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Contact The Week in Chess Mark Crowther E-Mail Tel or fax 01274 882143 [Bradford England] Mobile 07951 967851 Contents 1) Introduction ![]() |
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Games section
Kazakhstan 15 games Merida GM Event 5 games Bosnia 2001 10 games Russian Club Championships 78 games Pula Open 183 games Olympic Capital Young Masters 53 games Open Lausanne 83 games 6th Stuttgart Open 182 games Dutch Team Playoffs 39 games Lithuanian Championships 91 games Bucharest Chess Open 92 games Capablanca Memorial 152 games 4NCL Correction 1 game 984 games
My thanks to Aben Ruby, Edvard Glavas, Steffen Wirth, Jerome Appendino, Wybe Koopmans and Robert Klomp, Andrés Molina Rodríguez, Valerijus Jegorovas, Rumen Angelov, Radu-Catalin Chirila, Francisco Acosta and all those who helped with this issue.
Kazakhstan is the top event this week with Kasparov and Kramnik battling it out for first place. Kasparov and Shirov continue their dispute over comments Kasparov has taken exception to They haven't shaken hands since the Wijk aan Zee tournament at the start of the year. Kasparov seems to revel in this kind of dispute and has won 4 games and drawn 1 game since. It reminds me of the perverse pleasure he used to take in beating Judit Polgar (remember the 90 move grind at Dos Hermanas 1996?) when she had the termity to complain that he let go of a piece and then moved it to another square (video evidence almost certainly proved she was right) at Linares 1994. That said I do think Shirov has played some tired chess recently having not had any break for goodness knows how long.
Hope you enjoy this issue
The SuperGM tournament in capital of Kazakhstan, Astana will take place in May 19th June 1st 2001. The event celebrates the tenth anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan in Astana. It is a double round robin event with Garry Kasparov (2835), Vladimir Kramnik (2797), Alexander Morozevich (2749), Alexey Shirov (2722) and Boris Gelfand (2712) along with Kazakhstan's top player Darmen Sadvakhasov (2585). Category 20 (average rating 2733). After seven rounds Kramnik leads by half a point from Kasparov although he has white in their second game which may turn out to decide the event.
Internet site: or and
It Astana KAZ (KAZ), 20 v-1 vi 2001 cat. XX (2732) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2797 ** =. 1= 1. =. 11 5.5 2928 2 Kasparov, Garry g RUS 2827 =. ** == 1. 11 =. 5.0 2872 3 Gelfand, Boris g ISR 2712 0= == ** 1. =. 1. 4.0 2807 4 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2749 0. 0. 0. ** 01 11 3.0 2657 5 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2722 =. 00 =. 10 ** =. 2.5 2647 6 Sadvakasov, Darmen g KAZ 2585 00 =. 0. 00 =. ** 1.0 2455 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Round 3 (May 22, 2001) Kramnik, Vladimir - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 55 D12 Slav Defence Gelfand, Boris - Sadvakasov, Darmen 1-0 40 D27 Queen's Gambit Accepted Morozevich, Alexander - Kasparov, Garry 0-1 57 B87 Unknown Round 4 (May 24, 2001) Kramnik, Vladimir - Kasparov, Garry 1/2 30 D85 Gruenfeld Defence Gelfand, Boris - Morozevich, Alexander 1-0 36 D15 Slav Defence Sadvakasov, Darmen - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 17 C11 French Defence Round 5 (May 25, 2001) Kasparov, Garry - Sadvakasov, Darmen 1/2 43 A29 English Four Knights Variation Morozevich, Alexander - Kramnik, Vladimir 0-1 27 D00 Queen's Pawn Game Shirov, Alexei - Gelfand, Boris 1/2 37 C42 Petroff's Defence Round 6 (May 26, 2001) Kasparov, Garry - Shirov, Alexei 1-0 35 C11 French Defence Gelfand, Boris - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 29 D58 Queens Gambit Tartakover Sadvakasov, Darmen - Morozevich, Alexander 0-1 48 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo Variation Round 7 (May 28, 2001) Kramnik, Vladimir - Sadvakasov, Darmen 1-0 21 D27 Queen's Gambit Accepted Gelfand, Boris - Kasparov, Garry 1/2 19 D80 Gruenfeld Defence 4.Bg5 Morozevich, Alexander - Shirov, Alexei 1-0 65 C42 Petroff's Defence
The II Merida Tournament took place 16th-22nd May with Anand, Khalifman, Short and Gilberto Hernández. Anand won by a clear point with 4.5/6 from Nigel Short on 3.5.
Internet coverage:
Round 4 (May 20, 2001) Short, Nigel D - Hernandez, Gilberto 1-0 35 A34 English Symmetrical Variation Khalifman, Alexander - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 20 E55 Nimzo Indian Round 5 (May 21, 2001) Anand, Viswanathan - Hernandez, Gilberto 1-0 53 B33 Sicilian Sveshnikov Variation Khalifman, Alexander - Short, Nigel D 1/2 31 C12 French MacCutcheon Round 6 (May 22, 2001) Short, Nigel D - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 28 B11 Caro Kann Two Knights Hernandez, Gilberto - Khalifman, Alexander 1/2 29 B09 Pirc Defence II Magistral Merida MEX (MEX), 13-22 v 2001cat. XVIII (2682) --------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 --------------------------------------------------------- 1 Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2794 ** 1= == 11 4.5 2837 2 Short, Nigel D g ENG 2676 0= ** 1= =1 3.5 2740 3 Khalifman, Alexander g RUS 2690 == 0= ** 1= 3.0 2679 4 Hernandez, Gilberto g MEX 2567 00 =0 0= ** 1.0 2447 ---------------------------------------------------------
The Bosnia 2001 tournament in Sarajevo took place May 12th-22nd 2001. With two rounds to go Kiril Georgiev took clear first place with 6.5/9 half a point clear of Veselin Topalov.
Official website:
------------------------------------------------------------------ Bosnia 2001 Sarajevo BIH (BIH), 13-22 v 2001 cat. XVI (2628) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Georgiev, Kiril g BUL 2676 * = = = = 1 1 1 = 1 6.5 2788 2. Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2707 = * = = = = = 1 1 1 6.0 2744 3. Smirin, Ilia g ISR 2691 = = * = 1 = 1 1 0 = 5.5 2700 4. Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2685 = = = * = = 1 = 1 = 5.5 2701 5. Dizdarevic, Emir g BIH 2501 = = 0 = * = 1 = 0 = 4.0 2599 6. Sokolov, Ivan g BIH 2659 0 = = = = * 0 = 1 = 4.0 2581 7. Kozul, Zdenko g CRO 2595 0 = 0 0 0 1 * = 1 1 4.0 2588 8. Movsesian, Sergei g CZE 2661 0 0 0 = = = = * 1 = 3.5 2544 9. Atalik, Suat g BIH 2537 = 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 * = 3.0 2513 10. Kurajica, Bojan g BIH 2567 0 0 = = = = 0 = = * 3.0 2509 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Round 8 (May 21, 2001) Topalov, Veselin - Georgiev, Kiril 1/2 37 D15 Slav Defence Smirin, Ilia - Atalik, Suat 0-1 80 A10 Dutch, Queen's Indian and King's Indian Systems Dizdarevic, Emir - Movsesian, Sergei 1/2 18 A07 Barcza System Kozul, Zdenko - Sokolov, Ivan 1-0 56 D97 Gruenfeld Defence Russian Kurajica, Bojan - Dreev, Alexey 1/2 14 D10 Slav Defence Round 9 (May 22, 2001) Georgiev, Kiril - Kurajica, Bojan 1-0 31 E15 Queens Indian Dreev, Alexey - Smirin, Ilia 1/2 14 D92 Gruenfeld Defence 5.Bf4 Sokolov, Ivan - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 32 D85 Gruenfeld Defence Movsesian, Sergei - Kozul, Zdenko 1/2 65 B85 Sicilian Scheveningen Variation Atalik, Suat - Dizdarevic, Emir 1-0 74 E61 King's Indian Defence
The Russian Club Championships took place 13th-21st May 2001. There were two preliminary groups with 6 teams each with two match points for a win and one point for a draw. After a round robin of five rounds the top three teams from each group qualified for the final. The match scores from the preliminary group were carried over and to that were added the three results against the teams they hadn't met. My thanks to Victor Karpov. The round 8 game Popov - Filippov was settled in a mutual time scramble (both players had less than a minute after move 30). White touched his rook in the final position. This was also the moment his flag fell. After reconstructing the scoresheets he saw that moving the rook loses to Qf1 and resigned. Last week I had the wrong S Arkhipov and have corrected the rating and naming of these games.
Final Standings Final A 1. Universitet (Maikop) * 2 1 2 0 0 5 14.0 5th 2. Norilsk-Nikel (Norilsk) 0 * 2 1 2 0 5 17.0 2nd 3. Sibir(Tomsk) 1 0 * 1 2 1 5 14.5 4th 4. Gazovik (Tjumen) 0 1 1 * 2 1 5 16.0 3rd 5. Sanct-Peterburg 2 0 0 0 * 2 4 12.5 6th 6. Sanct-Peterburg-LTG 0 2 2 2 2 * 6 15.0 1st Final B 1. Novokuznetsk (Novokuznetsk) * 2 2 0 0 1 5 17.5 9th 2. DVGU (Vladivostok) 0 * 2 0 1 2 5 12.5 10th 3. Lokomotiv (Khabarovsk) 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 9.5 12th 4. Kazan-1000(Kazan) 2 2 2 * 1 2 9 21.0 7nd 5. Transsib (Novosibirsk) 2 1 2 1 * 2 8 16.5 8th 6. Politekhnik(Nizhnyi Tagil) 1 0 2 0 0 * 3 13.0 11th Final standings of the first stage Top 3 qualify 1 Group 1. University (Maikop) * 1 2 1 2 2 8 19.5 2nd 2. Sibir (Tomsk) 1 * 2 2 2 0 7 18.0 3rd 3. Lokomotiv (Khabarovsk) 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 5.5 6th 4. Novokuznetsk (Novokuznetsk) 1 0 2 * 2 0 5 17.5 4th 5. DVGU (Vladivostok) 0 0 2 0 * 0 2 8.5 5th 6. Norisk-Nikel (Norilsk) 0 2 2 2 2 * 8 21.0 1st Group 2 1. Politechnik (Nizhnyi Tagil) * 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.0 6th 2. Kazan (1000) 2 * 0 0 0 1 3 15.0 4th 3. Sankt - Peterburg LTG 2 2 * 0 1 2 7 18.0 3rd 4. Sankt-Peterburg 2 2 2 * 0 2 8 16.5 2nd 5. Gazovik (Tumen) 2 2 1 2 * 2 9 19.0 1st 6. Transsib (Novosibirsk) 2 1 0 0 0 * 3 11.5 5th
The Pula Open 2001 took place May 18th-26th 2001. There were 16 GM's, 2 WGM's, 17 IM's. Drazen Sermek took first place with 7.5/9 half a point clear of six players on 7. The event also counted as the Croatian championships (Mladen Palac took the title). Those tied for second were Sax, Palac, Nikolac (69 years old), Cvitan, Sulava and Rogic. My thanks to Edvard Glavas for the news.
Internet coverage: and
Final Standings: Place Name NAT ELO Ti Score MBuch Buch Prog 1 Sermek, Drazen SLO 2525 GM 7.5 43.5 55.0 42.0 2 Sax, Gyula HUN 2563 GM 7 43.0 55.0 36.5 3 Palac, Mladen CRO 2605 GM 7 42.5 54.5 36.5 4 Nikolac, Juraj CRO 2437 GM 7 41.5 53.5 37.0 5 Cvitan, Ognjen CRO 2526 GM 7 40.5 52.5 38.5 6 Sulava, Nenad CRO 2526 GM 7 38.5 48.5 35.5 7 Rogic, Davor CRO 2457 IM 7 38.0 49.0 35.0 8 Zelcic, Robert CRO 2503 GM 6.5 41.5 52.5 36.0 9 Pavasovic, Dusko SLO 2515 GM 6.5 39.0 50.0 35.5 10 Babula, Vlastimil CZE 2563 GM 6.5 38.5 48.5 31.5 11 Fercec, Nenad CRO 2433 IM 6.5 38.0 48.5 35.0 12 Bukal, Vladimir CRO 2439 IM 6.5 36.5 48.0 34.5 13 Mikac, Matjaz SLO 2406 IM 6.5 36.5 46.0 30.0 14 Jovanic, Ognjen CRO 2401 FM 6 40.0 51.0 33.0 15 Berkes, Ferenc HUN 2393 6 39.5 50.5 33.5 16 Molnar, Bela HUN 2352 6 39.5 49.5 31.0 17 Loncar, Robert CRO 2433 IM 6 39.0 49.5 33.0 18 Kovacevic, Blazimir CRO 2443 IM 6 37.5 47.5 31.5 19 Hummel, Markus AUT 2173 6 36.5 46.0 26.5 20 Novkovic, Milan AUT 2406 FM 6 36.0 47.0 31.0 21 Panchenko, Alexander N RUS 2377 GM 6 35.5 45.5 30.0 22 Polak, Tomas CZE 2503 GM 6 35.5 45.5 29.5 23 Cebalo, Miso CRO 2465 GM 6 35.5 45.0 31.5 24 Rukavina, Josip CRO 2414 IM 6 35.0 45.5 30.5 25 Bylino, Oleg UKR 2186 6 35.0 42.5 30.0 26 Jovanovic, Zoran CRO 2383 6 34.5 44.0 30.5 27 Feletar, Darko CRO 2443 IM 6 33.5 43.0 30.5 28 Ascic, Pero CRO 2353 FM 6 32.5 43.0 28.5 29 Rogulj, Branko CRO 2436 IM 5.5 41.5 53.0 33.5 30 Hulak, Krunoslav CRO 2564 GM 5.5 40.5 51.0 32.5 31 Zaja, Ivan CRO 2482 IM 5.5 38.5 50.0 33.5 32 Tratar, Marko SLO 2410 IM 5.5 38.5 50.0 32.0 33 Kutuzovic, Branko CRO 2414 IM 5.5 38.0 49.5 32.5 34 Sudar, Boris CRO 2223 5.5 37.5 47.0 29.5 35 Lostuzzi, Manlio ITA 2398 FM 5.5 36.5 47.5 31.0 36 Kos, Toni SLO 2402 IM 5.5 36.5 46.0 30.0 37 Maras, Mile CRO 2258 5.5 36.0 46.0 27.0 38 Velickovic, Zoran SLO 2367 FM 5.5 35.0 45.0 28.0 39 Biti, Ozren CRO 2301 FM 5.5 34.5 44.5 27.0 40 Glavas, Dragan BIH 2274 FM 5.5 34.0 43.5 26.5 41 Titz, Heimo AUT 2301 FM 5.5 33.5 44.5 28.0 42 Furlan, Miha SLO 2326 FM 5.5 33.5 44.5 27.5 43 Dabo-Peranic, Robert CRO 2305 5.5 33.0 43.5 26.5 44 Osmanbegovic, Suad SLO 2336 FM 5.5 32.5 42.0 26.5 45 Macsik, Tamas HUN 2184 5.5 32.0 40.0 27.0 46 Veleski, Robert MKD 2234 5.5 31.5 40.0 26.0 Jelica, Mara CRO 2193 WIM 5.5 31.5 40.0 26.0 48 Orel, Oskar SLO 2316 FM 5.5 31.0 41.0 27.0 49 Voscilla, Adriano CRO 2272 FM 5.5 30.0 40.0 27.0 162 players
The Olympic Capital Young Masters 2001 tournament took place at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne 20th-27th May. The knockout event featured Ponomariov, Bacrot, Sasikiran, Bruzon, Bu, Ghaem Maghami, Aronian, Harikrishna (replaces Radjabov who withdrew at 24 hours notice and decided to play in Italy instead), Jenni, Volokytin, Cmylite and Kosteniuk. The top four seeds joined in the second round after the other eight players competed in a preliminary round. The event was won by the Cuban player Lazaro Bruzon who beat Etienne Bacrot in the final. One of the big surprises was Andrei Volokitin's win against Ruslan Ponomariov in the second round.
Internet coverage:
Round 1 20th-21st May 2001 Kosteniuk - * Bu 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 1/2 1/2 0-1 Zhao - * Harikrishna 0-1 0-1 Aronian * - Jenni 1-0 1/2 Maghami - * Volokitin 1/2 1/2 0-1 0-1 Round 2 22nd-23rd May 2001 Ponomariov - * Volokitin 1/2 0-1 Aronian - * Bacrot 1/2 1/2 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-1 Harikrishna - * Sasikiran 1/2 1/2 1/2 0-1 Bu - * Bruzon 1/2 1/2 0-1 1/2 Round 3 24th-25th May 2001 Volokitin - * Bruzon 1/2 1/2 0-1 1/2 Bacrot * - Sasikiran 1-0 1/2 5th place Ponomariov * - Bu 1-0 1/2 Harikrishna - * Aronian 1-0 0-1 1/2 0-1 Round 4 26th-27th 2001 Bacrot - * Bruzon 1/2 1/2 0-1 1/2 3rd-4th place Volokitin - * Sasikiran 1/2 0-1 5th-6th place Ponomariov - * Aronian 1/2 0-1 7th-8th place Bu * - Harikrishna 1-0 1/2 Final Standings: 1. Bruzon, Lazaro g CUB 2589 2. Bacrot, Etienne g FRA 2627 3. Sasikiran, Krishnan g IND 2611 4. Volokitin, Andrei m UKR 2493 5. Aronian, Levon g ARM 2528 6. Ponomariov, Ruslan g UKR 2673 7. Bu Xiangzhi g CHN 2558 8. Harikrishna, P m IND 2504 Eliminated in the first round Kosteniuk, Alexandra m RUS 2397 Ghaem Maghami, Ehsan m IRI 2500 Jenni, Florian m SUI 2471 Zhao Xue wg CHN 2428 ------------------------------------------------------------- Master Open Lausanne SUI (SUI), 20-26 v 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Genov, Petar m BUL 2447 7.0 50.5 431 2. Kotsur, Pavel g KAZ 2576 7.0 49 418.5 3. Fressinet, Laurent g FRA 2575 6.5 53 426.5 4. Lalic, Bogdan g ENG 2501 6.5 52.5 435 5. Hebden, Mark g ENG 2560 6.5 50.5 425 6. Prie, Eric g FRA 2500 6.5 50 428 7. Vladimirov, Evgeny g KAZ 2612 6.5 48 418 8. Adianto, Utut g INA 2589 6.5 48 410.5 9. Dominguez, Lenier m CUB 2556 6.5 47.5 409.5 10. Efimenko, Zahar m UKR 2439 6.5 47 404.5 11. Gelashvili, Tamaz g GEO 2535 6.0 50 410.5 12. Fish, Gannadij m UKR 2497 6.0 49.5 395.5 13. Paehtz, Thomas g GER 2445 6.0 48.5 409.5 14. Bauer, Christian g FRA 2612 6.0 48 415 15. Sokolov, Andrei g FRA 2568 6.0 47.5 401.5 16. Kosteniuk, Alexandra m RUS 2397 6.0 46.5 398.5 17. Tukmakov, Vladimir B g UKR 2604 6.0 45.5 402 18. Gallagher, Joseph G g SUI 2524 6.0 45.5 398.5 19. Epishin, Vladimir g RUS 2579 6.0 44.5 408 20. Godena, Michele g ITA 2494 6.0 44.5 382.5 21. Landenbergue, Claude m SUI 2401 6.0 43.5 393 22 Handke, Florian m GER 2405 6.0 37 365.5 114 players
The 6th International Stuttgart Open took place in Ditzingen (Germany) 24th-27th May 2001. The event was a 7 round Swiss. Thorsten-Michael took clear first place with 6/7. My thanks to Steffen Wirth for the information.
Further information: or Gerhard Hund:
------------------------------------------------------ 6th Stuttgart Open Ditzingen GER (GER), 24-27 v 2001 ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Haub, Thorsten-Michael m GER 2368 6.0 29.5 2. Duppel, Matthias GER 2455 5.5 33.0 3. Ksieski, Zbigniew m POL 2415 5.5 33.0 4. Zeller, Frank GER 2433 5.5 31.5 5. Voloshin, Leonid m CZE 2420 5.5 29.5 6. Lindemann, Stefan GER 2358 5.5 29.0 7. Meijers, Viesturs m LAT 2454 5.5 28.0 8. Ortmann, David GER 2227 5.0 30.0 9. Hamm, Stefan GER 2247 5.0 29.5 10. Wiley, Tom E f ENG 2273 5.0 28.5 11. Fahnenschmidt, Gerhard f GER 2285 5.0 28.0 12. Herrmann, Arnd GER 2132 5.0 27.5 13. Meier, Thomas GER 2283 5.0 25.0 14. Reuss, Andreas GER 2329 4.5 33.0 15. Gelfenboim, Jaroslaw GER 2168 4.5 29.0 16. Juhasz,Laszlo HUN 2208 4.5 28.5 17. Gheng, Josef f GER 2307 4.5 28.0 18. Nagelsdiek, Michael GER 2154 4.5 27.5 19. Jurasin, Marin GER 2169 4.5 27.0 20. Christ, Ralf GER 2271 4.5 26.5 21. Kruck, Daniel GER 2191 4.5 25.0 22. Gerstenberger, Heinz GER 2205 4.5 25.0 23. Jerosch, Gunnar GER 2096 4.5 23.5 24. Schmid, Hartmut GER 2226 4.5 23.5 25. Schlosser, Philipp g GER 2493 4.5 23.0 96 players
Bachar Kouatly is playing a game against the world. A move is played every day. The game is a King's Indian defence (4 pawns variation) see below for the game so far. My thanks to Jerome Appendino.
Voting takes place at:
Kouatly,B - World [E76] Kouatly vs World (1), 17.05.2001 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.f4 0-0 6.Nf3 c5 7.d5 e6 8.dxe6 Bxe6 9.Bd3 Nc6 10.f5 Bd7 11.0-0 Nb4 12.Bb1 Line
The Dutch Team Championship playoffs took place in Breda May 24th-25th 2001. The team of Ordina (Van Wely, Timman, Sokolov, Lautier etc. ) won the event by beating Magnus/BSG (Glek, Bosch, Barsov, Ree) 6-4 in the final. Magnus pulled a huge surprise in the semi-finals by beating HSG (Piket, Seirawan, Ljubojevic, Sadler, Rogers etc) by drawing 5-5 and then beating them in a rapid playoff. The most important match up here was Piket - Ree. First a good draw for Ree in the normal time rate game and then a win in the rapid game. Ordina thumped ING/ESGOO in the semis 10-0. My thanks to Wybe Koopmans and Robert Klomp for the news.
Internet coverage:
Dutch Team Championship Play-offs 2001 Breda 24th-25th May 2001 Semi Finals Magnus vs BSG:HSG 5-5 (playoff) 1 H. Ree -J. Piket 1/2 2 D. Rogozenko -Y. Seirawan 0-1 3 V. Chuchelov -L. Ljubojevic 1-0 4 J. Bosch -P. Van der Sterren 1/2 5 I. Glek -M. Sadler 1/2 6 A. Barsov -F. Nijboer 0-1 7 Y. Afek -J. Kosashvyly 1/2 8 D. Reinderman -R. Douven 1-0 9 C. Langeweg -I. Rogers 0-1 10 B. Carlier -D. de Vreugt 1-0 HSG:Magnus/BSG: 4-6 Barrage (20 minute rapidplay) Magnus go through to the final J. Piket -H. Ree 0-1 Y. Seirawan -D. Rogozenko 1/2 L. Ljubojevic -V. Chuchelov 1/2 P. Van der Sterren -J. Bosch 0-1 M. Sadler -I. Glek 0-1 F. Nijboer -A. Barsov 1/2 J. Kosashvyly -Y. Afek 1-0 R. Douven -D. Reinderman 0-1 I. Rogers -C. Langeweg 1-0 D. de Vreugt -B. Carlier 1/2 Ordina vs ING/ESGOO: 10-0 1 L. van Wely -D. Hausrath 1-0 2 J. Timman -D. Hennig 1-0 3 V. Tkachiev -M. Thesing 1-0 4 I. Sokolov -M. Feigin 1-0 5 M. Gurevich -T. Henrichs 1-0 6 S. Movsesian -F. Kroeze 1-0 7 J. Lautier -C. Sielecki 1-0 8 R. Vaganian -M. van Wissen 1-0 9 J. Van de Wiel -A. Ellenbroek 1-0 10 E. Van de Doel -P. Bolwerk 1-0 Finals Ordina Magnus/BSG 6-4 1 L. van Wely -I. Glek 1-0 2 J. Timman -J. Bosch 0-1 3 I. Sokolov -V. Chuchelov 1-0 4 J. Lautier -A. Barsov 1-0 5 S. Movsesian -D. Reinderman 1/2 6 V. Tkachiev -D. Rogozenko 1/2 7 E. Van den Doel -H. Ree 1/2 8 M. Gurevich -B. Carlier 1-0 9 R. Vaganian -Y. Afek 0-1 10 J. Van der Wiel -C. Langeweg 1/2 3rd-4th place HSG ING/ESGOO 5,5-4,5 1 J. Piket -F. Kroeze 1-0 2 M. Seirewan -T. Henrichs 1/2 3 L. Ljubojevic -M. Feygin 0-1 4 P. Van der Sterren -D. Hausrath 0-1 5 M. Sadler -D. Hennig 1-0 6 F. Nijboer -C. Sielecki 1-0 7 L. Pliester -M. van Wissen 0-1 8 Y. Kosashvily -M. Thesing 1/2 9 I. Rogers -P. Bolwerk 1/2 10 D. de Vreugt -T. Ellenbroek 1-0
Andrés Molina Rodríguez reports: The VIII Linares International Open, in Chile took place 19th-21st May 2001. More than 180 players competed. Brazilian GM Gilberto Milos and GM Pablo Ricardi were amongst the 16 titled players. The quadruple tie between GM Milos, IM Guillermo Soppe, GM Ricardi and GM Johan Hellsten was resolved by M-Bucholz tie-break with Gilberto Milos taking first although each player in the tie received US$ 1200. Carlos Fuentes checkmated to Argentine GM Pablo Zarnicki in third round, and Claudia Osses, only 5 years old was the youngest participant in an event in Chile ever.
No games available.
Coverage at:
Valerijus Jegorovas reports that the Lithuanian Championships took place in Kaunas 10th-18th May 2001. The time rate was the new FIDE time control.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ch-LTU Kaunas LTU (LTU), 10-18 v 2001 cat. VII (2414) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Sulskis, Sarunas g LTU 2530 * 0 = = = 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 0 9.0 2546 2. Kveinys, Aloyzas g LTU 2533 1 * = = 1 = = = = = 1 = 1 1 9.0 2545 3. Ruzele, Darius g LTU 2550 = = * = 1 = = = = = = 1 1 1 8.5 2513 4. Malisauskas, Vidmantas g LTU 2518 = = = * 0 = = 1 = = = 1 1 1 8.0 2493 5. Piesina, Gintautas m LTU 2389 = 0 0 1 * 1 1 0 = = = 1 1 1 8.0 2503 6. Sarakauskas, Gediminas m LTU 2403 0 = = = 0 * = = = 1 = 1 1 1 7.5 2471 7. Butnorius, Algimantas m LTU 2435 0 = = = 0 = * 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 2469 8. Slapikas, Vytautas m LTU 2448 0 = = 0 1 = 1 * 1 = = 0 = 1 7.0 2440 9. Zagorskis, Darius m LTU 2467 0 = = = = = = 0 * = = 1 1 1 7.0 2439 10. Labuckas, Aidas m LTU 2356 = = = = = 0 0 = = * 0 0 = 1 5.0 2331 11. Sakalauskas, Vaidas m LTU 2437 0 0 = = = = 0 = = 1 * = 0 0 4.5 2302 12. Zapolskis, Antanas m LTU 2420 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 = * = 1 4.5 2303 13. Krivousas, Tomas LTU 2131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = 1 = * 1 3.5 2260 14. Mikenas, Alius LTU 2180 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 2.0 2136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Albena Open took place 20th-26th May 2001. Vasil Spasov took first on tie break above Evgeni Janev. Time 2-hour per player per game. My thanks to Rumen Angelov.
1 Spasov, Vasil BUL 2571 2535 gm 7 38.5 49.0 2 Janev, Evgeni BUL 2465 2395 im 7 37.0 48.5 3 Georgiev, Krum BUL 2510 2450 gm 6 39.5 51.0 4 Voiska, Margarita BUL 2320 2305 wgm 6 32.0 42.0 5 Tonchev, Miroslav BUL 2240 2185 im 5.5 39.0 50.5 6 Dimitrov, Vladimir BUL 2512 2450 gm 5.5 38.0 49.0 7 Nikolov, Sasho BUL 2352 2320 im 5.5 37.5 47.5 8 Velcheva, Maria BUL 2244 2335 wgm 5.5 33.5 40.5 9 Marholev, Dimitar BUL 2327 2375 5 35.5 46.0 10 Stefanov, Krasimir BUL 2386 2340 im 5 32.5 42.0 11 Juergens, Peter GER 2290 2290 fm 5 32.5 41.0 12 Raev, Rastislav BUL 2178 2260 5 31.0 38.0 13 Ljangov, Petar BUL 2242 2200 5 28.5 37.5 14 Parashkevov, Arkadii BUL 2095 2165 5 27.5 36.5 17 players
The Bucharest Chess Open took place: 22th-29th.April.2001. The event was organised by the Astral Chess Club. My thanks to Radu-Catalin Chirila. Extra games than published in TWIC 339 are now available.
Final Standings: 1. Istratescu, Andrei 7.5 56.0 2. Nanu, Ciprian 7.0 53.5 3. Grunberg, Mihai 7.0 51.5 4. Cosma, Ioan 7.0 50.5 5. Nevednichy, Vladislav 7.0 48.0 6. Itkis, Boris 6.5 52.0 7. Moldovan, Daniel 6.5 51.5 8. Ardelean, George 6.5 49.5 9. Florean, Andrei 6.5 48.0 10. Svetushkin,Dmitry 6.5 48.0 11. Miljanic, Boro 6.0 53.0 12. Sofronie, Iulian 6.0 51.5 13. Grigore, George 6.0 50.5 12. Manolache, Marius 6.0 50.5 13. Szabo, Gergely 6.0 48.5 14. Sanduleac, Vasile 6.0 48.0 15. Vajda, Levente 6.0 47.5 16. Ionescu, Constantin 6.0 47.0 17. Sebe, Razvan 6.0 45.0 18. Vioreanu, Bogdan 6.0 44.0
The Capablanca Memorial tournament took place May 3rd-21st 2001. Francisco Vallejo Pons won the elite event with 8.5/13 a point and a half clear of Hannes Stefansson on 7. All games now available my thanks to Francisco Acosta of the official site for these final round games.
Internet coverage: and I got the final results from
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XXXVI Capablanca Mem Elite Havana CUB (CUB), 5-20 v 2001 cat. XIII (2553) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Vallejo Pons, Francisco g ESP 2559 * = = = = = = 1 1 1 = 1 1 8.5 2710 2. Stefansson, Hannes g ISL 2570 = * = 0 = 1 1 1 0 = = = 1 7.0 2608 3. Dominguez, Lenier m CUB 2556 = = * = 1 = = = 1 = 0 = = 6.5 2581 4. Andersson, Ulf g SWE 2640 = 1 = * = = = = = = = = = 6.5 2574 5. Luther, Thomas g GER 2568 = = 0 = * = 1 = 1 0 = = 1 6.5 2580 6. Miles, Anthony J g ENG 2562 = 0 = = = * = = = = 1 = = 6.0 2551 7. Bruzon, Lazaro g CUB 2589 = 0 = = 0 = * = 0 1 1 = 1 6.0 2549 8. Hauchard, Arnaud g FRA 2526 0 0 = = = = = * = 1 = = 1 6.0 2554 9. Abreu, Aryam m CUB 2480 0 1 0 = 0 = 1 = * = = 1 0 5.5 2529 10. Arencibia, Walter g CUB 2543 0 = = = 1 = 0 0 = * 1 = = 5.5 2524 11. Nataf, Igor-Alexandre g FRA 2552 = = 1 = = 0 0 = = 0 * = = 5.0 2495 12. Nogueiras, Jesus g CUB 2557 0 = = = = = = = 0 = = * = 5.0 2495 13. Delgado, Neuris m CUB 2481 0 0 = = 0 = 0 0 1 = = = * 4.0 2433 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXVI Capablanca Mem Premier I Havana CUB (CUB), 5-20 v 2001 cat. VIII (2429) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Vazquez, Renier m CUB 2393 * = = = = = 1 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 9.5 2606 2. Franco Ocampos, Zenon g ESP 2496 = * 0 1 = = = 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 9.0 2564 3. Pecorelli Garcia, Humberto m CUB 2430 = 1 * = = 0 = = 0 1 1 1 1 1 8.5 2538 4. Gongora, Maikel m CUB 2417 = 0 = * 1 = = = = 1 = 1 1 1 8.5 2539 5. Perez, Rodney m CUB 2471 = = = 0 * = = = = 1 = 1 1 1 8.0 2512 6. Szekely, Peter g HUN 2429 = = 1 = = * = = = = = = = = 7.0 2457 7. Garcia Martinez, Silvino g CUB 2378 0 = = = = = * = = = = = = 1 6.5 2432 8. Mateo, Ramon m DOM 2420 0 0 = = = = = * = = = 1 = = 6.0 2400 9. Valdes, Luis E f CUB 2413 = = 1 = = = = = * 0 0 0 = = 5.5 2373 10. Quezada, Yuniesky f CUB 2474 0 0 0 0 0 = = = 1 * 0 1 1 1 5.5 2368 11. Borges Mateos, Juan m CUB 2436 0 0 0 = = = = = 1 1 * 0 = 0 5.0 2341 12. Reinaldo Castineira, Roi m ESP 2425 0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 1 0 1 * 1 1 5.0 2342 13. Leyva, Ricardo f CUB 2400 = = 0 0 0 = = = = 0 = 0 * = 4.0 2290 14. Pazos Gambarrotti, Plinio m ECU 2421 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = = 0 1 0 = * 3.0 2218 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXVI Capablanca Mem Premier II Havana CUB (CUB), 5-20 v 2001 cat. VIII (2426) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Almeida, Omar f CUB 2426 * 0 1 1 = = 0 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 9.5 2601 2. Herrera, Irisberto g CUB 2432 1 * 0 = 0 1 = 1 1 0 1 = 1 1 8.5 2535 3. Zapata, Alonso g COL 2492 0 1 * = 1 0 1 = 1 1 0 1 1 = 8.5 2531 4. Arizmendi Martinez, Julen Luis m ESP 2478 0 = = * = 1 1 1 = = = 0 1 1 8.0 2509 5. Gonzalez, Yuri m CUB 2426 = 1 0 = * 1 1 0 = = 0 1 1 = 7.5 2483 6. Otero, Diasmany f CUB 2416 = 0 1 0 0 * 1 1 = = = = 1 1 7.5 2483 7. Bellon Lopez, Juan Manuel g ESP 2429 1 = 0 0 0 0 * 1 = 1 1 1 0 1 7.0 2454 8. Gomez, Felix m CUB 2462 0 0 = 0 1 0 0 * 1 = 1 = = 1 6.0 2394 9. De la Paz, Frank m CUB 2437 = 0 0 = = = = 0 * = = = = 1 5.5 2368 10. Perez Candelario, Manuel m ESP 2397 0 1 0 = = = 0 = = * 1 0 = 0 5.0 2341 11. Matamoros Franco, Carlos S m ECU 2467 0 0 1 = 1 = 0 0 = 0 * 1 0 = 5.0 2336 12. Perez, Luis Manuel m CUB 2386 0 = 0 1 0 = 0 = = 1 0 * 0 = 4.5 2319 13. Garcia, Osmel f CUB 2300 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = = = 1 1 * 0 4.5 2325 14. Wohl, Aleksandar H m AUS 2418 0 0 = 0 = 0 0 0 0 1 = = 1 * 4.0 2285 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXVI Capablanca Mem Mixto Havana CUB (CUB), 5-20 v 2001 cat. I (2262) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Lopez, Bruci CUB 2397 * 1 1 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12.0 2652 2. Ramon, Vivian wg CUB 2279 0 * 0 = = = 1 = 1 1 0 1 1 1 8.0 2347 3. Frometa, Zirka wm CUB 2180 0 1 * 1 0 0 = = 0 1 1 1 1 = 7.5 2324 4. Marrero, Yaniet wm CUB 2208 0 = 0 * = = 1 = 1 1 = = = 1 7.5 2322 5. Araque, Rafael COL 2320 = = 1 = * = = 1 0 0 0 1 = 1 7.0 2286 6. Pina, Sulennis wm CUB 2275 0 = 1 = = * = = = = = = = = 6.5 2260 7. Arribas, Maritza wg CUB 2325 = 0 = 0 = = * 1 1 = 0 0 1 1 6.5 2256 8. Garcia Castro, Pablo ESP 2269 0 = = = 0 = 0 * = 1 1 = = 1 6.5 2260 9. Delgado Crespo, Mairelys wm CUB 2235 0 0 1 0 1 = 0 = * = 1 1 = 0 6.0 2234 10. Fleitas, Yuleikis wm CUB 2226 0 0 0 0 1 = = 0 = * = = 1 1 5.5 2207 11. Lucena, Lincoln BRA 2245 0 1 0 = 1 = 1 0 0 = * = 0 0 5.0 2175 12. Collazo, Niala wf CUB 2182 0 0 0 = 0 = 1 = 0 = = * = 1 5.0 2180 13. Sanchez, Victor COL 2287 0 0 0 = = = 0 = = 0 1 = * = 4.5 2149 14. Santa Torres, Juan m PUR 2233 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 1 0 1 0 = * 3.5 2088 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 75th Anniversary of the Barmbek Chess Club in Hamburg will see the 6th Wichern Open take place 13th-21st October 2001. Playing venue: Sports Hall of Wichern Schule in Hamburg (same place as in 1999).
Jubilee Open: 9 rounds Swiss, 7 hours of play (2h/40, 1h/20, 30min/rest). No double rounds. Open for all players. Entry fee: without Elo: 150 DM, Elo less than 2200: 100 DM, ELO higher than 2199: 50 DM, GM/IM free. Prizes 2500 DM / 2000 DM / 1500 DM, many more prices planned depending on number of participants.
Barmbek Open: Limited to players with German national rating (DWZ) less than 1800. 9 rounds Swiss, 5 hours of play (2h/40, 30min/rest). Entry fee: 80 DM, juniors: 40 DM. Prizes: 500 DM/300 DM/200 DM.
For further details: email
The Indian National Championships will be held in New Delhi starting 1st June 2001. Players: GMs Krishnan Sashikiran, Abhijit Kunte, Dibyendu Barua, Pravin Thipsay, P Harikrishna and G B Prakash. It will be a 20 player all-play-all.
The 5th Open International Bavarian Masters takes place in Bad Wiessee, 27th October - 4th November 2001. Prize-funds: DM 42.000
Details and online-inscription at:
The 5th Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament in Vlissingen (The Netherlands) takes place 28.07.2001 - 04.08.2001. Several GM's have already confirmed their participation, a.o. Kasimdzhanov (UZB, 2693), Van Wely (NLD, 2670), Piket (NLD, 2628), Nijboer (NLD, 2580), Epishin (RUS, 2579) and Psakhis (ISR, 2575). On the day before the tournament (27.07.2001) there will be a simul by GM Piket. During the tournament GM Psakhis will give a training session.
Dates: 28.07.2001 - 04.08.2001. 9 rounds Swiss, FIDE-rated. Rate of play: 40 moves in 2 hours, followed by 30 minutes knock-out. Prizes: Dfl 3500 - Dfl 2500 - Dfl 1500 etc. Also rating prizes. Entry fee: Dfl 60 (GM/IM: free FM: Dfl 30)
Contact: H. Groffen:
The Ikaros Chess Festival 2001 will take place 3rd-17th July 2001. Sunday 1st on July and ends on Tuesday 17th of July. There is an updated set of information at the website below.
. The Ikaros Chess Festival has been held for the last 23 years on Ikaria island, one of the most picturesque aegean islands of Greece. This year's events include the traditional open international tournament "Open Aegean Championship" (7th-15th of July) as well as plenty of other side events such as Women, Junior and Veteran tournaments, blitz and simultaneous exhibition events, blindfold chess, chess lectures and many others.
Further information
or send an e-mail to Mr. Dimitris Skyrianoglou at:
The First Saturday tournament in June needs a GM-player 2400-2550. The event takes place in Budapest 2nd-14th June 2001 and the GM event is Cat VII.
Contact: E-mail:
Boris Schipkov has published an interesting two part analysis of the April FIDE list.
The Sigeman & Co Chess Tournament will take place in Malmö, Sweden 12th-20th June 2001. This is the ninth edition of this tournament and it should be Category: 13 (2561). Info: Organizer and TD Mr Johan Berntsen at +46 40 15 03 88
List of participants : IGM Ivan Sokolov BIH 2659, IGM Jan Timman NED 2620, IGM Curt Hansen DEN 2619, IGM Boris Gulko USA 2606, IGM Jonny Hector SWE 2546, IGM Nick deFirmian USA 2545, IGM Teimour Radjabov AZE 2533, IGM Tom Wedberg SWE 2505, IGM Pia Cramling SWE 2496 and IM Emanuel Berg SWE 2474
11th Heart of Finland Open, Jyväskylä, July 18-22, 2001
Tournament type 9 rounds swiss open, all play in the same group, ELO-rated GMs no entry fee, accommodation, prize guarantee and travel expenses MUST be agreed with Mr. Olkinuora in advance IMs no entry fee FMs and U20 (born 1981-) FIM 280 (FIM 240 if registration before June 30) ELO-rated players FIM 330 (FIM 290 if registration before June 30) Others FIM 460 (FIM 420 if registration before June 30)
Registration Korpi-Shakki, Bank account OP Korpilahti 516602-221025, or Mr. Hämäläinen, or Mr. Olkinuora, or Mr. Nuutilainen.
Schedules Confirmation of participation July 18 8.30-10.30, 1. round 11.00-17.00, 2. round 18.00-24.00, July 19 3. round 9.30-15.30, 4. round 16.30-22.30, July 20 5. round 9.30-15.30, 6. round 16.30-22.30, July 21 7. round 9.30-15.30, 8. round 16.30-22.30, July 22 9. round 9.00-15.00. Notice! You can start the tournament from the 2. round (half a point from 1. round), confirmation of participation for 2. round starters July 18 at 15.00-16.00. Prize giving ceremony immediately after last round (also rating prizes).
Playing times 6 hour playing time (2 h/40 moves + 1 h to finish).
More information Hannu Olkinuora +358-400-643337, Esko Nuutilainen +358-9-2919319, +358-40-5841143, Sami Hämäläinen email
The 26th Annual Keres Memorial Chess Tournament took place at the Plaza 500 Hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia May 18th-21st 2001.
Internet coverage:
The 2nd European Chess Championship Ohrid, Macedonia 1st-15th June 2001. The event is a 13 round Swiss System.
Some of the higher rated players competing include: Akopian Vladimir GM 2656, Vaganian Rafael GM 2641, Lputian Smbat GM 2607, Gurevich Mikhail GM 2694, Aleksandrov Aleksei GM 2610, Fedorov Alexei GM 2590, Short Nigel GM 2676, Graf (Nenashev) Alexander GM 2649, Jussupow Artur GM 2645, Dautov Rustem GM 2631, Khenkin Igor GM 2612, Polgar Judit WG 2676, Almasi Zoltan GM 2640, Bologan Victor GM 2684, Rublevski Sergei GM 2657, Sakaev Konstantin GM 2639, Zvjaginsev Vadim GM 2631, Tregubov Pavel V. GM 2628, Beliavsky Aleksander GM 2638, Ponomariov Ruslan GM 2677, Baklan Vladimir GM 2613 and Tukmakov Vladimir B. GM 2595.
Internet coverage:
Argiris Kotsis reports: On June 13th-14th 2001 the Greek Champion, Grandmaster Hristodoulos Banikas, will face one of the most fearsome silicon monsters under the supervision of International Arbiter Odysseas Vazelakis.
Four 24 +10 games will be played in Athens, with the match being simultaneously transmitted via closed-circuit television to a nearby spectator area and electronically to the Internet. Live commentary will be provided by Greek International Master and author Ilias Kourkounakis. The match is jointly sponsored by Syndesmos Egyptioton Ellinon (Greeks with close ties to Egypt), as part of their World Congress, and . Along with many other cultural activities, that event will take place in the Reception Area of S.E.E. 3rd of September 56 str.
Peter Leko has an Internet site sponsored by It will have interviews, a biography, team and sponsorships information and game analysis.
The Frankfurt Chess Classic has moved to Mainz with a new sponsor Landesbank Rheinland-Pfalz and the support of the chess playing mayor of Mainz Mayor Beutel. The highlight will be a match between Kramnik and Anand.
The format is slightly different last year the time limit was 25 minutes per game, but this time Kramnik insisted on 10 extra seconds for each move. This will be a repeat of the final of the 1998 Chess Classic where Anand beat Kramnik 4:3 after extra games. The CCM programme will also include other highlights between 23 June and 1 July. An eight game rapid chess match of Fischer Random Chess between Michael Adams (England) and Peter Leko (Hungary) will be another first.The event will be supplemented by a match of man versus machine. Chessbase will take on Adams and Leko.There is also an opportunity to play Anand or Kramnik in a simul via an Internet auction at 20 boards from each of the 40 board simuls against Anand (Saturday, 23 June, 6.30 P.M.) and Kramnik (following day, 6.30 P.M.) are available to the highest bidder. The minimum bid is 100 German Marks. There will also be the Chess Classic Mainz and the eleven round Ordix Open (23 and 24 June) when a top-class field competes for prize money amounting to 45,000 German Marks.
Further info in english:
1) Arnold J Eikrem Memorial 2001. This event will take place in the famous "Chess Hotel" in Gausdal 27th July-3rd August 2001
Further information:
2) Bergen Chess International 2001 takes place in Bergen 4th-12th August 2001 Further information:
Contact in both cases IA Hans Olav Lahlum, at for further information.
The International Open in Albena, Bulgaria takes place 20th-26th May 2001 in the Albena Resort Complex. Time limit: 2-hours per player per game System: Swiss system, 9 - rounds, FIDE Rated, International Titles Possibility
Tournament entry fee : 40 leva per player Note: International Grandmasters and International masters (men and women) do not pay tournament fee. Prizes: 1250 leva, 750 leva, 600 leva, 450 leva, 300 leva, 200 leva, 150 leva,100 leva, 80 leva, 70 leva Special prizes: women: 300 leva, 200 leva, 100 leva veterans over 60 years: 100 leva, 50 leva. girls under 20: 100 leva, 50 leva boys under 20: 100 leva, 50 leva All prizes will be charged with 20% for taxes.
Contact: Bulgarian Chess Federation: Tel. + 00 359 2 9300518 and 9300589 Fax + 00 359 2 9815728 Mobile: 00 359 88 247944 Rumen Angelov, E-mail:
Susan Polgar and the Polgar chess center are organizing and sponsoring a Category 10 GM tournament in Queens, New York June 18-26, 2001. It is called "The Mayor's Cup" - endorsed by the city and the Mayor on New York (Mayor Giuliani).
The lineup (in rating order) is:
1. Igor NOVIKOV 2596 GM Ukraine 2. Leonid YUDASIN 2568 GM Israel 3. Pavel BLATNY 2547 GM Czech 4. Yehuda GRUENFELD 2520 GM Israel 5. Amon SIMUTOWE 2470 IM Zambia 6. Gregory SHAHADE 2458 (IM) USA 7. Eugene PERELSHTEYN 2436 IM USA 8. Hikaru NAKAMURA 2428 (IM) USA 9. Dmitry SCHNEIDER 2406 FM USA 10. Irina KRUSH 2380 IM USA
There will be Internet coverage of the event on several sites. Further information at
5th International Open Pablo Gorbea Memorial Madrid, Spain 8th-17th June 2001 . Total fund prize: approximately 3.000.000 pesetas (15.000 $). First prize: 500.000 pesetas (2800 $) Ten rounds. 1 h 30 min for 30 moves, 1 h for the rest of the game One of the few tournaments with special prize for the two best games of attack (200 $) Last year GMs Korneev (Russia), Spraggett (Canada), San Segundo (Spain), Artur Kogan (Israel) played.
The Parisian Chess Club 'Le JÉEN' is organising the 2nd OPEN DU PARC. The event take place 2nd-4th June 2001.
Venue: 27, avenue du Parc des Princes F 75016 PARIS FRANCE
9 rounds of 61 mn K.-O. - Saturday 2001/06/02, rounds #1 - #2 - #3 : 1:00 PM / 3:30 PM / 6:00 PM - Sunday 2001/06/03, rounds #4 - #5 - #6 : 11:00 AM / 1:30 PM / 4:00 PM - Monday 2001/06/04, rounds #7 - #8 - #9 : 11:00 AM / 1:30 PM / 4:00 PM
PRIZES : 1st : 5 000 F (762.25 euros) 2nd : 3 000 F (457.35 euros) 3rd : 2 000 F (304.90 euros) 4th : 1 000 F (152.45 euros) 5th : 800 F (121.96 euros)
PRIZES BY CATEGORIES : Less than 1400 ELO.........1st : 500 F / 2nd : 300 F / 3rd : 200 F (76.22 euros, 45.73 euros, 30.49 euros) Less than 1600 ELO.........1st : 500 F / 2nd : 300 F / 3rd : 200 F (76.22 euros, 45.73 euros, 30.49 euros) Less than 1800 ELO.........1st : 500 F / 2nd : 300 F / 3rd : 200 F (76.22 euros, 45.73 euros, 30.49 euros) Less than 2000 ELO.........1st : 500 F / 2nd : 300 F / 3rd : 200 F (76.22 euros, 45.73 euros, 30.49 euros)
Entry : 180 F / 90 F (220 F / 110 F after the 2001/05/31) - GM/M free by mail.
INFORMATION : 00 33(1) 46 51 04 34
Internet site:
Jonathan Hains reports: The 1st International takes place 4-13 June 2001 at the Marshall Chess Club (Rounds 1-4) and Manhattan Chess Club (Rounds 5-9), both in New York City. Some games to be broadcast on the Internet Chess Club.
The Category IX (2456) 9-RR event has received acceptances from the following players:
Igor Novikov UKR 2596-g; Aleksander Wojtkiewicz POL 2576-g; Alexander Stripunsky USA 2497-g; Amon Simutowe ZAM 2470-m; Greg Shahade USA 2458-m; Pascal Charbonneau CAN 2407-f; Justin Sarkar 2406-f; Dean Ippolito 2385-m; Jay Bonin 2381-m; Irina Krush 2380-m.
Arbiter: Jerome Bibuld (IA)
Official web-site:
Broadcast Sponsor: Internet Chess Club (
Round Times: 6 p.m. Eastern (US) Time (same as ICC official time) except Round 5 at 2 p.m.
10 round Swiss System open. Venue Barcelona (Spain) 1st-10th September 2001.
Further details:
International BiH Seniors Championship - Grand - Prix ECU. Bugojno 2nd-10th May 2001.
Internet Site:
XV Slovan 9 round Swiss Open 2001 28th April - 5th May 2001 in Bratislava (Slovakia)
Further information:
VII Tatry Open 2001 in Tatranské Zruby 29 September - 6 October 2001.
Further information:
The "Torrevella Chess Club" in Salou, Spain is planning to organise 4 events during this year.
Each event will have a minimum of 3 tournaments with chances to make GM and IM norms as well as getting an Elo rating. Salou is a city 100km south of Barcelona. The first of these events will take place 7th-18th May 2001. Further details: prizes, accomodation, entry fees, etc. about these tournaments can be found on the web page:
Malahide Chess Club present the Malahide Millennium Tournament on the weekend of May 5th, 6th & 7th 2001. The venue is St. Sylvester's GAA Club, Church Road, Malahide, Co. Dublin and there are three events - an Open, an Under 1600 Elo and a Top Team event. The first prize for the Open is £750 and the first prize for U1600 is £350. Total prize fund of over £2,000. To enter contact Vincent Bissett on (00353) 1 8453609 and further detailed information is available at:
The Municipality of Peristeri in Athens, Greece will organize the 2001 World Junior Chess Championship for boys & girls up to 20 years old.
The games will be played during August 16-29 in the Exhibition Center of Peristeri, Athens. It is the first major FIDE event to be organized in Greece after the 1998 Zonal Tournament 1.5 in Panormo, Crete. It is also the first major chess event which will be organized in Athens, the host city of the 2004 Olympic Games.
The games will be covered through the Internet by Greek Chess Online - the official website.
An official invitation will be soon delivered to all federations.
IM George Mastrokoukos Greek Chess Federation Presidential Board Member
The Paul Keres Memorial will be held July 25th-31st 2001 in Tallinn, Estonia. I - 2.000 DM, II - 1.400 DM, III - 1.000 DM, 4 - 700 DM, 5 - 500 DM, 6 - 400 DM, 7.-10. - 300 DM, 11.-15. - 200 DM, Iw - 600 DM
Further details:
Contact Iivo Nei
21st Chess Festical in Bratto, Italy takes place August 22nd-30th 2001. Full details:
Over 60 events in Italy: The European Championships for over 60s take place in Saint-Vincent, September 15th-23rd 2001 and the World Championships for over 60s take place in Arco (Trento), October 15th-28th Details in "calendario" section of Italian Federation's site:
There will be an International Open Tournament in the town of Limone Piemonte, Italy, June 24th, 2001 to July 1st.
The starting fee is waved off for players FIDE rated above 2350.
Prize fund approx 3.500 Euro, first prize is £ approx 670 Euro.
More information can be found at
The traditional chess festival Olomouc Chess Summer 2001, takes place August 1st-9th, 2001. There will be organized several tournaments:
1) GM round robin tournament, category 8-10 FIDE (10-12 players) 2) IM round robin tournament, category 3-4 FIDE (10-12 players) - 2-3 groups 3) FIDE open - 9 rounds, 2/40+1 (August 2-9, 2001)
The second event MLADI OPEN 2001 is a tournament for young players up to age of 20. It will take place on June 24th-28th, 2001 in Olomouc as well. There will be 2 categories:
1) FIDE open 2) national open
1st prize in the FIDE OPEN is free entry to the round-robin IM tournament of category 3-4 FIDE in Olomouc (1.-9.8.2001). Other prizes also. Complete information about both events:
Information about FIDE open in August are also published at Czech Tour series site
1. 5th-17th of May, FIRST SATURDAY IM-FM closed tmt Budapest, org: Nagy Laszlo, 2. 21st-31st of May, ELEKES memorial GM-IM closed tmt Budapest, org. IM Zsinka, 3. 2nd-14th of June FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, Budapest, 4. 13th-23rd of June, Hotel Lipa GM-IM Szentgotthard /300 km West from Budapest/, Org.: FM Tomcsanyi, 4. 16th-28th of June, THIRD SATURDAY GM-IM-FM Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Org: NL and FM Kotevski, 5. 7th-19th of July, FIRST SATURDAY IM-FM, Budapest.
Contact: Nagy, Laszlo International Chess Organizer E-mail: phone-fax: (361)-263-28-59 mobile: (36)-30-230-1914 I
The VI International Chess Festival in Cesenatico takes place 9th-16th September 2001. Open events etc.
Internet coverage:
Jezdimir Vasiljevic was arrested in February after a return to Belgrade after 8 years in hiding in Cyprus. The former banker was wanted for embezzlement, he sponsored the 1992 match between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky. My thanks to Kevin Dolan.
Internet reference:
The Hotel Lipa International Chess Grandmaster and Master Tournaments take place in Szentgotthárd, Hungary June 13th-23rd 2001.
Further details:
A 32-hour (non-stop, approx. 150 rounds) super-marathon blitz tournament (ELTE 32) starting at 12:00, April 29 (Sunday) will take place in Budapest, aiming at breaking the previous (non-registered) 30-hour record. TV, radio and the press are very likely to pop up. Further information at or at Attila PIRÓTH, +36-1-2218695. The details of the tournament can be checked out at the homepage of the Hungarian Chess Federation, (see "versenynaptar"). About 100 participants are expected. 20-30 prizes, 1st prize around DM 200. Entry fee, including 3 meals not more than DM 30.
The 7th International Chess Festival "Festival Schneider Bohemia " Pilsen 2001, takes place 18th-26th August 2001 at the "Strelecky stadion" Pilsen Lobzy (The Czech Republic). The main tournament of this Festival is the International Open Czech Championship. (1st prize 20 000 CZK, sum of prizes 81 000 CZK). For detailed information look at
International Championships of Slovakia 2001, which will be hold as tournament A of Presov Chess Festival 2001: Presov Chess Festival 11.8 - 19.8.2001 (9 rounds) A) International Championship of Slovakia 2001 (OPEN) - 1st prize 30 000 Sk (about 1500 DEM) - total prize fund 114 000 Sk (about 5500 DEM) B) National Open - 1st prize 7 000 Sk (about 350 DEM) - total prize fund 31 000 Sk (about 1500 DEM) Venue: Presov, SPS Strojnicka school (next to hotel Saris) Accomodation: College of SPS Strojnicka - 2-beds room 10 DEM / person / night - 1-bed room 13 DEM / person / night Boarding: SPS Strojnicka 10 DEM per day Registration deadline 15.7.2001 Further information:
Notzai (always worth visiting) were in satirical mode for April 1st., specifically
The Weihnachts-Open 2001 takes place in Strausberg (Berlin) Germany from 27.12.2001 to 30.12.2001. The tournament will be ELO and DWZ rated. First prize : 500 DM entry fee : 30 DM
Further information:
Chess Tiger vs the Web organized by ChessBrain located at: Rebel Century 3.0 is playing against the Internet at ChessLines located at: and the brand-new Gambit Tiger 2.0 plays against the Internet on the fastest PC around. Organization: Ed Panek and Jorge Pichard, location at: The overall address is:
There is a DEEP SHREDDER vs. THE WORLD match about to start. Prizes available for taking part in this challenge match. Further details:
The 1st Asean International Open Chess Championships take place 29th July - 5th August, 2001 in Brunei, Darussalam.
Contacts: Awang Zaidi B Hj Dollah BCF Deputy Secretary General C/O SES114, BSP Co. Sdn. Bhd. Seria Brunei Darussalam KE3435 Tel : (673)3 3 373970 Fax : (673)3 330195 Email :
Mr. Leong Voon Choon BCF Secretary General P.O. BOX 523 Kuala Belait Brunei Darussalam KA1131 Tel : (673)3 333157/373612 Fax : (673)3 372182 Email :
Yap Choow Tun BCF Tournament Director C/O ODE/23 Dept., Brunei Shell Co. Sdn. Bhd. Seria Brunei Darussalam KE3435 Tel : (673)3 372485 Fax : (673)3 373130 Email : Choow-Tun C.T.
Further information (more detail in three weeks from 26/3/01)
FREE ICCF Jubilee Open Email Tournament (time limit 10 moves in 60 days) This special celebration Email tournament is FREE to all chess players in the World !
The event will be played exclusively using Email communication and will comprise of three stages, with 11 participants in each Qualifying Group, and 11-15 players in each of the Semi-final and Final Sections, according to the number of entries and qualifiers. Winners and runners-up (including tied players) will qualify to progress at each stage.
All Semi-finalists will be given a free entry into an ICCF World Master Class Section and Finalists, will earn free entry to an Email World Championship Semi-final Section.
The overall Winner (tie break rules apply) will receive a free entry into the next Email World CC Championship Final and those players placed 2nd,3rd and 4th (including tied players) will be awarded free entries to future Email World CC Championship ¾ Finals.
Finalists will receive free one year subscriptions to ChessBase Magazine (6 editions), generously sponsored by ChessBase GmbH, and also a complimentary copy of the ICCF Jubilee Book.
All games played in this tournament will be rated in the official International CC Rating system and title norms will be available, where Groups satisfy ICCF qualification rules.
This will give new ICCF players a chance to acquire properly calculated international ratings, joining 30,000+ players, who already have games in the ICCF rating databank.
Entries to this FREE Open Email Tournament should be made using the special entry form available (from 1.4.2001) on, either by individuals or via their national ICCF member federations. Only one entry per person will be allowed. The Closing Date for entries is 15th July and play in the Groups is scheduled to begin on 1st September 2001. The Tournament Controller will be Chris Lüers (GER). As we are anticipating very large participation in this unique tournament, the early submission of entries would be appreciated, to help us to make all of the necessary arrangements.
On occasion of its 100th anniversary Roenne Chess Club, Bornholm (Denmark), holds a major Swiss tournament where at least 10 GMs will be participating. 9 rounds with a total rate of play of 6 hours It takes place 24th-30th June 2001.
Further information: Bent Schioett Hansen, Laerkevej 19, 3700 Roenne, Denmark.
Phone: +45 5695 1453 Fax: +45 5695 1453
There are IM and GM norm tournaments in the Hotel Lipa in Szentgotthárd, Hungary. 12 round robin 13th June to 23rd June 2001.
Entry: Tomcsányi Péter Mobile: (+36) 20/9217-074 H-2651 Rétság, Széchenyi u. 15. Tel./Fax: (+36) 1/3703651 (office hours) E-mail:
Further information:
Bergen Chess International 4-12. August 2001 Playing venue: Bergen, Norway 9 rounds open GM-tournament 50-60 participants of which 6-7 GMs and 7-8 IMs. Limited number of unrated players. 7 hour playing session No double rounds or adjournments No start fee for foreign players with FIDE ELO.
Internet coverage:
Information on the European Youth Chess Championships (August 30th - September 10th 2001) and F.I.D.E. Congress (September 4th to 10th) is now on-line.
Internet coverage:
Hawaii International Chess Festival returns in 2002 with the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information: Website (coming soon)
There is a computer chess tournament running as a 15 round Swiss system event. The first round has just been completed. 26 leading chess programs compete. The website has games and commentary.
Kaspars Migla reports: Liepaja, Latvia organised a GM rapid chess tournament "Liepajas rokade". (Andra Cimina's report on that event appeared in TWIC 301 14th August 2000). This years tournament will be much stronger. It takes place 2nd-5th August. Players: 1. Alexei Shirov (ESP, 2718) 2. Aleksandr Khalifman (RUS, 2690) 3. Ulf Andersson (SWE, 2640) 4. Jaan Ehlvest (EST, 2638) 5. Aleksandr Shabalov (USA, 2609) 6. Edvins Kengis (LAT, 2589) 7. Utut Adianto (INO, 2583) 8. Aleksander Wojtkiewicz (POL, 2572) 9. Aloyzas Kveinys (LTU, 2530) 10. Maxim Dlugy (USA, 2531) 11. Darmen Sadvakasov (KAZ, 2509) 12. Viktoria Chmilite (LTU, 2433) There will be live coverage: The Internet site for "Liepajas rokade" will be available soon.
There is also an open: GsM and IMs are invited to the "Open" tournament. Entry is still open. Prizes 1) 1000 USD, 2) 500 USD, 3) 300 USD, 4) 200 USD, 5) 100 USD, 6) 50 USD Blitz chess tournament (5 August) prizes total 1000 USD. For more information contact: Aris Ozolins +371-9207601 (mobile) +371-3484128 Cieceres 28-4 Liepaja, Latvia LV-3416 e-mail:
The 5th Voronezh International Chess Festival takes place June 10th - 21st, 2001.
1.Rapid tournament, 10-11.06, 9 rounds swiss, 25 minutes. Entry fee - 120 RR. Prizes in RR 2000/1500/1000. Special prizes.
2.Blitz tournament, 17.06, 11 rounds swiss. Entry fee - 60 RR. Prizes 1000/800/600. Special prizes.
3.Open "A". 12-21.06; 9 rounds swiss; 5 hours. Entry fee in RR: 1500 - without Elo; 1200 - 2001-2100; 1000 -2101-2200; 800 -2201-2250; 600-2251-2300;500 -2301-2350; 400 -2351-2400; 300 -2400-2450. Juniors (1983+), ladies, seniors (1940-) have to pay 50%. Free for GM, IM, 2450+. Prizes in RR : 20000/15000/12000/10000/8000/6000/5000/4000/3000/2000x2/1000x2. Special prizes for juniors, ladies, seniors, players without Elo. A participant may get not more than one prize. Opportunity to qualify for FIDE ratings and norms.
4.Open "B"(Elo<2251). 12-20.06; 9 rounds; 4 hours. Entry fee - 500 RR for rated players, 800 RR for unrated players. Prizes:5000/4000/3000/2000/1500x2/1000x2.Special prizes. 5.Open "C"(for unrated players). 13-20.06; 7 rounds swiss; 3,5 hours. Entry fee 400 RR. Prizes : 3000/2000/1500x2/1000x2/500x3. Special prizes.
Accommodation - from 50 RR per night. (1 USD appr. 30 RR)
Place of the festival: Voronezh Chess Club, Engels str.34, ph.007-0732-551777
Information: Alexander Raetsky, Ostuzheva 22 - 46, 394042 Voronezh, Russia. Fax 007-0732-522951(for A.Raetsky) ph.007-0732-136076(20.00-22.00) e-mail:
The Dortmunder Sparkassen Chess Meeting 2001 will have Anand and Kramnik as the stars of the event. The event which is also the 29th International Dortmund Chess Days will be held July 12th-22nd in Dortmund Opera House (1200 seats for spectators). 6 players from the top ten will be invited for the double round robin event they will include Kramnik and Anand the event will be Category 20 or 21. An announcement will be made in May of the full field. Alongside the super-tournament will be a computer match with a top player, other matches and an Open with 300 participants. Internet coverage will be by
Further details:
There is a new magazine for Colombian chess players. The pages are those of Fide Master Juan Minaya whose the address is: Subjects include: Chess as an educational help Activities of the Colombian Chess Federation and its leagues. Information, tournaments, achievements, Elo, etc. Up date information both local and international. Local and international anecdotes. Chess problems for all levels, tests, etc. Preferred links.
The Esbjerg Chess Union stages a 16 edition of its North Sea Cup at Esbjerg Denmark July 6-14 2001. The tournament will again be a 10 player round-robin, at least category 12 is expected. Website address to follow.
There is a new website in Pakistan called "Pakistan Chess Player" to promote chess in that region.
The Spanish Chess Magazine "Gambito" has a new website, editor Alfonso Romero. Info David Llada.
Internet site:
A match between Rebel Century 3 against the Web is underway.
Internet coverage:
The Advanced Chess tournament will be held in Leon (Spain) June 8th-11th 2001. This is the 3rd time the event has been held and is also the 14th Leon tournament. This was originally the idea of Garry Kasparov. Players compete the help of a computer and a Database. The players will be Viswanathan Anand (India), Alexei Shirov (Spain), Peter Leko (Hungary) and Vesselin Topalov (Bulgaria). The main sponsors are: Telefonica, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Caja Duero, Chess Base, Excmo. Ayuntamiento de León, Excma. Diputación de León, Junta de Castila y León and the University of Leon. There will be 4 games per day and the event is a knockout. Timerate: 20 minutes per player, with 10 or 15 seconds increment after every move. The official websites will be at: and On 1st February 2001 there will be a preliminary presentation for this tournament alongside the European Team Championships, which will also be held in Leon (5th to 16th November 2001) at FITUR.
The 23rd Copenhagen Open (Politiken Cup) takes place 16th-27th July 2001.
11 round event. One game per day (rest day Monday July 23rd 2001). Timerate: 40 moves in 2 hours / 20 move in 1 hour / 30 min. finish. Totally 7 hours. GM and IM-norms are possible.
Main Prizes 1.15.000 ,- 2. 10.000 ,- 3. 8.000 ,- 4. 6.000 , 5. 4.000,- 6. 3.000 ,- 7. 2.000 ,- 8. 2.000 ,- 9. 2.000 ,- 10.-12. 1.000 ,- Special prizes: Best Women Player 1. 2.000,- 2. 1.000,- Best player born after 1.1. 1987: 1. 2.000,- 2. 1.000,- Ratingprizes : for players with less than 2350, in groups off at least 30 players, placest after highest rating (national or elo.) you can only win one prize ! 1. 3.000 kr. 2. 2.000 kr. 3. 1.000 kr.
Entry: GM + IM free FM + WGM + WIM 600 kr. Juniorer (born 1981 or later) 500 kr. Seniorer (67 years) 500 kr. Players with elo 750 kr. Players without elo 850 kr.
Venue: Nørrebrohallen, Bragesgade 5, 2200 København N.
Contact: Lars Bech Hansen. Address: Hjertebjærgparken 20 Kvarmløse DK-4340 Tølløse Danmark. Email:
Further information:
There are a couple of sites where GMs comment on recent events they have competed in.
Sergey Tiviakov has a personal homepage in English and Russian languages with games, articles and more on the site. The latest report is about the Corus chess tournament in Wijk aan Zee 2001 where he competed. Site at:
Jaan Ehlvest reviews the Keres Memorial Rapid Tournament in Estonia on his own site at:
Garry Kasparov got some of the greatest exposure of his chess career. He featured in a Pepsi Advery shown during the Superbowl.
You can see it too at: The advert is called Man vs. Machine.
Also at: with better quality and it also gets stored as a temporary file so you can keep it.
Valery Salov heads the WPC (World Players Council) and they have their own website. The site is at: with a mixture of material in Spanish and English. Includes a new interview with the Vice President of Iran Mr.Hashemi Taba.
The XII. International Chess Festival CZECH OPEN 2001 which will be held from 12 July to 29 July 2001 in Pardubice. Contact Jan Mazuch for more info
There is a website for the Andorra open 30th June-8th July 2001. You can also win a digital camera or enter the event by visiting their website.
Internet site:
Emil Sutovsky has started contributing to the Chessy site.
Yugoslav journalist Sinisa Joksic has a new internet site. He will cover Yugoslav chess in Serbo-Croatian and English and also the swiss chess tour.
Internet addresses: or
GM Alexander Baburin has been a familiar presence on the internet with his Coffee Break magazine. He is now involved in two new websites. The idea is to provide a place on the Web to those GMs who would like to have some presence on the Internet and currently there are sites of three GMs there - Alexander Baburin himself, Alexander Morozevich and Lev Psakhis. Secondly at: there will be a commercial chess service, providing daily news, interviews and instruction to a wide range of players. Each issue will feature one annotated game and news from around the world, while weekend issues will have some instructional materials, particularly useful for club players. Chess Today costs about $15 for 4 months.
As part of the 16th Maccabiah there will be a number of chess tournaments (GM/IM and open tournaments) The 16th Maccabiah (Jewish Olympiad) takes place in Tel-Aviv 16th-26th June 2001.