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Contact the London Chess Center Order form at or email 1. The Week In Chess CD The number 1 news service, all the editions from 1995 to end 1998 on this CD. Includes the best 130,000 games from the last 4 years, all the MIG articles and ChessBase light (a cut down version of ChessBase). List price £19.95 $29.95 Offer Post Free Worldwide 2. GIANT CHESS SET. - If you want to play exhibition chess outdoors. Special offer £250 (save £100) or $399 (a saving of $150), MAT £99 (save £99) or $159 (a saving of $75) Check out the September book offers at: 3. c3 Sicilian by Joe Gallagher £14.99/$22.50 Softback. 176 pages. Everyman Grandmaster Joe Gallagher gives a full coverage of this hugely popular anti-sicilian line. 4. Guide to the Torre Attack By Graham Burgess £14.99/$22.50 Softback. 192 pages. Gambit Publications. The Torre Attack is a very attractive system for White as it allows him to set the agenda from the outset, preventing many counterattacking systems. 5. English Defence by Daniel King £14.99/$22.50 Softback. 144 pages. Everyman Chess. The English Defence, not to be confused with The English (1.c4) is fast becoming a dangerous and respected yet little known response to 1.d4 and 1.c4. 6. Bronstein on Kings Indian, The former World Championship Challenger and one of the opening's pioneers gives his thoughts in a new book. £12.99 (save £2) $19.99 Postfree Worldwide. 7. Extreme Chess by Purdy. A book by the famous Australian instructional author and World Correspondence Champion £12.99 (save £2) $19.99 Postfree Worldwide. 8. Hiarcs 7.32 analysis module on CD. The strongest analysis module yet for ChessBase and Fritz. Extraordinarily strong 32Bit chess engine by Mark Uniacke. Original openings book by Eric Hallsworth. Accesses five piece endgame tablebases in the search KPP vs KP, KRP vs KR, KBP vs KB, KRB vs KR and all four piece endgames included. Persistent hash tables and positional learning for learning analysis 300,000 games database List price £44.95 $60.00 Offer price £39.95 $52.00 9. ChessBase Opening Encyclopaedia (new edition) With contributions of many well-known opening experts featuring: - more than 470.000 games - 40.000 of them with annotations - 3000 opening surveys contains at least one survey for each of the 500 opening codes - access to the games with the big opening key "BigKey" - big tree of all games for quick overview and statistical access All data in both old and new ChessBase format List Price £89.95 $130 Offer Price £79.95 $115 For new book offers visit 10. World Chess Championships, T Shirt. £15 or $20 + shipping. See for further details. 11. The World of Chess CD. Video and Audio Presentation of the World Chess Championships 1886 - 1988/1999, with over 1000 games, The History of FIDE and The Complete Organizer's Handbook. The Official CD-ROM endorsed by the Federation Internationale Des Echecs Produced by RidgWay Partner. Further details: worldofchess.html. Special Postfree price for TWIC readers. £19-99 or $29-99. |
Games section
Interplay US Championships 1999 22 games 3rd Mind Sports Olympiad 118 games PZU SA Open Polanica Zdrój 1999 217 games French Chess Championships (women) 66 games French Championships (Accession) 316 games Pyramiden-Franken-Cup Fürth 240 games Coulsden Chess Festival 88 games First Saturday, September 12 games 2nd Hotel Zuglo Open 103 games soLett Chess Open 209 games 1418 games
My thanks to Duif Calvin, Europe Echecs, BCM site, Inside Chess site, Tobias Pettersson, Jon Speelman, John Henderson, Rod McShane and all those who helped with this issue.
Nothing fancy or complicated this week. The US Championships was the top event, Kasparov visited London to talk about his match against the World and an eight year old English player called David Howell beat John Nunn in a blitz game.
Hope you enjoy this issue
The Interplay US Championships 1999 started August 23rd in Salt Lake City. As last year the event consists of two round robin events followed by a knockout between the top two players in each group. The event has reached the semi-final stage. Gulko is playing Seirawan and Yermolinsky is playing Serper. The four game semi-finals finished level after four games. Gulko won the first game and Seirawan the second in their match, all other games were drawn. (Seirawan claims he missed a win in game four of his match with (22.Qh4 Nxd5 23.Bxd5+ Bxd5 24.Re7+-) instead of 22. Qg5). Playoffs (g/25) are tonight Monday 6th. Earlier Seirawan won a three player playoff for the final position in the semi-finals from the group B preliminaries. Belakovskaia won the Women's Championships.
Coverage at: and
Semi-Finals Round 1 (August 23, 1999) Yermolinsky, Alex - Serper, Grigory 1/2 29 D38 Queen's gambit Gulko, Boris F - Seirawan, Yasser 1-0 65 E20 Nimzo indian Round 2 (August 24, 1999) Serper, Grigory - Yermolinsky, Alex 1/2 44 A57 Benko gambit Seirawan, Yasser - Gulko, Boris F 1-0 51 A40 Queen's pawn Round 3 (August 25, 1999) Gulko, Boris F - Seirawan, Yasser 1/2 14 E20 Nimzo indian Yermolinsky, Alex - Serper, Grigory 1/2 18 D31 Queen's gambit Round 4 (August 26, 1999) Seirawan, Yasser - Gulko, Boris F 1/2 23 A29 English; 1.c4 e5 Serper, Grigory - Yermolinsky, Alex 1/2 24 E19 Nimzo indian Group A Preliminaries Round 7 (August 30, 1999) Gulko, Boris F - Kudrin, Sergey 1-0 31 A30 English; 1.c4 c5 Yermolinsky, Alex - Shliperman, Igor 1/2 20 A60 Modern Benoni Christiansen, Larry M - Gurevich, Dmitry 0-1 60 B31 Sicilian Fedorowicz, John P - Shabalov, Alexander 1/2 10 C05 French; Tarrasch Interplay US Championships Salt Lake City, Utah Prelim A (USA), 5-15 viii 1999cat. XIII (2559) -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Gulko, Boris F g USA 2618 * = 0 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 2781 2 Yermolinsky, Alex g USA 2588 = * 1 = = = = = 4.0 2605 3 Christiansen, Larry M g USA 2610 1 0 * 0 0 1 1 = 3.5 2552 4 Gurevich, Dmitry g USA 2537 0 = 1 * = = = = 3.5 2562 5 Fedorowicz, John P g USA 2565 0 = 1 = * = 0 = 3.0 2508 6 Shliperman, Igor m USA 2466 0 = 0 = = * 1 = 3.0 2522 7 Kudrin, Sergey g USA 2525 0 = 0 = 1 0 * 1 3.0 2514 8 Shabalov, Alexander g USA 2566 0 = = = = = 0 * 2.5 2456 -------------------------------------------------------------- Group B Preliminaries Round 7 (August 30, 1999) Serper, Grigory - Dzindzichashvili, Roman 1/2 15 D14 Slav defence Seirawan, Yasser - Benjamin, Joel 1/2 29 B07 Pirc Ivanov, Alexander - Finegold, Benjamin 1-0 67 B88 Sicilian DeFirmian, Nick E - Kaidanov, Gregory S 1-0 53 C12 French; Macutcheon Interplay US Championships Salt Lake City, Utah Prelim B (USA), 5-15 viii 1999cat. XIII (2568) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Serper, Grigory g USA 2540 * = 1 1 = = 0 1 4.5 2673 2 Seirawan, Yasser g USA 2653 = * = 1 = = = = 4.0 2605 3 Benjamin, Joel g USA 2579 0 = * = = = 1 1 4.0 2615 4 Ivanov, Alexander g USA 2515 0 0 = * 1 = 1 1 4.0 2625 5 DeFirmian, Nick E g USA 2598 = = = 0 * 1 1 0 3.5 2563 6 Dzindzichashvili, Roman g USA 2544 = = = = 0 * = = 3.0 2520 7 Kaidanov, Gregory S g USA 2611 1 = 0 0 0 = * 1 3.0 2511 8 Finegold, Benjamin m USA 2500 0 = 0 0 1 = 0 * 2.0 2419 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Group B playoffs Round 1 (August 31, 1999) Seirawan, Yasser - Benjamin, Joel 1-0 47 A21 English; 1.c4 e5 Round 2 (August 31, 1999) Benjamin, Joel - Ivanov, Alexander 0-1 52 E18 Nimzo indian Round 3 (August 31, 1999) Ivanov, Alexander - Seirawan, Yasser 1/2 41 C10 French Round 4 (August 31, 1999) Benjamin, Joel - Seirawan, Yasser 1-0 58 B12 Caro-Kann Round 5 (August 31, 1999) Ivanov, Alexander - Benjamin, Joel 0-1 50 B08 Pirc; Classical Round 6 (August 31, 1999) Seirawan, Yasser - Ivanov, Alexander 1-0 47 A46 Queen's pawn Interplay US Championships Salt Lake City, Utah Prelim B Playoffs (USA), 31-31 viii 1999cat. XIV (2582) --------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 --------------------------------------------------- 1 Seirawan, Yasser g USA 2653 ** 10 =1 2.5 2642 2 Benjamin, Joel g USA 2579 01 ** 01 2.0 2584 3 Ivanov, Alexander g USA 2515 =0 10 ** 1.5 2529 --------------------------------------------------- Round 8 (August 30, 1999) Sagalchik, Olga - Epstein, Esther 1/2 61 A42 Queen's pawn Frenklakh, Jennie - Belakovskaia, Anjelina 1/2 24 D10 Slav defence Marinello, Beatriz M - Shahade, Jennifer 1/2 85 B72 Sicilian; Dragon Airapetian,Chouchanik - Burtman, Sharon 1-0 62 B50 Sicilian Groberman, Elina - Khan, Anna 0-1 39 B32 Sicilian Round 9 (August 31, 1999) Belakovskaia, Anjelina - Sagalchik, Olga 1/2 8 D37 Queen's gambit Epstein, Esther - Groberman, Elina 1-0 42 C44 Scottish Khan, Anna - Shahade, Jennifer 0-1 29 A64 Modern Benoni Airapetian,Chouchanik - Marinello, Beatriz M 0-1 42 C16 French; Winawer Burtman, Sharon - Frenklakh, Jennie 0-1 41 E09 Nimzo indian Interplay US Women's Championships Salt Lake City, Utah (USA), 5-15 viii 1999 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Belakovskaia, Anjelina wg USA 2255 * = = = = 1 1 1 1 1 7.0 2384 2 Shahade, Jennifer m USA 2290 = * = 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 6.5 2326 3 Epstein, Esther wm USA 2236 = = * = 1 1 0 0 1 1 5.5 2246 4 Sagalchik, Olga USA 2137 = 0 = * 0 1 = 1 1 1 5.5 2257 5 Frenklakh, Jennie wf USA 2137 = 1 0 1 * 0 = 0 1 1 5.0 2220 6 Marinello, Beatriz M wm USA 2221 0 = 0 0 1 * 1 1 = 1 5.0 2211 7 Khan, Anna wm USA 2295 0 0 1 = = 0 * = 1 1 4.5 2160 8 Airapetian,Chouchanik ---- 0 0 1 0 1 0 = * = 1 4.0 2150 9 Groberman, Elina USA 2062 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = * 1 2.0 1966 10 Burtman, Sharon wm USA 2104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------
The main chess event at the 3rd Mind Sports Olympiad saw a three way tie for first. Alexander Baburin (IRL), Lev Psakhis (ISR) and Jon Speelman (ENG) all finished on 7/9. Speelman won a vital final round game against Baburin to force the tie. 10 year old Murugan Thiruchelvam scored 50% (2317) in the event for a record performance for his age. However the headlines were taken by 8 year old (8 years and 8 months) David Howell who won his first round game in the MSO blitz event against GM John Nunn. Howell is one of the brightest young talents England has produced, he also beat Harriet Hunt at the recent Scarborough rapidplay event, he is currently playing in the European under-10 event in Greece. He appeared on many TV and radio programs following his defeat of Nunn aswell as most of the English newspapers.
There were an astonishing number of blitz events (5 and 10 minute events with increments) with players such as Nunn, Hodgson, Norwood and Adams winning. Nunn also took the problem solving.
My thanks to Rod McShane for the games and Jon Speelman for his final round game. There is further information at: .
MSO Masters 1 BABURIN,Alex............. IRL g 2593 7 9 7 2461 6.12 0.88 2 PSAKHIS,Lev.............. ISR g 2581 7 9 7 2482 5.76 1.24 3 SPEELMAN,Jon............. ENG g 2597 7 9 7 2476 5.94 1.06 4 CHANDLER,Murray.......... ENG g 2505 6½ 9 6½ 2398 5.85 0.65 5 MUREY,Yacov.............. ISR g 2475 6½ 9 6½ 2358 5.94 0.56 6 SMIRIN,Ilia.............. ISR g 2671 6½ 9 6½ 2479 6.75 -0.25 7 ZILBERMAN,Yacov.......... ISR g 2500 6½ 9 6½ 2373 6.03 0.47 8 ARKELL,Keith............. ENG g 2462 6 8 5½ 2331 5.44 0.06 9 GOLOD,Vitali............. ISR g 2568 6 9 6 2460 5.85 0.15 10 KELLY,Brian.............. IRL m 2417 6 8 5 2361 4.64 0.36 11 KUNTE,Abhijit............ IND m 2465 6 9 6 2441 4.77 1.23 12 LALIC,Bogdan............. ENG g 2550 6 8 5½ 2395 5.68 -0.18 13 REEFAT,Bin-Sattar........ BAN m 2377 6 8 5 2400 3.76 1.24 14 WARD,Chris............... ENG g 2473 6 9 6 2412 5.22 0.78 15 ABDULLA,Al-Rakib......... BAN m 2367 5½ 8 4½ 2328 4.40 0.10 16 COBB,Charles............. ENG 2274 5½ 8 4½ 2285 3.84 0.66 17 GALLAGHER,Joe............ SUI g 2521 5½ 9 5½ 2457 5.31 0.19 18 GORMALLY,Danny........... ENG m 2476 5½ 9 5½ 2459 4.68 0.82 19 HEBDEN,Mark.............. ENG g 2510 5½ 9 5½ 2338 6.57 -1.07 20 IBRAGIMOV,Ildar.......... RUS g 2554 5½ 9 5½ 2471 5.49 0.01 21 LEVITT,Jonathan.......... ENG g 2433 5½ 9 5½ 2388 5.04 0.46 22 MAH,Karl................. ENG f 2316 5½ 7 4 2435 2.38 1.62 23 MENON,Shanker............ ENG 2163 5½ 5 3 2337 1.35 1.65 24 MIKHALEVSKI,Victor....... ISR g 2516 5½ 9 5½ 2412 5.76 -0.26 25 SUMMERSCALE,Aaron........ ENG g 2423 5½ 8 4½ 2360 4.72 -0.22 26 WEBSTER,Andrew........... ENG m 2427 5½ 8 4½ 2358 4.80 -0.30 27 CHERNIAEV,Alexander...... RUS m 2432 5 9 5 2308 6.03 -1.03 28 COBB,James............... WLS 2349 5 9 5 2291 5.22 -0.22 29 CROUCH,Colin............. ENG m 2423 5 9 5 2339 5.58 -0.58 30 DUNWORTH,Christopher..... ENG f 2308 5 8 4 2354 3.52 0.48 31 HODGSON,John............. ENG 2213 5 7 3½ 2320 2.45 1.05 32 KONERU,Humpy............. IND wm 2229 5 7 3 2367 2.17 0.83 33 MONT-REYNAUD,Jordy....... USA 2265 5 8 4½ 2128 5.44 -0.94 34 PALLISER,Richard......... ENG 2253 5 8 4 2403 2.40 1.60 35 ROIZ,Michael............. ISR 2383 5 9 5 2411 4.14 0.86 36 ROWSON,Jonathan.......... SCO m 2490 5 9 5 2400 5.58 -0.58 37 SARAVANAN,Venkatachalam.. IND m 2429 5 8 4 2346 4.88 -0.88 38 TAYLOR,Peter............. ENG 2164 5 9 5 2284 3.06 1.94 39 VAN DEN DOEL,Erik........ NED g 2528 5 9 5 2430 5.67 -0.67 40 VIGUS,James.............. ENG f 2285 5 8 4 2249 4.40 -0.40 41 WARMAN,Simon............. ENG 2092 5 7 3 2236 2.17 0.83 93 players
Alongside the Rubinstein Memorial (reported last week) in Polanica Zdrój 1999 was the PZU SA Open which is part of the "Grand Prix Polski". It also ran August 14th-26th and was a ten round Swiss Open. The event saw seven players finish on 7.5/9, they were: Agamaliev, Malakhatko,Vaulin, Poluljahov, Kernazhitsky, Najer and Malaniuk.
Coverage at:
Leading final standings 1 Agamaliev, Gamil (16) AZE 2478 7.5 54.5 66.0 5 47.5 2 Malakhatko, Vadim (5) UKR 2537 7.5 50.5 62.5 7 41.0 3 Vaulin, Alexander (12) RUS 2492 7.5 49.0 61.5 5 43.5 4 Poluljahov, Aleksander (3) RUS 2554 7.5 48.5 60.5 6 41.0 5 Kernazhitsky, Leonid (27) UKR 2438 7.5 48.0 59.5 6 40.5 6 Najer, Evgenij (2) RUS 2562 7.5 47.0 59.0 5 40.5 7 Malaniuk, Vladimir P (7) UKR 2525 7.5 45.0 56.0 6 41.0 8 Jakubiec, Artur (23) POL 2453 7 53.5 65.5 5 43.0 9 Zezulkin, Jurij (17) BLR 2478 7 52.5 64.5 4 44.0 10 Grabarczyk, Miros³aw (14) POL 2484 7 51.5 62.5 5 44.0 11 Filippov, Valerij (1) RUS 2605 7 49.5 61.5 5 41.0 12 Brodsky, Michael (9) UKR 2512 7 47.0 57.5 4 40.0 13 Beshukov, Sergej (10) RUS 2506 7 40.5 51.5 6 35.0 14 Ibrahimov, Rasul (36) AZE 2396 7 40.5 51.0 5 37.5 15 Eljanov, Pavel (25) UKR 2447 6.5 53.0 65.0 4 41.5 16 Moiseenko, Alexander (11) UKR 2501 6.5 50.0 61.5 5 38.5 17 Miroshnichenko, Evgeny (15) UKR 2483 6.5 49.0 61.0 4 40.5 18 Sivokho, Sergey (29) RUS 2434 6.5 48.0 60.0 5 38.0 19 Czerwoñski, Aleksander (30) POL 2426 6.5 47.5 59.0 6 39.5 20 Motylev, Alexander (6) RUS 2532 6.5 47.5 59.0 4 37.5 21 Richter, Michael (33) GER 2410 6.5 45.5 56.5 5 36.5 22 Sulskis, Sarunas (8) LTU 2521 6.5 44.5 53.5 6 34.0 23 Tobak, Andrey (32) UKR 2421 6.5 44.0 55.5 6 36.0 24 Vokarev, Sergey (20) RUS 2469 6.5 44.0 55.0 4 34.5 25 Salmensuu, Olli (26) FIN 2443 6.5 42.5 54.5 6 34.0 26 Grabarczyk, Bogdan (40) POL 2375 6.5 42.0 53.0 6 33.5 27 Gelman, Aleksander (19) RUS 2469 6 49.5 61.5 4 39.0 28 Gritsak, Orest (4) UKR 2550 6 48.5 60.5 3 39.0 29 Vysochin, Spartak (13) UKR 2487 6 48.5 60.0 4 39.0 30 Shilin, Denis (37) UKR 2394 6 47.5 59.5 5 37.5 31 Krivoshey, Sergei (22) UKR 2454 6 47.5 59.0 4 37.0 32 Jakubowski, Marcin (70) POL 2261 6 45.5 55.0 5 35.0 33 Gajewski, Grzegorz (121) POL 2127 6 45.0 56.0 5 33.5 34 Simantsev, Michael (34) UKR 2409 6 45.0 55.5 5 35.0 35 Galinsky, Timofey (42) UKR 2370 6 44.5 56.0 5 33.0 36 Cyborowski, £ukasz (31) POL 2424 6 41.5 52.0 4 35.0 37 Jêdryczka, Krystian (49) POL 2334 6 41.0 50.5 5 32.5 38 Staniszewski, Piotr (24) POL 2448 6 40.5 51.0 3 34.5 39 Stets, Dmitro (35) UKR 2409 6 38.0 47.5 5 33.5 40 Dukaczewski, Piotr (63) POL 2285 6 37.0 47.0 5 29.5 41 Bartel, Mateusz (47) POL 2343 6 35.5 43.0 5 24.0 147 players
In addition to the French Championships reported last week there were a number of other events. Chief amongst them were the women's championships (won by Christine Flear after a three way tie with Nicoara and Leconte on 8 points after the round robin stage) and the accession event where Laurent Guidarelli and Guillaume Vallin both scored 9/11.
Women's Championships French Women's Championships Bescanon FRA (FRA), 18-28 viii 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Flear, Christine wm FRA 2232 * = = = 1 1 = 1 = = 1 1 8.0 2329 2 Nicoara, Malina wm FRA 2247 = * 1 = 0 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 8.0 2327 3 Nepeina-Leconte, Maria wm FRA 2290 = 0 * = = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.0 2323 4 Gervais, Claire wm FRA 2179 = = = * 1 0 0 1 1 1 = 1 7.0 2260 5 Sebag, Marie FRA 2153 0 1 = 0 * 1 = 1 1 = 1 0 6.5 2226 6 Costagliola, Marina FRA 2202 0 = = 1 0 * 1 0 1 1 0 = 5.5 2156 7 Delahaye, Raphaelle FRA 2227 = 0 0 1 = 0 * 0 = = = 1 4.5 2089 8 Dubois, Martine wm FRA 2012 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 * = = = 1 4.5 2109 9 Lebel-Arias, Julia wm FRA 2053 = = 0 0 0 0 = = * 1 = 0 3.5 2037 10 Muller, Anne FRA 2115 = 0 0 0 = 0 = = 0 * = 1 3.5 2031 11 Franc, Nathalie FRA 2085 0 0 0 = 0 1 = = = = * 0 3.5 2034 12 Dacalor, Aurelie FRA 2131 0 0 0 0 1 = 0 0 1 0 1 * 3.5 2030 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accession event 1 CF Guidarelli Laurent FRA 2310 9 61.00 0.00 2556 2 CF Vallin Guillaume FRA 2378 9 59.00 0.00 2539 3 MI Roos Louis FRA 2353 8½ 66.00 0.00 2544 4 MI Touzane Olivier FRA 2373 8 64.50 0.00 2474 5 MI Sellos Didier FRA 2372 8 59.00 0.00 2449 6 MI Pira Davoud FRA 2397 8 57.00 0.00 2415 7 MI Marcelin Cyril FRA 2395 7½ 69.00 0.00 2471 8 MI Vareille Francois FRA 2427 7½ 65.00 0.00 2426 9 MI Chabanon Jean-Luc FRA 2456 7½ 63.50 0.00 2439 10 MI Fontaine Robert FRA 2408 7½ 61.50 0.00 2429 11 MI Chomet Pascal FRA 2389 7½ 61.00 0.00 2417 12 CF Claverie Christophe FRA 2306 7½ 59.50 0.00 2414 13 CF Sarthou Gaetan FRA 2290 7½ 58.50 0.00 2369 14 CF Brunelliere Pierre FRA 2265 7½ 56.50 0.00 2352 15 CF Van Elst Andreas FRA 2270 7 65.50 0.00 2421 16 MF Adrian Claude FRA 2317 7 64.00 0.00 2392 17 MI Giffard Nicolas FRA 2360 7 63.50 0.00 2425 18 MI Roos Daniel FRA 2417 7 63.00 0.00 2389 19 MI Bergez Luc FRA 2373 7 63.00 0.00 2381 20 CF Nezar Mustapha FRA 2296 7 61.00 0.00 2376 21 MF Salaun Yann FRA 2352 7 60.00 0.00 2348 22 GMI Lupu Mircea-Sergi FRA 2489 7 58.50 0.00 2377 23 CF Jossien Arnaud FRA 2314 7 58.50 0.00 2365 24 CF Dubois Loic FRA 2205 7 58.00 0.00 2375 25 MF Goldenberg Richard FRA 2270 7 57.50 0.00 2375 26 CF Templier Nicolas FRA 2226 7 55.50 0.00 2357 27 CF Plantet Sebastien FRA 2179 7 54.50 0.00 2357 28 MI Payen Arnaud FRA 2373 7 51.50 0.00 2318 29 CF Clery Nicolas FRA 2172 7 51.00 0.00 2339 158 players
The II Pyramiden-Franken-Cup in Fürth took place August 21-29th 1999. The event was organised by GM Michael Bezold. The clear winner was British GM Stuart Conquest who scored 7.5/9 ahead of four players on 7 points.
Further details:
Leading final standings after 9 rounds: 1. Conquest,Stuart GM 2555 Delmenhors 7.5 53.0 2. Yakovich, Yuri GM 2592 Sollentuna 7.0 54.5 3. Agrest, Evgenij GM 2554 Sollentuna 7.0 53.5 4. Kindermann,Stefan GM 2527 König Plau 7.0 47.5 5. Bischoff,Klaus GM 2509 König Plau 7.0 47.0 6. Michaelsen,Nils IM 2439 Hamburger 6.5 55.0 7. Gofshtein, Leonid GM 2507 Noyon (Fra 6.5 54.0 8. Chuchelov,Vladimir GM 2533 SV Anderna 6.5 51.5 9. Döttling,Fabian FM 2475 SF 1982 Ba 6.5 45.0 10. Wendt,Rene FM 2323 FC Bayern 6.5 44.0 11. Kogan, Artur GM 2518 Alechin Ni 6.0 54.0 12. Schaefer,Markus IM 2402 SG 1868 Al 6.0 50.5 13. David, Alberto GM 2544 Godesberge 6.0 50.5 14. Hoffmann,Michael IM 2439 SV Castrop 6.0 49.5 15. Afek, Yochanan IM 2360 Noyon (Fra 6.0 49.5 16. Taimanow,Mark GM 2407 VSG 1880 O 6.0 47.5 17. Schlindwein,Rolf IM 2447 SF 1982 Ba 6.0 44.0 18. Handke,Florian 2361 SG Porz e. 6.0 42.0 19. Seul,Georg IM 2445 SV Castrop 6.0 40.5 112 players
The Coulsdon Chess Union organised a chess festival August 28th - September 6th 1999. The event's start overlapped with the Mind-Sport Olympiad so a number of players took half point byes. In addition Gavin Lock and Chris Dunworth withdrew due to ill health after a few rounds. The event was won by Bogdan Lalic with 6.5/9 ahead of five players on 6 points.
Crosstable Coulsden International ENG (ENG), 28 viii-15 ix 1999 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lalic, Bogdan g ENG 2550 =19 +19 = 6 +11 + 5 = 2 + 4 = 3 = 7 6.5 /9 2496 2 Gormally, Daniel m ENG 2476 = 8 +11 + 7 + 6 = 4 = 1 = 3 = 5 =12 6.0 /9 2562 3 Murey, Jacob g ISR 2475 =19 +19 = 5 =12 +11 = 6 = 2 = 1 + 8 6.0 /9 2467 4 Cherniaev, Alexander m RUS 2432 =19 +19 +15 + 9 = 2 + 7 - 1 + 6 - 5 6.0 /9 2419 5 Buckley, Graeme m ENG 2320 =14 +25 = 3 + 8 - 1 +12 = 7 = 2 + 4 6.0 /9 2510 6 Burnett, Ronald m USA 2423 +21 +17 = 1 - 2 +12 = 3 + 8 - 4 +11 6.0 /9 2536 7 Summerscale, Aaron g ENG 2423 =19 +19 - 2 +16 +21 - 4 = 5 +13 = 1 5.5 /9 2320 8 Crouch, Colin S m ENG 2423 = 2 =24 +10 - 5 +17 +13 - 6 +12 - 3 5.0 /9 2383 9 Osborne, Marcus E ENG 2239 +10 +18 -12 - 4 -13 +17 +15 -11 +22 5.0 /9 2299 10 Huberty, Marc LUX 2220 - 9 +14 - 8 =20 +22 =15 -11 +16 +18 5.0 /9 2220 11 Webster, Andrew m ENG 2427 +24 - 2 +17 - 1 - 3 +22 +10 + 9 - 6 5.0 /9 2367 12 Arkell, Keith C g ENG 2462 =19 +19 + 9 = 3 - 6 - 5 +16 - 8 = 2 4.5 /9 2261 13 Vreugdenhil, F NED 2150 =19 =16 =20 =22 + 9 - 8 =17 - 7 +14 4.5 /9 2159 14 Lilja, Richard DEN 2121 = 5 -10 -16 -17 =15 +18 +22 +20 -13 4.0 /9 2101 15 Thurlow, Kevin J ENG 2221 =18 +20 - 4 -21 =14 =10 - 9 +22 =16 4.0 /9 2113 16 Rietveld, Manolis NED ---- =19 =13 +14 - 7 =18 =23 -12 -10 =15 3.5 /9 2119 17 Bennett, Terry B ENG 2228 +22 - 6 -11 +14 - 8 - 9 =13 -18 +20 3.5 /9 2136 18 Gradl, Winfried GER 2164 =15 - 9 -22 +25 =16 -14 =20 +17 -10 3.5 /9 2045 19 BYE ---- 20 Cork,David ---- =25 -15 =13 =10 . +19 =18 -14 -17 3.0 /8 2063 21 Naylor, John ENG 2233 - 6 =22 +25 +15 - 7 . . . . 2.5 /5 2234 22 Gaubil,Olivier ---- -17 =21 +18 =13 -10 -11 -14 -15 - 9 2.0 /9 2002 23 Hardy, Roger ENG 2035 . . . . . =16 . . . 0.5 /1 2000 24 Dunworth, Christopher f ENG 2308 -11 = 8 . . . . . . . 0.5 /2 2232 25 Lock, Gavin R ENG 2103 =20 - 5 -21 -18 . . . . . 0.5 /4 1857 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Laszlo Nagy reports: The First Saturday tournaments for September are underway. They take place 5th-17th of september 1999. The main events are two 13 player all-play-all IM events (one is Cat III the other Cat. II) .
More info: Nagy Laszlo, Phone-fax: (361)-263-2859
Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-15 ix 1999 cat. III (2307) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Boros, Daniel HUN 2292 * . . . . . . . 1 1 . . . 2.0 / 2 2 Soln, Primoz f SLO 2411 . * . . . . . . . . 1 1 . 2.0 / 2 3 Belotelov, Denis f RUS 2267 . . * . . = 1 . . . . . . 1.5 / 2 2499 4 Kallio, Heikki f FIN 2360 . . . * = . . . . . . 1 . 1.5 / 2 2549 5 Skytte, Rasmus f DEN 2338 . . . = * . . . . . . . 1 1.5 / 2 2498 6 Husari, Sate SYR 2307 . . = . . * . . = . . . . 1.0 / 2 2281 7 Kahn, Evarth m HUN 2305 . . 0 . . . * 1 . . . . . 1.0 / 2 2234 8 Bodrogi, Mihaly HUN 2202 . . . . . . 0 * . . . . 1 1.0 / 2 2278 9 Farago, Sandor m HUN 2295 0 . . . . = . . * . . . . 0.5 / 2 2106 10 Eperjesi, Laszlo m HUN 2381 0 . . . . . . . . * . . . 0.0 / 1 11 Johnsen, Sverre NOR 2211 . 0 . . . . . . . . * . . 0.0 / 1 12 Szuk, Balazs f HUN 2374 . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . * . 0.0 / 2 13 Resika, Nathan A USA 2251 . . . . 0 . . 0 . . . . * 0.0 / 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-15 ix 1999 cat. II (2298) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Czebe, Attila m HUN 2414 * . . . 1 . . . . 1 . . . 2.0 / 2 2 Leer-Salvesen, Bjarte NOR 2261 . * . . . . . . 1 = . . . 1.5 / 2 2526 3 Valenti, Giuseppe ITA 2227 . . * . . . . . = . . . 1 1.5 / 2 2498 4 Vadasz, Laszlo g HUN 2275 . . . * . . . 1 . . . . . 1.0 / 1 5 Grimm, Sascha GER 2337 0 . . . * 1 . . . . . . . 1.0 / 2 2301 6 Jamrich, Gyorgy HUN 2189 . . . . 0 * . . . . 1 . . 1.0 / 2 2285 7 Johannessen, Leif Erlend f NOR 2356 . . . . . . * . . . = = . 1.0 / 2 2289 8 Kun, Gabor HUN 2314 . . . 0 . . . * . . . 1 . 1.0 / 2 2309 9 Krutti, Valer m HUN 2357 . 0 = . . . . . * . . . . 0.5 / 2 2051 10 Ruiz Gonzalez, Guillermo f MEX 2309 0 = . . . . . . . * . . . 0.5 / 2 2144 11 Molander, Riku FIN 2234 . . . . . 0 = . . . * . . 0.5 / 2 2079 12 Wolter, Kai GER 2344 . . . . . . = 0 . . . * . 0.5 / 2 2142 13 De Sousa, Jose-Claude FRA 2253 . . 0 . . . . . . . . . * 0.0 / 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 2nd Hotel Zuglo Open was organised by Laszlo Nagy August 21st-29th 1999. 32 chess-players from 8 countries: (Hungary, China, Mexica, USA, Denmark, Russia, Germany, Sweden) including 4 IMs and 2 FM,strong took part in the event. There were 8 players from 2 families, 5 competitors from Tokmachev family (Moscow) and 3 competitors from Dalmau family (Sweden). There was a two way tie for first between Vladimir Dobrov and Mads Boe. In 3rd place was the young Chinese player Bu.
Budapest HUN (HUN), 21-29 viii 1999 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Dobrov, Vladimir RUS 2252 +31 + 3 - 6 +14 + 5 = 2 + 8 = 7 +15 7.0 2533 2 Boe, Mads f DEN 2361 +19 +25 + 7 = 5 +12 = 1 = 3 +15 = 6 7.0 2502 3 Bu Xiangzhi CHN 2465 +18 - 1 =10 +21 +11 + 4 = 2 = 5 + 7 6.5 2393 4 Gara, Ticia HUN 2233 =17 = 9 +25 +16 + 7 - 3 -15 + 8 +10 6.0 2346 5 Skytte, Rasmus f DEN 2338 +32 +22 + 8 = 2 - 1 + 6 - 7 = 3 +12 6.0 2426 6 Balogh, Csaba HUN 2235 +27 - 8 + 1 +18 =15 - 5 =10 +11 = 2 5.5 2329 7 Nemeth, Zoltan m HUN 2397 +28 +14 - 2 +11 - 4 +18 + 5 = 1 - 3 5.5 2350 8 Szabolcsi, Janos m HUN 2441 +13 + 6 - 5 =12 = 9 +14 - 1 - 4 +21 5.0 2265 9 Tokmachev, Mikhail RUS 2219 =10 = 4 =21 +22 = 8 -15 =11 +18 =14 5.0 2256 10 Tokmachev, G RUS ---- = 9 =17 = 3 =13 +22 =12 = 6 +25 - 4 5.0 2260 11 Ruiz Gonzalez, Guillermo f MEX 2309 +26 +16 =12 - 7 - 3 +13 = 9 - 6 +19 5.0 2249 12 Dobos, Jozsef m HUN 2365 +21 +24 =11 = 8 - 2 =10 +20 =14 - 5 5.0 2276 13 Balogh, Viktor HUN 2156 - 8 +27 =15 =10 =20 -11 =19 +24 +23 5.0 2220 14 Ji Yunqi CHN 2204 +23 - 7 +19 - 1 +25 - 8 +21 =12 = 9 5.0 2241 15 Eperjesi, Laszlo m HUN 2381 -25 +32 =13 +26 = 6 + 9 + 4 - 2 - 1 5.0 2215 16 Hiemann,M ---- +20 -11 +24 - 4 -18 -21 +31 +28 +22 5.0 2205 17 Steinhorst,R ---- = 4 =10 =22 =20 =24 =28 =18 -21 +30 4.5 2127 18 Boeven, Manfred GER 2159 - 3 +31 +23 - 6 +16 - 7 =17 - 9 +27 4.5 2146 19 Dalmau, Anneli SWE 2020 - 2 +29 -14 -24 +27 +31 =13 +20 -11 4.5 2164 20 Resika, Nathan A USA 2251 -16 =26 +32 =17 =13 +24 -12 -19 +25 4.5 2092 21 Dalmau, Jorgen SWE ---- -12 +30 = 9 - 3 =26 +16 -14 +17 - 8 4.0 2145 22 Schreiber, Bela HUN 2195 +30 - 5 =17 - 9 -10 +29 =23 +26 -16 4.0 2018 23 Tokmachev, I RUS ---- -14 +28 -18 -25 =29 +27 =22 +30 -13 4.0 2059 24 Melaxasz, Vaszil HUN 2195 +29 -12 -16 +19 =17 -20 =26 -13 +32 4.0 2045 25 Vereb, Gabor HUN 2092 +15 - 2 - 4 +23 -14 =26 +28 -10 -20 3.5 2091 26 Dalmau, Ju SWE ---- -11 =20 +28 -15 =21 =25 =24 -22 =31 3.5 2091 27 Mester, A ---- - 6 -13 =30 +29 -19 -23 +32 +31 -18 3.5 1983 28 Szalay, Janos L HUN 2117 - 7 -23 -26 +32 +30 =17 -25 -16 =29 3.0 1929 29 Tokmacheva,O RUS ---- -24 -19 =31 -27 =23 -22 =30 =32 =28 2.5 1892 30 Tokmachev, V RUS ---- -22 -21 =27 =31 -28 +32 =29 -23 -17 2.5 1868 31 Hapke,R ---- - 1 -18 =29 =30 +32 -19 -16 -27 =26 2.5 1881 32 Babos,L ---- - 5 -15 -20 -28 -31 -30 -27 =29 -24 0.5 1698 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The St.Petersburg rapid chess Cup took place September 4th-5th. The knockout event was won by top seed Konstantin Sakaev who beat Konstantin Aseev in the final. Perhaps games and further details next week.
Coverage at: and
The games from the soLett Chess Open are now available. The event took place 1-5th April 1999. The first three rounds were played at an accelerated timerate and aren't in the games file. Original site: My thanks to Tobias Pettersson for the games. Further info: about the tournament Chess in the North: and next years event which takes place 20th-21st of April 2000 Official homepage :
Leading final standings: soLett Chess Open Place Name Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr. 1 Kharlov, Andrei 2600 2650 7.5 43.0 54.0 41.5 2-4 Ibragimov, Ildar 2602 2652 7 43.0 55.5 37.5 Sakalauskas, Vaidas 2450 2500 7 41.5 53.0 39.5 Brynell, Stellan 2489 2539 7 40.0 51.5 36.0 5-7 Karlsson, Lars 2470 2520 6.5 41.0 52.5 35.0 Wedberg, Tom 2493 2621 6.5 40.5 52.0 34.0 Ernst, Tomas 2409 2459 6.5 38.0 48.5 34.5 8-10 Hillarp-Persson, Tiger 2482 2510 6 37.5 49.5 31.0 Ziegler, Ari 2402 2426 6 37.5 48.5 30.0 Furhoff, Johan 2313 2351 6 37.0 46.5 30.5 11-20 Kiik, Kalle 2439 2489 5.5 41.5 53.5 33.0 Porrasmaa, Timo 2140 2190 5.5 41.0 50.5 32.0 Lucena, Lincoln 2245 2295 5.5 38.0 48.5 31.5 Hermansson, Emil 2357 2395 5.5 38.0 47.5 31.0 Malmstig, Erik 2301 2333 5.5 37.0 47.5 29.5 Engström, Kaj 2255 2299 5.5 36.5 48.0 30.0 Agrest, Svetlana 2211 2233 5.5 33.0 43.5 27.5 Hilke, Lars 1991 5.5 33.0 42.0 28.0 Asylgoujine, Radik 2050 5.5 33.0 42.0 27.0 Matevzic, Christian 2365 2415 5.5 32.5 41.5 28.5 72 games
The Garry Kasparov vs. the World chess tournament. The event continues, you can follow the game at: It allows players to consult in choosing which move is played against Kasparov. Players can vote for one of the suggested moves or for their own recommended move. The move with the most votes will be chosen as the world team's move. There is a team of coaches Etienne Bacrot, 16, Florin Felecan, 19, Irina Krush, 15, and Elisabeth Pähtz, 14 who have aided the choice of moves and GM Danny King has acted as moderator during the match.
The Kasparov vs. the World chess tournament started June 21st. The event is taking place on the MSN network. Kasparov gave a press conference in London on September 2nd 1999.
Garry Kasparov vs The World Prize Quiz
John Henderson reports from Kasparov's press conference yesterday. "At a press conference held yesterday at one of London's exclusive private members club, Home House, Kasparov and Microsoft officials announced that the match had caught the imagination of the world with unprecedented "hits" on Microsoft's gaming zone. Since June 21, when the match started, the MSN.COM site has received more than 15 million page views, and "Kasparov vs. The World" is now rated the largest interactive competition in history - even surpassing the previous record of hits, ironically held by a previous chess match, the infamous 1997 meeting between Kasparov and IBM's Deep Blue.
With chess fans of all skills and levels from more than 79 countries joining up to become members of the World Team, Kasparov admitted that collectively they had caused him to have a few sleepless nights. "I have spent more time analysing this game than I have any other during my reign as world champion," he said. "This experiment on MSN.COM proves that collaboration over the Internet can raise the quality of play remarkably. Throughout the match, the World Team has consistently performed at a level that far surpasses what you would expect from anyone rated less than a grandmaster."
Kasparov revealed that he had spent over 100 hours analysing the position to date and, while he believes he's not losing, on the other hand, even he's not all that sure yet if he's winning! Whilst at the beginning of the match everyone simply assumed that Kasparov was going to win, this game has by no means been an easy ride for the world champion, and even at this late stage of the game, the outcome is still unclear.
The match suddenly came to life when "The World", prompted by one of their four young coaches for the match, the 15-year-old American, Irina Krush, hit the world champion with the speculative theoretical novelty 10..Qe6!? From then on, the world champion admitted that the game got steered into murky waters of which no computer could work out as the ramifications went way beyond their "horizon" threshold.
Moves so far Kasparov,G (2812) - The World [B52] 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ Bd7 4.Bxd7+ Qxd7 5.c4 Nc6 6.Nc3 Nf6 7.0-0 g6 8.d4 cxd4 9.Nxd4 Bg7 10.Nde2 Qe6 11.Nd5 Qxe4 12.Nc7+ Kd7 13.Nxa8 Qxc4 14.Nb6+ axb6 15.Nc3 Ra8 16.a4 Ne4 17.Nxe4 Qxe4 18.Qb3 f5 19.Bg5 Qb4 20.Qf7 Be5 21.h3 Rxa4 22.Rxa4 Qxa4 23.Qxh7 Bxb2 24.Qxg6 Qe4 25.Qf7 Bd4 26.Qb3 f4 27.Qf7 Be5 28.h4 b5 29.h5 Qc4 30.Qf5+ Qe6 31.Qxe6+ Kxe6 32.g3 fxg3 33.fxg3 b4 34.Bf4 Bd4+ 35.Kh1 b3 36.g4 Kd5 37.g5 e6 38.h6 Ne7 39.Rd1 [last update 06/9/99]... continues.
The Canadian Chess Championships are underway. Live coverage at:
The European Youth Championships take place September 3-11 in Lotohoro, Greece.
The Bosnian team championships, are taking place in Bihac. Sokolov, Bareev, Nikolic, Azmaiparashvili
The British Rapidplay Chess Championships take place in Leeds, 16/17 October 1999. Further details
The Bradford Chess Congress takes place 17-19th September 1999. The venue is the Polish Ex-Servicemens Club on Shearbridge Road Bradford. Open £15 entry £200 first prize. There are Major and Minor sections (£12 entry first prize £130). Entries Mr. S Swire 69 Scholemoor Avenue, Lidget Green, Bradford BD7 2RU. Tel 01274 411817. Or contact Ihor Lewyk at
Northumberland Chess Association and nt NORTH TYNESIDE C O U N C I L present The 1999 CHESS CONGRESS Friday 24TH SEPTEMBER TO SUNDAY 26TH SEPTEMBER AT The Parks Leisure Royal Quays North Shields North Tyneside enquiries and entries to The Congress Organiser: Lara Barnes 34 Beaconsfield St. Blyth, Northumberland NE24 2DP e-mail LB and Tel & Fax (01670) 540848 Open No grading restrictions, Entry fee: £18.00 (conc' £16) Prizes: £200, £100, £50 + 2 grading prizes Major Restricted to players of 150 BCF + below Entry fee: £14 (conc' £12) Prizes £140, £60, £30 + grading prize Minor Restricted to players of 120 BCF + below Entry fee £12 (conc' £10) Prizes: £100, £40, £20 + grading prize Tyro Restricted to players 90 BCF or below or ungraded novices Entry fee: £10 (conc' £8.00) Prizes: £60, £20, £10 + 2 other prizes A BCF Game Fee Event ONYX GRAND PRIX NCCU GRAND PRIX The TYNE & WEAR TROPHY will be awarded for the best result by a North East player in the OPEN, and is to be held for one year. The NORA HUNTER TROPHY will be awarded for the best result by a North East player in the MINOR, and will be held for one year. The HK APPLEBY TROPHY will be presented to the club team of three, each in a different tournament, obtaining the highest aggregate score, and is to be held for one year. Junior Quickplay Event Sunday 26th only Restricted to ungraded players under 16 years of age or under 12 years of age graded under 70 BCF Start 10am - Entry Fee £4