THE WEEK IN CHESS 256 - 4th October 1999 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Anand-Kasparov Match
3) European Club Cup Qualifiers
4) Playoffs for the Danish Championships
5) World Junior Championships
6) Paks IM and GM tournaments
7) Polish Team Championships
8) First Saturday, 2nd Kluger Memorial
9) Manhattan Chess Club Championship 1999
10) Najdorf Memorial, Buenos Aires
11) Children's Chess Olympiad
12) Hotel Irottko Tournaments
13) REBEL Century vs Ruslan Sherbakov
14) Vladimir Kramnik on Las Vegas
15) Professional Chess Rankings
16) Garry Kasparov vs the World
17) Forthcoming Events and Links

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Games section

15th ECC Gp 3                      42 games
Danish Championships playoff        1 game
World Junior Championships        375 games
World Junior Championships Girls  197 games
Paks GM tournament                 45 games
Paks IM tournament                 45 games
Polish Team Championships         330 games
Kluger Memorial (FSGM Oct)          6 games
FSIM October                        6 games
Manhattan CC Champs                78 games
Najdorf Memorial, Buenos Aires     86 games
Children's Chess Olympiad         521 games
Hotel Irottko GM                   66 games
REBEL Century vs Ruslan Sherbakov   1 game
Total 1799 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Luís Santos, Soren Bech Hansen, Anton Gubanov, Osvaldo Orozco Mendez Barranquilla, Sandor Videki, Przemek Jahr, Laszlo Nagy, John Fernandez, Adrian Roldan and Ruben Casafus, Mikhail Golubev, Chris Morrison, Pal Kiss, Wybe Koopmans, Dirk Poldauf (editor of "Schach" Magazine), Vladimir Kramnik, Sinisa Joksic and all those who helped with this issue.

Once again the European Club Cup qualifiers are the biggest event running. Although the finish to the World Juniors also star. My thanks to Vladimir Kramnik and Dirk Poldauf (editor of "Schach" Magazine) for an interesting article on Kramnik's view on Las Vegas. Next week there are more European Club Cup qualifiers and Sinisa Joksic reports that the Yugoslav team of Agrouniverzal has a line-up of Anand, Kramnik, Gelfand, Damljanovic, Ilincic, Drasko, Pavlovic, Vukic and Mikhalchischin potentially available for the qualifier in Belgium.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Serge Grimaux announcement on Anand-Kasparov

Serge Grimaux the promoter of the match has made an announcement on the potential of an Anand-Kasparov match next year.

"After many months of negotiations with several major American corporations in the field of information technology, which had given the Committee and the event promoter, Serge Grimaux, strong indications to support the Ultimate World Chess Championship, unfortunately no agreement was able to be reached. Consequently contractual and logistic deadlines cannot be met and the Committee will review with the players a possible date for the event in the early part of 2000. In the meantime a major European city has offered to host the match, providing all the necessary infrastructure in terms of logistic and venue. Negotiations are currently taking place with alternative sponsors. "

3) European Club Cup Qualifiers

Group 3: Albufeira (Algarve), Portugal

Luís Santos reports: The European Club Cup, Group 3 took place in Albufeira, Portugal 1st-3rd October 1999. There were only six teams taking part with Gambit Bonnevoie (LUX) and S.C. Partizani (ALB) being unable to make the trip. As expected the two best teams Beer-Sheva (ISR) and Clichy (FRA) reached the final. The Israeli team scored a narrow win by 3.5-2.5 to reach the finals. The organisers were Nucleo de Xadrez de Faro and Inatel Faro.


Summary of results

Group 3: Albufeira (Algarve - Portugal)

Round 1 01.10.99

   ITA: CS Surya           - LUX: Gambit Bonnevoie              6-0 (*forfeit)
   ALB: S.C. Partizani     - POR: Boavista FC                   0-6 (*forfeit)
   ISR: Beer-Sheva         - POR: Nucleo de Xadrez de Faro      6-0
   BEL: K Gentse SRL       - FRA: CS Clichy                   0,5-5,5

ITA: CS Surya                    - LUX: Gambit Bonnevoie        6-0(*)
GM LPUTIAN,Smbat (2625)          - (forfeit informed)           1-0(*)
GM KOMAROV,Dimitri (2585)        - (forfeit informed)           1-0(*)
GM ZELCIC,Robert (2561)          - (forfeit informed)           1-0(*)
GM DJURIC,Stefan (2504)          - (forfeit informed)           1-0(*)
GM EFIMOV,Igor (2445)            - (forfeit informed)           1-0(*)
IM ARLANDI,Ennio (2465)          - (forfeit informed)           1-0(*)

ALB: S.C. Partizani              - POR: Boavista FC             0-6(*)
   SEITI,I (----)                - GM MITKOV,Nikola (2509)      0-1(*)
FM SULA,Zegir (2348)             - IM GALEGO,Luís (2427)        0-1(*)
   TARE,M (2139)                 - IM DÂMASO,Rui (2399)         0-1(*)
   ZADRIMA,Aldo (2270)           - IM SANTOS,Carlos P. (2383)   0-1(*)
FM KARKANAQUE,Ilir (2389)        - FM SANTOS,José P. (2308)     0-1(*)
   PACI,D (----)                 - FM RIBEIRO,Fernando (2217)   0-1(*)

ISR: Beer-Sheva                  - POR: Núcleo Xadrez de Faro   6-0
GM HUZMAN,Alexander (2581)       -    GOMES,Jorge (2109)        1-0   
GM GOLOD,Vitali (2568)           -    LANIER,Nicholas (----)    1-0   
GM AVRUKH,Boris (2588)           -    GALVÃO,Henrique (2218)    1-0   
GM GREENFELD,Alon (2538)         -    LOPES,Armando (----)      1-0   
GM MIKHALEVSKI,Victor (2516)     -    DIOGO,Vasco (----)        1-0   
GM TSEITLIN,Mark (2496)          -    MACHADO,Manuel (----)     1-0   

BEL: K Gentse SRL                - FRA: CS Clichy             0,5-5,5
FM HOOGENDOORN,Joost (2281)      - GM LAUTIER,Joel (2638)       0-1
FM VAN DER STRICHT,Geert (2347)  - GM HEBDEN,Mark (2510)        0-1
FM DE WIT,Dick (2242)            - GM APICELLA,Manuel (2501)  0,5-0,5
FM DE WIT,Michel (2330)          - GM NATAF,Igor (2504)         0-1
   SCHALKX,Johnny (2271)         - GM CONQUEST,Stuart (2555)    0-1
FM MEULDERS,Richard (2275)       - GM RENET,Olivier (2509)      0-1

Round 2 02.10.99

   POR: Boavista FC        - ISR: Beer-Sheva                    1-5
   FRA: CS Clichy          - ITA: CS Surya                    3,5-2,5
   ALB: S.C. Partizani     - BEL: K Gentse SRL                  0-6 (*forfeit)
BYE: POR: Nucleo de Xadrez de Faro

POR: Boavista FC                 - ISR: Beer-Sheva              1-5
GM MITKOV,Nikola (2509)          - GM HUZMAN,Alexander (2581) 0,5-0,5
IM GALEGO,Luís (2427)            - GM GOLOD,Vitali (2568)       0-1
IM DÂMASO,Rui (2399)             - GM AVRUKH,Boris (2588)       0-1
IM SANTOS,Carlos P. (2383)       - GM GREENFELD,Alon (2538)     0-1
FM SANTOS,José P. (2308)         - GM MIKHALEVSKI,Victor (2516) 0-1
IM SILVA, Fernando (2327)        - GM TSEITLIN,Mark (2496)    0,5-0,5

FRA: CS Clichy                   - ITA: CS Surya              3,5-2,5
GM LAUTIER,Joel (2638)           - GM LPUTIAN,Smbat (2625)    0,5-0,5
GM HEBDEN,Mark (2510)            - GM KOMAROV,Dimitri (2585)    0-1
GM APICELLA,Manuel (2501)        - GM ZELCIC,Robert (2561)      1-0
GM NATAF,Igor (2504)             - GM DJURIC,Stefan (2504)    0,5-0,5
GM CONQUEST,Stuart (2555)        - GM EFIMOV,Igor (2445)        1-0
GM RENET,Olivier (2509)          - IM ARLANDI,Ennio (2465)    0,5-0,5

ALB: S.C. Partizani              - BEL: K Gentse SRL            0-6(*)
   SEITI,I (----)                - FM HOOGENDOORN,Joost (2281)  0-1(*)
FM SULA,Zegir (2348)             - FM V. D. STRICHT,Geert (2347)0-1(*)
   TARE,M (2139)                 - FM DE WIT,Dick (2242)        0-1(*)
   ZADRIMA,Aldo (2270)           - FM DE WIT,Michel (2330)      0-1(*)
FM KARKANAQUE,Ilir (2389)        -    SCHALKX,Johnny (2271)     0-1(*)
   PACI,D (----)                 - FM MEULDERS,Richard (2275)   0-1(*)

Round 3 03.10.99

   FRA: CS Clichy          - ISR: Beer-Sheva                  2,5-3,5
   POR: Boavista FC        - ITA: CS Surya                      1-5
   BEL: K Gentse SRL       - POR: Núcleo Xadrez de Faro       5,5-0,5

FINAL (1st and 2nd places)
FRA: CS Clichy                   - ISR: Beer-Sheva            2,5-3,5
GM LAUTIER,Joel (2638)           - GM HUZMAN,Alexander (2581)   1-0
GM HEBDEN,Mark (2510)            - GM GOLOD,Vitali (2568)       0-1
GM APICELLA,Manuel (2501)        - GM AVRUKH,Boris (2588)     0,5-0,5
GM NATAF,Igor (2504)             - GM GREENFELD,Alon (2538)   0,5-0,5
GM CONQUEST,Stuart (2555)        - GM MIKHALEVSKI,Victor (2516) 0-1
GM RENET,Olivier (2509)          - GM TSEITLIN,Mark (2496)    0,5-0,5

(3rd and 4th places)
POR: Boavista FC                 - ITA: CS Surya                1-5
GM MITKOV,Nikola (2509)          - GM LPUTIAN,Smbat (2625)      1-0
IM DÂMASO,Rui (2399)             - GM KOMAROV,Dimitri (2585)    0-1
IM SANTOS,Carlos P. (2383)       - GM ZELCIC,Robert (2561)      0-1
IM SANTOS,José P. (2308)         - GM DJURIC,Stefan (2504)      0-1
FM SILVA,Fernando (2327)         - GM EFIMOV,Igor (2445)        0-1
IM CADILLON,João (----)          - IM ARLANDI,Ennio (2465)      0-1

(5th and 6th places)
BEL: K Gentse SRL                - POR: Núcleo Xadrez de Faro 5,5-0,5
FM HOOGENDOORN,Joost (2281)      -    GOMES,Jorge (2109)        1-0
FM VAN DER STRICHT,Geert (2347)  -    LANIER,Nicholas (----)    1-0
FM DE WIT,Dick (2242)            -    GALVÃO,Henrique (2218)  0,5-0,5
FM DE WIT,Michel (2330)          -    LOPES,Armando (----)      1-0
   SCHALKX,Johnny (2271)         -    KRAVCHENKO,Igor (----)    1-0
FM MEULDERS,Richard (2275)       -    DIOGO,Vasco (----)        1-0


1. ISR: Beer-Sheva
2. FRA: CS Clichy
3. ITA: CS Surya
4. POR: Boavista FC
5. BEL: K Gentse SRL
6. POR: Núcleo Xadrez de Faro

Remaining Groups

The remaining groups are taking place in the next few weeks. Here are a list of the teams with some of the potential players (some of the stronger players may not be contracted this year to teams they have played for previously, source a list by Luis Santos on the above website). If people have websites for the events please let me know.

Preliminary Group 4: Rochade Eupen: 8-10 October 1999. The expected teams are: SK Hohenems (AUT) [1. GM J. Hickl 2. IM V. Atlas 3. GM M. Bezold]; Rochade Eupen (BEL) [1. GM I. Glek 2. GM V. Chuchelov 3. GM R. Cifuentes 4. GM L. Winants] ; Boksit Milici (BIH) [1. GM D. Velimerovic 2. GM A. Zontakh 3. GM M. Tosic 4. GM M. Lazic] ; Miskolci Sakk Sport Club (HUN) [1. GM A. Chernin 2. GM G. Sax 3. GM I. Novikov] ; Sprenger Echternach (LUX) [1. Y. Boidman 2. H.-H. Sonntag ] ; Randaberg (NOR) ; Sberbank Tatarstan Kazan (RUS) [1. GM S. Rublevsky 2. GM I. Ibragimov 3. GM A. Kharlov 4. GM A. Galliamova-Ivanchuk 5. GM V. Yandemirov] ; Agrouniverzal Belgrade (YUG) [1. GM V. Anand 2. GM V. Kramnik 3. GM B. Gelfand 4. GM A. Beliavsky 5. GM B. Damljanovic 6. GM Z. Ilincic 7. GM A. Mikhalchishin ]

Preliminary Group 5: Pula: 8-10 October 1999. The expected teams are: Kiseljak (BIH) [1. GM Z. Azmaiparashvili 2. GM P. Nikolic 3. GM G. Girogadze 4. M. Palac 5. GM J. Nikolac] ; Pula (CRO) [1. GM S. Movsesian 2. GM S. Atalik 3. GM Z. Hracek 4. GM V. Malaniuk 5. GM G. Dizdar] ; Csuti Antal Sportklub Zalaegerszeg (HUN) [1. GM L. Portisch 2. GM J. Horvath 3. GM C. Horvath 4. GM A. Groszpeter] ; Sibir Tomsk (RUS) [1. GM V. Zvjaginsev 2. GM E. Pigysov 3. V. Filippov 4. GM K. Landa 5. GM A. Fominyh] ; TED Ankara (TUR) [1. IM C. Arduman 2. FM S. Soylu] ; Law Academy Kharkov (UKR) [1. A. Zubarev 2. GM V. Savon 3. O. Budnikov 4. IM E. Sharapov 5. E. Andreev] ; Radonja Bojovic Niksic (YUG) [1. GM Z. Almasi 2. GM A. Shchekachev 3. GM N. Nikcevic] ;

Preliminary Group 6: Budapest: 11-13 October 1999. The expected teams are: Mravince Dalmacijacement (CRO) [1. GM V. Tkachiev 2. GM G. Girogadze 3. GM V. Tukmakov 4. GM Z. Ribli 5. GM M. Cebalo 6. GM V. Kovacevic ] ; Stefa Balto Struga (FRM) [1. GM B. Anakov 2. GM T. Najdoski 3. GM A. Lastin 4. GM A. Rustemov 5. GM N. Mitkov] ; Honved Mediflora Budapest (HUN) [1. GM J. Pinter 2. GM T. Tolnai 3. GM Z. Varga 4. GM P. Wells] ; Khimik Belorechensk (RUS) [1. GM A. Dreev 2. GM A. Onishuk 3. GM P. Tregubov 4. GM V. Malaniuk 5. GM A. Poluljahov] ; Slovan Bratislava (SVK) [1. GM Z. Hracek 2. GM L. Ftacnik 3. IM P. Petran 4. IM L. Salai 5. IM R. Tibensky] ; Danko Donbass (UKR) [1. GM S. Savchenko 2. GM R. Ponomariov 3. GM A. Shneider 4. GM G. Kuzmin 5. GM Y. Kruppa 6. GM G. Timoshenko] ; Montenegrobanka Podgorica (YUG) [1. GM S. Atalik 2. GM B. Ivanovic 3. GM A. Yermolinsky 4. GM D. Kosic 5. IM V. Vujosevic]

4) Playoffs for the Danish Championships

Soren Bech Hansen reports: The rematch for the Danish Championships 1999 took place in the city of Roenne on the Danish island of Bornholm. Over Easter, GM Sune Berg Hansen and GM Peter Heine Nielsen ended equal 1st in the Championships. Peter Heine Nielsen won the title by drawing three of the four games and winning game 2.

Web site for the match:

Hansen, Sune Berg     -  Nielsen, Peter Heine  1/2   31  C42  Petroff defence
Nielsen, Peter Heine  -  Hansen, Sune Berg     1-0   49  D12  Slav defence
Hansen, Sune Berg     -  Nielsen, Peter Heine  1/2   24  C42  Petroff defence
Nielsen, Peter Heine  -  Hansen, Sune Berg     1/2   54  A43  Queen's pawn

ch-DEN (playoff) (DEN), 25-28 ix 1999
                                   1   2   3   4 
Nielsen, Peter Heine  g DEN 2560    =   1   =   =   2.5  2653
Hansen, Sune Berg     g DEN 2558    =   0   =   =   1.5  2473

5) World Junior Championships

The World Junior Championships took place in Yerevan, Armenia, September 18th-30th 1999.

Alexander Galkin won the event with 10.5/13 half a point clear of Rustem Kasimdzhanov who took silver and Karen Asrian took Bronze on tie-break from Lev Aronian (who scored a GM nor after 10 rounds), both of whom were on 9.5. Maria Kouvatsou of Greece took Gold in the women's event ahead of Jana Jackova (CZE) who took silver and Szidonia Vajda who took Bronze. These three and the unlucky Irina Krush (who was the only one of the four not to get a medal) all scored 8.5/13 and medals were distributed according to some tie-breaking system applied to their results.

My thanks to Anton Gubanov, Webmaster for the "Russian Chess", for clarification of the names and to Osvaldo Orozco Mendez Barranquilla, for the PGN for converted rounds 7 and 10 and Byes in all rounds. Games from rounds 1-11 are available.


1. Galkin (RUS) - 10,5 2. Kasimdzanov (UZB) - 10 3-4. Asrian (ARM), Aronian (ARM) - 9 5-8. Naumann (GER), Zhang (CHN), Blehm (POL), Svetushkin (MDA) - 8,5 9-12. Vajda (ROM), Perelshteyn (USA), Halkias (GRE), Bakhtadze (GEO) - 8 13-20. Dervishi (ALB), Gershon (ISR), Mchedlishvili (GEO), Vuckovic (YUG), Pert (ENG), Khamrakulov (UZB), Lopez (ESP), Lipinsky (GER) - 7,5 21-30. Iljushin (RUS), Vallejo (ESP), Janssen (NED), Pinski (POL), Matikozian (ARM), Jenni (SUI), De Vreugt (NED), Marcelin (FRA), Gaprindashvili (GEO), Smetankin (BLR) - 7 31-40. Peralta (ARG), Williams (ENG), Chibukhchian (ARM), Starostits (LAT), Berg (SWE), Kidambi (IND), Budnikov (UKR), Arutiunian (GEO), Mallahi (IRI), Jakupovic (BIH) - 6,5 41-51. Bunzmann (GER), Sargissian (ARM), Akobian (ARM), Charbonneau (CAN), Benkovic (YUG), Dovramadjiev (BUL), Bucinskas (LTU), Krejci (CZE), Leskiewicz (AUS), Korstin (EST), Labollita (ARG) - 6 52-57. Rizouk (ALG), Petrosian (ARM), Bognar (HUN), Brulic (CRO), Kose (TUR), Zhao (AUS) - 5,5 58-62. Hansen (NOR), Atakisi (TUR), Guid (SLO), Pinter (SVK), Aschenbrenner (AUT) - 5 63-64. Kumin (SUI), Quintero (COL) - 4,5 65. Aranha (BRA) - 3,5 66-67. Fantin (FRA), Vanparys (BEL) - 2,5


1-4. Kouvatsou (GRE), Jackova (CZE), Vajda (ROM), Krush (USA) - 8,5 5-8. Cmilyte (LTU), Tkeshelashvili (GEO), Goletiani (GEO), Shahade (USA) - 8 9-11. Gritsayeva (UKR), Vo Hong (VIE), Mohota (IND) - 7,5 12-18. Mkrtchian (ARM), Khukhashvili (GEO), Kuang (CHN), Aginian (ARM), Nill (GER), Sahakian (ARM), Gasparian (ARM) - 7 19-22. Sheldon (ENG), Slavina (RUS), Zaksaite (LTU), Ornstein (SWE) - 6,5 23-29. Sergeeva (KAZ), Sorokina (BLR), Matras (POL), Tsitaishvili (GEO), Klimenko (AUS), Budylina (EST), Farhat (BRA) - 6 30-32. Stajic (YUG), Navabi (IRI), Machalova (SVK) - 5,5 33. Redondo (ESP) - 5 34. Hersvik (NOR) - 4 35. Aydin (TUR) - 1,5

Internet coverage:

Cross Tables:
World Junior Championships Yerevan ARM (ARM), 18-30 ix 1999
                                              1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13 
 1 Galkin, Alexander             g RUS 2535  +46 =22 +38 = 3 +29 +25 + 5 + 2 = 4 = 6 = 7 +14 +12  10.5 /13  2704
 2 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam          g UZB 2603  +14 = 9 =32 =31 +26 +11 +41 - 1 +12 = 4 + 5 + 3 + 6  10.0 /13  2664
 3 Asrian, Karen                 g ARM 2575  +35 +12 +31 = 1 = 5 +13 = 8 - 4 = 7 + 9 + 6 - 2 +18   9.0 /13  2606
 4 Aronian, Levon                m ARM 2518  =37 +36 + 9 =25 +30 - 5 +31 + 3 = 1 = 2 +21 - 6 + 7   9.0 /13  2601
 5 Zhang Pengxiang               m CHN 2462  =45 +37 +27 +32 = 3 + 4 - 1 + 8 - 6 +17 - 2 =13 +14   8.5 /13  2555
 6 Naumann, Alexander              GER 2478  =52 =43 +46 +34 =41 =24 +21 +13 + 5 = 1 - 3 + 4 - 2   8.5 /13  2570
 7 Blehm, Pawel                  m POL 2479  +53 =26 =42 =24 +32 =31 =25 +23 = 3 +13 = 1 + 9 - 4   8.5 /13  2545
 8 Svetushkin, Dmitry            m MDA 2486  -34 +65 +52 +43 =42 + 9 = 3 - 5 +25 =21 -14 +22 +13   8.5 /13  2510
 9 Halkias, Stelios              m GRE 2406  +48 = 2 - 4 +19 +17 - 8 =16 +41 +10 - 3 +15 - 7 +28   8.0 /13  2556
10 Vajda, Levente                m ROM 2462  =61 -52 +50 +20 -11 +37 =42 +26 - 9 -22 +46 +25 +16   8.0 /13  2442
11 Perelshteyn, Eugene           f USA 2416  =68 =50 +63 =33 +10 - 2 -23 +20 =22 =26 =28 +44 +27   8.0 /13  2450
12 Bakhtadze, Giorgi             m GEO 2403  +60 - 3 +54 -13 =43 +52 +29 +42 - 2 =28 +23 +30 - 1   8.0 /13  2509
13 Gershon, Alik                 m ISR 2492  -32 +58 +53 +12 +14 - 3 +30 - 6 +27 - 7 +16 = 5 - 8   7.5 /13  2471
14 Lopez Martinez, Josep Manuel    ESP 2378  - 2 +48 +57 +44 -13 =29 +18 =15 =23 +30 + 8 - 1 - 5   7.5 /13  2486
15 Dervishi, Erald               g ALB 2496  =43 +20 =22 -42 +33 +38 =24 =14 =17 -16 - 9 +45 +35   7.5 /13  2424
16 Vuckovic, Bojan                 YUG 2433  -54 +49 -43 +50 +34 =22 = 9 =36 +37 +15 -13 +21 -10   7.5 /13  2422
17 Mchedlishvili, Mikheil        m GEO 2441  +47 =34 -21 +52 - 9 +20 =22 +46 =15 - 5 =25 =19 +37   7.5 /13  2437
18 Pert, Nicholas                f ENG 2425  =50 =63 -47 =51 +48 +33 -14 =53 +58 =27 +45 +31 - 3   7.5 /13  2359
19 Khamrakulov, Ibragim S          UZB 2383  =69 -21 +37 - 9 +61 -23 +49 =47 -46 +60 +48 =17 +31   7.5 /13  2370
20 Lipinsky, Fabian              m GER 2331  =23 -15 +58 -10 +65 -17 +60 -11 -45 +56 +53 +33 +44   7.5 /13  2396
21 Iljushin, Alexei              m RUS 2527  =36 +19 +17 =30 -25 +28 - 6 +31 +24 = 8 - 4 -16 =26   7.0 /13  2455
22 Marcelin, Cyril               m FRA 2395  +62 = 1 =15 -41 +64 =16 =17 =30 =11 +10 =31 - 8 =29   7.0 /13  2439
23 Vallejo Pons, Francisco       m ESP 2519  =20 +57 -25 +40 -31 +19 +11 - 7 =14 +24 -12 -27 +42   7.0 /13  2392
24 Gaprindashvili, Valerian      m GEO 2390  -57 +51 +55 = 7 +39 = 6 =15 =25 -21 -23 +47 =42 =30   7.0 /13  2383
25 Jenni, Florian                f SUI 2399  +66 =41 +23 = 4 +21 - 1 = 7 =24 - 8 =33 =17 -10 +48   7.0 /13  2459
26 De Vreugt, Dennis             m NED 2398  +59 = 7 =44 =39 - 2 =47 +40 -10 +54 =11 =41 =29 =21   7.0 /13  2447
27 Smetankin, Stanislav          m BLR 2385  +64 =30 - 5 =38 =47 =43 +34 +28 -13 =18 =44 +23 -11   7.0 /13  2411
28 Matikozian, Andranik            ARM 2427  +65 -32 -33 +56 +36 -21 +43 -27 +35 =12 =11 +41 - 9   7.0 /13  2389
29 Janssen, Ruud                   NED 2448  =63 +61 =34 +47 - 1 =14 -12 =35 -33 +54 +42 =26 =22   7.0 /13  2368
30 Pinski, Jan                     POL 2444  +67 =27 +56 =21 - 4 +35 -13 =22 +42 -14 +33 -12 =24   7.0 /13  2383
31 Chibukhchian, Artur           m ARM 2413  +51 +54 - 3 = 2 +23 = 7 - 4 -21 +36 +46 =22 -18 -19   6.5 /13  2425
32 Arutunian, Davit                GEO 2318  +13 +28 = 2 - 5 - 7 =44 -46 =62 =49 +57 =35 -39 +55   6.5 /13  2339
33 Jakupovic, Neven                BIH 2263  -44 +64 +28 =11 -15 -18 =56 +39 +29 =25 -30 -20 +46   6.5 /13  2365
34 Mallahi, A                    f IRI 2317  + 8 =17 =29 - 6 -16 +48 -27 =56 =59 -35 +64 +62 =38   6.5 /13  2314
35 Berg, Emanuel                   SWE 2348  - 3 =60 =61 +55 +44 -30 =47 =29 -28 +34 =32 +43 -15   6.5 /13  2347
36 Sundararajan, Kidambi           IND 2334  =21 - 4 =60 +57 -28 +63 +38 =16 -31 -45 =58 +53 =39   6.5 /13  2339
37 Budnikov, Oleg                  UKR 2331  = 4 - 5 -19 +58 +49 -10 +64 +40 -16 -41 +59 +55 -17   6.5 /13  2327
38 Williams, Simon               m ENG 2421  +49 =56 - 1 =27 +53 -15 -36 =45 =60 -48 +57 +58 =34   6.5 /13  2275
39 Peralta, Fernando             m ARG 2433  =58 +45 =41 =26 -24 -40 =53 -33 -48 +65 +60 +32 =36   6.5 /13  2313
40 Starostits, Ilmars              LAT 2358  -41 =66 +45 -23 +51 +39 -26 -37 +62 -44 -55 +61 +58   6.5 /13  2311
41 Bunzmann, Dimitrij              GER 2596  +40 =25 =39 +22 = 6 =42 - 2 - 9 =47 +37 =26 -28  .    6.0 /12  2405
42 Akobian, Varuzhan               ARM 2387  +55 =44 = 7 +15 = 8 =41 =10 -12 -30 +53 -29 =24 -23   6.0 /13  2394
43 Benkovic, Petar                 YUG 2328  =15 = 6 +16 - 8 =12 =27 -28 -58 +56 =59 +49 -35 =45   6.0 /13  2312
44 Sargissian, Gabriel           f ARM 2470  +33 =42 =26 -14 -35 =32 =45 +61 =53 +40 =27 -11 -20   6.0 /13  2310
45 Dovramadjiev, Tihomir           BUL 2254  = 5 -39 -40 +66 =46 =60 =44 =38 +20 +36 -18 -15 =43   6.0 /13  2337
46 Charbonneau, Pascal             CAN 2339  - 1 +62 - 6 =65 =45 +54 +32 -17 +19 -31 -10 +50 -33   6.0 /13  2309
47 Bucinskas, Valdas               LTU 2248  -17 +67 +18 -29 =27 =26 =35 =19 =41 =58 -24 -48 +59   6.0 /13  2310
48 Labollita, Martin             f ARG 2199  - 9 -14 +67 +63 -18 -34 -61 +50 +39 +38 -19 +47 -25   6.0 /13  2289
49 Leskiewicz, Maksymilian         AUS 2206  -38 -16 +59 =61 -37 +50 -19 +64 =32 =55 -43 =52 +62   6.0 /13  2226
50 Krejci, Jakub                   CZE 2221  =18 =11 -10 -16 -55 -49 +76 -48 +65 +67 +54 -46 +63   6.0 /13  2217
51 Korstin, Maris                  EST 2201  -31 -24 +62 =18 -40 -58 +65 -59 -64 +80 =56 +66 +60   6.0 /13  2192
52 Petrosian, Davit Gevorgi        ARM 2309  = 6 +10 - 8 -17 +56 -12 =58 -54 -55 +63 =62 =49 =57   5.5 /13  2210
53 Rizouk, Aimen                 m ALG 2312  - 7 +59 -13 +60 -38 +55 =39 =18 =44 -42 -20 -36 +64   5.5 /13  2259
54 Bognar, Csaba                   HUN 2237  +16 -31 -12 -64 +67 -46 +55 +52 -26 -29 -50 =63 +66   5.5 /13  2204
55 Kose,Serkan                     TUR ----  -42 +71 -24 -35 +50 -53 -54 +63 +52 =49 +40 -37 -32   5.5 /13  2225
56 Brulic, Denis                   CRO 2121  +70 =38 -30 -28 -52 +65 =33 =34 -43 -20 =51 =59 +67   5.5 /13  2207
57 Zhao Zong Yuan                  AUS ----  +24 -23 -14 -36 -60 =59 =66 +67 +61 -32 -38 +81 =52   5.5 /13  2209
58 Atakisi, Umut                   TUR 2238  =39 -13 -20 -37 +66 +51 =52 +43 -18 =47 =36 -38 -40   5.0 /13  2251
59 Pinter, Erik                    SVK 2163  -26 -53 -49 +62 -63 =57 +67 +51 =34 =43 -37 =56 -47   5.0 /13  2134
60 Guid, Matej                     SLO 2185  -12 =35 =36 -53 +57 =45 -20 +66 =38 -19 -39 +65 -51   5.0 /13  2208
61 Hansen, Torbjorn R              NOR 2259  =10 -29 =35 =49 -19 =64 +48 -44 -57 =66 +79 -40 =65   5.0 /13  2166
62 Aschenbrenner, Robert           AUT 2160  -22 -46 -51 -59 +74 +67 +63 =32 -40 +64 =52 -34 -49   5.0 /13  2132
63 Kuemin, Simon                   SUI 2251  =29 =18 -11 -48 +59 -36 -62 -55 +78 -52 +66 =54 -50   4.5 /13  2128
64 Quintero,Jorge                  COL ----  -27 -33 +72 +54 -22 =61 -37 -49 +51 -62 -34 +67 -53   4.5 /13  2125
65 Aranha Filho, Alvaro Z          BRA 2236  -28 - 8 +66 =46 -20 -56 -51 +77 -50 -39 =67 -60 =61   3.5 /13  2070
66 Fantin, Ludwig                  FRA 2184  -25 =40 -65 -45 -58 +75 =57 -60 -67 =61 -63 -51 -54   2.5 /13  1950
67 Vanparys,Philip                 BEL ----  -30 -47 -48 +73 -54 -62 -59 -57 +66 -50 =65 -64 -56   2.5 /13  1919
No's 68-81 indicate BYES

World Junior Championships (Girls) Yerevan ARM (ARM), 18-30 ix 1999
                                             1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13 
 1 Kouvatsou, Maria            wf GRE 2152  + 7 + 4 + 2 = 5 +14 =12 =20 + 6 = 3 + 9 =10 -11 - 8  8.5 /13  2406
 2 Jackova, Jana               wm CZE 2233  +16 + 3 - 1 +19 -12 +15 =13 = 9 +14 + 7 - 5 +10 = 6  8.5 /13  2360
 3 Vajda, Szidonia             wg ROM 2397  +25 - 2 +21 =10 + 9 - 5 +28 +20 = 1 +12 - 6 = 7 +11  8.5 /13  2339
 4 Krush, Irina                wm USA 2432  =18 - 1 +32 =25 -28 +26 -10 +33 +11 +15 = 7 +12 + 5  8.5 /13  2301
 5 Cmilyte, Viktorija          wm LTU 2354  =26 +31 +11 = 1 +24 + 3 -12 =14 - 9 =10 + 2 + 6 - 4  8.0 /13  2321
 6 Tkeshelashvili, Sopio       wm GEO 2284  +21 +10 =12 = 9 =13 = 7 =14 - 1 +25 +20 + 3 - 5 = 2  8.0 /13  2335
 7 Goletiani, Rusudan          wm GEO 2386  - 1 +32 =18 +17 +10 = 6 - 9 +24 +12 - 2 = 4 = 3 +19  8.0 /13  2320
 8 Shahade, Jennifer            m USA 2290  +34 -12 =16 =15 +31 =13 =19 -10 =17 +32 +20 = 9 + 1  8.0 /13  2248
 9 Gritsayeva, Oksana             UKR 2248  =30 +17 =24 = 6 - 3 +32 + 7 = 2 + 5 - 1 =12 = 8 =10  7.5 /13  2287
10 Mohota, Nisha               wm IND 2198  +35 - 6 +29 = 3 - 7 =19 + 4 + 8 +13 = 5 = 1 - 2 = 9  7.5 /13  2311
11 Vo Hong Phuong              wf VIE 2226  +33 =14 - 5 =18 -25 =16 +34 +26 - 4 +17 +13 + 1 - 3  7.5 /13  2252
12 Khukhashvili, Sopio            GEO 2206  +29 + 8 = 6 =14 + 2 = 1 + 5 =13 - 7 - 3 = 9 - 4 =18  7.0 /13  2296
13 Kuang Yinghui               wf CHN 2202  =31 +26 +20 =24 = 6 = 8 = 2 =12 -10 +14 -11 =19 =15  7.0 /13  2251
14 Mkrtchian, Lilit            wg ARM 2295  +27 =11 +15 =12 - 1 +24 = 6 = 5 - 2 -13 =19 =29 +25  7.0 /13  2230
15 Aginian, Nelly                 ARM 2170  =32 +30 -14 = 8 +16 - 2 =25 =17 +24 - 4 =18 +22 =13  7.0 /13  2209
16 Gasparian, Mariana             ARM 2075  - 2 +22 = 8 =26 -15 =11 +30 -19 +27 -24 =17 +23 +21  7.0 /13  2177
17 Sahakian, Nonna                ARM 2093  =19 - 9 +34 - 7 =27 =31 +32 =15 = 8 -11 =16 +33 +24  7.0 /13  2198
18 Nill, Jessica               wf GER 2168  = 4 =19 = 7 =11 -20 -33 =31 +42 +23 =25 =15 +24 =12  7.0 /13  2220
19 Slavina, Irina              wf RUS 2295  =17 =18 =25 - 2 +29 =10 = 8 +16 -20 +26 =14 =13 - 7  6.5 /13  2199
20 Sheldon, Ruth               wm ENG 2310  +28 -24 -13 +33 +18 +25 = 1 - 3 +19 - 6 - 8 -21 +35  6.5 /13  2188
21 Zaksaite, Salomeja             LTU 2087  - 6 +35 - 3 =29 -26 -22 +41 =23 +33 =27 +32 +20 -16  6.5 /13  2117
22 Ornstein, Petra                SWE ----  -24 -16 +37 -28 -33 +21 -23 +35 =30 +34 +27 -15 +29  6.5 /13  2073
23 Farhat,Barbara                 BRA ----   .  =36 =26 -27 -34 +35 +22 =21 -18 =30 +31 -16 +33  6.0 /12  2062
24 Sergeeva, Maria             wm KAZ 2208  +22 +20 = 9 =13 - 5 -14 +27 - 7 -15 +16 +25 -18 -17  6.0 /13  2168
25 Sorokina, Anastasia            BLR 2162  - 3 +33 =19 = 4 +11 -20 =15 +28 - 6 =18 -24 +30 -14  6.0 /13  2207
26 Matras, Agnieszka              POL 2146  = 5 -13 =23 =16 +21 - 4 +33 -11 +28 -19 -29 +34 =27  6.0 /13  2125
27 Klimenko, Veronica          wf AUS 2100  -14 -29 +30 +23 =17 =28 -24 +31 -16 =21 -22 +35 =26  6.0 /13  2062
28 Tsitaishvili, Nino             GEO 2142  -20 =34 =31 +22 + 4 =27 - 3 -25 -26 -29 +45 +32 =30  6.0 /13  2109
29 Budylina, Sofia                EST 2032  -12 +27 -10 =21 -19 -30 +35 -32 +43 +28 +26 =14 -22  6.0 /13  2098
30 Stajic, Snezana                YUG 2078  = 9 -15 -27 -31 +39 +29 -16 =34 =22 =23 +35 -25 =28  5.5 /13  2016
31 Navabi, Shirin              wf IRI 2029  =13 - 5 =28 +30 - 8 =17 =18 -27 -32 +35 -23 +46 =34  5.5 /13  2061
32 Machalova, Veronika            SVK 2115  =15 - 7 - 4 +34 +35 - 9 -17 +29 +31 - 8 -21 -28 +46  5.5 /13  2089
33 Redondo Arguelles, Graciela    ESP 2067  -11 -25 +35 -20 +22 +18 -26 - 4 -21 +44 +34 -17 -23  5.0 /13  2037
34 Hersvik, Anita                 NOR ----  - 8 =28 -17 -32 +23 +40 -11 =30 =35 -22 -33 -26 =31  4.0 /13  1950
35 Aydin,Helin                    TUR ----  -10 -21 -33 +38 -32 -23 -29 -22 =34 -31 -30 -27 -20  1.5 /13  1742
Nos 36-46 indicate BYES

6) Paks IM and GM tournaments

The Paks (Hungary) IM and GM tournaments ran September 21st-29th 1999 reports Sandor Videki. Bu Xiangzhi won the GM event with 6/9 losing just one game, to Attila Groszpeter, it was still sufficient for the Chinese player to score a GM norm. In the IM event Andras Toth won with 7/9, and with it he scored an IM norm.

Final standings:
Paks GM September (HUN), 21-29 ix 1999             cat. X (2481)
                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Bu Xiangzhi           CHN 2465 * 0 1 = = = = 1 1 1  6.0  2607
 2 Groszpeter, Attila  g HUN 2480 1 * = 1 = = = = = =  5.5  2561
 3 Vaulin, Alexander   g RUS 2492 0 = * = 1 1 = = = =  5.0  2522
 4 Ruck, Robert        m HUN 2485 = 0 = * = = 1 = = 1  5.0  2523
 5 Kulaots, Kaido      m EST 2478 = = 0 = * = 1 = = =  4.5  2481
 6 Rogic, Davor        m CRO 2505 = = 0 = = * 0 1 1 =  4.5  2478
 7 Videki, Sandor      m HUN 2445 = = = 0 0 1 * = = 1  4.5  2485
 8 Acs, Peter          g HUN 2525 0 = = = = 0 = * 1 1  4.5  2476
 9 Varga, Peter        m HUN 2491 0 = = = = 0 = 0 * =  3.0  2354
10 Borgo, Giulio       m ITA 2444 0 = = 0 = = 0 0 = *  2.5  2319

Paks IM September (HUN), 21-29 ix 1999            cat. I (2271)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Toth, Andras         HUN 2297 * = 0 1 1 1 = 1 1 1  7.0  2487
 2 Krutti, Valer      m HUN 2357 = * = 1 = = 1 1 = 1  6.5  2427
 3 Csonka, Attila       HUN 2225 1 = * 0 0 1 = 1 1 1  6.0  2400
 4 Kritz, Leonid        GER 2336 0 0 1 * 1 1 0 = = =  4.5  2263
 5 Macsik, Tamas        HUN 2184 0 = 1 0 * 0 1 = 1 =  4.5  2280
 6 Farkas, Tibor      m YUG 2288 0 = 0 0 1 * = = 1 =  4.0  2225
 7 Susak, Zeljko        CRO 2190 = 0 = 1 0 = * = 0 =  3.5  2199
 8 Reiss, Tibor         HUN 2180 0 0 0 = = = = * = 1  3.5  2200
 9 Siklosi, Zoltan    m HUN 2337 0 = 0 = 0 0 1 = * =  3.0  2138
10 Brigljevic, Milan  f CRO 2313 0 0 0 = = = = 0 = *  2.5  2100

7) Polish Team Championships

Przemek Jahr reports: The 55th Polish Championships took place in Suwalki 18th-28th September 1999. The winning team was POLONIA-ANIMEX of Warszawa ( 1.M.Krasenkow (2647) 7.5; 2. E.Rozentalis (2586) 7.5; 3. B.Soæko (2543) 5.5 ; 4. B.Macieja (2542) 7.5; 5. R.Kuczyñski (2450) 7.5; and 6. A.Brustman (2383) 6.5) was three points clear of their nearest rivals GANT-HETMAN Wroclaw (1. A.Wojtkiewicz (2567) 6.5 2. E.Kengis (2573) 7.0 3. M.Kamiñski (2523) 6.5 4. Z.Jaœnikowski (2407) 7.5 5. M.Buœ (2369) 4/6 6. M.Perdek (2344) 0/3 7.G.Antkowiak (2199) 1/1 8. M.Zieliñska (2356) 6.5). Further details in Polish:

Final Standings
55th Polish Championships Suwalki 18-28.09.1999
                                1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  Total
 1 Polonia-Animex Warszawa     ### 3.0 4.0 2.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.0 5.5 4.0 42
 2 Gant-Hetman Wroclaw         3.0 ### 4.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.5 4.5 39
 3 Stilon Gorzów Wlkp.         2.0 2.0 ### 4.0 3.5 3.5 4.5 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.5 38
 4 Pocztowiec TP SA Poznañ     3.5 3.0 2.0 ### 3.0 5.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 5.0 5.0 37.5
 5 Drakon BDK-Daewoo Lublin    2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 ### 2.5 1.5 4.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 35
 6 MOSiR Budosak Zabrze        1.5 2.5 2.5 1.0 3.5 ### 4.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 5.0 31
 7 Sido Cafe Hañcza Suwalki    1.5 1.0 1.5 2.5 4.5 2.0 ### 3.5 4.0 2.0 5.0 27.5
 8 MOK-Chrobry Glogów          0.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 ### 3.5 2.0 5.5 25
 9 Entropia NZS PW Warszawa    1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.5 2.0 2.5 ### 4.5 4.0 22.5
10 Rzemioslo Racibórz          0.5 1.5 2.0 1.0 0.5 2.0 4.0 4.0 1.5 ### 3.5 20.5
11 Hetman Koszalin             2.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 2.0 2.5 ### 12

Best Board scores

Board 1
1. am M.Krasenkow (Polonia-Animex Warszawa)  7.5
2. am T.Markowski (Stilon Gorzów Wlkp.)      7.0
3. am A.Wojtkiewicz (Gant-Hetman Wroclaw)    6.5
Board 2
1. am E.Rozentalis (Polonia-Animex Warszawa) 7.5
2. am E.Kengis (Gant-Hetman Wroclaw)         7.0
3. am R.Kempiñski (Drakon BDK-Daewoo Lublin) 6.5
Board 3
1. mm P.Stempin (Pocztowiec TP SA Poznañ)    7.5
2. mm M.Matlak (Stilon Gorzów Wlkp.)         7.0
3. am M.Kamiñski (Gant-Hetman Wroclaw)       6.5
Board 4
1. am B.Macieja (Polonia-Animex Warszawa)    7.5
2. mm Z.Jaœnikowski (Gant-Hetman Wroclaw)    7.5
3.  m A.Hnydiuk (MOSiR Budosak Zabrze)       6.5

Board 5
1.  m M.Szelag (Pocztowiec TP SA Poznañ)     8.0
2. am R.Kuczyñski (Polonia-Animex Warszawa)  7.5
3. mf M.Dziuba (Drakon BDK-Daewoo Lublin)    7.5

Board 6
1. am M.Bobrowska (Pocztowiec TP SA Poznañ)  7.5
2. am A.Brustman (Polonia-Animex Warszawa)   6.5
3. im M.Zieliñska (Gant-Hetman Wroclaw)      6.5

8) First Saturday, 2nd Kluger Memorial

Laszlo Nagy reports: The 2nd KLUGER memorial (part of the First Saturday series of tournaments takes place in Budapest, 2nd-13th October 1999. The events take place in the tournament halls of the HOTEL ZUGLO. There are players are from 16 countries: HUN, GER, RUS, ISR, USA, CHN, ESP, AUS, FAI, SWZ, CZE. The main event is the 2nd Kluger Memorial Chess Tournament, a category VII event with 12 participants, with an ELO average of 2401. In addition there is an IM closed event, with 12 participants (cat. II), an Elo-closed event with 6 players and a Scheveningen system tournament with 5 pairs of players. Gyula Kluger (1914-94) was a Hungarian IM who played many times as a member of the Hungarian Olympiad Team. This GM tournament is sponsored by his son, Gyula Kluger jr. of SKYEX INC., USA

More info: Laszlo Nagy, Phone-fax: (361)-263-2859

Round 1 standings:
FSGM October Budapest HUN (HUN), 2-12 x 1999           cat. VII (2401)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Bu Xiangzhi             CHN 2465 * . . . . . . . . . 1 .  1.0      
 2 Vovsha, Eli             ISR 2289 . * . . . . . . . . . 1  1.0      
 3 Czebe, Attila         m HUN 2414 . . * . . . . . . = . .  0.5  2492
 4 Fogarasi, Tibor       m HUN 2420 . . . * . . . = . . . .  0.5  2346
 5 Forintos, Gyozo V     g HUN 2343 . . . . * . = . . . . .  0.5  2447
 6 Lengyel, Levente      g HUN 2312 . . . . . * . . = . . .  0.5  2508
 7 Narciso Dublan, Marc  m ESP 2447 . . . . = . * . . . . .  0.5  2343
 8 Senff, Martin           GER 2346 . . . = . . . * . . . .  0.5  2420
 9 Soffer, Ram           g ISR 2508 . . . . . = . . * . . .  0.5  2312
10 Vaulin, Alexander     g RUS 2492 . . = . . . . . . * . .  0.5  2414
11 Blatny, Pavel         g CZE 2476 0 . . . . . . . . . * .  0.0      
12 Rajlich, Vasik G        USA 2297 . 0 . . . . . . . . . *  0.0      

FSIM October Budapest HUN (HUN), 2-12 x 1999         cat. II (2283)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Eperjesi, Laszlo   m HUN 2381 * . . . . . . . . . . 1  1.0      
 2 Friedrichs, Klaus    GER 2148 . * . . . . . . . 1 . .  1.0      
 3 Jakab, Attila        HUN 2328 . . * . . . . 1 . . . .  1.0      
 4 Naes, Flovin Tor     FAI 2222 . . . * . . . . . . 1 .  1.0      
 5 Trabert, Bettina  wm GER 2301 . . . . * . . . 1 . . .  1.0      
 6 Zimmerman, Yuri    m RUS 2440 . . . . . * 1 . . . . .  1.0      
 7 Gara, Anita       wm HUN 2260 . . . . . 0 * . . . . .  0.0      
 8 Gara, Ticia          HUN 2233 . . 0 . . . . * . . . .  0.0      
 9 Muehlbach, Peter     GER 2198 . . . . 0 . . . * . . .  0.0      
10 Szeberenyi, Adam     HUN 2357 . 0 . . . . . . . * . .  0.0      
11 Vadasz, Laszlo     g HUN 2275 . . . 0 . . . . . . * .  0.0      
12 Resika, Nathan A     USA 2251 0 . . . . . . . . . . *  0.0      

9) Manhattan Chess Club Championship 1999

John Fernandez reports on the Manhattan Chess Club Championships 1999 which took place September 24th-26th 1999: GM Joel Benjamin is now Manhattan Chess Club Champion, for the sixth time. In a very tightly contested tournament, GM Benjamin won the title on tiebreak over GM John Fedorowicz and IM Ron Burnett, all of whom scored four out of five games. At 3.5/5, tying for fourth place, were GM Alexander Stripunsky, IM Esam Elgindy, Ylon Schwartz, and Andrei Zaremba. The latter was the sensation of the tournament, as he drew all three of his games against the three GMs in the tournament. IM-Elect Dean Ippolito tried to also match Zaremba's feat of drawing all three of the GMs, but after drawing Benjamin and Stripunsky, he was unable to perform the trifecta, succumbing to GM Fedorowicz. In a very tough field (practically all the players were masters), tense games could be found on all boards. The tournament was directed by Nicholas Conticello, who kept the tournament free of any disputes whatsoever.

Final Standings:
 1 GM Benjamin, Joel         2662 W 14  D  6  W  7  D 11  W  5   4.0
 2 GM Fedorowicz, John P     2634 D 17  W 32  D  6  W 14  W 11   4.0
 3 IM Burnett, Ronald        2464 H---  D 18  W 21  W 15  W 12   4.0
 4 GM Stripunsky, Alexander  2617 W 15  W 13  D 11  D 12  D  6   3.5
 5 IM Elgindy, Essam         2457 W 22  W  8  D 12  W 16  L  1   3.5
 6 Zaremba, Andrei           2386 B---  D  1  D  2  W 22  D  4   3.5
 7 Treger, Yefim             2331 D 35  W 19  L  1  W 27  W 17   3.5
 8 Schwartz, Ylon            2327 W 30  L  5  W 33  W 20  D  9   3.5
 9 FM Schneider, Dmitry      2460 D 18  W 28  L 16  W 26  D  8   3.0
10 IM Bonin, Jay             2457 D 27  D 21  L 22  W 24  W 26   3.0
11 FM Ippolito, Dean         2441 W 23  W 24  D  4  D  1  L  2   3.0
12 IM Robovic, Saudin        2428 W 33  W 26  D  5  D  4  L  3   3.0
13 Privman, Boris            2367 W 25  L  4  D 27  W 28  D 16   3.0
14 Feldman, Boris            2317 L  1  W 34  W 24  L  2  W 22   3.0
15 Rajlich, Vasik            2315 L  4  W 23  W 18  L  3  W 20   3.0
16 Nakamura, Hikaru          2289 H---  W 35  W  9  L  5  D 13   3.0
17 Cooke, Eric               2315 D  2  W 29  L 20  W 19  L  7   2.5
18 Lewis, James              2230 D  9  D  3  L 15  D 23  W 21   2.5
19 Ross, Philip E            2179 H---  L  7  W 35  L 17  W 27   2.5
20 FM Lapshun, Yurij         2531 D 21  D 27  W 17  L  8  L 15   2.0
21 FM Morris, Matthew        2242 D 20  D 10  L  3  W 34  L 18   2.0
22 Cadman, Chuck             2218 L  5  B---  W 10  L  6  L 14   2.0
23 Sena, Juan                2205 L 11  L 15  B---  D 18  D 25   2.0
24 Grechikhin, Vladimir      2181 W 31  L 11  L 14  L 10  W 29   2.0
25 Cimafranca, Edgar         2145 L 13  H---  L 28  W 35  D 23   2.0
26 Burrows, Brandon          2021 B---  L 12  W 32  L  9  L 10   2.0
27 Feldman, Yevgeny          2226 D 10  D 20  D 13  L  7  L 19   1.5
28 Kreitner, Ilan            2216 H---  L  9  W 25  L 13  U---   1.5
29 Bierkens, Peter           2175 H---  L 17  D 34  D 32  L 24   1.5
30 Fernandez, John C         2026 L  8  H---  F---  B---  U---   1.5
31 Eisen, Lewis              2289 L 24  L 33  X---  U---  U---   1.0
32 Santana, Joan             2263 H---  L  2  L 26  D 29  U---   1.0
33 Furdzik, Rafael           2201 L 12  W 31  L  8  U---  U---   1.0
34 Frumkin, Edward A         2096 H---  L 14  D 29  L 21  U---   1.0
35 Waxman, Marian            2100 D  7  L 16  L 19  L 25  U---   0.5

10) Najdorf Memorial, Buenos Aires

The Najdorf Memorial Open tournament ran September 21st-30th in Buenos Aires (which was also the Argentine Championship semi-finals). There was a four way tie on 6.5/9, Marcelo Tempone, Guillermo Soppe, Alfredo Giaccio and Cristian Dolezal. My thanks to Adrian Roldan and Ruben Casafus for the games and results.

Coverage at:

Final Standings (9 rounds)
  1. TEMPONE Marcelo               6.5  49.5    38.50
  2. SOPPE Guillermo               6.5  46.0    37.50
  3. GIACCIO Alfredo               6.5  45.5    35.00
  4. DOLEZAL Cristian              6.5  42.0    33.50
  5. SORIN Ariel                   6.0  52.0    41.00
  6. RUBINETTI Jorge               6.0  48.5    39.00
  7. FIORITO Fabian                6.0  48.5    39.00
  8. ZARNICKI Pablo                6.0  47.5    37.00
  9. ALONSO Salvador               6.0  47.0    36.50
 10. GOMEZ BAILLO Jorge            6.0  45.0    35.00
 11. FELGAER Ruben                 5.5  49.0    38.50
 12. KANEFSCK Gustavo              5.5  47.0    37.50
 13. SLIPAK Sergio                 5.5  44.0    34.50
 14. FLORES Diego                  5.5  43.5    35.00
 15. MENDEZ Ernesto                5.5  42.5    33.50
 16. FERNANDEZ MURGA Rob           5.5  40.5    31.50
 17. CATIVELLI Gerardo             5.5  40.0    31.00
 18. MALBRAN Guillermo             5.0  47.5    37.00
 19. HOBAICA Juan Pablo            5.0  47.0    36.50
 20. LLANOS Guillermo              5.0  45.5    35.50
 21. PIERROT Facundo               5.0  44.5    34.50
 22. SZMETAN Jorge                 5.0  44.0    34.00
 23. GIARDELLI Sergio              5.0  43.5    34.50
 24. VARELA Gaston            R    5.0  39.5    33.00
 25. QUIROGA Facundo               5.0  39.5    30.00
 26. IDIGORAS Alejandro            5.0  39.0    31.50
 27. ALBARRAN Gustavo              5.0  34.0    26.50
 28. JULIA Ernesto                 4.5  49.5    39.00
 29. GINZBURG Maximiliano          4.5  46.0    36.50
 30. REIDES Marcelo                4.5  43.5    34.00
 31. ROSITO Jorge                  4.5  42.5    33.00
 32. AYALA Marcelo                 4.5  39.5    30.00
 33. GASTIABURO Hernan        R    4.5  37.5    31.00
 34. BIBILONI Jorge                4.5  37.5    28.50
 35. PATI¥O Alberto                4.5  36.0    27.00
 36. MAURI¥O Lucio                 4.5  33.5    27.00
 37. NEDILSKY Diego                4.0  46.0    36.00
 38. CARO Esteban                  4.0  40.0    31.50
 39. CASAFUS Ruben                 4.0  39.0    30.00
 40. BIELICKI Carlos               4.0  37.5    30.50
 41. BENKO Francisco               4.0  37.5    29.00
 42. SCALISE Luis                  4.0  37.0    30.00
 43. CASTELLI Raul                 4.0  36.5    28.50
 44. ROMERO Pablo                  4.0  31.0    25.00
 45. ALTAMIRANO Benjamin           3.5  40.0    31.50
 46. VEGA Fabian                   3.5  35.0    29.00
 47. LOPEZ Sebastian               3.5  28.0    23.50
 48. MOSCONI Ariel            R    3.5  22.0    17.00
 49. WALSH Hector                  3.0  43.0    34.00
 50. CURATOLA Clemente             3.0  37.5    29.50
 51. LEONE Juliana                 3.0  35.0    28.00
 52. VILLANUEVA Matias             3.0  32.0    26.00
 53. LIGATO Guillermo              3.0  29.0    24.50
 54. KONIG Cesar                   3.0  28.5    23.00
 55. ROMERO Leandro           R    3.0  24.5    20.00
 56. SOBRERO Sebastian             2.5  37.0    30.50
 57. MALLADA Gustavo               2.5  27.5    22.00
 58. ROSELLI Leonardo              1.5  24.5    19.50

11) Children's Chess Olympiad

Mikhail Golubev reports: The 7th Children's Chess Olympiad took place in the Artek (Ukraine) Children's center in the Crimea, 9-21st September 1999. Final standings were: 1. Ukraine 1st Team 24.0 2.Georgia 23.0 3.China 22.0. Ruslan Ponomariov scored 6.5/7 on board one to take the home team to first place. It was a very close run thing with the Ukrainian second team looking like taking first until a collapse in the final round, but the first team after losing to China, Rumania, and Armenia in the middle rounds won well in the final round against Azerbaijan to take Gold by a point from Georgia in second.

Further news at: and a brief report from the paper "The Day" at:

Final Standings
1. UKRAINE-1 24,0                            16.KYRGYZSTAN 17,5
2. GEORGIA 23,0                              17.LITHUANIA 17,0
3. CHINA 22,5                                   KAZAHSTAN 17,0
4. BELARUS 22,0                                 SOUTH AFRICA 17,0
5. UKRAINE-2 21,5                               RUSSIA-2 (KALMYKIA) 17,0
   ROMANIA 21,5                                 UKRAINE-3 (CRIMEA) 17,0
   ARMENIA 21,5                                 TURKEY 17,0
8. RUSSIA-1 20,0                             23.YUGOSLAVIA 16,5
   IRAN 20,0                                 24.UZBEKISTAN 16,0
10.AZERBAIJAN 19,0                           25.BELGIUM 15,5
   BULGARIA 19,0                             26.TURKMENISTAN 15,0
12.MOLDOVA 18,5                              27.JAPAN 12,5
   POLAND 18,5                               28.AUSTRALIA 11,5
14.HUNGARY 18,0                              29.UZBEKISTAN-2 8,0
   VIETNAM 18,0                              30.TAJIKISTAN 6,5

12) Hotel Irottko Tournaments

As reported by Chris Morrison in TWIC 245 (19th July 1999) there were two events in the Hotel Irottko June 23rd-July 3rd 1999. There were two all-play-all events held in the Hotel Irottko, which is in Koszeg (Hungary) but at the time there were no games from the GM event. The Category VIII (average 2440) GM event was won by Andrey Zontakh of the Ukraine on 8/11 ahead of Zoltan Varga of Hungary on 7.5 points. Games are now available and below is the crosstable. There is one missing game, a win for Csom against Weinzettl. Games were entered by Hungarian IM Pal Kiss.

Hotel Irottko GM Koszeg HUN (HUN), 23 vi-3 vii 1999    cat. VIII (2440)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Zontakh, Andrey        g UKR 2530 * 0 = = 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 1  8.0  2607
 2 Varga, Zoltan          g HUN 2518 1 * = = = 1 1 = 1 = = =  7.5  2566
 3 Horvath, Adam          m HUN 2437 = = * = = 1 1 = 0 1 0 1  6.5  2505
 4 Schebler, Gerhard      m GER 2439 = = = * = = 0 = = 1 1 1  6.5  2505
 5 Csom, Istvan           g HUN 2455 0 = = = * = = = = = 1 1  6.0  2474
 6 Hoffmann, Michael      m GER 2407 0 0 0 = = * = 1 1 1 = 1  6.0  2479
 7 Estrada Nieto, Julian  m MEX 2370 = 0 0 1 = = * = = = = =  5.0  2410
 8 Ruck, Robert           m HUN 2492 0 = = = = 0 = * = = 1 =  5.0  2399
 9 Llanos, Guillermo      m ARG 2437 0 0 1 = = 0 = = * = = 1  5.0  2404
10 Kustar, Sandor         m HUN 2434 = = 0 0 = 0 = = = * 1 1  5.0  2404
11 Weinzettl, Ernst       m AUT 2420 0 = 1 0 0 = = 0 = 0 * 0  3.0  2267
12 Habibi, Ali            m GER 2344 0 = 0 0 0 0 = = 0 0 1 *  2.5  2238

13) REBEL Century vs Ruslan Sherbakov

Wybe Koopmans reports on REBEL Century vs. Ruslan Sherbakov (Oct 2nd 1999): The computer program Rebel played it's 6th game in a Monthly GM Challenge cycle. The Monthly GM Challenge played at normal tournament time rates. The match started at 16:00 Amsterdam time (10:00 New York time). The game was live on ICC. REBEL played with a special and new gambit book with only sharp lines and with the special Anti-GM option (first used in the match REBEL against Anand) which tends towards making the game sharp. More info:

14) Vladimir Kramnik on Las Vegas

Dirk Poldauf editor of "Schach" Magazine reports: In the next issue the German "Schach" Chess magazine - 10/99 - there is a broad discussion amongst grandmasters (Karpov, Kramnik, Timman, Movsesian, Seirawan, Tiviakov, Krasenkov and others) as to whether the so called "elite grandmasters" are really stronger than players like Khalifman, Akopian, Movsesian. This includes a big article by FIDE Champion Khalifman (partially published on the "Schach" website at The following article is by Vladimir Kramnik translated by Dirk Poldauf into English for publication in TWIC.

Vladimir Kramnik writes:

After the Fide World Championship there were statements by several grandmasters who do not belong to the top ten in the worlds ranking that they were not worse than the so called "chess elite" (for example the open letter by Movsesian which was published in The Week In Chess). Instead of beginning to argue senselessly I would go straight to the statistics. I have analysed the results of nine grandmasters who have had a rating between 2660 and 2851 from 1995 until today (the so called "elite"). I had a look at their results against those players who had at the time of the game a rating between 2550 and 2670 (the so called "suppressed class" who don't have the same opportunities to prove they are not worse than the "elite"). Perhaps there are some minimal inaccuracies in my calculations due to missing games in my database (but this is not very likely because my database contains more or less all important tournaments from 1995 to 1999).

1. Kasparov +41 -  4 = 33
2. Anand    +47 -  6 = 40
3. Kramnik  +59 -  7 = 70
4. Shirov   +79 - 35 =108
5. Adams    +71 - 31 =120
6. Ivanchuk +47 - 11 = 74
7. Karpov   +30 -  7 = 58
8. Gelfand  +38 - 11 =102
9. Topalov  +65 - 25 = 71
   Totals: +477 -137 =676 

In my opinion these statistical facts do not need further comment. It seems astonishing but even in Las Vegas - where the rating favourites did so badly - they played a bit better than their colleagues of the "suppressed class" (in classical chess). I want to prove that once more by the means of the statistics. Due to the different number of played games and the different average rating of the opponents the so called "Elo performance" seems to be the only reasonable measure to compare the players achievements.

Here are the results of my investigations of the results from Las Vegas:

               Score  Rating Average Performance 
                      of opponents  
1. Kramnik       5/8  2671           2758
2. Shirov        4/8  2625           2625 
3. Adams         6/11 2664           2695 
4. Ivanchuk      5/6  2608           2841 (!) 
5. Topalov     3,5/6  2652           2710 
6. Gelfand     3,5/6  2621           2679 

This produces an average performance (without consideration of the number of the games) of 2718.

In comparison let's take the most successful players of the second group:

               Score  Rating Average Performance 
                      of opponents  
1. Khalifman  11,5/20 2634           2690 
2. Akopian      11/19 2636           2691 
3. Nisipeanu   8,5/14 2637           2712 
4. Movsesian     5/8  2639           2728 
5. Dreev         5/8  2616           2704 
6. Polgar      4,5/8  2592           2635 

This produces an average performance (without consideration of the number of the games) of 2693

Please do not misunderstand me - I do not list all these numbers in order to depreciate the great achievements of Khalifman, Akopian and others (they are not guilty for the imperfection of a system where a performance of 2841 is not sufficient to go through to the quarter-finals). I just wanted to show that it is not true that "elite grandmasters" in principle are not stronger than others. At the end I want to speak to the huge army of grandmasters who complain about the injustice. I do not like the division of grandmasters into the "elite" and "middle class" (although I think that the first ones are clearly better). But unfortunately this division existed and is still existing in the mind of the chess community and the organisers of super tournaments. I agree that getting into the elite tournaments is very difficult and there are some players who have proved that they should be invited at least sometimes. But they do not get invitations. But neither me nor you are guilty for that and neither me nor you are able to change that situation. That's why I suggest to everybody who wants to do it to go the same way I went for instance myself as did Anand, Topalov or Morozevich: winning some open tournaments and pushing your rating; then the organizers of big tournaments cannot ignore you any more. The early you stop complaining and start your way the more chances you will have. I really wish all of you success on that way. Vladimir Kramnik

15) Professional Chess Rankings

Professional Chess Rankings for players rated 2500 and higher Produced by Ken Thomson , New Jersey Calculated by Vladimir Dvorkovich, Moscow Results up to October 1, 1999

 1. Kasparov,Garry          RUS   2838   140   
 2. Kramnik,Vladimir        RUS   2730   114   
 3. Shirov,Alexei           ESP   2729   195   
 4. Anand,Viswanathan       IND   2720   119   
 5. Leko,Peter              HUN   2711   136   
 6. Morozevich,Alexander    RUS   2700   181   
 7. Kamsky,Gata             USA   2696   184   
 8. Gelfand,Boris           BLR   2693   135   
 9. Bareev,Evgeny           RUS   2678   156   
10. Adams,Michael           ENG   2674   172   
11. Ivanchuk,Vassily        UKR   2673   156   
12. Karpov,Anatoli          RUS   2658   132   
13. Short,Nigel D           ENG   2654   141   
14. Azmaiparashvili,Zurab   GEO   2648   137   
15. Dreev,Alexey            RUS   2647   157   
16. Topalov,Veselin         BUL   2640   171   
17. Movsesian,Sergei        CZE   2639   145   
18. Akopian,Vladimir        ARM   2638   171   
19. Sokolov,Ivan            BIH   2638   170   
20. Almasi,Zoltan           HUN   2633   166   
21. Svidler,Peter           RUS   2631   157   
22. Khalifman,Alexander     RUS   2630   163   
23. Korchnoi,Viktor         SUI   2629   161   
24. Nikolic,Predrag         BIH   2627   141   
25. Georgiev,Kiril          BUL   2626   158   
26. Seirawan,Yasser         USA   2621   170   
27. Zvjaginsev,Vadim        RUS   2620   129   
28. Lautier,Joel            FRA   2617   146   
29. Sadler,Matthew          ENG   2615   181   
30. Smirin,Ilia             ISR   2614   163   
31. Ponomariov,Ruslan       UKR   2613   171   
32. Polgar,Judit            HUN   2613   181   
33. Salov,Valery            RUS   2612   199   
34. Rublevsky,Sergei        RUS   2611   161   
35. Gurevich,Mikhail        BEL   2611   166   
36. Yusupov,Artur           GER   2611   156   
37. Gulko,Boris F           USA   2610   163   
38. Krasenkov,Mikhail       POL   2608   190   
39. Sakaev,Konstantin       RUS   2607   140   
40. Onischuk,Alexander      UKR   2605   202   
41. Hjartarson,Johann       ISD   2604   175   

16) Garry Kasparov vs the World

The Garry Kasparov vs. the World chess tournament. The event continues, you can follow the game at: It allows players to consult in choosing which move is played against Kasparov. Players can vote for one of the suggested moves or for their own recommended move. The move with the most votes will be chosen as the world team's move. There is a team of coaches Etienne Bacrot, 16, Florin Felecan, 19, Irina Krush, 15, and Elisabeth Pähtz, 14 who have aided the choice of moves and GM Danny King has acted as moderator during the match.

The Kasparov vs. the World chess tournament started June 21st. The event is taking place on the MSN network. Kasparov gave a press conference in London on September 2nd 1999.

Download this file to hear the full interview. The file has dsslight (which needs installing) and the full 45 minute Kasparov in (.dss format) MSN press conference zipped together [1.7 Meg].

Garry Kasparov vs The World Prize Quiz

Moves so far Kasparov,G (2812) - The World [B52] 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ Bd7 4.Bxd7+ Qxd7 5.c4 Nc6 6.Nc3 Nf6 7.0-0 g6 8.d4 cxd4 9.Nxd4 Bg7 10.Nde2 Qe6 11.Nd5 Qxe4 12.Nc7+ Kd7 13.Nxa8 Qxc4 14.Nb6+ axb6 15.Nc3 Ra8 16.a4 Ne4 17.Nxe4 Qxe4 18.Qb3 f5 19.Bg5 Qb4 20.Qf7 Be5 21.h3 Rxa4 22.Rxa4 Qxa4 23.Qxh7 Bxb2 24.Qxg6 Qe4 25.Qf7 Bd4 26.Qb3 f4 27.Qf7 Be5 28.h4 b5 29.h5 Qc4 30.Qf5+ Qe6 31.Qxe6+ Kxe6 32.g3 fxg3 33.fxg3 b4 34.Bf4 Bd4+ 35.Kh1 b3 36.g4 Kd5 37.g5 e6 38.h6 Ne7 39.Rd1 e5 40.Be3 Kc4 41. Bxd4 exd4 42. Kg2 b2 43. Kf3 Kc3 44. h7 Ng6 45. Ke4 Kc2 46. Rh1 d3 47.Kf5 b1Q 48.Rxb1 Kxb1 49.Kxg6 d2 50. h8=Q d1=Q 51. Qh7 b5 52. Kf6+ Kb2 53. Qh2+ [last update 20/9/99]... continues. Things should clarify fairly soon with the World having to work hard. It is now important to decide where the white King can best hide (possibly Ka1).

17) Forthcoming Events and Links

Leko - Bunzmann match

There will be a six game match between Peter Leko and Dimitrij Bunzmann taking place 16th-22nd October 1999 in Hamburg, Germany. 20 year old Leko is rated 2701 and is World number 9 and Bunzmann is a 17 year old German junior rated 2596.

Further details at:

The event is sponsored by Contrust-Capital, a company, which sponsors Dimitrij Bunzmann. The match takes place alongside a big open tournament, the 5th Wichern-Open, with 30 grandmasters and 200- 00 players which takes place October 15th-22nd October 1999.

European Juniors and Girls Chess Championships

The European Juniors and Girls Chess Championships 1999 are taking place in Patras, Greece 5th-18th October 1999. 96 players compete. Some of the leading competitors are: IM Alexander Moiseenko (UKR) 2501, IM Alexei Iljushin (RUS) 2527, IM Alexander Motylev (RUS) 2532, IM Robert Fontaine (FRA) 2408, FM Fabian Doettling (GER) 2475, Robert Cvek (CZE) 2444, Alexander Zubarev (UKR) 2486, Marek Stryjecki (POL) 2448, IM Pawel Blehm (POL) 2479, IM Rufat Bagirov (AZE) 2471, Dragan Solak (YUG) 2457 and Stelios Halkias (GRE) 2406.

Internet coverage at:

9th Slovenian Championships

The 9th Slovenian Championship for men and women is taking place in Kranj (Slovenia)(2nd-10th October 1999). There are 28 players (ELO average=2280) and 12 women players (2111).

Results and games are available at: or

Lucern open tournament

"SWISS CHESS TOUR 1999" will organize "THE 1st SEEBURG OPEN" October 8th-12th in Lucern. It will be the 1st International Open Tournament in Lucern. Lucern is a chess town, well-known as the host of many important chess event. The World Chess Championships (team), Olympiad 1982, two zonal tournaments, the Candidate's matches, many national championship and various International Chess Tournaments (except an open!). FIDE has had an office in Lucern for many years. The Hotel SEEBURG and BEOCHESS organise.

Time table: Friday, October 8: 17.00-17.45 The last registration; 17.45-18.00 Open ceremony and 18.00-23.00 Round 1st, Saturday, October 9: 09.30-14.30 Round 2nd and 15.30-20.30 Round 3rd, Sunday, October 10: 09.30-14.30 Round 4th and 15.30-20.30 Round 5th Monday, October 11: 17.00-22.00 Round 6th, Tuesday, October 12: 12.30-17.30 Round 7th and 18.00 The closing ceremony

The money prizes: 2000/1500/1000/800/600/500/400/300/250/200 SF (for more then 100 players) The 10 natural prizes. The special prizes: the best Lady, the best senior (1939), the best junior (1979-1982), the best schoolboy (1983), the best player from Lucern. Entry fee: 130 SF (FM and juniors 60 SF) GM's and IM's free At door 10 SF more.

Registration and more information or OV BEOCHESS, Robert Spörri, Breite 85, CH-3306 Etzelkofen (Tel. 0041-31-7680160; Fax: 0041-31-7680161; E-Mail:

Alexander Baburin

Alexander Baburin has a new website about himself, includes puzzles and teachings and a regular "Coffee Break Magazine" which has reached no 16. Check out

X Panamerican Youth Festival

The X Panamerican Youth Festival take place in Matinhos, Paraná, Brazil, from Sept 30th to Oct 6th.

Organization: Brazilian Chess Federation - e-mail - phone 00 55 41 232 1828 - fax 00 55 41 2336101

Events: - X Panamerican Youth Championships (u-18/10 boys/girls) - Mercosur Rapid Tournament (15') - Seminary for chess in schools - Arbiters Course - Trainers Courses - Clinic for players

Support: City Hall of Matinhos ( Ministry of Sport and Tourism of Brazil

Confirmed participants from the 10 federations of the Americas: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Equador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela

Panamerican Program (in english) available at Coverage at

British Rapidplay Chess Championships

The British Rapidplay Chess Championships take place in Leeds, 16/17 October 1999. Further details