THE WEEK IN CHESS 22 05.03.95 Mark Crowther. ------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Anand - Kamsky Las Palmas 3) 13th Linares SuperGM Tournament 4) The Pan Pacific International by Eric Schiller 5) Sonnevanck-Tournament. Wijk Aan Zee. 6) Cappelle Le Grand - France 7) LOMAS DE ZAMORA INTL.OPEN by Roberto Gabriel Alvarez 8) Championships of Hungary and Debrecen by Szabo Zsolt 9) Varsity Chess Match. 1995. 10) Studies and Problems Section STUDIES by Wlodek ProskurowskiCHESS PROBLEMS, by Brian Stephenson 11) Tournament calendar by Michael Niermann. 12) GAMES SECTION Linares SuperGM Tournament 21 games Clarin Grand Prix Tournament in Lomas de Zamora Argentina 6 games Sonnevanck Tournament 2 games Cappelle Le Grand International Open 3 games Oxford-Cambridge Match 8 games Bundesliga 1 game Pan Pacific International Chess Tournament 48 games Championship of Hungary 66 games Championship of Debrecen - Feb 1995. 55 games 1) Introduction --------------- My thanks to Bob Wade, Eric Schiller, Jay Whitley, Norbert Friedrich, Roberto Gabriel Alvarez, Szabo Zsolt, Wlodek Proskurowski, Brian Stephenson and Michael Niermann for their help in preparing this issue. (I hope I haven't left any one out.) The production of this issue was not as smooth as I had hoped so I apologies for any mistakes in advance. Particularly important was Bob Wade's help with catching up with the gamescores with Linares (which he faxed to me this morning along with the games from the Varsity match) however I didn't choose the best method in dealing with electronic faxes so there may be some errors in my entry of the games for which I apologies in advance. I will check them at my leasure this week. Any queries will be greatfully received and checked. I had hoped to say a bit more about the match of the decade (so far!), Anand - Kamsky but that will have to wait until next week (particularly useful as I haven't a clue how to even start predicting this match!) Also the final moves from the Pan Pacific (Post adjournment of Christiansen-Nunn (4) will also follow next week) Anyway, a games packed issue, so as Yasser says: "Enjoy!" Mark Crowther 2) Anand - Kamsky Las Palmas ---------------------------- Probably the most eagerly antisipated and unpredicable match of the year starts in Las Palmas this week. The final of the PCA Candidates permits the winner to challenge Kasparov for his title. The start date is given as March 8th which will probably be the opening ceremony with March 9th being the first day's play. There will be coverage of this match in TWIC obviously, starting next week. I will probably have updates (and continued updates to Linares) at my www site in the meantime.) 3) 13th Linares SuperGM Tournament. -------------------------------- Feb. 28th (Opening ceremony) Play 1st March - 18th March 1995. Playing hours: 15-00 to 23-00 (CET = GMT+1) There are no adjournments. Dates: (All March) Round (1) 1st (2) 2nd (3) 3rd (4) 5th (5) 6th (6) 7th (7) 8th (8) 10th (9) 12th (10) 13th (11) 14th (12) 16th (13) 17th Category 17 ------------- 1) Karpov, Anatoly RUS 2765 g 2) Shirov, Alexei LAT 2710 g 3) Ivanchuk, Vassily UKR 2700 g 4) Lautier, Joel FRA 2655 g 5) Akopian, Vladimir ARM 2655 g 6) Short, Nigel D. ENG 2655 g 7) Beliavsky, Alexander G UKR 2650 g 8) Dreev, Alexey RUS 2650 g 9) Sokolov, Ivan BIH 2645 g 10) Khalifman, Alexander RUS 2635 g 11) Topalov, Veselin BUL 2630 g 12) Tiviakov, Sergei RUS 2625 g 13) Illescas Cordoba, Miguel ESP 2595 g 14) Ljubojevic, Ljubomir YUG 2580 g A slightly below strength event (for Linares) started on March 1st. Thanks to Bob Wade I now have the games from the first three rounds. (please see my note about the games below however.) It is reported that Shirov who lives in Barcelona has applied to become a naturalised Spanish citizen. *************************************************** CORRECTION. This turned out not to be the case: (I believe that Salov (Valdemaquada) and Ljubojevic (Linares) are also going through this process) *************************************************** RESULTS ---------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 1 - 1 March 1995 ------------------------ Karpov 1/2 Shirov Khalifman 1/2 Illescas Lautier 1-0 Sokolov Ivanchuk 1/2 Short Topalov 1-0 Akopian Beliavsky 1-0 Tiviakov Ljubojevic 1/2 Dreev Please note that these quick results will not be possible regularly. The day after is more likely. Round 2 - 2 March 1995 -------------------- Illescas 1/2 Shirov Dreev 1/2 Karpov Tiviakov 1/2 Ljubojevic Akopian 0-1 Beliavsky Short 0-1 Topalov Sokolov 1/2 Ivanchuk Khalifman 1-0 Lautier ROUND 2 STANDINGS ----------------- 1 Beliavsky, Topalov 2 3 Khalifman. 1.5 4 Lautier, Illescas, Ljubojevic, 1 Shirov, Ivanchuk, Dreev, Karpov 11 Sokolov, Tiviakov, Short 0,5 14 Akopian 0 ROUND 3 - 3 March 1995 -------------------------- Lautier 0-1 Illescas Ivanchuk 1/2 Khalifman Topalov 1-0 Sokolov Beliavsky 1-0 Short Ljubojevic 1/2 Akopian Karpov 1/2 Tiviakov Shirov 1/2 Dreev ROUND 3 STANDINGS ----------------- 1 Beliavsky, Topalov 3 3 Khalifman, Illescas 2 5 Ljubojevic, Shirov, Ivanchuk, Dreev 1.5 Karpov 10 Lautier, Tiviakov 1 12 Sokolov, Short, Akopian 0.5 ROUND 4 - 5th March 1995 ------------------------------- Illescas 1/2 Dreev Tiviakov 1/2 Shirov Akopian 1/2 Karpov Sokolov 1/2 Beliavsky Khalifman 1/2 Topalov Short 1-0 Ljubojevic Lautier 0-1 Ivanchuk ROUND 4 STANDINGS ----------------- 1 Beliavsky, Topalov 3.5 3 Khalifman, Illescas ,Ivanchuk 2.5 6 Shirov, Dreev, Karpov 2 9 Ljubojevic, Tiviakov, Short 1.5 12 Sokolov, Lautier, Akopian 1 GAMES ------ Please inform me of any possible errors in these gamescores. I have made slight changes to Karpov 1/2 Shirov (1) to that which I posted earlier. It needs checking. Bob Wade was kind enough to fax (a first for me) me the games from the first three rounds. I then proceded to choose one of the slowest, dumbest methods of entering the games. I will check them later in the week, but there may be some errors. Linares 1995 Pairings Table ---------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 KHA LAU IVA TOP BEL LJU KAR SHI DRE TIV AKO SHO SOK ILL 1 Khalifman X 2w 3b 4w 5b 6w 7b 8w 9b 10w 11b 12w 13b 1w 2 Lautier 2b X 4w 5b 6w 7b 8w 9b 10w 11b 12w 13b 1w 3w 3 Ivanchuk 3w 4b X 6w 7b 8w 9b 10w 11b 12w 13b 1w 2b 5w 4 Topalov 4b 5w 6b X 8w 9b 10w 11b 12w 13b 1w 2b 3w 7w 5 Beliavsky 5w 6b 7w 8b X 10w 11b 12w 13b 1w 2b 3w 4b 9w 6 Ljubojevic 6b 7w 8b 9w 10b X 12w 13b 1w 2b 3w 4b 5w 11w 7 Karpov 7w 8b 9w 10b 11w 12b X 1w 2b 3w 4b 5w 6b 13w 8 Shirov 8b 9w 10b 11w 12b 13w 1b X 3w 4b 5w 6b 7w 2b 9 Dreev 9w 10b 11w 12b 13w 1b 2w 3b X 5w 6b 7w 8b 4b 10 Tiviakov 10b 11w 12b 13w 1b 2w 3b 4w 5b X 7w 8b 9w 6b 11 Akopian 11w 12b 13w 1b 2w 3b 4w 5b 6w 7b X 9w 10b 8b 12 Short 12b 13w 1b 2w 3b 4w 5b 6w 7b 8w 9b X 11w 10b 13 Sokolov 13w 1b 2w 3b 4w 5b 6w 7b 8w 9b 10w 11b X 12b 14 Illescas 1b 3b 5b 7b 9b 11b 13b 2w 4w 6w 8w 10w 12w X 4) The Pan Pacific International by Eric Schiller --------------------------------------------------- The Pan Pacific International is sponsored by Mindscape, and the Mechanics Institute. Bank of America, Sutro Corporation, Dean Witter and Smith Barney have also provided significant support for the event. Bulletin Editor William C. Haines. (Jay Whitley produced some tournament tables.) Venue: Holiday Inn, 750 Kearny Street, San Francisco. --------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 5 25/02/95 ----------------- Huebner 0-1 Korchnoi Ashley 0-1 Nunn Xie Jun 1/2 Gulko DeFirmian 1/2 Christiansen Polgar 1-0 Tisdall Browne 0-1 Waitzkin It was a bloody day, with four decisive games out of six. Additional evidence of the fighting nature of the entire tournament may be found by noting that the shortest game of the round was a victory for Black after just eighteen moves in the game between Viktor Korchnoi and Robert Huebner. This, combined with the draw in the battle between Women's World Champion Xie Jun and United States Champion Boris Gulko created a first place tie between Gulko and Korchnoi just after the midway point in the 1995 Pan Pacific International. These games involving the veterans overshadowed the finest day yet for the youngest participants, as Joshua Waitzkin (18) upset six-time United States Champion Walter Browne and Zsofia Polgar defeated Jonathan Tisdall. Only Maurice Ashley slipped up, losing to John Nunn, who is clearly showing the form that made him one of the most dangerous opponents of the 1980s. To Maurice's credit, he has handled his poor start stoically and remained in good cheer throughout. ROUND 6 26/02/95 ----------------- Nunn 1-0 Xie Jun Gulko 1/2 Browne Christiansen 1-0 Ashley Tisdall 0-1 Huebner Waitzkin 1/2 Polgar Korchnoi 1/2 DeFirmian The Mechanics Institute, one of the main sponsors of the event, is home to one of the oldest and busiest chess clubs in America. John Nunn's brilliant play against Xie Jun will no doubt be replayed there many times during the coming weeks. A model of proper play in the Spanish Game, White's attack was launched by a powerful move which was cunningly prepared well before the exchange of pieces in the center. The victory brought Nunn into a first-place tie. Boris Gulko was content to split the point with Walter Browne after his blockade of Browne's isolated queen pawn did not have sufficient support to win it. Viktor Korchnoi obtained the bishop pair against Nick deFirmian, but eventually the minor pieces came off and a rook and pawn endgame was peacefully concluded. The game between Jonathan Tisdall and Robert Huebner was also memorable, but this time it was Black who broke through and now Huebner is one point behind the leaders. He is joined by Larry Christiansen, who defeated Maurice Ashley by exploiting the bishop pair through opening up the game and then bringing his rooks into position to control the back ranks. Joshua Waitzkin and Zsofia Polgar battled hard, and the young players engaged in a tactical brawn where White's pawn on the seventh rank was balanced by Black's rook and queen on the opposite side of the board. A draw was finally agreed. Standings: Gulko (USA), Korchnoi (SWZ) Nunn (ENG) 4.5 Huebner (GER), Christiansen (USA) 3.5 DeFirmian (USA), Xie Jun (PRC) 3 Browne (USA), Waitzkin (USA) 2.5 Polgar (HUN) 2 Tisdall (NOR) 1.5 Ashley (USA) 1 ROUND 7 27/02/95 ----------------- DeFirmian 1/2 Tisdall Huebner 1/2 Waitzkin Polgar 1/2 Gulko Browne 0-1 Nunn Xie Jun 1-0 Ashley Korchnoi 1/2 Christiansen Standings : Nunn (ENG) 5.5 Gulko (USA) and Korchnoi (SWZ) 5 Christiansen (USA) and Huebner (GER) 4 DeFirmian (USA) and Xie Jun (PRC) 3.5 Waitzkin 3 Browne (USA) and Polgar (HUN) 2.5 Tisdall (NOR) 2 Ashley (USA) 1 John Nunn of London, England took sole possession of first place in the seveth round of Mindscape's Pan-Pacific International Chess Championship in San Francisco with a score of 5.5 out of 8. This will surely please the members of the Mechanics Institute, co-sponsor of the event, since the worldwide Mechanics Institute movement originated in England. Nunn defeated six-time United States Champion Walter Browne when the latter overstepped the time limit before he could make his 60th move. Nunn had enjoyed the advantage of an extra pawn for much of the game, but experts commented that in the final position a draw would have been an almost inevitable conclusion. The other decisive game saw Women's World Champion Grandmaster Xie Jun of China defeat International Master Maurice Ashley, a Jamaican-born resident of Brooklyn, NY. She battled with queen against Ashley's pair of rooks, but managed to win additional pawns, secure her king, and won at move 66. Eighteen year-old International Master Joshua Waitzkin (NY) held his own against German Grandmaster Robert Huebner in a wild affair. Viktor Korchnoi remained in contention just a half-point back of Nunn, but might have kept up the pace had he not missed a chance against Larry Christiansen at move 27. The game was agreed drawn 35 moves later. United States Champion Boris Gulko is also tied for second place after drawing with Zsofia Polgar (HUN). Pan-Pacific International Report on Round 8, played Wednesday, March 1, 1995. by Eric Schiller, Press Officer ROUND 8 01/03/95 ----------------- Tisdall 0-1 Korchnoi Gulko 1-0 Huebner Waitzkin 0-1 DeFirmian Christiansen 1/2 Xie Jun Ashley 1/2 Browne Nunn 1/2 Polgar Standings after 8 rounds : Gulko (USA), Korchnoi (SWZ) and Nunn (ENG) 6 Christiansen (USA), DeFirmian (USA), and Xie Jun (PRC) 4.5 Huebner (GER) 4 Browne (USA), Polgar (HUN) and Waitzkin 3 Tisdall (NOR) 2 Ashley (USA) 1.5 England's John Nunn played it safe today, and when he was unable to gain any significant advantage against Zsofia Polgar (HUN) the game concluded peacefully on move 19. This was one of the very few short draws in Mindscape's Pan-Pacific International. This allowed Boris Gulko and Viktor Korchnoi to climb back into a three-way tie for first place at the Mindscape Pan Pacific International Chess Tournament. Gulko defeated German Grandmaster Robert Huebner. Korchnoi defeated Norwegian International Master Jonathan Tisdall when the latter fell into time pressure after obtaining another good position with the White pieces. Maurice Ashley had an extra pawn against Walter Browne in an endgame with bishops of opposite colors, but remains in last place since there was no way to convert the material into a winning advantage. Josh Waitzkin had an exciting game once again, but Nick deFirmian prevailed in a wild finish. Larry Christiansen dominated the queenside early and pressured Xie Jun well into the third and final time control with Christiansen enjoying the advantage of an extra pawn, but Xie Jun defended reourcefully, eventually sacrificing a knight to earn a draw. With three rounds to go, none of the aspirants for Grandmaster norms have any chance to achive them here, but all four International Masters continue to battle hard in every game. The game between Zsofia Polgar and Womens World Champion Xie Jun, their first ever, is eagerly awaited. Josh Waitzkin, the lowest ranked tournament, is exceeding expections and Jon Tisdall is still trying to break his streak of bad luck. Pan-Pacific International Report on Round 9, played Thursday, March 2, 1995. by Eric Schiller, Press Officer Korchnoi takes lead. Tisdall and Ashley finally win one. ROUND 9 02/03/95 ----------------- Korchnoi 1-0 Waitzkin DeFirmian 1-0 Gulko Tisdall 1-0 Christiansen Polgar 0-1 Ashley Huebner 1/2 Nunn Browne 1/2 Xie Jun Standings after 9 rounds : Korchnoi (SWZ) 7 Nunn (ENG) 6.5 Gulko (USA) 6 DeFirmian (USA) 5.5 Xie Jun (PRC) 5 Christiansen (USA) and Huebner (GER) 4.5 Browne (USA) 3.5 Tisdall (NOR),Polgar (HUN) and Waitzkin 3 Ashley (USA) 2.5 What a round! Mindscape's Pan Pacific International continues to defy the norm of round robin tournaments, where short draws are usually plentiful and decisive games are rare. In round nine there were four decisive results, and even the two drawn games ran more than 50 moves and were hard fought battles. Viktor Korchnoi demonstrated that he is not running out of steam as he took control of first place with a solid victory over Josh Waitzkin, who castled at move 8, logically enough, instead of equalizing with 8...Nd4! As he remarked after the post-mortem, who would think that castling by Black would lead to a positional advantage for White? John Nunn had to struggle to maintain his second place position, holding a pawn-down endgame with rooks and bishops of opposite colors against Robert Huebner. United States Champion Boris Gulko had what looked like a promising position, but Nick deFirmian correctly evaluated it as better for White thoughout and scored the full point with some nice tactical flourishes. Most onlookers had thought that Gulko was likely to win, but the post-mortem proved them wrong. Jonathan Tisdall finally notched up a point with a fine win over Larry Christiansen. Though in deep time trouble as usual, he hurdled the time control with just a few seconds to spare. Maurice Ashley also picked himself off the floor and resisted Zsofia Polgar's speculative attack and hung on to convert his bishop and two pawns vs. rook material advantage. Walter Browne had a fine-looking position against Xie Jun, and even in the king and pawn ending many strong players were forecasting a win for him, but the Womens' World Champion hung tough and in the end the point was split. There are only two rounds remaining, and Korchnoi and Nunn are the clear favorites. But there is a complication. Korchnoi must still face Gulko and Nunn, while Nunn also has deFirmian to contend with. Any of those players could still wind up in first place when the event ends. While those men battle for the championship, Friday sees the first ever confrontation between Zsofia Polgar, who never plays in women's tournaments, and Xie Jun, the Women's World Champion. The players have enjoyed the full flavor of San Francisco, from its fine dining, fine wines (contributed by Robert Mondavi Wineries) and microbrewery beers and ales from a variety of local establishements, to the cultural and touristic highlight. Depending on mood and inclination, the players could be found on a boat trip around the Bay, cable car tours, the new Museum of Modern art, San Francisco's famed shopping districts and even a Grateful Dead Mardi Gras concert. Pan-Pacific International Report on Round 10, played Friday, March 3, 1995. by Eric Schiller, Press Officer All draws, some exciting, some not, some just long. ROUND 10 03/03/95 ----------------- Korchnoi 1/2 Gulko Nunn 1/2 DeFirmian Christiansen 1/2 Browne Ashley 1/2 Huebner Xie Jun 1/2 Polgar Browne 1/2 Xie Jun Waitzkin 1/2 Tisdall Standings after 10 rounds (one to go): Korchnoi (SWZ) 7.5 Nunn (ENG) 7 Gulko (USA) 6.5 DeFirmian (USA) 6 Xie Jun (PRC) 5.5 Christiansen (USA) and Huebner (GER) 5 Browne (USA) 4 Tisdall (NOR), Polgar (HUN) and Waitzkin 3.5 Ashley (USA) 3 Not much to describe today. The long-anticipated Xie Jun vs, Polgar battle saw Polgar equalize without difficulty, so Xie Jun bailed out with a draw. Huebner tried to make progress by torturing Ashley in a queen and pawn endgame, but Maurice hung tough and earned his half point. Korchnoi made some early progress on the queenside, but Gulko defended well. The remaining games were also concluded peacefully. So Korchnoi is in control of the tournament with one round to go, but Nunn has a chance to overtake him, since they face each other in the final round. However that game ends, one of them must have at least 8 points, and that leaves Gulko and deFirmian aiming for third place. Pan-Pacific International Report on Final Round (11), played Saturday, March 4, 1995. by Eric Schiller, Press Officer All draws, some exciting, some not, some just long. Round 11 4 March 1995: ----------------------- Korchnoi 1/2 Nunn deFirmian 1/2 Ashley Tisdall 0-1 Gulko Waitzkin 1/2 Christiansen Browne 1-0 Polgar Huebner 1-0 Xie Jun Pan-Pacific International 21 Feb - 4 March 1995 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Viktor Korchnoi SUI 2635 g # = = = 1 = = = 1 1 1 1 8 2 Boris F Gulko USA 2595 g = # = 0 1 1 = = 1 1 = 1 7.5 3 John D M Nunn ENG 2630 g = = # = = = 1 1 = 1 = 1 7.5 4 Nick E DeFirmian USA 2590 g = 1 = # 0 = = = 1 = 1 = 6.5 5 Robert Huebner GER 2620 g 0 0 = 1 # = 1 = = = = 1 6 6 Larry M Christiansen USA 2570 g = 0 = = = # = = = 1 1 0 5.5 7 Xie Jun (GM) CHN 2555 g = = 0 = 0 = # = 1 1 = = 5.5 8 Walter S Browne USA 2560 g = = 0 = = = = # 0 = 1 = 5 9 Joshua Waitzkin USA 2435 m 0 0 = 0 = = 0 1 # = = = 4 10 Maurice Ashley USA 2460 m 0 0 0 = = 0 0 = = # 1 = 3.5 11 Sofia Polgar HUN 2500 g 0 = = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 # 1 3.5 12 Jonathan D Tisdall NOR 2470 m 0 0 0 = 0 1 = = = = 0 # 3.5 Last rounds in round-robin events normally have a few quick draws but not here. Every one of the games was a long, hard fought battle. John Nunn tried to mix things up as Black against Viktor Korchnoi, needing a win to overtake the veteran. Nunn got a nice game but had to settle for a draw. "He's a resouceful guy", John remarked after the game. For Korchnoi one of his greatest tournament victories in many years. At +5 in a category 13 event Korchnoi enjoyed himself thoroughly in his San Francisco debut. Nunn was joined at 7.5 by United States Champion Boris Gulko, who defeated Jonathan Tisdall, relegating the latter to a share of last place. The ladies also suffered, Zsofia Polgar losing to Walter Browne and Xie Jun dropping the point to Robert Huebner. Maurice Ashley and Josh Waitzkin fared better, splitting the point with Nick deFirmian and Larry Christiansen respectively. Josh won the "battle of the IMs" with his four points, while the others wound up on the floor. Still it was a valuable experience for all the young players, and the result was not far off the expected scores according to their ratings. An overflow crowd packed the playing hall, following the play on large-screen monitors using Chessmaster 4000 software to display the games. International Master John Grefe provided analysis of games in progress. They started arriving early to see the final leg of the Chessmaster Youth Challenge, won by Vinay Bhat (see separate posting). Those who could not come to the event have been enjoying television news stories on the events on KPIX (CBS) and KRON (NBC), with additional stories about to appear on KGO (ABC) and Inside Out (Sportschannel), which is scheduled to air on Wednesday (we'll post the time when we get it). British readers followed daily reports in the Times and Telegraph. But most of the world got their news right here in The 1995 Pan-Pacific International is sponsored by Mindscape, makers of Chessmaster 4000, together with the Mechanics Institute. This event celebrates the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. Play continues through March 4th. Additional sponsors were Sutro & Co., Hypermodern Press, American Chess Foundation, Bank of America, Dean Witter Reynolds, Smith-Barney, Robert Mondavi Wineries. Major personal financial contibutions were made by Robin Williams (yes, that one!), Willie Brown (Speaker of the House of the State of California), James Eade, Neil E. Falconer and Mark Pinto. We are also grateful to Mervin Field, Vince McCambridge, George McGough, Thomas O'Connell, Danny Olim and Frank C. Ruys for further support, as well as to numerous individuals who helped out with time, money and other assistance. George Koltanowski and Carolyn Withitt served as tournament directors. Tom Dorsch was the assistant tournament director, William C. Haines produced the daily bulletins, and I (Eric Schiller) acted as Press Officer. Glenn Hendrickson of Mindscape was on-site for much of the event and provided valuable logistical support and helped out in many different ways. Mindscape (formerly Software Toolworks) is the maker of the popular Chessmaster computer chess programs. Their sponsorship of this event continues a long tradition of support championship-level competitions in the United States. The current version of their product, Chessmaster 4000, is being used to display the games to the public, tied for first place in the Chessmaster Youth Challenge which concluded Saturday, just before the final round of the Pan-Pacific International. A separate post will be devoted to that event, but the final scores were Chessmaster 4000 and Vinay Bhat (4-2), Jennie Frenklakh and Jordy Mont-Reynaud (2-4). Games from the Final Round (Bulletin Editor William C. Haines) will be posted a little later, together with the finish of the Christiansen-Nunn game from round 4, which was finally deciphered with the help of the players. If enjoyed these reports, you might want to let the following people know: Chief Organizer Jim Eade ( Chessmaster team from Mindscape ( Carlos Justiniano will not only be grateful for the thanks, but you can also tell him what features you would like to see included (or, heaven forbid, excluded) in future editions of the Chessmaster program. Back when they were known as Software Toolworks, they used to sponsor other chess events, including several US Championships. Should they continue to bring these wonderful tournaments to the chess community? If you think so, let them know. And if there is anything else you'd like me to post about, just drop me a line at! -------------------------------------------------------- 5) Sonnevanck-Tournament. Wijk Aan Zee. ----------------------------------- ROUND 6 Monday 27/02/95 ----------------------------------------- Lubomir Ftacnik 1-0 Friso Nijboer Igor Glek 1-0 Liafbern Riemersma Jeroen Bosch 1/2 Eric Van Den Doel Julius Armas 1-0 Peter Wells Johan Van Mil 1-0 Jop Delemarre ROUND 7 Tuesday 28/02/95 ---------------------------------------- Friso Nijboer 0-1 Igor Glek Jop Delemarre 0-1 Lubomir Ftacnik Eric Van Den Doel 1-0 Julius Armas Peter Wells 1/2 Johan Van Mil Liafbern Riemersma 0-1 Jeroen Bosch ROUND 8 Wednesday 01/03/95 ---------------------------------------- Lubomir Ftacnik 1/2 Igor Glek Jeroen Bosch 0-1 Friso Nijboer Julius Armas 0-1 Liafbern Riemersma Johan Van Mil 1-0 Eric Van Den Doel Jop Delemarre 1/2 Peter Wells ROUND 9 Thursday 02/03/96 ---------------------------------------- Peter Wells 0-1 Lubomir Ftacnik Eric Van Den Doel 0-1 Jop Delemarre Liafbern Riemersma 1-0 Johan Van Mil Friso Nijboer 1-0 Julius Armas Igor Glek 1-0 Jeroen Bosch FINAL STANDINGS. ------------------ 1. Nijboer, Friso NED 2510 g 7 2. Ftacnik, Lubomir SVK 2605 g 6.5 3. Glek, Igor V RUS 2590 g 6 4. Van Mil, Johannes NED 2475 m 5 5. Wells, Peter K ENG 2530 g 4.5 Delemarre, Jop NED 2235 4.5 7. Bosch, Jeroen NED 2425 m 4 8. Van Den Doel, Erik NED 2305 3 Armas, Julius FRA 2415 m 2.5 10. Riemersma, Liafbern NED 2430 m 2 Jop Delemarre scored his first IM norm in this event. 6) Cappelle Le Grand - France -------------------------------- Sorry for the rather messy results. I missed the results for rounds 4 and 7. Also I have had a hard time identifying the players. There are bound to be errors below. ROUND 2 -------- Malaniuk, Vladimir UKR 2615 g 1-0 Lupu, Mircea-Sergiu ROM 2475 m Krakops, Maris LAT 2475 m 1/2 Miles, Anthony J ENG 2615 g Nenashev, Alexander UZB 2605 g 1-0 Gofshtein, Leonid D ISR 2465 g Volak, Michal CZE 2195 0-1 Romanishin, Oleg M UKR 2595 g Kogan, Artur ISR 2465 m 1-0 Novikov, Igor A UKR 2590 g * Savchenko,Stanislav UKR 2585 g 1-0 Vescovi, Giovanni BRA 2465 m Grivas, Efstratios GRE 2460 g 1/2 Razuvaev, Yuri S RUS 2580 g Sokolov, Andrei RUS 2575 g 1-0 Petkevich, Jusefs LAT 2460 m Shtyrenkov,Veniamen RUS 2460 m 0-1 Tkachiev, Vladislav KAZ 2575 m Shabalov, Alexander USA 2570 g 0-1 Kirov, Nino BUL 2455 g Zaitsev, Igor A RUS 2455 g 1/2 Sveshnikov, Evgeny RUS 2560 g Dvoirys, Semen I. RUS 2550 g 1-0 Magomedov, Magaram TJK 2455 m * Ivanov, Alexander V USA 2515 g 0-1 Hebden, Mark ENG 2550 g * Yakovich, Yuri RUS 2555 g ADJ Frois, Antonio POR 2365 m Rashkovsky,Nukhim N RUS 2550 g 1/2 Poluljahov,AleksandrRUS 2450 g Gurevich, Vladimir UKR 2445 m 1/2 Sturua, Zurab GEO 2550 g Smagin, Sergey RUS 2540 g 0-1 Agnos, Demetrios ENG 2445 m * Relange, Eloi FRA 2420 m 0-1 Howell, James C ENG 2520 m Lane, Gary W ENG 2405 m 1-0 Pavlovic, Milos YUG 2505 g * Hennigan, Michael ENG 2410 m 1-0 Quadrio, Alexandre POR 2220 Krivokapic * 0-1 Hennigan, Michael ENG 2410 m NOTES. ------- Alternatives in the case where I only have surnames. * Alternative Kogan, I RUS 2340 * Alternative Zaitsev, Vadim RUS 2320 * Magomedov, Magaram TJK 2455 m (hopefully this is the right player.) * Ivanov, Alexander V USA 2515 (total guess) * Skagin - Can't guess. * Pavlovic, Milos YUG 2505 g (total guess) * Krivokapic - Can't guess AND Hennigan gets to play two games. ROUND 3 -------- Nikolaidis, Ioannis GRE 2495 m 1/2 Malaniuk, Vladimir P UKR 2615 g Notkin, Maksim RUS 2485 m 1-0 Nenashev, Alexander UZB 2605 g Kogan, Artur ISR 2465 m 1/2 Savchenko, Stanislav UKR 2585 g Beikert, Gunther GER 2440 m 0-1 Sokolov, Andrei RUS 2575 g Tkachiev, Vladislav KAZ 2575 m ADJ Muhutdinov, Marat RUS 2485 m Kirov, Nino BUL 2455 g 1/2 Dvoirys, Semen I. RUS 2550 g Hebden, Mark ENG 2550 g 1-0 Rytshagov, Mikhail EST 2485 m Smyslov, Vassily RUS 2540 g ADJ Nikolenko, Oleg RUS 2480 m Agnos, Demetrios ENG 2445 m ADJ Ulibin, Mikhail RUS 2540 g Tseshkovsky, Vitaly RUS 2530 g 1-0 Czebe, Attila HUN 2430 m Howell, James C ENG 2520 m ADJ Sideif-Sade, Fikret AZE 2415 m Reinderman, Dimitri NED 2440 m 1/2 Sokolov, Andrei LAT 2520 m Arkhipov, Sergey RUS 2515 g 0-1 Gorbatow, Alexej RUS 2410 m Todorov, Ognjan BUL 2405 m 1-0 Tregubov, Pavel V. RUS 2515 g Lempert, Igor UKR 2510 m ADJ Hennigan, Michael ENG 2410 m Landa, Konstantin RUS 2500 m 1-0 Lane, Gary W ENG 2405 m (all these players started with 2/2) Miles, Anthony J ENG 2615 g 1-0 Grivas, Efstratios GRE 2460 g Romanishin, Oleg M UKR 2595 g 1-0 Zaitsev, Igor A RUS 2455 g Razuvaev, Yuri S RUS 2580 g 1/2 Gurevich, Vladimir UKR 2445 m Sveshnikov, Evgeny RUS 2560 g 1-0 Matveeva, Svetlana RUS 2430 g (These all started with 1.5/2) McNab, Colin A SCO 2475 g ADJ Beckhuis, Gernot GER 2265 (Both on 1/2) ALSO POSSIBLE -------------- Czebe, Ivan HUN 2265 Todorov, Ilian BUL 2345 Todorov, Ivailo BUL 2345 Todorov, Ivan BUL 2260 Todorov, Milko BUL 2295 Todorov, Ognjan BUL 2405 m Todorov, Todor BUL 2315 ROUND 5 -------- Hebden, Mark ENG 2550 g 1-0 Notkin, Maksim RUS 2485 m Smyslov, Vassily RUS 2540 g 1/2 Malaniuk, Vladimir P UKR 2615 g Romanishin, Oleg M UKR 2595 g 1/2 Sokolov, Andrei LAT 2520 m Lempert, Igor UKR 2510 m 0-1 Sokolov, Andrei RUS 2575 g Tkachiev, Vladislav KAZ 2575 m 1-0 Landa, Konstantin RUS 2500 m Sveshnikov, Evgeny RUS 2560 g 1/2 Krakops, Maris LAT 2475 m Rausis, Igors LAT 2495 g 1/2 Dvoirys, Semen I. RUS 2550 g Bobotkov 0-1 Giorgadze, Giorgi GEO 2590 g Miles, Anthony J ENG 2615 g 1-0 Shtyrenkov, Veniamen RUS 2460 m Novikov, Igor A UKR 2590 g 1/2 Kirov, Nino BUL 2455 g Gofshtein, Leonid D ISR 2465 g 1-0 Savchenko, Stanislav UKR 2585 g Razuvaev, Yuri S RUS 2580 g 1-0 Poliakov, M. RUS 2405 Kuzmin, Gennadi P UKR 2545 g 1-0 Agnos, Demetrios ENG 2445 m Howell, James C ENG 2520 m 1/2 Lisenko, Alexander V RUS 2390 m Frolov, Artur UKR 2545 m 1-0 Dunnington, Angus J. ENG 2380 m STANDINGS --------- Hebden, Mark 5 Sokolov, Andrei 4.5 Tkachiev, Vladislav ROUND 6 -------- Sokolov, Andrei RUS 2575 g 1/2 Hebden, Mark ENG 2550 g Malaniuk, Vladimir P UKR 2615 g 1/2 Tkachiev, Vladislav KAZ 2575 m Raetsky, Alexander RUS 2510 m 0-1 Miles, Anthony J ENG 2615 g Istratescu, Andrei ROM 2505 g 1/2 Romanishin, Oleg M UKR 2595 g Giorgadze, Giorgi GEO 2590 g 1-0 Murey, Jacob ISR 2495 g Zlochevskij, Alex. RUS 2485 g 1/2 Razuvaev, Yuri S RUS 2580 g Notkin, Maksim RUS 2485 m 1/2 Sveshnikov, Evgeny RUS 2560 g Dvoirys, Semen I. RUS 2550 g 1-0 Nikolaidis, Ioannis GRE 2495 m Rashkovsky, Nukhim N RUS 2550 g 1/2 Rausis, Igors LAT 2495 g Krogius, Nikolai V RUS 2480 g 1/2 Kuzmin, Gennadi P UKR 2545 g Minasian, Artashes ARM 2540 g 1-0 Medina, Miguel CUB 2415 f Smagin, Sergey RUS 2540 g 1-0 Prie, Eric FRA 2480 m Krakops, Maris LAT 2475 m 1-0 Smyslov, Vassily RUS 2540 g Carlier, Bruno NED 2350 m 0-1 Gurevich, Dmitry USA 2530 g Chuchelov, Vladimir BEL 2530 m 1-0 Lupu, Mircea-Sergiu ROM 2475 m Sokolov, Andrei LAT 2520 m 1/2 Gofshtein, Leonid D ISR 2465 g Bykhovsky, Avigdor RUS 2455 g 1-0 Howell, James C ENG 2520 m Hennigan, Michael ENG 2410 m 1/2 Arkhipov, Sergey RUS 2515 g Leaders -------- Hebden, Mark 5.5 Tkachiev, Vladislav 5 Sokolov, Andrei (RUS) Miles, Anthony Dvoirys, Semen I Krakops, Maris Chuchelov, Vladimir Smagin, Sergey Gurevich, Dmitry Giorgadze, Giorgi ROUND 8 ------- Giorgadze, Giorgi GEO 2590 g 0-1 Miles, Anthony J ENG 2615 g Smagin, Sergey RUS 2540 g 1/2 Romanishin, Oleg M UKR 2595 g Sokolov, Andrei RUS 2575 g 1/2 Shipov, Sergei RUS 2510 m Gurevich, Dmitry USA 2530 g 1/2 Tkachiev, Vladislav KAZ 2575 m Chuchelov, Vladimir BEL 2530 m 0-1 Sveshnikov, Evgeny RUS 2560 g Dvoirys, Semen I. RUS 2550 g 1/2 Lempert, Igor UKR 2510 m Hebden, Mark ENG 2550 g 1-0 Krakops, Maris LAT 2475 m Malaniuk, Vladimir P UKR 2615 g 1-0 Apicella, Manuel FRA 2505 m Nenashev, Alexander UZB 2605 g 0-1 Landa, Konstantin RUS 2500 m Atalik, Suat TUR 2500 g 1/2 Novikov, Igor A UKR 2590 g Savchenko, Stanislav UKR 2585 g 1-0 Rausis, Igors LAT 2495 g Kiselev, Sergey RUS 2495 m 1/2 Razuvaev, Yuri S RUS 2580 g * Notkin, Maksim RUS 2485 m 0-1 Shabalov, Alexander USA 2570 g * Skembris, Spyridon GRE 2525 g 1-0 Agnos, Demetrios ENG 2445 m Janocha, Wieslaw POL 2395 1/2 Howell, James C ENG 2520 m Dunnington, Angus J. ENG 2380 m 0-1 Muhutdinov, Marat RUS 2485 m Leaders: Miles, Hebden, Sveshnikov 6.5 Giorgadze, Landa, Smagin, Romanashin, Tkachiev 6 A Sokolov (Rus), Shipov, Dvoirys, Shabalov D Gurevich, Malaniuk, Smyslov, Skembris, Savchenko Gofshtein, Lempert, Arkipov, Rashkovsky, A Sokolov (LAT), Istratescu, Andrei * Alternatives Kiselev, Gennady RUS 2430 Kiselev, M. RUS 2370 Shabanov, Yuri RUS 2430 m *********************************************************************** 7) LOMAS DE ZAMORA INTL.OPEN - CAMPORA AT FIRST PLACE - February 25th,1995 *********************************************************************** by Roberto Gabriel Alvarez IGM Daniel Campora continued winning and winning his games at the 2nd step of "Grand Prix CLARIN" in Lomas de Zamora City, Argentina. This player, born in San Nicolas City (near 100 Km from Buenos Aires) won his game against youngest Argentina's IGM, Pablo Zarnicki, former U-20 World Champion. Main Results Round 6 IGM Campora,Daniel 1-0 IGM Zarnicki,Pablo IGM Panno,Oscar 1/2 IM Giardelli,Sergio IM Slipak,Sergio 1/2 IM Ricardi,Pablo IGM Quinteros,Miguel 1-0 IM Soppe,Guillermo IM Spangenberg,Hugo 1-0 IM Szmetan,Jorge IM Bianchi,Guillermo 0-1 IGM Sorokin,Maxim FM Dos Santos,Ramiro 0-1 IM Vasquez,Rodrigo IM Llanos,Guillermo 1/2 IM Sorin,Ariel Quiroga,Facundo 1-0 FM Pierrot,Facundo FM Diaz,Nahuel 0-1 IM Fiorito,Fabian IM Rodriguez,Andres 1/2 German,Gustavo FM Celis,Gustavo 1/2 IM Gomez Baillo,Jorge IM Tempone,Marcelo 1-0 FM Malbran,Guillermo FM Giaccio,Alfredo 0-1 IM Bielicki,Carlos IM Hoffman,Alejandro 1-0 FM Anelli,Antonio FM Nedilsky,Diego 0-1 IM Garcia,Raimundo Main Pairings Round 7 IGM Quinteros,Miguel (4.5)-(5.5) IGM Campora,Daniel IM Giardelli,Sergio (4.5)-(4.5) IM Spangenberg,Hugo IGM Sorokin,Maxim (4.5)-(4.5) IM Slipak,Sergio IM Fiorito,Fabian (4.5)-(4.5) IGM Panno,Oscar IM Ricardi,Pablo (4.5)-(4.5) IM Tempone,Marcelo IGM Zarnicki,Pablo (4.5)-(4.5) Quiroga,Facundo IM Vasquez,Rodrigo (4.5)-(4.5) IM Bielicki,Carlos German,Gustavo (4.0)-(4.0) IM Hoffman,Alejandro IM Sorin,Ariel (4.0)-(4.0) FM Celis,Gustavo IM Soppe,Guillermo (4.0)-(4.0) FM Rappa,Damian *********************************************************************** LOMAS DE ZAMORA INTL. OPEN - Report 7th -8th rounds February 26 *********************************************************************** IGM Daniel Campora remains firm in the first place of the 2nd step "Grand Prix CLARIN" played 8 rounds in "Lomas de Zamora City". Today, he must play against a strong oponent :russian IGM Maxim Sorokin (who won the 1st step of the Grad Prix helded on Parana City, in January). Too, IM Hugo Spangenbert keep some possibilities to win this tournament if he can beat his opponent in the last round. Results 7th round IGM Quinteros,Miguel 0-1 IGM Campora,Daniel IM Giardelli,Sergio 0-1 IM Spangenberg,Hugo IGM Sorokin,Maxim 1-0 IM Slipak,Sergio IM Fiorito,Fabian 0-1 IGM Panno,Oscar IM Ricardi,Pablo 1-0 IM Tempone,Marcelo IGM Zarnicki,Pablo 1-0 Quiroga,Facundo IM Vasquez,Rodrigo 1-0 IM Bielicki,Carlos German,Gustavo 0-1 IM Hoffman,Alejandro IM Sorin,Ariel 0-1 FM Celis,Gustavo IM Soppe,Guillermo 1/2 FM Rappa,Damian FM Saldano,Horacio 0-1 IM Rodriguez,Andres Results 8th round IGM Campora,Daniel 1/2 IM Spangenberg,Hugo IM Ricardi,Pablo 0-1 IGM Sorokin,Maxim IGM Panno,Oscar 1/2 IGM Zarnicki,Pablo IM Hoffman,Alejandro 1/2 IM Vasquez,Rodrigo FM Bulcourf,Carlos 0-1 IGM Quinteros,Miguel IM Gomez Baillo,Jorge 1/2 IM Giardelli,Sergio IM Rodriguez,Andres 1/2 FM Celis,Gustavo IM Bianchi,Guillermo 1/2 FM Juarez,Alberto IM Slipak,Sergio 1-0 Iglesias,Alejandro FM Dos Santos,Ramiro 1/2 IM Fiorito,Fabian FM Schuster,Carlos 0-1 IM Tempone,Marcelo Standings after 8 rounds 1) IGM Campora,Daniel 7.0 pts 2) IGM Sorokin,Maxim 6.5 pts IM Spangenberg,H 6.5 pts 4) IGM Panno,Oscar 6.0 pts IGM Zarnicki,Pablo IM Vasquez,Rodrigo IM Rodriguez,Andres IGM Quinteros,Miguel 9) IM Hoffman,Alejand 5.5 pts IM Gomez Baillo IM Giardelli,Sergio IM Ricardi,Pablo IM Tempone,Marcelo FM Giaccio,Alfredo IM Slipak,Sergio Iglesias,Jorge ********************************************************************** LOMAS DE ZAMORA INTL.OPEN - SOROKIN WINS ! Febrary 27,1995 ********************************************************************** Russian IGM Maxim Sorokin finally wons 2nd step of Grand Prix CLARIN helded on "Lomas de Zamora City". He beats IGM Daniel Campora in the last round using the exchange variation in Slav Defence. Sorokin wons too the first step (helded on Parana City) during last January, and is the only leader of this Grand Prix "CLARIN". The tournament had U$S 10.000 in prizes (U$S 2300 to winner and U$S 200 for the 20th). Results 9 round IGM Sorokin,Maxim 1-0 IGM Campora,Daniel IM Spangenberg,Hugo 0-1 IGM Panno,Oscar IGM Zarnicki,Pablo 1/2 IGM Quinteros,Miguel IM Vasquez,Rodrigo 1-0 IM Rodriguez,Andres FM Giaccio,Alfredo 1/2 IM Ricardi,Pablo IM Tempone,Marcelo 1/2 IM Hoffman,Alejandro IM Giardelli,Sergio 1/2 Iglesias,Jorge FM Juarez,Alberto 0-1 IM Slipak,Sergio IM Soppe,Guillermo 1/2 IM Gomez Baillo,Jorge FM Malbran,Guillermo 1/2 IM Bianchi,Guillermo IM Sorin,Ariel 1-0 FM Saldano,Horacio IM Fiorito,Fabian 1-0 FM Pereyra,Diego IM Szmetan,Jorge 0-1 FM Dos Santos,Ramiro FM Scarella,Enrique 1-0 German,Sergio FM Celis,Gustavo 1-0 FM De Dovitiis,Alejo Diaz,Nahuel 1-0 Toloza Iglesias,Alejandro 0-1 Quiroga,Facundo Final Standings --------------- 1) IGM Sorokin,Maxin 2535 7.5 2) IGM Campora,Daniel 2525 7.0 3) IGM Panno,Oscar 2530 7.0 4) IM Vasquez,Rodrigo 2515 7.0 5) IGM Zarnicki,Pablo 2515 6.5 6) IM Spangenberg,H 2500 6.5 7) IM Slipak,Sergio 2450 6.5 8) IGM Quinteros,M 2505 6.5 9) IM Ricardi,Pablo 2530 6.0 10)IM Hoffman,Alej 2515 6.0 11)IM Giardelli,S 2465 6.0 12)IM Soppe,Guill 2445 6.0 13)IM Rodriguez,And 2435 6.0 14)IM Bianchi,Guill 2425 6.0 15)IM Gomez Baillo,J 2415 6.0 16)IM Tempone,Marcelo 2415 6.0 17)FM Giaccio,Alfredo 2390 6.0 18)FM Scarella,Enr 2380 6.0 19)FM Malbran,Guill 2335 6.0 20) Iglesias,Jorge 6.0 ********************************************************************** 3rd TOURNAMENT in the GRAND PRIX "CLARIN"- RAWSON (Chubut) April 29 to May 7 U$S 10.000 in prizes 4th TOURNAMENT in the GRAND PRIX "CLARIN"- SAN LUIS June 17 to June 25 U$S 10.000 in prizes 5th TOURNAMENT in the GRAND PRIX "CLARIN"- LA FALDA (Cordoba) August 5 to August 13 U$S 10.000 in prizes These tournaments will be organized by AMDA (Chess Masters Association) President" IM Carlos Paglilla Phone (54-1-521-8947) *********************************************************************** 8) Championships of Hungary and Debrecen by Szabo Zsolt ----------------------------------------------------- SZABO Zsolt ( Championship of Hungary Budapest 1995. January 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 Pts. SB 1 Horvath, Csaba HUN 2500 g # = = 1 1 = = = 0 1 = = 6.5 35.75 2 Groszpeter, Attila HUN 2520 g = # = 0 1 = = 1 = = = 1 6.5 34.50 3 Horvath, Jozsef HUN 2515 g = = # = = = 1 = = = = = 6.0 32.75 4 Adorjan, Andras HUN 2530 g 0 1 = # 0 = 0 1 1 = = 1 6.0 31.50 5 Varga, Zoltan HUN 2460 m 0 0 = 1 # = 1 0 1 = 1 = 6.0 31.50 6 Ruck, Robert HUN 2460 m = = = = = # = = = 0 = 1 5.5 30.00 7 Tolnai, Tibor HUN 2470 g = = 0 1 0 = # 0 1 = = 1 5.5 29.50 8 Gyimesi, Zoltan HUN 2500 m = 0 = 0 1 = 1 # 0 1 = 0 5.0 27.75 9 Petran, Pal HUN 2470 m 1 = = 0 0 = 0 1 # = 1 0 5.0 27.50 10 Farago, Ivan HUN 2515 g 0 = = = = 1 = 0 = # = = 5.0 27.50 11 Horvath, Gyula HUN 2455 m = = = = 0 = = = 0 = # = 4.5 25.25 12 Polgar, Sofia HUN 2500 g = 0 = 0 = 0 0 1 1 = = # 4.5 24.00 Championship of Debrecen Debrecen (Hungary) 1995. February 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Pts. SB 1 Mester, Gyula HUN 2270 f # 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.0 33.00 2 Lengyel, Ferenc HUN 2315 f 1 # 0 = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.0 32.25 3 Boros, Daniel HUN 2285 0 1 # 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.0 31.50 4 Mate, Laszlo HUN 2345 f 0 = 1 # = 1 1 1 = 1 1 7.5 31.00 5 Felegyhazi, Laszlo HUN 2350 f 1 = 0 = # 0 = = 1 1 1 6.0 25.25 6 Menyhart, Tibor HUN 2225 0 0 0 0 1 # = = 1 1 = 4.5 15.00 7 Tengely, Szabolcs HUN 2165 0 0 0 0 = = # = 1 = 1 4.0 11.75 8 Binder, Tamas HUN 2270 0 0 0 0 = = = # 0 = 1 3.0 9.25 9 Donka, Peter HUN 2270 f 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 1 # 1 = 3.0 9.25 10 Hegedus Gyorgy HUN 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 # 1 2.0 4.50 11 Siger Csaba HUN 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 # 1.0 3.75 9) Varsity Chess Match. 1995. ----------------------------- First played 1873 in the City of London Chess Club. Since 1953 the winning team has held a gold cup presented by Miss Margeret Pugh. The only whitewash was by Cambridge in 1919. The scores were levelled by Cambridge this year with a convincing 6-2 win. Oxford 48 - Cambridge 48 17 drawn matches. The venue was the RAC club in London. Bob Wade provided the gamescores and results to me this morning for which I thank him. (I forgot to ask the date, I am assuming yesterday, but certainly this week.) I apologies for any inaccuracies but these are the first faxes I have ever worked from. The games are in board order with Matthew Turner winning for Cambridge on board one with white and Oxford's Tim Chesters losing with white on board two against Jonathan Parker. (and so on down the games listings.) 10) Studies and Problems Section -------------------------------- STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski ------------------------------------------------------ TWIC 22 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | n | | | | Portisch-Botvinnik +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | + | | K | | Wijk aan Zee, 1969 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | k | | + | | W: Kg5,Bb3,p.e6,g4 (4) +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | B: Ke5,Ne7,p.a3 (3) +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | o | B | | | | | | | Black to move +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ This position (nine moves into the adjournment) was analyzed at home by Botvinnik with the help of Keres who as `an experienced study composer', says Botvinnik, came up with the following solution to save the game: 81... Nc6! 82.Kg6 Ne7+! 83.Kg7 Here play deviates from analysis that went: 83.Kf7 Nc6 84.g5 Kf5 85.g6 Ne5+! or 84.e7 Nxe7 85.Kxe7 Kf4 86.Be6 a2 Nc6 84.g5 Kf5 85.Kh6 Ne7 86.Ba2 Ke5! 87.Kg7 Kf5 88.Kf7 Ng6 and a draw was agreed More from `Botvinnik on the endgame' (see TWIC 21). Ewen McLaughlin asked me about the endgame from the only encounter between Botvinnik and Fischer (with a sprinkle of Kasparov in the analysis). Here it is. +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | o | | | | | | R | | Botvinnik-Fischer, Varna 1962 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | o | | | | | o | | W: Kf3,Rg7,p.f2,h4 (4) +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | k | | | | B: Ke5,Ra1,p.a7,b6,g6 (5) +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | + | Black to move +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | K | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | + | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | r | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Here Black played 5...b5 and after surprising 52.h5! a draw was agreed after additional ten or so moves. Sometimes later a war of analyses started: what would happen if Black played the strongest 51...Kd4? Both parties came to the following position: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | Q | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | o | | | | | | | | Botvinnik-Fischer, Varna 1962 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | Analysis +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | W: Ke3,Qh8,Rh4,p.f2 (4) +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | R | B: Ka3,Qd1,Rb1,p.a7 (4) +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | k | | | | K | | | | White to move +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | + | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | r | | q | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Here, Fischer claimed a win after 67.Qf8+ Ka2 since `wK will be unable to shelter from the fatal avalanche of checks'. On the other end of the analysis line then 13 years old Gary Kasparov found an `elegant drawing line'. What is it? CHESS PROBLEMS, by Brian Stephenson ----------------------------------- Last week I presented the following problem which was set in the recent final of the British Chess Solving Championship. Only 5 of the experts present got it right. The solution follows the diagram. +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | q | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | B | | P | | r | F SALAZAR +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ The Problemist, 1969 | | | P | p | | | | N | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ White Ka3, Qg1, Ra5 f4, Bd2 d7, | R | b | | p | k | | | | Nd4 h6, Pc6 e2 f2 f3 f7. +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Black Ke5, Qb8, Rg2 h7, Bb5, | | | | N | | R | | | Pd5 d6. +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | K | | | | | P | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | B | P | P | r | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | Q | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Mate in two 1.Bc3? (A) (2.Rf5 #) 1...Bd3 2.Se6 # (B) but 1...Rxf7! 1.Se6? (B) (2.Rf5 #) 1...Bd3 2.Bc3 # (A) but 1...Rxh6! 1.Qa1? (C) (2.Rf5 #) 1...Bd3 2.Sb3 # (D) but 1...Rg5! 1.Sb3! (D) (2.Rf5 #) 1...Bd3 2.Qa1 # (C) ...Rg5/Rxf7 2.Qxg5/Sxf7 # There are 4 moves which threaten 2.Rf5 #, but only one of them works. The refutations of those that don't are given above. In all four phases of the problem (the tries each introduce one virtual phase, while the actual key introduces the final phase, the real play) the defence 1...Bd3 is met by a different mate, but in each case it is a move that White has tried on move 1. Note the pattern shown by these moves, indicated by letters in the solution. This particular pattern is called Double Sequence Reversal, and is one of the many such patterns that modern composers have been working on over the last 30 years. In a lot of such problems the interest is mainly with the pattern and the solver may not notice it at all because the refutations to the tries may be so obvious that he/she looks no further. However, this problem works very well as a solving problem as the results of the BCSC show. Only 5 solvers got it right and the rest gave one of the intentional tries! If you thought the refutations were obvious, would you if you had three of these to do in twenty minutes? More traditional is the next diagram which is a mate in three. +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | q | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | P | r | | | | F NOVEJARQUE +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Spanish Society, 1946 | p | | | | p | | B | p | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ White Ka3, Qe1, Rf4, Bc1 g6, | | | | b | N | | | | Ne5 f1, Pd7 h2. +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Black Kh4, Qa8, Re7 g2, Bd5 | | | p | | | R | p | k | g1, Nf2, Pa6 c4 e6 g4 h3 h6. +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | K | | | | | | | p | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | n | r | P | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | B | | Q | N | b | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ White to play and mate in three Only 6 of the finalists got this one totally right. How would you do? Answer next week. Last week I forgot to mention that entries to the British Chess Solving Championship following the publicaton in TWIC of the starter problem last week should mention that they saw it in TWIC. There may be a prize for your editor Mark Crowther at stake! Brian Stephenson 9 Roydfield Drive Waterthorpe Sheffield S19 6ND England 11) Tournament calendar by Michael Niermann. -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Many thanks to all who have sent us some tournament informations. But we still need some help. If you want to support us, please send infos about tournaments in your country to March 8th-12th Leipzig (GER) 7xCH, no ELO, 50DM Tel +49 341 6515547 March 10-12 Zwolle (Nl), Computery-tournament, 6xCH, 50f Tel +31 5202-27379 or +31 38 544446 March 10th-18th Bad Woerishofen (GER) 9xCH, ELO, norms, 130DM Tel +49 6898 62022 Fax +49 6898 62858 Mar 10-12 BLACKPOOL CONFERENCE: Winter Gardens, Chapel Street, Blackpool (G M Jones, 27 Clarke Street, Leigh, Lancs WN7 4HU Tel: 0942 604262) Mar 11 WESTMINSTER RAPIDPLAY: See Feb 11th March 11 Huizen (Nl), Spijkertournament Tel +31 2152-54955 March 11 Uitgeest (Nl), Lasker Tournament Tel +31 2513-12501 March 11 Klazienaveen (Nl), Jubilee youthschoolchess-tournament Tel +31 5913-12671 March 11 Amsterdam (Nl), 4th Highschool of Amsterdam Tournament Tel +31 23-254864 March 12 Achim (GER), 10.00, tandem (bughouse), 10DM Tel +49 421 403051 Mar 12 KENSINGTON RAPIDPLAY: Imperial College, Prince Consort Rd London SW7 11am start. U210, U165, U135 sections. D. Agble, (0171) 594 9456 (home) or (0171) 594 5620 (work). A hard fought event, whichever section you enter. Mar 12 14th TEIGNMOUTH RAPIDPLAY: Trinity School, New Road, Teignmouth (J G Gorodi, 52 Coniston Road, Ogwell, Newton Abbot TQ12 6YJ Tel: 0626 55360) Mar 12 NUNEATON ONE DAY CONGRESS March 18 Herne (GER), 14.00, 7xCH, 15min, 10DM Tel +49 2323 61030 March 18 Haltern (GER), 13.15, 9xCH, 15min, 25DM Tel +49 2364 7345 Mar 18-19 1ST INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CONGRESS: 229 Gt Portland St. W1 A new London Congress which has the potential to become a permanent fixture on the calendar. Support this congress! One hundred entries guarantees the prize fund! J. Weightman, Flat 1, 225a Finchley Road, London NW3 6LP. (0171) 435 7205. March 18-26 Saarbruecken (GER) Open + many one-day-tournaments Tel/Fax +49 6851 70074 March 19 Gruendau (GER), 9.00, youth blitz Tel +49 6051 2297 March 24 Bled (SLO) 9xCH, ELO, norms, 120DM (ELO tmt), 100DM (B tmt) -April 1 Fax +386 64 221 377 Mar 24-26 MIDLAND INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP: Derby Assembly Rooms, Bob Milner, 411 Cheadle Road, Cheddleton, Leek, Staffs ST13 7BH Tel: 0782 550112) Mar 24-26 EAST DEVON CONGRESS: St Georges Hall, Exeter (E G Sparke, 12 Westbourne Terrace, Budleigh Salterton, Devon, EX9 6BR Tel: 0395 442585) March 25 Offenbach (GER), U20, 4DM Tel +49 69 842378 March 25/26 Jarny (FRA), 6xCH, 60min, 100F, Tel +33 82334815 Mar 25 GOLDERS GREEN OPEN, plus Under 160, Under 120 Adam Raoof, PO Box 1962, London NW4 4NF. (0181) 202 0982 Mar 26 ATHERTON RAPIDPLAY: Jubilee Hall, Atherton (G M Jones, 27 Clarke Street, Leigh, Lancashire WN7 4HU Tel: 0942 604262 or 0942 877269) March 31 - April 2 Werther (GER), 5xCH, no ELO, 35DM Tel +49 5203 6471 April 1-12 Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday" GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev) Tel/Fax +361 263 2859 April 1 Wolfen (GER), 9.45, blitz, 20DM Tel +49 3494 25628 April 1-2 Gloucester (ENG), Spectrum Congress. Sections: U-180, U-140, U-105 (BCF). The New County Hotel, Southgate Street, Gloucester. Tel: Les Day, +44 1803 212136. Apr 2 LETCHWORTH RAPIDPLAY CONGRESS: Plinston Hall, Broadway, Letchworth Tim Thurstan, 33 Brampton Park Road, Hitchin (0462) 459873 April 7-9 Erlangen (GER), 5xCH, 55/45 DM, just for players with DWZ/ELO < 2100 Tel +49 9131 60084 Fax +49 9131 60087 April 8/9 Eupen (BEL) 7xCH, no ELO, 30DM/600BEF Tel +32 87 742587 Fax +32 87 552716 April 9 Chelles (FRA), 9.00, 7xCH, 30min Tel +33 (1)64260997 April 10-13 Jena (GER), 7xCH, U21, 25DM, Tel +49 3641 51892 April 10-16 Seiffen (GER), 7xCH, just for players with DWZ/ELO < 2300 Tel +49 37362 8354 April 10-17 Kecskemet (Hun), 9xCH, 40/120+G/60, ELO, norms 110DM (no ELO) - free (GM/IM/>2345) tel +76/474-728 email detailed info in TWIC 22 April 12-16 New York (USA), Tel +1 2127194204 April 13-17 Fellbach-Schmiden (GER), 9xCH, ELO, norms?, 80DM, Tel +49 711 586595 or +49 7191 82556 April 14-17 Passau (GER), 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 90DM Tel +49 851 83811 Fax +49 851 81889 April 14-17 St.Germain-Lembron (FRA), 7xCH, 170F, Tel +33 54878499 April 14-17 Sheffield (ENG), SHEFFIELD EASTER CHESS CONGRESS, Sheffield Hallam University, 6xCH, 4 sections, Details: B D Stephenson, 9 Roydfield Drive, Waterthorpe, Sheffield, S19 6ND, England. Tel +??-114-2471579 email April 15-17 Blois (FRA), 6xCH, 200F, Tel +33 73910285 April 17-23 Gausdal (NOR), Norwegian Open, 9xCH, elo/norms? Tel +47 22679520 Fax +47 22679513 April 17-28 Jewpatoria (UKR), youth tmt, 9xCH, no entry fee Tel +7 0652 277097 April 25-May 3 Gausdal (NOR), Arnold Cup 9xCH, elo/norms? Tel +47 22679520 Fax +47 22679513 April 26-29 New York (US), New York Open, 9xCH Tel +?-1-212-719-4204 Fax +?-1-212-719-4369 April 30 - May 10 Smolensk (RUS), Belavenets memorial Tel +7(081) 00-24562 or +7(081) 00-32940 May 5-13 Gausdal (NOR), Skei Masters, 10 player GM and IM tmts, round-robins Tel +47 22679520 Fax +47 22679513 May 6-17 Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday" GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev) Tel/Fax +361 263 2859 May 10-20 Waikiki, Hawaii (US) 10x CH, ELO, norms e-mail Eric Schiller, more details in TWIC 16 May 13 SHEFFIELD RAPIDPLAY CHESS CONGRESS, Handsworth Parish Centre, Handsworth Road, Sheffield, 6xCH, 4 sections, entries limited, Details: B D Stephenson, 9 Roydfield Drive, Waterthorpe, Sheffield, S19 6ND, England. Tel +??-114-2471579 email May 19-27 Schaan (LIE) 9xCH, ELO, 100sFr Tel +41 75 2324940 Fax +41 75 2322986 May 23-31 Maria Alm (AUT) Open for Senior-Player, 9xCH Tel +43 6582 2196 May 25-28 Erlangen (GER) 7xCH, no ELO, 90DM Tel +49 9131 47703 May 25-28 Crailsheim (GER) 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 90DM Tel +49 7951 6468 May 25-28 Erfurt (GER), 9xCH, 30min, 25DM, Tel +49 361 6435132 May 25-28 Herne (GER), 7xCH, 70DM, Tel +49 2323 18112 May 25-28 Jarny (FRA), 7xCH, 120F, Tel +33 82334815 May 27-June 3 Mainz (GER) 9xCH, ELO, Tel +49 6131 223990 or Tel/Fax +49 6131 85399 June 2-5 Jena (GER), 7xCH, 60DM, Tel +49 3641 51892 June 3-10 Ischia (ITA) International Festival, tel +39-81-668811 or +39-81-668875 fax +39-81-7612354 Mr. Fabio, Luca Orofino June 3-14 Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday" GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev) Tel/Fax +361 263 2859 June 10-16 Bolzano (ITA), International Open, tel +39-471-921870 June 10-18 Bad Bevensen (GER), 9xCH, ELO, norms?, 120DM, Tel +49 5821 41024 June 14-18 Giessen (GER),14th Open, 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 75 DM Tel +49 6403 71213 or +49 641 53492 Room Verkehrsamt Giessen, Berliner Platz, D-35390 Giessen detailed info in TWIC 21(German) and 22 (English) June 17-18 Bad Bevensen (GER), 11xCH, 30min, 60DM, Tel +49 5821 41024 June 17-19 Tartu (EST) 9xCH, 50DM (June 17+18)+ Blitz(June 19), no ELO Tel +372 7 421281 June 17-24 Bolzano (ITA), Festival tel +39-471-921870 June 22-25 Milano (ITA), Robeccheto con Induno, International Festival, 6rd tel +39-2-9761580 Mr. Vito Grandieri, hours 15/21 +39-2-9746206 Mr. Flavio Polloni, hours 15/21 June 25-July 2 Telese (ITA), International Festival tel +39-824-976980 Mr. Pancrazio Affinito June 30-July 8 Velden (AUT) 9xCH, Elo, Norms, 750 oeS Tel +43 4274 2103 Fax +43 4274 51078 July 1-12 Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday" GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev) Tel/Fax +361 263 2859 July 8-16 Toronto (CAN), Canadian Open July 14 Canberra (AUS), Humans v Computers Match Info: Shaun Press, 42 Mockridge Cres, Holt 2617, Australia July 15-16 Canberra (AUS), Australian National University Open Venue: Old Canberra House, ANU, Canberra, Australia Info: Shaun Press, 42 Mockridge Cres, Holt 2617, Australia July 21 Biel (SUI) 12 tournaments, Open: 9-11xCH, ELO, norms -August 5 30sFr (blitz)-250sFr Tel +41 32 534040 Fax +41 32 228688 or +41 32 535925 July 29 Gausdal (NOR), Peer Gynt International, 9xCH, elo/norms? -August 4 Tel +47 22679520 Fax +47 22679513 July 29 Montecatini Terme - Int. Festival, 9xCH, ELO, norms -August 6 tel +39-572-78177 Mr. Paganelli fax +39-572-772307 August 5-16 Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday" GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev) Tel/Fax +361 263 2859 August 6-13 Gausdal International (NOR), 9xCH, elo/norms? Tel +47 22679520 Fax +47 22679513 August 21-29 Porto S. Giorgio - Int. Festival tel +39-734-679745 or +39-734-675590 October 1-2 Greater Sydney Chess Festival, Venue: The Huntley Hotel, Parramatta, Australia Contact: Australian Chess Enterprises, PO Box 6301 Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153, Australia Tel x61-2-838-1529 Fax x61-2-838-1614 Email October 14-15 Boston, MA (USA), Sixth Harvard Cup Human Versus Computer Chess Challenge (participation by invitation only; spectators welcome) Computer Museum tel 617-876-5759; fax 617-491-9570; email -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 10th-17th April 1995 Place: Kecskemet (Hun), Zimay L. utca 4 Mode: FIDE-OPEN, 9 rounds 40/2h, 1 h to the end; more than 60% of the players got an ELO-rating first round will begins at 14:00 Prizes: 20.000 Ft./15.000/10.000/5.000/4.000/3.000/ 4x2.000 Fee: no ELO 110.-DM, ELO 2000-2195 100.-, ELO 2200-2295 80.-, 2300-2345 50.-, ELO>2345 and GM/IM free Info: Imre Pal, H-6044 Hetenyegyhaza, Helikon utca 40, Telephone: +76/474-728 Subscription: contact till the 15th march 1995 Imre Pal or Stefan Schmid, E-Mail: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 14th-18th June, 1995 Place: Giessen (Germany), Buergerhaus GI-Roedgen Tournament: 14th Giessener Open Mode: 7 rounds Ch-System, 2h/40Moves + 1h till the end Prizes: DM 1500,-/1000,-/500,-/400,-/300,-/200,- + special youth, DWZ<1800, <1600 Fee: till 2nd June: DM 75.-/under 20 years of age: DM 55,-- more than 2 players from one club: DM 65,- after 2nd June: DM 90,-/65,-/75,- Plan: Wednesday 19.00 beginning/1st round two rounds per day on Thursday and Saturday Supscription: Transfer of the fee to Volksbank Giessen, bank code: 513 900 00, bank account No. 942 6400, with statement of name , birthday, club, Elo-DWZ, nationality Info: Gerd Euler; J.-Leun-Str. 32; 35440 Giessen; Telephone: Germany/6403-71213 or Stefan Klingelhoefer; P. Scheidemann-Str. 77; D-35396 Giessen; Tel.: Germany/641-53492 Hotels: Verkehrsamt Giessen, Berliner Platz, D-35390 Giessen