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Contact The Week in Chess Mark Crowther E-Mail Tel or fax 01274 882143 [Bradford England] Mobile 07957381719 Contents 1) Introduction ![]() |
Contact the London Chess Center Order form at or email 1. Blackmar-Diemer Gambit: KeyBook II by Rev. Tim Sawyer An exciting up-to-the minute volume, containing the latest in computer-guided analysis, loads of new material and over 2700 games. Thousands of new analytical ideas makes the new keybook II your complete 'Play to win' manual. Many games are 20 moves or less, so don't play for the endgame - play to end the game!! Book Format: 7x 10, 408 pages, 100 main line games (2700 reference games!), index + more! List Price $29.95 £19.95 Special Price $24.95 £16.95 2. Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Mega-CD The ideal companion to the Blackmar-Diemer Keybook II. This mega-CD includes a whopping 13,000 BDG games (without annotations for the annotations you need the keybook II), selected by Tim Sawter, . The database comes in ChessBase, PGN and Chess Assistant formats. ChessBase users will get a specialised opening key and tree database. List Price $17.50 £14.95 Special Price $14.95 £12.95 3. BUY BOTH - LIST PRICE $47.45 £34.90 SPECIAL PRICE $34.95 £ 26.95 NEW Foxy Openings Videos 4. Modern Benoni by GM Chris Ward 95mins GM Video £18.95 $29.95 TWIC Reader £16.95 $26.95 Benoni expert Chris Ward reveals plenty of secret home preparation as he presents Black's best lines after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5. 5. Caro Kann by GM Nigel Davies 90mins GM Video £17.95 $27.95 TWIC Reader £15.95 $25.95 A solid defence to 1.e4. This video features the modern re-interpretation of several key variations, especially the new 4...Bf5 Classical main line. 6. Win with 1...d6 part 1. The Czech System v 1.e4 by IM Andrew Martin 110mins GM Video £18.95 $29.95 TWIC Reader £16.95 $26.95 The first of two videos on the distinctive systems with 1...d6, this one is based on the flexible Czech System. 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6. 7. Win with 1...d6 part 2. V 1.d4 / 1.Nf3 / 1.c4 by IM Andrew Martin 110mins GM Video £18.95 $29.95 TWIC Reader £16.95 $26.95 A system ideally suited to playing for the win. Get your opponent out of his opening theory and avoid simplification are the keys. 8. Complete 'Win with 1...d6' Both the above videos. £32.90 $59.90 TWIC Reader £29.95 $52.95 All above POST FREE Surface Worldwide (Please allow 6 weeks delivery). Please add 20% for Airmail (two weeks delivery). For new book offers visit |
Games section
Sarajevo 10 games Third Broekhuis Tournament 18 games Bulgarian Championships 91 games "Kastav '99" 66 games Croatian Team Championships 160 games Croatian Team Championships (women) 30 games Women's Zonal Tournament 80 games SK Turm Kleve Jubilee Open 390 games Hamburg City Championships 104 games 24th Keres Memorial in Vancouver BC 160 games
My thanks to Nikolai Ninov and Bohos Rupenian, TASC, Eric Van der Schilden, Eduard Piacun, Hans-Dieter Müller, Rolf Sander, Lyle Craver, Bernd Rosen, Andrés Molina Rodríguez and all those who helped with this issue.
Kasparov duly won the Sarajevo tournament completing a hatch trick of victories for him this year of the highest calibre. He didn't play with his usual intensity but the result ended up being the same. His lead in the ratings list is going to be huge again.
This week is another D-Day week for FIDE and a possible World Title Match for Kasparov. The deadline for signing the contracts for the FIDE World Championships was today so a full list of competitors will be available soon. England could have been without representation as the British Chess Federation only thought to send on the contracts to the players late last week. All players were eventually contacted. I would hope that the finalisation of the line-up will also bring with it more announcements as to the details of the FIDE event. The organisers of the potential Anand-Kasparov match are expected to make an announcement this week. Its not clear what they are to announce however.
There was sad news of TWIC contributer John Watson. He suffered a stroke in Las Vegas and is partially paralysed on his right side. He can speak, and he has begun a rehabilitation program. I wish him well as I guess does all the chess community.
Finally the TWIC CD is out now!!
Hope you enjoy this issue
Garry Kasparov scored yet another high scoring result to win the Category 19 tournament in Sarajevo. He scored 3/3 in the final rounds to score 7/9. Another huge result in this the seventh strongest event of all time by ELO (although the ratings are inflated making these measures slightly false) Kasparov didn't seem to play with the intensity with which he won the "point proving" events of Wijk aan Zee and Linares. In fact in some ways this makes this result perhaps just as impressive. It is also said that an announcement about a World Title match involving Kasparov later in the year is due imminently.
In second place tied on 6 points were Alexei Shirov and Evgeny Bareev. For Shirov this picks up his good form which took him to victory over Kramnik last year which has slightly deserted him recently (his aborted match against Kasparov had clearly disturbed both his invitations and form) and Evgeny Bareev. Bareev has been on occasion a class performer who has proved himself at this level before. Only a slightly nervous temperment at times has affected his results. Morozevich has showed his wild style has matured enough to cope at this level, he lost to Kasparov and Bareev but generated four wins to give him 4th place on 5.5. Michael Adams of England looked to carry on some good recent form and although he gained points by finishing on 5 he will be disappointed with his result. Leko and Topalov had pretty average results, gaining and losing a few points. Short and especially Sokolov and Timman had miserable tournaments.
Round 8 (May 25, 1999) Shirov, Alexei - Sokolov, Ivan 1-0 54 C67 Ruy Lopez Morozevich, Alexander - Short, Nigel D 1-0 42 B80 Sicilian Adams, Michael - Bareev, Evgeny 1/2 35 C00 French Leko, Peter - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 59 B90 Sicilian; Najdorf Timman, Jan H - Kasparov, Gary 0-1 60 D97 Gruenfeld indian Round 9 (May 26, 1999) Kasparov, Gary - Adams, Michael 1-0 31 C45 Scottish Bareev, Evgeny - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 36 D97 Gruenfeld indian Topalov, Veselin - Morozevich, Alexander 0-1 31 C11 French; Classical Short, Nigel D - Timman, Jan H 1/2 19 C42 Petroff defence Sokolov, Ivan - Leko, Peter 1/2 26 D85 Gruenfeld indian Sarajevo BIH (BIH), v 1999 cat. XIX (2704) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kasparov, Gary g RUS 2812 * = = 1 1 = = 1 1 1 7.0 2912 2 Bareev, Evgeny g RUS 2679 = * = 1 = = 1 = = 1 6.0 2831 3 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2726 = = * 0 = 1 1 = 1 1 6.0 2826 4 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2723 0 0 1 * = = 1 1 1 = 5.5 2782 5 Adams, Michael g ENG 2716 0 = = = * = 0 1 1 1 5.0 2745 6 Leko, Peter g HUN 2694 = = 0 = = * = 1 = = 4.5 2705 7 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2700 = 0 0 0 1 = * = = 1 4.0 2661 8 Short, Nigel D g ENG 2697 0 = = 0 0 0 = * 1 = 3.0 2579 9 Sokolov, Ivan g BIH 2624 0 = 0 0 0 = = 0 * 1 2.5 2547 10 Timman, Jan H g NED 2670 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 * 1.5 2434 -------------------------------------------------------------------
Although Jan Timman has decided not to play this tournament, there are ten Grandmasters who all have played in the tournament before: Cifuentes, Van den Doel, Nijboer, Nikolic, Piket, Reinderman, Sokolov, Van der Sterren, Van Wely and Van der Wiel. Increased sponsorship from Broekhuis has made the Dutch Championships very competitive in recent years. For the third consecutive time Rotterdam will be hosting the event. The event takes place May 29 until June 10. Defending Champion Ivan Sokolov has had a very slow start after travelling back from a miserable result in Sarajevo, losing to Dimitri Reinderman in round 1 and drawing his next two. Predrag Nikolic leads with 3/3. This year is the last these two Bosnian players will be able to compete without making themselves available for the Dutch Olympiad team.
Internet coverage:
Round 1 (May 29, 1999) Nikolic, Predrag - Van der Sterren, Paul 1-0 39 D55 QGD; Piket, Jeroen - Nijboer, Friso 1-0 41 E99 Kings indian; Main line Van den Doel, Erik - Van Wely, Loek 0-1 40 B22 Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3) Peng Zhaoqin - Van der Wiel, John 0-1 39 D15 Slav defence Sokolov, Ivan - Reinderman, Dimitri 0-1 65 B37 Sicilian Janssen, Ruud - Cifuentes Parada, Roberto 0-1 45 D43 Semi-Slav Round 2 (May 30, 1999) Piket, Jeroen - Van den Doel, Erik 1/2 33 E12 Nimzo indian Van Wely, Loek - Janssen, Ruud 1-0 61 A36 English; 1.c4 c5 Reinderman, Dimitri - Peng Zhaoqin 0-1 77 A29 English; 1.c4 e5 Van der Sterren, Paul - Sokolov, Ivan 1/2 41 D97 Gruenfeld indian Cifuentes Parada, Roberto - Nikolic, Predrag 0-1 85 A90 Dutch defence Nijboer, Friso - Van der Wiel, John 1-0 23 B08 Pirc; Classical Round 3 (May 31, 1999) Nikolic, Predrag - Van Wely, Loek 1-0 36 D10 Slav defence Van den Doel, Erik - Nijboer, Friso 1-0 36 B85 Sicilian Van der Wiel, John - Reinderman, Dimitri 1/2 23 B70 Sicilian; Dragon Peng Zhaoqin - Van der Sterren, Paul 0-1 40 E32 Nimzo indian Sokolov, Ivan - Cifuentes Parada, Roberto 1/2 63 D27 QGA; Janssen, Ruud - Piket, Jeroen 0-1 38 E04 Nimzo indian Rotterdam NED (NED), v-vi 1999 cat. XII (2549) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Nikolic, Predrag g BIH 2633 * . 1 . . . 1 1 . . . . 3.0 2 Piket, Jeroen g NED 2619 . * . = . . . . 1 . . 1 2.5 2771 3 Van Wely, Loek g NED 2632 0 . * 1 . . . . . . . 1 2.0 2662 4 Van den Doel, Erik g NED 2535 . = 0 * . . . . 1 . . . 1.5 2588 5 Van der Wiel, John g NED 2526 . . . . * = . . 0 1 . . 1.5 2502 6 Reinderman, Dimitri g NED 2541 . . . . = * . . . 0 1 . 1.5 2534 7 Van der Sterren, Paul g NED 2535 0 . . . . . * . . 1 = . 1.5 2569 8 Cifuentes Parada, Roberto g NED 2529 0 . . . . . . * . . = 1 1.5 2567 9 Nijboer, Friso g NED 2515 . 0 . 0 1 . . . * . . . 1.0 2435 10 Peng Zhaoqin m NED 2452 . . . . 0 1 0 . . * . . 1.0 2409 11 Sokolov, Ivan g BIH 2624 . . . . . 0 = = . . * . 1.0 2410 12 Janssen, Ruud NED 2445 . 0 0 . . . . 0 . . . * 0.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IM Nikolai Ninov and Bohos Rupenian report: The 63rd Bulgarian championship took place in Plovdiv 12th-24th May. It was a round-robin tournament with 14 participants, 9 of them qualifying from the semi-finals and the rest earned their right to play by ELO. Marholev and Serafimov replaced the GMs Delchev and Ermenkov, who both withdrew at the last moment. IM Petar Genov won the title on tie-break from IM Vladimir Georgiev and GM Vasil Spasov. He has also achieved his first GM-norm by scoring 9 points from the first 11 rounds. Probably the fact the championships was held in his native town encouraged him to beat Vladimir Georgiev and GM Boris Chatalbashev in two consecutive games as Black in rounds 6 and 8 respectively. These wins assured Genov of his second (he had also won the 1993 championship at the age of 23) title.
Plovdiv BUL (BUL), v 1999 cat. VI (2398) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Genov, Petar m BUL 2410 * 1 = = 1 1 = 1 = = 1 = 1 1 10.0 2607 2 Georgiev, Vladimir m BUL 2508 0 * 1 = = = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10.0 2600 3 Spasov, Vasil g BUL 2587 = 0 * = = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10.0 2593 4 Todorov, Todor BUL 2480 = = = * = = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 9.0 2532 5 Popchev, Milko g BUL 2513 0 = = = * = = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 9.0 2529 6 Chatalbashev, Boris g BUL 2524 0 = = = = * = = = 1 1 1 1 1 8.5 2497 7 Radulski, Julian BUL 2410 = = 0 = = = * 1 1 0 = 1 = 1 7.5 2453 8 Dragiev, Veselin BUL 2370 0 0 0 = = = 0 * = 1 = 0 1 1 5.5 2342 9 Drenchev, Petar BUL 2371 = 0 0 0 0 = 0 = * 0 1 1 1 1 5.5 2342 10 Stojanov, Svetlin BUL 2334 = 0 0 = 0 0 1 0 1 * 0 1 = = 5.0 2315 11 Serafimov, Tervel BUL 2282 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 1 * 1 0 = 3.5 2231 12 Marholev, Dimitar BUL 2307 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 * = 1 3.0 2193 13 Manolov, Ivan m BUL 2315 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 1 = * = 3.0 2192 14 Vaklinov, Atanas BUL 2154 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 = * 1.5 2080 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eduard Piacun reports: "Kastav '99" Opatija, Croatia took place 24th April-2nd May 1999. The event was won by Nedzad Jakubovic with 8.5/11.
Further coverage at:
Kastav CRO (CRO), iv-v 1999 cat. IV (2336) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Jakubovic, Nedzad BIH 2250 * 1 = = 1 1 = = 1 1 1 = 8.5 2554 2 Jelen, Igor m SLO 2389 0 * = 0 1 = = 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 2464 3 Petrov, Jole CRO 2421 = = * 1 = = 1 = 1 = = = 7.0 2430 4 Ljubicic, Filip f CRO 2396 = 1 0 * 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 6.5 2395 5 Zelenika, Srdjan CRO 2266 0 0 = 1 * = = = 1 0 1 = 5.5 2342 6 Jovanic, Ognjen CRO 2269 0 = = 0 = * 1 = = = = 1 5.5 2341 7 Tratar, Marko m SLO 2450 = = 0 1 = 0 * = = 1 0 = 5.0 2289 8 Lovric, Branko CRO 2316 = 0 = 0 = = = * 1 0 = = 4.5 2272 9 Nurkic, Sahbaz m BIH 2440 0 0 0 1 0 = = 0 * = 1 1 4.5 2261 10 Muhvic, Damir CRO 2236 0 0 = 0 1 = 0 1 = * 0 = 4.0 2242 11 Drei, Andrea f ITA 2349 0 0 = 0 0 = 1 = 0 1 * = 4.0 2232 12 Cucancic, Sinisa CRO 2248 = 0 = 0 = 0 = = 0 = = * 3.5 2210 -------------------------------------------------------------------
The Croatian Cup took place in Pula 23-29 May 1999. Mravince D.C. won the title again winning by a point from Slavonska Banka. Full details at:
Final Results (Men) 1 Mravince D.C. 14 2 Slavonska Banka 13 3 Polega 12 58 4 Gradac 12 52,5 5 Mursa 12 54,5 6 Pula 12 53,5 7 Maestral 11 55 8 Kastav 11 52,5 9 Gjuro Pilar 11 41,5 10 Bilokalnik 11 50,5 11 Slavonac 10 47,5 12 Casino Internac. 8,5 47,5 13 Goranka Kenda 8,5 42 14 HPT TKC Split 8 15 Meðimurje 7 16 Sljeme 3 Final results (Women) 1 Belisæe Metalis 8,5 2 Mravince D.C. 8 3 Slavonska Banka 7 4 Bilokalnik 3,5 5 Goranka Kenda 3
The Saint-Vincent women's Zonal tournament Zone 1.1 with players from the UK, France, Spain, Holland, Portugal, Luxemburg and Italy took place May 19th-27th. There were two qualification places available from the event. First place alone was taken by Monica Calzetta of Spain, this left Maria Nepeina-Leconte and Jovanka Houska to contest a playoff for the second place. Jovanka Houska qualified after a tie-break match, winning 2.5 to 1.5.
Coverage at: and at
Saint Vincent ITA (ITA), v 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Calzetta, Monica wm ESP 2158 - 4 +17 + 9 - 2 + 5 +10 = 7 +11 + 3 6.5 2376 2 Nepeina-Leconte, Maria wm FRA 2315 =13 = 8 +10 + 1 - 7 + 9 = 4 = 3 + 6 6.0 2333 3 Houska, Jovanka wm ENG 2286 +16 =10 +11 = 8 = 4 + 7 + 6 = 2 - 1 6.0 2322 4 Sziva, Erika wm NED 2332 + 1 +14 +12 = 7 = 3 - 6 = 2 +10 - 5 5.5 2309 5 Lauterbach, Ingrid wm ENG 2171 + 6 =12 - 7 =11 - 1 +16 = 9 +14 + 4 5.5 2314 6 Berend, Elvira S wg LUX 2340 - 5 =16 +18 +13 + 8 + 4 - 3 + 7 - 2 5.5 2264 7 Nicoara, Malina wm FRA 2245 = 8 +18 + 5 = 4 + 2 - 3 = 1 - 6 =10 5.0 2232 8 Sebag, Marie FRA 2053 = 7 = 2 +14 = 3 - 6 +13 -11 +15 = 9 5.0 2268 9 Bosboom-Lanchava, Tea wm NED 2261 -10 +15 - 1 +14 +12 - 2 = 5 +17 = 8 5.0 2190 10 Milligan, Helen SCO 2054 + 9 = 3 - 2 =12 +11 - 1 +13 - 4 = 7 4.5 2242 11 Vilar Lopez, Monica wf ESP 2175 =18 +13 - 3 = 5 -10 +15 + 8 - 1 =17 4.5 2106 12 Garcia Vicente, Nieves wm ESP 2263 +17 = 5 - 4 =10 - 9 =14 -15 +16 +18 4.5 2137 13 Regan, Natasha wf ENG 2151 = 2 -11 +16 - 6 +17 - 8 -10 +18 =15 4.0 2081 14 Jap Tjoen San, Linda NED 2233 +15 - 4 - 8 - 9 +18 =12 +17 - 5 =16 4.0 2097 15 Agosto, Erika ITA 2024 -14 - 9 -17 =18 +16 -11 +12 - 8 =13 3.0 2019 16 Carvalho, Alda wf POR 2104 - 3 = 6 -13 +17 -15 - 5 =18 -12 =14 2.5 2003 17 Fittante, Giuliana wf ITA 2059 -12 - 1 +15 -16 -13 =18 -14 - 9 =11 2.0 1932 18 Sirletti,Sonia ---- =11 - 7 - 6 =15 -14 =17 =16 -13 -12 2.0 1957 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Zonal tournament 1.4. (POL, CZE, SVK, HUN, BUL, ROM) ran 22nd-30th May 1999 in Ostrava (CZE). Games and details follow but Corina Peptan won with 6.5/9. There was a playoff between four players on 6 points for three further places. Nikoletta Lakos won the playoff with Marta Zielinska and Joanna Dworakowska also qualifying, Margarita Voiska missed out.
Details at:
Hans-Dieter Müller reports: The SK Turm Kleve Jubilee Open Tournament took place May 13-16 in Kleve (Germany), a small town only a few kilometers from the dutch border. GM Romuald Mainka and Karl Heinz Podzielny won the event with 6/7 ahead of Lev Gutman, Daniel Fridman and Mikhail Tseitlin.
Leading final standings: Kleve GER (GER), v 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Mainka, Romuald g GER 2485 6.0 /7 2545 2 Podzielny, Karl-Heinz m GER 2499 6.0 /7 2581 3 Gutman, Lev g GER 2470 5.5 /7 2522 4 Fridman, Daniel m LAT 2529 5.5 /7 2568 5 Tseitlin, Mikhail S g GER 2455 5.5 /7 2426 6 Schulz, Klaus-Juergen m GER 2400 5.5 /7 2347 7 Mainka, Gregor GER 2342 5.5 /7 2313 8 Koscielski, Janusch GER 2344 5.5 /7 2404 ... 114 games ------------------------------------------------------------
Rolf Sander reports: The Hamburg Chess Championships ran 22nd-30th May. This year's Hamburg Championship was won by GM Sune Berg Hansen, who managed to be undefeated throughout the tournament. He won his game against GM Ftacnik on time in a worse position. His short draw (one of very few) in the last round was enough to win the tournament, because co-leader GM Kempinski lost against GM Rogozenko. There were IM norms: FM Frank Lamprecht scored his third norm. His rating will be over 2400 in the next Elo-list, so that he will be awarded the title. FM Matthias Bach scored his second norm, but his first norm was ten years ago. The German Championships qualification place was taken by IM Thies Heinemann (The best placed German player, who plays for a Club in Hamburg). The tournament saw a lot fighting chess: Of the 135 games only 51 ended in a draw.
There may be some internet coverage at the site of the Hamburg Chess association:
Hamburg GER (GER), v 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hansen, Sune Berg g DEN 2499 =21 +16 +14 +10 = 2 = 6 + 3 + 9 = 7 7.0 2652 2 Kempinski, Robert g POL 2533 +20 +17 + 7 + 9 = 1 - 3 +12 + 8 - 4 6.5 2620 3 Ftacnik, Lubomir g SVK 2585 +25 - 9 + 5 =12 +26 + 2 - 1 +17 = 6 6.0 2532 4 Rogozenko, Dorian g ROM 2557 =19 +21 - 9 -26 +25 =13 +18 +12 + 2 6.0 2500 5 Bekker-Jensen, Simon DEN 2360 +29 = 6 - 3 =14 +23 = 8 =15 +20 +10 6.0 2502 6 Heinemann, Thies m GER 2483 +22 = 5 =12 +20 = 9 = 1 =17 = 7 = 3 5.5 2485 7 Urban, Klaudiusz m POL 2444 +24 +23 - 2 + 8 =17 =12 = 9 = 6 = 1 5.5 2491 8 Mueller, Karsten g GER 2558 =12 =15 +24 - 7 +20 = 5 +22 - 2 +17 5.5 2442 9 Lamprecht, Frank f GER 2399 +28 + 3 + 4 - 2 = 6 =17 = 7 - 1 =11 5.0 2483 10 Kopylov, Mihail UKR 2421 =16 +19 +26 - 1 -12 =18 +23 +15 - 5 5.0 2372 11 Voigt, Martin f GER 2257 -14 =27 +19 -13 -18 +30 +25 +22 = 9 5.0 2405 12 Bach, Matthias f GER 2337 = 8 +13 = 6 = 3 +10 = 7 - 2 - 4 =16 4.5 2477 13 Reeh, Oliver m GER 2420 =15 -12 =16 +11 =22 = 4 -20 =21 +26 4.5 2331 14 Joecks, Christian m GER 2415 +11 =26 - 1 = 5 =15 -22 +28 =19 =20 4.5 2321 15 Bekker-Jensen, David DEN 2263 =13 = 8 -17 +27 =14 +26 = 5 -10 =21 4.5 2404 16 Pajeken, Wolfgang GER 2293 =10 - 1 =13 =18 =21 -25 +24 +23 =12 4.5 2358 17 Loeffler, Stefan m GER 2385 +30 - 2 +15 +23 = 7 = 9 = 6 - 3 - 8 4.5 2408 18 Reddmann, Hauke f GER 2368 -23 -24 +30 =16 +11 =10 - 4 +28 =19 4.5 2310 19 Hochgraefe, Markus GER 2329 = 4 -10 -11 =29 =24 +27 +26 =14 =18 4.5 2358 20 Heyken, Enno m GER 2325 - 2 +30 +28 - 6 - 8 +21 +13 - 5 =14 4.5 2391 21 Buhr, Carl Christian GER 2320 = 1 - 4 =27 =24 =16 -20 +29 =13 =15 4.0 2318 22 Trisic, Alexandar GER 2317 - 6 +29 -23 +28 =13 +14 - 8 -11 =24 4.0 2291 23 Maahs, Erich GER 2203 +18 - 7 +22 -17 - 5 +24 -10 -16 =29 3.5 2257 24 Lindinger, Markus GER 2302 - 7 +18 - 8 =21 =19 -23 -16 +30 =22 3.5 2258 25 Hegeler, Frank f GER 2356 - 3 -28 =29 +30 - 4 +16 -11 =26 =27 3.5 2257 26 Stanke, Juergen GER 2315 +27 =14 -10 + 4 - 3 -15 -19 =25 -13 3.0 2296 27 Wilhelmi, Christian m GER 2446 -26 =11 =21 -15 =28 -19 -30 +29 =25 3.0 2144 28 Bathke, Joerg GER 2225 - 9 +25 -20 -22 =27 +29 -14 -18 =30 3.0 2206 29 Sass, Andreas GER 2146 - 5 -22 =25 =19 =30 -28 -21 -27 =23 2.0 2087 30 Engelbert, Christoph GER 2211 -17 -20 -18 -25 =29 -11 +27 -24 =28 2.0 2092 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lyle Craver reports: The 24th Paul Keres Memorial tournament was held in Vancouver, BC May 21st-24th. IM's Georgi Orlov and Yan Teplitsky plus Jack Yoos shared first at 6-1 with 105 players in three sections. Herder, Sommerfeld, Hallam at 5-2, correspondence GM Berry, Milicevic, FM Zuk, Pupols, Martinovsky, and BC Cadet champion Wong at 4.5-2.5. The Keres Memorial was started following the 1975 Vancouver International which was both Paul Keres last tournament and last tournament victory. The organizers are already starting on the 25th tournament and are particularly keen on seeing as many past winners as possible for our Silver Anniversary tournament in May 2000. Watch the BC Chess Federation's page at over the coming weeks for details.
Leading final standings: Vancouver BC CAN (CAN), v 1999 ------------------------------------------- 1 Teplitsky, Yan m CAN 2453 6.0 2 Orlov, Georgi m USA 2495 6.0 3 Yoos, John C CAN 2291 6.0 4 Herder, David A CAN 2275 5.0 5 Sommerfeld,Gilbert CAN ---- 5.0 6 Hallam,John CAN ---- 5.0 7 Berry, Jonathan f CAN 2315 4.5 8 Milicevic, Dragoljub CAN 2226 4.5 9 Zuk, Robert D f CAN 2305 4.5 10 Pupols, Viktors USA 2254 4.5 11 Martinovsky,Ian CAN ---- 4.5 12 Wong,Samuel CAN ---- 4.5 52 players -------------------------------------------
Bernd Rosen reports: On May 29th there was a strong rapid-play tournament in Essen. The 4th Essener Schnellschachopen had 117 participants, among them 7 GM, 1 WGM, 9 IM and 5 FM. Final standings after 11 rounds: 1. GM Epischin 9, 2. GM Bischoff 9, 3. IM D.Fridman 8.5, 4. IM Feygin 8.5, 5.Orlov 8.5, 6. IM Podzielny 8, 7. FM B.Rosen 8, 8. IM Henrichs 8, 9. M.Zaitsev 7.5, 10. IM Meins 7.5, 11. R.Fridman 7.5, 12. Wessendorf 7.5, 13. GM Klovans 7.5, 14. GM Kalinichev 7.5, 15. GM Petrosian 7.5, 16. Wengenroth 7.5. For more information see:
Andrés Molina Rodríguez reports on the Linares International Open, in Chile. This was the strongest tournament ever played in Chile with 5 GMs and 14 IMs. There were more than 30 players over 2200 FIDE Elo. There was a Record of 205 players in an open tournament in Chile and more than US$6000 total prizes. GM Gilberto Hernandez from México and IM Rodrigo Vasquez from Chile tied for first place. Both had six wins and three draws. The tie-break method made GM Hernandez champion. GM Jordi Magem and IM Oscar De la Riva from Spain, and IM Julian Estrada from Hungary, made the long trip to Chile.
Further information at:
Leading final standings. 1 HERNANDEZ,Gilberto (1) g 2558 MEXICO 7.5 47.75 40.0 46.5 2 VASQUEZ,Rodrigo (10) m 2433 SANTIAGO 7.5 43.25 40.0 42.5 3 ZARNICKI,Pablo (4) g 2497 ARGENTINA 7.0 43.75 40.0 44.5 4 SLIPAK,Sergio (3) m 2521 ARGENTINA 7.0 43.00 39.0 44.5 5 MAGEM,Jordi (2) g 2557 ESPANA 7.0 42.25 38.5 43.5 6 DE LA RIVA,Oscar (5) m 2495 ESPANA 7.0 39.25 38.0 42.0 7 ESTRADA,Julian (18) m 2375 MEXICO 7.0 38.25 35.0 40.0 8 VALENZUELA,Luis (12) m 2419 CONCEPCION 7.0 38.00 38.5 42.0 9 LLORENS,Marcelo (23) f 2345 SAN BERNARDO 7.0 38.00 35.0 40.5 10 SZMETAN,Jorge (13) m 2405 ARGENTINA 7.0 37.50 36.5 40.0 11 EGGER,Jorge (11) m 2420 SANTIAGO 7.0 37.00 37.0 41.5 12 SILVA,Jose (15) f 2400 TALCA 7.0 35.75 37.0 39.0 13 TOLOZA,Pablo (22) m 2345 CORONEL 7.0 35.50 37.0 40.5 14 SALEGERO,Francisco (25) . 2300 ARGENTINA 7.0 34.50 34.5 37.5 15 MONIER,Raul (14) f 2405 ARGENTINA 6.5 34.75 33.5 39.0 16 SOPPE,Guillermo (8) m 2448 ARGENTINA 6.5 33.75 35.5 40.0 17 URDAY,Henry (6) g 2486 PERU 6.5 33.25 33.5 37.0 18 LENOIR,Gabriel (120) . COQUIMBO 6.5 33.25 28.0 37.0 19 VALIENTE,Cristobal (16) m 2385 PARAGUAY 6.5 32.25 34.5 37.5 20 MARDONEZ,Tito (126) . PUERTO MONTT 6.5 30.00 30.0 34.5 21 ZAPATA,Alonso (7) g 2454 COLOMBIA 6.0 32.75 35.5 42.0 22 ARANCIBIA,Eduardo (17) f 2379 SANTIAGO 6.0 31.50 34.0 40.0 23 SALAS,Christian (180) . 2240 SANTIAGO 6.0 31.25 32.0 39.0 24 ROMERO,Luis (174) . CHILLAN 6.0 31.00 35.0 40.5 25 LOBOS,Miguel (31) f 2229 SANTIAGO 6.0 30.75 33.0 38.0 26 GODOY,David (20) f 2355 SANTIAGO 6.0 30.00 33.5 38.0 27 BASUALTO,Pedro (46) . 2085 VINA DEL MAR 6.0 29.50 32.0 40.5 28 LLANOS,Guillermo (9) m 2437 ARGENTINA 6.0 29.25 33.5 37.5 29 SAEZ,Carlos (176) . CONCEPCION 6.0 29.00 29.5 36.0 30 QUEIROLO,Manuel (44) . 2095 SANTIAGO 6.0 28.50 30.0 33.0 31 CASTRO,Oscar (19) m 2360 Colombia 6.0 28.25 37.5 42.0 32 FUENTES,Carlos (34) . 2195 OVALLE 6.0 28.25 32.5 39.0 33 SALGADO,Heraldo (48) . 2080 ALCIA LTDA. CORONEL 6.0 28.25 29.5 36.0 34 CARMONA,Jose (36) . 2188 TEMUCO 6.0 28.00 28.5 35.0 35 HENRIQUEZ,Arturo (42) . 2115 SANTIAGO 6.0 28.00 26.5 35.0 36 FERNANDEZ,Jorge (27) . 2265 ARGENTINA 6.0 27.50 33.0 38.5 37 ZARZURI,Rodrigo (204) . CHILLAN 6.0 27.50 30.0 35.0 38 UTMAN,Carlos (45) . 2086 PERALILLO 6.0 27.25 30.0 35.5 39 POLLIO,Carlos (157) . ARGENTINA 6.0 27.00 31.5 37.5 40 MUNOZ,Jaime (142) . CONCEPCION 6.0 26.75 28.0 35.0 41 ESTAY,Oscar (28) . 2255 CONCEPCION 6.0 26.00 32.0 35.5 42 CACERES,David (71) . LINARES 6.0 24.50 25.0 32.0 204 players
The WCC World Chess Rankings for June 1st pProduced by Ken Thomson of New Jersey and calculated by Vladimir Dvorkovich in Moscow have been released. Alexei Shirov has moved into second place as Kasparov moves far clear of the rest in first.
Top 30 Results up to June 1, 1999 1. Kasparov,Garry RUS 2838 140 2. Shirov,Alexei ESP 2727 171 3. Kramnik,Vladimir RUS 2724 124 4. Anand,Viswanathan IND 2724 125 5. Morozevich,Alexander RUS 2719 166 6. Leko,Peter HUN 2699 138 7. Gelfand,Boris ISR 2687 139 8. Adams,Michael ENG 2686 162 9. Bareev,Evgeny RUS 2677 160 10. Ivanchuk,Vassily UKR 2660 155 11. Short,Nigel D ENG 2654 143 12. Azmaiparashvili,Zurab GEO 2653 140 13. Seirawan,Yasser USA 2652 178 14. Karpov,Anatoli RUS 2651 138 15. Topalov,Veselin BUL 2649 168 16. Dreev,Alexey RUS 2648 163 17. Polgar,Judit (GM) HUN 2643 191 18. Onischuk,Alexander UKR 2640 180 19. Svidler,Peter RUS 2636 157 20. Zvjaginsev,Vadim RUS 2634 117 21. Salov,Valery RUS 2631 190 22. Korchnoi,Viktor SUI 2630 167 23. Almasi,Zoltan HUN 2628 155 24. Sadler,Matthew ENG 2626 164 25. Timman,Jan H NED 2623 193 26. Krasenkov,Mikhail POL 2622 186 27. Akopian,Vladimir ARM 2622 162 28. Rublevsky,Sergei RUS 2621 166 29. Sokolov,Ivan BIH 2620 171 30. Georgiev,Kiril BUL 2619 157
In an interview in German with the German Chess Magazine Schach, Karpov speaks out against FIDE. You can see the article at:
The 13th Open in Pula is taking place May 29th - June 8th 1999. Palac, Kozul, Tukmakov, Romanishin and Sax are amongst the players. Daily information at:
The Brazilian Junior Championships (sub-20 boys and girls) took place 20-23 May, in Brasilia Chess Club - Brasilia - Brasil. The favourites won: - f Ricardo Benares won Absolut sub-20 (there were 43 players) - f Barbara Farhat won Girls sub-20 (there were 10 players) Results and games are available at:
Heiner Matthias reports: The next World Computer Chess Championships are to be held in Paderborn, Germany, 14-20. June 1999. Participants are all top commercial progams including Fritz, Hiarcs, Rebel etc. and in addition a few programs like Cilkchess or ZUGZWANG running on multi-processor-systems. On the last day (20.06.99) there will be a man-machine contest, where the top 4 programs of the World Championship will be matched against 4 invited GM's (Christopher Lutz, Loek van Wely, Raphael Waganian and Ivan Sokolov). All the games are relayed live on the net. For further information, the address of our web site is:
There is another broadcast of the Diagonale chess program on the 28th May. There was coverage of the finish to Sarajevo. You can listen to this and indeed the previous editions, check out the web site at:
The Olomouc Festival take place on August 7th-15th, 1999 in Olomouc, Czech Republic. There will be organized several tournaments: 1) GM round robin tournament 10th category FIDE (10-12 players) 2) IM round robin tournament 4th category FIDE (10-12 players) 3) national open - 9 rounds, 2/40+1 (note - not rated for FIDE) They are looking for players for both round robin tournaments! (and the national open as well :-)) Last year there were GM or IM norms in each of the tournament organized in Olomouc. In 1997 there was one GM norm (there was only GM event) and in 1998 one GM norm and three IM norms! If you are interesting in attending the event, please contact Jakub Fuksik of Agentura 64. Complete information about festival is also published
Contact info: Agentura 64 783 73 Grygov 337 Czech Republic tel/fax: ++420-68-5393327 or or e-mail: Internet Chess Journal