THE WEEK IN CHESS 23 12.03.95 Mark Crowther. ------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Intel World Chess Championship, Candidates Final (PCA) 3) 13th Linares SuperGM Tournament. 4) FIDE WOMEN'S CANDIDATES FINAL 5) REPORTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD Cappelle Le Grande - France Israeli Chess League: by Shay Bushinsky Macedonia Zonal Tournament by Shay Bushinsky Croatian Championships Playoff by Bosco Grove 50th Post-War Yugoslav Championships. by Bosco Grove Bundesliga Round 9/10 by Norbert Friedrich Politiken Cup (Hillerod) by Lars Zwisler City-Ch of Copenhagen Feb. 1995 by Lars Zwisler Toronto Closed Championships. by Gordie Mazur 6) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski7) Tournament calendar by Michael Niermann. 8) GAMES SECTION Intel World Chess Championship, Candidates Final 3 games Linares 1995 Rounds 1-9. 62 games FIDE Women's Candidates Final 4 games Politiken Cup 9 games Pan Pacific International Chess Tournament 1 game Copenhagen City Championships 1 game Toronto Closed Championships 47 games 1) Introduction --------------- Many thanks to Shay Bushinky, Luis Santos (from Jaque Magazine who has provided full listing from the first 7 rounds of Linares typed from the fax originals.) Otto Borik, Bosco Grove, Michael Niermann, Gordie Mazur, Norbert Friedrich, Ralph Frisch, Lars Zwisler, Brian Stephenson, Horacio Neto, Kevin O'Connell, Bob Wade and Wlodek Proskurowski for their help in the preparation of this issue. An exciting and important week. The Anand - Kamsky match has started in dramatic fashion with a loss on time for Anand in game one and then his equalisation in game 3. High quality games so far that in my opinion question whether Karpov's standing as virtually unchallenged (apart from one rating list a few years back) number 2 status is under threat. The Women's World chess championships is a low profile title but Xie Jun has made a very favourable impression as an embassador for her country and the game. She is to be challenged by Zsuzsa Polgar who made light work of the experienced Maia Chiburdanidze. Linares hasn't quite got the status that it has had in recent years but many of the World's best are there. It is turning out to be a close fight between Ivanchuk, Topalov and Karpov at the end of the 9th round. I have managed to check most of the gamescores so far and I present all 62 games played in the first 9 rounds (one round 9 game postponed) this supercedes all previous versions. For those of you who lay at wake at night wondering how Nunn saved his round 4 ending against Christiansen in the recent Pan Pacific Open I have the complete gamescore to finish my coverage of that event. So this week was action packed and there is more to come! For those who can't wait for Linares or Las Palmas news I will endevour (not promise) to keep my www page up to date this week. These are often working notes for TWIC so treat all gamescores as non-confirmed. Address: ( - that's tilda mdcrowth not percent mdcrowth) So ladies and gentlemen I present .... TWIC 23! Mark Crowther - 2) Intel World Chess Championship, Candidates Final (PCA) ----------------------------------------------------------- LAS PALMAS March 1995. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamsky, Gata USA 2710 g 1 = 0 Anand, Viswanathan IND 2715 g 0 = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATES: (All March) (1) 9th (2) 10th (3) 11th (4) 13th (5) 14th (6) 15th (7) 17th (8) 18th (9) 19th (10) 21st (11) 22nd (12) 23rd Venue: "Centro Insular de Cultura" in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain. Playing Schedule: 3 consecutive days play, followed by a rest day. Timerate: 40 moves in 2 hours, 20 further moves in 1 hour, then 1/2 hour to finish the game. PCA Code of Conduct Introduced. ------------------------------- In a move against Rustam Kamsky the PCA has produced a code of conduct based on that used by the Professional Tennis and Golf associations. Players will be liable to large fines if they or a member of their entourage contravene the code. The games. ---------- This has to have been the most eagerly anticipated matches for many years. The first three games have not been a disappointment. GAME 1 ------ Ruy Lopez Zaitsev Variation. A real heavyweight game to start the match. Both players ran short of time and then in a winning position (34. Bd4+ Nf6 35. Bxg6 wins for Anand) Anand lost on time for the first time in his career. (See Kevin O'Connell's electronic timings below to see where the time went.) Anand appeared to freeze with 20 seconds left on his clock. GAME 2 ------ Gruenfeld Defence - Exchange Variation. A large amount of theory was played in this game. (Vaisser-Anand, Intel Grand Prix, Paris 1994 saw Anand play 23. ...Rfe8, a mistake. This time he improved with 23...Qd6. Neither player was in any time trouble at all. (Kamsky used 1-34 mins and Anand 35 mins for the entire 45 move game.) The position was level for most of the game. Kamsky revealed his Fischer-like attitudes when asked why he didn't offer a draw earlier in this stale position. He said: "I didn't feel like it." Kamsky is obviously confident in not making any errors and wants to test whether his opponent is equal up to the task. GAME 3 ------ Ruy Lopez - Classical System. Is this the first example of blinking in this match? In spite of winning in game one Kamsky can't have been happy with the position he got. He revisits one of his finest hours against Anand by trying the Ruy Lopez Classical system, which has a slightly dubious reputation but which levelled his earlier FIDE Candidates match in India. There Anand didn't want to take risks and played passively, this time there was a complex tactical struggle in which Anand came out on top. (In the game in India 7. d3 was played, this time 7. Re1 was Anand's choice). Kamsky was in time pressure both at first time control and towards the end of the game. (see below for timings.) Prediction? ----------- Is going to be close, right now the initiative is with Anand. Tomorrow Kamsky has white again, it will be interesting to see how he chooses to exert pressure against Anand's Gruenfeld if it is repeated. Intelligent Chess Display system timings for games 1 and 3. ------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin O'Connell's company is providing the electronic displays for the games. The timings are particularly informative from game one. Anand is reported to have frozen with 20 seconds left on his clock. (there is a slight problem with E-Mail communication from Spain so there are a number of lines missing from game 3) Anand-Kamsky (1) 1. e4 00:00 00:00:00 e5 00:33 00:00:33 2. Nf3 00:11 00:00:11 Nc6 00:20 00:00:53 3. Bb5 00:13 00:00:24 a6 00:08 00:01:01 4. Ba4 00:09 00:00:33 Nf6 00:49 00:01:50 5. O-O 00:10 00:00:43 Be7 00:45 00:02:35 6. Re1 00:30 00:01:13 b5 00:12 00:02:47 7. Bb3 00:06 00:01:19 d6 00:23 00:03:10 8. c3 00:42 00:02:01 O-O 00:21 00:03:31 9. h3 00:49 00:02:50 Bb7 00:42 00:04:13 10. d4 00:43 00:03:33 Re8 00:23 00:04:36 11. Nbd2 00:27 00:04:00 Bf8 00:37 00:05:13 12. a4 00:58 00:04:58 h6 02:41 00:07:54 13. Bc2 00:34 00:05:32 exd4 01:14 00:09:08 14. cxd4 00:12 00:05:44 Nb4 00:10 00:09:18 15. Bb1 00:07 00:05:51 g6 00:15 00:09:33 16. Ra3 10:16 00:16:07 Bg7 00:47 00:10:20 17. e5 13:14 00:29:21 dxe5 05:31 00:15:51 18. dxe5 00:10 00:29:31 Nh5 26:56 00:42:47 19. axb5 17:09 00:46:40 axb5 05:21 00:48:08 20. Qb3 12:51 00:59:31 c5 12:11 01:00:19 21. Ne4 23:42 01:23:13 Bxe5 11:54 01:12:13 22. Nxc5 08:47 01:32:00 Bxf3 08:10 01:20:23 23. Qxf3 02:28 01:34:28 Rc8 11:13 01:31:36 24. Ne4 01:45 01:36:13 Kg7 08:53 01:40:29 25. Rd1 09:13 01:45:26 Qe7 02:48 01:43:17 26. Be3 00:36 01:46:02 Red8 04:12 01:47:29 27. Ra7 04:20 01:50:22 Qe6 06:44 01:54:13 28. Nc5 05:00 01:55:22 Rxd1+ 00:32 01:54:45 29. Qxd1 00:04 01:55:26 Qd5 00:21 01:55:06 30. Qg4 00:42 01:56:08 Rc7 01:39 01:56:45 31. Rxc7 01:45 01:57:53 Bxc7 00:04 01:56:49 32. g3 01:45 01:59:38 Qc4 01:31 01:58:20 33. 00:22 02:00:00 0-1 Anand-Kamsky (3) 1. e4 00:00 00:00:00 e5 00:09 00:00:09 2. Nf3 00:05 00:00:05 Nc6 00:09 00:00:18 3. Bb5 00:06 00:00:11 a6 00:09 00:00:27 4. Ba4 00:05 00:00:16 Nf6 00:28 00:00:55 5. O-O 00:07 00:00:23 b5 00:11 00:01:06 6. Bb3 00:10 00:00:33 Bb7 00:04 00:01:10 7. Re1 00:40 00:01:13 Bc5 00:13 00:01:23 8. c3 00:14 00:01:27 d6 00:14 00:01:37 9. d4 00:21 00:01:48 Bb6 00:08 00:01:45 10. Be3 00:30 00:02:18 O-O 01:32 00:03:17 11. Nbd2 00:17 00:02:35 h6 02:50 00:06:07 12. h3 00:43 00:03:18 Qb8 02:56 00:09:03 13. d5 07:39 00:10:57 Ne7 01:05 00:10:08 14. Bxb6 00:12 00:11:09 cxb6 -------------------------------------------------------------- Gap in E-Mail message. -------------------------------------------------------------- f5 02:07 00:45:32 19. exf5 01:50 00:58:00 Nxf5 00:08 00:45:40 20. N3h2 01:56 00:59:56 Qf6 10:40 00:56:20 21. Ng4 12:03 01:11:59 Qg7 00:12 00:56:32 22. Nge3 01:44 01:13:43 Nxe3 15:22 01:11:54 23. Nxe3 00:34 01:14:17 Rf4 01:59 01:13:53 24. a4 09:29 01:23:46 Raf8 08:45 01:22:38 25. axb5 00:56 01:24:42 a5 00:55 01:23:33 26. Rf1 00:47 01:25:29 Bc8 01:36 01:25:09 27. g3 05:43 01:31:12 R4f7 08:22 01:33:31 28. b4 00:19 01:31:31 e4 03:10 01:36:41 29. Bxe4 02:10 01:33:41 Ne5 01:14 01:37:55 30. Bg2 03:12 01:36:53 axb4 05:27 01:43:22 31. cxb4 00:09 01:37:02 Nf3+ 03:27 01:46:49 32. Bxf3 04:05 01:41:07 Rxf3 00:09 01:46:58 33. Ra8 05:00 01:46:07 Bxh3 04:06 01:51:04 34. Qxf3 00:49 01:46:56 Rxa8 00:06 01:51:10 35. Rc1 00:59 01:47:55 Rf8 00:53 01:52:03 36. Qe2 02:04 01:49:59 Bd7 02:28 01:54:31 37. Rc7 00:56 01:50:55 Rf7 01:03 01:55:34 38. Rb7 01:22 01:52:17 Qa1+ 01:16 01:56:50 39. Nf1 02:42 01:54:59 Kg7 02:39 01:59:29 40. Rxb6 00:25 01:55:24 Qd4 00:14 01:59:43 41. Rb8 04:35 01:59:59 Qxb4 14:55 02:14:38 42. Ne3 02:44 02:02:43 h5 02:19 02:16:57 43. b6 07:39 02:10:22 h4 17:30 02:34:27 44. g4 03:15 02:13:37 Bb5 12:18 02:46:45 45. Qd1 02:24 02:16:01 Qb2 01:16 02:48:01 46. Nf5+ 00:09 02:16:10 Rxf5 03:16 02:51:17 47. gxf5 00:08 02:16:18 Be2 00:33 02:51:50 48. Qa4 04:24 02:20:42 Bf3 01:45 02:53:35 49. Qd7+ 03:36 02:24:18 Kh6 00:15 02:53:50 50. Qe6+ 00:07 02:24:25 Kh5 00:07 02:53:57 51. Qe8+ 00:27 02:24:52 Kg4 00:18 02:54:15 52. Qe1 00:10 02:25:02 Bxd5 04:19 02:58:34 53. Re8 00:44 02:25:46 Bf3 00:30 02:59:04 54. f6 02:46 02:28:32 Kh5 00:09 02:59:13 55. f7 02:20 02:30:52 Qd4 00:02 02:59:15 56. Re4 00:24 02:31:16 Qf6 00:06 02:59:21 57. b7 00:31 02:31:47 Bxe4 00:07 02:59:28 58. Qxe4 00:51 02:32:38 1-0 Game scores and timings by Intelligent Chess Display system. 3) 13th Linares SuperGM Tournament. ----------------------------------- Feb. 28th (Opening ceremony) Play 1st March - 18th March 1995. Playing hours: 15-00 to 23-00 (CET = GMT+1) There are no adjournments. Dates: (All March) Round (1) 1st (2) 2nd (3) 3rd (4) 5th (5) 6th (6) 7th (7) 8th (8) 10th (9) 11th (10) 13th (11) 14th (12) 16th (13) 17th My thanks to Luis Santos and Jaque Magazine for providing me with the games from rounds 1-7 complete. The gamescores in TWIC 23 supercede all previous versions both on my www page ( - that's tilda mdcrowth not percent mdcrowth) TWIC 21 and elsewhere, I have made a number of minor changes. I have typed in and left at my www site a number of games daily from a number of sources I have now checked these against Luis versions for the final version. My thanks to Bob Wade for faxing me rounds 8 and 9 this week, I typed them in this morning, but haven't any alternate source as yet to check them against. I'm pretty confident they should be right this week though. My thanks to Anjo Anjewierden for a program that creates crosstables and an .html page. An exciting fight is developing between Karpov, Topalov and Ivanchuk. However Karpov looks to have by far the easiest run in. Linares 1995 - Category 17 - RESULTS ---------------------------------------------------------------- Round 4 (1995.03.05) Tiviakov, Sergei - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 Khalifman, Alexander - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 Short, Nigel - Ljubojevic, Ljubomir 1-0 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel - Dreev, Alexey 1/2 Sokolov, Ivan - Beliavsky, Alexander 1/2 Lautier, Joel - Ivanchuk, Vassily 0-1 Akopian, Vladimir - Karpov, Anatoly 1/2 Round 5 (1995.03.06) Ivanchuk, Vassily - Illescas Cordoba, Miguel 1/2 Karpov, Anatoly - Short, Nigel 1-0 Topalov, Veselin - Lautier, Joel 1/2 Shirov, Alexei - Akopian, Vladimir 1-0 Dreev, Alexey - Tiviakov, Sergei 1/2 Beliavsky, Alexander - Khalifman, Alexander 0-1 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir - Sokolov, Ivan 0-1 Round 6 (1995.03.07) Ivanchuk, Vassily - Topalov, Veselin 1-0 Khalifman, Alexander - Ljubojevic, Ljubomir 1/2 Short, Nigel - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel - Tiviakov, Sergei 0-1 Sokolov, Ivan - Karpov, Anatoly 0-1 Lautier, Joel - Beliavsky, Alexander 0-1 Akopian, Vladimir - Dreev, Alexey 0-1 Round 7 (1995.03.08) Karpov, Anatoly - Khalifman, Alexander 1-0 Topalov, Veselin - Illescas Cordoba, Miguel 1-0 Shirov, Alexei - Sokolov, Ivan 1-0 Tiviakov, Sergei - Akopian, Vladimir 1/2 Dreev, Alexey - Short, Nigel 0-1 Beliavsky, Alexander - Ivanchuk, Vassily 0-1 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir - Lautier, Joel 1/2 Round 8 (1995.03.10) Ivanchuk, Vassily - Ljubojevic, Ljubomir 1-0 Topalov, Veselin - Beliavsky, Alexander 1-0 Khalifman, Alexander - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 Short, Nigel - Tiviakov, Sergei 0-1 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel - Akopian, Vladimir 1/2 Sokolov, Ivan - Dreev, Alexey 1/2 Lautier, Joel - Karpov, Anatoly 0-1 Round 9 (1995.03.11) Karpov, Anatoly - Ivanchuk, Vassily 1/2 Shirov, Alexei - Lautier, Joel 1/2 Tiviakov, Sergei - Sokolov, Ivan 1/2 Dreev, Alexey - Khalifman, Alexander 1-0 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 Akopian, Vladimir - Short, Nigel 1/2 Beliavsky, Alexander - Illescas Cordoba, Miguel POSTPONED LINARES 1995 - ROUND 9 STANDINGS. ######################################## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 TOTAL 1 Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2700 * = 1 . . . 1 = = = = 1 1 . 6.5 2 Karpov, Anatoly g RUS 2765 = * . = = = . 1 1 . 1 . 1 = 6.5 3 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2630 0 . * . . . 1 = 1 1 1 = = 1 6.5 4 Shirov, Alexei g LAT 2710 . = . * = = . = = = 1 . = 1 5.5 5 Tiviakov, Sergei g RUS 2625 . = . = * = 0 . 1 1 = = . = 5.0 6 Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2650 . = . = = * . 1 0 = = = . 1 5.0 7 Beliavsky, Alexander g UKR 2650 0 . 0 . 1 . * 0 1 . = . 1 1 4.5 /8 * 8 Khalifman, Alexander g RUS 2635 = 0 = = . 0 1 * . = . = 1 . 4.5 9 Short, Nigel g ENG 2655 = 0 0 = 0 1 0 . * . . 1 . = 3.5 10 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel g ESP 2595 = . 0 = 0 = . = . * . . 1 = 3.5 /8 * 11 Sokolov, Ivan g BIH 2645 = 0 0 0 = = = . . . * 1 0 . 3.0 12 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir g YUG 2580 0 . = . = = . = 0 . 0 * = = 3.0 13 Lautier, Joel g FRA 2655 0 0 = = . . 0 0 . 0 1 = * . 2.5 14 Akopian, Vladimir g ARM 2655 . = 0 0 = 0 0 . = = . = . * 2.5 * - 1 game postponed due to Illescas' illness. Will be played 12/3/95. GAMES ------ Please inform me of any possible errors in the gamescores. Linares 1995 Pairings Table ---------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 KHA LAU IVA TOP BEL LJU KAR SHI DRE TIV AKO SHO SOK ILL 1 Khalifman X 2w 3b 4w 5b 6w 7b 8w 9b 10w 11b 12w 13b 1w 2 Lautier 2b X 4w 5b 6w 7b 8w 9b 10w 11b 12w 13b 1w 3w 3 Ivanchuk 3w 4b X 6w 7b 8w 9b 10w 11b 12w 13b 1w 2b 5w 4 Topalov 4b 5w 6b X 8w 9b 10w 11b 12w 13b 1w 2b 3w 7w 5 Beliavsky 5w 6b 7w 8b X 10w 11b 12w 13b 1w 2b 3w 4b 9w 6 Ljubojevic 6b 7w 8b 9w 10b X 12w 13b 1w 2b 3w 4b 5w 11w 7 Karpov 7w 8b 9w 10b 11w 12b X 1w 2b 3w 4b 5w 6b 13w 8 Shirov 8b 9w 10b 11w 12b 13w 1b X 3w 4b 5w 6b 7w 2b 9 Dreev 9w 10b 11w 12b 13w 1b 2w 3b X 5w 6b 7w 8b 4b 10 Tiviakov 10b 11w 12b 13w 1b 2w 3b 4w 5b X 7w 8b 9w 6b 11 Akopian 11w 12b 13w 1b 2w 3b 4w 5b 6w 7b X 9w 10b 8b 12 Short 12b 13w 1b 2w 3b 4w 5b 6w 7b 8w 9b X 11w 10b 13 Sokolov 13w 1b 2w 3b 4w 5b 6w 7b 8w 9b 10w 11b X 12b 14 Illescas 1b 3b 5b 7b 9b 11b 13b 2w 4w 6w 8w 10w 12w X 4) FIDE WOMEN'S CANDIDATES FINAL -------------------------------- Women Candidates Final - St. Petersburg, Russia: ============================================================== Zsuzsa Polgar (Hungary) 5.5 - 1.5 Maya Chiburdanidze (Georgia) ============================================================== Zsuzsa Polgar has qualified to challenge Xie Jun for the Women's World Chess Championship. Zsuzsa was accompanied by her husband, mother, her youngest sister Judit (who acted as one of her seconds) and coach. She feared a repeat of her renowned loss to Georgian Nana Joseliani who came back from a 3 point deficit and beat Zsuzsa with a toss of a coin to eliminate her from the previous world championship cycle. (Information Shay Bushinsky.) Saint Petersburg March 1995. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------- Polgar, Zsuzsa HUN 2545 g = = 1 1 = 1 1 5.5 Chiburdanidze, Maia GEO 2520 g = = 0 0 = 0 0 1.5 ------------------------------------------------------------- Many thanks to Otto Borik for the game scores to the first four games. 5) REPORTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD -------------------------------- Cappelle Le Grande - France --------------------------- FINAL STANDINGS (9 ROUNDS) --------------------------- In an astonishing final round the top 13 pairings were all drawn. (there can't have been too much money for those on 4th equal. Miles, Anthony J ENG 2615 g 7 Hebden, Mark ENG 2550 g 7 Sveshnikov, Evgeny RUS 2560 g 7 Malaniuk, Vladimir P UKR 2615 g 6.5 Romanishin, Oleg M UKR 2595 g 6.5 Novikov, Igor A UKR 2590 g 6.5 Savchenko, Stanislav UKR 2585 g 6.5 Shabalov, Alexander USA 2570 g 6.5 Gurevich, Dmitry USA 2530 g 6.5 Giorgadze, Giorgi GEO 2590 g 6.5 Smyslov, Vassily RUS 2540 g 6.5 Arkhipov, Sergey RUS 2515 g 6.5 Shipov, Sergei RUS 2510 m 6.5 Dvoirys, Semen I. RUS 2550 g 6.5 Lempert, Igor UKR 2510 m 6.5 Shneider, Aleksandr UKR 2530 g 6.5 Landa, Konstantin RUS 2500 m 6.5 Smagin, Sergey RUS 2540 g 6.5 Muhutdinov, Marat RUS 2485 m 6.5 Yakovich, Yuri RUS 2555 g 6.5 Rashkovsky, Nukhim N RUS 2550 g 6.5 Gofshtein, Leonid D ISR 2465 g 6.5 Skembris, Spyridon GRE 2525 g 6.5 Sokolov, Andrei LAT 2520 m 6.5 Tkachiev, Vladislav KAZ 2575 m 6.5 Stefansson, Hannes ISL 2530 g 6.5 Cvitan, Ognjen CRO 2520 g 6.5 Istratescu, Andrei ROM 2505 g 6.5 Dumitrache, Dragos ROM 2530 m 6.5 Shay Bushinsky reports: Israeli Chess League: --------------------- In a major match in the Israeli chess league, Beer-Sheva beat Rishon Le-Zion (reigning league champions) 3-2 and equalized points with this result. Both teams have three rounds to go. On the first board, Yudasin beat Alterman. Greenfeld drew with Kosashvili, Huzman lost to Lees, Mikhalevsky beat Shmuter and Tseitlin beat Serberyanik. (first players are from the host team of Beer-Sheva). With a game less and a point behind stands the team from Elizur featuring: Smirin, Psakhis, Murey, Milov, Gopstein and Gruenfeld. Macedonia Zonal Tournament: --------------------------- Three Israeli representatives: GMs Smirin, Alterman and Milov will take part in the FIDE zonal to begin on the 16th in the state of Macedonia. A fourth representative, Yudasin, is expected to qualify directly to the Inter-Zonal due to his previous cycle results. Bosco Grove reports: Croatian Championships Playoff March 1995 ------------------------------------------- Dizdar, Goran CRO 2510 g 2.5 Kozul, Zdenko CRO 2570 g 1.5 ------------------------------------------- The new Croatian champion is Goran Dizdar, he won a playoff for the title. 50th Post-War Yugoslav Championships. ------------------------------------- The event is a 16 player all-play-all. STANDINGS AFTER ROUND 12. ------------------------ 1. Kosic, Dragan YUG 2500 m 7 Drasko, Milan YUG 2510 g 7 3. Damljanovic, Branko YUG 2575 g 6.5 Popovic, Petar YUG 2545 g 6.5 Matulovic, Milan YUG 2445 g 6.5 6. Simic, Radoslav YUG 2485 g 6 Petronic, Jovan YUG 2450 m 6 Ilincic, Zlatko YUG 2565 g 6 9. Abramovic, Bosko YUG 2520 g 5 Velimirovic, Dragoljub YUG 2520 g 5 The other players who are competing but for whom scores are unavailable are: Gligoric, Svetozar YUG 2455 g Tosic, Miroslav YUG 2420 m Ristic, Nenad YUG 2395 m * Nikolic, Stanimir YUG 2355 g Barlov, Dragan YUG 2485 g Mozetic, Dejan YUG 2540 m * This may not be the right Ristic. Norbert Friedrich reports: Bundesliga Round 9/10 ----------------------- ROUND 9 March 4th 1995 ------------------------ Zaehringen - Bayern Muenchen 3:5 Tuebingen - Muenchener SC 2,5:5,5 Bochum - Solingen 5:3 Castrop Rauxel - Duisburg 6:2 Dresden - Werder Bremen 5,5:2,5 Erfurt - Hamburger SK 2:6 Hofheim - Empor Berlin 2,5:5,5 ROUND 10 March 5th 1995 ------------------------ Bayern Muenchen - Tuebingen 5:3 Muenchener SC - Zaehringen 4:4 Solingen - Castrop Rauxel 4:4 Duisburg - Bochum 4,5:2,5 Werder Bremen - Erfurt 5:3 Hambuger SK - Dresden 4:4 Empor Berlin - Porz 3,5:4,5 Standings: ---------- 1. Porz 19:1 2. Bayern 18:2 3. Empor 17:3 4. MSC 12:8 5. Castrop 12:10 6. HSK 11:11 7. Dresden 10:10 8. Bochum 10:10 9. Solingen 9:11 10. Bremen 9:13 11. Tuebingen 8:12 12. Zaehringen 6:14 13. Duisburg 6:14 14. Hofheim 4:16 15. Erfurt 3:17 16. (Stadthagen)-:- Withdrawn. Lars Zwisler reports: Politiken Cup (Hillerod) -------------------------- A couple of corrections from TWIC 21 to the players and the venue also he all the games from the first round. Scheveningen System tournament. A team of IMs played a team of 3 GMs and 6 FMs. (I'm one FM short in the second group.) Four players (those tied on 7) all scored GM norms. It is believed that John Emms` result means that he will become a GM (dependant on rating). Group 1 - IMs ------------- Emms, John M ENG 2500 m 7 Hansen, Sune Berg DEN 2460 m 7 Schandorff, Lars DEN 2450 m 7 Danielsen, Henrik DEN 2430 m 7 Ward, Christopher ENG 2485 m 6.5 Kristensen, Bjarke DEN 2455 m 5.5 Gausel, Einar NOR 2490 m 5.5 Borge, Nikolaj DEN 2405 m 5.5 Brynell, Stellan SWE 2435 m 5.5 Group 2 - GMs & FMs --------------------- Jansa, Vlastimil CZE 2525 g 5.5 Ahlander, Bjorn SWE 2400 f 4 Christensen, Tobias DEN 2375 3.5 Olafsson, Helgi ISL 2520 g 3 Karlsson, Lars SWE 2515 g 2.5 Olesen, Martin DEN 2340 2 Ostergaard, Jens DEN 2310 1.5 Andersen, Jackie DEN 2345 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- City-Ch of Copenhagen Feb. 1995 --------------------------------- E-mail: or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Pts. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. IM Kristiansen,Jens ....... - = 1 1 = = 1 1 = 1 7 2. IM Hamann,Svend ........... = - = = = 1 0 1 1 1 6 3. IM Brinck-Claussen,Bjorn .. 0 = - = 1 = 1 = = 1 5.5 4. IM Hoi,Carsten ............ 0 = = - 1 0 1 1 1 = 5.5 5. IM Jakobsen,Ole ........... = = 0 0 - = 1 = 1 1 5 6. Hvenekilde,Jorgen ...... = 0 = 1 = - 0 1 = 1 5 7. Hove,Esben Kjems ....... 0 1 0 0 0 1 - = 0 = 3 8. IM Bjerring,Kai ........... 0 0 = 0 = 0 = - = 1 3 9. Jakobsen,Peter ......... = 0 = 0 0 = 1 = - 0 3 10. Fuglsang,Flemming ...... 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 1 - 2 Gordie Mazur ( reports: Toronto Closed Championships. ----------------------------- Here are the complete games & crosstable from the Toronto Closed. Results of the 2 players who withdrew are not used in the final tallies. +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+------+ | Toronto Closed - 1995 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 |points| +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 Day,Lawrence IM 2460 | ** 1 = = 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 | 7.5 | | 2 Nickoloff,Bryon IM 2486 | 0 ** 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 | 7 | | 3 Livshits,Ron FM 2415 | = 1 ** = 0 1 1 1 1 1 | 7 | | 4 Milicevic,Goran NM 2345 | = 0 = ** 1 0 = 1 1 1 | 5.5 | | 5 Findlay,Ian FM 2402 | 0 0 1 0 ** 1 = 0 1 1 | 4.5 | | 6 Southam,Todd FM 2319 | 0 0 0 1 0 ** = 1 = 1 | 4 | | 7 Ochkoos,Jura NM 2328 | = 0 0 = = = ** 0 = = 1 | 3.5 | | 8 Crisan,Ioan NM 2276 | 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 ** 1 = | 3.5 | | 9 Walker,Ben NM 2287 | 0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 ** 1 1 | 2 | |10 Alipayo,Rodulfo NM 2343 | = = = 0 ** 1 | 2.5 | |11 Moffat,Andrei NM 2237 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 ** | 0.5 | |12 Koliada,Timour FM 2418 | 0 ** | 0 | +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+------+ IM Lawrence Day took clear 1st. With a win over Ben Walker in the 11th round, Nickoloff tied Livshits for 2nd. The tournament was marred by two withdrawls, more than one forfeit, and a few dubious draws. Despite all this, there was some very fine chess played. Check out Findlay-Milicevic for an example. (See games section) 6) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski ----------------------------------------------------------- TWIC 23 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | Q | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | o | | | | | | | | Botvinnik-Fischer, Varna 1962 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | Analysis +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | W: Ke3,Qh8,Rh4,p.f2 (4) +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | R | B: Ka3,Qd1,Rb1,p.a7 (4) +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | k | | | | K | | | | White to move +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | + | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | r | | q | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Here is the analysis line found by then 13 years old Gary Kasparov: 67.Rc4! Rb3+ 68.Rc3 Qe1+ 69.Kd3 Qf1+ 70.Kd2 70.Ke3? Qh3+! Qxf2+ 71.Kd3 draws * * * Brian Stephenson <>, the organiser of the British Chess Solving Championship kindly send me the study he used in the final of the 1994/5 competition that took place on 18th February. Only the winner (FM David Friedgood) got the study totally right, although GM Jonathan Mestel went as far as white's seventh. Probably because he thought it was obvious from there! Imagine yourself the participant of the competition. You have 35 minutes to complete your task. +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | K | o | | | | | | | + White pawn +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | o Black pawn +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | N | | | R | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ White to move and win | o | k | | B | | | n | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | o | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | + | | + | | | + | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | q | | n | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ The solution in the next issue of TWIC. 7) Tournament calendar by Michael Niermann. -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Many thanks to all who have sent us some tournament informations. But we still need some help. If you want to support us, please send infos about tournaments in your country to March 18 Herne (GER), 14.00, 7xCH, 15min, 10DM Tel +49 2323 61030 March 18 Haltern (GER), 13.15, 9xCH, 15min, 25DM Tel +49 2364 7345 Mar 18-19 1ST INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CONGRESS: 229 Gt Portland St. W1 A new London Congress which has the potential to become a permanent fixture on the calendar. Support this congress! One hundred entries guarantees the prize fund! J. Weightman, Flat 1, 225a Finchley Road, London NW3 6LP. (0171) 435 7205. March 18-26 Saarbruecken (GER) Open + many one-day-tournaments Tel/Fax +49 6851 70074 March 19 Gruendau (GER), 9.00, youth blitz Tel +49 6051 2297 March 24 Bled (SLO) 9xCH, ELO, norms, 120DM (ELO tmt), 100DM (B tmt) -April 1 Fax +386 64 221 377 Mar 24-26 MIDLAND INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP: Derby Assembly Rooms, Bob Milner, 411 Cheadle Road, Cheddleton, Leek, Staffs ST13 7BH Tel: 0782 550112) Mar 24-26 EAST DEVON CONGRESS: St Georges Hall, Exeter (E G Sparke, 12 Westbourne Terrace, Budleigh Salterton, Devon, EX9 6BR Tel: 0395 442585) March 25 Offenbach (GER), U20, 4DM Tel +49 69 842378 March 25/26 Jarny (FRA), 6xCH, 60min, 100F, Tel +33 82334815 Mar 25 GOLDERS GREEN OPEN, plus Under 160, Under 120 Adam Raoof, PO Box 1962, London NW4 4NF. (0181) 202 0982 Mar 26 ATHERTON RAPIDPLAY: Jubilee Hall, Atherton (G M Jones, 27 Clarke Street, Leigh, Lancashire WN7 4HU Tel: 0942 604262 or 0942 877269) March 31 - April 2 Werther (GER), 5xCH, no ELO, 35DM Tel +49 5203 6471 April 1-12 Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday" GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev) Tel/Fax +361 263 2859 April 1 Wolfen (GER), 9.45, blitz, 20DM Tel +49 3494 25628 April 1-2 Gloucester (ENG), Spectrum Congress. Sections: U-180, U-140, U-105 (BCF). The New County Hotel, Southgate Street, Gloucester. Tel: Les Day, +44 1803 212136. Apr 2 LETCHWORTH RAPIDPLAY CONGRESS: Plinston Hall, Broadway, Letchworth Tim Thurstan, 33 Brampton Park Road, Hitchin (0462) 459873 April 7-9 Erlangen (GER), 5xCH, 55/45 DM, just for players with DWZ/ELO < 2100 Tel +49 9131 60084 Fax +49 9131 60087 April 8/9 Eupen (BEL) 7xCH, no ELO, 30DM/600BEF Tel +32 87 742587 Fax +32 87 552716 April 9 Chelles (FRA), 9.00, 7xCH, 30min Tel +33 (1)64260997 April 10-13 Jena (GER), 7xCH, U21, 25DM, Tel +49 3641 51892 April 10-16 Seiffen (GER), 7xCH, just for players with DWZ/ELO < 2300 Tel +49 37362 8354 April 10-17 Kecskemet (Hun), 9xCH, 40/120+G/60, ELO, norms 110DM (no ELO) - free (GM/IM/>2345) tel +76/474-728 email detailed info in TWIC 22 April 12-16 New York (USA), Tel +1 2127194204 April 13-17 Fellbach-Schmiden (GER), 9xCH, ELO, norms?, 80DM, Tel +49 711 586595 or +49 7191 82556 April 14-17 Passau (GER), 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 90DM Tel +49 851 83811 Fax +49 851 81889 April 14-17 St.Germain-Lembron (FRA), 7xCH, 170F, Tel +33 54878499 April 14-17 Sheffield (ENG), SHEFFIELD EASTER CHESS CONGRESS, Sheffield Hallam University, 6xCH, 4 sections, Details: B D Stephenson, 9 Roydfield Drive, Waterthorpe, Sheffield, S19 6ND, England. Tel +??-114-2471579 email April 15-17 Blois (FRA), 6xCH, 200F, Tel +33 73910285 April 17-23 Gausdal (NOR), Norwegian Open, 9xCH, elo/norms? Tel +47 22679520 Fax +47 22679513 April 17-28 Jewpatoria (UKR), youth tmt, 9xCH, no entry fee Tel +7 0652 277097 April 25-May 3 Gausdal (NOR), Arnold Cup 9xCH, elo/norms? Tel +47 22679520 Fax +47 22679513 April 26-29 New York (US), New York Open, 9xCH Tel +?-1-212-719-4204 Fax +?-1-212-719-4369 April 30 - May 10 Smolensk (RUS), Belavenets memorial Tel +7(081) 00-24562 or +7(081) 00-32940 May 5-13 Gausdal (NOR), Skei Masters, 10 player GM and IM tmts, round-robins Tel +47 22679520 Fax +47 22679513 May 6-17 Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday" GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev) Tel/Fax +361 263 2859 May 10-20 Waikiki, Hawaii (US) 10x CH, ELO, norms e-mail Eric Schiller, more details in TWIC 16 May 13 SHEFFIELD RAPIDPLAY CHESS CONGRESS, Handsworth Parish Centre, Handsworth Road, Sheffield, 6xCH, 4 sections, entries limited, Details: B D Stephenson, 9 Roydfield Drive, Waterthorpe, Sheffield, S19 6ND, England. Tel +??-114-2471579 email May 19-22 Vancouver (CAN), 20th Annual Keres Memorial, open: 7xCH, other sections: 6xCH, 40/120+G/60, entry 100 $can, prizes 8000$can, tel +?? (604) 686-8888 email (Wilson Yeung) detailed info in TWIC 23 May 19-27 Schaan (LIE) 9xCH, ELO, 100sFr Tel +41 75 2324940 Fax +41 75 2322986 May 23-31 Maria Alm (AUT) Open for Senior-Player, 9xCH Tel +43 6582 2196 May 25-28 Erlangen (GER) 7xCH, no ELO, 90DM Tel +49 9131 47703 May 25-28 Crailsheim (GER) 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 90DM Tel +49 7951 6468 May 25-28 Erfurt (GER), 9xCH, 30min, 25DM, Tel +49 361 6435132 May 25-28 Herne (GER), 7xCH, 70DM, Tel +49 2323 18112 May 25-28 Jarny (FRA), 7xCH, 120F, Tel +33 82334815 May 27-June 3 Mainz (GER) 9xCH, ELO, Tel +49 6131 223990 or Tel/Fax +49 6131 85399 June 2-5 Jena (GER), 7xCH, 60DM, Tel +49 3641 51892 June 3-10 Ischia (ITA) International Festival, tel +39-81-668811 or +39-81-668875 fax +39-81-7612354 Mr. Fabio, Luca Orofino June 3-14 Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday" GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev) Tel/Fax +361 263 2859 June 10-16 Bolzano (ITA), International Open, tel +39-471-921870 June 10-18 Bad Bevensen (GER), 9xCH, ELO, norms?, 120DM, Tel +49 5821 41024 June 14-18 Giessen (GER),14th Open, 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 75 DM Tel +49 6403 71213 or +49 641 53492 Room Verkehrsamt Giessen, Berliner Platz, D-35390 Giessen detailed info in TWIC 21(German) and 22 (English) June 17 Locarno (CH), 9th International Marathon Open-air, blitz (5 min), 39 rounds ! three groups of 40 players, divided by strength, MANY GM - IM - FM in the first group! June 17-18 Bad Bevensen (GER), 11xCH, 30min, 60DM, Tel +49 5821 41024 June 17-19 Tartu (EST) 9xCH, 50DM (June 17+18)+ Blitz(June 19), no ELO Tel +372 7 421281 June 17-24 Bolzano (ITA), Festival tel +39-471-921870 June 22-25 Milano (ITA), Robeccheto con Induno, International Festival, 6rd tel +39-2-9761580 Mr. Vito Grandieri, hours 15/21 +39-2-9746206 Mr. Flavio Polloni, hours 15/21 June 25-July 2 Telese (ITA), International Festival tel +39-824-976980 Mr. Pancrazio Affinito June 30-July 8 Velden (AUT) 9xCH, Elo, Norms, 750 oeS Tel +43 4274 2103 Fax +43 4274 51078 July 1-12 Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday" GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev) Tel/Fax +361 263 2859 July 8-16 Toronto (CAN), Canadian Open July 14 Canberra (AUS), Humans v Computers Match Info: Shaun Press, 42 Mockridge Cres, Holt 2617, Australia July 15-16 Canberra (AUS), Australian National University Open Venue: Old Canberra House, ANU, Canberra, Australia Info: Shaun Press, 42 Mockridge Cres, Holt 2617, Australia July 21 Biel (SUI) 12 tournaments, Open: 9-11xCH, ELO, norms -August 5 30sFr (blitz)-250sFr Tel +41 32 534040 Fax +41 32 228688 or +41 32 535925 July 29 Gausdal (NOR), Peer Gynt International, 9xCH, elo/norms? -August 4 Tel +47 22679520 Fax +47 22679513 July 29 Montecatini Terme - Int. Festival, 9xCH, ELO, norms -August 6 tel +39-572-78177 Mr. Paganelli fax +39-572-772307 August 5-16 Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday" GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev) Tel/Fax +361 263 2859 August 6-13 Gausdal International (NOR), 9xCH, elo/norms? Tel +47 22679520 Fax +47 22679513 August 21-29 Porto S. Giorgio - Int. Festival tel +39-734-679745 or +39-734-675590 October 1-2 Greater Sydney Chess Festival, Venue: The Huntley Hotel, Parramatta, Australia Contact: Australian Chess Enterprises, PO Box 6301 Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153, Australia Tel x61-2-838-1529 Fax x61-2-838-1614 Email October 14-15 Boston, MA (USA), Sixth Harvard Cup Human Versus Computer Chess Challenge (participation by invitation only; spectators welcome) Computer Museum tel 617-876-5759; fax 617-491-9570; email -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 19th-22nd May 1995 Event: 20th Annual Keres Memorial Note: "Vancouver 1975" attracted 320 players, including 5 GMs, and awarded over $16,000 in prizes. Paul Keres convincingly won the event. He died a few days later in Helsinki, on his way back home to Tallinn. Subsequent tournaments have been held annually in his honour. Place: Vancouver, BC Canada Sandman Inn, 180 W. Georgia Street Mode: OPEN: 7 rounds. First round begins at 19:00 Friday other sections ( < 2000; < 1600) 6 rounds 10:00, 18:00 Saturday, Sunday, Monday 40/2h, 1 h to the end; Prizes: $can 8,000 based on 110 average entries. Fee: FIDE titled players receive free entry unless they win a cash prize. Others: $100; $85 postmarked before 31 Mar. Info: BC Chess Federation, Box 15548, Vancouver BC V6B 3Z8 Canada Telephone Wilson Yeung (604) 686-8888, leave name & number. E-Mail: (Wilson Yeung)