THE WEEK IN CHESS 35            04/06/95        Mark Crowther

1) Introduction
2) PCA Classic Lord Novgorod The Great 95
3) 2nd. "CLEANER BISSELL" INTL. OPEN - by Roberto Alvarez
4) 30th Capablanca Memorial by Carlos H Taboada and Amador Rodriguez.
5) Final Standings Lina Grumette Memorial Day Classic by Norm Jenson
6) Sigeman Wernbro & Co Grandmaster Tournament by Piotr Nestorow
7) The 8th World Computer Chess Championships
8) Theoretical games from Chess Assistant Quick service.
9) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski 


PCA Classic Lord Novgorod The Great 95		25 games
Sigeman Wernbro & Co Grandmaster Tournament	10 games
Lina Grumette Memorial Day Classic		 1 game
8th World Computer Chess Championships		61 games
30th Capablanca Memorial Tournament		91 games
2nd Cleaner Bissell International Open	       181 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to the Schachforum Home page,
Roberto Alvarez,  Carlos H Taboada and Amador Rodriguez,
Norm Jenson (and the Compuserve staff), Piotr Nestorow, Dr.H.K.Tsang
and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sergei Abramov and ChessAssistant
and Wlodek Proskurowski for their help in preparing this issue.

An interesting week, the games from the PCA Classic have been somewhat
disapointing, but the last two rounds could be quite exciting, especially
if Short does not lose to Kasparov in round 8. Tony Miles dominated the
30th Capablanca Memorial, his score could have been even higher as he had
chances in some of the games he failed to win. Hopefully this will be
a return to the top for Britains forgotten man.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) PCA Classic Lord Novgorod The Great 95

This event has been something of a disappointment with a number
of the players being in bad form at the moment. Kasparov started
like a train with 4.5/5 with only a draw against Ivanchuk. Most
of these games were very odd, but the round 3 game against
Yusupov was certainly a fascinating struggle. After that
Kasparov struggled to a draw against Kramnik and didn't exert
much pressure against Ehlvest. With two rounds to go a revitilised
Short, Kramnik and Ivanchuk are all within striking distance.
Today's game against Short could be key for Kasparov.

The gamescores I posted for round 2 last week appear to have been correct.

Alongside the main event is an international open. This has as first
prize a qualification place for next year's Novogorod Tournament.
I will try and get the final results for next week.

Source: Schachforum Home page.

Round 1 (1995.05.27)

Ivanchuk, Vassily  - Yusupov, Artur      1-0   38  C43  Petroff defence
Short, Nigel       - Kramnik, Vladimir   1-0   55  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov
Ehlvest, Jaan      - Topalov, Veselin    1/2   49  E01  Nimzo indian
Timman, Jan        - Vaganian, Rafael A  1/2   30  D56  Queen's gambit
Gulko, Boris       - Kasparov, Gary      0-1   44  E92  Kings indian; Classical

Round 2 (1995.05.28)

Kasparov, Gary     - Ivanchuk, Vassily   1/2   28  B17  Caro-Kann
Kramnik, Vladimir  - Timman, Jan         1-0   32  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Topalov, Veselin   - Yusupov, Artur      1-0   33  C75  Ruy Lopez
Ehlvest, Jaan      - Short, Nigel        1/2   17  C50  Giouco piano
Vaganian, Rafael A - Gulko, Boris        1/2   26  A35  English; 1.c4 c5

Round 3 (1995.05.29)

Ivanchuk, Vassily  - Vaganian, Rafael A  1-0   69  C09  French; Tarrasch
Short, Nigel       - Topalov, Veselin    1/2   33  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Timman, Jan        - Ehlvest, Jaan       1/2   31  C62  Ruy Lopez
Gulko, Boris       - Kramnik, Vladimir   0-1   38  A29  English; 1.c4 e5
Yusupov, Artur     - Kasparov, Gary      0-1   43  A48  Queen's pawn

Round 4 (1995.05.30)

Kramnik, Vladimir  - Ivanchuk, Vassily   1/2   20  D52  QGD; Cambridge Springs
Short, Nigel       - Timman, Jan         1/2   22  C11  French; Classical
Topalov, Veselin   - Kasparov, Gary      0-1   40  B54  Sicilian
Ehlvest, Jaan      - Gulko, Boris        1/2   25  B17  Caro-Kann
Vaganian, Rafael A - Yusupov, Artur      1/2   20  A13  English; 1.c4

Round 5 (1995.05.31)

Kasparov, Gary     - Vaganian, Rafael A  1-0   24  D37  Queen's gambit
Ivanchuk, Vassily  - Ehlvest, Jaan       1/2   14  D37  Queen's gambit
Timman, Jan        - Topalov, Veselin    1/2   45  B73  Sicilian; Dragon
Gulko, Boris       - Short, Nigel        0-1   58  A29  English; 1.c4 e5
Yusupov, Artur     - Kramnik, Vladimir   1/2   45  D10  Slav defence

Round 6 (1995.06.02)

Kramnik, Vladimir  - Kasparov, Gary      1/2   58  C55  Two knights
Short, Nigel       - Ivanchuk, Vassily   0-1   36  B80  Sicilian
Topalov, Veselin   - Vaganian, Rafael A  1-0   49  C10  French
Ehlvest, Jaan      - Yusupov, Artur      1/2   35  C00  French
Timman, Jan        - Gulko, Boris        1/2   43  A21  English; 1.c4 e5

Round 7 (1995.06.03)

Kasparov, Gary     - Ehlvest, Jaan       1/2   43  D37  Queens Gambit
Ivanchuk, Vassily  - Timman, Jan         1/2   32  C82  Ruy Lopez
Gulko, Boris       - Topalov, Veselin    1/2   33  A34  English; 1. c4 c5
Vaganian, Rafael A - Kramnik, Vladimir   0-1   49  A07  Reti (1. Nf3)
Yusupov, Artur     - Short, Nigel        0-1   60  E31  Nimzo Indian

Novgorod (RUS), 1995.                            cat. XVII (2665)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Kasparov, Gary      g RUS 2805  * = = . 1 = . 1 1 1  5.5  2880
 2 Ivanchuk, Vassily   g UKR 2700  = * = 1 . = = . 1 1  5.0  2833
 3 Kramnik, Vladimir   g RUS 2715  = = * 0 . . 1 1 1 =  4.5  2772
 4 Short, Nigel        g ENG 2655  . 0 1 * = = = 1 . 1  4.5  2752
 5 Topalov, Veselin    g BUL 2630  0 . . = * = = = 1 1  4.0  2707
 6 Ehlvest, Jaan       g EST 2615  = = . = = * = = . =  3.5  2668
 7 Timman, Jan         g NED 2635  . = 0 = = = * = = .  3.0  2600
 8 Gulko, Boris        g USA 2595  0 . 0 0 = = = * = .  2.0  2512
 9 Vaganian, Rafael A  g ARM 2640  0 0 0 . 0 . = = * =  1.5  2447
10 Yusupov, Artur      g GER 2660  0 0 = 0 0 = . . = *  1.5  2450

From May 16 to 28 , 1995  - Report by Roberto Alvarez

Actual Argentine's Chess Champion, IM Pablo Ricardi, won the
"2nd CLEANER BISSELL Intl.", held on ancient "Club Argentino
de Ajedrez", in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The winner scored 6 wins + 3 draws, undefeated, with 7.5 pts
above former U-20 world champion and recent IGM Pablo Zarnicki.
Third was IM Sergio Slipak, with a "solid" style.
The Prize fund was: 1) U$S 1500; 2)U$S 1000; 3) U$S 700; 4) U$S 400;
5)U$S 300; 6)U$S 200; 7)U$S 180; 8) U$S 150; 9)U$S 120; 10)U$S 100;
11) 1 chess clock; 12 to 15) 1 chess set; 16 to 20)chess books;
21 to 50) chess magazines. U$S 120 for each category's winner.
Also each player received a complete 34 pages bulletin with best

FINAL STANDINGS, 9 rounds, Swiss system, 1h 30' f/30 moves,
then 1 h finish each player.
105 players  W=White B=Black

PLAYER                              Points  Bucholz Bucholz Crosstable. (by round)
                                                              1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
  1. RICARDI Pablo         IM  2530 -  7.5 - 40.5   51.00 - B+ 85 W+ 59 B= 19 W+ 20 B=  3 W+ 32 B=  4 B+  2 W+  7
  2. ZARNICKI Pablo        GM  2520 -  7.0 - 44.5   57.50 - B+ 16 W+ 17 B+ 21 W=  3 B+ 13 W+  4 B= 10 W-  1 W+ 15
  3. SLIPAK Sergio         IM  2450 -  7.0 - 43.5   54.00 - W+ 87 B+ 35 W+ 11 B=  2 W=  1 B+ 14 W=  7 B+  6 W=  9
  4. QUINTEROS Miguel A.   GM  2505 -  7.0 - 41.0   52.00 - W+ 50 B+ 80 W=  6 B+ 34 W+  5 B-  2 W=  1 B+ 32 W+ 13
  5. RODRIGUEZ Andres      IM  2435 -  7.0 - 39.5   51.00 - W+ 29 B+ 47 W+  8 W= 12 B-  4 B= 38 W+ 26 B+ 21 W+ 23
  6. TEMPONE Marcelo       IM  2415 -  6.5 - 38.5   49.00 - B+ 75 W+ 40 B=  4 W= 33 B= 59 W+ 20 B+  8 W-  3 B+ 24
  7. RODRIGUEZ Jorge       FM  2395 -  6.5 - 38.0   48.00 - B= 60 W+ 94 B+ 69 W= 22 B+ 33 W+ 12 B=  3 W+ 10 B-  1
  8. GERMAN Gustavo            2345 -  6.5 - 35.5   45.00 - B+ 70 W+ 99 B-  5 W+ 43 B= 22 W+ 80 W-  6 B+ 27 B+ 19
  9. GINZBURG Maximiliano  IM  2450 -  6.5 - 35.5   44.50 - B+ 54 W=101 B+ 46 W= 24 B= 20 W+ 59 B= 19 W+ 11 B=  3
 10. SOROKIN Maxim         GM  2535 -  6.5 - 33.0   40.00 - W+ 63  = FF  = FF B+ 27 W+ 11 B+ 23 W=  2 B-  7 W+ 29
 11. MINZER Claudio        FM  2385 -  6.0 - 40.5   51.50 - B+ 64 W+ 18 B-  3 W+ 40 B- 10 W+ 28 W+ 17 B-  9 W+ 35
 12. SPANGENBERG Hugo      IM  2500 -  6.0 - 39.0   51.00 - W+ 39 B+ 25 W+ 14 B=  5 W= 32 B-  7 W+ 34 B- 15 W+ 33
 13. GIARDELLI Sergio      IM  2465 -  6.0 - 37.0   46.00 - B+ 84 W= 46 B+101 W+ 19 W-  2 B= 27 W+ 33 B+ 14 B-  4
 14. GIACCIO Alfredo       FM  2390 -  6.0 - 36.5   46.50 - B+ 93 W+ 49 B- 12 W+ 52 B+ 28 W-  3 B+ 44 W- 13 B+ 41
 15. PAGLILLA Carlos       IM  2400 -  6.0 - 36.5   46.50 - W+ 89 B- 48 W+ 58 B+ 35 W= 25 B= 17 W+ 36 W+ 12 B-  2
 16. BUSTOS Cristian           2074 -  6.0 - 33.0   40.00 - W-  2 B+105 W+ 97 B= 38 W- 27 B+ 63 W+ 25 W= 20 B+ 34
 17. BULCOURF Carlos       FM  2185 -  6.0 - 31.0   38.00 - W+102 B-  2  = FF W+ 42 B+ 92 W= 15 B- 11 B+ 50 W+ 32
 18. HERNANDEZ PENNA S.        2015 -  6.0 - 29.0   35.00 - W+ 90 B- 11  = FF W+ 94 B- 21 W+ 62 B= 59 B+ 38 W+ 39
 19. GARCIA Raimundo       IM  2385 -  5.5 - 41.0   53.00 - W+ 30 B+ 28 W=  1 B- 13 W+ 47 B+ 25 W=  9 B= 23 W-  8
 20. DOLEZAL Cristian          2290 -  5.5 - 38.5   49.50 - W+ 82 B+ 61 W+ 23 B-  1 W=  9 B-  6 W+ 48 B= 16 W= 21
 21. SCHWEBER Samuel       IM  2345 -  5.5 - 38.0   49.50 - W+ 51 B+ 53 W-  2 B= 47 W+ 18 B= 26 W+ 35 W-  5 B= 20
 22. PANNO Oscar           GM  2530 -  5.5 - 37.5   48.50 - W+ 41 B= 33 W+ 48 B=  7 W=  8 B= 34 W= 27 B- 29 W+ 36
 23. FIORITO Fabian        IM  2435 -  5.5 - 36.5   43.50 - W+ 55  + FF B- 20 W+ 37 B+ 24 W- 10 B+ 74 W= 19 B-  5
 24. MALBRAN Guillermo     FM  2335 -  5.5 - 35.5   46.00 - B+ 71 W+ 65 W= 32 B=  9 W- 23 B= 48 W+ 47 B+ 30 W-  6
 25. DE LAS HERAS Juan C.      2205 -  5.5 - 35.5   44.00 - B+ 37 W- 12 B+ 99 W+ 61 B= 15 W- 19 B- 16 W+ 49 B+ 54
 26. BELTRAMINI Jose M.        2250 -  5.5 - 34.5   44.50 - B= 76 W+ 86 W+ 45 B- 32 W+ 29 W= 21 B-  5 B= 28 W+ 47
 27. ALONSO Salvador                   5.5 - 33.0   39.50 - W+ 72  = FF B+ 42 W- 10 B+ 16 W= 13 B= 22 W-  8  + FF
 28. ERBE Javier               2038 -  5.5 - 33.0   39.00 - B+ 79 W- 19 B+ 65 W+ 74 W- 14 B- 11  + FF W= 26 B+ 46
 29. BERNARD Ignacio           2004 -  5.5 - 30.5   37.50 - B-  5 W+ 55  = FF W+ 62 B- 26  + FF B+ 46 W+ 22 B- 10
 30. BERTONI Nestor            1870 -  5.5 - 28.0   35.50 - B- 19 W= 71 B+100 W+101 B- 74 W+ 49 B+ 80 W- 24 B+ 59
 31. BENKO Francisco           2170 -  5.5 - 26.0   33.00 - B= 86 W+ 81 W- 33 B- 64 B=101 W= 96 B+ 62 W+ 56 B+ 53
 32. CASAFUS Ruben         FM  2420 -  5.0 - 40.0   52.00 - B+ 36 W+ 52 B= 24 W+ 26 B= 12 B-  1 W+ 38 W-  4 B- 17
 33. GERMAN Sergio             2275 -  5.0 - 39.5   49.50 - B+ 78 W= 22 B+ 31 B=  6 W-  7 W+ 39 B- 13 W+ 37 B- 12
 34. PEREYRA ARCIJA Diego  FM  2290 -  5.0 - 35.0   42.00 -  = FF W+ 60 B+ 62 W-  4 B+ 46 W= 22 B- 12 W+ 45 W- 16
 35. RIVERO Jose Luis          2165 -  5.0 - 34.0   43.50 - B+ 83 W-  3 B+ 36 W- 15 B+ 99 W+ 60 B- 21 W+ 59 B- 11
 36. KUNITZ Claus              1839 -  5.0 - 34.0   42.50 - W- 32 B+ 96 W- 35 B+ 76 B+ 43 W+ 41 B- 15 W+ 44 B- 22
 37. FARAH Rodolfo             2180 -  5.0 - 32.5   39.50 - W- 25 B+102 W+ 51 B- 23 W- 60 B+ 53 W+ 42 B- 33 W+ 66
 38. GODOY Carlos              2205 -  5.0 - 32.0   39.00 - W+ 96  = FF B= 74 W= 16 B+ 49 W=  5 B- 32 W- 18 B+ 69
 39. PALMISANO Juan                    5.0 - 31.0   40.50 - B- 12 B+ 72 W+ 79 W- 80 B+ 52 B- 33 W+ 68 W+ 69 B- 18
 40. LIDA GARCIA Fernando      2135 -  5.0 - 29.5   39.00 - W+ 68 B-  6 W+ 76 B- 11 W- 69 B- 52 W+ 81 B+ 90 W+ 64
 -  -

4) 30th Capablanca Memorial by Carlos H Taboada and Amador Rodriguez.

Matanzas, Cuba, May 9 - 23, 1995

The 30th edition of the annual Capablanca Memorial was held in Matanzas,
Cuba from May 8-23. The site of the event, for the fourth consecutive
year was the beautiful Hotel Canimao in Matanzas, about 60 miles from
Havana and very close to the sea, in particular the very famous Varadero
beach about 22 miles away.

This time, as usual, the tournament was divided into 4 groups of 14
players each, two Premiers of category 11 and 8, a Masters group of
category 4 and finally a development group with a mixture of men and

The first group gathered the strongest players, with GMs Anthony Miles
from England and Loek Van Wely from Holland outstanding from the very
beginning. In fact before the last round they both had a marvellous +7
score undefeated. Miles beat GM Alonso Zapata from Colombia whilst Van
Wely as White lost to cuban GM Amador Rodriguez who had failed to
convert three easy winning positions in previous rounds.

For Miles, currently at 2615, this tournament meant a further increase
of his rating by 220 points, on his way to recover a place in the
world's elite.

In the second group mexican IM Gilberto Hernandez achieved a very
important victory, since besides winning the group, he fulfilled his
second and final GM norm, thus becoming the second Grandmaster in
Mexican history after Marcel Sisniega.

The third group was won by Cuban IM Alberto Rivera and the fourth by
Cuban IWM Tania Hernandez.

Following there are two games won by GM Miles, winner of the main group.

[Event "30th Capablanca Memorial Tournament"]
[Site "Matanzas City CUB"]
[Date "1995.05.16"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Miles, Anthony"]
[Black "Sorin, Ariel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C47"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Bc5 6. Nxc6 bxc6
7. Bd3 d6 8. O-O Ng4 {8...Nd7 9.Be2 0-0 10.Na4 Bb6 11.b3 Qh4 12.Nxb6 axb6
13.f3 Ba6 14.c4 c5 15.Bb2 slightly favoured White in Miles-Hebden, London LB
1994, this time Miles opponent adopts a more aggressive setup}
9. Bf4 g5 {9...Qf6!?} 10. Bd2 Qf6 11. Qe2 Qe5 {11...Qh6!? 12.h3 Ne5} 12. g3 Qe6
{with the idea of 13...Nxh2!} 13. Na4 Bd4 14. c3 Qh6 15. h4 Bf6 16. e5!
{A typical motif, White opens up the position in response to a flank
attack since he is better developed} Nxe5 17. hxg5 Bxg5 18. f4 Qh3
19. Be4 Qxg3+ 20. Qg2 Qxg2+ 21. Bxg2 {From this point on the win is easy}
Bh6 22. fxe5 Bxd2 23. Bxc6+ Bd7 24. Bxa8 Bxa4 25. exd6 cxd6 26. Rf2 Bg5
27. Re1+ Kf8 28. Bd5 Be8 29. Rf5 f6 30. Rf3 h5 31. c4 h4 32. Rb3 Bf4
33. Rxe8+ 1-0

[Event "30th Capablanca Memorial Tournament"]
[Site "Matanzas City CUB"]
[Date "1995.05.12"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Garcia, Gildardo"]
[Black "Miles, Anthony"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B00"]

1. e4 Nc6 2. d4 e5 3. dxe5 Nxe5 4. Nf3 Bb4+ {Miles is in familiar grounds,
in fact I found 4 of his games with this variation on my database. All
of them continued 5.c3 when his primary choice was 5...Bd6 (against
Kudrin, USA ch 1989 and Canfell, Adelaide open 1990.) In his last two
games he prefered 5...Bc5 (against Ben Martin, Auckland 1992 and
Thipsay, Calcutta open 1994)} 5. Nbd2 {This seems to be new. Besides
5.c3, 5.Bd2 had also been played} Nxf3+ 6. Qxf3 Ne7
7. a3 Ba5 8. b4 Bb6 9. Bb2 O-O 10. Bc4 Nc6 11. Nb3 {White is now
threatening 12.Qg3 that would force Black to weaken seriously his king side.}
Qh4! 12. g3? {Why?} Qh6 {Black should be OK now according to Miles.}
13. Rd1 d6 14. Rd5? Be6 15. Rh5 Qg6 16. Be2 f5! {Black already has a firm
control of the game} 17. exf5 Bxf5 18. O-O Rae8 19. Bd1 Be4 20. Qc3 Ne5
21. Nd4 Bxd4! 22. Qxd4 Bf3! {Decisive} 23. Rxe5 dxe5 24. Qc3 Bxd1 25. Rxd1
Qf7 26. Qe3 Qf3 27. Re1 Qxe3 28. Rxe3 e4 29. Rc3 Rf7 30. Bc1 a6 31. Be3 Re6
32. Kf1 Rd7 33. Ke2 Kf7 34. Rc4 Rc6 35. Rxc6 bxc6 36. c3 Ke6 37. Bd4 Kd5
38. Ke3 Rf7 39. h4 Rf3+ 40. Ke2 g6 41. a4 c5! 0-1


Round 1 (1995.05.09)

Miles, Anthony            - Nogueiras, Jesus           1/2   31  D31  Queen's gambit
Borges Mateos, Juan       - Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  1/2  105  D20  Queen's gambit; Exchange
Sorin, Ariel              - Becerra Rivero, Julio      1/2   26  E73  Kings indian
Arencibia, Juan Joel      - Van Wely, Loek             0-1   44  A48  Queen's pawn
Rodriguez, Amador         - Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro   1/2   32  B70  Sicilian; Dragon
Hoffman, Alejandro        - Zapata, Alonso             1-0   41  B40  Sicilian
Lima, Darcy               - Garcia, Gildardo           1/2   10  D41  Queen's gambit

Round 2 (1995.05.10)

Van Wely, Loek            - Miles, Anthony             1/2   25  D24  Queen's gambit; Exchange
Cifuentes Parada, Roberto - Zapata, Alonso             1-0   60  E90  Kings indian; Classical
Borges Mateos, Juan       - Sorin, Ariel               0-1   44  E61  Kings indian
Nogueiras, Jesus          - Hoffman, Alejandro         1-0   38  D15  Slav defence
Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro  - Arencibia, Juan Joel       1/2   40  D17  Slav defence
Becerra Rivero, Julio     - Lima, Darcy                1/2   42  C64  Ruy Lopez
Garcia, Gildardo          - Rodriguez, Amador          1/2   61  C85  Ruy Lopez

Round 3 (1995.05.11)

Miles, Anthony            - Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro   1-0   43  D00  Queen's pawn
Sorin, Ariel              - Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  1-0   48  D20  Queen's gambit; Exchange
Arencibia, Juan Joel      - Garcia, Gildardo           1/2   22  D36  Queen's gambit
Rodriguez, Amador         - Becerra Rivero, Julio      1/2   23  B66  Sicilian
Hoffman, Alejandro        - Van Wely, Loek             1/2   38  A07  Reti (1.Pf3)
Zapata, Alonso            - Nogueiras, Jesus           1/2   43  C03  French; Tarrasch
Lima, Darcy               - Borges Mateos, Juan        1/2   15  D26  Queen's gambit; Exchange

Round 4 (1995.05.12)

Van Wely, Loek            - Zapata, Alonso             1-0   54  E97  Kings indian; Main line
Cifuentes Parada, Roberto - Nogueiras, Jesus           1/2   44  D45  Queen's gambit
Borges Mateos, Juan       - Rodriguez, Amador          1/2   27  E15  Nimzo indian
Sorin, Ariel              - Lima, Darcy                1-0   29  D20  Queen's gambit; Exchange
Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro  - Hoffman, Alejandro         1/2   20  D45  Queen's gambit
Becerra Rivero, Julio     - Arencibia, Juan Joel       1/2   37  B12  Caro-Kann
Garcia, Gildardo          - Miles, Anthony             0-1   41  B00  1.e4

Round 5 (1995.05.13)

Miles, Anthony            - Becerra Rivero, Julio      1-0   39  D03  Queen's pawn
Nogueiras, Jesus          - Van Wely, Loek             1/2    8  D27  Queen's gambit; Exchange
Arencibia, Juan Joel      - Borges Mateos, Juan        1/2    9  D36  Queen's gambit
Rodriguez, Amador         - Sorin, Ariel               1/2   63  C80  Ruy Lopez
Hoffman, Alejandro        - Garcia, Gildardo           0-1   24  C86  Ruy Lopez
Zapata, Alonso            - Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro   0-1   50  B42  Sicilian
Lima, Darcy               - Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  1/2   30  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)

Round 6 (1995.05.14)

Cifuentes Parada, Roberto - Van Wely, Loek             1/2   22  E80  Kings indian; Saemisch
Borges Mateos, Juan       - Miles, Anthony             0-1   40  E61  Kings indian
Sorin, Ariel              - Arencibia, Juan Joel       1/2   37  D32  Queen's gambit
Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro  - Nogueiras, Jesus           1/2   10  D94  Gruenfeld indian
Becerra Rivero, Julio     - Hoffman, Alejandro         1-0   40  B52  Sicilian
Garcia, Gildardo          - Zapata, Alonso             1/2   10  C01  French; Exchange
Lima, Darcy               - Rodriguez, Amador          1/2   13  C26  1.e4 e5

Round 7 (1995.05.16)

Miles, Anthony            - Sorin, Ariel               1-0   33  C47  Four knights
Van Wely, Loek            - Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro   1-0   42  E12  Nimzo indian
Nogueiras, Jesus          - Garcia, Gildardo           1/2   29  E08  Nimzo indian
Arencibia, Juan Joel      - Lima, Darcy                1-0   47  D21  Queen's gambit; Exchange
Rodriguez, Amador         - Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  1/2   16  D67  Queen's gambit
Hoffman, Alejandro        - Borges Mateos, Juan        0-1   62  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Zapata, Alonso            - Becerra Rivero, Julio      1-0   42  B17  Caro-Kann

Round 8 (1995.05.17)

Cifuentes Parada, Roberto - Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro   1/2   55  E08  Nimzo indian
Borges Mateos, Juan       - Zapata, Alonso             1-0   43  A53  Benoni
Sorin, Ariel              - Hoffman, Alejandro         1/2   53  D63  Queen's gambit
Rodriguez, Amador         - Arencibia, Juan Joel       1/2   41  C16  French; Winawer
Becerra Rivero, Julio     - Nogueiras, Jesus           1/2   18  C10  French
Garcia, Gildardo          - Van Wely, Loek             0-1   36  B82  Sicilian
Lima, Darcy               - Miles, Anthony             0-1   41  B00  1.e4

Round 9 (1995.05.18)

Miles, Anthony            - Rodriguez, Amador          1/2   70  D41  Queen's gambit
Van Wely, Loek            - Becerra Rivero, Julio      1-0   37  E92  Kings indian; Classical
Nogueiras, Jesus          - Borges Mateos, Juan        1/2   25  D29  Queen's gambit; Exchange
Arencibia, Juan Joel      - Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  0-1   26  D13  Slav defence
Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro  - Garcia, Gildardo           1-0   48  D55  Queen's gambit
Hoffman, Alejandro        - Lima, Darcy                1-0   39  E91  Kings indian; Classical
Zapata, Alonso            - Sorin, Ariel               1/2   54  C80  Ruy Lopez

Round 10 (1995.05.19)

Cifuentes Parada, Roberto - Garcia, Gildardo           1/2   40  D30  Queen's gambit
Borges Mateos, Juan       - Van Wely, Loek             1/2   62  E15  Nimzo indian
Sorin, Ariel              - Nogueiras, Jesus           1/2   35  A54  Benoni
Arencibia, Juan Joel      - Miles, Anthony             1/2   59  A41  Queen's pawn
Rodriguez, Amador         - Hoffman, Alejandro         1/2   27  C11  French; Classical
Becerra Rivero, Julio     - Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro   1/2   52  B43  Sicilian
Lima, Darcy               - Zapata, Alonso             0-1   50  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)

Round 11 (1995.05.20)

Miles, Anthony            - Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  1/2   61  D03  Queen's pawn
Van Wely, Loek            - Sorin, Ariel               1-0   71  E94  Kings indian; Classical
Nogueiras, Jesus          - Lima, Darcy                1/2   21  D26  Queen's gambit; Exchange
Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro  - Borges Mateos, Juan        1/2   12  B19  Caro-Kann
Garcia, Gildardo          - Becerra Rivero, Julio      1/2   52  B13  Caro-Kann
Hoffman, Alejandro        - Arencibia, Juan Joel       1/2   59  B12  Caro-Kann
Zapata, Alonso            - Rodriguez, Amador          1-0   52  B19  Caro-Kann

Round 12 (1995.05.21)

Miles, Anthony            - Hoffman, Alejandro         1-0   37  A45  Queen's pawn
Cifuentes Parada, Roberto - Becerra Rivero, Julio      1/2   44  D03  Queen's pawn
Borges Mateos, Juan       - Garcia, Gildardo           1-0   57  D34  Queen's gambit
Sorin, Ariel              - Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro   1-0   24  D51  Queen's gambit
Arencibia, Juan Joel      - Zapata, Alonso             1-0   40  E91  Kings indian; Classical
Rodriguez, Amador         - Nogueiras, Jesus           1/2   12  E59  Nimzo indian
Lima, Darcy               - Van Wely, Loek             0-1   38  A11  English; 1.c4

Round 13 (1995.05.23)

Van Wely, Loek            - Rodriguez, Amador          0-1   67  A37  English; 1.c4 c5
Nogueiras, Jesus          - Arencibia, Juan Joel       1/2   10  E11  Bogo indian
Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro  - Lima, Darcy                1/2   11  C47  Four knights
Becerra Rivero, Julio     - Borges Mateos, Juan        1/2   23  C11  French; Classical
Garcia, Gildardo          - Sorin, Ariel               1-0   40  C83  Ruy Lopez
Hoffman, Alejandro        - Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  0-1   52  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Zapata, Alonso            - Miles, Anthony             0-1   63  B00  1.e4

Matanzas City (CUB), 1995.                           cat. XI (2511)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 TOTAL  TPR  SB
 1 Miles, Anthony             g ENG 2615 * = = 1 = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 1 1  10.5  2754
 2 Van Wely, Loek             g NED 2575 = * = = = 1 1 0 1 1 1 = 1 1   9.5  2681
 3 Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  g NED 2535 = = * = = 0 1 = = = = 1 1 =   7.5  2566
 4 Borges Mateos, Juan        m CUB 2400 0 = = * = 0 = = = = 1 1 1 =   7.0  2548 40.50
 5 Nogueiras, Jesus           g CUB 2550 = = = = * = = = = = = 1 = =   7.0  2537 44.25
 6 Sorin, Ariel               m ARG 2505 0 0 1 1 = * = = 1 = 0 = = 1   7.0  2540 41.25
 7 Arencibia, Juan Joel       m CUB 2435 = 0 0 = = = * = = = = = 1 1   6.5  2516 37.75
 8 Rodriguez, Amador          g CUB 2520 = 1 = = = = = * = = = = 0 =   6.5  2510 44.75
 9 Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro   f CUB 2455 0 0 = = = 0 = = * = 1 = 1 =   6.0  2486
10 Becerra Rivero, Julio      m CUB 2490 0 0 = = = = = = = * = 1 0 =   5.5  2455 32.75
11 Garcia, Gildardo           g COL 2520 0 0 = 0 = 1 = = 0 = * 1 = =   5.5  2453 32.00
12 Hoffman, Alejandro         m ARG 2515 0 = 0 0 0 = = = = 0 0 * 1 1   4.5  2400 25.75
13 Zapata, Alonso             g COL 2535 0 0 0 0 = = 0 1 0 1 = 0 * 1   4.5  2399 25.75
14 Lima, Darcy                m BRA 2505 0 0 = = = 0 0 = = = = 0 0 *   3.5  2336

Cat. VIII ELO = 2435
Pos     Players          T  Count ELO  01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14  Ptos  S.B.
1   Hernandez, Gilberto IM   MEX  2510  X  =  =  =  0  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  0  1   9.5
2   Galego, Luis        IM   POR  2435  =  X  =  =  =  =  0  1  =  =  1  1  1  1   8.5
3   Arencibia, Walter   GM   CUB  2500  =  =  X  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  1  1  =   7.5  45.50
4   Mitkov, Nikola      GM   MAC  2475  =  =  =  X  =  0  1  0  0  =  1  1  1  1   7.5  43.50
5   Servat, Roberto     IM   ARG  2450  1  =  =  =  X  =  1  =  =  0  =  0  1  =   7.0  46.75
6   Armas, Jorge        IM   CUB  2465  0  =  =  1  =  X  =  =  =  =  =  1  =  =   7.0  43.00
7   Alvarez, Jose       MF   CUB  2385  0  1  =  0  0  =  X  =  =  1  =  =  1  1   7.0  41.00
8   Alvarez, Rafael     IM   ESP  2440  0  0  =  1  =  =  =  X  =  =  =  1  =  1   7.0  40.50
9   Hernandez, Roman    GM   CUB  2435  0  =  =  1  =  =  =  =  X  =  =  =  =  =   6.5  41.25
10  Sariego, Wilfredo   IM   CUB  2420  0  =  =  =  1  =  0  =  =  X  0  1  1  =   6.5  38.25
11  Paneque, Pedro      IM   CUB  2405  0  0  =  0  =  =  =  =  =  1  X  =  =  1   6.0
12  Medina, Miguel      MF   CUB  2415  0  0  0  0  1  0  =  0  =  0  =  X  =  1   4.0
13  Garcia, Osmel       MF   CUB  2385  1  0  0  0  0  =  0  =  =  0  =  =  X  0   3.5  24.75
14  Ravelo, Eddy        MF   CUB  2395  0  0  =  0  =  =  0  0  =  =  0  0  1  X   3.5  20.75

Cat. IV  ELO = 2345
Pos     Players          T  Pa!s  ELO  01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13  Ptos  S.B.
1   Rivera, Alberto     IM   CUB  2370  X  1  0  1  =  1  =  0  =  =  =  1  1  7.5  42.25
2   Gonzalez, Renier         CUB  2290  0  X  =  =  =  0  1  1  0  1  1  1  1  7.5  40.00
3   Fuentes, Manuel     MF   CUB  2375  1  =  X  =  =  =  0  1  1  =  =  =  1  7.0  40.00
4   Valdes, Luis E      MF   CUB  2365  0  =  =  X  =  =  =  1  =  1  =  1  =  7.0  39.50
5   Alonso, Rene        IM   CUB  2380  =  =  =  =  X  0  =  =  =  =  1  =  1  7.0  39.50
6   Li, Manuel          MF   CUB  2365  0  1  =  =  1  X  =  =  =  =  0  =  1  6.5  38.00
7   Moran, Augusto      IM   ECU  2415  =  0  1  =  =  =  X  =  =  =  1  =  =  6.5  38.00
8   Elissalt, Hector    MF   CUB  2380  1  0  0  0  =  =  =  X  1  0  1  1  1  6.5  35.00
9   Perez, Rodney       MF   CUB  2320  =  1  0  =  =  =  =  0  X  =  =  1  =  6.0
10  Fraschini, Mariano  MF   ARG  2350  =  0  =  0  =  =  =  1  =  X  0  1  0  5.0  30.75
11  Pupo, Emilio        MF   CUB  2345  =  0  =  =  0  1  0  0  =  1  X  0  1  5.0  27.75
12  Andonovsky,Ljubisha MF   MAC  2290  0  0  =  0  =  =  =  0  0  0  1  X  1  4.0
13  Reyes, Carlos            GUA  2255  0  0  0  =  0  0  =  0  =  1  0  0  X  2.5

Cat. IU-W  ELO = 2135
Pos     Players            T   Count ELO  01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14  Ptos  S.B.
1   Hernandez, Tania      WM    CUB  2225  X  0  =  1  1  1  1  1  =  0  1  1  1  1  10.0
2   Perez, Yosvany        MF    CUB  2360  1  X  -  0  1  =  1  0  =  1  1  1  1  1   9.5
3   Moreno, Alejandro     MF    CUB  2335  =  =  X  1  0  1f 0  =  =  1  1  1  1  1   9.0  50.75
4   Frometa, Zirka        WM    CUB  2180  0  1  0  X  =  1  1  =  0  1  1  1  1  1   9.0  49.50
5   Arribas, Maritza      WM    CUB  2200  0  0  1  =  X  =  1  1  =  1  0  1  1  =   8.0
6   Subit, Jose L.        MF    CUB  2360  0  =  0f 0  =  X  0  1  =  1  1  1  1  1   7.5
7   Ramen, Vivian         WM    CUB  2210  0  0  1  0  0  1  X  1  1  1  0  0  1  1   7.0  38.50
8   De Armas, Asela       WM    CUB  2170  0  1  =  =  0  0  0  X  1  =  1  1  =  1   7.0  38.25
9   Fandiso, Roquelina    WF    CUB  2155  =  =  =  1  =  =  0  0  X  0  0  =  1  1   6.0  36.00
10  Riveiro, Fernando           POR  2240  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  =  1  X  1  =  1  1   6.0  29.50
11  Delgado, Mairelis           CUB  2125  0  0  0  0  1  0  1  0  1  0  X  1  0  1   5.0
12  Palao, Maricela       WM    CUB  2150  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  =  =  0  X  1  1   4.0
13  Martinez, Ingrid            GUA        0  0  0  0  0  0  0  =  0  0  1  0  X  1   2.5
14  Garc!a, Ana E.              DOM        0  0  0  0  =  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  X   0.5

5) Final Standings Lina Grumette Memorial Day Classic by Norm Jenson

Igor Ivanov, Walter Browne, Zsusza Polgar       5

Julian Hodgson, Javier Torres, Levon Altounian, 4.5
Johnath Yedidia, Anthony Saidy

Igor won a nice game in the fifth round to go a full
point ahead of the field entering the last round.
Walter Browne with the white pieces got his revenge
for the loss he suffered to Igor at the North American
Open, winning in fine style.  Zsusza Polgar slipped into
the three way tie at the top by beating Jack
Peters in the final round.

6) Sigeman Wernbro & Co Grandmaster Tournament by Piotr Nestorow

Mikhail Krasenkov (RUS) replaced Ferdinand Hellers in the tournament.
F. Hellers won the tournament in 1993 and 1994

In round 2 Jonny Hector missed a good chance.

[Event "Sigeman Wernbro & Co Grandmaster Tournament"]
[Site "Malmo SWE"]
[Date "1995.05.31"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Sokolov, Ivan"]
[Black "Hector, Jonny"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e3 e6 5. Nf3 Nbd7 6. Qc2 Bd6 7. Bd3 e5 8. cxd5
cxd5 9. Nb5 Bb8 10. dxe5 Nxe5 11. Nxe5 Bxe5 12. Bd2 O-O 13. O-O Bd7 14. Bc3 Rc8
15. Qb3 Bb8 16. Rac1 Ng4 17. h3 Bxb5 18. Qxb5 Qd6 19. f4 Nxe3 20. Bb4 Qf6 21.
Bxf8 Rxf8 22. Rf3 Bxf4 23. Qb4 Qg5 24. g4
{ Hector had here a superb chance to win with 24 ... Sg4!
  25. Dxf4 Se5+! 26. Dxg5 Sxf3+ 27. Kg2 Sxg5
  25 Dxf4 Se5+! 26. Kh1 Dxf4 27. Txf4 Sxd3
  Sokolov commented: "That's nice!"}
Nc4 25. Rxc4 dxc4 26. Bxh7+ Kxh7 27.
Qxf8 Qe5 28. Qxf7 Qe1+ 29. Kg2 Qe2+ 30. Rf2 Qe4+ 31. Rf3 1/2-1/2

Round 1 (1995.05.30)

Andersson, Ulf     - Sadler, Matthew     1-0   39
Hector, Jonny      - Brynell, Stellan    1-0   69
Hjartarson, Johann - Krasenkov, Mikhail  1/2   44
Vescovi, Giovanni  - Hellsten, Johan     1/2   55
Djurhuus, Rune     - Sokolov, Ivan       0-1   31

Round 2 (1995.05.31)

Sokolov, Ivan      - Hector, Jonny       1/2   31
Hellsten, Johan    - Andersson, Ulf      1/2   83
Hjartarson, Johann - Djurhuus, Rune      1/2   55
Krasenkov, Mikhail - Sadler, Matthew     1/2   28
Brynell, Stellan   - Vescovi, Giovanni   1/2   37

Malmo (SWE), 1995. -  -      cat. XII (2537)
                               1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10
 1 Andersson, Ulf      g SWE   *   .   .   =   .   .   .   .   .   1   1.5  2690
 2 Hector, Jonny       g SWE   .   *   =   .   .   .   .   1   .   .   1.5  2733
 3 Sokolov, Ivan       g BIH   .   =   *   .   .   .   .   .   1   .   1.5  2710
 4 Hellsten, Johan       SWE   =   .   .   *   .   .   =   .   .   .   1.0  2547
 5 Hjartarson, Johann  g ISL   .   .   .   .   *   =   .   .   =   .   1.0  2535
 6 Krasenkov, Mikhail  g RUS   .   .   .   .   =   *   .   .   .   =   1.0  2582
 7 Vescovi, Giovanni   m BRA   .   .   .   =   .   .   *   =   .   .   1.0  2427
 8 Brynell, Stellan    m SWE   .   0   .   .   .   .   =   *   .   .   0.5  2309
 9 Djurhuus, Rune      m NOR   .   .   0   .   =   .   .   .   *   .   0.5  2424
10 Sadler, Matthew     g ENG   0   .   .   .   .   =   .   .   .   *   0.5  2409

7) The 8th World Computer Chess Championships

Held at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 25-30 May 1995.
Gamescores Dr.H.K.Tsang and the Chinese University of Hong Kong
www page.

This produced a shock result when the favourite Deep Blue
only managed a tie for third place. This appeared to be
due mostly to superior opening preparation by a team of
chess players (most computer chess programs don't generate their
own opening repertoire). Kasparov made the point in his
exhibition in Germany against Fritz that it wasn't really
a computer vs human conflict as the opening were completely
designed by humans to try and get the best out of the
computer program's abilities. (he got hit by a TN in
the first game of that event.)

Final Standings

Hong Kong (HKG), 1995.
                               1   2   3   4   5
 1 Fritz                ----  -12 +15 +17 +14 + 3  4.0
 2 Star Socrates        ----  - 3 +14 +23 + 8 + 7  4.0
 3 Deep Blue            ----  + 2 + 7 +11 = 9 - 1  3.5
 4 Frenchess            ----  = 9 - 6 +20 +11 +14  3.5
 5 Junior               ----  - 7 =18 +24 +16 +12  3.5
 6 Chess Genius         ----  =10 + 4 = 8 =12 = 9  3.0
 7 Hitech               ----  + 5 - 3 +15 +18 - 2  3.0
 8 Rebel                ----  +13 =12 = 6 - 2 +18  3.0
 9 WChess               ----  = 4 +10 =12 = 3 = 6  3.0
10 Zugzwang             ----  = 6 - 9 =21 +15 +20  3.0
11 Cheiron              ----  +21 +24 - 3 - 4 =13  2.5
12 Schach 3             ----  + 1 = 8 = 9 = 6 - 5  2.5
13 Virtua Chess         ----  - 8 +20 -14 +23 =11  2.5
14 Dark Thought         ----  +16 - 2 +13 - 1 - 4  2.0
15 Ferret               ----  +19 - 1 - 7 -10 +22  2.0
16 Pandix               ----  -14 +22 =18 - 5 =19  2.0
17 Phoenix              ----  -18 +19 - 1 -20 +23  2.0
18 SOS                  ----  +17 = 5 =16 - 7 - 8  2.0
19 Ulysses              ----  -15 -17 =22 +24 =16  2.0
20 Zeus 3.0             ----  +22 -13 - 4 +17 -10  2.0
21 Gandalf              ----  -11 =23 =10 -22 =24  1.5
22 Nightmare            ----  -20 -16 =19 +21 -15  1.5
23 LChess               ----  =24 =21 - 2 -13 -17  1.0
24 Woodpusher           ----  =23 -11 - 5 -19 =21  1.0

Fritz and Star Socrates played off for the title, Fritz

This week saw the announcement of a 6 game match in Philadelphia in February
between Deep Blue and Kasparov.  They will play for stakes of $400,000 for the
winner, $100,000 for the loser. It will be played alongside the Association for
Computing Machinery conference.

8) Theoretical games from Chess Assistant Quick service.

[Event "It (cat.17)"]
[Site "Novgorod (Russia)"]
[Date "1995.06.01"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Kasparov, Gary"]
[Black "Vaganian, Rafael"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D37"]

1. d4 e6 2. c4 d5 3. Nc3 Be7 4. Nf3 Nf6 5. Bf4 O-O 6. e3 c5 7. dxc5 Bxc5
8. Qc2 Nc6 9. a3 Qa5 10. O-O-O Be7
  {10... Rd8 11. Nb5! b6 12. Ne5 Bb7 13. Nxc6 Bxc6 14. b4 Bxb4 15. axb4
  Qxb4 16. Qb2 Qc5 17. Qa3 Bxb5 18. Qxc5 bxc5 19. cxb5 White has a
  moderate advantage, Miles - Amura, Andorra 1994 OR 10... Bd7 11. Kb1!
  dxc4 12. Bxc4 Be7 13. Ng5 Rfd8 14. h4 Ne5 15. Bxe5 Qxe5 16. f4
  White has a moderate advantage, Akopian - Gi.Garcia, Philadelphia 1994 OR
  10... Ne4 11. Nb5! a6 12. Nc7 e5 13. Rxd5! f5? 14. Rxe5! Nxe5 15.
  Bxe5 White has a moderate advantage, Kasparov - Vaganian, Debrecen 1992}
11. h4!
  {TN. 11. g4 dxc4 12. Bxc4 a6 13. Bd3 Kh8 14. g5?! 1/2-1/2
  Ivanchuk - Ehlvest, Novgorod 1995; 14. Rhg1! with the idea Rg3-h3}
dxc4 12. Bxc4 b6
  {12... e5 13. Bg5 White stands a slight advantage}
13. Ng5! Ba6 14. Nce4 g6 15. Nxf6 Bxf6 16. Ne4 Be7 17. Bxa6 Qxa6
18. Kb1 Qb7 19. h5 Rac8?
  {better is 19... e5!?}
20. hxg6 Nb4
  {20... hxg6 21. Rh6 Nb4 (21... Kg7 22. Rdh1 Rh8 23. Qc3+-) 22. Rdh1
  Nxc2 23. Rh8 Kg7 24.R1h7#}
21. gxh7 Kh8 22. Be5 f6 23. Nxf6 Bxf6 24. Bxf6 1-0

[Event "It (cat.17)"]
[Site "Novgorod (Russia)"]
[Date "1995.05.31"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Kramnik, Vladimir"]
[Black "Ivanchuk, Vassily"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "D52"]

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 c6 3. Nc3 d5 4. d4 e6 5. Bg5 Nbd7 6. e3 Qa5 7. cxd5
  {7. Nd2 Bb4 8. Qc2 O-O 9. Be2 c5! 10. Nb3 (10. O-O cxd4 11. Nb3
  Qb6 12. exd4 dxc4 13. Bxc4 Qc7 14. Qe2 Bxc3 15. bxc3 Ne4! 16. Qxe4
  Qxc4 17. Rfe1 Nb6 Black stands a slight advantage, Azmaiparashvili
  - Ivanchuk, Tilburg 1994) Qa4 11. Bxf6 Nxf6 12. O-O Bxc3 13. Qxc3
  cxd4 14. Nxd4 Bd7 15. cxd5 Nxd5 16. Qb3 Qxb3= Aseev - Oll, Moscow
Nxd5 8. Qd2 Bb4 9. Rc1 h6 10. Bh4 c5!
  {10... O-O 11. Bd3 e5 12. O-O Re8 13. Qc2 exd4 14.
  Nxd5 Qxd5 15. exd4 Nb6 16. Bg3 Qxa2 17. Ne5 White has sufficient
  compensation for material deficit, Shirov - Piket, Aruba 1995}
11. a3
  {11. Bd3 cxd4 12. exd4 b6 13. O-O O-O 14. a3 Bxc3 15. bxc3 Bb7 16.
  Bb1 Qxa3 17. c4 N5f6 unclear pozition, Vegh - Pinter, Budapest 1986}
Bxc3 12. bxc3 b6!
  {TN. 12... Qxa3 13. e4 N5f6 14. Bd3 Qa5 15. d5 c4 (15... exd5? 16. e5!
  Ne4 17. Bxe4 dxe4 18. Qd6 g5 19. Nxg5! Qb6 20. Nxe4 White has a
  moderate advantage, Petursson - Halasz, Naestved 1988) 16. Bxc4 exd5
  17. Bxd5! Nxd5 18. exd5 O-O 19. O-O f6 20. Rfe1 Nb6 21. c4 White
  stands a slight advantage, M.Gurevich - Cardon, Belgium 1994}
13. e4 N5f6 14. Bd3 Bb7 15. d5 c4! 16. dxe6 cxd3 17. exd7 Nxd7 18. Qxd3
g5 19. Bg3 Nc5 20. Qd6 {unclear pozition}
  {20... Nxe4 21. Qc7 O-O! 22. Qxb7 Nc5 23. Qc6 Nd3 24. Ke2 Rac8 25.
  Qxh6 Nxc1 26. Rxc1 Qb5 27. Ke1 Rfe8 28. Be5 Rxe5 29. Nxe5 Qxe5 Black
  has sufficient compensation for material deficit} 1/2-1/2

PGN style for use with ChessAssistant (use only with ChessAssistant)

[Event "It (cat.17)"]
[Site "Novgorod (Russia)"]
[Date "1995.06.01"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Kasparov, Gary"]
[Black "Vaganian, Rafael A"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D37"]

1. d4 e6 2. c4 d5 3. Nc3 Be7 4. Nf3 Nf6 5. Bf4 O-O 6. e3 c5 7. dxc5 Bxc5
8. Qc2 Nc6 9. a3 Qa5 10. O-O-O Be7
{10...Rd8 - Miles - Amura, Andorra 1994 10...Bd7 - Akopian - Gi.Garcia,
Philadelphia 1994 10...Ne4 - Kasparov - Vaganian, Debrecen 1992}
(10... Rd8 11. Nb5 $1 b6 12. Ne5 Bb7
13. Nxc6 Bxc6 14. b4 Bxb4 15. axb4 Qxb4 16. Qb2 Qc5 17. Qa3 Bxb5 18.
Qxc5 bxc5 19. cxb5  $16) (10... Bd7 11. Kb1 $1 dxc4 12. Bxc4 Be7 13. Ng5
Rfd8 14. h4 Ne5 15. Bxe5 Qxe5 16. f4  $36) (10... Ne4 11. Nb5 $1 a6 12.
Nc7 e5 13. Rxd5 $1 f5 $2 14. Rxe5 $1 Nxe5 15. Bxe5  $16) 11. h4 $1
{TN 11.g4 - Ivanchuk - Ehlvest, Novgorod 1995}
(11. g4 dxc4 12. Bxc4 a6 13. Bd3 Kh8 14. g5 $6
(14. Rhg1 $1)){(B)  15. Rg3-Rh3} dxc4
12. Bxc4 b6 (12... e5 13. Bg5  $14) 13. Ng5 $1 Ba6 14. Nce4 g6 15. Nxf6
Bxf6 16. Ne4 Be7 17. Bxa6 Qxa6 18. Kb1 Qb7 19. h5 Rac8 $2 (19... e5 $5)
20. hxg6 Nb4 $2 (20... hxg6 21. Rh6 Nb4 (21... Kg7 22. Rdh1 Rh8 23. Qc3
f6 24. Rxh8  $18) 22. Rdh1 Nxc2 23. Rh8 Kg7 24. R1h7#) 21. gxh7 Kh8
22. Be5 f6 23. Nxf6 Bxf6 24. Bxf6 1-0

[Event "It (cat.17)"]
[Site "Novgorod (Russia)"]
[Date "1995.05.31"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Kramnik, Vladimir"]
[Black "Ivanchuk, Vassily"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "D52"]

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 c6 3. Nc3 d5 4. d4 e6 5. Bg5 Nbd7 6. e3 Qa5 7. cxd5
{7. Nd2 - Aseev - Oll, Moscow 1995}
(7. Nd2 Bb4 8. Qc2 O-O 9. Be2 c5 $1 10. Nb3 (10. O-O cxd4 11. Nb3 Qb6
12. exd4 dxc4 13. Bxc4 Qc7 14. Qe2 Bxc3
15. bxc3 Ne4 $1 16. Qxe4 Qxc4 17. Rfe1 Nb6  $15) Qa4 11. Bxf6 Nxf6 12.
O-O Bxc3 13. Qxc3 cxd4 14. Nxd4 Bd7 15. cxd5 Nxd5 16. Qb3 Qxb3  $11){(B)
Azmaiparashvili - Ivanchuk, Tilburg 1994} Nxd5 8. Qd2 Bb4 9. Rc1 h6
10. Bh4 c5 $1 {10...O-O - Shirov - Piket, Aruba 1995} (10... O-O 11. Bd3
e5 12. O-O Re8 13. Qc2 exd4 14. Nxd5 Qxd5 15. exd4 Nb6 16. Bg3 Qxa2 17.
Ne5  $44) 11. a3 {11.Bd3 - Vegh - Pinter, Budapest 1986} (11. Bd3 cxd4
12. exd4 b6 13. O-O O-O 14. a3 Bxc3 15. bxc3 Bb7 16. Bb1 Qxa3 17. c4
N5f6  $13) Bxc3 12. bxc3 b6 $1
{Novelty 12...Qa3 - M.Gurevich - Cardon, Belgium 1994}
(12... Qxa3 13. e4 N5f6 14. Bd3 Qa5 15. d5 c4 (15... exd5
$2 16. e5 $1 Ne4 17. Bxe4 dxe4 18. Qd6 g5 19. Nxg5 $1 Qb6 20. Nxe4  $16)
 16. Bxc4 exd5 17. Bxd5 $1 Nxd5 18. exd5 O-O 19. O-O f6 20. Rfe1 Nb6 21.
c4  $14){(B) Petursson - Halasz, Naestved 1988} 13. e4 N5f6 14. Bd3 Bb7
15. d5 c4 $1 16. dxe6 cxd3 17. exd7 Nxd7 18. Qxd3 g5 19. Bg3 Nc5
20. Qd6 $13  (20. Qd6 Nxe4 21. Qc7 O-O $1 22. Qxb7 Nc5 23. Qc6 Nd3 24.
Ke2 Rac8 25. Qxh6 Nxc1 26. Rxc1 Qb5 27. Ke1 Rfe8 28. Be5 Rxe5 29. Nxe5
Qxe5  $45) 1/2-1/2

9) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski 

                              TWIC # 35

  Sergey Kaminer (1908-1938) published his first study in 1924 (as a 15 year
  old), then about 50 first class studies in the five years 1925-29 (and only
  about 10 afterwards).  Several years later, at the age of 30 he was dead,
  a victim of Stalin's purges.  [On the latter subject see the recent film
  `Burned by the sun' by Nikita Mikhalkov, quite extraordinary, in my opinion].
  In the fall of 1937, obviously expecting arrest, Kaminer left with Botvinnik,
  his teenage friend, a notebook with all his studies.  In the introduction
  to the collection of these studies (as late as 1981, it took time for
  Kaminer's `rehabilitation') Botvinnik recalls how in the spring of 1925 the
  famous L.Kubbel, who normally could solve endgames in an instant, gave up
  on the following Kaminer study.

  |   |   |   |   |   | r |   |   |
  |   | + |   |   |   |   |   | o |   S.Kaminer, 1925 (early version)
  |   |   | N |   |   |   |   | K |   W: Kh6,Nc6,p.b7,g3 (4)
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   B: Kf3,Rf8,p.h7 (3)
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   White to move and win
  |   |   |   |   |   | k | + |   |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

  Can you do better than Kubbel?  Solution in the next TWIC.