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Games section
Hastings 1998-9 45 games IX Ciudad de Pamplona 45 games 41st Reggio Emilia (Italy) 10 games 3rd Lohmar New Year 45 games VI Open Hotel Anibal -Linares 99 20 games Hilton Open Basel 35 games Tapolca Open Tournament 30 games XVI. OPEN Untergrombach 1999 122 games XXVII Rilton Cup 1998–1999 76 games 7. Danube Open Aschach/Austria 159 games
My thanks to Stewart Reuben, Leontxo Garcia and Jesus Mena, Bob Wade, Carlo Mazzoni, Sinisa Joksic, Torsten Behl and Uwe Fleischer, Maximiliano Alvarez, Laszlo Nagy, Roland Lauer, Chess in Iceland, Harald Grafenhofer, Nigel P.B. Freeman, Vesselin Topalov, and all those who helped with this issue.
The first glimpse of the 1999 FIDE ELO rating list is welcome as the list is extremely late and the top 100 allows one to hope the rest of the list will follow soon. The list is important for norms, the category of event and at the top invitations. However within a few hours it seemed that, at least at the top, there were important errors, not least the rating of the Fontys, Tilburg event twice. The integrity of FIDE list is extremely important and it is to be hoped that the delay and possible errors aren't an indication of more serious problems with it this time.
On the FIDE front I have found out that Las Vegas in June-July is in doubt. The dates may be correct but perhaps a last minute switch to another venue (Elista again?) is possible.
It may seem that TWIC has become the Alexander Morozevich appreciation society but if you can believe the ELO list then this exciting talent has made the most spectacular entry into the World's top ten for many years.
Hope you enjoy this issue
The Top 100 of the January 1999 rating list became available from FIDE this morning by fax. The lateness of this list and the likelihood that the full rating list will become available only in a few weeks will cause chaos for events early this year. For the first time the list is not graded in groups of five, hence Kasparov's rating is now 2812, before it would have been rounded down to 2810 (a decision taken at the FIDE Congress in Elista). The obvious star of the list is Alexander Morozevich who has added almost 100 rating points to become World number 5.
Shortly after I published the list on the internet it became apparent that there was a problem with it. Vesselin Topalov informs me he only played 22 games in the rating half year, not the 33 games given. He believes that the Tilburg Fontys tournament has been rated twice, and that this problem effects all players there. So Leko may not be rated as highly as he appears in the list below. Topalov believes he should actually be rated 2700. The top of the list may be changed quite a bit by this. It also leaves one wondering what other errors are in the list. I hope to be able to get a corrected list as soon as possible.
Player t NAT ju98 ja99 gms ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kasparov, Gary g RUS 2815 2812 6 2 Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2795 2783 31 3 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2780 2740 40 4 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2720 2726 52 5 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2625 2723 60 6 Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2730 2714 29 7 Leko, Peter g HUN 2665 2711 40 8 Karpov, Anatoly g RUS 2725 2710 9 9 Adams, Michael g ENG 2715 2710 38 10 Svidler, Peter g RUS 2710 2703 70 11 Short, Nigel D g ENG 2670 2697 48 12 Gelfand, Boris g BLR 2675 2691 9 13 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2700 2686 33 14 Rublevsky, Sergei g RUS 2685 2684 38 15 Bareev, Evgeny g RUS 2690 2679 28 16 Polgar, Judit (f) g HUN 2665 2677 6 17 Sadler, Matthew g ENG 2660 2676 45 18 Azmaiparashvili, Zurab g GEO 2655 2673 10 19 Salov, Valery g RUS 2670 2670 0 20 Zvjaginsev, Vadim g RUS 2650 2668 52 21 Almasi, Zoltan g HUN 2650 2665 42 22 Korchnoi, Viktor g SUI 2625 2662 75 23 Shipov, Sergei g RUS 2635 2662 24 24 Georgiev, Kiril g BUL 2660 2659 41 25 Smirin, Ilia g ISR 2615 2652 33 26 Beliavsky, Alexander G g SLO 2645 2650 56 27 Movsesian, Sergei g CZE 2640 2650 50 28 Timman, Jan H g NED 2655 2649 33 29 Sakaev, Konstantin g RUS 2635 2649 30 30 Fedorov, Alexei g BLR 2600 2648 51 31 Onischuk, Alexander g UKR 2630 2646 43 32 Seirawan, Yasser g USA 2630 2643 17 33 Krasenkow, Michal g POL 2655 2643 49 34 Khenkin, Igor g RUS 2600 2641 55 35 Jussupow, Artur g GER 2640 2641 39 36 Akopian, Vladimir g ARM 2655 2640 11 37 Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2645 2639 50 38 Tkachiev, Vladislav g FRA 2645 2634 12 39 Van Wely, Loek g NED 2635 2633 86 40 Milov, Vadim g SUI 2640 2633 20 41 Oll, Lembit g EST 2650 2630 29 42 Hjartarson, Johann g ISL 2630 2630 0 43 Nikolic, Predrag g BIH 2640 2629 22 44 Gurevich, Mikhail g BEL 2610 2628 50 45 Tiviakov, Sergei g RUS 2655 2627 65 46 Andersson, Ulf g SWE 2645 2623 36 47 Piket, Jeroen g NED 2605 2621 54 48 Gulko, Boris F g USA 2585 2620 39 49 Shabalov, Alexander g USA 2645 2620 54 50 Rogers, Ian g AUS 2605 2618 21 51 Khalifman, Alexander g RUS 2645 2616 59 52 Nenashev, Alexander g UZB 2625 2616 29 53 Alterman, Boris g ISR 2600 2616 19 54 Giorgadze, Giorgi g GEO 2610 2616 57 55 Hracek, Zbynek g CZE 2615 2615 34 56 Lputian, Smbat G g ARM 2615 2614 41 57 Morovic Fernandez, Ivan g CHI 2605 2613 18 58 Lautier, Joel g FRA 2625 2612 77 59 Sutovsky, Emil g ISR 2575 2612 35 60 Lutz, Christopher g GER 2600 2610 25 61 Sokolov, Ivan g BIH 2620 2610 33 62 DeFirmian, Nick E g USA 2605 2610 41 63 Aleksandrov, Aleksej g BLR 2595 2609 34 64 Wahls, Matthias g GER 2605 2609 9 65 Ponomariov, Ruslan g UKR 2585 2609 32 66 Miles, Anthony J g ENG 2590 2609 55 67 Hansen, Curt g DEN 2610 2608 20 68 Bologan, Viktor g MDA 2585 2608 57 69 Granda Zuniga, Julio E g PER 2605 2607 29 70 Adianto, Utut g INA 2610 2607 39 71 Kaidanov, Gregory S g USA 2625 2606 34 72 Sturua, Zurab g GEO 2600 2605 46 73 Vaganian, Rafael A g ARM 2630 2605 26 74 Hellers, Ferdinand g SWE 2605 2605 0 75 Chernin, Alexander g HUN 2610 2604 10 76 Magomedov, Magaram g TJK 2540 2604 51 77 Avrukh, Boris g ISR 2565 2603 34 78 Ibragimov, Ildar g RUS 2610 2602 47 79 Pigusov, Evgeny g RUS 2605 2602 21 80 Novikov, Igor A g UKR 2545 2601 39 81 Speelman, Jonathan S g ENG 2600 2601 46 82 Kharlov, Andrei g RUS 2575 2600 20 83 Annakov, Babakuli g TKM 2600 2600 0 84 Nunn, John D.M g ENG 2600 2600 0 85 Dautov, Rustem g GER 2625 2598 32 86 Yermolinsky, Alex g USA 2625 2597 51 87 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam g UZB 2570 2595 22 88 Minasian, Artashes g ARM 2620 2594 28 89 Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter g ROM 2575 2594 53 90 Atalik, Suat g TUR 2585 2593 87 91 Ehlvest, Jaan g EST 2620 2593 71 92 Benjamin, Joel g USA 2595 2593 42 93 Timoshenko, Georgy g UKR 2595 2592 31 94 Eingorn, Vereslav S g UKR 2610 2592 42 95 Dorfman, Josif D g FRA 2585 2590 25 96 Palac, Mladen g CRO 2560 2589 49 97 Dolmatov, Sergey g RUS 2575 2589 11 98 Komarov, Dimitri g UKR 2570 2588 57 99 Spasov, Vasil g BUL 2595 2587 18 100 Markovic, Miroslav m YUG 2575 2587 47 101 Volkov, Sergey g RUS 2605 2587 42
The 74th Hastings International Congress, ran 29 Dec - 10 January 1999. The line-up for the Hastings Premier was : John Emms 2585, Laurent Fressinet 2455, Tony Miles 2590, Jim Plaskett 2455, Ruslan Ponomariov 2585, Matthew Sadler 2660, Mihail Saltaev 2525, Sergei Shipov 2635, Ivan Sokolov 2620 and Jon Speelman 2600.
The highly experienced Bosnian, Ivan Sokolov, finished on 7 points winning the event by two clear points from Sadler, Emms, Speelman, Ponomariov and Shipov who finished on 5.
Stewart Reuben sends news of the other events:
In the Challengers event Bogdan Lalic (Croatia), Klaus Bischoff (Germany) and Saidali Iuldachev (Uzbekistan) shared first place with 7.5/10. The first two qualified for next years premier. Chris Duncan and Peter Sowray scored IM norms.
Gaguik Oganessian and Dan Erichsen tied for first place in the fourth World Amateur Championship. The Armenian organiser won the title on tie-break, together with the Gold Medal, the FIDE Master title and a 2200 rating. This was his third attempt at the title. The Dane received the silver medal and a 2100 rating. The bronze went to an Englishman, Peter Mercs, who thus now has a rating of 2050. The Women's World Amateur Championship proved to be a real cliff-hanger. Jessica Gilbert of Croydon High School led much of the way, but faltered in round 8 and was overtaken by Ingrid Voigt of Germany, who led with 4.5/9 over Jessie's 4 going into the last round. Jessie was faced by the Albin Counter Gambit in the last game but found herself a pawn down after only 7 moves! Grinding away, she made her way back into the game to come to a clearly won position - which she eventually managed to clinch. Meanwhile Ingrid had a totally lost game against Todor Dimitrov. He went terribly wrong in time trouble and lost his extra piece. The game ended in a draw and Jessica won the title on tie-break. Thus Jessie Gilbert at 11 became the youngest ever winner of an adult World chess title, the Women's Amateur World Chess Championship. She took the prize money, the gold medal, a rating of 2050 and the title of woman fide master.
Mark Hebden too first with 6/6 in the Hastings CC Weekend Open which closed the Congress. He scored 6/6 points ahead of Oleg Pavlenco and Jim Plaskett who finished on 4.5. There were a number of corrections to the games given last week and so the whole tournament will be given again in the pgn section.
Live coverage at:
Round 7 (1999.01.05) Sokolov, Ivan - Miles, Anthony J 1-0 37 D26 QGA; Sadler, Matthew - Shipov, Sergei 1/2 23 E54 Nimzo indian Emms, John M - Speelman, Jonathan S 1/2 17 E54 Nimzo indian Fressinet, Laurent - Plaskett, Jim 1-0 32 B82 Sicilian Saltaev, Mihail - Ponomariov, Ruslan 0-1 41 B09 Pirc; Austrian Round 8 (1999.01.06) Speelman, Jonathan S - Saltaev, Mihail 1-0 49 D01 Queen's pawn Ponomariov, Ruslan - Sadler, Matthew 1/2 27 B22 Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3) Plaskett, Jim - Shipov, Sergei 1-0 27 B23 Sicilian; Closed Fressinet, Laurent - Sokolov, Ivan 1/2 24 C67 Ruy Lopez Miles, Anthony J - Emms, John M 1/2 50 A36 English; 1.c4 c5 Round 9 (1999.01.07) Sokolov, Ivan - Plaskett, Jim 1-0 29 A40 Queen's pawn Sadler, Matthew - Speelman, Jonathan S 1/2 41 E12 Nimzo indian Emms, John M - Fressinet, Laurent 1-0 66 B49 Sicilian Shipov, Sergei - Ponomariov, Ruslan 1/2 12 A57 Benko gambit Saltaev, Mihail - Miles, Anthony J 1/2 10 C67 Ruy Lopez Hastings ENG (ENG), XII 1998 - I 1999 cat. XIII (2571) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Sokolov, Ivan g BIH 2620 * = 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 = 7.0 2785 2 Sadler, Matthew g ENG 2660 = * = = = = 0 1 = 1 5.0 2604 3 Emms, John M g ENG 2585 0 = * = = 1 = 1 = = 5.0 2612 4 Speelman, Jonathan S g ENG 2600 = = = * = 0 1 = = 1 5.0 2610 5 Ponomariov, Ruslan g UKR 2585 0 = = = * = 1 = = 1 5.0 2612 6 Shipov, Sergei g RUS 2635 0 = 0 1 = * 0 1 1 1 5.0 2606 7 Plaskett, Jim g ENG 2455 0 1 = 0 0 1 * 0 = = 3.5 2503 8 Fressinet, Laurent FRA 2455 = 0 0 = = 0 1 * = = 3.5 2503 9 Miles, Anthony J g ENG 2590 0 = = = = 0 = = * = 3.5 2488 10 Saltaev, Mihail g UZB 2525 = 0 = 0 0 0 = = = * 2.5 2410 -------------------------------------------------------------------
The "IX Ciudad de Pamplona" tournament (cat. XIII, Dec. 27-Jan.5th., free day Jan. 1st.) was another smashing victory for Alexander Morozevich. Morozevic conceded just two draws, to De la Villa Garcia in round 2 and Krasenkow in round 6, winning the rest of his games. This 2900+ rating performance together with his new 2723 rating in the January 1999 (World number 5 now) list should keep him in the top ten for at least a year now. His big performances over the last year have mostly been against players outside the World's elite and his uncompromising style may lead to trouble but its time to find out where he stands now.
Leontxo Garcia and Jesus Mena sent games and news.
Daily reports in El País Digital ("Deportes" section)
Official site:
Round 8 (1999.01.04) Krasenkow, Michal - Vallejo Pons, Francisco 1-0 52 D26 QGA; Van Wely, Loek - Sutovsky, Emil 1/2 29 D85 Gruenfeld indian De la Villa Garcia, Jesus M - Illescas Cordoba, Miguel 1/2 36 C45 Scottish Comas Fabrego, Luis - Xie Jun 1/2 27 E70 Kings indian De la Riva Aguado, Oscar - Morozevich, Alexander 0-1 34 B07 Pirc Round 9 (1999.01.05) Morozevich, Alexander - Van Wely, Loek 1-0 51 B90 Sicilian; Najdorf Illescas Cordoba, Miguel - Krasenkow, Michal 1/2 50 B00 1.e4 Sutovsky, Emil - Comas Fabrego, Luis 1-0 45 C12 French; Macutcheon Xie Jun - De la Villa Garcia, Jesus M 1/2 21 B02 Alekhine defence Vallejo Pons, Francisco - De la Riva Aguado, Oscar 0-1 34 A57 Benko gambit Pamplona ESP (ESP), XII 1998 - I 1999 cat. XIII (2561) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2625 * = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 8.0 2904 2 Krasenkow, Michal g POL 2655 = * = = 1 1 = 1 = = 6.0 2675 3 Van Wely, Loek g NED 2635 0 = * = = 1 1 0 1 = 5.0 2595 4 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel g ESP 2605 0 = = * = = = = = 1 4.5 2555 5 Sutovsky, Emil g ISR 2575 0 0 = = * 0 1 = 1 1 4.5 2558 6 De la Villa Garcia, Jesus M m ESP 2500 = 0 0 = 1 * = = = = 4.0 2524 7 Xie Jun g CHN 2510 0 = 0 = 0 = * 1 = 1 4.0 2523 8 Vallejo Pons, Francisco m ESP 2450 0 0 1 = = = 0 * = 0 3.0 2447 9 Comas Fabrego, Luis m ESP 2540 0 = 0 = 0 = = = * = 3.0 2437 10 De la Riva Aguado, Oscar m ESP 2510 0 = = 0 0 = 0 1 = * 3.0 2441 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
41st Reggio Emilia (Italy) started December 29th reports Carlo Mazzoni. Category 9. Evgeniy Solozhenkin won the Category 8 event with 7/9 half a point ahead of Smbat Lputian and Dimitri Komarov who finished on 6.5. Solozhenkin beat tail ender Vittorio Anceschi in the final round to take first after Lputian drew quickly with Igor Efimov. There is a correction to one of the earlier games give in the pgn section.
Internet coverage
Round 8 (1999.01.04) Aldrovandi, Costantino - Komarov, Dimitri 1/2 23 C02 French; Advance Efimov, Igor - Drei, Andrea 0-1 34 B47 Sicilian Borgo, Giulio - Solozhenkin, Evgeniy 1/2 13 B05 Alekhine defence Tomescu, Vlad - Lputian, Smbat G 1/2 79 C09 French; Tarrasch Anceschi, Vittorio - Vezzosi, Paolo 1/2 25 A01 Larsen (1.b3) Round 9 (1999.01.05) Solozhenkin, Evgeniy - Anceschi, Vittorio 1-0 48 B08 Pirc; Classical Komarov, Dimitri - Tomescu, Vlad 1-0 31 D85 Gruenfeld indian Lputian, Smbat G - Efimov, Igor 1/2 10 D79 1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6 Vezzosi, Paolo - Aldrovandi, Costantino 1/2 73 A44 Queen's pawn Drei, Andrea - Borgo, Giulio 1-0 60 B32 Sicilian Reggio Emilia ITA (ITA), XII 1998 - I 1999 cat. VIII (2435) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Solozhenkin, Evgeniy g RUS 2535 * 1 = = = 1 = 1 1 1 7.0 2643 2 Komarov, Dimitri g UKR 2570 0 * 1 = = = 1 1 1 1 6.5 2586 3 Lputian, Smbat G g ARM 2615 = 0 * 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 6.5 2581 4 Aldrovandi, Costantino ITA 2280 = = 0 * = = = 1 1 = 5.0 2495 5 Efimov, Igor g ITA 2530 = = = = * 1 0 = 0 1 4.5 2424 6 Vezzosi, Paolo f ITA 2325 0 = 0 = 0 * 1 = 1 = 4.0 2404 7 Borgo, Giulio m ITA 2445 = 0 0 = 1 0 * 0 0 1 3.0 2308 8 Tomescu, Vlad m ROM 2425 0 0 = 0 = = 1 * = 0 3.0 2311 9 Drei, Andrea f ITA 2340 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 = * = 3.0 2320 10 Anceschi, Vittorio ITA 2285 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 1 = * 2.5 2285 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
14th European Club Championships by Sinisa Joksic The 14th European Club Championship starts Monday 11 January 1999. Kramnik and Anand will play for "Agrouniverzal" from Belgrade.
Round 1 - (quarter-finals) "Elitzur Petach" Tikva Israel - CC "Panfox" Breda Netherlands CC "Beer Sheva" Israel - "Saint Petersburg" Russia PKO BP "Polonia" Warsaw Poland - CC "Agrouniverzal" Belgrade Yugoslavia KSz "Stilon" Gorzov Poland - CC "Bosnia" Sarajevo BIH
Torsten Behl and Uwe Fleischer send news of the 3rd New Year Tournament in Lohmar, Germany. The event took place Dec, 26th 1998-Jan, 3rd 1999. Sascha Grimm won the tournament undefeated with 7.5/9, dominating it from the beginning with a win against German vice-cup winner Udo Kaeser in the first round. Third placed Carsten Stanetzek was the suprise of the event. He only lost to 2nd placed Udo Kaeser. The next tournament will take place in Dec/Jan 1999/2000. Possibly it will be an IM-event then. More information is available at Players interested in competing may contact Uwe Fleischer via e-mail Last but not least thanks to Rozsa Company/Cologne, Germany for financial support.
Lohmar GER (GER), XII 1998 - I 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Grimm, Sascha GER 2295 * 1 = = = 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 2441 2 Kaeser, Udo GER 2290 0 * 1 = 1 1 1 1 = 1 7.0 2389 3 Stanetzek, Carsten GER 2160 = 0 * 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 7.0 2403 4 Krallmann, Matthias GER 2285 = = 0 * = 1 1 1 1 1 6.5 2335 5 Broehl, Stefan GER 2195 0 = 0 = * 0 = = 1 1 4.0 2136 6 Lamprecht, Mark GER 2150 0 0 = 0 1 * 0 = 1 1 4.0 2141 7 Tuerk, Alexander GER 2240 0 0 0 0 = 1 * = 1 1 4.0 2131 8 Olbrisch, Manfred GER 2080 0 0 0 0 = = = * = 0 2.0 1972 9 Fleischer, Uwe GER 2115 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 = * 1 2.0 1968 10 Gruene, Nils GER ---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 * 1.0 1850 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Report from Maximiliano Alvarez. The International Open "Hotel Anibal" is taking place in Linares, Spain 8-17 January 1999. After three rounds of the event there are 8 players on 3/3 including Alexei Dreev.
Official coverage: Also 20-29 of January sees the Open "Hotel Ciudad de Ubeda".
Some early surprises include Horacio Sandano (Argentina-2345) drawing with last years champion and top seed Sergei Tiviakov(2655) in round 1, Saldano beating Helgi Olafsson (2505) in round 2 ,Alexander Grischuk beating Minasian (No 3 seed -2620) and Dmitry Svetushkin beating Viktor Bologan (No 7 seed) in round 3.
Standings After 3 rounds 1-8 Dreev, Alexey RUS 2645 3 Kunte, Abhijit IND 2505 3 Grischuk, Alexander RUS 2490 3 Nogueiras, Jesus CUB 2510 3 Ramesh, R. B. IND 2365 3 Narciso Dublan, Marc ESP 2460 3 Svetushkin, Dmitry MDA 2460 3 Sashikiran, Krishnan IND 2470 3 9-19 Romanishin, Oleg UKR 2600 2.5 Tiviakov, Sergei RUS 2655 2.5 Kazhgaleyev, Murtas KAZ 2550 2.5 Yandemirov, Valeri RUS 2470 2.5 Sokolov, Andrei RUS 2565 2.5 Minasian, Ara ARM 2450 2.5 Burmakin, Vladimir RUS 2560 2.5 Sorokin, Maxim ARG 2570 2.5 Okhotnik, Vladimir UKR 2405 2.5 Rashkovsky, Nukhim RUS 2535 2.5 Kharlov, Andrei RUS 2575 2.5 20-55 Minasian, Artashes ARM 2620 2 Georgiev, Vladimir BUL 2540 2 Asrian, Karen ARM 2600 2 Bagaturov, Giorgi GEO 2540 2 Borges Mateos, Juan CUB 2480 2 Bologan, Viktor MDA 2580 2 Watson, John L USA 2365 2 Konguvel, Ponnuswamy IND 2410 2 Shchekachev, Andrei RUS 2565 2 Salmensuu, Olli FIN 2420 2 Holmsten, Aleksei FIN 2400 2 Saldano, Horacio ARG 2345 2 Yegiazarian, Arsen ARM 2500 2 Prasad, Devaki V IND 2405 2 Russek, Guil MEX 2395 2 Candela Perez, Jose ESP 2380 2 Giorgadze, Giorgi GEO 2610 2 Mork, Kjell-Arne NOR 2345 2 Van Der Weide, Karel NED 2490 2 Sulypa, Alexandre UKR 2415 2 Grigore, George ROM 2475 2 Saravanan, V IND 2390 2 Becerra Rivero, Julio CUB 2485 2 Bjerring, Kai DEN 2335 2 Estrada Nieto, Julian MEX 2375 2 Genba, Vladimir RUS 2450 2 Shirazi, Kamran USA 2410 2 Maherramzade, Javad AZE 2440 2 Quinn, Mark IRL 2350 2 Piankov, Evgenij UKR 2375 2 Betaneli, Aleksandr USA 2340 2 Nouro, Mikael FIN 2335 2 Khassanov, Marat CAN 2320 2 Landa, Konstantin RUS 2520 2 Subbaraman, Vijayalakshmi IND 2335 2 Dumitrescu, Dragos ROM 2405 2 56-77 Herrera, Irisberto CUB 2425 1.5 Kovacevic, Slobodan YUG 2420 1.5 Gaprindashvili, Valerian GEO 2405 1.5 Paschall, William M. USA 2365 1.5 Delchev, Aleksander BUL 2575 1.5 Rodriguez Lopez, Rafael ESP 2345 1.5 Kotanjian, Trigan ARM 2215 1.5 Pedzich, Dominik POL 2435 1.5 Avila Jimenez, Javier ESP 2185 1.5 Kalantarian, Norik ARM 2415 1.5 Summerscale, Aaron ENG 2455 1.5 Fierro Baquero, Marta Lorena ECU 2240 1.5 Fernandez Romero, Ernesto ESP 2195 1.5 Lorenzo Duran, Marcos ESP 2225 1.5 Arencibia, Walter CUB 2550 1.5 Bykhovsky, Anatoly RUS 2415 1.5 Garcia, Silvino CUB 2420 1.5 Pierrot, Facundo ARG 2420 1.5 Shah, Pallavi G. IND 2240 1.5 Olafsson, Helgi ISL 2505 1.5 Gonzalez Garcia, Jose MEX 2445 1.5 132 players
Sinisa Joksic reports: The First Hilton Open in Basel finished in dramatic fashion. Nine players finished in a tie on 5,5 points, three of them having exactly the same Bucholz so a second tie-break decided the event, the Bucholz of their opponents. The luckiest (Bucholz of your opponents always requires some luck!) was Andrei Sokolov (36), the Russian grandmaster, ahead of Ognjen Cvitan (38) and Joe Gallagher (35). There were good performances from Petr Velicka (32) and Attila Czebe (24) the only IMs in the winners group of nine. All special prizes remained in Switzerland. The best senior was Walter Ammann (71), who finished 23rd, the best Lady was Ruth Bohrer (who finished 65th) and the best junior was Roland Schmid (who finished 46th). The tournament had 116 participants, 14 grandmasters, 17 IMs and 7 FIDE masters. Number 1 seed and the winner of the Zuerich open Vladimir Tukmakov finished 12th.
The next tournament on the SWISS-TOUR will be the Bern Open, February 14-21 and after that in March 12-16th the great De La Paix Open in Lugano. Many years ago the Lugano open, was one of the most popular opens in the world. The organizers hope to re-establish the chess tradition in the main town of Ticino.
ROUND 5 Tukmakov - Gallagher 0-1, Sokolov Andrei - Ekstroem 1/2, Novikov - Ruck 1-0, Gofshtein - Greenfeld 1/2, Oral - Rausis 1/2, Rukavina - Cvitan 1/2, Nemet - Bologan 0-1 , Berezovsky - Razuvaev 1/2, Velicka - Loeffler 1-0 , Ciric - Czebe 1/2, Varga Peter - Arnold 1-0 etc. ROUND 6 Gallagher - Novikov 1/2, Bologan - Oral 1-0, Gofshtein - Sokolov Andrei 0-1, Greenfeld - Velicka 1/2, Rausis - Varga Peter 1-0, Barbero - Cvitan 0-1, Ekstroem - Rukavina 1/2, Fancsy - Tukmakov 0-1, Razuvaev - Kriszany 1-0, Kiss - Ciric 1-0, Ammann - Pikula 1-0 etc ROUND 7 Cvitan - Bologan 1/2, Sokolov Andrei - Gallagher 1/2, Novikov - Rausis 1/2, Tukmakov - Ruck 1/2, Czebe - Razuvaev 1-0, Rukavina - Greenfeld 0-1, Cebalo - Kiss 1/2, Velicka - Ekstroem 1-0, Ammann - Gofshtein 0-1, Oral - Arnold 1-0, Varga Peter I - Wendt 1-0, Nemet - Peredy 1-0, Kelecevic - Vulevic 1/2, Schmidt-Schaeffer - Horvath Peter 0-1, Ermeni - Barbero 0-1, Pikula - Zanetti 1-0, Staechelin - Fancsy 1-0, Ciric - Gass 1-0 etc. Final Standings 1. Sokolov Andrei G 2565 RUS 5,5 (29,5 - 168,5) 2. Cvitan Ognjen G 2525 CRO 5,5 (29,5 - 164,5) 3. Gallagher Josef G 2525 SUI 5,5 (29,5 - 163,5) 4. Greenfeld Alon G 2535 ISR 5,5 (29,0 - 170,0) 5. Rausis Igors G 2535 LAT 5,5 (29,0 - 167,0) 6. Novikov Igor G 2545 UKR 5,5 (28,5 - 170,5) 7. Bologan Viktor G 2585 MDA 5,5 (28,5 - 160,5) 8. Velicka Peter IM 2465 CZE 5,5 (26,5) 9. Czebe Attila IM 2455 HUN 5,5 (26,0) 10. Gofshtein Leonid G 2500 ISR 5,0 (30,5)m 11. Oral Tomas IM 2510 CZE 5,0 (30,0) 12. Tukmakov Vladimir G 2605 UKR 5,0 (29,5) 13. Ruck Robert IM 2485 HUN 5,0 (28,5) 14. Varga Peter IM 2445 HUN 5,0 (28,0) 15. Barbero Gerardo G 2415 ARG 5,0 (27,0) 16. Kiss Pal IM 2435 HUN 5,0 (27,0) 17. Nemet Ivan G 2395 SUI 5,0 (25,5) 18. Cebalo Miso G 2535 CRO 5,0 (24,5) 19. Horvath Peter IM 2425 HUN 5,0 (23,5) 20. Rukavina Josip IM 2430 CRO 4,5 (30,5) 21. Razuvaev Yuri G 2560 RUS 4,5 (28,5) 22. Ekstroem Roland IM 2510 SUI 4,5 (27,5) 23. Ammann Walter 2255 SUI 4,5 (26,5 - 159,5) 24. Pikula Dejan IM 2430 YUG 4,5 (26,5 - 149,5) 25. Berezovsky Igor F 2375 GER 4,5 (26,0 - 151,5) 26. Herb Pascal F 2340 FRA 4,5 (26,0 - 150,0) 27. Ciric Dragoljub GM 2340 YUG 4,5 (26,0 - 148,0) 28. Vulevic Vjekoslav F 2270 SUI 4,5 (25,5 - 152,5) 29. Loeffler Markus 2365 GER 4,5 (25,5 - 150,0) 30. Kelecevic Nedeljko IM 2425 BIH 4,5 (25,5 - 148,0) 31. Kriszany Laszlo IM 2405 HUN 4,5 (24,5) 32. Xheladini Mahmud 2250 GER 4,5 (23,5) 33. Staechelin Ruedi 2170 SUI 4,5 (22,0) etc.
Laszlo Nagy reports: The traditional Talopca Open chess tournament runs from 8th to 16th of January in Budapest, in the tournament halls of the Hungarian Chess Federation. The organizer is Parej, Jozsef. There are 90 players from 6 countries: HUN, VIE, RUS, ARM, SLO, CAN. 74 players have FIDE ratings, 7 IM-s, 4 FM-s. The highest rated players: NGUYEN /VIE/, CHERNYSHOV /RUS/. The rounds start at 15:30, last round at 9:00. 6 hours thinking time altogether, 40 moves in two hours, then 1 hour till the end.
After 3 rounds the following players have 3 points: Chernishov; Nguyen Anh Dung, Jamrich, György; Szalánczy, Emil; Kahn Evarth; Khechumyan.
The next First Saturday Chess tournaments in Budapest are GM, IM closed and Scheveningen system ELO-tournament events will start on the 6th of February. Contact: Nagy, Laszlo; e-mail:
The Schachclub 46 Untergrombach organised the 7 round Swiss XVI. OPEN Bruchsal-Untergrombach won by IM Ikonnikov, IM Bogdanivitsch and IM Schlindwein which took place 2nd-6th January 1999 reports Roland Lauer.
More details
Untergrombach GER (GER), I 1999 ------------------------------------------ 1 Ikonnikov, Vyacheslav m RUS 2555 6.0 2 Bogdanovich, Grigory m RUS 2380 6.0 3 Schlindwein, Rolf m GER 2425 6.0 4 Ksieski, Zbigniew m POL 2400 5.5 5 Panzalovic, Srdjan f GER 2435 5.5 6 Fuchs, Heinz m GER 2310 5.5 7 Frohberg, Marco GER 2300 5.5 8 Hauke, Christian GER 2225 5.5 9 Bauschlein,Andreas GER ---- 5.5 10 Bach, Edwin f GER 2305 5.5 11 Florea, Dan GER 2265 5.5 12 Reichstein, Hans-Joerg GER 2235 5.5 13 Solomunovic, Igor f BIH 2340 5.0 14 Steinhart,Karl-Heinz GER ---- 5.0 15 Mailitis,Kai GER ---- 5.0 16 Mueller, Thomas GER 2025 5.0 17 Wuest,Hans-Heiner GER ---- 5.0 18 Roth, Markus GER 2125 5.0 19 Christ, Ralf GER 2270 5.0 20 Osmanovic, Faruk GER 2090 5.0 21 Beckmann, Klaus GER 2285 5.0 22 Kurz,Ralf GER ---- 5.0 23 Widmann,Volker GER ---- 5.0 24 Gromer,Rudolf GER ---- 5.0 175 players ------------------------------------------
The Rilton Cup is a strong open taking place in Stockholm, Sweden. 28.12.98–6.1.99. Mikhail Ulibin has won the 27th Rilton Cup which took place over the New Year. He scored 7.5 points and was a half point clear of Agrest, Nataf and Yakovich on 7. There were 7 players on 6.5 and 16 on 6 points.
Official coverage was on the Chess in Iceland pages at:
Stockholm SWE (SWE), XII 1998 - I 1999 ----------------------------------------------- 1 Ulibin, Mikhail g RUS 2555 7.5 2 Agrest, Evgenij g SWE 2545 7.0 3 Nataf, Igor-Alexandre g FRA 2485 7.0 4 Yakovich, Yuri g RUS 2560 7.0 5 Stefansson, Hannes g ISL 2535 6.5 6 Shulman, Yuri g BLR 2520 6.5 7 Kharitonov, Andrei Y g RUS 2570 6.5 8 Ehlvest, Jaan g EST 2620 6.5 9 Markovic, Miroslav m YUG 2575 6.5 10 Hector, Jonny g SWE 2510 6.5 11 Bator, Robert m SWE 2410 6.5 12 Cramling, Pia g SWE 2505 6.0 13 Ahlander, Bjorn f SWE 2410 6.0 14 Akesson, Ralf g SWE 2510 6.0 15 Gretarsson, Helgi Ass g ISL 2480 6.0 16 Conquest, Stuart g ENG 2490 6.0 17 Khenkin, Igor g RUS 2600 6.0 18 Hall, Jesper m SWE 2485 6.0 19 Schandorff, Lars g DEN 2535 6.0 20 Brynell, Stellan m SWE 2485 6.0 21 Nielsen, Peter Heine g DEN 2515 6.0 22 Kiik, Kalle m EST 2430 6.0 23 Taimanov, Mark E g RUS 2455 6.0 24 Barkhagen, Jonas m SWE 2415 6.0 25 Ornstein, Axel m SWE 2425 6.0 26 Yrjola, Jouni g FIN 2400 6.0 27 Salmensuu, Olli f FIN 2420 6.0 156 players
This open ran December 26th - 31st. Nikolaus Stanec won the event alone with 6/7. Games now available from Harald Grafenhofer.
Daily information was at:
Final standings Rg. SNr Tit Name des Spielers Elo Nat Verein Pkte RF BH 1 3 IM Stanec Nikolaus 2495 AUT MERKUR GRAZ 6 25.5 31.5 2 1 GM Hertneck Gerald 2555 GER MOZART SALZBURG 5.5 25 36 3 7 FM Weiss Christian 2370 AUT SV GMUNDEN 5.5 23.5 32.5 4 4 IM Rogulj Branko 2450 CRO 5.5 23.5 31.5 5 8 Ezsol Miklos 2370 HUN 5.5 23.5 31 6 2 GM Teske Henrik 2510 GER 5.5 22.5 31 7 17 Wege Jochen 2260 GER SC STEINBACH 5.5 21.5 31 8 24 MK Karner Christoph 2175 AUT ESV ATTNANG-PUCHHEIM 5 21 29 9 5 Balinov Ilia 2450 BUL 5 21 28.5 10 10 IM Danner Georg 2340 AUT 5 20 27.5 11 14 FM Kranzl Peter 2280 AUT SV GMUNDEN 5 19.5 27.5 12 6 IM Kaiser Wolfgang 2395 GER SV BAD SCHALLERBACH 5 18.5 25.5 13 9 IM Mahdy Khaled 2365 AUT 4.5 22 28.5 14 22 FM Moser Eva 2190 AUT ASKOE FINKENSTEIN 4.5 21.5 30 15 11 IM Kiss Attila 2340 HUN TSV HARTBERG 4.5 20.5 29 16 13 Koeller Oliver 2290 GER SC STEINBACH 4.5 19.5 29.5 17 25 Konrad Edmund 2170 AUT UNION HARTKIRCHEN 4.5 18.5 27 18 15 OEM Heimberger Reinhard Ing. 2280 AUT ASK ST. VALENTIN 4.5 18.5 24.5 19 21 MK Hebesberger Thomas 2195 AUT LEOBEN 4.5 18.5 24 20 12 MK Knoll Hermann 2325 AUT SV GMUNDEN 4.5 17 23.5 21 61 Lang Christian 1901 AUT ASKOE MUEHLTAL 4.5 14.5 23.5 86 players
Coming soon the strong Hoogovens tournament in Wijk aan Zee. Kasparov,
Anand, Shirov, Svidler, Kramnik and Topalov are amongst the players in
this strong event running January 15-31st 1999.
Official coverage:
and full daily coverage on TWIC's pages also.
Participants in Group A: 1 Kasparov 2 Anand 3 Kramnik 4 Ivanchuk 5 Shirov 6 Svidler 7 Topalov 8 Timman 9 vanWely 10 Yermolinski 11 Sokolov 12 Piket 13 Kasimdzhanov 14 Reinderman
The QVB Chess Festival, which includes the first GM tournament held in Australia since 1991. It is also the strongest ever held here with Grandmasters Rogers, Johansen, Benjamin and Zhong competing. Much of the information on the Festival is at:
Nigel Freeman has news of 3 events in Bermuda:
1) a 10 game match between Mickey Adams and Yasser Seirawan, starting 21st January and finishing 1st February;
2) a 13 player Category X (subject to the new ELO list) GM Tournament - Arizmendi, Ashley, Bacrot, Chandler, Elbilia, Forster, Gershon, Gretarsson, Nataf, Pelletier, Teplitsky, Thorhallsson and Waitzkin, starting 21st January and finishing 3rd February; and
3) the 16th Bermuda Open, starting (blitz and Bermuda Party!) 4th February and finishing 7th February.
Anyone wishing to watch or play can contact Nigel P.B. Freeman on the phone (441)234-2322, fax: (441)236-5649 or e-mail:
The Australian Chess Federation will stage the 1999 FIDE Sub-Zone 3.2b Oceanic Zonal Championship on the Gold Coast in mid April. Entry forms will be available soon and may be obtained from: Graeme Gardiner (Zonal President & ACF President) 290 Worongary Road Worongary QLD 4213 Tel: (work) 61-7 5530-3777 (home) 61-7 5530-5794 Fax: 61-7 5525-2676 Email: OR Gary Bekker (ACF Deputy President) 5/10 Crawford Road Brighton-Le-Sands NSW 2216 Tel: 61-2 9556-3960 Fax: 61-2 9599-0889 Email: Venue: Surfers Paradise Parkroyal Hotel A luxury 5-star hotel. Games to be played in the air-conditioned Waratah Room. Dates: Tuesday 13 April - Wednesday 21 April 1999 Format: Mens - 9 round Swiss (18 to 30 players) Womens - 10 player Round Robin
Aurec (France), 20 and 21th of February, 1999 2 rapid tournaments - 7 r 20 mn Prizes : FF50,000 - Invitations for titled players Informations : Olivier Deville; Côtevière, 43110 AUREC Tél: +33 477 35 41 21 Fax: +33 477 35 23 76 E-mail :
Stephane Laborde reports that there is a french Weekly real audio
magazine in collaboration with "TV LAB" about chess he presents
with IGM Eloi RELANGE about international and french chess news. Diagonale
had its second transmission last Saturday, which was live. The next
transmission will be on Friday 21h00 French time. This third programme
will be in French AND English. The English broadcast will only be on World
events, with a game of the week will be analysed by IGM Eloi Relange.
The 34th Hallsberg Junior International Tournament starts on Monday 28th December 1998 and finished 5 January 1999.