THE WEEK IN CHESS 249 - 16th August 1999 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) FIDE World Chess Championships
3) Women's World Chess Championships
4) The Smith & Williamson British Chess Championships
5) VISA Nordic Grand Prix Final 1999
6) Lost Boys Closed, Amsterdam
7) First Saturday, August
8) Petermaennchen GM tournament
9) Jules Ehrat-Memorial
10) MK Cafe Cup
11) Ikaria island, Greece
12) Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament, Vlissingen
13) Montecatini Terme
14) Garry Kasparov vs the World
15) Forthcoming Events and Links

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Games section

FIDE World Chess Championships     16 games
Women's World Chess Championships   2 games
The Smith & Williamson British CC 506 games
VISA Nordic Grand Prix Final 1999  54 games
Lost Boys Closed, Amsterdam        16 games
First Saturday, August GM          63 games
First Saturday, August IM          63 games
Petermaennchen GM tournament       45 games
Jules Ehrat-Memorial               15 games
MK Cafe Cup A tournament          370 games
MK Cafe Cup B tournament          450 games
Ikaria island, Greece              75 games
Hogeschool Zeeland, Vlissingen    322 games
Montecatini Terme                 196 games
North Bay                         263 games
Total 2467 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to John Henderson, Lost Boys, Lennarth Eriksson, Eirik Gullaksen, Laszlo Nagy, Olaf Teschke, Sinisa Joksic, Argiris Kotsis, Hans Groffen, Tim Hanke (FIDE Championships press office),Halldor P. Palsson, Ole and Carlos Penin, and all those who helped with this issue.

The FIDE Championships have reached their semi-final stages. Almost all the favourites have gone out, with only Michael Adams left in (and he's one down in the semi's) there has been a natural discussion about how valid the championships are. Whilst its clear luck can play a big part, I don't believe it has had an undue influence on the semi-finalists who are mostly a surprise. Mistakes under high tension have always had their place in World Championships, but also there has been quite a bit of good chess. The discussion of the validity of the Championships has naturally settled around Kasparov's comments on his own website. They have to me been largely inoffensive and the sort of quick comments that provoke discussion and are the point of the medium. I get the feeling Kasparov is doing round by round summaries because he actually wants to rather for any commercial or political reason. He hasn't gone out of his way to trash the championships but he has asked the question, what kind of championships is it that allows these players to reach the semi's? His comments on the players who have reached the stage seem to me not to have been meant in any kind of mean way either, although describing them as tourists seems to have been taken that way. Its just naturally the players involved might see it that way, it always looked like a flip comment to me. However the answer to the question is probably, the players in the semi's are very good chess players, well prepared, have tremendous control on their nerves and are generally fine competitors. The fact they mostly don't get invites to top events is probably more a function of how ELO ratings dominate selection of players to invite to these events rather than their actual ability to compete in them.

With FIDE having stopped organising a traditional matchplay/Candidates event, I hope that another organisation can step in and do that. But if you don't think of the FIDE Championships in terms of the old World Championship tradition there is room for this event also. This point was really confused last time when Karpov was seeded to the finals, spoiling the whole event, this time there will be no confusion, the winner will have won a true test of fire.

Note that this is the second version, the first didn't have the games from North Bay (see TWIC 248 for a report on the event)

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) FIDE World Chess Championships

The FIDE World Chess Championships opened on July 30th and run until August 29th 1999 in Las Vegas USA.

The FIDE Championships have reached the semi-final final stages. The semi-final pairings are: Adams-Akopian and Khalifman-Nisipeanu.

After sixteen exhausting days play (and that's just for the journalists) there are only four players left in the FIDE World Chess Championships.

Eliminated from the Championships have been World no. 3 Vladimir Kramnik, no. 5 Alexei Shirov (both went in the quarter finals), no. 6 Boris Gelfand (at the 1/8th finals stage), no. 8 Vassily Ivanchuk (at the 1/8th finals stage), no. 9 Peter Leko (at the 1/16th finals stage), no. 11 Evgeny Bareev (at the 1/16th finals stage), no. 12 Veselin Topalov (at the 1/8th finals stage), no. 13 Peter Svidler (at the 1/16th finals stage), no. 14 Zurab Azmaiparashvili (round 2), no. 15 Alexey Dreev (at the 1/8th finals stage), no. 16 Viktor Korchnoi (at the 1/16th finals stage), no 17 Nigel Short (at the 1/8th finals stage), no. 18 Ilia Smirin (round 2), no. 19 Judit Polgar (at the quarter finals stage), no. 20 Zoltan Almasi (at the 1/8th finals stage) and so on and on (there were very few strong players missing after this).

Left in are World no. 7 Michael Adams, no 36 Vladimir Akopian, no 45 Alexander Khalifman and no. 136 Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu. Nisipeanu, aged 23 (rating 2584), the surprise package of the event, has not had it easy, he has beaten Djuric (2504), Azmaiparashvili (10th highest rated in the event), Leitao (2574), Ivanchuk (5th highest rated in the event), and Shirov (2nd strongest in the event).

The event has been brutal in its schedule and tough, solid chess has generally been the successful approach, however it has given chances to players who these days have no chance to shine at all. It has been fun reading Kasparov's comments on the Championships on his own website. He's obviously relishing just having a say, these are fairly off-the-cuff comments, a couple of comments about good play or openings and a few general remarks on the Championships themselves. Its a shame he didn't do this years ago. He could have got a compuserve account years ago with a bit of webspace instead of waiting for a big-bucks site. I don't think there has been anything at all nasty or spiteful in the comments but it has revealed just how far removed the top players have become from the rough and tumble of chess further down.

There was a time when the World Champion would play almost all his fellow professionals a number of times. Those were the days of "mixed" tournaments. Looking at Kasparov's opponents in serious chess 1991-8 I find Kasparov has only played 20 players rated under 2585 with a +12=7 -1 (loss to Shneider in the European Club Cup Finals in 1994) averaging 2759. Only 39 more games for those 2590-2610 with a 69% score (2749). Its a shame that all-play-alls are no longer 18 player events with a mixed field, a combination of high fees for the top players and a wish to preserve the ELO ratings of the top players has seen to that.

Where, in a throwaway comment, Kasparov described the event as having 3 tourists – Akopian, Movsesian and Nisipeanu in the later stages, it is actually deadly serious for these players. Nisipeanu pointed out that "He doesn't even know me. OK, next to Kasparov, I am a tourist." and that "When I return to the Bundesliga, maybe I will ask to play second board now." Akopian that " I will earn more money here than I could earn in three or four years otherwise." and although he admits to be extremely lazy about his preparations as a chess player he said about playing Kasparov, "Once, I had a completely winning position, but his luck saved him: it was a team match, and I gave him a draw because my team had already won the match. In the other game, he was White. He immediately began trading all the pieces and he made a draw against me. OK, he was White, I could not prevent him from doing this. But for me, for sure Kasparov is a tourist." and that "I will earn more money here than I could earn in three or four years otherwise." Theirs are not just competitive nerves but real financial ones too.

Almost certainly they didn't see the original articles from Kasparov but its almost like the two World's don't meet at all. . I do think more players should get their own web-pages, check out: at which Dimitri Reinderman talks about what it was like to play in Vegas.

I would not call this a World Chess Championships (maybe the winner can be called "FIDE Players Champion 1999") as it confuses the event with an older tradition, however it is an extremely important event to win. Its more like a golfing major. If Paul Laurie or Jean Van der Welde win a major, that is competition, its just more often than not its a Tiger Woods that wins. Whilst good chess in good conditions are the right of those with high ELO ratings, the rest don't event get to compete. The brutal schedule and playing conditions need to be looked at. Yet in the old Candidates Matches good nerves were always essential too. Those who had a loss of nerve here are also likely to be those who would lose their nerve in those. Kramnik went out to Adams, which can happen to anyone. Shirov, it appears, almost withdrew before the championships and is going through an upheaval in his private life. This was reflected in his rather wild play. Rather too many others went out without fighting to their maximum ability. In a way it is strange, in the old days such failures cost you three not one year, yet nervous play was common. Those tough enough to reach the semi-finals have shown good competitive instincts and deserve invitations to the stronger all-play-alls I believe after the event. Whilst I love top category GM events, its clear there are many players who can compete who never really get the chance to prove it. Its very hard to pick up ELO points in Opens.

I prefer the old World Championship system (and would like to see the match Anand-Kasparov go ahead and a subsequent Candidates event take place) but funding has been extremely hard to find. FIDE too have just one source of major funding, that of the President, and many feel very uncomfortable about where that money comes from. But I do believe that the players who are in the semi-finals are not so very weak. A serious discussion of the merits of the event are prevented because it is called a "World Chess Championships", FIDE should change the name and with it restrictions on competing in other events. But in these championships I have come to believe that winning it does prove something, it hasn't been just luck that has taken the players this far its a competitive will, something that isn't tested these days outside matches.

FIDE Round 4 Results


Shirov accounted for Nigel Short in this round (after winning a game he should probably have lost in game one) and Vladimir Akopian beat Georgiev in the only games to finish after the regulation two games. The six playoffs saw some crazy play and a couple of shocks. Vassily Ivanchuk lost in only 14 moves in his second playoff game against Nisipeanu. There was also a slight surprise when Khalifman defeated Gelfand. Movsesian, Adams, Kramnik and Polgar also went through.

OUT Short and Georgiev, After playoffs Topalov, Dreev, Federov, Zvjaginsev Gelfand and Ivanchuk. THROUGH Akopian and Shirov. After playoffs Movsesian, Adams, Kramnik, Polgar, Khalifman and Nisipeanu.

FIDE World Championships Las Vegas (USA), 31 vii-28 viii 1999

Round 4 (August 9-11, 1999)


Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter * -  Ivanchuk, Vassily        1/2 1/2 1/2 1-0
Khalifman, Alexander    * -  Gelfand, Boris           1/2 1/2 1-0 1/2
Polgar, Judit           * -  Zvjaginsev, Vadim        1/2 1/2 1-0 1-0
Adams, Michael          * -  Dreev, Alexey            1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1-0 1-0
Topalov, Veselin          -  Kramnik, Vladimir      * 1/2 1/2 0-1 0-1
Movsesian, Sergei       * -  Fedorov, Alexei          1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1-0 1/2

Completed Ties

Shirov, Alexei         * -  Short, Nigel D           1-0 1/2
Georgiev, Kiril          -  Akopian, Vladimir      * 1/2 0-1

FIDE Round 5 Results


Alexander Khalifman was the only winner on day one of the quarter finals. He Beat Hungarian player, Judit Polgar. Polgar was under pressure throughout the game and her position gradually crumbled. Kramnik-Adams and Nisipeanu-Shirov were interesting struggles that fizzled out to draws. Pairings round 5: Kramnik-Adams, Movsesian-Akopian, Polgar-Khalifman, Nisipeanu-Shirov.


Number two seed Alexei Shirov was eliminated by 23 year old Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu who is only rated 2584, outside the top 100 in chess. The Romanian player gotthrough to a payday greater than the rest of his career put together.Nisipeanu will play Alexander Khalifman who drew his round two game against Judit Polgar to go through. 33 year old Khalifman has been an underachiever in chess for many years, he has always had undoubted talent. The odds on Nisipeanu were 100-1 at the start of the event and event as late as the last round could have been had at 25-1. After qualifying he moved to 6-1 for the title. The Vladimir Kramnik against Michael Adams and Sergei Movsesian vs Vladimir Akopian matches saw both games drawn. They went to playoffs


Vladimir Akopian won the first playoff game against Sergei Movsesian and drew the second game to go through to the semi-finals of the FIDE Championships. As might have been expected Michael Adams and Vladmir Kramnik drew their first two playoff games in their match but Adams held his nerve to win both 15 minutes with 10 second increment games, the first by setting a clever trap in the endgame.

OUT Judit Polgar and Alexei Shirov. After a playoff Sergei Movsesian and Vladimir Kramnik joined them. THROUGH Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu and Alexander Khalifman. After a playoff Vladimir Akopian and Michael Adams joined them.

FIDE World Championships Las Vegas (USA), 31 vii-28 viii 1999

Round 5 (August 12, 1999)


Kramnik, Vladimir         -  * Adams, Michael           1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0-1 0-1
Akopian, Vladimir       * -    Movsesian, Sergei        1/2 1/2 1-0 1/2

Completed ties

Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter * -  Shirov, Alexei           1/2 1-0
Khalifman, Alexander    * -  Polgar, Judit            1-0 1/2

Round 6 [Semi-Finals] Day 1.

Vladimir Akopian put himself in charge of his match against Michael Adams by provoking and then surviving a promising piece sacrifice from Adams and going on to win as black. Adams' sacrifice seemed to be taking him to victory but the position was pretty difficult to realise. 30. Bxe6 may have been a mistake (30. Rad1 is one possible suggestion), after 30. ...Qe7 it appears that Adams is losing a bishop by force.

Although there are four games in the semi-finals a win "against serve" with black puts Akopian in a very strong position. Liviu Nisipeanu held Alexander Khalifman with black, however in time-trouble missed 38. Ra1 which seems to win on the spot.

The semi-finals consists of a four game match followed by a tie-break if necessary. The pairings are Akopian-Adams and Khalifman-Nisipeanu. Michael Adams was even money favourite for the event before round 6 started but has gone out to 7-4 after losing his first game, perhaps you might think Akopian represents good odds at 9-4 as he is extremely solid and Adams confessed to feeling tired after his win against Kramnik. 7-4 MICHAEL ADAMS (England), 9-4 VLADIMIR AKOPIAN (Armenia), 5-2 ALEXANDER KHALIFMAN (Russia), 5-1 LIVIU NISIPEANU (Romania)

FIDE World Championships Las Vegas (USA), 31 vii-28 viii 1999

Round 6 (August 15, 1999)

Adams, Michael           -  Akopian, Vladimir        0-1   86  B06  Modern defence
Khalifman, Alexander     -  Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter  1/2   42  E14  Nimzo indian

The Official FIDE site for the event is at:

Further coverage at:

Ole Sports have official live coverage in Spanish, including the games live, reports and chat at:

3) Women's World Chess Championships

The Women's World Championship Final Match between Xie Jun and Alisa Galliamova is taking place from July 30th to August 23rd. The first half of the match took place in Kazan, Tartarstan and finished in a 4-4 tie. The second half in Shenyang, China started on August 15th with a win for Xie Jun with black in game 9, game 10 was drawn.

Internet coverage at: Kazan half of the match For the Chinese half of the match

There was some controversy when Zsuzsa Polgar who was defaulted by FIDE said that she believed the match would act as a Candidates final (which it should have been many months ago) for a challenge against her. FIDE reacted quickly on the World Championships website. They commented:

Las Vegas, 12 August 1999 We reproduce below copy of the letter addressed to GM Zsuzsa Polgar regarding the current Women's World Chess Championship match between A. Galliamova and Xie Jun in Kazan, Russia, and Shenyang, China. As you can see from the letter, at no stage was any impression conveyed to Ms. Polgar that the Xie Jun - Alisa Galliamova match is a challengers' event. E.A. Omuku Executive Director

Lausanne, 28 July 1999 GM Zsuzsa Polgar Women's World Champion Rego Park New York Fax: 1 718 997 78 77 Page: 1/1

Dear Ms. Polgar: Executive Director Emmanuel Omuku has requested me to thank you for your letter of 19 July 1999, the content of which has been noted. It is our understanding that the match, which is about to begin between A. Galliamova of Russia and Xie Jun of China, is for the title of Women's World Champion. In any event, Mr. Omuku shall be putting forward your proposal to the Presidential Board meeting in Las Vegas, 28-29 August 1999 and the decision of the Board shall be conveyed to you. Meanwhile, we write to inform you that in line with your statement in paragraph 3 of your letter under reference, we have seeded one of the reserve players to replace you in the World Championship scheduled to hold in Las Vegas from 30 July to 29 August 1999. Yours sincerely, Stephanie Renevey For Executive Director

Second half (game 9- Shenyang China)

Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa  -  Xie Jun                     0-1   94  C92  Ruy Lopez
Xie Jun                     -  Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa  1/2   44  B83  Sicilian

Women's World Chess Championships Kazan & Shenyang (CHN), 5 vii-15 viii 1999
Xie Jun                     g CHN 2528  =10=10==1=......  5.5  2592
Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa  m RUS 2556  =01=01==0=......  4.5  2492

4) The Smith & Williamson British Chess Championships, Scarborough 1999

The Smith & Williamson British Chess Championships, Scarborough 1999 will take place Monday 2nd August - Saturday 14th August 1999.

Julian Hodgson the favourite for the British Championships duly took the event (and the £10,000 first prize) for the third time by scoring 9/11, at one stage he threatened his old record of 10/11 (achieved at Eastbourne in 1991 the second of his two previous victories) but settled for a clear victory by a point from Peter Wells and Ziaur Rahman.

Sharing 4th-12th place were IM J Rowson (Sco), IM M Turner (Eng), GM N Davies (Eng), GM B Lalic (Cro), GM S Conquest (Eng), GM A Kosten (Eng), IM A Webster (Eng), IM K Sasikiran (Ind) & IM A Kunte (Ind) 7.5. Rowson had a couple of misses in the final rounds having Hodgson in some trouble in the penultimate round and missing a win in the final round against Matthew Turner.

My thanks to John Henderson for the games.

Internet coverage at:

British Chess Championships (ENG), 5-15 viii 1999
                                            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11 
 1 Hodgson, Julian M           g ENG 2605  +45 =22 +23 + 8 +13 +18 + 4 = 2 + 3 = 5 = 9  9.0  2712
 2 Wells, Peter K              g ENG 2476  +71 +84 +37 = 6 = 4 + 7 =13 = 1 = 5 +18 = 3  8.0  2626
 3 Rahman, Ziaur               m BAN 2461  +62 +49 - 4 =42 +78 +15 +41 + 6 - 1 +19 = 2  8.0  2598
 4 Lalic, Bogdan               g ENG 2550  +40 +29 + 3 =18 = 2 +16 - 1 =19 = 6 =17 +21  7.5  2587
 5 Rowson, Jonathan            m SCO 2490  +58 =42 +48 +17 =41 =14 +18 =13 = 2 = 1 = 6  7.5  2575
 6 Turner, Matthew             m ENG 2478  +63 +27 =24 = 2 =37 +42 +14 - 3 = 4 +41 = 5  7.5  2569
 7 Conquest, Stuart            g ENG 2555  +59 +28 = 8 =24 +32 - 2 -17 =20 +65 +26 +18  7.5  2523
 8 Kunte, Abhijit              m IND 2465  +39 +51 = 7 - 1 =34 =20 =27 +55 +43 =10 +17  7.5  2515
 9 Kosten, Anthony C           g ENG 2515  -30 +86 =35 +72 +26 =17 =57 +31 +14 =13 = 1  7.5  2507
10 Sasikiran, Krishnan         m IND 2536  -35 +62 -67 +86 +58 +28 =23 +15 =13 = 8 +22  7.5  2455
11 Webster, Andrew             m ENG 2427  -61 -69 +53 =68 +87 +30 =20 +27 =26 +25 +19  7.5  2409
12 Davies, Nigel R             g ENG 2518  =81 -44 +56 -33 =68 +61 +67 =42 +34 +45 +13  7.5  2385
13 Gormally, Daniel            m ENG 2476  +60 +30 +54 +19 - 1 +25 = 2 = 5 =10 = 9 -12  7.0  2528
14 Baburin, Alexander          g IRL 2593  +65 =26 =57 +28 +24 = 5 - 6 +16 - 9 =20 +30  7.0  2489
15 Summerscale, Aaron          g ENG 2423  =46 +87 =20 +61 =19 - 3 +36 -10 =30 +54 +35  7.0  2368
16 Pert, Nicholas              f ENG 2425  =44 +81 +70 -21 +67 - 4 +50 -14 +49 =43 +33  7.0  2433
17 Lane, Gary W                m ENG 2409  +76 =41 +44 - 5 +27 = 9 + 7 -21 +32 = 4 - 8  6.5  2491
18 Ward, Christopher           g ENG 2473  +33 +55 +22 = 4 +21 - 1 - 5 +23 +41 - 2 - 7  6.5  2519
19 Emms, John M                g ENG 2586  +78 +31 +32 -13 =15 =23 +22 = 4 +21 - 3 -11  6.5  2494
20 Sundararajan, Kidambi         IND 2334  +89 =21 =15 -41 +61 = 8 =11 = 7 +37 =14 =23  6.5  2479
21 Thipsay, Praveen M          g IND 2492  +72 =20 +34 +16 -18 =57 =42 +17 -19 +36 - 4  6.5  2445
22 Hunt, Harriet              wg ENG 2420  +64 = 1 -18 =30 +63 +35 -19 +58 =25 +24 -10  6.5  2452
23 Abdulla, Al-Rakib           m BAN 2367  +53 =25 - 1 +52 +33 =19 =10 -18 =54 +58 =20  6.5  2416
24 Saravanan, V                m IND 2429  +69 +35 = 6 = 7 -14 =50 +34 =43 =45 -22 +42  6.5  2433
25 Hebden, Mark                g ENG 2510  +67 =23 =42 +49 +43 -13 =31 =45 =22 -11 +47  6.5  2395
26 Dunnington, Angus J         m ENG 2366  +56 =14 =41 =67 - 9 +70 =48 +62 =11 - 7 +49  6.5  2417
27 Hunt, Adam                    ENG 2288  +90 - 6 =39 +80 -17 +44 = 8 -11 =46 +48 +43  6.5  2354
28 Cobb, James                   WLS 2349  +85 - 7 +71 -14 +62 -10 -58 +69 =48 +56 +45  6.5  2364
29 Aikhoje, Odion              m NGR 2341  +92 - 4 =33 -70 -44 =77 +73 +71 +62 =47 +41  6.5  2274
30 Ledger, David               f ENG 2240  + 9 -13 =31 =22 =38 -11 +80 +67 =15 +32 -14  6.0  2447
31 Reefat, Bin-Sattar          m BAN 2377  +36 -19 =30 =39 +60 +54 =25 - 9 =33 -35 +64  6.0  2316
32 Arkell, Keith C             g ENG 2462  +52 +61 -19 +50 - 7 =34 =55 +48 -17 -30 +65  6.0  2362
33 Buckley, Simon T              ENG 2216  -18 +83 =29 +12 -23 -55 +84 +38 =31 +57 -16  6.0  2388
34 Duncan, Christopher R       f ENG 2297  =47 +80 -21 +44 = 8 =32 -24 +60 -12 =46 +54  6.0  2324
35 Houska, Jovanka            wm ENG 2251  +10 -24 = 9 =90 +84 -22 =38 =56 +81 +31 -15  6.0  2382
36 Broomfield, Matthew           ENG 2164  -31 +74 =45 =48 +49 =43 -15 +78 +42 -21 =37  6.0  2378
37 Williams, Simon             m ENG 2421  +68 +75 - 2 +54 = 6 -41 -45 +72 -20 +59 =36  6.0  2314
38 Ledger, Andrew              m ENG 2431  +86 -54 =72 =60 =30 =40 =35 -33 =52 +77 +58  6.0  2225
39 Greet, Andrew                 ENG 2215  - 8 +77 =27 =31 =55 +84 -43 -65 =40 +72 +57  6.0  2325
40 Bisby, Daniel L               ENG 2252  - 4 =56 -80 +85 +92 =38 -62 =77 =39 +61 +67  6.0  2249
41 Gallagher, Joseph G         g SUI 2521  +79 =17 =26 +20 = 5 +37 - 3 +57 -18 - 6 -29  5.5  2398
42 Knott, Simon J.B            f ENG 2348  +88 = 5 =25 = 3 +47 - 6 =21 =12 -36 +63 -24  5.5  2360
43 Houska, Miroslav            m ENG 2364  -75 +64 +58 +59 -25 =36 +39 =24 - 8 =16 -27  5.5  2301
44 Gokhale, Anupama           wm IND 2181  =16 +12 -17 -34 +29 -27 -59 =85 +75 +79 =50  5.5  2305
45 Haslinger, Stewart            ENG 2267  - 1 +53 =36 -47 +77 +52 +37 =25 =24 -12 -28  5.5  2314
46 Hanley, Craig                 ENG 2178  =15 -70 +76 =55 =48 =78 =49 =59 =27 =34 =51  5.5  2277
47 Scannell, Steven              IRL 2069  =34 =50 =59 +45 -42 -48 +74 +79 =57 =29 -25  5.5  2313
48 Palliser, Richard             ENG 2253  =87 +79 - 5 =36 =46 +47 =26 -32 =28 -27 +70  5.5  2256
49 Mason, Donald                 ENG 2284  +83 - 3 +68 -25 -36 +86 =46 +52 -16 +53 -26  5.5  2262
50 Walker, David               f ENG 2280  =82 =47 +75 -32 +90 =24 -16 -54 =60 +62 =44  5.5  2191
51 Dearing, Eddie                SCO 2295  +66 - 8 -61 +88 -54 =60 -52 +80 +70 =64 =46  5.5  2180
52 Stephenson, F. Norman         ENG 2212  -32 =90 +82 -23 +81 -45 +51 -49 =38 =67 +74  5.5  2264
53 Ledger, Stephen               ENG 2162  -23 -45 -11 =66 +75 -64 +91 +74 +72 -49 +71  5.5  2233
54 Shaw,Robert                   ENG ----  +74 +38 -13 -37 +51 -31 =78 +50 =23 -15 -34  5.0  2319
55 Pert, Richard G               ENG 2308  +73 -18 =69 =46 =39 +33 =32 - 8 -58 =60 =63  5.0  2233
56 Waters, Clive L               ENG 2158  -26 =40 -12 +65 =72 =79 +63 =35 =59 -28 =60  5.0  2254
57 Heidenfeld, Mark            m IRL 2368  =80 +82 =14 =78 +70 =21 = 9 -41 =47 -33 -39  5.0  2260
58 Naylor, John                  ENG 2233  - 5 +73 -43 +75 -10 +69 +28 -22 +55 -23 -38  5.0  2299
59 Simons, Martin                ENG 2264  - 7 +76 =47 -43 =80 =68 +44 =46 =56 -37 =66  5.0  2190
60 Rayner, Francis               WLS 2218  -13 +89 =84 =38 -31 =51 +61 -34 =50 =55 =56  5.0  2250
61 Rudd, Jack                    ENG 2185  +11 -32 +51 -15 -20 -12 -60 +90 +84 -40 +79  5.0  2278
62 Storey, Carl                  USA 2125  - 3 -10 +73 +79 -28 +87 +40 -26 -29 -50 +77  5.0  2229
63 Koneru, Humpy                 IND 2229  - 6 -92 +89 +83 -22 =67 -56 +66 +69 -42 =55  5.0  2188
64 Churm, Rohan                  ENG 2168  -22 -43 -83 =91 =82 +53 +90 =81 +78 =51 -31  5.0  2174
65 McFarland, Robert             ENG 2267  -14 -68 =85 -56 +91 +92 +70 +39 - 7 =71 -32  5.0  2233
66 Harris, Costas                ENG 2065  -51 -71 -86 =53 +85 -74 +87 -63 +90 +81 =59  5.0  2154
67 Farndon, David Alexander      ENG 2238  -25 +91 +10 =26 -16 =63 -12 -30 +68 =52 -40  4.5  2259
68 Tippleston, Charles E         ENG 2171  -37 +65 -49 =11 =12 =59 -79 =84 -67 +83 =78  4.5  2225
69 Berry, Neil                   SCO 2200  -24 +11 =55 -84 =71 -58 +83 -28 -63 +89 =73  4.5  2175
70 Rahman, Taibur                BAN 2210  =77 +46 -16 +29 -57 -26 -65 +92 -51 +78 -48  4.5  2198
71 Jackson, Adrian               ENG 2223  - 2 +66 -28 =77 =69 +90 -72 -29 +73 =65 -53  4.5  2138
72 Lilley, Graham                ENG 2235  -21 +85 =38 - 9 =56 =80 +71 -37 -53 -39 +83  4.5  2204
73 Buckley, Melanie              ENG 2075  -55 -58 -62 +76 =74 =81 -29 +86 -71 +84 =69  4.5  2167
74 Smith, Andrew Philip        f IRL 2275  -54 -36 -88 +89 =73 +66 -47 -53 +85 +87 -52  4.5  2037
75 Cooper, Andrew                HKG 2151  +43 -37 -50 -58 -53 +82 -81 =83 -44 +92 +87  4.5  2119
76 Dempsey, Paul                 IRL 2168  -17 -59 -46 -73 =89 -91 =82 =88 +86 +85 +81  4.5  2103
77 Thiruchelvam, Thirumurugan    ENG 2020  =70 -39 =81 =71 -45 =29 +86 =40 =79 -38 -62  4.0  2148
78 Deveraux, Maxim               ENG 2265  -19 +88 +92 =57 - 3 =46 =54 -36 -64 -70 =68  4.0  2129
79 Jackson, Oliver               ENG 2242  -41 -48 +91 -62 +83 =56 +68 -47 =77 -44 -61  4.0  2063
80 Buckley, David                ENG 2163  =57 -34 +40 -27 =59 =72 -30 -51 -83 =82 =84  3.5  2094
81 Sugden, John N                ENG 2241  =12 -16 =77 =92 -52 =73 +75 =64 -35 -66 -76  3.5  2064
82 Bushill,M                     ENG ----  =50 -57 -52 -87 =64 -75 =76 -89 +88 =80 =86  3.5  2043
83 McMahon, Paul                 ENG 2030  -49 -33 +64 -63 -79 +88 -69 =75 +80 -68 -72  3.5  2065
84 Thipsay, Bagyashree Sathe  wm IND 2235  +91 - 2 =60 +69 -35 -39 -33 =68 -61 -73 =80  3.5  2074
85 Barton, R. Alan               ENG 2149  -28 -72 =65 -40 -66 =89 +88 =44 -74 -76 +91  3.5  2060
86 Clarke, Thomas                IRL 2204  -38 - 9 +66 -10 +88 -49 -77 -73 -76 +90 =82  3.5  2073
87 D'Costa,Lorin                 ENG ----  =48 -15 -90 +82 -11 -62 -66 +91 +92 -74 -75  3.5  2048
88 Mercs, Peter J                ENG 2123  -42 -78 +74 -51 -86 -83 -85 =76 -82 =91 +92  3.0  2003
89 Player, Edmund C              ENG 2105  -20 -60 -63 -74 =76 =85 -92 +82 =91 -69 =90  3.0  1993
90 McDonnell, James J            IRL 2051  -27 =52 +87 =35 -50 -71 -64 -61 -66 -86 =89  2.5  1969
91 Lim Chin Lee                  MAS 2110  -84 -67 -79 =64 -65 +76 -53 -87 =89 =88 -85  2.5  1957
92 Richards, Heather             ENG 2117  -29 +63 -78 =81 -40 -65 +89 -70 -87 -75 -88  2.5  1987

5) VISA Nordic Grand Prix Final 1999

The VISA Nordic Grand Prix Final 1999 is taking place in Gentofte, Denmark August 5th – 20th 1999. The event is a 14 player all-play-all event with Sune-Berg Hansen, Torbjorn R. Hansen , Helgi Ass Gretarsson, Heikki Westerinen, Simen Agdestein, Heini Olsen, Jon Viktor Gunnarsson, Ralf Akesson, Tiger Hillarp Persson, Helgi Olafsson, Jonny Hector, Nikolaj Borge, Lars Schandorff and Einar Gausel.

Tiger Hillarp Persson leads on 7/9, half a point clear of Simen Agdestein and Sune-Berg Hansen on 6.5. There are 13 rounds.

Note there was an error in the games and results section last week. The game T.R.Hansen - H.Gretarsson was a win for Gretarsson, the game was incorrect in the original file. My thanks to IM Eirik T. Gullaksen for pointing it out.

Coverage at: and

Standings after 9 rounds:
VISA Nordic GP Final Gentofte DEN (DEN), 7-20 viii 1999       cat. IX (2463)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Hillarp Persson, Tiger  m SWE 2507 * 0 . . . = . = 1 1 1 1 1 1  7.0  2652
 2 Agdestein, Simen        g NOR 2580 1 * 0 . . 1 1 = = = . 1 . 1  6.5  2637
 3 Hansen, Sune Berg       g DEN 2558 . 1 * 1 = . = . . = = = 1 1  6.5  2608
 4 Gausel, Einar           g NOR 2500 . . 0 * = = 1 1 . = = . = 1  5.5  2531
 5 Gretarsson, Helgi Ass   g ISL 2521 . . = = * . = = . 0 = 1 1 1  5.5  2521
 6 Olafsson, Helgi         g ISL 2494 = 0 . = . * . = = = = 1 1 .  5.0  2500
 7 Hector, Jonny           g SWE 2505 . 0 = 0 = . * . = 1 = 1 1 .  5.0  2504
 8 Akesson, Ralf           g SWE 2535 = = . 0 = = . * 0 . 1 1 = .  4.5  2453
 9 Gunnarsson, Jon Viktor  m ISL 2411 0 = . . . = = 1 * = . 0 1 =  4.5  2456
10 Schandorff, Lars        g DEN 2514 0 = = = 1 = 0 . = * = . . .  4.0  2452
11 Westerinen, Heikki M.J  g FIN 2382 0 . = = = = = 0 . = * . . 1  4.0  2448
12 Borge, Nikolaj          m DEN 2426 0 0 = . 0 0 0 0 1 . . * . 1  2.5  2323
13 Hansen, Torbjorn R        NOR 2259 0 . 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 . . . * =  1.5  2207
14 Olsen, Heini              FAI 2292 0 0 0 0 0 . . . = . 0 0 = *  1.0  2109

6) Lost Boys Closed, Amsterdam

The Lost Boys Chess Tournament is taking place in Amsterdam now. Boris Avrukh, Jeroen Piket, Ivan Sokolov, Predrag Nikolic, Jan Timman, Dmitri Reinderman, Paul Van der Sterren and Ljubomir Ljubojevic play. After four of the seven rounds there are four players on 2.5 and four on 1.5.

Internet coverage:

Standings after four rounds:

Round 1 (August 13, 1999)

Piket, Jeroen          -  Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   1/2   34  D58  QGD;
Van der Sterren, Paul  -  Nikolic, Predrag       0-1   48  D02  Queen's pawn
Avrukh, Boris          -  Timman, Jan H          0-1   71  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Reinderman, Dimitri    -  Sokolov, Ivan          0-1   30  C33  Kings gambit

Round 2 (August 14, 1999)

Timman, Jan H          -  Nikolic, Predrag       1/2   41  C02  French; Advance
Sokolov, Ivan          -  Van der Sterren, Paul  1/2   41  E39  Nimzo indian
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   -  Reinderman, Dimitri    1/2   50  A87  Dutch defence
Avrukh, Boris          -  Piket, Jeroen          1/2   22  D94  Gruenfeld indian

Round 3 (August 15, 1999)

Nikolic, Predrag       -  Sokolov, Ivan          1/2   24  D82  Gruenfeld indian
Piket, Jeroen          -  Timman, Jan H          1/2   25  E12  Nimzo indian
Van der Sterren, Paul  -  Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   1-0   48  D58  QGD;
Reinderman, Dimitri    -  Avrukh, Boris          1-0   53  A16  English; 1.c4

Round 4 (August 16, 1999)

Timman, Jan H          -  Sokolov, Ivan          1/2   66  B43  Sicilian
Piket, Jeroen          -  Reinderman, Dimitri    1-0   32  E90  Kings indian; Classical
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   -  Nikolic, Predrag       1/2   24  D20  QGA;
Avrukh, Boris          -  Van der Sterren, Paul  1-0   24  E25  Nimzo indian

Lost Boys Amsterdam (NED), 13-20 viii 1999     cat. XIV (2600)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
1 Timman, Jan H          g NED 2650 * = = = . . 1 .  2.5  2725
2 Nikolic, Predrag       g BIH 2641 = * = . = 1 . .  2.5  2697
3 Sokolov, Ivan          g BIH 2656 = = * . . = . 1  2.5  2682
4 Piket, Jeroen          g NED 2635 = . . * = . = 1  2.5  2678
5 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   g YUG 2570 . = . = * 0 . =  1.5  2497

6 Van der Sterren, Paul  g NED 2535 . 0 = . 1 * 0 .  1.5  2526
7 Avrukh, Boris          g ISR 2588 0 . . = . 1 * 0  1.5  2499
8 Reinderman, Dimitri    g NED 2525 . . 0 0 = . 1 *  1.5  2525

7) First Saturday, August

Laszlo Nagy reports: The First Saturday tournaments for August are underway. They take place 7th-19th of August 1999. The main events are a closed GM-tmt, cat.VII and a closed IM-tmt, cat.III. There have been nine rounds so far.

More info: Nagy Laszlo, Phone-fax: (361)-263-2859

First Saturday GM to round 9
Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-15 viii 1999                      cat. VII (2403)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Bokros, Albert     f HUN 2405 * . = . . 1 = 0 1 = 1 1 . 1  6.5  2563
 2 Varga, Zoltan      g HUN 2541 . * = = . = 1 . 1 = . 1 1 0  6.0  2514
 3 Lukacs, Peter      g HUN 2475 = = * 1 = 0 = . . . . = 1 1  5.5  2487
 4 Jelen, Igor        m SLO 2395 . = 0 * . 0 = 1 = 1 = . 1 .  5.0  2444
 5 Blauert, Joerg     m GER 2386 . . = . * = = = 1 = 0 = 1 .  5.0  2429
 6 Nguyen Anh Dung    m VIE 2484 0 = 1 1 = * = 0 . . = . = .  4.5  2401
 7 Vadasz, Laszlo     g HUN 2275 = 0 = = = = * 1 . . . . = =  4.5  2423
 8 Berg, Emanuel        SWE 2348 1 . . 0 = 1 0 * 0 . . 0 1 1  4.5  2387
 9 Arnold, Lothar     f GER 2362 0 0 . = 0 . . 1 * 1 1 = . =  4.5  2411
10 Markus, Robert       YUG 2336 = = . 0 = . . . 0 * = 1 0 1  4.0  2370
11 Hoang Thanh Trang wg VIE 2453 0 . . = 1 = . . 0 = * 1 0 =  4.0  2351
12 Pilgaard, Kim        DEN 2406 0 0 = . = . . 1 = 0 0 * . 1  3.5  2335
13 Skytte, Rasmus     f DEN 2338 . 0 0 0 0 = = 0 . 1 1 . * .  3.0  2285
14 Llanos, Guillermo  m ARG 2437 0 1 0 . . . = 0 = 0 = 0 . *  2.5  2234

FS IM Aug rounds 1-9
Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-15 viii 1999                             cat. III (2323)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Belichev, Nikolai           UKR 2387 * = 1 = 1 1 0 . = . . 1 1 .  6.5  2497
 2 Boe, Mads                 f DEN 2361 = * . 0 1 . 0 1 . 1 1 1 . 1  6.5  2486
 3 Pinter, Gabor               HUN 2332 0 . * . 1 = . = . 1 1 1 = 1  6.5  2481
 4 Schneider, Attila         m HUN 2395 = 1 . * = = 1 = . = = 0 . .  5.0  2385
 5 Kotan, Ladislav           f SVK 2317 0 0 0 = * 1 = . 1 . 1 1 . .  5.0  2387
 6 Zimmerman, Yuri           m RUS 2440 0 . = = 0 * 1 = . = . . 1 1  5.0  2365
 7 Marinkovic, Milan         f YUG 2360 1 1 . 0 = 0 * = = . = = . .  4.5  2344
 8 Eperjesi, Laszlo          m HUN 2381 . 0 = = . = = * = = . . 1 =  4.5  2318
 9 Dembo, Yelena               ISR 2244 = . . . 0 . = = * = 1 0 = 1  4.5  2306
10 Serrer, Christoph         f GER 2257 . 0 0 = . = . = = * = . 1 =  4.0  2283
11 Ruiz Gonzalez, Guillermo  f MEX 2309 . 0 0 = 0 . = . 0 = * . 1 1  3.5  2224
12 Williams, Paul              CAN 2270 0 0 0 1 0 . = . 1 . . * 0 =  3.0  2194
13 Tuturin, Sergey             RUS 2268 0 . = . . 0 . 0 = 0 0 1 * =  2.5  2148
14 Bottino, Alexiei            ITA 2207 . 0 0 . . 0 . = 0 = 0 = = *  2.0  2098


8) Petermaennchen GM tournament

Olaf Teschke reports on the Petermaennchen GM tournament took place in Schwerin Aug 9th-15th 1999, one event in a series of norm tournaments for young german chess players recently initiated by the German Chess Federation. Fabian Doetlling achieved an IM Norm by beating the clear tail ender Kalinin and holding seven draws, but was far from approaching the six points necessary for a GM Norm. Beside this, there was a lot of exciting chess played in Schwerin, including a low percentage of draws. The decisive action for first place took place in round six, when GM Uhlmann, who was leading, overstepped time in a winning position against GM Danielsen, clearing the way for the latter to a victory by half point above Zagrebelny, Uhlmann and Bischoff.

Internet coverage at:

It Schwerin GER (GER), 9-15 viii 1999               cat. X (2489)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Danielsen, Henrik    g DEN 2512 * 0 1 0 1 = 1 = 1 1  6.0  2611
 2 Zagrebelny, Sergey   g UZB 2521 1 * 0 1 1 1 0 = 1 0  5.5  2565
 3 Uhlmann, Wolfgang    g GER 2461 0 1 * = = = 1 1 = =  5.5  2571
 4 Bischoff, Klaus      g GER 2509 1 0 = * = = = 1 = 1  5.5  2566
 5 Luther, Thomas       g GER 2507 0 0 = = * = = 1 1 1  5.0  2529
 6 Doettling, Fabian    f GER 2475 = 0 = = = * = = = 1  4.5  2490
 7 Levin, Felix         g GER 2531 0 1 0 = = = * 0 1 1  4.5  2484
 8 Ellers, Holger       m GER 2426 = = 0 0 0 = 1 * = 1  4.0  2452
 9 Petrosian, Arshak B  g ARM 2514 0 0 = = 0 = 0 = * 1  3.0  2361
10 Kalinin, Oleg        m UKR 2432 0 1 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 *  1.5  2222

9) Jules Ehrat-Memorial (13th-22nd August 1999)

The Jules Ehrat Memorial takes place 13th-22nd August 1999 in Zurich [Jules Ehrat (1905-1997)]. Two selected teams from Switzerland and Germany will play together in the Hotel Hilton Airport Zurich as well about 100 chessplayers in the first Hilton-Chessopen. The star of the event will be Victor Korchnoi who will lead the Swiss team.

Team Germany: 1. GM Christopher Lutz (Elo 2591) 2. GM Christian Gabriel (2578) 3. GM Raj Tischbierek (2544) 4. GM Vlastimil Hort (2535) 5.GM Lothar Vogt (2485);

Team Switzerland: 1. GM Victor Kortchnoj (2676) 2. IM Yannick Pelletier (2479) 3. IM Werner Hug (2473) 4. IM Beat Züger (2434) 5. FM Florian Jenni (2399).

Schedule: The first round of the memorial will be played in the local Zurich Chess Club local in Mainaustrasse 54 in Zurich. All other rounds in the Memorial and the open are held in the Hotel Hilton Zürich-Airport (Hohenbühlstr. 10, 8058 Zürich-Flughafen)

Sinisa Joksic comments: The Swiss Team had white pieces in the first round of this 10 round Scheveningen Team event. The players from each team play members of the opposite team twice. The round ended in a draw. Viktor Korchnoi beat Lothar Vogt in a fine game. He did it in characteristic style, taking an offered pawn, defending it, then converting the position to a win. Korchnoi had only 24 hours to recuperate after returning from Las Vegas. Christian Gabriel equalised the match by beating Beat Zueger with the black pieces in an English opening. The other three games finished in draws, the most interesting of which was Jenni-Lutz, particulary in the opening. The second round saw a narrow win for the German team (who had white on all boards) when Christian Gabriel beat Werner Hug in 106 moves. The other games were also hard fought with all of them finishing around move 40 in draws. There were five draws in the third round but again the competition was extremely sharp and unclear. This left the German team still leading by just one win. Viktor Korchnoi didn’t get any adventage in the opening, a Slav, with the white pieces against Raj Tieschbierek. This was one of the reasons why he sacrificed an exchange for the pawn (the second, well known reason, is that he almost always plays for a win!) The sacrifice didn’t work out well and Tischbierek obtained the better position. Korchnoi missed a clear draw in 56 move and should have entered the ending with a very difficult position. Tischbierek then missed an opportunity to win and Korchnoi held the draw in 88 moves. When the draw was agreed Tischbierek had only 20 seconds left on his clock and Korchnoi about 10 minutes. The time trouble caused Beat Zueger to sacrifice a piece and hold a draw with perpetual check against Lothar Vogt. Before the sacrifice he was pawn up with a clear adventage. The other three games finished in draws. If you watched TV on the night of this round you might have been surprised to see Vlastimil Hort comment, live, from Koeln yesterday night, on German TV's exhibition game. (Yusupov beat Hickl) The Secret was that Hort played his game with Jenni on August 12th and he flew to Koeln by plane...

The First Hilton Chessopen in Zurich started August 14th.

Information for the media: During the tournaments in Zurich you can use the following numbers: Telephone: 0041-79-680 64 75; Fax: 0041-1-828 51 51 E-Mail:

Internet coverage at:

Round 1 (August 13, 1999)

Pelletier, Yannick  -  Hort, Vlastimil     1/2   38  A41  Queen's pawn
Hug, Werner         -  Tischbierek, Raj    1/2   20  A49  Queen's pawn
Jenni, Florian      -  Lutz, Christopher   1/2   62  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Zueger, Beat        -  Gabriel, Christian  0-1   47  A11  English; 1.c4
Korchnoi, Viktor    -  Vogt, Lothar        1-0   41  E81  Kings indian; Saemisch

Round 2 (August 14, 1999)

Gabriel, Christian  -  Hug, Werner         1-0  106  E71  Kings indian
Hort, Vlastimil     -  Korchnoi, Viktor    1/2   37  C08  French; Tarrasch
Vogt, Lothar        -  Jenni, Florian      1/2   47  C85  Ruy Lopez
Tischbierek, Raj    -  Pelletier, Yannick  1/2   40  B26  Sicilian; Closed
Lutz, Christopher   -  Zueger, Beat        1/2   42  A15  English; 1.c4

Round 3 (August 15, 1999)

Zueger, Beat        -  Vogt, Lothar        1/2   37  B37  Sicilian
Jenni, Florian      -  Hort, Vlastimil     1/2   24  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Pelletier, Yannick  -  Gabriel, Christian  1/2   39  D38  Queen's gambit
Hug, Werner         -  Lutz, Christopher   1/2   26  A48  Queen's pawn
Korchnoi, Viktor    -  Tischbierek, Raj    1/2   77  D43  Semi-Slav

10) MK Cafe Cup

The MK Cafe Cup took place in Koszalin, Poland runing August 3rd-14th. There were two strong Open sections with Epishin, Onischuk, Khenkin, Hracek, Bologan, Novikov and a total of 74 players with an average rating of 2542 competing in the A group. The A group was won by Alexander Shabalov of the USA with 8/9 a point ahead of Alexandre Lesiege and Zbynek Hracek on 7 points. The strong B group was won by Sarhan Guliev on the sum of progressive scores tie-break from Alexander Khasin, both scored 8/9.

Coverage at:

A tournament FINAL Crosstable.

MK Cafe Cup (POL), 3-13 viii 1999
                                             1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10 
 1 Shabalov, Alexander          g USA 2566  +72 +25 +68 + 5 +15 = 6 +17 = 9 = 2 = 8  8.0  2816
 2 Hracek, Zbynek               g CZE 2629  =22 -68 +43 +48 =21 +39 = 4 +17 = 1 + 6  7.0  2671
 3 Lesiege, Alexandre           g CAN 2553  +65 -33 +62 +68 = 5 +36 - 6 =12 +24 +15  7.0  2707
 4 Prokopchuk, Evgeny           m RUS 2470  =23 + 8 =52 + 7 =34 = 9 = 2 =29 +30 =12  6.5  2699
 5 Bologan, Viktor              g MDA 2620  +50 +19 +16 - 1 = 3 =23 = 8 = 7 +29 = 9  6.5  2670
 6 Dvoirys, Semen I             g RUS 2590  =14 +56 +35 =20 +39 = 1 + 3 =15 = 8 - 2  6.5  2661
 7 Ibragimov, Ildar             g RUS 2554  -68 +46 +44 - 4 =25 +37 +36 = 5 =13 +23  6.5  2656
 8 Romanishin, Oleg M           g UKR 2567  =44 - 4 +69 +57 =10 +47 = 5 +20 = 6 = 1  6.5  2615
 9 Novikov, Igor A              g UKR 2614  -20 +58 +64 =21 +54 = 4 +33 = 1 =15 = 5  6.5  2647
10 Antoniewski, Rafal           m POL 2417  -35 =49 +73 +31 = 8 =29 +42 =24 =36 +34  6.5  2675
11 Sherbakov, Ruslan            g RUS 2541  -25 +72 =12 =52 +41 =13 =28 +32 =23 +22  6.5  2688
12 Pigusov, Evgeny              g RUS 2609  =37 =27 =11 =53 =35 +61 +23 = 3 =19 = 4  6.0  2599
13 Kruppa, Yuri                 g UKR 2603  =27 =37 =53 +50 =14 =11 =31 +46 = 7 =19  6.0  2597
14 Nataf, Igor-Alexandre        g FRA 2504  = 6 +38 =32 =55 =13 =24 =26 =28 =17 +33  6.0  2649
15 Khenkin, Igor                g GER 2633  +53 =29 +31 =23 - 1 +55 +34 = 6 = 9 - 3  6.0  2641
16 Socko, Bartosz               m POL 2543  +66 +26 - 5 +28 =33 -17 -24 +47 =27 +36  6.0  2624
17 Tukmakov, Vladimir B         g UKR 2557  =63 +71 +36 =34 =23 +16 - 1 - 2 =14 +43  6.0  2615
18 Eingorn, Vereslav S          g UKR 2589  =47 =21 =22 =37 +27 =53 -20 =48 +55 +39  6.0  2595
19 Markowski, Tomasz            g POL 2557  +69 - 5 -47 +58 =37 =45 +51 +33 =12 =13  6.0  2605
20 Sulskis, Sarunas             g LTU 2521  + 9 +24 =33 = 6 -36 =42 +18 - 8 =34 =26  5.5  2634
21 Brodsky, Michail             g UKR 2512  =52 =18 +30 = 9 = 2 =32 =38 =42 =31 =29  5.5  2620
22 Malaniuk, Vladimir P         g UKR 2525  = 2 =52 =18 =42 +30 =26 =32 =34 +28 -11  5.5  2624
23 Malakhov, Vladimir           g RUS 2570  = 4 +57 +48 =15 =17 = 5 -12 +39 =11 - 7  5.5  2591
24 Timoshenko, Georgy           g UKR 2576  +43 -20 =40 =27 +71 =14 +16 =10 - 3 =31  5.5  2534
25 Epishin, Vladimir            g RUS 2657  +11 - 1 =59 =35 = 7 =40 -39 +54 =38 +48  5.5  2575
26 Sutovsky, Emil               g ISR 2587  +40 -16 =27 =71 +49 =22 =14 =31 =43 =20  5.5  2537
27 Nikolaidis, Ioannis          g GRE 2505  =13 =12 =26 =24 -18 =41 +71 +52 =16 =30  5.5  2608
28 Ftacnik, Lubomir             g SVK 2589  +49 =35 =54 -16 =40 +60 =11 =14 -22 +51  5.5  2539
29 Ulibin, Mikhail              g RUS 2562  +70 =15 =55 =54 =32 =10 +53 = 4 - 5 =21  5.5  2560
30 Burmakin, Vladimir           g RUS 2579  +61 -39 -21 +56 -22 +44 +45 +38 - 4 =27  5.5  2539
31 Poluljahov, Aleksandr        g RUS 2554  =71 +60 -15 -10 +57 +54 =13 =26 =21 =24  5.5  2550
32 Volzhin, Alexander           g RUS 2569  +46 =54 =14 =47 =29 =21 =22 -11 =45 =35  5.0  2518
33 Filippov, Valerij            g RUS 2605  +73 + 3 =20 =39 =16 =34 - 9 -19 +46 -14  5.0  2542
34 Tregubov, Pavel V            g RUS 2609  +51 +64 =39 =17 = 4 =33 -15 =22 =20 -10  5.0  2533
35 Gritsak, Orest               m UKR 2550  +10 =28 - 6 =25 =12 -38 =68 =56 +57 =32  5.0  2535
36 Onischuk, Alexander          g UKR 2657  +45 =48 -17 +59 +20 - 3 - 7 +40 =10 -16  5.0  2526
37 Kogan, Artur                 g ISR 2518  =12 =13 =42 =18 =19 - 7 -43 +71 +58 =41  5.0  2540
38 Kharitonov, Andrei Y         g RUS 2559  =56 -14 +63 =40 =60 +35 =21 -30 =25 =45  5.0  2510
39 Degraeve, Jean-Marc          g FRA 2542  +74 +30 =34 =33 - 6 - 2 +25 -23 +42 -18  5.0  2572
40 Jaracz, Pawel                m POL 2477  -26 +66 =24 =38 =28 =25 =48 -36 =53 +55  5.0  2559
41 Stohl, Igor                  g SVK 2600  -54 =43 =56 +44 -11 =27 =47 +68 =48 =37  5.0  2492
42 Lerner, Konstantin Z         g UKR 2588  =57 =47 =37 =22 +68 =20 -10 =21 -39 +53  5.0  2496
43 Shishkin, Vadim              m UKR 2475  -24 =41 - 2 =65 =63 +69 +37 +53 =26 -17  5.0  2531
44 Urban, Klaudiusz             m POL 2463  = 8 =59 - 7 -41 +62 -30 =49 +60 =50 +52  5.0  2527
45 Oral, Tomas                  m CZE 2541  -36 -62 +74 =46 +66 =19 -30 +63 =32 =38  5.0  2490
46 Bu Xiangzhi                    CHN 2465  -32 - 7 +70 =45 +59 =52 +55 -13 -33 +64  5.0  2556
47 Grabarczyk, Miroslaw         m POL 2484  =18 =42 +19 =32 =55 - 8 =41 -16 =52 =50  4.5  2532
48 Slobodjan, Roman             g GER 2550  +62 =36 -23 - 2 =50 +49 =40 =18 =41 -25  4.5  2524
49 Blehm, Pawel                 m POL 2479  -28 =10 =58 +62 -26 -48 =44 =61 =66 +68  4.5  2432
50 Kaminski, Marcin             g POL 2523  - 5 =69 +65 -13 =48 =68 =56 =57 =44 =47  4.5  2459
51 Kveinys, Aloyzas             g LTU 2515  -34 =67 -71 =66 +65 +63 -19 =58 +56 -28  4.5  2429
52 Magomedov, Magaram           g TJK 2604  =21 =22 = 4 =11 -53 =46 +61 -27 =47 -44  4.0  2425
53 Gyimesi, Zoltan              g HUN 2531  -15 +70 =13 =12 +52 =18 -29 -43 =40 -42  4.0  2486
54 Lanka, Zigurds               g LAT 2504  +41 =32 =28 =29 - 9 -31 =58 -25 =65 =56  4.0  2469
55 Haba, Petr                   g CZE 2544  =60 +63 =29 =14 =47 -15 -46 +66 -18 -40  4.0  2417
56 McNab, Colin A               g SCO 2445  =38 - 6 =41 -30 =74 +67 =50 =35 -51 =54  4.0  2441
57 Zezulkin, Jurij              m BLR 2478  =42 -23 +67 - 8 -31 =66 +60 =50 -35 =65  4.0  2420
58 Radziewicz, Iweta           wg POL 2395  =59 - 9 =49 -19 =69 +64 =54 =51 -37 =61  4.0  2448
59 Marin, Mihail                g ROM 2548  =58 =44 =25 -36 -46 =71 -63 +70 =68 =66  4.0  2402
60 Bobras, Piotr                f POL 2394  =55 -31 +61 =64 =38 -28 -57 -44 =67 +71  4.0  2433
61 Mainka, Romuald              g GER 2476  -30 =74 -60 +67 +64 -12 -52 =49 =62 =58  4.0  2402
62 Pedzich, Dominik             m POL 2428  -48 +45 - 3 -49 -44 -72 +69 +73 =61 =70  4.0  2420
63 Salmensuu, Olli              m FIN 2443  =17 -55 -38 +73 =43 -51 +59 -45 -64 +72  4.0  2453
64 Kempinski, Robert            g POL 2549  +67 -34 - 9 =60 -61 -58 =65 +74 +63 -46  4.0  2381
65 Sapis, Witalis               m POL 2429  - 3 =73 -50 =43 -51 =70 =64 +72 =54 =57  4.0  2429
66 Koc, Przemyslaw                POL 2345  -16 -40 +72 =51 -45 =57 +73 -55 =49 =59  4.0  2437
67 Przedmojski, Rafal             POL 2405  -64 =51 -57 -61 +72 -56 =70 =69 =60 +74  4.0  2379
68 Bobrowska, Monika            m POL 2438  + 7 + 2 - 1 - 3 -42 =50 =35 -41 =59 -49  3.5  2449
69 Pinski, Jan                    POL 2444  -19 =50 - 8 =74 =58 -43 -62 =67 =72 +73  3.5  2352
70 Stryjecki, Marek               POL 2448  -29 -53 -46 =72 =73 =65 =67 -59 +74 =62  3.5  2354
71 Schmidt, Wlodzimierz         g POL 2436  =31 -17 +51 =26 -24 =59 -27 -37 =73 -60  3.0  2377
72 Skripchenko-Lautier, Almira  m MDA 2456  - 1 -11 -66 =70 -67 +62 =74 -65 =69 -63  2.5  2242
73 Teske, Henrik                g GER 2515  -33 =65 -10 -63 =70 +74 -66 -62 =71 -69  2.5  2237
74 Dworakowska, Joanna         wg POL 2306  -39 =61 -45 =69 =56 -73 =72 -64 -70 -67  2.0  2242

B tournament leading final standings

  1   GULIEV, Sarhan (16)              AZE   8       46.5  65.0    53.0
  2   KHASIN, Alexander (11)           RUS   8       43.0  60.0    48.0
  3   CHEKHOV, Valery A (13)           RUS   7.5     44.5  63.5    51.5
  4   SHNEIDER, Aleksandr (1)          UKR   7.5     43.0  62.5    50.5
  5   YEVSEEV, Denis (3)               RUS   7.5     42.0  59.5    47.5
  6   MUREY, Jacob (17)                ISR   7.5     41.0  60.0    48.0
  7   POPOV, Valerij (7)               RUS   7.5     39.0  57.0    46.0
  8   KUZMIN, Gennadi P (10)           UKR   7       42.0  63.0    50.5
  9   GALKIN, Alexander (4)            RUS   7       41.5  66.0    53.0
 10   KRIVOSHEY, Sergei (20)           UKR   7       40.5  61.0    48.5
 11   VOLOSHIN, Leonid (27)            CZE   7       40.5  60.5    48.5
 12   KASPAROV, Sergey (26)            BLR   7       40.5  57.0    46.0
 13   CHERKASOV, Nikolai (53)          RUS   7       37.0  57.0    45.5
 14   GAJSIN, Evgenij (30)             RUS   7       35.0  52.5    42.5
 15   VOKAREV, Sergey (18)             RUS   6.5     43.0  65.0    52.5
 16   BATOR, Robert (24)               SWE   6.5     41.5  62.5    50.5
 17   NEVEROV, Valeriy (2)             UKR   6.5     40.5  65.5    52.5
 18   KUPREICHIK, Viktor D (25)        BLR   6.5     40.5  59.0    47.0
 19   HASANGATIN, Ramil (23)           RUS   6.5     40.0  63.0    50.5
 20   GLEIZEROV, Evgeny (9)            RUS   6.5     39.0  60.0    48.5
 21   VAULIN, Alexander (15)           RUS   6.5     39.0  60.0    48.0
 22   MURDZIA, Piotr (40)              POL   6.5     39.0  58.0    47.0
 23   KUCZYNSKI, Robert (21)           POL   6.5     39.0  57.5    46.0
 24   MOTYLEV, Alexander (5)           RUS   6.5     38.0  58.0    46.5
 25   SZELAG, Marcin (33)              POL   6.5     38.0  56.0    44.5
 26   KAZHGALEYEV, Murtas (6)          KAZ   6.5     37.0  58.5    47.0
 27   TIRARD, Hugo (50)                FRA   6.5     36.5  58.5    48.5
 28   BUTURIN, Vladimir (34)           UKR   6.5     36.5  57.0    45.0
 29   GORIN, Leonid (35)               RUS   6.5     35.0  54.5    42.0
 30   KOROBOV, Anton (47)              UKR   6.5     33.0  50.5    40.5
 31   CMILYTE, Viktorija (42)          LTU   6.5     32.0  46.5    37.0
 32   ZIMNY, Joanna (148)              POL   6.5     30.0  51.0    41.0

11) Ikaria island, Greece

Eight GMs and other strong players took part in the Ikaros Chess Festival, 10-23 of July, Ikaria island, Greece. The event was won by FM Aleksandar Savanovic of Yugoslavia with 7.5/9. GM Milko Popchev (Bulgaria), Dusan Lekic and Bojan Vuckovic (both Yugoslavia) all scored 7/9. Favourite Igor Novikov only scored 6/9 and finished 8th=.

Argiris Kotsis sends games from the event.

Web site:

 1 SAVANOVIC ALEKSANDAR    YUG f  2421 7,5 34,5 
 2 POPCHEV MILKO           BUL g  2498 7,0 37,5 
 3 LEKIC DUSAN             YUG f  2381 7,0 34,5 
 4 VUCKOVIC BOJAN          YUG m  2433 7,0 34 
 5 KOFIDIS ANDREAS         GRE m  2383 6,5 34,5 
 6 RASMUSSEN KARSTEN       DEN m  2420 6,5 31,5 
 7 RADOVANOVIC DUSAN       YUG 0  2298 6,5 29,5 
 8 NOVIKOV IGOR  A         UKR g  2614 6,0 37,5 
 9 ERMENKOV EVGENIJ        BUL g  2474 6,0 33,5 
10 GEORGIEV KRUM           BUL g  2505 6,0 33 
11 MIEZIS NORMUNDS         LAT g  2524 6,0 32,5 
12 PEDERSEN JAN            DEN f  2334 6,0 32 
13 NIKOLIC STANIMIR        YUG g  2336 6,0 31 
14 GESOS PAVLOS            GRE m  2369 6,0 31 
15 STEFANOPOULOS ORESTIS   GRE f  2254 6,0 28 
16 SOULTATIS KONSTANTINOS  GRE    2157 6,0 27,5 
17 MANAGADZE NIKOLOZ       GEO f  2437 5,5 33,5 
18 ALEKSIEVA SILVIA        BUL wg 2317 5,5 30 
19 KOSTOUROS ALEXANDROS    GRE    2139 5,5 28 
20 MOUROYTIS KOSTANTINOS   GRE    2228 5,5 27,5 
23 GENOVA RUZKA            BUL wm 2240 5,5 24,5 
24 ANEROUSIS PANAYOTIS     GRE    2170 5,5 23,5 
25 NIKOLOPOULOU DANAI      GRE         5,5 23,5 

92 players

12) Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament, Vlissingen

The Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament, Vlissingen ran 9th-15th August 1999. The competing GM's were: M. Gurevich, R. Vaganian, V. Baklan, S. Savchenko, V. Golod, A. David, J. van der Wiel, V. Chuchelov, V. Mikhalevski and I. Rausis. The event was won by Alberto David of Belgium who scored 6/7 to finish half a point clear of eight players on 5.5.

Internet coverage (games, pictures and reports by Hans Groffen at:

HZ Open Vlissingen NED (NED), 9-15 viii 1999
                                      1   2   3   4   5   6   7 
 1 David, Alberto        g LUX 2544  6.0  33.0  27.50  25.5  2544 2714 +0.88
 2 Gurevich, Mikhail     g BEL 2643  5.5  35.0  26.50  25.0  2643 2673 +0.18
 3 Vaganian, Rafael A    g ARM 2617  5.5  33.5  25.25  23.0  2617 2639 +0.10
 4 Bagaturov, Giorgi     m GEO 2532  5.5  33.5  24.75  24.5  2532 2599 +0.34
 5 Van der Wiel, John    g NED 2544  5.5  32.0  25.00  23.0  2544 2563 +0.10
 6 Baklan, Vladimir      g UKR 2591  5.5  32.0  24.00  23.5  2591 2594 +0.00
 7 Chuchelov, Vladimir   g BEL 2533  5.5  32.0  23.75  23.5  2533 2600 +0.34
 8 Golod, Vitali         g ISR 2568  5.5  31.0  24.00  22.0  2568 2565 -0.01
 9 Savchenko, Stanislav  g UKR 2583  5.5  30.5  22.25  23.5  2583 2547 -0.20
10 Ragozin, Evgeni       m RUS 2485  5.0  31.0  20.00  21.0  2485 2336 -0.59
11 Gather,J                NED ----  5.0  29.5  18.00  20.0  2175 1904 0
12 Vinck, Martin           NED ----  5.0  28.0  17.00  20.0  2042 2387  2387
13 Rosmuller, Anton        NED 2204  5.0  26.5  16.50  19.0  2204 1891 -0.10
14 Mikhalevski, Victor   g ISR 2516  4.5  32.0  18.75  22.0  2516 2490 -0.16
15 Rausis, Igors         g LAT 2496  4.5  31.0  17.75  20.5  2496 2305 -0.77
... etc 94 players

13) Montecatini Terme

There were more than 300 players competing in Montecatini Terme Chess Festival in Italy (July 31st - August 8th 1999). The main open with 126 players saw three players finish on 7/9. The winner according to the Buchholz tie-break system was Gyula Sax above Smbat Lputian and Viorel Iordachescu.

Further info:

Leading final standings:
Montecatini Terme ITA (ITA), 31 vii-8 viii 1999
  1 Sax, Gyula                   g HUN 2588  7.0   49.5
  2 Lputian, Smbat G             g ARM 2625  7.0   48.5
  3 Iordachescu, Viorel          m MDA 2553  7.0   47.0
  4 Razuvaev, Yuri S             g RUS 2559  6.5   50.5
  5 Goloshchapov, Alexander      m UKR 2519  6.5   48.0
  6 Komarov, Dimitri             g UKR 2582  6.5   47.5
  7 Horvath, Jozsef              g HUN 2526  6.5   44.5  4.5
  8 Horvath, Csaba               g HUN 2509  6.5   44.5  4.0
  9 Badea, Bela                  m ROM 2479  6.5   42.0 
 10 Sermek, Drazen               g SLO 2545  6.0   48.0
 11 De Gleria, Francesco           GER 2422  6.0   47.5  4.5
 12 Belotti, Bruno               m ITA 2423  6.0   47.5  3.5
 13 Quinn, Mark                  f IRL 2377  6.0   46.0
 14 Efimov, Igor                 g ITA 2445  6.0   45.5  4.5     6 
 15 Farago, Ivan                 g HUN 2512  6.0   45.5  4.5     4
 16 Zaitsev, Vadim               m RUS 2411  6.0   44.0  2.5
 17 Godena, Michele              g ITA 2490  6.0   44.0 
 18 Aleksic, Nenad1              m YUG 2421  6.0   43.5
 19 Gorbatow, Alexej             m RUS 2353  6.0   42.5
 20 Tomescu, Vlad                m ROM 2453  6.0   42.0
 21 Surjadnji, Aleksei           m UKR 2429  6.0   41.0
 22 Mantovani, Renzo             m ITA 2419  6.0   40.5 
 23 Lanzani, Mario               f ITA 2403  5.5   46.0
 24 Del Rio Angelis, Salvador G  m ESP 2471  5.5   45.5
 25 Sarno, Spartaco              m ITA 2373  5.5   45.0
 26 Solozhenkin, Evgeniy         g RUS 2544  5.5   43.0  4.5
 27 Korsunsky, Yuri              m UKR 2418  5.5   43.0  4.0
 28 Wall, Gavin                    ENG 2353  5.5   42.5
 29 Dervishi, Erald              g ALB 2496  5.5   42.0
 30 Manca, Federico              m ITA 2373  5.5   41.5
 31 Naumkin, Igor                g RUS 2489  5.5   41.0

 32 Arlandi, Ennio               m ITA 2465  5.5   40.5  4.0
 33 Vezzosi, Paolo               f ITA 2329  5.5   40.5  3.0     4   44'
 34 El-Kher, Henrik                DEN 2332  5.5   40.5  3.0     4   46'
 35 Zueger, Beat                 m SUI 2434  5.5   38.5 
 36 Iotti, Pierluigi             f ITA 2326  5.5   37.5  4.0
 37 Ortega, Lexy                 m CUB 2499  5.5   37.5 
 38 Rodkin, Rafael                 ISR 2240  5.5   36.5 
126 players

14) Garry Kasparov vs the World

The Garry Kasparov vs. the World chess tournament. The event continues, you can follow the game at: It allows players to consult in choosing which move is played against Kasparov. Players can vote for one of the suggested moves or for their own recommended move. The move with the most votes will be chosen as the world team's move. There is a team of coaches Etienne Bacrot, 16, Florin Felecan, 19, Irina Krush, 15, and Elisabeth Pähtz, 14 who will aid the choice of moves and GM Danny King will act as moderator during the match. Moves so far Kasparov,G (2812) - The World [B52] 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ Bd7 4.Bxd7+ Qxd7 5.c4 Nc6 6.Nc3 Nf6 7.0-0 g6 8.d4 cxd4 9.Nxd4 Bg7 10.Nde2 Qe6 11.Nd5 Qxe4 12.Nc7+ Kd7 13.Nxa8 Qxc4 14.Nb6+ axb6 15.Nc3 Ra8 16.a4 Ne4 17.Nxe4 Qxe4 18.Qb3 f5 19.Bg5 Qb4 20.Qf7 Be5 21.h3 Rxa4 22.Rxa4 Qxa4 23.Qxh7 Bxb2 24.Qxg6 Qe4 25.Qf7 Bd4 26.Qb3 f4 27.Qf7 Be5 28.h4 b5 ....

15) Forthcoming Events and Links

III International Chess Tournament " Santiago de Cali"

III International Chess Tournament " Santiago de Cali" Cali-Colombia, December 26-30, 1999

$32'000.000 Guaranteed!!! US$ 17.700 to be divided in 5 Groups

Open Fide, 9-SS - For GMs, MIs, players with Fide Elo and all colombian players with a National Rating of 2050 and above. $$: $5'000.000 (US$2700); 3'500.000 (US$1800); 2'000.000 (US$1000); 1'500.000 (US$800); 1'000.000 (US$540); 800.000 (US$430); 700.000 (US$370); 600.000 (US$320); 500.000 (US$270); 400.000 (US$217); 300.000 (US$160); 200.000; 200.000; 200.000; 200.000 (US$100). Best Lady: 300.000; 200.000. Best Player of Valle: 500.000; 300.000; 200.000.

Entries: GMs, MIs free. Taken from prize $50.000 (US$30). Players with Elo Fide: $50.000 (US$30). Elo 2050 >: $60.000 (US$36); Under 2050: $80.000. Special Conditions to the first 10 GMs that contact us and confirmed before November 30th.

'B' Tournament - For players with national ratings between 1800- 2049. 'C' Tournament - For players with national ratings between 1600-1799. Players without any ratings must play in this group. 'D' - Players with ratings of 1599 or less. $$: For Groups 'B', 'C' y 'D'. $1'000.000; 800.000; 500.000; 400.000; 300.000; 200.000; 100.000; 100.000; 100.000; 100.000, based on 80 participants, otherwise 30% will be discounted from each prize. Best Lady: 300.000; 200.000; 100.000 based on 8 ladies participants per group. Best player from Valle: 300.000; 200.000. Best player from Cali: 150.000. Entries: $60.000 (US$36) until November 30th. $70.000 until December 23rd. $80.000 day of tournament. No late penalties to foreigners!!

Children's Tournament - For boys and girls with a rating no higher than 1399 or unrated, born on or after January 1st, 1985 (14 years old). All participants must show proof or age before the first round. Entries: $30.000 (US$18). $$: 400.000; 300.000; 200.000; 100.000; 50.000; 50.000; 50.000; 50.000. Best Girl: 200.000; 100.000.

ALL: No one wins more than one prize. All pairings will be done by computer and no changes will be done. Byes accepted in the first three rounds only. From each prize, 5% will be discounted. Colombian exchange rate until August 15th , 1999, 1850 pesos per US dolar. All prizes will be in colombian pesos. Entries: Liga de Ajedrez del Valle, Banco Ganadero, No. 649117033. Photocopy of deposit must be send by fax before due date. For Colombia only.

Food and Board 4 nights / 5 days: Hotel Aristi ***, (57-2) 882.25.21 / 884.15.20 Room with Air Conditioned: Single, $306.032 (US$180); Double, $214.028 (US$126) x person; Triple/Cuadruple, $183.900 (US$109) x person. Room with Ventilator: Single, $207.260 (US$122); Double, $147.932 (US$87) x person; Triple/Cuadruple, $129.980 (US$77) x person. Prices don't include entry to tournament.

Information: Liga de Ajedrez del Valle, (57-2) 680.99.76 y 680.99.78. Playing Hall, Hotel Aristi. Futher information, Luis Bernardo Hoyos-Millán, e-mail:

III Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez " Santiago de Cali" Cali, 26-30 de Diciembre, 1999 Válido para Elo Internacional - Fide 9-SS $34'000.000 Garantizados!!! Torneo Open Fide - Juegan GMs, MIs, jugadores con Elo Internacional y todos con Elo Nacional 2050 en adelante. $$: $5'000.000; 3'500.000; 2'000.000; 1'500.000; 1'000.000; 800.000; 700.000; 600.000; 500.000; 400.000; 300.000; 200.000; 200.000; 200.000; 200.000. Mejor Dama: 300.000; 200.000. Mejor Vallecaucano: 500.000; 300.000; 200.000. Inscripciones: GMs, MIs gratis. Se descuenta $50.000 de su premiación. Jugadores con Elo Fide: $50.000. Elo 2050 >: $60.000; Menos de 2050: $80.000. Torneo B - Jugadores con Elo entre 1800- 2049. Torneo C - Jugadores con Elo entre 1600-1799. Jugador sin Elo debe jugar en el 'C'. Torneo D - Jugadores con Elo 1599 o menos. $$: Para los grupos B, C y D. $1'000.000; 800.000; 500.000; 400.000; 300.000; 200.000; 100.000; 100.000; 100.000; 100.000, basado en 80 participantes por grupo o se descuenta el 30%. Mejor Dama: 300.000; 200.000; 100.000 basado en 8 damas participando por grupo. Mejor Vallecaucano: 300.000; 200.000. Mejor Caleño: 150.000. Inscripciones: $60.000 hasta el 30 de Noviembre. $70.000 hasta el 23 de Diciembre. $80.000 el dia del torneo. Unica excepción, los extranjeros!! Torneo Peoncito de la Feria - Para niños y niñas con Elo máximo 1399, nacidos después del 1 de Enero de 1985. Todos los participantes deben presentar fotocopia de la tarjeta de identidad o registro civil antes de la primera ronda. Inscripciones: $30.000. $$: 400.000; 300.000; 200.000; 100.000; 50.000; 50.000; 50.000; 50.000. Mejor Niña: 200.000; 100.000. Todos: Ningún jugador podrá ganar más de un premio. Los pareos son computarizados y no habrá cambio alguno en el pareo. Se aceptan 'byes' hasta la 3ra ronda. Se descontará el 5% de la premiación. Alojamiento & Alimentacións: Hotel Aristi, (57-2) 882.25.21 / 884.15.20 Habitación con Aire Acondicionado: Sencilla, $306.032; Doble, $214.028 x persona; Triple/Cuadruple, $183.900 x persona. Habitación con Ventilador: Sencilla, $207.260; Doble, $147.932 x persona; Triple/Cuadruple, $129.980 x persona. Precios no incluyen la inscripción. Información: Liga de Ajedrez del Valle, (57-2) 680.99.76 y 680.99.78. Estadía y Sala de Juego, Hotel Aristi. Correo electrónico:

3rd Mind Sports Olympiad

The prize fund for this year's Mind Sports Olympiad has been set at 100,000 pounds. There may also be some additional prizes to be announced later. In addition to the cash prizes the leading players will also receive the traditional MSO gold, silver and bronze medals. There will be additional medals for the leading juniors in each tournament. The prize funds for some of the games are listed below. All figures are in pounds sterling.

Chess £20,000; Bridge £10,000; Go £8,500; 10x10 Draughts £8,000; Othello £7,000; Chinese Chess £6,000; Scrabble £6,000; Shogi £5,000; Stratego £5,000; 8x8 Draughts £4,000; Memory Skills £3,000; Cribbage £2,000; Dominoes £2,000; Intelligence £2,000

Prize funds for other games will be announced in due course. The detailed tournament schedule will be announced on their web site in early June and printed entry forms will be available shortly thereafter.

XXVII Open Internacional d'Escacs Ciutat de Manresa

The XXVII Open Internacional d'Escacs Ciutat de Manresa takes place in Catalonia August 21st-28th 1999. Players such as Cicak , Pogorelov, Campos Moreno, Mellado Trivino, Moskalenko etc compete.

Internet site:

British Rapidplay Chess Championships

The British Rapidplay Chess Championships take place in Leeds, 16/17 October 1999. Further details