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Contact The Week in Chess Mark Crowther E-Mail Tel or fax 01274 882143 [Bradford England] Mobile 07951 967851 Contents 1) Introduction ![]() |
Contact the London Chess Center Order from the online shop at email: Call toll free 1-888-chess06 in the USA or Canada Call +44 (0) 171 388 2404 or Fax +44 (0) 171 388 2407 in the UK and ROW Three New Engines New at Chess & Bridge: Junior 7.0, Shredder 5.32, Deep Junior 7.0 three world leaders in computer chess. All 2500+ ELO : Super-Grandmaster strength programs in YOUR home. Junior 7.0 - ruthless attacking style, deep tactical calculations. $49.50 £39.95 Upgrade from Junior 6 $34.95 £25 Deep Junior 7.0 (for multi-processors) giant opening database $99 £79.95 Upgrade from Deep Junior 6 $69.95 £49.95 Shredder 5.32 positional intelligence, superb endgame technique. $49.50 £39.95 NOW SHIPPING FREE TO THE USA !! Buy online at For the latest chess book releases check out For the latest new software check out For the latest new products check out New Products at the London Chess CenterChess Tiger 14.0 Christoph Théron's ChessTigerhas gained enormously in strength over the past few years as its impressive victories in several international tournaments have demonstrated. In autumn of 1999, ChessTiger entered the ranking list of chess programs (SSDF) and immediately topped the list. Apart from ChessTiger 14.0, the CD also contains GambitTiger 2.0. GambitTiger is a particularly aggressive version of ChessTiger which mercilessly attacks the king. Thats why GambitTiger often chooses moves other programs would never play. Recently GambitTiger showed its claws in the Linares of chess programs" and came second behind DeepFritz. In contrast to their direct predecessors, ChessTiger 14.0 and GambitTiger also take advantage of the endgame databases (tablebases) and support multi-variation mode. System requirements: Pentium 16 MB RAM, Windows 95, 98, 2000 or NT, Language (Online-Help + program menu text): English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Dutch (only Menu), Slovenian, Database: 320,000 games RRP: £39.95 / $49.50 The Chigorin Defence by Martin Breutigam At master level, the Chigorin Defence has seldom been played and probably thats why it has been less analysed than other openings - good prerequisites for freethinkers and adventurers on the chess board!â (Breutigam) The Chigorin Defence resulting after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6 has become popular again thanks to Alexander Morozevich who with has been holding his own even against the best. FIDE master Martin Breutigam includes a small but swell database with 100 entries - 7 texts and 93 sample Another database includes 54 training questions enabling the user to test his freshly acquired knowledge. Furthermore, the CD features a big database of more than 4.000 games as a reference database plus a big tree of all games. System requirements: Pentium, Windows 95,98,2000,Me RRP: £17.95 / $27 CHESSBASE MAGAZINE 80 February 2001 ChessBase Magazine 80 contains the main body of 1262 games and five database reports. There are many strong tournaments, the men´s Olympiad in Istanbul and the Braingames and FIDE World Championships in London and Delhi/Teheran.l RRP: £17.95 / $27 Main Line Caro-Kann Neil McDonald Everyman $21.95/£14.99 The Caro Kann has always been one of the most widely played openings among club and tournament players. This handy battle manual deal with the critical main line positions after 1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 dxe4 4 Nxe4. Highly-regarded author Grandmaster Neil McDonald offers a comprehensive survey of the state of opening theory for both White and Black players, explaining the basic elements, strategies and tactics for both sides New In Chess Yearbook 58 New In Chess $22.50/£15 Opening preparation is not the first thing that comes to mind when the name of Brain Game World Champion Vladimir Kramnik is brought up. However, with the right ingredients in hand he is more than capable of producing some spicy opening dishes. Have a taste from Kramnik's Kitchen. CHEF DE CUISINE Thanks to Vladimir Kramnik an old line against the Gruenfeld Indian has come back into fashion. Offbeat Spanish Glenn Flear Everyman $21.95/£14.99 Deciding what to do against the Spanish (Ruy Lopez) is a perennial problem for those who play too passively and end up having to face what is known as the 'Spanish Torture'. In this book Grandmaster Glenn Flear studies a wide variety of ambitious and offbeat answers catering for many different playing styles. From the super-solid Berlin (as used so successfully by Vladimir Kramnik in his Brain Games World Championship victory against Garry Kasparov) to the uncompromising Schliemann, there is enough choice here for any prospective black player facing the Spanish For more information: go to
Games section
Najdorf Memorial 30 games China - Russia Chess Summit 48 games China vs. Russia Rapidplay 8 games Icelandic Championships 45 games Moscow Lightning Tournament 6 games Abu Dhabi Open 22 games First Saturday September 63 games European Youth Championships 1249 games 9th Asian Women's Championships 128 games Albin Counter Gambit Tournament 42 games Ukrainian Championships 15 games Mar-del-Plata Zonal 55 games Austrian Opens 333 games Czech Extra League 2000/2001 384 games 16th Schwarzacher Open 181 games Presov Chess Festival 135 games 1st St-Chély-d'Aubrac Open 116 games Glyfada Open 2001 92 games 20th North American Open 98 games III Sants Hostafrancs Open 80 games 3140 games
My thanks to YinHao, Peter Karrer, Istvan Magyar, Miklos Orso and Laszlo Nagy, Tony Ficzere, Biro Sandor, Jani Orso, Koos Stolk, Bob Jones, Vasudevan of, Ruben Casafus, Frank K Berry, Jonathan Hains, Peter Ariel, Michiel Van Wissen, Szabo Zsolt, Christophe Bouton, Sean Evans, Eugeny Atarov, Ian Rogers, Ray Keene and Eric Schiller, Ingvar Johannesson, Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh, Zohair and Ravi, Martin Dlouh and Martin Pribyl, Gérard Demuydt, Panagioti Sklavounos and all those who helped with this issue.
A lot of the major news was off the board. A major press conference with Kasparov and Kramnik present announced the 3Ks Botvinnik Memorial in Moscow to take place December 1st-12th 2001. Not all the details were in place but the presence of two out of the three players suggests it will go on. Whether Kasparov and Kramnik were talking was unclear. Kasparov's manager Owen Williams released a letter he had written to Braingames ruling out participation in the qualifier they have organised in Dortmund next year. This must put the whole event in doubt as without Kasparov, Anand and perhaps a whole host of other leading players the event will look a bit anaemic. There are chickens coming home to roost over the appointment of Kramnik as challenger to Kasparov prior to last year's match. Kramnik will have to work hard to keep any creditbility for his Braingames title. It looks like Kasparov also has burned his bridges and won't try again to get a World Title of any kind unless he thinks this is a tough game of poker.
Its been an open secret that a number of Grandmasters have claimed to have played Bobby Fischer at chess on the Internet. Nigel Short published his account in a big splash in the Sunday Telegraph yesterday. What the account lacked was games. It is amazing what a hold the name Bobby Fischer still has. The story has been taken up by many other news sources in spite of the lack of any hard evidence one way or another. I gave my first ever radio interview to a Canadian radio station. Short said that if it was Fischer it showed his continued strength as a player. In fact, if it was Fischer, it shows that he now has a mental block playing anything like theory in addition to playing competitive chess. Fischer was perfectly happy to play Reshevsky when he completely outclassed him when it came to theory but now he doesn't have that advantage against other players he doesn't want to know. What a monumental waste of talent.
On the board the Najdorf Memorial and the Russia - China Chess Summit provide plenty of interesting chess to look at.
Hope you enjoy this issue
The Category XIV Najdorf Memorial tournament takes place in Buenos Aires 4th-13th September 2001. The players are: Anatoly Karpov, Judit Polgar, Nigel Short, Viktor Korchnoi, Gilberto Milos, Xie Jun, Pablo Ricardi, Henrique Mecking, Teimour Radjabov and Ruben Felgaer.
Internet coverage: (English) and (Spanish)
------------------------------------------------------------------ Najdorf Memorial Buenos Aires ARG (ARG), 4-13 ix 2001cat. XIV (2595) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Radjabov, Teimour g AZE 2558 * . . . = = 1 = 1 1 4.5 2759 2. Korchnoi, Viktor g SUI 2617 . * = 1 = = . 1 = . 4.0 2728 3. Karpov, Anatoly g RUS 2692 . = * . = = . = 1 1 4.0 2703 4. Polgar, Judit g HUN 2686 . 0 . * . 1 = = = 1 3.5 2634 5. Xie Jun g CHN 2553 = = = . * . = . = = 3.0 2596 6. Short, Nigel D g ENG 2664 = = = 0 . * = . . 1 3.0 2618 7. Ricardi, Pablo g ARG 2545 0 . . = = = * = . 1 3.0 2591 8. Felgaer, Ruben m ARG 2471 = 0 = = . . = * = . 2.5 2551 9. Mecking, Henrique g BRA 2552 0 = 0 = = . . = * . 2.0 2471 10. Milos, Gilberto g BRA 2614 0 . 0 0 = 0 0 . . * 0.5 2215 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Round 1 (September 4, 2001) Radjabov, Teimour - Xie Jun 1/2 65 E94 King's Indian Classical Short, Nigel D - Korchnoi, Viktor 1/2 15 C11 French Defence Ricardi, Pablo - Polgar, Judit 1/2 28 B41 Sicilian Paulsen Felgaer, Ruben - Mecking, Henrique 1/2 23 C54 Giuoco Piano Milos, Gilberto - Karpov, Anatoly 0-1 59 C42 Petroff's Defence Round 2 (September 5, 2001) Radjabov, Teimour - Ricardi, Pablo 1-0 49 D97 Gruenfeld Defence Russian Korchnoi, Viktor - Felgaer, Ruben 1-0 36 A57 Volga Gambit Karpov, Anatoly - Short, Nigel D 1/2 32 D37 QGD 5.Bf4 Polgar, Judit - Milos, Gilberto 1-0 41 C99 Ruy Lopez Chigorin Xie Jun - Mecking, Henrique 1/2 31 C92 Ruy Lopez Chigorin Round 3 (September 6, 2001) Short, Nigel D - Polgar, Judit 0-1 46 B23 Sicilian Closed System Ricardi, Pablo - Xie Jun 1/2 24 A39 English Symmetrical Variation Felgaer, Ruben - Karpov, Anatoly 1/2 39 B17 Caro Kann Mecking, Henrique - Korchnoi, Viktor 1/2 47 E11 Bogo Indian Defence Milos, Gilberto - Radjabov, Teimour 0-1 38 B32 Sicilian Labourdonnais Round 4 (September 7, 2001) Radjabov, Teimour - Short, Nigel D 1/2 32 D37 QGD 5.Bf4 Karpov, Anatoly - Mecking, Henrique 1-0 40 D11 Slav Defence Polgar, Judit - Felgaer, Ruben 1/2 29 B38 Sicilian Maroczy Bind Xie Jun - Korchnoi, Viktor 1/2 30 B80 Sicilian Scheveningen Ricardi, Pablo - Milos, Gilberto 1-0 28 C78 Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence Round 5 (September 8, 2001) Korchnoi, Viktor - Karpov, Anatoly 1/2 21 E51 Nimzo Indian Short, Nigel D - Ricardi, Pablo 1/2 27 B92 Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2 Felgaer, Ruben - Radjabov, Teimour 1/2 46 C11 French Defence Mecking, Henrique - Polgar, Judit 1/2 18 E15 Queens Indian Milos, Gilberto - Xie Jun 1/2 41 C92 Ruy Lopez Chigorin Round 6 (September 9, 2001) Radjabov, Teimour - Mecking, Henrique 1-0 77 D10 Slav Defence Polgar, Judit - Korchnoi, Viktor 0-1 57 C11 French Defence Xie Jun - Karpov, Anatoly 1/2 42 C43 Petroff's Defence Ricardi, Pablo - Felgaer, Ruben 1/2 64 B38 Sicilian Maroczy Bind Milos, Gilberto - Short, Nigel D 0-1 58 C02 French Advance
The China - Russia Chess Summit takes place in Shanghai, China, September 7th-12th 2001. The event borrows ideas from the China-USA match, like that series this one will last four years, China will host the match in 2001 and 2003 while Russia will be the host in 2002 and 2004. They are playing for the Riverside Weicheng Estate Cup. There is a Men's match (over six boards), a Women's match and a Junior match (both over three boards).
After Round 4 the standings in each of the events is:
Men: Russia 13½ - China 10½,
Women tied 6-6
Juniors: Russia 7½ - China 4½.
Sponsor: Weicheng Real Estate Corperation
Prizefund: Men's $30,000, Women's $10,000 and Juniors $6,000.
Format: Single Schveningen for Men, Double Schveningen for both Women and Junior sections.
Time control: 40 moves within 2 hours, then 1 hour for the remaining moves.
Internet coverage: (in Chinese only no live games)
Round 1 (September 7, 2001) Grischuk, Alexander - Zhang Pengxiang 1-0 31 C02 Liang Chong - Rublevsky, Sergei 0-1 52 D94 Ye Jiangchuan - Khalifman, Alexander 1/2 65 C42 Peng Xiaomin - Motylev, Alexander 0-1 42 C42 Svidler, Peter - Zhang Zhong 1-0 38 C92 Dreev, Alexey - Xu Jun 1/2 31 D39 Round 2 (September 8, 2001) Rublevsky, Sergei - Peng Xiaomin 0-1 40 C45 Zhang Pengxiang - Svidler, Peter 1/2 41 B80 Liang Chong - Grischuk, Alexander 1/2 16 D27 Motylev, Alexander - Ye Jiangchuan 1-0 25 B42 Zhang Zhong - Dreev, Alexey 1/2 33 B19 Khalifman, Alexander - Xu Jun 1-0 44 B66 Round 3 (September 9, 2001) Zhang Pengxiang - Motylev, Alexander 0-1 42 C42 Svidler, Peter - Liang Chong 1/2 52 C95 Grischuk, Alexander - Ye Jiangchuan 1/2 46 B49 Dreev, Alexey - Peng Xiaomin 1/2 40 D92 Zhang Zhong - Khalifman, Alexander 1/2 47 B30 Xu Jun - Rublevsky, Sergei 1/2 22 D21 Round 4 (September 10, 2001) Rublevsky, Sergei - Zhang Pengxiang 0-1 27 A34 Khalifman, Alexander - Liang Chong 0-1 60 E11 Ye Jiangchuan - Dreev, Alexey 1-0 38 B19 Peng Xiaomin - Svidler, Peter 1/2 22 B80 Grischuk, Alexander - Zhang Zhong 1-0 38 B90 Xu Jun - Motylev, Alexander 1-0 33 E92 China-Russia Chess Summit Men Shanghai CHN (CHN), 7-12 ix 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Motylev, Alexander g RUS 2627 + 8 + 6 +10 - 5 . . 3.0 2802 2 Grischuk, Alexander g RUS 2669 +10 = 4 = 6 +12 . . 3.0 2789 3 Svidler, Peter g RUS 2695 +12 =10 = 4 = 8 . . 2.5 2679 4 Liang Chong m CHN 2556 - 9 = 2 = 3 + 7 . . 2.0 2675 5 Xu Jun g CHN 2646 =11 - 7 = 9 + 1 . . 2.0 2664 6 Ye Jiangchuan g CHN 2677 = 7 - 1 = 2 +11 . . 2.0 2671 7 Khalifman, Alexander g RUS 2700 = 6 + 5 =12 - 4 . . 2.0 2636 8 Peng Xiaomin g CHN 2629 - 1 + 9 =11 = 3 . . 2.0 2662 9 Rublevsky, Sergei g RUS 2639 + 4 - 8 = 5 -10 . . 1.5 2492 10 Zhang Pengxiang m CHN 2487 - 2 = 3 - 1 + 9 . . 1.5 2570 11 Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2690 = 5 =12 = 8 - 6 . . 1.5 2567 12 Zhang Zhong g CHN 2667 - 3 =11 = 7 - 2 . . 1.0 2495 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 1 (September 7, 2001) Wang Pin - Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina 0-1 32 B33 Zimina, Olga - Xu Yuhua 1-0 60 B52 Stepovaia-Dianchenko, Tatiana - Wang Lei 1/2 43 B20 Round 2 (September 8, 2001) Stepovaia-Dianchenko, Tatiana - Wang Pin 1/2 49 B26 Xu Yuhua - Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina 1/2 72 B31 Wang Lei - Zimina, Olga 1-0 36 D10 Round 3 (September 9, 2001) Wang Pin - Zimina, Olga 1-0 65 B33 Xu Yuhua - Stepovaia-Dianchenko, Tatiana 0-1 26 B31 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina - Wang Lei 0-1 50 B66 Round 4 (September 10, 2001) Zimina, Olga - Wang Pin 0-1 47 B52 Stepovaia-Dianchenko, Tatiana - Xu Yuhua 1/2 52 B53 Wang Lei - Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina 0-1 41 E73 China-Russia Chess Summit Women Shanghai CHN (CHN), 7-12 ix 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina wg RUS 2507 +4 =5 -2 +2 . . 2.5 2601 2 Wang Lei wg CHN 2509 =3 +6 +1 -1 . . 2.5 2539 3 Stepovaia-Dianchenko, Tatiana wg RUS 2451 =2 =4 +5 =5 . . 2.5 2599 4 Wang Pin wg CHN 2504 -1 =3 +6 +6 . . 2.5 2490 5 Xu Yuhua wg CHN 2502 -6 =1 -3 =3 . . 1.0 2237 6 Zimina, Olga wm RUS 2312 +5 -2 -4 -4 . . 1.0 2311 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 1 (September 7, 2001) Bu Xiangzhi - Smirnov, Pavel 1-0 32 E81 Shaposhnikov, Evgeny - Ni Hua 1-0 26 B31 Kosteniuk, Alexandra - Xu Yuanyuan 1-0 36 B19 Round 2 (September 8, 2001) Kosteniuk, Alexandra - Bu Xiangzhi 1/2 34 B67 Ni Hua - Smirnov, Pavel 1-0 85 B30 Xu Yuanyuan - Shaposhnikov, Evgeny 0-1 38 E38 Round 3 (September 9, 2001) Bu Xiangzhi - Shaposhnikov, Evgeny 1/2 14 E46 Ni Hua - Kosteniuk, Alexandra 0-1 40 B66 Smirnov, Pavel - Xu Yuanyuan 1-0 33 B12 Round 4 (September 10, 2001) Shaposhnikov, Evgeny - Bu Xiangzhi 0-1 49 B31 Kosteniuk, Alexandra - Ni Hua 1/2 57 B33 Xu Yuanyuan - Smirnov, Pavel 0-1 54 D31 China-Russia Chess Summit Juniors Shanghai CHN (CHN), 7-12 ix 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Bu Xiangzhi g CHN 2553 +4 =2 =3 +3 . . 3.0 2695 2 Kosteniuk, Alexandra m RUS 2440 +6 =1 +5 =5 . . 3.0 2723 3 Shaposhnikov, Evgeny m RUS 2519 +5 +6 =1 -1 . . 2.5 2621 4 Smirnov, Pavel m RUS 2530 -1 -5 +6 +6 . . 2.0 2495 5 Ni Hua f CHN 2568 -3 +4 -2 =2 . . 1.5 2395 6 Xu Yuanyuan wf CHN 2431 -2 -3 -4 -4 . . 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------
There was a China vs. Russia Rapidplay match in Beijing China on 5th September 2001 as a warm up for the China-Russia Summit. The match finished 4-4 after China won the first round 3.5-0.5 but Russia stormed back to win the second by the same score. The Russian team of Alexander Khalifman, Peter Svidler Evgeny Shaposhnikov and Ekaterina Kovalevskaya took on the Chinese team of Ye Jiangchuan Zhang Zhong,Ni Hua and Xu Yuhua.
Round 1 (September 5, 2001) Svidler, Peter - Zhang Zhong 0-1 35 C92 Ye Jiangchuan - Khalifman, Alexander 1-0 29 B45 Shaposhnikov, Evgeny - Ni Hua 0-1 61 B31 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina - Xu Yuhua 1/2 34 B23 Round 2 (September 5, 2001) Khalifman, Alexander - Ye Jiangchuan 1-0 78 B42 Zhang Zhong - Svidler, Peter 0-1 42 B42 Ni Hua - Shaposhnikov, Evgeny 1/2 65 A36 Xu Yuhua - Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina 0-1 45 B51
The Central Office of the Russian News agency ITAR-TASS was the venue for a press conference announcing the 3Ks tournament. The event will take place in Moscow December 1st-12th 2001. Sponsors: Urengojgazprom and the publishing house "Olma-press". Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik and Anatoly Karpov will play each other four times. Details of prize-fund have yet to be announced.
Information: and
The Russia Journal: Kasparov, Kramnik rule out participation. Saturday 8th September, 2001
A Press release from Owen Williams has turned down the Braingames qualifier in Dortmund next year. Kasparov clearly wishes to play a match directly with Kramnik without qualifying. There is also a reference to the still bitter relations (entirely mutual I understand) between Kasparov and the organisers of the Dortmund (where Kasparov has played just once in 1992) tournament over their negotiations to host the PCA World Chess Championships in 1995. The press release makes no mention of dissatisfaction with the format chosen by the Braingames (which many of us have) and instead rejects the idea that Kasparov as World number one should have to qualify at all citing his World number one status and recent tournament performances.
Kasparov turns down Braingames Qualifier. Owen Williams Press Release.
The Braingames Man Machine Match takes place between Vladimir Kramnik and Deep Fritz in Bahrain. The event will be an eight game match held in the Royal Meridiene, Manama, Bahrain hosted by the Emir of Bahrain. It will take place October 12th - November 1st 2001. Match days will be 14th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 24th, 26th, 28th, 30th October 2001.
TWIC Kramnik vs Deep Fritz mini-site including the latest press release from Braingames reponding to Kasparovchess comments on the match conditions.
Official Internet site:
Nigel Short has published in the Sunday Telegraph claims that have been known for some time that he believes he has played a large number of blitz games against Bobby Fischer on the Internet. A number of other players such as Jim Plaskett also claim to have played Fischer. There are also definitely a number of hoaxers around now claiming to be Fischer.
Short says he is so impressed with Fischer's blitz play that he believes him to be still stronger than Kasparov at this form of chess. However although he provides strong circumstancial evidence he publishes no games saying "It would be wonderful to publish one of my games against Fischer. To me they are what an undiscovered Mozart symphony would be to a music lover. Unfortunately, I have no record of any of them, and even if I did, it would be a breach of etiquette to publish them." However without games (and it is easy enough to keep a record of games played on ICC even games where you play as a guest) the story is a bit unsatisfactory and even a bit of a tease. A brief account of the story is available at the the Daily Telegraph site.
The 2001 Icelandic Chess Championships took place in Strandgötu, Hafnarfirði, 31st August - 8th September 2001. GM Hannes Stefansson took first on 7/9 a point clear of second favourite Throstur Thorhallsson. My thanks to Ingvar Johannesson.
Internet coverage:
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ch-ISL Strandgotu ISL (ISL), 31 viii-8 ix 2001 cat. V (2361) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Stefansson, Hannes g ISL 2586 * = 1 = = 1 1 1 = 1 7.0 2555 2. Thorhallsson, Throstur g ISL 2456 = * 0 1 1 = 1 1 = = 6.0 2475 3. Thorfinnsson, Bragi ISL 2371 0 1 * 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 5.0 2402 4. Vidarsson, Jon G f ISL 2359 = 0 0 * = = 1 = 1 1 5.0 2404 5. Kristjansson, Stefan f ISL 2380 = 0 1 = * = 0 1 = = 4.5 2358 6. Thorfinnsson, Bjorn ISL 2220 0 = 1 = = * 0 = 1 = 4.5 2376 7. Bjornsson, Sigurbjorn ISL 2297 0 0 0 0 1 1 * 1 = = 4.0 2324 8. Gunnarsson, Jon Viktor m ISL 2404 0 0 1 = 0 = 0 * 1 = 3.5 2276 9. Ptacnikova, Lenka wg CZE 2272 = = 0 0 = 0 = 0 * 1 3.0 2245 10. Gunnarsson, Arnar ISL 2263 0 = 0 0 = = = = 0 * 2.5 2205 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Moscow Lightning Tournament took place onSeptember 2nd 2001 sponsored by the newspaper "Evening Moscow". This is a traditional event which has taken place for 55 years.
Final standings: 1st Sergei Rublevsky 14.0, 2nd Peter Svidler 13.5 3rd Alexander Morozevich 13.5 4th= Alexey Korotylev and Vadim Zvjaginsev 12.5 6th Alexey Dreev 11.5 7th= Evgeny Bareev and Alexander Grischuk 11.0 9th Alexander Lastin 10.0 20 players. Games now available.
Internet sites: and and in English
Final Standings: 1. Rublevsky, Sergei g RUS 2639 14.0 2. Svidler, Peter g RUS 2695 13.5 3. Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2749 13.5 4. Korotylev, Alexey g RUS 2573 12.5 Zvjaginsev, Vadim g RUS 2638 12.5 6. Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2690 11.5 7. Bareev, Evgeny g RUS 2719 11.0 Grischuk, Alexander g RUS 2669 11.0 9. Lastin, Alexander g RUS 2628 10.0 10. Dvalishvili, Pavel S. RUS 2395 9.5 Riazantsev, Alexander m RUS 2509 9.5 Rychagov, Andrey m RUS 2505 9.5 13. Vasiukov, Evgeni g RUS 2530 8.5 14. Amonatov, Farrukh f TJK 2319 8.0 Bezgodov, Alexei g RUS 2518 8.0 16. Nikolenko, Oleg m RUS 2517 7.5 Arbakov, Valentin g RUS 2454 7.5 18. Belov, Vladimir m RUS 2438 7.0 19. Ivanenko, Vitaly RUS 2282 3.5 20. Belov, Igor m RUS 2424 3.0 (one or two of the players names could be wrong but I think they are all ok)
The AbuDhabi Open took place 25th August - 3rd September 2001. The strongest event was the 9 round Swiss Open masters event with 44 participants including 15 GMs and 11 IMs. Sergey Zagrebelny won with 7/9 a point clear of Alexei Barsov and Elmar Magerramov. Information: Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh, Zohair and Ravi.
Internet coverage:
Final Standings: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADCF Masters Abu Dhabi UAE (UAE), 25 viii-3 ix 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Zagrebelny, Sergey g UZB 2466 +32 =16 + 8 +10 +12 + 7 =19 = 4 = 5 7.0 2729 2. Barsov, Alexei g UZB 2495 +36 =14 -12 =37 = 9 +25 +26 = 5 +19 6.0 2549 3. Magerramov, Elmar g AZE 2555 =40 =38 +36 =22 =17 =13 +18 = 7 +16 6.0 2522 4. Kotsur, Pavel g KAZ 2600 = 9 +20 =17 =18 + 5 = 6 = 7 = 1 =13 5.5 2556 5. Gleizerov, Evgeny g RUS 2587 +25 +13 =27 = 7 - 4 +20 = 6 = 2 = 1 5.5 2558 6. Guliev, Sarhan g AZE 2510 +35 = 7 =11 =14 +24 = 4 = 5 =15 = 8 5.5 2565 7. Bagirov, Rufat m AZE 2458 +33 = 6 +19 = 5 +22 - 1 = 4 = 3 =20 5.5 2538 8. Ulibin, Mikhail g RUS 2583 +23 =17 - 1 +26 =11 =14 +21 =19 = 6 5.5 2537 9. Sale, Srdjan m CRO 2381 = 4 +15 -10 =16 = 2 =24 +30 =14 +26 5.5 2551 10. Volzhin, Alexander g RUS 2524 =22 +28 + 9 - 1 -20 =11 +23 +17 =12 5.5 2502 11. Vakhidov, Tahir m UZB 2474 +37 =19 = 6 =20 = 8 =10 =16 +24 =15 5.5 2551 12. Vladimirov, Evgeny g KAZ 2612 =24 +40 + 2 +27 - 1 =18 =15 =13 =10 5.5 2550 13. Maherramzade, Javad m AZE 2476 +41 - 5 =37 =19 +28 = 3 +20 =12 = 4 5.5 2534 14. Szekely, Peter g HUN 2430 +42 = 2 =18 = 6 =27 = 8 =17 = 9 +25 5.5 2502 15. Dizdar, Goran g CRO 2537 =28 - 9 +33 =23 +41 +22 =12 = 6 =11 5.5 2448 16. Iuldachev, Saidali g UZB 2508 +30 = 1 -22 = 9 +23 =17 =11 +18 - 3 5.0 2461 17. Sharif, Mershad m FRA 2474 +29 = 8 = 4 =25 = 3 =16 =14 -10 +30 5.0 2495 18. Arkhipov, Sergey g RUS 2500 =38 +24 =14 = 4 +25 =12 - 3 -16 +28 5.0 2496 19. Safin, Shukhrat g UZB 2529 +39 =11 - 7 =13 +38 +27 = 1 = 8 - 2 5.0 2490 20. Prasad, Devaki V m IND 2440 +44 - 4 +34 =11 +10 - 5 -13 +29 = 7 5.0 2426 21. Rizouk, Aimen m ALG 2442 -34 -22 +43 =36 +29 +37 - 8 =28 +27 5.0 2335 22. Salem, Ghuloom UAE 2295 =10 +21 +16 = 3 - 7 -15 +27 -26 =24 4.5 2487 23. Hamed, Ahmed m EGY 2337 - 8 =29 +32 =15 -16 +38 -10 +34 =35 4.5 2359 24. Lodhi, Mahmood m PAK 2410 =12 -18 +30 +40 - 6 = 9 +41 -11 =22 4.5 2403 25. Badjarani, Ilgar m AZE 2365 - 5 +34 +41 =17 -18 - 2 +39 +32 -14 4.5 2368 26. Raetsky, Alexander m RUS 2452 +43 -27 +38 - 8 =37 +39 - 2 +22 - 9 4.5 2351 27. Dzhumaev, Marat g UZB 2497 +31 +26 = 5 -12 =14 -19 -22 +41 -21 4.0 2384 28. Velikhanli, Firuza wg AZE 2327 =15 -10 =29 +34 -13 =32 +37 =21 -18 4.0 2312 29. Mamedov, Chingiz AZE 2224 -17 =23 =28 =30 -21 +33 +36 -20 =32 4.0 2278 30. Hamad, Ahmad SYR 2284 -16 =32 -24 =29 +35 +31 - 9 +39 -17 4.0 2294 31. Illijin, Neboisa m ROM 2262 -27 =43 =40 =39 =32 -30 +33 =35 =37 4.0 2220 32. Khalid AlShaali UAE 2187 - 1 =30 -23 +43 =31 =28 +40 -25 =29 4.0 2260 33. Hussan, Mohamed Seif UAE 2142 - 7 +35 -15 -38 +42 -29 -31 +43 +40 4.0 2236 34. Ali, Shaheen UAE 2104 +21 -25 -20 -28 -40 +42 +44 -23 +41 4.0 2232 35. Molina, Antonio PHI 2293 - 6 -33 +42 -41 -30 +44 +38 =31 =23 4.0 2184 36. Mirzoeva, Elmira wm RUS 2260 - 2 +42 - 3 =21 -39 +43 -29 =37 +44 4.0 2218 37. Mohamed, Hossein f UAE 2203 -11 +39 =13 = 2 =26 -21 -28 =36 =31 3.5 2307 38. Ali, Mahmoud UAE 2274 =18 = 3 -26 +33 -19 -23 -35 =44 +42 3.5 2232 39. Toomanian, Hamlet IRI 2301 -19 -37 +44 =31 +36 -26 -25 -30 +43 3.5 2196 40. El Arousy, Abdul Hameed m EGY 2332 = 3 -12 =31 -24 +34 -41 -32 +42 -33 3.0 2154 41. Li, Georgiy UZB 2239 -13 +44 -25 +35 -15 +40 -24 -27 -34 3.0 2209 42. Faisal, Kashwani UAE ---- -14 -36 -35 +44 -33 -34 +43 -40 -38 2.0 1999 43. Ibrahim, Ismail UAE 2136 -26 =31 -21 -32 +44 -36 -42 -33 -39 1.5 1954 44. Abdulla,M Saleh UAE ---- -20 -41 -39 -42 -43 -35 -34 =38 -36 0.5 1783 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The main First Saturday events in September are two IM category I groups. The IMA event is a 12 player all-play-all and the B event is a six player double round all-play-all. My thanks to Istvan Magyar, Miklos Orso and Laszlo Nagy.
Internet coverage:
Round 9 Standings: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FSIMA September Budapest HUN (HUN), 1-12 ix 2001 cat. I (2267) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hajnal, Zoltan f HUN 2355 * 1 1 0 = . = 1 . 1 1 1 7.0 2479 2. Nemeth, Zoltan m HUN 2328 0 * = = . 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 7.0 2482 3. Kun, Gabor HUN 2274 0 = * . 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 . 6.5 2443 4. Pitschka, Klaus f GER 2220 1 = . * . = = = = = 1 1 6.0 2392 5. Sinkovics, Peter m HUN 2301 = . 0 . * = 1 0 = 1 1 1 5.5 2341 6. Boros, Denes HUN 2198 . 0 0 = = * 1 = = = . 1 4.5 2272 7. Soos, Bela m GER 2302 = 0 = = 0 0 * = . . 1 1 4.0 2221 8. Appleberry, Martin FRA 2283 0 0 0 = 1 = = * = = . . 3.5 2198 9. Berczes, Csaba HUN 2316 . 0 0 = = = . = * = = 0 3.0 2122 10. Feller, Joseph LUX 2209 0 . = = 0 = . = = * 0 0 2.5 2096 11. Resika, Nathan A f USA 2203 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . = 1 * 1 2.5 2114 12. Gazic, Josip GER 2215 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 1 1 0 * 2.0 2050 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FSIMB September Budapest HUN (HUN), 1-10 ix 2001 cat. I (2267) ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Eperjesi, Laszlo m HUN 2255 ** == =. 1= 11 1= 6.5 2431 2 Kahn, Evarth m HUN 2278 == ** == 1= =1 1. 6.0 2393 3 Dobos, Jozsef m HUN 2309 =. == ** 01 == == 4.5 2259 4 Alfred, Nathan ENG 2205 0= 0= 10 ** =. == 3.5 2195 5 Gouret, Thierry f FRA 2320 00 =0 == =. ** 1= 3.5 2182 6 Cooke, Eric USA 2237 0= 0. == == 0= ** 3.0 2147 -----------------------------------------------------------
The European Youth Chess Championships took place Kallithea, Halkidiki August 30th - September 10th 2001. The FIDE Congress (September 4th to 10th) also took place at the same venue. Zviad Izoria won the boys under-18 event half a point clear of Jan Werle and Vugar Gashimov. There were championships for under-18, 16, 14, 12 and 10 for both boys and girls.
Internet coverage: In English:
----------------------------------------------------------------------- EYCC B18 Halkidiki GRE (GRE), 31 viii-9 ix 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Izoria, Zviad m GEO 2486 7.5 51.5 41.50 39.5 2643 2. Werle, Jan NED 2412 7.0 53.5 40.50 37.0 2617 3. Gashimov, Vugar m AZE 2406 7.0 52.5 38.75 36.0 2612 4. Khismatullin, Denis RUS 2446 6.5 50.5 34.75 35.0 2544 5. Kritz, Leonid f GER 2423 6.0 50.0 31.25 32.0 2470 6. Jakovenko, Dmitry m RUS 2551 6.0 48.5 30.75 31.0 2469 7. Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios GRE 2435 6.0 47.0 31.00 30.5 2455 8. Anatsko, Evgeniy BLR 2346 6.0 45.0 26.00 29.5 2443 9. Dziuba, Marcin f POL 2471 6.0 43.5 26.50 28.0 2415 10. Lupulescu, Constantin ROM 2465 5.5 49.5 25.50 32.0 2426 11. Drozdovskij, Yuri m UKR 2452 5.5 49.5 27.00 30.5 2419 12. Zawadzki, Stanislaw POL 2311 5.5 50.0 28.00 30.5 2422 13. Perez Candelario, Manuel m ESP 2376 5.5 44.0 25.75 29.0 2415 14. Popovic, Dusan YUG 2361 5.5 43.5 21.50 28.5 2347 15. Stojanovski, Dejan f MKD 2417 5.5 43.0 24.75 27.5 2369 16. Rasmussen, Allan Stig DEN 2285 5.5 39.0 23.25 24.5 2373 58 players ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EYCC B16 Halkidiki GRE (GRE), 31 viii-9 ix 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Inarkiev, Ernesto m RUS 2484 7.5 52.5 44.00 37.0 2590 2. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyaz AZE 2493 7.0 53.5 40.75 36.5 2558 3. Jakymov, Volodymyr UKR 2281 7.0 50.0 35.75 34.5 2543 4. Antal, Gergely m HUN 2398 6.5 52.5 35.00 37.5 2497 5. Mamedov, Nidjat m AZE 2401 6.5 51.0 34.00 37.0 2512 6. Porat, Shi ISR 2230 6.5 44.0 29.00 33.5 2510 7. Grachev, Boris f RUS 2407 6.5 48.0 34.00 33.0 2433 8. Nyback, Tomi FIN 2345 6.5 46.0 30.25 31.5 2424 9. Kharitonov, Alexandr RUS 2398 6.5 48.0 33.25 31.0 2418 10. Bartel, Mateusz POL 2409 6.0 53.0 32.50 34.0 2402 11. Erwich, Marc f NED 2263 6.0 46.0 29.00 32.0 2472 12. Sitnikov, Anton UKR 2182 5.5 49.0 25.25 29.5 2411 13. Ibarra Jerez, Jose Carlos ESP 2238 5.5 46.5 26.50 28.5 2376 14. Maiorov, Nikita BLR 2326 5.5 43.5 24.00 28.5 2244 15. Jeremic, Veljko YUG 2491 5.5 44.5 26.00 27.5 2349 16. Smeets, Jan NED 2311 5.5 44.0 24.75 27.5 2240 17. Pakleza, Zbigniew POL 2220 5.5 45.5 25.25 27.5 2355 18. Anisimov, Pavel RUS 2401 5.5 43.0 23.25 27.0 2272 19. L'Ami, Erwin NED 2275 5.5 41.5 21.75 27.0 2237 77 players ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EYCC B14 Halkidiki GRE (GRE), 31 viii-9 ix 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Predojevic, Borki f YUG 2338 7.0 51.5 37.75 40.0 2436 2. Karjakin, Sergey f UKR 2338 7.0 47.5 36.00 34.5 2366 3. Mamedov, Rauf AZE 2318 7.0 42.5 33.25 31.0 2375 4. Gerzhoy, Leonid ISR 2257 6.5 52.5 36.25 37.0 2371 5. Baramidze, David GER 2338 6.5 47.5 32.25 33.5 2284 6. Romanov, Evgeny f RUS 2195 6.5 46.5 33.00 32.5 2383 7. Zavgorodniy, Sergiy m UKR 2453 6.0 48.0 30.75 32.5 2331 8. Vitiugov, Nikita RUS 2350 6.0 44.5 28.50 32.0 2237 9. Laznicka, Viktor CZE 2047 6.0 45.5 28.00 31.0 2318 10. Gonda, Laszlo HUN 2307 6.0 43.5 26.00 30.0 2179 11. Luch, Michal POL 2115 6.0 43.0 25.75 29.0 2156 12. Magalashvili, Davit GEO 2089 6.0 43.0 26.00 29.0 2311 13. Vicol, Dorian MDA 2015 6.0 40.5 24.00 28.0 2217 14. Baratosi, Daniel ROM 2078 6.0 45.0 27.25 27.5 2241 15. Papin, Vasily RUS 2121 5.5 53.5 27.75 33.0 2333 16. Krapivin, Alexander f RUS 2314 5.5 48.0 28.00 30.0 2173 17. Czarnota, Pawel POL 2068 5.5 43.0 24.50 27.5 2217 18. Khizanashvili, Vakhtang GEO 2068 5.5 42.5 26.00 26.5 2129 19. Djeranian,Serguei ---- 5.5 42.0 22.25 22.0 2218 74 players ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EYCC B12 Halkidiki GRE (GRE), 31 viii-9 ix 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Nepomniachtchi, Ian f RUS 2243 7.0 51.5 38.25 39.5 2362 2. Andreikin, Dmitry f RUS 2293 7.0 46.5 34.00 36.5 2158 3. Howell, David WL ENG 2170 7.0 45.0 34.50 32.5 2473 4. Kuzubov,Yuriy ---- 7.0 45.0 35.00 30.0 2357 5. Mihailovs, Jurijs LAT 2126 6.0 50.0 30.75 37.5 2212 6. Rodshtein, Maxim ISR 2150 6.0 50.5 29.00 33.5 2133 7. Banusz, Tamas HUN 2113 6.0 48.5 30.00 32.0 2075 8. Jojua, David ---- 6.0 43.0 24.50 31.0 1935 9. Zhigalko, Sergei BLR 2219 6.0 48.5 31.50 30.5 1967 10. Brzeski, Maciej POL 2124 6.0 44.0 28.50 27.5 - 11. Warakomski,Tomasz ---- 5.5 47.5 26.25 32.0 2034 12. Olszewski, Michal POL 2138 5.5 49.5 29.25 29.5 1938 13. Maslowski, Jakub POL 2038 5.5 40.0 21.25 24.5 - 14. Macdonald,Christopher ---- 5.5 40.0 20.25 24.0 2019 15. Fragakis, Efstratios GRE 2091 5.5 43.5 26.25 24.0 2138 16. Kekatos,Nikolaos ---- 5.5 37.5 20.75 21.5 1931 60 players ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EYCC B10 Halkidiki GRE (GRE), 31 viii-9 ix 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Onyshchuk Volodymyr Jr 0000 7.5 50.0 41.50 36.5 2286 2. Benidze David 0000 7.0 54.0 37.50 37.0 2941 Kruglyakov Pavlo 0000 7.0 50.5 38.75 35.5 2242 4. Matlakov Maxim 2264 6.5 55.0 37.50 37.0 2803 Savanovic Vuk 0000 6.5 47.5 31.75 32.5 1507 Guliyev Sanan 0000 6.5 47.0 30.75 31.0 2103 Pap Gyula 2103 6.5 50.0 33.75 30.0 2803 8. Lilov Valeri 0000 6.0 52.0 31.75 32.0 2184 Chirila Ioan Cristian 0000 6.0 47.0 26.50 32.0 1587 Kulakov Viatcheslav 0000 6.0 45.0 27.00 30.5 1449 Leniart Arkadiusz 0000 6.0 40.5 25.50 23.0 1449 12. Safarli Eltaj 0000 5.5 49.0 27.25 34.5 2036 Lichman Petr 2126 5.5 55.5 33.50 33.0 1507 Kanakaris Georgios 0000 5.5 45.5 24.25 31.5 2303 Sismanis Angelos 2094 5.5 49.0 27.00 30.0 - Anton Tudor 0000 5.5 44.5 22.75 29.5 - Kelbakian Zurab 0000 5.5 41.5 21.75 27.5 2094 Petrosyan Artur 0000 5.5 41.0 21.75 26.0 - Makhmudov Turkhan 0000 5.5 42.5 22.75 24.5 1422 61 players -------------------------------------------------------------------- EYCC G18 Halkidiki GRE (GRE), 31 viii-9 ix 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Charkhalashvili, Inga wf GEO 2278 7.0 49.0 36.50 39.5 2353 2. Vozovic, Oksana UKR 2255 6.5 48.5 33.75 34.5 2358 3. Khusnutdinova, Luiza wm RUS 2254 6.5 47.0 32.50 31.5 2299 4. Praude,Renate ---- 6.5 47.5 30.25 30.0 2219 5. Makka, Ioulia GRE 2123 6.0 44.5 27.75 32.0 2297 6. Stiri, Alexandra GRE 2148 6.0 47.5 30.50 31.5 2298 7. Berzina, Ilze wf LAT 2231 6.0 45.0 29.00 28.5 2214 8. Kirik, Irina BLR 2073 6.0 43.5 27.00 28.0 2086 9. Goreskul, Alyona wm UKR 2208 5.5 42.5 23.25 29.5 2055 10. Gheorghe, Corina ROM 2109 5.5 43.5 22.50 23.5 1820 44 players ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EYCC G16 Halkidiki GRE (GRE), 31 viii-9 ix 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Kursova, Maria wf RUS 2190 7.0 48.5 36.00 37.0 2365 2. Guseva, Marina RUS 2230 7.0 51.5 39.00 37.0 2381 3. Zdebskaja, Natalia UKR 2187 7.0 45.5 33.50 35.5 2402 4. Pogonina, Natalija wf RUS 2265 6.0 49.5 31.50 33.0 2267 5. Vakhania, Alexandra GEO 2116 6.0 51.5 33.00 32.0 2332 6. Muhren, Bianca NED 2216 6.0 43.0 24.50 31.5 2278 7. Chistiakova, Tamara wf RUS 2160 6.0 46.0 29.00 30.0 2194 8. Hasanova, Elmira wf RUS 2264 6.0 46.0 29.50 29.5 2234 9. Ciobanu, Camelia wf ROM 2250 6.0 39.0 24.50 24.0 2108 10. Meshcheriakova, Evgenia RUS 2233 5.5 49.0 27.25 32.0 2175 11. Vasilevich, Irina RUS 2227 5.5 48.5 28.00 32.0 2204 12. Motoc, Alina wf ROM 2226 5.5 47.0 26.75 32.0 2176 13. Zaksaite, Salomeja LTU 2097 5.5 48.5 26.25 30.0 2164 14. Igla, Bella ISR 2088 5.5 44.5 24.75 30.0 2245 15. Postnova, Ekaterina wf RUS 2267 5.5 45.5 25.50 29.0 2190 16. Papadopoulou, Vera GRE 2193 5.5 43.0 24.25 28.5 2050 17. Czaczine,Anne ---- 5.5 45.5 26.50 27.5 2221 18. Datuashvili, Nona wm GEO 2200 5.5 43.5 25.50 26.0 2170 19. Mijovic,Aleksandra ---- 5.5 40.0 23.75 25.5 2216 58 players ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EYCC G14 Halkidiki GRE (GRE), 31 viii-9 ix 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Lahno, Kateryna wf UKR 2239 7.5 52.5 42.50 40.0 2353 2. Czarnota, Dorota POL 2069 7.5 45.5 35.75 38.5 2357 3. Gilbert, Jessie wf ENG 2066 6.5 47.5 30.75 34.0 2201 4. Zawadzka, Jolanta POL 2064 6.5 46.5 32.00 32.5 2241 5. Melia, Salome GEO 2220 6.5 49.0 32.75 31.5 2167 6. Ismailova,Aytaj ---- 6.0 51.5 32.00 34.0 2244 7. Verot,M ---- 6.0 43.5 25.50 30.5 2165 8. Cherenkova,K ---- 6.0 39.5 24.50 27.5 2199 10. Darbinyan,Ani ---- 5.5 50.5 28.50 31.0 2091 11. Malysheva, Polina RUS 2094 5.5 51.5 30.00 28.5 2031 12. Burtasova, Anna RUS 2146 5.5 43.5 24.50 27.0 1853 13. Novak,Ksenija ---- 5.5 47.5 27.25 27.0 2146 14. Savurko, Alexandra ---- 5.5 39.5 22.25 25.0 2167 15. Mar, Karmen SLO 2026 5.5 38.5 21.25 24.5 2146 52 players --------------------------------------------------------------- EYCC G12 Halkidiki GRE (GRE), 31 viii-9 ix 2001 --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Paulet Iosefina 7.0 50.0 37.50 38.5 0000 Muzychuk Anna 7.0 49.0 37.00 33.0 2197 3. Kharmounova Nadejda 6.5 48.5 32.50 37.0 0000 Sgarcea Raluca 6.5 49.0 34.25 33.5 0000 Umudova Nargiz 6.5 40.5 28.50 31.0 0000 Golubenko Valentina 6.5 40.0 29.00 26.0 0000 7. Gunina Valentina 6.0 52.5 33.00 37.5 2145 Tarassova Victoria 6.0 51.5 32.00 32.0 0000 Cherepovskaya Margarita 6.0 47.5 28.50 30.0 0000 Ivakhinova Inna 6.0 46.5 28.75 29.5 0000 Bokuchava Madona 6.0 46.0 31.50 27.5 0000 Holoubkova Kamila 6.0 41.0 25.75 26.5 0000 Meskhi Teona 6.0 43.0 26.00 26.0 0000 14. Merkulova Iryna 5.5 51.0 29.25 33.5 0000 Darbinyan Nune 5.5 44.5 22.25 31.5 0000 57 players -------------------------------------------------------- EYCC G10 Halkidiki GRE (GRE), 31 viii-9 ix 2001 -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Tairova Alena 8.0 48.0 42.00 43.0 2. Repina Varvara 7.0 49.5 35.75 37.5 3. Muzychuk Mariya 6.5 49.0 35.00 32.5 Skinke Katrina 6.5 47.0 32.50 30.5 5. Zeynalova Hokuma 6.0 52.0 29.25 32.5 Khazomia Salome 6.0 53.0 33.50 32.5 7. Gvilava Maya 5.5 45.0 20.75 30.5 Vetrila Sanda 5.5 47.5 26.75 29.5 Beridze Tinatin 5.5 44.5 21.50 26.5 Csatho Lotti 5.5 43.0 24.75 24.5 11. Porat Maya 5.0 44.5 22.00 29.0 Guiria Olga 5.0 48.5 24.00 28.5 Mammadova Gulnar 5.0 41.5 17.50 28.0 Gabrilaviciuete Kristina 5.0 41.5 18.00 25.0 Savina Anastasia 5.0 39.0 20.50 23.0 Mamedova Leila 5.0 40.0 21.25 22.0 35 players
The India Cements 9th Asian Women's Championships takes place 2nd-12th September 2001 in Chennai India. The event is a qualifier for the FIDE Women's World Championships. My thanks to Vasudevan of Chathurangam for his help.
Internet coverage: and
Standings after 8/11 rounds --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th Asian Women Chennai IND (IND), 3-12 ix 2001 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Li Ruofan wm CHN 2293 +28 -12 +27 = 7 +20 +21 + 6 + 4 6.5 2511 2. Aarthie, Ramaswamy wm IND 2249 =25 +13 =14 +11 = 5 = 7 + 8 + 6 6.0 2449 3. Swathi, Ghate wm IND 2260 +26 - 6 -13 +30 +19 +15 +21 + 9 6.0 2377 4. Vijayalakshmi, Subbaraman wg IND 2397 +27 +10 +12 - 9 + 7 = 6 + 5 - 1 5.5 2419 5. Wang Yu wf CHN 2382 - 6 +25 +16 +13 = 2 + 9 - 4 +17 5.5 2377 6. Mohota, Nisha wm IND 2236 + 5 + 3 = 7 +12 + 9 = 4 - 1 - 2 5.0 2395 7. Sergeeva, Maria wm KAZ 2327 +24 +16 = 6 = 1 - 4 = 2 =14 +12 5.0 2364 8. Nguyen Thi Thanh An VIE 2275 +22 -20 =18 +10 =15 +11 - 2 +13 5.0 2307 9. Huang Qian CHN 2260 +23 +18 +20 + 4 - 6 - 5 +17 - 3 5.0 2318 10. Yu Ting CHN 2256 +31 - 4 =15 - 8 +13 +20 =11 +14 5.0 2345 11. Zhao Xue wg CHN 2372 -12 +22 +17 - 2 +27 - 8 =10 +20 4.5 2277 12. Khegai, Angela wm UZB 2235 +11 + 1 - 4 - 6 +16 -17 +26 - 7 4.0 2276 13. Levushkina, E wm UZB 2208 +21 - 2 + 3 - 5 -10 +29 +15 - 8 4.0 2251 14. Meenakshi, S IND 2245 +29 =17 = 2 =20 -21 +18 = 7 -10 4.0 2204 15. Le Kieu Thien Kim wm VIE 2286 -20 +29 =10 +18 = 8 - 3 -13 +21 4.0 2189 16. Gokhale, Anupama wm IND 2251 +19 - 7 - 5 +23 -12 =22 +27 =18 4.0 2164 17. Geldyeva, Mekhri wg TKM 2284 +30 =14 -11 =19 +26 +12 - 9 - 5 4.0 2209 18. Zhang Jilin CHN ---- +32 - 9 = 8 -15 +28 -14 +19 =16 4.0 2180 19. Harika,Dronavalli IND ---- -16 +32 =21 =17 - 3 +27 -18 +26 4.0 2173 20. Khamrakulova, Iroda UZB 2217 +15 + 8 - 9 =14 - 1 -10 +22 -11 3.5 2219 21. Gu Xiaobing CHN 2300 -13 +30 =19 +24 +14 - 1 - 3 -15 3.5 2165 22. Kasturi, M IND 2115 - 8 -11 +31 -26 +24 =16 -20 +30 3.5 2150 23. Sultana, Zakia2 BAN 2012 - 9 =24 =25 -16 =30 =28 =31 +29 3.5 2085 24. Dhar-Barua, Saheli wm IND 2248 - 7 =23 +28 -21 -22 -26 +32 +31 3.5 2074 25. Khanam, Afrooza wf BAN 2010 = 2 - 5 =23 -27 -29 =31 . =28 3.0 2039 26. Pratibha, Y IND 2054 - 3 -27 +32 +22 -17 +24 -12 -19 3.0 2085 27. Thipsay, Bagyashree Sathe wm IND 2241 - 4 +26 - 1 +25 -11 -19 -16 +32 3.0 2085 28. Hamid, Rani wm BAN 2130 - 1 =31 -24 +32 -18 =23 =29 =25 3.0 1983 29. Wijesuriya, Vineetha SRI ---- -14 -15 -30 +31 +25 -13 =28 -23 2.5 1986 30. Khan, Nazrana BAN 2129 -17 -21 +29 - 3 =23 . =30 -22 2.5 2012 31. Konara, Anupama SRI ---- -10 =28 -22 -29 +32 =25 =23 -24 2.5 1955 32. BYE ---- -18 -19 -26 -28 -31 -25 -24 -27 0.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Koos Stolk sends news of an Albin Counter Gambit theme tournament (the first 3 moves (1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 d4) were obligatory) that took place in Groningen 7th-8th September 2001. Van der Wiel won the invitational section on tie-break from Sergei Tiviakov both had two whites and a black. There were a number of sections with the overall score seeing White win 21, Black 13 and 8 draws. The organisers were Chessclub 'Staunton' in Groningen who are famous for organising the first major tournament after the Second World War in 1946.
--------------------------------------------------------- Staunton CC Albin Theme Invitational Groningen NED (NED), 7-8 ix 2001cat. XI (2502) --------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 --------------------------------------------------------- 1. Van der Wiel, John g NED 2498 * 1 = = 2.0 2627 2. Tiviakov, Sergei g NED 2618 0 * 1 1 2.0 2587 3. Brenninkmeijer, Joris m NED 2499 = 0 * 1 1.5 2502 4. Ligterink, Gert m NED 2391 = 0 0 * 0.5 2265 --------------------------------------------------------- All games Albin Counter Gambit Round 1 (September 7, 2001) Van der Wiel, John - Ligterink, Gert 1/2 46 D08 Tiviakov, Sergei - Brenninkmeijer, Joris 1-0 34 D09 Round 2 (September 8, 2001) Van der Wiel, John - Tiviakov, Sergei 1-0 19 D09 Ligterink, Gert - Brenninkmeijer, Joris 0-1 29 D09 Round 3 (September 8, 2001) Tiviakov, Sergei - Ligterink, Gert 1-0 33 D09 Brenninkmeijer, Joris - Van der Wiel, John 1/2 14 D09
The Ukrainian Championships take place in Ordzhonikidze, 8-16 September 2001. The event is a nine round Swiss with 30 players.
Internet coverage:
Round 1 Standings: -------------------------------------------------------- ch-UKR Ordzhonikidze UKR (UKR), 8-16 ix 2001 -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Berelovich, Aleksandar g UKR 2513 +30 1.0 2. Efimenko, Zahar m UKR 2495 +27 1.0 3. Neverov, Valeriy g UKR 2564 +26 1.0 4. Malaniuk, Vladimir P g UKR 2516 +28 1.0 5. Moiseenko, Alexander g UKR 2581 +25 1.0 6. Vysochin, Spartak m UKR 2542 +29 1.0 7. Areshchenko, Alexander UKR 2462 =16 0.5 2529 8. Borovikov, Vladislav m UKR 2593 =23 0.5 2512 9. Brodsky, Michail g UKR 2528 =19 0.5 2449 10. Eljanov, Pavel g UKR 2522 =15 0.5 2436 11. Fedorchuk, Sergey A m UKR 2490 =24 0.5 2551 12. Goloshchapov, Alexander g UKR 2550 =21 0.5 2485 13. Golubev, Mihail g UKR 2526 =17 0.5 2443 14. Korobov, Anton UKR 2470 =22 0.5 2539 15. Nosenko, Alexander m UKR 2436 =10 0.5 2522 16. Ovsejevitsch, Sergei g UKR 2529 = 7 0.5 2462 17. Rogovski, Vladimir m UKR 2443 =13 0.5 2526 18. Romanishin, Oleg M g UKR 2579 =20 0.5 2498 19. Savon, Vladimir A g UKR 2449 = 9 0.5 2528 20. Sergeev, Vladimir m UKR 2498 =18 0.5 2579 21. Mikhaletz, Lubomir g UKR 2485 =12 0.5 2550 22. Miroshnichenko, Evgenij m UKR 2539 =14 0.5 2470 23. Moroz, Alexander g UKR 2512 = 8 0.5 2593 24. Volokitin, Andrei m UKR 2551 =11 0.5 2490 25. Firman, Nazar m UKR 2511 - 5 0.0 26. Kozakov, Mikhail g UKR 2496 - 3 0.0 27. Malakhatko, Vadim g UKR 2557 - 2 0.0 28. Maximov, Dmitry UKR 2408 - 4 0.0 29. Zubarev, Alexander1 m UKR 2470 - 6 0.0 30. Kuznetsov,Sergei UKR UKR ---- - 1 0.0 ---------------------------------------------------------
Zone 2.5 in Mar-del-Plata took place 25th August - 2nd September 2001. Facundo Pierrot and Ruben Felgaer finished on 7/10. Games now available.
Internet coverage:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- zt 2.5 Mar del Plata ARG (ARG), 25 viii-2 ix 2001 cat. VI (2397) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Pierrot, Facundo m ARG 2425 * = 1 = 1 = = = 1 = 1 7.0 2543 2. Felgaer, Ruben m ARG 2471 = * 0 = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 7.0 2538 3. Cubas, Jose Fernando f PAR 2290 0 1 * 1 = 1 0 = 1 1 = 6.5 2517 4. Fiorito, Fabian m ARG 2386 = = 0 * = = 1 1 = = 1 6.0 2470 5. Rosito, Jorge m ARG 2400 0 0 = = * = 1 1 = 1 1 6.0 2468 6. Kanefsck, Gustavo m ARG 2396 = = 0 = = * 1 0 = = 1 5.0 2397 7. Rodriguez, Andres g URU 2504 = = 1 0 0 0 * = 1 = 1 5.0 2386 8. Roselli Mailhe, Bernardo m URU 2428 = 0 = 0 0 1 = * 0 1 1 4.5 2358 9. Tempone, Marcelo m ARG 2437 0 0 0 = = = 0 1 * = 1 4.0 2321 10. Cristobal, Ruben ARG 2342 = 0 0 = 0 = = 0 = * 0 2.5 2209 11. Bauza, Alejandro f URU 2290 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 * 1.5 2111 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
There were two open's in Austrian during August. The Faakersee Open in Latschach 4th-14th August 2001 was won by Peter Horvath. The Feffernitz Open 19th-26th August 2001 was won by Henrik Teske on tie-break ahead of Peter Horvath and Manfred Neulinger all scored 7/9.
My thanks to Peter Ariel for the information.
--------------------------------------------------------------- Faakersee Open Latschach AUT (AUT), 4-14 viii 2001 --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Horvath, Peter1 m HUN 2441 8 54,5 43,5 43,0 2. Groetz, Harald AUT 2305 7½ 55,0 43,0 40,5 3. Soln, Primoz m SLO 2421 7 53,0 41,0 37,5 4. Devide, Zoran CRO 2256 7 50,0 37,5 35,0 5. Martinovic, Slobodan g YUG 2436 7 48,0 36,5 34,0 6. Hresc, Vladimir m CRO 2427 6½ 54,0 42,0 34,5 7. Sebenik, Matej f SLO 2322 6½ 53,0 40,5 36,5 8. Farago, Ivan g HUN 2504 6½ 51,0 39,5 33,5 9. Frank,Paul ---- 6½ 45,5 36,5 30,5 117 players ---------------------------------------------------- Open Feffernitz AUT (AUT), 19-26 viii 2001 ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Teske, Henrik g GER 2486 7 55 2. Horvath, Peter1 m HUN 2441 7 54½ 3. Neulinger, Manfred f AUT 2348 7 52½ 4. Balzar, Andreas f GER 2362 6½ 56 5. Farago, Ivan g HUN 2504 6½ 53 6. Mazi, Leon m SLO 2381 6½ 53 7. Martinovic, Slobodan g YUG 2436 6½ 52 8. Kountz, Jochen f GER 2349 6½ 49½ 9. Mitter, Gerd AUT 2188 6½ 47½ 10. Praznik, Niko SLO 2257 6 50½ 11. Muellneritsch, Anton AUT 2221 6 49 12. Krebs, Johann AUT 2208 6 47 13. Koch, Wolfgang Max f GER 2312 6 46 14. Buerger, Thomas AUT 2097 6 45½ 15. Kock, Hans-Uwe f GER 2159 6 45 16. Djurkovic, Maks SLO 2116 6 41 17. Jeric, Simon m SLO 2327 5½ 52 18. Hummel, Markus AUT 2219 5½ 48 19. Smolej,Frank ---- 5½ 47 20. Wernbacher,Siegfried ---- 5½ 44½ 21. Glawischnig,Armin ---- 5½ 40½ 22. Neubauer, Herbert ---- 5½ 39 88 players
Then Czech Extra League took place 4th November - 8th April 2001. The rules of the competition are similar to the German Bundesliga - each match has teams of 8 players, a win brings 2 points, draw 1 point. In case of a tie the board points act as a tie-break. Among the 8 players 3 foreigner or guests players (Czech players registered with other clubs) can compete. Holdia DP Praha won the championships. Game from the final rounds are now available. The first three rounds were published in TWIC 323. Information Martin Dlouh and Martin Pribyl.
Final Standings: 1. Holdia DP Praha 11 8 2 1 53,0 18 2. K Hagemann Opava 11 8 1 2 59,0 17 3. SC A64 Lázne Slatinice 11 8 1 2 49,0 17 4. T Trinec 11 6 2 3 47,5 14 5. K SK Trinom Zlín 11 5 2 4 46,0 12 6. K Mahrla Praha 11 2 7 2 45,0 11 7. K Visus Vyehrad 11 4 3 4 41,5 11 8. Ingem Plzen ZCE 11 4 2 5 42,5 10 9. K Dum armády Praha 11 4 1 6 46,0 9 10. K Infinity Pardubice 11 4 1 6 43,0 9 11. Sokol Kolín 11 2 0 9 28,5 4 12. Nová Hut Ostrava 11 0 0 11 27,0 0
The 16th Schwarzacher Open Hauptturnier 2001 took place in Salzburg, Austria 25th August - 2nd September 2001. Alexander Shchekachev won with 7.5/9. Games now available.
Internet coverage:
Final Standings: ------------------------------------------------------- Schwarzach Open A Salzburg AUT (AUT), 25 viii-2 ix 2001 ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Shchekachev, Andrei g RUS 2546 7.5 48.0 2. Hertneck, Gerald g GER 2572 7.0 46.5 3. Karpatchev, Aleksandr g RUS 2421 6.5 48.0 4. Danner, Georg m AUT 2421 6.5 45.0 5. Staller, Peter f GER 2310 6.5 41.0 6. Medvegy, Zoltan m HUN 2430 6.0 50.0 7. Groetz, Harald AUT 2305 6.0 42.5 8. Pinkas, Karol m POL 2378 6.0 42.0 9. Ivanov, Mikhail M g RUS 2446 6.0 42.0 10. Riedel, Wolfgang f GER 2337 6.0 41.5 11. Maier, Alexander m GER 2378 6.0 39.5 12. Balinov, Ilija g AUT 2425 5.5 46.5 13. Stephan, Axel GER 2278 5.5 44.5 14. Ljubic, Juro CRO 2258 5.5 42.5 15. Batyte, Daiva LTU 2117 5.5 42.0 16. Kniest, Oliver f GER 2317 5.5 41.5 17. Okhotnik, Vladimir m UKR 2446 5.5 40.5 18. Krstic, Uros CRO 2343 5.5 39.0 19. Hecht, Hans-Joachim g GER 2428 5.5 37.5 20. Klovans, Janis g LAT 2446 5.0 47.0 21. Peschel, Andreas GER 2198 5.0 42.5 22. Hiermann, Dietmar AUT 2294 5.0 42.0 23. Gumula, Daniel POL 2152 5.0 39.0 24. Bopp, Thomas GER 2213 5.0 36.0 25. Netzer, Jean FRA 2075 5.0 35.0 69 players
The Preov Chess Festival (Slovakia) took place 11th-19th August 2001. Dusan Radovanovic won the event. Games now available. My thanks to Michiel van Wissen.
Internet coverage:
Leading Final Standings: 1 Radovanovic, Dusan 2321 YUG 7.5 47.0 35.5 2518 2.02 2 Hasangatin, Ramil m 2482 RUS 7.0 52.5 36.5 2543 0.61 3 Mikrut, Dariusz 2354 POL 7.0 39.5 30.5 2406 0.48 4 Priehoda, Vítezslav m 2411 SVK 6.5 50.0 36.5 2463 0.56 5 Kotán, Ladislav f 2347 SVK 6.5 49.5 37.5 2475 1.55 6 Maník, Mikulás m 2414 SVK 6.5 49.0 33.5 2449 0.38 7 Del Rio, Gabriel m 2484 ESP 6.5 45.0 30.0 2406 -0.16 8 Maryasin, Boris m 2394 ISR 6.5 44.5 30.0 2399 0.11 9 Kupreichik, Viktor g 2443 BLR 6.5 43.0 31.0 2409 -0.34 10 Barwinski, Dionizy f 2232 POL 6.0 49.0 35.0 2434 2.40 11 Balogh, Tomás m 2366 SVK 6.0 49.0 32.5 2379 0.15 12 van Wissen, Michiel 2232 NED 6.0 46.0 30.5 2441 2.58 13 Petrán, Peter m 2364 SVK 6.0 45.0 32.0 2367 -0.03 14 Likavský, Tomás m 2410 SVK 6.0 44.5 29.5 2367 -0.48 15 Mrkonjic, Nenad f 2328 CRO 6.0 43.5 27.0 2327 -0.03 16 Volodin, Viktor m 2311 RUS 6.0 43.0 29.0 2329 0.24 17 Lajthajm, Borko f 2440 YUG 6.0 40.5 25.5 2312 -0.82 112 players
The 1st St-Chély-d'Aubrac Open took place August 26th - September 1st 2001.
1st Glenn Flear 2489 7.5 2nd-3rd Davoud Pira 2432, Jean-Pierre Boudre 2372 7.0 4th-7th Michel Saucey, Laurent Bruno, Thierry Manouck and Gilbert Grimberg 6.5. My thanks to Gérard Demuydt for the tables from the event.
Internet coverage:
------------------------------------------------------- 1st Open St-Chely d'Aubrac FRA (FRA), 26 viii-1 ix 2001 ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Flear, Glenn C g ENG 2489 7.5 45.5 2. Pira, Davoud m FRA 2432 7.0 45.0 3. Boudre, Jean-Pierre m FRA 2372 7.0 44.0 4. Saucey, Michel f FRA 2331 6.5 44.5 5. Laurent, Bruno BEL 2308 6.5 42.0 6. Manouck, Thierry m FRA 2284 6.5 41.0 7. Grimberg, Gilbert f FRA 2300 6.5 41.0 8. Chevrier, Thomas FRA 2159 6.0 44.0 9. Uhoda, Philippe BEL 2205 6.0 42.0 10. Santo Roman, Marc g FRA 2426 6.0 41.0 11. Verat, Laurent f FRA 2319 6.0 40.5 12. Fillon, Damien FRA 2130 6.0 40.5 13. Picard, Romain FRA 2203 6.0 39.5 14. Mietlicki, Richard FRA 2199 6.0 37.5 15. Roche, Christian FRA 2057 6.0 36.0 16. Chaplin, Erik FRA 2204 6.0 35.5 17. Appendino, Jerome FRA 2217 6.0 35.0 18. Saint-Arroman, Alain FRA 2067 6.0 34.5 19. Flear, Christine wm FRA 2146 5.5 41.5 20. Villeneuve, Alain m FRA 2293 5.5 39.0 21. Lagunes, Jean Renaud FRA 2156 5.5 38.5 22. Olivier, Pierre FRA 2226 5.5 37.5 23. Piat, Jerome FRA 2082 5.5 37.0 24. Gregory, Daniel FRA 2153 5.5 36.0 25. Camus,Beranger FRA ---- 5.5 34.0 88 players
Bob Jones reports that the 51st Paignton Congress took place at the Oldway Mansion 2nd-8th September 2001. The main event was the Ron Bruce Premier which saw Geoff Lawton take first place.
Ron Bruce Premier: 1st G. Lawton (Wigston) 5½/7 pts £250 2nd= J. F. Wheeler (Cosham) 5 pts £83 (British QP) G. Taylor (Gloucester) S. H. Berry (King's Head) Grading Prizes: U-2150 1st = A. Barton (Morecambe) 4 pts £25 each M. White (Rose Foregrove) U-2050: T. Phillips (Norwood) 4 Seniors' Prize: P. W. Hempson (Sheffield) 4
Rowena Bruce Challengers: 1st M. Page (Insurance) 5½ £180
Minor: 1st C. Gardiner (Falmouth) 6 pts. £180
The 3rd International Chess Tournament "Glyfada 2001" took place August 31st-September 8th 2001 in Glyfada, Athens, Greece. Vasilios Kotronias won the event with 8/9. My thanks to Panagioti Sklavounos.
Further information at the new Web site of "Zeno Chess Club" : http:\\
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd Open Glyfada GRE (GRE), 31 viii-8 ix 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Kotronias, Vasilios g CYP 2528 8.0 55.0 47.75 42.0 2528 2709 +1.32 2. Nikolaidis, Ioannis g GRE 2531 7.0 53.0 41.75 34.5 2531 2647 +0.65 3. Vajda, Levente m ROM 2507 7.0 53.5 40.50 37.0 2507 2483 -0.24 4. Grivas, Efstratios g GRE 2489 7.0 56.0 42.50 39.0 2489 2554 +0.64 5. Svetushkin, Dmitry m MDA 2461 7.0 57.5 43.00 39.0 2461 2539 +0.72 6. Managadze, Nikoloz m GEO 2420 7.0 54.0 39.25 37.0 2420 2441 +0.24 7. Khetsuriani, Besarion f GEO 2415 7.0 52.0 39.00 36.5 2415 2487 +0.66 8. Petrov, Marijan m BUL 2463 6.5 54.0 35.25 37.5 2463 2476 +0.14 9. Moutousis, Konstantinos m GRE 2448 6.5 53.0 35.50 35.5 2439 2386 -0.50 10. Kofidis, Andreas m GRE 2431 6.5 53.0 35.25 37.5 2431 2404 -0.26 11. Shavtvaladze, Nikoloz GEO 2360 6.5 54.5 37.50 35.5 2360 2391 +0.30 12. Gesos, Pavlos m GRE 2351 6.5 50.0 34.00 34.5 2351 2359 +0.09 13. Shahtahtinsky, Alekper f GRE 2342 6.5 50.0 34.25 35.5 2342 2358 +0.16 14. Asik, Josip f YUG 2299 6.5 47.0 31.50 35.0 2299 2300 +0.02 15. Gikas, Basilius GER 2247 6.5 48.0 33.25 32.5 2247 2367 +0.64 16. Gamback, Bjorn SWE 2167 6.5 49.5 34.00 33.0 2167 2396 +1.88 17. Goumas,I GRE ---- 6.5 43.0 28.75 32.5 2145 2342 +1.06 18. Valden, Petros GRE 2096 6.5 48.0 33.25 31.5 2096 2189 +0.46 171 players
The 2nd Leinfeldener (Germany) Tournament took place 5th-9th September 2001. The 9 round Swiss was won by Roland Schmaltz with 7/9. No games available.
Internet coverage:
Final (Round 9 Standings) 1. Schmaltz Roland g GER 2528 7.0 48.5 37.25 2. Chanda Sandipan i IND 2431 6.5 47.0 31.75 3. Enders Peter g GER 2516 6.0 50.0 31.75 4. Schlosser Philipp g GER 2490 6.0 48.0 29.25 5. Haba Petr g CZE 2482 6.0 46.0 26.75 6. Lindemann Stefan GER 2394 5.5 43.0 25.25 7. Menacher Manfred f GER 2351 5.5 43.0 23.00 8. Ivanov Michail g RUS 2446 5.5 40.5 24.25 9. Klovans Janis g LAT 2446 5.0 46.5 22.50 10. Schmittdiel Eckha g GER 2490 5.0 41.5 23.50 11. Stroppa Daniel ITA 2211 5.0 39.0 18.75 12. Gheng Josef f GER 2319 4.5 49.5 22.00 13. Dittmar Peter f GER 2348 4.5 41.5 17.50 14. Kolthoff Siegmund GER 2184 4.5 40.5 18.25 15. Dr. Fahnenschmidt f GER 2285 4.5 36.0 14.25 16. Remmler Hans-Pete GER 2200 4.5 33.5 14.75 17. Kabisch Thilo GER 2290 4.0 42.0 14.00 18. Jurasin Marin KRO 2169 4.0 41.0 15.00 19. Meijers Viesturs i LAT 2449 4.0 40.0 15.50 20. Reimche Vadim GER 2114 3.5 39.0 11.25 21. Wittmann Ralf GER 2193 3.5 35.5 11.50 22. Vehreschild Axel GER 2156 3.0 35.0 10.25 23. Schenk Uwe GER 2144 3.0 33.0 8.50 24. Gabriel Josef GER 2185 2.5 32.0 6.50 25. Giacopelli Vincen GER 2141 2.5 31.0 8.75 26. Steinwachs Christ GER 2227 2.0 35.0 5.50
The 15th Nordhorner Schachfestival saw a rapid tournament which was won by Peter Leko. Only a few details and no games available.
Leading final standings: 1. Peter Leko 6 2. Christopher Lutz 5,5 3. Loek van Wely 5,5 4. Igor Glek 5 5. Alexander Naumann 5
Internet coverage: and
The 20th North American Open (Originally named before the NAO-Las Vegas tournament held in December by Continental Ch Assoc) was held in the geographical center of North America - Stillwater, Oklahoma August 31 - September 3, 2001. This was a 10-SS with time limit of 30/90, G/60. GM Yuri Shulman of Dallas,TX (via Minsk, BEL) won with 8.5. 2-3 was shared by IM's John Donaldson and Michael Brooks with 8.0. My thanks to Frank K. Berry.
Some info provided:
-------------------------------------------- 20th Original North American Open OKLA (USA) 31 VIII - 3 IX 2001 -------------------------------------------- 1. Shulman, Yuri g 2655 8.5 2. Donaldson, John m 2525 8.0 3. Brooks, Michael m 2474 8.0 4. Gossell, Thomas --- 7.0 5. Gholson, Robert --- 7.0 6. Orton, William f 2212 6.5 7. Jacobs, Robert f 2128 6.5 8. Veal, Joe Dean --- 6.5 9. Acken, John M. --- 6.5 10. Roring Tres --- 6.5 11. Nichols, Tom --- 6.5 12. Kamberi, Sonny f 2352 6.5 13. Steiner, Tim --- 6.0 14. Berry, Jim --- 6.0 15. Wharry, Steve --- 6.0 16. Grancea, Mircea --- 6.0 17. Sulman, Robert f 2200 6.0 65 players included 10 Masters or above
The III Sants Hostafrancs i La Bordeta International Open a 10 round Swiss System event takes place in Barcelona (Spain) 1st-10th September 2001. Jonathan Parker, Azer Mirzoev, Viktor Moskalenko, Joan Fluvia Poyatos, and Keith Arkell head the field of 350 players.
Further details:
Round 9 of 10 standings: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ III Sants Hostafrancs Open Barcelona ESP (ESP), 1-10 ix 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Mirzoev, Azer m AZE 2516 8.0 49.5 46.5 50.5 2. Moskalenko, Viktor g UKR 2509 8.0 47.0 44.0 48.5 3. Kalod, Radek m CZE 2480 7.5 43.0 40.5 42.5 4. Oms Pallise, Josep m ESP 2424 7.5 43.0 39.0 39.0 5. Parker, Jonathan g ENG 2547 7.0 44.5 43.0 41.8 6. Arkell, Keith C g ENG 2431 7.0 49.0 47.0 44.5 7. Abdelnabbi, Imed m EGY 2430 7.0 42.5 40.5 39.0 8. Gonzalez Rodriguez, Jorge A m COL 2428 7.0 40.5 36.5 36.0 9. Van Haastert, Edwin m NED 2419 7.0 45.0 43.5 41.5 10. Gual Pascual, Antonio ESP 2400 7.0 46.5 44.0 42.0 11. Torrecillas Martinez, Antonio f ESP 2392 7.0 44.5 41.5 39.3 12. Cooper, Lawrence m ENG 2352 7.0 44.0 40.5 38.0 13. Rios, Alejandro COL 2337 7.0 44.5 41.5 39.5 14. Aranda Gonzales, Jose ESP 2325 7.0 37.5 35.5 35.0 15. Lacasa Diaz, Jose Antonio f ESP 2314 7.0 45.0 41.5 38.8 16. Van Benthem, Arjen NED 2284 7.0 39.0 35.5 34.5 17. Scavo, Fernando f ITA 2256 7.0 45.0 42.5 39.8 18. Daloz, Jean Michel FRA 2163 7.0 41.0 38.5 37.8 374 players
The 43rd Imperia Chess Festival (Italy) took place 2nd-8th September 2001. Boris Chatalbashev won the event. No significant numbers of games availble at the moment.
Internet coverage:
Leading Final Standings: 1 Chatalbashev Boris g BUL 7.0 48.5 2 Likavsky Tomas i SVK 7.0 47.5 3 Sulava Nenad g CRO 6.5 46.5 4 Payen Arnaud i FRA 6.5 45.5 5 Tabernig Bernhard AUT 6.5 40.5 6 De-Santis Alessio f ITA 6.0 46.0 7 Jirovsky Milos i CZE 6.0 45.5 4.5 8 Drazic Sinisa g YUG 6.0 45.5 3.0 9 Mozny Milos i CZE 6.0 43.5 10 Jurek Josef i CZE 6.0 41.5 3.0 5 11 Maksimovic Suzana g YUG 6.0 41.5 3.0 4 12 Kantorik Marian SVK 6.0 37.5 74 players
The IX International Chess Festival in Albacete, Spain took place 30th August - 6th September. It will take many hours to sort out the games into anything like usable.
Internet coverage:
Final Standings: 1. Oratovsky, Michael i ISR 7.0 50.5 54.00 2. Lazarev, Vladimir g RUS 7.0 50.0 54.00 3. Ubilava, Elizbar g ESP 7.0 46.5 51.00 4. Delchev, Aleksander g BUL 6.5 49.5 54.50 5. Korneev, Oleg g ESP 6.5 49.5 54.50 6. Hellsten, Johan i SWE 6.5 47.5 51.00 7. Saldano Horacio f ESP 6.0 48.0 52.50 8. Movsziszian, Karen g ESP 6.0 46.5 49.50 9. Vera, Reynaldo g CUB 6.0 45.5 49.50 10. Fernandez, Ernesto f ESP 6.0 45.5 48.00 11. Arizmendi, Julen Luis i ESP 6.0 45.0 49.00 12. Djingarova, Emilia wi BUL 6.0 44.0 46.00 13. Khamrakulov, Ibragim i UZB 6.0 43.5 46.00 14. Collas, Didier i FRA 6.0 43.0 47.00 15. Alcazar, Victor ESP 6.0 43.0 46.50 16. Braga, Fernando i ESP 6.0 41.5 45.50 17. Peric, Slavisa i YUG 6.0 38.5 41.50 18. Munoz, Alberto ESP 6.0 38.5 41.00 19. Gofshtein, Zeev-Alon g ISR 5.5 47.0 51.00 20. Aleksieva, Silvia wg BUL 5.5 41.5 45.50 21. Serna, Sergio ESP 5.5 39.0 41.50 76 players
The Irish National Club Championships took place in Cork Bridge Club Sept 8th-9th 2001.
Results Rd1 Crumlin 4½-1½ Limerick : Bray 3½-2½ Cork Rd2 Bray 4½-1½ Limerick : Crumlin 5-1 Cork Rd3 Cork 3-3 Limerick : Bray 4½-1½ Crumlin
Final Standings: Bray 12½ Crumlin 11 Cork 6½ Limerick 6
Bray team: Mark Quinn 2386m Haydn Barber 2319f Brian Beckett Eric Bennett Pat Reynolds John Phelan
Bray, seeded 2 in the absence of key players, trailed Crumlin by 1½ points overnight and required a 4-2 win or better in the final round to take the title : in a tense match all games went the distance and Bray came through 4½-1½ to make it 3 All-Ireland titles in a row following wins in Belfast 1999 and Bray 2000. Bray & Crumlin qualify for the 2002 European Club Cup Bray & Dublin, last year's 1-2, compete in the 2001 European Club Cup in Crete later this month. See and the Bray CC website
There Botvinnik Memorial team tournament involving the strongest chess players of the Central Federal District (18 teams, with more than 30 grand masters) takes place 14th-16th September. Internet coverage (in Russian): and (photos, articles and interviews)
The Europe versus Asia rapidplay match takes place in Batumi Opera House September 16th-20th 2001. This is a Double round Scheveningen system rapidplay event with play on three days: 17th,18th and 19th September.
The European team: Men: Gary Kasparov (RUS), Emil Sutovsky (ISR), Zurab Azmaiparashvili (GEO), Leok van Wely (NED), Mikhail Gurevich (BEL), Etienne Bacrot (FRA) and Christopher Lutz (GER).
Women: Maia Chiburdanidze (GEO), Nana Ioseliani (GEO), Ekaterina Kovalevskaya (RUS), Almira Skripchenko-Lautier and Natalia Zhukova (UKR).
The Asian team (not confirmed): Men: Rustam Kasimdschanov (UZB), Ye Jiangchuan (CHN), Krishnan Sasikiran who hadn't been contacted earlier this week (IND), Dao Thien Hai (VIE), Ian Rogers (AUS), Utut Adianto (IND), Evgeny Vladimirov (KAZ), Women: Xie Jun (CHN), Hoang Than Trang (VIE), Xu Yuhua (CHN), Zhu Chen (CHN)
The Captains are for Europe Alexander von Gleich of Germany and for Asia Ignatius Leong of Singapore.
Links: and I don't know of an official site yet.
The Second International Chess Tournament will be held October 7-15th in New York City at the Manhattan Chess Club. The lineup for this 9-RR event is Category X based on the July rating list, but the October list will be used. The lineup follows: GM I. Novikov (Ukr/2593), GM A. Wojtkiewicz (Pol/2568), IM A. Cela (Alb/2483), GM P. Blatny (Cze/2478), IM G. Shahade (USA/2455), IM H. Nakamura (USA/2452), IM I. Zugic (Can/2440), IM E. Perelshteyn (USA/2436), IM J. Gonzales (Phi/2432) and IM I. Krush (USA/2421). Avg. Rating 2475.8 (Category X pending October rating list)
IA Jerome Bibuld will be the Chief Arbiter The new FIDE Time controls (with 30 second increment) will be used. Games will be broadcast live in ICC. Sponsor is The World Wide Web Chess Superstore. The Organizers are Paul Hodges of SmartChess and Jonathan Hains.
Internet coverage:
The 1st Winterthur Chess Week takes place in Winterthur (Switzerland) October 5th-14th 2001. The main event is a 9-round Open. Several GMs including Vadim Milov will play. First prize is CHF 3000 (US$ 1800). An invitational Youth tournament and a Youth Open (7 rounds October 8th-11th) will also be organized, as well as one Rapid (first prize CHF 1000) and two Blitz (CHF 500) tournaments.
Further details:
The Playoff match between Kevin Spraggett and Alexandre Lesiege will be four games and will take place in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. The prize fund is $5,000 Canadian, $3k to the winner, $2k to the loser. The winner will advance to the World Championship in Moscow later this year. The match will take place September 12 through September 15. Game time will be 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, except for the fourth game which will begin at 3 p.m. EST. All games will be broadcast live on the World Chess Network. The majority of the prize fund was donated by Bill Church, a partner of the WCN chess server.
Internet coverage:
Alan Cowderoy (Palamede), Ben Bulsink (DGT Projects), Andrew Templeton (Palamede/Palview), Eric Bentzen (, Palamede), Mathias Feist (Chessbase) and Victor Zakharov (Chess Assistant) have started discussions on possible extensions to the PGN standard. The original standard was compiled by Steven J. Edwards but it hasn't been possible to contact him (if you read this they'd like to talk to you!).
The new proposals can be read at:
The II Banc Post tournaments take place in Miercurea Ciuc (ROM) 22nd-30th September 2001. The main event will be a FIDE round robin Category II-IV there will also be an international open.
Players for the round robin so far (6 of the eventual 10) 1. Ardelean George Catalin ROM m 2431 2. Tikhomirov Sergei MDA m 2364 3. Janakiev Ivan BUL m 2342 4. Sebe Florin ROM 2286 5. Chiricuta Marius ROM f 2238 6. Jicman Ligia ROM wm 2229
Rate of play : 6 hours (16 p.m. 22 p.m., last round 10 a.m. 16 p.m.). Entry fee : A : >2150 = 400, 2151-2200 = 300, 2201-2250 = 250, (ELO/DEM) 2251-2300 = 200, 2301-2351 = 150, 2351< 100 B : with ELO = 10, without ELO = 20, IGM, wIGM, IM, wIM = 0 Prizes (B) : 100 % of the entry fee + extra prize Board and lodging : Hotel Banc Post *** (str. Sadoveanu, 4), Full board, Single room/day = 37 DEM, Full board, Double room/person/day = 28 DEM.
Organizer : IM Sandor Biro, C.P. 68, R-4100 Miercurea Ciuc-1, Romania, E-mail : Home page : Tel+Fax : (+40)-66-116712 Mobil : +40-90-021866
The 40th Groningen International Open is also the 3rd European Chess Championships, there are also invitational and open events. The festival takes place 19th December 2001 - 5th January 2002 Groningen, the Netherlands and is organised by Stichting Schaak Groningen.
Internet coverage:
The XXXI Rilton Cup takes place 27 December 2001 to 5th January 2002.
All IECG members are welcome to enter the IECG Cup VII preliminary stage. IECG Cup is an open tournament: players of any rating are merged together. So this is a nice opportunity to play a wide range of opponents. Subscriptions are open until September 15. Entries received after this date are used for a replacement list, which will be closed on October 1st. The tournament will be launched on October 1st, for a duration of 11 months. All the unfinished games will be adjudicated.
During the preliminary phase, all participants take part in a 7 players, single round tournament (so 6 games to play). The 2 winners of each section will be entitled to play in the next stage, starting in October 2002. All games count for IECG rating, of course.
IECG membership is paramount to enter the Cup VII. All non-members must join IECG first - visit their registration page
Details and the entry form for Cup VI at:
The web entry form is the best method to be enlisted in the Cup, as the process behind is easier for us.
47th FIDE Open is underway.
Internet coverage:
The 109th New Zealand Chess Championships 2001/2002 take place 28th December 2001 - 11th January 2002 in Christchurch. The venue will be at The Millennium Hotel, 14 Cathedral square, Christchurch, New Zealand. The Chief Arbiter will be IA Leon Muys (Netherlands).
Chris Wright reports they have had numerous enquiries from overseas regarding the tournament, from Russia, Belarus, England, Netherlands, Hungary, Ireland, and Australia. They hope to have a number of strong international players competing. The tournament will involve many of New Zealand's top players, as it is a selection event for next year's 35th World Chess Olympiad in Bled, Slovenia 2002.
Internet coverage:
GM-IM-closed tournaments in 2001: 1. 1st-13th of September FIRST SATURDAY, HUN, Budapest cat.I-II-III, 2. 6th-19th of October FIRST SATURDAY, HUN, Budapest, cat.VII-VIII, cat.I-II-III. 3. 20th-31th of October THIRD SATURDAY, YUG, Belgrade, same, 4. 3rd-16th of November FIRST SATURDAY, HUN, Budapest, cat.I-II-III, 5. 1st-14th of December FIRST SATURDAY, HUN, Budapest, cat.IX-X. /!!!/, cat.VII-VIII. cat. I-II-III. 6. 15th-28th of December, THIRD SATURDAY, YUG, Belgrade, cat.VII-VIII, cat. I-II-III.
More info: Nagy, Laszlo International Chess Organizer E-mail:
There are two new books in German are out. Both are written by famous chess players.
Svetozar Gligoric and Sinisa Joksic have produced a book in German about the King's Indian Defence. The title is "Gligoric-variante" and it is in German. It is the story of the Mar del Plata variantion which Gligoric played first in 1953 and afterwards played and analysed a lot. The last games included in the book from May and June 2001.
More info:
The Exzelsior Verlag Berlin has just just published (in German) the only story by Emanuel Lasker: "Wie Wanja Meister wurde". A Hardcover book of 184 pages is costs DM 29.90. Further information
Chess Siberia an article "Study of the July 2001 FIDE Rating List. Parts I-II" (By Boris Schipkov) are now available.
The 22nd International chess Tournament takes place in Bethune (North of France) 26th-30th December 2001 7 rounds, 40 moves in 2 hours plus one hour K.O, first prize 10000 Francs (about 1500 $)
For more information:
The team lists for next Bundesliga season are out. The first round is on October 6th-7th 2001 with Porz-Luebeck being one of the top fixtures.
Internet coverage: and
The 44th World Congress of Chess Composition was held at Wageningen, Netherlands from 28th July to 4th August. The highlight of the week's program was the 25th World Chess Solving Championship, which took place on 31st July and 1st August.
Internet coverage:
OAA Heraklio Chess Club, Epimenidis Cultural Company and the Greek Chess Federation are announcing the 2001 Panormo open tournament, part of the 2001 European Grand-Prix.
The tournament will be held in sunny Crete, Greece from October 20th-27th 2001 with a total prize fund of more than 3000 Euros (1st prize: 1000 Euros).
More information is available through the official website of the event:
The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information:
The British Rapidplay Chess Championships 2001 take place 20th-21st October 2001 at Bradford City Football Club, Valley Parade, Bradford.
Further details:
The European Club Cup finals take place in 22th-30th SEPTEMBER 2001.
More than 300 chess players, the best in the world, will come to Crete in order to claim the Champions League Title. The Games will be held via Swiss system of 7 rounds and the teams will use 6 players and the right to use two substitutes.
Live coverage:
The Corsica International Open takes place October 28th-31st 2001. 600 000 F of prices (91 500 euros). For more details (Schedule, prizes, travels) :
The 4th Malbork Castle Cup (Poland) takes place 8th-9th September 2001.
1st prize 1200 PLN (600DM) for more detailed information (English, German and Polish) see the Internet site:
Sergey Tiviakov's site has his reports on the European Championship in Ohrid (Macedonia) and the Dutch Championships in Leeuwarden.
Tom Hendricks reports: On July 5, 2001, Chinese IM Yin Hao (2576) will begin play against the World Team in an Internet correspondence chess game. This will be a rematch of the game they played last year. That game, which began July 5th, 2000 and ended January 18, 2001, was a 44-move struggle ending in a draw. This time colors will be reversed with Yin Hao now being white and the World Team black. As he was in the first game, Yin Hao will be assisted by U.S. correspondence player Richard Fleming (2404). The first game attracted World Team players from Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and the United States. Most of these players first came together during the Kasparov vs. The World game held in 1999. The upcoming game is open to anyone who wishes to play and is willing to follow the basic guidelines of the World Team. Players of all skill levels are welcome. General game topics and specific strategy are discussed at a moderated board found at:
Visit the site and review the Game Rules and Move Selection Rules. To participate you must both register with AND click on 'Request Password' at the top of the strategy board page. Registration with is the process of selecting your UserName and Password. When you click on 'Request Password' you will be e-mailed another password that is specific to the strategy board. You will need to enter it only the first time that you post to the board. Those of you who participated in the first game with Yin Hao need not request the board password - it remains the same.
Book prizes and ICC (Internet Chess Club) memberships will be awarded throughout the game to lucky members of the World Team. So come and join the fun. Additional information can be obtained by writing to
The 2nd Krkonose International Open which is part of the Czech Tour 2001/2002 takes place 1st-8th November 2001 in Snezkou, Czech Republic. The 9 round Swiss at a time rate of 40 moves per 2 hours and half an hour for each player to finish the game. Prize fund: altogether 20.000 CZK
Further information
There will be several invitational GM and IM Tournaments in the Five star Elbow Beach Hotel in Bermuda prior to their traditional 5 round Open, 17th January to 4th February 2002. There will also be a nine round GM Open.
Contact Nigel Freeman at or see the site
The Znojmo Open (CZE) 2001 will take place 7th-14th October 2001. Contact: Dr. Jan Mazuch, Festival Director of CZECH OPEN 2001 - CZECH OPEN - International Chess Festival - CZECH TOUR - International Chess Tournaments Series - International Chess Calender -
There is a weekend tournament in Bourgogne 6th-7th October 2001. 70 000 Frs in prizes. Venue: Grande salle de lHexagone 1st blitz tournament - Saturday 6/10 at 14 h 30 10 000 Frs de prix 1er 3000, 2000, 1000, 800 et prix par cat. élo II
2nd 5th Open International - Sunday 7th October 9h. 9 rondes : 3 x 10 min,2 x 15 min, 4 x 20 min. 60 000 Frs de prix garantis Général : 1er 5500 F, 2ème 4000, 3ème 3000,( 15 prix ) Spécial Féminines :1ère 2000 F, 2ème 1500, 3ème 1000 Tranches élo :0/1500, 1501/1700,1701/1900 et 1901/2100 et 2101 /2300 1er 1200 F, 2ème 900, 3ème 600, 4ème 300 Vétérans : 1er 1000 F, 2ème 600, 3ème 400. Jeunes : 1er 600 F
Contact: M. LOUIS Tél 03 85 82 55 75- Fax 03 85 82 59 96 e.mail : F. THIBAUDET Tél/fax 03 85 82 68 72
The 75th Anniversary of the Barmbek Chess Club in Hamburg will see the 6th Wichern Open take place 13th-21st October 2001. Playing venue: Sports Hall of Wichern Schule in Hamburg (same place as in 1999).
Jubilee Open: 9 rounds Swiss, 7 hours of play (2h/40, 1h/20, 30min/rest). No double rounds. Open for all players. Entry fee: without Elo: 150 DM, Elo less than 2200: 100 DM, ELO higher than 2199: 50 DM, GM/IM free. Prizes 2500 DM / 2000 DM / 1500 DM, many more prices planned depending on number of participants.
Barmbek Open: Limited to players with German national rating (DWZ) less than 1800. 9 rounds Swiss, 5 hours of play (2h/40, 30min/rest). Entry fee: 80 DM, juniors: 40 DM. Prizes: 500 DM/300 DM/200 DM.
For further details: email
The 5th Open International Bavarian Masters takes place in Bad Wiessee, 27th October - 4th November 2001. Prize-funds: DM 42.000
Details and online-inscription at:
VII Tatry Open 2001 in Tatranské Zruby 29 September - 6 October 2001.
Further information:
The VI International Chess Festival in Cesenatico takes place 9th-16th September 2001. Open events etc.
Internet coverage:
The Weihnachts-Open 2001 takes place in Strausberg (Berlin) Germany from 27.12.2001 to 30.12.2001. The tournament will be ELO and DWZ rated. First prize : 500 DM entry fee : 30 DM
Further information: