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Contact The Week in Chess Mark Crowther E-Mail Tel or fax 01274 882143 [Bradford England] Mobile 07957381719 Contents 1) Introduction ![]() |
Contact the London Chess Center Order form at or email 1. Blackmar-Diemer Gambit: KeyBook II by Rev. Tim Sawyer An exciting up-to-the minute volume, containing the latest in computer-guided analysis, loads of new material and over 2700 games. Thousands of new analytical ideas makes the new keybook II your complete 'Play to win' manual. Many games are 20 moves or less, so don't play for the endgame - play to end the game!! Book Format: 7x 10, 408 pages, 100 main line games (2700 reference games!), index + more! List Price $29.95 £19.95 Special Price $24.95 £16.95 2. Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Mega-CD The ideal companion to the Blackmar-Diemer Keybook II. This mega-CD includes a whopping 13,000 BDG games (without annotations for the annotations you need the keybook II), selected by Tim Sawter, . The database comes in ChessBase, PGN and Chess Assistant formats. ChessBase users will get a specialised opening key and tree database. List Price $17.50 £14.95 Special Price $14.95 £12.95 3. BUY BOTH - LIST PRICE $47.45 £34.90 SPECIAL PRICE $34.95 £ 26.95 NEW Foxy Openings Videos 4. Modern Benoni by GM Chris Ward 95mins GM Video £18.95 $29.95 TWIC Reader £16.95 $26.95 Benoni expert Chris Ward reveals plenty of secret home preparation as he presents Black's best lines after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5. 5. Caro Kann by GM Nigel Davies 90mins GM Video £17.95 $27.95 TWIC Reader £15.95 $25.95 A solid defence to 1.e4. This video features the modern re-interpretation of several key variations, especially the new 4...Bf5 Classical main line. 6. Win with 1...d6 part 1. The Czech System v 1.e4 by IM Andrew Martin 110mins GM Video £18.95 $29.95 TWIC Reader £16.95 $26.95 The first of two videos on the distinctive systems with 1...d6, this one is based on the flexible Czech System. 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6. 7. Win with 1...d6 part 2. V 1.d4 / 1.Nf3 / 1.c4 by IM Andrew Martin 110mins GM Video £18.95 $29.95 TWIC Reader £16.95 $26.95 A system ideally suited to playing for the win. Get your opponent out of his opening theory and avoid simplification are the keys. 8. Complete 'Win with 1...d6' Both the above videos. £32.90 $59.90 TWIC Reader £29.95 $52.95 All above POST FREE Surface Worldwide (Please allow 6 weeks delivery). Please add 20% for Airmail (two weeks delivery). For new book offers visit |
Games section
Sonsbeek SNS Chess Tournament 4 games Judit Polgar - Fritz 5.32 8 games 5th Comune di Cutro tournament 42 games 1st Gonfreville International 14 games Polish Chess Championships 42 games Zonal playoff in Sao Paulo 5 games Salmensuu - Horvath Match 3 games First Saturday, May 14 games 4NCL 47 games
My thanks to Geurt Gijssen, Frederic Friedel, Aleksander Czerwonski, Antonio Bento and Herman van Riemsdijk, Laszlo Nagy, John Saunders and all those who helped with this issue.
The big tournament of the week is the Sonsbeek SNS Chess Tournament with Korchnoi, Sadler, Xie Jun and Nijboer, with 3 of the first four games being decisive, it should be an interesting event. Judit Polgar lost heavily in a rapidplay match against the latest version of Fritz 5.32 showing just how difficult these matches are these days against the top PC programs.
Hope you enjoy this issue
The Sonsbeek SNS Chess Tournament is taking place in Arnhem (NED) May 2nd - 9th. This is a double round all play all event as part of the centennial celebrations of the beautiful Park Sonsbeek in the city of Arnhem. Viktor Korchnoi, Matthew Sadler, Xie Jun and Friso Nijboer will play each other in a double, round robin tournament. In round 1 Xie Jun drew with Nijboer and Sadler beat Korchnoi. Korchnoi beat Nijboer and Sadler beat Xie Jun in round two, both winners had black. My thanks to Geurt Gijssen for the games.
Official site at:
Round 1 (May 2, 1999) Sadler, Matthew - Korchnoi, Viktor 1-0 32 E43 Nimzo indian Xie Jun - Nijboer, Friso 1/2 32 B42 Sicilian Round 2 (May 3, 1999) Nijboer, Friso - Korchnoi, Viktor 0-1 31 C11 French; Classical Xie Jun - Sadler, Matthew 0-1 44 B90 Sicilian; Najdorf Arnhem NED (NED), v 1999 cat. XIV (2597) ----------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 ----------------------------------------------------- 1 Sadler, Matthew g ENG 2667 ** 1. .. 1. 2.0 2 Korchnoi, Viktor g SUI 2673 0. ** 1. .. 1.0 2591 3 Nijboer, Friso g NED 2515 .. 0. ** =. 0.5 2409 4 Xie Jun g CHN 2532 0. .. =. ** 0.5 2398 -----------------------------------------------------
Judit Polgar lost an eight game rapidplay (30 min) exhibition match 5.5-2.5 against Fritz 5.32 in Hungary April 27-30th.
There was official coverage at:
Fritz 5.32 specifications: the program was running on a Compaq DeskPro EN 6350 computer with a Pentium II, 350MHz processor and 128 MB RAM, of which 64 MB (65,536 KB) were used for hash table. The other parameters were normal. The Nimzo99 openings book was being used. (information Frederic Friedel)
Polgar, Judit - Fritz5 1/2 41 B47 Sicilian Fritz5 - Polgar, Judit 1/2 39 B40 Sicilian Polgar, Judit - Fritz5 1/2 65 B42 Sicilian Fritz5 - Polgar, Judit 1-0 31 B40 Sicilian Polgar, Judit - Fritz5 0-1 26 B48 Sicilian Fritz5 - Polgar, Judit 1-0 49 B16 Caro-Kann Polgar, Judit - Fritz5 1-0 23 B83 Sicilian Fritz5 - Polgar, Judit 1-0 47 E97 Kings indian; Main line Budapest HUN (HUN), iv 1999 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fritz 5.32 ---- = = = 1 1 1 0 1 5.5 2818 Polgar, Judit g HUN 2677 = = = 0 0 0 1 0 2.5 1859 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The Category 10 5th Comune di Cutro runs 23rd April to May 2nd. Results are available to round 7. Mikhail Krasenkow lead at that stage with 5.5/7 half a point clear of Stefan Djuric.
Daily news at:
Round 1 (April 23, 1999) Djuric, Stefan - Pegorari, Pietro 1-0 18 C41 Philidor defence Epishin, Vladimir - Chatalbashev, Boris 1/2 36 A41 Queen's pawn Georgiev, Krum - Krasenkow, Michal 1/2 56 B50 Sicilian Efimov, Igor - Romanishin, Oleg M 1/2 35 D02 Queen's pawn Zontakh, Andrey - Skembris, Spyridon 1/2 44 C80 Ruy Lopez Abatino, Maurizio - Borgo, Giulio 0-1 31 D45 Semi-Slav Round 2 (April 24, 1999) Chatalbashev, Boris - Djuric, Stefan 1-0 51 D62 QGD; Skembris, Spyridon - Krasenkow, Michal 1-0 42 A43 Queen's pawn Romanishin, Oleg M - Epishin, Vladimir 1-0 67 D79 1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6 Borgo, Giulio - Efimov, Igor 1/2 16 C95 Ruy Lopez Zontakh, Andrey - Abatino, Maurizio 1-0 33 C10 French Pegorari, Pietro - Georgiev, Krum 1-0 31 A26 English; 1.c4 e5 Round 3 (April 25, 1999) Krasenkow, Michal - Pegorari, Pietro 1-0 23 D45 Semi-Slav Djuric, Stefan - Romanishin, Oleg M 1-0 44 A53 Benoni Epishin, Vladimir - Borgo, Giulio 1-0 40 A30 English; 1.c4 c5 Georgiev, Krum - Chatalbashev, Boris 1/2 12 A04 Reti (1.Nf3) Efimov, Igor - Zontakh, Andrey 1/2 46 A12 English; 1.c4 Abatino, Maurizio - Skembris, Spyridon 0-1 20 D07 Chigorin Round 4 (April 26, 1999) Chatalbashev, Boris - Krasenkow, Michal 0-1 40 B15 Caro-Kann Skembris, Spyridon - Pegorari, Pietro 1/2 17 D45 Semi-Slav Romanishin, Oleg M - Georgiev, Krum 1-0 27 E62 Kings indian Borgo, Giulio - Djuric, Stefan 1/2 45 B31 Sicilian Zontakh, Andrey - Epishin, Vladimir 1/2 31 B19 Caro-Kann Abatino, Maurizio - Efimov, Igor 0-1 34 A43 Queen's pawn Round 5 (April 27, 1999) Krasenkow, Michal - Romanishin, Oleg M 1-0 40 E61 Kings indian Djuric, Stefan - Zontakh, Andrey 1/2 11 E21 Nimzo indian Epishin, Vladimir - Abatino, Maurizio 1-0 32 E11 Bogo indian Georgiev, Krum - Borgo, Giulio 1/2 9 B66 Sicilian Efimov, Igor - Skembris, Spyridon 1/2 16 A20 English; 1.c4 e5 Pegorari, Pietro - Chatalbashev, Boris 1/2 18 A30 English; 1.c4 c5 Round 6 (April 28, 1999) Skembris, Spyridon - Chatalbashev, Boris 1/2 10 A65 Modern Benoni Romanishin, Oleg M - Pegorari, Pietro 1-0 24 D30 Queen's gambit Efimov, Igor - Epishin, Vladimir 1/2 6 D14 Slav defence Borgo, Giulio - Krasenkow, Michal 0-1 64 C46 Unknown Zontakh, Andrey - Georgiev, Krum 0-1 30 B81 Sicilian Abatino, Maurizio - Djuric, Stefan 0-1 46 D94 Gruenfeld indian Round 7 (April 28, 1999) Krasenkow, Michal - Zontakh, Andrey 1-0 64 D37 Queen's gambit Djuric, Stefan - Efimov, Igor 1-0 40 D02 Queen's pawn Epishin, Vladimir - Skembris, Spyridon 1-0 31 D46 Semi-Slav Chatalbashev, Boris - Romanishin, Oleg M 1-0 69 D91 Gruenfeld indian Georgiev, Krum - Abatino, Maurizio 1-0 21 C00 French Pegorari, Pietro - Borgo, Giulio 0-1 40 A13 English; 1.c4 5th Cutro International (ITA), iv-v 1999 cat. X (2492) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Krasenkow, Michal g POL 2643 * . . 1 0 1 = . 1 1 1 . 5.5 2714 2 Djuric, Stefan g YUG 2517 . * . 0 . 1 . 1 = = 1 1 5.0 2619 3 Epishin, Vladimir g RUS 2578 . . * = 1 0 . = 1 = . 1 4.5 2571 4 Chatalbashev, Boris g BUL 2524 0 1 = * = 1 = . . . = . 4.0 2568 5 Skembris, Spyridon g GRE 2445 1 . 0 = * . . = . = = 1 4.0 2539 6 Romanishin, Oleg M g UKR 2572 0 0 1 0 . * 1 = . . 1 . 3.5 2518 7 Georgiev, Krum g BUL 2490 = . . = . 0 * . = 1 0 1 3.5 2482 8 Efimov, Igor g ITA 2494 . 0 = . = = . * = = . 1 3.5 2480 9 Borgo, Giulio m ITA 2448 0 = 0 . . . = = * . 1 1 3.5 2483 10 Zontakh, Andrey g UKR 2530 0 = = . = . 0 = . * . 1 3.0 2441 11 Pegorari, Pietro f ITA 2385 0 0 . = = 0 1 . 0 . * . 2.0 2361 12 Abatino, Maurizio f ITA 2275 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 . * 0.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
The First Gonfreville International was a 14 player all-play-all and turned out to be a battle for first between Normunds Miezis and Alexandre Lesiege. Miezis beat Lesiege with black in round 9 and he finished half a point ahead of the French Canadian. More games are now available. My thanks to Yves Casaubon. Coverage at:
Gonfreville FRA (FRA), iv 1999 cat. VIII (2427) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Miezis, Normunds g LAT 2525 * 1 = = 1 0 1 = = 1 1 1 1 1 10.0 2630 2 Lesiege, Alexandre g CAN 2521 0 * = 1 0 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 9.5 2595 3 Rausis, Igors g LAT 2508 = = * = = = = = = = 1 1 = 1 8.0 2508 4 Hauchard, Arnaud m FRA 2524 = 0 = * = 1 = = = 1 0 1 1 = 7.5 2476 5 Payen, Arnaud m FRA 2415 0 1 = = * = = = = 0 1 = 1 = 7.0 2457 6 Godard, Maxence FRA 2404 1 0 = 0 = * = 1 = = 0 1 = 1 7.0 2458 7 Fontaine, Robert m FRA 2369 0 = = = = = * = 1 = = 0 1 1 7.0 2460 8 Lepelletier, Benoit m FRA 2456 = 0 = = = 0 = * = 1 = = 1 1 7.0 2454 9 Nikcevic, Nebojsa g YUG 2472 = = = = = = 0 = * = = 1 = = 6.5 2423 10 Sulypa, Alexandre m UKR 2424 0 0 = 0 1 = = 0 = * 1 0 1 1 6.0 2398 11 Sulava, Nenad m CRO 2466 0 0 0 1 0 1 = = = 0 * 0 1 1 5.5 2367 12 Berthelot, Yannick f FRA 2327 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 = 0 1 1 * 0 1 5.0 2348 13 Karr, Jean-Philipp FRA 2347 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 1 * 1 3.5 2258 14 Pecot, Laurent FRA 2225 0 0 0 = = 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 * 1.5 2106 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
IM Aleksander Czerwonski reports: The Polish Chess Championships are underway in Polanica Zdroj. They run April 23rd- May 6th 1999. Tomasz Markowski leads with 6.5/8 a point clear of Robert Kempinski. The two leaders meet in round 12.
Round 3 (April 25, 1999) Kempinski, Robert - Ehrenfeucht, Wojciech 1-0 41 E18 Nimzo indian Gdanski, Jacek - Markowski, Tomasz 1/2 45 D87 Gruenfeld indian Urban, Klaudiusz - Grabarczyk, Bogdan 1/2 25 A81 Dutch defence Grabarczyk, Miroslaw - Pinski, Jan 1/2 22 E15 Nimzo indian Kuczynski, Robert - Socko, Bartosz 1-0 86 B31 Sicilian Jakubiec, Artur - Staniszewski, Piotr 0-1 35 A03 Bird (1.f4) Sosnicki, Michal - Macieja, Bartlomiej 0-1 30 C41 Philidor defence Round 4 (April 26, 1999) Macieja, Bartlomiej - Kuczynski, Robert 1/2 18 B35 Sicilian Socko, Bartosz - Gdanski, Jacek 1/2 13 B36 Sicilian Pinski, Jan - Sosnicki, Michal 1/2 35 C85 Ruy Lopez Jakubiec, Artur - Urban, Klaudiusz 1-0 43 B06 Modern defence Grabarczyk, Bogdan - Kempinski, Robert 0-1 40 B99 Sicilian; Najdorf Staniszewski, Piotr - Markowski, Tomasz 0-1 59 A43 Queen's pawn Ehrenfeucht, Wojciech - Grabarczyk, Miroslaw 1/2 53 C67 Ruy Lopez Round 5 (April 27, 1999) Markowski, Tomasz - Socko, Bartosz 1/2 24 A43 Queen's pawn Kempinski, Robert - Jakubiec, Artur 1-0 21 A80 Dutch defence Gdanski, Jacek - Macieja, Bartlomiej 1/2 56 C26 1.e4 e5 Urban, Klaudiusz - Staniszewski, Piotr 1/2 41 D76 1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6 Grabarczyk, Miroslaw - Grabarczyk, Bogdan 1/2 17 E68 Kings indian Kuczynski, Robert - Pinski, Jan 1/2 13 C61 Ruy Lopez Sosnicki, Michal - Ehrenfeucht, Wojciech 0-1 27 A04 Reti (1.Nf3) Round 6 (April 28, 1999) Macieja, Bartlomiej - Markowski, Tomasz 0-1 45 A40 Queen's pawn Urban, Klaudiusz - Kempinski, Robert 1/2 11 A07 Reti (1.Nf3) Pinski, Jan - Gdanski, Jacek 1/2 26 B45 Sicilian Jakubiec, Artur - Grabarczyk, Miroslaw 1/2 23 C68 Ruy Lopez; Exchange Grabarczyk, Bogdan - Sosnicki, Michal 1/2 67 C29 1.e4 e5 Staniszewski, Piotr - Socko, Bartosz 1/2 39 E68 Kings indian Ehrenfeucht, Wojciech - Kuczynski, Robert 1/2 29 B51 Sicilian Round 7 (April 29, 1999) Markowski, Tomasz - Pinski, Jan 1-0 36 A20 English; 1.c4 e5 Kempinski, Robert - Staniszewski, Piotr 1-0 36 A57 Benko gambit Gdanski, Jacek - Ehrenfeucht, Wojciech 1-0 41 C93 Ruy Lopez Grabarczyk, Miroslaw - Urban, Klaudiusz 1/2 14 D90 Gruenfeld indian Socko, Bartosz - Macieja, Bartlomiej 0-1 44 B14 Caro-Kann Kuczynski, Robert - Grabarczyk, Bogdan 1/2 11 B31 Sicilian Sosnicki, Michal - Jakubiec, Artur 1-0 36 A54 Benoni Round 8 (April 30, 1999) Kempinski, Robert - Grabarczyk, Miroslaw 1/2 41 D17 Slav defence Urban, Klaudiusz - Sosnicki, Michal 1-0 52 E00 Nimzo indian Pinski, Jan - Socko, Bartosz 1/2 50 C90 Ruy Lopez Jakubiec, Artur - Kuczynski, Robert 1/2 72 B96 Sicilian; Najdorf Grabarczyk, Bogdan - Gdanski, Jacek 0-1 42 B34 Sicilian Staniszewski, Piotr - Macieja, Bartlomiej 1/2 41 E11 Bogo indian Ehrenfeucht, Wojciech - Markowski, Tomasz 0-1 60 A43 Queen's pawn Polanica Zdroj (POL), iv 1999 cat. VIII (2445) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Markowski, Tomasz g POL 2549 * . = 1 . . = 1 1 . . 1 = 1 6.5 2680 2 Kempinski, Robert g POL 2533 . * . 0 = = . . = 1 1 1 . 1 5.5 2566 3 Gdanski, Jacek g POL 2530 = . * = . . = = = . 1 = . 1 5.0 2538 4 Macieja, Bartlomiej g POL 2553 0 1 = * . 0 1 = . . . = 1 . 4.5 2510 5 Urban, Klaudiusz m POL 2444 . = . . * = . . = 0 = = 1 1 4.5 2446 6 Grabarczyk, Miroslaw m POL 2462 . = . 1 = * 0 . = = = . . = 4.0 2439 7 Socko, Bartosz m POL 2497 = . = 0 . 1 * 0 = . . = 1 . 4.0 2451 8 Kuczynski, Robert g POL 2430 0 . = = . . 1 * = = = . . = 4.0 2452 9 Pinski, Jan POL 2346 0 = = . = = = = * . . . = . 3.5 2423 10 Jakubiec, Artur POL 2428 . 0 . . 1 = . = . * = 0 0 1 3.5 2372 11 Grabarczyk, Bogdan m POL 2380 . 0 0 . = = . = . = * 1 = . 3.5 2402 12 Staniszewski, Piotr m POL 2454 0 0 = = = . = . . 1 0 * . . 3.0 2402 13 Sosnicki, Michal POL 2286 = . . 0 0 . 0 . = 1 = . * 0 2.5 2300 14 Ehrenfeucht, Wojciech f POL 2337 0 0 0 . 0 = . = . 0 . . 1 * 2.0 2264 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Antonio Bento and Herman van Riemsdijk report: There was a playoff for two places in Las Vegas amongst players who competed in zone 2.4. Gilberto Milos and Rafael Leitao qualified for Las Vegas and Jaime Sunye Neto was eliminated. The event was a double round robin taking place April 25th - 30th.
Coverage at: and games at: regulations for the Las Vegas event are available at: Further details at:
Round 1 (April 25, 1999) Leitao, Rafael - Milos, Gilberto 1/2 26 E32 Nimzo indian Round 2 (April 26, 1999) Sunye Neto, Jaime - Leitao, Rafael 1-0 53 D65 QGD; Round 3 (April 27, 1999) Milos, Gilberto - Sunye Neto, Jaime 1-0 32 E15 Nimzo indian Round 4 (April 28, 1999) Milos, Gilberto - Leitao, Rafael 1/2 19 B90 Sicilian; Najdorf Round 5 (April 29, 1999) Leitao, Rafael - Sunye Neto, Jaime 1/2 53 A70 Modern Benoni Round 6 (April 30, 1999) Sunye Neto, Jaime - Milos, Gilberto 0-1 41 E95 Kings indian; Classical Zonal Playoff (BRA), iv 1999 cat. XIII (2564) --------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 --------------------------------------------------- 1 Milos, Gilberto g BRA 2586 ** == 11 3.0 2745 2 Leitao, Rafael g BRA 2559 == ** 0= 1.5 2479 3 Sunye Neto, Jaime g BRA 2546 00 1= ** 1.5 2485 ---------------------------------------------------
Laszlo Nagy reports: Olli Salmensuu of Finland resigned his ten game match against Csaba Horvath of Hungary after only five games. Horvath won games 2-5 to establish a practically winning lead. The sponsors were: 1. 2. Finnish Chess Federation, 3. Hungarian Chess Federation .
Final results (Salmensuu resigned the match) Salmensuu, Olli - Horvath, Csaba 1/2 18 Horvath, Csaba - Salmensuu, Olli 1-0 38 Salmensuu, Olli - Horvath, Csaba 0-1 71 Horvath, Csaba - Salmensuu, Olli 1-0 33 Salmensuu, Olli - Horvath, Csaba 0-1 12 Budapest HUN (HUN), iv-v 1999 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horvath, Csaba g HUN 2524 = 1 1 1 1 . . . . . 4.5 2815 Salmensuu, Olli m FIN 2449 = 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 0.5 2158 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Laszlo Nagy reports: The main May First Saturday tournament is a FIDE Category II. IM-closed, with 14 participants. The IM norm from 13 games 9½ points, + 6. There have been two rounds so far. There is also a Scheveningen system ELO tournament with 13 players in each group. The events started May 1st.
The next First Saturday events start 5th of June. My thanks to Mrs. Nadezhda Fokina for entering the games.
Round 1 (May 1, 1999) Olszewski, Piotr - Hera, Imre jr 1-0 62 E12 Nimzo indian Kjetzae, Johnny - Krutti, Valer 1/2 33 E80 Kings indian; Saemisch Gladyszev, Oleg - Vukovic, Ivo 1-0 40 A55 Benoni Bromann, Thorbjorn - Sedlak, Nikola 1/2 55 B65 Sicilian Carstensen, Jacob - Brumen, Dinko 0-1 28 D36 Queen's gambit Vadasz, Laszlo - Markus, Robert 1/2 17 A87 Dutch defence Dembo, Yelena - Kovacevic, Blazimir 0-1 40 C01 French; Exchange Round 2 (May 2, 1999) Brumen, Dinko - Bromann, Thorbjorn 1-0 34 D07 Chigorin Markus, Robert - Gladyszev, Oleg 1-0 50 A65 Modern Benoni Kovacevic, Blazimir - Carstensen, Jacob 1/2 63 A18 English; 1.c4 Sedlak, Nikola - Vadasz, Laszlo 1-0 20 B17 Caro-Kann Krutti, Valer - Vukovic, Ivo 1-0 47 A55 Benoni Kjetzae, Johnny - Olszewski, Piotr 1/2 23 B44 Sicilian Hera, Imre jr - Dembo, Yelena 1/2 23 B22 Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3) Budapest HUN (HUN), v 1999 cat. II (2296) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Brumen, Dinko f CRO 2309 * . . . . . . . 1 1 . . . . 2.0 2 Markus, Robert YUG 2302 . * . . . . . 1 . . = . . . 1.5 2530 3 Olszewski, Piotr CAN 2349 . . * . . . = . . . . . 1 . 1.5 2441 4 Kovacevic, Blazimir f CRO 2429 . . . * . . . . . = . 1 . . 1.5 2361 5 Sedlak, Nikola f YUG 2349 . . . . * . . . = . 1 . . . 1.5 2461 6 Krutti, Valer m HUN 2354 . . . . . * = . . . . . . 1 1.5 2453 7 Kjetzae, Johnny GER 2225 . . = . . = * . . . . . . . 1.0 2351 8 Gladyszev, Oleg m RUS 2388 . 0 . . . . . * . . . . . 1 1.0 2298 9 Bromann, Thorbjorn DEN 2250 0 . . . = . . . * . . . . . 0.5 2136 10 Carstensen, Jacob DEN 2157 0 . . = . . . . . * . . . . 0.5 2176 11 Vadasz, Laszlo g HUN 2287 . = . . 0 . . . . . * . . . 0.5 2132 12 Dembo, Yelena ISR 2180 . . . 0 . . . . . . . * = . 0.5 2157 13 Hera, Imre jr HUN 2272 . . 0 . . . . . . . . = * . 0.5 2071 14 Vukovic, Ivo f CRO 2295 . . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . . * 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
You can contact Laszlo Nagy about his First Saturday events. E-mail: webpages: and Tel-fax: (361)-263-28-59
The final rounds of the 4NCL have taken place this weekend. With one round to go Slough became the 1998-9 Champions, this in spite of losing to bottom club Home House in round 9. A full roundup of the weekends results next week. My thanks to John Saunders who is to become the new editor of British Chess Magazine, taking over from Murray Chandler.
Coverage at:
The Lausanne Young Masters takes place 12-16 May. Etienne Bacrot (Elo 2561) of France and Ruslan Ponomariov (Elo 2609) play. The event will be a knockout. Other players will be Rafael Leitao (Elo 2545) from Brasil, Rustam Kasimdzhanov (Elo 2595) from Uzbekistan, Dimitri Bunzmann (Elo 2555) from Germany, Karen Asrian (Elo 2576) from Armenia and Yannick Pelletier. There will also be a master open.
Further details:
Details on this event in Copenhagen are available on-line at:
The Sports Department in the Leningrad region in Kiev is organising the 8th traditional "Cup of Kiev" within the framework of the celebration of "Kiev Day". A Swiss system event with 9 rounds timerate 2 hours each. Teams of 4 people born after 1986 can play although older players can play so long as it doesn't effect the average age of the team. The event starts 24.05.99; opening and the first round is: 25.05.99 at 14:30; 9th round and closing ceremony 31.05.99. Further details Ukraina 252170, Kiev, 104 Lisenko Anatoly ; contact telephones: (044)475-14-45; 444-33-64. E-mail: Conditions of acceptance is a donation of 10 griven National Bank of Ukraine ($2,5) for each participant. Expenses on the journey, feeding and appartements are the responsibility of the partipating organizations. For delegations take on the conditions of exchange an accomodation to the account of organizers.