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Games section
Dortmund SuperGM 20 games Dortmund GM 20 games Veterans vs Ladies 30 games 6th Tan Chin Nam Cup 10 games North Sea Cup 15 games 10th Lippstadt Tournament 24 games 1st European Championships 162 games World Open 166 games Zonal 1.8 Minsk 91 games White Nights 10 games Equitable Card Invitational 45 games VII Linares Open, Chile 93 games IV Leon Festival 7 games Slovakian U-20 28 games Slovakian U-20 Girls 28 games First Saturday July IMA 63 games First Saturday July IMB 63 games XLII Portuguese Teams 180 games Indian Women's Championships 78 games Quebec National Championships 65 games Xie Jun vs The World 1 game Staffordshire GM 20 games 1229 games
My thanks to Yin Hao, Lost Boys, Alfonso Romero, Bobby Ang, Laszlo Nagy, Tim Krabbe, Tom Hendricks, Hugh Brodie, Andres Molina, Argiris Kotsis, Andreas Brenke, Feodor Skripchenko, Dortmund Pressroom, Scott Pendergast, Elie Houlichian, Dmitriy Barash, Gerhard Hund, Pablo Sierra Fuentes, Luis Santos, Albert Silver, Lanfranco Bombelli, and all those who helped with this issue.
There were four decisive games in round one of the Dortmund Sparkassen SuperGM tournament but unfortunately since then play has been rather cautious. After four rounds Anand and Adams are sharing first place. Michael Adams victory over Kramnik seems to have been as a result of a blunder from the Russian. There are many interesting events this week including the 6th Tan Chin Nam Cup in China and events in Lippstadt, Munich and Esbjerg.
Hope you enjoy this issue
The Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting 2000 takes place July 7th-16th 2000 in the Dortmund Theatre.
Round 1 saw Anand, Adams, Kramnik and Leko all win with white with only the game Bareev-Deep Junior ending in a draw. Round 2 saw just one decisive result, a rather unsatifactory one where Robert Huebner having missed a tactic resigned against the computer in a position which might have been uncomfortable but certainly wasn't resignable. Anand beat Piket in the 3rd round, again the only decisive result, to take the lead. Michael Adams defeated Vladimir Kramnik in round 4 to join Anand in the lead.
In addition there is a GM tournament, Varga, Zoltan - Skripchenko-Lautier, Almira round 1 was postponed until the first rest-day. Arshak Petrosian, Eckhard Schmittdiel, and Gregor Mainka lead with 2.5/4.
Official site with more details:
Live coverage:
(Java only)
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Round 1 (July 7, 2000) Adams, Michael - Piket, Jeroen 1-0 37 C42 Petroff defence Anand, Viswanathan - Khalifman, Alexander 1-0 47 C17 French; Winawer Leko, Peter - Huebner, Robert 1-0 53 C12 French; Macutcheon Bareev, Evgeny - DEEP JUNIOR 6 1/2 73 D46 Semi-Slav Kramnik, Vladimir - Akopian, Vladimir 1-0 41 D43 Semi-Slav Round 2 (July 8, 2000) DEEP JUNIOR 6 - Huebner, Robert 1-0 20 C04 French; Tarrasch Bareev, Evgeny - Adams, Michael 1/2 27 E04 Nimzo indian Akopian, Vladimir - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 16 D46 Semi-Slav Khalifman, Alexander - Leko, Peter 1/2 15 E34 Nimzo indian Piket, Jeroen - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 19 E59 Nimzo indian Round 3 (July 9, 2000) Adams, Michael - DEEP JUNIOR 6 1/2 42 C68 Ruy Lopez; Exchange Anand, Viswanathan - Piket, Jeroen 1-0 28 C78 Ruy Lopez Leko, Peter - Akopian, Vladimir 1/2 15 C11 French; Classical Kramnik, Vladimir - Bareev, Evgeny 1/2 22 D18 Slav defence Huebner, Robert - Khalifman, Alexander 1/2 36 D47 Semi-Slav Round 4 (July 10, 2000) Adams, Michael - Kramnik, Vladimir 1-0 50 B31 Sicilian DEEP JUNIOR 6 - Khalifman, Alexander 1/2 65 B07 Pirc Bareev, Evgeny - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 61 D46 Semi-Slav Akopian, Vladimir - Huebner, Robert 1/2 27 D27 QGA; Piket, Jeroen - Leko, Peter 1/2 45 A34 English; 1.c4 c5 SuperGM Dortmund GER (GER), 7-16 vii 2000 cat. XVI (2632) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Adams, Michael g ENG 2755 * . = . = 1 . . 1 . 3.0 2723 2 Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2762 . * . . = . = 1 1 . 3.0 2862 3 DEEP JUNIOR 6 ---- = . * . = . . = . 1 2.5 2779 4 Leko, Peter g HUN 2743 . . . * . . = = = 1 2.5 2742 5 Bareev, Evgeny g RUS 2702 = = = . * = . . . . 2.0 2571 6 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2770 0 . . . = * 1 . = . 2.0 2691 7 Akopian, Vladimir g ARM 2660 . = . = . 0 * . . = 1.5 2635 8 Khalifman, Alexander g RUS 2667 . 0 = = . . . * . = 1.5 2443 9 Piket, Jeroen g NED 2649 0 0 . = . = . . * . 1.0 2564 10 Huebner, Robert g GER 2615 . . 0 0 . . = = . * 1.0 2324 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dortmund GM Round 4 GM Dortmund GER (GER), 7-16 vii 2000 cat. IX (2456) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Petrosian, Arshak B g ARM 2476 * = . . . = = . 1 . 2.5 /4 2584 2 Schmittdiel, Eckhard g GER 2490 = * . . 0 . 1 . . 1 2.5 /4 2533 3 Mainka, Gregor GER 2357 . . * = 1 . . 0 . 1 2.5 /4 2538 4 Varga, Zoltan g HUN 2530 . . = * . 1 . . = . 2.0 /3 2573 5 Naiditsch, Arkadij m GER 2442 . 1 0 . * = . . = . 2.0 /4 2459 6 Mikhalchishin, Adrian g SLO 2552 = . . 0 = * . 1 . . 2.0 /4 2473 7 Doettling, Fabian f GER 2477 = 0 . . . . * . = 1 2.0 /4 2440 8 Skripchenko-Lautier, Almira m MDA 2444 . . 1 . . 0 . * . = 1.5 /3 2422 9 Kachiani-Gersinska, Ketino m GER 2437 0 . . = = . = . * . 1.5 /4 2394 10 Wegener, Olaf f GER 2359 . 0 0 . . . 0 = . * 0.5 /4 2120 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 6th Tan Chin Nam Cup & 2nd Hua Yuan Hotel Cup GM Chess Tournament takes place in Beijing, China July 9th - 18th 2000.The Category XVI event (2644) has 10 players. My thanks to Yin Hao for the news
Pictures of the event at:
Round 1 (July 9, 2000) Bologan, Viktor - Xu Jun 1-0 81 B90 Sicilian; Najdorf Dreev, Alexey - Short, Nigel D 1/2 37 D37 Queen's gambit Zhang Zhong - Onischuk, Alexander 1/2 40 C78 Ruy Lopez Adianto, Utut - Wang Zili 1/2 63 A30 English; 1.c4 c5 Ye Jiangchuan - Peng Xiaomin 0-1 47 C65 Ruy Lopez Round 2 (July 10, 2000) Short, Nigel D - Peng Xiaomin 1/2 14 C77 Ruy Lopez Dreev, Alexey - Bologan, Viktor 1/2 14 E81 Kings indian; Saemisch Wang Zili - Zhang Zhong 1/2 18 C67 Ruy Lopez Onischuk, Alexander - Ye Jiangchuan 1/2 23 E94 Kings indian; Classical Xu Jun - Adianto, Utut 1/2 14 E12 Nimzo indian 6th Tan Chin Nam Cup Beijing CHN (CHN), 3-15 vii 2000cat. XVI (2644) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Peng Xiaomin g CHN 2657 * . = . . . . . 1 . 1.5 2866 2 Bologan, Viktor g MDA 2641 . * . = . . . . . 1 1.5 2865 3 Short, Nigel D g ENG 2677 = . * = . . . . . . 1.0 2666 4 Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2676 . = = * . . . . . . 1.0 2659 5 Zhang Zhong g CHN 2636 . . . . * = = . . . 1.0 2615 6 Wang Zili g CHN 2603 . . . . = * . = . . 1.0 2609 7 Onischuk, Alexander g UKR 2627 . . . . = . * . = . 1.0 2653 8 Adianto, Utut g INA 2583 . . . . . = . * . = 1.0 2635 9 Ye Jiangchuan g CHN 2670 0 . . . . . = . * . 0.5 2449 10 Xu Jun g CHN 2668 . 0 . . . . . = . * 0.5 2419 -----------------------------------------------------------------
The Schuhplatter Chess Tournament takes place in the Hotel Bayerischer Hof in Munich, Germany, July 4th-15th 2000. It is the 9th Veterans vs Ladies contest organised by the "Association Max Euwe" in Monaco and is sponsored by J.J. van Oosterom. Last year the Ladies took a terrible beating 30.5-19.5, the ladies look well placed to take some measure of revenge this year, they lead 17-13 after 6/10 rounds.
The Ladies Team captained by Ljubomir Ljubojevic is: Zhu Chen (China), Alisa Galliamova (Russia), Nana Ioseliani (Georgia), Xie Jun (China), Sofia Polgar (Israel). They take on the Veterans Team Hans Bouwmeester (The Netherlands), Vlastimil Hort (Germany he is also the captain) Victor Korchnoi (Switzerland) Vassili Smyslov (Russia) Mark Taimanov (Russia).
Internet coverage at:
Round 1 (July 4, 2000) Ladies 3.5 - Veterans 1.5 Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa - Smyslov, Vassily 1/2 34 D12 Slav defence Ioseliani, Nana - Korchnoi, Viktor 1/2 39 E41 Nimzo indian Polgar, Sofia - Hort, Vlastimil 1-0 32 B33 Sicilian; Sveshnikov Xie Jun - Bouwmeester, Hans 1/2 38 C54 Italian game Zhu Chen - Taimanov, Mark E 1-0 40 E11 Bogo indian Round 2 (July 5, 2000) Ladies 6.0 - Veterans 4.0 Bouwmeester, Hans - Ioseliani, Nana 0-1 43 A87 Dutch defence Hort, Vlastimil - Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa 1/2 64 A25 English; 1.c4 e5 Korchnoi, Viktor - Polgar, Sofia 1-0 37 E07 Nimzo indian Smyslov, Vassily - Zhu Chen 1/2 54 B22 Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3) Taimanov, Mark E - Xie Jun 1/2 35 A24 English; 1.c4 e5 Round 3 (July 6, 2000) Ladies 9.5 - Veterans 5.5 Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa - Korchnoi, Viktor 0-1 64 B19 Caro-Kann Ioseliani, Nana - Taimanov, Mark E 1-0 38 B47 Sicilian Polgar, Sofia - Bouwmeester, Hans 1-0 36 C66 Ruy Lopez Xie Jun - Smyslov, Vassily 1-0 67 C76 Ruy Lopez Zhu Chen - Hort, Vlastimil 1/2 60 A41 Queen's pawn Round 4 (July 7, 2000) Ladies 13.0 - Veterans 7.0 Bouwmeester, Hans - Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa 0-1 38 D13 Slav defence Hort, Vlastimil - Xie Jun 0-1 54 C77 Ruy Lopez Korchnoi, Viktor - Zhu Chen 0-1 34 D30 Queen's gambit Smyslov, Vassily - Ioseliani, Nana 1/2 12 B22 Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3) Taimanov, Mark E - Polgar, Sofia 1-0 63 A12 English; 1.c4 Round 5 (July 8, 2000) Ladies 14.5 - Veterans 10.5 Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa - Taimanov, Mark E 0-1 58 E32 Nimzo indian Ioseliani, Nana - Hort, Vlastimil 1/2 49 E94 Kings indian; Classical Polgar, Sofia - Smyslov, Vassily 0-1 28 C60 Ruy Lopez Xie Jun - Korchnoi, Viktor 1/2 53 B80 Sicilian Zhu Chen - Bouwmeester, Hans 1/2 48 A13 English; 1.c4 Round 6 (July 10, 2000) Ladies 17.0 - Veterans 13.0 Bouwmeester, Hans - Xie Jun 0-1 44 D77 1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6 Hort, Vlastimil - Polgar, Sofia 1-0 34 D23 QGA; Korchnoi, Viktor - Ioseliani, Nana 1-0 64 D37 Queen's gambit Smyslov, Vassily - Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa 1/2 43 B22 Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3) Taimanov, Mark E - Zhu Chen 0-1 54 A36 English; 1.c4 c5
The Esbjerg Chess Union revives its North Sea Cup and stages its 15th edition July 7-15 2000. 10 players will play what appears to be the strongest round-robin ever in Denmark, at category 14. Mikhail Gurevich has the early lead on 2.5/3.
Internet coverage:
Round 1 (July 7, 2000) Gurevich, Mikhail - Nielsen, Peter Heine 1-0 27 E46 Nimzo indian Svidler, Peter - Grischuk, Alexander 1/2 53 C92 Ruy Lopez Gulko, Boris F - Hansen, Curt 0-1 26 A29 English; 1.c4 e5 De Vreugt, Dennis - Emms, John M 1-0 33 C78 Ruy Lopez DeFirmian, Nick E - Hansen, Lars Bo 1/2 43 C92 Ruy Lopez Round 2 (July 8, 2000) Hansen, Curt - Emms, John M 1/2 32 E11 Bogo indian Nielsen, Peter Heine - DeFirmian, Nick E 1-0 62 E38 Nimzo indian Hansen, Lars Bo - De Vreugt, Dennis 1-0 23 D10 Slav defence Gulko, Boris F - Svidler, Peter 1/2 14 A16 English; 1.c4 Grischuk, Alexander - Gurevich, Mikhail 0-1 30 C02 French; Advance Round 3 (July 9, 2000) Gurevich, Mikhail - Gulko, Boris F 1/2 25 A85 Dutch defence Emms, John M - Hansen, Lars Bo 1-0 36 C09 French; Tarrasch Svidler, Peter - Hansen, Curt 1/2 40 C18 French; Winawer De Vreugt, Dennis - Nielsen, Peter Heine 0-1 98 C43 Petroff defence DeFirmian, Nick E - Grischuk, Alexander 1/2 24 B82 Sicilian North Sea Cup Esbjerg DEN (DEN), 7-15 vii 2000 cat. XIV (2596) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Gurevich, Mikhail g BEL 2667 * . 1 . . . = . . 1 2.5 2882 2 Hansen, Curt g DEN 2613 . * . = = . 1 . . . 2.0 2744 3 Nielsen, Peter Heine g DEN 2578 0 . * . . . . 1 1 . 2.0 2706 4 Emms, John M g ENG 2527 . = . * . 1 . 0 . . 1.5 2562 5 Svidler, Peter g RUS 2689 . = . . * . = . . = 1.5 2620 6 Hansen, Lars Bo g DEN 2562 . . . 0 . * . 1 = . 1.5 2535 7 Gulko, Boris F g USA 2643 = 0 . . = . * . . . 1.0 2531 8 De Vreugt, Dennis m NED 2511 . . 0 1 . 0 . * . . 1.0 2430 9 DeFirmian, Nick E g USA 2567 . . 0 . . = . . * = 1.0 2457 10 Grischuk, Alexander m RUS 2606 0 . . . = . . . = * 1.0 2516 ------------------------------------------------------------------
The 10th Lippstadt Tournament runs July 6th-16th 2000. The event includes a computer programme P. ConNers. The official standings will be calculated with 3 points for a win and 1 point for a draw (the cross-table below uses the more conventional system).
Round 4 standings: 1 PCONNERS ---- 9.0; 2 Mueller, Karsten g GER 2513 8.0; 3 Slobodjan, Roman g GER 2539 8.0; 4 Hracek, Zbynek g CZE 2612 7.0; 5 Speelman, Jonathan S g ENG 2623 6.0; 6 Schlosser, Philipp g GER 2523 6.0; 7 Chiburdanidze, Maia g GEO 2545 6.0; 8 Dautov, Rustem g GER 2606 5.0; 9 Luther, Thomas g GER 2547 4.0; 10 Brenke, Andreas GER 2357 2.0; 11 Wehmeier, Stefan m GER 2390 1.0; 12 McShane, Luke J m ENG 2480 0.0
Internet coverage:
Round 1 (July 6, 2000) Mueller, Karsten - Wehmeier, Stefan 1-0 30 D03 Queen's pawn Slobodjan, Roman - Brenke, Andreas 1/2 54 A32 English; 1.c4 c5 Speelman, Jonathan S - PCONNERS 1-0 46 D02 Queen's pawn Schlosser, Philipp - Chiburdanidze, Maia 1-0 39 D37 Queen's gambit Hracek, Zbynek - McShane, Luke J 1-0 41 B30 Sicilian Dautov, Rustem - Luther, Thomas 1/2 25 D11 Slav defence Round 2 (July 7, 2000) PCONNERS - Chiburdanidze, Maia 1-0 51 A21 English; 1.c4 e5 Speelman, Jonathan S - Hracek, Zbynek 1/2 22 A46 Queen's pawn Luther, Thomas - Mueller, Karsten 1/2 23 B01 Scandinavian Brenke, Andreas - Schlosser, Philipp 1/2 44 A30 English; 1.c4 c5 Wehmeier, Stefan - Slobodjan, Roman 0-1 50 C62 Ruy Lopez McShane, Luke J - Dautov, Rustem 0-1 29 B19 Caro-Kann Round 3 (July 8, 2000) Mueller, Karsten - McShane, Luke J 1-0 30 A48 Queen's pawn Slobodjan, Roman - Luther, Thomas 1/2 17 C01 French; Exchange Schlosser, Philipp - Wehmeier, Stefan 1/2 48 A43 Queen's pawn Hracek, Zbynek - PCONNERS 0-1 31 A05 Reti (1.Nf3) Dautov, Rustem - Speelman, Jonathan S 1/2 50 A40 Queen's pawn Chiburdanidze, Maia - Brenke, Andreas 1-0 41 A58 Benko gambit Round 4 (July 9, 2000) PCONNERS - Brenke, Andreas 1-0 49 A56 Benoni Speelman, Jonathan S - Mueller, Karsten 1/2 41 A12 English; 1.c4 Hracek, Zbynek - Dautov, Rustem 1-0 42 A12 English; 1.c4 Luther, Thomas - Schlosser, Philipp 1/2 14 C16 French; Winawer Wehmeier, Stefan - Chiburdanidze, Maia 0-1 75 B66 Sicilian McShane, Luke J - Slobodjan, Roman 0-1 43 A12 English; 1.c4 10th It Lippstadt GER (GER), 6-16 vii 2000 cat. X (2478) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 PCONNERS ---- * . . 0 . 1 . . 1 1 . . 3.0 2727 2 Mueller, Karsten g GER 2513 . * . = . . = . . . 1 1 3.0 2703 3 Slobodjan, Roman g GER 2539 . . * . . . = . . = 1 1 3.0 2636 4 Speelman, Jonathan S g ENG 2623 1 = . * . = . = . . . . 2.5 2527 5 Schlosser, Philipp g GER 2523 . . . . * . = . 1 = = . 2.5 2554 6 Hracek, Zbynek g CZE 2612 0 . . = . * . 1 . . . 1 2.5 2522 7 Luther, Thomas g GER 2547 . = = . = . * = . . . . 2.0 2545 8 Dautov, Rustem g GER 2606 . . . = . 0 = * . . . 1 2.0 2565 9 Chiburdanidze, Maia g GEO 2545 0 . . . 0 . . . * 1 1 . 2.0 2317 10 Brenke, Andreas GER 2357 0 . = . = . . . 0 * . . 1.0 2208 11 Wehmeier, Stefan m GER 2390 . 0 0 . = . . . 0 . * . 0.5 2208 12 McShane, Luke J m ENG 2480 . 0 0 . . 0 . 0 . . . * 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The 1st European Chess Championships are taking place in Saint Vincent July 3rd-14th 2000. There is a very strong field assembled with 109 entries 45 of whom are rated over 2500 and 16 over 2600.
Further information at:
Round 6 Standings 1st ch-Europe Saint Vincent ITA (ITA), 3-14 vii 2000 ----------------------------------------------------- 1 Tregubov, Pavel V g RUS 2615 5.0 2 Milov, Vadim g SUI 2653 5.0 3 Hertneck, Gerald g GER 2571 5.0 4 Georgiev, Kiril g BUL 2677 4.5 5 Timman, Jan H g NED 2655 4.5 6 Kharlov, Andrei g RUS 2616 4.5 7 Aleksandrov, Aleksej g BLR 2606 4.5 8 Smirin, Ilia g ISR 2666 4.5 9 Markowski, Tomasz g POL 2531 4.5 10 Beliavsky, Alexander G g SLO 2640 4.5 11 Lutz, Christopher g GER 2587 4.5 12 Malakhov, Vladimir g RUS 2593 4.5 13 Fedorov, Alexei g BLR 2684 4.0 14 Bauer, Christian g FRA 2517 4.0 15 Krasenkow, Michal g POL 2661 4.0 16 Azmaiparashvili, Zurab g GEO 2675 4.0 17 Conquest, Stuart g ENG 2563 4.0 18 Chernin, Alexander g HUN 2583 4.0 19 Gershon, Alik m ISR 2471 4.0 20 Morovic Fernandez, Ivan g CHI 2611 4.0 21 Bunzmann, Dimitrij m GER 2502 4.0 22 Romanishin, Oleg M g UKR 2578 4.0 23 Fressinet, Laurent m FRA 2501 4.0 24 Tiviakov, Sergei g NED 2567 4.0 25 Lalic, Bogdan g ENG 2548 4.0 26 Yakovich, Yuri g RUS 2580 4.0 27 Lobron, Eric g GER 2550 4.0 28 Mikhalevski, Victor g ISR 2499 4.0 29 Kempinski, Robert g POL 2528 4.0 120 players
The World Open took place in Philidelphia June 28th-July 4th 2000. There were seven sections with the main open section having a strong entry. There was an eight way tie for first after the nine rounds were completed, between Jaan Ehlvest, Alexander Goldin, Joel Benjamin, Gregory Serper, Alexander Ivanov, John Fedorowicz, Pavel Blatny and Sergey Kudrin. There was a single round robin blitz playoff amongst six of these eight (Ivanov and Fedorowicz didn't participate) which was won by Joel Benjamin.
Details: my thanks to Scott Pendergrast for his help.
World Open Philadelphia USA (USA), 28 vi-4 vii 2000 ----------------------------------------------------- 1 Benjamin, Joel g USA 2591 7.0 2 Ehlvest, Jaan g EST 2622 7.0 3 Goldin, Alexander g ISR 2566 7.0 4 Serper, Grigory g USA 2587 7.0 5 Ivanov, Alexander g USA 2541 7.0 6 Fedorowicz, John P g USA 2540 7.0 7 Blatny, Pavel g CZE 2512 7.0 8 Kudrin, Sergey g USA 2496 7.0 9 Kaidanov, Gregory g USA 2599 6.5 10 Shabalov, Alexander g USA 2592 6.5 11 Hodgson, Julian M g ENG 2625 6.5 12 Kotronias, Vasilios g CYP 2539 6.5 13 Atalik, Suat g TUR 2575 6.5 14 Garcia, Gildardo g COL 2444 6.5 15 Ashley, Maurice g USA 2499 6.5 16 Finegold, Benjamin m USA 2508 6.5 17 Perelshteyn, Eugene f USA 2429 6.5 18 Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander g POL 2563 6.0 19 Yermolinsky, Alex g USA 2601 6.0 20 Shulman, Yuri g BLR 2552 6.0 21 Zaichik, Gennadi USA 2489 6.0 22 Gufeld, Eduard g USA 2448 6.0 23 Miton, Kamil m POL 2425 6.0 24 Tate, Emory f USA 2309 6.0 25 Sarkar,Justin USA 2316 6.0 26 Paragua, Mark C PHI 2368 6.0 27 Gonzales, Jayson PHI 2411 6.0 28 Rogers, Norman USA 2265 6.0 29 Del Mundo, Anton PHI 2161 6.0 30 Solon, Nathan USA 2283 6.0 182 players
FIDE Zone 1.8 took place in Minsk the capital of Belarus Republic from 26th May-8th June 2000. The event was an all-play-all which saw Viktor Bologan win with 11/13. There were two qualifiers Bologan and Iordachescu.
My thanks to Feodor Skripchenko for the information. All the games are now available.
zt 1.8 Minsk BLR (BLR), 26 v-15 vi 2000 cat. VIII (2450) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Bologan, Viktor g MDA 2589 * = 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 11.0 2735 2 Iordachescu, Viorel g MDA 2560 = * 1 = = 1 1 1 1 = = = 1 = 9.5 2616 3 Kovalev, Andrei g BLR 2490 0 0 * = = = = 1 1 = = 1 1 1 8.0 2533 4 Svetushkin, Dmitry m MDA 2486 = = = * = = 0 = 1 1 1 0 = 1 7.5 2504 5 Kasparov, Sergey m BLR 2465 0 = = = * = = 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 2505 6 Zulfugarli, Magomed AZE 2479 0 0 = = = * = 1 0 1 = 1 1 1 7.5 2504 7 Aleksandrov, Aleksej g BLR 2606 = 0 = 1 = = * 0 = 0 1 1 1 0 6.5 2437 8 Kupreichik, Viktor D g BLR 2480 0 0 0 = 1 0 1 * 1 0 1 1 0 1 6.5 2447 9 Khruschiov, Alexey MDA 2281 0 0 0 0 1 1 = 0 * 1 0 0 1 1 5.5 2405 10 Azarov, Sergei BLR 2429 0 = = 0 0 0 1 1 0 * = = = = 5.0 2364 11 Gashimov, Vugar m AZE 2426 0 = = 0 0 = 0 0 1 = * = = 1 5.0 2364 12 Dovliatov, Sanan AZE 2327 0 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 = = * = = 4.5 2349 13 Ibrahimov, Rasul AZE 2415 = 0 0 = 0 0 0 1 0 = = = * 1 4.5 2342 14 Deseatnicov, Ivan MDA 2266 0 = 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 = 0 = 0 * 2.5 2213 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The annual White Nights Chess Festival 2000 took place in St Petersburg, Russia from June 23rd-July 4th 2000. The main GM event and the Open concluded in time for last week's issue. The women's event finished a couple of days later and was won by Ekaterina Korbut.
Further details:
White Nights Women St Petersburg RUS (RUS), 23 vi-4 vii 2000 cat. I (2269) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Korbut, Ekaterina RUS 2294 * 1 1 1 0 = 1 = 1 = 1 7.5 2459 2 Ovod, Evgenija wm RUS 2318 0 * 1 = 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 6.5 2374 3 Rubzova, Tatiana wg RUS 2252 0 0 * = 1 1 1 = 1 1 = 6.5 2380 4 Popova, Natalija wm BLR 2261 0 = = * 1 1 = = 0 0 1 5.0 2269 5 Lopatskaya, Elena P wm RUS 2328 1 0 0 0 * 1 = 0 = 1 1 5.0 2263 6 Eidelson, Rakhil wg BLR 2333 = 1 0 0 0 * 0 1 1 1 = 5.0 2262 7 Zimina, Olga wf RUS 2163 0 0 0 = = 1 * = 1 = 1 5.0 2279 8 Lymar, I wm UKR 2347 = 0 = = 1 0 = * = = 0 4.0 2189 9 Sudakova, Irina RUS 2213 0 1 0 1 = 0 0 = * 0 = 3.5 2164 10 Sorokina, Anastasia BLR 2165 = 0 0 1 0 0 = = 1 * 0 3.5 2169 11 Sirotkina, Nina wm RUS 2284 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 1 = 1 * 3.5 2157 -------------------------------------------------------------------
The Equitable Card Invitational Classic that took place in the Philippines is the first in the country for 3 years. The event as won by Dao Thien Hai with 6.5/9 half a point clear of IM Bong Villamayor denying him a 5th straight first place but not a final GM norm.
Bobby Ang reports: IM Buenaventura "Bong" Villamayor earned his third and final grandmaster result with his final score of 6.0/9. The year 2000 has definitely been the "Year of the Bong". He left Philippine shores in the first week of May to campaign abroad and racked up an unprecedented four straight firsts in powerhouse tournaments: (1) equal first with GM Sadvakasov, GM Meizis and GM Ehlvest in the Japfa Open (Bali, Indonesia), (2) equal first with GM Dao Thien Hai in the Asian Zonal, (3) equal first with GM Cerdas Barus in the first leg of the Vietnam Intourco GM Circuit, and (4) solo first in the second leg of the Intourco. He got GM results in the last two tournaments which, combined with the one he earned here would mean he got all three GM results within 41 days. Impressive! 2. WGM Wang Pin earned her sixth (!) international master result with a score of 4.5/9. 3. WGM Wang Lei earned her second international master result with a score of 4.5/9. 4. Mr. Generoso Poliarco and Mr. Roland Yutuc earned their first norms for the International Arbiter title.
More details on Bobby Ang's webpage:
Equitable Card Invitational Quezon City PHI (PHI), 30 vi-8 vii 2000cat. X (2487) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Dao Thien Hai g VIE 2550 * = = = = 1 = 1 1 1 6.5 2645 2 Villamayor, Bong m PHI 2474 = * 0 = = 1 1 1 = 1 6.0 2612 3 Antonio, Rogelio jr g PHI 2551 = 1 * = = = 1 = = = 5.5 2559 4 Wang Pin wg CHN 2469 = = = * = = = = 1 = 5.0 2531 5 Torre, Eugenio g PHI 2557 = = = = * = = = = = 4.5 2478 6 Wang Lei wg CHN 2495 0 0 = = = * 0 1 1 1 4.5 2485 7 Tu Hoang Thong g VIE 2515 = 0 0 = = 1 * = = = 4.0 2440 8 Mascarinas, Rico m PHI 2415 0 0 = = = 0 = * = 1 3.5 2414 9 Bitoon, Richard PHI 2436 0 = = 0 = 0 = = * = 3.0 2367 10 Mariano, Nelson m PHI 2403 0 0 = = = 0 = 0 = * 2.5 2329 -----------------------------------------------------------------
The VII Linares International Tournament took place 24th-26th June 2000, in the city of the same name (300 Kms south of Santiago). The tournament was a 9 rounds swiss system, with time rates of 45 minutes, 1 hour, and 1 hour 30 minutes. The first six prizes were US$2500, US$1250, US$800, US$700, US$600 and US$500
Andrés Molina reports: this VII version of Linares International Open -in Chile- was an outstanding meeting, with the visit of the British GM Nigel Short and an exciting final round. The tournament ended with a quadruple tie between GM Pablo Zarnicki (who won by Medium-Bucholz system), GM Nigel Short, and Chileans IM Rodrigo Vásquez and IM Pablo Toloza. The tournament highlights were the triumph of Toloza over Short (in round 4) and the triumph of the blind boy Tomás Figueroa in 20 moves over the FM Cristhian Montero, who played without sight of the board in respect to his rival, an attitude very much commented on by the rest (this was round 7). Further information, photos and videos, at
Games from the event are now available.
Final Standings 1 ZARNICKI, PABLO (ARG) gm 2497 7.5 2 SHORT, NIGEL (ENG) gm 2683 7.5 3 VASQUEZ, RODRIGO im 2445 7.5 4 TOLOZA SOTO, PABLO im 2347 7.5 5 VALENZUELA FUENTEALBA, LUIS im 2419 7 6 SZMETAN, JORGE (ARG) im 2405 7 7 GODOY, DAVID 2355 7 8 SALAS ARROS, CHRISTIAN fm 2288 7 9 VALIENTE, CRISTOBAL (PAR) im 2385 7 10 CARMONA ROSALES, JOSE 2188 7 11 SILVA SANCHEZ, JOSE fm 2405 7 12 HERNANDEZ, JUAN EDUARDO 2195 6.5 13 EGGER, JORGE im 2421 6.5 14 LOBOS BARRENECHEA, MIGUEL 2218 6.5 15 ARANCIBIA GUZMAN, EDUARDO 2379 6.5 16 LEON NANJARI, RODRIGO 2181 6.5 17 LOPEZ SILVA, HUGO 2181 6.5 18 FARFAN O,ALFREDO 2085 6.5 170 players
The IV Festival Internacional de Leon included the IV Open International (rapid chess g/20 knockout) on July 1st-2nd 2000. Players included GMs Elizbar Ubilava, Paco Vallejo, Jordi Magem, Felix Izeta, IM Javier Moreno (2505), IM Mario Gomez, Boris Zlotnik, Jose M. Lopez (2480), and Colombian IM Alder Escobar, Peruvian IM Vidarte, IM Jesus Baron etc. In the final Jordi Magem Badals beat Aleksa Strikovic 1.5-0.5
On June 29th Roberto Enjuto, 6 times European and 2 times Spanish Blind Champion will took on GM Alfonso Romero (2483) who will play blindfold. The game at a timerate of 1 hour for each player + 30 seconds per move was won in 32 moves by Romero.
June 30th there was a match between two of the best spanish players: GM Paco Vallejo (17 years old and in his first appearance after his great result in Pamplona, where he beat Timman and Polgar) and GM Jordi Magem (2529). They played a six game match, g/10 and Vallejo Pons won 3.5-2.5.
Internet coverage at:
Leon Blindfold Challenge Enjuto Velasco, Roberto - Romero Holmes, Alfonso 0-1 32 C17 French; Winawer g/10 Match Magem Badals, Jordi - Vallejo Pons, Francisco 0-1 37 B30 Sicilian Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Magem Badals, Jordi 0-1 48 B19 Caro-Kann Magem Badals, Jordi - Vallejo Pons, Francisco 1-0 48 B33 Sicilian; Sveshnikov Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Magem Badals, Jordi 1-0 21 B01 Scandinavian Magem Badals, Jordi - Vallejo Pons, Francisco 0-1 38 A04 Reti (1.Nf3) Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Magem Badals, Jordi 1/2 43 B23 Sicilian; Closed g/10 Match Leon ESP (ESP), 30-30 vi 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vallejo Pons, Francisco g ESP 2528 1 0 0 1 1 = 3.5 2586 Magem Badals, Jordi g ESP 2529 0 1 1 0 0 = 2.5 2471 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jan Vavrak reports: The Slovakian U-20 Boys and Girls Chess Championships took place 27th June - 3rd July 2000 in Zichy Palace, Bratislava. The winners were Tomas Petrik from Modra and Zuzana Gregorova from Banska Bystrica.
ch-SVK U-20 Bratislava SVK (SVK), 27 vi-3 vii 2000 --------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --------------------------------------------------------- 1 Petrik, Tomas SVK 2339 * 0 1 = 1 1 = = 4.5 2327 2 Rigo, Zsolt SVK 2268 1 * 1 = 0 = = = 4.0 2285 3 Kujovic, Michal SVK 2272 0 0 * 0 1 1 1 1 4.0 2285 4 Rachela, Milan SVK 2152 = = 1 * = 0 = = 3.5 2252 5 Markos, Jan SVK 2225 0 1 0 = * = = 1 3.5 2241 6 Fraas, Martin SVK 2215 0 = 0 1 = * 1 0 3.0 2193 7 Pinter, Erik SVK 2212 = = 0 = = 0 * 1 3.0 2193 8 Flasik, Radoslav SVK 2234 = = 0 = 0 1 0 * 2.5 2138 --------------------------------------------------------- ch-SVK U-20 Girls Bratislava SVK (SVK), 27 vi-3 vii 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Machalova, Maria SVK 2063 * = 1 = 0 = 1 1 4.5 2209 2 Gregorova, Zuzana SVK 2140 = * = 1 = = 1 = 4.5 2198 3 Kisonova, Katarina SVK 2154 0 = * = 1 = = 1 4.0 2144 4 Machalova, Veronika SVK 2103 = 0 = * 1 1 0 = 3.5 2101 5 Rohackova, Veronika SVK 2142 1 = 0 0 * = = = 3.0 2046 6 Sycova, Miroslava SVK 2081 = = = 0 = * = = 3.0 2054 7 Chorvatova, Elena SVK 2087 0 0 = 1 = = * = 3.0 2054 8 Havlickova, Beata SVK 2045 0 = 0 = = = = * 2.5 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------
Laszlo Nagy reports: There are 2 IM groups and 2 FM groups in the July edition of the First Saturday tournaments taking place July 1st-13th 2000. 15 year old Zhao Xue leads with 8/9.
Contact: Laszl Nagy. E-mail: Tel-fax: (361)-263-28-59 Mobile: (36)-30-230-1914 ICQ # 44805877 ICC nickname: MrFirstSaturday =.
Round 9 Standings: FSIMA July Budapest HUN (HUN), 3-15 vii 2000 cat. I (2263) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Zhao Xue CHN 2373 * . . 1 . 1 1 = = 1 1 . 1 1 8.0 2574 2 Dudas, Janos m HUN 2321 . * 1 . = = . = . = 1 1 1 1 7.0 2464 3 Bar, Roman ISR 2328 . 0 * = 1 1 . . . = 1 1 1 1 7.0 2466 4 Erenburg, Sergey f ISR 2325 0 . = * 1 . 1 0 1 . 1 1 1 . 6.5 2435 5 Eriksson, Johan f SWE 2364 . = 0 0 * = 1 . 1 1 . 1 . 1 6.0 2384 6 Hardicsay, Peter m HUN 2310 0 = 0 . = * . = . = = 1 1 . 4.5 2287 7 Lindgren, Fredrik SWE 2177 0 . . 0 0 . * 1 0 = 1 . 1 1 4.5 2251 8 Yates-Doerr, Riley USA 2297 = = . 1 . = 0 * = 0 . . = = 4.0 2209 9 Keatinge-Clay, Adrian USA 2287 = . . 0 0 . 1 = * 1 0 = 0 . 3.5 2190 10 Kahn, Evarth m HUN 2301 0 = = . 0 = = 1 0 * . 0 . . 3.0 2179 11 Rasmussen, Rogvi W FAI 2139 0 0 0 0 . = 0 . 1 . * = . 1 3.0 2142 12 Mont-Reynaud, Jordy USA 2282 . 0 0 0 0 0 . . = 1 = * . = 2.5 2097 13 Harakis, Alexis ENG 2179 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 = 1 . . . * 1 2.5 2102 14 Segovia,Javier PUR ---- 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 = . . 0 = 0 * 1.0 1922 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSIMB July Budapest HUN (HUN), 3-15 vii 2000 cat. II (2298) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Rajlich, Vasik G USA 2309 * = 1 . . = 1 = . 1 1 0 1 . 6.5 2455 2 Resika, Nathan A USA 2190 = * . = = = 1 . = . = 1 . 1 6.0 2421 3 Froehlich, Peter f GER 2375 0 . * . . 1 1 = = = = 1 1 . 6.0 2417 4 Eperjesi, Laszlo m HUN 2365 . = . * = = . 1 . = 0 1 = 1 5.5 2365 5 Hjelm, Niclas f SWE 2347 . = . = * = 0 . = = 1 1 . 1 5.5 2354 6 Xu Hanbing CHN 2420 = = 0 = = * = . = . 1 . . 1 5.0 2338 7 Farago, Sandor m HUN 2271 0 0 0 . 1 = * = . 1 . . 1 1 5.0 2359 8 Naes, Flovin Tor FAI 2257 = . = 0 . . = * = = . 1 0 1 4.5 2301 9 Vadasz, Laszlo g HUN 2285 . = = . = = . = * = = 0 = . 4.0 2254 10 Carlsson, Pontus SWE 2262 0 . = = = . 0 = = * . . = 1 4.0 2278 11 Zalkind, Karmi ISR 2250 0 = = 1 0 0 . . = . * . = 0 3.0 2205 12 Dub, Zeev ISR 2158 1 0 0 0 0 . . 0 1 . . * 1 0 3.0 2187 13 Yu Mingyuan CHN 2419 0 . 0 = . . 0 1 = = = 0 * . 3.0 2156 14 Cooke, Eric USA 2266 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 1 1 . * 2.0 2060 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The XLII Portuguese Team Championships took place June 11th-12th, 16th-18th and 22nd-25th June 2000. There were three leagues of competition which took place in the Pavilhao Aristides Hall in Aveiro University. Boavista FC were clear first.
Internet coverage at:
Final Standings: 1st Boavista FC, 25 (24,5); 2nd CAC Pontinha / Galpgás, 22 (23); 3rd GD Diana de Évora, 20 (19,5); 4th NX Faro/Faroshopping, 19 (20,5) (86,375 no sonneborn-berger); 5th FC Barreirense/BNC, 19 (20,5) (85,125); 6th SMD Caneças/Tropical, 17 (19); 7th CP EDP-Lisboa, 17 (16,5); 8th GX Porto, 16 (14,5); 9th GD Dias Ferreira, 14 (12,5) e 10th Sporting CP, 11 (9,5)
Final standings from Luis Santos' page:
The Indian Women's National Championships took place in the Raja Hotel, Kalyan Mumbai and finished on June 20th 2000. There was a two way tie for first between sisters S Meenakshi and Subbaraman Vijayalakshimi. The elder sister Vijayalakshimi took first on tie-break dispite losing the final round game against Meenakshi. Vijayalakshmi, Meenakshi, Saheli and Pallavi will be the Indian women's team in the Olympiad later this year. Information from Visweswaran.
Detailed coverage at:
ch-IND Women Mumbai IND (IND), 6-20 vi 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Meenakshi, S IND 2195 * 1 = = = = = = 1 1 1 = 1 8.5 2328 2 Vijayalakshimi, Subbaraman wm IND 2383 0 * = 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 8.5 2312 3 Dhar-Barua, Saheli wf IND 2185 = = * = = = = = 1 = 1 1 1 8.0 2296 4 Shah, Pallavi G IND 2138 = 1 = * 0 = = 0 1 1 = 1 1 7.5 2270 5 Swathi, Ghate wm IND 2297 = 0 = 1 * 1 1 0 0 1 = = 1 7.0 2219 6 Thipsay, Bagyashree Sathe wm IND 2247 = 0 = = 0 * = 1 = 1 1 = 1 7.0 2223 7 Gokhale, Anupama wm IND 2197 = 0 = = 0 = * 1 1 = 1 1 0 6.5 2199 8 Safira, Shahnaz wf IND 2136 = 0 = 1 1 0 0 * 0 1 1 = 1 6.5 2204 9 Aarthie, Ramaswamy IND 2219 0 0 0 0 1 = 0 1 * 1 1 = 1 6.0 2168 10 Sujatha,S IND ---- 0 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 * 1 1 1 4.0 2061 11 Pratibha, Y IND 2091 0 1 0 = = 0 0 0 0 0 * 1 = 3.5 2021 12 Singh, Neha IND 2019 = 0 0 0 = = 0 = = 0 0 * 1 3.5 2027 13 Baisakhi Das IND 2135 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 = 0 * 1.5 1853 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Quebec Championships took place in the form of a knock-out in Montreal. There was a five round Swiss phase to start the event July 2nd-4th 2000 which saw Andre Desjardins and Pantelis Pnevmonidis qualify for the knockout part of the event. The quarter finals took place June 10th-11th, semi-finals June 15th-18th and the final June 24th-27th.
Hugh Brodie reports: 17-year old Pascal Charbonneau is the new Quebec Closed champion. He defeated FM Goran Mikanovic 3.5-0.5 in the 4-game final. The event was run this year as a modified knockout system. Six top- rated players were seeded to an 8-player final. The other two qualified from a group of players which had mostly won qualifying events from around the province of Quebec. This event was a 5-round Swiss. The eight players then played 2-game knockout matches, which produced two upsets - IM's Thanh Nha Duong and Michael Schliefer were both eliminated. Two-game tiebreakers at an accelerated time limit (with time delays) were played when necessary. The semi-finals were 4-game matches - one of which had to be decided on tie-breaker games. Unfortunately, the three top ranked players in Quebec (GM Alexandre Lesiege, IM Jean Hebert, and FM Oleg Linskiy) declined to participate this year.
Further details: Results: Games:
Quarter-Finals Quebec Invitational KO Montreal CAN (CAN), 10-11 vii 2000 --------------------------------------------------------- 1 Mikanovic, Goran f CAN 2318 2.5 /4 2455 2 Schleifer, Michael f CAN 2360 1.5 /4 2231 -------------------------------------------------- 1 Charbonneau, Pascal CAN 2313 1.5 /2 2460 2 Leveille, Francois f CAN 2267 0.5 /2 2120 -------------------------------------------------- 1 Desjardins, Andre CAN 2101 1.5 /2 2573 2 Duong, Thanh Nha CAN 2380 0.5 /2 1908 -------------------------------------------------- 1 Khassanov, Marat CAN 2338 1.5 /2 2273 2 Pneumonidis, Pantelis CAN 2080 0.5 /2 2145 -------------------------------------------------- Semi-Final Quebec Invitational KO Montreal CAN (CAN), 24-27 vii 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Charbonneau, Pascal CAN 2313 3.5 2 Khassanov, Marat CAN 2338 2.5 ----------------------------------------- 1 Mikanovic, Goran f CAN 2318 4.0 2 Desjardins, Andre CAN 2101 0.0 ----------------------------------------- Final Quebec Invitational KO Montreal CAN (CAN), 24-27 vii 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ Charbonneau, Pascal CAN 2313 1 1 1 = 3.5 2654 Mikanovic, Goran f CAN 2318 0 0 0 = 0.5 1991 ------------------------------------------------------------
The Chinese Website organised a match against Xie Jun. The match which started on March 18th 2000 has concluded in a win for Xie Jun. The match was spoiled by a second best choice of move on move 23 when voting far exceded that for any other move.
Yin Hao who produces the Chinese site has agreed to another match against the World. The message board (administered by Tom Hendricks) which was originally set up to cover the Xie Jun vs the World Match has arranged to take on IM Yin Hao (2496) who will be assisted by Richard Fleming, a strong US postal player. They have a new voting system, the principle of which is to arrive at a consensus rather than having a secret ballot with all its problems (e.g. vote-stuffing, split votes, tactical voting etc). The voting mechanism is entirely transparent, and involves each team member publicly assessing various candidate moves.
Xie Jun - The World [C99] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0-0 9.h3 Na5 10.Bc2 c5 11.d4 Qc7 12.Nbd2 cxd4 13.cxd4 Bb7 14.d5 Rac8 15.Bd3 Nd7 16.Nf1 f5 17.Bg5 Nc5 18.exf5 Nc4 19.Bxc4 bxc4 20.Bxe7 Qxe7 21.Ne3 Nd3 22.Re2 Rc5 23.b3 Nf4 24.bxc4 Nxe2+ 25.Qxe2 Bc8 26.g4 Bd7 27.Nd2 Rcc8 28.Ne4 Rb8 29.Qd2 Rb6 30.c5 dxc5 31.d6 Qe8 32.Nxc5 Kh8 33.Rc1 Rc6 34.Qd5 Qf7 35.Rd1 Qxd5 36.Rxd5 Rd8 37.Nc4 Be8 38.d7 Rxd7 39.Nxd7 Rxc4 40.Nxe5 Rc8 41.Kg2 Kg8 42.h4 Kf8 43.Rd6 a5 44.f6 gxf6 45. Rxf6+ Kg7 46. Rd6 Rc2 47. a3 Re2 48. Nc4 Re4 49. Ne3 Ra4 50. Rd3 Bg6 51. Rc3 h5 52. f3 1-0
The Staffordshire Millennium Congress takes place in Lichfield 6th-14th July 2000. There are three events a GM event and IM and an Open. The event is organised by Adam Raoof. After four rounds Aaron Summerscale leads with 3.5/4.
Internet coverage:
Staffordshire Millennium Congress GM Lichfield ENG (ENG), 6-14 vii 2000cat. VIII (2434) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Summerscale, Aaron g ENG 2430 * . 1 . . 1 . = 1 . 3.5 2766 2 Motwani, Paul g SCO 2468 . * . = = . 1 . . 1 3.0 2623 3 Kelly, Brian m IRL 2421 0 . * . 1 . . 1 1 . 3.0 2619 4 Turner, Matthew m ENG 2487 . = . * . = = . = . 2.0 2458 5 Krush, Irina wm USA 2399 . = 0 . * = . 1 . . 2.0 2421 6 Crouch, Colin S m ENG 2424 0 . . = = * . . . 1 2.0 2428 7 Arkell, Keith C g ENG 2436 . 0 . = . . * . = = 1.5 2377 8 Ippolito, Dean m USA 2373 = . 0 . 0 . . * . = 1.0 2219 9 Gormally, Daniel m ENG 2504 0 . 0 = . . = . * . 1.0 2250 10 Kinsman, Andrew P.H m ENG 2399 . 0 . . . 0 = = . * 1.0 2232 -----------------------------------------------------------------
Soviet Master and theoretician Anatoly Gavrilovich Ufimtsev who was born in Omsk and lived most of his life in Kazakhstan has died in Kustanai (in truth not that far away from Omsk). He was born 11th May 1914 and died 2nd July 2000. He played in the Soviet Chess Championships just once, the 15th Championships in Leningrad 1947, where he beat Smyslov and Flohr. His name is mostly associated with the Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence. Both he and Pirc pioneering sequences such as 1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 g6 although with different strategic ideas in mind. He was an economist and administrator.
Klaman,K - Ufimtsev,A [B07] URS-ch15 Leningrad (13), 1947 1.e4 d6 2.Nf3 g6 3.c3 Bg7 4.Bc4 Nf6 5.e5 dxe5 6.Nxe5 0-0 7.d4 Nbd7 8.Qb3 Nxe5 9.dxe5 Ne4 10.e6 fxe6 11.Be3 Kh8 12.Nd2 Nxd2 13.Bxd2 Rxf2 14.Kxf2 Qxd2+ 15.Be2 Bd7 16.Rhe1 Be5 17.Qxb7 Rf8+ 18.Kg1 Qe3+ 19.Kh1 Qh6 0-1
The Lebanese Championships started Monday July 3rd 2000. After four rounds Antoine Kassis, Amin Haidar, Charif Mrad and Rafic Barakat 86 players. Info: Elie Houlichian.
The murder of Kalmykian journalist Larissa Yudina has been a thorn in the side of FIDE (and Kalmykian) President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov since it occurred in June 1998. It has never been proven that Kirsan Ilyumzhinov was involved in the murder. However it is a case of great importance to his reputation. A controversial new book Schaakmat in Kalmukkië (Checkmate in Kalmykia) has been published in the Netherlands. Written by Martin van den Heuvel he claims to throw more light on the matter. The central allegation is that Kirsan's brother Vyatsheslav was implicated in the affair too (the witness who claims to have seen him subsequently died in a car crash). The book was savaged in New In Chess 4 of 2000 where the unnamed reviewer in NIC Cafe says it is a clumsily written rehash of known facts and gives a one sided picture of Ilyumzhinov. However this view is not universally shared, there does seem to be new information on murders and misappropriation of subsidies in Kalmykia. Also my source says the clumsy writing is much overstated. Why is it every account by journalists not connected with chess seems to have a very negative opinion of human rights in Kalmykia?
Martin van den Heuvel is a renowned Eastern Europe expert and was in Kalmykia in December 1999 as an observer of the elections for the UN.
You can read a brief account of the book in Tim Krabbé diary section of his site at:
The 29th Greek Premier League Championships take place 6th-13th July 2000. Venue: Stadium of Peace & Friendship, Athens. Full internet coverage.
After some initial doubt the 4th Mind Sports Olympiad will definitely take place in London, at Alexandra Palace, from August 19th-28th 2000.
The Ron Banwell MSO Chess tournament takes place in Alexandra Palace 20th-28th August 2000. Likely contestants include: Murey, McNab, Hodgson and Speelman.
Play 15.30-22.00 daily Rate of play: 40/100, all in 50, adding 30 seconds from the first # Prizes: £1000 500 300 200 150 100 This is the guaranteed prize fund. Best score by a Disabled player: £200 £100 If the income warrants it, the Best score by a player Under-16: £50 prizes will be increased. Mind Sports Olympiad Medals in categories: Open, Under 16, Disabled No player may win more than one cash prize nor more than one medal. Part of The Terence Chapman Group Grand Prix
Play 15.30-22.00 daily Rate of play: 40/100, all in 50, adding 30 seconds from the first # Prizes: £1000 500 300 200 150 100 This is the guaranteed prize fund. Best score by a Disabled player: £200 £100 If the income warrants it, the Best score by a player Under-16: £50 prizes will be increased. Mind Sports Olympiad Medals in categories: Open, Under 16, Disabled No player may win more than one cash prize nor more than one medal. Part of The Terence Chapman Group Grand Prix
Entry Fees: GMs, IMs, WGMs, WIMs, if received by the penalty fee date* free Players FIDE Rated 2300 or higher, FMs, WFMs £30 Players FIDE Rated 2150-2299 £50 Players FIDE Rated 2001-2149 £75 Players unrated, BCF Grade 175 (National 2000 or higher) £100 Players unrated, BCF Grade under 175 (National 2000 or lower) £150 Players with disabilities free Players Under 21 or Over 60 pay half the above fees BCF Direct Members, discount of £4 Penalty Fee for late entries postmarked after 12 August £20 *Players with international titles who accept a free entry will be expected to be prepared to work with a disabled player for the period of the event. This might include post game analysis, pre game preparation.
Directed by: Stewart Reuben on behalf of the London Chess Association with the financial assistance of: British Chess Federation, Friends of Chess Ron Banwell, a haemophiliac, left a substantial bequest to the British Chess Federation. It will be possible to gain international honours. It has the objective of demonstrating that people with disabilities can compete at chess on totally equal terms.
Address to send entries: MSO 51 Borough Way Potters Bar Herts EN6 3HA
Details at:
If interested contact Stewart Reuben at or Anthony C. Corfe at for further details.
Confirmed other major events include the following: "The Times" British Crossword Puzzle Championship is expected to attract around 1,000 entries. The final stages of the British Land UK Chess Challenge is expected to add a further 1,100. And the British Open Dominoes and Cribbage Championships are likely to bring in another 1,000 or more. There is a programme of Go events, as well as the European Shogi Championships, the British Open Backgammon Championships, the British Scrabble Championships, the 5th Computer Olympiad (incorporating the World Microcomputer Chess Championship), and several other tournaments. There is also an initiative under way to enable the organisers to hold the MSO Masters Chess Championship. There will be a very large Bridge presence, including the London heats of the MSO Worldwide Charity Simultaneous Pairs Championship on August 22nd and 23rd.
Press Release at:
MSO Site at:
The Wipro GM tournament in Hyderabad takes place July 15th-28th 2000. There are 14 players: 1 GM Evegeny Vladimirov Kazhakstan 2598 2 GM Alexander Fominyh Russia 2594 3 GM K Sasikiran India 2573 4 GM Abhijit Kunte India 2556 5 GM Leonid Yurtaev Kyrgystan 2552 6 GM Sergey Ionov Russia 2541 7 GM Maxim Sorokin Argentina 2541 8 IM P Harikrishna India 2500 9 IM S S Ganguly India 2498 10 IM Ehsan Ghaem Maghami Iran 2487 11 IM Sandipan Chanda India 2446 12 IM D V Prasad India 2431 13 IWM S Vijayalakshmi India 2378 14 IWM Aarthie Ramaswamy India 2319.
Internet coverage at:
The 10th Smith & Williamson Young Masters takes place from the 14th-22nd July this year at King Edward's School, Witley (nr. Guildford). This event remains as England's premier junior event in which U21 players have the opportunity to obtain IM norms, as Karl Mah did last year. Internet coverage:
The Royal Dutch Chess Federation would like to invite strong young players to their tournament.
The Open Dutch Junior Chess Championships takes place 7th-12th August 2000 in Hengelo (The Netherlands). For players with a FIDE-rating of at least 2200 there are a number of places with full board (free accomodation, meals and travel inside The Netherlands). Details about the tournament can be found at the site of the Royal Dutch Chess Federation: The previous edition of the tournament was won by IM Stelios Halkias (GRE) ahead of IM Jan Gustafsson (GER), IM Leif Erlend Johannessen (NOR) and IM Alexei Iljushin (RUS). Players should be born in 1980 or later. You can also contact Anjo Anjewierden at
Valery Salov heads the WPC (World Players Council) and they have their own website. The site is at: with a mixture of material in Spanish and English. Includes: In English continued correspondence between Yasser Seirawan and Valery Salov, the WPC Memorandum and a summary of a press conference in London and Alexei Shirov annotating his win against Bacrot in Sarajavo. In Spanish there is more material including a press conference in Leon 5th June with the participants: GM Valeri Salov, IM Javier Ochoa, GM Zenón Franco, GM Jordi Magem, IM Ricardo Calvo, IM Leonid Bass, Leontxo García, Miguel Ángel Nepomuceno, Frederic Friedel (his exchanges are given in English), Amador Cuesta Robledo, and David Llada. You could try running the Spanish sections through the Babel Fish translation program to get the early exchanges if you don't speak the language.
The International open of Halkida (70 km north of Athens) will be organized this year from August 11-19. For more information, the official site of the event is: Total prizes are over 5000 euro (1st prize: 1500 euro).
The Lisbon International Chess Festival takes place August 21st-30th. The main open has 9 GMs entered already.
More information at e-mail for contacts:
A. MAIN TOURNAMENT FIDE LEVEL 1. Swiss system, 10 rounds, from August 21st-30th, starting at 17-00h, except round 10, which will start at 9-00h. Automatic pairings by Swiss Perfect software. Possibility of FIDE norms. 2. Entry fee: 10.000$00. Players with FIDE titles exempt. 50% discount until June 30th. 3. Timerate: 2h/40 + 1h/20 + 30m KO. Tie-break: performance (SwissPerfect); progress; Brazilian. 4. Prizes: 1º 300.000$; 2º 150.000$; 3º 120.000$; 4º 100.000$; 5º 70.000$; 6º 50.000$, 7º 30.000$; 8º 30.000$; 9º-10º 25.000$; 11º-13º 20.000$; 14º-16º 15.000$; 17º-20º 10.000$. The prizes will be awarded according to the final standings after the tie-break. Cups and special prizes also will be awarded. 5. Special conditions for GMs: 30.000$00 + full board (lodging and meals)
B. OPEN TOURNAMENT NON-FIDE LEVEL 1. Swiss system, 10 rounds, from August 21st-30th. Starting at 20-00h, except round 10, that will start at 9-00h. Automatic pairings by Swiss Perfect software. Possibility of FIDE norms. 2. Entry fee: 5.000$00. 50% discount until June 30. 3. Time-rate: 2h KO. Tie-break: performance (SwissPerfect); progress; Brazilian. 4. Prizes: 4.1. General Standing: 1º 30.000$; 2º 20.000; 3º 15.000$; 4º-5º 10.000$; 6º-20º 5.000$ 4.2. Elo < 1800: 1º 5.000$; 2º 3.000$; 3º 2.000$ 4.3. Elo < 1600: 1º 5.000$; 2º 3.000$; 3º 2.000$ 4.4. The prizes will be awarded according to the final standings after the tie-break. Cups and special prizes also will be awarded.
The Greek Chess Federation and the Chess Club of Mytilene are organising the Mytilene Open. The event which takes place on the island of Lesvos, is in its 5th consecutive year, takes place July 24th-31st 2000.
More information about this event can be obtained from the official web site of the tournament:
The Hilton Chess Festival in Blackpool, Lancashire, England takes place August 20th-24th 2000. The overall emphasis will be on fun and bringing the game of chess in its many forms over to the public as well as the general chess playing people. The rapidplays will have prizes, whilst all the other events will have prizes for the children, including prizes to be used in Blackpool itself.
The 2nd ShakkiNet International takes place in Helsinki July 10th-18th, 2000. There will be three groups, a GM, an IM and an ELO group.
GM-Group (cat 9) players: GM Gavrikov Viktor LTU 2563, GM Solozhenkin Evgeniy RUS 2528, IM Külaots Kaido EST 2499, IM Anka Emil HUN 2474, IM Kallio Heikki FIN 2452, GM Yrjölä Jouni FIN 2438, IM Sepp Olav EST 2414, IM Agopov Mikael FIN 2402, IM Norri Joose FIN 2400, IM Sammalvuo Tapani FIN 2383,
IM-Group (cat 4) players: IM Kiik Kalle EST 2445, IM Seeman Tarvo EST 2428, FM Nouro Mikael FIN 2398, IM Payen Arnaud FRA 2376, IM Välkesalmi Kimmo FIN 2351, IM Raaste Eero FIN 2349, FM Mäki-Uuro Miikka FIN 2341, FM Lampen Timo FIN 2307, Gambäck Björn SWE 2235, WIM Koskela Niina FIN 2182
There is also an 8-10 player ELO-group for players rated between 2000-2300. (3-5 places left)
Contact Information: Sami Hämäläinen email
A transcript of the live online chat with FIDE World Champion Alexander Khalifman which took place Sunday June 4 2000 on the About Chess site can be read at:
GM Rune Djurhuus on the 1999 event (including pictures).
Golden Cleopatra Chess Festival 10-22 July 2000 Under the supervision of the Egyptian Chess Federation Sponsored by Eastern Company Sports Club a) Closed Section (for Rated Players 2300+Up)
The tournament will be played in Cairo-Egypt- Eastern Company Sports Club, about 5 km from Pyramids-Egypt.
Swiss System 9 Rounds 40 Players (7 GMs25 IMs) Time control 7 hours Fischer system.
GMs-norm and IMs-norm are available.
Arrival: 10 July- 1st round: 11 JulyRest Day: 16 July-last Round: 20 JulyClosing Ceremony: 21 July (8p.m.)- Departure: 22 July. All Rounds start at 4pm.
Prizes in U.S. Dollars: 1st 1000 - 2nd 800 - 3rd 700 4th 600 5th 500 - 6th 400 7th 300 8th 200 9th 150 10th 150.
For Rated players over 2300, They will pay 250 US$ including Registration fee + Accommodation in 3 star Hotel double Bedroom + 3 meals starting from Arrival date to Departure date + Splendid touristic tours. For other Rated players the same but they participate in Open Section. B) Open Section (for rated Players under 2300)
Fide Rated Swiss System-9 Rounds 120 PlayersTime Control 2 hours for the first 40 moves then one hour to finish the game. Schedule as above.
Prizes in Egyptian Pounds: 1st 500 -2nd 400 -3rd 300 -4th 250 -5th 250 -6th 200 -7th 200 -8th 150 -9th 125 -10th 100.
Contact Hassan Khaled before June 30, as there are limited places. Hassan Khaled General Director Egyptian Chess Federation E-mail: or, Blitzin I.D.: haskd Phone: +20-2-3378987, Mobile: +20-10-5003063, Fax +20-2-3025683 Venue: Eastern Company Sports Club (Tel & Fax +20-2-5620931) Hotel: Ledo Hotel Pyramids Street (Tel+20-2-572026 - 5694624)
There is a new Russian Website (English content to follow) at: Material includes chess history and statistics and a collection of the chess links.
The Ikaros Chess Festival 2000 (11-23 July 2000, Agios Kyrikos, Ikaria island, GREECE) This year Ikaros Festival includes seven (7) tournaments. The first three tournaments offer accommodation privileges for the winners while the remaining four offer cash prizes of total value one million drachmas (1.000.000). Further details:
The Korinthos 2000 International Chess Open Tounament takes place July - August 2000. 9 round Swiss. Prizes: 1st 400.000 drs 2nd 275.000 drs 3rd 175.000 drs 4th 100.000 drs 5th-6th 150.000 drs (2x75.000) 7th-8th 100.000 drs (2x50.000) 9th-10th 80.000 drs (2x40.000) 11th-12th 60.000 drs (2x30.000) Further details:
You can also see the Official Guide to Chess Tournaments in Greece at:
There is an international chess festival in Montecatini Terme July 28th to August 6th 2000. There will be two events. A Champions Category XVIII event with Alexei Shirov, Vassily Ivanchuk, Evgeny Bareev, Zurab Azmaiparashvili, Sergei Rublevski, Jeroen Piket, Artashes Minasian and Smbat Lputian.
In addition there will be an open for a maximum of 200 players. GMs Sax, Zelcic, Naumkin, Skembris, Lobron, Godena, Palac and IMs Sulava, Van Der Werf, Belotti, Tatai, De Gleria are entered already.
There will be a website at: .
The 11th International Chess Festival Pardubice takes place 13th - 30th July 2000.
Events: A - open grand master tournament with rating for FIDE (participation of players with ELO FIDE 2200 min.) B - open rating tournament with rating for FIDE (players with ELO FIDE or ELO national 1950 min.) C - open performance tournament (players without ELO FIDE with ELO national 1700 min.) D - open amateur tournament (players without any ELO or with ELO national lower than 1950) E - open 4-member team tournament with rating for FIDE (players without age and performance limitation) F - open 4-member team tournament of young players up to the age of 16 (players born in 1984 and younger regardless ELO) G - open active chess tournament (players without age and performance limitation) H - blitz marathon (players without age and performance limitation) I - blitz tournament (players without age and performance limitation)
Applications together with accommodation orders should be sent by 15th June 2000 to the following address: AVE-KONTAKT Sukova 1556 530 02 Pardubice CZECH REPUBLIC tel./fax +420-40-65 35 200 e-mail:
Full details:
The Corsican International Open takes place 2nd-5th November 2000 in Bastia (Theatre). There is a Prize fund of 450 000 F for 2 events.
Corsica Masters, 3rd-5th November (elo =>2300) 7 rounds 20'+5" After the 7 rounds 1/4 final (10"+10, return match), 1/2 final, final
Prize fund 300 000 F 60 000 F - 35 000F- 20 000 F - 20 000 F 5th thru 8 10 000 F each -8 000 F - 6 000 F - 11th thru 20th 4 000 F each elo 2300-2500 : 10 000 F - 7 000 F - 4 000 F 1st Woman 5 000 F, 2nd : 3 000 F, 3rd 2 000 F 1st french : 7 000 F, 2nd 5 000 F, 3rd 3 000 F Schedule : Friday November 3rd Round 1 6.00 pm Round 2 7.30 pm Round 3 9.00 pm Saturday November 4th Round 4 11.30 am Round 5 2.00 pm Round 6 6.00 pm Round 7 7.30 pm Sunday November 5th 1/4 final 9.00 am 1/2 final 11.00 am Final 1.00 pm
Entry Fees : 250 F if paid by october 1, 350 F after october 1st.
Tournament of Bastia, 2nd-4th November (elo=<2400) 9 rounds 50'+10" Prize fund 150 000 F 15 000 F -10 000 F - 8 000 F - 6 000 F - 5000 F - 4 000 F - 3 000 F - 2000 F 1st Junior : 6 000 F, 2nd 4 000 F, 3rd 2 000 F elo 2000-2300 : 8 000 F - 5 000 F - 3 000 F elo 1800-1999 : 6 000 F - 3 500 F - 2 500 F elo 1600-1799 : 4 500 F -3 000 F - 2 000 F elo 1000-1599 : 4 000 F - 2 500 F -1 500 F Entry Fees : 250 F if paid by october 1, 350 F after october 1st. Schedule : Round 1 : November 2nd 3 pm, last round November 4th 9 pm
Players rated elo 2300-2400 can play both events.
Tournament manager : Léo BATTESTI 33 195 31 14 08 - fax 33 495 32 42 44 Mobil phone : 33 608 51 52 93 e-mail : web site :
FRIBOURG: The 1st "Golden Tulip" Open run from July 7th to 11th.
"Golden Tulip" Open Fribourg - open to all, 7 rounds, Swiss system. Time control: 2 hours each players will have for 40 moves and 30 minutes to complete the game. "Golden Tulip" Chain host "Swiss Chess Tour" in Fribourg for the first time. Venue is Hotel "Golden Tulip" (****). Prize Fund : 2.000/1.500/1.000/800/600/500/400/300/250/200 + natural prizes.
More information: Robert Spoerri, Tiergarten 33, CH-3400 Burgdorf, tel: 00/41/34/4240106; Fax: 00/41/34/4240107 E-mail:
The OAA Heraklio Chess Club a new website: the site has chess news from Greece, chess features, etc. Includes a Greek chess calendar.
The Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting 2000 takes place July 7th-16th 2000 in the Dortmund Theatre. Participants in the event are:
Vladimir Kramnik (Russia), Viswanathan Anand (India), Peter Leko (Hungary), Michael Adams (England), Evgeny Bareev (Russia), Alexander Khalifman (Russia), Vladimir Akopian (Armenia), Jeroen Piket (Netherlands), Dr. Robert Huebner (Germany) and the chess programme Junior 6.
In addition there will be another GM Tournament (cat. 10/11) and several opens that take place in parallel to the main event (registration by e-mail:
Further details: KasparovChess have bought exclusive rights to the live coverage at:
The Esbjerg Chess Union revives its North Sea Cup with a 15th edition July 7-15 2000. 10 players will play what appears to be the strongest round-robin ever in Denmark, probably category 14: John Emms Nick de Firmian Mikhail Gourevitch Alexander Grischuk Boris Gulko Curt Hansen Lars Bo Hansen Peter Heine Nielsen Dennis de Vreugt Peter Svidler The tournament has its own home page: then hit 'Vesterhavsturneringen' which is Danish for The North Sea Cup.
The European Youth Chess Championships 2000 will be held 2nd-10th October in Kalithea in Halkidiki (Greece). If you require further details:
33rd International Biel Festival. The event will take place 22nd July-5th August. Numerous events including a strong Open and a GM tournament, category 16 with Gelfand and Svidler (six players).
Website: in 3 languages, English, French and German.
The Paul Keres Memorial, will be played in Tallinn, Estonia 14-22 August 2000. 9 rounds Swiss system, 2 hours / 40 moves + 1 hour / rest, tournament is rated for FIDE-ELO. Prizes: 1500 DM/1000 DM/800 DM/700 DM/600DM/500 DM/450 DM/300 DM/300DM/300 DM More info: Iivo Nei, Tel: +372 644 61 74, +372 631 32 24 Fax: +372 631 42 39
The 4th OIBM in Bad Wiessee will be held October 28th-November 5th 2000. It is expected to be a strong event, as last year with a number of strong GMs playing.
More details:
Hogeschool Zeeland Chess Tournament in Vlissingen (The Netherlands). July 29 - August 5, 2000 9 rounds Swiss, FIDE-rated Rate of play: 40 moves in 2 hours, then 30 minutes knock-out. Entry fee: Dfl 60 (GM / IM free, FM Dfl 30) Prizefund: Dfl 3500 - 2500 - 1500 - 750 - 500 - 250 - 150 - 150 - 100 - 100 9 rounds in 8 days: on Sunday July 30 there will be 2 rounds. There will be a simul on July 28 and one GM will give chesstraining to the participating youth players during the tournament. Information: Hans Groffen Paul van Rooijen Website:
As part of the 16th Maccabiah there will be a number of chess tournaments (GM/IM and open tournaments) The 16th Maccabiah (Jewish Olympiad) takes place in Tel-Aviv 16th-26th June 2001.
Krkonose Open 2000 takes place 29th October to 5th November 2000 in Pec pod Snezkou town (The Krkonose mountains). Further information:
10th International Heart of Finland Tournament, the biggest open tournament in Finland, will be played in Jyvaskyla, Finland 19-23.7.2000. More information:
Presov Chess Festival 2000, 12th -20th August A) Grandmaster tournament (10 participants, round robin, 10th category FIDE) B) Women's grandmaster tournament (10 participants, round robin, 10th category FIDE) C) OPEN for players with Elo FIDE minim. 2100 D) National OPEN E) Accompanying programme (simultaneous game, blitz, football, ...)
Total prize fund 169 900 Sk (about $4000). There are still FREE places for players in A as well in B tournament (and of course in C and D tournaments).
Official web-pages of the Presov Chess Festival 2000
Last year: The results of the Presov Chess Festival 1999 are in TWIC250
The organising committee of the Presov Chess Festival 2000 can be contacted at:
The 10th World Senior Championships will be held September 10th-24th, 2000 in the small village of Rowy in Poland. The event is open to men born in 1939 or earlier and women in 1949 or earlier).
Further information: Polish and Russian language: Mr. Alfred Obszanski - Postomino, Poland, tel/fax: + 48 (59) 810-85-77 or German language: Mr. Jerzy Konikowski - Dortmund (Germany), tel/fax: +49 (231) 17-15-67 e-mail:
Official site: or
Qingdao, a seaside resort 1000 km South-East of Beijing, takes place 15th-24th July. There is a flight from Budapest on July 13th and it is possible to combine with the FIRST SATURDAY Budapest tournament 1st -13th July.
Events: 1. GM closed tmt cat.IX.-X. Prizes: 1500-1250-1000-750-500 USD 2. IM closed tmt cat.II. , Prizes: 600-500-400-300-200 USD 3. Open Swiss, Prizes: 400-300-200-150-100 USD
More info: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail: Phone: (361)-263-28-59 Mobile: (36)-30-230-19-14
The 6th International Chess Festival "Festival Schneider Bohemia " Pilsen 2000, takes place 19th-27th August 2000 at the "Strelecky stadion" Pilsen Lobzy (Czech Republic). The main tournament of this Festival is International Open Czech Championship ( 1st prize 20 000 CZK, sum of prizes 60 000 CZK ). Details:
1. 21st of June - 1st of July, HOTEL IROTTKO, GM-IM-closed, KOSZEG, Org.:FM Tomcsanyi, Peter e-mail:
2. 1st-13th of July FIRST SATURDAY,
3. 19th-27th of July BUDAPEST SUMMER, GM-IM-Open, org.:IM Rigo, e.mail:
4. 5th-17th of August, FIRST SATURDAY
5. 19th-29th August GM cat.8 IM cat.4 11 rounds and 19th-27th August FM closed 9 rounds Paks HUN Org: IM Videki, e-mail:
VI.Veszprem Summer - HEMO Coup, International Chess Tournament from 22nd-30th July.2000. Venue: HEMO Building (Presidial Culture House) Zalka Mate square 1, Veszprem city, Hungary Organizer: HEMO Chess Society, Veszprém.
Events: "A" group - IM tournament , 10 players "B" group - Swiss type open tournament in 9 rounds according to the FIDE rules.
Entry fees: "A" group: 10.000 HUF (about 70 DM) "B" group: below FIDE 2200 3.500 HUF (25 DM) 2200 - 2299 3.000 HUF (20 DM) 2300 - 2399 2.000 HUF (13 DM) 2400 - ------ HUF Prizes: "B" group: 60.000 HUF; 40.000 HUF; 20.000 HUF; 15.000 HUF; 10.000 HUF; 5.000 HUF.
Information: Norbert Szelényi Phone number: 88-401-400 Place of work: 88-426-233 /358 (am. 8.00 - pm. 16.00) Fax number: 88-426-233 /364 (am. 8.00 - pm. 16.00) For more information E-mail to:
Web pages: and
June 25-29, 2000 - Olomouc (CZE) "MLADI OPEN 2000" swiss system, 7 rounds 1) FIDE OPEN - for young players up to 20 years of age, 1st prize - FREE START in round-robin tournament 4th category FIDE in August in Olomouc 2) national open A - players born in 1984 and younger 3) national open B - players born in 1988 and younger Contact: Agentura 64, 783 73 Grygov 337, Czech Republic, tel./fax: ++420-68-5393327, e-mail:, WWW:
August 2-10, 2000 - Olomouc (CZE) "OLOMOUC CHESS SUMMER 2000" 1) round-robin GM tournament 10th category FIDE (10-12 players) 2) 2 round-robin IM tournaments 4th category FIDE (10-12 players) 3) FIDE open - swiss, 9 rounds, 2/40+1, 1st prize 10000 CZK We are looking for players without title for both round robin tournaments! Contact: Agentura 64, 783 73 Grygov 337, Czech Republic, tel./fax: ++420-68-5393327, e-mail:, WWW:
The Garry Koshnitsky Memorial Australian Chess Festival is being held this year from 7 June to 13 August in memory of arguably the most important figure in Australian chess history who died last year at the age of 91. The festival commences with the Surfers Paradise Parkroyal International which is being held at a five star venue on Queensland's Gold Coast in order to give Australian players the opportunity to play top class overseas opposition. The nine round Swiss event features GMs Nikolic, Ftacnik, Rogers and Johansen and runs from 7-17 June. Whilst the Prize Fund is a modest $5,000 the playing conditions are superb and the hotel is situated in one of the world's great holiday destinations. Entry fees are IMs and GMs FOC, players rated 2300+ $150, 2200+ $250, 2100+ $350, 2000+ $450. Overseas players are half price and there are discounts for payment by 15/3/00 ($50) and 15/4/00 ($25). There are very special room rates at the Parkroyal only available to competitors ($75 single, $37.50 twin share).
The Garry Koshnitsky Festival features the following events: 7 to 17 June Parkroyal Surfers Paradise International 18 June Parkroyal Surfers Paradise Corporate challenge 19 to 23 June GM coaching in local schools 24 to 25 June Gold Coast Open 26 to 30 June GM coaching of elite Australian juniors 1 to 2 July Noosa Open 8 to 9 July Queen Victoria Building event, Sydney 15 to 16 July Australian National University Open, Canberra 24 July to 4 August Australian Masters, Reserve Bank Building, Melbourne 12 to 13 August Adelaide Weekender (Festival Finale)
Contact details: Graeme Gardiner, President Australian Chess Federation, C/O Somerset College, Somerset Drive, Mudgeeraba, Gold Coast, Queensland 4213 Phone: (+61 7 international) or (07) 5530 3777 (w); (07) 5530 5794 (h); (07) 5525 2676 (fax) Email:
Tournament name : Bergen Chess International Site: Bergen, Norway. Date: 21-29th July 2000 Prize Fund : NOK 10000/6000/4000/2000/1000 + rating prizes. The prize fund is garanteed. Entry fee : No entry fee for foreigners with FIDE-ELO. Conditions : Yes, but already taken. Number of rounds : 9 System : Modifed Swiss. Rate of play : 2/40, 1/20, 0.5/rest Side events : Rapid tournaments, GM-simuls, blitz etc
Home page :
40-50 participants are expected of which there will be 5-6 GMs and 6-8 IMs. Only 6 unrated players will take part. Confirmed titled players: GM Yakovich (2580), GM Volzhin (2548), GM Gausel (2492), GM Djurhuus (2484), IM L. Johannessen (2431), IM Fyllingen (2408), IM Bern (2379) and IM Gullaksen (2353).
The 6th International Chess Festival "Festival Schneider Bohemia" Pilsen 2000 (The main tournament of this Festival is International Open Czech Championship) 19th - 27th August 2000 in Pilsen (Czech Republic)
The Politiken Cup in Copenhagen, Denmark takes place 17th-28th July 2000. There is a new venue at the Nørrebrohallen with room for 500-700 players.
Further information:
There are two events in Kobuleti (Georgia, Adjaria a health resort on the Black Sea not far from Batumi). The Martve Open 2000 30th July-8th August 2000.The organisers are the Head Department of Physical & Military Training of Ministry of Education of Georgia, Chess school for children tenagers of the Kobuleti region named after Nana Ioseliani and Zurab Azmaiparashvili. A 9 round Swiss. Main open for Men and Women along with Junior Boys and Girls under 6,8,10,14 and 16 events.
In August 10th-19th 2000 the Remka Open. A 9 round Swiss. Main open for Men and Women along with Junior Boys and Girls under 6,8,10,14 and 16 events.
Further information : Fax: +(995)32 98 70 53; Phone: +(995) 32 999521, 958366, 226745 in Tbilisi and 63317, 62589, 63581 in Kobuleti (code 8-88236).. E-mail:,
3 our tournaments, which will take place during summer in Kobuleti (GEORGIA). INTERNATIONAL CHESS FESTIVAL "MARTVE - OPEN - 2000" 30 July - 08 August INTERNATIONAL CHESS FESTIVAL "REMKA - OPEN - 2000" August 10-19 INTERNATIONAL CHESS FESTIVAL "KOBULETI-OPEN-2000" August 20-29 Full text of Provisions is on our web page: Besides there will be held chess tournaments with the norm of the International Master: 1) 30.07-9.08 2) 10.08-20.08 3) 21.08-30.08 Organizers of the tournaments Mr.Amiran Berdzenishvili, Mr.Ioseb Mzhavanadze, Mr.David Japaridze. With best regards David Japaridze Georgian Chess Federation Fax: +(995)32 98 70 53; Phone +(995)32 99 95 21, 95 83 66, 22 67 45 in Tbilisi and 6 33 17, 6 25 89, 635 81 in Kobuleti., URL: