THE WEEK IN CHESS 177 - 30th March 1998 by Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) 7th Amber Blindfold and Rapid tournament
3) Kasparov, Kramnik and Shirov
4) New York Open
5) Clarin Grand Prix Final
6) Jagodina ’98
7) 19th Chess Festival in Bled
8) Belgrade 53rd Yugoslav Championships
9) Belgian Interteams
10) 4NCL
11) News from the German League
12) WCC World Rankings
13) Upcoming Events

Games section

7th Amber                    24 games
New York Open                 1 game
New York Open Blitz           8 game
Clarin GP Final              66 games
Jagodina 98                  24 games
Bled Open                   244 games
Belgian Interteams           93 games
German Cup                    3 games
Yugoslav Championships       48 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Vadim Kaminsky, Sinisa Joksic, Jeroen van den Berg, Eric van der Schilden (and TASC), Michael Atkins, Alain Talon, Nigel Johnson, Gerald Schendel, World Chess Council, Juergen Daniel, Milan Dezelin and all those who helped with this issue.

A rather less hectic week than the last saw Kramnik and Shirov share first in the overall standings in the 7th Amber Tournament. News from El Pais says that a WCC press conference announces they will meet in a match in May to decide who will play Kasparov in October although as always the best test of these stories is to see the players sit down and push the first pawn. There may be some politics in play before the match starts.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) 7th Amber Blindfold and Rapid tournament

The "Seventh Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament" was held at the Metropole Palace hotel at the casino square in Monaco, from March 12 until March 27 1998.

There was full internet coverage at:

The players played one rapid game and one blindfold game with reversed colours against the same opponent. An incremental time rate was used.

Vladimir Kramnik and Alexei Shirov shared first place in the overall standings of the 7th Amber tournament. Shirov and Ivanchuk shared first in the rapidplay games part of the event and Kramnik won the blindfold event clearly by a point and a half. Ivanchuk could have taken first place alone in the overall standings had he managed to win against Matthew Sadler in their blindfold game. It was announced that there will be an 8th Amber event in 1999 at the end of the tournament.

In round 10 Alexei Shirov found a novelty 14. Nc5 to beat Matthew Sadler. Karpov, Ivanchuk and Ljubojevic were the other winners. Kramnik and Ivanchuk both won. Kramnik also wrapped up the blindfold event with this victory achieved in smooth style. Piket fell into a trap when better against Ivanchuk. Piket saw he could win Ivanchuk's Queen, but Ivanchuk saw he would emerge with a winning advantage a few moves later.

The final round saw Anand and Kramnik played out two draws, their rapid game being slightly better for Kramnik and the blindfold game saw a big but apparently not decisive advantage to Anand. Ivanchuk also scored one point out of two but he will be disappointed. With black he took a small advantage into the endgame and won. With white in the blindfold game he completely lost the thread and 18. Nd4 caused his position to fall apart. Even a draw would have allowed him to catch Kramnik. As it was Shirov was the main beneficiary of these results as he whitewashed Van Wely 2-0. His win with black in the rapid game was a confusing one, certainly Van Wely looked better but Shirov's tactics on the Kings side eventually paid off. He did not need to try as hard to win with white in the later blindfold game. Karpov's draw against Piket gave him third place alone in the rapid event. Ljubojevic fell at the last hurdle when beaten by Topalov in a fine game.

Amber Rapid

Round 10 (1998.03.25)

Shirov, Alexei        -  Sadler, Matthew       1-0   30  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Ivanchuk, Vassily     -  Piket, Jeroen         1-0   49  C54  Italian game
Karpov, Anatoly       -  Van Wely, Loek        1-0  133  A32  English; 1.c4 c5
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir  -  Nikolic, Predrag      1-0   30  D73  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6
Anand, Viswanathan    -  Topalov, Veselin      1/2   36  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Lautier, Joel         -  Kramnik, Vladimir     1/2   42  E58  Nimzo indian

Round 11 (1998.03.26)

Kramnik, Vladimir     -  Anand, Viswanathan    1/2   23  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Topalov, Veselin      -  Ljubojevic, Ljubomir  1-0   35  D43  Semi-Slav
Piket, Jeroen         -  Karpov, Anatoly       1/2   65  A15  English; 1.c4
Sadler, Matthew       -  Ivanchuk, Vassily     0-1   50  B08  Pirc; Classical
Van Wely, Loek        -  Shirov, Alexei        0-1   53  E97  Kings indian; Main line
Nikolic, Predrag      -  Lautier, Joel         1-0   32  D39  Queen's gambit

Monte Carlo MON (MON), III 1998                       cat. XVIII (2680)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Shirov, Alexei        g ESP 2710  * 1 1 = = 1 1 0 1 1 = =  8.0  2852
 2 Ivanchuk, Vassily     g UKR 2740  0 * 0 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 1  8.0  2849
 3 Karpov, Anatoly       g RUS 2735  0 1 * 1 1 0 = = = 1 = 1  7.0  2777
 4 Kramnik, Vladimir     g RUS 2790  = = 0 * 1 = = 1 = 1 = =  6.5  2735
 5 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir  g YUG 2565  = 0 0 0 * 0 1 = 1 1 1 1  6.0  2726
 6 Topalov, Veselin      g BUL 2740  0 0 1 = 1 * = 0 = = = =  5.0  2638
 7 Anand, Viswanathan    g IND 2770  0 = = = 0 = * = 1 0 = 1  5.0  2635
 8 Piket, Jeroen         g NED 2575  1 0 = 0 = 1 = * 0 0 = =  4.5  2624
 9 Sadler, Matthew       g ENG 2650  0 0 = = 0 = 0 1 * 1 0 1  4.5  2617
10 Van Wely, Loek        g NED 2605  0 0 0 0 0 = 1 1 0 * 1 1  4.5  2621
11 Lautier, Joel         g FRA 2645  = 0 = = 0 = = = 1 0 * 0  4.0  2581
12 Nikolic, Predrag      g BIH 2635  = 0 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 0 1 *  3.0  2509

Amber Blindfold

Round 10 (1998.03.25)

Kramnik, Vladimir     -  Lautier, Joel         1-0   46  D39  Queen's gambit
Topalov, Veselin      -  Anand, Viswanathan    1/2   56  C42  Petroff defence
Van Wely, Loek        -  Karpov, Anatoly       1/2   35  D37  Queen's gambit
Piket, Jeroen         -  Ivanchuk, Vassily     0-1   33  E14  Nimzo indian
Nikolic, Predrag      -  Ljubojevic, Ljubomir  1-0   58  E63  Kings indian
Sadler, Matthew       -  Shirov, Alexei        1/2   19  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)

Round 11 (1998.03.26)

Anand, Viswanathan    -  Kramnik, Vladimir     1/2   67  B31  Sicilian
Shirov, Alexei        -  Van Wely, Loek        1-0   26  B09  Pirc; Austrian
Ivanchuk, Vassily     -  Sadler, Matthew       0-1   40  A40  Queen's pawn
Lautier, Joel         -  Nikolic, Predrag      1-0   52  A90  Dutch defence
Karpov, Anatoly       -  Piket, Jeroen         1/2   29  E04  Nimzo indian
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir  -  Topalov, Veselin      1-0   44  E69  Kings indian

Monte Carlo MON (MON), III 1998                       cat. XVIII (2680)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Kramnik, Vladimir     g RUS 2790  * = = 0 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 1  8.5  2881
 2 Anand, Viswanathan    g IND 2770  = * = 1 = = 1 = = 0 1 1  7.0  2773
 3 Shirov, Alexei        g ESP 2710  = = * 0 1 0 1 1 = 1 1 =  7.0  2779
 4 Ivanchuk, Vassily     g UKR 2740  1 0 1 * 0 1 = = = 1 1 0  6.5  2739
 5 Topalov, Veselin      g BUL 2740  0 = 0 1 * 1 1 0 0 1 1 1  6.5  2739
 6 Lautier, Joel         g FRA 2645  0 = 1 0 0 * 0 1 1 = 1 =  5.5  2683
 7 Van Wely, Loek        g NED 2605  0 0 0 = 0 1 * = = 1 = 1  5.0  2650
 8 Karpov, Anatoly       g RUS 2735  = = 0 = 1 0 = * = = = 0  4.5  2610
 9 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir  g YUG 2565  0 = = = 1 0 = = * 0 0 1  4.5  2625
10 Piket, Jeroen         g NED 2575  0 1 0 0 0 = 0 = 1 * = 1  4.5  2624
11 Nikolic, Predrag      g BIH 2635  0 0 0 0 0 0 = = 1 = * 1  3.5  2551
12 Sadler, Matthew       g ENG 2650  0 0 = 1 0 = 0 1 0 0 0 *  3.0  2507

Amber Combined Final Standings

Monte Carlo MON (MON), III 1998                                   cat. XVIII (2680)
                                     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 
 1 Shirov, Alexei        g ESP 2710 ** == 10 1= 11 11 == =0 11 01 1= =1  15.0  2810
 2 Kramnik, Vladimir     g RUS 2790 == ** =0 == 0= =1 11 =1 11 11 =1 =1  15.0  2803
 3 Ivanchuk, Vassily     g UKR 2740 01 =1 ** =0 0= 10 1= 11 1= 11 10 11  14.5  2791
 4 Anand, Viswanathan    g IND 2770 0= == =1 ** == == 0= == 01 =0 11 11  12.0  2707
 5 Karpov, Anatoly       g RUS 2735 00 1= 1= == ** 01 1= =0 1= == =0 1=  11.5  2689
 6 Topalov, Veselin      g BUL 2740 00 =0 01 == 10 ** 10 =1 =1 01 =1 =1  11.5  2688
 7 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir  g YUG 2565 == 00 0= 1= 0= 01 ** 10 1= =0 11 10  10.5  2676
 8 Lautier, Joel         g FRA 2645 =1 =0 00 == =1 =0 01 ** 00 == 1= 01   9.5  2633
 9 Van Wely, Loek        g NED 2605 00 00 0= 10 0= =0 0= 11 ** 11 01 1=   9.5  2636
10 Piket, Jeroen         g NED 2575 10 00 00 =1 == 10 =1 == 00 ** 01 ==   9.0  2624
11 Sadler, Matthew       g ENG 2650 0= =0 01 00 =1 =0 00 0= 10 10 ** 10   7.5  2565
12 Nikolic, Predrag      g BIH 2635 =0 =0 00 00 0= =0 01 10 0= == 01 **   6.5  2535

3) Kasparov, Kramnik and Shirov

The World Chess Council has announced its plans for the rest of the year according to an article in El Pais of March 21st (Leontxo García). After Anand's rejection of a part in the plans (see The Week in Chess 174 ) Shirov will take his place after his second place in the Linares tournament. Kramnik and Shirov will play in Cazorla (Jaen), Spain over 10 games in a match starting May 22nd. The winner of this match will play Gary Kasparov in October (starting on the 16th) over 18 games for the World Chess Council title. Luis Rentero, the President of the WCC confirmed these details on March 20th. The final match will be for $1.3m taking place in Seville and Linares with the prize fund being guaranteed by the Junta of Andalucia. Shirov is running into some excellent form at the moment and the only problem may be the same contractual clause that caused Anand to withdraw. My thanks to Mig for his translation of the original material.

4) New York Open

The New York Open started on Monday 16th March finishing March 22nd. There were 65 GMs and Michael Atkins covered the event on the internet. Alexander Davies provides a likely correction to Shabalov-Minasian, from last week

The coverage is now finished at the official site. and

New York Open Blitz

Vadim Kaminsky reports on the traditional post-New York Open blitz tournament. Held in the Marshall Chess Club, New York City. The event was won by Israeli GM Ilya Smirin with 12 out of 14. Ahead of German IM Romuld Schmaltz on 11, 3-4. GM's Sergei Tiviakov and Dmitry Gurevich - 10.5. 5. GM Alex Chernin - 10.

5) Clarin Grand Prix Final

Maximiliano Ginzburg won the final tournament of the Clarin Grand Prix circuit. The event ran 7th-17th March 1998.

Villa Gisell ARG (ARG), III 1998                            cat. X (2489)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Ginzburg, Maximiliano   m ARG 2470  * 0 = = = 1 1 = = 1 1 =  7.0  2592
 2 Sorokin, Maxim          g RUS 2555  1 * = = = = = = 1 = = =  6.5  2547
 3 Zarnicki, Pablo         g ARG 2515  = = * = 1 = 1 0 = = = 1  6.5  2551
 4 Sunye Neto, Jaime       g BRA 2515  = = = * = = = = 0 1 = =  5.5  2486
 5 Rodriguez, Andres       g URU 2475  = = 0 = * = 1 = = = = =  5.5  2490
 6 Braga, Fernando         m ITA 2465  0 = = = = * = = 1 0 1 =  5.5  2490
 7 Hoffman, Alejandro      m ARG 2510  0 = 0 = 0 = * 1 = = 1 1  5.5  2486
 8 Garcia Palermo, Carlos  g ITA 2475  = = 1 = = = 0 * 0 = 0 1  5.0  2454
 9 Giaccio, Alfredo        m ARG 2460  = 0 = 1 = 0 = 1 * = 0 =  5.0  2455
10 Slipak, Sergio          m ARG 2510  0 = = 0 = 1 = = = * = =  5.0  2450
11 Soppe, Guillermo        m ARG 2455  0 = = = = 0 0 1 1 = * 0  4.5  2426
12 Sorin, Ariel            g ARG 2460  = = 0 = = = 0 0 = = 1 *  4.5  2426

6) Jagodina ’98

Milan Dezelin reports on the international tournament that has started in Jagodina. A Category 8 event with a gm norm set at 8 points and an, im 7. The event takes place 23rd March - 3rd April 1998. After four rounds there is a three way tie for the lead.

Round 1 (1998.03.23)

Brenjo, Slavisa     -  Antic, Dejan        1-0   34  B85  Sicilian
Popchev, Milko      -  Ostojic, Nikola     1-0   83  A36  English; 1.c4 c5
Nestorovic, Dejan   -  Pikula, Dejan       1/2   25  D27  QGA;
Ermenkov, Evgenij   -  Zontakh, Andrey     1/2   10  E18  Nimzo indian
Novoselski, Zoran   -  Dimitrov, Vladimir  1/2   43  C15  French; Winawer
Nesic, Nebojsa      -  Arsovic, Zoran      0-1   27  E95  Kings indian; Classical

Round 2 (1998.03.24)

Brenjo, Slavisa     -  Nestorovic, Dejan   1/2   43  B40  Sicilian
Antic, Dejan        -  Zontakh, Andrey     1-0   73  D39  Queen's gambit
Pikula, Dejan       -  Popchev, Milko      1/2   28  B01  Scandinavian
Dimitrov, Vladimir  -  Nesic, Nebojsa      1-0   43  B08  Pirc; Classical
Ostojic, Nikola     -  Novoselski, Zoran   1/2   38  A90  Dutch defence
Arsovic, Zoran      -  Ermenkov, Evgenij   1/2   42  A40  Queen's pawn

Round 3 (1998.03.25)

Popchev, Milko      -  Brenjo, Slavisa     1/2   23  A21  English; 1.c4 e5
Zontakh, Andrey     -  Arsovic, Zoran      1-0   34  A00  Irregular
Nestorovic, Dejan   -  Antic, Dejan        0-1   44  E71  Kings indian
Ermenkov, Evgenij   -  Dimitrov, Vladimir  1/2   13  D27  QGA;
Novoselski, Zoran   -  Pikula, Dejan       0-1   65  B40  Sicilian
Nesic, Nebojsa      -  Ostojic, Nikola     0-1   38  E59  Nimzo indian

Round 4 (1998.03.26)

Brenjo, Slavisa     -  Novoselski, Zoran   1-0   91  B00  1.e4
Antic, Dejan        -  Arsovic, Zoran      1-0   41  E94  Kings indian; Classical
Pikula, Dejan       -  Nesic, Nebojsa      1-0   53  B06  Modern defence
Dimitrov, Vladimir  -  Zontakh, Andrey     1/2   10  D58  QGD;
Ostojic, Nikola     -  Ermenkov, Evgenij   1-0   40  A40  Queen's pawn
Nestorovic, Dejan   -  Popchev, Milko      1/2   29  D15  Slav defence

Jagodina YUG (YUG), III-IV 1998                      cat. VIII (2429)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Brenjo, Slavisa     m YUG 2450  * 1 . = . . . = . . 1 .  3.0  2611
 2 Antic, Dejan        m YUG 2460  0 * . . . . 1 1 . 1 . .  3.0  2643
 3 Pikula, Dejan       m YUG 2440  . . * = . . . = . . 1 1  3.0  2555
 4 Popchev, Milko      m BUL 2455  = . = * . 1 . = . . . .  2.5  2521
 5 Dimitrov, Vladimir  g BUL 2450  . . . . * . = . = . = 1  2.5  2506
 6 Ostojic, Nikola     m YUG 2440  . . . 0 . * . . 1 . = 1  2.5  2483
 7 Zontakh, Andrey     g UKR 2545  . 0 . . = . * . = 1 . .  2.0  2455
 8 Nestorovic, Dejan   m YUG 2375  = 0 = = . . . * . . . .  1.5  2364
 9 Ermenkov, Evgenij   g BUL 2480  . . . . = 0 = . * = . .  1.5  2379
10 Arsovic, Zoran      m YUG 2430  . 0 . . . . 0 . = * . 1  1.5  2343
11 Novoselski, Zoran   m YUG 2385  0 . 0 . = = . . . . * .  1.0  2252
12 Nesic, Nebojsa        YUG 2235  . . 0 . 0 0 . . . 0 . *  0.0      

7) 19th Chess Festival in Bled

The 19th Chess Festival in Bled was held March 21st - 29th 1998. Evgeny Sveshnikov won the event by half a point from Romanishin, Delchev, Sermek and Kozul. There were two swiss opens, a veterans and a junior event. There were IM norms for Primoz Soln, Leon Mazi, Hrvoje Jurkovic, Dinko Brumen and Blazimir Kovacevic.

Full internet coverage at:

Bled SLO (SLO), III 1998
                                       1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1 Sveshnikov, Evgeny     g RUS 2595  +16 +19 +11 =32 + 3 = 6 + 4 = 2 = 7  7.0 /9  2689
 2 Romanishin, Oleg M     g UKR 2570  +44 =15 +21 = 6 +32 = 4 +11 = 1 = 3  6.5 /9  2624
 3 Delchev, Aleksander    m BUL 2545  =25 +48 +20 +14 - 1 +32 = 6 + 9 = 2  6.5 /9  2587
 4 Sermek, Drazen         g SLO 2510  +17 +23 -14 +27 +24 = 2 - 1 +32 +16  6.5 /9  2591
 5 Kozul, Zdenko          g CRO 2585  -20 +58 -27 +60 +17 +23 =16 + 6 +13  6.5 /9  2508
 6 Kutuzovic, Branko      f CRO 2425  +51 =21 +46 = 2 +23 = 1 = 3 - 5 +11  6.0 /9  2572
 7 Pavasovic, Dusko       m SLO 2505  =27 =31 +25 -23 +40 +20 =12 +24 = 1  6.0 /9  2490
 8 Cebalo, Miso           g CRO 2515  +38 =28 =15 -19 +44 =39 +21 +22 = 9  6.0 /9  2526
 9 Rowson, Jonathan       m SCO 2485  =34 -46 +49 +50 +15 +19 +14 - 3 = 8  6.0 /9  2489
10 Brumen, Dinko          f CRO 2385  +56 -11 -39 +45 -26 +46 +31 +33 +23  6.0 /9  2443
11 Fercec, Nenad          m CRO 2455  +43 +10 - 1 +20 =14 +13 - 2 +12 - 6  5.5 /9  2507
12 Jurkovic, Hrvoje       f CRO 2380  +52 =29 =24 =18 =28 +40 = 7 -11 +30  5.5 /9  2471
13 Kogan, Artur           m ISR 2505  -26 +51 +38 +37 =19 -11 +39 +14 - 5  5.5 /9  2472
14 Mazi, Leon             f SLO 2420  +61 +42 + 4 - 3 =11 +27 - 9 -13 +29  5.5 /9  2490
15 Kovacevic, Blazimir    f CRO 2395  +62 = 2 = 8 =29 - 9 +35 =26 =18 +32  5.5 /9  2481
16 Soln, Primoz           f SLO 2350  - 1 +62 =40 +46 +22 =33 = 5 +19 - 4  5.5 /9  2483
17 Kragelj, Igor          f SLO 2310  - 4 +61 =30 =26 - 5 =50 +52 +39 +28  5.5 /9  2439
18 Golubovic, Boris       m CRO 2450  =49 +34 =28 =12 =21 =26 =33 =15 =20  5.0 /9  2396
19 Nikolov, Sasho         m BUL 2415  +57 - 1 +36 + 8 =13 - 9 =29 -16 +43  5.0 /9  2459
20 Bawart, Markus         f AUT 2330  + 5 +40 - 3 -11 +50 - 7 +53 =29 =18  5.0 /9  2468
21 Tratar, Marko          m SLO 2420  +35 = 6 - 2 +47 =18 =29 - 8 =43 +40  5.0 /9  2410
22 Stocek, Jiri           m CZE 2450  -42 +35 +43 =31 -16 +51 +27 - 8 =24  5.0 /9  2350
23 Loncar, Robert         m CRO 2405  +59 - 4 +42 + 7 - 6 - 5 +44 +26 -10  5.0 /9  2426
24 Jelen, Igor            m SLO 2430  =47 +49 =12 +53 - 4 =28 +41 - 7 =22  5.0 /9  2396
25 Drei, Andrea           f ITA 2320  = 3 =30 - 7 =54 -46 +62 =34 +44 +41  5.0 /9  2374
26 Zorman, Vojko            SLO 2305  +13 -32 =47 =17 +10 =18 =15 -23 =33  4.5 /9  2396
27 Medancic, Rikard       m CRO 2300  = 7 +45 + 5 - 4 +31 -14 -22 -30 +52  4.5 /9  2391
28 Bukic, Enver           g SLO 2385  +41 = 8 =18 =39 =12 =24 -32 +51 -17  4.5 /9  2369
29 Grosar, Aljosa         m SLO 2470  +54 =12 =37 =15 =39 =21 =19 =20 -14  4.5 /9  2383
30 Balinov, Ilija           BUL 2485  =31 =25 =17 -40 =47 =43 +42 +27 -12  4.5 /9  2280
31 Turner, Jan              CZE 2300  =30 = 7 +33 =22 -27 =53 -10 +56 =36  4.5 /9  2385
32 Zaja, Ivan             m CRO 2450  +50 +26 +53 = 1 - 2 - 3 +28 - 4 -15  4.5 /9  2432
33 Bogdanov, Valentin     m UKR 2445  -40 +57 -31 +43 +48 =16 =18 -10 =26  4.5 /9  2293
34 Kniest, Oliver           GER 2300  = 9 -18 =41 -35 +59 =36 =25 +49 =38  4.5 /9  2300
35 Brezovar, Matjaz         SLO 2195  -21 -22 +52 +34 =37 -15 -38 +46 +53  4.5 /9  2331
36 Skudnov, Sergej          RUS 2395  =45 =47 -19 =51 =58 =34 +46 =41 =31  4.5 /9  2246
37 Osterman, Rudolf       f SLO 2400  =48 +60 =29 -13 =35 -41 =40 =42 +51  4.5 /9  2269
38 Samaritani, Fabio        ITA 2310  - 8 +52 -13 -48 +60 -42 +35 +47 =34  4.5 /9  2280
39 Hresc, Vladimir        m CRO 2425  +58 -53 +10 =28 =29 = 8 -13 -17 =42  4.0 /9  2332
40 Kavcic, Uros             SLO 2225  +33 -20 =16 +30 - 7 -12 =37 +53 -21  4.0 /9  2365
41 Peschel, Andreas         GER 2145  -28 =44 =34 +55 =53 +37 -24 =36 -25  4.0 /9  2292
42 Kljako, Damir            CRO 2225  +22 -14 -23 -44 +62 +38 -30 =37 =39  4.0 /9  2334
43 Srebrnic, Vojko          SLO 2235  -11 +54 -22 -33 +45 =30 +48 =21 -19  4.0 /9  2323
44 Podkriznik, Gregor       SLO 2330  - 2 =41 =48 +42 - 8 +47 -23 -25 +55  4.0 /9  2257
45 Kolar, Srecko          f SLO 2155  =36 -27 =60 -10 -43 +55 -49 +61 +56  4.0 /9  2203
46 Lyell, Mark              ENG 2235  =60 + 9 - 6 -16 +25 -10 -36 -35 +59  3.5 /9  2250
47 Grosar, Kiti          wm SLO 2225  =24 =36 =26 -21 =30 -44 +54 -38 =50  3.5 /9  2272
48 Praznik, Anton         f SLO 2200  =37 - 3 =44 +38 -33 =54 -43 =50 =49  3.5 /9  2252
49 Kostanjsek, Zorko        CRO 2225  =18 -24 - 9 -62 =52 +59 +45 -34 =48  3.5 /9  2196
50 Gruskovnjak, Tomislav    SLO 2230  -32 +56 +59 - 9 -20 =17 -51 =48 =47  3.5 /9  2202
51 Taggatz, Mario           GER 2220  - 6 -13 +56 =36 +54 -22 +50 -28 -37  3.5 /9  2276
52 Senoner, Erich           AUT 2115  -12 -38 -35 +56 =49 +61 -17 +57 -27  3.5 /9  2170
53 Ankerst, Mihael          SLO 2360  +55 +39 -32 -24 =41 =31 -20 -40 -35  3.0 /9  2163
54 Ilijin, Neboisa        m ROM 2270  -29 -43 +57 =25 -51 =48 -47 -55 +61  3.0 /9  2115
55 Ipavec, Petra         wf SLO 2100  -53 -59 =62 -41 =61 -45 +60 +54 -44  3.0 /9  2102
56 Skok, Joze               SLO 2145  -10 -50 -51 -52 +57 +60 +62 -31 -45  3.0 /9  2098
57 Rezonja, Stefan          SLO 2195  -19 -33 -54 =61 -56 +64 =59 -52 +60  3.0 /9  2057
58 Braun, Mathias           GER 2220  -39 - 5 +61 +59 =36  .   .   .   .   2.5 /5  2356
59 Alexander, Paco          FRA 2180  -23 +55 -50 -58 -34 -49 =57 +64 -46  2.5 /9  1987
60 Feichter, Clemens        AUT 2240  =46 -37 =45 - 5 -38 -56 -55 +63 -57  2.0 /9  1943
61 Mali, Slavko             SLO 2195  -14 -17 -58 =57 =55 -52 +64 -45 -54  2.0 /9  1901
62 Starc, Christian         AUT 2170  -15 -16 =55 +49 -42 -25 -56  .   .   1.5 /7  2021

8) Belgrade 53rd Yugoslav Championships

Sinisa Joksic reports. The 53th Yugoslav Championship take place in Belgrade in the hotel "Jugoslavija" from March 14.-30. Tournament is 10th cat. (2495). Norms g=10, m=7. Mirislav Markovic a 25 years old, international master secured both the tournament and a GM norm although he lost his first game in round 14. Damljanovic is clearsecond.

Round 9 (1998.03.22)

Markovic, Miroslav      -  Kovacevic, Aleksandar   1-0   70  B52  Sicilian
Ilincic, Zlatko         -  Drasko, Milan           1-0   36  D20  QGA;
Djuric, Stefan          -  Barlov, Dragan          1/2   50  A31  English; 1.c4 c5
Ivanisevic, Ivan        -  Popovic, Petar          1/2   45  A42  Queen's pawn
Knezevic, Bojan         -  Kontic, Djordje         1/2   41  B27  Sicilian; Closed
Tosic, Miroslav         -  Velimirovic, Dragoljub  1/2   44  A43  Queen's pawn
Pavlovic, Milos         -  Gligoric, Svetozar      0-1   41  E14  Nimzo indian
Petronic, Jovan         -  Damljanovic, Branko     0-1   39  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)

Round 10 (1998.03.23)

Markovic, Miroslav      -  Ivanisevic, Ivan        1/2    9  B52  Sicilian
Velimirovic, Dragoljub  -  Petronic, Jovan         1/2   11  C78  Ruy Lopez
Gligoric, Svetozar      -  Djuric, Stefan          1-0   57  B38  Sicilian
Drasko, Milan           -  Knezevic, Bojan         1-0   42  E32  Nimzo indian
Barlov, Dragan          -  Ilincic, Zlatko         1/2   53  A20  English; 1.c4 e5
Kovacevic, Aleksandar   -  Damljanovic, Branko     0-1   75  B57  Sicilian
Popovic, Petar          -  Pavlovic, Milos         1/2   41  B18  Caro-Kann
Kontic, Djordje         -  Tosic, Miroslav         1/2   42  B43  Sicilian

Round 11 (1998.03.25)

Damljanovic, Branko     -  Velimirovic, Dragoljub  1-0   31  B31  Sicilian
Ilincic, Zlatko         -  Gligoric, Svetozar      1/2   81  E18  Nimzo indian
Djuric, Stefan          -  Popovic, Petar          1-0   42  E94  Kings indian; Classical
Ivanisevic, Ivan        -  Kovacevic, Aleksandar   1/2   61  A67  Modern Benoni
Knezevic, Bojan         -  Barlov, Dragan          1-0   31  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov
Tosic, Miroslav         -  Drasko, Milan           0-1   65  D02  Queen's pawn
Pavlovic, Milos         -  Markovic, Miroslav      0-1   54  E85  Kings indian; Saemisch
Petronic, Jovan         -  Kontic, Djordje         1-0   47  B06  Modern defence

Round 12 (1998.03.26)

Markovic, Miroslav      -  Djuric, Stefan          1-0   61  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Gligoric, Svetozar      -  Knezevic, Bojan         1/2   77  E41  Nimzo indian
Ivanisevic, Ivan        -  Pavlovic, Milos         1/2   30  E32  Nimzo indian
Drasko, Milan           -  Petronic, Jovan         1-0   41  E60  Kings indian
Barlov, Dragan          -  Tosic, Miroslav         1-0   33  E94  Kings indian; Classical
Kovacevic, Aleksandar   -  Velimirovic, Dragoljub  1/2   13  B38  Sicilian
Popovic, Petar          -  Ilincic, Zlatko         1/2   37  B85  Sicilian
Kontic, Djordje         -  Damljanovic, Branko     0-1   40  B25  Sicilian; Closed

Round 13 (1998.03.27)

Damljanovic, Branko     -  Drasko, Milan           1/2   42  A25  English; 1.c4 e5
Velimirovic, Dragoljub  -  Kontic, Djordje         1-0    0
Ilincic, Zlatko         -  Markovic, Miroslav      1/2   57  E62  Kings indian
Djuric, Stefan          -  Ivanisevic, Ivan        1/2  126  D11  Slav defence
Knezevic, Bojan         -  Popovic, Petar          1-0   41  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Tosic, Miroslav         -  Gligoric, Svetozar      1/2   91  E12  Nimzo indian
Pavlovic, Milos         -  Kovacevic, Aleksandar   0-1   32  A65  Modern Benoni
Petronic, Jovan         -  Barlov, Dragan          0-1   47  B06  Modern defence

Round 14 (1998.03.28)

Markovic, Miroslav      -  Knezevic, Bojan         0-1   28  B30  Sicilian
Gligoric, Svetozar      -  Petronic, Jovan         1/2   10  D13  Slav defence
Ivanisevic, Ivan        -  Ilincic, Zlatko         1-0   35  E94  Kings indian; Classical
Drasko, Milan           -  Velimirovic, Dragoljub  0-1   41  A04  Reti (1.Nf3)
Barlov, Dragan          -  Damljanovic, Branko     1/2   10  C96  Ruy Lopez
Kovacevic, Aleksandar   -  Kontic, Djordje         0-1   34  B49  Sicilian
Popovic, Petar          -  Tosic, Miroslav         0-1   37  B85  Sicilian
Pavlovic, Milos         -  Djuric, Stefan          1/2    9  E19  Nimzo indian

Belgrade YUG (YUG), III 1998                        cat. IX (2474)
 1 Markovic, Miroslav      m YUG 2540 *=1==1=1101.1111  11.0  2696
 2 Damljanovic, Branko     g YUG 2540 =*1.10====11==11   9.5  2601
 3 Velimirovic, Dragoljub  g YUG 2535 00*=1=11.1===0=1   8.0  2518
 4 Gligoric, Svetozar      g YUG 2480 =.=*=10======1=1   8.0  2518
 5 Ilincic, Zlatko         g YUG 2565 =00=*101=101=.11   8.0  2537
 6 Djuric, Stefan          g YUG 2520 01=00*====.11=11   8.0  2517
 7 Ivanisevic, Ivan        m YUG 2460 ==011=*01.======   7.5  2507
 8 Drasko, Milan           g YUG 2515 0=0=0=1*=1=1==1.   7.5  2510
 9 Barlov, Dragan          g YUG 2490 0=.===0=*0110111   7.5  2497
10 Knezevic, Bojan         f YUG 2420 1=0=0=.01*=011==   7.0  2478
11 Kovacevic, Aleksandar   m YUG 2515 00==1.==0=*1=1=0   6.5  2438
12 Tosic, Miroslav         m YUG 2505 .0==00=0010*111=   6.0  2416
13 Popovic, Petar          g YUG 2525 0====0==10=0*=.=   5.5  2391
14 Pavlovic, Milos           YUG 2190 0=10.===0000=*=1   5.0  2385
15 Petronic, Jovan         m YUG 2450 00==00=00==0.=*1   4.0  2313
16 Kontic, Djordje         m YUG 2330 000000=.0=1==00*   3.0  2251

9) Belgian Interteams

Alain Talon sends news and games from the Belgian Interteams which concluded on March 15th.

Rochade was the runaway winner of the 1st League and Hoboken and Mons were relegated.

1.  Rochade	    63	
2.  K.G.S.R.L		 55	
3.  Leuven		    47,5		
4.  Ans		       45,5		
5.  Eupen		     44,5		
6.  Tessenderlo	43,5
7   Jean-Jaurès	41
8.  Anderlecht		41
9.  K.A.S.K		   40
10. C.R.E.B		   37
11. Hoboken		   35,5
12. Mons	 		    34,5

10) 4NCL

Last weekend saw the 7th and 8th rounds of the 4NCL The clash of the 7th round was Wood Green v Slough. Slough outrated their opponents on almost every board and just squeaked home 4.5-3.5. Full details and information at the official site. Games from both rounds will be available there shortly aswell as results from the 2nd division.

Division 1                                              
        Wood Green                      Slough  
1 w     J Emms          2560    ½-½     A J Miles       2595
2 b     A Martin        2445    0-1     M Adams 2670
3 w     C Ward          2480    ½-½     B Lalic 2545
4 b     M Pein          2435    0-1     J Hodgson       2580
5 w     K Arakhamia (F) 2440    0-1     P Wells 2530
6 b     A Sowray        2350    1-0     A Kosten        2535
7 w     A Law           2325    ½-½     A Summerscale   2440
8 b     J Poulton       2365    1-0     J Houska (F)    2185

        Guildford 1                     Barbican 1      
1 w     A Kinsman       2430    0-1     N Davies        2515
2 b     N Povah         2335    0-1     J Plaskett      2445
3 w     C Kennaugh      2295    1-0     C Crouch        2410
4 b     R Webb          2315    0-1     P Lehtivaara    2370
5 w     R Granat        2260    0-1     C Pritchett     2315
6 b     M Anderton      2260    0-1     S Dishman       2325
7 w     I Thompson      2275    1-0     C Duncan        2290
8 b     A Ashby (F)     2115    ½-½     H Lang (F)      2035

        B. C. M.                        South Wales Dragons     
1 w     M Chandler      2555    1-0     D Cummings      2365
2 b     R Bellin        2365    0-1     J Cooper        2335
3 w     T Wall          2375    1-0     R Dineley       2270
4 b     D Friedgood     2240    0-1     S Zeidler       2255
5 w     B Cafferty      2200    ½-½     D James 2255
6 b     J Bellin (F)    2175    ½-½     A Spice 2190
7 w     D Anderton      2200    1-0     J Saunders      2225
8 b     R Edwards        185    ½-½     J Richmond (F)  2175

        Invicta Knights 1                       North West Eagles 
1 w     J Speelman      2605    ½-½     J Littlewood    2290
2 b     D Kumaran       2505    1-0     G Quillan       2320
3 w     N McDonald      2485    0-1     S Clarke        2285
4 b     G Flear         2445    ½-½     B Lund  2255
5 w     A Ivanov        2440    1-0     D James 2225
6 b     A Ledger        2460    1-0     D Tebb  2260
7 w     D Gormally      2415    ½-½     R Sheldon (F)   2220
8 b     C Flear (F)     2240    0-1     J Merriman      2255

        Northumbria Vikings                     Richmond        
1 w     G Lawton        2395    0-1     L McShane       2490
2 b     N Pert          2320    ½-½     Richard Bates   2430
3 w     J Grant         2275    0-1     S Williams      2315
4 b     D Ledger        2255    1-0     G Wall  2320
5 w     R Pert          2235    0-1     T Hinks-Edwards 2260
6 b     S Ledger        2225    0-1     M Franklin      2195
7 w     S Dighton        191    0-1     R Phillips      2230
8 b     E Ford (F)       138    0-1     Ruth Bates (F)  2060

        Bristol 1                       Midland Monarchs        
1 w     S Ansell        2380    ½-½     J Parker        2515
2 b     C Baker         2340    0-1     M Turner        2470
3 w     G Burgess       2300    0-1     M Ferguson      2410
4 b     G Copeland      2330    1-0     A Webster       2420
5 w     C Beaumont      2335    1-0     L Cooper        2340
6 b     D Collier       2230    0-1     B Kelly 2390
7 w     J Rudd          2165    ½-½     M Barnes        2240
8 b     M Buckley (F)   2010    0-1     N Regan (F)     2160

Round 8
        Richmond                        B. C. M.        
1 w     L McShane       2490    1-0     M Chandler      2555
2 b     Richard Bates   2430    ½-½     R Bellin        2365
3 w     S Williams      2315    1-0     T Wall          2375
4 b     G Wall          2320    1-0     D Friedgood     2240
5 w     T Hinks-Edwards 2260    1-0     B Cafferty      2200
6 b     M Franklin      2195    ½-½     J Bellin (F)    2175
7 w     R Phillips      2230    1-0     D Anderton      2200
8 b     Ruth Bates (F)  2060    0-1     R Edwards        185

        Guildford 1                     Invicta Knights 1       
1 w     A Kinsman       2430    0-1     J Speelman      2605
2 b     N Povah         2335    ½-½     G Flear         2445
3 w     R Webb          2315    ½-½     N McDonald      2485
4 b     C Kennaugh      2295    0-1     A Ledger        2460
5 w     M Anderton      2260    0-1     A Ivanov        2440
6 b     I Thompson      2275    0-1     D Gormally      2415
7 w     R James         2110    ½-½     D Farndon       2250
8 b     A Ashby (F)     2115    ½-½     C Flear (F)     2240

        Northumbria Vikings             Slough  
1 w     N Pert          2320    0-1     M Adams         2670
2 b     G Lawton        2395    0-1     A J Miles       2595
3 w     S Ledger        2225    0-1     B Lalic         2545
4 b     R Pert          2235    ½-½     P Wells         2530
5 w     D Ledger        2255    ½-½     A Kosten        2535
6 b     J Grant         2275    0-1     A Summerscale   2440
7 w     S Dighton        191    ½-½     S Lalic         2370
8 b     E Ford (F)       138    0-1     J Houska (F)    2185

        South Wales Dragons             Wood Green      
1 w     J Cooper        2335    ½-½     J Emms          2560
2 b     R Dineley       2270    0-1     K Arakhamia (F) 2440
3 w     D James         2255    0-1     C Ward          2480
4 b     S Zeidler       2255    0-1     M Pein          2435
5 w     J Saunders      2225    1-0     P Sowray        2350
6 b     A Spice         2190    0-1     J Poulton       2365
7 w     J Richmond (F)  2175    ½-½     A Law           2325
8 b     A Cast (F)      2120    ½-½     S Jackson (F)   2150

        Barbican 1                      Bristol 1       
1 w     N Davies        2515    1-0     S Ansell        2380
2 b     J Plaskett      2445    1-0     G Burgess       2300
3 w     D Kopec         2390    1-0     G Copeland      2330
4 b     P Lehtivaara    2370    0-1     C Beaumont      2335
5 w     C Crouch        2410    1-0     D Moskovic      2220
6 b     C Duncan        2290    1-0     D Collier       2230
7 w     C Pritchett     2315    1-0     J Rudd          2165
8 b     H Lang (F)      2035    ½-½     M Buckley (F)   2010

        Midland Monarchs                        North West Eagles 
1 w     J Parker        2515    1-0     S Clarke        2285
2 b     M Turner        2470    1-0     J Littlewood    2290
3 w     M Ferguson      2410    ½-½     B Lund          2255
4 b     B Kelly         2390    1-0     G Quillan       2320
5 w     A Webster       2420    1-0     D Tebb          2260
6 b     A Collinson     2400    ½-½     R Sheldon (F)   2220
7 w     N Regan (F)     2160    ½-½     J Merriman      2255
8 b     M Barnes        2240    0-1     D James         2225

Division One standings after round 8.
                        P       W       D       L       MP      GP
MMonarchs               8       7       1       0       15      43.0
Invicta Knights         8       7       0       1       14      41.5
Slough                  8       6       0       2       12      39.0
Barbican                8       6       0       2       12      37.5
Richmond                8       5       1       2       11      35.5
Wood Green              8       5       0       3       10      37.0
BCM                     8       3       0       5       6       30.0
NWEagles                8       2       1       5       5       30.0
Guildford               8       2       0       6       4       27.0
Northumbria             8       1       2       5       4       19.0
Bristol                 8       1       0       7       2       24.0
SWDragons               8       0       1       7       1       20.5

11) News from the German League

Gerald Schendel sends news of the German Cup Final (both team and individual) held March 20th-22nd 1998. Held in the Hotel Holiday Inn, Walldorf Germany (near Heidelberg).

SG Porz with their team of Lutz, Timman, Vaganian and Stangl defeated Baiertal-Schatthausen in the semi-finals and SG 1868 Aljechin Solingen in the final. The individual event, the Daehne-Cup was won by Sven Telljohann who beat Udo Kaeser.

For a full report and photos in German there is a web site for the event at:




SG 1868 Aljechin Solingen - SV Empor Berlin 3.5:0.5
        GM Gabriel      - IM Volke      1/2
        GM Dr. Huebner  - IM Poldauf    1-0
        GM Bischoff     - FM Apel       1-0
        IM Reeh         - Meissner H.J. 1-0

SF 1982 Baiertal-Schatthausen - SG Porz 1:3
        FM Panzalovic           - GM Lutz       1/2
        IM Schlindwein          - GM Timman     0-1
           Schmidt-Schaeffer    - GM Vaganian   0-1
        FM Doettling            - GM Stangl     1/2

Match for 3rd-4th place

SV Empor Berlin - SF Baiertal-Schatthausen 1.5:2.5
        IM Volke        - FM Panzalovic         1-0
        IM Poldauf      - IM Schlinwein         0-1
        FM Apel         - FM Doettling          1/2
           Meissner H.J.-    Schmidt-Schaeffer  0-1
SG Porz - SG 1868 Aljechin Solingen 2.5:1.5
        GM Lutz         - GM Gabriel    1/2
        GM Timman       - GM Dr.Huebner 1/2
        GM Vaganian     - GM Bischoff   1-0
        GM Stangl       - IM Reeh       1/2

II Individual (Daehne-Cup)

Quarter final: 
FM Peters A. (Sachsen) - FM Vatter H.J. (Baden) 1-0
FM Gietl T. (Bayern) - Kaeser U. (Nordrhein-Westfalen) 0-1
IM Telljohann S. (Nordrhein-Westfalen) - Koeller O. (Hessen) 1/2 (Blitz 2-0)
Lorenzen S. (Schleswig-Holstein) - IM Liebert H. (Sachsen-Anhalt) 0-1


IM Liebert - IM Telljohann 1/2 (Blitz 0-2) 
Kaeser - FM Peters 1/2 (Blitz 2-1)

Final: Kaeser - IM Telljohann 1/2 (Blitz 0-2)

The German Bundesliga rounds 12-13 were also held this weekend. Gerald Schendel sends news of the German Bundesliga. Original source and fuller information:

Bundesliga Round 12

Castrop Rauxel     6 - 2  SVg Plettenberg 
SG Bochum          1½-6½  Solinger SG 
USG Chemnitz       4 - 4  SCA St. Ingbert 
Dresdner SC        6 - 2  SK Fr.Zaehringen 
Hamburger SK       5 - 3  PSV Duisburg 
SV Werder Bremen   1½-6½  SG Koeln Porz 
SV Empor Berlin    1½-6½  SV Erfurt West 
SFR Neukoelln      2½-5½  SK Passau 

Detailed results:

Castrop Rauxel     6 - 2  SVg Plettenberg 

  1  Rozentalis    ½ : ½  Kupreichik     2 
  2  Sterren       1 : 0  Dydyshko       3 
  3  Conquest      1 : 0  Baumegger      5 
  6  Hoffmann      1 : 0  Luecke         6 
  8  Appel         0 : 1  Schroll        7 
 10  Brendel       1 : 0  Thiel          8 
 11  Hennig        ½ : ½  Oswald        11 
 13  Hermesmann    1 : 0  Schlecht      13 

SG Bochum          1½-6½  Solinger SG 

  4  Keitlinghaus  ½ : ½  Adams          1 
  5  Reschke       0 : 1  Jussupow       2 
  6  Schmittdiel   0 : 1  Sadler         3 
  8  Ellers        ½ : ½  Gabriel        6 
  9  Backwinkel    0 : 1  Huebner        7 
 11  Buenermann    ½ : ½  Chandler       8 
 12  Kitte         0 : 1  Bischoff       9 
 13  De Gleria     0 : 1  Lau           10 

USG Chemnitz       4 - 4  SCA St. Ingbert

  1  Womacka       1 : 0  Dautov               1 
  2  Roesch        ½ : ½  Bauer                3 
  3  Kunze         0 : 1  Degraeve             4 
  4  Lorenz        ½ : ½  Kachiani-Gersinska   6 
  5  Kyas          ½ : ½  Werner               7 
  8  Ahner         ½ : ½  Becker               9 
  9  Helbig,J      ½ : ½  Gross               10 
 13  Sobeck        ½ : ½  Kummerow            11 

Dresdner SC        6 - 2  SK Fr.Zaehringen

  2  Almasi        ½ : ½  Baklan            4 
  3  Bologan       1 : 0  Roos,D            5 
  5  Boensch       1 : 0  Maier             7 
  6  Tischbierek   1 : 0  Gruenenwald      10 
  7  Uhlmann       1 : 0  Roos,J           11 
  8  Maiwald       ½ : ½  Schuh            12 
  9  Borriss       0 : 1  Herbrechtsmeier  13 
 11  Gauglitz      1 : 0  Vatter           14 

Hamburger SK       5 - 3  PSV Duisburg 

  1  Ftacnik       ½ : ½  Eingorn        1 
  2  Wahls         ½ : ½  Lerner         4 
  4  Mueller       1 : 0  Enders         5 
  5  Heinemann     1 : 0  Kraut          6 
  7  Michaelsen    0 : 1  Thesing        8 
  8  Wilhelmi      1 : 0  Pirrot         9 
  9  Loeffler      0 : 1  Zude          10 
 11  Gustafsson    1 : 0  Schmitz       12 

SV Werder Bremen   1½-6½  SG Koeln Porz

  1  Hracek        ½ : ½  Lutz           1 
  2  Kindermann    0 : 1  Wely           2 
  3  Knaak         0 : 1  Khalifman      3 
  4  Babula        0 : 1  Vaganian       6 
  5  Meins         1 : 0  Nijboer        7 
  6  Heissler      0 : 1  Hansen         8 
 10  Floegel       0 : 1  Stangl         9 
 13  Forchert      0 : 1  Vogt          10 

SV Empor Berlin    1½-6½  SV Erfurt West

  4  Poldauf       0 : 1  McShane        1 
  5  Volke         ½ : ½  Votava         2 
  6  Hetey         ½ : ½  Casper         3 
  7  Thinius       0 : 1  Kuczynski      4 
  8  Richter       0 : 1  Mueller        5 
 10  Apel          0 : 1  Renner         6 
 12  Kleeschaetzky ½ : ½  Troyke         7 
 14  Kimpinsky     0 : 1  Voekler       14 

SFR Neukoelln      2½-5½  SK Passau 

  1  Movsesian     0 : 1  Schlosser      2 
  2  Stohl         ½ : ½  Ribli          3 
  4  Hellsten      ½ : ½  Smejkal        4 
  6  Bunzmann      ½ : ½  Wells          5 
  7  Schoene       0 : 1  Pichler        6 
  8  Berndt        0 : 1  Klebel         7 
  9  Thiede        0 : 1  Schmidt        8 
 11  Rudolf        1 : 0  Goetz         11 

Bundesliga Round 13

SK Fr.Zaehringen   4½-3½  USG Chemnitz 
SCA St. Ingbert    3½-4½  Dresdner SC 
SG Koeln Porz      4½-3½  Hamburger SK 
PSV Duisburg       4 - 4  SV Werder Bremen 
SK Passau          4½-3½  SV Empor Berlin 
SV Erfurt West     4 - 4  SFR Neukoelln 
Solinger SG        7 - 1  Castrop Rauxel 
SVg Plettenberg    4 - 4  SG Bochum 

Detailed results

SK Fr.Zaehringen    4½-3½  USG Chemnitz 

  4  Baklan           1 : 0  Womacka        1 
  5  Roos,D           ½ : ½  Roesch         2 
  7  Maier            ½ : ½  Kunze          3 
 10  Gruenenwald      0 : 1  Lorenz         4 
 11  Roos,J           1 : 0  Kyas           5 
 12  Schuh            ½ : ½  Ahner          8 
 13  Herbrechtsmeier  ½ : ½  Helbig,J       9 
 14  Vatter           ½ : ½  Sobeck        13 

SCA St. Ingbert    3½-4½  Dresdner SC

  1  Dautov              ½ : ½  Almasi         2 
  3  Bauer               0 : 1  Bologan        3 
  4  Degraeve            ½ : ½  Boensch        5 
  6  Kachiani-Gersinska  ½ : ½  Tischbierek    6 
  7  Werner              0 : 1  Uhlmann        7 
  9  Becker              ½ : ½  Maiwald        8 
 10  Gross               ½ : ½  Borriss        9 
 11  Kummerow            1 : 0  Gauglitz      11 

SG Koeln Porz      4½-3½  Hamburger SK 

  1  Lutz          ½ : ½  Ftacnik        1 
  2  Wely          ½ : ½  Wahls          2 
  3  Khalifman     ½ : ½  Mueller        4 
  6  Vaganian      ½ : ½  Heinemann      5 
  7  Nijboer       0 : 1  Michaelsen     7 
  8  Hansen        1 : 0  Wilhelmi       8 
  9  Stangl        1 : 0  Loeffler       9 
 10  Vogt          ½ : ½  Gustafsson    11 

PSV Duisburg       4 - 4  SV Werder Bremen

  1  Eingorn       0 : 1  Hracek         1 
  4  Lerner        ½ : ½  Kindermann     2 
  5  Enders        1 : 0  Knaak          3 
  6  Kraut         ½ : ½  Babula         4 
  8  Thesing       0 : 1  Meins          5 
  9  Pirrot        1 : 0  Heissler       6 
 10  Zude          ½ : ½  Floegel       10 
 12  Schmitz       ½ : ½  Forchert      13 

SK Passau          4½-3½  SV Empor Berlin

  2  Schlosser        ½ : ½  Poldauf        4 
  3  Ribli            1 : 0  Volke          5 
  4  Smejkal          1 : 0  Hetey          6 
  5  Wells            ½ : ½  Thinius        7 
  6  Pichler          0 : 1  Richter        8 
  7  Klebel           0 : 1  Apel          10 
  8  Schmidt          ½ : ½  Kleeschaetzky 12 
  9  Schlingensiepen  1 : 0  Kimpinsky     14 

SV Erfurt West     4 - 4  SFR Neukoelln

  1  McShane       1 : 0  Movsesian      1 
  2  Votava        ½ : ½  Stohl          2 
  3  Casper        1 : 0  Hellsten       4 
  4  Kuczynski     1 : 0  Polzin         5 
  5  Mueller       0 : 1  Bunzmann       6 
  6  Renner        0 : 1  Schoene        7 
  8  Fuhrmann      0 : 1  Berndt         8 
 14  Voekler       ½ : ½  Thiede         9 

Solinger SG        7 - 1  Castrop Rauxel

  1  Adams         1 : 0  Rozentalis     1 
  2  Jussupow      1 : 0  Sterren        2 
  3  Sadler        ½ : ½  Conquest       3 
  6  Gabriel       1 : 0  Hoffmann       6 
  7  Huebner       1 : 0  Watson         7 
  8  Chandler      ½ : ½  Appel          8 
  9  Bischoff      1 : 0  Brendel       10 
 10  Lau           1 : 0  Hennig        11 

SVg Plettenberg    4 - 4  SG Bochum

  2  Kupreichik    ½ : ½  Keitlinghaus   4 
  3  Dydyshko      1 : 0  Reschke        5 
  4  Danner        0 : 1  Schmittdiel    6 
  5  Baumegger     1 : 0  Ellers         8 
  6  Luecke        ½ : ½  Backwinkel     9 
  7  Schroll       ½ : ½  Buenermann    11 
  8  Thiel         ½ : ½  Kitte         12 
 11  Oswald        0 : 1  De Gleria     13 


 1. SG Koeln Porz     13 72 :32   25- 1
 2. Solinger SG       13 73 :31   23- 3
 3. Hamburger SK      13 56½:47½  16-10
 4. SCA St. Ingbert   13 56 :48   16-10
 5. Dresdner SC       13 56 :48   16-10
 6. SG Bochum         13 52 :52   16-10
 7. SK Passau         13 55 :49   15-11
 8. SV Werder Bremen  13 54 :50   15-11
 9. Castrop Rauxel    13 54½:49½  14-12
10. SV Erfurt West    13 52½:51½  12-14
11. PSV Duisburg      13 52 :52   12-14
12. SFR Neukoelln     13 49 :55   11-15
13. SK Fr.Zaehringen  13 44½:59½   8-18
14. SVg Plettenberg   13 40½:63½   7-19
15. SV Empor Berlin   13 37 :67    1-25
16. USG Chemnitz      13 27½:76½   1-25

12) WCC World Rankings

The PCA World Rankings are now being prepared for the World Chess Council.

Produced by the World Chess Councel Luis Rentero Suarez, Linares Ken Thompson, New Jersey Calculated by Vladimir Dvorkovich, Moscow Results up to April 1,1998.

The top 10 in the list also coincides very strongly with the FIDE intermediate rating list for March (it is not used officially it is simply the calculations they have made so far which will be included in the July 98 list) and sees Kasparov, Anand, Kramnik and Shirov as the top four players in the World in both lists and only the rating of Karpov showing significant difference (he is lower on the PCA list)

FIDE Ratings for March

1  Kasparov, Gary g RUS     2825 12 - 9.40 2815.60 
2  Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2770 45  19.70 2789.70 
3  Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS  2790 28 -11.20 2778.80 
4  Shirov, Alexei g ESP     2710 33  21.20 2731.20 
5  Karpov, Anatoly g RUS    2735 19 -10.00 2725.00 
6  Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR  2740 14 -15.20 2724.80 
7  Kamsky, Gata g USA       2720 0    0.00 2720.00 
8  Svidler, Peter g RUS     2690 21  16.70 2706.70 
9  Topalov, Veselin g BUL   2740 27 -38.80 2701.20 
10 Adams, Michael g ENG     2670 27  24.00 2694.00
PCA Ranking for April 1st
   1. Kasparov,Garry                 RUS 2808 143
   2. Anand,Viswanathan              IND 2775 158
   3. Kramnik,Vladimir               RUS 2756 153
   4. Shirov,Alexei                  ESP 2708 189
   5. Ivanchuk,Vassily               UKR 2705 174
   6. Kamsky,Gata                    USA 2701 181
   7. Svidler,Peter                  RUS 2699 173
   8. Karpov,Anatoli                 RUS 2687 151
   9. Adams,Michael                  ENG 2681 167
  10. Topalov,Veselin                BUL 2673 187
  11. Bareev,Evgeny                  RUS 2666 158
  12. Gelfand,Boris                  BLR 2661 125
  13. Short,Nigel D                  ENG 2659 185
  14. Leko,Peter                     HUN 2658 142
  15. Krasenkov,Mikhail              POL 2653 163
  16. Beliavsky,Alexander G          SLO 2648 182
  17. Sadler,Matthew                 ENG 2645 183
  18. Salov,Valery                   RUS 2645 188
  19. Georgiev,Kiril                 BUL 2641 154
  20. Lautier,Joel                   FRA 2639 181
  21. Rublevsky,Sergei               RUS 2637 177
  22. Polgar,Judit (GM)              HUN 2635 180
  23. Onischuk,Alexander             UKR 2635 171
  24. Azmaiparashvili,Zurab          GEO 2634 130
  25. Dreev,Alexey                   RUS 2633 160
  26. Andersson,Ulf                  SWE 2633 155
  27. Almasi,Zoltan                  HUN 2632 171
  28. Seirawan,Yasser                USA 2629 188
  29. Akopian,Vladimir               ARM 2626 143
  30. Zvjaginsev,Vadim               RUS 2626 136
  31. Tiviakov,Sergei                RUS 2626 160
  32. Granda Zuniga,Julio E          PER 2624 212
  33. Khalifman,Alexander            RUS 2622 150
  34. Adianto,Utut                   INA 2620 179
  35. Timman,Jan H                   NED 2617 182
  36. Oll,Lembit                     EST 2615 146
  37. Vladimirov,Evgeny              KAZ 2611 163
  38. Milov,Vadim                    SUI 2611 193
  39. Yusupov,Artur                  GER 2609 142
  40. Kosashvili,Yona                ISR 2607 196
  41. Yermolinsky,Alexey             USA 2606 142
  42. Vaganian,Rafael A              ARM 2606 161
  43. Nikolic,Predrag                BIH 2605 156
  44. Morozevich,Alexander           RUS 2605 207
  45. Magerramov,Elmar               AZE 2604 188
  46. Sakaev,Konstantin              RUS 2603 165
  47. Wolff,Patrick G                USA 2602 186
  48. Korchnoi,Viktor                SUI 2602 171
  49. Filippov,Valerij               RUS 2601 191
  50. Hjartarson,Johann              ISD 2597 176
  51. Korneev,Oleg                   RUS 2597 159
  52. Polgar,Zsuzsa (GM)             HUN 2592 176
  53. Rohde,Michael A                USA 2589 190
  54. Chernin,Alexander              HUN 2589 144
  55. Tkachev,Vladislav              KAZ 2588 151
  56. Lputian,Smbat G                ARM 2586 182
  57. Huzman,Alexander               ISR 2586 153
  58. Dolmatov,Sergey                RUS 2586 125
  59. Kaidanov,Grigory S             USA 2585 180
  60. Piket,Jeroen                   NED 2583 178

13) Upcoming Events

International Open León 1998

León, a beautiful town in the North of Spain will this year not only host the Kasparov-Topalov Match, but the 2nd International Open as well. The 9rd- event is FIDE-rated and will take place from July 15th -24th. There will be an additional touristic program for foreign players. The organisation will organise bus transport directly from Madrid-Airport to León. July 19th is a rest day. Players can take part in a strong active chess- tournament.

Prizes: Ptas. 850.000,-, 1st prize Ptas. 175.000,- 20 prizes in total.

Entry Fee: Ptas. 4.500,-

More Information:

GM Alfonso Romero Holmes
Phone/Fax: 0034-87-227013

Juergen Daniel Phone:
Fax: 0049-2153-912795



44th Mexican International Tournament

Jorge Vega the technical director of the Mexican Chess Federation sends news of this international event which starts on April 7th 1998 in Mexico City. The event is a Swiss Open with Grandmasters Sergei Kudrin, Pavel Blatny, Oleg Komarov, Gildardo Garcia, Reynaldo Vera and Gilberto Hernandez have confirmed their participation as well as 21 IMs.