THE WEEK IN CHESS 264 29th November 1999 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) European Team Championships
3) Hertogenbosch Tournament
4) FIDE News
5) Norkom Invitational Masters
6) Argentine Championships (Najdorf mem)
7) German Bundesliga
8) 4NCL
9) National Chess Congress
10) Austrian Championships
11) Austrian Team Championships
12) 28th International "Lazarevac" 1999
13) Obituaries
14) Professional Chess Rankings
15) Forthcoming Events and Links

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Games section

Hertogenbosch Tournament     30 games
Norkom Invitational Masters   5 games
Argentine Championships      35 games
German Bundesliga           128 games
Austrian Championships      120 games
Austrian Team Championships 180 games
498 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Tim Krabbé, Yury Polsky, Sinisa Joksic, Mitterhuemer Günter, Michael Atkins, Nigel Johnson, Rubén Casafús and Adrián Roldán, Maurice Buckley and Ted Jennings, Don Schultz, Jürgen Daniel's "GM-Schach" site, Laszlo Nagy, Adam Raoof and all those who helped with this issue.

The 75th Anniversary Celebration of FIDE took place last week in Paris. Its pretty clear that if FIDE doesn't find the money it needs to pay its staff and obligations for the FIDE Championships in Las Vegas there are going to be serious consequences and possibly the meltdown of the entire organisation. We await further developments. The European Team championships started today, I don't have news of the first round, there should be much more over the next week. I look forward to it.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) European Team Championships

The European Team Championships take place in Batumi, Georgia November 27th-December 8th 1999. The teams consist of 5 men (4 players and 1 reserve) for the men's competition and 3 women (2 players and 1 reserve) for the women's competition. The Ukranian and Hungarian teams looks the strongest and Russia has fielded one of their weakest ever teams (only one player over 2600 unless there are last minute changes) probably due to lack of sponsorship. Israel (with Gelfand now on top board), Armenia, Hungary, England and Bulgaria look likely to be in the fight for the medals. No news as yet on the website below, the first round is today.

Internet coverage by FIDE at:

3) Hertogenbosch Tournament

The "Tournament of the Future" was being held in Koning Willem I College, Hertogenbosch (NED) 18th-27th November 1999. Friso Nijboer after dominating the tournament and securing first place by his first draw in round 8, lost to Ian Rogers in the final round. Rogers shared second place with Paul Van der Sterren.


Round 4 (November 21, 1999)

Rogers, Ian            -  Stone, Raymond         1/2   60  A00  Irregular
Welling, Gerard        -  Bosch, Jeroen          1/2   23  A80  Dutch defence
Hergott, Deen          -  Donaldson, John W      1/2   15  B39  Sicilian
Buecker, Stefan        -  Nijboer, Friso         0-1   73  B20  Sicilian
Span, Paul             -  Van der Sterren, Paul  1/2   40  C85  Ruy Lopez

Round 5 (November 22, 1999)

Nijboer, Friso         -  Hergott, Deen          1-0   29  C67  Ruy Lopez
Van der Sterren, Paul  -  Buecker, Stefan        1-0   32  A81  Dutch defence
Bosch, Jeroen          -  Rogers, Ian            1/2   52  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov
Donaldson, John W      -  Welling, Gerard        0-1   39  A04  Reti (1.Nf3)
Stone, Raymond         -  Span, Paul             0-1   37  E18  Nimzo indian

Round 6 (November 23, 1999)

Rogers, Ian            -  Span, Paul             1-0   38  A48  Queen's pawn
Bosch, Jeroen          -  Donaldson, John W      1-0   42  A40  Queen's pawn
Welling, Gerard        -  Nijboer, Friso         0-1   35  A01  Larsen (1.b3)
Hergott, Deen          -  Van der Sterren, Paul  0-1   43  D45  Semi-Slav
Buecker, Stefan        -  Stone, Raymond         1-0   34  B23  Sicilian; Closed

Round 7 (November 24, 1999)

Nijboer, Friso         -  Bosch, Jeroen          1-0   61  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Van der Sterren, Paul  -  Welling, Gerard        1-0   27  A12  English; 1.c4
Span, Paul             -  Buecker, Stefan        0-1   54  C02  French; Advance
Donaldson, John W      -  Rogers, Ian            0-1   43  B06  Modern defence
Stone, Raymond         -  Hergott, Deen          1/2   21  D19  Slav defence

Round 8 (November 25, 1999)

Rogers, Ian            -  Buecker, Stefan        1-0   32  C03  French; Tarrasch
Bosch, Jeroen          -  Van der Sterren, Paul  0-1   36  B08  Pirc; Classical
Welling, Gerard        -  Stone, Raymond         1/2   57  B20  Sicilian
Hergott, Deen          -  Span, Paul             1-0   38  A30  English; 1.c4 c5
Donaldson, John W      -  Nijboer, Friso         1/2   20  A26  English; 1.c4 e5

Round 9 (November 26, 1999)

Nijboer, Friso         -  Rogers, Ian            0-1   35  B01  Scandinavian
Van der Sterren, Paul  -  Donaldson, John W      1-0   57  A30  English; 1.c4 c5
Buecker, Stefan        -  Hergott, Deen          1/2   57  A03  Bird (1.f4)
Span, Paul             -  Welling, Gerard        1/2   23  B07  Pirc
Stone, Raymond         -  Bosch, Jeroen          0-1   29  A88  Dutch defence

Tournament of the Future Hertogenbosch NED (NED), 18-26 xi 1999cat. VII (2419)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Nijboer, Friso         g NED 2559 * 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1  7.5  2676
 2 Rogers, Ian            g AUS 2574 1 * = = = 1 1 1 1 =  7.0  2621
 3 Van der Sterren, Paul  g NED 2535 0 = * 1 1 1 1 = 1 1  7.0  2626
 4 Bosch, Jeroen          m NED 2433 0 = 0 * = = 1 = 1 1  5.0  2460
 5 Welling, Gerard        m NED 2368 0 = 0 = * 0 1 = 1 =  4.0  2381
 6 Hergott, Deen          m CAN 2396 0 0 0 = 1 * = 1 = =  4.0  2378
 7 Buecker, Stefan        f GER 2341 0 0 0 0 0 = * 1 1 1  3.5  2347
 8 Span, Paul               NED 2226 0 0 = = = 0 0 * = 1  3.0  2315
 9 Donaldson, John W      m USA 2419 = 0 0 0 0 = 0 = * 1  2.5  2253
10 Stone, Raymond         f CAN 2340 0 = 0 0 = = 0 0 0 *  1.5  2154

4) FIDE News

FIDE had its 75th Anniversary Celebrations in Paris. There has been precious little news from the event (although you can see interviews in English with Khalifman and Xie Jun from there on TWIC TV 26th November. The only detailed account is a quite serious one from American FIDE delegate and official Don Schultz at his own website at: which includes an interview with Iljumzhinov and is definitely worth a read (was anyone else there with a different point of view?). He says that "FIDE’s 75th Anniversary Celebration held on November 20, 1999 in Paris turned out to be a public relations nightmare. Plans that initially included a parade through the streets of Paris and attendance by a wide range of public celebrities were continually aborted or scaled down; there was no parade, there were no celebrities."

Worse still was the report from Schultz himself and Gelfer that ""There is a large overdue loan from FIDE to the World Chess Foundation for SF478,000. Failure by FIDE to collect this may not only have a substantial impact on FIDE’s ability to continue to provide a full complement of member services but could endanger FIDE’s very existence." This and the non-payment of a number of the players from the FIDE Championships aswell as the non-payment of FIDE staff in recent months constitutes a very serious crisis for FIDE.

Schulzt quotes Iljumzhinov as saying "All the obligations will be paid by the end of the year. The reasons for the delay have been the poor coordination in bank transfers, delays in payments from sponsors, a large prize fund and dates that kept changing." Khalifman at the moment seems prepared to wait and accept these assurances, in his TWIC TV interview he said in answer to whether the next championships will take place in November/December next year "Yes, the President says it will take place next November and December and yes we have to prepare .... Now there is no special reasons to doubt. There were some complications with the prize money this year but I think it was just a co-incidence, due to lack of organisation practice."

I don't think there can be any doubt that failure to meet this end of year deadline by FIDE will have very severe consequences. There really isn't any point on speculating on this, FIDE now will either pay up and sort their finances or they won't, we await developments.

I don't know how to take the threat of Jan Timman made in a Dutch AT5 TV interview with Max Pam to leave FIDE in response to drug testing. "I would not comply, and because I do not want to give up chess for this nonsense, I might create an alternative federation that has no ties with the IOC. I have asked other top players, and generally, there is agreement about this. To cooperate in this silliness as a concession to IOC would defy dignity." [quote from Tim Krabbé's website at:]

5) Norkom Invitational Masters

The Norkom Invitational Masters tournament took place on the weekend of November 26th-28th at the Club House Hotel & Butler House, Kilkenny, Ireland. GMs Jan Timman, Michael Adams, Bogdan Lalic, Julian Hodgson, Mark Hebden, Alexander Baburin and IMs Matthew Turner and Luke McShane were amongst the participants.

The event was won by Bogdan Lalic and Julian Hodgson who both finished on 5/6. The pre-event favourite Michael Adams lost his final game to Lalic and was relegated to a share of 6th place. My thanks to Maurice Buckley and Ted Jennings for information events. There may be more details available next week.

Kilkenny Masters 1999 - Round 6
No Name              Total  Result   Name                 Total

 1 Michael Adams GM  [4]      0:1    Bogdan Lalic GM      [4]  
 2 Julian Hodgson GM [4]      1:0    Matthew Turner IM    [3.5]
 3 Jan Timman GM     [3.5]    1:0    Mark Fergusson IM    [3.5]
 4 Dharma Tjiam      [3.5]    0:1    Mark Hebden GM       [3.5]
 5 Paul Delaney FM   [3.5]    1:0    Mark Heidenfeld IM   [3.5]
 6 Bas Van Esch      [3]      0:1    Alexander Baburin GM [3]  
 7 Mel O'Cinneide    [3]      1/2    Luke McShane IM      [3]  
 8 Uri Rochev        [3]      1:0    Robert Bellin IM     [3]  
 9 Paul Dempsey      [2.5]    1/2    Stephen Brady FM     [2.5]
10 Tom Clarke        [2.5]    1:0    Jana Bellin WGM      [2.5]
11 Carl Wustefeld    [2]      1/2    Eric Dehaan          [2.5]
12 Mark Quinn FM     [2]      1:0    Ian Gooding          [2]  
13 Michael Neville   [2]      1/2    Philip Short FM      [2]  
14 Peter Cafolla     [2]      1/2    Daire McMahon        [2]  
15 Richard O'Donovan [1.5]    1/2    Anthony Fox          [1.5]
16 Sam Collins       [1.5]    0:1    Martin Landenberger  [1.5]
17 Frank Vang        [1]      1/2    Cormac Brady         [1.5]
18 John Anderson     [1]      1:0    Jim McCarthy         [0]  

Place Name                     Feder Rtg  Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Berg.

 1-2  Bogdan Lalic GM (5)            2550     5        15.0  21.0 17.25
      Julian Hodgson GM (3)          2605     5        13.5  20.5 16.50
 3-5  Mark Hebden GM (6)             2510     4.5      17.0  24.0 17.00
      Jan Timman GM (2)              2650     4.5      14.5  23.0 16.25
      Paul Delaney FM (15)           2305     4.5      12.0  18.5 12.50
 6-8  Michael Adams GM (1)           2708     4        15.5  23.5 14.50
      Alexander Baburin GM (4)       2593     4        14.0  21.0 12.75
      Uri Rochev (17)                2290     4        11.5  18.0 10.50
9-15  Luke McShane IM (8)            2467     3.5      14.5  21.0 10.25
      Mark Heidenfeld IM (11)        2368     3.5      14.5  19.0  8.75
      Matthew Turner IM (7)          2478     3.5      14.0  21.5 11.25
      Mark Fergusson IM (10)         2371     3.5      14.0  21.5 11.00
      Dharma Tjiam (13)              2344     3.5      13.0  19.5  9.25
      Mel O'Cinneide (19)            2252     3.5      13.0  19.0  8.75
      Tom Clarke (20)                2204     3.5      11.5  16.0  6.50
16-21 Paul Dempsey (24)              2168     3        13.0  19.0  9.25
      Robert Bellin IM (12)          2351     3        13.0  18.5  7.25
      Stephen Brady FM (14)          2310     3        12.0  19.0  7.50
      Bas Van Esch (25)              2166     3        12.0  17.5  7.50
      Mark Quinn FM (9)              2377     3        10.5  16.5  6.50
      Eric Dehaan (18)               2277     3         9.0  13.5  5.50
22-28 Jana Bellin WGM (26)           2163     2.5      13.5  20.5  6.25
      Michael Neville (35)           2028     2.5      11.5  17.5  6.75
      Daire McMahon (34)             2092     2.5      11.5  17.0  5.25
      Peter Cafolla (30)             2108     2.5      11.0  17.0  6.25
      Carl Wustefeld (21)            2202     2.5      10.5  17.0  5.50
      Martin Landenberger (27)       2143     2.5      10.0  15.0  5.25
      Philip Short FM (16)           2295     2.5      10.0  15.0  5.25
29-33 Ian Gooding (32)               2098     2        12.5  19.0  4.00
      Cormac Brady (36)              2050     2        10.0  16.5  2.75
      Richard O'Donovan (23)         2175     2         9.0  13.5  2.25
      John Anderson (22)             2200     2         8.5  12.5  2.25
      Anthony Fox (31)               2103     2         8.5  11.5  2.00
34-35 Sam Collins (33)               2097     1.5      11.0  17.0  4.00
      Frank Vang (29)                2123     1.5      10.0  13.5  1.00
 36   Jim McCarthy (28)              2135     0         9.5  14.5  0.00

6) Argentine Championships (Najdorf mem)

The LXXIII Argentine Championships (also the Najdorf mem) runs November 19th - December 5th 1999. After eight rounds of this 13 round all-play-all Pablo Ricardi leads on 6.5/8 ahead of Pablo Zarnicki and Alfredo Giaccio on 5.0.

Internet coverage at: by Rubén Casafús and Adrián Roldán.

ch-ARG Najdorf mem Buenos Aires ARG (ARG), 19 xi-5 xii 1999cat. IX (2470)
                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Ricardi, Pablo      g ARG 2474 * . . = . . = 1 . 1 1 1 = 1  6.5  2698
 2 Zarnicki, Pablo     g ARG 2497 . * = . = = 1 = = 1 . . . =  5.0  2573
 3 Giaccio, Alfredo    m ARG 2505 . = * . = 0 1 1 1 . . 0 . 1  5.0  2584
 4 Fiorito, Fabian     m ARG 2440 = . . * = = 1 = = . . = . =  4.5  2529
 5 Campora, Daniel H   g ARG 2543 . = = = * 1 0 . = = . . . 1  4.5  2514
 6 Slipak, Sergio      m ARG 2521 . = 1 = 0 * = . = = = . . .  4.0  2487
 7 Sorin, Ariel        g ARG 2501 = 0 0 0 1 = * . . . 1 . 1 .  4.0  2473
 8 Soppe, Guillermo    m ARG 2448 0 = 0 = . . . * . = 1 1 = .  4.0  2460
 9 Panno, Oscar        g ARG 2454 . = 0 = = = . . * = 1 . 0 .  3.5  2425
10 Rubinetti, Jorge    m ARG 2432 0 0 . . = = . = = * . 1 = .  3.5  2425
11 Hoffman, Alejandro  g ARG 2524 0 . . . . = 0 0 0 . * 1 1 1  3.5  2411
12 Spangenberg, Hugo   g ARG 2531 0 . 1 = . . . 0 . 0 0 * 1 =  3.0  2354
13 Dolezal, Cristian   f ARG 2282 = . . . . . 0 = 1 = 0 0 * 0  2.5  2332
14 Tempone, Marcelo    m ARG 2423 0 = 0 = 0 . . . . . 0 = 1 *  2.5  2333

7) German Bundesliga

The German Bundesliga rounds 3 and 4 took place over the weekend 6th-7th November. There are two teams, SG Porz and SK Delmenhorst both have 8/8 match points, Solinger SG have already drawn one match. The next matches will be December 11th-12th 1999. A huge number of the World's best players compete in this event.

There will be full coverage including all games are provided at the GM Schach site: Further information is at the German Chess Federation site:

3.Runde  6.11.99 

SK König Plauen - SK Passau         4,5:3,5
Dresdner SC     - SV Tegernsee      4,0:4,0
SFR Neukölln    - Solinger SG       3,0:5,0
USC Magdeburg   - SV Wattenscheid   5,5:2,5
Lübecker SV     - SK Delmenhorst    3,0:5,0
Hamburger SK    - Werder Bremen     5,0:3,0
Castrop-Rauxel  - SG Porz           2,0:6,0
Godesberger SKP - SV Duisburg       4,5:3,5

4.Runde  7.11.99 

SK Passau       - Dresdner SC       3,0:5,0
SV Tegernsee    - SK König Plauen   2,0:6,0
SG Solingen     - USC Magdeburg     5,5:2,5
SV Wattenscheid - SFR Neukölln      3,5:4,5
SK Delmenhorst  - Hamburger SK      4,5:3,5
Werder Bremen   - Lübecker SV       4,5:3,5
SG Porz         - Godesberger SK    6,0:2,0
PSV Duisburg    - Castrop-Rauxel    3,0:5,0

Round 4 Standings:

1. SG Porz              23,5: 8,5   8:0
2. SK Delmenhorst       19,0:13,0   8:0
3. SG Solingen          19,0:13,0   7:1
4. Dresdner SC          16,5:15,5   5:3
5. SK König Plauen      16,0:16,0   5:3
6. Godesberger SK       15,5:16,5   5:3
7. Hamburger SK         18,0:14,0   4:4
8. SFR Neukölln         15.5:16,5   4:4
9. Lübecker SV          16,5:15,5   3:5
10.USC Magdeburg        15,5:16,5   3:5
11.SV Tegernsee         15,5:16,5   3:5
12.SV Werder Bremen     14,5:17,5   3:5
13.SK Passau1            4,5:17,5   2:6
14.SV Castrop-Rauxel    10,5:21,5   2:6
15.PSV Duisburg         14,0:18,0   1:7
16.SV Wattenscheid      12,0:20,0   1:7

8) 4NCL

The 4NCL had its second weekend over November 21-22 1999. Only 1 Slough 1st has a 100% match record ahead of Wood Green 1st and IKHH who have drawn one match each. Games should be available next week.

Further info:

                            Division 1 - Round 3

                 Richmond                         Slough 1
      1 w    Williams, Simon    2421   0-1     Turner, Matthew   2478
      2 b      Quinn, Mark      2377   0-1      Hebden, Mark     2510
      3 w     Bates, Richard    2376   ½-½      Kosten, Tony     2515
      4 b      Wall, Gavin      2353   ½-½      McNab, Colin     2445
      5 w    Delaney, Paul *    2305   0-1   Summerscale, Aaron  2423
      6 b     Webb, Laurence    2213   1-0     Buckley, Graeme   2320
      7 w    Trifunovic, Alex   2262   0-1    Lalic, Susan (F)   2318
      8 b     Shah, Arpi (F)    2079   0-1      Tucker, Alex     2213

                Bigwood 1                      Barbican 4NCL 1
      1 w    Parker, Jonathan   2523   0-1     Pert, Nicholas    2425
      2 b     McShane, Luke     2467   ½-½      Crouch, Colin    2423
      3 w    Webster, Andrew    2427   ½-½     Collinson, Adam   2405
      4 b     Arkell, Keith     2462   1-0      Knott, Simon     2348
      5 w      Kelly, Brian     2417   1-0    Dishman, Stephen   2364
      6 b      Baker, Chris     2357   1-0    Lehtivaara, Petri  2336
      7 w     Ferguson, Mark    2371   ½-½    Rogers, Jonathan   2340
      8 b   Regan, Natasha (F)  2184   1-0  Kieran, Rosalind (F) 2079

            Silvine White Rose                    The AD's
      1 w     Davies, Nigel     2518   ½-½    Chandler, Murray   2505
      2 b   Marusenko, Petr *   2406   0-1    Mestel, Jonathan   2479
      3 w   Dunnington, Angus   2366   ½-½     Bellin, Robert    2351
      4 b    Dunworth, Chris    2308   ½-½    Richardson, John   2315
      5 w       Mah, Karl       2316   1-0       Lyell, Mark     2238
      6 b     Gayson, Peter     2255   0-1     Timmermans, Ivo   2213
      7 w     Barrett, Steve    2234   ½-½     Anderton, David   2228
      8 b    Barnes, Lara (F)   1640   0-1    Bellin, Jana (F)   2163

            North West Eagles                   Guildford-ADC
      1 w     Quillan, Gary     2349   ½-½     Plaskett, James   2513
      2 b   Kennaugh, Charles   2290   1-0      King, Daniel     2501
      3 w      Lund, Brett      2291   1-0    Rowson, Jonathan   2490
      4 b       Hague, Ben      2240   ½-½      Webb, Richard    2351
      5 w      Tebb, David      2272   0-1      Povah, Nigel     2360
      6 b     Merriman, John    2250   1-0    Anderton, Matthew  2216
      7 w      James, Dale      2239   0-1     James, Russell    2204
      8 b   Chevannes, Sabrina  1488   ½-½   Yurenok, Maria (F)  1912

                Bristol 1                       Wood Green 1
      1 w     Ansell, Simon     2373   ½-½   Baburin, Alexander  2593
      2 b    Burgess, Graham    2300   0-1       Emms, John      2586
      3 w    Sherwin, James *   2358   0-1       Ward, Chris     2473
      4 b     Cobb, Charles     2274   0-1    Levitt, Jonathan   2433
      5 w     Ledger, David     2240   0-1      Pein, Malcolm    2436
      6 b     Collier, David    2215   ½-½    Littlewood, Paul   2411
      7 w   McFarland, Robert   2267   ½-½      Sowray, Peter    2358
      8 b  Buckley, Melanie (F) 2075   ½-½   Jackson, Sheila (F) 2186

                I.K.H.H. 1                      Wood Green 2
      1 w       Nunn, John      2598   1-0      Pert, Richard    2308
      2 b     Gallagher, Joe    2521   1-0       Law, Andrew     2304
      3 w     Norwood, David    2518   0-1      Norris, Alan     2337
      4 b   Stille, Alex (res)  1768   0-1        Wall, Tim      2347
      5 w     Ledger, Andrew    2431   1-0       Lee, Graham     2328
      6 b     Black, Richard    2254   0-1  Yastrebov, Alexander 2178
      7 w       Wade, Bob       2204   ½-½      Tan, Desmond     2182
      8 b   Richards, Heather   2117   1-0   Lazhevskaya, Zhanna 2051
                   (F)                               (F)

                             Division 1 - Round 4

             Guildford-ADC                       Richmond
      1 w   Rowson, Jonathan   2490   0-1     Williams, Simon    2421
      2 b     King, Daniel     2501   0-1       Quinn, Mark      2377
      3 w   Plaskett, James    2513   1-0     Bates, Richard     2376
      4 b    Webb, Richard     2351   0-1       Wall, Gavin      2353
      5 w     Povah, Nigel     2360   ½-½     Delaney, Paul *    2305
      6 b  Anderton, Matthew   2216   ½-½     Webb, Laurence     2213
      7 w    James, Russell    2204   0-1     Johnstone, Paul    2293
      8 b  Yurenok, Maria (F)  1912   1-0     Shah, Arpi (F)     2079

            Barbican 4NCL 1                 Silvine White Rose
      1 w    Pert, Nicholas    2425   ½-½      Davies, Nigel     2518
      2 b    Crouch, Colin     2423   ½-½    Marusenko, Petr *   2406
      3 w  Lehtivaara, Petri   2336   ½-½        Mah, Karl       2316
      4 b     Knott, Simon     2348   ½-½    Dunnington, Angus   2366
      5 w   Collinson, Adam    2405   1-0     Barrett, Steve     2234
      6 b   Rogers, Jonathan   2340   0-1      Gayson, Peter     2255
      7 w   Dishman, Stephen   2364   ½-½     Dunworth, Chris    2308
      8 b Kieran, Rosalind (F) 2079   0-1    Barnes, Lara (F)    1640

              Wood Green 1                       Bigwood 1
      1 w  Baburin, Alexander  2593   1-0    Parker, Jonathan    2523
      2 b      Emms, John      2586   0-1      McShane, Luke     2467
      3 w  Speelman, Jonathan  2597   1-0     Webster, Andrew    2427
      4 b     Ward, Chris      2473   ½-½      Arkell, Keith     2462
      5 w    Pein, Malcolm     2436   ½-½     Ferguson, Mark     2371
      6 b   Littlewood, Paul   2411   0-1      Kelly, Brian      2417
      7 w    Sowray, Peter     2358   ½-½      Baker, Chris      2357
      8 b Jackson, Sheila (F)  2186   ½-½   Regan, Natasha (F)   2184

              Wood Green 2                       Bristol 1
      1 w   Levitt, Jonathan   2433   ½-½     Beaumont, Chris    2295
      2 b      Wall, Tim       2347   0-1      Ansell, Simon     2373
      3 w     Norris, Alan     2337   ½-½    Sherwin, James *    2358
      4 b     Law, Andrew      2304   ½-½     Burgess, Graham    2300
      5 w    Pert, Richard     2308   ½-½     Buckley, Simon     2216
      6 b Yastrebov, Alexander 2178   0-1      Cobb, Charles     2274
      7 w     Tan, Desmond     2182   ½-½      Ledger, David     2240
      8 b Lazhevskaya, Zhanna  2051   0-1  Buckley, Melanie (F)  2075

                The AD's                        I.K.H.H. 1
      1 w   Chandler, Murray   2505   1-0       Nunn, John       2598
      2 b   Mestel, Jonathan   2479   0-1     Gallagher, Joe     2521
      3 w    Bellin, Robert    2351   0-1     Norwood, David     2518
      4 b   Richardson, John   2315   ½-½     Ledger, Andrew     2431
      5 w     Lyell, Mark      2238   ½-½     Farndon, David     2236
      6 b   Timmermans, Ivo    2213   0-1     Black, Richard     2254
      7 w   Anderton, David    2228   ½-½        Wade, Bob       2204
      8 b   Bellin, Jana (F)   2163   0-1    Richards, Heather   2117

                Slough 1                     North West Eagles
      1 w     Hebden, Mark     2510   ½-½       Tebb, David      2272
      2 b   Turner, Matthew    2478   1-0    Kennaugh, Charles   2290
      3 w     Kosten, Tony     2515   1-0       Lund, Brett      2291
      4 b     McNab, Colin     2445   1-0      Quillan. Gary     2349
      5 w  Summerscale, Aaron  2423   1-0       Hague, Ben       2240
      6 b   Buckley, Graeme    2320   ½-½     Merriman, John     2250
      7 w   Lalic, Susan (F)   2318   1-0       James, Dale      2239
      8 b     Tucker, Alex     2213   1-0   Chevannes, Sabrina   1488
Round 4 Standings: 

4NCL Division 1           P W D L GP  MP
 1 Slough 1st             4 4 0 0 24  8
 2 Wood Green 1st         4 3 1 0 21½ 7
 3 IKHH 1st               4 3 1 0 18½ 7
 4 Bigwood 1st            4 2 1 1 17  5
 5 Richmond               4 2 1 1 17  5
 6 Bristol 1st            4 2 0 2 14½ 4
 7 Barbican 4NCL 1st      4 1 1 2 16  3
 8 Guildford-ADC 1st      4 1 0 3 15  2
 9 ADs                    4 1 0 3 12½ 2
10 Silvine White Rose     4 1 0 3 12½ 2
11 NW Eagles              4 1 0 3 12  2
12 Wood Green 2nds        4 0 1 3 11½ 1

9) National Chess Congress

The National Chess Congress organised by the Continental Chess Association took place in Philadelphia November 22nd-28th 1999. The event ended in a 4 way tie for first place in the Open section. Joel Benjamin, Alexander Shabalov, Alexander Goldin and Alexander Ivanov all scored 5-1. More details and games next week. My thanks to Michael Atkins.

Further information

10) Austrian Championships

Mitterhuemer Günter reports: The Austrian Championships took place in Vienna in August. The winner was IM Nikolaus Stanec, who won his fifth title in a row. Stanec finished on ten points, as did second placed Ernst Weinzettl who Stanec beat in the 9th round. 17 year old Eva Moser was also in the field, she is Austria's strongest women's player and she scored a WIM-Norm in this category 5 event.

ch-AUT Vienna (AUT), 7-21 x 1999                                  cat. V (2364)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 
 1 Stanec, Nikolaus      m AUT 2477 * 1 = = = = = = = = 1 1 0 1 1 1  10.0  2481
 2 Weinzettl, Ernst      m AUT 2420 0 * = = 1 = = 0 = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1  10.0  2484
 3 Sommerbauer, Norbert  f AUT 2401 = = * = 0 = = 0 1 = = 1 1 1 1 1   9.5  2456
 4 Danner, Georg         m AUT 2405 = = = * = 1 = 1 = 0 = 1 = 1 = =   9.0  2432
 5 Mahdi, Khaled         m AUT 2332 = 0 1 = * = = 1 = = = = 1 = 1 =   9.0  2437
 6 Wach, Markus          m AUT 2403 = = = 0 = * 0 1 = 1 = 0 1 1 1 1   9.0  2433
 7 Lendwai, Reinhard     m AUT 2371 = = = = = 1 * = = = = = = = 1 =   8.5  2413
 8 Casagrande, Harald    m AUT 2360 = 1 1 0 0 0 = * = 1 = = 0 1 1 1   8.5  2413
 9 Weiss, Christian      f AUT 2444 = = 0 = = = = = * = 0 = 1 1 1 1   8.5  2408
10 Baumegger, Siegfried  m AUT 2409 = 0 = 1 = 0 = 0 = * 1 1 = = = =   7.5  2360
11 Kummer, Helmut        f AUT 2321 0 = = = = = = = 1 0 * 0 = = = 1   7.0  2345
12 Moser, Eva           wf AUT 2223 0 0 0 0 = 1 = = = 0 1 * 1 = = 1   7.0  2352
13 Hoelzl, Franz         m AUT 2410 1 0 0 = 0 0 = 1 0 = = 0 * 1 1 1   7.0  2339
14 Kwatschewsky, Leo     f AUT 2307 0 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 0 = = = 0 * = =   3.5  2156
15 Hansen, Kay             AUT 2240 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 = = = 0 = * 1   3.5  2160
16 Stichlberger, Martin    AUT 2296 0 0 0 = = 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 *   2.5  2095

11) Austrian Team Championships

Mitterhuemer Günter reports: The convent of Melk was the venue for the first five rounds of the Austrian Staatsliga 1999-2000. These rounds took place October 22nd-26th 1999. Perhaps even at this early stage the winner of the league has been already established. The team of Merkur with five grandmasters Joel Lautier, Alexander Chernin, Stefan Kindermann, Thomas Luther, Henrik Teske and the Austrian champion IM Nikolaus Stanec is already dominating the Staatsliga. They are especially strong on boards 4-6 where they scored 14.5/15. Merkur only lost one game (Alexander Chernin lost against the Austrian IM Oliver Lehner in 28 moves) in this first series of matches. 19 GMs and 17 IMs took part.

Further details:

Rk Team                  + = - Pts MP 
1  SK Merkur             5 0 0 24  10 
2  1. Wr Neustädter SV   3 1 1 16½  7 
3  SK Hietzing/Fischer   3 0 2 16½  6 
4  SK Fürstenfeld        4 0 1 16   8 
5  SV NÖ Melk-Wachau     2 2 1 15½  6 
6  SK Hohenems           2 1 2 15½  5 
7  SK Ottakring          2 0 3 13½  4 
8  Raika Zell/Zillertal  0 3 2 13½  3 
9  SK Mozart 1910        0 2 3 13½  2 
10 ESV Austria Graz      2 1 2 13   5 
11 Gleisdorf             0 3 2 12   3 
12 SK Die Klagenfurter   0 1 4 10½  1 

12) 28th International "Lazarevac" 1999

Just a repeat of the report as when first reported I forgot the final table.

Sinisa Joksic: Ivan Ivanisevic, a 22 year old IM from Belgrade won the Category VIII tournament in Lazarevac and made his final GM norm. He missed a short norm in 11 round by drawing with Colovic. In last two rounds Ivanisevic beat Benkovic and Peev. Aleksandar Kovacevic, also was near a norm. He had chances to win against Vuckovic in the 11th round. The event was played in Lazarevac, a township of Belgrade, but 100 kilometers from the center. There were about 20 spectators daily whereas in Belgrade a few hundred could have been expected. Actually Belgrade's chess players had expected an Investbanka Super Tournament this years as did many of the world's best players. It is unclear who decided this event would be cancelled.

28th International Lazarevac YUG (YUG), 31 x-13 xi 1999    cat. VIII (2437)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Ivanisevic, Ivan       m YUG 2447 * = 1 = 1 = 1 0 = 1 1 1 = 1  9.5  2610
 2 Zontakh, Andrey        g UKR 2535 = * = = 0 1 0 1 = 1 1 1 1 =  8.5  2538
 3 Dimitrov, Vladimir     g BUL 2464 0 = * 1 = = 1 1 = 0 = = 1 1  8.0  2521
 4 Kovacevic, Aleksandar  m YUG 2478 = = 0 * = = 1 = = = = 1 1 1  8.0  2520
 5 Ninov, Nikolai         m BUL 2454 0 1 = = * 1 = = = = = = = 1  7.5  2492
 6 Pikula, Dejan          m YUG 2480 = 0 = = 0 * 0 1 1 = 1 = 1 =  7.0  2462
 7 Govedarica, Radovan    m YUG 2476 0 1 0 0 = 1 * = = 0 1 1 1 =  7.0  2462
 8 Vuckovic, Bojan          YUG 2433 1 0 0 = = 0 = * = = = = 1 1  6.5  2436
 9 Rajkovic, Dusan        g YUG 2474 = = = = = 0 = = * = = 1 0 =  6.0  2404
10 Solak, Dragan            YUG 2457 0 0 1 = = = 1 = = * 0 = = 0  5.5  2377
11 Peev, Peicho           m BUL 2343 0 0 = = = 0 0 = = 1 * 0 = =  4.5  2333
12 Benkovic, Petar          YUG 2328 0 0 = 0 = = 0 = 0 = 1 * = =  4.5  2334
13 Colovic, Aleksandar    m FRM 2423 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 1 = = = * 1  4.5  2327
14 Perunovic, Milos       f YUG 2319 0 = 0 0 0 = = 0 = 1 = = 0 *  4.0  2304

13) Obituaries

Emanuel Sztein July 17th 1934 - Oct 3rd 1999

Emanuel (Edward) Sztein passed away on October 3, 1999. Sztein was born to a family of actors in Byelostok, Poland on July 17, 1934. During World War II he lived in the Soviet Union. He was able to escape there with his family. Later he was able to return to his native country, Poland. Eventually, Sztein emigrated to the United States. He was a USCF chess master and a prolific chess writer. Among more than a dozen books he authored were Literary Chess Collisions:from Nabokov and Tal to Solzhetitsyn and Fischer published in 1993 and Mnemozina and Kaissa (the first anthology of Russian chess poetry)published in 1973. Sztein's field of specialization included Polish and Russian poetry, culture, literature and, of course, chess. After Edward was Korchnoi's eloquent spokesman during championship match in 1981 in Merano (Italy,) he became known to chess fans all over the world. The chess world will miss Edward dearly.

Yury Polsky Associate Professor West Chester University Pennsylvania, USA

Lodewijk Prins Jan 27th 1913 - 11 Nov 1999

Lodewijk Prins has died at the age of 86 in the Netherlands. He was a GM (1982 awarded for retrospective achievements), International Arbiter, lecturer, author and translator aswell as lecturing at a technical university. He won the Dutch title in 1965 and played in 12 consecutive Olympiads for the Netherlands between 1937 and 1968. As an author and translator he produced many works of which probably most well known for his collaboration with Euwe " Het Schaakphenomeen Capablanca" on Capablanca one of the best books on the Cuban.

You can read more on Tim Krabbé's chess diary page:

14) Professional Chess Rankings

The Professional Chess Rankings for December 1st have been released. Produced by Ken Thomson , New Jersey Calculated by Vladimir Dvorkovich, Moscow.

1.  Kasparov,Garry        RUS  2838  140
2.  Kramnik,Vladimir      RUS  2734  114
3.  Shirov,Alexei         ESP  2724  189
4.  Anand,Viswanathan     IND  2722  118
5.  Morozevich,Alexander  RUS  2705  181
6.  Kamsky,Gata           USA  2696  184
7.  Leko,Peter            HUN  2694  139
8.  Bareev,Evgeny         RUS  2685  151
9.  Gelfand,Boris         ISR  2675  148
10. Adams,Michael         ENG  2674  172
11. Ivanchuk,Vassily      UKR  2673  153
12. Short,Nigel D         ENG  2667  144
13. Topalov,Veselin       BUL  2652  172
14. Azmaiparashvili,Zurab GEO  2651  131

15. Movsesian,Sergei      CZE  2650  155
16. Karpov,Anatoli        RUS  2646  134
17. Dreev,Alexey          RUS  2645  155
18. Akopian,Vladimir      ARM  2638  171
19. Korchnoi,Viktor       SUI  2638  159
20. Almasi,Zoltan         HUN  2630  167
21. Timman,Jan H          NED  2629  198
22. Svidler,Peter         RUS  2628  160
23. Georgiev,Kiril        BUL  2626  158
24. Nikolic,Predrag       BIH  2625  136
25. Seirawan,Yasser       USA  2621  170
26. Gurevich,Mikhail      BEL  2620  150
27. Sokolov,Ivan          BIH  2620  174
28. Khalifman,Alexander   RUS  2617  164
29. Lautier,Joel          FRA  2616  142
30. Rublevsky,Sergei      RUS  2616  141
31. Beliavsky,Alexander G SLO  2616  171
32. Zvjaginsev,Vadim      RUS  2615  128
33. Sadler,Matthew        ENG  2615  181
34. Smirin,Ilia           ISR  2613  160
35. Salov,Valery          RUS  2612  199
36. Gulko,Boris F         USA  2610  163
37. Hansen,Curt           DEN  2609  159
38. Piket,Jeroen          NED  2608  152
39. Avrukh,Boris          ISR  2608  206
40. Krasenkov,Mikhail     POL  2608  190
41. Onischuk,Alexander    UKR  2607  198
42. Hjartarson,Johann     ISD  2604  175
43. Polgar,Judit          HUN  2604  178
44. Kharlov,Andrei        RUS  2603  169
45. Wolff,Patrick G       USA  2602  186
46. Ponomariov,Ruslan     UKR  2602  171
47. Granda Zuniga,Julio E PER  2602  202
48. Yusupov,Artur         GER  2602  150
49. Fedorov,Alexey        BLR  2599  176
50. Vaganian,Rafael A     ARM  2597  160

DEN  Aars Cup GM Cat.9
CHN Qingdao Daily Cup Cat.10
GER Fuert open
UAE Abudhabi  open
BIH Bugojno European Club Cup final
ESP Marbella Veterans vs Lady

ARM Yerevan Championship  Cat.10
FRA Cannes Tkachev-van der Wiel
RUS St.Petersburg Russian Cup Stage 1
GER Altenkirchen Champijnship
ENG Port Erin, Monarch Assurance Int.
GER Bundesliga Rounds 3 and 4

15) Forthcoming Events and Links


Note there are places for a GM norm and IM norm seekers, and three norm seekers (including one FM) for the IM event.) There are tournaments for FIDE ratings and an U150 event. Those interested should contact Adam Raoof at

This is probably the strongest all-play-all ever held in Yorkshire and I'll certainly be there for part of the time (Mark C).

Lady Anne Middleton's Hotel, York - 13th-22nd December 1999

Rooms only £17.50 a night at the hotel venue!


Julian Hodgson (2605 ENG) Jonny Hector (2505 SWE) Emil Sutovsky (2587 ISR) Tiger Hillarp-Persson (2507 SWE) Jonathan Rowson (2490 SCO) Alexei Barsov (2539 UZB)


Keith Arkell (2462g ENG) Aaron Summerscale (2423g ENG) Colin McNab (2445g SCO) Danny Gormally (2476m ENG) Irina Krush (2432m USA) Odion Aikhoje (2341m NGR) Georg Seul (2445m GER) William Paschall (2332f USA) Peter Meister (2417m GER) Plus one other 2300+ to be announced.


A nine round FIDE rated tournament. Get a whole or part rating, complete your rating, improve your rating here! Play in this tournament is from 2pm to 9pm daily and 11am to 5pm on the 22nd December. There is a rest day and Blitz tournament (no rest day in the top event) on Saturday 18th December. Entry Fee - £25 for rated players (on the July 1999 list), £40 for unrated players. Juniors Under 16 at the beginning of the tournament may claim a £10 discount when entering in advance.


IM Valer Krutti (2357 HUN) IM Peter Marusenko (2406 UKR) IM Richard Bates (2376 ENG) Craig Hanley (2178 ENG) Thomas Bree (2272 GER) FM Lawrence Cooper (2350 ENG) Vinay Bhat (2388 USA) Places for IM norm seekers 2250+ still available.


An U-150 only tournament graded by the BCF Six rounds over four days. Time limit 30 moves in 1hr 15 minutes, then 15 minutes added to the clock for a quickplay finish. Sunday 19th December - Round 1: 11am to 2pm, Round 2: 3pm to 6pm Monday 20th - Round 3: 3pm to 6pm Tuesday 21st - Round 4: 11am to 2pm, Round 5: 3pm to 6pm Wednesday 22nd - Round 6: 11am to 2pm PRIZES will be based on entries and will be announced before the start of Round 2. Entry Fee: £25.00.


Amsterdam System (at least fifteen games - not a knock-out) Time limit 5 minutes per player per game (FIDE Blitz Rules). Saturday 18th December - 11am to 6pm PRIZES will be based on entries and will be announced before the start of Round 2. Entry Fee: £5.00.


Adam Raoof 21 Golderton Prince of Wales Close Hendon London NW4 4QZ

Tel/Fax; (0181) 202 0982 E-Mail; Web; ACCOMMODATION

Lady Anne Middleton's Hotel Skeldergate York YO1 1DS

Tel; (01904) 630 456 Fax; (01904) 613 043

Please quote the 'Viking Chess Festival' when booking your room!

Swiss Chess Tour 1999 and 2000

The "Swiss Chess Tour 99" will finish with the "Ambassador Open" in Bern, December 26.-30. 1999 and the new "Swiss Chess Tour 2000" will start two days later with the "Hilton Open" in Basel, January 1.-5. 2000. The "Ambassador open" is 6 years old, and is held in the Hotel Ambassador. The "Hilton Open" is the second such event in this venue, the first was last January, this new events shows that chess is very popular in Basel.

The both tournament are 7 rounds, Swiss system. The games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end).

Prize are the same in Bern and Basel: 2.000 SF, 1.500, 1.000, 800, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250 and 200 SF. From 11.- 20. places natural prizes. The special prizes for best Lady, senior, junior, schoolboy and best local player.

Enter fee 130 SF, juniors 60 SF, at the door 10 SF more, GM and IM free.

Time table for "Ambassador Open":
December 26.: The last registration  11.00-12.15
              Open ceremony  12.15-12.30
              Round 1st  12.30-17.30
December 27.: Round 2nd  9.30-14.30
              Round 3rd  15.30-20.30
December 28.: Round 4th  12.30
December 29.: Round 5th  9.30-14.30
              Round 6th  15.30-20.30
December 30.: Round 7th  9.30-14.30
              Closing ceremony  15.30

Time table for "Hilton Open":
January 1.: The last registration  10.00-11.15
            Open ceremony  11.15-11.30
            Round 1st  11.30-16.30
            Round 2nd  17.30-22.30
January 2.: Round 3rd  10.30-15.30
            Round 4th  16.30-21.30
January 3.: Round 5th  17.30-22.30
            The first four play knock-out and the other continue
January 4.: Round 6th  17.30-22.30 (The semi-final 16.00-21.00)
January 5.: Round 7th  13.30-18.30 (The final 12.00-19.00)
            The closing ceremony 19.00-19.30

Last years winners were, surprising, IM Peter Velicka (CZE) in the "Ambassador Open" and GM Andrei Sokolov (RUS) in "Hilton Open".

More information and registration: Robert Spoerri
tel. +41+31+768-01-60
faf +41+31+768-01-61

Carlos Torre Memorial in Yucatan, Mexico

The Carlos Torre Memorial in Yucatan, Mexico takes place 14th-21st December 1999. It is likely to be the strongest chess tournament ever held in Mexico. Christiansen, Gulko, Miles, Hickl, Komarov, Hernandez, are to play. The event is not an ordinary one. The players will travel to four different cities, some of them are archeological treasures and experience the culture and food of the Mayas. The media in Yucatan is very excited and many spectators are expected.

Interested players can still contact the president of the Yucatan Chess Association at

Further information:

Groningen Chess Festival

The 38th International Chess Tournament takes place December 19th up to and including December 31st 1999. Further information on the event is to be found at:

First Saturday December

1. GM-tournament, round robin, cat.VII. 9-13 games, for the GM-norms, 2. IM-tmt, round robin, cat.II-III., 9-13 games, for the IM-norms, 3. FM-tmt, round robin, ELO-average about 2100, 9-13 games, for the FM norms and for the ELO-rating., 4. Scheveningen system tmt, for the FIDE-ELO, 9 games. There are still vacancies.

Contact: Nagy, Laszlo, chess organizer e-mail: Tel-fax: (361)-263-28-59 Mobile: (36)-30-230-1914 ICQ # 44805877

XVIth Cappelle la Grande Open

The XVIth Cappelle la Grande Open takes place in the "Palais des Arts et des Loisir" 19th-26th February 2000.

Entries: by cheque or money order to "l’Echiquier Cappellois" to:

M. Michel GOUVART 2, Place de Flandre 59180 CAPPELLE LA GRANDE - FRANCE Tél./Fax : 33/ 03 28 64 94 98

Adults : 220 F Juniors and over 60s: 110 F

Dates: Opening ceremony and round 1 19th February 2000 Closing ceremony 26th Feb 2000.

Prizefund: 80 000 F minimum. 1st prize: 10 000 F / 2e: 5000 F / 3e: 4000F / 4e: 3000F / 5e: 2000F / 6e: 1500F / 7e à 10e : 1000F Other prize categories for Elo, Jeunes, Féminins, Vétérans

Hastings Premier and Challengers

The line-up for the Hastings Premier 4-12 January 2000 is: Dreev, I Sokolov, Sutovsky, Bischoff, Krush, Speelman, Emms, B Lalic, Chandler, McShane. The likely category is 13 with a gm norm of 5.

The Challengers and World Amateur Championship run 29 December 1999-6 January 2000. There are also many,many other shorter events until 12 January. Those wishing to play can get further details from Con Power. E-Mail:

Zadar open

Christmas chess tournament "Zadar'99" (Zadar open) will take place from 11.-19.12.1999. All informations on

Those interested in playing should contact: Emil Anka Tel-fax:00-36-1-2212328 or

XXIX Rilton Cup

Those interested in playing in the Rilton Cup in Stockholm. The event takes place December 27th 1999- January 6th 2000.
