THE WEEK IN CHESS 310 16th October 2000 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Braingames World Chess Championships
3) Veselin Boskovic Memorial
4) Bacrot-Short Match
5) Essent Tournament
6) Bundesliga 2000-2001
7) Monarch Assurance Isle of Man
8) Argentine Chess Championships
9) European Youth Championships
10) Hungarian Chess Championships
11) Italian Championships
12) 3rd Tórshavn International
13) Polish Team Championships
14) Slovenian Team Championships
15) First Saturday October
16) Aleksandrov-Oral Match
17) Medellin Tournament
18) Alexei Shirov takes legal action
19) Karpov visits Iraq
20) Simul in Oradea
21) Swedish Team Championships
22) World Youth Championships Oropesa del Mar
23) Forthcoming Events and Links


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The long awaited 2 million dollar title match between Garry Kasparov and Vladimir Kramnik will start on Sunday 8th October at 3pm GMT / 10am EST and will conclude with the sixteenth game on Saturday 4th November.

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New book: Informator 78
New book: Understanding Pawn Play in Chess - Marovic
New book: The Art of the King's Indian - Gufeld
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New book: Batsford's Modern Chess Openings 14th ed- De Firmian
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Games section

Braingames World Championships    5 games
Veselin Boskovic Memorial        15 games
Bacrot-Short Match                6 games
Essent Tournament                 4 games
Essent Open                      54 games
Bundesliga 2000-2001             96 games
Monarch Assurance Isle of Man    22 games
Argentine Chess Championships    30 games
European Youth Championships    600 games
Hungarian Chess Championships     8 games
Italian Championships            35 games
3rd Tórshavn International      135 games
Polish Team Championships       396 games
Slovenian Team Championships     24 games
First Saturday October          121 games
Aleksandrov-Oral Match            2 games
Medellin Tournament             105 games
1647 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Jovan Petronic, Anjo Anjewierden, Richard Furness, IM Gyula Feher, Laszlo Nagy and IM Miklos Orso, Adolivio Capece, Przemek Jahr, Ales Drinovec, Jakub Fuksik, Osvaldo Orozco, Mikhail Langer, Janos Fleisz, Axel Fritz and all those who helped with this issue.

If there were doubts about Kramnik's abilities as a match player the Braingames World Chess Championships look set to dispell them. After a compelling week Kramnik has clearly imposed his own chess personality on the match and to an extent dictated events. His choice of openings as black has been especially interesting, he has been prepared to accept solid but passive positions, not something you would instinctively play against Kasparov, and made them work very well for him. Even after this match has finished I doubt very much he will have many followers employing the Berlin Defence. His two games with white has seen him win in game two and almost win in game four in games very much in the style of Botvinnik. Kasparov has been slightly sluggish in the first few games but when he's had to find ideas he has done. His opening preparation hasn't come into play as much as he'd like so far but it is early days. I would still place him favourite to win the match but if he experiences another week like this then that opinion has to change. I will hopefully be in London tomorrow to see game six, I'm looking forward to it.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Braingames World Chess Championships

The Braingames World Chess Championships started on Sunday 8th October 2000. The 16 game match which takes place on Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays between 8th October-4th November. Time control 40 moves in 2 hours, 20 moves in 1 hour, followed by 30 minutes + 10 seconds per move.

The Braingames World Chess Championships are starting to really warm up now. Game two on Tuesday saw the best possible result for the match when Vladimir Kramnik won with white against Kasparov's Gruenfeld defence. With Kasparov having draw odds over the sixteen game match a win for him would have made Kramnik's chances look very thin indeed. Kramnik played a variation of the Gruenfeld Defence that had hitherto been thought to be bad and pressurised Kasparov throughout the game. In time-trouble in a difficult position to defend Kasparov cracked and Kramnik brought home the full point. Kramnik almost extended his lead in game four against a new choice for Kasparov, the Queen's Gambit Accepted. The game started quietly enough with the Queens being exchanged after only a few moves. This was deceptive, once Kasparov played 25. ...Rc2 a very sharp struggle ensued with Kramnik achieving a winning position (a piece up) after the first time-control. However Kasparov is not fond of losing and after using 40 minutes thinking time he found a way of continuing the game even though it was hard to see a decent defencive idea. In an extremely simplified ending both players made errors with the final blunder coming from Kramnik which allowed the draw. It should be pointed out that many of these wins were quite a lot easier to see for journalists with the aid of computers. Not only has Kramnik been pressing with white he's been very solid with black. In game three he repeated the Berlin Defence to the Ruy Lopez and again got a position which few other players would enjoy. After unwinding his position he even started to think about pressing, however Kasparov found a tremendous idea and the moves coming up to first time-control saw Kramnik trying to stop running pawns. Kasparov may well have missed a chance in this phase. After move 40 Kramnik found a way to trade down into a drawn rook and pawn ending. In game five Kasparov changed tack and played the English Opening. Kramnik chose a very rare and old line against this and achieved a solid but passive position. Both players were clearly tired as a result of game four and after only 24 moves the game was agreed drawn in a level position.

Detailed coverage on TWIC's main pages and on our mini-site at:

Sponsors site:, for Wap phone coverage point your phone at: or directly at:, coverage in French:, Notes by IM Ilias Kourkounakis at:

Kasparov, Gary     -  Kramnik, Vladimir  1/2   25  C67  Ruy Lopez (Rio de Janeiro Variation)
Kramnik, Vladimir  -  Kasparov, Gary     1-0   40  D85  Gruenfeld Defence (Main Line)
Kasparov, Gary     -  Kramnik, Vladimir  1/2   53  C67  Ruy Lopez (Rio de Janeiro Variation)
Kramnik, Vladimir  -  Kasparov, Gary     1/2   74  D27  Queen's Gambit Accepted
Kasparov, Gary     -  Kramnik, Vladimir  1/2   24  A34  English Opening (Symmetrical Variation)

Braingames WCC London ENG (ENG), 8 x-4 xi 2000

                               1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Kramnik, Vladimir g  RUS 2770   = 1 = = = . . . . . . . . . . .  3.0  2921
Kasparov, Gary    g  RUS 2849   = 0 = = = . . . . . . . . . . .  2.0  2698

3) Veselin Boskovic Memorial

The Veselin Boskovic took place in Belgrade October 3rd-11th 2000. After losing to Beliavsky in round 5 Kiril Georgiev won in rounds 6-8 and after Beliavsky lost in round 8 found that a draw was enough in the final round to win the event. My thanks to Jovan Petronic.

Internet coverage:

Round 7 (October 10, 2000)

Beliavsky, Alexander G  -  Markovic, Miroslav      1/2   63  E94  King's Indian Defence 
Damljanovic, Branko     -  Georgiev, Kiril         0-1   39  D02  Queen's Pawn Game
Ilincic, Zlatko         -  Ivanisevic, Ivan        1-0   54  E62  King's Indian Defence (6...Nc6)
Ivanovic, Bozidar       -  Andersson, Ulf          1/2   14  C11  French Defence
Xie Jun                 -  Romanishin, Oleg M      1/2   24  C87  Ruy Lopez 

Round 8 (October 11, 2000)

Andersson, Ulf          -  Damljanovic, Branko     1/2   14  E62  King's Indian Defence (6...Nc6)
Ivanisevic, Ivan        -  Beliavsky, Alexander G  1-0   68  E05  Catalan System
Markovic, Miroslav      -  Ivanovic, Bozidar       1/2   12  B10  Caro Kann
Romanishin, Oleg M      -  Georgiev, Kiril         0-1   77  D43  Anti-Meran Gambit
Xie Jun                 -  Ilincic, Zlatko         1/2   15  B85  Sicilian Scheveningen Variation

Round 9 (October 12, 2000)

Georgiev, Kiril         -  Andersson, Ulf          1/2   16  A30  English Opening 
Beliavsky, Alexander G  -  Xie Jun                 1-0   27  E97  King's Indian Defence 
Damljanovic, Branko     -  Markovic, Miroslav      1-0   47  D93  Gruenfeld Defence (5.Bf4)
Ilincic, Zlatko         -  Romanishin, Oleg M      1/2   36  E15  Queen's Indian Defence 
Ivanovic, Bozidar       -  Ivanisevic, Ivan        1/2   12  B47  Sicilian Paulsen Variation

Veselin Boskovic Belgrade YUG (YUG), 3-12 x 2000        cat. XIV (2580)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Georgiev, Kiril          g BUL 2661  * 0 = 1 1 1 = 1 1 =  6.5  2737 
 2. Beliavsky, Alexander G   g SLO 2654  1 * = 0 = = = 1 1 1  6.0  2696 
 3. Andersson, Ulf           g SWE 2641  = = * = = 1 = = = 1  5.5  2653 
 4. Ivanisevic, Ivan         g YUG 2530  0 1 = * = 0 = = = 1  4.5  2585 
 5. Damljanovic, Branko      g YUG 2559  0 = = = * = 1 0 = 1  4.5  2582 
 6. Ilincic, Zlatko          g YUG 2563  0 = 0 1 = * 1 = = =  4.5  2582 
 7. Markovic, Miroslav       g YUG 2558  = = = = 0 0 * = = =  3.5  2502 
 8. Ivanovic, Bozidar        g YUG 2476  0 0 = = 1 = = * = 0  3.5  2511 
 9. Romanishin, Oleg M       g UKR 2591  0 0 = = = = = = * =  3.5  2498 
10. Xie Jun                  g CHN 2568  = 0 0 0 0 = = 1 = *  3.0  2456 

4) Bacrot-Short Match

Albert, France was the venue for a match between the upcoming French star Etienne Bacrot and English ex-World Championship challenger Nigel Short. The match took place October 10th-15th 2000 and saw Nigel Short win all three of his games with white. He drew two and lost one with black to win the match 4-2.

Internet coverage:

Bacrot, Etienne  -  Short, Nigel D   1/2   33  D35  Queen's Gambit: Exchange Variation
Short, Nigel D   -  Bacrot, Etienne  1-0   38  B80  Sicilian Scheveningen Variation
Bacrot, Etienne  -  Short, Nigel D   1/2   28  E20  Nimzo Indian Defence (Unusual Moves)
Short, Nigel D   -  Bacrot, Etienne  1-0   46  B83  Sicilian Scheveningen Variation
Bacrot, Etienne  -  Short, Nigel D   1-0   61  E34  Nimzo Indian Defence (4.Qc2)
Short, Nigel D   -  Bacrot, Etienne  1-0   32  B83  Sicilian Scheveningen Variation

Match Albert FRA (FRA), 10-15 x 2000

                              1   2   3   4   5   6 
Short, Nigel D  g  ENG 2677    =   1   =   1   0   1   4.0  2738
Bacrot, Etienne g  FRA 2613    =   0   =   0   1   0   2.0  2552

5) Essent Tournament

The Essent tournament in Hoogeveen (Netherlands) with Judit Polgar, Jan Timman, Alexander Khalifman and Alexander Galkin takes place 15th-21st October 2000. There is also an open tournament. Alexander Khalifman has had a perfect start with 2/2 beating Galkin in round one and Timman in round two he faces second placed Judit Polgar tomorrow. Andrey Y Kharitonov has started with 3/3 in the open.

Internet coverage:

Round 1 (October 15, 2000)

Polgar, Judit         -  Timman, Jan           1/2   25  C72  Ruy Lopez (Modern Steinitz Defence)
Galkin, Alexander     -  Khalifman, Alexander  0-1   37  C17  French Winawer Variation

Round 2 (October 16, 2000)

Khalifman, Alexander  -  Timman, Jan           1-0   36  C42  Petroff's Defence
Galkin, Alexander     -  Polgar, Judit         1/2   22  B20  Sicilian Defence 

Essent Hoogeveen Open NED (NED), 15-21 x 2000cat. XVI (2637)
                                       1  2  3  4 
1. Khalifman, Alexander   g RUS 2667  **  ..  1.  1.   2.0       
2. Polgar, Judit          g HUN 2656  ..  **  =.  =.   1.0  2613 
3. Timman, Jan            g NED 2639  0.  =.  **  ..   0.5  2468 
4. Galkin, Alexander      g RUS 2587  0.  =.  ..  **   0.5  2468 

Standings Round 3 (of 9)
Essent Open Hoogeveen Open NED (NED), 13-21 x 2000
                                              1   2   3   
 1. Kharitonov, Andrei Y       g  RUS 2539  +26 +16 +11   3.0       
 2. Ulibin, Mikhail            g  RUS 2583  +24 +10 = 6   2.5  2686 
 3. Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  g  NED 2490  +31 +12 = 5   2.5  2591 
 4. Werle, Jan                    NED 2311  = 8 +19 +17   2.5  2753 
 5. Epishin, Vladimir          g  GER 2567  +32 +15 = 3   2.5  2673 
 6. Mikhalevski, Victor        g  ISR 2532  +36 +13 = 2   2.5  2677 
 7. Dvoirys, Semen I           g  RUS 2562  =17 +25 +18   2.5  2556 
 8. Tiviakov, Sergei           g  NED 2608  = 4 +22 = 9   2.0  2496 
 9. Van der Wiel, John         g  NED 2531  +27 =18 = 8   2.0  2525 
10. Hommeles, Theo                NED 2409  +20 - 2 +26   2.0  2431 
11. Jonkman, Harmen            m  NED 2424  +29 +21 - 1   2.0  2371 
12. Aagaard, Jacob             m  DEN 2389  +23 - 3 +28   2.0  2342 
13. Peng Zhaoqin               m  NED 2403  +28 - 6 +27   2.0  2406 
14. Berkvens, Joost               NED 2364  -21 +30 +23   2.0  2148 
15. Visser, Yge                f  NED 2418  +30 - 5 +24   2.0  2414 
16. Dzhakaev, D                   RUS 2403  +35 - 1 +21   2.0  2304 
17. De Jong, Migchiel             NED 2276  = 7 +33 - 4   1.5  2434 
18. Ernst, Sipke               m  NED 2373  +34 = 9 - 7   1.5  2366 
19. Gleizerov, Evgeny          g  RUS 2557  =22 - 4 +32   1.5  2291 
20. Hendriks, Richard             NED 2098  -10 =32 +33   1.5  2377 
21. Hummel, Erik Jan              NED ----  +14 -11 -16   1.0  2272 
22. Vogel, Jaap                f  NED 2272  =19 - 8 =25   1.0  2330 
23. De Weerd, Warner              NED 2071  -12 +29 -14   1.0  2192 
24. Pel, Bonno                    NED 2300  - 2 +31 -15   1.0  2208 
25. Rooda, Kai                    NED 2202  =33 - 7 =22   1.0  2296 
26. Markus, John Raymond          NED 2238  - 1 +35 -10   1.0  2191 
27. Shklovski, Vladislav          ISR 2220  - 9 +34 -13   1.0  2188 
28. Van der Veen, Jan             NED 2092  -13 +36 -12   1.0  2214 
29. Timmermans, Ivo               NED 2200  -11 -23 +35   1.0  2040 
30. Cako,Laszlo                   NED ----  -15 -14 +34   1.0  2137 
31. Dignum,Erik                   NED ----  - 3 -24 +36   1.0  2213 
32. Van Kooten, Luuk              NED 2292  - 5 =20 -19   0.5  2134 
33. Archangelsky, Mikhail      m  RUS 2430  =25 -17 -20   0.5  1919 
34. Gorecki, Zbigniew             POL 2005  -18 -27 -30   0.0       
35. Tan, HB                       NED ----  -16 -26 -29   0.0       
36. Van Otten, Gerard J           NED 2226  - 6 -28 -31   0.0       

6) Bundesliga 2000-2001

October 14th-15th 2000 saw the first two rounds of the new Bundesliga season. In a new departure many of the games are being covered live on the internet. The stars who played in the first weekend were top ten stars Alexander Morozevich (with a 2-0 record), Alexei Shirov (with a draw and a win) and Michael Adams (win and a loss to Mladen Muse rated 2510). SG Porz, Solingen, Lubeck, Godesberg and Tegernsee all started with two match wins. All the games from Hamburg, Solingen and Porz. Those from Castrop Rauxel are unavailable at the moment.

Bundesliga coverage on the internet. Lubeck Chess Club: who in conjunction with chessbase had live coverage at: covered events at: and Solingen's own site: had live coverage. There was good general Bundesliga coverage at:

Bundesliga coverage from Solingen October 14th-15th 2000. (Matches: Saturday 14.00 Aljechin Solingen - USC Magdeburg Gelsenkirchen - SV Werder Bremen and Sunday 9.00 UCS Magdeburg - Gelsenkirchen SV Werder Bremen - Aljechin Solingen ) Internet coverage: and Solingen's own site:

Bundesliga 2001-2

Round 1 Solingen October 14th 2000

  SG 1868 Aljechin Solingen - USV Magdeburg       6½-1½ 

1 Morozevich,Alexander      - Rogozenko,Dorian     1-0 
2 Kasimdzhanov,Rustam       - Slobodjan,Roman      1-0 
3 Piket,Jeroen              - Baklan,Vladimir      ½-½ 
4 Jussupow,Artur            - Thesing,Matthias     ½-½ 
5 Huebner,Robert Dr.        - Georgiev,Vladimir    ½-½ 
6 Sadler,Matthew            - Proehl,Holger        1-0 
7 Emms,John M.              - Markgraf,Alexander   1-0 
8 Chandler,Murray G.        - Darnstaedt,Frank     1-0 
  SC Gelsenkirchen          - SV Werder Bremen    1½-6½ 

1 Feigin,Mihail             - Hracek,Zbynek        ½-½ 
2 Kishnev,Sergey            - Babula,Vlastimil     ½-½ 
3 Kalka,Arkadius Georg      - Schandorff,Lars      ½-½ 
4 Kotter,Ralf               - McShane,Luke J.      0-1 
5 Meessen,Rudolf            - Knaak,Rainer         0-1 
6 Ahn,Martin                - Pelletier,Yannick    0-1 
7 Balster,Stefan            - Joachim,Sven         0-1 
8 Schirbel,Andreas          - Meins,Gerlef         0-1 

Round 1 Porz October 14th 2000

  SG Porz                   - SF Baiertal-Schattha 7-1 
1 Lutz,Christopher          - Schlindwein,Rolf     ½-½ 
2 Van Wely,Loek             - Doettling,Fabian     1-0 
3 Vaganian,Rafael A         - Buhmann,Rainer       1-0 
4 Hansen,Curt               - Duppel,Matthias      1-0 
5 Nenashev,Alexander        - Meissner,Bernd-Guent 1-0 
6 Nijboer,Friso             - Koch,Wolfgang Max    1-0 
7 Hort,Vlastimil            - Balzar,Andreas       ½-½ 
8 Van Den Doel,Erik         - Schmenger,Felix      1-0 
  Godesberger SK            - TSV Schott Mainz    5½-2½ 
1 Dautov,Rustem             - Balcerak,Jakob       1-0 
2 Gurevich,Mikhail          - Cicak,Slavko         1-0 
3 Kengis,Edvins             - Lisanti,Andre        1-0 
4 Kveinys,Aloyzas           - Wornath,Kai Rudolf   1-0 
5 Langheinrich,Ferenc       - Neidhardt,Claus-Ulri ½-½ 
6 Jackelen,Thomas           - Bewersdorff,Oliver   ½-½ 
7 Seger,Ruediger            - Kienast,Joerg        ½-½ 
8 Schmidt,Bodo              - Muranyi,Karl-J.      0-1 

Round 1 Castrop Rauxel October 14th 2000
  SV Wattenscheid           - SK König Plauen      5-3 
1 Aronian,Levon (IM)        - Bischoff,Klaus       ½-½ 
2 Nielsen,Peter Heine       - Boensch,Uwe          ½-½ 
3 Rustemov,Alexander        - Kindermann,Stefan    1-0 
4 Handke,Florian            - Espig,Lutz           ½-½ 
5 Holzke,Frank              - Schaller,Sven        ½-½ 
6 Ellers,Holger             - Sandner,Gunter       1-0 
7 Sjodahl,Pontus            - Hackel,Mario         ½-½ 
8 Straeter,Timo             - Kuraszkiewicz,Michae ½-½ 
  SV Castrop Rauxel         - TV Tegernsee        3½-4½ 
1 Rozentalis,Eduardas       - Khenkin,Igor         0-1 
2 Gallagher,Joseph G.       - Bauer,Christian      ½-½ 
3 Seul,Georg                - Hertneck,Gerald      0-1 
4 Watson,William N.         - Beim,Valery          1-0 
5 Hoffmann,Michael          - Stangl,Markus        0-1 
6 Bosch,Jeroen              - Teske,Henrik         ½-½ 
7 Dinstuhl,Volkmar          - Gross,David          1-0 
8 Lemmers,Oscar             - Kachiani-Gersinska,K ½-½ 

Round 1 Hamburg October 14th 2000
  Hamburger SK 1830         - SK König Tegel       5-3 
1 Ftacnik,Lubomir           - Rabiega,Robert       ½-½ 
2 Dorfman,Josif D           - Muse,Mladen          1-0 
3 Kempinski,Robert          - Paulsen,Dirk         0-1 
4 Hansen,Sune Berg          - Lipinsky,Fabian      ½-½ 
5 Wahls,Matthias            - Von Herman,Ulf       1-0 
6 Heinemann,Thies           - Fette,Martin         1-0 
7 Reeh,Oliver               - Pachow,Joerg         ½-½ 
8 Michaelsen,Nils           - Giemsa,Stephan       ½-½ 
  Lübecker SV 1873 - SF Neukölln 03                5-3 
1 Shirov,Alexei             - Movsesian,Sergei     ½-½ 
2 Adams,Michael             - Stohl,Igor           1-0 
3 Speelman,Jonathan S.      - Atalik,Suat          ½-½ 
4 Agdestein,Simen           - Bunzmann,Dimitrij    0-1 
5 De Firmian,Nick E         - Berndt,Stephan       1-0 
6 Nunn,John D.M.            - Borriss,Martin       1-0 
7 Hansen,Lars Bo            - Polzin,Rainer        1-0 
8 Hector,Jonny              - Poldauf,Dirk         0-1 

Round 2 Solingen October 15th 2000

  USV Magdeburg             - SC Gelsenkirchen    5½-2½ 
1 Rogozenko,Dorian          - Feigin,Mihail        ½-½ 
2 Slobodjan,Roman           - Kishnev,Sergey       1-0 
3 Baklan,Vladimir           - Kalka,Arkadius Georg 0-1 
4 Thesing,Matthias          - Kotter,Ralf          1-0 
5 Georgiev,Vladimir         - Baumhus,Reinhard     1-0 
6 Proehl,Holger             - Balster,Stefan       ½-½ 
7 Markgraf,Alexander        - Schirbel,Andreas     1-0 
8 Darnstaedt,Frank          - Hille,Ingo           ½-½ 
  SV Werder Bremen          - SG 1868 Aljechin Sol 2-6 
1 Hracek,Zbynek             - Morozevich,Alexander 0-1 
2 Babula,Vlastimil          - Kasimdzhanov,Rustam  ½-½ 
3 Schandorff,Lars           - Piket,Jeroen         0-1 
4 McShane,Luke J.           - Jussupow,Artur       ½-½ 
5 Knaak,Rainer              - Huebner,Robert Dr.   ½-½ 
6 Pelletier,Yannick         - Sadler,Matthew       ½-½ 
7 Joachim,Sven              - Emms,John M.         0-1 
8 Meins,Gerlef              - Chandler,Murray G.   0-1 

Round 2 Porz October 15th 2000
  SF Baiertal-Schattha      - Godesberger SK      3½-4½ 
1 Schlindwein,Rolf          - Dautov,Rustem        1-0 
2 Doettling,Fabian          - Gurevich,Mikhail     ½-½ 
3 Buhmann,Rainer            - Kengis,Edvins        ½-½ 
4 Duppel,Matthias           - Kveinys,Aloyzas      ½-½ 
5 Meissner,Bernd-Guent      - Langheinrich,Ferenc  ½-½ 
6 Koch,Wolfgang Max         - Jackelen,Thomas      0-1 
7 Balzar,Andreas            - Seger,Ruediger       0-1 
8 Schmenger,Felix           - Schmidt,Bodo         ½-½ 
  TSV Schott Mainz          - SG Porz             1½-6½ 
1 Balcerak,Jakob            - Lutz,Christopher     0-1 
2 Cicak,Slavko              - Van Wely,Loek        ½-½ 
3 Lisanti,Andre             - Vaganian,Rafael A    0-1 
4 Wornath,Kai Rudolf        - Hansen,Curt          0-1 
5 Neidhardt,Claus-Ulri      - Nenashev,Alexander   0-1 
6 Bewersdorff,Oliver        - Nijboer,Friso        0-1 
7 Kienast,Joerg             - Hort,Vlastimil       0-1 
8 Treppner,Gerd             - Van Den Doel,Erik    1-0 

Round 2 Castrop Rauxel October 15th 2000  

  SK König Plauen           - SV Castrop Rauxel   3½-4½ 
1 Bischoff,Klaus            - Rozentalis,Eduardas  ½-½ 
2 Boensch,Uwe               - Gallagher,Joseph G.  0-1 
3 Kindermann,Stefan         - Seul,Georg           ½-½ 
4 Espig,Lutz                - Watson,William N.    0-1 
5 Schaller,Sven             - Hoffmann,Michael     0-1 
6 Sandner,Gunter            - Bosch,Jeroen         ½-½ 
7 Hackel,Mario              - Dinstuhl,Volkmar     1-0 
8 Kuraszkiewicz,Michae      - Hennig,Dirk          1-0 
  TV Tegernsee              - SV Wattenscheid     4½-3½ 
1 Khenkin,Igor              - Aronian,Levon (IM)   ½-½ 
2 Bauer,Christian           - Nielsen,Peter Heine  ½-½ 
3 Hertneck,Gerald           - Rustemov,Alexander   0-1 
4 Beim,Valery               - Handke,Florian       1-0 
5 Stangl,Markus             - Holzke,Frank         ½-½ 
6 Teske,Henrik              - Ellers,Holger        ½-½ 
7 Gross,David               - Sjodahl,Pontus       1-0 
8 Kachiani-Gersinska,K      - Straeter,Timo        ½-½ 

Round 2 Hamburg October 15th 2000
  SK König Tegel            - Lübecker SV 1873    1½-6½ 
1 Rabiega,Robert            - Shirov,Alexei        0-1 
2 Muse,Mladen               - Adams,Michael        1-0 
3 Paulsen,Dirk              - Speelman,Jonathan S. 0-1 
4 Lipinsky,Fabian           - Agdestein,Simen      ½-½ 
5 Von Herman,Ulf            - De Firmian,Nick E    0-1 
6 Fette,Martin              - Nunn,John D.M.       0-1 
7 Pachow,Joerg              - Hansen,Lars Bo       0-1 
8 Lorenz,Sascha             - Hector,Jonny         0-1 
  SF Neukölln 03            - Hamburger SK 1830    5-3 
1 Movsesian,Sergei          - Ftacnik,Lubomir      ½-½ 
2 Stohl,Igor                - Dorfman,Josif D      ½-½ 
3 Atalik,Suat               - Kempinski,Robert     ½-½ 
4 Bunzmann,Dimitrij         - Hansen,Sune Berg     ½-½ 
5 Berndt,Stephan            - Wahls,Matthias       0-1 
6 Borriss,Martin            - Heinemann,Thies      1-0 
7 Polzin,Rainer             - Reeh,Oliver          1-0 
8 Rudolf,Henrik             - Sievers,Stefan       1-0 

Standings after round 2

Pl  TEAM                        AvRa P + = - MPt BPts 
 1. SG Porz                     2606 2 2 0 0 4-0 13.5 
 2. SG 1868 Aljechin Solingen   2577 2 2 0 0 4-0 12.5 
 3. Lübecker SV 1873            2573 2 2 0 0 4-0 11.5 
 4. Godesberger SK              2449 2 2 0 0 4-0 10.0 
 5. TV Tegernsee                2458 2 2 0 0 4-0 9.0 
 6. SV Wattenscheid             2415 2 1 0 1 2-2 8.5 
 6. SV Werder Bremen            2435 2 1 0 1 2-2 8.5 
 8. SF Neukölln 03              2456 2 1 0 1 2-2 8.0 
 9. SV Castrop Rauxel           2478 2 1 0 1 2-2 8.0 
 9. Hamburger SK 1830           2476 2 1 0 1 2-2 8.0 
11. USV Magdeburg               2428 2 1 0 1 2-2 7.0 
12. SK König Plauen             2422 2 0 0 2 0-4 6.5 
13. SK König Tegel              2350 2 0 0 2 0-4 4.5 
13. SF Baiertal-Schattha        2359 2 0 0 2 0-4 4.5 
15. SC Gelsenkirchen            2332 2 0 0 2 0-4 4.0 
15. TSV Schott Mainz            2346 2 0 0 2 0-4 4.0 

7) Monarch Assurance Isle of Man

The Monarch Assurance Isle of Man tournament takes place October 14th-22nd 2000. The Defending champion Emil Sutovsky plays. My thanks to Richard Furness for the news.

Standings Round 1 (of 9)
Monarch Assurance Open Port Erin IOM (IOM), 14-22 x 2000
 1. Cherniaev, Alexander      m  RUS 2454  +42   1.0       
 2. Fraser-Mitchell, J.M         ENG 2113  +39   1.0       
 3. Gormally, Daniel          m  ENG 2499  +41   1.0       
 4. Hebden, Mark              g  ENG 2505  +37   1.0       
 5. Hickman, John                ENG 2127  +36   1.0       
 6. Sherbakov, Ruslan         g  RUS 2558  +40   1.0       
 7. Peters, Stephen G            ENG 2157  +35   1.0       
 8. Valenti, Richard             FRA 2157  +44   1.0       
 9. Shepherd,Mike                SCO ----  +38   1.0       
10. Schulz, Joerg                GER ----  +43   1.0       
11. Akesson, Ralf             g  SWE 2486  =12   0.5  2278 
12. Allen, Keith                 IRL 2278  =11   0.5  2486 
13. Arkell, Keith C           g  ENG 2481  =20   0.5  2208 
14. Cooper, Lawrence          f  ENG 2345  =25   0.5  2525 
15. Ellison, Derek George        ENG 2100  =18   0.5  2000 
16. Gladyszev, Oleg           m  RUS 2351  =31   0.5  2554 
17. Goodger, Martyn              ENG 2148  =33   0.5  2058 
18. Hill, David F                ENG ----  =15   0.5  2100 
19. Hughes, Andrew J             ENG ----  =24   0.5  2103 
20. Jackson, Adrian              ENG 2208  =13   0.5  2481 
21. Kiriakov, Petr            g  RUS 2525  =23   0.5  2327 
22. Kosteniuk, Alexandra      m  RUS 2398  =28   0.5  2609 
23. Marusenko, Petr           m  UKR 2327  =21   0.5  2525 
24. Mcleod, Fraser               SCO 2103  =19   0.5  2000 
25. Plaskett, Jim             g  ENG 2525  =14   0.5  2345 
26. Rattray, Ross                ENG 2127  =29   0.5  2204 
27. Sedgwick, David              ENG 2091  =34   0.5  2000 
28. Sutovsky, Emil            g  ISR 2609  =22   0.5  2398 
29. Nicholson, John G         f  ENG 2204  =26   0.5  2127 
30. Palliser, Richard         f  ENG 2322  =32   0.5  2508 
31. Volkov, Sergey            g  RUS 2554  =16   0.5  2351 
32. Ward, Christopher         g  ENG 2508  =30   0.5  2322 
33. Yurenok, Maria S             ENG 2058  =17   0.5  2148 
34. Johnson,Paul                 ENG ----  =27   0.5  2091 
35. Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan  m  GEO 2405  - 7   0.0       
36. Benson, Paul J               ENG 2011  - 5   0.0       
37. Bergstrom, Rolf           f  SWE 2308  - 4   0.0       
38. Clark, Stephen P             ENG 2133  - 9   0.0       
39. Garces, Diego                    ----  - 2   0.0       
40. Quinn, Mark               f  IRL 2381  - 6   0.0       
41. Rayner, Francis              WLS 2256  - 3   0.0       
42. Reinemer, Frank              GER 2186  - 1   0.0       
43. Spanton, Timothy             ENG 2081  -10   0.0       
44. Van Kemenade, Rudi           ENG ----  - 8   0.0       

8) Argentine Chess Championships

The Argentine Chess Championships are taking place in Buenos Aires, 10th-21st October 2000. The all-play-all event is category VI.

The Official Site is that of the Argentine Chess Federation: further coverage: .

Standings Round 5 (of 11)
ch-ARG Buenos Aires ARG (ARG), 10-21 x 2000              cat. VI (2381)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Julia, Ernesto       f ARG 2393  * . . = . 1 1 . = = . .  3.5  2483 
 2. Hoffman, Alejandro   g ARG 2491  . * . = . . 1 = . . = 1  3.5  2535 
 3. Sorin, Ariel         g ARG 2490  . . * . = = . . 1 1 . =  3.5  2451 
 4. Pierrot, Facundo     m ARG 2423  = = . * 1 . . = . . = .  3.0  2503 
 5. Bertona, Fernando      ARG 2405  . . = 0 * = . . = 1 . .  2.5  2354 
 6. Giaccio, Alfredo     m ARG 2505  0 . = . = * . 1 . . = .  2.5  2431 
 7. Felgaer, Ruben       f ARG 2390  0 0 . . . . * = . . 1 1  2.5  2400 
 8. Soppe, Guillermo     m ARG 2471  . = . = . 0 = * . . . =  2.0  2339 
 9. Rosito, Jorge        m ARG 2354  = . 0 . = . . . * = . =  2.0  2235 
10. Claverie, Raul         ARG ----  = . 0 . 0 . . . = * 1 .  2.0  2336 
11. Malbran, Guillermo   f ARG 2399  . = . = . = 0 . . 0 * .  1.5  2212 
12. Varela, Gaston       f ARG 2249  . 0 = . . . 0 = = . . *  1.5  2290 

9) European Youth Championships

The European Youth Championships took place in Halkidiki, Greece, October 2nd-10th 2000. Final results below. Russian Artyom Timofeev won the boys under-18 event. Russian Nadezhda Kosintseva won the girls under-18 event ahead of Tatiana Kosintseva (maybe sisters?) both scoring 7.5/9.

Internet coverage: also information at:

EYCC 2000 Final Standings after round 9 for Boys 18
No.  PNo.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  TPR  W-We
  1.    3  TIMOFEEV ARTYOM             7.0  51.0  39.00  37.0  2447 2552 +1.06
  2.    8  MASTROVASILIS DIMITRIOS     6.5  49.5  33.75  35.5  2386 2488 +1.19
        6  POTKIN VLADIMIR             6.5  48.0  33.00  35.0  2420 2454 +0.38
  4.    7  DZIUBA MARCIN               6.0  48.0  30.25  33.0  2392 2442 +0.60
       10  NEIKSANS ARTURS             6.0  48.0  29.75  32.0  2355 2451 +1.14
       17  SEBENIK MATEJ               6.0  45.0  28.25  30.0  2287 2418 +1.59
        5  SEDLAK NIKOLA               6.0  45.0  28.50  28.0  2423 2379 -0.48
       12  DJUKIC NIKOLA               6.0  44.5  29.25  27.5  2332 2335 -0.03
  9.    9  JAKUBOWSKI KRZYSZTOF        5.5  50.0  28.50  32.0  2371 2384 +0.19
        1  GRIGORIANTS SERGEY          5.5  47.5  27.75  31.0  2503 2350 -1.61
       16  BROOMFIELD MATTHEW          5.5  47.5  28.00  29.5  2192 2374 +2.26
        2  HANDKE FLORIAN              5.5  45.5  25.00  29.0  2455 2370 -0.98
       11  AROSHIDZE LEVAN             5.5  43.0  23.00  29.0  2332 2338 +0.10
       15  PATAKI GYOZO                5.5  44.0  23.50  28.5  2294 2347 +0.64
       35  PALECHA ALEXEY              5.5  45.0  24.25  28.0  2138 2399 +3.16
        4  RAINFRAY ARNAUD             5.5  36.5  21.50  24.5  2425 2264 -1.70
 17.   32  GORDIN ARTIOM               5.0  47.5  26.00  25.5  2169 2356 +2.02
       20  RASIC DAMIR                 5.0  40.0  20.00  24.5  2252 2288 +0.41
       13  SEBE-VODISLAV RAZVAN-ALEXA  5.0  38.0  19.50  22.5  2303 2248 -0.67
 20.   33  PECNIC LEO                  4.5  47.5  23.50  25.0  2167 2326 +1.89
       29  HINDERMANN FELIX            4.5  43.0  17.50  24.5  2181 2202 +0.22
       14  GRAFL FLORIAN               4.5  42.0  16.75  24.5  2299 2239 -0.72
       22  COSTANTINI ROBERTO          4.5  39.5  14.75  24.5  2233 2156 -0.79
       19  CERNOUSEK LUKAS             4.5  40.0  16.75  24.0  2259 2242 -0.18
       25  ERIKSSON JONAS              4.5  44.0  20.50  23.5  2224 2274 +0.63
       23  BERG-JENSEN JOACHIM         4.5  37.0  13.75  21.5  2231 2107 -1.21
       41  SIGALAS FRANGISKOS          4.5  40.5  17.75  19.5  2069 2173 +1.10
       26  STREIKUS SIMONAS            4.5  35.5  13.25  18.5  2210 2184 -0.34
       45  KAFKA GRAEME                4.5  33.5  15.00  17.5  0000 2168  2168
 30.   21  KRUPENSKI JURI              4.0  40.0  13.50  23.5  2247 2152 -1.08
       40  OSTTVEIT MARTIN             4.0  39.5  14.00  19.0  2079 2145 +0.60
       18  RACHELA MILAN               4.0  37.0  13.50  18.5  2265 1916 -2.60
       42  DAVIES CHRISTOFER           4.0  37.0  15.75  18.5  2053 2175 +1.48
       28  MANUKIAN TIGRAN             4.0  33.5  13.25  16.5  2185 2080 -1.00
       24  MIRZAKOULIEV FAKHRI         4.0  38.0  11.75  15.0  2225 2041 -1.78
 36.   27  VERHOVODKO SERGEY           3.5  39.5  13.25  19.5  2204 2213 +0.06
       30  KOUKOUFIKIS ALEXANDROS      3.5  34.5   7.75  18.0  2181 2089 -0.93
       34  KUKOV VELISLAV              3.5  35.0  12.50  17.0  2142 2118 -0.28
       36  MISERLIOVSKI RISTO          3.5  33.0   9.50  16.5  2127 2038 -0.80
       37  AGOURIDIS ARIS              3.5  39.0  13.00  15.5  2117 2108 -0.06
       39  VASILIOU KONSTANTINOS       3.5  38.0  12.00  15.0  2099 2069 -0.18
       43  VERKASALO TOMMI             3.5  31.0   6.75  14.5  2047 1962 -0.67
       31  TSANAS ATHANASIOS           3.5  31.0   7.00  13.5  2176 1811 -2.00
 44.   47  SCHREVENS BIRGER            3.0  31.5   5.25  17.0  0000 1899  1899
       38  LACINER KEREM               3.0  38.5   9.50  15.0  2115 2087 -0.24
       44  EDER MARTIN                 3.0  32.0   8.00  14.5  0000 1998  1998
 47.   46  QESJA ARBER                 1.0  29.5   0.25   8.0  0000 1495  1495

EYCC 2000 Final Standings after round 9 for Girls 18
No.  PNo.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  TPR  W-We
  1.    3  KOSINTSEVA NADEZHDA         7.5  48.0  38.25  37.5  2241 2345 +0.78
        6  KOSINTSEVA TATIANA          7.5  47.5  37.50  37.0  2203 2433 +2.00
  3.    1  KORBUT EKATERINA            6.5  47.5  32.50  31.5  2336 2221 -0.88
  4.    2  KOSTIUK TATIANA             6.0  51.5  34.25  34.0  2253 2265 +0.12
        4  CHARKHALASHVILI INGA        6.0  49.5  29.00  31.5  2233 2262 +0.29
        5  SUDAKOVA IRINA              6.0  44.0  28.00  28.5  2212 2210 +0.00
  7.   16  UMPFENBACH CAROLINE         5.5  43.5  24.50  30.0  2044 2144 +0.84
       31  SMIRNOVA MARINA             5.5  39.5  22.50  25.0  0000 2029  2029
  9.   12  ISMAILOVA PARVANA           5.0  48.0  21.00  28.0  2108 1926 -0.74
       14  MIRON OANA                  5.0  45.0  24.00  28.0  2103 2080 -0.20
       15  GAUDRON FANNY               5.0  44.0  19.50  27.0  2068 2138 +0.45
       11  RESZKA MALGORZATA           5.0  44.5  22.00  26.5  2113 2072 -0.26
       34  VASEVA OLGA                 5.0  45.0  23.25  26.0  0000 1992  1992
       35  YAKUSHAVA VOLHA             5.0  41.5  20.00  25.5  0000 2096  2096
       10  ERTEL SVETLANA              5.0  40.0  20.00  23.5  2115 1379 -1.16
       13  KIERAN ROSALIND             5.0  39.0  19.75  21.5  2106 1556 -0.33
       23  KRADOFLER CONNY             5.0  38.0  19.00  21.0  0000 2116  2116
 18.    7  MAKKA IOULIA                4.5  46.5  20.50  27.5  2134 2052 -0.55
       33  URSIC MATEJA                4.5  44.0  20.25  25.0  0000 2070  2070
        9  SPERDOKLI ELLI              4.5  41.5  19.25  24.5  2118 2039 -0.32
       21  HERSVIK ANITA               4.5  39.0  13.75  20.5  0000 1487  1487
 22.   18  BALOGH EMESE                4.0  45.0  15.50  26.0  0000 2018  2018
       20  HARBUZ DANIELA              4.0  38.5  13.00  20.0  0000 1481 0    
       29  RAMANAUSKAITE GIEDRE        4.0  37.5  14.50  20.0  0000 2026  2026
       28  NIKOLOPOULOU DANAI          4.0  36.5  13.00  17.0  0000 2063 0    
 26.   19  BLAGOJEVIC KATARINA         3.5  38.5  11.50  18.0  0000 1659 0    
       22  JUSUFSPAHIC ADMIRA          3.5  38.5  11.25  18.0  0000 2032 0    
       27  MIHOK KAMELIA               3.5  33.5   8.25  16.5  0000 1947 0    
       24  LAIC DANIJELA               3.5  40.5  12.75  16.5  0000 1941  1941
       32  TSUBAREVA VALENTINA         3.5  30.5   8.00  13.0  0000 1407 0    
       30  SHABANAJ ALDA               3.5  31.0   8.00  12.5  0000 2070 0    
 32.   26  MERTES HELENA               3.0  34.5   9.00  16.0  0000 2030 0    
       17  BADUT ANA-MARIA             3.0  35.0   9.00  14.5  2031 2044 +0.02
       36  YILDIZ EMEK AYSE            3.0  28.5   6.25  10.0  0000  -   0    
 35.   25  LIND ANNIKA                 2.5  32.0   5.50  12.5  0000 1426 0    
 36.    8  BARBASCU MADALINA           0.0  31.0  12.25   0.0  2123  -   +0.00

EYCC 2000 Final Standings after round 9 for Boys 16
No.  PNo.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  TPR  W-We
  1.   10  MARKOS JAN                  7.0  47.5  34.75  38.5  2327 2493 +1.68
        2  LUPULESCU CONSTANTIN        7.0  48.5  37.00  34.0  2389 2485 +0.97
  3.   12  WERLE JAN                   6.5  48.0  33.25  33.5  2311 2468 +1.91
        1  MAMEDOV NIDJAT              6.5  48.0  33.75  32.5  2403 2462 +0.52
       18  SKRZYPNIK MACIEJ            6.5  46.5  30.25  29.5  2246 2420 +1.42
  6.    3  BERKES FERENC               6.0  49.0  30.00  32.0  2372 2388 +0.15
        9  BARTEL MATEUSZ              6.0  47.5  28.75  31.0  2327 2389 +0.69
        6  FLUMBORT ANDRAS             6.0  48.5  30.50  30.0  2355 2368 +0.15
       14  ZAWADZKI STANISLAW          6.0  42.0  26.50  28.5  2295 2344 +0.45
       23  GASHIMOV SARKHAN            6.0  43.0  27.75  27.5  2219 2390 +1.36
       31  NYBACK TOMI                 6.0  43.0  26.75  25.0  2162 2351 +2.04
 12.    8  HEBERLA BARTLOMIEJ          5.5  47.5  27.00  33.0  2330 2388 +0.60
       11  JEREMIC VELJKO              5.5  46.5  25.00  32.0  2325 2324 +0.01
       15  HANLEY CRAIG                5.5  46.0  24.75  30.0  2294 2269 -0.21
       16  MLADENOV SVETLIN            5.5  45.0  25.75  28.0  2251 2264 +0.14
       24  GALSTIAN BENIK              5.5  44.5  25.75  26.0  2216 2264 +0.42
 17.   27  PARESISHVILI GIORGI         5.0  51.0  25.50  30.0  2208 2332 +1.36
        4  WEETIK VJACHESLAV           5.0  46.5  23.75  29.0  2365 2240 -1.36
       21  SARIC ANTE                  5.0  44.0  22.25  27.5  2229 2225 -0.05
        7  KHISMATULLIN DENIS          5.0  38.0  20.00  26.0  2349 2202 -1.75
       25  MAIOROV NIKITA              5.0  43.0  19.50  25.0  2211 2211 +0.00
       51  FORESTIER FLAVIEN           5.0  42.5  22.75  23.0  0000 2270 +0.50
       55  KOROVINS JEGORS             5.0  36.0  17.25  19.5  0000 2227 +0.50
 24.    5  CHAPAR SERGEY               4.5  48.0  21.50  29.0  2359 2199 -1.78
       17  GASTHOFER ALEXANDER         4.5  41.0  19.00  24.0  2246 2119 -1.10
       30  SMEETS JAN                  4.5  36.0  15.75  23.5  2183 2129 -0.30
       42  MILCHEV NIKOLAY             4.5  44.5  19.75  22.5  2059 2191 +1.34
       19  TIKKANEN HANS               4.5  38.5  17.00  22.5  2232 2091 -1.22
       20  DANILOV NIKOLAI             4.5  39.5  17.75  22.0  2231 1832 -1.94
       26  KRIVOUSAS TOMAS             4.5  36.5  17.50  19.5  2208 1929 -1.48
       50  DELAERE JEROEN              4.5  39.5  17.50  19.5  0000 2201  2201
       36  MIHAILIDIS ANASTASIOS       4.5  35.0  14.25  19.0  2126 2044 -0.40
 33.   22  TALLAKSEN GEIR SUNE         4.0  40.5  15.25  26.5  2221 2221 -0.02
       60  SITNIKOV ANTON              4.0  48.5  21.00  26.5  0000 2208  2208
       34  LAZAR ALES ML               4.0  42.0  16.00  22.0  2126 2202 +0.69
       54  GUNNESDAL LARS              4.0  38.5  14.50  21.5  0000 2123  2123
       37  OLSSON LINUS                4.0  38.5  14.50  21.5  2116 2148 +0.26
       13  WEGERLE JOERG               4.0  37.0  14.50  20.5  2296 2065 -1.55
       47  BERNI GIORGIO               4.0  40.0  16.50  20.0  0000 2178  2178
       58  PETKOVIC ZELJKO             4.0  38.5  17.25  19.5  0000 2059  2059
       28  FERRARI NICOLA              4.0  36.5  14.75  19.5  2201 2028 -0.98
       57  LEENHOUTS KOEN              4.0  35.0  12.50  19.0  0000 2070  2070
       29  MACH PETR                   4.0  36.5  13.50  18.5  2195 2287 +0.35
       38  BALCERAK PHILIPP            4.0  38.5  15.50  17.0  2110 2208 +0.65
       35  LIE ESPEN                   4.0  33.0   9.50  17.0  2126 2064 -0.28
       41  EKEBERG CARL FREDRIK        4.0  36.5  14.00  16.5  2066 1574 -0.78
       45  ANTOGNINI FRANCESCO         4.0  34.5  14.00  15.0  0000 2064  2064
 48.   53  GOSTEV SERGHEI              3.5  41.0  14.00  19.5  0000 2132  2132
       40  EICHERT WOLFGANG            3.5  41.0  13.50  19.0  2079 2136 +0.44
       56  KYRIAKIDIS THRASOS          3.5  39.0  11.25  17.5  0000 2044  2044
       44  SAMLI BURAK                 3.5  35.5  11.75  16.5  2025 2090 +0.54
       59  SAMOURGIANNIDIS DIMITRIOS   3.5  30.0   7.50  16.0  0000 1920  1920
       33  WALDEN JONES ANDREW         3.5  31.5   7.75  14.0  2134 1886 -0.91
       43  TABATABAI JOHN              3.5  33.0   9.00  12.5  2051 1963 -0.50
 55.   32  D'COSTA LORIN               3.0  40.5  12.25  18.5  2157 2029 -0.75
       49  CITAK SELIM                 3.0  35.0   9.00  14.5  0000 1966  1966
       39  KADILTZOGLOU PASHALIS       3.0  31.5   5.25  12.5  2110 1868 -1.06
 58.   52  GAVRILOV IGOR               2.0  28.0   2.25  10.0  0000 1448  1448
       46  BABAMUSTA ANDI              2.0  29.0   3.50   6.5  0000 1833  1833
 60.   48  BURLACU BOGDAN              0.0  40.5  20.25   0.0  0000  -   0

EYCC 2000 Final Standings after round 9 of G16
No.  PNo.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  TPR  W-We
  1.    7  POGONINA NATALIA            7.5  49.0  39.75  38.0  2194 2398 +1.94
  2.   11  MIETZNER TINA               6.5  49.5  33.50  37.0  2122 2272 +1.49
        6  BERZINA ILZE                6.5  46.5  31.50  33.5  2194 2205 +0.14
        4  IVKINA OLGA                 6.5  42.0  29.00  31.0  2233 2224 -0.08
        1  SHUKUROVA MEIHRIBAN         6.5  44.0  31.00  29.5  2255 2254 +0.03
  6.    5  CIOBANU CAMELIA             6.0  47.0  27.50  33.0  2207 2111 -0.78
       13  STIRI ALEXANDRA             6.0  45.5  28.75  28.0  2097 2370 +1.44
       40  SHAREVIAH HANNA             6.0  40.5  25.25  22.5  0000 2118 +0.50
  9.    2  NOVIKOVA ANNA               5.5  48.0  25.25  32.5  2245 2122 -1.19
       14  DIMOVSKA ALEKSANDRA         5.5  51.5  28.25  31.5  2081 2171 +0.84
        9  KOMIAGINA MARIA             5.5  46.0  24.75  29.0  2186 1814 -1.78
       20  BONNAFOUS NATHALIE          5.5  45.0  24.25  28.0  2035 2197 +1.47
       15  BASHKITE VIKTORIA           5.5  42.0  22.75  26.5  2052 2140 +0.42
        3  HASANOVA ELMIRA             5.5  40.5  23.25  26.0  2239 2042 -0.75
 15.   18  SAVIC MARIJANA              5.0  49.5  23.50  30.0  2039 2091 +0.35
        8  MAIKO JULIA                 5.0  43.5  19.50  28.0  2189 2044 -1.00
       22  BENSDORP MARLIES            5.0  47.5  24.25  24.5  0000 2152  2152
       17  TIDMAN SOPHIE-E             5.0  38.0  17.00  23.0  2042 1578 -0.23
 19.   19  BARASIANT MARIANA           4.5  45.5  22.75  28.0  2038 2045 +0.05
       32  KALVYTE VESTA               4.5  46.0  20.75  27.0  0000 2096  2096
       34  MESELI PERIHAN              4.5  39.5  17.00  22.5  0000 2051  2051
       29  HOCEVAR MAJA                4.5  37.5  16.00  21.0  0000 1404  1404
       30  HODOVA LUCIE                4.5  33.5  14.00  18.5  0000 1949 0    
       39  ROELLI CORINNE              4.5  32.5  14.00  18.0  0000 1970 0    
 25.   10  BALUTA ELENA-CAMELIA        4.0  37.0  14.50  22.0  2148 1360 -1.30
       35  PAVLOGIANNI DESPINA         4.0  40.0  15.25  21.0  0000 1766  1766
       24  COSTANTINI LAURA            4.0  40.0  18.25  20.0  0000 2174 0    
       38  PKHAKADZE NATIA             4.0  40.5  15.75  20.0  0000 2008  2008
       42  UROSEVIC MARIJA             4.0  34.5  11.75  19.5  0000 1952 0    
       21  AVANESIAN ANI               4.0  33.0  12.00  18.0  0000 1515 0    
       37  PINTEROVA KAROLINA          4.0  34.0  13.50  18.0  0000 1971 0    
 32.   12  SOCHA ANNA                  3.5  44.5  14.25  23.5  2097 1985 -0.56
       16  SIMON ZSUZSA                3.5  39.0  13.75  19.5  2043 1545 -0.54
       27  EGELAND MARTE               3.5  38.0   9.25  16.5  0000 1500 0    
       28  GRAPSA GEORGIA              3.5  39.0   8.25  16.0  0000 1468 0    
       41  SUKHA VICTORIYA             3.5  36.5   9.25  15.5  0000 1381 0    
       26  DUCIC MELANIJA              3.5  31.0   9.25  14.0  0000 1530 0    
 38.   31  JONOVSKA KATERINA           3.0  38.0  11.50  19.0  0000 1891  1891
       43  VAN LAECKE GREET            3.0  37.5   9.00  18.0  0000 1395 0    
       23  BLAZEKOVIC NINA             3.0  35.5   9.00  13.5  0000 1568 0    
       33  KOUZNETCHIKOVA VALENTINA    3.0  29.5   6.50   9.5  0000 1446 0    
       25  DETELIC MAJA                3.0  35.5   6.00   9.5  0000 1556 0    
 43.   36  PENEVA KAMELIJA             2.5  28.5   4.75  10.5  0000 1375 0

EYCC 2000 Final Standings after round 9 for Boys 14
No.  PNo.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  TPR  W-We
  1.   15  ERWICH MARC JL              7.5  48.5  40.00  37.5  2205 2463 +2.28
  2.    1  GASHIMOV VUGAR              7.0  47.5  35.25  37.0  2407 2353 -0.39
       19  NEMETH MIKLOS               7.0  51.0  38.75  34.5  2179 2405 +2.40
  4.   14  WOJTASZEK RADOSLAW          6.5  46.0  32.25  33.0  2219 2374 +1.05
       10  KRYSZTOFIAK MARCIN          6.5  46.5  31.50  32.5  2230 2323 +0.94
       30  SULASHVILI MALKHAZ          6.5  45.0  29.25  30.0  2076 2312 +2.26
  7.    3  GRACHEV BORIS               6.0  50.0  30.00  34.5  2300 2300 -0.04
        9  BARBITSKIJ ALEKSEY          6.0  46.5  30.25  30.0  2244 2276 +0.22
  9.   18  DAVIDOV SAMIR               5.5  52.0  27.25  34.0  2181 2234 +0.49
        2  KIM ALEXEY                  5.5  49.0  28.00  31.0  2301 2254 -0.53
       12  ZAVGORODNIY SERGIY          5.5  45.0  22.50  29.5  2225 2181 -0.36
       13  PREDOJEVIC BORKI            5.5  46.0  26.75  27.5  2222 2131 -0.60
       44  KANOVSKY DAVID              5.5  47.0  27.00  27.5  0000 2342 +1.50
       21  RENDLE THOMAS               5.5  44.5  23.25  27.0  2131 2041 -0.60
       31  PANTSULAIA LEVAN            5.5  40.0  22.50  27.0  2074 2232 +1.78
        7  SHKLIAR ALEXANDER           5.5  42.0  23.50  26.5  2246 2199 -0.34
 17.   20  GRKOVIC VLADAN              5.0  47.5  21.50  32.0  2167 2159 -0.04
        6  PAPP GABOR                  5.0  43.5  21.50  28.5  2254 2089 -1.40
       54  SEMCESEN DANIEL             5.0  41.5  22.00  26.0  0000 2126  2126
       27  AKSENTIJEVIC MALISA         5.0  41.5  20.50  25.0  2106 2087 -0.16
       25  DEVA CHETAN                 5.0  41.0  21.00  24.0  2114 2116 +0.00
       24  MANESCU TIBERIU             5.0  40.0  20.00  24.0  2117 1999 -0.37
       16  BALTAG IULIAN               5.0  38.0  21.00  23.0  2196 2224 +0.08
       11  GLYZIN YURY                 5.0  43.5  23.25  23.0  2226 2125 -0.42
       48  MCGOWAN DANIEL              5.0  39.0  19.75  20.5  0000 2185  2185
 26.   26  LAPPAGE JONATHAN            4.5  49.0  22.25  28.0  2114 2208 +0.78
       17  POPOVICS ADAM               4.5  49.0  22.75  27.0  2193 2072 -0.94
        5  ZINCHENKO YAROSLAV          4.5  41.0  18.50  25.0  2271 2061 -1.70
       23  KULJASEVIC DAVORIN          4.5  42.5  19.25  24.0  2124 2093 -0.18
        4  MOVSISIAN VARDAN            4.5  39.5  18.25  23.0  2283 2029 -1.01
       37  ESEN BARIS                  4.5  43.0  20.50  23.0  0000 2180  2180
       32  SKURSKI JAN                 4.5  38.0  17.50  21.0  2067 2142 +0.28
        8  TAHIROV FARHARD             4.5  37.5  16.50  21.0  2245 1908 -0.88
       34  ANDERSSON FRENKEL MIKAEL    4.5  38.0  16.00  19.5  0000 2033  2033
       59  VOVK ILJA                   4.5  34.0  15.25  18.5  0000 1989  1989
 36.   45  KOVALONS NIKOLAJS           4.0  40.0  15.00  24.0  0000 2036  2036
       35  DIERMAIR ANDREAS            4.0  45.0  18.00  24.0  0000 2107  2107
       28  SREBRNIC MARKO              4.0  43.0  16.75  22.0  2096 1875 -0.94
       52  PAVLIC GORAN                4.0  41.5  16.75  21.5  0000 2004  2004
       56  VANLERBERGHE FILIP          4.0  39.0  15.50  20.0  0000 2019  2019
       61  ZIOGAS PARIS                4.0  38.5  16.25  19.0  0000 1884  1884
       50  MICHIELSEN JOOST            4.0  43.0  16.50  18.0  0000 2091  2091
       53  POLIVIOU EVAGELOS           4.0  35.5  13.50  18.0  0000 2000  2000
       42  JUKNIS PAULIUS              4.0  36.0  14.00  17.5  0000 2125  2125
       49  MECIT EMRE                  4.0  32.5  11.25  16.5  0000 1914 0    
       33  BENSENOUSI ISK              4.0  34.5  12.00  16.0  2050 1624 -0.19
       46  KRAPIVINE ALEXANDRE         4.0  34.0  11.75  14.0  0000 1451 0    
 48.   22  MEYNARD THIBAULT            3.5  40.0  13.25  22.5  2126 1584 -0.64
       29  PULITO ALBERTO              3.5  39.0  11.75  20.0  2086 1926 -0.66
       58  VELCHEV HRISTO              3.5  35.5  11.00  17.5  0000 1478 0    
       55  SHABANAJ SAIMIR             3.5  34.5  12.00  16.0  0000 1474  1474
       51  PAPADOPOULOS DIMITRIOS      3.5  35.0  10.00  16.0  0000 1755  1755
       47  LANDZHEV IVAN               3.5  34.5  12.75  16.0  0000 2004  2004
       40  GRIGOROV GRIGOR             3.5  38.0  11.50  15.0  0000 2111 0    
       39  GOTOVUSA GORAN              3.5  32.5  10.50  13.5  0000 1499 0    
 56.   38  FRONTALI JACOPO             3.0  41.5  11.75  17.0  0000 1988 0    
       57  VEDERHUS JO                 3.0  28.5   6.25  12.0  0000 1437 0    
       41  HYNNINEN JUHA               3.0  30.0   5.00   9.5  0000 1553 0    
 59.   36  EFSTATHOPOULOS RAVLOS       2.5  34.5   9.50  12.5  0000 1502 0    
       43  KADILTZOGLOU MILTIADIS      2.5  28.5   4.75  11.0  0000 1548 0    
 61.   60  WILLIAMS LUKE               2.0  32.0   2.50  11.0  0000 1399 0    
 62.   62  ZONJA ALDI                  0.0  31.0   0.00   0.0  0000 1385 0

EYCC 2000 Final Standings after round 9 for Girls 14
No.  PNo.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  TPR  W-We
  1.    6  CHISTIAKOVA TAMARA          7.5  49.5  40.00  42.0  2065 2230 +0.68
  2.   12  DATUASHVILI NONA            6.5  49.5  33.00  34.5  0000 2124 0    
        2  ZDEBSKAJA NATALIA           6.5  48.0  33.75  32.0  2172 2321 +0.38
        7  WOREK JOANNA                6.5  48.5  33.75  32.0  2050 2128 +0.33
  5.   29  MUHREN BIANCA               6.0  47.5  27.75  31.5  0000 2139  2139
        5  KADZIOLKA BEATA             6.0  48.0  30.00  30.0  2093 1388 -0.54
       37  SEPS MONIKA                 6.0  45.0  27.25  29.5  0000 1956 0    
       32  PAPADOPOULOU VERA           6.0  46.0  28.25  29.0  0000 2236 0    
       26  MELIA SALOME                6.0  40.0  24.00  26.5  0000 2140 0    
 10.   36  ROZIC VESNA                 5.5  47.5  24.75  32.0  0000 2031  2031
       24  LISOUSKAYA IRYNA            5.5  47.0  27.25  28.5  0000 2252 +0.50
 12.    9  BEDNIKOVA STEFKA            5.0  46.5  25.25  28.5  0000 1918 0    
        1  MEHBALIEVA NURLANA          5.0  49.5  26.25  28.0  2190 2111 -0.22
        4  STOJANOVIC ANDJELIJA        5.0  44.5  21.25  28.0  2128 2093 -0.10
       39  TOTH LILI                   5.0  47.5  22.00  27.0  0000 1392 0    
       18  ISMAYLOVA AYTAJ             5.0  37.5  19.00  24.0  0000  -   0    
       43  ZAWADZKA JOLANTA            5.0  43.5  20.25  24.0  0000 2128 0    
        8  AGHABEKIAN LIANA            5.0  36.0  17.25  19.5  0000  -   0    
 19.    3  SCHLANDER SABINE            4.5  46.0  20.25  26.5  2136 1451 -0.51
       41  WILSON ALEXANDRA            4.5  43.0  20.00  26.0  0000 1416 0    
       34  ROGULE AGNIJA               4.5  42.0  18.50  24.0  0000 1477 0    
       42  ZAVGORODNYA OLENA           4.5  38.5  17.00  23.0  0000 2093 0    
       22  KIRILLOVA VARVARA           4.5  42.0  19.50  22.0  0000 1970 0    
       14  DOIBANI LILIA               4.5  35.5  15.25  21.5  0000 1459 0    
       31  PAMPALOU FOTINI             4.5  39.5  17.25  21.5  0000 1504 0    
       30  PADURARU VERONICA           4.5  38.0  16.50  20.0  0000 1373 0    
 27.   40  VAN WEERSEL BIRGITTA        4.0  38.0  14.25  22.0  0000 1459 0    
       28  MIJOVIC ALEKSANDRA          4.0  41.5  15.00  20.0  0000 1395 0    
       38  STEFANIDOU MARIA-ANNA       4.0  35.5  14.00  19.0  0000 1513 0    
       19  JAKAITYTE RUTA              4.0  35.0  14.00  18.0  0000  -   0    
       16  GENCER ASIYE                4.0  32.0  10.00  16.0  0000  -   0    
       13  DJENO SNJEZANA              4.0  33.0  13.00  15.0  0000  -   0    
 33.   10  BERMOND STEPHANIE           3.5  37.5  11.75  19.0  0000  -   0    
       25  MAKKA EVANTHIA              3.5  37.5  13.00  15.5  0000 1451 0    
       11  CHEVANNES SABRINA           3.5  34.5  10.75  14.5  0000  -   0    
 36.   35  ROMAIN EMELINE              3.0  41.0  12.00  20.0  0000 1451 0    
       15  DORREK VERONIKA             3.0  38.5  10.50  15.0  0000  -   0    
       17  GOUTIOUDI KIRIAKI           3.0  34.5   8.75  15.0  0000  -   0    
       20  JOHNSTON LOURI              3.0  29.0   9.25  14.5  0000  -   0    
       23  KULL KRISTELLE              3.0  38.5  12.25  14.5  0000 2172 0    
       33  PILI ERIKA                  3.0  34.5   8.50  13.0  0000  -   0    
 42.   21  KANCELDAK DALIA             2.5  34.0   6.75  11.0  0000  -   0    
       44  BREKKE JORUNN               2.5  27.5   8.50   7.5  0000  -   0    
 44.   27  MERTES MARIE                1.5  34.0   4.50   9.5  0000 1388 0

EYCC 2000 Final Standings after round 9 for Boys 12
No.  PNo.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  TPR  W-We
  1.    4  ROMANOV EVGENY              7.5  50.5  41.25  41.5  2137 2316 +0.92
  2.    3  BRAUN ARIK                  7.0  51.0  38.00  38.0  2139 2384 +0.88
        8  PAPIN VASILY                7.0  52.5  38.00  36.0  2079 2147 +0.36
       25  KONONENKO DMYTRO            7.0  52.0  37.50  34.0  0000 2181 +0.50
  5.   32  MIHAILOVS JURIJS            6.0  51.5  31.00  33.0  0000 2185 +0.50
       40  PANCHEVSKI FILIP            6.0  44.5  25.00  29.0  0000 2232 0    
       36  NIGALIDZE GIORGI            6.0  43.0  27.50  28.0  0000 2277 0    
  8.    6  VASS VIKTOR                 5.5  47.5  25.25  29.0  2116 1462 -0.47
        9  LUCH MICHAL                 5.5  46.5  25.25  28.5  2072 2137 +0.09
       14  BOGOSAVLJEVIC BOBAN         5.5  46.0  24.00  28.0  0000 2105 0    
       15  BOSIOCIC MARIN              5.5  45.0  25.75  28.0  0000 2005 0    
       23  HASANOV ALI                 5.5  43.5  24.75  27.5  0000 2089 0    
       13  BENNET WILLIAM              5.5  43.5  24.25  27.5  0000 1966 0    
       46  TAN MATTHEW                 5.5  43.0  26.00  25.5  0000 2072 0    
       10  LENIC LUKA                  5.5  41.5  24.25  25.5  2061  -   +0.00
       27  KRIVOBORODOV EGOR           5.5  42.0  24.00  23.0  0000 2167 0    
 17.    7  LOVKOV ROMAN                5.0  48.5  23.50  28.0  2110 1402 -0.54
       35  NAGDALIAN ARSEN             5.0  43.0  21.50  27.5  0000 1978 0    
       47  TARAS GEORGE DAN            5.0  42.0  22.25  26.0  0000 2111 0    
        1  BRKIC ANTE                  5.0  39.0  19.75  23.5  2208  -   +0.00
 21.    2  BONNET EDUARD               4.5  49.5  20.75  30.5  2201 1431 -1.26
       45  SWINKELS ROBIN              4.5  40.5  16.75  27.0  0000 1449 0    
       41  PAPADOPOULOS IOANNIS        4.5  39.5  17.75  26.0  0000 1828 0    
        5  BANUSZ TAMAS                4.5  40.0  17.25  23.0  2132  -   +0.00
       30  LINYEYKIN DENYS             4.5  44.0  19.50  23.0  0000 2138  2138
       12  ANTONIOU DIMITRIOS          4.5  39.0  18.25  23.0  0000 1433 0    
       28  LABECKAS KESTUTIS           4.5  38.5  17.00  20.0  0000 1981 0    
       37  NIKOLOPOULOS GEORGIOS       4.5  35.5  16.00  20.0  0000  -   0    
       29  LAZNICKA VICTOR             4.5  40.5  16.25  19.5  0000 1825  1825
       38  OZDOGAN BARAN               4.5  33.0  12.25  17.5  0000 1433 0    
 31.   44  SIRIN ATAKAN                4.0  40.0  11.50  23.0  0000 1463 0    
       33  MOLDER MARZIN               4.0  42.0  16.00  21.0  0000 1877 0    
       34  MULAOSMANOVIC ANEL          4.0  40.5  14.50  20.0  0000 2012 0    
       31  MESSINA ELIA                4.0  38.5  13.50  17.5  0000 1412 0    
       22  GREBENCIO MIHAIL            4.0  35.0  13.25  17.0  0000  -   0    
       50  WOLFRAM DOMINIK             4.0  34.0  10.75  15.5  0000  -   0    
 37.   43  REBEGEA RAZVAN              3.5  36.5  12.75  17.0  0000 1420 0    
       11  ABEL DENNIS                 3.5  42.0  13.50  16.5  0000  -   0    
       48  VALKOVIC PAVOL              3.5  35.5   9.75  16.0  0000 1439 0    
       21  GIGOV MIHAIL                3.5  41.5  13.25  16.0  0000 1460 0    
       20  GAHLER MARCO                3.5  29.5   8.25  13.5  0000  -   0    
 42.   18  DRAGISEVIC DRAZEN           3.0  42.5  12.75  20.5  0000 2015 0    
       16  CORNELISSEN PHILIP          3.0  36.5  10.50  18.5  0000  -   0    
       17  DIMOVSKI NEBOJSA            3.0  36.0  10.00  17.0  0000 1524 0    
       24  JOHNSTON GRUFFYDD           3.0  34.0   8.75  13.5  0000  -   0    
 46.   49  WILLIAMS JOSHUA             2.5  30.5   6.00  13.0  0000  -   0    
       26  KOULOUBIS GERASIMOS         2.5  29.5   4.75  11.5  0000 1531 0    
       42  PASHOS ALEXANDROS           2.5  28.0   5.25  10.5  0000 1455 0    
 49.   19  FORSTER NILS                1.5  28.0   3.25   7.0  0000  -   0    
       39  PAKARINEN EERO              1.5  29.0   3.75   4.0  0000  -   0

EYCC 2000 Final Standings after round 9 for Girls 12
No.  PNo.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  TPR  W-We
  1.   12  GOUNINA VALENTINA           7.5  46.0  36.00  41.0  0000 2780 0    
  2.   16  IVAKHINOVA INNA             7.0  51.0  38.25  37.0  0000 2103 0    
  3.   18  KHUDAVERDIYEVA AFAG         6.5  41.5  28.00  29.0  0000 2780 0    
  4.    1  BOROSOVA ZUZANA             6.0  54.5  34.50  33.5  2103  -   +0.00
       29  ROGULE LAURA                6.0  50.0  30.75  32.5  0000 1426 0    
       14  GURCHUMALIDZE TEONA         6.0  50.5  30.00  31.0  0000  -   0    
       33  TARASSOVA VICTORIA          6.0  42.5  26.00  29.5  0000 1426 0    
       25  PRZEZDZIECKA EWA            6.0  45.0  28.75  28.5  0000 1426 0    
  9.   31  SAVTCHENKO VIKTORIA         5.5  42.0  22.50  32.0  0000 1426 0    
        4  BAYRAK ASLI                 5.5  36.0  20.00  22.5  0000  -   0    
 11.   19  KLIMETS ALENA               5.0  47.5  21.50  28.0  0000 2103 0    
       20  LACAU-RODEAN IULIA          5.0  46.5  24.00  26.5  0000  -   0    
       32  SCIRCEA RALUCA              5.0  47.0  24.00  26.0  0000  -   0    
       34  UMUDOVA NARGIZ              5.0  43.5  21.25  26.0  0000 1426 0    
       17  KEZELE TAMARA               5.0  45.5  24.75  25.5  0000  -   0    
       15  IONITA ANDUEVA              5.0  41.0  18.50  22.0  0000  -   0    
 17.   27  REVESZ KINGA                4.5  41.5  17.00  27.5  0000  -   0    
       26  PRZEZDZIECKA MARTA          4.5  41.0  18.25  22.5  0000  -   0    
        6  BUKOVEC TINA                4.5  39.0  17.25  22.0  0000  -   0    
        5  BJELOGLAV MILICA            4.5  38.0  14.75  20.5  0000  -   0    
       28  ROELLI SABRINA              4.5  33.5  12.25  18.5  0000  -   0    
       21  MAGGEN CHARLOTTE            4.5  31.5  16.00  18.0  0000  -   0    
        2  AMMERLAAN LINDA             4.5  33.5  14.75  17.5  0000  -   0    
       10  GAKHOKIDZE TAMAR            4.5  38.0  14.75  14.0  0000  -   0    
 25.    3  BACIONYTE AGNE              4.0  37.5  13.75  21.0  0000  -   0    
       13  GUCHARD PAULINE             4.0  37.5  11.75  18.0  0000  -   0    
       35  VAHTRA TUULI                4.0  34.0  11.50  14.5  0000  -   0    
 28.   24  NIKOLOVA ADRIANA            3.5  44.5  12.50  24.5  0000  -   0    
        8  DORDIEVA IVANA              3.5  35.5  10.75  21.5  0000  -   0    
       23  MORRIS CLAIRE               3.5  41.0  12.25  21.5  0000  -   0    
        7  DE ROSA MARIAGRAZIA         3.5  40.0  13.25  19.5  0000  -   0    
       37  VELEC MARTINA               3.5  32.5   6.75  16.5  0000  -   0    
 33.   30  SARGISIAN TEREZA            3.0  38.0   9.50  16.5  0000  -   0    
       11  GIOUTIOUDI IRINI            3.0  33.0   5.25  13.0  0000  -   0    
 35.   36  VASILIEVA MARIA             2.5  32.5   5.25  15.0  0000  -   0    
       22  META MANJOLA                2.5  34.5   8.25  13.5  0000  -   0    
        9  FERSTERER KATHARINA         2.5  32.0   5.25   9.0  0000  -   0

EYCC 2000 Final Standings after round 9 for Boys 10
No.  PNo.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  TPR  W-We
  1.   34  NEPOMNIACHTCHI IAN          8.5  51.0  47.25  42.5  0000 2753 0    
  2.   19  HOWELL DAVID                7.5  49.5  39.00  40.0  0000 2076 0    
  3.   42  POTAPOV PAVEL               6.5  46.0  33.00  32.5  0000 2753 0    
       47  SISMANIS ANGELOS            6.5  49.5  30.50  32.0  0000 2076 0    
  5.    1  FODOR TAMAS JR              6.0  54.0  32.00  35.0  2076  -   +0.00
       29  LARITCHEV DMITRI            6.0  52.0  30.25  32.5  0000  -   0    
       30  LILOV VALERI                6.0  45.0  28.50  32.0  0000 1399 0    
       26  KHAZHALIA SIMON             6.0  48.0  31.25  30.5  0000  -   0    
       33  MYASOYEDOV GLIB             6.0  43.0  26.50  27.0  0000 1399 0    
       48  STUPAK KIRIL                6.0  41.5  25.50  27.0  0000  -   0    
 11.   46  SCHNEIDER DAVID             5.5  44.0  21.50  30.0  0000 1399 0    
        5  BABIJCZUK PAWEL             5.5  44.5  24.25  26.0  0000  -   0    
       52  VARGA CSABA                 5.5  41.0  23.00  25.0  0000  -   0    
 14.   18  HANLEY JAMES                5.0  53.0  27.00  29.5  0000  -   0    
       25  KELBAKIANI ZURAB            5.0  45.5  22.50  28.0  0000  -   0    
        3  ASGAROV BUNYAD              5.0  46.5  22.50  27.0  0000  -   0    
       11  BRZESKI MACIEJ              5.0  40.0  21.25  26.5  0000  -   0    
       13  CHIRILA IOAN CRISTIAN       5.0  44.0  23.00  25.0  0000  -   0    
       22  KALNINS KRISTAPS            5.0  40.5  17.75  24.5  0000  -   0    
        4  ATAMAN AYDOGOU              5.0  41.5  18.50  24.0  0000  -   0    
       31  MANUKIAN SARKIS             5.0  42.0  22.25  23.0  0000  -   0    
       12  CAGLAR H BAYRAM             5.0  44.0  20.00  23.0  0000  -   0    
       45  SARIC IVAN                  5.0  35.0  14.00  22.0  0000  -   0    
 24.   14  DUDUKOVIC NIKOLA            4.5  42.0  17.50  28.0  0000  -   0    
       49  SZABO LEON                  4.5  42.0  18.75  25.5  0000  -   0    
       39  PERCIUN DAN                 4.5  42.5  20.25  24.5  0000  -   0    
        2  ALAVERDYAN ARGAN            4.5  39.5  17.00  24.0  0000  -   0    
       44  RIGOLOT MATHIEU             4.5  39.0  17.50  22.0  0000  -   0    
        9  BONAFEDE ALESSANDRO         4.5  38.5  16.75  21.5  0000  -   0    
       51  VAJIC GORAN                 4.5  36.0  16.50  17.5  0000  -   0    
       23  KANAKARIS GEORGIOS          4.5  35.5  14.75  16.0  0000  -   0    
 32.   50  TVARIJONAS POVILAS          4.0  40.5  16.00  22.5  0000  -   0    
        6  BALDAUF MARCO               4.0  41.5  16.50  20.5  0000  -   0    
       41  PLANINC JAN                 4.0  35.0  12.00  20.0  0000 1399 0    
        7  BOBULA MATEUSZ              4.0  41.5  15.00  19.0  0000  -   0    
       21  ISKOS ALEXANDROS            4.0  39.5  12.75  15.5  0000  -   0    
 37.   43  RAISANEN KIM                3.5  39.5  13.00  20.5  0000  -   0    
       15  DZALBO ANDREJS              3.5  40.0  14.75  20.0  0000  -   0    
       32  META ANDI                   3.5  34.0   9.25  18.0  0000  -   0    
       10  BONAGURA STEFANO            3.5  34.0  11.25  17.5  0000  -   0    
        8  BOJOVIC DUSAN               3.5  43.5  12.25  17.0  0000  -   0    
       28  LAPENNA ANTONIO             3.5  33.0   8.75  15.0  0000  -   0    
       38  PAPP ABEL                   3.5  29.0   6.75  14.0  0000  -   0    
       27  KLOCKER BENEDIKT            3.5  32.5   7.75  12.5  0000 1399 0    
       35  PAMPALOS PANAYOTIS          3.5  29.0   5.75  11.0  0000  -   0    
 46.   36  PANAGIOTAKOS NIKOLAOS       3.0  44.5  14.00  24.0  0000  -   0    
       24  KASELA STEN                 3.0  40.0  12.00  18.5  0000  -   0    
 48.   16  FORSTER SVEN                2.5  38.5   9.75  14.0  0000  -   0    
       17  HALMI BENCE                 2.5  28.5   2.75  10.5  0000  -   0    
       40  PETENYI TAMAS               2.5  26.5   3.75   9.5  0000  -   0    
 51.   37  PAPADOPOULOS GEORGIOS       1.0  29.0   0.50   3.0  0000  -   0    
 52.   20  HRISTOPOULOS SOKRATIS       0.5  30.5   1.25   4.0  0000  -   0

EYCC 2000 Final Standings after round 9 for Girls 10
No.  PNo.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  TPR  W-We
  1.   23  MUZYCHUK ANNA               8.0  51.5  45.25  42.5  0000  -   0    
        4  BOKUCHAVA MADONA            8.0  48.0  40.00  36.0  0000  -   0    
  3.    6  BUTSKHRIKIDZE ANN           6.5  47.5  32.00  35.0  0000  -   0    
  4.   37  ZEYNALOVA HOKUMA            6.0  52.0  30.00  35.0  0000  -   0    
       38  ZHORZHOLIANI MERI           6.0  51.0  31.50  31.0  0000  -   0    
       34  VALIOULLINA NATALIA         6.0  45.5  27.25  28.5  0000  -   0    
  7.   31  SKINKE KATRINA              5.5  50.5  26.50  30.0  0000  -   0    
       24  NEMCOVA KATERINA            5.5  41.5  22.50  27.5  0000  -   0    
       19  MALYNOVSKA MARIYA           5.5  42.5  22.75  26.5  0000  -   0    
       16  GOSCINIAK MARIA             5.5  41.5  23.00  25.5  0000  -   0    
 11.    2  BIRO MARIA                  5.0  52.0  24.00  30.0  0000  -   0    
       35  VAZIROVA KARINA             5.0  45.5  23.75  27.0  0000  -   0    
       14  FILONENKO KSENIA            5.0  39.0  17.50  25.5  0000  -   0    
       25  NTILOUDI DESPINA            5.0  41.0  20.25  25.0  0000  -   0    
       15  FUCHS JUDITH                5.0  47.5  24.50  25.0  0000  -   0    
       22  MORUZZI MOLLY               5.0  41.5  19.25  24.5  0000  -   0    
       20  MASIAGOUTOVA LEISAN         5.0  39.0  19.00  20.0  0000  -   0    
 18.    1  ABBASZADE ARZU              4.5  48.0  20.00  27.5  0000  -   0    
       33  TARHUN ALINA                4.5  45.5  20.00  26.0  0000  -   0    
       18  IVANOVA DARIA               4.5  41.5  17.25  24.0  0000  -   0    
       32  STATELOVA SANDRA            4.5  42.0  16.50  24.0  0000  -   0    
       13  ERTEL TATYANA               4.5  32.0  12.50  18.5  0000  -   0    
 23.   21  MITTLEBERGER ALEXANDRA      4.0  39.5  16.00  21.0  0000  -   0    
       28  RAKIC MARIJA                4.0  41.0  18.75  21.0  0000  -   0    
       27  PADURARU CRISTINA           4.0  38.5  14.25  20.0  0000  -   0    
       36  WIERZBICKA WIKTORIA         4.0  38.0  12.00  18.0  0000  -   0    
       30  ZIGMANTAITE LAURA           4.0  34.5  11.50  17.0  0000  -   0    
       11  ELMALOGLOU ARIADNI          4.0  33.0  10.50  15.0  0000  -   0    
 29.   26  ONEY REMEL                  3.5  38.5  11.00  19.5  0000  -   0    
       29  SARGISIAN SHUSHANNA         3.5  32.0   8.25  16.5  0000  -   0    
       12  ELMALOGLOU MARIANTHI        3.5  30.0   7.00  15.0  0000  -   0    
 32.    9  DILOVA MONIKA               3.0  37.5  10.50  17.5  0000  -   0    
       17  HIIRUVAIN JANIKA            3.0  38.0   9.25  17.0  0000  -   0    
       10  DRAILLARD MARGOT            3.0  33.0   8.50  16.5  0000  -   0    
        7  CEBASEVA ANA                3.0  28.0   6.00   9.5  0000  -   0    
 36.    8  CHIERICI MARIANNA           2.0  28.5   2.50   8.0  0000  -   0    
 37.    5  BORIS MASA                  1.5  31.0   4.75   4.0  0000  -   0    
 38.    3  BLASKAN IVANA               1.0  32.0   1.50   5.0  0000  -   0

10) Hungarian Chess Championships

The Hungarian Chess Championships sponsored by Hungaropharma have been taking place in Budapest. The knockout event has been in several stages. Starting back in August with the early rounds the final stages with the stronger players take place October 2nd-13th 2000. The format is knockout. Two normal timerate games are played if the match was tied two rapidplay games followed followed by a suddent death game if this proved indecisive. The semi-finals saw Zoltan Almasi beat Zoltan Varga 1.5-0.5 and Zoltan Gyimesi go through after playoff games against Alexander Chernin when there two normal timerate games were drawn. The final was over four games. The first two games were drawn then Zoltan Almasi won the 3rd game and drew the fourth to take the title. My thanks to IM Gyula Feher, Laszlo Nagy and IM Miklos Orso.

Quarter Finals (October 6-7 2000)

Almasi, Zoltan             -  Kallai, Gabor             1/2 1/2 1-0 1/2
Horvath, Jozsef            -  Varga, Zoltan             1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-1
Pinter, Jozsef             -  Gyimesi, Zoltan           1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0-1
Almasi, Istvan             -  Chernin, Alexander        1/2 1/2 0-1 0-1

Semi-Finals (October 8th-9th)

Almasi, Zoltan             -  Varga, Zoltan             1-0 1/2
Gyimesi, Zoltan            -  Chernin, Alexander        1/2 1/2 
Gyimesi won the playoff

Final (October 10th-13th)

Almasi, Zoltan             -  Gyimesi, Zoltan           1/2 1/2 1-0 1/2

11) Italian Championships

The Italian Chess Championships 2000 started October 9th in San Vincent. At the last moment Michele Godena withdrew and was replaced by IM Mario Lanzani. The game Lanzani-Arlandi will be decisive as Igor Efimov can't win the title as he doesn't have an Italian passport. A draw is enough for Arlandi to get the title. My thanks to Adolivio Capece for his help.

Internet coverage:,\italiascacchistica

ch-ITA Saint-Vincent ITA (ITA), 9-17 x 2000          cat. VII (2404)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Efimov, Igor          g ITA 2520  * = = 1 . . = 1 1 1  5.5  2604 
 2. Arlandi, Ennio        m ITA 2437  = * . 1 1 0 = 1 1 .  5.0  2550 
 3. Lanzani, Mario        m ITA 2419  = . * 0 0 1 = 1 . 1  4.0  2445 
 4. Castaldo, Folco         ITA 2227  0 0 1 * = 1 . . = 1  4.0  2497 
 5. Belotti, Bruno        m ITA 2417  . 0 1 = * = = . = 1  4.0  2454 
 6. Bellini, Fabio        m ITA 2484  . 1 0 0 = * 1 0 1 .  3.5  2371 
 7. Sarno, Spartaco       m ITA 2409  = = = . = 0 * = . 1  3.5  2426 
 8. Martorelli, Antonio   m ITA 2272  0 0 0 . . 1 = * 1 1  3.5  2446 
 9. Vezzosi, Paolo        f ITA 2421  0 0 . = = 0 . 0 * 1  2.0  2241 
10. Rossi, Carlo          f ITA 2436  0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 *  0.0       

12) 3rd Tórshavn International

The 3rd Tórshavn International took place October 5th - October 14th 2000 in the Nordic House in Tórshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands. Alexander Grischuk won the event with a superior Buchholz tie-break score over Ruslan Ponomariov after both finished on 7.5/9. They were 1.5 points clear of third placed Alexander Baburin who in turn was half a point clear of a group of six players on 5.5/9.

Internet coverage:

3rd Torshavn International FAI (FAI), 6-14 x 2000
                                                1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

 1. Grischuk, Alexander         g  RUS 2606  +18 + 8 +10 + 6 + 2 + 3 = 4 = 5 =11  7.5  2821 
 2. Ponomariov, Ruslan          g  UKR 2630  +30 +11 = 3 +13 - 1 + 5 + 7 + 6 +10  7.5  2822 
 3. Baburin, Alexander          g  IRL 2590  +19 +12 = 2 = 4 + 6 - 1 +10 = 8 = 9  6.0  2649 
 4. Psakhis, Lev                g  ISR 2611  +16 + 7 =13 = 3 = 5 =11 = 1 -10 +14  5.5  2615 
 5. Milov, Vadim                g  SUI 2626  +20 - 6 +14 + 8 = 4 - 2 +18 = 1 =12  5.5  2579 
 6. Conquest, Stuart            g  ENG 2529  +27 + 5 +11 - 1 - 3 +12 +13 - 2 = 8  5.5  2605 
 7. Danielsen, Henrik           g  DEN 2519  +24 - 4 +20 + 9 -10 +17 - 2 =12 +16  5.5  2531 
 8. Rowson, Jonathan            g  SCO 2494  +26 - 1 +28 - 5 =12 +19 +11 = 3 = 6  5.5  2516 
 9. Pedersen, Steffen           m  DEN 2464  -28 +27 +19 - 7 -17 +14 +20 +13 = 3  5.5  2472 
10. Stefansson, Hannes          g  ISL 2557  +21 +17 - 1 =12 + 7 =13 - 3 + 4 - 2  5.0  2569 
11. Hillarp Persson, Tiger      g  SWE 2549  +22 - 2 - 6 +15 +20 = 4 - 8 +18 = 1  5.0  2503 
12. Radjabov, Teimour           m  AZE 2476  +23 - 3 +18 =10 = 8 - 6 +17 = 7 = 5  5.0  2509 
13. Savchenko, Stanislav        g  UKR 2579  +15 +14 = 4 - 2 +16 =10 - 6 - 9 =20  4.5  2477 
14. Johannessen, Leif Erlend    m  NOR 2422  +25 -13 - 5 +21 =19 - 9 +29 +15 - 4  4.5  2367 
15. Rodgaard, John              m  FAI 2351  -13 +25 -17 -11 =28 +26 +21 -14 +23  4.5  2283 
16. Gunnarsson, Jon Viktor      m  ISL 2368  - 4 =24 +29 +17 -13 -18 +23 +22 - 7  4.5  2330 
17. Salmensuu, Olli             m  FIN 2458  +29 -10 +15 -16 + 9 - 7 -12 =20 =22  4.0  2329 
18. Krush, Irina                wm USA 2354  - 1 +26 -12 +28 =21 +16 - 5 -11 =19  4.0  2340 
19. Nilssen, John Arni             FAI 2354  - 3 +23 - 9 +25 =14 - 8 -22 +24 =18  4.0  2260 
20. Eriksson, Johan             f  SWE 2369  - 5 +28 - 7 +24 -11 +27 - 9 =17 =13  4.0  2352 
21. Naes, Flovin Tor               FAI 2271  -10 =29 +22 -14 =18 =23 -15 +28 =25  4.0  2186 
22. Thomsen, Torbjorn              FAI 2202  -11 =30 -21 =23 =26 +28 +19 -16 =17  4.0  2253 
23. Poulsen, Martin                FAI 2074  -12 -19 +27 =22 =24 =21 -16 +26 -15  3.5  2195 
24. Danielsen, Heini               FAI 2128  - 7 =16 =30 -20 =23 -29 +25 -19 +31  3.5  2156 
25. Berg,Olaf                      FAI ----  -14 -15 +26 -19 -27 +31 -24 +29 =21  3.5  2130 
26. Petersen, Terji                FAI 2142  - 8 -18 -25 +31 =22 -15 +27 -23 +29  3.5  2109 
27. Simonsen, Olavur               FAI 2183  - 6 - 9 -23 +29 +25 -20 -26 +31 =28  3.5  2106 
28. Samuelsen, Carl Eli Nolsoe     FAI 2055  + 9 -20 - 8 -18 =15 -22 +31 -21 =27  3.0  2173 
29. Hansen, Herluf                 FAI 2047  -17 =21 -16 -27 +31 +24 -14 -25 -26  2.5  2053 
30. Bykhovsky, Anatoly A        m  RUS 2393  - 2 =22 =24  .   .   .   .   .   .   1.0  2195 
31. BYE                                ----   .   .   .  -26 -29 -25 -28 -27 -24  0.0       

13) Polish Team Championships

The Polish Team Championships took place in Zakopane, Poland 2nd-13th September 2000. The winners were Polonia +GSM Warszawa header by Michal Krasenkow and Eduardas Rozentalis. My thanks to Przemek Jahr.

Polish Team Championships 2000 2nd-13th Sept 2000
                              1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   11  12
 1  Polonia +GSM Warszawa    ### 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.5 6.0  54.5
 2  PTSz Plock               3.0 ### 3.0 2.5 4.5 3.5 5.5 3.5 5.0 4.0 4.5 5.5  44.5
 3  Gant-Hetman Wroclaw      2.0 3.0 ### 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 5.5 5.5  41
 4  Stilon Gorzów Wlkp.      2.0 3.5 2.5 ### 3.0 3.5 4.5 3.5 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0  40.5
 5  Drakon BDK Daewoo Lublin 1.0 1.5 2.5 3.0 ### 4.0 3.0 2.5 3.5 4.0 5.0 5.0  35
 6  MOSiR Budosak Zabrze     1.0 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 ### 2.5 4.5 2.0 4.0 4.5 4.0  31.5
 7  Pocztowiec TP SA Poznañ  2.0 0.5 2.0 1.5 3.0 3.5 ### 3.0 3.0 3.5 5.0 4.0  31
 8  AZS UMCS Lublin          0.0 2.5 3.0 2.5 3.5 1.5 3.0 ### 2.0 3.5 4.5 4.0  30
 9  Juvenia Hañcza Suwalki   0.0 1.0 2.5 3.0 2.5 4.0 3.0 4.0 ### 0.5 4.5 3.5  28.5
10  Odrodzenie Kozuchow      0.0 2.0 2.5 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 5.5 ### 0.5 4.5  28
11  MOK Chrobry Glogow       0.5 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.5 ### 3.5  16
12  LZS Rolnik Roza          0.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 1.5 2.5 ###  15.5

14) Slovenian Team Championships

The 8 best Slovenian Teams taking part in the Slovenian Team Championship in Bled, 14th-20th October 2000. There are 17 GMs, 15 IMs, 19 Ms etc. After two rounds ZSD Maribor SK Piramida leads (team includes Kozul, Sax and Mohr) with 11 points from SK Nova KBM Maribor (Kov) (Tukmakov top board) on 7.5, SD Ptuj on 7 points (Beliavsky, Atalik, Mikhalchishin). Other well known GMs playing including Predrag Nikolic, Evgeny Sveshnikov and Zoltan Ribli. My thanks to Ales Drinovec for the news.

Internet coverage:

Round 2 Standings:
1 ZSD Maribor SK Piramida    11.0    
2 SK Nova KBM Maribor (Kov)   7.5    
3 SD Ptuj                     7.0    
4 SD Radenska Pomgrad MS      6.0    
5 SK Branik Maribor           5.5    
6 SK Triglav Krsko            4.5    
7 SD Koper - Zusterna         3.5    
8 LSK Ljubljana               3.0 

15) First Saturday October

Laszlo Nagy reports: There are one GM and two IM events taking place in Budapest 7th-19th of October 2000. There have been nine rounds so far.

FSGM October Budapest HUN (HUN), 7-19 x 2000            cat. VII (2409)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Vajda, Levente      m ROM 2447  * . = = . = 1 = = 1 1 1  6.5  2563 
 2. Kallio, Heikki      m FIN 2451  . * 0 . = = 1 1 = 1 1 1  6.5  2571 
 3. Hoang Thanh Trang   m VIE 2489  = 1 * = 1 . 0 = = . 1 1  6.0  2529 
 4. Szeberenyi, Adam      HUN 2357  = . = * = = . = 1 = 1 1  6.0  2529 
 5. Postny, Evgeny      m ISR 2434  . = 0 = * = 0 1 1 1 . 1  5.5  2487 
 6. Csom, Istvan        g HUN 2478  = = . = = * = . = = = =  4.5  2406 
 7. Fogarasi, Tibor     m HUN 2456  0 0 1 . 1 = * . = = = =  4.5  2423 
 8. Vajda, Szidonia    wg HUN 2282  = 0 = = 0 . . * = = 1 =  4.0  2367 
 9. Lukacs, Peter       g HUN 2488  = = = 0 0 = = = * . = .  3.5  2337 
10. Vadasz, Laszlo      g HUN 2301  0 0 . = 0 = = = . * 0 =  2.5  2237 
11. Balogh, Csaba         HUN 2359  0 0 0 0 . = = 0 = 1 * .  2.5  2250 
12. Soos, Bela          m GER 2364  0 0 0 0 0 = = = . = . *  2.0  2190 

FSIMA October Budapest HUN (HUN), 7-19 x 2000            cat. II (2279)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Nyysti, Sampsa         FIN 2305  * = = . 0 1 1 . 1 1 = 1  6.5  2446 
 2. Hoenig, Alexander      GER 2261  = * = = . = 1 1 = . = 1  6.0  2406 
 3. Eperjesi, Laszlo     m HUN 2370  = = * . = = . 0 1 = 1 1  5.5  2338 
 4. Farago, Sandor       m HUN 2292  . = . * = = 0 = 1 1 1 =  5.5  2344 
 5. Puschmann, Laszlo    f HUN 2285  1 . = = * 0 . 1 0 1 = =  5.0  2313 
 6. Somogyi, Istvan      f HUN 2260  0 = = = 1 * = = 1 0 . .  4.5  2285 
 7. Karaklajic, Nikola   m YUG 2366  0 0 . 1 . = * 1 = 1 = 0  4.5  2258 
 8. Jamrich, Gyorgy        HUN 2225  . 0 1 = 0 = 0 * . 0 1 1  4.0  2248 
 9. Van der Plas, Rob      NED 2199  0 = 0 0 1 0 = . * = 1 .  3.5  2215 
10. Resika, Nathan A       USA 2267  0 . = 0 0 1 0 1 = * . =  3.5  2205 
11. Bree, Thomas           GER 2252  = = 0 0 = . = 0 0 . * 1  3.0  2160 
12. Spaan, Nathanel        NED 2268  0 0 0 = = . 1 0 . = 0 *  2.5  2125 

FSIMB October Budapest HUN (HUN), 7-19 x 2000        cat. II (2290)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Lehtinen, Heikki   f FIN 2329  * . 1 = 1 1 1 0 . 1 =  6.0  2483 
 2. Orso, Miklos       m HUN 2346  . * = = 1 1 . = 0 1 1  5.5  2420 
 3. Dudas, Janos       m HUN 2338  0 = * = 1 . . = = = 1  4.5  2316 
 4. Nemeth, Zoltan     m HUN 2308  = = = * = = 1 . = 0 =  4.5  2298 
 5. Vigorito, David    f USA 2314  0 0 0 = * = 1 1 1 . .  4.0  2294 
 6. Lorincz, Istvan    f HUN 2383  0 0 . = = * = . 1 = 1  4.0  2284 
 7. Galindo, Ricardo     ARG 2275  0 . . 0 0 = * = 1 1 1  4.0  2278 
 8. Berczes, Csaba       HUN 2189  1 = = . 0 . = * 0 1 0  3.5  2245 
 9. Bordas, Gyula        HUN 2186  . 1 = = 0 0 0 1 * = .  3.5  2264 
10. Koster, Willem S     NED 2308  0 0 = 1 . = 0 0 = * =  3.0  2159 
11. Rajlich, Vasik G     USA 2209  = 0 0 = . 0 0 1 . = *  2.5  2168 

16) Aleksandrov-Oral Match

A match between Tomas Oral (CZE, GM 2531) and Aleksej Aleksandrov (BLR, GM 2591) took place 6th-11th October 2000 in Prague (Czech Republic). Tomas Oral won the match 4-2 by virtue of two wins in games two and five. My thanks to Jakub Fuksik.

Internet coverage:

Oral, Tomas           -  Aleksandrov, Aleksej  1/2   36  C45  Scotch Game
Aleksandrov, Aleksej  -  Oral, Tomas           0-1   39  D94  Gruenfeld Defence (Closed System)
Oral, Tomas           -  Aleksandrov, Aleksej  1/2   53  C45  Scotch Game
Aleksandrov, Aleksej  -  Oral, Tomas           1/2   44  D94  Gruenfeld Defence (Closed System)
Oral, Tomas           -  Aleksandrov, Aleksej  1-0   28  C45  Scotch Game
Aleksandrov, Aleksej  -  Oral, Tomas           1/2   18  D94  Gruenfeld Defence (Closed System)

Hagemann Match Prague CZE (CZE), 6-11 ix 2000

                                   1   2   3   4   5   6 
Oral, Tomas          g  CZE 2531    =   1   =   =   1   =   4.0  2716
Aleksandrov, Aleksej g  BLR 2591    =   0   =   =   0   =   2.0  2406

17) Medellin Tournament

A Category VI international tournament took place in Medellin Colombia September 26th - October 10th 2000. The winner was IM Oscar Castro. My thanks to Osvaldo Orozco for the news.

Internet coverage:

It Medellin COL (COL), 26 ix-10 x 2000                                cat. VI (2376)
                                           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 
 1. Castro, Oscar H            m COL 2376  * = 1 = 1 0 = = 1 = 1 = 1 1 1  10.0  2534 
 2. Gonzalez, Renier           m CUB 2435  = * = 1 1 1 1 0 1 = = = 1 1 0   9.5  2505 
 3. Garcia, Gildardo           g COL 2448  0 = * 1 = = 0 1 = = = 1 1 1 1   9.0  2473 
 4. Rios, Alejandro              COL 2328  = 0 0 * = 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1   9.0  2481 
 5. Gamboa, Nelson             m COL 2351  0 0 = = * = 0 1 1 1 = 1 1 = 1   8.5  2458 
 6. Alzate, Dario              m COL 2419  1 0 = 0 = * 1 = 1 = 1 1 0 1 0   8.0  2423 
 7. Echavarria, Johann           COL 2328  = 0 1 1 1 0 * 0 = = = = = = 1   7.5  2408 
 8. Ostos, Julio               m VEN 2344  = 1 0 1 0 = 1 * 0 0 = = = = 1   7.0  2378 
 9. Cuartas, Jaime Alexander     COL 2356  0 0 = 0 0 0 = 1 * 1 = 1 1 = 1   7.0  2377 
10. Pazos, Plinio              m ECU 2363  = = = 0 0 = = 1 0 * 1 0 = 1 =   6.5  2348 
11. Alvarez, Jose              m CUB 2402  0 = = 0 = 0 = = = 0 * = = = 1   5.5  2294 
12. Cabrera, Alexis            m CUB 2399  = = 0 0 0 0 = = 0 1 = * 0 = 1   5.0  2272 
13. Clavijo, Jorge             m COL 2414  0 0 0 0 0 1 = = 0 = = 1 * 0 1   5.0  2271 
14. Rios, Mauricio               COL 2328  0 0 0 0 = 0 = = = 0 = = 1 * 0   4.0  2221 
15. Agudelo, Antonio             COL 2355  0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 1 *   3.5  2184 

18) Alexei Shirov takes legal action

Alexei Shirov who beat Vladimir Kramnik in a match to play Kasparov for a World title match under the banner of the WCC has launched a legal action at a court in Cazorla, Spain on October 7th 2000 over the financial losses he incurred by not being paid for that match and not getting a match against Kasparov. Details in Spanish at:

19) Karpov visits Iraq

According to the Iraqi News Agency former World Chess Champion Anatoly Karpov is just about to conclude a four day visit to Iraq. Karpov arrived by land on Friday 13th October and is to visit chess clubs and meet Iraqi sporting authorities.

20) Simul in Oradea

Janos Fleisz reports: The was a "Simultaneous of Champions 2000" in Oradea (Nagyvarad) in Romania on September 30th. This event commemorated the 100th anniversary of a simultaneous which took place 100 years ago in Oradea on 25th-26th September 1900. Then reigning World Champion Emanuel Lasker, in the company of Geza Maroczy of Hungary and Georg Marco of Austria conducted the exhibition. This time Csaba Horvath (multiple winner of the Hungarian Championships) and FIDE knockout semi-finalist Dieter Nisipeanu played alternately against 42 players scoring +38=3-1. The event was organised by the Sapientia Varadiensis Foundation Oradea (President Dr.Janos Fleisz).

21) Swedish Team Championships

The first three rounds of the Swedish Team Championships took place October 13th-15th 2000. Coverage at:

22) World Youth Championships Oropesa del Mar

The World Youth Championships in Oropesa del Mar takes place 10th - 24th October 2000. Boys and Girls under 10,12,14,16 and 18.

Internet coverage:, and

23) Forthcoming Events and Links

Kramnik-Leko Match

The "Westfälische Ferngas AG" (WFG) announced a match between Wladimir Kramnik and Peter Leko, to be held from January 2nd to 8th 2001. We will see 12 rapid games (two per day, rest day: January 5th) in the Hotel Kempinski, city centre of Budapest (Hungary).

Internet coverage: To be announced.

Corus Wijk aan Zee 2001

The 14 players who will compete in the Corus 2001 chess tournament in Wijk aan Zee, Netherlands January 12th-28th 2001 have been invited. For the 3rd year running Garry Kasparov will play in the event. The top nine players in the July 2000 rating list are taking part.

Round 1 is on January 13th. Rest days were on Monday (15th), Friday (19th) and Wednesday (24th) are rest days.

Players: Garry Kasparov (Russia - 1 - 2849), Vladimir Kramnik (Russia - 2 - 2770), Viswanathan Anand (India - 3 - 2762), Alexander Morozevich (Russia - 4 - 2756), Michael Adams (England - 5 - 2755), Alexey Shirov (Spain - 6 - 2746), Peter Leko (Hungary 7 - 2743), Vassili Ivanchuk (Ukraine - 8 - 2719), Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria - 9 - 2707), Jeroen Piket (Netherlands - 34 - 2649), Alexey Fedorov (Belarus - 37 - 2646), Loek van Wely (Netherlands - 39 - 2643), Jan Timman (Netherlands - 46 - 2639), Sergey Tiviakov (Netherlands - 76 - 2608). Average rating: 2713 Category: 19

Coverage last year was at: and its expected this site will have the tournament for 2001.

34th Chess Olympiad

The 34th Chess Olympiad takes place Istanbul, Turkey 28th October - 12th November 2000.

Internet coverage:

Tel Aviv Open 2001

Open Swiss International Tournament in Tel-Aviv Dates: 9th-17th April 2001. 9 rounds. Possibilities for GM and IM norms. Prizes: 4000 3000 2000 1200 800....20 prizes in total (10 last are 250$); special U-2400, U-2000, U-18 y.o: 500 300 200 + women prizes; Special Conditions for the first 10 Grandmasters (2550+).

Info: The Israeli Chess Federation through Mr. Igal Lotan 03-6437627, 03-6437630;

Rilton Cup

The XXX Rilton Cup in Stockholm takes place 27th December 2000 - 5th January 2001.

Homepages:, or

Greek Chess Championship

The 2000 Greek Chess Championship will be held in Agios Nikolaos, Crete, October 13-23. The tournament is expected to be a FIDE category 6 event. Visit the official website of the championship at for further information.

Peter-Heine Nielsen vs Denmark/World

Danish chess grandmaster Peter Heine Nielsen challenges the chess players of the world at Politikens web site. The game opens with the grandmasters first move Monday September 25th and is played on the internet - and you have the opportunity to participate at After each of Peter Heine Nielsen's moves, Politiken's chess expert Sune Berg Hansen will suggest some relevant counter moves. You may vote on the moves via e-mail before the game continues. There will be 24 hours between each move.

Internet coverage: or

1st Budapest Cup

The 1st Budapest Cup Organiser: Hungarian Chess Federation DATE: October 20 to 23, 2000 Obligatory moves: 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 (Budapest Defence or Gambit) Open Swiss 8 rounds, "rapid" games 2 x 55 minutes Opening ceremony and first round Friday night 7 o'clock 2nd, 3rd and 4th round Saturday afternoon 5th, 6th and 7th round Sunday afternoon 8th round plus awarding of prizes - Monday morning simultaneous against Stuart Conquest - Monday afternoon (Monday is a national holiday in Hungary remembering the revolution of 1956) Place: "Magyarok Haza" or Hungarians' House, Budapest, 5th District (downtown) Semmelweis street 1-3. (1st floor)

First prize approx 330 USD, second 250 USD, third 200 USD and so on until the 12th best player. Money prize and "Breyer cup" for the best game. We are expecting 60 to 80 players altogether (from which about 20 IMs and GMs).

Budapest "specialists" confirmed so far: Romero Holmes, Lalic, Harding, Reinderman, Mohr, Tagnon, Meinsohn, Wedberg, Tseitlin, Conquest and the Hungarian masters: Kaposztas and Forintos. Nomination fees: Until ELO 2000 - DM 36 (USD 20) 2001 to 2400 ELO - DM 18 (USD 10) above 2401 - free Interested players should contact Gabor Gyuricza by email or fax 0036-1-2200835 for more information. We can help to find accomodations in 2, 3 or 4-star hotels close to the tournament.

Also there is the 1st BUDAPEST Cup thematic chess tournament, Budapest, 20th-23rd of October. More info: or Organiser: The organizer of the tournament: Gyuricza Gabor, e-mail:

2001 Australian Open

Thursday 28 December 2000 - Tuesday 09 January 2001 Rydges Hotel Canberra City London Circuit, ACT, AUSTRALIA (3 hours drive from Sydney - transfer from airport may be available)

11 Round Fide-Rated Open Swiss The Following Players Are Confirmed: Gm Yuri Yakovich (Russia 2585) Gm Utut Adianto (Indonesia 2583) Gm Ian Rogers (Australia 2558) Gm Alexander Volzhin (Russia 2556) Gm Darryl Johansen (Australia 2505) Gm Markus Stangl (Germany 2479) Gm Goran Todorovich (Yugoslavia 2455) Gm H. Ardiansyah (Indonesia 2421) Im Gary Lane (England 2452) Im Michael Gluzman (Australia 2432) Im Vladimir Feldman (Australia 2399) Im Guy West (Australia 2372) Im Zong Yuan Zhao (Australia 2341) Im David Smerdon (Australia 2315) Im Irina Berezina-Feldman (Australia 2304) Gm And Im Norms Will Be Available.

All rounds 2:00 PM except last round 10:00 AM Accompanying minor, rapid and lightning events as well as simultaneous exhibitions. Entry: GMs, IMs, WGMs, WIMs free. Otherwise: A$120 A$96 (concession) The Open prize fund will be between A$11,000-A$15,000. 1st prize is A$3,000 with at least 6 place prizes overall with 2nd A$1,800 and 3rd A$1,200. Also a wide range of rating group and junior prizes in over 10 different sections.

Some conditions for GMs and IMs may be available, for instance billet accommodation. A limited number of summertime tourist bus outback travel packages might also be available for visiting titled players. 2001 Australian Junior Championships: The Australian Junior Championships will follow the Australian Open from 11 to 23 Jan 2001, also to be held in Canberra. Some coaching opportunities may be available for squads of titled players playing in the Open.

Important web sites: Australian Open Australian Chess Federation Australian Open Accommodation - cheap accommodation options available close to the venue

Villa de Calpe Open

The Villa de Calpe (Allcante, Spain) Open starts on October 8th 2000.

Contact: Teléfono 96-5839123 (Casa de Cultura de Calpe) Teléfono 96-5202214 (Asociación Provincial de Ajedrez) de 18 a 21 horas Fax.- 96-5132840 ; E-mail:


British Rapidplay Chess Championships

The British Rapidplay Chess Championships take place in the Brunswick Building of Leeds Metropolitan University. The eleven round event takes place in Leeds, England, November 18th-19th 2000. Details are available at:

Bobby Fischer contribution to the Ambassador Report

Bobby Fischer was associated with Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God for some time. The Ambassador report was compiled by opponents of the organisation. You can read it at:

MSO Mind Sports Games

John Saunders reports: Mind Sports Masters (Ron Banwell Memorial) downloadable from the BCF site at It gives all the games by players with 5/9 or more. Note that some of the games have been amended from the original file created by Stewart Reuben, which has been published in TWIC. There will be a complete PGN file of all the games in due course. [When the file is complete I will produce a corrected file MC]

4NCL Fantasy Chess

Fantasy Chess is now running a competition based on the 4NCL. People have to predict the results of the matches rather than the individual games. One for the Bundesliga will follow.

Krkonose Open 2000

Krkonose Open 2000 takes place 29th October to 5th November 2000 in Pec pod Snezkou town (The Krkonose mountains). 60 players from 10 countries are entered and entry is still open. Further information:

Three Hungarian Tournaments

Paks HUN WIM closed tournament 28.10-03.11 2000 9 rounds entry fee: 150 DEM information: Videki Sandor Tel/fax: 00-36-75421225 email:

Szekszard HUN IM closed tournament 04-10 12 2000 9 rounds, 2 double rounds, cat. 3-4, entry fee: 200 DEM information: Videki Sandor Tel/fax: 00-36-75421225 email:

Szekszard HUN 9 rounds open, children, blitz tournaments 05-10 12 2000 prizefound: 400000 HUF Information: Papp Csaba, Decs Oreg str.53 Hungary email:

Huge Chess Event in Mexico City

On October 22nd Mexico City will have its 2nd Festival of Chess. Last year 5,046 Mexican chess players played games in one day. This year they hope for 10,000 players to compete in simultaneous events against 500 masters.

More details and


The IECG Cup VI preliminary stage. IECG Cup is an open tournament: players of any rating are merged together. So this is a nice opportunity to play a wide range of opponents. Subscriptions are open until September 15. Entries received after this date are used for a replacement list, which will be closed on October 1st. The tournament will be launched on October 1st, for a duration of 11 months. All the unfinished games will be adjudicated. During the preliminary phase, all participants take part in a 7 men, single round tournament (so 6 games to play). The 2 winners of each section will be entitled to play in the next stage, starting in October 2001. All games count for IECG rating, of course.

The entry form for Cup VI is at: The web entry form is the best method to be enlisted in the Cup, as the process behind is easier for us.

Debrecen Open and Computer tournament

The Debrecen Open takes place 20th-24th October 2000. Place of tournament: Aranybika Grand Hotel 4025 Debrecen,Piac u. 11-15. 9 rounds, Swiss system, 20 moves in 1 hours, and 1 hour to the end.

Entry fee: 3500 HUF - Without FIDE ELO 3000 HUF - 2000-2199 2000 HUF - 2200-2299 1500 HUF - 2300-2399 1500 HUF - Young player (under 18 years) 1500 HUF - Pensioner 0 HUF - above 2400, and IM, GM

Prizes: I. 80000 HUF II. 50000 HUF III. 33000 HUF IV. 26000 HUF V. 17000 HUF VI. 10000 HUF

Category prizes, Extra prizes: - Best player from Debrecen - Best women player - Best without FIDE ELO - Best player above 55 years - Best player under 18 years

Portocom Computer Open International Chess Tournament 20-24 October 2000, Debrecen

The players of the tournament: Whoever can take part in the competition, but first of all computer chessprograms and advanced players. For the foreigners we cover computers. If somebody send the chessprogram in mail (by post) we cover him/her an operator. (the price of the operator is 40 DM )

Place of tournament: Aranybika Grand Hotel H-4025 Debrecen,Piac u. 11-15.

Opening ceremony: 20 October, at 4 o' clock (pm) Arrangement: 11 rounds, Swiss system, 2 hours to the end.

Entry fee: 9000 HUF - Advaced player 6000 HUF - Chess program 1000 HUF - People

Prizes: I. 66000 HUF II. 55000 HUF III. 44000 HUF IV. 33000 HUF V. 22000 HUF VI. 11000 HUF

Date of entires: 10.October 2000

Entries should be sent to: Sandor Nagy H-4026 Debrecen, Bethlen str. 36-38.II/12. Phone: +36 52 416-524 Mobil: +36 20 322-8790 E-mail:

International in Salou, Costa Dorada

International Chess Festival in Salou, Costa Dorada, starts 16th October 2000.

Group A Confirmed players:

Gm Artur Kogan -Israel- Elo Fide 2504 Gm Ruslan Pogorelov -Ucrania- Elo Fide 2445 J.C. Montell Lorenzo -España- Elo Fide 2325 Im Michael Oratowsky -Israel- Elo Fide 2486 Im Dimitry Tyomkin -Israel- Elo Fide 2522 Gm Vladimir Georgiev -Bulgaria- Elo Fide 2564 Im Jordan Ivanov -Bulgaria- Elo Fide 2461 Gm Igor Miladinovic -Grecia- Elo Fide 2563 Gmf Antoaneta Stefanova -Bulgaria- Elo Fide 2514

Possible players

Gm Nikola Mitkov -Macedonia- Elo Fide 2532 Gm Marcin Kaminsky –Polonia- Elo Fide 2498 Gm Hicham Hamdouchi -Marruecos- Elo Fide 2541 Gm Alexander Finkel -Israel- Elo Fide 2467

Group B Confirmed players:

Antonio Moro -España- Elo Fide 2133 Tatiana Plachkinova -Bulgaria- Elo Fide 2171 Juan Sanges -España- Elo Fide 2000 Ramon Pol Valveny -España- Elo Fide 2048 Manuel Martinez Peña -España- Elo Fide 2161 Danny Shevelev -Israel- Elo Fide 2263 Francesc Terreu -España- Elo Fide 2169

Possible players

Im Watu Kobese -Rep. Sudafricana- Elo Fide 2373 Oscar Alias -España- Elo Fide 2277 Juan Gutierrez -España- Elo Fide 2280 Gabor Szitas –Hungria- Elo Fide 2191

Contact Juan Sangés:

4NCL 2000-2001

The 4NCL season 2000-2001 fixtures have been published. The venue for all matches is the The Birmingham Grand Moat House Hotel, Colmore Row, Birmingham. The 1st and 2nd rounds take place 23rd-24th September 2000, 3rd-4th on 25th-26th November, 5th-6th on 27th-28th January 2001, 7th-8th on 17th-18th March and the final rounds 9,10 and 11 on 5th-7th May 2001. There are 26 Clubs, 40 teams, 3 Divisions, 536 players registered. Some of the changes in the closed season: IndexIT have signed, Nigel Short from Wood Green and Mark Hebden from Slough, to add to a very strong initial squad. Guildford-ADC have signed Chris W Baker from Bigwood, which provides the team sponsor (Nigel Povah) with the option of playing in their second team!! Slough have a new signing IM Aleksandar Wohl from Australia. Wood Green have signed Matthew Turner from Slough. Barbican 4NCL have signed GM Jonathan Parker and IM Mark Ferguson from Bigwood.

Round 1 pairings division 1: IndexIT 2 v IndexIT 1, Richmond v Slough, South Wales Dragons v White Rose, Guildford-ADC v Midland Monarchs, Wood Green v Poisoned Pawns, Barbican 4NCL 1 v Barbican 4NCL 2.

For further information see the 4NCL website at: Additional coverage at:

Possible University Event

The President of the Cambridge University Chess Club 2000/01, Nathan Alfred, would like to get in contact with any University interesting in playing in an event at Cambridge University (probably Girton College) on Saturday 11th November 2000. The planned format is to have teams of eight compete at ten-minute blitz chess, with possibly an all-play-all. If interested contact:

Vikings Chess Festival

The second York Vikings Chess Festival are 13th to 22nd December 2000. The venue will once again be the superb Lady Anne Middleton's Hotel.

Contact: Adam Raoof if interested:

GM 'A' - £10,000 in prizes! GM Julian Hodgson (British Champion) GM Tiger Hillarp-Persson (SWE) GM Jonny Hector (SWE) GM Emil Sutovsky (ISR) GM Alexei Barsov (UZB) GM Jonathan Rowson (SCO)

GM 'B' - £5,000 in prizes! GM Aaron Summerscale GM Keith Arkell IM Irina Krush (USA) Entries from players 2350+ are invited.

Masters IM Valer Krutti (HUN) IM Still to be invited... IM Still to be invited... Entries from players 2250+ are invited.

Open This will be a 9-round FIDE rated swiss tournament with a first prize of at least £200. The entry fee is £25 for rated players (July 2000 list) or £40 for unrated players. Blitz 5 minute chess - Sunday 17th December - £5 entry - all entries returned as prizes - 11am start - 6pm finish - parking at the venue Accommodation Very special room rates at the Lady Anne Middleton Hotel venue for players and partners; £19.50 for a single room per person per night bed and breakfast £15.00 per person per night if they share a twin/double room


Linares and Ubeda Opens 2001

The VIII "Anibal" Open takes place in Linares, January 8th-18th, 2001. 11 round Swiss System Event.

PRIZES 1º 1.000.000 pts. 2º 500.000 pts. 3º 250.000 pts. 4º 200.000 pts. 5º 150.000 pts. 6º-10º 100.000 pts. 11º-20º 50.000 pts. 21º-30º 30.000 pts. 31º-50º 25.000 pts. 1st Woman Chessplayer 50.000 pts. 1st Chessplayer under 2300 Elo 50.000 pts. 1st Chessplayer from Jaen 50.000 pts.

The VI "Ciudad de Ubeda" Open takes place Ubeda, January 21st-30th 2001. 10 Round Swiss System event.

PRIZES 1º 500.000 pts. 2º 250.000 pts. 3º 150.000 pts. 4º 125.000 pts. 5º 100.000 pts. 6º-15º 75.000 pts. 16º-50º 50.000 pts. 1st Woman Chessplayer 50.000 pts. 1st Chessplayer under 2300 Elo 50.000 pts. 1st Chessplayer from Jaen 50.000 pts.


Chessplayers with 2580 Elo according FIDE ranking list July 2000 or January 2001: Free full board in a single room and free fixed fee. G.M. and I.M. Lodging free in a 3 stars hotel in Linares and in a 4 stars hotel in Ubeda. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are $12 per person/day in a double room (single supplement $25). Others Chessplayers: Lodging in a 3 stars hotel in Linares and in a 4 stars hotel in Ubeda is $24 per person/day in a double room (single supplement $25). Breakfast, lunch and dinner are $12 per person/day.

FIXED FEE PER TOURNAMENT: Until December 31st , 2000 7.500 pts. Since January 1st, 2001 10.000 pts.

VIII Open "Anibal" Tel. 953 650400, fax 953 652204 (Miss Flori). VI Open "Ciudad de Ubeda" Tel. 953 791011, fax 953 791012 (Miss Tana). e-mail address: -

Bank details: Banco de Andalucía, account nº 0004 3270 84 0601005803 Prizes will be subject to 25% tax.

SC Lasker Autumn Festival

SC LASKER SRL is organising an Autumn Festival in Bucharest, Romania over the period October 5th-November 4th 2000.

5th-19th October 2000

A. International closed chess tournament for IM norm (men), 2nd –4th category, 12-16 players.

Entry fees: - <= 2100 -300 DM - 2101 – 2200 -250 DM -2201 – 2300 -200 DM -2301 – 2350 -175 DM -2351 – 2400 -150 DM - >= 2401 -100 DM

B. International closed chess tournament for IGM norm (women), 7th – 8th category,12-14 players. Entry fees: 200 DM

C. International closed chess tournament for IGM norm (men), 8th – 9th category,12-16 players.

Entry fees: - <= 2300 -400 DM - 2301 – 2350 -350 DM -2351 – 2400 -300 DM -2401 – 2450 -250 DM -2451 – 2500 -200 DM - >= 2501 -150 DM

21st October-4th November 2000

D. International closed chess tournament for IM norm (women), 3rd – 5th category,12-16 players. Entry fees: 200 DM Accommodation 100-150 DM in private rooms or apartments for all the tournament.

Starting date: 5th October 2000, opening ceremony 14°°. Time limits: 40 moves / 2 hours, then 1 hour for 20 moves + 30 minutes K.O.. The games will be played every day from 15°° to 22°°. Prizes: declared before the 3rd round. Romanian Chess Federation, Ion Campineanu Street, no. 20, phone: 312.55.25 or 312.70.56, fax: 312.19.44 Central Chess Club: Oþetari Street, no. 2, phone 314.68.13.

Organizer: FIDE Master Emil Pessi: O.P. 38 – C.P. 80, 72250 Bucharest-Romania, phone 0040-1-240.07.00; fax: 0040-1-312.19.44 (if contacted he assures the reception of the players). E-mail: or

4th Cap d'Agde Festival

The 4th Cap d'Agde Festival takes place 28th October - 4th November 2000. Cap d'Agde in the south of France has organised this prestigious event (supported by the French Chess Federation) and the FSGT) every 2 years since 1994.

There will be 3 large Opens tournaments divided by Elo rating 9 rounds, Time control : 40 moves/2hours and 1hour KO, Swiss System.

Grand-Prix CCAS (players + 2000 Elo) This tournament is Open to all players above 2000 Elo rating. Internationals Masters and Internationals Grand Masters do not pay the entry fee. IMPORTANT : only the 20 first players above 2500 Elo rating on the latest Fide list, will be invited by the organisation (accommodation and food) transportation cost will be at the player's charge.

Tournoi du Cavalier (players - > 1700 - < 2100 Elo) This tournament is Open to all players between 1700 and 2100 Elo rating. Tournoi de l'Avenir (-< 1800 Elo) This tournament is open to all players below 1800 Elo rating There will be a Blitz tournament organised by the FSGT

Trophée CCAS 2000 "La rencontre des Continents" rapid chess A tournament of Champions from all 5 Continents. Trophée CCAS "Espoirs" Match des prodiges : Angleterre - France A match between 2 very young Chess prodigies in 8 games with different Time control

Contact : Cap d'Agde Avenue de la Butte 34 309 Cap d'Agde Cedex Tel : 04 67 01 00 63 Fax : 04 67 76 65 01

Lajos Ózdi IM Harkany

The Lajos Ózdi Memorial IM tournament in Harkany, Hungary taking place November 16th-24th 2000. The ten player all-play-all IM norm event takes place in the Hotel Platán Harkány Bartók Béla u 15. Contact: Schepp Zoltán Tel 36-72-258-044 e-mail:

In addition there is the 24th Tenkes Cup in the same venue and dates. With an A and B Masters Open. Entry deadline 10th November 2000. Contact: Faludi László SIKLÓS, Kossuth tér 1. 7801 Tel.: 00 36 72l352-122 Fax: 00 36 72/351-858 Hungary Mikola Lajos: e-mail :

WPC Site

Valery Salov heads the WPC (World Players Council) and they have their own website. The site is at: with a mixture of material in Spanish and English. Includes: In English continued correspondence between Yasser Seirawan and Valery Salov, the WPC Memorandum and a summary of a press conference in London and Alexei Shirov annotating his win against Bacrot in Sarajavo. In Spanish there is more material including a press conference in Leon 5th June with the participants: GM Valeri Salov, IM Javier Ochoa, GM Zenón Franco, GM Jordi Magem, IM Ricardo Calvo, IM Leonid Bass, Leontxo García, Miguel Ángel Nepomuceno, Frederic Friedel (his exchanges are given in English), Amador Cuesta Robledo, and David Llada. You could try running the Spanish sections through the Babel Fish translation program to get the early exchanges if you don't speak the language.

New Russian Website

There is a new Russian Website (English content to follow) at: Material includes chess history and statistics and a collection of the chess links.

Corsican Open 2nd-5th November 2000

The Corsican International Open takes place 2nd-5th November 2000 in Bastia (Theatre). There is a Prize fund of 450 000 F for 2 events.

Corsica Masters, 3rd-5th November (elo =>2300) 7 rounds 20'+5" After the 7 rounds 1/4 final (10"+10, return match), 1/2 final, final

Prize fund 300 000 F 60 000 F - 35 000F- 20 000 F - 20 000 F 5th thru 8 10 000 F each -8 000 F - 6 000 F - 11th thru 20th 4 000 F each elo 2300-2500 : 10 000 F - 7 000 F - 4 000 F 1st Woman 5 000 F, 2nd : 3 000 F, 3rd 2 000 F 1st french : 7 000 F, 2nd 5 000 F, 3rd 3 000 F Schedule : Friday November 3rd Round 1 6.00 pm Round 2 7.30 pm Round 3 9.00 pm Saturday November 4th Round 4 11.30 am Round 5 2.00 pm Round 6 6.00 pm Round 7 7.30 pm Sunday November 5th 1/4 final 9.00 am 1/2 final 11.00 am Final 1.00 pm

Entry Fees : 250 F if paid by october 1, 350 F after october 1st.

Tournament of Bastia, 2nd-4th November (elo=<2400) 9 rounds 50'+10" Prize fund 150 000 F 15 000 F -10 000 F - 8 000 F - 6 000 F - 5000 F - 4 000 F - 3 000 F - 2000 F 1st Junior : 6 000 F, 2nd 4 000 F, 3rd 2 000 F elo 2000-2300 : 8 000 F - 5 000 F - 3 000 F elo 1800-1999 : 6 000 F - 3 500 F - 2 500 F elo 1600-1799 : 4 500 F -3 000 F - 2 000 F elo 1000-1599 : 4 000 F - 2 500 F -1 500 F Entry Fees : 250 F if paid by october 1, 350 F after october 1st. Schedule : Round 1 : November 2nd 3 pm, last round November 4th 9 pm

Players rated elo 2300-2400 can play both events.

Tournament manager : Léo BATTESTI 33 195 31 14 08 - fax 33 495 32 42 44 Mobil phone : 33 608 51 52 93 e-mail : web site :

New Greek Site

The OAA Heraklio Chess Club a new website: the site has chess news from Greece, chess features, etc. Includes a Greek chess calendar.

4th OIBM in Bad Wiessee

The 4th OIBM in Bad Wiessee will be held October 28th-November 5th 2000. It is expected to be a strong event, as last year with a number of strong GMs playing.

More details:

16th Maccabiah Chess Tournaments

As part of the 16th Maccabiah there will be a number of chess tournaments (GM/IM and open tournaments) The 16th Maccabiah (Jewish Olympiad) takes place in Tel-Aviv 16th-26th June 2001.