THE WEEK IN CHESS  19            12.02.95        Mark Crowther.

1) Introduction
2) FIDE World Chess Championships Semi-Finals.
3) Bundesliga Results by Norbert Friedrich
4) Bermuda Open
5) Philadelphia
6) Kings Head Quickplay
8) PCA World Title Match in Cologne to be sponsored by INTEL
11) Another view. (information from Otto Borik)
12) Haifa Category 14 by Shay Bushinsky
13) Rishon Category 11 tournament
14) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski
15) Tournament calendar by Michael Niermann.
    FIDE Candidates Semi-Finals Sanghi Nagar			10 games
    Joop van Oosterom Challenge Match between Piket and Shirov 	1 game
    Dundee Chess Congress - Premier Section 			1 game
    Bermuda Open 						1 game
    Romanian Championships 					1 game
    Philadelphia 						1 game
    Kings Head Quickplay 					1 game

1) Introduction

My thanks to Shay Bushinsky, Michael Niermann, Otto Borik,
Norbert Friedrich, Wlodek Proskurowski, Philip L. Peterson,
Ralph Frisch, Darrin Bond, SS Quah and others for their help
with this issue.

I'm sorry for the rather limited number of games this week
but they have been a little thin on the ground. Hopefully
a fuller quota next week. One of the major reasons I imagine
has been the FIDE Candidates. It has (quite rightly) dominated
the thoughts of many of the sources I use for gamescores.

2) FIDE World Chess Championships Semi-Finals.

Sanghi Nagar India			1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  TOTAL
Anatoly Karpov	RUS	2765 (2)        =  =  0  1  =
Boris Gelfand	BLR	2700 (8)        =  =  1  0  =
                 			1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  TOTAL
Gata Kamsky	USA	2710 (6)        1  =  1  =  1
Valery Salov	RUS	2715 (5)        0  =  0  =  0

A report on a match involving Gata Kamsky would be incomplete without
an incident involving Rustam Kamsky. This time the problem occured
before the match began and was aimed at one of Kamsky's seconds rather
than the opposition. It occurred at a party / reception to welcome
the arrival of the players. Alex Shabalov was spending quite a bit of time
chatting with Gelfand`s girlfriend (Zoe Trann, not sure of the surname
precisely). Shabalov knows Gelfand quite well but he didn't speak to
him. According to Darrin Bond who has spoken to Shablov since his
return to the States:

"At any rate later at another party Rustam went ballistic sucker punching
Alex from behind as he was engaged in conversation with someone else.  Blows
were exchanged (sorry no punch stats) and they were quickly seperated."

"Alex was not sacked.  He left under his own terms in response to Rustam's
actions.  He was not fired, or sacked nor was he asked to leave."

The presumption in most of the press reports I have seen is that
Rustam didn't want the seconds to speak to the "opposition" (although
Kamsky isn't playing Gelfand this time) and that this brought about the
incident. But who can fathom Rustam Kamsky? I doubt there is anyone
who seriously questions the honesty of Shabalov and moreover one
would hardly choose a party to pass on secret information.

On the board it was Gata Kamsky showing all the toughness. He ground
out a win in a favourable, but not necessarily favourable ending in
game one and after an easy draw in game two he beat Salov again.
Again in game 3 Salov ought not really to have lost (24. ... Nxe4 seems
quite level to us). I am however informed that even worse, the game is
actually thoery until move 29! 29.f4 is a suggestion of T.Georgadse in the ECO.
(Norbert Friedrich tells me). In addition in game 4, Salov was probably
winning but went astray somewhere between move 40 and 60. (I'll leave
that to the experts.) Thanks to Otto Borik for the gamescores and result
from Kamsky-Salov (5) in particular which arrived shortly before the
dealine of TWIC 19. Kamksy won, this match is all over now bar the

Gelfand and Karpov have played a closely contested match so far.
Gelfand may have missed some opportunities in game one, but
in game two Karpov probably did have a win just prior to move 40
which he missed in time trouble. Game 3 gave Gelfand a nice moral
boosting win, in a well controlled game. Game 4 seemed to be
a classic Karpov squeeze, Gelfand's position deteriorated and he decided
to lash out, the results of which was that he was routed. Game 5 was a
short draw. Its important that Gelfand at least draws tomorrow.

(information from SS Quah)

Anatoly Karpov (Russia) - Boris Gelfand (Belarus)
Valery Salov (Russia) - Gata Kamsky (USA)

Play timings are from 13:00hrs to 19:00hrs local time.

Opening ceremony : Sunday 	5  Feb 1995
Game 1           : Monday 	6  Feb 1995
Game 2           : Tuesday 	7  Feb 1995
Rest/Adj         : Wednesday 	8  Feb 1995
Game 3           : Thursday 	9  Feb 1995
Game 4           : Friday 	10 Feb 1995
Rest/Adj         : Saturday 	11 Feb 1995
Game 5           : Sunday 	12 Feb 1995
Game 6           : Monday 	13 Feb 1995
Rest/Adj         : Tuesday 	14 Feb 1995
Game 7           : Wednesday 	15 Feb 1995
Game 8           : Thursday 	16 Feb 1995
Rest/Adj         : Friday 	17 Feb 1995
Game 9           : Saturday 	18 Feb 1995
Rest/Adj         : Sunday 	19 Feb 1995
Game 10          : Monday 	20 Feb 1995
Rest/Adj         : Tuesday 	21 Feb 1995
Tie-break 1      : Wednesday 	22 Feb 1995
Tie-break 2      : Thursday 	23 Feb 1995
Closing ceremony : Thursday 	23 Feb 1995


3) Bundesliga Results by Norbert Friedrich

Round 8 - 4th Feb 1995

Muenchener SC 	- Empor Berlin 	2,5 - 5,5
Hofheim 	- Erfurt          4 - 4
Hamburger SK 	- Duisburg        4 - 4
Casrtop Rauxel 	- Tuebingen   	5,5 - 2,5
Porz 		- Dresden       6,5 - 1,5
Bremen 		- Zaehringen    3,5 - 4,5

Round 9 - 5th Feb 1995

Empor Berlin 	- Bayern Muenchen 5 - 3
Erfurt 		- Porz            1 - 7
Duisburg 	- Bremen        2,5 - 5,5
Tuebingen 	- Bochum        4,5 - 3,5
Dresden 	- Hofheim         4 - 4
Solingen 	- Hamburger SK  4,5 - 3,5
Zaehringen 	- Castrop Rauxel  3 - 5

Leading Standings.
1.Porz   17:1
2.Empor  15:1
3.Bayern 14:2

4) Bermuda Open

5 round SWISS

Norwood, Sophia Polgar, Vescovi			4.5
Asanov, A Ivanov, Frias, Meyer, Lesiege		4
Soltis, Bisiguier, Shakovich

5) Philadelphia

Alexander Khelminitsky				4.5
Joel Benjamin, Michael Rhode			4

6) Kings Head Quickplay

On the 28th of January the Kings Head a pub in London held
its annual quickplay. 5 GMs and 200 players competed.

The winners on 5.5/6 were Jonathon Speelman and Julian Hodgson

Eduard Gufeld and John Nunn also competed.


Linares 1995 Category 18.

Linares GM Tournament -	Feb. 28th - Mar. 18th

Karpov, Kasparov, Shirov, Kramnik, Ivanchuk, Short, Adams
Bareev, Lautier, Illescas Cordoba, Yusupov, Topolov,

Judit Polgar is down in most lists as competing but according
to one source she is not, due to a conflict with the preparations
for her sister's Candidates Final match for the Women's World Title
(Judit is to be one of her seconds.) Incidently Judit isn't
pregnant either.

Dos Hermanes 1995 XVIII
20 April - 5th May
Karpov          2765
Kamsky          2710
Shirov		2710
Gelfand         2700
Piket           2670
Lautier         2655
Adams		2655
Polgar          2630
Illescas        2595

8) PCA World Title Match in Cologne to be sponsored by INTEL

At a press conference in Cologne on Thursday INTEL announce their
continued sponsorship of PCA events, such as the rapidplay circuit and
in addition the sponsorship of the PCA's World Title Match.

Perhaps the most important part of the deal as far as publicity is
concerned are the TV deals with BBC (England), WDR (Germany),
Channel 4 (Russia) and ESPN (US). Which events these networks
are to cover will have to be seen.

Speaking about the British coverage, I have always prefered the
BBC approach which has been longstanding and quite professional.

The Cologne match between Kasparov and the winner of Anand / Kamsky
which will take place in Cologne in September will be over 20 games.

Kasparov was was dismissive of Kamsky's chances of challenging him
he is quoted as saying:

" Vishy's just a much better player"

Here is a list of the PCA events that I know of this year.

PCA Semi-finals Kamksy/Anand Las Palmas.	Mar. 8th  - Mar. 25th
PCA Riga Super Classic.				Apr. 12th - Apr. 24th
Moscow Grand Prix.				Apr. 27th - Apr. 30th
PCA Novgorod Super Classic.			May  25th - Jun.  7th
New York Grand Prix				Jun. 15th - Jun. 18th
PCA World Championships FINALS. Cologne.	Sep. 10th - Oct. 14th

Additional events that I don't have dates for are the London and
Paris legs of the Grand Prix.


The first of these is the full document that I quoted in
part (because I didn't have it in full) last week. There
were comments from me appended last week.


To fulfil the goals set forth in the Declaration of Cooperation
between FIDE and PCA, we propose the following steps:

1. To reunite the two cycles in order to end the current confusion
   among chess players, chess fans, sponsors and media, and to
   present a system that will bring the World Chess Championship
   Match to the core of public interest. To this end, a Reunification
   Match will be organized in 1996 after the completion of the two
   cycles. FIDE and PCA will ensure the appropriate changes in their
   respective regulations that will oblige the winners of the cycles
   to play such a match. This will be the full implementation of the
   World Championship Cycle and both organizations acknowledge that,
   barring physical incapacity of the incumbent, the only way for the
   14th World Champion to acquire the title is by beating his
   predecessor in fair competition. Thus the World Championship Match
   of 1996 will guarantee the unbroken continuity of the 110-year
   history of the World Chess Championship.

2. To agree on the rules and other details of such a Match, a Joint
   Commission shall be formed urgently on an equal representation
   basis and will finalize the regulations by May 1st 1995.

3. To reunite the World Championship Cycle such that it will be held
   under the joint logo of FIDE and PCA after 1995. The Joint
   Commission shall oversee this task and develop a plan for the
   substantial reform of the future cycle with a view to cutting
   costs and simplifying implementation.

4. To make Cost Effectiveness the watchword in this new cooperation
   and to closely examine all official events with a view to reduction
   of costs, ease of organization and better access for the media,
   specially TV.

5. To form a Commission to ensure the gradual unification of the
   rating systems. Both parties agree that the ELO system needs
   improvement due both to the advances in computer technology and
   to errors which have come to light. A new system will be presented
   as soon as possible uniting the FIDE and PCA ratings, also taking
   into account the interests of the average player. The logo will be
   jointly owned by FIDE and PCA. The rating of the top 500 players
   will be published bi-monthly.

6. PCA in its capacity as a commercial entity will manage commercial
   events and will guarantee the annual payment of an agreed
   contribution to FIDE's expenses. The division of profits from
   Joint Events will be regulated by special agreement.

7. FIDE will start a comprehensive restructuring of its own
   organization to make it commercially more efficient. As a first
   step, the payment of Stipends to elected officials shall be

8. To work together in bringing chess into the Olympic Movement.

(signed)                 (signed)
Florencio Campomanes     Garry K Kasparov
FIDE President           For the PCA Board

Moscow, 8 December 1994



In the spirit of unity and with the view of future cooperation,
we, Florencio Campomanes, as FIDE President, and Garry Kasparov,
representing the PCA Board, hereby declare:

FIDE and the PCA both recognize that the split which occurred in
March-April 1993 could have been avoided had both adopted less
confrontational stances. At the same time, they recognize that
the split engendered positive developments, primarily an increase
in fund-raising activities which have identified new sources of
financial support for chess.

To nurture these new sources and to strengthen the trend towards
commercial and multinational sponsorship which will hasten the
steady development of the chess world, it is now essential to
avoid any possibility of irresponsible action promoted by
factions with vested interests.

This Declaration aims to remove any negative potential of the
current split which will harm not only chess players but also
their Federations. We intend it to lead the way to an Agreement
between FIDE and PCA which will usher in a new chess era based
upon full and vigorous cooperation between the two organizations.

We believe that it is essential now to combine our forces in
order not to lose this historic momentum that has been generated
in the chess world. We are convinced that by integrating our
policies and unifying our efforts we can make chess a professional
self-financed sport capable of diving into the mainstream to
become a marketing by-word and a universal sport.

(signed)                 (signed)
Florencio Campomanes     Garry K Kasparov
FIDE President           For the PCA Board

Moscow, 8 December 1994

(and witnessed by eight persons, but I can't decipher who they are)

(a newspaper report from the Malaysian press)

World Chess Federation (FIDE) Florencio Campomanes of the Philippines
intends to work with rival Garry Kasparov of the Professional Chess
Association (PCA) on a business partnership.

Campomanes said Kasparov has offered to help make FIDE financially
stable under a business partnership.

"There is no one better than Kasparov to work with in this venture,"
he told *Chessmate* during a recent visit to Kuala Lumpur.

Campomanes said during the last eight years, he and Kasparov have
made possible the sponsorship of many major chess events.

"The FIDE-PCA unification will benefit both and bring in more revenues
to chess federations around the world. This is what I want to
accomplish. I want to get big business corporations like NEC and IBM
to be involved in our chess tournaments."

He said FIDE will meet to discuss its business ties with PCA as soon
as possible in accordance with the agreement decided at the general

"PCA is a business organisation and basically wants to handle the
marketing and principle events of FIDE," said Campomanes. "We will
establish a FIDE-PCA commission to oversee the entire discussion of
all issue pertaining to business venture."

The commission is expected to be formed within the next few months.

11) Another view. (information from Otto Borik)

Some minutes ago (9 Feb 1995) I've received a fax with a statement from
India which has been written in name of all FOUR candidates
but signed only by three of them (Gelfand did not). I have
typed (not edited!) this text, here is it:

The semi-finalist of the current World Championship matches
present here in Sanghi Nagar:
World Champion Anatoly Karpov and Candidates International
Grandmasters Valery Salov, Gata Kamsky and Boris Gelfand
issue jointly the following declaration:

* They are of the opinion that coming match between the
winners of these semi-finals should be officially designated
as the match for the World Chess Championship. In accordance
with the decision taken at the FIDE  Gereral Assembly held
in Curitiba, Brasil (1993), the winner sould be declared the
World Champion.

* As regards the new proposal for a so called "unification"
match between the winner of this current cycle, i.e.
"the next World Champion" and the winner of the break-away
PCA-cycle (who will be known later this year), we declare
the following:
  We are very surprised and upset about the invitation by Mr.
Florencio Campomanes to be MERE OBSERVERS in the FIDE-PCA
commision that will decide about the future of FIDE and our
careers in chess. May we remind Mr. Campomanes that we are -
by virtue of being semi-finalists - the strongest chess
players in FIDE at the moment. May we also remind Mr.
Campomanes that we have consistently looked after the
interests of FIDE in its hour of need. A majority of the
present semi-finalists will for these reasons be deemed to
form a quorum to decide on questions of expediency of such
a match, it's organisation and all other details associated
with it.

* The present semi-finalists are of the sincere opinion
that a number of changes may have to be made in the current
FIDE-regulations that govern the cycle and the matches of
the World Chess Championship. A majority of the present
semi-finalists will be deemed to form a quorum for the
proposals that we intend to make for these needed changes
in the regulations.

(signature of) Karpov, Kamsky, Salov
Date: February 9th, 1995

12) Haifa Category 14 by Shay Bushinsky

 ROUND 8 - 05/02/95

Alterman      1/2 Greenfeld
Milov         1/2 Kosashvili
Psakhis       1/2 Yudasin
Dolmatov      1/2 Gruenfeld
Svidler       1/2 Gurevich
Akopian       1/2 Smirin

No change in standings after round 8 of play in the GM tournament.
Dolmatov could have moved ahead but he missed a win against Gruenfeld.
In the Israeli derby match Psakhis obtained a worse position after a
poor opening against Yudasin. This match was accompanied with
some pre-match psychological war. He then offered a draw to his long
time opponent who had just recently become Israeli champion at Psakhis`
expense. Milov copied Psakhis` bad opening preparations and granted what seemed
good chances for Kosashvili again. But Yona went wrong and had to settle
with a draw. No other dramatic games as the rest seemed to take it easy.

ROUND 9 - 06/02/95

Kosashvili 1-0 Psakhis
Gurevich   0-1 Alterman
Greenfled  1/2 Akopian
Yudasin    1/2 Svidler
Smirin     1/2 Dolmatov
Gruenfled  1/2 Milov

Two rounds to go and the under-rated is in the lead

Kosashvili is proving that talent can sometimes be enough to compete
well in a strong GM tournament. Kosashvili, a full time student of
medicine (he is in his final year) is the surprise sole leader of this strong
professional tournament. In round 9 he chose the exchange variation of
the French defense. In a brilliant positional game he reached a
prefered double bishop ending to win again this time against the
experienced GM Lev Psakhis. In another decisive game Alterman and
Gurevich drove into a dangerous alley. Just as the game looked turning
towards Guervich he missed a 2 move mate threat and was downed again.
Akopian decreased his chances of winning this competition as he was
unable to take advantage of his minimal edge and of Greenfelds serious
time trouble. After the time scramble both agreed on a draw. Yudasin
stood very badly against Svidler but the younger opponent went
wrong and conceded a draw. Smirin was content to offer a draw to
Dolmatov after 15 moves only leaving the latter still very much in the
race for first place. Milov settled for an off the board draw with
Gruenfeld who felt ill just before the game.

ROUND 10 - 07/02/95

Kosashvili 1/2 Gruenfeld
Psakhis    0-1 Svidler
Dolmarov   1/2 Greenfeld
Akopian    1/2 Gurevich
Milov      0-1 Smirin
Alterman   1/2 Yudasin

A round to go - first place is still open

A bad game reaching a worse position did not undermine Yona Kosashvili
who still has the best chances to win the first prize in the
tournament. At least three GMs if not 5 are still very able to win
this neck to neck event.

Psakhis ruined his last chance to have a say in the final standings
trying to force a win against Svidler. Dolmatov may now have the best
chance to win the tournament as his last opponent will be Gurevich who has
completely lost interest in this event. Dolmatov prefered a very quite
and solid game against Greenfeld's Sicilian and was content after it
ended in a draw. Akopian, who was expected to do much better, did not
take any risks against Gurevich and conceded a draw as well. Smirin
Deployed a very impressive Kings Indian Defence, over-running Milov's shaky
game. Smirin won to get back into contention for a share of first place.
Yudasin and Alterman settled for a quick draw leaving both with
good chances for a top prize.

ROUND 11 - 08/02/95

Smirin    1/2  Kosashvili
Yudasin   1/2  Akopian
Svidler   1-0  Alterman
Gurevich  1/2  Dolmatov
Greenfeld 1/2  Milov
Gruenfeld 1/2  Psakhis

Psakhis ruined his last chance to have a say in the final standings
trying to force a win against Svidler. Dolmatov may now have the best
chance to win the tournament as his last opponent will be Gurevich who
completely lost interest in this event. Dolmatov prefered a very quite
and solid game against Greenfeld's Sicilian and was content after it
ended in a draw. Akopian who was expected to do much better, did not
take any risks against Gurevich and maintained a draw as well. Smirin
Deployed a very impressive Kings Indian Defense over-running Milov's shaky
game. Smirin climbed back to become a decider in the final
round. Yudasin and Alterman settled for a quick draw leaving both with
good chances for a top prize.

It is easier to beat someone when he tries to beat you

GM Yona Kosashvili of Hulon Israel scored a remarkable win in this
very strong tournament that ended yesterday. When the tournament
started he was thought of at all as a potential winner.
Kosashvili, 30, managed to refute Smirin's will to beat him
and share first place, coming back from an inferior position in the
Spanish opening. The game lasted longer than the other matches, which
ended mostly in quick draws. No doubt this is the high point in
Kosashvili's chess career, which is not professional as he entered his
last year of medicine. His result earned him with 22 FIDE ELO points
bringing him as high as 2582 and revealed him to be a strong GM.
The only other decisive game  was Peter Svidler's win against Alterman's Sicilian Dragon. This concluded a nice comeback as he started 0 out of 3
Svidler was also the only player who beat Kosashvili.
This concludes my reporting of this high class event. If you feel
something is still missing, I hope to be able to produce at least some
of it by next week. (Shay is referring to games. 8-) MC)

Haifa Category 14             1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2   TOTAL
1  Yona Kosashvili  2560 ISR  #  =  1  1  =  0  =  1  =  =  =  1   7
2  Sergey Dolmatov  2605 RUS  =  #  =  =  =  1  =  =  =  =  1  =   6.5
3  Leonid Yudasin   2615 ISR  0  =  #  =  =  =  =  =  1  =  1  1   6.5
4  Vladimir Akopian 2655 ARM  0  =  =  #  =  1  =  =  =  1  =  =   6
5  Ilia Smirin 	    2630 ISR  =  =  =  =  #  0  1  0  1  =  1  =   6
6  Peter Svidler    2585 RUS  1  0  =  0  1  #  1  1  =  =  0  =   6
7  Boris Alterman   2575 ISR  =  =  =  =  0  0  #  =  =  1  =  1   5.5
8  Lev Psakhis 	    2625 ISR  0  =  =  =  1  0  =  #  =  =  1  =   5.5
9  Alon Greenfeld   2580 ISR  =  =  0  =  0  =  =  =  #  1  =  =   5
10 Yehuda Gruenfeld 2505 ISR  =  =  =  0  =  =  0  =  0  #  =  1   4.5
11 Vadim Milov	    2580 ISR  =  0  0  =  0  1  =  0  =  =  #  1   4.5
12 Mikhail Gurevich 2605 BEL  0  =  0  =  =  =  0  =  =  0  0  #   3

Prize Fund
First Place $3,000
2. $2,000
3. $1,500
4. $1,250
5. $1,000

13) Rishon Category 11 tournament


Alterman 	1-0 Har-Zvi
Lees 		1-0 Mikhalevsky
Finkel 		1-0 Bichovsky
Davies 		1/2 Oratovsky
Shmuter 	1/2 Sutovsky
Kogan 		??  Goldin

Standings after 3 rounds:
Alterman 2.5
Mikhalevsky Sutovsky Lees 2
Kogan 1.5(1)
Oratovsky Shmuter and Finkel 1.5
Goldin 0.5(1)
Davies 0.5

14) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski 

				TWIC 19

   Nowadays a player of more than 30 years of age in otb play seems to have
   a great handicap.  In composition this is not so.  Here is an example
   of a composer who started at a very ripe age (I believe it to be at his
   retirement, please correct me if I am wrong) with a fine miniature that
   was awarded the First Prize.

       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   |   | o |   |   |   |   W: Kc2,Re3,p.e4 (3)
       |   |   |   |   | o |   |   |   |   B: Kg3,p.e5,e6,f3 (4)
       |   |   |   |   | + |   |   |   |   White to move and draw
       |   |   |   |   | R | o | k |   |
       |   |   | K |   |   |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

   Here is the only source of books specializing in Problems and Studies
   I know of:

	The British Chess Problem Society
        `Amizome', Moor Lane
        Brighstone, Isle of Wight, PO30 4DL

15) Tournament calendar by Michael Niermann.

Many thanks to all who have sent us some tournament informations. But we
still need some help. If you want to support us, please send infos about
tournaments in your country to

February 17-19       Lyon (FRA), 60min, ko,
                       Tel +33 78288587

Feb 17-19       PORTSMOUTH CONGRESS: Portsmouth Grammar School, Portsmouth
        (P McEvoy, 77 Lime Grove, Paulsgrove, Portsmouth P06 4DQ
        Tel: 07056 388341)  Very good organisation by Pat McEvoy and his team.

February 17-26       Moscow (RUS), 9xCH, ELO, norms, Prize fond - $10000
                       Tel +7 (095) 200-65-91
                        or +7 (095) 200-60-49
                       detailed info in TWIC18

February 17          Minsk (BLA) III International chess Festival
         - March 3     1. International Tournament (IX-XI cat.), 14 players.
                       2. International Tournament (women), 12-14 players,
                          GM norms.
                       3. International Tournament (III-IV cat.), 14 players.
                       4. International Tournament (women), 12-14 players,
                          IM norms.
                       5. Open (17-26.2.1995), IM norms, ELO, 9 rounds.
                          First prize - $1000. Cost - $10 (2405-2425)...$50,
                          no Elo
                       Match-tournament (Scheveninger system), Cost $80 (no Elo)
                       Address: Belarus, 220050, Minsk, K. Marks st, 10
                       Phone: +(0172) 27-47-88
                       Fax: +(0172) 27-61-84
                       Telex: 252175 Atlet

February 18          Wolfen (GER), 9.45, 7xCH, 30min, 15DM
                       Tel +49 3494 66394
                        or +49 3494 43908

February 18          Waddinxveen (NL), Drierondertournament. (Three rounds
                       Tournament), Groups of 4, 60min, 10.00
                       Tel +31 1828-19006
                       detailed info in TWIC18

February 18          Hardenberg (NL), OBO Chesstournament, 9.30, Groups of 8,
                       Tel +31 5233-2270
                       detailed info in TWIC18

February 18          Berlicum (NL), 12th Raborapid tournament, 9.30,
                       9xCH, 15min
                       Tel  +31 4103-2560
                       detailed info in TWIC18

February 18-19       Kingston (CAN), 5xCH, 30/90+SD/1
                       detailed info in TWIC18

February 18th-25th   Lienz (AUT)  9xCH, Elo/norms?
                       Tel +43 4852 62229
                       Fax +43 4852 68522

February 18/19 +     Rogno (ITA)
     March 25/26       Tel +39 35 983078

February 19 +        Arzignano (ITA)
     March 5+19        Tel +39 444 671566

February 19-26       Le-Mont-Saint-Michel (FRA), 9xCH, 360F
                        Tel +33 31660832

February 20-26       Spijkernisse (Nl), Interpolis/Rabobank chess 6-camp.
                       Tel +31-1880-42732

February 21-March 2  Wijk aan Zee (Nl), Sonnevancktournament

February 23-26       Clermont-Ferrand (FRA), 7xCH, 300F
                       Tel +33 73845482

Feb 24-26  11th "GEEST PLC" SPALDING OPEN CONGRESS: St Nicholas Church Hall,
        The Vista, Churchgate, Spalding, Lincs  (Francis Bowers)

February 24-26       Leiden (NL), Noteboomtournament, 19.15, 6xCH, 40/105+15,
                       Tel +31 70-3278291
                       detailed info in TWIC18

February 24-26       Simmersfeld (GER), 120min, 40DM (incl 2 meals),
                       Tel +49 7484 361
                       Fax +49 7484 1515

February 24          Elancourt (FRA), 7xCH, 200F
        - March 5      Tel +33 (1)39587000

February 25          Wormerveer (NL), 32th Open Fastchesschampionship
                       Zaanstreek, 10min
                       Tel +31 2982-3775
                       detailed info in TWIC18

February 25          Heerenveen (Nl), Districtstournament, 9.45,
                       Groups of four, 60min
                       Tel +31 5130-25999
                       detailed info in TWIC18

February 25          Aalsmeer (Nl), 5th Open Chesschampionship
                       Tel +31 2977-23606

February 25/26       Gueugnon (FRA), 6xCH, 60min, 200F
                       Tel +33 85853189

February 25th        Paris (FRA) FIDE-Open + Youth-Open, 9xCH, 370F
    -March 5th         Tel +33 (1) 46201314

February 25th        Capelle la Grande (FRA) 9xCH, ELO, 200F
    -March 4th         Tel/Fax +33 28662913

February 26          Garching (GER), 9.30, blitz for club teams(4), 60DM
                       Tel +49 89 3205480

February 26          Biel (SWZ) 9.00, 7xCH, 25min, 60sfr (incl meal)
                       Tel/Fax +41 32 534040

        The Open University, Milton Keynes
        David Phillips, 136 Ramsons Avenue, Conniburrow, Milton Keynes,
        Bucks MK14 7BH (Tel: 0908 675587)
        A potential "biggie" and worth travelling to.

March 2              Gouda (Nl), Fastchess tournament for not working people,
                       Groups of 6, 30min
                       Tel +31 1820-12943
                       detailed info in TWIC18

March 2              Poeldijk (Nl), 13th Krokus-chesstournament
                       Tel +31 1749-46667

March 3-5            Colle Val d'Elsa (ITA)
                       Tel +39 577 921245

Mar 3-5 24th     DYFED PREMIER CONGRESS: The Cliff Hotel, Gwbert-on-Sea,
        Cardigan, (T L Jones, Dolnant, Pontgarreg, Llandysul,
        Dyfed SA44 6AR (Tel: 0239 654324)

Mar 3-5 GLENROTHES CONGRESS: Lomond Centre, Glenrothes
        (Walter J Pearson, 140 South Parks Road, Glenrothes KY6 1JA
        Tel: 0592 751161)

March 4              Bathmen (Nl), 13th  Jan Leidenaar Youth Chesstournament
                       Tel +31-5700-51260)


March 4+5+11+12      Milano (ITA)
                       Tel +39 2 8692171

March 4+5+11+12      Salemi (ITA)
                       Tel +39 924 64021

March 4+5+18+19      S. Maria Sala (ITA)
                       Tel +39 41 57 30262

March 4th-15th       Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                        GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                        Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

March 5              Saint-Ouen (FRA), 9.00, 9xCH, 20min, 200F,
                       Tel +33 40123738
                        or +33 40125496
                        or +33 48663228

March 8th-12th       Leipzig (GER) 7xCH, no ELO, 50DM
                        Tel +49 341 6515547

March 10-12          Zwolle (Nl), Computery-tournament, 6xCH, 50f
                       Tel +31 5202-27379
                        or +31 38 544446

March 10th-18th      Bad Woerishofen (GER) 9xCH, ELO, norms, 130DM
                        Tel +49 6898 62022
                        Fax +49 6898 62858

Mar 10-12       BLACKPOOL CONFERENCE: Winter Gardens, Chapel Street, Blackpool
        (G M Jones, 27 Clarke Street, Leigh, Lancs WN7 4HU Tel: 0942 604262)


March 11             Huizen (Nl), Spijkertournament
                       Tel +31 2152-54955

March 11             Uitgeest (Nl), Lasker Tournament
                       Tel +31 2513-12501

March 11             Klazienaveen (Nl), Jubilee youthschoolchess-tournament
                       Tel +31 5913-12671

March 11             Amsterdam (Nl), 4th Highschool of Amsterdam Tournament
                       Tel +31 23-254864

March 12             Achim (GER), 10.00, tandem (bughouse), 10DM
                       Tel +49 421 403051

Mar 12  KENSINGTON RAPIDPLAY: Imperial College, Prince Consort Rd London SW7
        11am start.  U210, U165, U135 sections.
        D. Agble, (0171) 594 9456 (home) or
        (0171) 594 5620 (work).
        A hard fought event, whichever section you enter.

Mar 12  14th     TEIGNMOUTH RAPIDPLAY: Trinity School, New Road, Teignmouth
        (J G Gorodi, 52 Coniston Road, Ogwell, Newton Abbot TQ12 6YJ
        Tel: 0626 55360)


March 18             Herne (GER), 14.00, 7xCH, 15min, 10DM
                       Tel +49 2323 61030

March 18             Haltern (GER), 13.15, 9xCH, 15min, 25DM
                       Tel +49 2364 7345

Mar 18-19       1ST INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CONGRESS: 229 Gt Portland St. W1
        A new London Congress which has the potential to become a permanent
        fixture on the  calendar.  Support this congress!
        One hundred entries guarantees the prize fund!
        J. Weightman, Flat 1, 225a Finchley Road, London NW3 6LP.
        (0171) 435 7205.

March 18th-26th      Saarbruecken (GER) Open + many one-day-tournaments
                        Tel/Fax +49 6851 70074

March 19             Gruendau (GER), 9.00, youth blitz
                       Tel +49 6051 2297

March 24th           Bled (SLO) 9xCH, ELO, norms, 120DM (ELO tmt), 100DM (B tmt)
    -April 1st          Fax +386 64 221 377

Mar 24-26       MIDLAND INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP: Derby Assembly Rooms,
        Bob Milner, 411 Cheadle Road, Cheddleton, Leek, Staffs ST13 7BH
        Tel: 0782 550112)

Mar 24-26       EAST DEVON CONGRESS: St Georges Hall, Exeter
        (E G Sparke, 12 Westbourne Terrace, Budleigh Salterton, Devon, EX9 6BR
        Tel: 0395 442585)

March 25             Offenbach (GER), U20, 4DM
                       Tel +49 69 842378

March 25/26          Jarny (FRA), 6xCH, 60min, 100F,
                       Tel +33 82334815

Mar 25  GOLDERS GREEN OPEN, plus Under 160, Under 120
        Adam Raoof, PO Box 1962, London NW4 4NF. (0181) 202 0982

Mar 26  ATHERTON RAPIDPLAY: Jubilee Hall, Atherton
        (G M Jones, 27 Clarke Street, Leigh, Lancashire WN7 4HU
        Tel: 0942 604262 or 0942 877269)

March 31 - April 2   Werther (GER), 5xCH, no ELO, 35DM
                       Tel +49 5203 6471

April 1st-12th       Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                        GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                        Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

April 1              Wolfen (GER), 9.45, blitz, 20DM
                       Tel +49 3494 25628

Apr 2   LETCHWORTH RAPIDPLAY CONGRESS: Plinston Hall, Broadway, Letchworth
        Tim Thurstan, 33 Brampton Park Road, Hitchin (0462) 459873

April 7-9            Erlangen (GER), 5xCH, 55/45 DM, just for players with
                       DWZ/ELO < 2100
                       Tel +49 9131 60084
                       Fax +49 9131 60087

April 8/9            Eupen (BEL) 7xCH, no ELO, 30DM/600BEF
                       Tel +32 87 742587
                       Fax +32 87 552716

April 9              Chelles (FRA), 9.00, 7xCH, 30min
                       Tel +33 (1)64260997

April 10-13          Jena (GER), 7xCH, U21, 25DM,
                       Tel +49 3641 51892

April 10-16          Seiffen (GER), 7xCH, just for players with
                       DWZ/ELO < 2300
                       Tel +49 37362 8354

April 12-16          New York (USA),
                       Tel +1 2127194204

April 13-17          Fellbach-Schmiden (GER), 9xCH, ELO, norms?, 80DM,
                       Tel +49 711 586595
                        or +49 7191 82556

April 14-17          Passau (GER), 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 90DM
                        Tel +49 851 83811
                        Fax +49 851 81889

April 14-17          St.Germain-Lembron (FRA), 7xCH, 170F,
                       Tel +33 54878499

April 15-17          Blois (FRA), 6xCH, 200F,
                        Tel +33 73910285

April 17-23          Gausdal (NOR), Norwegian Open, 9xCH, elo/norms?
                       Tel +47 22679520
                       Fax +47 22679513

April 17-28          Jewpatoria (UKR), youth tmt, 9xCH, no entry fee
                       Tel +7 0652 277097

April 25-May 3       Gausdal (NOR), Arnold Cup 9xCH, elo/norms?
                       Tel +47 22679520
                       Fax +47 22679513

April 30 - May 10    Smolensk (RUS), Belavenets memorial
                       Tel +7(081) 00-24562
                        or +7(081) 00-32940

May 5-13             Gausdal (NOR), Skei Masters, 10 player GM and IM tmts,
                       Tel +47 22679520
                       Fax +47 22679513

May 6-17             Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                       GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                       Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

May 10-20            Waikiki, Hawaii (US) 10x CH, ELO, norms
                       e-mail Eric Schiller,
                       more details in TWIC 16

May 19-27            Schaan (LIE) 9xCH, ELO, 100sFr
                       Tel +41 75 2324940
                       Fax +41 75 2322986

May 23-31            Maria Alm (AUT) Open for Senior-Player, 9xCH
                       Tel +43 6582 2196

May 27-June 3        Mainz (GER) 9xCH, ELO,
                       Tel     +49 6131 223990 or
                       Tel/Fax +49 6131 85399

May 25-28            Erlangen (GER) 7xCH, no ELO, 90DM
                       Tel +49 9131 47703

May 25-28            Crailsheim (GER) 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 90DM
                       Tel +49 7951 6468

May 25-28            Erfurt (GER), 9xCH, 30min, 25DM,
                       Tel +49 361 6435132

May 25-28            Herne (GER), 7xCH, 70DM,
                       Tel +49 2323 18112

June 2-5             Jena (GER), 7xCH, 60DM,
                       Tel +49 3641 51892

May 25-28            Jarny (FRA), 7xCH, 120F,
                       Tel +33 82334815

June 3-14            Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                        GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                        Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

June 10-18           Bad Bevensen (GER), 9xCH, ELO, norms?, 120DM,
                       Tel +49 5821 41024

June 17-18           Bad Bevensen (GER), 11xCH, 30min, 60DM,
                       Tel +49 5821 41024

June 17-19           Tartu (EST) 9xCH, 50DM (June 17+18)+ Blitz (June 19), no ELO
                        Tel +372 7 421281

June 30-July 8       Velden (AUT)  9xCH, Elo, Norms, 750 oeS
                        Tel +43 4274 2103
                        Fax +43 4274 51078

July 1-12            Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                        GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                        Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

July 8-16            Toronto (CAN), Canadian Open

July 21              Biel (SUI) 12 tournaments, Open: 9-11xCH, ELO, norms
       -August 5        30sFr (blitz)-250sFr
                        Tel +41 32 534040
                        Fax +41 32 228688 or
                            +41 32 535925

July 29              Gausdal (NOR), Peer Gynt International, 9xCH, elo/norms?
    -August 4           Tel +47 22679520
                        Fax +47 22679513

August 5-16          Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                        GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                        Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

August 6-13          Gausdal International (NOR), 9xCH, elo/norms?
                        Tel +47 22679520
                        Fax +47 22679513