher, Joseph 2516 1-0 Cooper, Lawrence 2352 4 b Chandler, Murray 2540 1/2 Mortazavi, Ali 2361 5 w Hebden, Mark L. 2550 1-0 Richardson, John R. 2330 6 b McShane, Luke J. 2511 1/2 Anderton, David W. 2227 7 w Summerscale, A 2510 1-0 Lyell, Mark 2219 8 b Sheldon, Ruth 2301 0-1 Richards, Heather S. 2230
Bill Townsend reports: Grandmaster Ildar Ibragimov was the winner of the 123rd New York State Championship, played August 31 to September 3 in Rochester, New York. Ibragimov, with 5.5 points, led the field by a full point, after defeating IM Enrico Sevillano in the final round. The previous round Sevillano had scored an upset victory over many-time NYS Champion GM Joel Benjamin. GM Ibragimov and GM Benjamin had agreed to a short draw in round four. Joining Benjamin and Sevillano at 4.5 were well-known chess coach, and former NYS champion, Sunil Weeramantry and expert Chuck Cadman, who defeated veteran master Laszlo Tapaszto in the final round. The New York State Championship is one of the longest running tournaments in the United States, and perhaps the world. This year's edition was also called the "Alan Benjamin Memorial" after the former New York State Chess Association President who died early this year. Alan Benjamin was a tireless worker for chess in New York State, and was also the father of GM Joel Benjamin, the current U.S. Champion.
Final (6 Rounds) 1. Ibragimov, Ildar 5.5 2. Benjamin, Joel 4.5 3. Sevillano, Enrico 4.5 4. Weeramantry, Sunil 4.5 5. Cadman, Chuck 4.5 6. Pupols, Viktors 4.0 7. Golyak, Isay 4.0 8. Mac Arthur, John 4.0 9. Polyak, Pavel 4.0 10. Tapaszto, Laszlo B 3.5 11. Katrein, Matthew R 3.5 12. Kwartler, Lonnie S 3.5 13. Strenzwilk, Denis 3.5 14. Davis, Barry B 3.5 15. Taylor, Steven A 3.5 16. Lam, Daniel 3.5 17. Kalfas, Richard B 3.5 18. Altschuler, Bruce 3.5 19. Levine, Viktor S 3.0 20. Schut, Hans 3.0 21. Buehl, Walter M 3.0 22. Chipkin, Leonard B 3.0 23. Stenzel, Harold G 3.0 24. Harris, Frederic K 3.0 45 Players in the Open section 153 in the other 5 sections.
Full crosstable is available at:
The President's Cup took place in Abudhabi UAE (UAE), 12th-21st September 2001 reports Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh. A.R. Saleh Jasim won with 7.5/9.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- President's Cup Abudhabi UAE (UAE), 12-12 ix 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Jasim, A.R. Saleh f UAE 2293 +19 +15 +12 + 4 = 6 + 3 = 2 = 7 + 5 7.5 2447 2. Saud, Mohamed UAE 2163 +14 +23 = 3 = 5 = 8 + 4 = 1 =10 + 7 6.5 2335 3. Hassan, Abdul f UAE 2242 +20 = 7 = 2 +15 +12 - 1 = 4 +11 + 8 6.5 2313 4. Saleh, Nagueb UAE 2252 +10 +13 + 8 - 1 + 5 - 2 = 3 + 6 = 9 6.0 2312 5. Tayeb, Suhail UAE 2221 +22 =11 + 7 = 2 - 4 +13 =10 + 8 - 1 5.5 2231 6. Saleh, Nabil UAE 2230 -23 +26 +21 +13 = 1 - 7 +12 - 4 +10 5.5 2218 7. Mohd, A. Altaher UAE 2117 +28 = 3 - 5 +24 +17 + 6 = 8 = 1 - 2 5.5 2238 8. Tareq, H. Omran UAE 2155 +17 +24 - 4 +16 = 2 +11 = 7 - 5 - 3 5.0 2167 9. Majed,Saeed ---- -15 +20 +19 =12 -11 =17 +14 =13 = 4 5.0 2124 10. Faisal, Khayree IRQ 2247 - 4 =29 =26 +22 +16 +15 = 5 = 2 - 6 5.0 2155 11. Hassan,A.Altaher ---- +25 = 5 -15 +18 + 9 - 8 +22 - 3 =12 5.0 2171 12. Mohamed, Hossein f UAE 2203 +21 +27 - 1 = 9 - 3 +18 - 6 +15 =11 5.0 2143 13. Ibrahim, Ismail UAE 2136 +29 - 4 +22 - 6 +23 - 5 +17 = 9 =15 5.0 2136 14. Jumaa,Ahmed ---- - 2 -19 +30 -20 +26 +16 - 9 +23 +17 5.0 2061 15. Hussan, Mohamed Seif UAE 2142 + 9 - 1 +11 - 3 +20 -10 +23 -12 =13 4.5 2124 16. Khouri,Ahmed ---- =26 =25 +23 - 8 -10 -14 =29 +30 +24 4.5 2080 17. Khalid,Khamis ---- - 8 =18 +25 +27 - 7 = 9 -13 +20 -14 4.0 2023 18. Khalifa,Khamis ---- -24 =17 +29 -11 +19 -12 =20 =21 =22 4.0 1993 19. Abdullah,Mohd Saleh ---- - 1 +14 - 9 =21 -18 =24 =28 =27 +29 4.0 2003 20. Faisal,Mohd Abdulla ---- - 3 - 9 +28 +14 -15 =21 =18 -17 +30 4.0 1999 21. Haitham,Saeed ---- -12 +30 - 6 =19 =27 =20 =24 =18 =25 4.0 2040 22. Faisal,Obaid ---- - 5 +28 -13 -10 +30 +25 -11 =24 =18 4.0 2059 23. Faisal,Mohd Saleh ---- + 6 - 2 -16 +26 -13 +27 -15 -14 =28 3.5 1994 24. Nawaf, Farooq UAE 2125 +18 - 8 =27 - 7 =25 =19 =21 =22 -16 3.5 1971 25. Issa, Mohammed UAE 2194 -11 =16 -17 +29 =24 -22 =27 =28 =21 3.5 1933 26. Saeed,Ahmed ---- =16 - 6 =10 -23 -14 =28 =30 +29 =27 3.5 1973 27. Khouri,Ibraheem Mohamed ---- +30 -12 =24 -17 =21 -23 =25 =19 =26 3.5 1978 28. Meshaal,Mousa ---- - 7 -22 -20 -30 =29 =26 =19 =25 =23 2.5 1868 29. Mansour, Abbas ---- -13 =10 -18 -25 =28 +30 =16 -26 -19 2.5 1898 30. Saeed,Al Jounaibi ---- -27 -21 -14 +28 -22 -29 =26 -16 -20 1.5 1727 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 5th World Chess Team Championship will take place October 12th-20th 2001, in Yerevan, Armenia. The National Teams of Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Armenia, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Cuba, Iran, FYROM will participate in the event.
Information about the event and the teams will be available on the official website.
Internet coverage:
The Essent Chess tournament takes place in Hoogeveen October 12th-20th 2001. Four player double round robin with Viktor Kortchnoi, Judit Polgar, Loek van Wely and Lazaro Bruzon.
Internet coverage:
The 10th Monarch Assurance International Chess Tournament takes place 29th September - 7th October 2001. Alexander Morozevich, Sergei Tiviakov, Vladimir Tukmakov, Eugueny Gleizerov and Alexander Baburin are amongst the players.
Official site
Next month there will be some lectures by famous people in chess: Leontxo Garcia, GM Valery Salov, IM Boris Zlotnik, IM Ricardo Calvo. The organisers will publish the names of the winners of the literary contest about chess at the same time. ONCE is the organizer (spanish organization for blind people) of all these events.
Further details: launches an International on-line Tournament 3 levels : Beginners, Advanced and Profesional, in series of 5 players. Registration is free.
The IX ANIBAL CHESS OPEN in Linares, Spain takes place 1st-10th March, 2002. The dates are parallel to the XX CIUDAD DE LINARES International Chess Tournament. The event will be Swiss system, 10 rounds using the new FIDE time control. The venue will be the Hotel Anibal, Linares.
Prizes in Euros (-25% taxes) 1º D.Luis Rentero Suarez prize 10.000 2º 5.000 3º 2.500 4º 1.500 5º 1.000 6º-25º 300 26º-50º 160
Conditions: GM and IM with inscription confirmed by the Organization: free accommodation in a double room Hotel Anibal GM 2600 ELO check special conditions.
Special prices at Hotel Anibal for those players whose inscription had been confirmed by the Organization:
Double room: 24,50 euros per person Single room: 45,00 euros Continental Breakfast: 1,90 euros Buffet Breakfast: 3,80 euros Lunch: 4,90 euros Dinner:4,90 euros
IMPORTANT: Only those players whose inscription had been confirmed by the Organization are guaranteed these prices
Inscription: Every player: 50 euros e-mail: Fax: 34 953 652204
DEADLINE: Monday, 18th February
Title of Tournament: New Dolmen International Tournament Country: Malta Tournament dates: 13th January to 19 January 2002 Venue: New Dolmen Hotel, Qawra, St. Paul's Bay Prize Fund: US$ 5000 Format: Open 7 round Swiss FIDE Rated Organisers: International Chess Organising Committee (Malta) C/O New Dolmen Hotel, Qawra, St. Paul's Bay, Malta Fax No. +356 438730 Email:
The Lasker Chess Club in Bucharest, Romania is organising an "Autumn Festival" 13th-27th October 2001.
There will be three events: A event IGM category 7-8 with 12-16 players a B IM Category 2-4 event with 12-16 players and a women's IM event Category 3-5 with 12-16 players.
Entry fees and details can be obtained from: The Romanian Chess Federation, Ion Campineanu Street, no. 20, phone: 312.55.25 or 312.70.56, fax: 312.19.44 Central Chess Club: Otetari Street, no. 2, phone 314.68.13. or Organizer: FIDE Master Emil Pessi: O.P. 38 C.P. 80, 72250 Bucharest-Romania, phone 0040-1-240.07.00; fax: 0040-1-312.19.44 (if contacted he assures the reception of the players). E-mail: or
Entries are still open for two FIDE open tournaments in the Czech Republic: OPEN ZNOJMO (7.-14.10. 2001) and OPEN KRKONOSE (1.-8.11. 2001) without additional pay. Nowadays more than 30 players from 8 countries in OPEN ZNOJMO and 40 players from 8 countries in OPEN KRKONOSE are registred. For more information look at:
The Second International Chess Tournament will be held October 7-15th in New York City at the Manhattan Chess Club. The lineup for this 9-RR event is Category X based on the July rating list, but the October list will be used. The lineup follows: GM I. Novikov (Ukr/2593), GM A. Wojtkiewicz (Pol/2568), IM A. Cela (Alb/2483), GM P. Blatny (Cze/2478), IM G. Shahade (USA/2455), IM H. Nakamura (USA/2452), IM I. Zugic (Can/2440), IM E. Perelshteyn (USA/2436), IM J. Gonzales (Phi/2432) and IM I. Krush (USA/2421). Avg. Rating 2475.8 (Category X pending October rating list)
IA Jerome Bibuld will be the Chief Arbiter The new FIDE Time controls (with 30 second increment) will be used. Games will be broadcast live in ICC. Sponsor is The World Wide Web Chess Superstore. The Organizers are Paul Hodges of SmartChess and Jonathan Hains.
Internet coverage:
The 1st Winterthur Chess Week takes place in Winterthur (Switzerland) October 5th-14th 2001. The main event is a 9-round Open. Several GMs including Vadim Milov will play. First prize is CHF 3000 (US$ 1800). An invitational Youth tournament and a Youth Open (7 rounds October 8th-11th) will also be organized, as well as one Rapid (first prize CHF 1000) and two Blitz (CHF 500) tournaments.
Further details:
Alan Cowderoy (Palamede), Ben Bulsink (DGT Projects), Andrew Templeton (Palamede/Palview), Eric Bentzen (, Palamede), Mathias Feist (Chessbase) and Victor Zakharov (Chess Assistant) have started discussions on possible extensions to the PGN standard. The original standard was compiled by Steven J. Edwards but it hasn't been possible to contact him (if you read this they'd like to talk to you!).
The new proposals can be read at:
The II Banc Post tournaments take place in Miercurea Ciuc (ROM) 22nd-30th September 2001. The main event will be a FIDE round robin Category II-IV there will also be an international open.
Players for the round robin so far (6 of the eventual 10) 1. Ardelean George Catalin ROM m 2431 2. Tikhomirov Sergei MDA m 2364 3. Janakiev Ivan BUL m 2342 4. Sebe Florin ROM 2286 5. Chiricuta Marius ROM f 2238 6. Jicman Ligia ROM wm 2229
Rate of play : 6 hours (16 p.m. 22 p.m., last round 10 a.m. 16 p.m.). Entry fee : A : >2150 = 400, 2151-2200 = 300, 2201-2250 = 250, (ELO/DEM) 2251-2300 = 200, 2301-2351 = 150, 2351< 100 B : with ELO = 10, without ELO = 20, IGM, wIGM, IM, wIM = 0 Prizes (B) : 100 % of the entry fee + extra prize Board and lodging : Hotel Banc Post *** (str. Sadoveanu, 4), Full board, Single room/day = 37 DEM, Full board, Double room/person/day = 28 DEM.
Organizer : IM Sandor Biro, C.P. 68, R-4100 Miercurea Ciuc-1, Romania, E-mail : Home page : Tel+Fax : (+40)-66-116712 Mobil : +40-90-021866
The 40th Groningen International Open is also the 3rd European Chess Championships, there are also invitational and open events. The festival takes place 19th December 2001 - 5th January 2002 Groningen, the Netherlands and is organised by Stichting Schaak Groningen.
Internet coverage:
The XXXI Rilton Cup takes place 27 December 2001 to 5th January 2002.
All IECG members are welcome to enter the IECG Cup VII preliminary stage. IECG Cup is an open tournament: players of any rating are merged together. So this is a nice opportunity to play a wide range of opponents. Subscriptions are open until September 15. Entries received after this date are used for a replacement list, which will be closed on October 1st. The tournament will be launched on October 1st, for a duration of 11 months. All the unfinished games will be adjudicated.
During the preliminary phase, all participants take part in a 7 players, single round tournament (so 6 games to play). The 2 winners of each section will be entitled to play in the next stage, starting in October 2002. All games count for IECG rating, of course.
IECG membership is paramount to enter the Cup VII. All non-members must join IECG first - visit their registration page
Details and the entry form for Cup VI at:
The web entry form is the best method to be enlisted in the Cup, as the process behind is easier for us.
The 109th New Zealand Chess Championships 2001/2002 take place 28th December 2001 - 11th January 2002 in Christchurch. The venue will be at The Millennium Hotel, 14 Cathedral square, Christchurch, New Zealand. The Chief Arbiter will be IA Leon Muys (Netherlands).
Chris Wright reports they have had numerous enquiries from overseas regarding the tournament, from Russia, Belarus, England, Netherlands, Hungary, Ireland, and Australia. They hope to have a number of strong international players competing. The tournament will involve many of New Zealand's top players, as it is a selection event for next year's 35th World Chess Olympiad in Bled, Slovenia 2002.
Internet coverage:
GM-IM-closed tournaments in 2001: 1. 1st-13th of September FIRST SATURDAY, HUN, Budapest cat.I-II-III, 2. 6th-19th of October FIRST SATURDAY, HUN, Budapest, cat.VII-VIII, cat.I-II-III. 3. 20th-31th of October THIRD SATURDAY, YUG, Belgrade, same, 4. 3rd-16th of November FIRST SATURDAY, HUN, Budapest, cat.I-II-III, 5. 1st-14th of December FIRST SATURDAY, HUN, Budapest, cat.IX-X. /!!!/, cat.VII-VIII. cat. I-II-III. 6. 15th-28th of December, THIRD SATURDAY, YUG, Belgrade, cat.VII-VIII, cat. I-II-III.
More info: Nagy, Laszlo International Chess Organizer E-mail:
There are two new books in German are out. Both are written by famous chess players.
Svetozar Gligoric and Sinisa Joksic have produced a book in German about the King's Indian Defence. The title is "Gligoric-variante" and it is in German. It is the story of the Mar del Plata variantion which Gligoric played first in 1953 and afterwards played and analysed a lot. The last games included in the book from May and June 2001.
More info:
The Exzelsior Verlag Berlin has just just published (in German) the only story by Emanuel Lasker: "Wie Wanja Meister wurde". A Hardcover book of 184 pages is costs DM 29.90. Further information
Chess Siberia an article "Study of the July 2001 FIDE Rating List. Parts I-II" (By Boris Schipkov) are now available.
The 22nd International chess Tournament takes place in Bethune (North of France) 26th-30th December 2001 7 rounds, 40 moves in 2 hours plus one hour K.O, first prize 10000 Francs (about 1500 $)
For more information:
The team lists for next Bundesliga season are out. The first round is on October 6th-7th 2001 with Porz-Luebeck being one of the top fixtures.
Internet coverage: and
The 44th World Congress of Chess Composition was held at Wageningen, Netherlands from 28th July to 4th August. The highlight of the week's program was the 25th World Chess Solving Championship, which took place on 31st July and 1st August.
Internet coverage:
OAA Heraklio Chess Club, Epimenidis Cultural Company and the Greek Chess Federation are announcing the 2001 Panormo open tournament, part of the 2001 European Grand-Prix.
The tournament will be held in sunny Crete, Greece from October 20th-27th 2001 with a total prize fund of more than 3000 Euros (1st prize: 1000 Euros).
More information is available through the official website of the event:
The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information:
The British Rapidplay Chess Championships 2001 take place 20th-21st October 2001 at Bradford City Football Club, Valley Parade, Bradford.
Further details:
The Corsica International Open takes place October 28th-31st 2001. 600 000 F of prices (91 500 euros). For more details (Schedule, prizes, travels) :
Sergey Tiviakov's site has his reports on the European Championship in Ohrid (Macedonia) and the Dutch Championships in Leeuwarden.
Tom Hendricks reports: On July 5, 2001, Chinese IM Yin Hao (2576) will begin play against the World Team in an Internet correspondence chess game. This will be a rematch of the game they played last year. That game, which began July 5th, 2000 and ended January 18, 2001, was a 44-move struggle ending in a draw. This time colors will be reversed with Yin Hao now being white and the World Team black. As he was in the first game, Yin Hao will be assisted by U.S. correspondence player Richard Fleming (2404). The first game attracted World Team players from Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and the United States. Most of these players first came together during the Kasparov vs. The World game held in 1999. The upcoming game is open to anyone who wishes to play and is willing to follow the basic guidelines of the World Team. Players of all skill levels are welcome. General game topics and specific strategy are discussed at a moderated board found at:
Visit the site and review the Game Rules and Move Selection Rules. To participate you must both register with AND click on 'Request Password' at the top of the strategy board page. Registration with is the process of selecting your UserName and Password. When you click on 'Request Password' you will be e-mailed another password that is specific to the strategy board. You will need to enter it only the first time that you post to the board. Those of you who participated in the first game with Yin Hao need not request the board password - it remains the same.
Book prizes and ICC (Internet Chess Club) memberships will be awarded throughout the game to lucky members of the World Team. So come and join the fun. Additional information can be obtained by writing to
The 2nd Krkonose International Open which is part of the Czech Tour 2001/2002 takes place 1st-8th November 2001 in Snezkou, Czech Republic. The 9 round Swiss at a time rate of 40 moves per 2 hours and half an hour for each player to finish the game. Prize fund: altogether 20.000 CZK
Further information
There will be several invitational GM and IM Tournaments in the Five star Elbow Beach Hotel in Bermuda prior to their traditional 5 round Open, 17th January to 4th February 2002. There will also be a nine round GM Open.
Contact Nigel Freeman at or see the site
The Znojmo Open (CZE) 2001 will take place 7th-14th October 2001. Contact: Dr. Jan Mazuch, Festival Director of CZECH OPEN 2001 - CZECH OPEN - International Chess Festival - CZECH TOUR - International Chess Tournaments Series - International Chess Calender -
There is a weekend tournament in Bourgogne 6th-7th October 2001. 70 000 Frs in prizes. Venue: Grande salle de lHexagone 1st blitz tournament - Saturday 6/10 at 14 h 30 10 000 Frs de prix 1er 3000, 2000, 1000, 800 et prix par cat. élo II
2nd 5th Open International - Sunday 7th October 9h. 9 rondes : 3 x 10 min,2 x 15 min, 4 x 20 min. 60 000 Frs de prix garantis Général : 1er 5500 F, 2ème 4000, 3ème 3000,( 15 prix ) Spécial Féminines :1ère 2000 F, 2ème 1500, 3ème 1000 Tranches élo :0/1500, 1501/1700,1701/1900 et 1901/2100 et 2101 /2300 1er 1200 F, 2ème 900, 3ème 600, 4ème 300 Vétérans : 1er 1000 F, 2ème 600, 3ème 400. Jeunes : 1er 600 F
Contact: M. LOUIS Tél 03 85 82 55 75- Fax 03 85 82 59 96 e.mail : F. THIBAUDET Tél/fax 03 85 82 68 72
The 75th Anniversary of the Barmbek Chess Club in Hamburg will see the 6th Wichern Open take place 13th-21st October 2001. Playing venue: Sports Hall of Wichern Schule in Hamburg (same place as in 1999).
Jubilee Open: 9 rounds Swiss, 7 hours of play (2h/40, 1h/20, 30min/rest). No double rounds. Open for all players. Entry fee: without Elo: 150 DM, Elo less than 2200: 100 DM, ELO higher than 2199: 50 DM, GM/IM free. Prizes 2500 DM / 2000 DM / 1500 DM, many more prices planned depending on number of participants.
Barmbek Open: Limited to players with German national rating (DWZ) less than 1800. 9 rounds Swiss, 5 hours of play (2h/40, 30min/rest). Entry fee: 80 DM, juniors: 40 DM. Prizes: 500 DM/300 DM/200 DM.
For further details: email
The 5th Open International Bavarian Masters takes place in Bad Wiessee, 27th October - 4th November 2001. Prize-funds: DM 42.000
Details and online-inscription at:
VII Tatry Open 2001 in Tatranské Zruby 29 September - 6 October 2001.
Further information:
The Weihnachts-Open 2001 takes place in Strausberg (Berlin) Germany from 27.12.2001 to 30.12.2001. The tournament will be ELO and DWZ rated. First prize : 500 DM entry fee : 30 DM
Further information: