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Games section
Merida GM Tournament 10 games Frankfurt Fritz vs Humans 8 games Frankfurt Ordix Open 61 games FIDE Zone 1.5, Yerevan Armenia 60 games FIDE Zone 2.4 in Sao Paulo 32 games FIDE Zone 4.2 in Cairo 15 games European Women's Chess Champs 16 games 53rd Russian Chess Champs 62 games Hamburg City Championships 112 games FSGM June 25 games FSIMA June 12 games FSIMB June 12 games Stockholm IM 36 games Stockholm ELO 45 games Guillermo Garcia Premier I 91 games Guillermo Garcia Premier II 56 games 11th Ljubljana Open 48 games Parkroyal Surfers Paradise Int. 44 games Balatontourist Open Budapest 45 games 790 games
My thanks to Alejandro Arana, John Henderson, Luis Costa, Ales Drinovec, Feodor Skripchenko, John MacArthur, Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk, Sami Hämäläinen, Laszlo Nagy, Valery Salov, Yasser Seirawan, Yvette Nagel Seirawan, Lost Boys, Gary Bekker, Ülar Lauk, Hassan Khaled, Willy Iclicki, Geurt Gijssen, Anton Gubanov and, Club Kasparov site (Russian), Lennarth Eriksson, Francisco Acosta and all those who helped with this issue.
Can Judit Polgar make it three tournament wins in a row? With one round to go she shares the lead in Merida, Mexico with Shirov. Shirov is getting towards the end of a quite brutal schedule. He played May 17th-29th in Sarajevo, June 2nd-4th in Leon. He plays June 13th-19th in Mexico and June 20th-25th Siemens Giants in Frankfurt and two games against Fritz. Lets hope his stamina holds up. Elsewhere more results from FIDE Zonals, FIDE will shortly announce that they will run a World Cup event in China and Yasser Seirawan is critical of FIDE (Salov replies). A busy week.
Hope you enjoy this issue
There is a Category XVII double round robin tournament taking place in the City of Merida, State of Yucatan 13th-21st June 2000. With just one round to go Alexei Shirov and Judit Polgar are sharing first place with 3/5. At the end of the event Shirov will immediately travel to Frankfurt to take part in the rapidplay events there.
There is an English Wesite for the event and at the same time there is an open tournament. Details in English on the Open here.
Round 1 (June 13, 2000) Shirov, Alexei - Hernandez, Gilberto 0-1 37 A08 Reti (1.Nf3) Polgar, Judit - Akopian, Vladimir 1/2 19 C10 French Round 2 (June 14, 2000) Shirov, Alexei - Polgar, Judit 1-0 48 B42 Sicilian Hernandez, Gilberto - Akopian, Vladimir 0-1 41 B85 Sicilian Round 3 (June 15, 2000) Polgar, Judit - Hernandez, Gilberto 1-0 32 C11 French; Classical Akopian, Vladimir - Shirov, Alexei 0-1 81 C07 French; Tarrasch Round 4 (June 17, 2000) Hernandez, Gilberto - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 30 C11 French; Classical Akopian, Vladimir - Polgar, Judit 0-1 35 E12 Nimzo indian Round 5 (June 18, 2000) Polgar, Judit - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 21 C11 French; Classical Akopian, Vladimir - Hernandez, Gilberto 1/2 27 A45 Queen's pawn It Merida MEX (MEX), 13-20 vi 2000 cat. XVII (2657) -------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 -------------------------------------------------------- 1 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2751 ** 1= 0= 1. 3.0 2691 2 Polgar, Judit g HUN 2658 0= ** 1. =1 3.0 2748 3 Hernandez, Gilberto g MEX 2560 1= 0. ** 0= 2.0 2624 4 Akopian, Vladimir g ARM 2660 0. =0 1= ** 2.0 2565 --------------------------------------------------------
The Frankfurt Chess Classic 2000 takes place June 16th-25th. There are six main events two of which took place over this weekend. Next week in addition to simultaneous exhibitions from Kasparov and Ivanchuk there will be the Fujitsu Siemens Giants (6 players, double round robin, 4 days, June 22nd -25th) Participants: Viswanathan Anand, Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Peter Leko, Alexander Morozevich and Alexei Shirov. Alongside this event will be the Masters (8 players, double round robin, 4 days, June 22nd to June 25th) Participants: Michale Adams, Evgeny Bareev, Vassily Ivanchuk, Robert Rabiega, Veselin Topalov, Loek Van Wely, Artur Jussupow and Sergey Rublevsky. In all events each player has 25 minutes per game.
John Henderson has detailed photo reports from Frankfurt daily on TWIC's pages.
Last year Fritz on Primergy won the Ordix Open and the Masters. The combination of ChessBase software and Fujitsu Siemens was supposed to have played in the Giants event this year. However Kasparov believes he may have a lucrative match against a computer soon and rufused to play in the Giants if Fritz competed. Instead there was a challenge match between the other five players in the Giants and Fritz. The event was largely completed over the weekend of June 17th-18th 2000 finishing in a tie between Fritz and the humans. Matthias Wüllenweber of the ChessBase team said before the match that his first priority was not to lose any of the mini matches and to garner a small plus score. Over the weekend Fritz won two mini-matches (against Morozevich and Anand) and lost two (against Kramnik and Leko) and the scores finished level. The final mini-match of two games against Shirov takes place on June 22nd and 24th (Shirov was still in Mexico this weekend).
Fritz beat Anand (he got into a mess out of the opening and didn't recover) and drew the other three games on day one. On day two Kramnik levelled the score, Anand drew, Morozevich then lost (he said he held an advantage before playing 22 Rbc1) before Leko calmly levelled things with a nice anti-computer game. Its all to play for when Shirov plays!
FSC Computer Exhibition Day 1 (June 18, 2000) Fritz leads 2.5-1.5 Kramnik, Vladimir - FRITZ on Primergy K800 1/2 53 A10 English; 1.c4 Anand, Viswanathan - FRITZ on Primergy K800 0-1 44 A81 Dutch defence FRITZ on Primergy K800 - Morozevich, Alexander 1/2 45 D20 QGA; FRITZ on Primergy K800 - Leko, Peter 1/2 37 C47 Four knights Day 2 (June 18, 2000) Scores level 4-4 FRITZ on Primergy K800 - Kramnik, Vladimir 0-1 32 A27 English; 1.c4 e5 FRITZ on Primergy K800 - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 29 C42 Petroff defence Morozevich, Alexander - FRITZ on Primergy K800 0-1 40 D00 Queen's pawn Leko, Peter - FRITZ on Primergy K800 1-0 49 A04 Reti (1.Nf3) FSC Computer Match Frankfurt GER (GER), 17-24 vi 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 FRITZ on Primergy K800 ---- =2 +5 =4 =3 -2 =5 +4 -3 . . 4.0 / 8 2 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2758 =1 . . . +1 . . . . . 1.5 / 2 3 Leko, Peter g HUN 2725 . . . =1 . . . +1 . . 1.5 / 2 4 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2748 . . =1 . . . -1 . . . 0.5 / 2 5 Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2769 . -1 . . . =1 . . . . 0.5 / 2 6 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2751 . . . . . . . . - - 0.0 / 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The first event to be completed was the Ordix Open. This 15 round swiss took place over the 3 days June 16th-18th 2000. First prize was a place in the Masters event. On day one there were just three rounds and some shocks including: L Van Wely (2646) 0-1 G Fischdick (2233), V Vehi Bach (2431) 1-0 P Svidler (2670) and M Gurevich (2694) 0-1 O Brendel (2417). However on day two there were six rounds and the best players moved to the top with Peter Svidler leading. On the final day Grandmasters Sergey Rublevsky and Mikhail Gurevich tied for first place on 12.5/15 with Rublevsky, qualifying on tiebreak for the Masters section. Overnight leader Peter Svidler lost to Rublevsky and drew with Gurevich and Dautov and had to settle for third place on 11.5.
Frankfurt Chess Classic 2000: Ordix Open Leading Final Standings 15 rounds 1. Rublevsky Sergei GM Russland 12.5 103.0 2. Gurevich Mikhail GM Godesberg 12.5 100.0 3. Svidler Peter GM Russland 11.5 97.0 4. Milov Vadim GM Borbeck 11.0 96.5 5. Gofshtein Leonid GM Israel 11.0 89.0 6. Mainka Romuald GM Recklinghausen 10.5 95.0 7. Bologan Viktor GM Moldavien 10.5 93.0 8. Wojtkiewicz Alexande GM Godesberg 10.5 92.5 9. Dautov Rustem GM Godesberg 10.5 92.0 10. Chuchelov Vladimir GM Andernach 10.5 91.5 11. Fridman Daniel GM Borbeck 10.5 90.5 12. Nielsen Peter-Heine GM Wattenscheid 10.5 89.5 13. Dreev Alexey GM Russland 10.5 89.0 14. Epishin Vladimir GM Duisburg 10.5 89.0 15. Lalic Bogdan GM Aachen 10.5 88.0 16. Agrest Evgenij GM Russland 10.5 86.5 17. Barsov Aleksei GM Saarbruecken 10.5 86.5 18. Solomunovic Igor FM Burgsinn 10.5 84.0 19. Glek Igor GM Katernberg 10.5 81.5 20. Lobron Eric GM Solingen 10.0 92.5 21. Podzielny Karl-Heinz IM Borbeck 10.0 91.0 22. Beim Valeri GM Tegernsee 10.0 89.0 23. Landa Konstantin GM Heiligenhaus 10.0 88.0 24. Teske Henrik GM Tegernsee 10.0 87.0 25. Rabiega Robert IM Tegel 10.0 87.0 26. Bischoff Klaus GM Plauen 10.0 85.5 27. Pomes Juan IM Spanien 10.0 80.5 28. Vehi Victor IM Spanien 10.0 80.5 29. Handke Florian IM Porz 10.0 80.0 30. Levin Felix GM Schwerin 10.0 79.5 31. Balduan Markus FM Solingen 10.0 79.0 32. Doeres Hans-Juergen Forchheim 10.0 77.5 33. Alber Horst FM Schoeneck 10.0 74.0 34. Kindermann Stefan GM Plauen 9.5 87.5 35. Gutman Lev GM Melle 9.5 85.5 36. Schmaltz Roland IM Eppingen 9.5 85.0 37. Milov Leonid IM Nuernberg 9.5 83.5 38. Rechel Bernd FM Hofheim 9.5 80.5 39. Boe Mads FM Daenemark 9.5 79.5 40. Pichler Juergen IM Passau 9.5 78.5 41. Koscielski Janusch Neu-Herne 9.5 77.5 42. Reschke Stefan IM Oberursel 9.5 77.0 43. Klundt Klaus IM Tegernsee 9.5 77.0 44. Wendt Rene FM Muenchen 9.5 75.5 45. Rotstein Arkadij GM Porz 9.5 74.5 46. Petri Bernd Erfurt 9.5 64.5 292 players
FIDE Zone 1.5 of the World Chess Championship, 2000 took place in Yerevan, Armenia, June 7th-16th 2000. There were four qualifiers, the winner Smbat Lputian, second placed Artashes Minasian and Karen Asrian and Rafael Vaganian. Tamaz Gelashvili just missed out in spite of being tied for the final qualification place and beating Vaganian in the final round. A tie-break rather than a playoff seems to have been used to decide this final place.
Coverage at:
Final standings: zt 1.5 Yerevan ARM (ARM), 7-15 vi 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lputian, Smbat G g ARM 2605 =13 +16 = 6 = 5 =22 +20 + 7 +14 +11 7.0 2722 2 Minasian, Artashes g ARM 2598 =12 +24 = 7 +10 = 3 = 4 +11 = 8 +14 6.5 2693 3 Asrian, Karen g ARM 2572 = 9 +20 +17 =11 = 2 = 7 + 5 =12 =10 6.0 2640 4 Vaganian, Rafael A g ARM 2618 =16 +22 +23 + 7 +11 = 2 =14 = 6 - 5 6.0 2653 5 Gelashvili, Tamaz g GEO 2514 =28 = 9 +27 = 1 +15 =11 - 3 +13 + 4 6.0 2624 6 Nikolaidis, Ioannis g GRE 2530 =29 +12 = 1 -14 +10 = 8 =19 = 4 + 9 5.5 2581 7 Kotronias, Vasilios g CYP 2539 +25 +17 = 2 - 4 +14 = 3 - 1 =10 +12 5.5 2618 8 Banikas, Hristos m GRE 2535 -22 +28 =13 =20 +16 = 6 = 9 = 2 +19 5.5 2548 9 Nalbandian, Tigran m ARM 2448 = 3 = 5 =18 =16 =23 +15 = 8 +22 - 6 5.0 2566 10 Jobava, Baadur GEO 2430 -11 +21 +19 - 2 - 6 +27 +17 = 7 = 3 5.0 2552 11 Kacheishvili, Giorgi g GEO 2564 +10 +15 +14 = 3 - 4 = 5 - 2 =19 - 1 4.5 2545 12 Dervishi, Erald g ALB 2478 = 2 - 6 =25 +21 =17 +23 =16 = 3 - 7 4.5 2510 13 Halkias, Stelios m GRE 2482 = 1 =18 = 8 -15 +25 =17 +20 - 5 =21 4.5 2498 14 Ilincic, Zlatko g YUG 2554 +27 +19 -11 + 6 - 7 +22 = 4 - 1 - 2 4.5 2525 15 Tosic, Miroslav g YUG 2503 +21 -11 =22 +13 - 5 - 9 =23 +16 =20 4.5 2467 16 Bagaturov, Giorgi g GEO 2501 = 4 - 1 +24 = 9 - 8 +26 =12 -15 +27 4.5 2503 17 Anastasian, Ashot g ARM 2606 +26 - 7 - 3 +27 =12 =13 -10 +24 =18 4.5 2493 18 Sturua, Zurab g GEO 2595 =20 =13 = 9 -22 -24 =28 +29 +23 =17 4.5 2451 19 Yegiazarian, Arsen m ARM 2513 +30 -14 -10 =25 +29 +24 = 6 =11 - 8 4.5 2457 20 Khachian, Melikset m ARM 2462 =18 - 3 +29 = 8 +26 - 1 -13 +30 =15 4.5 2492 21 Atakisi, Umut TUR 2274 -15 -10 +30 -12 =27 +29 =25 +26 =13 4.5 2424 22 Izoria, Zviad GEO 2372 + 8 - 4 =15 +18 = 1 -14 =24 - 9 =26 4.0 2491 23 Aronian, Levon m ARM 2587 =24 +29 - 4 =26 = 9 -12 =15 -18 +28 4.0 2427 24 Ivanisevic, Ivan m YUG 2460 =23 - 2 -16 +28 +18 -19 =22 -17 +30 4.0 2445 25 Karkanaque, Ilir f ALB 2389 - 7 =26 =12 =19 -13 =30 =21 =28 =29 3.5 2335 26 Antic, Dejan m YUG 2491 -17 =25 +28 =23 -20 -16 +30 -21 =22 3.5 2343 27 Seitaj, Ilir m ALB 2392 -14 +30 - 5 -17 =21 -10 +28 +29 -16 3.5 2346 28 Gurcan, Selim TUR 2307 = 5 - 8 -26 -24 =30 =18 -27 =25 -23 2.0 2255 29 Sendur, Adnan f TUR 2335 = 6 -23 -20 +30 -19 -21 -18 -27 =25 2.0 2230 30 Erdogan, Hakan TUR 2316 -19 -27 -21 -29 =28 =25 -26 -20 -24 1.0 2051 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FIDE Zonal 1.7 took place in Mezezers (Latvia) 6th-18th June, 2000. The winner Jaan Ehlvest and second placed Aloyzas Kveinys qualified for the FIDE Championships. Kaido Kulaots and Mikhail Rytshagov were tied for third place and will playoff for the final FIDE qualification spot. My thanks to Ülar Lauk.
Currently only the games from the first four rounds given last week are available.
Internet coverage at:
zt 1.7 Mezezers LAT (LAT), 3-15 vi 2000 cat. IX (2464) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Ehlvest, Jaan g EST 2622 * = = = 1 = = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 10.0 2662 2 Kveinys, Aloyzas g LTU 2496 = * 1 1 = = 0 1 1 = = 1 = = 8.5 2571 3 Kulaots, Kaido m EST 2499 = 0 * 0 1 1 1 = = 1 = = = 1 8.0 2547 4 Rytshagov, Mikhail g EST 2542 = 0 1 * = = 1 = 0 = = 1 1 1 8.0 2544 5 Krakops, Maris g LAT 2518 0 = 0 = * 0 1 = = = 1 1 1 = 7.0 2488 6 Butnorius, Algimantas m LTU 2434 = = 0 = 1 * = 1 = = 0 1 0 = 6.5 2465 7 Kiik, Kalle m EST 2445 = 1 0 0 0 = * = 1 1 1 0 1 0 6.5 2465 8 Miezis, Normunds g LAT 2481 = 0 = = = 0 = * = = 1 = 1 = 6.5 2462 9 Slapikas, Vytautas m LTU 2423 0 0 = 1 = = 0 = * 0 1 1 0 1 6.0 2437 10 Klovans, Janis g LAT 2492 0 = 0 = = = 0 = 1 * = = = 1 6.0 2432 11 Cmilyte, Viktorija wg LTU 2329 0 = = = 0 1 0 0 0 = * 0 1 1 5.0 2387 12 Meijers, Viesturs m LAT 2482 0 0 = 0 0 0 1 = 0 = 1 * 1 = 5.0 2375 13 Labuckas, Aidas m LTU 2307 0 = = 0 0 1 0 0 1 = 0 0 * = 4.0 2334 14 Luckans, Arnolds f LAT 2421 0 = 0 0 = = 1 = 0 0 0 = = * 4.0 2325 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Zonal Tournament of Zone 2.4 took place June 5th-15th 2000 in the Sao Paulo Chess Club at 6pm (Brasília). Two players qualify for the World Championships. Darcy Lima qualified by winning the event scoring 8/10. There was a four way tie for the final qualification place between Jaime Sunye Neta, Gilberto Milos, Giovanni Vescovi and Rafael Leitao. Rafael Leitao qualified from the double round robin rapidplay playoff. My thanks to Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk.
Coverage at:
Final standings: zt 2.4 Sao Paulo BRA (BRA), 5-15 vi 2000 cat. VIII (2443) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lima, Darcy m BRA 2514 * 0 = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.0 2675 2 Sunye Neto, Jaime g BRA 2555 1 * 0 = = 1 = 1 = 1 1 7.0 2580 3 Milos, Gilberto g BRA 2620 = 1 * = = = 0 1 1 1 1 7.0 2574 4 Leitao, Rafael g BRA 2565 = = = * = 0 1 1 1 1 1 7.0 2579 5 Vescovi, Giovanni g BRA 2511 0 = = = * = 1 1 1 1 1 7.0 2584 6 Oblitas, Carlomagno m PER 2389 0 0 = 1 = * 1 = = = 1 5.5 2484 7 Limp, Eduardo BRA 2420 0 = 1 0 0 0 * 1 = = 1 4.5 2409 8 Chemin, Vitorio BRA 2313 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 * 1 = 1 3.0 2306 9 Ramos, Ernesto PER 2280 0 = 0 0 0 = = 0 * 1 0 2.5 2266 10 Pelikian, Jefferson m BRA 2393 0 0 0 0 0 = = = 0 * 1 2.5 2254 11 Gauche, Charles BRA 2310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 * 1.0 2090 ------------------------------------------------------------------- zt 2.4 Rapid Playoff Sao Paulo BRA (BRA), 16-16 vi 2000cat. XIII (2563) ------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------ 1 Leitao, Rafael g BRA 2565 ** 1= 1= =1 4.5 2755 2 Vescovi, Giovanni g BRA 2511 0= ** == 1= 3.0 2580 3 Sunye Neto, Jaime g BRA 2555 0= == ** 01 2.5 2508 4 Milos, Gilberto g BRA 2620 =0 0= 10 ** 2.0 2418 ------------------------------------------------------
Zonal 4.2 in Cairo ran June 6th-14th 2000 in the Youth Center of Helwan East. The event was a 10 player all-play-all with 6 players from Egypt, 2 from Kenya and 2 from Uganda. There was a two way tie for first place between Ibrahim Labib and Fouad El Taher. As there was only one qualification place they played a best of 4 game match at a time rate of 25 min + 10 seconds to determine who went forward to the FIDE Championships. Fouad El Taher beat Ibrahim Labib 3-0 to qualify. My thanks to Hassan Khaled.
Final standings: zt 4.2 Cairo EGY (EGY), 3-15 vi 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 El Taher, Fouad m EGY 2471 * = 1 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 7.5 2497 2 Labib, Ibrahim Hasan m EGY 2426 = * 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 1 7.5 2502 3 Sarwat, Walaa m EGY 2407 0 0 * 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 6.5 2397 4 Ezat, Mohamed EGY 2352 0 = 0 * = 1 1 1 1 1 6.0 2362 5 Abdel Razik, Khaled EGY 2318 = 0 0 = * = = 1 1 1 5.0 2284 6 Nsubuga,Grace UGA ---- 0 = = 0 = * 1 0 = 1 4.0 2233 7 Bibasa,Bob UGA ---- = 0 0 0 = 0 * = 1 1 3.5 2196 8 Sorial, Hanna EGY 2316 0 0 0 0 0 1 = * 1 1 3.5 2161 9 Andolo, Humphrey KEN 2200 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 * = 1.0 1903 10 Makatia,Alex KEN ---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = * 0.5 1832 ------------------------------------------------------------------
China is to be entrusted with the task of holding the inaugural FIDE World Cup. FIDE will make their definitive announcement soon but the men's and women's events should have a total prizefund of around $350,000. The events will take place in September in Shenyang, China. It is understood that twenty-four players will be invited to the event: the current FIDE World champion, Alexander Khalifman, the best junior on the current FIDE rating list, the highest rated female player, two nominees of the FIDE President (on the recommendation of the World Chess Cup Committee), one nominee of the host federation, eight players comprising the best two from each of the previous continental championships and the 10 highest rated players. Running alongside the new event will also be a Women's World Cup, with the players eligible being: the current women's World champion, Xie Jun of China, the best junior female player on the FIDE rating list, three nominees of the FIDE President, one nominee of the host nation, eight players comprising of the best two from each of the previous continental championships and the 10 highest rated female players. The final should be a two game match but the system will be different to the FIDE World Championships. [Information John Henderson and Willy Iclicki]
The First European Women's Chess Championships took place in Batumi, Georgia May 26th - June 14th 2000. There were 32 entrants in this knockout event. Rounds 1-3 were two game matches, the semi-final and final were over 4 games. The winner was Natalia Zhukova of the Ukraine who recovered from a loss in the first game to beat Ekaterina Kovalevskaya of Russia 2.5-1.5 in the final.
Batumi is the capital of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara in Georgia. It is the sea-shore resort at the Black Sea along of Georgian - Turkish border.
My thanks to Geurt Gijssen and I've corrected the naming of Pokorna and Stepovaia Dianchenko in some of the games given in TWIC last week.
Further internet details at: and in Russian at Kasparov's internet site in Russia
FINAL June 10th-13th
Zhukova, Natalia - Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina 0-1 43 E80 Kings indian; Saemisch Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina - Zhukova, Natalia 0-1 38 B04 Alekhine defence Zhukova, Natalia - Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina 1-0 48 A53 Benoni Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina - Zhukova, Natalia 1/2 44 B04 Alekhine defence ch-Europe Women Batumi GEO (GEO), 27 v-14 vi 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Zhukova, Natalia wg UKR 2471 0 1 1 = 2.5 2546 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina wg RUS 2451 1 0 0 = 1.5 2384 ----------------------------------------------------------------
The 53rd Russian Chess Championships are taking place in Samara June 16th-27th 2000. The event is an 11 round Swiss system tournament. The top rated player is Vadim Zvjaginsev in a field with 34 GMs, 18 IMs in a total of 62 players. The event also counts as a Zonal with three qualifiers going through to the FIDE Championships.
Internet coverage at: [in Russian]
Round 2 (of 11) Standings: ch-RUS Samara RUS (RUS), 3-15 vi 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Jakovenko, Dmitrij m RUS 2443 +54 +25 2.0 2 Volkov, Sergey g RUS 2582 +57 +29 2.0 3 Balashov, Yuri S g RUS 2534 +58 +27 2.0 4 Maljutin, Evgeni m RUS 2451 +61 +30 2.0 5 Iljushin, Alexei m RUS 2515 +35 =16 1.5 2808 6 Zakharevich, Igor m RUS 2486 +40 =10 1.5 2759 7 Zvjaginsev, Vadim g RUS 2641 = 8 +41 1.5 2656 8 Aseev, Konstantin N g RUS 2517 = 7 +51 1.5 2821 9 Kosyrev, Vladimir m RUS 2474 +55 =12 1.5 2741 10 Rustemov, Alexander g RUS 2553 +53 = 6 1.5 2648 11 Smikovski, Ivan m RUS 2492 +56 =15 1.5 2771 12 Totsky, Leonid m RUS 2524 +52 = 9 1.5 2583 13 Shariyazdanov, Andrey g RUS 2612 =23 +49 1.5 2685 14 Smirnov, Pavel m RUS 2426 =24 +50 1.5 2742 15 Bezgodov, Alexei g RUS 2576 +59 =11 1.5 2676 16 Dolmatov, Sergey g RUS 2615 +62 = 5 1.5 2707 17 Ivanov, Sergey g RUS 2543 =42 +45 1.5 2628 18 Lugovoi, Aleksei g RUS 2515 =46 +43 1.5 2450 19 Motylev, Alexander m RUS 2552 =45 +48 1.5 2641 20 Poluljahov, Aleksandr g RUS 2526 =47 +44 1.5 2499 21 Popov, Valerij g RUS 2534 =43 +42 1.5 2576 22 Rashkovsky, Nukhim N g RUS 2523 =44 +47 1.5 2499 23 Loginov, Valery A g RUS 2512 =13 =31 1.0 2589 24 Voitsekhovsky, Stanislav g RUS 2546 =14 =34 1.0 2434 25 Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa m RUS 2515 +37 - 1 1.0 2527 26 Kobalija, Mihail g RUS 2593 =28 =33 1.0 2504 27 Kornev, Alexei RUS 2384 +38 - 3 1.0 2542 28 Sapunov, E RUS 2498 =26 =32 1.0 2572 29 Shaposhnikov, Evgeny f RUS 2503 +36 - 2 1.0 2586 30 Sveshnikov, Evgeny g RUS 2541 +39 - 4 1.0 2435 31 Burmakin, Vladimir g RUS 2567 =49 =23 1.0 2492 32 Fominyh, Alexander g RUS 2551 =48 =28 1.0 2476 33 Lastin, Alexander g RUS 2510 =51 =26 1.0 2604 34 Riazantsev, Alexander m RUS 2442 =50 =24 1.0 2549 35 Kharlov, Andrei g RUS 2616 - 5 +46 1.0 2345 36 Dvoirys, Semen I g RUS 2591 -29 +62 1.0 2508 37 Ibragimov, Ildar g RUS 2611 -25 +60 1.0 2518 38 Ikonnikov, Vyacheslav g RUS 2550 -27 +58 1.0 2390 39 Tolstikh, Nikolay m RUS 2419 -30 +61 1.0 2549 40 Ulibin, Mikhail g RUS 2580 - 6 +59 1.0 2480 41 Varavin, Viktor g RUS 2410 +60 - 7 1.0 2581 42 Frolov, Denis f RUS 2428 =17 -21 0.5 2345 43 Sidorov, Anatoly RUS 2339 =21 -18 0.5 2331 44 Sultanov, Alexander V RUS 2294 =22 -20 0.5 2331 45 Tunik, Gennady m RUS 2442 =19 -17 0.5 2354 46 Utnasunov, Alexander RUS 2175 =18 -35 0.5 2372 47 Yashtylov, Anatolij RUS 2319 =20 -22 0.5 2331 48 Khlian, E RUS 2454 =32 -19 0.5 2358 49 Meister, Yakov m RUS 2473 =31 -13 0.5 2396 50 Sherbakov, Ruslan g RUS 2552 =34 -14 0.5 2241 51 Tregubov, Pavel V g RUS 2615 =33 - 8 0.5 2320 52 Belitzkij, Alexandr RUS 2306 -12 =54 0.5 2343 53 Sergienko, Sergey m RUS 2425 -10 =55 0.5 2369 54 Volzhin, Alexander g RUS 2548 - 1 =52 0.5 2181 55 Najer, Evgeniy g RUS 2572 - 9 =53 0.5 2256 56 Yakovich, Yuri g RUS 2580 -11 =57 0.5 2301 57 Yevseev, Denis m RUS 2496 - 2 =56 0.5 2388 58 Alavkin, Arseny m RUS 2397 - 3 -38 0.0 59 Bocharov, Dmitry m RUS 2475 -15 -40 0.0 60 Grechihin, Valery g RUS 2521 -41 -37 0.0 61 Ionov, Sergey g RUS 2558 - 4 -39 0.0 62 Makarov, Marat g RUS 2513 -16 -36 0.0 --------------------------------------------------------------
FIDE Zone 1.8 took place in Minsk the capital of Belarus Republic from 26th May-8th June 2000. The event was an all-play-all which saw Viktor Bologan win with 11/13. There were two qualifiers Bologan and Iordachescu.
My thanks to Feodor Skripchenko for the information. Games may follow.
zt 1.8 Minsk (BLR) 26 v 2000 - 8 vi 2000 ---------------------------------------- 1.Bologan Viktor (MDA) 11.0 2.Iordachescu Viorel (MDA) 9.5 3.Kovalev Andrey (BLR) 8.0 4.Svetushkin Dmitriy (MDA) 7.5 5.Kasparov Sergey (BLR) 7.5 6.Zulfugarly Magomed (AZE) 7.5 7.Alexandrov Alexey (BLR) 6.5 8.Kepreichik Viktor (BLR) 6.5 9.Khruschiov Alexey (MDA) 5.5 10.Azarov Sergey (BLR) 5.0 11.Gashimov Bugar (AZE) 5.0 12.Ibrahimov Rasul (AZE) 4.5 13.Dovliatov Sanan (AZE) 4.5 14.Deseatnikov Ivan (MDA) 2.5
The Hamburg City Championships (or IHEM Internationale Hamburger EinzelMeisterschaft) 2000 took place June 10th-18th 2000. The tournament was a nine round swiss 'closed' with 32 players. There were 7 invited foreign GMs and one foreign IM. There was a six way tie for first place between Vladimir Georgiev, Dorian Rogozenko, Ivan Farago, Vasily Yemelin, Jonny Hector and Zigurds Lanka. Oliver Reeh and Enno Heyken were the top German players tied with Zoltan Gyimesi on 5.5 points.
Internet coverage at:
IHEM Hamburg GER (GER), 10-18 vi 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Georgiev, Vladimir m BUL 2538 + 9 =10 +13 + 5 =14 = 7 +11 = 2 - 4 6.0 2592 2 Rogozenko, Dorian g ROM 2562 +29 = 3 =10 = 8 + 9 =11 +14 = 1 = 7 6.0 2559 3 Farago, Ivan g HUN 2467 +25 = 2 +22 -11 +16 =14 =10 = 4 +13 6.0 2539 4 Yemelin, Vasily g RUS 2540 =12 -14 =27 +30 =20 +22 + 8 = 3 + 1 6.0 2482 5 Hector, Jonny g SWE 2515 +18 +20 =14 - 1 =13 -12 +15 +11 +10 6.0 2542 6 Lanka, Zigurds g LAT 2503 =22 =16 +19 - 9 =15 +23 +17 =13 +12 6.0 2446 7 Gyimesi, Zoltan g HUN 2518 +19 =13 +17 =14 =11 = 1 =12 =10 = 2 5.5 2507 8 Reeh, Oliver m GER 2399 =24 +26 =11 = 2 =10 +18 - 4 =12 +16 5.5 2460 9 Heyken, Enno m GER 2331 - 1 +31 +23 + 6 - 2 -10 =19 +25 +14 5.5 2435 10 Kopylov, Mihail m UKR 2428 +31 = 1 = 2 =18 = 8 + 9 = 3 = 7 - 5 5.0 2473 11 Mueller, Karsten g GER 2527 =21 +27 = 8 + 3 = 7 = 2 - 1 - 5 +20 5.0 2482 12 Buhr, Carl Christian GER 2335 = 4 -22 +26 =20 +21 + 5 = 7 = 8 - 6 5.0 2444 13 Loeffler, Stefan m GER 2426 +28 = 7 - 1 +25 = 5 =17 +16 = 6 - 3 5.0 2457 14 Reddmann, Hauke f GER 2356 +32 + 4 = 5 = 7 = 1 = 3 - 2 =15 - 9 4.5 2448 15 Rausis, Igors g LAT 2486 =27 =21 -18 +24 = 6 +20 - 5 =14 =19 4.5 2350 16 Bach, Matthias f GER 2352 =23 = 6 =21 +22 - 3 +27 -13 +18 - 8 4.5 2330 17 Hochgraefe, Markus GER 2365 =26 +24 - 7 +21 =18 =13 - 6 =19 =22 4.5 2338 18 Voigt, Martin f GER 2300 - 5 +30 +15 =10 =17 - 8 =20 -16 +26 4.5 2364 19 Pajeken, Wolfgang f GER 2313 - 7 +28 - 6 =23 =24 +29 = 9 =17 =15 4.5 2331 20 Breyther, Ruediger f GER 2365 +30 - 5 =25 =12 = 4 -15 =18 +27 -11 4.0 2337 21 Lindinger, Markus GER 2316 =11 =15 =16 -17 -12 =26 +31 =23 =25 4.0 2260 22 Berger, Steve GER 2286 = 6 +12 - 3 -16 +32 - 4 -25 +31 =17 4.0 2305 23 Becker,Norbert GER ---- =16 =29 - 9 =19 +30 - 6 =24 =21 =28 4.0 2266 24 Engelbert, Christoph GER 2209 = 8 -17 +29 -15 =19 =25 =23 -26 +32 4.0 2224 25 Schleicher, Guido GER 2250 - 3 +32 =20 -13 =27 =24 +22 - 9 =21 4.0 2262 26 Langrock, Hannes GER 2171 =17 - 8 -12 =29 =28 =21 =30 +24 -18 3.5 2218 27 Trabert, Bettina wm GER 2273 =15 -11 = 4 =32 =25 -16 +28 -20 =31 3.5 2260 28 Schuetze, Michael GER 2221 -13 -19 -30 =31 =26 =32 -27 +29 =23 3.0 2102 29 Hegeler, Frank f GER 2347 - 2 =23 -24 =26 =31 -19 +32 -28 =30 3.0 2096 30 Maahs, Erich GER 2195 -20 -18 +28 - 4 -23 -31 =26 +32 =29 3.0 2127 31 Laqua, Christian GER 2246 -10 - 9 -32 =28 =29 +30 -21 -22 =27 2.5 2109 32 Meier, David-Geffrey GER 2079 -14 -25 +31 =27 -22 =28 -29 -30 -24 2.0 2044 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Laszlo Nagy reports: There were three main First Saturday tournaments in June. They took place in June 3rd-15th 2000. Vladimir Lazarev and Nguyen Anh Dung won the GM event with 8/13.
Contact: Laszl Nagy. E-mail: Tel-fax: (361)-263-28-59 Mobile: (36)-30-230-1914 ICQ # 44805877 ICC nickname: MrFirstSaturday
FSGM June Budapest HUN (HUN), 3-15 vi 2000 cat. VIII (2436) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lazarev, Vladimir m RUS 2493 * = = = = = 1 1 1 = = 1 = 8.0 2556 2 Nguyen Anh Dung m VIE 2496 = * = = = = 1 = = 1 1 = 1 8.0 2556 3 Belichev, Nikolai UKR 2414 = = * = = = 0 1 1 1 = 1 = 7.5 2533 4 Lukacs, Peter g HUN 2460 = = = * 1 = = = = = = = 1 7.0 2491 5 Kosanovic, Goran A g YUG 2474 = = = 0 * 1 1 = 0 = = = 1 6.5 2462 6 Kallai, Gabor g HUN 2489 = = = = 0 * 0 = 1 1 0 = = 5.5 2402 7 Jakab, Attila f HUN 2354 0 0 1 = 0 1 * = = = = = = 5.5 2414 8 Markus, Robert YUG 2436 0 = 0 = = = = * 1 = = = = 5.5 2407 9 Galyas, Miklos m HUN 2440 0 = 0 = 1 0 = 0 * = 1 1 = 5.5 2406 10 Kallio, Heikki m FIN 2452 = 0 0 = = 0 = = = * 1 = 1 5.5 2405 11 Lorscheid, Gerhard f GER 2318 = 0 = = = 1 = = 0 0 * = 0 4.5 2359 12 Almasi, Istvan m HUN 2420 0 = 0 = = = = = 0 = = * = 4.5 2350 13 Postny, Evgeny ISR 2424 = 0 = 0 0 = = = = 0 1 = * 4.5 2350 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FSIMA June Budapest HUN (HUN), 3-15 vi 2000 cat. II (2299) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Antal, Gergely HUN 2339 * 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 8.5 2506 2 Pinter, Gabor HUN 2378 1 * 1 0 = = = 1 1 = 0 1 7.0 2394 3 Szeberenyi, Adam HUN 2257 1 0 * = = 1 0 1 = 1 = 1 7.0 2405 4 Froehlich, Peter f GER 2375 0 1 = * = = = 1 = 1 1 = 7.0 2394 5 Kolbus, Dietmar GER 2286 0 = = = * 1 = 1 1 = 1 = 7.0 2402 6 Zimmerman, Yuri m RUS 2397 0 = 0 = 0 * = 1 = 1 1 1 6.0 2326 7 Farago, Sandor m HUN 2271 0 = 1 = = = * 0 = 0 1 1 5.5 2301 8 Rajlich, Vasik G USA 2309 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 * 1 1 1 1 5.0 2262 9 Dobos, Jozsef m HUN 2336 = 0 = = 0 = = 0 * = = 0 3.5 2163 10 Morrison, Chris SCO 2176 0 = 0 0 = 0 1 0 = * = = 3.5 2177 11 Valenti, Giuseppe ITA 2202 0 1 = 0 0 0 0 0 = = * 1 3.5 2175 12 Cooke, Eric USA 2266 0 0 0 = = 0 0 0 1 = 0 * 2.5 2091 ------------------------------------------------------------------- FSIMB June Budapest HUN (HUN), 3-15 vi 2000 cat. II (2283) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Zivanic, Marko f YUG 2317 * = 1 = = 1 = = = 1 1 1 8.0 2454 2 Vadasz, Laszlo g HUN 2285 = * 1 = 0 1 1 = = = = = 6.5 2347 3 Goldenberg, Danny f CAN 2244 0 0 * = 1 0 1 1 = 1 = 1 6.5 2351 4 Eperjesi, Laszlo m HUN 2365 = = = * = = = = = = 1 1 6.5 2340 5 Yu Mingyuan CHN 2419 = 1 0 = * = = = = = 1 1 6.5 2335 6 Nakamura, Hikaru USA 2261 0 0 1 = = * = = 1 0 1 1 6.0 2320 7 Bognar, Csaba HUN 2246 = 0 0 = = = * = = 1 1 1 6.0 2322 8 Kaposztas, Miklos m HUN 2302 = = 0 = = = = * = 1 = = 5.5 2280 9 Dudas, Janos m HUN 2321 = = = = = 0 = = * = 1 = 5.5 2279 10 Resika, Nathan A USA 2190 0 = 0 = = 1 0 0 = * 1 1 5.0 2255 11 Keatinge-Clay, Adrian USA 2287 0 = = 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 * = 2.0 2020 12 Daamen, Ferry NED 2155 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 = * 2.0 2032 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
IM and ELO tournaments took place in Stockholm 10th-18th June 2000. FM Rasmus Skytte won the IM event with 6/9 half a point clear of IM Alexander Matros.
My thanks to Lennarth Eriksson.
Internet coverage:
IM Stockholm SWE (SWE), 10-18 vi 2000 cat. IV (2347) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Skytte, Rasmus f DEN 2346 * = 0 = 1 1 1 1 0 1 6.0 2472 2 Matros, Alexander m KAZ 2413 = * 0 1 = = 0 1 1 1 5.5 2419 3 Sjoberg, Mats m SWE 2352 1 1 * 0 0 0 1 = = 1 5.0 2389 4 Eriksson, Johan f SWE 2364 = 0 1 * 0 1 1 1 = 0 5.0 2388 5 Ahlander, Bjorn f SWE 2434 0 = 1 1 * 0 0 1 1 0 4.5 2337 6 Dzevlan, Miralem m BIH 2414 0 = 1 0 1 * 1 0 0 1 4.5 2339 7 Nilssen, John Arni FAI 2339 0 1 0 0 1 0 * 0 1 1 4.0 2305 8 Von Bahr, Oskar SWE 2240 0 0 = 0 0 1 1 * = 1 4.0 2316 9 Hjelm, Niclas f SWE 2347 1 0 = = 0 1 0 = * 0 3.5 2267 10 Olsson, Anders SWE 2222 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 * 3.0 2236 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ELO Stockholm SWE (SWE), 10-18 vi 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Holving, Rasmus SWE 2171 * 1 0 1 1 = 0 1 1 1 6.5 2272 2 Lindberg, Bosse SWE 2131 0 * = 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 6.5 2276 3 Logdahl, Harald SWE 2247 1 = * 0 1 = 1 = = 1 6.0 2222 4 Ong, Kezli SWE ---- 0 0 1 * = = 1 1 1 1 6.0 2250 5 Ullen, Jan SWE 2139 0 = 0 = * 1 = 1 0 1 4.5 2109 6 Celander, Jesper SWE 2090 = 0 = = 0 * 0 1 1 1 4.5 2115 7 Marder, Simon SWE 2043 1 0 0 0 = 1 * 0 1 0 3.5 2040 8 Collett, Peter SWE ---- 0 = = 0 0 0 1 * 0 1 3.0 2000 9 Sjodin, Bengt SWE 2169 0 0 = 0 1 0 0 1 * 0 2.5 1940 10 Helin, Mikael SWE 2137 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 * 2.0 1890 --------------------------------------------------------------
The Guillermo Garcia Tournament took place in Santa Clara, Cuba May 24 - June 9th 2000. GM Lazaro Bruzon and IM Maikel Gongora both scored 9.5/13 a result which looks to have produced a GM result for Gongora. These two were a point and a half clear of Reynaldo Vera on 8. There was a Premier II event won by Lenier Dominguez with 9/14 in an eight player double round robin event half a point clear of Walter Arencibia who pulled back after a slow start. My thanks to Francisco Acosta for the games.
Internet coverage at:
Guillermo Garcia Premier I Santa Clara CUB (CUB), 24 v-9 vi 2000 cat. IX (2453) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Bruzon, Lazaro g CUB 2568 * 1 = 1 = 0 1 = 1 1 1 = = 1 9.5 2619 2 Gongora, Maikel m CUB 2439 0 * = = 1 1 1 = 1 0 1 1 1 1 9.5 2629 3 Vera, Reynaldo g CUB 2546 = = * = = 1 = 1 1 = 0 = 1 = 8.0 2532 4 Perez, Rodney m CUB 2472 0 = = * 1 = = = = = = 1 = 1 7.5 2508 5 Borges Mateos, Juan m CUB 2435 = 0 = 0 * = 1 = = = 1 = 1 1 7.5 2511 6 Abreu, Aryam m CUB 2419 1 0 0 = = * = = = = 1 1 = 0 6.5 2455 7 Gonzalez, Bernal m CRC 2416 0 0 = = 0 = * = 1 1 = 1 = = 6.5 2455 8 Roeder, Mathias m GER 2413 = = 0 = = = = * 0 = = = = 1 6.0 2427 9 De la Paz, Frank m CUB 2462 0 0 0 = = = 0 1 * 1 = = 1 = 6.0 2423 10 Teran Alvarez, Ismael f ESP 2401 0 1 = = = = 0 = 0 * = = = = 5.5 2400 11 Fiorito, Fabian m ARG 2459 0 0 1 = 0 0 = = = = * 1 = 0 5.0 2365 12 Mateo, Ramon m DOM 2408 = 0 = 0 = 0 0 = = = 0 * 1 = 4.5 2346 13 Perez, Luis Manuel f CUB 2459 = 0 0 = 0 = = = 0 = = 0 * 1 4.5 2342 14 Bellon Lopez, Juan Manuel g ESP 2446 0 0 = 0 0 1 = 0 = = 1 = 0 * 4.5 2343 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guillermo Garcia Premier II Santa Clara CUB (CUB), 24 v-9 vi 2000cat. IX (2462) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Dominguez, Lenier m CUB 2508 ** 1= == 0= == 11 11 == 9.0 2557 2 Arencibia, Walter g CUB 2529 0= ** == =1 == =1 == 11 8.5 2532 3 Soppe, Guillermo m ARG 2466 == == ** =0 == 1= =1 =1 8.0 2511 4 Delgado, Neuris m CUB 2443 1= =0 =1 ** 00 =1 == 11 8.0 2514 5 Herrera, Irisberto m CUB 2472 == == == 11 ** 00 == =1 7.5 2489 6 Del Rio Angelis, Salvador G m ESP 2463 00 =0 0= =0 11 ** 1= 11 7.0 2461 7 Hernandez, Roman g CUB 2402 00 == =0 == == 0= ** == 5.0 2368 8 Perdomo, Carlos Andres m COL 2411 == 00 =0 00 =0 00 == ** 3.0 2239 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 11th International Open in Ljubljana takes place June 17th-25th. 6 GMs and 13 IMs are participating among the 129 players in the event. My thanks to Ales Drinovec.
Internet coverage
Leading Round 2 Standings: 11th Open Ljubljana SLO (SLO), 17-25 vi 2000 --------------------------------------------- 1 Pavasovic, Dusko g SLO 2544 2.0 2 Zelcic, Robert g CRO 2529 2.0 3 Gleizerov, Evgeny g RUS 2508 2.0 4 Mohr, Georg g SLO 2488 2.0 5 Fercec, Nenad m CRO 2464 2.0 6 Filipovic, Branko m YUG 2435 2.0 7 Mazi, Leon f SLO 2380 2.0 8 Sibarevic, Milenko f YUG 2346 2.0 9 Sebenik, Matej SLO 2294 2.0 10 Balabaev, Farit KAZ 2089 2.0 11 Penko,Igor SLO ---- 2.0 12 Kovacevic, Blazimir m CRO 2438 2.0 13 Filipenko, Alexander V m RUS 2370 2.0 14 Novkovic, Stojan SLO 2139 2.0 15 Florjancic, Rudolf SLO 2067 2.0 16 Jeric, Simon m SLO 2333 2.0 17 Vukovic, Ivo f CRO 2274 2.0 18 Ceko, Jovan f YUG 2232 2.0 19 Susnik, Matej SLO 2227 2.0 20 Jazbinsek, Sebastjan SLO 2224 2.0 129 players
The Parkroyal Surfers Paradise International took place in Surfers Paradise, Australia 7th-17th June, 2000. The venue was the Parkroyal Hotel, Surfers Paradise. The event was won by Lubomir Ftacnik with 7.5/9 a point clear of Predrag Nikolic and Sergey Galdunts. The top three Australian finishers were Darryl Johansen, Ian Rogers and Aleksandar Wohl tied for 4th on 5.5.
Internet coverage at: My thanks to Gary Bekker.
Parkroyal International Surfers Paradise AUS (AUS), 7-17 vi 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Ftacnik, Lubomir g SVK 2579 =17 +15 + 7 = 3 = 2 + 8 + 4 + 5 + 6 7.5 2716 2 Nikolic, Predrag g BIH 2659 +13 = 8 = 6 +12 = 1 = 5 + 3 = 4 +10 6.5 2567 3 Galdunts, Sergey m ARM 2473 +14 =11 + 9 = 1 + 6 = 4 - 2 + 8 + 7 6.5 2548 4 Johansen, Darryl K g AUS 2494 +10 = 7 +11 + 6 = 5 = 3 - 1 = 2 = 8 5.5 2486 5 Rogers, Ian g AUS 2562 +12 = 9 = 8 +13 = 4 = 2 = 7 - 1 +16 5.5 2455 6 Wohl, Aleksandar H m AUS 2438 +18 +19 = 2 - 4 - 3 +13 +11 +16 - 1 5.5 2397 7 Hunt, Adam ENG 2388 +16 = 4 - 1 = 8 + 9 =12 = 5 +11 - 3 5.0 2388 8 Wallace, John Paul m AUS 2367 +22 = 2 = 5 = 7 +11 - 1 +12 - 3 = 4 5.0 2420 9 Rujevic, Mirko AUS 2348 +21 = 5 - 3 =10 - 7 +14 -15 +20 +12 5.0 2308 10 Tindall, Brett AUS 2194 - 4 =16 +14 = 9 -13 +20 =17 +15 - 2 4.5 2287 11 Yadao, Israel PHI ---- +15 = 3 - 4 +16 - 8 +18 - 6 - 7 +22 4.5 2294 12 Zhao Zong Yuan AUS 2242 - 5 +22 +19 - 2 +15 = 7 - 8 +18 - 9 4.5 2337 13 Allen, Andrew AUS 2264 - 2 +17 +18 - 5 +10 - 6 -16 =22 +21 4.5 2247 14 Hanks, John AUS 2166 - 3 +21 -10 =15 =19 - 9 =20 +17 +18 4.5 2219 15 Teichmann, Erik O.M.C f ENG 2365 -11 - 1 +21 =14 -12 +22 + 9 -10 +20 4.5 2170 16 Stead, Kerry AUS 2042 - 7 =10 +17 -11 =22 +19 +13 - 6 - 5 4.0 2219 17 Weeks, Manuel AUS 2249 = 1 -13 -16 +20 -18 +21 =10 -14 =19 3.5 2096 18 Caoili, Arianne PHI 2078 - 6 +20 -13 =19 +17 -11 +21 -12 -14 3.5 2100 19 Saw, Geoffrey AUS 2264 +20 - 6 -12 =18 =14 -16 +22 -21 =17 3.5 2055 20 Vagg,Adam AUS ---- -19 -18 =22 -17 +21 -10 =14 - 9 -15 2.0 1965 21 Kassa,Peter AUS ---- - 9 -14 -15 +22 -20 -17 -18 +19 -13 2.0 1972 22 Corker, Kerry AUS 2002 - 8 -12 =20 -21 =16 -15 -19 =13 -11 1.5 1898 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Laszlo Nagy report: The Balatontourist Open in Budapest takes place 16th-24th June 2000. The organizer is Jozsef Parej.
Standings Round 3 of 9 Balatontourist Open Budapest HUN (HUN), 3-15 vi 2000 ---------------------------------------------------- 1 Horvath, Gabor1 f HUN 2265 3.0 2 Gonda, Laszlo HUN 2155 3.0 3 Berczes, David HUN 2140 3.0 4 Timar, Zsolt HUN 2169 2.5 5 Xu Hanbing CHN 2420 2.0 6 Zhao Xue CHN 2373 2.0 7 Pal, Geza HUN 2283 2.0 8 Francsics, Endre HUN 2248 2.0 9 Nagy, Zoltan HUN f HUN 2233 2.0 10 Tornai, Imre f HUN 2227 2.0 11 Jamrich, Gyorgy HUN 2188 2.0 12 Horvath, Jeno Kalman HUN 2152 2.0 13 Szilagyi, Laszlo HUN 2126 2.0 14 Berczes, Csaba HUN 2109 2.0 15 Bodrogi, Laszlo HUN 2101 2.0 16 Torok, Sandor HUN 2074 2.0 17 Honsch, Pal HUN 2011 2.0 18 Gal, Janos HUN 2005 2.0 19 Izso, Daniel HUN ---- 2.0 45 players
TWIC always welcomes letters. No publication is guaranteed but the magazine can act as a forum for chess issues of the moment. The views expressed in these letters are those of the authors not of TWIC or Chess & Bridge Ltd.
Yasser Seirawan has written an open letter to the FIDE President Kirsan Iljumzhinov. You can see the original on his Inside Chess site at: The letter is entitle "Enough is Enough". Valery Salov has written a reply to the letter. Valery Salov heads the WPC (World Players Council) and you can read further material at: including a press conference given on June 5th 2000. Much of the material is in Spanish.
Dear Mr. Iljumzhinov,
The purpose of the present open letter is to register my despair and disgust over the current plight of FIDE and to highlight the urgent need for wholesale changes and a fresh start.
No international organization can ever hope to satisfy all of the people all of the time, but the key problem today is infinitely more serious: FIDE is no longer satisfying any of the people any of the time. When did FIDE last take an imaginative, workable initiative that received even a modicum of support from the chess world? When did it last deal with a major issue or event without shooting itself in the foot? Why has it stood by impotently as support and respect for it have evaporated, even amongst its traditional supporters? When did it last show any respect for the prestige of a game which is many centuries old? Above all, why has it allowed itself to become a laughing-stock through its serial incompetence?
The full catalog of disasters in recent years is too grimly familiar to need repeating here. The bouncing checks of Las Vegas and your unpaid promissory notes are just two well-publicized scandals from the past year that have made FIDE look clownish and tawdry. The latest debacle has been described by Peter Parr of Australia. As you are aware, he has explained in gruesome detail how the credibility of the entire FIDE title system is being further undermined, but the Australians arent the first abusers of the loophole mentioned by him. It was, I believe, first discovered by the Mexican Chess Federation, which contrived to create dozens of new FIDE-titled players by that particular abuse. With all this coming on top of the Myanmar ratings scandal, why does FIDE seem so unconcerned? If FIDE does not properly respect and protect its titles, why should anyone? Dont fairness and rectitude count any more? Is FIDE really prepared to stand idly by and permit the wholesale destruction of its title system? Titles awarded by FIDE used to mean something. The way things are going, in a few years time I may feel obliged to ask FIDE to take back my GM title, as such titles will not only be worthless but their recipients will find their integrity questioned.
Credibility is hard won and easily lost. The recent fiascoes involving FIDE have been astonishingly numerous and various. Not all, I concede, are altogether FIDEs fault. Top chess masters are strong-willed and there will always be disagreements and tensions between players and any governing body. Even so, how on earth has FIDE allowed itself to get caught up in multiple litigation, highly damaging whatever the outcome, with leading players Anatoly Karpov and Zsuzsa Polgar? Was it not your own election pledge to rectify the estrangement of Kasparov from FIDE events? Would it be unfair of me to suggest that besides the players just mentioned, Anand, Kramnik, Shirov, Morozevich and Galliamova are amongst those with angst towards FIDE? Are Champions Jun and Khalifman supportive of FIDE and its policies? For whom, pray tell, is FIDE working?
Your recent manifesto calling for the formation of a for-profit company to monopolize chess events hit an entirely new low. It was so ill advised and met with such unanimous derision throughout the chess world that serious questions again arise about the judgment of those behind a harebrained idea that was such an obvious non-starter. A FIDE organization which is so out of touch with the actual needs and interests of the chess world becomes more or less worthless, and at times it seems that FIDEs prime concern is to antagonize as many people as possible and to expose itself to maximum ridicule. The fact that FIDEs current Executive Board continues to support your ridiculous manifesto is proof positive that something is seriously wrong within FIDEs cozy confines.
To quote another prime example, the recent announcement of Tehran as the site for the upcoming FIDE Championship Finals is a travesty which has left me, and many others, barely able to contain our rage. If FIDE insists on Iran hosting the Finals, it should not be surprised by the inevitable calls to boycott the event, which in turn will diminish the standing of the eventual winner. In whose interest is that?
Your choice and the FIDE Executive Boards acceptance of Iran is a forcible reminder of your 1996 announcement of Baghdad as a site for the Karpov Kamsky FIDE Championship. Then too, the choice of Baghdad was roundly criticized throughout the world. Eventually, you would retreat from this position, explaining that it had all been a ruse to gain publicity for chess. This knuckle-headed deception was a horrendous decision. Yes Virginia, there is such a thing as bad publicity. Even while you were hoodwinking the worlds media you had informed challenger Kamsky that he faced forfeiture for violating your edict that he contest the match in Iraq. Such mendacity by you played a not inconsiderable role in Kamsky quitting the chess world. Chess had sunk to another new low. In subsequent interviews you would explain that Iraq owed a great deal of money to Russia and that a chess match could be used as an inroad to meeting with the Iraqi regime at the highest levels to address that debt. That may be true, but FIDE exists to serve chess, not Russias debtors. Nor is FIDE there for its Presidents personal gain. Whether in Iraq or Iran, your using chess for such purposes is a clear conflict of interest and a violation of your fiduciary responsibility as FIDE President.
It surely hasnt escaped your attention that the reality today is that FIDE is cheapening and destroying almost everything it touches. Its credibility in its titles, its rating system, its electioneering, its methods of governance, its public announcements, its own statutes is now perilously close to zero. The current FIDE leadership has so clearly proven itself incapable of proper governance that there is, once again, renewed discussion of a replacement organization.
Your legacy is all too clear. Never has FIDE been in such chaos. Never has its reputation sunk so low. Never has it been so isolated from reality. Never, in short, has there been a greater or more urgent need for a fresh start. The disasters over which you have presided have not happened by accident. We cannot simply wipe the slate clean and pretend that none of it ever occurred. All those responsible within FIDE must assume the consequences of their conduct and pay the price for the state in which organized or disorganized chess now finds itself. After all these years of mistakes piling upon one another, it is time to say enough is enough. The time has come when the interests of chessplayers can be furthered only if the full present FIDE leadership and you first and foremost as President resign your posts. I urge you to do so with immediate effect. It will then be the mammoth task of your democratically elected successors to begin work on re-establishing FIDE as a respectable, and respected, organization, one which helps rather than hinders the development of chess and seeks to restore the games dignity worldwide.
On a closing, personal note, I stress that I have no ax to grind about the past, or any political ambition for the future. My sole concern remains what is in the interests of chessplayers of all levels throughout the world. The record shows that although I have never hesitated to criticize FIDE when necessary, I have sometimes found myself almost alone among masters and writers in defending it. Mr. President, it is time for you and your board to step aside.
On behalf of chess,
IGM Yasser Seirawan Seattle, Washington, United States of America June 12th 2000.
A private letter (that may become open if necessary) to Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan from GM Valery Salov, President of the WPC.
Dear Yasser,
You are the old friend of mine and first of all I would like to thank you for choosing me as one of your addressees and for sharing with me the content of your open letter to FIDE. I have a few remarks about it. In my opinion it's an utterly irresponsible, rude, unfair, callous, wild, shortsighted, demagogic, berserk, biased, prejudicial, arrogant, unmarketable, mistaken, perfidious and - forgive me for being tough with you - a totally mendacious document. You must have been tragically misinformed by someone (probably by some unscrupulous members of the American Federation - AF) and used as a battering-ram in a disingenuous political game, aimed at destroying FIDE, chessworld and consequently the lives of your colleagues. Yasser, please, don't force me to scrutinize your letter clause by clause, save my time and your own reputation, don't get involved into a dirty political game which may only have a disastrous outcome for all of us. Tell people who are pushing you to contribute to the widening of a schism between the chessplayers that they are doomed to failure in their intrigues, that you have changed your mind on second thoughts, that you had a better judgement. Be a man, Yas, withdraw your letter immediately, repudiate it! Let's collaborate with FIDE, let's help it, let's provide our expertise to it - for the common benefit of all the chessplayers instead of trying to destroy everything! Don't degrade yourself to the level of a cheap and amateurish politico. Gens una sumus.
Yours respectfully, Valery Salov
Madrid, Spain, European Community June 14th, 2000
After some initial doubt the 4th Mind Sports Olympiad will definitely take place in London, at Alexandra Palace, from August 19th-28th 2000.
Confirmed major events include the following: "The Times" British Crossword Puzzle Championship is expected to attract around 1,000 entries. The final stages of the British Land UK Chess Challenge is expected to add a further 1,100. And the British Open Dominoes and Cribbage Championships are likely to bring in another 1,000 or more. There is a programme of Go events, as well as the European Shogi Championships, the British Open Backgammon Championships, the British Scrabble Championships, the 5th Computer Olympiad (incorporating the World Microcomputer Chess Championship), and several other tournaments. There is also an initiative under way to enable the organisers to hold the MSO Masters Chess Championship. There will be a very large Bridge presence, including the London heats of the MSO Worldwide Charity Simultaneous Pairs Championship on August 22nd and 23rd.
Press Release at:
MSO Site at:
The Lisbon International Chess Festival takes place August 21st-30th. The main open has 9 GMs entered already.
More information at e-mail for contacts:
A. MAIN TOURNAMENT FIDE LEVEL 1. Swiss system, 10 rounds, from August 21st-30th, starting at 17-00h, except round 10, which will start at 9-00h. Automatic pairings by Swiss Perfect software. Possibility of FIDE norms. 2. Entry fee: 10.000$00. Players with FIDE titles exempt. 50% discount until June 30th. 3. Timerate: 2h/40 + 1h/20 + 30m KO. Tie-break: performance (SwissPerfect); progress; Brazilian. 4. Prizes: 1º 300.000$; 2º 150.000$; 3º 120.000$; 4º 100.000$; 5º 70.000$; 6º 50.000$, 7º 30.000$; 8º 30.000$; 9º-10º 25.000$; 11º-13º 20.000$; 14º-16º 15.000$; 17º-20º 10.000$. The prizes will be awarded according to the final standings after the tie-break. Cups and special prizes also will be awarded. 5. Special conditions for GMs: 30.000$00 + full board (lodging and meals)
B. OPEN TOURNAMENT NON-FIDE LEVEL 1. Swiss system, 10 rounds, from August 21st-30th. Starting at 20-00h, except round 10, that will start at 9-00h. Automatic pairings by Swiss Perfect software. Possibility of FIDE norms. 2. Entry fee: 5.000$00. 50% discount until June 30. 3. Time-rate: 2h KO. Tie-break: performance (SwissPerfect); progress; Brazilian. 4. Prizes: 4.1. General Standing: 1º 30.000$; 2º 20.000; 3º 15.000$; 4º-5º 10.000$; 6º-20º 5.000$ 4.2. Elo < 1800: 1º 5.000$; 2º 3.000$; 3º 2.000$ 4.3. Elo < 1600: 1º 5.000$; 2º 3.000$; 3º 2.000$ 4.4. The prizes will be awarded according to the final standings after the tie-break. Cups and special prizes also will be awarded.
The Greek Chess Federation and the Chess Club of Mytilene are organising the Mytilene Open. The event which takes place on the island of Lesvos, is in its 5th consecutive year, takes place July 24th-31st 2000.
More information about this event can be obtained from the official web site of the tournament:
The Hilton Chess Festival in Blackpool, Lancashire, England takes place August 20th-24th 2000. The overall emphasis will be on fun and bringing the game of chess in its many forms over to the public as well as the general chess playing people. The rapidplays will have prizes, whilst all the other events will have prizes for the children, including prizes to be used in Blackpool itself.
The VII Linares International Tournament will be held 24th-26th June 2000, in the city of the same name (300 Kms south of Santiago). The tournament will be played with 9 rounds swiss system, with times of 45 minutes, 1 hour, and 1 hour 30 minutes. First six prizes are US$2500, US$1250, US$800, US$700, US$600 and US$500... and prizes till 12th position and best lady. The organization pays all costs (inscription, hotel and feeding) to foreign FMs, IMs, and GMs, except traveling tickets to Chile. Insurances for top IMs or GMs can be negotiated by e-mail or phone.
Contact: Andres Molina Rodriguez Linares 2000 Organizing Committee Member phone: (56-2) 2098495 - 2098471 - 2098450 (Santiago) (56-73) 217877 (Linares)
The 2nd ShakkiNet International takes place in Helsinki July 10th-18th, 2000. There will be three groups, a GM, an IM and an ELO group.
GM-Group (cat 9) players: GM Gavrikov Viktor LTU 2563, GM Solozhenkin Evgeniy RUS 2528, IM Külaots Kaido EST 2499, IM Anka Emil HUN 2474, IM Kallio Heikki FIN 2452, GM Yrjölä Jouni FIN 2438, IM Sepp Olav EST 2414, IM Agopov Mikael FIN 2402, IM Norri Joose FIN 2400, IM Sammalvuo Tapani FIN 2383,
IM-Group (cat 4) players: IM Kiik Kalle EST 2445, IM Seeman Tarvo EST 2428, FM Nouro Mikael FIN 2398, IM Payen Arnaud FRA 2376, IM Välkesalmi Kimmo FIN 2351, IM Raaste Eero FIN 2349, FM Mäki-Uuro Miikka FIN 2341, FM Lampen Timo FIN 2307, Gambäck Björn SWE 2235, WIM Koskela Niina FIN 2182
There is also an 8-10 player ELO-group for players rated between 2000-2300. (3-5 places left)
Contact Information: Sami Hämäläinen email
The Jack Collins International 2000 takes place in the Marshall Chess in New York June 12th-23rd. There are two groups of six who will play each other in a 5 round all-play-all, the top two players in each group will progress to a second stage Scheveningen part of the event where they play Grandmasters and the two events add up to a Category 10 event for the winners. There is a second event for FMs that don't make the final. The A group has Igor Zugic, Jay Bonin, Yuri Lapshun, David Gross (GER), Boris Kreiman and Angelo Young. The B group Gregory Shahade, Igor Shliperman, Jan Gustafsson, William Morrison, Ronald Burnett and Rogelio Barcenilla. Internet coverage at:
The 4th International Chess Festival Voronezh takes place June 10th-21st 2000. June 10th-11th was a rapidplay event, the main open starts today, June 12th. Further coverage next week.
Internet coverage at:
A transcript of the live online chat with FIDE World Champion Alexander Khalifman which took place Sunday June 4 2000 on the About Chess site can be read at:
The 1st European Chess Championships take place in Saint Vincent July 3rd-14th 2000. There is already a very strong field assembled with 109 entries 45 of whom are rated over 2500 and 16 over 2600. Leading entries so far: Alexei Federov (2684), Alexei Dreev (2680), Kiril Georgiev (2677), Zurab Azmaiparashvili (2675), Vladimir Epishin (2667), Ilia Smirin (2666), Sergei Rublevski (2662), Michal Krasenkow (2661), Jan Timman (2655), Vadim Milov (2653), Alexander Beliavsky (2650), Loek Van Wely (2646), Rafael Vaganian (2618), Andrei Kharlov (2616), Pavel Tregubov (2615), Smbat Lputian (2605), Artashes Minasian (2598), Vladimir Malkhov (2593), Vladislav Nevednichy (2589) and Christopher Lutz (2587). Entry is still possible in this and other events in the Festival.
Further information at:
GM Rune Djurhuus on the 1999 event (including pictures).
Golden Cleopatra Chess Festival 10-22 July 2000 Under the supervision of the Egyptian Chess Federation Sponsored by Eastern Company Sports Club a) Closed Section (for Rated Players 2300+Up)
The tournament will be played in Cairo-Egypt- Eastern Company Sports Club, about 5 km from Pyramids-Egypt.
Swiss System 9 Rounds 40 Players (7 GMs25 IMs) Time control 7 hours Fischer system.
GMs-norm and IMs-norm are available.
Arrival: 10 July- 1st round: 11 JulyRest Day: 16 July-last Round: 20 JulyClosing Ceremony: 21 July (8p.m.)- Departure: 22 July. All Rounds start at 4pm.
Prizes in U.S. Dollars: 1st 1000 - 2nd 800 - 3rd 700 4th 600 5th 500 - 6th 400 7th 300 8th 200 9th 150 10th 150.
For Rated players over 2300, They will pay 250 US$ including Registration fee + Accommodation in 3 star Hotel double Bedroom + 3 meals starting from Arrival date to Departure date + Splendid touristic tours. For other Rated players the same but they participate in Open Section. B) Open Section (for rated Players under 2300)
Fide Rated Swiss System-9 Rounds 120 PlayersTime Control 2 hours for the first 40 moves then one hour to finish the game. Schedule as above.
Prizes in Egyptian Pounds: 1st 500 -2nd 400 -3rd 300 -4th 250 -5th 250 -6th 200 -7th 200 -8th 150 -9th 125 -10th 100.
Contact Hassan Khaled before June 30, as there are limited places. Hassan Khaled General Director Egyptian Chess Federation E-mail: or, Blitzin I.D.: haskd Phone: +20-2-3378987, Mobile: +20-10-5003063, Fax +20-2-3025683 Venue: Eastern Company Sports Club (Tel & Fax +20-2-5620931) Hotel: Ledo Hotel Pyramids Street (Tel+20-2-572026 - 5694624)
The Hotel Írottko GM tournament takes place in Koszeg, Hungary 21st June - 1st July 2000. One player required, contact Péter Tomcsányi at if interested.
Information about the tournament
There is a new Russian Website (English content to follow) at: Material includes chess history and statistics and a collection of the chess links.
The Ikaros Chess Festival 2000 (11-23 July 2000, Agios Kyrikos, Ikaria island, GREECE) This year Ikaros Festival includes seven (7) tournaments. The first three tournaments offer accommodation privileges for the winners while the remaining four offer cash prizes of total value one million drachmas (1.000.000). Further details:
The Korinthos 2000 International Chess Open Tounament takes place July - August 2000. 9 round Swiss. Prizes: 1st 400.000 drs 2nd 275.000 drs 3rd 175.000 drs 4th 100.000 drs 5th-6th 150.000 drs (2x75.000) 7th-8th 100.000 drs (2x50.000) 9th-10th 80.000 drs (2x40.000) 11th-12th 60.000 drs (2x30.000) Further details:
You can also see the Official Guide to Chess Tournaments in Greece at:
The XLII Portuguese Team Championships take place June 11th-12th, 16th-18th and 22nd-25th June 2000. There are three leagues of competition which takes place in the Pavilhao Aristides Hall in Aveiro University.
Internet coverage at:
There is an international chess festival in Montecatini Terme July 28th to August 6th 2000. There will be two events. A Champions Category XVIII event with Alexei Shirov, Vassily Ivanchuk, Evgeny Bareev, Zurab Azmaiparashvili, Sergei Rublevski, Jeroen Piket, Artashes Minasian and Smbat Lputian.
In addition there will be an open for a maximum of 200 players. GMs Sax, Zelcic, Drasko, Farago, Naumkin,Skembris, Malakhov are entered already.
There will be a website.
The 28th Annual World Open begins on June 30th and runs through July 4th. The 9-round swiss system event has a $200,000 guaranteed prize fund. The tournament had over 1400 entries last year with seven players tieing for first (GM Gregory Serper won in a blitz tiebreak).
Internet coverage with live games, live images from a "chess cam," games in a Java board, and audio interviews with players:
The Corsican International Open takes place 2nd-5th November 2000 in Bastia (Theatre). There is a Prize fund of 450 000 F for 2 events.
Corsica Masters, 3rd-5th November (elo =>2300) 7 rounds 20'+5" After the 7 rounds 1/4 final (10"+10, return match), 1/2 final, final
Prize fund 300 000 F 60 000 F - 35 000F- 20 000 F - 20 000 F 5th thru 8 10 000 F each -8 000 F - 6 000 F - 11th thru 20th 4 000 F each elo 2300-2500 : 10 000 F - 7 000 F - 4 000 F 1st Woman 5 000 F, 2nd : 3 000 F, 3rd 2 000 F 1st french : 7 000 F, 2nd 5 000 F, 3rd 3 000 F Schedule : Friday November 3rd Round 1 6.00 pm Round 2 7.30 pm Round 3 9.00 pm Saturday November 4th Round 4 11.30 am Round 5 2.00 pm Round 6 6.00 pm Round 7 7.30 pm Sunday November 5th 1/4 final 9.00 am 1/2 final 11.00 am Final 1.00 pm
Entry Fees : 250 F if paid by october 1, 350 F after october 1st.
Tournament of Bastia, 2nd-4th November (elo=<2400) 9 rounds 50'+10" Prize fund 150 000 F 15 000 F -10 000 F - 8 000 F - 6 000 F - 5000 F - 4 000 F - 3 000 F - 2000 F 1st Junior : 6 000 F, 2nd 4 000 F, 3rd 2 000 F elo 2000-2300 : 8 000 F - 5 000 F - 3 000 F elo 1800-1999 : 6 000 F - 3 500 F - 2 500 F elo 1600-1799 : 4 500 F -3 000 F - 2 000 F elo 1000-1599 : 4 000 F - 2 500 F -1 500 F Entry Fees : 250 F if paid by october 1, 350 F after october 1st. Schedule : Round 1 : November 2nd 3 pm, last round November 4th 9 pm
Players rated elo 2300-2400 can play both events.
Tournament manager : Léo BATTESTI 33 195 31 14 08 - fax 33 495 32 42 44 Mobil phone : 33 608 51 52 93 e-mail : web site :
The 2nd ShakkiNet International sees three events in Helsinki July 10th-18th, 2000.
A GM-group (cat 9) players: GM Gavrikov Viktor LTU 2563 GM Solozhenkin Evgeniy RUS 2528 IM Külaots Kaido EST 2499 IM Anka Emil HUN 2474 IM Kallio Heikki FIN 2452 GM Yrjölä Jouni FIN 2438 IM Sepp Olav EST 2414 IM Agopov Mikael FIN 2402 IM Norri Joose FIN 2400 IM Sammalvuo Tapani FIN 2383
An IM-group (cat 4) players: IM Kiik Kalle EST 2445 FM Nouro Mikael FIN 2398 IM Payen Arnaud FRA 2376 IM Välkesalmi Kimmo FIN 2351 IM Raaste Eero FIN 2349 FM Mäki-Uuro Miikka FIN 2341 FM Lampen Timo FIN 2307 Gambäck Björn SWE 2235 WIM Koskela Niina FIN 2182 (one place left for a foreign player 2300+)
An Elo-group players: Sorsa Nuutti FIN 2222 Nybäck Tomi FIN 2141 Parkkinen Jyrki FIN 2121 Sorsa Miitrei FIN 2121 Liitiäinen Elia FIN 2074 Puuska Heini FIN 2063 (4 places left)
Contact info: Sami Hämäläinen at
ZURICH LAKE: The 1st Plaza Zurichzee - Open Pfaeffikon run from June 9th to 12th.
Open Pfaeffikon - open to all, 7 rounds, Swiss system. After round 5 the first four players will play a knock-out for the winner and the others continue in a Swiss system tournament. Time control: each players will have 2 hours to complete the game. Last 5 minutes without writing moves. Venue: Hotel Seedamm Plaza (****) Prize Fund : 2.000/1.500/1.000/800/600/500/400/300/250/200 + natural prizes
Registered: GMs Leonid Gofstein (ISR), Vladimir Tukmakov (UKR), Milos Pavlovic (YUG), Lothar Vogt (GER) and Florin Gheorghiu (ROM), IMs Slavko Cicak (SWE), Petr Velichka (CZE), Hansjuerg Kaenel (SUI), Nedeljko Kelecevic (BIH) and Martin Ballmann (SUI).
FRIBOURG: The 1st "Golden Tulip" Open run from July 7th to 11th.
"Golden Tulip" Open Fribourg - open to all, 7 rounds, Swiss system. Time control: 2 hours each players will have for 40 moves and 30 minutes to complete the game. "Golden Tulip" Chain host "Swiss Chess Tour" in Fribourg for the first time. Venue is Hotel "Golden Tulip" (****). Prize Fund : 2.000/1.500/1.000/800/600/500/400/300/250/200 + natural prizes.
More information: Robert Spoerri, Tiergarten 33, CH-3400 Burgdorf, tel: 00/41/34/4240106; Fax: 00/41/34/4240107 E-mail:
The OAA Heraklio Chess Club a new website: the site has chess news from Greece, chess features, etc. Includes a Greek chess calendar.
The Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting 2000 takes place July 7th-16th 2000 in the Dortmund Theatre. Participants in the event are:
Vladimir Kramnik (Russia), Viswanathan Anand (India), Peter Leko (Hungary), Michael Adams (England), Evgeny Bareev (Russia), Alexander Khalifman (Russia), Vladimir Akopian (Armenia), Jeroen Piket (Netherlands), Dr. Robert Huebner (Germany) and the chess programme Junior 6.
In addition there will be another GM Tournament (cat. 10/11) and several opens that take place in parallel to the main event (registration by e-mail:
Further details: KasparovChess have bought exclusive rights to the live coverage at:
The Esbjerg Chess Union revives its North Sea Cup with a 15th edition July 7-15 2000. 10 players will play what appears to be the strongest round-robin ever in Denmark, probably category 14: John Emms Nick de Firmian Mikhail Gourevitch Alexander Grischuk Boris Gulko Curt Hansen Lars Bo Hansen Peter Heine Nielsen Dennis de Vreugt Peter Svidler The tournament has its own home page: then hit 'Vesterhavsturneringen' which is Danish for The North Sea Cup.
The European Youth Chess Championships 2000 will be held 2nd-10th October in Kalithea in Halkidiki (Greece). If you require further details:
33rd International Biel Festival. The event will take place 22nd July-5th August. Numerous events including a strong Open and a GM tournament, category 16 with Gelfand and Svidler (six players).
Website: in 3 languages, English, French and German.
The annual White Nights Chess Festival 2000 takes place in St Petersburg, Russia from June 23- July 2, 2000. The field is expected to be strong (GM norms in Round Robin, etc.). Further details:
BALATONTOURIST Open, 9 rounds Swiss from 16th until the 24th of June in Budapest, Hungary /The Balatontourist is the organisation who is dealing with tourism near the Balaton lake./
Venue: Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. Opening ceremony: 15:00 on the 16th of June, Friday
Organizer: Parej, Jozsef, phone: (36)-87-321-950 Central European Time 19:00-21:00 hours. More info /accomodation, etc./: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail: mobile from abroad: (36)-30-230-1914, tel-fax-answering machine: (361)-263-28-59
Prizes: 30-20-15-10-5-4-2x3-2x2 thousand HUF /1 USD = 283 HUF now/. Entry fee system will be sent upon request.
The Paul Keres Memorial, will be played in Tallinn, Estonia 14-22 August 2000. 9 rounds Swiss system, 2 hours / 40 moves + 1 hour / rest, tournament is rated for FIDE-ELO. Prizes: 1500 DM/1000 DM/800 DM/700 DM/600DM/500 DM/450 DM/300 DM/300DM/300 DM More info: Iivo Nei, Tel: +372 644 61 74, +372 631 32 24 Fax: +372 631 42 39
The 4th OIBM in Bad Wiessee will be held October 28th-November 5th 2000. It is expected to be a strong event, as last year with a number of strong GMs playing.
More details:
Hogeschool Zeeland Chess Tournament in Vlissingen (The Netherlands). July 29 - August 5, 2000 9 rounds Swiss, FIDE-rated Rate of play: 40 moves in 2 hours, then 30 minutes knock-out. Entry fee: Dfl 60 (GM / IM free, FM Dfl 30) Prizefund: Dfl 3500 - 2500 - 1500 - 750 - 500 - 250 - 150 - 150 - 100 - 100 9 rounds in 8 days: on Sunday July 30 there will be 2 rounds. There will be a simul on July 28 and one GM will give chesstraining to the participating youth players during the tournament. Information: Hans Groffen Paul van Rooijen Website:
As part of the 16th Maccabiah there will be a number of chess tournaments (GM/IM and open tournaments) The 16th Maccabiah (Jewish Olympiad) takes place in Tel-Aviv 16th-26th June 2001.
The 11th International Chess Festival Pardubice takes place 13th - 30th July 2000.
Events: A - open grand master tournament with rating for FIDE (participation of players with ELO FIDE 2200 min.) B - open rating tournament with rating for FIDE (players with ELO FIDE or ELO national 1950 min.) C - open performance tournament (players without ELO FIDE with ELO national 1700 min.) D - open amateur tournament (players without any ELO or with ELO national lower than 1950) E - open 4-member team tournament with rating for FIDE (players without age and performance limitation) F - open 4-member team tournament of young players up to the age of 16 (players born in 1984 and younger regardless ELO) G - open active chess tournament (players without age and performance limitation) H - blitz marathon (players without age and performance limitation) I - blitz tournament (players without age and performance limitation)
Applications together with accommodation orders should be sent by 15th June 2000 to the following address: AVE-KONTAKT Sukova 1556 530 02 Pardubice CZECH REPUBLIC tel./fax +420-40-65 35 200 e-mail:
Full details:
Krkonose Open 2000 takes place 29th October to 5th November 2000 in Pec pod Snezkou town (The Krkonose mountains). Further information:
10th International Heart of Finland Tournament, the biggest open tournament in Finland, will be played in Jyvaskyla, Finland 19-23.7.2000. More information:
Presov Chess Festival 2000, 12th -20th August A) Grandmaster tournament (10 participants, round robin, 10th category FIDE) B) Women's grandmaster tournament (10 participants, round robin, 10th category FIDE) C) OPEN for players with Elo FIDE minim. 2100 D) National OPEN E) Accompanying programme (simultaneous game, blitz, football, ...)
Total prize fund 169 900 Sk (about $4000). There are still FREE places for players in A as well in B tournament (and of course in C and D tournaments).
Official web-pages of the Presov Chess Festival 2000
Last year: The results of the Presov Chess Festival 1999 are in TWIC250
The organising committee of the Presov Chess Festival 2000 can be contacted at:
The 10th World Senior Championships will be held September 10th-24th, 2000 in the small village of Rowy in Poland. The event is open to men born in 1939 or earlier and women in 1949 or earlier).
Further information: Polish and Russian language: Mr. Alfred Obszanski - Postomino, Poland, tel/fax: + 48 (59) 810-85-77 or German language: Mr. Jerzy Konikowski - Dortmund (Germany), tel/fax: +49 (231) 17-15-67 e-mail:
Official site: or
Qingdao, a seaside resort 1000 km South-East of Beijing, takes place 15th-24th July. There is a flight from Budapest on July 13th and it is possible to combine with the FIRST SATURDAY Budapest tournament 1st -13th July.
Events: 1. GM closed tmt cat.IX.-X. Prizes: 1500-1250-1000-750-500 USD 2. IM closed tmt cat.II. , Prizes: 600-500-400-300-200 USD 3. Open Swiss, Prizes: 400-300-200-150-100 USD
More info: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail: Phone: (361)-263-28-59 Mobile: (36)-30-230-19-14
The 6th International Chess Festival "Festival Schneider Bohemia " Pilsen 2000, takes place 19th-27th August 2000 at the "Strelecky stadion" Pilsen Lobzy (Czech Republic). The main tournament of this Festival is International Open Czech Championship ( 1st prize 20 000 CZK, sum of prizes 60 000 CZK ). Details:
1.3rd-15th of June FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM closed, Budapest, Organizer: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail:,
2. 16th-24th of June, BALATONTOURIST Open 9 rounds Swiss, Budapest, Chess Federation, Org.: Parej Jozsef, phone: (36)-87-321-950
3. 21st of June - 1st of July, HOTEL IROTTKO, GM-IM-closed, KOSZEG, Org.:FM Tomcsanyi, Peter e-mail:
4. 1st-13th of July FIRST SATURDAY,
5. 19th-27th of July BUDAPEST SUMMER, GM-IM-Open, org.:IM Rigo, e.mail:
6. 5th-17th of August, FIRST SATURDAY
7. 19th-29th August GM cat.8 IM cat.4 11 rounds and 19th-27th August FM closed 9 rounds Paks HUN Org: IM Videki, e-mail:
VI.Veszprem Summer - HEMO Coup, International Chess Tournament from 22nd-30th July.2000. Venue: HEMO Building (Presidial Culture House) Zalka Mate square 1, Veszprem city, Hungary Organizer: HEMO Chess Society, Veszprém.
Events: "A" group - IM tournament , 10 players "B" group - Swiss type open tournament in 9 rounds according to the FIDE rules.
Entry fees: "A" group: 10.000 HUF (about 70 DM) "B" group: below FIDE 2200 3.500 HUF (25 DM) 2200 - 2299 3.000 HUF (20 DM) 2300 - 2399 2.000 HUF (13 DM) 2400 - ------ HUF Prizes: "B" group: 60.000 HUF; 40.000 HUF; 20.000 HUF; 15.000 HUF; 10.000 HUF; 5.000 HUF.
Information: Norbert Szelényi Phone number: 88-401-400 Place of work: 88-426-233 /358 (am. 8.00 - pm. 16.00) Fax number: 88-426-233 /364 (am. 8.00 - pm. 16.00) For more information E-mail to:
Web pages: and
June 25-29, 2000 - Olomouc (CZE) "MLADI OPEN 2000" swiss system, 7 rounds 1) FIDE OPEN - for young players up to 20 years of age, 1st prize - FREE START in round-robin tournament 4th category FIDE in August in Olomouc 2) national open A - players born in 1984 and younger 3) national open B - players born in 1988 and younger Contact: Agentura 64, 783 73 Grygov 337, Czech Republic, tel./fax: ++420-68-5393327, e-mail:, WWW:
August 2-10, 2000 - Olomouc (CZE) "OLOMOUC CHESS SUMMER 2000" 1) round-robin GM tournament 10th category FIDE (10-12 players) 2) 2 round-robin IM tournaments 4th category FIDE (10-12 players) 3) FIDE open - swiss, 9 rounds, 2/40+1, 1st prize 10000 CZK We are looking for players without title for both round robin tournaments! Contact: Agentura 64, 783 73 Grygov 337, Czech Republic, tel./fax: ++420-68-5393327, e-mail:, WWW:
The Garry Koshnitsky Memorial Australian Chess Festival is being held this year from 7 June to 13 August in memory of arguably the most important figure in Australian chess history who died last year at the age of 91. The festival commences with the Surfers Paradise Parkroyal International which is being held at a five star venue on Queensland's Gold Coast in order to give Australian players the opportunity to play top class overseas opposition. The nine round Swiss event features GMs Nikolic, Ftacnik, Rogers and Johansen and runs from 7-17 June. Whilst the Prize Fund is a modest $5,000 the playing conditions are superb and the hotel is situated in one of the world's great holiday destinations. Entry fees are IMs and GMs FOC, players rated 2300+ $150, 2200+ $250, 2100+ $350, 2000+ $450. Overseas players are half price and there are discounts for payment by 15/3/00 ($50) and 15/4/00 ($25). There are very special room rates at the Parkroyal only available to competitors ($75 single, $37.50 twin share).
The Garry Koshnitsky Festival features the following events: 7 to 17 June Parkroyal Surfers Paradise International 18 June Parkroyal Surfers Paradise Corporate challenge 19 to 23 June GM coaching in local schools 24 to 25 June Gold Coast Open 26 to 30 June GM coaching of elite Australian juniors 1 to 2 July Noosa Open 8 to 9 July Queen Victoria Building event, Sydney 15 to 16 July Australian National University Open, Canberra 24 July to 4 August Australian Masters, Reserve Bank Building, Melbourne 12 to 13 August Adelaide Weekender (Festival Finale)
Contact details: Graeme Gardiner, President Australian Chess Federation, C/O Somerset College, Somerset Drive, Mudgeeraba, Gold Coast, Queensland 4213 Phone: (+61 7 international) or (07) 5530 3777 (w); (07) 5530 5794 (h); (07) 5525 2676 (fax) Email:
Tournament name : Bergen Chess International Site: Bergen, Norway. Date: 21-29th July 2000 Prize Fund : NOK 10000/6000/4000/2000/1000 + rating prizes. The prize fund is garanteed. Entry fee : No entry fee for foreigners with FIDE-ELO. Conditions : Yes, but already taken. Number of rounds : 9 System : Modifed Swiss. Rate of play : 2/40, 1/20, 0.5/rest Side events : Rapid tournaments, GM-simuls, blitz etc
Home page :
40-50 participants are expected of which there will be 5-6 GMs and 6-8 IMs. Only 6 unrated players will take part. Confirmed titled players: GM Yakovich (2580), GM Volzhin (2548), GM Gausel (2492), GM Djurhuus (2484), IM L. Johannessen (2431), IM Fyllingen (2408), IM Bern (2379) and IM Gullaksen (2353).
The 6th International Chess Festival "Festival Schneider Bohemia" Pilsen 2000 (The main tournament of this Festival is International Open Czech Championship) 19th - 27th August 2000 in Pilsen (Czech Republic)
The Politiken Cup in Copenhagen, Denmark takes place 17th-28th July 2000. There is a new venue at the Nørrebrohallen with room for 500-700 players.
Further information:
There are two events in Kobuleti (Georgia, Adjaria a health resort on the Black Sea not far from Batumi). The Martve Open 2000 30th July-8th August 2000.The organisers are the Head Department of Physical & Military Training of Ministry of Education of Georgia, Chess school for children tenagers of the Kobuleti region named after Nana Ioseliani and Zurab Azmaiparashvili. A 9 round Swiss. Main open for Men and Women along with Junior Boys and Girls under 6,8,10,14 and 16 events.
In August 10th-19th 2000 the Remka Open. A 9 round Swiss. Main open for Men and Women along with Junior Boys and Girls under 6,8,10,14 and 16 events.
Further information : Fax: +(995)32 98 70 53; Phone: +(995) 32 999521, 958366, 226745 in Tbilisi and 63317, 62589, 63581 in Kobuleti (code 8-88236).. E-mail:,
3 our tournaments, which will take place during summer in Kobuleti (GEORGIA). INTERNATIONAL CHESS FESTIVAL "MARTVE - OPEN - 2000" 30 July - 08 August INTERNATIONAL CHESS FESTIVAL "REMKA - OPEN - 2000" August 10-19 INTERNATIONAL CHESS FESTIVAL "KOBULETI-OPEN-2000" August 20-29 Full text of Provisions is on our web page: Besides there will be held chess tournaments with the norm of the International Master: 1) 30.07-9.08 2) 10.08-20.08 3) 21.08-30.08 Organizers of the tournaments Mr.Amiran Berdzenishvili, Mr.Ioseb Mzhavanadze, Mr.David Japaridze. With best regards David Japaridze Georgian Chess Federation Fax: +(995)32 98 70 53; Phone +(995)32 99 95 21, 95 83 66, 22 67 45 in Tbilisi and 6 33 17, 6 25 89, 635 81 in Kobuleti., URL: