THE WEEK IN CHESS 258 - 18th October 1999 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) VAM Chess Tournament
3) Leko - Bunzmann match
4) Tkachiev-David Match
5) Lautier vs Computers
6) European Club Cup Qualifiers
7) European Juniors
8) Grecotel Chess Match
9) The 1st Seeburg open
10) Tatry Open
11) 3rd Itaú Mercosul Cup
12) First Saturday, 2nd Kluger Memorial
13) Hotel Zuglo Open
14) Asian Teams
15) John Watson wins BCF Book of the Year
16) 4NCL
17) Kasparov vs the World virtually over
18) Forthcoming Events and Links

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Games section

VAM Chess Tournament      4 games
VAM Open                 78 ganes
Leko - Bunzmann match     3 games
Tkachiev-David Match      3 games
Lautier vs Computers      4 games
European Juniors        143 games
European Juniors Girls  120 games
Grecotel Chess Match     40 games
The 1st Seeburg open     86 games
Tatry Open              450 games
3rd Itaú Mercosul Cup    25 games
2nd Kluger Memorial      66 games
FSIM October             66 games
Hotel Zuglo Open         12 games
4NCL                     33 games
Total 1138 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Anjo Anjewierden, Wilhelm Graffenberger, Europe-Echecs, Sinisa Joksic, Argiris Kotsis, Jan Vavrak, Marius van Riemsdijk, Laszlo Nagy, Bob Banta, Thomas Ewers and all those who helped with this issue.

The VAM Chess Tournament, Leko-Bunzmann and the Tkachiev-David head the over-the-board news. The Kasparov vs The World match which I believe to have been generally a great success has come towards a controversial close with a winning position for Kasparov.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) VAM Chess Tournament

The VAM Chess Tournament got underway in Hoogeveen (NED) on October 15th. Judit Polgar, Anatoly Karpov, Darmen Sadvakasov and Jan Timman play a six round double round robin event which started on October 17th 1999. This invitational event is alongside a 9 round Open tournament that started on October 15th. Anatoly Karpov and Jan Timman were winners on day one of the invitational. All the games were drawn on day two.

Round 1 (October 17, 1999)

Timman, Jan H       -  Polgar, Judit       1-0   51  A33  English; 1.c4 c5
Sadvakasov, Darmen  -  Karpov, Anatoly     0-1   65  B17  Caro-Kann

Round 2 (October 18, 1999)

Karpov, Anatoly     -  Polgar, Judit       1/2   39  E32  Nimzo indian
Sadvakasov, Darmen  -  Timman, Jan H       1/2   19  C42  Petroff defence

VAM Invitational Hoogeveen NED (NED), 15-23 x 1999cat. XV (2622)
                                  1  2  3  4 
1 Karpov, Anatoly     g RUS 2700 ** .. =. 1.  1.5  2762
2 Timman, Jan H       g NED 2650 .. ** 1. =.  1.5  2762
3 Polgar, Judit       g HUN 2671 =. 0. ** ..  0.5  2482
4 Sadvakasov, Darmen  g KAZ 2468 0. =. .. **  0.5  2482

Round 3 (of 9) standings: 

VAM Open Hoogeveen NED (NED), 15-23 x 1999
                                           1   2   3   
 1 Van den Doel, Erik         g NED 2528  +35 +30 +14   3.0      
 2 Gurevich, Mikhail          g BEL 2643  +50 +15 +13   3.0      
 3 Berelovich, Aleksandar     g UKR 2468  =22 +29 +34   2.5  2616
 4 Barsov, Alexei             m UZB 2539  +46 +23 = 9   2.5  2641
 5 Brodsky, Michail           g UKR 2512  +39 +37 = 6   2.5  2635
 6 Neverov, Valeriy           g UKR 2549  +48 +28 = 5   2.5  2661
 7 Van der Weide, Karel       m NED 2434  +40 +38 =11   2.5  2534
 8 Werle, Jan                   NED 2216  =10 +45 +18   2.5  2581
 9 Gofshtein, Leonid D        g ISR 2507  +52 +36 = 4   2.5  2585
10 Goloshchapov, Alexander    m UKR 2519  = 8 +24 =12   2.0  2337
11 Tiviakov, Sergei           g RUS 2611  +25 =12 = 7   2.0  2515
12 Jonkman, Harmen            f NED 2421  +32 =11 =10   2.0  2552
13 Reinderman, Dimitri        g NED 2525  +31 +26 - 2   2.0  2540
14 Bosboom, Manuel            m NED 2476  +42 +19 - 1   2.0  2416
15 Bosch, Jeroen              m NED 2433  +27 - 2 +36   2.0  2456
16 Blees, Albert              m NED 2410  -19 +52 +40   2.0  2300
17 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam       g UZB 2603  -18 +51 +37   2.0  2407
18 Jens, Jelmer                 NED 2316  +17 =34 - 8   1.5  2441
19 Porrasmaa, Timo              FIN 2152  +16 -14 =30   1.5  2421
20 Podgaets, Mikhail          m UKR 2490  -36 +22 =21   1.5  2249
21 Klinova, Masha            wg ISR 2359  -38 +42 =20   1.5  2228
22 Smeets, Jan                  NED 2193  = 3 -20 +44   1.5  2367
23 Westerinen, Heikki M.J     g FIN 2382  +41 - 4 =27   1.5  2231
24 Van Harreveld,Frenk              ----  +43 -10 =26   1.5  2418
25 De Jong, Migchiel            NED 2317  -11 =32 +47   1.5  2303
26 Hendriks, Willy              NED 2378  +49 -13 =24   1.5  2221
27 Markus, John Raymond         NED 2156  -15 +50 =23   1.5  2379
28 Solleveld, Maarten           NED 2404  +47 - 6 =31   1.5  2306
29 Tikkanen, Kari             f FIN 2332  =45 - 3 +38   1.5  2186
30 Visser, Yge                f NED 2378  +44 - 1 =19   1.5  2275
31 Pel, Bonno                   NED 2224  -13 +49 =28   1.5  2356
32 Plasman, Hans                NED 2152  -12 =25 +48   1.5  2329
33 Erwich, Marc                 NED 2059  -37 =39 +46   1.5  2251
34 Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  g NED 2506  +51 =18 - 3   1.5  2327
35 Vedder, Richard              NED 2234  - 1 =44 +45   1.5  2254
36 Erwich, Frank                NED 2196  +20 - 9 -15   1.0  2351
37 Van Kooten, Luuk             NED 2331  +33 - 5 -17   1.0  2266
38 Rooda, Kai                   NED ----  +21 - 7 -29   1.0  2250
39 Van der Erf, Remco           NED 2206  - 5 =33 =41   1.0  2065
40 Moll, Arne                   NED 2172  - 7 +43 -16   1.0  2275
41 L'Ami, Erwin                 NED ----  -23 =46 =39   1.0  2143
42 Hulshof, Peter               NED 2195  -14 -21 +52   1.0  2220
43 Rantanen, Yrjo A           g FIN 2358  -24 -40 +51   1.0  1998
44 Hendriks, Richard            NED 2145  -30 =35 -22   0.5  1995
45 Van der Veen, Jan            NED 2090  =29 - 8 -35   0.5  1987
46 Amesz, Jaap                  NED 2217  - 4 =41 -33   0.5  1926
47 Azadmanesh, Moosa            NED 2147  -28 =48 -25   0.5  2050
48 Nicholson, John G          f ENG 2249  - 6 =47 -32   0.5  2009
49 Tare, M                      ALB 2139  -26 -31 =50   0.5  2035
50 Van Delft, Merijn            NED 2323  - 2 -27 =49   0.5  2039
51 Vistisen, Lars               DEN 2199  -34 -17 -43   0.0      
52 Remmel, Tim                  NED 2201  - 9 -16 -42   0.0      

3) Leko - Bunzmann match

There is a six game match between Peter Leko and Dimitrij Bunzmann taking place 16th-22nd October 1999 in Hamburg, Germany. 20 year old Leko is rated 2701 and is World number 9 and Bunzmann is a 17 year old German junior rated 2596. The first three games have been drawn.

Further details at:

The event is sponsored by Contrust-Capital, a company, which sponsors Dimitrij Bunzmann. The match takes place alongside a big open tournament, the 5th Wichern-Open, with 30 grandmasters and 200 players which takes place October 15th-22nd October 1999. After four rounds Igor Novikov, Eduard Rozentalis and Alexander Shabalov all have 4/4.

Bunzmann, Dimitrij  -  Leko, Peter         1/2   30  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Leko, Peter         -  Bunzmann, Dimitrij  1/2   31  C11  French; Classical
Bunzmann, Dimitrij  -  Leko, Peter         1/2   51  D85  Gruenfeld indian

Bunzmann-Leko Match, Hamburg GER (GER), 16-21 x 1999
                                 1   2   3   4   5   6 
Bunzmann, Dimitrij    GER 2596    =   =   =   .   .   .   1.5  2701
Leko, Peter         g HUN 2701    =   =   =   .   .   .   1.5  2596

4) Tkachiev-David Match

Cannes is the venue for an 8 game match between Vladislav Tkachiev and Alberto David. The match runs October 15th-23rd 1999. Already in the first three games there has been lively play. Tkachiev won in 42 moves in the first game of the match. The second game was drawn after Alberto David failed to convert a superior position. The third game saw Tkachiev win after David resigned after only 20 moves in a horrid but possibly still playable position.

Coverage at: and

Tkachiev, Vladislav  -  David, Alberto       1-0   42  E63  Kings indian
David, Alberto       -  Tkachiev, Vladislav  1/2   72  C78  Ruy Lopez
Tkachiev, Vladislav  -  David, Alberto       1-0   20  D72  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6

Match Cannes FRA (FRA), 15-23 x 1999
                                  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 
Tkachiev, Vladislav  g FRA 2648    1   =   1   .   .   .   .   .   2.5  2817
David, Alberto       g LUX 2544    0   =   0   .   .   .   .   .   0.5  2375

5) Lautier vs Computers

Clichy was the venue for the Man-Machine "trophée ITRAS", October 9th-10th 1999. There was a rapidplay man-machine event won by Manuel Apicella. Joel Lautier (Lautier had 2h30 whilst the programs had 1h30 each) played a 4 board clock simul on October 9th 1999 against for chess playing computers (Chess Tiger, ZChess, Anmon and Capture). The event finished 2-2.

Further details including the games annotated and full results.

ANMON          -  Lautier, Joel  1-0   31  E32  Nimzo indian
Lautier, Joel  -  ZCHESS         1-0   33  D31  Queen's gambit
CHESS TIGER    -  Lautier, Joel  1-0   58  B51  Sicilian
Lautier, Joel  -  CAPTURE        1-0   72  A45  Queen's pawn

6) European Club Cup Qualifiers

News of preliminary group 6 in Budapest hasn't been forthcoming. Does anyone have any news?

Preliminary Group 6: Budapest: 11-13 October 1999. The expected teams are: Mravince Dalmacijacement (CRO) [1. GM V. Tkachiev 2. GM G. Girogadze 3. GM V. Tukmakov 4. GM Z. Ribli 5. GM M. Cebalo 6. GM V. Kovacevic ] ; Stefa Balto Struga (FRM) [1. GM B. Anakov 2. GM T. Najdoski 3. GM A. Lastin 4. GM A. Rustemov 5. GM N. Mitkov] ; Honved Mediflora Budapest (HUN) [1. GM J. Pinter 2. GM T. Tolnai 3. GM Z. Varga 4. GM P. Wells] ; Khimik Belorechensk (RUS) [1. GM A. Dreev 2. GM A. Onishuk 3. GM P. Tregubov 4. GM V. Malaniuk 5. GM A. Poluljahov] ; Slovan Bratislava (SVK) [1. GM Z. Hracek 2. GM L. Ftacnik 3. IM P. Petran 4. IM L. Salai 5. IM R. Tibensky] ; Danko Donbass (UKR) [1. GM S. Savchenko 2. GM R. Ponomariov 3. GM A. Shneider 4. GM G. Kuzmin 5. GM Y. Kruppa 6. GM G. Timoshenko] ; Montenegrobanka Podgorica (YUG) [1. GM S. Atalik 2. GM B. Ivanovic 3. GM A. Yermolinsky 4. GM D. Kosic 5. IM V. Vujosevic]

7) European Juniors

The European Juniors and Girls Chess Championships 1999 are taking place in Patras, Greece 5th-18th October 1999. 96 players compete. With one round to go it seems that Dennis De Vreught and Regina Pokorna look likely to take the titles. Note that last week I had the wrong Pokorna in the tables and games.

Internet coverage at:

Leading standings after round 12 (of 13)

European Youth Boys-u20 Patras GRE HUN (GRE), 2-12 x 1999
                                              1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13 
 1 De Vreugt, Dennis             m NED 2398  +39 +30 = 7 - 2 +10 =11 +26 +28 +17 + 3 + 9 = 4  .   9.5  2590
 2 Iljushin, Alexei              m RUS 2527  +22 +32 = 5 + 1 = 3 = 7 = 6 + 9 = 4 = 8 =13 +11  .   8.5  2542
 3 Halkias, Stelios              m GRE 2406  +43 +16 + 4 = 5 = 2 + 6 =17 - 7 +12 - 1 = 8 +13  .   8.0  2520
 4 Stryjecki, Marek                POL 2448  +37 +29 - 3 =11 =26 +24 +12 =17 = 2 = 5 + 7 = 1  .   8.0  2517
 5 Fontaine, Robert              m FRA 2408  +25 +20 = 2 = 3 =11 -17 +10 +26 = 7 = 4 = 6 =14  .   7.5  2492
 6 Doettling, Fabian             f GER 2475  =15 +33 =13 +34 + 9 - 3 = 2 =20 +11 = 7 = 5 =12  .   7.5  2462
 7 Solak, Dragan                   YUG 2457  +42 +34 = 1 = 9 +32 = 2 =28 + 3 = 5 = 6 - 4 = 8  .   7.5  2473
 8 Medvegy, Zoltan                 HUN 2397  -19 +31 =25 +29 +20 -12 +30 =13 +32 = 2 = 3 = 7  .   7.5  2442
 9 Lopez Martinez, Josep Manuel    ESP 2378  +31 =13 +17 = 7 - 6 +34 +11 - 2 +28 =20 - 1 +21  .   7.5  2442
10 Kallio, Heikki                f FIN 2360  =28 +15 =19 =13 - 1 +23 - 5 +21 -18 +34 +32 +20  .   7.5  2418
11 Hunt, Adam                      ENG 2288  =18 +12 +24 = 4 = 5 = 1 - 9 +22 - 6 +19 +23 - 2  .   7.0  2453
12 Blehm, Pawel                  m POL 2479  =21 -11 +16 +22 =13 + 8 - 4 +33 - 3 =32 +19 = 6  .   7.0  2379
13 Jovanovic, Zoran CRO            CRO 2310  +46 = 9 = 6 =10 =12 =14 +29 = 8 =20 +17 = 2 - 3  .   7.0  2437
14 Cvek, Robert                    CZE 2444  -16 =28 +35 =15 =19 =13 =21 =23 +22 +18 =20 = 5  .   7.0  2350
15 Shavtvaladze, Nikoloz           GEO 2289  = 6 -10 +40 =14 -29 +46 =24 =37 =31 +30 +17 =22  .   7.0  2356
16 Bohnenblust, Simon              SUI 2239  +14 - 3 -12 =45 +38 -29 -31 +43 +48 =37 +39 +41  .   7.0  2276
17 Mateuta, Gabriel              m ROM 2398  +35 +27 - 9 +19 =18 + 5 = 3 = 4 - 1 -13 -15 +32  .   6.5  2348
18 Bagirov, Rufat                m AZE 2471  =11 =38 +37 +21 =17 -28 -20 =30 +10 -14 =25 +24  .   6.5  2317
19 Haznedaroglu, Kivanc            TUR 2187  + 8 =24 =10 -17 =14 -30 +38 +29 +25 -11 -12 +31  .   6.5  2348
20 Mastrovasilis, Athanasios     f GRE 2345  +44 - 5 +33 =28 - 8 +42 +18 = 6 =13 = 9 =14 -10  .   6.5  2349
21 Markidis, Konstantinos          GRE 2295  =12 =23 +27 -18 -28 +41 =14 -10 +39 +26 +31 - 9  .   6.5  2320
22 Petrik, Tomas                   SVK 2296  - 2 =40 +47 -12 +45 =25 +39 -11 -14 +41 +35 =15  .   6.5  2271
23 Jedryczka, Krystian             POL 2334  =38 =21 -46 +31 =25 -10 +41 =14 =26 +29 -11 =30  .   6.0  2250
24 Johannessen, Leif Erlend      f NOR 2356  +40 =19 -11 =25 +37 - 4 =15 =31 =30 =35 +28 -18  .   6.0  2264
25 Molander, Riku                  FIN 2234  - 5 +44 = 8 =24 =23 =22 +42 -32 -19 +33 =18 =27  .   6.0  2270
26 Berescu, Alin                 f ROM 2386  -33 =35 +43 +42 = 4 +32 - 1 - 5 =23 -21 =27 +38  .   6.0  2256
27 Zouaghi, Nouri                  BEL ----  +48 -17 -21 -37 +40 -39 +46 -35 +36 +43 =26 =25  .   6.0  2200
28 Anchev, Nikolaj                 BUL 2155  =10 =14 +30 =20 +21 +18 = 7 - 1 - 9 -31 -24 =29  .   5.5  2335
29 Kobrin, Michael                 ISR 2355  +41 - 4 =42 - 8 +15 +16 -13 -19 +33 -23 =38 =28  .   5.5  2215
30 Skytte, Rasmus                f DEN 2338  +45 - 1 -28 =33 +35 +19 - 8 =18 =24 -15 =34 =23  .   5.5  2245
31 Karner, Christoph               AUT 2181  - 9 - 8 +44 -23 =41 +45 +16 =24 =15 +28 -21 -19  .   5.5  2200
32 Ribshtein, Nati                 ISR 2349  +36 - 2 +39 +46 - 7 -26 +37 +25 - 8 =12 -10 -17  .   5.5  2286
33 Guid, Matej                     SLO 2185  +26 - 6 -20 =30 =39 +47 +34 -12 -29 -25 =43 +40  .   5.5  2262
34 Dovliatov, Sanan                AZE 2339  +47 - 7 +38 - 6 +46 - 9 -33 =39 +37 -10 =30 =35  .   5.5  2205
35 Eriksson, Jonas                 SWE 2188  -17 =26 -14 +40 -30 -38 +48 +27 +42 =24 -22 =34  .   5.5  2218
36 Touloumis, Anestis              GRE 2111  -32 -42 -41 +48 +43 -37 =44 =40 -27 +46 =45 +47  .   5.5  2082
37 Perunovic, Miodrag              YUG 2247  - 4 +41 -18 +27 -24 +36 -32 =15 -34 =16 -40 +46  .   5.0  2182
38 Tomic, Bosko                    BIH ----  =23 =18 -34 =43 -16 +35 -19 -42 +47 +48 =29 -26  .   5.0  2190
39 Nikolchovski, Toni              BUL 2190  - 1 +45 -32 =41 =33 +27 -22 =34 -21 =42 -16 +48  .   5.0  2150
40 Erturan, Yakup                  TUR 2148  -24 =22 -15 -35 -27 +48 +47 =36 -43 +44 +37 -33  .   5.0  2099
41 Lelumees, Brait                 EST 2121  -29 -37 +36 =39 =31 -21 -23 +45 +44 -22 +48 -16  .   5.0  2130
42 Streikus, Simonas               LTU 2267  - 7 +36 =29 -26 +47 -20 -25 +38 -35 =39 =44 -43  .   4.5  2119
43 Crut, Aurelien                  FRA 2207  - 3 =47 -26 =38 -36 =44 =45 -16 +40 -27 =33 +42  .   4.5  2058
44 Kanellopoulos, Georgios         GRE ----  -20 -25 -31 -47 +48 =43 =36 +46 -41 -40 =42 =45  .   4.0  2009
45 Siempos, Konstantinos           GRE ----  -30 -39 +48 =16 -22 -31 =43 -41 -46 =47 =36 =44  .   3.5  1982
46 Vulic,Vanja                     BIH ----  -13 +48 +23 -32 -34 -15 -27 -44 +45 -36 =47 -37  .   3.5  2006
47 Papaioannou, Hristos            GRE ----  -34 =43 -22 +44 -42 -33 -40 +48 -38 =45 =46 -36  .   3.5  1971
48 BYE                                 ----  -27 -46 -45 -36 -44 -40 -35 -47 -16 -38 -41 -39  .   0.0      

European Youth Girls-u20 Patras GRE HUN (GRE), 2-12 x 1999
                                             1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13 
 1 Pokorna, Regina             wm SVK 2198  +35 + 3 = 6 +12 = 4 + 2 = 5 + 9 + 8 = 7 +19 =10  .   9.5  2472
 2 Tkeshelashvili, Sopio       wm GEO 2284  =27 +26 +19 = 4 + 6 - 1 = 8 = 3 + 5 +15 + 9 = 7  .   8.5  2388
 3 Radziewicz, Iweta           wg POL 2395  +11 - 1 +18 -15 +19 +28 = 4 = 2 +12 = 6 = 5 + 8  .   8.0  2358
 4 Matnadze, Ana               wf GEO 2280  +29 +28 +13 = 2 = 1 + 8 = 3 = 5 - 6 - 9 +21 +20  .   8.0  2352
 5 Polovnikova, Ekaterina      wm RUS 2299  =19 +27 =14 + 7 =15 +12 = 1 = 4 - 2 +16 = 3 = 6  .   7.5  2308
 6 Zozulia, Anna               wm UKR 2353  +36 +15 = 1 =30 - 2 +29 =14 =12 + 4 = 3 = 7 = 5  .   7.5  2299
 7 Krivec, Jana                wf SLO 2177  +34 + 8 =12 - 5 +30 =15 - 9 +14 +28 = 1 = 6 = 2  .   7.5  2310
 8 Goletiani, Rusudan          wm GEO 2386  +10 - 7 +33 +13 +14 - 4 = 2 +15 - 1 =21 +20 - 3  .   7.0  2238
 9 Reizniece, Dana             wf LAT 2294  +31 -13 -28 +35 +25 +30 + 7 - 1 +26 + 4 - 2 -11  .   7.0  2196
10 Batyte, Daiva                  LTU 2107  - 8 +35 =21 -32 =23 +24 +30 =13 -15 +26 +16 = 1  .   7.0  2174
11 Sperdokli, Elli                GRE 2124  - 3 -33 -36 +38 -22 +35 -18 +37 +23 +29 +32 + 9  .   7.0  2167
12 Kalinina, Vladislava        wf UKR 2239  +17 +21 = 7 - 1 +32 - 5 +16 = 6 - 3 -20 +15 =13  .   6.5  2219
13 Nill, Jessica               wf GER 2168  +22 + 9 - 4 - 8 -29 =27 +17 =10 -20 +30 +18 =12  .   6.5  2174
14 Bogza, Adina                   ROM 2210  +33 =30 = 5 +28 - 8 +20 = 6 - 7 =21 -19 =17 +27  .   6.5  2175
15 Iwaniuk, Dorota             wf POL 2189  +23 - 6 +37 + 3 = 5 = 7 =32 - 8 +10 - 2 -12 +26  .   6.5  2236
16 Potikha, Liza                  ISR 2061  =32 -19 =20 +26 =21 +17 -12 +31 +29 - 5 -10 +25  .   6.5  2159
17 Redondo Arguelles, Graciela    ESP 2067  -12 =34 +22 -25 +35 -16 -13 +38 +24 =18 =14 +19  .   6.5  2129
18 Kucypera, Anna                 POL 2218  =26 +24 - 3 =19 -20 -21 +11 +23 =27 =17 -13 +33  .   6.0  2093
19 Makka, Ioulia                  GRE 2099  = 5 +16 - 2 =18 - 3 =23 +34 =27 +32 +14 - 1 -17  .   6.0  2169
20 Shabanaj,Eglantina             ALB ----  -28 =29 =16 +31 +18 -14 -27 +36 +13 +12 - 8 - 4  .   6.0  2168
21 Virnik, Elena                  GER 2154  +37 -12 =10 =29 =16 +18 =26 =28 =14 = 8 - 4 =22  .   6.0  2144
22 Horn, Emilia                   SWE 2003  -13 =31 -17 =24 +11 =36 =23 -29 +38 =25 +28 =21  .   6.0  2092
23 Hari, Veronica                 SLO ----  -15 +36 -25 =33 =10 =19 =22 -18 -11 +38 +37 +34  .   6.0  2089
24 Cavusoglu,Vildiz               TUR ----  =25 -18 -29 =22 +37 -10 =33 +35 -17 =34 +38 +32  .   6.0  2076
25 Hitzgerova, Gabriela           CZE 2208  =24 -32 +23 +17 - 9 -26 -31 +34 =30 =22 +33 -16  .   5.5  2035
26 Mladenovic, Jelena             YUG 2023  =18 - 2 +31 -16 +34 +25 =21 +32 - 9 -10 =27 -15  .   5.5  2128
27 Buckley, Melanie               ENG 2075  = 2 - 5 =34 +37 -28 =13 +20 =19 =18 =33 =26 -14  .   5.5  2091
28 Dacalor, Aurelie               FRA 2131  +20 - 4 + 9 -14 +27 - 3 +29 =21 - 7 -32 -22 +37  .   5.5  2128
29 Palotai, Piroska               HUN 2072  - 4 =20 +24 =21 +13 - 6 -28 +22 -16 -11 =31 +38  .   5.5  2083
30 Stevandic, Drinka              BIH ----  +38 =14 +32 = 6 - 7 - 9 -10 =33 =25 -13 +36 =35  .   5.5  2126
31 Gurbanova Kemala               AZE 2078  - 9 =22 -26 -20 +38 +37 +25 -16 -33 =35 =29 +36  .   5.5  2036
32 Jurkiewicz, Katarzyna          POL 2225  =16 +25 -30 +10 -12 +33 =15 -26 -19 +28 -11 -24  .   5.0  2042
33 Henriques, Sofia               POR 2018  -14 +11 - 8 =23 +36 -32 =24 =30 +31 =27 -25 -18  .   5.0  2078
34 Hasurdzic, Mirna               BIH ----  - 7 =17 =27 =36 -26 +38 -19 -25 +37 =24 =35 -23  .   4.5  1975
35 Feuvrier, Stephanie            FRA ----  - 1 -10 +38 - 9 -17 -11 +37 -24 +36 =31 =34 =30  .   4.5  1994
36 Rezek, Anet                    CRO 2105  - 6 -23 +11 =34 -33 =22 +38 -20 -35 =37 -30 -31  .   3.5  1890
37 Matosevic, Mijana              BIH ----  -21 +38 -15 -27 -24 -31 -35 -11 -34 =36 -23 -28  .   1.5  1749
38 BYE                                ----  -30 -37 -35 -11 -31 -34 -36 -17 -22 -23 -24 -29  .   0.0      

8) Grecotel Chess Match

Argiris Kotsis reports: A team event involving Greece, Bulgaria and Germany in Corfu. It runs October 11th-18th 1999. There are two matches. A Germany vs Greece Men's match and a Bulgaria vs Greece women's match. The Bulgaria-Greece women's match finished in an 8-8 tie after the two teams of four played each other once. The men's match has one round to go (today) but Germany will win as they lead 16-9. The event takes place in the Hotel Imperial Corfu and organised by the Corfu Chess Club.

Coverage at:

Round 1 (October 12, 1999)

Naumann, Alexander        -  Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios  1-0   24  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Jussupow, Artur           -  Grivas, Efstratios        1-0   38  E60  Kings indian
Gabriel, Christian        -  Banikas, Hristos          1-0   36  E71  Kings indian
Huebner, Robert           -  Nikolaidis, Ioannis       1-0   25  A42  Queen's pawn
Lutz, Christopher         -  Miladinovic, Igor         1/2   31  B49  Sicilian

Round 2 (October 13, 1999)

Nikolaidis, Ioannis       -  Gabriel, Christian        1/2   10  D14  Slav defence
Grivas, Efstratios        -  Naumann, Alexander        1-0   96  A16  English; 1.c4
Miladinovic, Igor         -  Huebner, Robert           1/2   22  E20  Nimzo indian
Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios  -  Lutz, Christopher         0-1   35  B80  Sicilian
Banikas, Hristos          -  Jussupow, Artur           1-0   53  D58  QGD;

Round 3 (October 14, 1999)

Lutz, Christopher         -  Grivas, Efstratios        1/2   41  E97  Kings indian; Main line
Jussupow, Artur           -  Nikolaidis, Ioannis       1-0   51  A40  Queen's pawn
Gabriel, Christian        -  Miladinovic, Igor         0-1   41  E61  Kings indian
Huebner, Robert           -  Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios  1-0   41  D19  Slav defence
Naumann, Alexander        -  Banikas, Hristos          1/2   23  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)

Round 4 (October 15, 1999)

Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios  -  Gabriel, Christian        1-0   62  C44  Scottish
Banikas, Hristos          -  Lutz, Christopher         0-1   35  D58  QGD;
Miladinovic, Igor         -  Jussupow, Artur           0-1   50  D36  Queen's gambit
Nikolaidis, Ioannis       -  Naumann, Alexander        1/2   51  D91  Gruenfeld indian
Grivas, Efstratios        -  Huebner, Robert           1/2   65  A13  English; 1.c4

Round 5 (October 16, 1999)

Naumann, Alexander        -  Miladinovic, Igor         1/2   23  B30  Sicilian
Nikolaidis, Ioannis       -  Lutz, Christopher         1/2   16  D53  QGD;
Gabriel, Christian        -  Grivas, Efstratios        1-0   32  E92  Kings indian; Classical
Banikas, Hristos          -  Huebner, Robert           1/2   50  E15  Nimzo indian
Jussupow, Artur           -  Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios  1-0   68  D46  Semi-Slav

Germany-Greece Match Corfu GRE (GRE), 12-17 x 1999
                                          1   2   3   4   5   
 1 Jussupow, Artur           g GER 2636  + 8 - 7 + 9 + 4 +10   4.0  2727
 2 Lutz, Christopher         g GER 2591  = 4 +10 = 8 + 7 = 9   3.5  2636
 3 Huebner, Robert           g GER 2599  + 9 = 4 +10 = 8 = 7   3.5  2636
 4 Miladinovic, Igor         g GRE 2526  = 2 = 3 + 5 - 1 = 6   2.5  2576
 5 Gabriel, Christian        g GER 2578  + 7 = 9 - 4 -10 + 8   2.5  2487
 6 Naumann, Alexander          GER 2478  +10 - 8 = 7 = 9 = 4   2.5  2487
 7 Banikas, Hristos          m GRE 2507  - 5 + 1 = 6 - 2 = 3   2.0  2504
 8 Grivas, Efstratios        g GRE 2514  - 1 + 6 = 2 = 3 - 5   2.0  2504
 9 Nikolaidis, Ioannis       g GRE 2505  - 3 = 5 - 1 = 6 = 2   1.5  2427
10 Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios    GRE 2384  - 6 - 2 - 3 + 5 - 1   1.0  2336


Round 1 (October 12, 1999)

Genova, Ruzka                    -  Papadopoulou, Triantafilia       1-0   30  E97  Kings indian; Main line
Fakhiridou, Ekaterini            -  Djingarova, Emilia               1-0   40  B25  Sicilian; Closed
Velcheva, Maria                  -  Botsari-Miladinovic, Anna-Maria  1/2   38  B49  Sicilian
Makropoulou, Marina              -  Voiska, Margarita                1/2   60  B01  Scandinavian

Round 2 (October 13, 1999)

Botsari-Miladinovic, Anna-Maria  -  Genova, Ruzka                    1-0   70  A45  Queen's pawn
Papadopoulou, Triantafilia       -  Velcheva, Maria                  0-1   47  D02  Queen's pawn
Voiska, Margarita                -  Fakhiridou, Ekaterini            1/2   33  E09  Nimzo indian
Djingarova, Emilia               -  Makropoulou, Marina              1/2   68  C78  Ruy Lopez

Round 3 (October 14, 1999)

Botsari-Miladinovic, Anna-Maria  -  Djingarova, Emilia               1/2   40  E81  Kings indian; Saemisch
Velcheva, Maria                  -  Fakhiridou, Ekaterini            1-0   36  B32  Sicilian
Papadopoulou, Triantafilia       -  Voiska, Margarita                1/2   19  A40  Queen's pawn
Genova, Ruzka                    -  Makropoulou, Marina              1/2   60  D46  Semi-Slav

Round 4 (October 15, 1999)

Makropoulou, Marina              -  Velcheva, Maria                  1-0   17  B85  Sicilian
Voiska, Margarita                -  Botsari-Miladinovic, Anna-Maria  1/2   13  A20  English; 1.c4 e5
Djingarova, Emilia               -  Papadopoulou, Triantafilia       1/2   12  B70  Sicilian; Dragon
Fakhiridou, Ekaterini            -  Genova, Ruzka                    1/2   24  B20  Sicilian

Bulgaria-Greece Match (women) Corfu GRE (GRE), 12-17 x 1999
                                                1  2  3  4 
1 Makropoulou, Marina             wg GRE 2276  =4 =7 =6 +3   2.5  2360
2 Botsari-Miladinovic, Anna-Maria wg GRE 2309  =3 +6 =7 =4   2.5  2360
3 Velcheva, Maria                 wm BUL 2305  =2 +8 +5 -1   2.5  2354
4 Voiska, Margarita               wg BUL 2369  =1 =5 =8 =2   2.0  2259
5 Fakhiridou, Ekaterini           wm GRE 2262  +7 =4 -3 =6   2.0  2265
6 Genova, Ruzka                   wm BUL 2240  +8 -2 =1 =5   2.0  2259
7 Djingarova, Emilia                 BUL 2146  -5 =1 =2 =8   1.5  2172
8 Papadopoulou, Triantafilia         GRE 2191  -6 -3 =4 =7   1.0  2072

9) The 1st Seeburg open

Sinisa Joksic reports: There was a surprise winner of the 1st Seeburg Open when Enrique Almada took first place on tie-break.

Enrique Almada is a 36 year old FIDE master from Uruguay, who has lived for many years in Lucern was the unexpected winner of the 1st Seeburg open tournament. Almada (who started as number 8 seed) won what turned out to be the decisive game, against Ian Rogers in the 4th round. Rogers, the GM from Sidney (Australia), was number 1 seed. Almada took first prize on "Buholz" tie-break. He had the same number of points, 5.5, as four other players: Rogers, Djuric, Zueger and Sedina but the best "Buholz". Interestingly all five players had the same number of points going into the last round (all drawing their games) but their "Buholz" tie-breaks changed. Before the last round the standings by "Buholz" were: Djuric, Almada, Zueger, Rogers and Sedina. After the 7th round there arose new standings: Almada, Rogers, Djuric, Zueger and Sedina. The first ten players won money prize.

Special prizes won: best Lady Elena Sedina (UKR), best junior Veronika Klimenko (AUT), best schoolboy Zhao Zong-Yuan (AUS), best senior Hans Speck (SUI), best Swiss and best Lucerner Enrique Almada (SUI). The Hotel Seeburg was the venue for the event which took place October 8th-12th. It was the part of "SWISS CHESS TOUR 1999".

The next "SWISS CHESS TOUR 1999" event will be in Mendrisio, October 30th-November 2nd. Other events are the "Ambassador open", Bern, December 26th-30th; the 2nd "Hilton open", Basel, January 1st-5th. Further information at:

Leading final standings of the 1st Seeburg open: 
 1. Almada Enrique    FM 2323 Luzern         SUI 4 3 0 5½ 29½ 160½ 
 2. Rogers Ian        GM 2574 Sidney         AUS 5 1 1 5½ 29  158½
 3. Djuric Stefan     GM 2504                YUG 4 3 0 5½ 28½ 163½
 4. Zueger Beat       IM 2434 Siebnen        SUI 4 3 0 5½ 27  161
 5. Sedina Yelena     GM 2398 W Carmagnola   UKR 4 3 0 5½ 26½ 156
 6. Froehlich Peter      2315 Augsburg       GER 4 2 1 5  28½ 162½
 7. Farago Ivan       GM 2512 Budapest       HUN 4 2 1 5  28½ 158½
 8. Kraehenbuehl Gary    2258 Wilen          SUI 4 2 1 5  27½ 156
 9. Habibi Ali        IM 2343 Linden         GER 4 2 1 5  24  155½ 
10. Klimenko Veronika FM 2110 W              AUT 4 2 1 5  24  151
11. Loetscher Pirmin     2085 J Werthenstein SUI 4 2 1 5  23½ 148 
12. Sofrigin Alexei   FM 2308 Moskau         RUS 5 0 2 5  23  146½ 
13. Koestinger Daniel    2259 Cham           SUI 4 1 2 4½ 27  146½ 
14. Gheorghiu Florin  GM 2450 Bukarest       ROM 3 3 1 4½ 26  156 
15. Pernutz Hans-Gerhard 2204 Brühl          GER 4 1 2 4½ 24  157 
16. Zhao Zong Yuan       2300 S              AUS 4 1 2 4½ 24  149½ 
17. Koganov Michael      2119 Zürich         SUI 3 3 1 4½ 23½ 143½ 
18. Leutwyler Martin     2157 Winterthur     SUI 4 1 2 4½ 22  148½ 
19. Muehlebach Fritz     2224 Luzern         SUI 3 2 2 4  28½ 157 
20. Roelli Raphael       2089 J Emmenbrücke  SUI 4 0 3 4  26  149 
21. Georges Sacha     FM 2245 Zürich         SUI 3 2 2 4  26  142 
22. Weeks Manuel      FM 2245                AUT 3 2 2 4  25½ 150 
23. Joller Hans          1924 Lauerz         SUI 4 0 3 4  24½ 145 
24. Gojani Gjon          1950 Emmenbrücke    SUI 4 0 3 4  23½ 136 
25. Spanton Tim          2147 London         GBR 3 2 2 4  23  143 
26. Osmani Xhevdet            Zürich         SUI 4 0 3 4  20  141½ 
27. Gojani Kolo               Ebikon         SUI 3 2 2 4  20  137 
28. Hubschmid Stefan     2154 Spiegel b Bern SUI 2 4 1 4  19½ 140½ 
72 players

10) Tatry Open

Jan Vavrak reports: The Tatry Open took place in Tatranská Lomnica in the Slovak Republic, 2nd-9th October 1999. There was an eight way tie for first between Ladislav Salai, Mikulas Manik, Pavel Karnik, Vladimir Sergeev, Vitezslav Priehoda, Serguei Vesselovsky, Andrei Kovalev and Sergey Koutsin all scoring 7/9. Details at:

Leading final Standings:
  1-8   Salai, Ladislav (6)                    2409  7      54.5    5   40.0
        Manik, Mikulas (3)                     2447  7      54.5    5   38.0
        Karnik, Pavel (28)               CZE   2275  7      53.5    5   40.0
        Sergeev, Vladimir (1)            UKR   2461  7      53.0    5   36.5
        Priehoda, Vitezslav (12)               2369  7      52.0    5   36.5
        Vesselovsky, Serguei (4)         CZE   2420  7      51.0    5   36.5
        Kovalev, Andrei (8)              BLR   2400  7      50.0    7   37.0
        Koutsin, Sergey (5)              UKR   2415  7      48.5    5   34.5
 9-13   Balogh, Tomas (2)                      2447  6.5    55.5    4   36.0
        Likavsky, Tomas (13)                   2366  6.5    50.0    6   34.5
        Langner, Ladislav (14)           CZE   2355  6.5    48.0    4   31.0
        Dobrovolsky, Ladislav (9)        CZE   2396  6.5    47.0    5   31.5
        Hagara, Eduard (17)                    2329  6.5    46.5    5   33.0
 14-29  Bombek, Peter (30)                     2270  6      50.5    4   34.0
        Walek, Milan (15)                CZE   2343  6      50.0    5   33.5
        Ramik, Zdenek (20)               CZE   2304  6      49.0    5   33.0
        Belunek, Vladimir (37)           CZE   2233  6      49.0    3   32.5
        Vojtek, Vladimir (10)                  2386  6      47.5    5   33.0
        Petran, Peter (7)                      2407  6      47.0    4   30.5
        Taborsky, Rostislav (43)         CZE   2207  6      46.5    5   29.5
        Sikora-Lerch, Jan (11)           CZE   2382  6      46.0    4   31.5
        Karlik, Vladimir (18)            CZE   2324  6      45.5    3   31.5
        Mlynek, Petr (46)                CZE   2199  6      45.0    4   29.5
        Volodin, Viktor (22)             RUS   2296  6      44.5    4   31.0
        Hlinka, Michal (42)                    2207  6      44.5    4   28.0
        Navratil, Frantisek (65)         CZE   2160  6      44.0    5   27.5
        Jasny, Stanislav (26)            CZE   2283  6      44.0    4   28.0
        Kantorik, Marian (21)                  2301  6      42.5    5   27.5
        Chrenko, Peter (96)                    2042  6      42.5    5   26.5
191 players

11) 3rd Itaú Mercosul Cup

Marius van Riemsdijk reports: The São Paulo Chess Club (Clube de Xadrez São Paulo) is running the third edition of the Itaú Mercosul Cup October 16th-22nd 1999, with about US$12,500.00 in prizes. The Itaú Bank is one of the biggest financial corporations in Brazil and has supported chess for over 10 years. The Cup is a nine round swiss system event with 185 players from 7 countries, including 4 GMs, several masters, and 58 Fide rated players. After the fourth round, five players leads with perfect score: GMs G. Milos and G. Vescovi, with E. Limp, W. Rocha and L. Loureiro (all of them Brazilian).

The official page is: Information will also be available at HiperChess:

Standings after round 4 of Copa Itau Mercosul 1999

  1.    1  Milos Jr, Gilberto          4.0
        3  Vescovi, Giovanni Portilho  4.0
        5  Limp, Eduardo Thelio        4.0
       11  Loureiro, Luiz de V. R.     4.0
       12  Rocha, Wellington Carlos    4.0
  6.    2  Leitao, Rafael Duailibe     3.5
        9  Dumont, Sadi Glasser        3.5
       10  Toth, Christian Endre Rego  3.5
       16  Segal, Alexandru Sorin      3.5
       18  Haro, Paulo Cezar de Souza  3.5
       25  Elissalt Cardenas, Hector   3.5
 12.    6  Matsuura, Everaldo          3.0
        7  Braga, Cicero Nogueira      3.0
        8  Pelikian, Jefferson         3.0
       13  Souza, Mauro Guimaraes de   3.0
       14  Camara, Helder              3.0
       15  Disconzi da Silva, Rodrigo  3.0
       17  Tsuboi, Edson Kenji         3.0
       20  Man Yee, Chow               3.0
       21  Nogueira, Ivan Kuhlmann     3.0
       23  Sega, Carlos Alberto        3.0
       27  Caldeira, Adriano           3.0
       29  D'Israel, Davy Maurice      3.0
       33  Carvalho, Herbert           3.0
       34  Crosa, Martin               3.0
       35  Hadad, Damaris              3.0
       36  Valle de Sousa, Adriano     3.0
       37  Maia, Luciano Malta         3.0
       38  Malbran, Emilio             3.0
       39  Santos, Marcus Vinicius M.  3.0
       42  Dianda, Joao Carlos         3.0
       44  Molina, Jorge Luis          3.0
       46  Wafte, Rodrigo Hudson       3.0
       48  Leal, Joao Vitor Nunes      3.0
       49  Lima, Diniz Neves de        3.0
       54  Blank, Goncalves, Eduardo   3.0
       55  Achutti, Andre              3.0
       61  Paula, Guilherme Bueno de   3.0
       63  Fontana, Rodrigo Dal Bosco  3.0
       71  Freitas, Romeo Salvador     3.0
      101  Schleder, Adriana           3.0
186 players

12) First Saturday, 2nd Kluger Memorial

Laszlo Nagy reports: The 2nd KLUGER memorial (part of the First Saturday series of tournaments took place in Budapest, 2nd-13th October 1999. The events took place in the tournament halls of the HOTEL ZUGLO. The main event was the 2nd Kluger Memorial Chess Tournament, a category VII event with 12 participants, with an ELO average of 2401. The winner was a 13 years old (born 10.12.1985) Chinese boy called Bu Xiangzhi. He made his 2nd GM-norm in the event with 8.5 points out of 11 games. He has scored a GM-norm in Paks (Hungary) in a cat. X event with 6 out of 9 games. With these performances he is on the way to be the youngest GM of the world, he needs just one more norm. In November he will play in a GM-event in Qingdao (China). Laszlo Eperjesi won the IM event.

Gyula Kluger (1914-94) was a Hungarian IM who played many times as a member of the Hungarian Olympiad Team. This GM tournament is sponsored by his son, Gyula Kluger jr. of SKYEX INC., USA

14 year old Bu Xiangzhi is on his way to becoming the youngest GM in the World.

More info: Laszlo Nagy, Phone-fax: (361)-263-2859

FSGM October Budapest HUN (HUN), 2-12 x 1999           cat. VII (2401)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Bu Xiangzhi             CHN 2465 * 1 = 1 = 1 = = 1 1 1 =  8.5  2605
 2 Soffer, Ram           g ISR 2508 0 * = 1 1 = = 1 1 1 = 1  8.0  2566
 3 Vaulin, Alexander     g RUS 2492 = = * 1 = = = = 1 = = =  6.5  2457
 4 Blatny, Pavel         g CZE 2476 0 0 0 * = 1 1 1 0 1 1 =  6.0  2429
 5 Vovsha, Eli             ISR 2289 = 0 = = * = 0 = = = 1 1  5.5  2410
 6 Narciso Dublan, Marc  m ESP 2447 0 = = 0 = * 1 = = = = 1  5.5  2396
 7 Czebe, Attila         m HUN 2414 = = = 0 1 0 * = = = = =  5.0  2363
 8 Forintos, Gyozo V     g HUN 2343 = 0 = 0 = = = * = = = =  4.5  2341
 9 Senff, Martin           GER 2346 0 0 0 1 = = = = * = = =  4.5  2340
10 Fogarasi, Tibor       m HUN 2420 0 0 = 0 = = = = = * = 1  4.5  2334
11 Lengyel, Levente      g HUN 2312 0 = = 0 0 = = = = = * =  4.0  2306
12 Rajlich, Vasik G        USA 2297 = 0 = = 0 0 = = = 0 = *  3.5  2277

FSIM October Budapest HUN (HUN), 2-12 x 1999         cat. II (2283)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Eperjesi, Laszlo   m HUN 2381 * 1 0 1 = 1 1 1 1 = 1 1  9.0  2535
 2 Jakab, Attila        HUN 2328 0 * = = 1 1 0 1 1 = = 1  7.0  2380
 3 Trabert, Bettina  wm GER 2301 1 = * 0 = 0 = = = 1 = 1  6.0  2317
 4 Gara, Anita       wm HUN 2260 0 = 1 * 0 = 1 1 1 0 1 0  6.0  2320
 5 Zimmerman, Yuri    m RUS 2440 = 0 = 1 * = = 0 = = 1 1  6.0  2304
 6 Gara, Ticia          HUN 2233 0 0 1 = = * = = = = 1 1  6.0  2323
 7 Naes, Flovin Tor     FAI 2222 0 1 = 0 = = * 0 = 1 = 1  5.5  2288
 8 Szeberenyi, Adam     HUN 2357 0 0 = 0 1 = 1 * 0 1 = =  5.0  2240
 9 Friedrichs, Klaus    GER 2148 0 0 = 0 = = = 1 * = = 1  5.0  2259
10 Vadasz, Laszlo     g HUN 2275 = = 0 1 = = 0 0 = * 0 =  4.0  2181
11 Resika, Nathan A     USA 2251 0 = = 0 0 0 = = = 1 * 0  3.5  2152
12 Muehlbach, Peter     GER 2198 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 = 0 = 1 *  3.0  2115

13) Hotel Zuglo Open

Laszlo Nagy reports: There was disappointment in the entry for the Hotel Zuglo Open as there were only 12 players. I was very sad to start this type of tournament. We have 9 FIDE rated players, 3 nonrated. We had only 4 Hungarian players amongst the participants. I have to think about it, especially as to why there were so few Hungarians - maybe for them there are so many chess tournaments, that they took a rest now..

Round 2 standings:

Hotel Zuglo Open Budapest HUN (HUN), 16-23 x 1999
                                      1   2  
 1 Husari, Sate            SYR 2307  + 7 = 2   1.5  2359
 2 Naes, Flovin Tor        FAI 2222  + 9 = 1   1.5  2346
 3 Yu Mingyuan             CHN 2319  + 8 = 4   1.5  2386
 4 Resika, Nathan A        USA 2251  +12 = 3   1.5  2352
 5 Schreiber, Bela         HUN 2195  +11 = 6   1.5  2344
 6 Wiley, Tom E            ENG 2302  =10 = 5   1.0  2123
 7 Bordas, Gyula           HUN 2111  - 1 +10   1.0  2179
 8 Constantino, Rosario    GER 2135  - 3 +11   1.0  2159
 9 Tian Tian               CHN ----  - 2 +12   1.0  2111
10 Kovacs, Robert          HUN 2051  = 6 - 7   0.5  2013
11 Tong Li Da              CHN ----  - 5 - 8   0.0      
12 Koczo,Kristof           HUN ----  - 4 - 9   0.0      

14) Asian Teams

16 Teams contested the Asian Team Chess Championships 1999 in Shenyang, China, between 4th-9th Oct 1999. Uzbekistan took the title by half a board point from Kazakstan, India and the Philippines in an extremely close contest. I'm trying to get games from the two events (Asian Teams and World Cities) that took place in Shenyang.

The Asian Team Chess Championships coverage at:

Asian Team Chess Championships 1999 
Final Standings (9 rounds):

1 UZBEKISTAN    23  
2 KAZAKSTAN     22.5 186.5 
3 INDIA         22.5 186 
4 PHILIPPINES   22.5 182.5 
5 CHINA   A     22   186 
6 CHINA   B     22   154 
7 CHINA   C     21.5  
8 INDONESIA     20.5 175 
9 IRAN          20.5 162.5 
10 VIETNAM      19  
11 SINGAPORE    17.5 144 
12 MONGOLIA     17.5 144 
13 TAJIKISTAN   16  
14 MALAYSIA     12.5  
15 NEWZEALAND    6  
16 MACAU         2.5  

15) John Watson wins BCF Book of the Year

John Watson wins BCF Book of the Year Ray Edwards, Chairman of the BCF panel, writes: Despite the excellence of the three other volumes on the short list this year, Mike Fox, John Toothill and I were unanimous in our choice of the book of the year. It is Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy - Advances since Nimzowitsch by John Watson, published by Gambit at £19.99. The sub-title really describes the book. Watson starts by looking critically at what the great Russian/Danish writer expounded in his classic volume My System in the 1930's and then goes on to explore how chess theory and practice has evolved in the 60 years since then - a great subject requiring immense knowledge if it is to be treated satisfactorily. Watson's erudition is however vast and he covers a large number of important issues, arriving at the conclusion that today's chess is complex, dynamic and still rapidly evolving. It contains much superb chess which can simply be enjoyed by players of all classes. A very worthy BCF Book of the Year.

16) 4NCL

The British 4 Nations Chess League 1999-2000 got underway in Birmingham's Moat House Hotel over the weekend of October 9th-10th 1999. After two rounds of Division 1 only Wood Green 1 and Slough 1 have a played 2 won 2 record.

Birmingham Moat House

Division 1

Day 1

1 w Graham Lee	        2328	0-1	John Emms		2586
2 b Richard Pert	2308	0-1	Alexander Baburin	2593
3 w James Poulton	2372	½-½	Chris Ward		2473
4 b Andrew Law		2304	0-1	Jonathan Levitt		2433
5 w Alexander Yastrebov	2178	0-1	Malcolm Pein		2436
6 b Desmond Tan		2182	0-1	Paul Littlewood		2411
7 w John Henderson	2174	½-½	Peter Sowray		2358
8 b Zhanna Lazhevskaya 	2051	½-½	Sheila Jackson (F)	2186
1 w James Plaskett	2513	½-½	Jonathan Parker		2523
2 b Daniel King		2501	½-½	Andrew Webster		2427
3 w Jonathan Rowson	2490	1-0	Brian Kelly		2417
4 b Andrew Kinsman	2399	1-0	Keith Arkell		2462
5 w Nigel Povah		2360	½-½	Mark Ferguson		2371
6 b Richard Webb	2351	0-1	Chris Baker		2357
7 w Ian Thompson	2261	0-1	Harriet Hunt (F)	2420
8 b Maria Yurenok (F)	1912	0-1	Paul Georghiou		2243
1 w Simon Ansell	2373	1-0	Gary Quillan		2349
2 b Chris Beaumont	2295	0-1	John Littlewood		2303
3 w Charles Cobb	2274	0-1	Brett Lund		2291
4 b Simon Buckley	2216	1-0	Charles Kennaugh	2290
5 w David Ledger	2240	1-0	David Tebb		2272
6 b Robert McFarland	2267	1-0	Ben Hague		2240
7 w Nicholas Jakubovics	2238	0-1	Dale James		2239
8 b Sophie Tidman (F)	2073	1-0	Default	

		I.K.H.H. 1			RICHMOND	
1 w Michael Hennigan	2456	½-½	Simon Williams		2421
2 b Neil McDonald	2429	½-½	Richard Bates		2376
3 w Barry Martin (Res)	2006	0-1	Gavin Wall		2353
4 b Richard Black	2254	0-1	Mark Quinn		2377
5 w Demis Hassabis	2235	½-½	Tom Hinks-Edwards	2291
6 b Bob Wade		2204	½-½	Laurence Webb		2213
7 w Andrew Cooper	2151	1-0	Roy Phillips		2257
8 b Heather Richards (F)2117	1-0	Arpi Shah (F)		2079
1 w Mark Hebden		2510	1-0	Nigel Davies		2518
2 b Tony Miles		2588	1-0	Angus Dunnington	2366
3 w Colin McNab		2445	1-0	Alan Potts		2288
4 b Tony Kosten		2515	½-½	Peter Gayson		2255
5 w Aaron Summerscale	2423	1-0	Steve Barrett		2234
6 b Graeme Buckley *	2320	0-1	Paul Townsend		2224
7 w Susan Lalic (F)	2318	½-½	Jim Burnett		2215
8 b Andrew P Smith	2275	1-0	Cathy Forbes (F)	2094
		A.D.s			BARBICAN 1	
1 w Jonathan Mestel	2479	½-½	Nicholas Pert		2425
2 b John Richardson	2315	½-½	Colin Crouch		2423
3 w David Friedgood	2244	0-1	Adam Collinson		2405
4 b Mark Lyell		2238	½-½	Carsten Hansen		2313
5 w Bernard Cafferty	2197	0-1	Simon Knott		2348
6 b Jana Bellin (F)	2163	0-1	Stephen Dishman		2364
7 w David Anderton	2228	½-½	Petri Lehtivaara	2336
8 b Raymond Edwards	2064	0-1	Ingrid Lauterbach (F)	2194

Day 2

		WOOD GREEN 1			The AD's	
1  w John Emms		2586 	0-1	Jonathan Mestel		2479 
2  b Alexander Baburin	2593 	1-0	John Richardson		2315 
3  w Chris Ward		2473 	1-0	David Friedgood		2244 
4  b Jonathan Levitt	2433 	1-0	Mark Lyell		2238 
5  w Malcolm Pein	2436 	½-½	Bernard Cafferty	2197 
6  b Paul Littlewood	2411 	½-½	Jana Bellin (F)		2163 
7  w Graham Lee		2328 	½-½	David Anderton		2228 
8  b Sheila Jackson (F)	2186 	½-½	Raymond Edwards		2064 
1  w Jonathan Parker	2523 	1-0	Mark Hebden		2510 
2  b Andrew Webster	2427 	½-½	Tony Miles		2588 
3  w Keith Arkell	2462 	½-½	Colin McNab		2445 
4  b  Lawrence Cooper	2350 	0-1	Tony Kosten		2515 
5  w Harriet Hunt (F)	2420 	0-1	Aaron Summerscale	2423 
6  b Brian Kelly	2417 	½-½	Graeme Buckley *	2320 
7  w Chris Baker	2359 	½-½	Susan Lalic (F)		2318 
8  b Mark Ferguson	2371 	0-1	Andrew P Smith		2275 
		N. W. EAGLES			I.K.H.H. 1	
1  w John Littlewood	2295 	½-½	Michael Hennigan	2456 
2  b Gary Quillan	2349 	0-1	Neil McDonald		2429 
3  w Brett Lund		2291 	1-0	Demis Hassabis		2235 
4  b Charles Kennaugh	2290 	0-1	Richard Black		2254 
5  w David Tebb		2272 	1-0	Bob Wade		2204 
6  b Ben Hague		2240 	1-0	Heather Richards (F)	2117 
7  w Dale James		2239 	0-1	Andrew Cooper		2151 
8  b S Chevannes (F)	1488 	0-1	Chris Howell		2160 

1  w Simon Williams	2421 	½-½	Simon Ansell		2373 	 
2  b Richard Bates	2376 	½-½	Chris Beaumont		2295 	 
3  w Gavin Wall		2353 	1-0	David Ledger		2240 	 
4  b Mark Quinn		2377 	1-0	Simon Buckley		2216 	 
5  w Tom Hinks-Edwards	2291 	1-0	Charles Cobb		2274 	 
6  b Laurence Webb	2213 	½-½	Robert McFarland	2267 	 
7  w Roy Phillips	2257 	½-½	Nicholas Jakubovics	2238 	 
8  b Arpi Shah (F)	2079 	1-0	Sophie Tidman (F)	2073 	 
1  w Nigel Davies	2518 	0-1	Jonathan Rowson		2490 	 
2  b Angus Dunnington	2366 	½-½	James Plaskett		2513 	 
3  w Alan Potts		2288 	0-1	Daniel King		2501 	 
4  b Peter Gayson	2255 	1-0	Andrew Kinsman		2399 	 
5  w Steve Barrett	2234 	½-½	Nigel Povah		2360 	 
6  b Paul Townsend	2224 	0-1	Richard Webb		2351 	 
7  w Jim Burnett	2215 	0-1	Ian Thompson		2261 	 
8  b Cathy Forbes (F)	2094 	1-0	Maria Yurenok (F)	1912 	 
1  w Simon Knott	2348 	½-½	James Poulton		2372 	
2  b Colin Crouch	2423 	½-½	Peter Sowray		2358 	
3  w Nicholas Pert	2425 	½-½	Andrew Law		2304 	
4  b Adam Collinson	2405 	½-½	Richard Pert		2308 	
5  w Petri Lehtivaara	2336 	½-½	John Henderson		2174 	
6  b Carsten Hansen	2313 	0-1	Desmond Tan		2182 	
7  w Stephen Dishman	2364 	1-0	Alexander Yastrebov	2178 	
8  b Ingrid Lauterbach 	2194 	½-½	Z Lazhevskaya (F)	2051 	

Division 1           P  W  D   L  MP GP
Wood Green 1         2  2  0   0   4 11.5
Slough 1             2  2  0   0   4 11.0
Barbican 1           2  1  1   0   3 10.0
Richmond             2  1  1   0   3 10.0
I.K.H.H. 1           2  1  1   0   3  8.5
Guildford-ADC        2  1  0   1   2  8.5
Bigwood 1            2  1  0   1   2  7.5
Bristol 1            2  1  0   1   2  7.0
Wood Green 2         2  0  1   1   1  5.5
NWEagles             2  0  0   2   0  6.5
Silvine White Rose   2  0  0   2   0  5.0
The AD's             2  0  0   2   0  5.0

17) Kasparov vs the World virtually over

The Garry Kasparov vs. the World chess tournament on the Zone part of the Microsoft Network. The event allowed ordinary players to consult in choosing which move is played against Kasparov. Players could vote for one of the suggested moves or for their own recommended move. The move with the most votes were chosen as the world team's move. There was a team of coaches Etienne Bacrot, 16, Florin Felecan, 19, Irina Krush, 15, and Elisabeth Pähtz, 14 who have aided the choice of moves and GM Danny King acted as moderator during the match.

The experiment of this mass participation match has been a success producing a game of real complexity and interest. Kasparov and his team of helpers has put a lot of effort into the game and this has been matched by the coaches or at least one, Irina Krush. Krush has produced analysis of much greater depth than any of the other coaches and She was aided by several grandmasters, the St Petersburg Grandmaster Chess School, and most of all by the World Team Strategy Bulletin Board which is part of the official site. Krush became the unofficial team leader, and of the first 57 moves, her recommendation was played 53 times by "The World" (the exceptions were moves 3, 6, 51 and 52). Early in the game thanks to a fine novelty The World threatened to gain an advantage, but in recent weeks it has been clear that only Kasparov could win and The World was fighting for a draw.

With so much effort being put in, its not really surprising that there is some bitterness and recrimination when the suggestions of the majority of the regular participants seem not to have been followed and as a result the game is now (according to everyone involved) a win for Kasparov. There will always be those who want to sabotage such events and this is what is claimed happened on moves 51, 53 and to a lesser extent on move 58. It seems that Jose Unodos a BBS member claimed ( that he rigged the vote for move 51... b7-b5 (the recommendation of Elisabeth Paehtz) instead of Kb1-a1 that Krush and most others thought the best move. A claim tested by Martin Sims, who created multiple Zone IDs to vote about 250 times on move 53 for a move that no-one else would play - 53... Qd1-e2, giving the Black Queen away for nothing with check, which would never be played by a sane player. This move made it into the top five votes. Tempers were getting frayed at this time against the MSN's claims that vote rigging wasn't possible. When a definitely fatal mistake was made on move 58 of 58. ...Qe4 instead of 58. ...Qf5 (although it should be pointed out that it is reported that Kasparov has privately demonstrated a win against this try too) after Krush's suggestion was not posted due to an unavoidable delay on her part (although it should have been posted just a little later but wasn't) anger boiled over on the BBS (incidently two of the coaches suggested the losing 58. Qe4 showing the level of committment from them was not very high). As a protest many of the the BBS members agreed to post the absolutely losing and stupid 59... Qe1. As one said "In protest, many on the BBS voted ...Qe1, as a way of indicating that the game had gone very wrong. We do not want this former "greatest game in the history of chess" to go down in the books as another simple 1-0 for Kasparov. After move 51, maybe earlier, Kasparov was no longer playing the same opponent as before. " Microsoft deleted all the votes for 59.... Qe1 and the game has continued. Effectively I believe the regular players were saying we resign.

I think its a bit sad the game has had to end this way. I do wonder what people like "Jose Unodos" get out of it. I can certainly sympathise with Microsoft in that they have organised a great event and are always the target of such juvenile attacks on their systems. It is a shame that if indeed move 51 was effectively played by the intervention of one player. Nevertheless many players have had an introduction to analysis and the complexity of chess that they would never have had any other way. So whatever the final controversy the event has been quite a success.

Further info:

Further sources: and

Since move


Download Kasparov's interview in London

Garry Kasparov vs The World Prize Quiz

Moves so far Kasparov,G (2812) - The World [B52] 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ Bd7 4.Bxd7+ Qxd7 5.c4 Nc6 6.Nc3 Nf6 7.0-0 g6 8.d4 cxd4 9.Nxd4 Bg7 10.Nde2 Qe6 11.Nd5 Qxe4 12.Nc7+ Kd7 13.Nxa8 Qxc4 14.Nb6+ axb6 15.Nc3 Ra8 16.a4 Ne4 17.Nxe4 Qxe4 18.Qb3 f5 19.Bg5 Qb4 20.Qf7 Be5 21.h3 Rxa4 22.Rxa4 Qxa4 23.Qxh7 Bxb2 24.Qxg6 Qe4 25.Qf7 Bd4 26.Qb3 f4 27.Qf7 Be5 28.h4 b5 29.h5 Qc4 30.Qf5+ Qe6 31.Qxe6+ Kxe6 32.g3 fxg3 33.fxg3 b4 34.Bf4 Bd4+ 35.Kh1 b3 36.g4 Kd5 37.g5 e6 38.h6 Ne7 39.Rd1 e5 40.Be3 Kc4 41. Bxd4 exd4 42. Kg2 b2 43. Kf3 Kc3 44. h7 Ng6 45. Ke4 Kc2 46. Rh1 d3 47.Kf5 b1Q 48.Rxb1 Kxb1 49.Kxg6 d2 50. h8=Q d1=Q 51. Qh7 b5 52. Kf6+ Kb2 53. Qh2+ Ka1 54. Qf4 b4 55. Qxb4 Qf3+ 56. Kg7 d5 57. Qd4+ Kb1 58. g6 Qe4 59. Qg1+ Kb2 60. Qf2+ Kc1 [last update 18/10/99]... continues.

18) Forthcoming Events and Links

TWIC TV November 3rd-4th Live Match

The Bacrot- Polgar match will be transmitted live with video and sound. The match in BASTIA (Corse) with 80 000 F worth of prizes. Official site for the match: and TWIC TV broadcast at:

Tournament of the Future

The "Tournament of the Future" will be held in Koning Willem I College, Hertogenbosch (NED) 18th-27th November 1999. Players: Jeroen Bosch (geb. 1972; IM NED 2433) ; Stefan Bücker (geb. 1959; FM GER 2341) ; John Donaldson (geb. 1958; IM USA 2419) ; Deen Hergott (geb. 1962; IM CAN 2396) ; Friso Nijboer (geb. 1965; IGM NED 2559); Ian Rogers (geb. 1960; IGM AUS 2574) ; Paul Span (geb. 1979; - NED 2226) ; Paul van der Sterren (geb. 1956; IGM NED 2535) ; Raymond Stone (geb. 1953; FM CAN 2340) ; Gerard Welling (geb. 1959; IM NED 2368) . FIDE-categorie: 7 (gem. 2419,1) IGM norm: 76% 6,84=7 punten IM norm: 57% 5,13=5½ punt Arbiter: Cathy Rogers Assistent arbiter: Leon Muys.


Rilton Cup

Those interested in playing in the Rilton Cup in Stockholm. Details:

British Rapidplay Chess Championships

The British Rapidplay Chess Championships take place in Leeds, 16/17 October 1999. Further details