THE WEEK IN CHESS  26            02.04.95        Mark Crowther.

1)  Introduction
2)  Kasparov in Iceland - TV Tournament 26. March 1995 by Einar Karlsson
3)  4th Melody Amber Tournament  -  Monaco
4)  FIDE Zonal Tournament by Einar Karlsson
5)  Cuban National Championships Feb 1995. Matanzas City by Reynaldo Vera.
6)  Timman-Piket Match
7)  Macedonian Zonal Tournament by Shay Bushinsky
8)  CROATIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS Feb 1995 by Damir Medak
9)  Tournament 4 - 17 March in Bronshoj Chess Club, Copenhagen by Lars Zwisler
10) Dresden French Defence Theme Tournament
11) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski 
12) Tournament calendar by Michael Niermann.
	TV Active Chess Tournament Reykjavik, Iceland		 6 games
	Melody Amber, Rapidplay					 1 game
	Melody Amber, Blindfold					 3 games
	Bundesliga Games					 2 games
	French Defence Theme Tournament				 6 games
	Copenhagan BSF Tournament				16 games
	Croatian National Championships				91 games
	Croatian Championships Playoff				 4 games
	Zonal Tournament Reykjavik ICE				60 games
	Cuban National Championships				91 games

1) Introduction

Many thanks to Einar Karlsson, Shay Bushinsky, Carlos H. Taboada.
Reynaldo Vera, Damir Medak, Lars Zwisler, Michael Niermann and
Wlodek Proskurowski for their help in preparing this issue.
(also to Rob van Aurich for the Nato Championships (next issue)
and to Gilles G. Jobin for his openings index (available at my
www site -
Also to Anjo Anjewierden for some tools that allow me to increase
the accuracy and improve the presentation of material.
(Apologies if I've left anyone out)

Another action packed issue. Yet again time has caught up on me
leaving me no time to write anything again! Some of the sections
could have done with some more work too but the deadline is nearing.
I tried to get the games for Melody Amber so far with no success.
I have just four this week, having said that I probably wouldn't
have had time to type them in! Lots of games, watch out especially
for the TV Active Chess Tournament Reykjavik from Einar Karlsson
where he has managed to get some notes from GM Petursson. This
event was eventually won by Garry Kasparov. Another truely Worldwide
issue, a tribute to the internet. Hope you enjoy it.

Mark Crowther

2) Kasparov in Iceland - TV Tournament 26. March 1995 by Einar Karlsson

The Icelandic Channel One TV station offered their viewers the one
and only Garry Kasparov taking on 3 Icelandic GM's in a direct
broadcast on Sunday night (26. March).  This is the 3rd year that
the TV station has hosted a worlds top ranked chess player.  In
1993 we had Judit Polgar, last year Anatoly Karpov and now Garry.

Hjartarson had a very good day winning against both Olafsson and Stefansson
and drawing against Kasparov.  Thus these two ended with 2.5 points.
Stefansson got 1 point and Olafsson 0.  The time limit was 25 min
per. game In the end Kasparov and Hjartarson played one 5 min
game.  This position came up in the 5 min. game:

 White: Hjartarson: Kf2,Bc4,Nc7,Nd5,a5,b4,e4,g3,h4
 Black: Kasparov:   Kh6,Bd2,Bc6,Nd4,a6,b7,e5,g6,h5

Both players had a little more than a minute left on the clock and
now Hjartarson blundered with 45. Ne6?? and lost.

The games can be found in the games section below.  I have added comments
from GM Petursson. I would like to thank Mr. Petursson for allowing
the use of the notes.

3) 4th Melody Amber Tournament  -  Monaco
1st ROUND  28/3/95
Kamsky (US)      1  Nikolic (Bos)    1
Nunn (Eng)       0  Karpov (Rus)     2
Kramnik (Rus)    1  Ivanchuk (Ukr) 1
J.Polgar (Hun)   2  Jeroen Piket     0
Lautier (Fra)   0,5 Ljubojevic(Yug) 1,5
Shirov (Spa)    0,5 Anand (Ind)     1,5

1-2   Karpov,Polgar                 2
3-4   Anand,Ljubojevic              1.5
5-8   Ivanchuk,Kamsky,Kramnik,
      Nikolic                       1
9-10  Lautier,Shirov                0.5
11-12 Piket,Nunn                    0

4th Melody Amber Tournament  -  Monaco
2nd ROUND 29/3/95
Anand (Ind)     1.5 J.Polgar (Hun)  0.5
Ljubojevic(Yug) 0.5 Shirov (Spa)    1.5
Jeroen Piket    1.5 Lautier (Fra)   0.5
Nikolic (Bos)    1  Ivanchuk (Ukr)   1
Karpov (Rus)     1  Kramnik (Rus)    1
Kamsky (US)      2  Nunn (Eng)       0

1-3   Anand,Kamsky,Karpov           3
4     Polgar                        2.5
5-9   Ivanchuk,Kramnik,Ljubojevic,
      Nikolic,Shirov                2
10    Piket                         1.5
11    Lautier                       1
12    Nunn                          0

4th Melody Amber Tournament  -  Monaco
3rd ROUND 30/3/95
Nunn (Eng)      0.5 Nikolic (Bos)   1.5
Kramnik (Rus)   0.5 Kamsky (US)     1.5
Ivanchuk (Ukr)   1  Karpov (Rus)     1
Lautier (Fra)    2  J.Polgar (Hun)   0
Shirov (Spa)    0.5 Jeroen Piket    1.5
Ljubojevic(Yug) 0.5 Anand (Ind)     1.5

1-2   Anand,Kamsky                  4.5
3     Karpov                        4
4     Nikolic                       3.5
5-7   Ivanchuk,Lautier,Piket        3
8-11  Kramnik,Ljubojevic,Polgar,
      Shirov                        2.5
12    Nunn                          0.5

4th ROUND 1/4/95
J.Polgar (Hun)  1.5 Ljubojevic(Yug) 0.5
Jeroen Piket     1  Anand (Ind)      1
Lautier (Fra)   1.5 Shirov (Spa)    0.5
Nikolic (Bos)   0.5 Karpov (Rus)    1.5
Kamsky (US)      1  Ivanchuk  (Ukr) 1
Nunn (Eng)       0  Kramnik (Rus)    2

1-3   Anand,Kamsky,Karpov           5.5
4-5   Kramnik,Lautier               4.5
6-9   Ivanchuk,Nikolic,Piket,
      Polgar                        4
10-11 Ljubojevic,Shirov             3
12    Nunn                          0.5

ROUND 5 2/4/95
Kramnik (Rus)   1.5 Nikolic (Bos)   0.5
Ivantsjoek(Ukr) 1.5 Nunn (Eng)      0.5
Karpov (Rus)     2  Kamsky (US)      0
Sjirov (Spa)    1.5 J.Polgar (Hun)  0.5
Anand (Ind)     1.5 Lautier (Fra)   0.5
Ljubojevic(Yug) 1.5 JEROEN PIKET    0.5

 1    Karpov                        7.5
 2    Anand                         7
 3    Kramnik                       6
4-6   Ivanchuk,Kamsky,Piket         5.5
7     Lautier                       5
8-10  Nikolic,Polgar,Shirov         4.5
11    Ljubojevic                    3.5

The players play one rapidplay game, followed by one blindfold game.

4) FIDE Zonal Tournament by Einar Karlsson

 FIDE Zonal Tournament                            Reykjavik 1995
 NORDIC Championship                        21. March - 2. April

Here are the results from round 6:

  Curt Hansen         (DEN) - Sune Berg Hansen    (DEN)    1-0
  Jonny Hector        (SVE) - Margeir Petursson   (ISD)    0-1
  Rune Djurhuus       (NOR) - Pia Cramling        (SVE)    0-1
  Einar Gausel        (NOR) - Simen Agdestein     (NOR)    1/2
  Jonathan Tisdall    (NOR) - Lars Bo Hansen      (DEN)    1/2
  Johann Hjartarson   (ISD) - Marko Manninen      (FIN)    1-0
  Hannes H Stefansson (ISD) - Helgi Olafsson      (ISD)    1/2
  Tapani Sammalvuo    (FIN) - Erling Mortensen    (DEN)    1-0
  Thomas Ernst        (SVE) - Trostur Torhallsson (ISD)    1/2
  Lars Degerman       (SVE) - Ralf Akesson        (SVE)    1-0

Standings after 6 rounds:

       1. Curt Hansen                            5
       2. Pia Cramling                           4.5
       3. Margeir Petursson                      4
  4. - 9. Jonathan Tisdall, Einar Gausel         3.5
          Simen Agdestein, Johann Hjartarson,
          Sune Berg Hansen, Jonny Hector

Round 7 Results

Agdestein,Simen 	- Hansen,Curt 		0-1
Petursson,Margeir 	- Cramling,Pia 		1/2
Hjartarson,Johann 	- Gausel,Einar 		1/2
Hansen,Sune Berg 	- Hector,Jonny 		0-1
Stefansson,Hannes 	- Tisdall,Jonathan 	1/2
Hansen,Lars Bo 		- Sammalvuo,Tapani 	1-0
Manninen,Marko 		- Djurhuus,Rune 	0-1
Olafsson,Helgi 		- Ernst,Thomas 		1-0
Mortensen,Erling 	- Akesson,Ralf 		1-0
Thorhallsson,Throstur 	- Degerman,Lars 	1/2

 FIDE Zonal Tournament                            Reykjavik 1995
 NORDIC Championship                        21. March - 2. April

Round 9 will be played on Friday and the last two rounds on Satur-
day and Sunday.  The top 3 players will continue into the next
stage of the FIDE cycle. The winner also will be the 1995 Nordic

Here are the results from round 8:

  Curt Hansen         (DEN) - Jonny Hector        (SVE)    1-0
  Pia Cramling        (SVE) - Johann Hjartarson   (ISD)    0-1
  Rune Djurhuus       (NOR) - Margeir Petursson   (ISD)    1/2
  Helgi Olafsson      (ISD) - Lars Bo Hansen      (DEN)    1-0
  Einar Gausel        (NOR) - Jonathan Tisdall    (NOR)    1/2
  Simen Agdestein     (NOR) - Hannes H Stefansson (ISD)    1-0
  Tapani Sammalvuo    (FIN) - Sune Berg Hansen    (DEN)    0-1
  Trostur Torhallsson (ISD) - Erling Mortensen    (DEN)    0-1
  Marko Manninen      (FIN) - Lars Degerman       (DEN)    0-1
  Ralf Akesson        (SVE) - Thomas Ernst        (SVE)    1/2

Standings after 8 rounds:

           1  Curt Hansen                                  7
      2 -  4  Hjartarson, Petursson, Cramling              5
      5 - 11  Agdestein, Hector, Olafsson, Djurhuus        4.5
              Gausel, Tisdall, Sune Berg Hansen
     12 - 13  Lars Bo Hansen, Erling Mortensen             4.0
     14 - 15  Stefansson, Degerman                         3.5
          16  Tapani Sammalvuo                             3
     17 - 19  Ernst, Torhallsson, Manninen                 2.5
          20  Ralf Akesson                                 1

 FIDE Zonal Tournament                            Reykjavik 1995
 NORDIC Championship                        21. March - 2. April

Here are the results from round 9 (Friday 31. March):

  Johann Hjartarson   (ISD) - Curt Hansen         (DEN)    0-1
  Margeir Petursson   (ISD) - Simen Agdestein     (ISD)    1-0
  Pia Cramling        (SVE) - Helgi Olafsson      (ISD)    1-0
  Jonny Hector        (SVE) - Einar Gausel        (NOR)    1-0
  Jonathan Tisdall    (NOR) - Rune Djurhuus       (DEN)    1-0
  Sune Berg Hansen    (DEN) - Lars Bo Hansen      (DEN)    0-1
  Lars Degerman       (DEN) - Erling Mortensen    (DEN)    1-0
  Hannes H Stefansson (ISD) - Ralf Akesson        (SVE)    0-1
  Tapani Sammalvuo    (FIN) - Trostur Torhallsson (ISD)    0-1
  Thomas Ernst        (SVE) - Marko Manninen      (FIN)    1-0

Top standings after 9 rounds:

        1  Curt Hansen                                8
   2 -  3  Margeir Petursson, Pia Cramling            6
   4 -  5  Jonny Hector, Jonathan Tisdall             5.5
   6 -  7  Johann Hjartarson, Lars Bo Hansen          5.0
   8 - 13  Simen Agdestein, Helgi Olafsson,           4.5
           Rune Djurhuus, Lars Degerman,
           Einar Gausel, Sune Berg Hansen

 FIDE Zonal Tournament                            Reykjavik 1995
 NORDIC Championship                        21. March - 2. April

Here are the results from round 10 (Saturday 1. April):

  Curt Hansen         (DEN) - Jonathan Tisdall    (NOR)    1/2
  Margeir Petursson   (ISD) - Johann Hjartarson   (ISD)    1/2
  Lars Bo Hansen      (DEN) - Pia Cramling        (SVE)    1-0
  Jonny Hector        (SVE) - Helgi Olafsson      (ISD)    0-1
  Erling Mortensen    (DEN) - Simen Agdestein     (NOR)    0-1
  Rune Djurhuus       (DEN) - Lars Degerman       (DEN)    1-0
  Ralf Akesson        (SVE) - Einar Gausel        (NOR)    1-0
  Trostur Torhallsson (ISD) - Sune Berg Hansen    (DEN)    1/2
  Thomas Ernst        (SVE) - Hannes H Stefansson (ISD)    1-0
  Marko Manninen      (FIN) - Tapani Sammalvuo    (FIN)    1/2

        1   Curt Hansen ............................... 8.5
        2   Margeir Petursson ......................... 6.5
    3 - 5   Lars Bo Hansen, Pia Cramling, J. Tisdall .. 6
    6 - 10  Agdestein, Hjartarson, Hector, Olafsson ... 5.5
        11  Sune Berg Hansen .......................... 5

 FIDE Zonal Tournament                            Reykjavik 1995
 NORDIC Championship                        21. March - 2. April

Here are the results from the final round 11 (Sunday 2. April):

  Helgi Olafsson      (ISD) - Curt Hansen         (DEN)    1 - 0
  Lars Bo Hansen      (DEN) - Margeir Petursson   (ISD)    = - =
  Jonathan Tisdall    (NOR) - Pia Cramling        (SVE)    = - =
  Simen Agdestein     (NOR) - Johann Hjartarson   (ISD)    0 - 1
  Lars Degerman       (DEN) - Jonny Hector        (SVE)    = - =
  Rune Djurhuus       (DEN) - Trostur Torhallsson (ISD)    1 - 0
  Sune Berg Hansen    (DEN) - Ralf Akesson        (SVE)    1 - 0
  Einar Gausel        (NOR) - Tapani Sammalvuo    (FIN)    1 - 0
  Erling Mortensen    (DEN) - Thomas Ernst        (SVE)    = - =
  Hannes H Stefansson (ISD) - Marko Manninen      (FIN)    0 - 1

Since top 3 will go to the InterZonal tournament there will be a new
tournament to decide between Cramling, Tisdall, Lars Bo Hansen,
Hjartarson, Olafasson and Rune Djurhuus who all got 6.5 points.
Curt Hansen and Margeir Petursson have qualified and Curt Hansen is
the 1995 Nordic Champion.

Reykjavik (ICE), 21 March - 2 April 1995.  cat. XI (2504)

PLAYER		     DETAILS    ROUND  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  TOTAL
 1 Hansen, Curt            g DEN 2630 +20 =15 + 5 = 8 + 2 +10 +11 + 9 + 4 = 6 - 7 8.5
 2 Petursson, Margeir      g ISL 2535 +14 = 6 +12 =10 - 1 + 9 = 8 = 3 +11 = 4 = 5 7.0
 3 Djurhuus, Rune          m NOR 2495 -11 +19 = 7 = 5 +15 - 8 +17 = 2 - 6 +13 +16 6.5
 4 Hjartarson, Johann      g ISL 2590 =13 - 5 +20 = 6 = 7 +17 =12 + 8 - 1 = 2 +11 6.5
 5 Hansen, Lars Bo         g DEN 2565 =12 + 4 - 1 = 3 =18 = 6 +19 - 7 +10 + 8 = 2 6.5
 6 Tisdall, Jonathan       m NOR 2470 + 9 = 2 =15 = 4 =10 = 5 =18 =12 + 3 = 1 = 8 6.5
 7 Olafsson, Helgi         g ISL 2520 +16 -10 = 3 -17 = 4 =18 +14 + 5 - 8 + 9 + 1 6.5
 8 Cramling, Pia           g SWE 2520 +19 +11 =10 = 1 = 9 + 3 = 2 - 4 + 7 - 5 = 6 6.5
 9 Hector, Jonny           g SWE 2540 - 6 +14 +11 +15 = 8 - 2 +10 - 1 +12 - 7 =13 6.0
10 Hansen, Sune Berg       m DEN 2460 +18 + 7 = 8 = 2 = 6 - 1 - 9 +19 - 5 =16 +20 6.0
11 Agdestein, Simen        g NOR 2600 + 3 - 8 - 9 +14 +17 =12 - 1 +18 - 2 +15 - 4 5.5
12 Gausel, Einar           m NOR 2490 = 5 +13 - 2 =18 +16 =11 = 4 = 6 - 9 -20 +19 5.5
13 Degerman, Lars          m SWE 2490 = 4 -12 -18 -19 =14 +20 =16 +17 +15 - 3 = 9 5.0
14 Ernst, Thomas           g SWE 2465 - 2 - 9 +19 -11 =13 =16 - 7 =20 +17 +18 =15 5.0
15 Mortensen, Erling       m DEN 2500 +17 = 1 = 6 - 9 - 3 -19 +20 +16 -13 -11 =14 4.5
16 Thorhallsson, Throstur  m ISL 2420 - 7 =18 -17 +20 -12 =14 =13 -15 +19 =10 - 3 4.0
17 Manninen, Marko         f FIN 2365 -15 =20 +16 + 7 -11 - 4 - 3 -13 -14 =19 +18 4.0
18 Stefansson, Hannes      g ISL 2530 -10 =16 +13 =12 = 5 = 7 = 6 -11 -20 -14 -17 3.5
19 Sammalvuo, Tapani       f FIN 2390 - 8 - 3 -14 +13 +20 +15 - 5 -10 -16 =17 -12 3.5
20 Akesson, Ralf           m SWE 2500 - 1 =17 - 4 -16 -19 -13 -15 =14 +18 +12 -10 3.0

5) Cuban National Championships Feb 1995. Matanzas City
------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 TOTAL TPR
 1 Becerra Rivero, Julio  m CUB 2490  * 1 0 = 1 = 1 = = 1 = 1 1 1  9.5  2559
 2 Borges Mateos, Juan    m CUB 2400  0 * = 1 = = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 =  9.5  2566
 3 Arencibia, Walter      g CUB 2485  1 = * = = = = 1 = 0 = 1 1 1  8.5  2495
 4 Vera, Reynaldo         g CUB 2500  = 0 = * = = 1 = = = = = 1 1  7.5  2440
 5 Rodriguez, Amador      g CUB 2520  0 = = = * = = 1 1 = = = = 1  7.5  2439
 6 Hernandez, Roman       g CUB 2435  = = = = = * 1 = 0 1 = = = =  7.0  2417
 7 Pupo, Emilio           f CUB 2320  0 0 = 0 = 0 * = 1 = 1 = 1 1  6.5  2397
 8 Gonzales, Renieo         CUB 2290  = 0 0 = 0 = = * 1 = 1 1 = =  6.5  2400
 9 Rivera, Alberto        m CUB 2370  = = = = 0 1 0 0 * 1 0 0 1 1  6.0  2364
10 Perez, Rodney          f CUB 2305  0 0 1 = = 0 = = 0 * = 1 1 =  6.0  2369
11 Alvarez, Jose          f CUB 2345  = 0 = = = = 0 0 1 = * 1 0 =  5.5  2338
12 Li, Manuel             f CUB 2345  0 0 0 = = = = 0 1 0 0 * 1 =  4.5  2285
13 Garcia, Osmel          f CUB 2345  0 0 0 0 = = 0 = 0 0 1 0 * 1  3.5  2220
14 Valdes, Luis E         f CUB 2340  0 = 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 = = = 0 *  3.0  2185

Carlos H. Taboada and GM Reynaldo Vera report:

The Cuban National Championships were held in February in Matanzas city
site of the last "Capablanca in Memoriam" tournament.
After the last 7 National Championships were settled using  the swiss
pairing system, the most important national event reverted to the best
system: All-Play-All (after a petition from the GM players)

After a hard fight, the winner was the 21 year old I.M. Julio Becerra
who has only played chess for 8 years! He is the most promising Cuban
player for the near future.
The second place (on tie-break) was taken by International Master
Juan Borges (winner of the previous Cuban Championships) who showed
he is a player to be respected.
In conclusion this was a good championship, with magnificent organisation,
high combativeness, and where youth was the principal winner.

6) Timman-Piket Match

The two leading Dutch Chess players are to play a ten game
match in Amsterdam between 21 September and 4th October
1995. The will be playing for 50,000 Guilders.

7) Macedonian Zonal Tournament by Shay Bushinsky

Azmaiparashvili, Zurab  GEO     2610    g	8
Alterman, Boris 	ISR     2575    g  	7.5
Kurajica, Bojan 	BIH     2585    g	7
Smirin, Ilia    	ISR     2630    g	6
Dizdarevic, Emir        BIH     2465    g	5.5
Sutovskij, Emil 	ISR     2530    m	5.5
Milov, Vadim    	ISR     2580    g	5.5
Stanojoski, Zvonko      FRM     2400    f	5
Jokic, Ilija    	BIH     2375		4   *
Kutirov, Rolando        FRM     2425    m	4
Jacimovic, Dragoljub    FRM     2425    m	2.5 *

* we're not too sure about these two players.

Shay Bushinsky reports that Azmaiparashvili, Alterman
and Kurajica qualified from this FIDE Zonal Tournament.

8) CROATIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS Feb 1995 by Damir Medak
CROATIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS Feb 1995    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 TOTAL TPR
 1 Dizdar, Goran       g CRO 2510  * = = 1 = = = = = 1 1 1 1 =  9.0  2630
 2 Kozul, Zdenko       g CRO 2570  = * = = 1 = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 0  9.0  2625
 3 Lalic, Bogdan       g CRO 2590  = = * = 1 1 1 = = = = 0 1 1  8.5  2593
 4 Zelcic, Robert      m CRO 2500  0 = = * 0 = 1 = = 1 1 1 = 1  8.0  2577
 5 Hulak, Krunoslav    g CRO 2545  = 0 0 1 * 1 = 1 = = = 1 1 =  8.0  2573
 6 Kovacevic, Vlatko   g CRO 2520  = = 0 = 0 * = 1 1 = 1 0 1 1  7.5  2545
 7 Cebalo, Miso        g CRO 2570  = 0 0 0 = = * = 1 1 1 1 1 =  7.5  2541
 8 Palac, Mladen       g CRO 2545  = = = = 0 0 = * = 1 = 1 = =  6.5  2486
 9 Marangunic, Srdjan  m CRO 2445  = = = = = 0 0 = * 0 = 1 = =  5.5  2437
10 Loncar, Robert        CRO 2385  0 0 = 0 = = 0 0 1 * = = 1 1  5.5  2441
11 Jukic, Branimir     f CRO 2415  0 0 = 0 = 0 0 = = = * 0 = 1  4.0  2355
12 Sulava, Nenad       m CRO 2420  0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 = 1 * 0 =  4.0  2355
13 Rogic, Davor        m CRO 2460  0 0 0 = 0 0 0 = = 0 = 1 * 1  4.0  2352
14 Ljubicic, Filip     f CRO 2395  = 1 0 0 = 0 = = = 0 0 = 0 *  4.0  2357

                                    1  2  3  4   TOTAL
 1 Dizdar, Goran       g CRO 2510   1  1  0  =   2.5
 2 Kozul, Zdenko       g CRO 2570   0  0  1  =   1.5

There was a playoff for the Croatian Championships and
that was won by Goran Dizdar.


9) Tournament 4 - 17 March in Bronshoj Chess Club, Copenhagen by Lars Zwisler
The GM group was a category 12. (2534)

                               1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  Pts.
 1. GM Leko,Peter ...........  -  =  =  =  =  =  1  1  1  =  1  1   8
 2. IM Maksimenko,Andrei ....  =  -  1  1  1  1  0  1  =  0  =  =   7
 3. GM Moskalenko,Viktor ....  =  0  -  1  =  =  1  0  =  =  1  1   6.6
 4. GM Pinter,Jozsef ........  =  0  0  -  1  =  1  =  =  =  1  1   6.5
 5. GM Glek,Igor ............  =  0  =  0  -  1  =  1  1  =  =  1   6.5
 6. GM Hansen,Curt ..........  =  0  =  =  0  -  =  =  1  1  =  1   6
 7. GM Hector,Jonny .........  0  1  0  0  =  =  -  =  0  1  1  1   5.5
 8. IM Hoi,Carsten ..........  0  0  1  =  0  =  =  -  =  =  =  1   5
 9. GM Hansen,Lars Bo .......  0  =  =  =  0  0  1  =  -  =  =  =   4.5
10. GM Nielsen,Peter Heine ..  =  1  =  =  =  0  0  =  =  -  0  =   4.4
11. IM Emms,John ............  0  =  0  0  =  =  0  =  =  1  -  0   3.5
12. IM Mortensen,Erling .....  0  =  0  0  0  0  0  0  =  =  1  -   2.5

                               1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  Pts.
 1. IM Kruszynski,Wlodzimierz ..  -  =  =  1  1  =  1  =  1  =   6.5
 2. IM Adamski,Jan .............  =  -  =  =  1  =  =  =  1  =   5.5
 3.    Olsen,Heini .............  =  =  -  0  1  =  =  1  =  =   5
 4.    Pilgaard,Kim ............  0  =  1  -  0  1  =  0  1  1   5
 5. IM Adamski,Andrzej .........  0  0  0  1  -  0  1  =  1  1   4.5
 6.    Pedersen,Henrik B .......  =  =  =  0  1  -  =  =  =  =   4.5
 7.    Palm,Nicolai ............  0  =  =  =  0  =  -  =  =  1   4
 8. GM Ciric,Dragoljub .........  =  =  0  1  =  =  =  -  =  0   4
 9.    Petersen,Steen ..........  0  0  =  0  0  =  =  =  -  1   3
10.    Andersen,Kaare Vissing ..  =  =  =  0  0  =  0  1  0  -   3

Lars Zwisler reports on this fine victory for 15 year old Peter Leko in early

10) Dresden French Defence Theme Tournament

To celebrate the 60th birthday (29th March) of Wolfgang
Uhlmann a short French Defence Theme tournament was held
in Dresden, his place of birth. It was won by Hort and
Uhlmann jointly.

Round 1 (1995.03.21)

Hort, Vlastimil    -  Knaak, Rainer      1-0
Portisch, Lajos    -  Uhlmann, Wolfgang  1/2

Round 2 (1995.03.22)

Uhlmann, Wolfgang  -  Knaak, Rainer      1-0
Portisch, Lajos    -  Hort, Vlastimil    1/2

Round 3 (1995.03.23)

Hort, Vlastimil    -  Uhlmann, Wolfgang  1/2
Knaak, Rainer      -  Portisch, Lajos    1/2

Dresden French Defence Theme Tournament
                                 1 2 3 4 TOTAL TPR
1 Hort, Vlastimil    g GER 2565  * = = 1  2.0  2656
2 Uhlmann, Wolfgang  g DDR 2470  = * = 1  2.0  2688
3 Portisch, Lajos    g HUN 2585  = = * =  1.5  2525
4 Knaak, Rainer      g DDR 2540  0 0 = *  0.5  2267

11) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski 

				TWIC 26

    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   | B |   |   |   |   |   M.Liburkin, 1952
    |   |   |   | + |   |   |   |   |   7th Prize, III Russian Championship
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | k |   W: Ka1,Bd7,Nf1,p.d6 (4)
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   B: Kh5,Bb1,p.c2,h2 (4)
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   White to move and draw
    |   |   | o |   |   |   |   | o |
    | K | b |   |   |   |   | N |   |


   1.Ng3+   Kh4

   2.Kb2    c1Q+

   3.Kxc1   Be4!

			Introduction is over and White's position remains
			equally critical.  What to do next?  4.Bf5? Bxf5
			5.Nh1 Kh3 6.Kd1! Kg2 7.Ke2 Kxh1 8 Kf2 Bd7! 9.Kf1 Bc6
			10.Kf2 Bb5 wins.

   4.Nh1!   Bxh1

   5.Bh3!   Bc6

   6.Bg2!   Bxg2

   7.d7     h1Q+

   8.Kd2!  draws in spite of Black's enormous material advantage.

12) Tournament calendar by Michael Niermann.

Many thanks to all who have sent us some tournament informations. But we
still need some help. If you want to support us, please send infos about
tournaments in your country to

April 7-9            Erlangen (GER), 5xCH, 55/45 DM, just for players with
                       DWZ/ELO < 2100
                       Tel +49 9131 60084
                       Fax +49 9131 60087

April 7-9            Edinburgh (SCO), UK Weekend Chess Congress,
                       Open plus 8 other sections for adults and juniors
                       phone +??-131-667 0852 (Frank Banaghan)

April 8              Toronto (Ontario, CAN)

April 8/9            Eupen (BEL) 7xCH, no ELO, 30DM/600BEF
                       Tel +32 87 742587
                       Fax +32 87 552716

April 9              Chelles (FRA), 9.00, 7xCH, 30min
                       Tel +33 (1)64260997

April 10-13          Jena (GER), 7xCH, U21, 25DM,
                       Tel +49 3641 51892

April 10-16          Seiffen (GER), 7xCH, just for players with
                       DWZ/ELO < 2300
                       Tel +49 37362 8354

April 10-17          Kecskemet (Hun), 9xCH, 40/120+G/60, ELO, norms,
                       from 110DM (no ELO) to free (for GM/IM/>2345),
                       tel +76/474-728
                       detailed info in TWIC 22

April 12-16          New York (USA),
                       Tel +1 2127194204

April 13-17          Fellbach-Schmiden (GER), 9xCH, ELO, norms?, 80DM,
                       Tel +49 711 586595
                        or +49 7191 82556

April 14-16          Toronto (CAN), 9.00, 6xCH
                       Tel +?-1-416-762-8581 (Ignac Vucko)

April 14-17          Passau (GER), 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 90DM
                        Tel +49 851 83811
                        Fax +49 851 81889

April 14-17          St.Germain-Lembron (FRA), 7xCH, 170F,
                       Tel +33 54878499

April 14-17          Sheffield (ENG), SHEFFIELD EASTER CHESS CONGRESS,
                       Sheffield Hallam University, 6xCH, 4 sections,
                       Details: B D Stephenson, 9 Roydfield Drive, Waterthorpe,
                                Sheffield, S19 6ND, England.
                       Tel   +??-114-2471579

April 15-17          Blois (FRA), 6xCH, 200F,
                        Tel +33 73910285

April 17-23          Gausdal (NOR), Norwegian Open, 9xCH, elo/norms?
                       Tel +47 22679520
                       Fax +47 22679513

April 17-28          Jewpatoria (UKR), youth tmt, 9xCH, no entry fee
                       Tel +7 0652 277097

April 25-May 3       Gausdal (NOR), Arnold Cup 9xCH, elo/norms?
                       Tel +47 22679520
                       Fax +47 22679513

April 26-29          New York (US), New York Open, 9xCH
                       Tel +?-1-212-719-4204
                       Fax +?-1-212-719-4369

April 26-28 and      The Hague (NL), AEGON Man-Computer Tournament,
    May 1-3            Tel +31-70-464 3729 (Cock de Gorter)

April 29/30          Arnprior (Ontario, CAN)

April 30 - May 10    Smolensk (RUS), Belavenets memorial
                       Tel +7(081) 00-24562
                        or +7(081) 00-32940

May 5-13             Gausdal (NOR), Skei Masters, 10 player GM and IM tmts,
                       Tel +47 22679520
                       Fax +47 22679513

May 6-17             Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                       GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                       Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

May 10-20            Waikiki, Hawaii (US) 10x CH, ELO, norms
                       e-mail Eric Schiller,
                       more details in TWIC 16

May 13               SHEFFIELD RAPIDPLAY CHESS CONGRESS, Handsworth Parish
                       Centre, Handsworth Road, Sheffield, 6xCH, 4 sections,
                       entries limited,
                       Details: B D Stephenson, 9 Roydfield Drive, Waterthorpe,
                                Sheffield, S19 6ND, England.
                       Tel   +??-114-2471579

May 19-22            Vancouver (CAN), 20th Annual Keres Memorial, open: 7xCH,
                       other sections: 6xCH, 40/120+G/60, entry 100 $can,
                       prizes 8000$can,
                       tel +?? (604) 686-8888
                       email  (Wilson Yeung)
                       detailed info in TWIC 23

May 19-27            Schaan (LIE) 9xCH, ELO, 100sFr
                       Tel +41 75 2324940
                       Fax +41 75 2322986

May 23-31            Maria Alm (AUT) Open for Senior-Player, 9xCH
                       Tel +43 6582 2196

May 25-28            Erlangen (GER) 7xCH, no ELO, 90DM
                       Tel +49 9131 47703

May 25-28            Crailsheim (GER) 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 90DM
                       Tel +49 7951 6468

May 25-28            Erfurt (GER), 9xCH, 30min, 25DM,
                       Tel +49 361 6435132

May 25-28            Herne (GER), 7xCH, 70DM,
                       Tel +49 2323 18112

May 25-28            Jarny (FRA), 7xCH, 120F,
                       Tel +33 82334815

May 25-30            Hong Kong, ICCA Computer Chess World Championships
                       Chinese University of Hong Kong
                       Tel (+852)-26098254 (Dr. H.K.Tsang)
                       Fax (+852)-26035558

May 27-29            Long Beach, California, (USA), 16th Annual Memorial Day
                       Classic, 6xCH, 7sections, long Beach Airport Marriott
                       Hotel (310-425-5210), $20,000 (US) guaranteed
                       tel 310-634-8477
                       fax 310-988-9573 (Charles Rostedt)

May 27-June 3        Mainz (GER) 9xCH, ELO,
                       Tel     +49 6131 223990 or
                       Tel/Fax +49 6131 85399

June 2-5             Jena (GER), 7xCH, 60DM,
                       Tel +49 3641 51892

June 3-10            Ischia (ITA) International Festival,
                       tel +39-81-668811 or +39-81-668875
                       fax +39-81-7612354 Mr. Fabio, Luca Orofino

June 3-14            Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                        GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                        Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

June 10-16           Bolzano (ITA), International Open,
                       tel  +39-471-921870

June 10-18           Bad Bevensen (GER), 9xCH, ELO, norms?, 120DM,
                       Tel +49 5821 41024

June 14-18           Giessen (GER),14th Open, 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 75 DM
                       Tel +49 6403 71213
                        or +49 641 53492
                       Room Verkehrsamt Giessen, Berliner Platz, D-35390 Giessen
                       detailed info in TWIC 21(German) and 22 (English)

June 17              Locarno (CH), 9th International Marathon Open-air,
                       blitz (5 min), 39 rounds !
                       three groups of 40 players, divided by strength,
                       MANY GM - IM - FM in the first group!

June 17-18           Bad Bevensen (GER), 11xCH, 30min, 60DM,
                       Tel +49 5821 41024

June 17-19           Tartu (EST) 9xCH, 50DM (June 17+18)+ Blitz(June 19), no ELO
                        Tel +372 7 421281

June 17-24           Bolzano (ITA), Festival
                       tel  +39-471-921870

June 22-25           Milano (ITA), Robeccheto con Induno, International
                       Festival, 6rd
                       tel +39-2-9761580 Mr. Vito Grandieri, hours 15/21
                           +39-2-9746206 Mr. Flavio Polloni, hours 15/21

June 25-July 2       Telese (ITA), International Festival
                       tel +39-824-976980 Mr. Pancrazio Affinito

June 30-July 8       Velden (AUT)  9xCH, Elo, Norms, 750 oeS
                        Tel +43 4274 2103
                        Fax +43 4274 51078

July 1-12            Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                        GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                        Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

July 8-16            Toronto (CAN), Canadian Open

July 14              Canberra (AUS), Humans v Computers Match
                       Info: Shaun Press, 42 Mockridge Cres, Holt 2617,

July 15-16           Canberra (AUS), Australian National University Open
                       Venue: Old Canberra House, ANU, Canberra, Australia
                       Info: Shaun Press, 42 Mockridge Cres, Holt 2617,

July 21              Biel (SUI) 12 tournaments, Open: 9-11xCH, ELO, norms
       -August 5        30sFr (blitz)-250sFr
                        Tel +41 32 534040
                        Fax +41 32 228688 or
                            +41 32 535925

July 29              Gausdal (NOR), Peer Gynt International, 9xCH, elo/norms?
    -August 4           Tel +47 22679520
                        Fax +47 22679513

July 29              Montecatini Terme - Int. Festival, 9xCH, ELO, norms
    -August 6          tel +39-572-78177 Mr. Paganelli
                       fax +39-572-772307

August 5-16          Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                       GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                       Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

August 6-13          Gausdal International (NOR), 9xCH, elo/norms?
                       Tel +47 22679520
                       Fax +47 22679513

August 7-12          Hengelo (NED), STORK tournament (open Dutch junior
                       championships).  Four sections: U20, U16, U14 and U12.
                       9xCH, Admission: DFL 50 (FIDE-rated free),Prizes: over
                       DFL 6000 total (1st. U20 DFL 1000).

August 21-29         Porto S. Giorgio - Int. Festival
                       tel +39-734-679745 or +39-734-675590

October 1-2          Greater Sydney Chess Festival,
                       Venue: The Huntley Hotel, Parramatta, Australia
                       Contact: Australian Chess Enterprises, PO Box 6301
                                Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153, Australia
                       Tel x61-2-838-1529
                       Fax x61-2-838-1614

October 14-15        Boston, MA (USA), Sixth Harvard Cup Human Versus Computer
                       Chess Challenge (participation by invitation only;
                       spectators welcome)
                       Computer Museum
                       tel 617-876-5759; fax 617-491-9570;