THE WEEK IN CHESS 275 14th February 2000 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Kasparovchess Grand Prix
3) Adams-Seirawan Match
4) Petroff Memorial
5) Goodricke International
6) Blitz Chess Marathon Dordrecht
7) 2nd Novak Nikolic Memorial
8) 5th HIT Nova Gorica Open
9) Cadaqués computer tournament
10) "Renome 2000"
11) Dutch League
12) Bunratty Chess Festival
13) Cat VII in Ptuj
14) 5th Montecatini Terme Invitational
15) First Saturday February
16) Portuguese Masters
17) Aubervilliers Rapidplay
18) WIM Tournament in Hammershoj
19) Brazilian Events
20) 1st ICC Computer Tournament
21) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Kasparovchess Grand Prix      22 games
Adams-Seirawan Match           5 games
Petroff Memorial             315 games
Goodricke International      132 games
Blitz Marathon Dordrecht      30 games
2nd Novak Nikolic Memorial    30 games
5th HIT Nova Gorica Open     408 games
Cadaqués computer tournament 410 games
"Renome 2000"                 66 games
Dutch League                 100 games
Bunratty Chess Festival       30 games
Cat VII in Ptuj               10 games
5th Montecatini Terme         45 games
FSGM February                 56 games
FSIMA February                56 games
FSIMB February                48 games
Portuguese Masters            10 games
Aubervilliers Rapidplay       31 games
WIM Tournament in Hammershoj  10 games
BCX Open                      32 games
1st ICC Computer Tournament   87 games
Total 1865 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Per Rasmussen, Europe Echecs, Luis Santos, Nagy Laszlo, Ales Drinovec, Ray Stone, Pierre Bourget, Svend Novrup, Prof. Enrique Irazoqui, Jason Williamson, Anjo Anjewierden, Sinisa Joksic, Jan Willem Versloot and Jon Speelman, Narayanamoorthy Ganapathi, GM Chess School, Inside Chess, ICC, and Mig and all those who helped with this issue.

The start of the Kasparovchess Grand Prix and the Adams-Seirawan match head the news this week. As you will see there is a lot of chess elsewhere too.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Kasparovchess Grand Prix

The Kasparovchess Grand Prix takes place February 9th - 19th 2000 over the internet. Players have one hour for all their moves. The players are competing from throughout the World and all seem to have a person connected with Kasparovchess with them who presumably acted as a kind of arbiter. Some players chose to have the moves entered for them and played the games on a normal chess board (Adams moves were relayed by Mig and Seirawan had some relayed by Mig and then he took over on the computer in time trouble). The first prize is $20,000.

The early rounds didn't contain any real surprises. Morozevich played some wild chess in his match against Milos. Kasparov beat Barua in both his games and after being held by Van Wely with white finished it off with black.

There have been some technical problems with disconnections and Short's first game against Svidler in round two saw a break when Short mismoused a move in. The potential is certainly there however and I'm sure that rules to cover the situations that have come up will tighten the competition. For a start the event lasts 11 days whereas if the players had to be at the venue it would probably only last a couple of days.

Perhaps the most impressive winner was the computer program Deep Junior which runs on two processors. It won comfortably 2-0 against Illescas in round one. If it gets through Michael Adams in round 2 it will play Kasparov in the semi-finals. With the players still getting used to the protocol of playing on-line on the Kasparov site perhaps Deep Junior is even the favourite to win.

Official coverage:

Day 1 Results (February 9, 2000)

DeFirmian, Nick E  -  Svidler, Peter     1/2   45  B42  Sicilian
Svidler, Peter     -  DeFirmian, Nick E  1-0   51  B04  Alekhine defence

Day 2 Results (February 10, 2000)

Adams, Michael     -  Gulko, Boris F     1/2   55  B63  Sicilian
Gulko, Boris F     -  Adams, Michael     0-1   38  E53  Nimzo indian

Piket, Jeroen      -  Seirawan, Yasser   1-0   74  E15  Nimzo indian
Seirawan, Yasser   -  Piket, Jeroen      1/2   49  A65  Modern Benoni

Day 3 Results (February 11, 2000)

Sokolov, Ivan      -  Van Wely, Loek     1/2   23  D03  Queen's pawn
Van Wely, Loek     -  Sokolov, Ivan      1-0   29  D06  Queen's pawn

Milos, Gilberto        -  Morozevich, Alexander  0-1   51  B32  Sicilian
Morozevich, Alexander  -  Milos, Gilberto        1-0   34  B56  Sicilian

Day 4 Results (February 12, 2000)

Kasparov, Gary         -  Barua, Dibyendu        1-0   74  D36  Queen's gambit
Barua, Dibyendu        -  Kasparov, Gary         0-1   57  B43  Sicilian

Adianto,U              -  Short,N                1-0   62  E05  Nimzo indian
Short,N                -  Adianto,U              1-0   76  B11  Caro-Kann


Adianto, Utut             -  Short, Nigel D            1/2   21  D37  Queen's gambit
Short, Nigel D            -  Adianto, Utut             1-0   49  B11  Caro-Kann

Day 5 results (February 13, 2000)

Deep Junior               -  Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  1-0   39  C16  French; Winawer
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  -  Deep Junior               0-1   40  B20  Sicilian

Round 2 (February 13, 2000) (Day 5)

Kasparov, Gary            -  Van Wely, Loek            1/2   43  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Van Wely, Loek            -  Kasparov, Gary            0-1   56  D45  Semi-Slav

Day 6 Round 2 (February 14, 2000)

Svidler, Peter            -  Short, Nigel D            1-0   46  C12  French; Macutcheon
Short, Nigel D            -  Svidler, Peter            1/2   34  C51  Evans gambit

3) Adams-Seirawan Match

Michael Adams and Yasser Seirawan are playing a 10 game match in Bermuda that runs February 8th to 19th 2000. The played a similar match last year which was drawn. This year the venue is the Hamilton Princess Hotel in Bermuda. The organiser is Nigel Freeman and the private sponsor is Nick Faulks

Game one (on Tuesday) saw Adams beat Seirawan in 49 moves of a French Defence. The second was a brief 13 moves draw in the English, Adams equalised easily after tricking Seirawan in the opening. Thursday was a free day when the players competed in the Kasparovchess Grand Prix. Adams won game 3 in 65 moves. Games four and five were draws the score is 3.5-1.5 to Adams. Games are live on ICC. Official site:

Adams, Michael    -  Seirawan, Yasser  1-0   49  C03  French; Tarrasch
Seirawan, Yasser  -  Adams, Michael    1/2   13  A17  English; 1.c4
Adams, Michael    -  Seirawan, Yasser  1-0   65  C07  French; Tarrasch
Seirawan, Yasser  -  Adams, Michael    1/2   31  A17  English; 1.c4
Adams, Michael    -  Seirawan, Yasser  1/2   14  C07  French; Tarrasch

Match Bermuda (BER), 8-22 ii 2000
                              1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Adams, Michael    g ENG 2715   1 = 1 = = . . . . .  3.5  2796
Seirawan, Yasser  g USA 2647   0 = 0 = = . . . . .  1.5  2566

The break allowing the players to compete in the seperate Kasparovchess Grand Prix via the internet led me to ask whether anybody had competed in two events at the same time before. Of course the players had a day off which maybe doesn't count as the same time and Nigel Short pointed out that numerous players participated in the Bundesliga weekend during the 1986 GLC tournament in London. But the answer did bring out a story of an amazing performance by Igor Ivanov and Brian Hartman in 1985.

The Canadian Closed and Open took place at the same time in Edmonton, Alberta in 1985, possibly to prevent players competing in both. However Igor Ivanov and Brian Hartman did decide to play both and had to play simultaneous games, one in each event. Ray Stone continues: "The organizers had certainly not expected this, but did not pursue their misgivings. Some competitors in the Closed grumbled that Hartman and Ivanov were making a mockery of the championship, but my view was that they were merely professionals trying to maximize their ROI, which they did quite successfully. They tied for first in the Open, and Ivanov tied for first with me in the Closed. I was actually first on tie break, and since no tie-breaking match was organized, the preceding facts constitute the basis for my claim to be the 1985 Canadian Champion, an achievement that I was sadly never able to duplicate, possibly because the organizers never again scheduled the Open and the Closed at the same time."

Just prior to the match there was an international open. 1st= Joel Benjamin and Murray Chandler with 4.5/5; 3rd= Joel Salman, Andrei Moffat and Jerry Simon 4/5 amongst those on 3.5/5 was Andrew Soltis there was a total of 50 players. Joel Benjamin won a blitz playoff against Murray Chandler entitling him to a free trip back to the event next year.

4) Petroff Memorial

The Petroff Memorial is taking place in St. Petersburg, February, 7-16 2000. The event is a 9 round Swiss System event. After 6 rounds Aleksej Aleksandrov leads with 5.5/6.

Official coverage by GM Chess School:

Round 5 Standings:

Petroff Mem Open St Petersburg RUS (RUS), 5-17 ii 2000
                                           1    2    3    4    5   
  1 Bu Xiangzhi              m CHN 2565  + 53 + 43 + 86 + 10 =  4     4.5  2820
  2 Aleksandrov, Aleksej     g BLR 2606  + 67 = 60 + 19 + 62 + 23     4.5  2797
  3 Najer, Evgeniy           g RUS 2572  + 72 = 32 + 60 +  5 =  8     4.0  2684
  4 Lastin, Alexander        g RUS 2510  +110 + 54 = 57 + 35 =  1     4.0  2644
  5 Ragozin, Evgeni          m RUS 2475  +121 + 48 + 12 -  3 + 38     4.0  2694
  6 Balashov, Yuri S         g RUS 2534  = 21 + 70 = 79 + 93 + 44     4.0  2640
  7 Lunev, Andrey            f RUS 2491  = 85 + 89 = 58 + 47 + 31     4.0  2622
  8 Zakharevich, Igor        m RUS 2486  = 89 + 85 + 77 + 63 =  3     4.0  2620
  9 Korotylev, Alexey        m RUS 2477  +107 = 77 + 56 + 57 = 17     4.0  2602
 10 Aseev, Konstantin N      g RUS 2517  + 91 + 97 + 80 -  1 + 51     4.0  2664
 11 Rashkovsky, Nukhim N     g RUS 2523  = 70 + 21 = 32 = 45 + 71     3.5  2535
 12 Fominyh, Alexander       g RUS 2551  + 69 + 51 -  5 = 32 + 68     3.5  2576
 13 Alekseev, Evgeny           RUS 2475  + 65 = 56 = 28 = 46 + 63     3.5  2519
 14 Lugovoi, Aleksei         g RUS 2515  + 94 = 47 = 37 + 58 = 27     3.5  2547
 15 Beshukov, Sergei         g RUS 2460  = 82 = 78 + 48 = 30 + 61     3.5  2509
 16 Vorobiov, Evgeny E       m RUS 2500  + 74 - 57 = 61 + 75 + 64     3.5  2499
 17 Ionov, Sergey            g RUS 2558  - 77 +107 + 53 + 79 =  9     3.5  2526
 18 Melnikov, Dmitry           RUS 2185  + 71 = 39 - 38 + 77 + 60     3.5  2598
 19 Varavin, Viktor          g RUS 2410  +118 + 20 -  2 = 42 + 59     3.5  2605
 20 Vaulin, Alexander        g RUS 2540  + 50 - 19 +105 = 37 + 66     3.5  2533
 21 Novitzkij, Dmitrij         BLR 2328  =  6 - 11 + 82 + 83 + 62     3.5  2620
 22 Shaposhnikov, Evgeny     f RUS 2503  + 99 = 63 + 64 - 23 + 57     3.5  2537
 23 Genba, Vladimir          m RUS 2454  + 98 +114 = 31 + 22 -  2     3.5  2624
 24 Kalygin, Sergey V        m RUS 2497  + 81 = 58 - 63 + 85 + 67     3.5  2499
 25 Nikitin, Andrey          m RUS 2400  +102 = 59 = 44 + 86 = 28     3.5  2561
 26 Kupreichik, Viktor D     g BLR 2480  = 78 + 87 - 35 +110 + 72     3.5  2473
 27 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina wg RUS 2451  =115 +125 + 59 = 31 = 14     3.5  2516
 28 Bezgodov, Alexei         g RUS 2576  + 76 = 68 = 13 = 34 = 25     3.0  2505
 29 Malaniuk, Vladimir P     g UKR 2572  = 35 + 49 = 34 = 68 = 32     3.0  2487
 30 Moiseenko, Alexander     m UKR 2573  + 46 = 79 = 39 = 15 = 37     3.0  2508
 31 Chernyshov, Konstantin   m RUS 2544  +101 + 40 = 23 = 27 -  7     3.0  2505
 32 Shinkevich, V            m RUS 2440  +119 =  3 = 11 = 12 = 29     3.0  2560
 33 Popov, Valerij           g RUS 2534  + 55 - 80 + 69 - 51 + 65     3.0  2429
 34 Potkin, Vladimir         f RUS 2471  = 36 + 90 = 29 = 28 = 46     3.0  2485
 35 Kokorev, Dmitry          f RUS 2370  = 29 +115 + 26 -  4 = 42     3.0  2535
 36 Markarov, Arsen            RUS 2274  = 34 - 62 + 76 = 40 + 80     3.0  2499
 37 Sivokho, Sergey            RUS 2436  =116 + 82 = 14 = 20 = 30     3.0  2493
 38 Neverov, Valeriy         g UKR 2541  - 61 +121 + 18 + 43 -  5     3.0  2416
 39 Yandemirov, Valeri       g RUS 2472  +108 = 18 = 30 = 72 = 49     3.0  2424
 40 Sergeev, Veniamin          RUS 2425  + 73 - 31 = 65 = 36 + 81     3.0  2386
 41 Loginov, Valery A        g RUS 2512  +105 = 64 = 47 = 67 = 45     3.0  2454
 42 Yevseev, Denis           m RUS 2496  = 84 +106 = 68 = 19 = 35     3.0  2433
 43 Akhmetov, Artiom         f RUS 2438  +104 -  1 + 55 - 38 + 99     3.0  2463
 44 Belozerov, Andrei        m RUS 2487  =106 + 84 = 25 + 80 -  6     3.0  2456
 45 Deviatkin, Andrei          RUS 2410  -114 + 98 +116 = 11 = 41     3.0  2465
 46 Feoktistov, Alexey A     m RUS 2373  - 30 + 92 +114 = 13 = 34     3.0  2516
 47 Kalashnikov, Konstantin    RUS 2403  +117 = 14 = 41 -  7 + 87     3.0  2451
 48 Kabanov, Nikolai           RUS 2330  +100 -  5 - 15 + 92 + 86     3.0  2513
 49 Polovnikova, Ekaterina  wm RUS 2356  = 83 - 29 + 90 +104 = 39     3.0  2491
 50 Achang, Andrei             RUS 2332  - 20 =118 = 87 + 98 + 88     3.0  2347
 51 Polovodin, Igor A        m RUS 2434  +123 - 12 + 99 + 33 - 10     3.0  2454
 52 Alekseev, Vadim          m BLR 2440  - 56 =122 + 89 = 81 + 94     3.0  2346
 53 Selin, O                   RUS 2327  -  1 +111 - 17 +103 + 79     3.0  2452
 54 Shchukin, Dmitry           RUS 2387  +120 -  4 =102 = 56 + 95     3.0  2220
 55 Kashtanov, Ruslan        f RUS 2325  - 33 +126 - 43 +119 + 93     3.0  2412
 56 Driamin, D                 RUS 2230  + 52 = 13 -  9 = 54 = 58     2.5  2432
 57 Biriukov, Oleg V           RUS 2384  +109 + 16 =  4 -  9 - 22     2.5  2398
 58 Sambuev, Bator           m RUS 2385  + 95 = 24 =  7 - 14 = 56     2.5  2346
 59 Iljushin, Alexei         m RUS 2515  + 75 = 25 - 27 + 70 - 19     2.5  2380
 60 Solovjov, Sergey         m RUS 2449  + 92 =  2 -  3 + 74 - 18     2.5  2384
 61 Rodin, Dmitrij             RUS 2343  + 38 - 86 = 16 +102 - 15     2.5  2396
 62 Ulko, Jaroslav           m RUS 2459  = 90 + 36 + 83 -  2 - 21     2.5  2409
 63 Chepukaitis, Genrikh       RUS 2393  +124 = 22 + 24 -  8 - 13     2.5  2392
 64 Bratchenko, Alexander    m RUS 2400  + 96 = 41 - 22 + 78 - 16     2.5  2373
 65 Paramonov, Dimitriy        BLR 2279  - 13 +100 = 40 + 97 - 33     2.5  2475
 66 Kochyev, Alexander       g RUS 2429  = 87 = 88 = 75 + 84 - 20     2.5  2318
 67 Kachar, Vladimir           RUS 2383  -  2 +112 + 88 = 41 - 24     2.5  2405
 68 Riazantsev, Alexander    m RUS 2442  +122 = 28 = 42 = 29 - 12     2.5  2486
 69 Pridorozhni, Aleksei       RUS 2348  - 12 + 73 - 33 =108 +107     2.5  2364
 70 Eliseev, A                 RUS 2325  = 11 -  6 +115 - 59 +108     2.5  2421
 71 Frolov, Denis            f RUS 2428  - 18 +108 = 78 +106 - 11     2.5  2311
 72 Hachatrian, Vahagn       f ARM 2370  -  3 +103 +117 = 39 - 26     2.5  2371
 73 Takhirov, Viktor           BLR 2176  - 40 - 69 = 91 +113 +110     2.5  2344
 74 Grishin, Eduard            RUS 2309  - 16 =109 +120 - 60 +102     2.5  2189
 75 Veliev, Gasan              AZE 2318  - 59 +123 = 66 - 16 +104     2.5  2332
 76 Loskutov, Oleg           m RUS 2380  - 28 =104 - 36 +122 +106     2.5  2319
 77 Loginov, Anton             RUS 2356  + 17 =  9 -  8 - 18 = 78     2.0  2326
 78 Barbitskij, Aleksey        RUS 2284  = 26 = 15 = 71 - 64 = 77     2.0  2352
 79 Tunik, Gennady           m RUS 2442  +103 = 30 =  6 - 17 - 53     2.0  2373
 80 Salinnikov, D.Y          m RUS 2403  +111 + 33 - 10 - 44 - 36     2.0  2310
 81 Pakhomov, A                RUS 2298  - 24 + 95 = 97 = 52 - 40     2.0  2280
 82 Sepman, Yelius             RUS 2273  = 15 - 37 - 21 +109 = 91     2.0  2236
 83 Burmakin, Vladimir       g RUS 2567  = 49 +113 - 62 - 21 = 84     2.0  2278
 84 Kryschilovskij, Andrej     RUS 2296  = 42 - 44 +109 - 66 = 83     2.0  2323
 85 Sinkevich, P               RUS 2293  =  7 -  8 +118 - 24 = 97     2.0  2328
 86 Yagupov, Igor            m RUS 2482  +112 + 61 -  1 - 25 - 48     2.0  2306
 87 Khropov, Boris             RUS 2285  = 66 - 26 = 50 +117 - 47     2.0  2275
 88 Ustinov, Mikhail           RUS 2154  = 93 = 66 - 67 +105 - 50     2.0  2303
 89 Kondenko, Alexey           RUS 2286  =  8 -  7 - 52 =115 +116     2.0  2304
 90 Akimov, Ivan               RUS 2272  = 62 - 34 - 49 = 96 +114     2.0  2289
 91 Stjazhkina, Olga        wg RUS 2319  - 10 -102 = 73 +118 = 82     2.0  2146
 92 Chehlov, Aleksander      f LAT 2248  - 60 - 46 +100 - 48 +121     2.0  2322
 93 Tolstikh, Nikolay        m RUS 2419  = 88 =116 +119 -  6 - 55     2.0  2216
 94 Ovod, Evgenija          wm RUS 2318  - 14 -117 +111 +116 - 52     2.0  2199
 95 Sazhin,Evgeny              RUS ----  - 58 - 81 +112 +121 - 54     2.0  2249
 96 Cistjakova, Elena          RUS 2069  - 64 -105 =107 = 90 +122     2.0  2230
 97 Tarasov, Mikhail         m RUS 2401  +126 - 10 = 81 - 65 = 85     2.0  2223
 98 Jaghubov, Emin Z         f RUS 2271  - 23 - 45 +123 - 50 +117     2.0  2186
 99 Pavlov, Aleksandr          RUS 2311  - 22 +124 - 51 +114 - 43     2.0  2293
100 Yemelin, Vasily          g RUS 2540  - 48 - 65 - 92 +125 +119     2.0  2144
101 Karasev, Vladimir I      m RUS 2347  - 31 -119 -103 +126 +115     2.0  2199
102 Kudris,Vladislav           BLR ----  - 25 + 91 = 54 - 61 - 74     1.5  2202
103 Rogovoi, Mark              RUS 2237  - 79 - 72 +101 - 53 =105     1.5  2211
104 Toporov, Victor            RUS 2216  - 43 = 76 +113 - 49 - 75     1.5  2212
105 Nikolaev, Nikita           RUS 2315  - 41 + 96 - 20 - 88 =103     1.5  2153
106 Kyprijanov, Ilija          RUS 2290  = 44 - 42 +125 - 71 - 76     1.5  2209
107 Vunder, A                  RUS 2284  -  9 - 17 = 96 +120 - 69     1.5  2141
108 Lukashok, Alexandr         BLR 2276  - 39 - 71 +124 = 69 - 70     1.5  2165
109 Fedorov, Aleksandr         RUS ----  - 57 = 74 - 84 - 82 +126     1.5  2121
110 Chetverik, Maxim         f RUS 2314  -  4 =120 +122 - 26 - 73     1.5  2132
111 Kazakov, Vladimir          RUS 2102  - 80 - 53 - 94 =123 +125     1.5  2060
112 Lyubimtsev, Albert         RUS 2256  - 86 - 67 - 95 =124 +123     1.5  2024
113 Shliahtin, I.E             RUS 2314  =125 - 83 -104 - 73 +124     1.5  2042
114 Gavrilov, Alexei         m RUS 2454  + 45 - 23 - 46 - 99 - 90     1.0  2124
115 Slavina, Irina          wf RUS 2261  = 27 - 35 - 70 = 89 -101     1.0  2115
116 Reshetnikov, Evgeny        RUS 2205  = 37 = 93 - 45 - 94 - 89     1.0  2133
117 Bashkirov, Valentin        RUS 2094  - 47 + 94 - 72 - 87 - 98     1.0  2089
118 Kotov, Viktor              RUS 2127  - 19 = 50 - 85 - 91 =120     1.0  2030
119 Lebedev, Vasili            RUS 2225  - 32 +101 - 93 - 55 -100     1.0  2174
120 Pogodina,Julia             RUS ----  - 54 =110 - 74 -107 =118     1.0  2044
121 Manakov, Ilya              RUS 2279  -  5 - 38 +126 - 95 - 92     1.0  2030
122 Zhukov, V                  RUS 2239  - 68 = 52 -110 - 76 - 96     0.5  1963
123 Pitkanen, Juhani           FIN ----  - 51 - 75 - 98 =111 -112     0.5  1910
124 Medvetskij,Dmitrij         BLR ----  - 63 - 99 -108 =112 -113     0.5  1944
125 Yakovlev,Yuri              RUS ----  =113 - 27 -106 -100 -111     0.5  1973
126 Prosunchikov, German       RUS 2088  - 97 - 55 -121 -101 -109     0.0      

5) Goodricke International

Narayanamoorthy Ganapathi reports: The Goodricke International takes place in Calcutta February 6th-17th 2000. Gregory Kaidanov leads with 7/8 a performance of over 2800 for his eight games.

Internet coverage:

Leading round 8 standings:

Goodricke Open Calcutta IND (IND), 5-16 ii 2000
 1 Kaidanov, Gregory S         g USA 2599  7.0 
 2 Peng Xiaomin                g CHN 2624  6.0
 3 Korchnoi, Viktor            g SUI 2659  6.0
 4 Akopian, Vladimir           g ARM 2660  5.5
 5 Horvath, Jozsef             g HUN 2557  5.5
 6 Vladimirov, Evgeny          g KAZ 2586  5.5
 7 Sorokin, Maxim              g ARG 2572  5.5
 8 Roeder, Mathias             m GER 2413  5.5
 9 Goloshchapov, Alexander     g UKR 2561  5.5
10 Harikrishna, P              f IND 2354  5.5
11 Kunte, Abhijit              m IND 2487  5.5
12 Sandipan, Chanda              IND 2424  5.5
13 Iordachescu, Viorel         g MDA 2560  5.0
14 Sasikiran, Krishnan         m IND 2514  5.0
15 Lalic, Bogdan               g ENG 2548  5.0
16 Prakash, G B                m IND 2435  5.0
17 Satyapragyan, S               IND 2333  5.0
18 Yurtaev, Leonid             g KGZ 2536  5.0
19 Ibragimov, Ildar            g RUS 2611  4.5
20 Webster, Andrew             m ENG 2401  4.5
21 Dao Thien Hai               g VIE 2550  4.5
22 Saravanan, V                m IND 2412  4.5
23 Ravi, Thandalam Shanmugam   f IND 2373  4.5
24 Blatny, Pavel               g CZE 2512  4.5
25 Vakhidov, Tahir             m UZB 2505  4.5
26 Gokhale, Jayant Suresh        IND 2305  4.5
27 Thipsay, Praveen M          g IND 2475  4.5
28 Bakre, Tejas                m IND 2352  4.5
29 Ganguly, Surya Shekhar        IND 2440  4.5
30 Konguvel, Ponnuswamy        m IND 2356  4.5
31 Prasad, Devaki V            m IND 2421  4.5
32 Shankar, Roy                m IND 2338  4.5
72 players

6) Blitz Chess Marathon Dordrecht

The Blitz Chess Marathon (AKD Prinsen Van Wijmen Snelschaak Marathon) in Dordrecht (in the Mercure Hotel Postiljon) took place on Saturday 12th February 2000. 200 players entered this 5 minute blitz event with 13,000 FL worth of prizes where 17 double rounds were played. The winner was Loek Van Wely who scored 24/34 to finish half a point clear of Vladimir Epishin and Andrei Shchekachev on 23.5. Rafael Vaganian and Rustam Kasimdzhanov scored 23, Sergei Movsesian, Jeroen Piket and Jon Speelman scored 22.5. My thanks to Jan Willem Versloot and Jon Speelman for their help.

Official coverage:

Leading final standings:

   1  Wely, L.A.F.M. van           24.0   2646
   2  Epishin, V.                  23.5   2667
   3  Shchekachev, A.              23.5   2509
   4  Vaganian, R.                 23.0   2618
   5  Kasimdzhanov, R.             23.0   2614
   6  Movsesian, S.                22.5   2668
   7  Piket, J.                    22.5   2633
   8  Speelman, J.                 22.5   2604
   9  Nikolic, P.                  22.0   2659
  10  Lautier, J.                  22.0   2632
  11  Schmaltz, R.                 22.0   2508
  12  Cekro, E.                    22.0   2391
  13  Timman, J.H.                 21.5   2655
  14  Conquest, S.                 21.5   2563
  15  Rausis, I.                   21.5   2486
  16  Peelen, P.                   21.5   2374
  17  Knoppert, E.                 21.5   2313
  18  Sokolov, I.                  21.0   2637
  19  Mortel, J. van der           21.0   2403
  20  Solleveld, M.S.              21.0   2396
  21  Tregubov, P.                 20.5   2615
  22  Siebrecht, S.                20.5   2373
  23  Hendriks, W.                 20.5   2373
  24  Laatum, G. van               20.5   2350
  25  Afek, Y.                     20.5   2349
  26  Hommeles, T.                 20.5   2349
  27  Piket, M.                    20.5   2345
  28  Quist, J.                    20.5   2310
  29  Smits, M.                    20.5   2075
200 players

7) 2nd Novak Nikolic Memorial

Sinisa Joksic reports: The 2nd Novak Nikolic Memorial runs February 3rd-13th 2000 in Belgrade. . Novak Nikolic was a chess enthusiast, worked all his life for the Belgrade's town transportation as the transportation engineer. The event is category XI (ave. 2501). There was a brilliant win for Zontakh over Zhukova in round 6.

Round 4 (February 6, 2000)

Vuckovic, Bojan         -  Zhukova, Natalia        1/2   13  B01  Scandinavian
Sherbakov, Ruslan       -  Damljanovic, Branko     1/2   24  E91  Kings indian; Classical
Solak, Dragan           -  Pikula, Dejan           0-1   44  B40  Sicilian
Martinovic, Slobodan    -  Popchev, Milko          1/2   21  B01  Scandinavian
Velimirovic, Dragoljub  -  Kovacevic, Aleksandar   1/2   11  B78  Sicilian; Dragon
Govedarica, Radovan     -  Zontakh, Andrey         0-1   43  C11  French; Classical

Round 5 (February 7, 2000)

Zontakh, Andrey         -  Solak, Dragan           1-0   60  C61  Ruy Lopez
Damljanovic, Branko     -  Vuckovic, Bojan         1/2   44  A43  Queen's pawn
Kovacevic, Aleksandar   -  Martinovic, Slobodan    1-0   28  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov
Pikula, Dejan           -  Velimirovic, Dragoljub  1-0   28  B79  Sicilian; Dragon
Zhukova, Natalia        -  Govedarica, Radovan     0-1   60  E38  Nimzo indian
Popchev, Milko          -  Sherbakov, Ruslan       1/2   57  D05  Queen's pawn

Round 6 (February 8, 2000)

Zontakh, Andrey         -  Zhukova, Natalia        1-0   40  D17  Slav defence
Vuckovic, Bojan         -  Popchev, Milko          1-0   58  B32  Sicilian
Sherbakov, Ruslan       -  Kovacevic, Aleksandar   1-0   45  A63  Modern Benoni
Solak, Dragan           -  Velimirovic, Dragoljub  1/2   53  B08  Pirc; Classical
Martinovic, Slobodan    -  Pikula, Dejan           0-1   67  B27  Sicilian; Closed
Govedarica, Radovan     -  Damljanovic, Branko     0-1   42  B67  Sicilian

Round 7 (February 9, 2000)

Damljanovic, Branko     -  Zontakh, Andrey         1/2   65  B14  Caro-Kann
Kovacevic, Aleksandar   -  Vuckovic, Bojan         1/2   53  B54  Sicilian
Pikula, Dejan           -  Sherbakov, Ruslan       1/2   11  B65  Sicilian
Zhukova, Natalia        -  Solak, Dragan           1/2   54  A48  Queen's pawn
Popchev, Milko          -  Govedarica, Radovan     1/2   11  C42  Petroff defence
Velimirovic, Dragoljub  -  Martinovic, Slobodan    0-1   43  B41  Sicilian

Round 8 (February 10, 2000)

Zontakh, Andrey         -  Popchev, Milko          1/2   49  A46  Queen's pawn
Vuckovic, Bojan         -  Pikula, Dejan           1-0   56  B42  Sicilian
Sherbakov, Ruslan       -  Velimirovic, Dragoljub  1/2   56  A63  Modern Benoni
Solak, Dragan           -  Martinovic, Slobodan    1-0   54  B80  Sicilian
Zhukova, Natalia        -  Damljanovic, Branko     1-0   46  A48  Queen's pawn
Govedarica, Radovan     -  Kovacevic, Aleksandar   0-1   40  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)

2nd Novak Nikolic mem Belgrade YUG (YUG), 2-13 ii 2000    cat. XI (2501)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Zontakh, Andrey         g UKR 2576 * = = . = 1 . 1 = 1 . 1  6.0  2685
 2 Vuckovic, Bojan         m YUG 2427 = * = = . = 1 = 1 . . 1  5.5  2644
 3 Damljanovic, Branko     g YUG 2534 = = * . = . 1 0 . = 1 1  5.0  2593
 4 Kovacevic, Aleksandar   m YUG 2462 . = . * 0 0 1 . 1 1 = 1  5.0  2591
 5 Sherbakov, Ruslan       g RUS 2552 = . = 1 * . = = = . = =  4.5  2551
 6 Solak, Dragan           m YUG 2515 0 = . 1 . * 0 = . 1 = 1  4.5  2530
 7 Pikula, Dejan           m YUG 2476 . 0 0 0 = 1 * . 1 1 1 .  4.5  2543
 8 Zhukova, Natalia       wg UKR 2471 0 = 1 . = = . * . = 1 0  4.0  2511
 9 Popchev, Milko          g BUL 2510 = 0 . 0 = . 0 . * = = =  2.5  2356
10 Martinovic, Slobodan    g YUG 2448 0 . = 0 . 0 0 = = * 1 .  2.5  2371
11 Velimirovic, Dragoljub  g YUG 2558 . . 0 = = = 0 0 = 0 * .  2.0  2303
12 Govedarica, Radovan     m YUG 2483 0 0 0 0 = 0 . 1 = . . *  2.0  2312

8) 5th HIT Nova Gorica Open

The 5th HIT Nova Gorica Open took place in Slovenia 1st-9th February 2000. 18 GMs competed in the event. The event saw a three way tie for first with Thomas Luther (first on tie-break), Tony Miles and Evgeny Sveshnikov all scoring 7/9. Due to "copyright" reasons the top boards of the last two rounds weren't supplied by the organisers (this kind of rubbish unfortunately happens in every tournament in which Sveshnikov participates) are missing (they were not sent to the Slovenia site below). If anyone has the games I'm happy to publish them.

Internet coverage at:

5th HIT Open Nova Gorica SLO (SLO), 1-9 ii 2000
 1 Luther, Thomas          g GER 2509  7.0  52.5 42.0 
 2 Miles, Anthony J        g ENG 2579  7.0  52.0 41.0 
 3 Sveshnikov, Evgeny      g RUS 2541  7.0  50.0 39.5 
 4 Delchev, Aleksander     g BUL 2560  6.5  52.0 41.0 
 5 Abramovic, Bosko        g YUG 2501  6.5  50.5 40.0 
 6 Atalik, Suat            g TUR 2575  6.5  49.0 39.0 
 7 Godena, Michele         g ITA 2487  6.5  49.5 39.0 
 8 Movsesian, Sergei       g CZE 2668  6.5  47.5 36.5 
 9 Mikhalchishin, Adrian   g SLO 2552  6.5  45.0 35.5 
10 Beliavsky, Alexander G  g SLO 2640  6.0  51.0 39.5 
11 Kozul, Zdenko           g CRO 2597  6.0  51.0 39.5 
12 Zelcic, Robert          g CRO 2529  6.0  48.5 38.0 
13 Epishin, Vladimir       g RUS 2667  6.0  48.5 37.0 
14 Lipinsky, Fabian        m GER 2313  6.0  47.0 37.0 
15 Mocchi, Tullio            ITA 2390  6.0  46.0 36.5 
16 Nikolov, Sasho          m BUL 2376  6.0  46.5 36.5 
17 Mestrovic, Zvonimir     m SLO 2456  6.0  46.0 36.0 
18 Stern, Rene             m GER 2479  6.0  45.0 35.5 
19 Rogulj, Branko          m CRO 2437  6.0  43.5 35.0 
20 Cebalo, Miso            g CRO 2553  6.0  43.0 33.5 
21 Kogan, Artur            g ISR 2483  5.5  54.5 43.5 
22 Brumen, Dinko           f CRO 2403  5.5  50.5 40.0 
23 Timoscenko, Genadij     g SVK 2519  5.5  49.5 39.5 
24 Pavasovic, Dusko        g SLO 2544  5.5  49.5 38.5 
25 Senff, Martin             GER 2349  5.5  48.0 38.5 
26 Grabics, Monika        wm HUN 2341  5.5  46.0 37.0 
27 Chatalbashev, Boris     g BUL 2522  5.5  44.5 34.5 
28 Krivec, Jana           wf SLO 2188  5.5  41.0 31.5 
29 Grosar, Kiti           wm SLO 2211  5.5  38.0 30.0 
97 players

9) Cadaqués computer tournament

The Cadaqués computer tournament was held in Spain and hosted by Prof. Enrique Irazoqui and CSS. There were seven computers entered and they were running on two PIII-500 with 256MB RAM. Time controls were 40 moves in 40 minutes. The computers played one match of 20 games against each other for a total of 420 games in the event. The program Junior 6 (Amir Ban and Shay Bushinsky ChessBase) won the event with 73.0 out of a possible total of 120. In second place was Fritz 6a (Frans Morsch ChessBase) with 69.0, 3rd was Nimzo 7.32 (Chrilly Donninger ChessBase) 64.5, 4th Rebel Tiger (Christophe Théron Rebel B.v.) 61.0, 5th Hiarcs 7.32 (Mark Uniacke ChessBase) 57.0, 6th Shredder 4 (Stefan Meyer-Kahlen Millennium) and 7th Rebel Century (Ed Schröder Rebel B.v.) 40.5. The event took place January 3rd - February 9th 2000. Almost all the programmes that played in the event are available from the Chesscentre on-line shop at:

My thanks to Prof. Enrique Irazoqui for his help.

Internet coverage at:

Cadaques Computer Chess Tournament ESP (ESP), 3 i-09 ii 2000
                       1     2     3     4     5     6     7    TOTAL
1 Junior 6.0         ****  12.0  13.0  12.0  10.0  11.0  15.0   73.0  
2 Fritz 6a            8.0  ****  10.5  11.5  13.5  10.5  15.0   69.0  
3 Nimzo 7.32          7.0   9.5  ****  10.0  12.5  13.5  12.0   64.5  
4 Rebel_Tiger 12.0e   8.0   8.5  10.0  ****  10.5  12.0  12.0   61.0  
5 Hiarcs 7.32        10.0   6.5   7.5   9.5  ****  11.5  12.0   57.0  
6 Shredder 4          9.0   9.5   6.5   8.0   8.5  ****  13.5   55.0
7 Century             5.0   5.0   8.0   8.0   8.0   6.5  ****   40.5 

10) "Renome 2000"

Sinisa Joksic reports: The "Renome 2000" Tournament took place in the spa of Banja Dvorovi (3 miles from Bjeljina, the venue was the Hotel "Sveti Stefan"). The event ran January 26th - February 6th, 2000 and was a category VII (2407) event. Formally it is in the Republic Srpska (part of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Yet it is not a state, maybe some kind of protectorate, chess players from this part of the World (Republic Srpska) are on the rating list of Yugoslavia. The organisation was very good. The only disappointment was that nobody made a title norm (gm=8.5 and im=6.5). Nestorovic and young Aleksander Danilovic missed chances at the end. The winner's trophy was won by the eldest participant GM Dragutin Sahovic aged 60 thanks to a better Sonneborne-Berger tie-break. The prizes were 300, 250, 200, 150 and 100 DM plus some pocket money.

Renome Bjeljina YUG (YUG), 26 i-6 ii 2000              cat. VII (2407)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Sahovic, Dragutin     g YUG 2412 * 1 = = = = 1 0 1 = 1 1  7.5  2539
 2 Nestorovic, Dejan     m YUG 2386 0 * = = = = = 1 1 1 1 1  7.5  2542
 3 Cabrilo, Goran        g YUG 2483 = = * = = 1 = 1 = 1 = =  7.0  2502
 4 Genov, Petar          m BUL 2413 = = = * = = = = = 1 1 1  7.0  2508
 5 Lazic, Miroljub       g YUG 2478 = = = = * 0 = 1 1 = = 1  6.5  2465
 6 Grunberg, Mihai       m ROM 2409 = = 0 = 1 * = = = = = =  5.5  2407
 7 Danilovic, Alexander    YUG 2378 0 = = = = = * = 0 = 1 =  5.0  2374
 8 Savic, Miodrag R      f YUG 2430 1 0 0 = 0 = = * = 0 = 1  4.5  2340
 9 Szuhanek, Ranko       m ROM 2406 0 0 = = 0 = 1 = * = = =  4.5  2342
10 Radulski, Julian        BUL 2421 = 0 0 0 = = = 1 = * 0 =  4.0  2304
11 Petronic, Jovan       m YUG 2423 0 0 = 0 = = 0 = = 1 * =  4.0  2303
12 Stojanovic, Dalibor     YUG 2249 0 0 = 0 0 = = 0 = = = *  3.0  2246

11) Dutch League

Anjo Anjewierden reports; The first two rounds of the Dutch Team Competition where played in Amsterdam in the weekend February 5/6. The top four teams after nine rounds will compete in a play-off for the title. The last two teams will be relegated.

LSG nearly made a sensational start. They narrowly and perhaps undeservingly lost to Dutch champion Panfox in the first round. LSG, promoted from the first division, sports 9 (very) young players and a senior on board 10. In the second round they were in front against ESGOO with 5-3. On both remaining boards LSG had a superior position and just offering a draw would have sufficed for a match win, but the players involved decided to play on with disastrous effect: two losses and a 5-5 final score.

Groningen defeated HSG in the second round. With a 4.5-4.5 score Luuk van Kooten won a complicated game against Wieb Zagema, resulting in the first upset of the competition.

Round 1 (2000.02.05):

Groningen - Utrecht               5.0 - 5.0
HSG (Hilversum) - SMB (Nijmegen)  8.5 - 1.5
BSG (Bussum) - Rotterdam          7.5 - 2.5
Amstelveen - ESGOO (Enschede)     3.5 - 6.5
LSG (Leiden) - Panfox (Breda)     4.0 - 6.0

Round 2 (2000.02.06):

Groningen - HSG (Hilversum)       5.5 - 4.5
ESGOO (Enschede) - LSG (Leiden)   5.0 - 5.0
Rotterdam - Amstelveen            4.0 - 6.0
SMB (Nijmegen) - BSG (Bussum)     3.0 - 7.0
Utrecht - Panfox (Breda)          1.0 - 9.0


 1. Panfox     4  15
 2. BSG        4  14.5
 3. ESGOO      3  11.5
 4. Groningen  3  10.5
 5. HSG        2  13
 6. Amstelveen 2   9.5
 7. LSG        1   9
 8. Utrecht    1   6
 9. Rotterdam  0   6.5
10. SMB        0   4.5

12) Bunratty Chess Festival

The Bunratty Chess Festival was held February 11th-13th 2000. Mark Hebden and John Nunn overcame a field of 28 to take joint first in the Bunratty Chess Festival in Ireland. Key results in the event were Mark Hebden's win against Tony Miles in round three, Luke McShane lost to Sam Collins in round one and then Tony Miles in round 4, John Nunn beat Uri Rochev to catch Mark Hebden who drew against Matthew Turner in the final round.

Bunratty Chess Festival IRL (IRL), 11-13 ii 2000
 1 Hebden, Mark        g ENG 2493  5.0
 2 Nunn, John D.M      g ENG 2601  5.0
 3 Miles, Anthony J    g ENG 2579  4.5
 4 Turner, Matthew     m ENG 2487  4.5
 5 Levitt, Jonathan    g ENG 2438  4.0
 6 McShane, Luke J     m ENG 2438  4.0
 7 Daly, Colm          f IRL 2377  4.0
 8 Collins, Sam          IRL 2130  3.5
 9 Rochev,Uri            RUS ----  3.5
10 Delaney, Paul       f IRL 2305  3.5
11 Orr, Mark J L       m IRL 2309  3.5
12 Ryan, Joseph          IRL 2291  3.5
13 Howell,David          ENG ----  3.5
28 players

Official coverage:

13) Cat VII in Ptuj

There is a Category VII tournament taking place in Ptuj (Slovenia) 10th-19th February 2000. GMs Georg Mohr, Bosko Abramovic and Adrian Mikhalchishin compete.

Internet coverage at:

Round 2 Standings:

Ptuj SLO (SLO), 10-19 ii 2000                       cat. VII (2405)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Mohr, Georg            g SLO 2488 * = . . . . . . 1 .  1.5  2508
 2 Podkriznik, Gregor     f SLO 2331 = * . . . . . . . 1  1.5  2572
 3 Krumpacnik, Domen        SLO 2384 . . * = . . . . . 1  1.5  2522
 4 Polajzer, Danilo       m SLO 2387 . . = * . . = . . .  1.0  2468
 5 Abramovic, Bosko       g YUG 2501 . . . . * = = . . .  1.0  2489
 6 Kozakov, Mikhail       m UKR 2426 . . . . = * . = . .  1.0  2456
 7 Mikhalchishin, Adrian  g SLO 2552 . . . = = . * . . .  1.0  2444
 8 Zheliandinov, Viktor   m UKR 2411 . . . . . = . * = .  1.0  2363
 9 Kos, Toni              f SLO 2300 0 . . . . . . = * .  0.5  2256
10 Topalovic, Zlatko        CRO 2271 . 0 0 . . . . . . *  0.0      

14) 5th Montecatini Terme Invitational

The 5th Montecatini Terme Invitational took place in the Hotel Buonamici running 29th January - 6th February 2000. The event was won by GM Spyridon Skembris with 7/9 half a point clear of Italian players Paolo Vezzosi and Costantino Aldrovandi on 6.5, both of whom scored IM norms. Pierluigi Beggi missed a number of games in the middle of the event.

Internet coverage at:

5th Montecatini Terme Invitational ITA (ITA), 29 i-6 ii 2000cat. III (2303)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Skembris, Spyridon      g GRE 2481 * = 1 = = = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2503
 2 Vezzosi, Paolo          f ITA 2360 = * 1 = 1 1 = = 1 =  6.5  2462
 3 Aldrovandi, Costantino  f ITA 2328 0 0 * 1 1 1 = 1 1 1  6.5  2466
 4 Naumkin, Igor           g RUS 2498 = = 0 * = = 1 = 1 1  5.5  2361
 5 Mola, Pietro              ITA 2234 = 0 0 = * = 1 1 = 1  5.0  2353
 6 Trabert, Bettina       wm GER 2273 = 0 0 = = * 1 0 1 1  4.5  2306
 7 Passerotti, Pierluigi   f ITA 2278 0 = = 0 0 0 * 1 = 1  3.5  2225
 8 Wagman, Stuart          f USA 2188 0 = 0 = 0 1 0 * = =  3.0  2190
 9 Costantini, Roberto       ITA 2241 0 0 0 0 = 0 = = * =  2.0  2089
10 Beggi, Pierluigi          ITA 2149 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 = = *  1.5  2047

15) First Saturday February

Nagy Laszlo reports: The First Saturday GM, IM and FM closed tournaments for February are underway in Budapest, 5th-17th February. I mislabled the events as February so I give all 8 rounds in the games section.

Round 8 standings:

FSGM February Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-17 ii 2000             cat. IX (2469)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Ni Hua               f CHN 2390 * = 1 = . = = . 1 . 1 . . 1  6.0  2680
 2 Horvath, Csaba       g HUN 2519 = * = = = . 1 . . . = 1 . 1  5.5  2600
 3 Fogarasi, Tibor      m HUN 2429 0 = * 1 = . . = . . 1 1 . 1  5.5  2600
 4 Zhang Pengxiang      m CHN 2562 = = 0 * . = = . . . 1 1 . 1  5.0  2559
 5 Csom, Istvan         g HUN 2464 . = = . * = = = = 1 . . = .  4.5  2524
 6 Volzhin, Alexander   g RUS 2548 = . . = = * . 1 . = . = = =  4.5  2491
 7 Yu Shaoteng          m CHN 2535 = 0 . = = . * 1 . = . 0 . 1  4.0  2459
 8 Li Wenliang          m CHN 2444 . . = . = 0 0 * 1 = = . 1 .  4.0  2480
 9 Hoang Thanh Trang    m VIE 2448 0 . . . = . . 0 * = = 1 = 1  4.0  2439
10 Wang Rui             m CHN 2496 . . . . 0 = = = = * 0 = 1 .  3.5  2432
11 Nguyen Anh Dung      m VIE 2496 0 = 0 0 . . . = = 1 * . = .  3.0  2377
12 Burnett, Ronald      m USA 2437 . 0 0 0 . = 1 . 0 = . * 1 .  3.0  2408
13 Szabo, Zsolt Jozsef  m HUN 2429 . . . . = = . 0 = 0 = 0 * 0  2.0  2268
14 Ribshtein, Nati        ISR 2362 0 0 0 0 . = 0 . 0 . . . 1 *  1.5  2231

FSIMA February Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-17 ii 2000         cat. III (2301)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Dembo, Yelena        ISR 2269 * . . 1 = = 1 . 1 . . = = 1  6.0  2466
 2 Eperjesi, Laszlo   m HUN 2365 . * . . 1 = 0 1 . = 1 . 1 1  6.0  2505
 3 Szeberenyi, Adam     HUN 2257 . . * = = = . . 1 . 0 1 1 1  5.5  2435
 4 Gara, Anita       wm HUN 2257 0 . = * . 0 . . 1 . 1 1 1 1  5.5  2422
 5 Froehlich, Peter   f GER 2375 = 0 = . * . 1 = . 1 = . . 1  5.0  2395
 6 Kahn, Evarth       m HUN 2301 = = = 1 . * . 1 0 = . = . .  4.5  2354
 7 Resika, Nathan A     USA 2190 0 1 . . 0 . * 0 . 1 = . 1 1  4.5  2373
 8 Yu Mingyuan          CHN 2419 . 0 . . = 0 1 * 0 . . 1 1 1  4.5  2329
 9 Khechumyan, Gagik    ARM 2236 0 . 0 0 . 1 . 1 * . 0 1 1 .  4.0  2313
10 Balogh, Csaba        HUN 2356 . = . . 0 = 0 . . * = = 1 1  4.0  2302
11 Parkanyi, Attila   f HUN 2362 . 0 1 0 = . = . 1 = * 0 . .  3.5  2252
12 Sinkovics, Peter   m HUN 2331 = . 0 0 . = . 0 0 = 1 * . .  2.5  2166
13 Rajlich, Vasik G     USA 2309 = 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . . * .  0.5  1849
14 Woolridge, Leon M    ENG 2185 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . . . *  0.0      

FSIMB February Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-17 ii 2000         cat. IV (2331)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Seres, Lajos          m HUN 2394 * = 1 1 = = . 1 . 1 1 .  6.5  2567
 2 Antal, Gergely          HUN 2339 = * = . . 1 . 0 1 1 1 1  6.0  2511
 3 Belotelov, Denis      f RUS 2280 0 = * . 0 1 . 1 = 1 1 .  5.0  2429
 4 Sikula, Vaszilij        UKR 2346 0 . . * 1 0 0 1 1 1 . 1  5.0  2440
 5 Karatorossian, David    ARM 2345 = . 1 0 * 1 0 . 1 0 . 1  4.5  2382
 6 Nemeth, Zoltan        m HUN 2379 = 0 0 1 0 * 1 . . . = 1  4.0  2328
 7 Zimmerman, Yuri       m RUS 2397 . . . 1 1 0 * 0 = 1 0 0  3.5  2277
 8 Wong Zi Jing          f MAS 2324 0 1 0 0 . . 1 * 0 . 1 =  3.5  2289
 9 Vajda, Szidonia      wg ROM 2382 . 0 = 0 0 . = 1 * 0 1 .  3.0  2231
10 Cooke, Eric             USA 2266 0 0 0 0 1 . 0 . 1 * . 1  3.0  2257
11 Goczo, Melinda          HUN 2250 0 0 0 . . = 1 0 0 . * =  2.0  2153
12 Medvegy, Nora        wm HUN 2275 . 0 . 0 0 0 1 = . 0 = *  2.0  2137

16) Portuguese Masters

Luis Santos reports: The Portuguese Masters takes place 12th-20th February 2000 in the Caldas de Felgueira Hotel (near Viseu). There are 10 players (9 from Portugal and one from the USA) comprising of 4 IMs, 3 FMs and 3 candidates.

Daily coverage:

Round 2 standings:

Portuguese Masters Viseu POR (POR), 12-20 ii 2000 cat. I (2265)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Dias, Paulo          POR 2267 * . . . . . 1 . 1 .  2.0      
 2 Cordovil, Joao     f POR 2198 . * . . 1 . = . . .  1.5  2309
 3 Galego, Luis       m POR 2451 . . * = . . . 1 . .  1.5  2545
 4 Damaso, Rui        m POR 2425 . . = * . . . . . 1  1.5  2522
 5 Morais, Mario POR    POR 2095 . 0 . . * 1 . . . .  1.0  2203
 6 Ferreira, Nelson   m POR 2208 . . . . 0 * . . . 1  1.0  2151
 7 Blalock, Rex         USA 2138 0 = . . . . * . . .  0.5  2039
 8 Leonardo, Joao     f POR 2280 . . 0 . . . . * = .  0.5  2222
 9 Rocha, Sergio      m POR 2380 0 . . . . . . = * .  0.5  2080
10 Ribeiro, Fernando  f POR 2207 . . . 0 . 0 . . . *  0.0      

17) Aubervilliers Rapidplay

Krum Georgiev and Andrei Shchekachev both scored 9.5/10 at the 25th Aubervilliers Rapidplay that took place that took place January 29th-30th 2000. A selection of games is now available. Further information:

Aubervilliers Rapidplay FRA (FRA), 29-30 i 2000
 1 Georgiev, Krum        g BUL 2521   9.5
 2 Shchekachev, Andrei   g RUS 2509   9.5
 3 Hamdouchi, Hichem     g MAR 2513   9.0
 4 Velikov, Petar        g BUL 2450   9.0
 5 Kozul, Zdenko         g CRO 2597   9.0
 6 Chernin, Alexander    g HUN 2583   9.0
 7 Miladinovic, Igor     g GRE 2526   9.0
 8 Okhotnik, Vladimir    m UKR 2499   9.0
 9 Sargissian, Gabriel   m ARM 2442   9.0
10 Aronian, Levon        m ARM 2455   9.0
11 Minasian, Artashes    g ARM 2594   9.0
12 Dgebuadze, Alexandre  m GEO 2540   9.0
13 Bologan, Viktor       g MDA 2589   8.5
14 Piankov, Evgenij	 m UKR 2375   8.5
15 Djuric, Stefan        g YUG 2491   8.5
16 Murey, Jacob          g ISR 2487   8.5 
17 Onkoud, Abdelaziz       MAR 2290   8.5
18 Mohr, Georg	         g SLO 2488   8.5
19 Skripchenko, Almira   g MDA 2444   8.5 
20 Mitkov, Nikola        g FRM 2547   8.5 
21 Chabanon, Jean-Luc    m FRA 2440   8.5 
22 Lalic, Bogdan         g ENG 2548   8.5 
23 Toulzac Pierre-Yves	 f FRA 2452   8.5
817 players

18) WIM Tournament in Hammershoj

Per Rasmussen reports: Tjele Efterskole in Hammershoj Jutland is the venue for a nine round WIM tournament in Denmark. Tjele Efterskole is a school which has the reputation for developing strong chessplayers in Denmark.

WIM Hammershoj, Jutland DEN (DEN), 12-20 ii 2000
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Sikorova, Olga       wm CZE 2195 * . . . . . 1 . . 1  2.0      
 2 Guindy, Esmat           DEN 2185 . * = . 1 . . . . .  1.5  2317
 3 Hitzgerova, Gabriela    CZE 2174 . = * = . . . . . .  1.0  2244
 4 Jackova, Jana        wm CZE 2303 . . = * . = . . . .  1.0  2127
 5 Steffensen,Elena        DEN 2075 . 0 . . * . . 1 . .  1.0  2155
 6 Vovk, Oksana            DEN 2081 . . . = . * . . = .  1.0  2169
 7 Lauterbach, Ingrid   wm ENG 2182 0 . . . . . * . 1 .  1.0  2115
 8 Milligan, Helen         SCO 2125 . . . . 0 . . * . 1  1.0  2086
 9 Stewart, Tanya          DEN 2035 . . . . . = 0 . * .  0.5  1938
10 Grigorian, Meri         ARM 2097 0 . . . . . . 0 . *  0.0      

19) Brazilian Events

GM Giovanni Vescovi won the BRAZILIAN CHESS OPEN BCX 2000 played in Naoum Plaza Hotel, Brasilia, Brasil, in 9 rounds swiss tournament from 27th-30 January (127 players) Vescovi scored 6,5/7, unbeaten, only a draw with GM Darcy Lima. Internet Coverage at

  1. Vescovi, Giovanni           6.5  32.5  29.50  27.0  2511 2661 0    
  2. Lima, Darcy                 6.0  35.5  29.50  26.5  2514 2592 0    
     Limp, Eduardo               6.0  33.0  27.00  25.0  2420 2580 0    
     Caldeira, Adriano           6.0  32.0  28.75  22.0  2299 2586 +2.50
  5. Benares, Ricardo            5.5  31.5  22.25  25.0  2236 2523 0    
     Matsuura, Everaldo          5.5  34.0  25.75  24.0  2441 2343 +1.50
     Lucena, Lincoln da Silva    5.5  29.5  21.75  23.5  2249 2352 +2.50
     Pelikian, Jefferson         5.5  33.0  22.75  23.5  2393 2626 0    
     Batista, Gerson             5.5  30.0  21.50  23.5  2234 2632 +2.50
     dos Santos, Haroldo C       5.5  29.0  20.75  22.5  2290 2311 +2.00
 11. Valle, Adriano              5.0  33.0  20.00  24.0  2229 2542 0    
     De Souza Haro, Paulo Cesar  5.0  30.0  19.50  22.5  2273 2364 +2.00
     Silveira, Marcos            5.0  29.5  19.00  22.0  2223 2575 +2.50
     Disconzi da Silva, Rodrigo  5.0  31.0  21.50  21.5  2365 2260 +1.50
     de Sa, Antonio Villar       5.0  28.0  18.00  21.5  2061 2522 0    
     Franco, Jose de Arruda      5.0  30.5  21.00  21.0  2136 2190 +0.16
     Bouwman, Marcelo Wanderley  5.0  28.0  17.00  21.0  2115 2530 +0.90
     Umetsubo, Cesar H T         5.0  28.5  17.50  21.0  2107 2537 +2.50
     Pinto, Carlos Henrique L    5.0  27.0  17.50  21.0  2243 2100 +1.50
     Umetsubo, Otavio S          5.0  29.0  16.75  20.0  1914 2620 +0.54
     Costa, Marcelo Gonzaga      5.0  26.0  18.50  18.0  0000 2182 +1.50
     Saraiva, Alexandre Pacheco  5.0  25.5  17.00  15.5  2009 1990 -0.08
 23. Coelho, Luis Henrique P     4.5  27.5  14.25  20.5  2091 2193 +2.00
     Camara, Henrique            4.5  26.5  14.75  20.0  1860 2786 +0.81
     Ramos, Julio Cesar A        4.5  29.0  15.00  20.0  2125 2317 +0.85
     Pereira, Juliano Resende M  4.5  29.5  16.75  19.5  2056 2136 +0.45
     Borges, Leomar B            4.5  29.0  18.50  19.0  2221 2013 +1.00
     Pinto, Helder Gaioso        4.5  29.5  15.25  18.5  2010 2503 +0.78
     Sanches, Milton Goncalves   4.5  27.5  14.75  18.5  1911 2153 +0.88
     Reis, Ernesto Guevara B     4.5  25.5  14.25  18.5  2038 1919 +0.50
     Reis, Pedro Alexandre S     4.5  21.5  11.75  17.0  1831 1955 +0.58
     Santos, Ney Lucio dos       4.5  24.5  13.75  16.5  1830 2083 +1.01
     Rosa, Danielo Epitacio N    4.5  28.0  16.75  16.5  0000 1997 +1.00
     Navarrro, Luis Flavio       4.5  25.0  12.75  16.0  2008 1944 -0.35
     Achutti, Andre              4.5  25.0  12.25  15.5  1802 2063 +1.04
129 games 

The Brazilian women's Chess Championships take place in Batais-SP, Brasil Feb 5th -12th 2000. There are 8 players in a round robin tournament. Final standings: 1st IM Tatiana Ratcu 6; 2nd FM Paula Delai 5.5; 3rd IM Regina Ribeiro 4; 4th-5th IM Joara Chaves and Regina Bonfim 3.5; 6th Jainy Gomes 3; 7th Suzana Chang 2.5; and 8th Tais Juliao 0. No game available as yet.

Coverage at

20) 1st ICC Computer Tournament

Jason Williamson reports: The weekends of 29-30 Jan and 5th-6th Feb 2000 saw ICC's 1st computer chess tournament. The time control was 75 minutes with a 10 second increment. The event was a tournament between computer engines that where orginal, that is, either run by the author or someone specificly nominated by the author of that engine.

Place  Program          Score  SOP		Account
    1  Crafty           7.0    38.5
    2  Shredder_3       6.5    37.5		Netsurfer
    3  Nimzo            5.5    37.5		Varguz
    4  Insomniac        5.5    34.0
    5  Postmodernist    5.0    34.5
    6  Junior           5.0    33.5		ban
    7  Diep             4.0    41.0		DiepX
    8  Little_Goliath   4.0    38.5		counterplay
    9  Ferret           4.0    37.5
   10  Shrike           4.0    32.5		Skyblue
   11  Lambchop         4.0    31.5
   12  Bringer          4.0    31.0		gambitmaster
   13  EXchess          4.0    29.5
   14  Grok             4.0    28.0
   15  Amateur          4.0    25.5
   16  Galahad          4.0    24.5		GalahadX
   17  Tinker           3.5    24.5
   18  Hossa            3.0    30.5
   19  Storm            2.5    24.5		StormX
   20  Gnuchess         2.5    23.0
   21  Averno           0.5    27.0		Loadedgun
   22  TSCP             0.5    24.0

21) Forthcoming Events and Links

New York Open

Michael Atkins reports: The New York Open is back!! Long, the strongest Open tournament in the U.S., the NY Open is scheduled over the period of May 6-14, 2000. The Two Weekend schedule will start May 6-7, and the main Open section will play May 8-14. The class sections will play May 10-14. Playing at the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan, the same site as the last two NYO's, the Open section will feature $50,000 in prizes which is about $10,000 more than in the open section in 1998. All other details will be announced in late January. For more details contact tournament organizer Mr. Jose Cuchi later in the month Stay tuned for upcoming announcements and full details in late January on the New York Open website

Jakarta Invitational

Ruddy Lantang reports: The Jakarta Invitational takes place February 21-27 2000. Players: 1. Ardiansyah GM 2. Ivan Situru IM 3. Deny Yuswanto IM 4. Cerdas Barus IM 5. Dede Liu IM 6. Sukirman Teddy FM 7. Syarif Mahmud FM 8. Johny Jurmansyah National Master 9. Jacobus Sampouw National Master 10.Sugeng Prayitno National Master 11.Susanto Mergaranto National Master 12.Ruddy Lantang National Master 13.Fabian Lumentut National Master 14.Fritz 6.

GM Ariel Sorin vs World

GM Ariel Sorin will play against the World from January 31st 2000. The game will start at 17:00 (-03:00GMT). To play it is free. IM Guillermo Llanos will suggest some moves, and the people will choose one of them. GM Ariel Sorin will play: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. World will play: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Sunday will be a rest day. However, there will be an analysis of the position and the moves of the week.


Bergen NOR

Tournament name : Bergen Chess International Site: Bergen, Norway. Date: 21-29th July 2000 Prize Fund : NOK 10000/6000/4000/2000/1000 + rating prizes The prize fund is garanteed. Entry fee : No entry fee for foreigners with FIDE-ELO Conditions : May be offered to a limited number of IMs/GMs. Number of rounds : 9 System : Modifed Swiss Rate of play : 2 hours/40 moves, 1 hour/20 moves, 0.5 hour/rest Side events : Rapid tournaments, GM-simuls, blitz etc

Home page :

40-50 participants are expected of which there will be 5-6 GMs and 6-8 IMs. Only 6 unrated players will take part. Confirmed titled players: GM Yakovich (2580), GM Volzhin (2548), GM Gausel (2492), GM Djurhuus (2484), IM L. Johannessen (2431), IM Fyllingen (2408), IM Bern (2379) and IM Gullaksen (2353).

Yately Manor International

February 4th-6th and 19th-20th Yateley Manor International (Open FIDE and GP event, 9 rounds over 2 weekends All Play Alls and Swiss) . £1,000 + prize fund (subject to entry). Some free accommodation for titled players. Ray Clark, High Cedars, Oak End Way, Gerrards Cross, Bucks. SL9 8DA (0802 306210 and More details

GM Ariel Sorin vs. World

GM Ariel Sorin will play against the World from January 31st 2000. The game will start at 17:00 (-03:00GMT). To play it is free. IM Guillermo Llanos will suggest some moves, and the people will choose one of them. GM Ariel Sorin will play: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. World will play: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Sunday will be a rest day. However, there will be an analysis of the position and the moves of the week.


Millennium Chess Festival


MARCH 4-5, 2000 - PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA. 120 Grand Prix Points


5-Round Swiss System Tournament, in Two Sections "Open' (Open to all) "Reserve" (Open to players under 1800) PRIZES OPEN: $$2,000-1,200-800-400, U2400/Unr. $400-200, U2200 $400, U2000 $200, "SWEEP PRIZE" $400 (bonus for winning all 5 games in Open section, to all players who do it!) RESERVE: First Place $1,000, Top B $250-100, Top C $250, Top D $250, Top E/Below $250, Top Unr $250 (Unrated not eligible for 1st in Reserve) Top Jr. = Trophy


Game / 2 hours (USCF and FIDE Rated)


Round 1 Saturday, March 4: 10:00am Round 2 Saturday, March 4: 2:30pm Round 3 Saturday, March 4: 7:00pm Round 4 Sunday, March 4: 10:00am Round 5 Sunday, March 4: 2:30pm

1/2-point Byes are available Must commit rounds 4-5 before round 2.


Only $50!(Must be received by February 19, 2000)

Contact: E. Rodney Flores Address: 4 Witch Hazel 0. Portsmouth, VA 23703 Phone: 757-686-0822 Email:


Registration Time: Saturday, March 4, 8:00am to 9:30arn Entry Fee $65

Cash only Please -- No checks or credit cards at site.

SITE: Olde Towne Holiday Inn -8 Crawford Pkwy, Portsmouth VA 23704 A beautiful site right on the Elizabeth River overlooking downtown Norfolk! Large well-lit playing Hall. FREE PARKING!

GM Rohde Lecture and Simultaneous Exhibition Friday, MARCH 3, 2000 A rare opportunity to play against one of America's most talented Grand Masters! He will give a lecture, and then take on a limited number of players. WHERE: Olde Towne Holiday Inn, Portsmouth (Driving Instructions) REGISTER: Between 5:30pm and 6:30pm. START TIME: 6:30pm FEES: Lecture is FREE - Open to all! Simul is $20 per player.

The number of players in the Simul may be limited, taken, on a first-come, first-served basis. Bring your own set and board-Spectators welcome. Inquiries: Rodney Flores 757 686-0822

The Tournament Directors Michael Atkins (Associate National TD) and David Pelleteir(Senior TD and member USCF Tournament Director Certification Committee)

WBCA BLITZ-CHESS TOURNAMENT $750 Guaranteed Prize Fund (More per Entries) Saturday Night, March 4 6-Round, Double Swiss (12 games total) 5-Minute Speed Chess WHERE: Olde Towne Holiday Inn, Portsmouth (Driving Instructions) REGISTER: Anytime until 10:00pm START TIME: About 10:30pm PRIZES: 1st Place $300 2nd Place $150 Top 1900-2099 $100 Top 1600-1899 $100 Top 1300-1599 $75 Top Under 1300 $50 First-round byes will be available for those whose 3rd round tournament games run late. Inquiries: Rodney Flores, 757-686-0822

9th Aurec Rapid tournament

The 9th Aurec Rapid tournament takes place Feb 26th - 27th in Aurec, France. There are 2 tournaments 7 rounds/ 20mins per game. More than FF 45 000 in prizes Invitations for GMs and IMs. Further info: Olivier Deville - Côtevière - F-43110 Aurec Tél. : 0033 4 77 35 41 21 Fax : 0033 4 77 35 23 76 E-mail :

12 Hour Brussels Blitz

The 12 Hour Brussels Blitz takes place Feb 26th 2000. Salle Sippelberg Avenue Sippelberg, 3 (Metro Osseghem) 70.000 frs in prizes, 1st prize 15.000 frs. Entry: Senior - 400frs, Junior<18 - 250frs Timerate: 5 minutes. Info: B Asman tel 512.48.43 e-mail: M. Grede tel 538.35.75 Chess Club Anderlecht Caïssa Woluwé C.R.E.B. Les Fous du Roy

Politiken Cup 2000

The Politiken Cup in Copenhagen, Denmark takes place 17th-28th July 2000. There is a new venue at the Nørrebrohallen with room for 500-700 players.

Further information:

13th Ciudad de León Tournament

The 13th Ciudad de León Tournament will again use the "advanced chess" format (players will be allowed to use a computer for databases and a playing program). The competitors will be Anand, Shirov, Judith Polgar and Illescas. The event will run June 1st-5th 2000 (playing days: June 2nd Shirov-Illescas 2 game match, June 3rd Anand-Polgar 2 game match, June 3rd, final. The venue is the Junta de León” building, with the opening ceremony in the Conde Luna Hotel and the closing ceremony and Judit Polgar simul at the University.

19th Reykjavik International Open

The 19th Reykjavik International Chess Tournament takes place in the Reykjavík City Hall 5th-13th April 2000.

Minimum Prize fund: USD 15.000 1. prize USD 5.000 2. prize USD 3.000 3. prize USD 2.000 4. prize USD 1.500 5. prize USD 1.000 Under 2450 .USD 1.500 Under 2300 .USD 1.000.

9 rounds, Swiss System, Time Limit: 40 moves in 2 hours, 20 moves in 1 hour, and 30 minutes for the rest of the game.

Registration: Please contact the ICELANDIC CHESS FEDERATION, P.O. Box 8354, 128 Reykjavík, Iceland, before Feb. 1st 2000. Tel.: 354 568 9141 Fax: 354 568 9116 Email: Conditions for titled players please contact ICF office. Eligible: All players rated 2000 or more (FIDE rating list). No entrance fee for foreign players.

Coverage at:

Budapest Spring Festival

The 16th Budapest Spring Festival is a 9 round Swiss Open chess tournament, the event runs 17th-25th of March 2000, Budapest. The planned maximum is 100 participants, 1-3 GM-s, 6-8 IM-s, more, than 50 % ELO-rated, min. 20 % foreigners. Info: Nagy, Laszlo, e-mail: Tel-fax: (361)-263-28-59 Mobile: (36)-30-230-1914 ICQ # 44805877.

XVIth Cappelle la Grande Open

The XVIth Cappelle la Grande Open takes place in the "Palais des Arts et des Loisir" 19th-26th February 2000.


Entries: by cheque or money order to "l’Echiquier Cappellois" to:

M. Michel GOUVART 2, Place de Flandre 59180 CAPPELLE LA GRANDE - FRANCE Tél./Fax : 33/ 03 28 64 94 98

Adults : 220 F Juniors and over 60s: 110 F

Dates: Opening ceremony and round 1 19th February 2000 Closing ceremony 26th Feb 2000.

Prizefund: 80 000 F minimum. 1st prize: 10 000 F / 2e: 5000 F / 3e: 4000F / 4e: 3000F / 5e: 2000F / 6e: 1500F / 7e à 10e : 1000F Other prize categories for Elo, Jeunes, Féminins, Vétérans