THE WEEK IN CHESS 173 - 2nd March 1998 by Mark Crowther

Sponsored by the London Chess Center

Tel or fax      01274 882143 [Bradford England]

1) Introduction
2) Linares 1998
3) FIDE aim to move on Chess Copyright
4) Deloitte & Touche Jersey Festival
5) US Amateur Team Championships; East
6) Bunratty Masters
7) Torre v Antonio Match
8) PCA World Rankings
9) Cappelle la Grande
10) Bundesliga rounds 10-11
11) Polgar Chess Center Blitz
12) Upcoming Events

Games section

Linares GM Tournament        18 games
Bunratty Open               116 games
Jersey Open                 134 games
Match                        6 games
US Amateur Teams East      132 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Laszlo Nagy, Net64, Chess Planet, John Henderson, Bobby Ang, Europe Echecs, Bill Townsend, Gerald Schendal and all those who helped with this issue.

The Linares tournament in Spain which started so brightly has got bogged down in a series of draws. However the tension and importance of the event is still there. Shirov leads and is playing extremely convincingly, behind him are Kasparov, Kramnik and Anand, an explosion should come soon and the final rounds should be fascinating.

FIDE's decision to press ahead with trying to copyright games from their next World Championships is an extremely worrying one. Legal cases trying to establish this in the past have all been lost. It is in effect a decision to launch legal action against those who publish the games. Chess journalists have two choices in my opinion. To publish in the belief that the law as has been understood for years is correct or not to publish at all, for fear of legal action. To pay would be to give in without any resolution of where people stood. It isn't in FIDE's power to decide this, if Linares threatened legal action tomorrow the situation would be the same, or indeed the Jersey tournament covered in this issue. It is simply a decision to challenge the law, not an ability to change it. Probably the worst situation of all, after all FIDE could probably afford to lose such an action and some could not even afford to win it.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Linares 1998

Linares Tournament enters drawish stage

This years Linares SuperGrandmaster tournament is a 7 player Category 21 event with an ELO average of 2752. After eight rounds Alexei Shirov is leading with 4.5/8.

Round three proved to be the last bloodthirsty round so far. Three wins with white and all pretty convincing. Shirov sacrificing a pawn out of the opening in the Sicilian managed a magnificent performance of controlled aggression kicking Topalov's pieces around until the were almost all misplaced. A few hammerblows later he took the full point. Svidler got a nagging edge in the Sicilian against Ivanchuk, they both manoevered over long periods until Ivanchuk missed Svidler's plot and dropped his entire position. Anand's new defence is the Caro Kann, here Kasparov took a relatively modest approach but took advantage of Anand's weakened kingside to force a win.

Round 4. The first of the drawing rounds. Ivanchuk and Kasparov shared the points in an intricate Grunfeld that never seemed to leave level. Topalov should have scored his first win against Svidler in a Grunfeld. Having hit the Russian with some nice tactics he failed to complete the technical side of the win blundering an important pawn away just before time control. Kramnik never got quite enough against Shirov's kings indian and Shirov held the ending with ease.

Round 5. It was reported that the players signed a clause saying they wouldn't agree draws before move 40. This was the round where this ended. All games ending quite early. Svidler-Kramnik was a complex Sicilian Sveshnikov until all the pieces came off starting around move 25. Kasparov chose the rare 6. g3 against Topalov's Najdorf and didn't really get anything. In the end both sides settled for a repetition on move 22. Anand-Ivanchuk was an extremely irregular Sicilian Defence. Creative play took its toll on the clocks and with Ivanchuk down to around two minutes left on move 25 but with probably a superior position a draw was agreed to.

Round 6 saw Shirov move into the lead with the only decisive game of the round. Shirov using the English variation of the Sicilian got a comfortable edge from the opening against Svidler. Svidler then tried a plan involving the long march of his knight, away from the trouble area. Shirov dived in bouncing his bishop round to the kingside where it allowed Shirov an irresistable attack. Anand's Caro Kann held out better than against Kasparov. Here, although slightly worse he found a drawn ending. Kramnik-Kasparov was a huge chunk of theory from the Grunfeld followed by a couple of insipid moves from Kramnik and a draw was agreed.

Round 7. Shirov's 6. ...Bc5 against the Ruy Lopez is starting to look like the ultimate drawing line. Black gets a slightly worse position but so many pieces and pawns have left the board that a draw is possible. This time Kasparov made no headway at all. Another Sicilian Sveshnikov from Kramnik as black, he seemed to be doing just great against Anand, but slight time pressure and he decided to call it a day against Anand. Ivanchuk-Topalov was an interesting Sicilian with opposite sides castling. Then Ivanchuk lost the plot and ended up in a bad ending which was effectively wrapped up by Topalov.

Round 8 and the second half of the event was underway. For Anand-Shirov see Kasparov-Shirov round 7.Kasparov-Svidler was a main line Ruy Lopez. Svidler certainly varies his openings. Kasparov never looked like getting a King side attack to work and gradually Svidler took the initiative. I never saw anything to suggest he was winning however. Ivanchuk-Kramnik was an interesting tussle in the Sicilian. The ending of bishop and knight vs rook was drawish, and so it proved to be.

The dates of the event are: 21st Feb - Opening Ceremony, 22nd Feb. Round 1. Rest days 27th Feb and 5th March. Final round March 9th, closing ceremony March 10th.

Internet coverage at and also my www pages.

Round 1 (1998.02.22)

Shirov, Alexei      -  Anand, Viswanathan  0-1   55  B12  Caro-Kann
Kramnik, Vladimir   -  Ivanchuk, Vassily   1/2   58  D02  Queen's pawn
Svidler, Peter      -  Kasparov, Gary      1/2   52  B85  Sicilian

Round 2 (1998.02.23)

Anand, Viswanathan  -  Svidler, Peter      1-0   42  B06  Modern defence
Topalov, Veselin    -  Kramnik, Vladimir   0-1   48  D58  QGD;
Ivanchuk, Vassily   -  Shirov, Alexei      0-1   30  C54  Italian game

Round 3 (1998.02.24)

Shirov, Alexei      -  Topalov, Veselin    1-0   34  B42  Sicilian
Kasparov, Gary      -  Anand, Viswanathan  1-0   35  B17  Caro-Kann
Svidler, Peter      -  Ivanchuk, Vassily   1-0   49  B85  Sicilian

Round 4 (1998.02.25)

Kramnik, Vladimir   -  Shirov, Alexei      1/2   46  E97  Kings indian; Main line
Topalov, Veselin    -  Svidler, Peter      1/2   42  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Ivanchuk, Vassily   -  Kasparov, Gary      1/2   50  D79  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6

Round 5 (1998.02.26)

Kasparov, Gary      -  Topalov, Veselin    1/2   22  B91  Sicilian; Najdorf
Anand, Viswanathan  -  Ivanchuk, Vassily   1/2   25  B53  Sicilian
Svidler, Peter      -  Kramnik, Vladimir   1/2   30  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov

Round 6 (1998.02.27)

Shirov, Alexei      -  Svidler, Peter      1-0   28  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Kramnik, Vladimir   -  Kasparov, Gary      1/2   26  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Topalov, Veselin    -  Anand, Viswanathan  1/2   40  B17  Caro-Kann

Round 7 (1998.03.01)

Anand, Viswanathan  -  Kramnik, Vladimir   1/2   28  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov
Kasparov, Gary      -  Shirov, Alexei      1/2   22  C78  Ruy Lopez
Ivanchuk, Vassily   -  Topalov, Veselin    0-1   52  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf

Round 8 (1998.03.02)

Anand, Viswanathan  -  Shirov, Alexei      1/2   44  C78  Ruy Lopez
Kasparov, Gary      -  Svidler, Peter      1/2   64  C92  Ruy Lopez
Ivanchuk, Vassily   -  Kramnik, Vladimir   1/2   74  B57  Sicilian

Linares ESP (ESP), II-III 1998                       cat. XXI (2752)
                                  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
1 Shirov, Alexei      g ESP 2710 ** 0= =. =. 1. 1. 1.  4.5 / 7  2862
2 Anand, Viswanathan  g IND 2770 1= ** 0. =. 1. =. =.  4.0 / 7  2793
3 Kasparov, Gary      g RUS 2825 =. 1. ** =. == =. =.  4.0 / 7  2782
4 Kramnik, Vladimir   g RUS 2790 =. =. =. ** =. 1. ==  4.0 / 7  2795
5 Svidler, Peter      g RUS 2690 0. 0. == =. ** =. 1.  3.0 / 7  2721
6 Topalov, Veselin    g BUL 2740 0. =. =. 0. =. ** 1.  2.5 / 6  2697
7 Ivanchuk, Vassily   g UKR 2740 0. =. =. == 0. 0. **  2.0 / 7  2601

3) FIDE aim to move on Chess Copyright

A report by Willy Iclicki on the Chess Planet pages says that FIDE have concluded their study into chess games copyright and aim to move forward. This move will inevitably end in legal action as no chess journalist or legal expert I have spoken to believes they have any case for this. There have been a number of legal cases in the past on this point, all have been lost by those trying to prove copyright. However legal action is going to be expensive for whoever FIDE choose to try and prove their point with. Quite what journalists are supposed to do is unclear, pay in case FIDE are right? Or proceed as usual on the basis of at least 100 years of precident. As chess becomes more technical and the use of databases and chess computers in preparation has taken much of the creativity out of the game and as FIDE have sought to emphasize the sporting aspects of the game there can have been no time in chess history when they have less justification for doing this. One comfort is that although FIDE seem to threaten quite frequently I can't remember the last time they actually did anything. The meeting was held in Manilla Feb 21-23 1998. Some suggestions as to the new World Championships format include that it will be 7 rounds, all players to enter in the first two rounds and that there will be 4 games from the 3rd round.

4) Deloitte & Touche Jersey Festival

The Deloitte & Touche Jersey Chess Festival took place 22-28 February in the Hotel de Normandie, St. Helier. My thanks to John Henderson for reports, results and games.

Surprises included Alexander Cherniaev's round two loss to Martin Simons in a Scandinavian Defence. Chris Ward was a little lucky to beat Simon Peters in round 3. The story of the tournament was Jim Plaskett's visit to the hospital before round 4. He managed to drink some bleach left by a cleaner in a cup when he returned to prepare for his game. He still managed to draw with rival Chris Ward in the afternoon. Chris Ward took a lead into the final round when he won in a French in 78 moves against Alexander Cherniaev. He had to repel some agressive opening play and also convert a long technical ending to ensure his win. Jim Plaskett ended the event on a quiet note with draws in round 6 against Dave Farndon and in round 7 against Ja Vigus. That draw ensured first place alone for Chris Ward and a cheque for 1500 pounds. 29 year old Ward is a chess coach and did a blindfold exhibition to promote the event at its start.

Leading final standings

St Helier (JER), II-III 1998
 1 Ward, Christopher         g ENG 2480   6.0
 2 Plaskett, Jim             g ENG 2445   5.5 
 3 Ballon, Guenther Jan      f NED 2235   5.5 
 4 Cherniaev, Alexander      m RUS 2465   5.0 
 5 Farrand, Tom                --- ----   5.0 
 6 Vigus, James                ENG 2260   5.0 

Major - 1 D Twitchell (Norfolk) 5/6 (300); 2-4 E Soh (Imperia), N Dennis
(Henley) & K White (Imperia) 4.

Minor - 1 P Kent (Huyton) 5.5/6 (300); 2 N Turner (Northants) 5; 3-4 J
McKenna (Kent) & M Stanners (Atheneum) 4.5.

5) US Amateur Team Championships; East

Bill Townsend reports on the U.S. Amateur Team East event Feb 14th-16th 1998.

The U.S. Amateur Team is a tradition that goes back more than a quarter of a century. In recent years, the tournament has grown so large that it now takes place in four locations around the U.S.: West, Mid-West, South and East. The East is where it all began, and so that is usually the largest of the four by far, usually having more teams than the other three added together. This year's Amateur Team East, played over the weekend of Feb. 14-16, had 268 four-player teams, adding up to over 1,100 individuals. Moreover, this wasn't the only team with grandmasters on the first two boards. One team boasted current U.S. Champion Joel Benjamin, backed up by John Fedorowicz on board two, while another team had the one-two punch of GMs Alex Fishbein and Michael Rohde. Grandmasters playing for other teams: Anatoly Lein, Larry Christiansen, Roman Dzindzichashvili, Sergey Kudrin, and Arthur Bisguier. Karpov's team finished with a perfect 6-0 score, as did Karpov himself, but they lost out on tiebreaks to a team called "Light Blue," consisting of Dylan McClain, Nathan Resika, Brian Hulse, and Alan Price. This actually wasn't that unexpected since more balanced teams tend to do better. "Light Blue" only had a rating difference of about 200 points between its first and fourth boards, as opposed to the 1,500 point gap on Karpov's team.

Attendees at this tournament got an added surprise when Women's World Champion Susan Polgar appeared to promote her chess studio in Queens, New York. Accompanying Ms. Polgar were her two sisters Sophia and Judit, who happened to be visiting from Hungary. The charming Polgar sisters did not play on a team, but they spent much of Saturday out in the hotel lobby chatting with chess fans. The games for this event were provided by organizer E. Steven Doyle, and I would also like to thank Paul Hodges and Ron Henley of the WWW. Chess Superstore for their help.

6) Bunratty Masters

The Bunratty Masters tournament in Ireland took place over the weekend 21st-23rd February and saw a tie between John Nunn and 14 year old English youngster Luke McShane. McShane beat Nunn in a 5 minute blitz game to take the Tipperary Crystal trophy. GMs Jonathan Speelman and Alexander Barurin shared 3rd place.

Full internet coverage at:

Leading final standings.
Bunratty IRL (IRL), II 1998
                                      1   2   3   4   5   6 
 1 Nunn, John D.M        g ENG 2610  +25 +10 =13 + 7 = 3 + 8  5.0 /6  2678
 2 McShane, Luke J       m ENG 2490  +22 +12 - 3 +15 + 9 + 6  5.0 /6  2552
 3 Speelman, Jonathan S  g ENG 2605  +23 + 9 + 2 = 8 = 1 = 4  4.5 /6  2642
 4 Baburin, Alexander    g IRL 2600  =14 +18 +11 +13 = 8 = 3  4.5 /6  2529
 5 Rowson, Jonathan      m SCO 2485  +17 =11 = 7 +12 - 6 +13  4.0 /6  2384
 6 Brady, Stephen        f IRL 2345  +26 -13 +22 +14 + 5 - 2  4.0 /6  2403
 7 Orr, Mark J L         m IRL 2360  =28 +21 = 5 - 1 +24 +16  4.0 /6  2463
 8 King, Daniel J        g ENG 2530  +34 +15 +24 = 3 = 4 - 1  4.0 /6  2511
 9 O'Cinneide, Mel         IRL 2285  +20 - 3 +27 +24 - 2 +15  4.0 /6  2316
10 Heidenfeld, Mark      f IRL 2325  +19 - 1 =28 +11 =13 =12  3.5 /6  2366
11 Ryan, Joseph            IRL 2280  +31 = 5 - 4 -10 +17 +14  3.5 /6  2298
12 O'Connell, Gerard       IRL 2160  +30 - 2  .  - 5 +21 =10  3.5 /6  2160
34 players

7) Torre v Antonio Match

Bobby Ang covered the match between Eugene Torre vs. Rogelio jr Rogelio. The "Centennial Duel" is a battle for supremacy in Philippine Chess took place over12 games and saw just one decisive game, giving victory to Rogelio.

Torre, Eugenio       -  Antonio, Rogelio jr  1/2   53  A46  Queen's pawn
Antonio, Rogelio jr  -  Torre, Eugenio       1-0   39  C78  Ruy Lopez
Torre, Eugenio       -  Antonio, Rogelio jr  1/2   43  A46  Queen's pawn
Antonio, Rogelio jr  -  Torre, Eugenio       1/2   43  C64  Ruy Lopez
Torre, Eugenio       -  Antonio, Rogelio jr  1/2   92  B31  Sicilian
Antonio, Rogelio jr  -  Torre, Eugenio       1/2   87  C67  Ruy Lopez
Torre, Eugenio       -  Antonio, Rogelio jr  1/2   31  B78  Sicilian; Dragon
Antonio, Rogelio jr  -  Torre, Eugenio       1/2   31  C67  Ruy Lopez
Torre, Eugenio       -  Antonio, Rogelio jr  1/2   30  C00  French
Antonio, Rogelio jr  -  Torre, Eugenio       1/2   37  C67  Ruy Lopez
Torre, Eugenio       -  Antonio, Rogelio jr  1/2   42  E92  Kings indian; Classical
Antonio, Rogelio jr  -  Torre, Eugenio       1/2   44  B42  Sicilian

Manilla PHI (PHI), II-III 1998
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
Antonio, Rogelio jr  g PHI 2520   = 1 = = = = = = = = = =  6.5  2589
Torre, Eugenio       g PHI 2560   = 0 = = = = = = = = = =  5.5  2491

Internet coverage at;

8) PCA World Rankings

The PCA World Chess Rankings produced by the World Chess Councel (Luis Rentero Sancez, Linares and Ken Thompson, New Jersey) Calculated by Vladimir Dvorkovich, Moscow Results up to March 1,1998

   1. Kasparov,Garry                 RUS 2825 155
   2. Anand,Viswanathan              IND 2761 161
   3. Kramnik,Vladimir               RUS 2757 156
   4. Ivanchuk,Vassily               UKR 2715 166
   5. Kamsky,Gata                    USA 2701 181
   6. Topalov,Veselin                BUL 2693 187
   7. Svidler,Peter                  RUS 2688 170
   8. Karpov,Anatoli                 RUS 2687 151
   9. Adams,Michael                  ENG 2681 167
  10. Shirov,Alexei                  ESP 2676 178
  11. Bareev,Evgeny                  RUS 2671 164
  12. Gelfand,Boris                  BLR 2661 125
  13. Short,Nigel D                  ENG 2659 185
  14. Leko,Peter                     HUN 2658 142
  15. Krasenkov,Mikhail              POL 2653 163
  16. Beliavsky,Alexander G          SLO 2648 182
  17. Sadler,Matthew                 ENG 2645 183
  18. Khalifman,Alexander            RUS 2645 147
  19. Salov,Valery                   RUS 2645 188
  20. Lautier,Joel                   FRA 2639 181
  21. Rublevsky,Sergei               RUS 2637 177
  22. Polgar,Judit (GM)              HUN 2635 180
  23. Azmaiparashvili,Zurab          GEO 2634 130
  24. Dreev,Alexey                   RUS 2633 160
  25. Andersson,Ulf                  SWE 2633 155
  26. Georgiev,Kiril                 BUL 2633 150
  27. Almasi,Zoltan                  HUN 2632 171
  28. Tiviakov,Sergei                RUS 2631 166
  29. Seirawan,Yasser                USA 2629 188
  30. Onischuk,Alexander             UKR 2627 171
  31. Zvjaginsev,Vadim               RUS 2626 136
  32. Akopian,Vladimir               ARM 2621 143
  33. Adianto,Utut                   INA 2620 179
  34. Yermolinsky,Alexey             USA 2619 149
  35. Timman,Jan H                   NED 2617 182
  36. Granda Zuniga,Julio E          PER 2615 211
  37. Korneev,Oleg                   RUS 2615 152
  38. Oll,Lembit                     EST 2615 146
  39. Vladimirov,Evgeny              KAZ 2611 163
  40. Korchnoi,Viktor                SUI 2609 160
  41. Yusupov,Artur                  GER 2609 142
  42. Kosashvili,Yona                ISR 2606 197
  43. Vaganian,Rafael A              ARM 2606 161
  44. Morozevich,Alexander           RUS 2605 207
  45. Nikolic,Predrag                BIH 2605 156
  46. Magerramov,Elmar               AZE 2604 188
  47. Sakaev,Konstantin              RUS 2603 165
  48. Wolff,Patrick G                USA 2602 186
  49. Filippov,Valerij               RUS 2599 199
  50. Hjartarson,Johann              ISD 2597 176
  51. Fischer,Robert James           USA 2594 197
  52. Milov,Vadim                    SUI 2593 191
  53. Polgar,Zsuzsa (GM)             HUN 2592 176

9) Cappelle la Grande

Full coverage next week along with Cannes. Cappelle la Grande was won by Igor Glek with 7.5/9 above 7 players: Kruppa, Shipov, Minasian, Safin, Ibragimov, Slobodjan and Sulskis. There will be coverage at:

Europe Echecs will have coverage of these events and Karpov's simul also.

10) Bundesliga rounds 10-11

The German Bundesliga had its tenth and eleventh rounds this weekend. SG Koeln Porz maintain their stranglehold on the league after two wins this weekend and have dropped just one point so far this season. Solinger SG who have dropped three points stayed in the title race by recording two convincing wins this weekend also.

Rounds 12-13 are to be held March 28th and 29th. Detailed coverage of the Bundesliga is available at

Bundesliga Round 10 (28 February)

Castrop Rauxel     5 - 3  SV Erfurt West 
SG Bochum          5 - 3  SK Passau 
Hamburger SK       5 - 3  SV Empor Berlin 
SV Werder Bremen   3½-4½  SFR Neukoelln 
PSV Duisburg       5½-2½  USG Chemnitz 
SG Koeln Porz      6 - 2  Dresdner SC 
SCA St. Ingbert    6 - 2  SVg Plettenberg 
SK Fr.Zaehringen   1 - 7  Solinger SG 

Detailed results

Castrop Rauxel     5 - 3  SV Erfurt West

  2  Sterren       1 : 0  McShane        1 
  5  King          0 : 1  Votava         2 
  7  Watson        1 : 0  Casper         3 
  8  Appel         ½ : ½  Kuczynski      4 
  9  Dinstuhl      ½ : ½  Mueller        5 
 10  Brendel       1 : 0  Renner         6 
 11  Hennig        1 : 0  Troyke         7 
 13  Hermesmann    0 : 1  Fuhrmann       8 

SG Bochum          5 - 3  SK Passau 

  1  Georgiev      ½ : ½  Schlosser      2 
  2  Krasenkow     ½ : ½  Ribli          3 
  4  Keitlinghaus  ½ : ½  Smejkal        4 
  6  Schmittdiel   ½ : ½  Wells          5 
  7  Bosch         ½ : ½  Pichler        6 
  8  Ellers        1 : 0  Schmidt        8 
  9  Backwinkel    ½ : ½  Gross         10 
 10  Ankerst       1 : 0  Goetz         11 

Hamburger SK       5 - 3  SV Empor Berlin

  1  Ftacnik       ½ : ½  Epishin        1 
  2  Wahls         1 : 0  Poldauf        4 
  4  Mueller       1 : 0  Volke          5 
  5  Heinemann     1 : 0  Hetey          6 
  7  Michaelsen    ½ : ½  Thinius        7 
  8  Wilhelmi      1 : 0  Richter        8 
 10  Sievers       0 : 1  Apel          10 
 11  Gustafsson    0 : 1  Meissner      13 

SV Werder Bremen   3½-4½  SFR Neukoelln

  1  Hracek        ½ : ½  Stohl          2 
  2  Kindermann    ½ : ½  Baburin        3 
  3  Knaak         ½ : ½  Hellsten       4 
  4  Babula        1 : 0  Polzin         5 
  5  Meins         ½ : ½  Schoene        7 
  6  Heissler      ½ : ½  Berndt         8 
 10  Floegel       0 : 1  Thiede         9 
 11  Meyer         0 : 1  Rudolf        11 

PSV Duisburg       5½-2½  USG Chemnitz

  1  Eingorn       ½ : ½  Womacka        1 
  4  Lerner        1 : 0  Roesch         2 
  5  Enders        0 : 1  Kunze          3 
  6  Kraut         ½ : ½  Lorenz         4 
  7  Unzicker      ½ : ½  Kyas           5 
  8  Thesing       1 : 0  Helbig,U       7 
  9  Pirrot        1 : 0  Ahner          8 
 10  Zude          1 : 0  Pester        14 

SG Koeln Porz      6 - 2  Dresdner SC

  1  Lutz          0 : 1  Bologan        3 
  2  Wely          1 : 0  Lanka          4 
  3  Khalifman     ½ : ½  Boensch        5 
  6  Vaganian      1 : 0  Tischbierek    6 
  8  Hansen        1 : 0  Uhlmann        7 
  9  Stangl        1 : 0  Maiwald        8 
 10  Vogt          ½ : ½  Borriss        9 
 12  Hort          1 : 0  Gauglitz      11 

SCA St. Ingbert          6 - 2  SVg Plettenberg

  1  Dautov              1 : 0  Kupreichik     2 
  2  Giorgadze           1 : 0  Dydyshko       3 
  3  Bauer               1 : 0  Danner         4 
  5  Martinovic          1 : 0  Schroll        7 
  6  Kachiani-Gersinska  ½ : ½  Luethgens      9 
  9  Becker              ½ : ½  Meyer         10 
 10  Gross               0 : 1  Oswald        11 
 11  Kummerow            1 : 0  Michalczak    12 

SK Fr.Zaehringen   1 - 7  Solinger SG

  4  Baklan        1 : 0  Jussupow       2 
  5  Roos,D        0 : 1  Sadler         3 
  6  Toth          0 : 1  Piket          4 
  7  Maier         0 : 1  Gabriel        6 
  9  Raupp         0 : 1  Huebner        7 
 11  Roos,J        0 : 1  Chandler       8 
 12  Schuh         0 : 1  Bischoff       9 
 14  Vatter        0 : 1  Lau           10 

Bundesliga Round 11 (March 1st)

SV Erfurt West     3 - 5  SG Bochum 
SK Passau          5 - 3  Castrop Rauxel 
SV Empor Berlin    3 - 5  SV Werder Bremen 
SFR Neukoelln      2½-5½  Hamburger SK 
USG Chemnitz       ½ -7½  SG Koeln Porz 
Dresdner SC        5 - 3  PSV Duisburg 
SVg Plettenberg    2 - 6  SK Fr.Zaehringen 
Solinger SG        4½-3½  SCA St. Ingbert 

Detailed results

SV Erfurt West     3 - 5  SG Bochum 

  1  McShane       0 : 1  Georgiev       1 
  2  Votava        0 : 1  Krasenkow      2 
  3  Casper        ½ : ½  Keitlinghaus   4 
  4  Kuczynski     1 : 0  Schmittdiel    6 
  5  Mueller       ½ : ½  Bosch          7 
  6  Renner        0 : 1  Ellers         8 
  7  Troyke        1 : 0  Ankerst       10 
  8  Fuhrmann      0 : 1  Buenermann    11 

SK Passau          5 - 3  Castrop Rauxel

  2  Schlosser     0 : 1  Sterren        2 
  3  Ribli         ½ : ½  King           5 
  4  Smejkal       ½ : ½  Watson         7 
  5  Wells         ½ : ½  Appel          8 
  6  Pichler       1 : 0  Dinstuhl       9 
  8  Schmidt       ½ : ½  Brendel       10 
 10  Gross         1 : 0  Hennig        11 
 11  Goetz         1 : 0  Hermesmann    13 

SV Empor Berlin    3 - 5  SV Werder Bremen

  1  Epishin       1 : 0  Hracek         1 
  4  Poldauf       ½ : ½  Kindermann     2 
  5  Volke         0 : 1  Knaak          3 
  6  Hetey         0 : 1  Babula         4 
  7  Thinius       ½ : ½  Meins          5 
  8  Richter       0 : 1  Heissler       6 
 10  Apel          0 : 1  Floegel       10 
 13  Meissner      1 : 0  Meyer         11 

SFR Neukoelln      2½-5½  Hamburger SK

  2  Stohl         ½ : ½  Ftacnik        1 
  3  Baburin       0 : 1  Wahls          2 
  4  Hellsten      1 : 0  Mueller        4 
  5  Polzin        0 : 1  Heinemann      5 
  6  Bunzmann      0 : 1  Michaelsen     7 
  7  Schoene       0 : 1  Wilhelmi       8 
  8  Berndt        ½ : ½  Sievers       10 
  9  Thiede        ½ : ½  Gustafsson    11 

USG Chemnitz       ½ -7½  SG Koeln Porz

  1  Womacka       0 : 1  Lutz           1 
  2  Roesch        0 : 1  Wely           2 
  3  Kunze         0 : 1  Khalifman      3 
  4  Lorenz        ½ : ½  Vaganian       6 
  5  Kyas          0 : 1  Hansen         8 
  7  Helbig,U      0 : 1  Stangl         9 
  8  Ahner         0 : 1  Vogt          10 
 14  Pester        0 : 1  Hort          12 

Dresdner SC        5 - 3  PSV Duisburg

  3  Bologan       ½ : ½  Eingorn        1 
  4  Lanka         1 : 0  Lerner         4 
  5  Boensch       ½ : ½  Enders         5 
  6  Tischbierek   ½ : ½  Kraut          6 
  7  Uhlmann       ½ : ½  Unzicker       7 
  8  Maiwald       0 : 1  Thesing        8 
  9  Borriss       1 : 0  Pirrot         9 
 11  Gauglitz      1 : 0  Zude          10 

SVg Plettenberg    2 - 6  SK Fr.Zaehringen

  2  Kupreichik    0 : 1  Hodgson        1 
  3  Dydyshko      ½ : ½  Siegel         3 
  4  Danner        0 : 1  Baklan         4 
  7  Schroll       0 : 1  Roos,D         5 
  9  Luethgens     0 : 1  Maier          7 
 10  Meyer         1 : 0  Raupp          9 
 12  Michalczak    0 : 1  Schuh         12 
 13  Schlecht      ½ : ½  Vatter        14 

Solinger SG        4½-3½  SCA St. Ingbert

  2  Jussupow      0 : 1  Dautov               1 
  3  Sadler        ½ : ½  Giorgadze            2 
  4  Piket         ½ : ½  Bauer                3 
  6  Gabriel       1 : 0  Martinovic           5 
  7  Huebner       ½ : ½  Kachiani-Gersinska   6 
  8  Chandler      ½ : ½  Becker               9 
  9  Bischoff      1 : 0  Gross               10 
 10  Lau           ½ : ½  Kummerow            11 


 1. SG Koeln Porz     11 61 :27   21- 1
 2. Solinger SG       11 59½:28½  19- 3
 3. SCA St. Ingbert   11 48½:39½  15- 7
 4. SG Bochum         11 46½:41½  15- 7
 5. SV Werder Bremen  11 48½:39½  14- 8
 6. Hamburger SK      11 48 :40   14- 8
 7. Castrop Rauxel    11 47½:40½  12-10
 8. Dresdner SC       11 45½:42½  12-10
 9. PSV Duisburg      11 45 :43   11-11
10. SK Passau         11 45 :43   11-11
11. SFR Neukoelln     11 42½:45½  10-12
12. SV Erfurt West    11 42 :46    9-13
13. SK Fr.Zaehringen  11 38 :50    6-16
14. SVg Plettenberg   11 34½:53½   6-16
15. SV Empor Berlin   11 32 :56    1-21
16. USG Chemnitz      11 20 :68    0-22

11) Polgar Chess Center Blitz

Thursday, February 19th the Polgar Chess Center in NY hosted a Blitz tournament with 5 GMs including the 2 best female chess players in the world and the US champion. Results:

1. Judit Polgar    8.5
2. Joel Benjamin   6.5
3. Max Dlugy       6.5
4. Susan Polgar    6
5. Boris Gulko     6

The complete list with report + photos can be seen at:

Sunday 22nd of February, an impressive simul by Judit Polgar in New York. 36 players (some masters and many experts). Results: +30 =6 More than a hundred spectators, among them the Hungarian general council in NY, the organizer of the NY Open and more. More details and photos may be seen at:

12) Upcoming Events

14th Chess Festival Bad Woerishofen

The 14th International ChessOrg Chess Festival will take place in Bad Woerishofen. There will be an open aswell as a seniors championships. The previous winners were 1985: GM Smejkal, 1986: GM Kusmin, 1987: GM Meduna, 1988: GM Klinger, 1989:GM Kindermann, 1990: GM Miles, 1991: GM Dautov, 1992: GM Knaak, 1993: GM Magerramov, 1994:Magerramov, 1995: GM Boensch, 1996: GM Movsziszian and 1997: GM Kupreichik (see Gerhard Hund's report of 1997 on Details of the schedule, accommodation and announcements of the 1998 tournaments are available at: Gerhard Hund will report on the event daily from the venue at from 6.-15. March 98.

Mexican International Open Champioships

Full details of the event April 7-12. htpp:// or contact the organisers at:

First Saturday March Tournament

7th until 19th of March the forthcoming FIRST SATURDAY IM-tournament /category II-III., 10-14 participants/ in Budapest. The following players have registered: IM KAHN, E. /HUN/, IM DUDAS, J. /HUN/, IM FARAGÓ, S. /HUN/, WIM GRABICS, M., SENFF, M. /GER/, TODOROV, T. /BLG/, DEGLERIA /GER/, KARATOROSSIAN /ARM/, RODRIGUEZ, R. /ESP/, FRANCSICS /HUN/. There are some vacancies for the players above 2150 ELO-rating. First comes, first served method. Guaranteed p o s s i b i l i t y to make the IM- norms. Entry fee 150...300 DM, depending on the ELO-rating. Also in parallel with that event on 7th-15th of March there is a Scheveningen system ELO-tournament. 9 games, 9 days, ELO-average 2100-2150. With the possibility of making a FIDE-ELO in 9 days. Nonrated players are welcome. Entry fee 180,-DM. Organizer: Nagy Laszlo, tel-fax: /36-1/-263-28-59, e-mail: and:

Aquitax Open

quitax Open Debrecen (Hungary) 03-10 April 1998 Both computers and chessplayers can enter the competition Place: Grand Hotel Aranybika, H-4025 Debrecen (Hungary) 11-15. Piac Street. Tel: +36 52 416777. Fax: +36 52 421834. E-mail: System: 11 round, swiss system. Time: 30 moves/90 minutes +60 minutes till the end. Opening ceremony: Friday 16.00, 03. April 1998. Prizes: 40000, 35000, 30000, 25000, 20000, 15000, 10000, 5000 HUF. Entry fees: computers: 6000 HUF, players: 1500-3500 HUF. In the competition chess programs can also enter and can win prizes. Players must play with programs. The organisers can provide the hardware. (monitors, etc.) Other information: NAGY SANDOR, H-4026 Debrecen, Bethlen 36-38. II/12. Tel/Faxl: +36 52 416524 E-mail:

2nd International Open in Korinthos

2nd International Open in Korinthos will be held 20-28 july 1998. An accelerated swiss system 9 rounds and more than 200 players are expected. There will be live coverage on internet by Hellas Chess Club and ICC more info

14th Budapest Spring Festival

14th Budapest Spring Festival, 9 round Swiss Open chess tournament 13th-21st of March 1998 Venue: Russian Cultural Center, Budapest, Andrassy Str.120, close to the yellow metro station HOSOK TERE. Time schedule: 14:oo - 21:oo hours, last round 9:oo - 16:oo hours. Prize system: brutto, before taxes /1 USD = 204,-HUF, 1 DM = 113,-HUF/ 150-100-70-50-40-30-20-15-12-10-and ten times 5 thousand HUF. For the best lady, junior, senior /1930/ and nonrated: 10-10 thousand HUF. Entry fee system: FIDE 2205 - 2400 4000,-HUF 2000 - 2200 5000,-HUF nonrated 6000,-HUF GM and IM free. Organizer: WGM CSONKICS, Tunde, tel-fax: /361/-341-00-47 Registration: Hungarian Chess Federation, tel: /361/-3116-616 fax: /361/-331-97-38 Other info e-mail: