THE WEEK IN CHESS 261 8th November 1999 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Bacrot-Polgar
3) Morozevich-Svidler rapidplay Match
4) Chigorin Memorial
5) Monarch Assurance Open
6) Corus Tournament Wijk aan Zee
7) First Saturday November
8) World Youth Championships
9) 3rd OIMB Open
10) Asian Junior Championships
11) Draw Claim in Kasparov vs The World
12) Forthcoming Events and Links

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Games section

Bacrot-Polgar                    4 games
Morozevich-Svidler rapidplay     2 games 
Chigorin Memorial              429 games
Monarch Assurance Open          54 games
First Saturday November         14 games
3rd OIMB Open                   45 games
Asian Junior Championships     120 games
World Youth Championships     2103 games
Total 2772 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to John Fernandez, Europe-Echecs, GM Chess School, John Henderson, Laszlo Nagy, Thomas Leckner, Bobby Ang, Kenneth Regan and all those who helped with this issue.

There were a couple of interesting rapidplay events this week, increasingly these brief events may become the way of seeing the top players play as the number of top tournaments decreases. On that front the announcement of the lineup for the Corus Tournament in Wijk aan Zee at the start of next is welcome. It is likely to be the strongest event of next year. There are a couple of interesting opens, the Monarch Assurance Open in the Isle of Man (near live daily coverage of a couple of games a day on TWIC's pages) and the Chigorin memorial in St Petersburg. Most of my time this week was taken up trying to make sense of and sort out the material from the World Youth Championships, not my favourite event by any stretch of the imagination.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Bacrot-Polgar

The four game Bacrot-Polgar match starts at 17-30GMT and took place 4th-5th November 1999. TWIC TV covered the event and you can see the images at the site below. The match was in BASTIA (Corse) with 80 000 F worth of prizes. The games were rapidplay. There were four decisive games with Bacrot winning both games on the first day. He ran out a 3-1 winner.

Official site for the was match: and TWIC TV broadcast the event (which you can still watch) at: and there was further coverage also at:

Bacrot, Etienne  -  Polgar, Judit    1-0   83  E97  Kings indian; Main line
Polgar, Judit    -  Bacrot, Etienne  0-1   75  C78  Ruy Lopez
Bacrot, Etienne  -  Polgar, Judit    0-1   51  E70  Kings indian
Polgar, Judit    -  Bacrot, Etienne  0-1   60  C78  Ruy Lopez

Match Bastia FRA (FRA), 4-5 xi 1999
                              1   2   3   4 
Bacrot, Etienne  g FRA 2592    1   1   0   1   3.0  2864
Polgar, Judit    g HUN 2671    0   0   1   0   1.0  2399

3) Morozevich-Svidler rapidplay Match

John Fernandez reports: On November 6 at 3PM Eastern time over four hundred members and guests from all over the world watched the Grandmaster Challenge played live on ICC. The two-game match between GM Alexander Morozevich and GM Peter Svidler was tied, after two exciting games that lasted practically all of the 30 minute time control.

In Game 1, Morozevich shocked many by playing 1. f4. The game quickly turned into a reversed Leningrad Dutch with Morozevich using his extra tempo to get himself some queenside play. However, the game quickly seemed to turn into a Grunfeld type position. In the hands of Peter Svidler, he quickly gained quite an advantage after 25. ... Qc8! After Svidler's 32. ... Re4, Morozevich spent all but forty seconds of his remaining time trying to find a way out, and instead resigned, when he saw that Svidler's bishop pair was going to help him eliminate the passed white d-pawn, and with it the game.

Game 2 started off symmetrically, but soon turned into a King's Indian, where Svidler seemed to have all the trumps. Having the White pieces and 1 - 0 match lead, it appeared that he was well on his way to winning the match. However, after some inaccurate moves late in the middlegame, it seemed Black's 32nd move was again the killer, as after 32. ... Bxe5, Black has everything, including White's weak queenside pawns. In mutual time pressure, Svidler tried to make up for the loss of his queenside, but Morozevich calmly refuted it, and went on to win and tie the match.

The players split the $400 prize fund with a drawn match. The event was sponsored by ( and organized by the Internet Chess Club ( The arbiter and organizer for the match was John Fernandez. ICC plans on having many such events in the future. Anyone with any questions about this match or upcoming events, please contact

Morozevich, Alexander  -  Svidler, Peter         0-1   32  A03  Bird (1.f4)
Svidler, Peter         -  Morozevich, Alexander  0-1   40  E63  Kings indian GM Challenge ICC Internet HUN (Internet), 6 xi 1999
                                    1   2 
Morozevich, Alexander  g RUS 2758    0   1   1.0  2684
Svidler, Peter         g RUS 2684    1   0   1.0  2758

4) Chigorin Memorial

The Chigorin Memorial takes place in St. Petersburg. This event started November 2nd 1999. There are 142 participants from 10 countries including 39 GMs in the tournament. Alexander Grischuk, Alexander Lastin and Alexander Motylev are on 5/6.

Coverage by GM Chess School at:

Chigorin mem St Petersburg RUS (RUS), 2-10 xi 1999
                                              1    2    3    4    5    6   
  1 Grischuk, Alexander         m RUS 2549  + 75 = 24 = 17 + 59 + 34 + 25   5.0 /6  2714
  2 Lastin, Alexander           g RUS 2552  +132 = 71 + 31 + 47 + 36 =  4   5.0 /6  2729
  3 Motylev, Alexander          m RUS 2532  + 82 = 15 +111 = 35 + 64 + 18   5.0 /6  2713
  4 Najer, Evgeniy              m RUS 2562  + 49 = 30 = 14 + 73 + 43 =  2   4.5 /6  2659
  5 Skatchkov, Pavel            m RUS 2416  + 91 + 69 = 27 = 13 = 19 + 44   4.5 /6  2659
  6 Makarov, Marat              g RUS 2527  +106 = 17 + 94 = 43 = 24 + 36   4.5 /6  2604
  7 Voitsekhovsky, Stanislav    m RUS 2544  + 66 + 95 - 64 = 38 + 63 + 37   4.5 /6  2610
  8 Sorokin, Maxim              g ARG 2574  = 99 +131 = 73 + 55 = 22 + 47   4.5 /6  2639
  9 Ionov, Sergey               g RUS 2553  +134 - 37 + 75 = 30 + 77 + 35   4.5 /6  2611
 10 Ovetchkin, Roman            m RUS 2505  +133 + 50 = 40 - 36 + 94 + 39   4.5 /6  2559
 11 Volkov, Sergey              g RUS 2575  +147 + 52 = 35 + 64 = 25 = 12   4.5 /6  2598
 12 Malaniuk, Vladimir P        g UKR 2525  = 68 =141 +129 + 78 + 40 = 11   4.5 /6  2582
 13 Iljushin, Alexei            m RUS 2527  +110 + 61 = 37 =  5 = 15 = 28   4.0 /6  2516
 14 Kholmov, Ratmir D           g RUS 2464  = 76 +101 =  4 = 26 + 66 = 33   4.0 /6  2551
 15 Riazantsev, Alexander       f RUS 2417  +128 =  3 = 42 + 54 = 13 = 19   4.0 /6  2602
 16 Dzjuba, Vsevolod              LAT 2200  = 96 + 57 = 22 + 41 - 18 + 71   4.0 /6  2586
 17 Klimov, Sergey              f RUS 2416  +136 =  6 =  1 = 33 = 29 + 64   4.0 /6  2604
 18 Brodsky, Michail            g UKR 2512  +107 + 77 = 36 = 40 + 16 -  3   4.0 /6  2511
 19 Rashkovsky, Nukhim N        g RUS 2513  + 83 - 63 +110 + 65 =  5 = 15   4.0 /6  2496
 20 Kharitonov, Andrei Y        g RUS 2559  = 80 + 99 = 55 + 71 = 35 = 22   4.0 /6  2561
 21 Malakhatko, Vadim           m UKR 2537  = 97 = 65 +106 = 77 + 62 = 24   4.0 /6  2507
 22 Shaposhnikov, Evgeny        f RUS 2494  + 90 =113 = 16 + 86 =  8 = 20   4.0 /6  2476
 23 Aseev, Konstantin N         g RUS 2533  =141 + 97 = 24 = 50 + 49 = 30   4.0 /6  2520
 24 Kiik, Kalle                 m EST 2438  +137 =  1 = 23 +112 =  6 = 21   4.0 /6  2618
 25 Popov, Valerij              m RUS 2523  +122 = 45 + 87 + 37 = 11 -  1   4.0 /6  2549
 26 Dvoirys, Semen I            g RUS 2590  =131 +117 = 41 = 14 + 53 = 27   4.0 /6  2511
 27 Shchekachev, Andrei         g RUS 2505  +109 +118 =  5 = 63 = 39 = 26   4.0 /6  2554
 28 Anisimov, Pavel               RUS 2318  - 47 +124 = 46 + 95 + 56 = 13   4.0 /6  2618
 29 Burmakin, Vladimir          g RUS 2579  + 62 - 35 = 49 +134 = 17 + 79   4.0 /6  2536
 30 Yagupov, Igor               m RUS 2449  +135 =  4 =112 =  9 + 89 = 23   4.0 /6  2583
 31 Lukin, Andrei M             m RUS 2438  = 85 +100 -  2 + 90 = 42 + 69   4.0 /6  2536
 32 Neverov, Valeriy            g UKR 2549  - 63 +109 - 66 +104 + 99 + 61   4.0 /6  2480
 33 Sherbakov, Ruslan           g RUS 2541  +121 - 36 +141 = 17 + 50 = 14   4.0 /6  2529
 34 Vaulin, Alexander           g RUS 2492  +126 = 87 = 39 +117 -  1 + 63   4.0 /6  2475
 35 Berelovich, Aleksandar      g UKR 2468  +104 + 29 = 11 =  3 = 20 -  9   3.5 /6  2573
 36 Zakharov, Alexander I       m RUS 2433  +125 + 33 = 18 + 10 -  2 -  6   3.5 /6  2537
 37 Eljanov, Pavel                UKR 2447  +108 +  9 = 13 - 25 + 72 -  7   3.5 /6  2497
 38 Alavkin, Arseny               RUS 2434  = 88 = 85 + 60 =  7 = 69 = 42   3.5 /6  2461
 39 Kruppa, Yuri                g UKR 2603  + 98 = 41 = 34 + 72 = 27 - 10   3.5 /6  2491
 40 Ivanov, Vladimir Ivanovich  m RUS 2411  +130 + 46 = 10 = 18 - 12 = 55   3.5 /6  2505
 41 Yandemirov, Valeri          g RUS 2481  + 86 = 39 = 26 - 16 + 78 = 59   3.5 /6  2464
 42 Galkin, Alexander           g RUS 2535  +105 =111 = 15 = 45 = 31 = 38   3.5 /6  2470
 43 Smikovski, Ivan             m RUS 2494  +123 + 51 = 63 =  6 -  4 = 45   3.5 /6  2463
 44 Lugovoi, Aleksei            g RUS 2509  = 58 + 76 = 45 +114 = 61 -  5   3.5 /6  2420
 45 Virovlansky, Semen          f RUS 2406  +143 = 25 = 44 = 42 = 48 = 43   3.5 /6  2503
 46 Beshukov, Sergei            g RUS 2506  + 78 - 40 = 28 = 88 =106 +107   3.5 /6  2399
 47 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina    wg RUS 2497  + 28 = 94 +113 -  2 +100 -  8   3.5 /6  2427
 48 Kalugin, Sergei               RUS 2455  = 67 = 93 +122 = 66 = 45 = 57   3.5 /6  2425
 49 Biriukov, Oleg V              RUS 2378  -  4 +108 = 29 + 87 - 23 + 91   3.5 /6  2454
 50 Simantsev, Mikhail            UKR 2409  +119 - 10 + 91 = 23 - 33 + 89   3.5 /6  2429
 51 Dashko, A                     RUS 2266  + 79 - 43 - 77 = 75 +116 +103   3.5 /6  2475
 52 Tunik, Gennady              m RUS 2447  + 89 - 11 - 86 = 68 +110 +100   3.5 /6  2409
 53 Shinkevich, V                 RUS 2428  - 87 +126 = 67 + 83 - 26 + 93   3.5 /6  2415
 54 Solozhenkin, Evgeniy        g RUS 2544  =144 + 80 = 71 - 15 = 65 + 94   3.5 /6  2380
 55 Ulko, Jaroslav              m RUS 2454  =100 +142 = 20 -  8 + 86 = 40   3.5 /6  2460
 56 Vorobiov, Evgeny E          m RUS 2459  -118 +123 = 83 + 93 - 28 + 88   3.5 /6  2380
 57 Shalimov, Valery            m UKR 2423  = 72 - 16 = 68 +129 +115 = 48   3.5 /6  2361
 58 Yemelin, Vasily             g RUS 2500  = 44 =129 - 78 +113 = 88 +106   3.5 /6  2389
 59 Zaitsev, Igor A             g RUS 2420  =101 =114 +118 -  1 +117 = 41   3.5 /6  2346
 60 Driamin, D                    RUS 2237  -111 +105 - 38 = 82 +132 + 98   3.5 /6  2445
 61 Chuprov, Dmitry             m RUS 2411  +145 - 13 + 85 + 70 = 44 - 32   3.5 /6  2484
 62 Vakin, Sergei                 RUS 2389  - 29 =135 +137 + 67 - 21 +101   3.5 /6  2423
 63 Loskutov, Oleg              m RUS 2359  + 32 + 19 = 43 = 27 -  7 - 34   3.0 /6  2516
 64 Solovjov, Sergey            m RUS 2467  +120 + 74 +  7 - 11 -  3 - 17   3.0 /6  2489
 65 Orlov, Andrey                 RUS 2360  =112 = 21 + 74 - 19 = 54 = 72   3.0 /6  2491
 66 Mirovshchikov, Sergey         RUS 2358  -  7 +127 + 32 = 48 - 14 = 70   3.0 /6  2468
 67 Gubajdullin, Alexe            RUS 2327  = 48 = 70 = 53 - 62 + 96 = 73   3.0 /6  2447
 68 Shvedov, Sergey             f RUS 2340  = 12 - 92 = 57 = 52 = 95 +114   3.0 /6  2419
 69 Turov, Maxim                m RUS 2529  + 84 -  5 = 93 + 97 = 38 - 31   3.0 /6  2390
 70 Yevseev, Denis              m RUS 2539  = 93 = 67 + 82 - 61 =101 = 66   3.0 /6  2336
 71 Khmelnitski, A                RUS 2444  +115 =  2 = 54 - 20 +120 - 16   3.0 /6  2402
 72 Sepman, Yelius                RUS 2225  = 57 + 96 + 92 - 39 - 37 = 65   3.0 /6  2461
 73 Polovodin, Igor A           m RUS 2463  =142 + 88 =  8 -  4 = 91 = 67   3.0 /6  2382
 74 Asrian, Karen               g ARM 2575  + 81 - 64 - 65 +122 = 98 = 75   3.0 /6  2385
 75 Feoktistov, Alexey A        m RUS 2359  -  1 +125 -  9 = 51 + 87 = 74   3.0 /6  2402
 76 Abbasov, Farid              f AZE 2290  = 14 - 44 = 79 =116 +134 = 77   3.0 /6  2433
 77 Donchenko, Anatoly G        m RUS 2413  +146 - 18 + 51 = 21 -  9 = 76   3.0 /6  2394
 78 Yurenko, Konstantin         f RUS 2323  - 46 +119 + 58 - 12 - 41 +117   3.0 /6  2371
 79 Akhmadeev, Vadim            m RUS 2442  - 51 = 90 = 76 +109 +114 - 29   3.0 /6  2321
 80 Gabdushev, Ruslan             RUS 2375  = 20 - 54 -115 +137 = 85 +119   3.0 /6  2342
 81 Shchukin, Dmitry              RUS 2386  - 74 - 89 +127 = 85 = 90 +120   3.0 /6  2328
 82 Loginov, Anton                RUS 2348  -  3 +128 - 70 = 60 =113 +115   3.0 /6  2324
 83 Soldatenkov, Kusma            RUS 2335  - 19 +133 = 56 - 53 =111 +113   3.0 /6  2330
 84 Stjazhkina, Olga           wg RUS 2343  - 69 - 91 =128 +145 = 92 +118   3.0 /6  2325
 85 Mishchenko, Victor            UKR 2254  = 31 = 38 - 61 = 81 = 80 = 99   2.5 /6  2347
 86 Nikolaev, Nikita              RUS 2308  - 41 +102 + 52 - 22 - 55 = 95   2.5 /6  2396
 87 Bataev, Evgeny                RUS 2227  + 53 = 34 - 25 - 49 - 75 +134   2.5 /6  2368
 88 Eliseev, A                    RUS 2327  = 38 - 73 +131 = 46 = 58 - 56   2.5 /6  2401
 89 Kovaljov, Denis               EST 2270  - 52 + 81 = 95 + 96 - 30 - 50   2.5 /6  2367
 90 Terekhov, Andrey            f RUS 2316  - 22 = 79 +103 - 31 = 81 = 92   2.5 /6  2390
 91 Rogovoi, Mark                 RUS 2214  -  5 + 84 - 50 +121 = 73 - 49   2.5 /6  2337
 92 Zakharevich, Igor           m RUS 2523  =129 + 68 - 72 - 94 = 84 = 90   2.5 /6  2260
 93 Deviatkin, Andrei             RUS 2356  = 70 = 48 = 69 - 56 +128 - 53   2.5 /6  2380
 94 Nouro, Mikael               f FIN 2344  +124 = 47 -  6 + 92 - 10 - 54   2.5 /6  2464
 95 Kochyev, Alexander          g RUS 2441  +127 -  7 = 89 - 28 = 68 = 86   2.5 /6  2283
 96 Bratchenko, Alexander       m RUS 2412  = 16 - 72 +107 - 89 - 67 +129   2.5 /6  2224
 97 Babaev, Rashad                AZE 2353  = 21 - 23 +136 - 69 =119 =104   2.5 /6  2324
 98 Faibisovich, Vadim Z        m RUS 2400  - 39 +120 -117 +118 = 74 - 60   2.5 /6  2283
 99 Romanov, Oleg               m BLR 2381  =  8 - 20 +142 =115 - 32 = 85   2.5 /6  2358
100 Manakov, Ilya                 RUS 2280  = 55 - 31 +132 +111 - 47 - 52   2.5 /6  2381
101 Kharitonov, Sergei            RUS 2219  = 59 - 14 =121 +141 = 70 - 62   2.5 /6  2362
102 Yarovik, Yu                   RUS 2401  -113 - 86 +108 -120 =109 +128   2.5 /6  2203
103 Varavin, Viktor             g RUS 2402  =114 -112 - 90 +135 +123 - 51   2.5 /6  2257
104 Shishkov, Andrei              EST 2303  - 35 -116 +143 - 32 +121 = 97   2.5 /6  2324
105 Malinin, Yuri                 RUS 2351  - 42 - 60 =125 -128 +137 +133   2.5 /6  2192
106 Kryschilovskij, Andrej        RUS 2343  -  6 +146 - 21 +130 = 46 - 58   2.5 /6  2354
107 Ignatiev, Alexander           RUS 2330  - 18 =130 - 96 +136 +131 - 46   2.5 /6  2313
108 Toporov, Victor               RUS 2270  - 37 - 49 -102 +143 =122 +132   2.5 /6  2291
109 Kyprijanov, Ilija             RUS 2322  - 27 - 32 +146 - 79 =102 +131   2.5 /6  2359
110 Kashtanov, Ruslan             RUS 2341  - 13 +145 - 19 =119 - 52 +135   2.5 /6  2297
111 Cherniaev, Alexander        m RUS 2432  + 60 = 42 -  3 -100 = 83 -140   2.0 /6  2194
112 Fominyh, Alexander          g RUS 2552  = 65 +103 = 30 - 24 -138 -139   2.0 /6  2149
113 Melnikov, Dmitry              RUS 2153  +102 = 22 - 47 - 58 = 82 - 83   2.0 /6  2304
114 Vlasov, Egor                  RUS 2155  =103 = 59 +116 - 44 - 79 - 68   2.0 /6  2293
115 Chehlov, Aleksander           LAT 2267  - 71 =132 + 80 = 99 - 57 - 82   2.0 /6  2264
116 Doroshkievich, Vladimir K   m RUS 2400  -117 +104 -114 = 76 - 51 =123   2.0 /6  2105
117 Bashkirov, Valentin           RUS 2048  +116 - 26 + 98 - 34 - 59 - 78   2.0 /6  2312
118 Novitzkij, Dmitrij            BLR 2284  + 56 - 27 - 59 - 98 +141 - 84   2.0 /6  2287
119 Smirnov, Artem                RUS 2171  - 50 - 78 +126 =110 = 97 - 80   2.0 /6  2227
120 Dubinka, Inna              wg UKR 2295  - 64 - 98 +133 +102 - 71 - 81   2.0 /6  2224
121 Shaginjan, A                  RUS 2358  - 33 =136 =101 - 91 -104 +130   2.0 /6  2155
122 Nikanorov, Andrej             RUS 2340  - 25 +143 - 48 - 74 =108 =124   2.0 /6  2294
123 Yashtylov, Anatolij           RUS 2318  - 43 - 56 =145 +124 -103 =116   2.0 /6  2287
124 Loginov, Valery A           g RUS 2530  - 94 - 28 =130 -123 +136 =122   2.0 /6  2162
125 Astashov, Gleb                RUS 2247  - 36 - 75 =105 -132 =126 +142   2.0 /6  2226
126 Jaghubov, Emin Z            f RUS 2315  - 34 - 53 -119 =146 =125 +143   2.0 /6  2159
127 Arykin, Aleksey               RUS 2262  - 95 - 66 - 81 -133 +148 +141   2.0 /6  2130
128 Aleksandrov, Danila           RUS 2216  - 15 - 82 = 84 +105 - 93 -102   1.5 /6  2176
129 Sultangareev, Marat           RUS 2339  = 92 = 58 - 12 - 57 =130 - 96   1.5 /6  2235
130 Barbitskij, Aleksey           RUS 2189  - 40 =107 =124 -106 =129 -121   1.5 /6  2192
131 Sambuev, Bator                RUS 2390  = 26 -  8 - 88 +142 -107 -109   1.5 /6  2212
132 Kirusha, Andrey             f RUS 2364  -  2 =115 -100 +125 - 60 -108   1.5 /6  2115
133 Abramov, Valentin             RUS ----  - 10 - 83 -120 +127 =142 -105   1.5 /6  2146
134 Karasev, Vladimir I         m RUS 2373  -  9 =137 +135 - 29 - 76 - 87   1.5 /6  2171
135 Krasnov, Vasiliy G            RUS 2279  - 30 = 62 -134 -103 +146 -110   1.5 /6  2167
136 Chupin, Vitalij               RUS 2216  - 17 =121 - 97 -107 -124 +145   1.5 /6  2169
137 Sirotkina, Nina            wm RUS 2260  - 24 =134 - 62 - 80 -105 +146   1.5 /6  2162
138 BYE3                          
139 BYE5                          
140 BYE6                          
141 Pesiakov, Valentin          f RUS 2348  = 23 = 12 - 33 -101 -118 -127   1.0 /6  2121
142 Danielian, Vardan             ARM 2289  = 73 - 55 - 99 -131 =133 -125   1.0 /6  2049
143 Sorokina, Anastasia           BLR 2162  - 45 -122 -104 -108 +145 -126   1.0 /6  2030
144 BYE1                          
145 Medvedkov, Anton              RUS 2188  - 61 -110 =123 - 84 -143 -136   0.5 /6  1897
146 Vager, Igor                   RUS 2209  - 77 -106 -109 =126 -135 -137   0.5 /6  1921
147 BYE2                          
148 BYE4                          

5) Monarch Assurance Open

The Monarch Assurance Open, Isle of Man, takes place November 6th-14th November 1999 in the Cherry Orchard Hotel, Port Erin, Isle of Man. There will be daily coverage on TWIC's pages including at least one game per day with frequent updates. My thanks to John Henderson in the Isle of Man for coverage.

Round 2 standings:

Monarch Assuarance Open Port Erin IOM (HUN), 6-14 xi 1999
                                          1   2   
 1 Short, Nigel D            g ENG 2675  +25 +26 2.0      
 2 Fraser-Mitchell, J.M        ENG 2066  +35 +52 2.0      
 3 Tiviakov, Sergei          g RUS 2611  +53 +22 2.0      
 4 Psakhis, Lev              g ISR 2581  +54 +23 2.0      
 5 Hebden, Mark              g ENG 2510  +32 =13 1.5  2605
 6 Baburin, Alexander        g IRL 2593  = 8 +28 1.5  2493
 7 Kiriakov, Petr            g RUS 2554  =15 +20 1.5  2407
 8 Marusenko, Petr           m UKR 2406  = 6 +27 1.5  2571
 9 Shneider, Aleksandr       g UKR 2551  +34 =17 1.5  2684
10 Sutovsky, Emil            g ISR 2587  =18 +21 1.5  2497
11 Agnos,D                   g GRE 2456  =17 +37 1.5  2614
12 Puuska, Heini               FIN 2035  +50 =19 1.5  2541
13 Emms, John M              g ENG 2586  +52 = 5 1.5  2636
14 Ormsby, Alan                IOM ----  +49 =40 1.5  2193
15 Paschall, William M       f USA 2332  = 7 +53 1.5  2673
16 Jackson, Adrian             ENG 2223  =39 +54 1.5  2424
17 Shipov, Sergei            g RUS 2658  =11 = 9 1.0  2503
18 Daly, Colm                f IRL 2378  =10 =24 1.0  2437
19 Lalic, Bogdan             g ENG 2550  =24 =12 1.0  2161
20 Collins, Sam                IRL 2097  +38 - 7 1.0  2388
21 Nieminen, Kari              FIN 2230  +36 -10 1.0  2346
22 Parker, Jonathan          m ENG 2523  +33 - 3 1.0  2425
23 Rowson, Jonathan          m SCO 2490  +31 - 4 1.0  2407
24 Hunt, Adam                  ENG 2288  =19 =18 1.0  2464
25 Ward, Christopher         g ENG 2473  - 1 +29 1.0  2337
26 Kudrin, Sergey            g USA 2525  +42 - 1 1.0  2477
27 Taylor, Peter               ENG 2164  +47 - 8 1.0  2234
28 Thorfinsson,Bj              ISL 2195  +40 - 6 1.0  2296
29 McLeod, Fraser N            ENG ----  +48 -25 1.0  2299
30 McLean, John                SCO 2135  =41 =42 1.0  2151
31 Allen, Keith                IRL 2233  -23 +39 1.0  2295
32 Farndon, David Alexander    ENG 2238  - 5 +43 1.0  2307
33 Coleman, David              ENG 2240  -22 +41 1.0  2273
34 Kosteniuk, Alexandra     wg RUS 2324  - 9 +46 1.0  2354
35 Longson, Alex               ENG 2169  - 2 +44 1.0  2033
36 Player, Edmund C            ENG 2105  -21 +45 1.0  2115
37 Goodger, Martyn             ENG 2185  +51 -11 1.0  2261
38 Naes, Flovin Tor            FAI 2222  -20 +51 1.0  2082
39 Ellison, Derek George       ENG 2100  =16 -31 0.5  2035
40 Thiruchelvam, Murugan       ENG ----  -28 =14 0.5  1904
41 Nicholson, John             IRL 2023  =30 -33 0.5  1994
42 Ryan, Joseph                IRL 2280  -26 =30 0.5  2137
43 Bourne, James               ENG 2105  =45 -32 0.5  1926
44 Winfridsson, Hokan          SWE ----  =46 -35 0.5  1970
45 Murtagh, Dermot             IRL ----  =43 -36 0.5  1912
46 Peters, Stephen G           ENG 2158  =44 -34 0.5  1969
47 Hank, Holger                GER 2063  -27 =50 0.5  1962
48 Hickman, John               ENG 2125  -29 =49 0.5  1807
49 Hill, David F               ENG ----  -14 =48 0.5  1869
50 Spanton, Timothy            ENG 2147  -12 =47 0.5  1856
51 Benson, Paul J              ENG 2067  -37 -38 0.0      
52 Giddins, Stephen          f ENG 2376  -13 - 2 0.0      
53 Kristensen, Bjarke        m DEN 2406  - 3 -15 0.0      
54 Maki-Uuro, Miikka         f FIN 2363  - 4 -16 0.0      

6) Corus Tournament Wijk aan Zee

The Corus Chess tournament in Wijk aan Zee is likely to be the strongest of the year 2000. There will be 14 players in the main GM tournament. Confirmed participants: Garry Kasparov (Russia-2851-1), Viswanathan Anand (India-2771-2), Vladimir Kramnik (Russia-2760-3), Alexander Morozevich (Russia-2758-4), Michael Adams (Great Britain-2708-7), Peter Leko (Hungary-2701-9), Viktor Korchnoi (Switzerland-2676-16), Nigel Short (Great Britain-2675-17), Judit Polgar (Hungary-2671-19), Jan Timman (Netherlands-2650-31), Predrag Nikolic (Bosnia-2641-38), Jeroen Piket (Netherlands-2635-41), Loek van Wely (Netherlands-2629-43) and Smbat Lputian (Armenia-2625-48).

7) First Saturday November

Laszlo Nagy reports: The November First Saturday events are taking place 6th-18th of November 1999. The main event is an IM-tournament.

Round 2 standings

FSIM November Budapest HUN (HUN), 6-16 xi 1999               cat. II (2299)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Antal, Gergely           HUN 2308 * . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 .  2.0      
 2 Eperjesi, Laszlo       m HUN 2381 . * . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1  2.0      
 3 Dembo, Yelena            ISR 2244 . . * . . . . . . . . 1 . 1  2.0      
 4 Cooke, Eric              USA 2250 . . . * = . . . . . 1 . . .  1.5  2457
 5 Keatinge-Clay, Adrian    USA 2278 . . . = * . . . . . . . 1 .  1.5  2438
 6 Hardicsay, Peter       m HUN 2304 . . . . . * = = . . . . . .  1.0  2312
 7 Kahn, Evarth           m HUN 2305 . . . . . = * . . = . . . .  1.0  2300
 8 Yu Mingyuan              CHN 2319 . . . . . = . * . . = . . .  1.0  2277
 9 Khechumyan, Gagik        ARM 2332 0 . . . . . . . * . . 1 . .  1.0  2341
10 Toth, Andras             HUN 2297 . 0 . . . . = . . * . . . .  0.5  2150
11 Resika, Nathan A         USA 2251 . . . 0 . . . = . . * . . .  0.5  2091
12 Hu Yi                    CHN 2375 . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . * . .  0.0      
13 Spielmann, Alain         FRA 2241 0 . . . 0 . . . . . . . * .  0.0      
14 Rajlich, Vasik G         USA 2297 . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . *  0.0      

Contact: Nagy, Laszlo, chess organizer e-mail: Tel-fax: (361)-263-28-59 Mobile: (36)-30-230-1914 ICQ # 44805877

8) World Youth Championships

The World Youth Championships took place in Oropesa del Mar, Spain from 23th October - 6th November 1999. There were sections for u18, u16, u14, u12 and u10 boys and girls.

The Champions were:

under-10 girls Kateryna Lahno (UKR); boys Dmitri Andreikine (RUS)
under-12 girls Nana Dzagnidze (GEO); boys Yue Wang (CHN)
under-14 girls Xue Zhao (CHN); boys Zahar Efimenko (UKR)
under-16 girls Sopio Kukhashvili (GEO); boys Leonid Kritz (GER)
under-18 girls Ramaswamy Aarthie (IND); boys Dmitry Kokorev (RUS)

I've done my best with the games sections in what is a very unwieldy event to cover (I would also question the wisdom of international competition for under-10s and 12s.)

Coverage at: and

Boys under-10

 1 ANDREIKINE, DMITRI               (RUS)   9,5
 2 LI, HAOYU                        (CHN)   9,0
 3 WANG, HAO                        (CHN)   8,5
 4 RODSHTEIM, MAXIM                         8,0
 5 SAFARLI, AIKHAN                          8,0
 6 SANGMA, RAHUL                            7,5
 7 BONNET, EDOUARD                          7,5
 8 KHIZANASHVILI, VAKHTANG                  7,5
 9 BANUSZ, TAMAS                            7,5
10 GOLUBENKO, VALENTINA                     7,5
11 SIROTINE, KONSTANTIN                     7,0
12 BRODOWSKI, PIOTR                         7,0
13 ZHIGALKO, SERGEI                         7,0
14 SWINKELS, ROBIN                          7,0
15 STAVRIANAKIS, IOANNIS                    7,0
16 BRUNED, YVAIN                            7,0
17 MELKUMIAN, HRANT                         7,0
18 FIGURA, ATILA                            7,0
19 DRAGICEVIC, DRAZEN                       7,0
20 SUSILODINATA, ANDREAN                    7,0
21 DUSKUJANOV, DAULET                       7,0
96 players

Boys under-12

 1 WANG, YUE                         (CHN)  9,0
 2 STELLWAGEN, DANIEL                (NED)  8,5
 3 MEGARANTO, SUSANTO                (INA)  8,5
 4 ALAVI, SAYED JAVAD                       8,0
 5 PAPP, GABOR                              8,0
 6 TOMASHEVSKY, EVGENY                      7,5
 7 ROMANOV, EVGENY                          7,5
 8 LU, ZHAOYA                               7,5
 9 HALAY, TAUFIK                            7,5
10 RANGARAJAN, SUNIL                        7,5
11 BRKIC, ANTE                              7,5
12 PREDOJEVIC, BORKI                        7,5
13 NAKAMURA, HIKARU                         7,0
14 KHUSNUTDINOV, R                          7,0
15 HUANG, TONG                              7,0
16 BALOGH, CSABA                            7,0
17 JONES, GAWAIN                            7,0
18 STOLERMAN, JACK                          7,0
19 BRAUN, ARIK                              7,0
20 SCHNEIDER, ANDREAS                       7,0
101 players

Boys under-14
 1 EFIMENKO, ZAHAR                  (UKR)   8,5
 2 TIMOFEEV, ARTYOM                 (RUS)   8,5
 3 VOLOKITIN, ANDREI                (UKR)   8,5
 4 KHARITONOV, ALEXANDR                     8,0
 5 GUSEINOV, KADIR                          8,0
 6 ALEKSEEV, EVGENY                         8,0
 7 ALCAZAR JIMENEZ, VICTOR                  8,0
 8 ZHIGALKO, ANDREY                         7,5
 9 LAFUENTE, PABLO                          7,5
10 BERKES, FERENC                           7,0
11 MAMEDOV, NIDJAT                          7,0
12 ARESHCHENKO, OLEXANDR                    7,0
13 TIKKANEN, HANS                           7,0
14 JANTURIN, ARTUR                          7,0
15 MARKOS, JAN                              7,0
16 MAMEDYAROV, SHAKHRIYAR                   7,0
17 JUN, ZHAO                                7,0
18 NIKOLOV, MOMCHIL                         7,0
19 BUCKLEY, SIMON T                         7,0
20 PALO, DAVOR                              7,0
21 HEBERLA, BARTLOMIEJ                      7,0
22 TAN, JUSTIN                              7,0
23 IBARRA JEREZ, JOSE CARLOS                7,0
109 players

Boys under-16
 1 KRITZ, LEONID                   (GER)    9,0
 2 JAKOVENKO, DMITRIJ              (RUS)    8,5
 3 NI, HUA                         (CHN)    8,0
 4 GRIGORIANTS, SERGEY                      8,0
 5 KOVCHAN, ALEXANDER                       8,0
 6 RAINFRAY, ARNAUD                         8,0
 7 HARIKRISHNA, P                           8,0
 8 MASTROVASILIS, DIMITRIOS                 7,5
 9 SZYMANSKI, MARCIN                        7,5
10 JOBAVA, BAADUR                           7,5
11 MITON, KAMIL                             7,0
12 ZUBOV, ALEXANDER                         7,0
13 DOMINGUEZ, LEINIER                       7,0
14 ERENBURG, SERGEY                         7,0
15 CHARBONNEAU, PASCAL                      7,0
16 GASHIMOV, VUGAR                          7,0
17 JAKUBOWSKI, KRZYSZTOF                    7,0
18 SZEBERENYI, ADAM                         7,0
19 RASMUSSEN, ALLAN STIG                    7,0
20 TIMOSHIN, JURI                           7,0
101 players

Boys under-18

 1 KOKOREV, DMITRY                (RUS)    8,5
 2 FRESSINET, LAURENT             (FRA)    8,5
 3 POSTNY, EVGENY                 (ISR)    8,5
 4 RADJABOV, TEIMOUR                       8,0
 5 BRUZON, LAZARO                          8,0
 6 IBRAHIMOV, RASUL                        8,0
 7 VALLEJO PONS, FRANCISCO                 8,0
 8 HANDKE, FLORIAN                         7,5
 9 KUNDIN, ALEXANDER                       7,0
10 STRYJECKI, MAREK                        7,0
11 FELGAER, RUBEN                          7,0
12 HORVATH, ADAM                           7,0
13 DANILOVIC, ALEKSANDAR                   7,0
14 CARLSSON, PONTUS                        7,0
15 BLOT, JEROME                            7,0
16 VAJDA, LEVENTE                          7,0
17 PRIDOROZHNI, ALEKSEI                    7,0
18 ZAREMBA, ANDRIE                         7,0
19 PARKIN, JAMES                           6,5
20 ACS, PETER                              6,5
21 FEDORCHUK, SERGEY A                     6,5
22 BUHMANN, RAINER                         6,5
23 KARTTUNEN, MIKA                         6,5
24 BERG, EMANUEL                           6,5
25 KRUSH, IRINA                            6,5
26 POTKIN, VLADIMIR                        6,5
90 players

Girls under-10

 1 LAHNO, KATERYNA                  (UKR)   9,5
 2 NEBOLSINA, VERA                  (RUS)   9,5
 3 GOUNINA, VALENTINA               (RUS)   9,0
 4 ZHANG, XIAOWEN                           7,5
 5 TAIROVA, ALENA                           7,5
 6 HERRERA, MILENA                          7,5
 7 DARBINIAN, NUNE                          7,0
 8 SGARCEA, RALUCA                          7,0
 9 MESKHI, TEONA                            7,0
10 LEKS, HANNA                              7,0
11 SWAMINATHAN, SOUMYA                      7,0
12 NEMCOVA, KATERINA                        7,0
13 LASKO, KATRIN                            6,5
14 SUN, YINAN                               6,5
15 KONKOVA, LILIA                           6,5
16 YILDIZ, C. BETUL                         6,5
17 GAKHOKIDZE, TAMAR                        6,5
18 AARONS, POPPY                            6,5
62 players

Girls under-12

 1 DZAGNIDZE, NANA                  (GEO)  10,0
 2 KONERU, HUMPY                    (IND)   8,5
 3 KIRILLOVA, VARVARA               (RUS)   8,0
 4 VEGA GUTIERREZ, SABRINA                  8,0
 5 MUNGUNTUUL, BATKHUYAG                    7,5
 6 FOMINYKH, MARIA                          7,5
 7 ROZIC, VESNA                             7,5
 8 SCHNEIDER, VERONIKA                      7,5
 9 ROGULE, LAURA                            7,0
10 RUDOLF, ANNA                             7,0
11 KHOTENASHVILI, BELA                      7,0
12 BOLON, KARELLE                           7,0
13 VASILIEVA, OLGA                          7,0
14 KOHUT, ANNA                              6,5
15 KARAVADE, EESHA                          6,5
16 GILBERT, JESSIE                          6,5
17 KHARATIAN, ANAHIT                        6,5
18 BEN-DAK, SHIRLEY                         6,5
19 DJUKIC, SANDRA                           6,5
20 ROSS, LAURA                              6,5
21 RAEVA, ELITZA                            6,5
66 players

Girls under-14

 1 ZHAO, XUE                       (CHN)   8,5
 2 HASANOVA, ELMIRA                (RUS)   8,5
 3 THANH TU, LE                    (VIE)   8,5
 4 PAEHTZ, ELISABETH                       8,0
 5 TSAI, CINDY                             8,0
 6 SEBAG, MARIE                            7,5
 7 ORTIZ, KAROLINA                         7,5
 8 KURSOVA, MARIA                          7,0
 9 TOMA, KATARZYNA                         7,0
10 TECHISTIAKOVA, TAMARA                   7,0
11 NEJANKY, MAISA                          7,0
12 MOTOC, ALINA                            7,0
13 LUJAN, CAROLINA                         7,0
14 ANDRIASIAN, SIRANUSH                    6,5
15 NOVIKOVA, ANNA                          6,5
16 MUHREN, BIANCA                          6,5
17 GREGOROVA, ZUZANA                       6,5
18 VASIC, MILENA                           6,5
19 POWELL, ANNIE                           6,5
20 IVKINA, OLGA                            6,5
21 TSERETELI, TAMAR                        6,5
22 SEPS, MONIKA                            6,5
23 ROGULE, AGNIJA                          6,5
24 KAZAK, MARYNA                           6,5
25 RZAEVA, SVETLANA                        6,5
26 SOLIC, KRISTINA                         6,5
76 players

Girls under-16

 1 KHUKHASHVILI, SOPIO             (GEO)    8,5
 2 CALOTESCU, CRISTINA             (ROM)    8,5
 3 UBIENNYKH, EKATERINA            (RUS)    8,5
 4 VASQUEZ RAMIREZ, ROCIO                   8,0
 5 SHUKUROVA, MEIHRIBAN                     7,5
 6 CMILYTE, VIKTORIJA                       7,5
 7 GARA, TICIA                              7,5
 8 GARA, ANITA                              7,0
 9 ISTRATI, VIORICA                         7,0
10 PARTAC, ELENA                            7,0
11 GORLIN, YELENA                           7,0
12 CALOJAN, LILIT                           7,0
13 PRATIBHA, Y                              6,5
14 RICHARDS, HEATHER                        6,5
15 GORESKUL, ALYONA                         6,5
16 HELM, LEONIE                             6,5
17 KOSINTSEVA, TATIANA                      6,5
18 GHEORGHE, CORINA                         6,5
19 SON, O                                   6,0
20 PAPP, JUDIT                              6,0
21 GROBERMAN, ELINA                         6,0
22 MOYLAN, LAURA                            6,0
23 COIMBRA, MARGARIDA                       6,0
24 SKROCHOCKA, JUSTYNA                      6,0
25 MEYER, MARANY                            6,0
26 GRAU CARRERAS, MONICA                    6,0
27 GAUDRON, FANNY                           6,0
28 CHMIELINSKI, ALICJA                      6,0
29 GOCZO, MELINDA                           6,0
30 SZABO, VIRAG                             6,0
63 players

Girls under-18

 1 AARTHIE, RAMASWAMY               (IND)   9,0
 2 OVOD, EVGENIJA                   (RUS)   9,0
 3 JAVAKHISHVILI, LELA              (GEO)   8,0
 4 JACKOVA, JANA                            8,0
 5 MOSER, EVA                               7,5
 6 HAMELINK, DESIREE                        7,5
 7 MATNADZE, ANA                            7,0
 8 REIZNIECE, DANA                          7,0
 9 JURKIEWICZ, KATARZYNA                    7,0
10 WANG, YU                                 7,0
11 SANCHEZ CASTILLO, SARAI                  7,0
12 KOSINTSEVA, NADEZHDA                     6,5
13 MOSHINA, CRISTINA                        6,5
14 YU, TING                                 6,5
15 MIRZOEVA, ELVIRA                         6,5
16 ATAKICHIEVA, ELMARA                      6,5
18 BUCKLEY, MELANIE                         6,5
19 SAHAKIAN, NONNA                          6,5
20 ZARKOVIC, DANIJELA                       6,5
21 MAKOVETSKAYA, ELENA                      6,5
22 RAPCSAK, ANDREA                          6,0
23 KLIPPER, REBECCA                         6,0
24 BEKKER-JENSEN, ANNE                      6,0
25 FERNANDA DELAI, PAULA                    6,0
26 CLEVEN, MARIA                            6,0
27 POPESCU, SABINA                          6,0
28 KLAWONN, MALIN                           6,0
29 ROSAS, ANN MARIE                         5,5
30 ROCHACKOVA, VERONIKA                     5,5
31 ARNETTA, MARIANNA                        5,5
32 DAVID, GUNDULA                           5,5
33 TSIKARISHVILI, NANA                      5,5
34 MINNAAR, MICHELLE                        5,5
35 TIMKO, MELINDA                           5,5
36 INGOLFSDOTTIR, HARPA                     5,5
37 BJERKE, SILJE                            5,5
38 GRIGORJEVA, JANA                         5,5
39 MASIP RODRIGUEZ, NURIA                   5,5
40 PAEZ, GINA MILENA                        5,5
64 players

9) 3rd OIMB Open

Thomas Leckner reports on a new champion in Bad Wiessee. The 3rd OIMB Open took place 23rd-31st October 1999 was won by Alexander Shabalov. The event was sponsored by Bank Hofmann the event took place in Bad Wiessee and was organised by Horst Leckner had a big entry of 379 players. 65 players with FIDE-titles entered, more than 30 of them were grandmasters.

3rd Open International Bavarian Masters In some ways Alexander Khalifman's previous successes in Bad Wiessee and in Las Vegas seemed to be an inspiration for a lot of Grandmasters. 31 GMs came to Bad Wiessee and therefore the tournament was much stronger than ever before. Although there was a disappointing lack of German grandmasters there were expectations of a very exciting event. A lot of new visitors came to Bad Wiessee, eg. the strongest in terms of ELO Michal Krasenkow. Already in round 2 Krasenkow had lost, to Dietmar Lau (ELO: 2205). There was an even worse start for GM Konstantin Lerner (ELO: 2588), he lost in round 1 against the German amateur Frank Muster (no ELO!). There were 6 players with a rating above 2600. One highlight of the event was the appearance of Ruslan Ponomariov (ELO: 2616) from the Ukraine. The youngest grandmaster in the world celebrated his sixteenth birthday just before the tournament. For a lot of participants he was favorite for the event. In round 6 however Ponomariov lost his game against Alexander Shabalov from the US. Shabalov topped this perfomance in round 7 with a victory over GM Alexander Rustemov. Shabalov then had 7/7. This is even better than anything Khalifman has ever managed in Bad Wiessee. With two peaceful draws in the last two rounds Shabalov made sure of winning the event. Ildar Ibragimov from Russia (ELO: 2554) also managed to get 8 points after beating Josif Dorfman (France, ELO: 2596) in the last round. But Shabalov's Buchholz was too high. As last year, the best woman in the tournament was WGM Nino Gurieli (ELO: 2351) from Georgia. With her defeats of grandmasters Konstantin Lerner and Sergey Smagin (Russia, ELO: 2583) and a draw against Alexander Volzhin (Russia, ELO: 2569) she was clear first. The best senior was Rafael Rodkin (ELO: 2240) from Israel with 6 points. In the junior-category U20 there was a great showdown in round 9. The two German talents IM Dimitrij Bunzmann (ELO: 2596) and IM Arkadij Naiditsch (ELO: 2417) had to fight against one another. It was a very hard game, which Naiditsch won. Arkadij finished with 7 points, equal with GM Ponomariov. During the closing-ceremony Mr. Parigi from the sponsor Bank Hofmann presented the trophys. And he thanked the chess-club of Tegernsee and especially the Leckner family for all their work. Also Alexander Shabalov spoke to the participants and visitors and emphasising that he would like to take part in Bad Wiessee again, next year.

There are just 45 games in the games section.

Internet coverage at:

10) Asian Junior Championships

Bobby Ang reports on the Asian Junior Championships:

The national champion of India, IM Krishnan Sashikiran, won the 1999 edition of the Asian Junior Championships held in Vung Tau City, Vietnam, from September 12-25, 1999. This marks the third straight year that the representative of the world's most populous country has won the event (IM Abhijit Kunte won in Jaipur 1997, and last year IM Tejas Bakre was triumphant in Rasht 1998). With the victory Sashikiran also obtained his second GM norm.

For some reason this year's edition of the Under-20 competition conflicted with the World Junior Championships (September 18-30, 1999 in Yerevan, Armenia) but anyway the line-up was still pretty strong, with five IMs (Sashikiran, Mas, Liang Chong, Bakre and Ahmed) and four FMs (Ghaem-Maghami, Hossain, Kanatov and Irnandi) who showed up by the starting bell.

IM Sashikiran was by far the top seed, with International Masters Hafizulhelmi Mas (Malaysia) and Liang Chong (China) mentioned as possible contenders, but from the outset the unheralded, untitled and unrated Darwin Laylo from the Philippines put together a string of victories to lead the pack. He was to slow down in the middle of the tournament, falling first to Sashikiran and then to Mas, allowing the two to dispute leadership in the second half, but then a closing burst of four straight wins almost won it for the young Filipino. Anyway, as some sort of consolation prize he went home to the Philippines with an IM norm.

IM Mas lost in the last round when he forced a drawish position against Iranian Ghaem Maghami in an attempt to catch Sashikiran (he had the better tie-breaks). It would be a good exercise to go over the endgame with the Iranian and figure out whether 56.d6 Kxc4 57.d7 Ba5 58.Nf8! would have won the title for the young Malaysian.

Asian Junior Champs Vung Tau City VIE (VIE), 2-12 ix 1999
                                        1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11 
 1 Sasikiran, Krishnan     m IND 2536  +19 +12 + 9 = 6 + 2 + 7 = 5 - 3 = 4 +14 +16  8.5  2470
 2 Laylo,Darwin                  ----  + 5 +13 = 6 + 9 - 1 = 4 - 3 +10 + 8 + 7 +14  8.0  2502
 3 Mas, Hafizulhelmi       m MAS 2426  =16 = 8 + 4 +13 - 7 +10 + 2 + 1 +14 = 5 - 6  7.5  2405
 4 Bakre, Tejas            m IND 2361  +14 =15 - 3 +17 = 6 = 2 + 9 = 5 = 1 +10 = 8  7.0  2359
 5 Liang Chong             m CHN 2412  - 2 =11 +14 +19 + 8 = 6 = 1 = 4 + 7 = 3 =12  7.0  2356
 6 Ghaem Maghami, Ehsan    f IRI 2373  +20 +10 = 2 = 1 = 4 = 5 - 8 = 7 =15 =11 + 3  6.5  2321
 7 Ahmad, Aziz             m IRQ 2327  - 9 +16 +15 +12 + 3 - 1 =14 = 6 - 5 - 2 +18  6.0  2282
 8 Nguzen Thai Binh          VIE 2295  =17 = 3 =19 +15 - 5 +20 + 6 -14 - 2 +21 = 4  6.0  2219
 9 Hossain, Enamul         f BAN 2325  + 7 +17 - 1 - 2 -10 +18 - 4 =11 +21 +15 =13  6.0  2217
10 Irnandi, Irwin          f INA 2235  +18 - 6 -13 +11 + 9 - 3 +16 - 2 +19 - 4 +22  6.0  2232
11 Nguyen Thanh Binh             ----  -13 = 5 +16 -10 =17 -15 +22 = 9 +18 = 6 +19  6.0  2239
12 Tran Ngoc Thach           VIE 2268  +21 - 1 +20 - 7 =15 -14 -13 +18 +17 +19 = 5  6.0  2220
13 Kanatov, Askar          f KAZ 2311  +11 - 2 +10 - 3 -14 -17 +12 -21 +22 +20 = 9  5.5  2114
14 Nguyen Hoai Nam               ----  - 4 +22 - 5 +20 +13 +12 = 7 + 8 - 3 - 1 - 2  5.5  2266
15 Lim Chuing Hoong          MAS 2226  +22 = 4 - 7 - 8 =12 +11 =17 =16 = 6 - 9 +21  5.5  2190
16 Yulianto, Erwin           INA 2145  = 3 - 7 -11 =18 +19 +21 -10 =15 +20 +22 - 1  5.5  2178
17 Nguyen Tran Quang Minh        ----  = 8 - 9 +21 - 4 =11 +13 =15 -22 -12 -18 =20  4.0  2060
18 Switzer,Timothy               ----  -10 -20 =22 =16 +21 - 9 =19 -12 -11 +17 - 7  3.5  2004
19 Hoang Hai                 VIE 2215  - 1 +21 = 8 - 5 -16 =22 =18 +20 -10 -12 -11  3.5  2038
20 Nguyen Si Hung                ----  - 6 +18 -12 -14 +22 - 8 =21 -19 -16 -13 =17  3.0  1971
21 Ong, Jia Lin Gene         SIN ----  -12 -19 -17 +22 -18 -16 =20 +13 - 9 - 8 -15  2.5  1951
22 Trass,Ryan Norris             ----  -15 -14 =18 -21 -20 =19 -11 +17 -13 -16 -10  2.0  1840

11) Draw Claim in Kasparov vs The World

In response to Kasparov's published analysis Kenneth Regan and other members of the World Team claim that the position after 58. ...Qf5 (there was a great controversy over the non-posting of Irina Krush's suggestion of Qf5 in this position) may still be drawn. Further details at: . Kasparov analysis can be seen at: and further at: .

12) Forthcoming Events and Links

Hastings Premier and Challengers

The line-up for the Hastings Premier 4-12 January 2000 is: Dreev, I Sokolov, Sutovsky, Bischoff, Krush, Speelman, Emms, B Lalic, Chandler, McShane. The likely category is 13 with a gm norm of 5.

The Challengers and World Amateur Championship run 29 December 1999-6 January 2000. There are also many,many other shorter events until 12 January. Those wishing to play can get further details from Con Power. E-Mail:

World Seniors and German Championships

The World Seniors take place in in Gladenbach, Germany 7-20th November 1999. Players include previous champions: GM Mark Taimanov (champion 1993, 1994), GM Alexej Suetin (1996), GM Janis Klovans (1997) and GM Vladimir Bagirov (1998). GM Ludek Pachmann will play for the first time.

Gerhard Hund will cover the event at his teleschach site.

In addition: The 71st championships of Germany take place in Altenkirchen this year, 11th-20th November 1999. Players include: GMs Artur Jussupow, Dr. Robert Huebner, Christopher Lutz, Joerg Hickl (title-holder), Karsten Mueller, Stefan Kindermann, Sergey Kalinitschew, Klaus Bischoff and Lev Gutman. The championships are 9 round swiss-system event (Round 1 12th November). Coverage at:

Perenyi Memorial

There will be a Cat.VII-VIII in Gyula (Hungary) in the Hotal Agro 24th Jan-3rd Feb 2000 which will finish just before the February edition of the First Saturday tournaments.

Those interested in playing should contact: Emil Anka Tel-fax:00-36-1-2212328 or

Colorado Quick Chess Championships

Nov. 20th-21st 1999 (USCF rated Quick Chess) COLORADO QUICK CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP G/15. Saturday: 7 rnd SWISS qualifier tnmt (and play-offs as needed on Saturday evening) to determine the top 16 for finals.

Championship Sunday: Double Elimination Knockout tournament MATCHES (w/ 6-5 unrated tiebreak games if necessary), AND Sunday consolation SWISS tnmt (for all but the top 16 as determined by Saturday's play). WHERE: Radisson Inn, 8110 N. Academy Blvd (I-25 & N. Academy), Colorado Springs, Colorado. ENTRY FEE: $30 in advance, $35 at site. IMs, GMs (men or women) FREE! Colorado State Chess Association membership ($12, $6 for jrs, srs) required, but other U.S. states' memberships are accepted (this is waived for IMs and GMs).

PRIZES: Based on entries (including generous class prizes). Last year, 1st: $750, 2nd: $350, 3rd: $245. Prizes are also awarded for performances in Saturday and Sunday SWISS tnmt.

WHEN: Registration: 9:30-10:30am Saturday. Rd 1: 11am Saturday, 9am Sunday (for both Championship and consolation swiss tnmt). Day's play should be over by 6:30 pm (extra activities will be scheduled for Saturday evening)! Hotel Rates: $69 sgl/dbl, includes breakfast for two. tel. (719) 598-5770 (Ask for chess rates).

CHECKS payable to: CSCA. info: email or phone (719) 685-1984. Mail Entries to: Richard Buchanan, 308 Ruxton Ave, Manitou Springs, CO 80829. NS, NC, W

IV Lisbon Chess Festival

IV Festival de Xadrez dos Jogos de Lisboa Pavilhão Carlos Lopes Lisboa, 13th-21st November 1999. The event includes the Portuguese Championships, the V Lisbon open, and visits, lectures, simuls and press conferences from Garry Kasparov, Boris Spassky and Mark Dvoretsky. Web site:

Tournament of the Future

The "Tournament of the Future" will be held in Koning Willem I College, Hertogenbosch (NED) 18th-27th November 1999. Players: Jeroen Bosch (geb. 1972; IM NED 2433) ; Stefan Bücker (geb. 1959; FM GER 2341) ; John Donaldson (geb. 1958; IM USA 2419) ; Deen Hergott (geb. 1962; IM CAN 2396) ; Friso Nijboer (geb. 1965; IGM NED 2559); Ian Rogers (geb. 1960; IGM AUS 2574) ; Paul Span (geb. 1979; - NED 2226) ; Paul van der Sterren (geb. 1956; IGM NED 2535) ; Raymond Stone (geb. 1953; FM CAN 2340) ; Gerard Welling (geb. 1959; IM NED 2368) . FIDE-categorie: 7 (gem. 2419,1) IGM norm: 76% 6,84=7 punten IM norm: 57% 5,13=5½ punt Arbiter: Cathy Rogers Assistent arbiter: Leon Muys.


XXIX Rilton Cup

Those interested in playing in the Rilton Cup in Stockholm. The event takes place December 27th 1999- January 6th 2000.
