THE WEEK IN CHESS 220 - 25th January 1999 by Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Hoogovens: Wijk aan Zee
3) Adams-Seirawan in Bermuda
4) Open "Hotel Ciudad de Ubeda"
5) Chess Oscars for 1998
6) Israeli League
7) Bundesliga 98-99
8) FIDE Championships NOT in Vegas
9) Fischer Interview
10) 4NCL
11) Hamburg Koenigsspringer IM tournament
12) Brasilia Maalox Plus Open
13) Virginia Open
14) Forthcoming Events

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Games section

Hoogovens: Wijk aan Zee A event         42 games
Hoogovens: Wijk aan Zee B event         36 games
Hoogovens: Wijk aan Zee Blitz event     91 games
Adams-Seirawan in Bermuda                4 games
Bermuda                                 24 games
Open "Hotel Ciudad de Ubeda"            80 games
Israeli League                          46 games
4NCL                                    48 games
Hamburg Koenigsspringer IM tournament   66 games
Virginia Open                           11 games
Hastings Challengers                   108 games
Hastings Weekender                       5 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Ram Soffer, Maximiliano Alvarez, John Saunders, Nigel Freeman, Bobby Ang, Rolf Sander, Antonio Bento, Michael Atkins and all those who helped with this issue.

An amazing week's chess with Kasparov demolishing the Wijk aan Zee with seven wins in a row. This is Kasparov's answer to a forgetable 1998. Next week he plays Kramnik and Anand, those games promise to be thrilling.

With the chess calendar for December disrupted by the cancellation of the FIDE Championships, the same thing is threatening to happen in June and July. Cancellation of good events in Frankfurt and Dortmund may now have been unnecessary as the Las Vegas organisers, fed up with being messed around withdrew from the possibility of hosting FIDE's event. Of course it might still take place in June and July (Elista?) but FIDE are not keeping anyone informed.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Hoogovens: Wijk aan Zee

The Hoogovens tournament in Wijk aan Zee started on Saturday 16th. After two rounds the favourites already lead the field. Anand started with 2/2. Kasparov, Shirov, Kramnik and Topalov are just behind on 1.5. The event runs January 15-31st 1999. My thanks to Niek Verweij of Lost Boys for his help.

The story of the event is that of Garry Kasparov. After a draw in round 1 against Vassily Ivanchuk he has won seven straight games to be a point and a half clear after 8 rounds. Included in his wins was a superb sacrificial effort against Veselin Topalov in round 4. This game is certain to be analysed for some time to come. The first sacrifice 24. Rxd4 probably shouldn't have been accepted in retrospect (24. ...Kb6 may be a draw) but Topalov deserves credit for asking Kasparov to prove it. The spectacular lines that follow are truly breathtaking (check out Mig's columns on these lines for the full story). In addition he also beat Alexei Shirov in round 7. He still has to play Viswanathan Anand (where he has white) in round 10 and Vladimir Kramnik in the final round (with black). Kasparov also won the blitz event that took place on the first rest day.

Viswanathan Anand is also having a fine tournament. 6/8 is a great score but isn't enough to keep him in touch with Kasparov. A further point behind him is Kramnik. It has been a superb event and there were more spectators wanting to watch than could be accommodated last weekend when they had to lock some people out.

Official coverage by Lost Boys: and full daily coverage on TWIC's pages also.

A Tournament
Round 1 (1999.01.16)

Kasparov, Gary        -  Ivanchuk, Vassily     1/2   22  D36  Queen's gambit
Topalov, Veselin      -  Timman, Jan H         1-0   36  A20  English; 1.c4 e5
Van Wely, Loek        -  Kramnik, Vladimir     1/2   26  D17  Slav defence
Piket, Jeroen         -  Sokolov, Ivan         1/2   20  D97  Gruenfeld indian
Shirov, Alexei        -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1/2   24  B49  Sicilian
Yermolinsky, Alex     -  Svidler, Peter        1/2   23  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Reinderman, Dimitri   -  Anand, Viswanathan    0-1   37  B87  Sicilian

Round 2 (1999.01.17)

Kasparov, Gary        -  Van Wely, Loek        1-0   44  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov
Anand, Viswanathan    -  Piket, Jeroen         1-0   41  C96  Ruy Lopez
Kramnik, Vladimir     -  Yermolinsky, Alex     1-0   40  E32  Nimzo indian
Svidler, Peter        -  Topalov, Veselin      1/2   37  B35  Sicilian
Ivanchuk, Vassily     -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1/2   28  B80  Sicilian
Timman, Jan H         -  Reinderman, Dimitri   1-0   70  B31  Sicilian
Sokolov, Ivan         -  Shirov, Alexei        0-1   52  D93  Gruenfeld indian

Round 3 (1999.01.19)

Topalov, Veselin      -  Kramnik, Vladimir     1/2   35  C67  Ruy Lopez
Van Wely, Loek        -  Ivanchuk, Vassily     1/2   39  E97  Kings indian; Main line
Piket, Jeroen         -  Timman, Jan H         1-0   31  A40  Queen's pawn
Shirov, Alexei        -  Anand, Viswanathan    1/2   40  B49  Sicilian
Yermolinsky, Alex     -  Kasparov, Gary        0-1   47  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  -  Sokolov, Ivan         1/2   31  A29  English; 1.c4 e5
Reinderman, Dimitri   -  Svidler, Peter        1/2   26  B57  Sicilian

Round 4 (1999.01.20)

Kasparov, Gary        -  Topalov, Veselin      1-0   44  B07  Pirc
Anand, Viswanathan    -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1-0   39  B47  Sicilian
Kramnik, Vladimir     -  Reinderman, Dimitri   1/2   34  A42  Queen's pawn
Svidler, Peter        -  Piket, Jeroen         1/2   37  C95  Ruy Lopez
Ivanchuk, Vassily     -  Sokolov, Ivan         1-0   31  A33  English; 1.c4 c5
Van Wely, Loek        -  Yermolinsky, Alex     1-0   31  E11  Bogo indian
Timman, Jan H         -  Shirov, Alexei        1/2   40  D85  Gruenfeld indian

Round 5 (1999.01.21)

Topalov, Veselin      -  Van Wely, Loek        1-0   32  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov
Piket, Jeroen         -  Kramnik, Vladimir     1/2   26  D58  QGD;
Shirov, Alexei        -  Svidler, Peter        1/2   41  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Sokolov, Ivan         -  Anand, Viswanathan    1/2   23  D26  QGA;
Yermolinsky, Alex     -  Ivanchuk, Vassily     1/2   55  E94  Kings indian; Classical
Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  -  Timman, Jan H         0-1   43  A29  English; 1.c4 e5
Reinderman, Dimitri   -  Kasparov, Gary        0-1   48  B88  Sicilian

Round 6 (1999.01.23)

Kasparov, Gary        -  Piket, Jeroen         1-0   41  C43  Petroff defence
Kramnik, Vladimir     -  Shirov, Alexei        1-0   41  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Svidler, Peter        -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1-0   32  B43  Sicilian
Ivanchuk, Vassily     -  Anand, Viswanathan    1/2   24  A29  English; 1.c4 e5
Van Wely, Loek        -  Reinderman, Dimitri   1-0   57  B38  Sicilian
Timman, Jan H         -  Sokolov, Ivan         1/2   44  A06  Reti (1.Nf3)
Yermolinsky, Alex     -  Topalov, Veselin      1-0   47  E97  Kings indian; Main line

Round 7 (1999.01.24)

Anand, Viswanathan    -  Timman, Jan H         1-0   40  C67  Ruy Lopez
Topalov, Veselin      -  Ivanchuk, Vassily     1/2   45  B80  Sicilian
Piket, Jeroen         -  Van Wely, Loek        1/2   18  E81  Kings indian; Saemisch
Shirov, Alexei        -  Kasparov, Gary        0-1   49  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Sokolov, Ivan         -  Svidler, Peter        1/2   33  D91  Gruenfeld indian
Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  -  Kramnik, Vladimir     1/2   17  D58  QGD;
Reinderman, Dimitri   -  Yermolinsky, Alex     1/2   35  D60  QGD;

Round 8 (1999.01.25)

Kasparov, Gary        -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1-0   36  D72  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6
Kramnik, Vladimir     -  Sokolov, Ivan         1/2   18  D87  Gruenfeld indian
Topalov, Veselin      -  Reinderman, Dimitri   1-0   59  B38  Sicilian
Svidler, Peter        -  Anand, Viswanathan    1/2   25  B19  Caro-Kann
Ivanchuk, Vassily     -  Timman, Jan H         0-1   51  C89  Ruy Lopez
Van Wely, Loek        -  Shirov, Alexei        1/2   42  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Yermolinsky, Alex     -  Piket, Jeroen         1/2   19  E52  Nimzo indian

Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), I 1999                             cat. XVII (2674)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
 1 Kasparov, Gary        g RUS 2812  * . . 1 . = 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 1  7.5  3083
 2 Anand, Viswanathan    g IND 2784  . * . . = = . 1 1 = = . 1 1  6.0  2837
 3 Kramnik, Vladimir     g RUS 2751  . . * = . . = . = 1 = 1 = =  5.0  2721
 4 Topalov, Veselin      g BUL 2700  0 . = * = = 1 1 . . . 0 . 1  4.5  2719
 5 Svidler, Peter        g RUS 2713  . = . = * . . . = = = = 1 =  4.5  2688
 6 Ivanchuk, Vassily     g UKR 2714  = = . = . * = 0 . . 1 = = .  4.0  2672
 7 Van Wely, Loek        g NED 2636  0 . = 0 . = * . = = . 1 . 1  4.0  2681
 8 Timman, Jan H         g NED 2649  . 0 . 0 . 1 . * 0 = = . 1 1  4.0  2660
 9 Piket, Jeroen         g NED 2609  0 0 = . = . = 1 * . = = . .  3.5  2651
10 Shirov, Alexei        g ESP 2726  0 = 0 . = . = = . * 1 . = .  3.5  2650
11 Sokolov, Ivan         g BIH 2610  . = = . = 0 . = = 0 * . = .  3.0  2605
12 Yermolinsky, Alex     g USA 2597  0 . 0 1 = = 0 . = . . * . =  3.0  2597
13 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  g UZB 2595  0 0 = . 0 = . 0 . = = . * .  2.0  2526
14 Reinderman, Dimitri   g NED 2542  0 0 = 0 = . 0 0 . . . = . *  1.5  2454
Hoogovens B

Round 1 (1999.01.19)

Lputian, Smbat G        -  De Vreugt, Dennis       1-0   40  A45  Queen's pawn
Van der Wiel, John T.H  -  Brodsky, Michail        1-0   46  B57  Sicilian
Leitao, Rafael          -  Ionov, Sergey           1/2   30  E14  Nimzo indian
Bauer, Christian        -  Glek, Igor V            1/2   31  D73  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6
Bosch, Jeroen           -  Nijboer, Friso          0-1   40  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov
Janssen, Ruud           -  Van den Doel, Erik      1/2   37  D30  Queen's gambit

Round 2 (1999.01.20)

Lputian, Smbat G        -  Van der Wiel, John T.H  1/2   16  A45  Queen's pawn
Nijboer, Friso          -  Janssen, Ruud           1-0   36  B76  Sicilian; Dragon
Glek, Igor V            -  Bosch, Jeroen           1-0   41  B51  Sicilian
Ionov, Sergey           -  Bauer, Christian        1/2   34  A60  Modern Benoni
Brodsky, Michail        -  Leitao, Rafael          1/2   18  B03  Alekhine defence
De Vreugt, Dennis       -  Van den Doel, Erik      1/2   79  C67  Ruy Lopez

Round 3 (1999.01.21)

Van der Wiel, John T.H  -  De Vreugt, Dennis       1-0   42  C45  Scottish
Leitao, Rafael          -  Lputian, Smbat G        1/2   41  D31  Queen's gambit
Bauer, Christian        -  Brodsky, Michail        1/2   70  A30  English; 1.c4 c5
Van den Doel, Erik      -  Nijboer, Friso          1/2   62  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Bosch, Jeroen           -  Ionov, Sergey           1/2   46  B85  Sicilian
Janssen, Ruud           -  Glek, Igor V            0-1   57  D78  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6

Round 4 (1999.01.23)

Lputian, Smbat G        -  Bauer, Christian        1-0   41  E12  Nimzo indian
Van der Wiel, John T.H  -  Leitao, Rafael          1/2   47  B88  Sicilian
Glek, Igor V            -  Van den Doel, Erik      1-0   53  C68  Ruy Lopez; Exchange
Ionov, Sergey           -  Janssen, Ruud           1-0   34  E39  Nimzo indian
Brodsky, Michail        -  Bosch, Jeroen           1/2   29  B52  Sicilian
De Vreugt, Dennis       -  Nijboer, Friso          0-1   32  C17  French; Winawer

Round 5 (1999.01.24)

Nijboer, Friso          -  Glek, Igor V            1/2   40  C11  French; Classical
Leitao, Rafael          -  De Vreugt, Dennis       1-0   44  D94  Gruenfeld indian
Bauer, Christian        -  Van der Wiel, John T.H  1/2   22  B06  Modern defence
Van den Doel, Erik      -  Ionov, Sergey           1/2   37  B63  Sicilian
Bosch, Jeroen           -  Lputian, Smbat G        0-1   28  C02  French; Advance
Janssen, Ruud           -  Brodsky, Michail        1/2   38  A30  English; 1.c4 c5

Round 6 (1999.01.25)

Lputian, Smbat G        -  Janssen, Ruud           1-0   36  E12  Nimzo indian
Van der Wiel, John T.H  -  Bosch, Jeroen           1/2   30  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Leitao, Rafael          -  Bauer, Christian        1/2   61  D20  QGA;
Ionov, Sergey           -  Nijboer, Friso          1/2   64  A16  English; 1.c4
Brodsky, Michail        -  Van den Doel, Erik      1-0   43  C67  Ruy Lopez
De Vreugt, Dennis       -  Glek, Igor V            1-0   31  C12  French; Macutcheon

Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), I 1999                             cat. XI (2520)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Lputian, Smbat G        g ARM 2614  * . = . = . . 1 . 1 1 1  5.0  2755
 2 Nijboer, Friso          g NED 2534  . * . = . = . . = 1 1 1  4.5  2685
 3 Van der Wiel, John T.H  g NED 2529  = . * . = . 1 = . = 1 .  4.0  2635
 4 Glek, Igor V            g RUS 2566  . = . * . . . = 1 1 0 1  4.0  2608
 5 Leitao, Rafael          m BRA 2545  = . = . * = = = . . 1 .  3.5  2578
 6 Ionov, Sergey           g RUS 2551  . = . . = * . = = = . 1  3.5  2568
 7 Brodsky, Michail        g UKR 2530  . . 0 . = . * = 1 = . =  3.0  2510
 8 Bauer, Christian        g FRA 2528  0 . = = = = = * . . . .  2.5  2498
 9 Van den Doel, Erik      m NED 2547  . = . 0 . = 0 . * . = =  2.0  2375
10 Bosch, Jeroen           m NED 2470  0 0 = 0 . = = . . * . .  1.5  2361
11 De Vreugt, Dennis         NED 2378  0 0 0 1 0 . . . = . * .  1.5  2362
12 Janssen, Ruud             NED 2445  0 0 . 0 . 0 = . = . . *  1.0  2284

Hoogovens Blitz
Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), I 1999                              cat. XVII (2657)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
 1 Kasparov, Gary        g RUS 2812  * 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 = 1 =  10.5  2896
 2 Anand, Viswanathan    g IND 2784  0 * 1 = 0 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 1 1   9.0  2788
 3 Ivanchuk, Vassily     g UKR 2714  0 0 * 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1   9.0  2793
 4 Kramnik, Vladimir     g RUS 2751  = = 0 * 1 0 = 1 0 1 1 1 1 1   8.5  2760
 5 Sokolov, Ivan         g BIH 2610  0 1 1 0 * = 1 1 = 1 1 0 = =   8.0  2747
 6 Svidler, Peter        g RUS 2713  0 0 0 1 = * 1 0 0 1 1 1 = =   6.5  2653
 7 Topalov, Veselin      g BUL 2700  0 = 0 = 0 0 * 0 1 1 = 1 1 1   6.5  2654
 8 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  g UZB 2595  0 0 0 0 0 1 1 * 1 0 0 1 1 1   6.0  2633
 9 Piket, Jeroen         g NED 2609  0 = 0 1 = 1 0 0 * 1 0 0 1 =   5.5  2604
10 Bosboom, Manuel       m NED 2490  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 * 1 1 1 =   5.5  2613
11 Timman, Jan H         g NED 2649  0 = 1 0 0 0 = 1 1 0 * 0 0 1   5.0  2570
12 Van Wely, Loek        g NED 2636  = 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 * 0 1   4.5  2548
13 Reinderman, Dimitri   g NED 2542  0 0 0 0 = = 0 0 0 0 1 1 * =   3.5  2491
14 Yermolinsky, Alex     g USA 2597  = 0 0 0 = = 0 0 = = 0 0 = *   3.0  2450

3) Adams-Seirawan in Bermuda

A 10 game match between Mickey Adams and Yasser Seirawan, starting 21st January and finishing 1st February is taking place in Bermuda. Michael Adams won the first game with black after Seirawan lost his rook in a winning position games two and three were drawn before Seirawan equalised the match by winning the fourth.

Official coverage:
Further coverage by Inside Chess.

Seirawan, Yasser  -  Adams, Michael    0-1   41  E12  Nimzo indian
Adams, Michael    -  Seirawan, Yasser  1/2   23  B17  Caro-Kann
Seirawan, Yasser  -  Adams, Michael    1/2   25  E12  Nimzo indian
Adams, Michael    -  Seirawan, Yasser  0-1   42  B17  Caro-Kann

Bermuda (), I-II 1999
                              1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Adams, Michael    g ENG 2716   1 = = 0 . . . . . .  2.0  2643
Seirawan, Yasser  g USA 2643   0 = = 1 . . . . . .  2.0  2716

In addition there is a 13 player invitational event.

Round 1 (1999.01.21)

Nataf, Igor-Alexandre   -  Gretarsson, Helgi Ass   1/2   62  C11  French; Classical
Chandler, Murray G      -  Teplitsky, Yan          1-0   40  B83  Sicilian
Thorhallsson, Throstur  -  Bacrot, Etienne         0-1   22  B06  Modern defence
Gershon, Alik           -  Waitzkin, Joshua        1/2   61  D27  QGA;
Arizmendi, Yulen        -  Pelletier, Yannick      0-1   29  B87  Sicilian
Forster, Richard        -  Ashley, Maurice         0-1   41  B97  Sicilian; Najdorf

Round 2 (1999.01.22)

Gretarsson, Helgi Ass   -  Chandler, Murray G      1-0   47  D37  Queen's gambit
Waitzkin, Joshua        -  Forster, Richard        1-0   31  B43  Sicilian
Ashley, Maurice         -  Nataf, Igor-Alexandre   1/2   29  B32  Sicilian
Elbilia, Jacques        -  Gershon, Alik           1/2   43  E32  Nimzo indian
Teplitsky, Yan          -  Arizmendi, Yulen        1-0   41  D34  Queen's gambit
Pelletier, Yannick      -  Thorhallsson, Throstur  0-1   38  D26  QGA;

Round 3 (1999.01.23)

Bacrot, Etienne         -  Pelletier, Yannick      1-0   43  E18  Nimzo indian
Nataf, Igor-Alexandre   -  Waitzkin, Joshua        1/2   25  B01  Scandinavian
Chandler, Murray G      -  Ashley, Maurice         1/2   21  B70  Sicilian; Dragon
Thorhallsson, Throstur  -  Teplitsky, Yan          1/2   23  B57  Sicilian
Arizmendi, Yulen        -  Gretarsson, Helgi Ass   0-1   42  C69  Ruy Lopez; Exchange
Forster, Richard        -  Elbilia, Jacques        1/2   13  A80  Dutch defence

Round 4 (1999.01.24)

Gretarsson, Helgi Ass   -  Thorhallsson, Throstur  1/2   24  D03  Queen's pawn
Waitzkin, Joshua        -  Chandler, Murray G      1/2   12  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov
Ashley, Maurice         -  Arizmendi, Yulen        0-1   21  C18  French; Winawer
Gershon, Alik           -  Forster, Richard        1/2   39  E91  Kings indian; Classical
Elbilia, Jacques        -  Nataf, Igor-Alexandre   1/2   28  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Teplitsky, Yan          -  Bacrot, Etienne         0-1   47  E98  Kings indian; Main line

Bermuda (), I-II 1999                                            cat. IX (2461)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
 1 Bacrot, Etienne         g FRA 2555  * . . . . 1 . . . 1 1 . .  3.0 / 3      
 2 Gretarsson, Helgi Ass   g ISL 2480  . * . = 1 = . . . . . 1 .  3.0 / 4  2619
 3 Waitzkin, Joshua        m USA 2480  . . * = = . . = . . . . 1  2.5 / 4  2580
 4 Nataf, Igor-Alexandre   g FRA 2485  . = = * . . = . = . . . .  2.0 / 4  2452
 5 Chandler, Murray G      g ENG 2520  . 0 = . * . = . . 1 . . .  2.0 / 4  2477
 6 Thorhallsson, Throstur  g ISL 2495  0 = . . . * . . . = 1 . .  2.0 / 4  2505
 7 Ashley, Maurice         m USA 2490  . . . = = . * . . . . 0 1  2.0 / 4  2421
 8 Gershon, Alik           m ISR 2460  . . = . . . . * = . . . =  1.5 / 3  2438
 9 Elbilia, Jacques        f MAR 2360  . . . = . . . = * . . . =  1.5 / 3  2473
10 Teplitsky, Yan          m CAN 2460  0 . . . 0 = . . . * . 1 .  1.5 / 4  2356
11 Pelletier, Yannick      m SUI 2525  0 . . . . 0 . . . . * 1 .  1.0 / 3  2293
12 Arizmendi, Yulen          USA 2205  . 0 . . . . 1 . . 0 0 * .  1.0 / 4  2295
13 Forster, Richard        m SUI 2475  . . 0 . . . 0 = = . . . *  1.0 / 4  2254

4) Open "Hotel Ciudad de Ubeda"

Report from Maximiliano Alvarez. The International Open "Hotel Anibal" is taking place 20-29 of January. After 5 rounds Konstantin Landa leads with 4 wins and a draw with Dreev. The top rated player is Vladimir Akopian (2640) and he lost in rounds 1 and 2. Minasian (2594) has 3/5, Porgorelov ( 2512) 2 1/2 from 5.

Official coverage:

   1    Landa, Konstantin            RUS   2542      4.5
 2-10   Dreev, Alexey                RUS   2639      4   
        Gaprindashvili, Valerian     GEO   2414      4   
        Tiviakov, Sergei             RUS   2627      4       
        Grischuk, Alexander          RUS   2482      4       
        Bagaturov, Giorgi            GEO   2543      4  
        Hamdouchi, Hichem            MAR   2564      4
        Garcia, Silvino              CUB   2420      4    
        Aronian, Levon               ARM   2502      4     
        Asrian, Karen                ARM   2576      4     
 11-28  Giorgadze, Giorgi            GEO   2616      3.5   
        Becerra Rivero, Julio        CUB   2535      3.5   
        Sashikiran, Krishnan         IND   2535      3.5 
        Grigore, George              ROM   2526      3.5     
        Kharlov, Andrei              RUS   2600      3.5
        Kreiman, Boris               USA   2474      3.5
        Kunte, Abhijit               IND   2455      3.5    
        Burmakin, Vladimir           RUS   2534      3.5   
        De La Villa, Jesus M.        ESP   2463      3.5      
        Svetushkin, Dmitry           MDA   2471      3.5  
        Sorokin, Maxim               ARG   2551      3.5  
        Moreno, Javier               ARG   2449      3.5  
        Rashkovsky, Nukhim           RUS   2525      3.5 
        Yandemirov, Valeri           RUS   2475      3.5     
        Vera, Reynaldo               CUB   2547      3.5
        Minasian, Ara                ARM   2454      3.5
        Del Rio Angelis, Salvador G. ESP   2408      3.5  
        Ivanov, Jordan               BUL   2359      3.5  
 29-44  Minasian, Artashes           ARM   2594      3    
        Summerscale, Aaron           ENG   2440      3    
        Yegiazarian, Arsen           ARM   2517      3    
        Kazhgaleyev, Murtas          KAZ   2547      3       
        Barsov, Alexei               UZB   2514      3  
        Ricardi, Pablo               ARG   2527      3
        Genba, Vladimir              RUS   2450      3 
        Ramesh, R. B.                IND   2391      3   
        Prasad, Devaki V             IND   2435      3     
        Sulypa, Alexandre            UKR   2424      3  
        Gokhale, C.S.                IND   2361      3  
        Pedzich, Dominik             POL   2436      3  
        Watson, John L               USA   2357      3  
        Konguvel, Ponnuswamy         IND   2436      3       
        Gonzalez Garcia, Jose        MEX   2446      3  
        Akopian, Vladimir            ARM   2640      3     
107 players

5) Chess Oscars for 1998

"64 — Chess Review" magazine is aking for votes for the "Chess Oscar" a vote for the best 10 chess players of the year. Last year 300 chess journalists from 55 countries took part in these ballots. Chess journalists and other chess personalities are able to participate. Votes can be by to fax to: 7-095-2020961 or by e-mail to Votes are needed soon. You should say which magazine you represent. Alexander Roshal Editor-in-Chief "64"

6) Israeli League

The first 2 rounds of the Israel National League, were held in Tel Aviv January 8 and January 15. Ram Soffer sends the games.

7) Bundesliga 98-99

As reported last week the Bundesliga in Germany has reached its seventh round. As several people pointed out, I misread the table. Favourites Solingen and Koln/Porz who meet in the last match of the season, both have 100% scores.

Results and some coverage at and at

Standings after 7 rounds
 1. Solinger SG        7 41½:14½  14- 0 
 2. SG Köln Porz       7 36 :20   14- 0
 3. Dresdner SC        7 33 :23   11- 3 
 4. SK Delmenhorst     7 30½:25½   9- 5
 5. Hamburger SK       7 31 :25    8- 6 
 6. USC Magdeburg      7 28 :28    7- 7
 7. SFR Neukölln       7 26½:29½   7- 7 
 8. PSV Duisburg       7 26½:29½   7- 7
 9. SV Wattenscheid    7 26 :30    7- 7
10. SK Fr.Zähringen    7 26 :30    6- 8
11. SV Werder Bremen   7 25 :31    6- 8
12. Erfurter SK        7 25½:30½   5- 9
13. SG Bochum          7 25½:30½   4-10
14. SK Passau          7 22½:33½   3-11
15. Castrop Rauxel     7 25½:30½   2-12
16. SK Viernheim       7 19 :37    2-12

8) FIDE Championships NOT in Vegas

The FIDE Championships, postponed from December until June/July will now not take place in Las Vegas. The organisers have officially terminated their involvement with the project. FIDE will now either have to postpone until 2000, or find another host, most probably Elista. Whether the event will take place in the June dates (which have now more or less been cleared) has to be in doubt too. The silence from FIDE is deafening.

9) Fischer Interview

Bobby Ang reports that "on Thursday 14 January 1999 Bobby Fischer agreed to do an interview with Bombo Radyo (Baguio City) here in the Philippines. This has something to do with the recent auction in the US of his personal belongings and memorabilia. You will understand that only recently both his mother and sister had died, so these were very important to him."

Bobby Ang has converted these interviews into real audio and they can be accessed on the internet. However be aware that many people have found the interviews extremely offensive. is the intro is the interview with Bobby Fischer is the Torre interview following immediately after.

Harris Nizel has already posted it on his web page:

10) 4NCL

The 4NCL Rounds 5 and 6 took place 23-24 January 1999 at the The Birmingham Grand Moat House Hotel, Colmore Row, Birmingham. Full coverage on the 4NCL pages:

Results, Round 5

Bristol 3-5 BCM, Richmond 1-7 Slough, Wood Green 4-4 Wessex, Barbican1 2½-5½ NW Eagles, Barbican2 2-6 Bigwood, Invicta 4½-3½ Home House.

Results, Rd 6

BCM 3½-4½ Barbican1, Bigwood1 4-4 Invicta1, Slough 4½-3½ Wood Green, Home House 6-2 Bristol, NW Eagles 4½-3½ Barbican2, Wessex 2½-5½ Richmond ...

4NCL Division 1
1  Slough 1st          38.5 12
2  Wood Green 1st      27.0  8
3  Invicta Knights 1st 25.5  8
4  Barbican 1st        24.0  8
5  Bigwood 1st         29.5  7
6  Richmond1           21.0  6
7  NW Eagles           20.5  6
8  Barbican 2nds       21.0  4
9  Bristol 1st         20.0  4
10 Wessex              19.5  4
11 Home House          22.0  3
12 BCM                 19.5  2

11) Hamburg Koenigsspringer IM tournament

Rolf Sander reports: From 12th to 20th of January an IM (Cat.5) tournament was held at the Koenigsspringer (king's knight) Club in Hamburg. GM and former senior wm Janis Kovans, IM David Gross and IM Petr Velicka were invited to play against several local players and the young danish brothers Bekker Jensen. The organizers were happy to see two IM norms fulfilled by Carl Christian Buhr from the organizing club and by tournament winner Simon Bekker Jensen. Due to the tight schedule with two double rounds the number of short draws was quite high.

Club Koenigsspringer. have an internet site:

Hamburg GER (GER), I 1999                                 cat. V (2354)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Bekker-Jensen, Simon    DEN 2260  * = 1 = = = 1 = = 1 = 1  7.5  2495
 2 Buhr, Carl Christian    GER 2320  = * 1 = = = = = = = 1 1  7.0  2459
 3 Gustafsson, Jan         GER 2410  0 0 * = 1 1 = 1 = = 1 =  6.5  2414
 4 Velicka, Petr         m CZE 2465  = = = * = = = = = = 1 =  6.0  2380
 5 Gross, David          m CZE 2435  = = 0 = * = = 1 = = 1 =  6.0  2382
 6 Klovans, Janis        m LAT 2465  = = 0 = = * = = = = 1 1  6.0  2380
 7 Lamprecht, Frank      f GER 2395  0 = = = = = * = = 1 0 1  5.5  2350
 8 Wendt, Jan-Dietrich     GER 2295  = = 0 = 0 = = * = 1 = 1  5.5  2359
 9 Pajeken, Wolfgang       GER 2285  = = = = = = = = * 0 = =  5.0  2324
10 Petrosian, Suren        ARM 2375  0 = = = = = 0 0 1 * = =  4.5  2287
11 Bekker-Jensen, David    DEN 2255  = 0 0 0 0 0 1 = = = * =  3.5  2230
12 Lindinger, Markus       GER 2290  0 0 = = = 0 0 0 = = = *  3.0  2185

12) Brasilia Maalox Plus Open

Antonio Bento reports: The Brasilia Maalox Plus Open Tournament was held January 21-24, in Naoum Plaza Hotel - Brasilia City - Brasil. The event was won by Grand Master Jaime Sunye Neto with 6/7 pts. Other top scores: 2/9 m Everaldo Matsuura, m Herman van Riemsdijk m Darcy Gustavo Lima f Jefferson Pelikian, f Rodrigo Disconzi da Silva, Lincoln da Silva Lucena ,g Alejandro Hoffman, Luizmar Jorge de Brito 5.5 pts Full results list is available in the file "". Games will be send later. Best Regards International arbiter Antonio Bento

Brasilia Maalox Plus Open 21-24 jan 1999 - Brasilia city - Brasil
Ranking after round 7 
No.  PNo.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  TPR  W-We
  1.    2  g Jaime Sunye Neto          6.0  33.5  28.00  26.0  2520 2542 +0.12
  2.    6  m Everaldo Matsuura         5.5  33.5  24.75  25.5  2400 2431 +0.18
        5  m Herman C van Riemsdijk    5.5  35.0  26.50  25.0  2405 2428 +0.11
        3  m Darcy Gustavo M V Lima    5.5  32.0  23.75  24.5  2480 2364 -0.73
        4  f Jefferson Pelikian        5.5  32.0  24.00  24.0  2415 2302 -0.66
        7  f Rodrigo Disconzi da Silva 5.5  30.0  21.25  23.5  2355 2326 -0.24
       14  Lincoln da Silva Lucena     5.5  29.5  21.25  23.5  2245 2317 +0.53
        1  g Alejandro Hoffman         5.5  31.5  23.50  22.5  2525 2299 -1.08
       12  Luizmar Jorge de Brito      5.5  29.5  22.25  21.5  2255 2243 -0.06
 10.   17  Adriano Valle de Sousa      5.0  31.5  21.25  22.0  2210 2243 +0.31
        9  f Edson Kenji Tsuboi        5.0  29.5  18.50  22.0  2300 2263 -0.25
       18  Gerson Peres Batista        5.0  27.0  17.75  21.5  2206 2085 -0.86
       15  Davy Maurice D'Israel       5.0  27.5  17.25  21.5  2240 2157 -0.60
       22  Julio Cesar A Ramos         5.0  31.5  21.25  21.5  2082 2249 +1.57
       21  Carlos Alberto Viana Jr     5.0  29.5  18.50  21.0  2111 2174 +0.59
       11  f Ricardo Benares Leitao    5.0  29.0  19.50  21.0  2275 2146 -0.88
       16  Fernando Cesar Frare        5.0  29.0  18.50  20.5  2225 2119 -0.74
       10  f Adriano von P Rodrigues   5.0  26.5  17.00  19.5  2295 2077 -1.00
 19.   25  Agostinho Jose da S Sb      4.5  29.5  14.25  20.5  2059 2163 +0.92
       23  Eduardo Blank Goncalves     4.5  28.0  15.50  20.0  2080 2081 +0.02
       20  Carlos Alessandro A Silva   4.5  27.0  16.75  19.5  2129 1985 -1.17
       34  Helder Gaioso Pinto         4.5  26.5  14.50  19.5  1929 2004 +0.34
       35  Joao Otavio B Demasi        4.5  28.5  15.00  19.5  1924 2044 +0.58
       27  Fernando Vicente Vivaldo    4.5  29.0  18.00  18.5  2039 2028 -0.04
       49  Renan B Monteiro Soares     4.5  27.0  15.00  18.5  1845 2109 +1.06
       56  Caio de Mello Sales         4.5  27.5  15.00  18.5  1800 2156 +1.95
       86  Anmartom Mugabe Martins     4.5  30.0  18.00  18.5  0000 2145 +1.00
       40  Jose Carlos G Vieira        4.5  26.0  16.75  18.0  1914 1872 -0.17
       43  Severino Pereira Januario   4.5  26.5  13.75  18.0  1893 2143 +1.55
       19  Werton Alvarenga Bastos     4.5  24.5  13.25  17.5  2151 1944 -1.52
      112  Ricardo Rizzo C Galvao      4.5  26.0  15.75  17.0  0000 1984 +1.00
       13  Waldemiro S de Andrade      4.5  24.5  14.75  16.0  2250 1877 -2.08
       26  Augusto Cesar R da Silva    4.5  25.5  15.50  15.5  2049 1949 -0.55
 34.   29  Roberto S Lessa Feitosa     4.0  26.5  12.50  18.0  1991 2077 +0.74
       31  Tarcisio C de Carvalho      4.0  26.0  12.50  17.0  1945 2071 +0.90
       82  Sherine Ibrahim Shaaban     4.0  28.0  14.25  17.0  1800 2030 +1.74
       45  Jose E Bernardo Santos      4.0  27.0  12.00  17.0  1879 2001 +0.75
       52  Sergio Carlos M Araujo      4.0  29.0  16.00  16.5  1824 2050 +1.82
       37  Zich Moyses Junior          4.0  25.5  11.75  16.5  1921 1992 +0.60
       30  Luis Henrique P Coelho      4.0  25.0  12.50  16.0  1973 1974 +0.00
       32  Helio Marcio P Coutinho     4.0  22.5  11.00  16.0  1940 1895 -0.26
       84  Valdir Uchoa Ribeiro Jr     4.0  26.5  14.00  15.0  1800 1955 +1.26
       42  Helio Cardoso               4.0  23.5   9.00  15.0  1899 1943 +0.30
       47  Igor Oscar Lutz             4.0  24.0  11.25  14.5  1873 1891 +0.15
       41  Cicero A Cardoso Junior     4.0  20.0   9.50  14.0  1911 2029 +0.47
      111  Renato Sousa Neves          4.0  22.5   9.75  14.0  0000 1839  1839
       62  Fernando Gomes Machado      4.0  21.5   9.50  13.5  1800 1848 -0.01
       66  Halex Campos Butneko        4.0  21.5  10.50  13.0  1800 2079 +1.36
      113  Silvano Rodrigues da Silva  4.0  22.5  12.00  13.0  0000 1866 +0.50
       71  Joao Carlos da Costa        4.0  24.0  10.50  13.0  1800 1824 +0.12
       63  Geraldo Nogueira de Lima    4.0  20.5   8.00  11.0  1800 2220 +0.86
 52.   33  Alexandre Pacheco Saraiva   3.5  27.5  10.25  18.0  1935 1728 -0.86
       53  Jose Gomes da S Filho       3.5  29.0  12.25  17.5  1802 2023 +1.00
       61  Ernesto Guevara B Reis      3.5  28.5  13.00  17.5  1800 1996 +1.36
       90  Cassio Rota                 3.5  26.0  11.75  17.0  0000 1976  1976
       55  Artur Jose Soares Matos     3.5  24.5  11.25  16.0  1800 1877 +0.32
       39  Ricardo da Silva Rabello    3.5  25.0   8.25  15.5  1915 2021 +0.70
       57  Claudio Jose Ferreira       3.5  26.5  10.75  15.0  1800 1760 -0.13
       72  Jose G Lima Rodrigues       3.5  25.5  10.75  14.0  1800 1923 +0.94
       58  Danilo E Neves Rosa         3.5  23.5   9.75  14.0  1800 1747 -0.12
       64  Gilsomar Silva Barbalho     3.5  23.5   8.25  13.5  1800 1750 -0.18
      110  Raul di Sergi Baylao        3.5  23.0  12.25  13.0  0000 1892 +0.50
       81  Pedro Vieira de Sousa       3.5  25.0  10.25  13.0  1800 1848 +0.34
      121  Werner C J Becker           3.5  23.0   9.00  13.0  0000 1743  1743
       54  Alexandre Pinto de Miranda  3.5  20.5   7.75  12.5  1800 1812 +0.02
       95  Danilo Nunes Vasconcelos    3.5  24.0  12.00  12.0  0000 1868  1868
 67.   28  Guilherme Bueno de Paula    3.0  28.5  10.00  17.0  2000 1862 -0.68
       46  Gilmar Dias Machado         3.0  26.5   9.00  15.0  1876 1457 -0.54
       51  Jose Luiz Dischinger        3.0  25.5   8.00  15.0  1833 1342 -1.04
       50  Jose Domingos Ramacciotti   3.0  27.0  11.25  14.5  1843 1767 -0.25
       44  Sergio Renato Rastoldo      3.0  23.5   8.25  13.5  1885 1792 -0.38
       96  Diego Lima Wilhelms         3.0  24.5   9.75  13.0  0000 1792  1792
       59  Emiliano Piskator A Silva   3.0  23.5   7.00  13.0  1800 1360 -0.40
       67  Henrique Camara Ferreira    3.0  22.0   4.00  12.0  1800 1429 -0.56
       69  Ivo Pereira de Arruda Fo    3.0  23.0   5.00  12.0  1800 1416 -0.60
       94  Daniel Rehfeld              3.0  24.0   8.50  12.0  0000 1727  1727
       73  Jose Gomes da Silva         3.0  25.0  10.00  12.0  1800 1826 +0.12
       38  Jose Pacifico de Lima Fo    3.0  22.5   5.00  12.0  1920 1328 -1.14
       91  Cicero Ricardo F Farias     3.0  23.5   9.00  12.0  0000 1749  1749
       92  Cristiano Leandro Oliveira  3.0  22.5   6.75  12.0  0000 1738  1738
       76  Mauro Rogerio P de Araujo   3.0  23.0   8.50  11.5  1800 1313 -0.75
       87  Annielo Olinto G Greco Jr   3.0  25.5   9.00  11.0  0000 1768  1768
       89  Carlos Ramos Villares       3.0  25.0   9.50  11.0  0000 1703  1703
      107  Marcelo Bruno Rodrigues     3.0  22.5   9.00  11.0  0000 1796  1796
       48  Wagner Silva Meira          3.0  20.0   5.50  11.0  1848 1361 -0.50
      117  Thales Braghini Leao        3.0  17.5   4.75   9.5  0000 1728  1728
       93  Daniel Martins C Preta      3.0  20.0   4.75   9.0  0000 1616  1616
       80  Paulo G Teixeira Freire     3.0  21.5  10.50   9.0  1800 2129 +0.38
      119  Ubirajara Jardim            3.0  18.5   5.00   8.0  0000 1800  1800
      106  Lenita Leite Pinho          3.0  18.5   5.50   8.0  0000 1626  1626
 91.   36  Milton Goncalves Sanchez    2.5  28.0   7.75  13.5  1922 1894 -0.20
       75  Luis Horacio S Vieira       2.5  23.0   4.50  11.0  1800 1355 -0.63
       77  Maximiliano do R Barros     2.5  25.0   7.00  10.0  1800 1553 -0.14
       65  Gustavo Soares Gollo        2.5  23.0   7.50   9.5  1800 1738 -0.02
      100  Joao Batista Rodrigues      2.5  23.5   6.25   9.5  0000 1548  1548
      105  Jose Soares da Silva        2.5  19.0   4.50   8.5  0000 1576  1576
       88  Antonio Vivacqua Belotti    2.5  16.0   5.75   7.5  0000 1782 0    
       74  Jose Ribamar Assuncao       2.5  19.5   3.75   6.0  1800 1568 -0.06
      109  Pedro Batista Oliveira      2.5  20.0   3.75   6.0  0000 1489  1489
100.  101  Joao Paulo G Puljiz         2.0  23.5   6.50  10.0  0000 1687  1687
       79  Nirce Neves Barreto         2.0  20.5   3.00   9.0  1800 1324 -0.72
       83  Tiago Batista de Oliveira   2.0  23.5   5.00   9.0  1800 1265 -1.24
      115  Sued Oliveira Gomes         2.0  20.5   4.00   9.0  0000 1670  1670
      114  Simao P Dias                2.0  21.0   3.75   7.0  0000 1123  1123
       68  Igor Damasceno Reis         2.0  19.5   3.25   6.5  1800 1678 -0.03
       97  Felipe B Rabello            2.0  18.5   1.00   6.0  0000 1183  1183
      104  Jose Augusto Ferreira       2.0  17.5   3.50   6.0  0000 1528  1528
       99  George Washington R Santos  2.0  19.0   1.75   5.0  0000 1583  1583
      102  Jonas Lima dos Santos       2.0  18.0   1.00   4.0  0000 1148  1148
110.   24  Marcos Maldonado Roland     1.5  27.5  15.75  10.0  2080 1993 -0.18
      103  Jose Arlindo do Carmo       1.5  24.0   5.25   7.0  0000 1623  1623
      108  Marcos Barra Soares         1.5  19.0   4.50   6.5  0000 1661  1661
      116  Tellio Arrais Lima          1.5  19.0   2.50   5.0  0000 1123 0    
       98  Gabriel de O Becker         1.5  17.5   1.25   3.0  0000 1200 0    
115.   60  Erasmo de Castro Leite Jr   1.0  25.5  13.50   7.0  1800  -   +0.00
       85  Wilson Queiroz Pessoa       1.0  20.0   3.50   6.0  1800 1269 -0.90
       70  Januario Pereira do Couto   1.0  21.5   6.25   5.5  1800 1618 -0.04
      120  Valbert Alves de Melo       1.0  15.0   2.25   5.0  0000 1123  1123
119.    8  Paulo Cesar de S Haro       0.0  24.5  12.25   0.0  2305  -   +0.00
       78  Miguel Arcanjo Batista      0.0  16.5   1.00   0.0  1800 1529 -0.08
      118  Tiago F Vasconcellos        0.0  18.0   6.25   0.0  0000 1123 0    

13) Virginia Open

Michael Atkins reports: 131 players participated in this years Virginia Open held in Fredericksburg. The Open section had a three way tie for first at 4-1 with IM Adrian Negulescu, FM Emory Tate and NM Leonid Filatov. At 3.5/5 in a six way tie for 4th and 4th/ class prizes were IMs Richard Delaune and Larry Kaufman, NM Stan Fink, Frank Gomez, Ron Nichols and Marvin Lazo. Lance Rackham took clear first in the 94 player Amateur section with 5.5/6 Tied for second with 5-1 were Jamarl Thomas, Marvin Wilson, Stephen Jablon and David Prevost.

14) Forthcoming Events

Chess Survey

Dr. Tor Rønnow of Denmark is carrying out a survey of chess players. The purpose of the survey is to investigate, whether certain profiles can be ascribed to strong players as opposed to weaker players - then it might be clear, what the weaker players need to care about if they want to improve their game.

Kasparov - Anand Advanced Chess Match

The second edition of Advanced Chess will be held in Leon from 11 to 14 of June 1999, it will be a match between Number 1 and Number 2 of the World in the current official ELO ratings, Gary Kasparov and Wiswanathan Anand. They will be helped by powerful computers and the German program FRITZ5, World Champion of Chess Programs. Last year in León, it was the first time that a match of this kind was played, between Kasparov and the GM Topalov, it finished 3 to 3 and it was a big success. The spectators can look at all what the players analyse with Fritz 5, their evaluation, way of search the best moves, doubts, etc., through the monitors, and besides, thanks to the comments of strong Spanish players like GM Miguel Illescas and GM Felix Izeta, they receive clear explanations of the moves, so the spectators can obtain a complete information of all the interesting things of the games. The match will also be transmitted on line to the Internet.

The sponsors of this match are: AYUNTAMIENTO DE LEÓN, DIPUTACIÓN PROVINCIAL, JUNTA DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN Y UNIVERSIDAD DE LEÓN, joined with : IBERIA, LLADRÓ, LA CAIXA, AB ASESORES AND CHESSBASE. Thanks to all of them this match is possible, the budget is 22.500.000 pesetas.

Schedule of Kasparov - Anand Leon 1999 Advanced Chess. LEON From 11th to 14th of JUNE 1999

Thursday 10.- Arrival of both players. 20.00 h .- Kasparov’s Press Conference. 20.30 h.- Anand’s Press Conference.

Friday 11.- 16.30 h.- Beginning of 1st Game. 18.45 h.- Beginning of 2nd Game. 21.00 h.- Kasparov’s Press Conference. 21.10 h.- Anand’s Press Conference.

Saturday 12 .- 16.30h.- Beginning of 3rd Game. 18.30h.- Break. 18.45h.- Beginning of 4th Game. 21.00h.- Kasparov‘s Press Conference. 21.10h.- Anand’s Press Conference.

Sunday 13 .- 16.30h.- Beginning of 5th Game. 18.30h.- Break. 18.45h.- Beginning of 6th Game 21.00h.- Kasparov’s Press Conference. 21.10h.- Anand’s Press Conference.

Monday 14.- 12.30 h.- Closing ceremony and Prize Giving. 13.30 h.- Press Conference. 18.30 h.- Exhibition of Anand against local players at the University of Leon.

First Saturday February

The February First Saturday chesss tournament will take place in Budapest from 6th of February. There are four events:

1. GM closed tournament cat.VII-VIII. for the GM-norms,/10-14 participants/, 2. IM-closed tmt cat.I-III. for the IM-norms,/10-14 players/, 3. ELO-closed tmt for the ratings,/minimally 9 games/ 4. Scheveningen system tmt for the nonrated players who wants to make ELO- ratings /9 games/.

Contact: Nagy, Laszlo, the organizer Tel-fax: (361)-2632859 E-mail: Webpage:

QVB Qantas Challenge

The QVB Qantas Challenge IM tournament starts today, with several Australian and overseas players competing for the chance to gain an IM-norm result. Final results of the QVB Open weekender will appear soon.