THE WEEK IN CHESS 266 13th December 1999 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) European Team Championships
3) 4th Comtois tournament
4) York Viking International
5) Salona 99
6) 8th Sonnevanck Tournament
7) Bundesliga
8) More FIDE Ratings
9) REBEL GM Challenge
10) First Saturday December
11) Carlos Torre Memorial in Yucatan
12) 5th Guðmundur Arason
13) Forthcoming Events and Links

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Games section

European Team Championships Mens   572 games
European Team Championships Womens 287 games
4th Comtois tournament               3 games
York Viking GM                       3 games
York Viking Challengers              3 games
York Viking Masters                  5 games
Salona 99                            9 games
8th Sonnevanck Tournament            6 games
REBEL GM Challenge                   1 game 
First Saturday December GM          63 games
First Saturday December IMA         55 games
First Saturday December IMB         55 games
5th Gudmundur Arason                 5 games
1056 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Adam Raoof, Ian Rogers, Wybe Koopmans, Laszlo Nagy, GM Schach, FIDE Website, Ralf Akesson, Jon Speelman, Richard Goldenberg, Peter Heine Nielsen, Anton Gubanov, and Ales Drinovec and all those who helped with this issue.

The European Team Championships concluded in Batumi, Georgia with a fine victory for Armenia. However the wholly inadequate FIDE coverage has made the event one of the worst to cover in recent memory. There are a number of nice GM all-play-all tournaments taking place now so there should be plenty to keep us entertained this week.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) European Team Championships

The European Team Championships took place in Batumi, Georgia November 27th-December 8th 1999. The teams consisted of 5 men (4 players and 1 reserve) for the men's competition and 3 women (2 players and 1 reserve) for the women's competition. Armenia took gold with an outstanding performance scoring 22.5 points. The result was especially good considering that Akopian and Vaganian did not play. They led almost throughout the event and were fully deserved winners. Hungary finished second with stellar performances by Peter Leko on board one and Judit Polgar on two. Germany finished third on 21 points half a point clear of five teams on 20.5. The surprise winners of the women's event were Slovakia on 12.5 points. In 2nd I believe were Yugoslavia on 12 points (the FIDE site didn't seek to clarify this point) and 3rd were Romania on 12. My thanks to Jon Speelman for providing the names of the Gold, Silver and Bronze winners on each board.

I have reworked the games section and have made a number of corrections and guesses (dozens at the suggestion of Anton Gubanov, Webmaster of but the fact is that for many of the games there were extranious or just plain wrong moves, either introduced by the electronic boards or by sloppy entering and it isn't possible to know if these games (and others) are really correct, sadly. Aleksandrov-Smirin, Markowski-Nevednichy, Izeta-Ponomariov and Movsesian-Sokolov are amongst the games which are probably not correct. Ralf Akesson provided the correct ending to his win against Lautier. All in all the FIDE site failed to provide a site of remotely acceptable quality not only was the games section strewn with errors they left important questions as to the teams and players who won the prizes left unanswered.

Round 9 [Final]
The leaders Armenia drew against Germany in the final round to secure gold (Lputian 1/2 Jussupow [See Jussupow's brave attempt to win this game in the pgn section], Dautov 1/2 Art Minasian, Anastasian 1/2 Lutz, Gabriel 1/2 Aronian). Second placed Hungary won 2.5-1.5 against Belarus but Polgar lost her first game, however she still took the gold medal for board 2 (Leko 1-0 Fedorov, Aleksandrov 1-0 Polgar, Almasi 1-0 Kovalov, Dydyshko 1/2 Chernin). Israel drew 2-2 against Bulgaria (Gelfand 1/2 Topalov, Kir Georgiev 1/2 Smirin, Avrukh 0-1 Delchev, Vl Georgiev 0-1 Psakhis). Ukraine drew 2-2 against Slovenia (Ivanchuk 1/2 Beliavsky, Mikhalchishin 1/2 Onischuk, Ponomariov 1/2 Pavasovic, Mohr 1/2 Malaniuk) The Netherlands and England drew 2-2 (Piket 0-1 Short, Speelman 1/2 Van Wely, Van der Wiel 1-0 Conquest, Chandler 1/2 Reinderman)

Men's Results

    Armenia     2 - 2     Germany        
    Austria     1 - 3     Fyrom          
    Belgium   2.5 - 1.5   Scotland       
 Czech Rep.   2.5 - 1.5   Sweden         
  Georgia-2   3.5 - 0.5   Finland        
    Hungary   2.5 - 1.5   Belarus        
    Ireland     0 - 4     Latvia         
     Israel     2 - 2     Bulgaria       
      Italy   1.5 - 2.5   Bosnia&Herz.   
  Lithuania   2.5 - 1.5   Yugoslavia     
Netherlands     2 - 2     England        
     Poland     1 - 3     Russia         
   Portugal   1.5 - 2.5   Azerbaijan     
    Romania   2.5 - 1.5   France         
   Slovakia     1 - 3     Spain          
Switzerland   3.5 - 0.5   Georgia        
     Turkey   0.5 - 3.5   Croatia        
    Ukraine     2 - 2     Slovenia       

Women's Results

    Armenia     2 - 0     Bosnia&Herzegov;   
   Bulgaria     1 - 1     Russia         
    Croatia     1 - 1     Poland         
Czech Rep.    1.5 - 0.5   Scotland       
    England   1.5 - 0.5   Switzerland    
    Finland   0.5 - 1.5   Estonia        
  Georgia-2   0.5 - 1.5   Azerbaijan     
  Georgia-3   1.5 - 0.5   Germany        
    Hungary   1.5 - 0.5   France         
     Israel     2 - 0     Greece         
Netherlands   0.5 - 1.5   Lithuania      
   Portugal   1.5 - 0.5   Italy          
   Slovakia   0.5 - 1.5   Romania        
   Slovenia     0 - 2     Latvia         
     Sweden     1 - 1     Austria        
     Turkey     0 - 2     Fyrom          
    Ukraine     2 - 0     Georgia        
 Yugoslavia   1.5 - 0.5   Spain          

Final Standings Men

  1 Armenia       22.5
  2 Hungary       22.0
  3 Germany       21.0
  4 Bulgaria      20.5
  5 Russia        20.5
  6 Ukraine       20.5
  7 Israel        20.5
  8 Slovenia      20.5
  9 Belarus       20.0
 10 England       19.5
 11 Netherlands   19.5
 12 Czech Rep.    19.5
 13 BIH           19.5
 14 Switzerland   19.5
 15 Spain         19.5
 16 Poland        19.0
 17 Latvia        19.0
 18 Sweden        18.5
 19 Italy         18.5
 20 Croatia       18.5
 21 Georgia 2     18.5
 22 Romania       18.5
 23 Azerbaijan    18.0
 24 Lithuania     18.0
 25 FYROMacedonia 18.0
 26 France        17.5
 27 Yugoslavia    17.0
 28 Slovakia      17.0
 29 Georgia       16.5
 30 Portugal      16.5
 31 Austria       16.0
 32 Finland       15.5
 33 Belgium       15.5
 34 Turkey        15.0
 35 Scotland       6.5
 36 Ireland        5.5

Final Standings Women

  1 Slovakia     12.5
  2 Yugoslavia   12.0
  3 Romania      12.0
  4 Ukraine      11.5
  5 Armenia      11.0
  6 Bulgaria     10.5
  7 England      10.5
  8 Russia       10.5
  9 Spain        10.5
 10 Georgia      10.0
 11 Hungary      10.0
 12 Georgia 3    10.0
 13 Israel       10.0
 14 Azerbaijan   10.0
 15 Switzerland   9.5
 16 Poland        9.0
 17 Georgia 2     9.0
 18 BIH           9.0
 19 Germany       9.0
 20 France        9.0
 21 Czech Rep.    9.0
 22 Croatia       9.0
 23 Latvia        9.0
 24 Lithuania     9.0
 25 Greece        8.5
 26 Scotland      8.0
 27 Finland       7.5
 28 Netherlands   7.5
 29 Estonia       7.5
 30 Sweden        7.5
 31 Portugal      7.5
 32 Slovenia      7.0
 33 FYROMacedonia 7.0
 34 Austria       6.5
 35 Turkey        5.0
 36 Italy         3.0

Board Prizes

Board 1

 1 Shirov, Alexei            g ESP 2734  6.0/8  75%  2741
 2 Krasenkow, Michal         g POL 2647  6.5/9  72%  2772
 3 Atalik, Suat              g TUR 2598  5.5/8  69%  2628

There were also strong performances from Veselin Topalov, 
Peter Leko, Victor Korchnoi, Alexei Fedorov, Alexander
Beliavsky (all of whom performed to above 2700) and
Antonio Fernandes, all scoring 6.0/9 or 67%. Nigel Short of England
scored 5.0/8 or 63% for a 2720 performance.

Board 2
 1 Polgar, Judit             g HUN 2671  6.5/9 72% 2760
 2 Georgiev, Kiril           g BUL 2650  6.5/9 72% 2762
 3 Palac, Mladen             g CRO 2610  6.5/9 72% 2688

Board 3

 1 Anastasian, Ashot         g ARM 2545  6.5/9 72% 2714
 2 Miezis, Normunds          g LAT 2524  6.5/9 72% 2621
 3 Yrjola, Jouni             g FIN 2412  5.0/7 71% 2550

Board 4

 1 Psakhis, Lev              g ISR 2581  5.5/7 79% 2743
 2 Kempinski, Robert         g POL 2549  5.0/7 71% 2664
 3 Oral, Tomas               m CZE 2541  5.0/7 71% 2651

Board 5

 1 Reinderman, Dimitri       g NED 2525  6.0/8 75% 2674
 2 Erdogan, Hakan              TUR 2263  4.5/6 75%
 3 Chandler, Murray G        g ENG 2505  5.0/7 71% 2704

Women's Results

Board 1

 1 Hunt, Harriet                   wg ENG 2420  7.0/9 78% 2560
 2 Khurtsidze, Nino                wg GEO 2472  6.0/8 75% 
 3 Madl, Ildiko                     m HUN 2435  6.5/9 72% 

Board 2

 1 Cosma, Elena Luminita           wg ROM 2388  6.0/7 86% 2614
 2 Zatonskih, Anna                 wm UKR 2414  5.5/7 79% 2569
 3 Pokorna, Regina                 wm SVK 2198  6.0/8 75% 2481

Board 3

 1 Charkhalashvili, Inga              GEO 2205  4.0/5 80% 2494
 2 Borsuk, Angela                  wg UKR 2288  5.5/9 61% 2340
 3 Krivec, Jana                    wf SLO 2177  3.5/7 50% 

Main internet coverage by FIDE at: and the detailed results service of the Chess Federation of Slovenia at: (men's) and (women's) .

Other internet coverage: German related coverage is well served with GM-Schach site has german coverage with reports from Christopher Lutz and commented games by Stefan Kindermann at: and Schach magazine's Raj Tischbierek (the coach of the German team) is reporting daily in German at Spanish coverage by Terra Sports Web at: (with daily reports from Batumi (GM Izeta) and from Spain (Amador Rodríguez and IM Michael Rahal). Irish team coverage at: Croatian Chess has pages of statistics from the event and Austrian coverage at:

3) 4th Comtois tournament

A Category 15 tournament is taking place in Belfort France, December 13th-22nd 1999. The players are: Fedorov, Bologan, Zvjaginsev, Ye Jiangchuan, Mikhail Gurevich and Arnaund Hauchard.

Coverage at: Games live each day 16-00-22-00 CET.

Round 1 (December 13, 1999)

Fedorov, Alexei    -  Bologan, Viktor    1-0   28  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Ye Jiangchuan      -  Zvjaginsev, Vadim  1-0   40  B80  Sicilian
Hauchard, Arnaud   -  Gurevich, Mikhail  1/2   12  D10  Slav defence

4th Comtois Tournament, Belfort (FRA), 13-22 xii 1999cat. XV (2614)
                                 1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Fedorov, Alexei    g BLR 2659 ** .. .. .. 1. ..  1.0      
2 Ye Jiangchuan      g CHN 2593 .. ** .. .. .. 1.  1.0      
3 Gurevich, Mikhail  g BEL 2643 .. .. ** =. .. ..  0.5  2518
4 Hauchard, Arnaud   m FRA 2518 .. .. =. ** .. ..  0.5  2643
5 Bologan, Viktor    g MDA 2620 0. .. .. .. ** ..  0.0      
6 Zvjaginsev, Vadim  g RUS 2652 .. 0. .. .. .. **  0.0      

4) York Viking International

The York Viking International chess festival takes place at Lady Anne Middleton's Hotel, York, 13th-22nd December 1999. Adam Raoof organises.

Internet coverage at:


Round 1 (December 13, 1999)

Barsov, Alexei          -  Sutovsky, Emil          1-0   36  E90  Kings indian; Classical
Hector, Jonny           -  Rowson, Jonathan        1/2   39  C17  French; Winawer
Hillarp Persson, Tiger  -  Hodgson, Julian M       1/2   42  D15  Slav defence

Vikings GM York ENG (ENG), 13-22 xii 1999         cat. XII (2539)
                                      1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Barsov, Alexei          m UZB 2539 ** .. .. .. .. 1.  1.0      
2 Hector, Jonny           g SWE 2505 .. ** .. .. =. ..  0.5  2490
3 Hillarp Persson, Tiger  m SWE 2507 .. .. ** =. .. ..  0.5  2605
4 Hodgson, Julian M       g ENG 2605 .. .. =. ** .. ..  0.5  2507
5 Rowson, Jonathan        m SCO 2490 .. =. .. .. ** ..  0.5  2505
6 Sutovsky, Emil          g ISR 2587 0. .. .. .. .. **  0.0      


Round 1 (December 13, 1999)

Arkell, Keith C      -  Summerscale, Aaron   1/2   12  C42  Petroff defence
Meister, Peter       -  Quinn, Mark          1/2   29  E11  Bogo indian
Paschall, William M  -  Seul, Georg          1/2   14  E11  Bogo indian
Gormally, Daniel     -  Aikhoje, Odion        *     0
Krush, Irina         -  McNab, Colin A        *     0

Vikings GMB York ENG (ENG), 13-22 xii 1999           cat. VII (2415)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Arkell, Keith C      g ENG 2462 * . . = . . . . . .  0.5 /1  2423
 2 Meister, Peter       m GER 2417 . * . . . = . . . .  0.5 /1  2377
 3 Seul, Georg          m GER 2445 . . * . = . . . . .  0.5 /1  2332
 4 Summerscale, Aaron   g ENG 2423 = . . * . . . . . .  0.5 /1  2462
 5 Paschall, William M  f USA 2332 . . = . * . . . . .  0.5 /1  2445
 6 Quinn, Mark          f IRL 2377 . = . . . * . . . .  0.5 /1  2417
 7 Aikhoje, Odion       m NGR 2341 . . . . . . * . . .  0.0 /0      
 8 Gormally, Daniel     m ENG 2476 . . . . . . . * . .  0.0 /0      
 9 Krush, Irina        wm USA 2432 . . . . . . . . * .  0.0 /0      
10 McNab, Colin A       g SCO 2445 . . . . . . . . . *  0.0 /0      


Round 1 (December 13, 1999)

Hanley, Craig     -  Bree, Thomas      1-0   59  E65  Kings indian
Marusenko, Petr   -  Resika, Nathan A  1-0   24  B08  Pirc; Classical
Bhat, Vinay S     -  Cooper, Lawrence  1/2   16  C54  Italian game
Phillips, Roy     -  Bates, Richard    1/2   35  A05  Reti (1.Nf3)
Neiman, Emmanuel  -  Krutti, Valer     0-1   48  E42  Nimzo indian

Vikings Masters York ENG (ENG), 13-22 xii 1999 cat. III (2319)
                                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Hanley, Craig       ENG 2178 * . . . . . . 1 . .  1.0      
 2 Krutti, Valer     m HUN 2357 . * . . . . . . 1 .  1.0      
 3 Marusenko, Petr   m UKR 2406 . . * . . . . . . 1  1.0      
 4 Bates, Richard    m ENG 2376 . . . * . . = . . .  0.5  2257
 5 Bhat, Vinay S       USA 2388 . . . . * = . . . .  0.5  2350
 6 Cooper, Lawrence  f ENG 2350 . . . . = * . . . .  0.5  2388
 7 Phillips, Roy       ENG 2257 . . . = . . * . . .  0.5  2376
 8 Bree, Thomas        GER 2272 0 . . . . . . * . .  0.0      
 9 Neiman, Emmanuel  f FRA 2353 . 0 . . . . . . * .  0.0      
10 Resika, Nathan A    USA 2251 . . 0 . . . . . . *  0.0      

5) Salona 99

The 7th international Solana Tournament takes place in Solin (CRO) 10th-18th December 1999. A Category 13 event with Smirnin, Tkachiev, Kozul, Morovic, Tukmakov, Kurajica, Dizdarevic, Kovacevic, Nikolac, Cebalo.

Internet coverage at: and

Round 1 (December 10, 1999)

Nikolac, Juraj           -  Tkachiev, Vladislav      1-0   69  B06  Modern defence
Kurajica, Bojan          -  Dizdarevic, Emir          *     0
Kovacevic, Vlatko        -  Smirin, Ilia             1/2   63  A48  Queen's pawn
Cebalo, Miso             -  Morovic Fernandez, Ivan  1/2   19  D43  Semi-Slav
Kozul, Zdenko            -  Tukmakov, Vladimir B     0-1   48  D97  Gruenfeld indian

Round 2 (December 11, 1999)

Nikolac, Juraj           -  Kovacevic, Vlatko        1/2   68  D31  Queen's gambit
Tukmakov, Vladimir B     -  Cebalo, Miso             1/2   19  E91  Kings indian; Classical
Smirin, Ilia             -  Kozul, Zdenko            1/2   56  B67  Sicilian
Tkachiev, Vladislav      -  Dizdarevic, Emir         1-0   56  E61  Kings indian
Morovic Fernandez, Ivan  -  Kurajica, Bojan          0-1   34  E00  Nimzo indian

7th Solana International Solin CRO (CRO), 10-18 xii 1999cat. XIII (2558)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Nikolac, Juraj           g CRO 2475 * . . = . . 1 . . .  1.5 /2  2763
 2 Tukmakov, Vladimir B     g UKR 2557 . * . . = . . 1 . .  1.5 /2  2725
 3 Kurajica, Bojan          g BIH 2541 . . * . . . . . 1 .  1.0 /1      
 4 Kovacevic, Vlatko        g CRO 2492 = . . * . = . . . .  1.0 /2  2573
 5 Cebalo, Miso             g CRO 2453 . = . . * . . . = .  1.0 /2  2582
 6 Smirin, Ilia             g ISR 2671 . . . = . * . = . .  1.0 /2  2552
 7 Tkachiev, Vladislav      g FRA 2648 0 . . . . . * . . 1  1.0 /2  2501
 8 Kozul, Zdenko            g CRO 2612 . 0 . . . = . * . .  0.5 /2  2421
 9 Morovic Fernandez, Ivan  g CHI 2608 . . 0 . = . . . * .  0.5 /2  2304
10 Dizdarevic, Emir         g BIH 2527 . . . . . . 0 . . *  0.0 /1      

6) 8th Sonnevanck Tournament

The 8th Sonnevanck Tournament ran November 30th-December 7th. The event saw a team of young dutch players Harmen Jonkman (24), Tom Middelburg (19) and Erwin L'Ami (14) take on the experienced players Kasimdzhanov (UZB), Manual Bosboom (NED) and Alexei Barsov (UZB) in three six game matches. Two of the matches were extremely one sided with Manuel Bosboom winning 5.5-0.5 against Tom Middleburg and Rustam Kasimdzhanov beat Harmen Jonkman 5-1 to record performances of around 2700. The final match was much closer with Alexei Barsov edging out Erwin L'Ami 3.5-2.5 with L'Ami scoring the only win for the young Dutch players.

Internet site:

Round 5 (December 6, 1999)

Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  -  Jonkman, Harmen       1-0   56  D20  QGA;
L'Ami, Erwin          -  Barsov, Alexei        1-0   40  C12  French; Macutcheon
Middelburg, Tom       -  Bosboom, Manuel       0-1   45  B06  Modern defence

Round 6 (December 7, 1999)

Barsov, Alexei        -  L'Ami, Erwin          1/2   25  D46  Semi-Slav
Jonkman, Harmen       -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1/2   30  C07  French; Tarrasch
Bosboom, Manuel       -  Middelburg, Tom       1-0   69  A00  Irregular

8th Sonnevanck Tournament Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), 6 xi-7 xii 1999
                                     1  2  3  4  5  6
1 Bosboom, Manuel       m NED 2476   1  1  1  =  1  1  5.5  2727
2 Middelburg, Tom         NED 2326   0  0  0  =  0  0  0.5  2075
1 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  g UZB 2603   =  1  1  1  1  =  5.0  2694
2 Jonkman, Harmen       f NED 2421   =  0  0  0  0  =  1.0  2330
1 Barsov, Alexei        m UZB 2539   =  1  =  1  0  =  3.5  2057
2 L'Ami, Erwin            NED ----   =  0  =  0  1  =  2.5  2482

7) Bundesliga

The 3rd Double round of the German Bundesliga took place last weekend, December 11th-12th 1999. You can download games (more will be added during the week) from the official site for the competition:

Venue: SV Castrop Rauxel

Sat 11th Dec 1999 Castrop Rauxel     Dresden         5½-2½
                  Godesberg          Plauen           6-2
Sun 12th Dec 1999 Dresden            Godesberg       3½-4½
                  Plauen             Castrop-Rauxel  2½-5½

Venue: SV Werder Bremen

Sat 11th Dec 1999 Werder Bremen     SG Porz          3½-4½
                  Delmenhorster SK  Duisburg         4½-3½
Sun 12th Dec 1999 SG Porz           Delmenhorster Sk  4-4
                  PSV Duisburg      Werder Bremen    3½-4½

Venue: Hamburger SK

Sat 11th Dec 1999 Hamburger SK      SG Solingen      2½-5½
                  Lübecker SV       SV Wattenscheid  3½-4½

Sun 12th Dec 1999 SG Solingen       Lübecker SV      5½-2½
                  SV Wattenscheid   Hamburger SK     4½-3½

Venue: SV Tegernsee

Sat 11th Dec 1999 SV Tegernsee      SF Neukölln      4½-3½
                  SK Passau         USC Magdeburg     4-4
Sun 12th Dec 1999 SF Neukölln       SK Passau         2-6
                  USC Magdeburg     SV Tegernsee      4-4

Round 6 Standings:

 1.  SG Porz                   32:16    11:1 
 2.  Solinger SG               30:18    11:1 
 3.  SK Delmenhorst          27,5:20,5  11:1 
 4.  Godesberger SK            26:22     9:3 
 5.  SV Tegernsee              24:24     6:6 
 6.  SV Castrop Rauxel       21,5:26,5   6:6 
 7.  SK Passau               24,5:23,5   5:7 
 8.  USC Magdeburg           23,5:24,5   5:7 
 9.  Dresdner SC             22,5:25,5   5:7 
10. SV Werder Bremen         22,5:25,5   5:7 
11. SV Wattenscheid            21:27     5:7 
12. SK König Plauen          20,5:27,5   5:7 
13. Hamburger SK               24:24     4:8 
14. SFR Neukölln               21:27     4:8 
15. Lübecker SV              22,5:25,5   3:9 
16. PSV Duisburg               21:27     1:11 

8) More FIDE Ratings

Following on from the story in TWIC last week on the last interim FIDE rating list before the important official January one Ian Rogers has a number of comments on the list.

He says about Htun Htun that [his] "rating increase is based on only 17 games, meaning that he had to beat a 2600 player in all 17 games to achieve that rating increase! Also Baklan at number 12 is a serious error" He was about 100 points lower than FIDE's claimed 2697 on the last list, so if his results against others are based on the false 2697 rating [it] throws the ratings of all his opponents into doubt as well. (Incidentally, Baklan has only five games in the system, yet he played 9 alongside me in the Wichern Open in Hamburg.)"

Full list:

9) REBEL GM Challenge

Wybe Koopmans reports: The 6th in a series of GM Challenge games involving REBEL Century took place on December 4th. GM Alexander Baburin drew in 65 moves at normal time controls in a game live on ICC. More information

10) First Saturday December

Laszlo Nagy reports: there is one GM and two IM events as part of the First Saturday December tournaments in Budapest. The GM event is category VII.

Contact: Nagy, Laszlo, chess organizer e-mail: Tel-fax: (361)-263-28-59 Mobile: (36)-30-230-1914 ICQ # 44805877

FSGM December Budapest HUN (HUN), 4-16 xii 1999         cat. VII (2419)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Hoang Thanh Trang wg VIE 2453 * = = = . . . 1 . 1 1 = 1 1  7.0  2633
 2 Lukacs, Peter      g HUN 2475 = * = = . = . . 1 = 1 . 1 1  6.5  2589
 3 Csom, Istvan       g HUN 2472 = = * . 1 = = 1 . = . 1 = .  6.0  2522
 4 Horvath, Csaba     g HUN 2509 = = . * 1 = = . 1 = = . . =  5.5  2505
 5 Nguyen Anh Dung    m VIE 2484 . . 0 0 * . = 0 1 . 1 1 1 1  5.5  2495
 6 Li Wenliang        m CHN 2381 . = = = . * . . = 1 = = 0 1  5.0  2463
 7 Wang Rui           m CHN 2396 . . = = = . * = . 0 = 1 1 =  5.0  2457
 8 Ni Hua             f CHN 2369 0 . 0 . 1 . = * = . = = 1 1  5.0  2465
 9 Yu Shaoteng        m CHN 2435 . 0 . 0 0 = . = * 1 = = 1 .  4.0  2368
10 Lipinsky, Fabian   m GER 2331 0 = = = . 0 1 . 0 * = . . =  3.5  2363
11 Zhang Pengxiang    m CHN 2462 0 0 . = 0 = = = = = * . . .  3.0  2300
12 Khechumyan, Gagik    ARM 2332 = . 0 . 0 = 0 = = . . * = =  3.0  2292
13 Tatai, Stefano     m ITA 2357 0 0 = . 0 1 0 0 0 . . = * .  2.0  2201
14 Richter, Michael     GER 2410 0 0 . = 0 0 = 0 . = . = . *  2.0  2194


FSIMA December Budapest HUN (HUN), 4-16 xii 1999                   cat. IV (2332)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 
 1 Czebe, Attila              m HUN 2414 * = . 1 1 1 . . . 1 = 1 1  7.0 / 8  2660
 2 Keatinge-Clay, Adrian        USA 2278 = * . 1 = 0 . 1 . 1 1 . 1  6.0 / 8  2523
 3 Khamatgaleev, Alexej       f RUS 2435 . . * 0 = = = 1 1 1 . = .  5.0 / 8  2406
 4 Jurkovic, Ante               CRO 2339 0 0 1 * 0 . 1 1 1 . . 1 .  5.0 / 8  2427
 5 Orso, Miklos               m HUN 2339 0 = = 1 * . = = 1 . . = =  5.0 / 9  2380
 6 Szeberenyi, Adam             HUN 2357 0 1 = . . * = = 0 . 1 . 1  4.5 / 8  2381
 7 Petran, Pal                m HUN 2371 . . = 0 = = * . 0 1 = = =  4.0 / 9  2292
 8 Bognar, Csaba                HUN 2237 . 0 0 0 = = . * . 1 1 1 0  4.0 / 9  2293
 9 Struk, Jerzy                 POL 2270 . . 0 0 0 1 1 . * 0 = 1 .  3.5 / 8  2300
10 Philippe, Christophe         FRA 2260 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 1 * 1 = 1  3.5 / 9  2256
11 Galianina-Ryjanova, Julia wm RUS 2325 = 0 . . . 0 = 0 = 0 * . 1  2.5 / 8  2179
12 Yu Mingyuan                  CHN 2319 0 . = 0 = . = 0 0 = . * .  2.0 / 8  2140
13 Hu Yi                        CHN 2375 0 0 . . = 0 = 1 . 0 0 . *  2.0 / 8  2129


FSIMB December Budapest HUN (HUN), 4-16 xii 1999          cat. II (2294)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1 Spielmann, Alain        FRA 2241 * 1 1 0 0 . 1 1 . 1 =  5.5 / 8  2443
 2 Balogh, Csaba           HUN 2235 0 * . 1 = 0 . 1 1 1 1  5.5 / 8  2445
 3 Sedlak, Nikola        f YUG 2284 0 . * 0 . 1 1 1 = 1 1  5.5 / 8  2430
 4 Eperjesi, Laszlo      m HUN 2381 1 0 1 * = 1 = . = 0 .  4.5 / 8  2331
 5 Weglarz, Leszek       f POL 2400 1 = . = * = = 0 = 1 .  4.5 / 8  2324
 6 Gottschlich, Carsten    GER 2246 . 1 0 0 = * . 1 1 1 0  4.5 / 8  2351
 7 Vadasz, Laszlo        g HUN 2275 0 . 0 = = . * = = 1 =  3.5 / 8  2266
 8 Cooke, Eric             USA 2250 0 0 0 . 1 0 = * 1 0 1  3.5 / 9  2209
 9 Jakab, Attila           HUN 2328 . 0 = = = 0 = 0 * . 1  3.0 / 8  2208
10 Rajlich, Vasik G        USA 2297 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 . * 1  3.0 / 9  2164
11 Farago, Sandor        m HUN 2295 = 0 0 . . 1 = 0 0 0 *  2.0 / 8  2076

11) Carlos Torre Memorial in Yucatan

The Carlos Torre Memorial in Yucatan, Mexico takes place 14th-21st December 1999. It is likely to be the strongest chess tournament ever held in Mexico. Christiansen, Gulko, Miles, Hickl, Komarov, Hernandez, are to play. The event is not an ordinary one. The players will travel to four different cities, some of them are archeological treasures and experience the culture and food of the Mayas. The media in Yucatan is very excited and many spectators are expected.

Internet coverage at:

12) 5th Guðmundur Arason

The 5th Guðmundur Arason takes place in Hafnarfjörður, Iceland, December 12th-20th 1999.. Round 1 standings: 1. Bosboom, Manuel m NED 2476 1.0; 2. Bjarnason, Saevar m ISL 2309 1.0; 3. Bjornsson, Bjorn Freyr ISL 2250 1.0; 4. Edvardsson, Kristjan ISL 2209 0.5; 5. Karlsson, Agust S f ISL 2305 0.5; 6. Westerinen, Heikki M.J g FIN 2382 0.5; 7. Raetsky, Alexander m RUS 2408 0.5; 8. Aagaard, Jacob m DEN 2403 0.0; 9. Kristjansson, Stefan ISL 2278 0.0; 10. Olafsson, Thorvardur ISL 2059 0.0;

Internet coverage by Chess in Iceland at:

13) Forthcoming Events and Links

Swiss Chess Tour 1999 and 2000

The "Swiss Chess Tour 99" will finish with the "Ambassador Open" in Bern, December 26.-30. 1999 and the new "Swiss Chess Tour 2000" will start two days later with the "Hilton Open" in Basel, January 1.-5. 2000. The "Ambassador open" is 6 years old, and is held in the Hotel Ambassador. The "Hilton Open" is the second such event in this venue, the first was last January, this new events shows that chess is very popular in Basel.

The both tournament are 7 rounds, Swiss system. The games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end).

Prize are the same in Bern and Basel: 2.000 SF, 1.500, 1.000, 800, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250 and 200 SF. From 11.- 20. places natural prizes. The special prizes for best Lady, senior, junior, schoolboy and best local player.

Enter fee 130 SF, juniors 60 SF, at the door 10 SF more, GM and IM free.

Time table for "Ambassador Open":
December 26.: The last registration  11.00-12.15
              Open ceremony  12.15-12.30
              Round 1st  12.30-17.30
December 27.: Round 2nd  9.30-14.30
              Round 3rd  15.30-20.30
December 28.: Round 4th  12.30
December 29.: Round 5th  9.30-14.30
              Round 6th  15.30-20.30
December 30.: Round 7th  9.30-14.30
              Closing ceremony  15.30

Time table for "Hilton Open":
January 1.: The last registration  10.00-11.15
            Open ceremony  11.15-11.30
            Round 1st  11.30-16.30
            Round 2nd  17.30-22.30
January 2.: Round 3rd  10.30-15.30
            Round 4th  16.30-21.30
January 3.: Round 5th  17.30-22.30
            The first four play knock-out and the other continue
January 4.: Round 6th  17.30-22.30 (The semi-final 16.00-21.00)
January 5.: Round 7th  13.30-18.30 (The final 12.00-19.00)
            The closing ceremony 19.00-19.30

Last years winners were, surprising, IM Peter Velicka (CZE) in the "Ambassador Open" and GM Andrei Sokolov (RUS) in "Hilton Open".

More information and registration: Robert Spoerri
tel. +41+31+768-01-60
faf +41+31+768-01-61

Groningen Chess Festival

The 38th International Chess Tournament takes place December 19th up to and including December 31st 1999. Further information on the event is to be found at:

XVIth Cappelle la Grande Open

The XVIth Cappelle la Grande Open takes place in the "Palais des Arts et des Loisir" 19th-26th February 2000.

Entries: by cheque or money order to "l’Echiquier Cappellois" to:

M. Michel GOUVART 2, Place de Flandre 59180 CAPPELLE LA GRANDE - FRANCE Tél./Fax : 33/ 03 28 64 94 98

Adults : 220 F Juniors and over 60s: 110 F

Dates: Opening ceremony and round 1 19th February 2000 Closing ceremony 26th Feb 2000.

Prizefund: 80 000 F minimum. 1st prize: 10 000 F / 2e: 5000 F / 3e: 4000F / 4e: 3000F / 5e: 2000F / 6e: 1500F / 7e à 10e : 1000F Other prize categories for Elo, Jeunes, Féminins, Vétérans

Hastings Premier and Challengers

The line-up for the Hastings Premier 4-12 January 2000 is: Alexei Dreev, Ivan Sokolov, Emil Sutovsky, Klaus Bischoff, Irina Krush, Jon Speelman, John Emms, Bogdan Lalic, Murray Chandler and Luke McShane. The likely category is 13 with a gm norm of 5.

The Challengers and World Amateur Championship run 29 December 1999-6 January 2000. There are also many,many other shorter events until 12 January. Those wishing to play can get further details from Con Power. E-Mail:

Perenyi Memorial

There will be a Cat.VII-VIII in Gyula (Hungary) in the Hotal Agro 24th Jan-3rd Feb 2000 which will finish just before the February edition of the First Saturday tournaments.

Those interested in playing should contact: Emil Anka Tel-fax:00-36-1-2212328 or

Tapolca Open

There will be a big Open 9 rounds Swiss in Budapest called TAPOLCA Open, from 7th until 15th of January. 80-100 participants, min.50 % ELO-rated. Prizes: 30-20-15-10-5-4- etc. thousand HUF. Organizer: Parej, Jozsef, phone: (36)-87-321-444 from 8:00 until 13:00, GMT+1 hour. More info: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail:

XXIX Rilton Cup

Those interested in playing in the Rilton Cup in Stockholm. The event takes place December 27th 1999- January 6th 2000.
