E-Mail mdcrowth@netcomuk.co.uk Tel or fax 01274 882143 [Bradford England]
1) Introduction
2) FIDE World Chess Championships
3) European Club Cup Finals
4) 1st Hoogovens USA Chess Festival
5) Bundesliga Rounds 5-6
6) 1st Bavarian Masters
7) Kilkenny Masters
8) Karpov on tour
9) 4th Loures Young Masters
10) Upcoming events
Games section
European Club Cup 78 games Kilkenny 89 games Karpov vs Lobron rapid 2 games Hoogovens Trophy Blitz playoff 1 game
My thanks to Chess Assistant, Richard Reich, Gerald Schendel, Philipp Schlosser, John Henderson and all those who helped with this issue. A number of items have been held until next week due to time pressure. As regular readers will know TWIC has been without a sponsor for a couple of months and much of this week has been taken up finding a new sponsor for the magazine. Today I made an agreement with Malcolm Pein the Director of Chess and Bridge Ltd. to sponsor TWIC. This will involve twic moving to a new address http://www.chesscenter.com which will occur at the earliest possible opportunity. A precise address (with subdirectory) will be available on the move and if readers with links to twic can alter their pages as soon as the move is made I would be very grateful. The main story is the build up to FIDE's new World Chess Championship format. The opening ceremony was today and I will have daily coverage from the event on the new pages.
Hope you enjoy this issue
The opening ceremony for the FIDE World Chess Championships will take place on December 8th 1997 in Groningen in the Netherlands. 96 players will play in Groningen and after seven rounds of elimination matches the winner will qualify to play Anatoly Karpov in a 6 game match in the Olympic Museum, Lausanne, Switzerland. This final series of games will take place January 1st - 9th.1998. Play will be daily starting at 1-30pm local time. The rapidplay and sudden death games that are required take place on the same day as the second normal time rate game.
Is this a real World Chess Championships?
This is the first time the knockout formula has been used to settle FIDE's World Championships and has been introduced as a result of the decline of interest in sponsoring the old format after Garry Kasparov started to organise his own World Championship events. Most of the World's best players are taking part. The two most notable absentees are Garry Kasparov and Vladimir Kramnik, number one and number two in the international rating list respectively. Kasparov is not playing because he has some strong claims to be the true World Champion and Kramnik because he believes the seeding of Karpov to the final is wrong. FIDE have made it clear that the winner of this event will join the event early on next time. The knockout formula over such short matches certainly takes the event out of the tradition of World Championships in the past. The form of these championships may be subject to great alteration the next time the event runs. The question of whether it will become regarded as the event to establish the World Chess Championship is one for the future. Garry Kasparov's bad relations with many of his closest rivals may make a deal to have a World Title series for the title he claims very hard to obtain. His credibility in the long term will depend on him playing the most credible challenger. There is not long term stability in the situation. The players will be highly motivated in Groningen, not least because of the money, but the winners will belong to a different tradition to the first 13 Champions, a lineage that may have come to an end. The long term support of the players in the way they regard the winner is very important.
How does the event work?
The first 6 rounds consist of a series of two game matches at standard
time rates, in round 7 there will be four normal time rate games, in round
8 in Lausanne there will be six normal time rate games. There will be
additional rapidplay games followed by a single sudden death game if the
matches are tied. The games will be timed using electronic game timers.
These allow the use of time increments per move played.
Standard time rate games:
The standard time rate for the games will be 40 moves in 100 minutes,
then 20 moves in 50 minutes followed by the rest of the moves in 10
minutes. In addition to this allotment of time the players will receive an
additional 30 seconds per move played. An unusual regulation this time is
that the players are not required to record their moves as this will be
taken care of by electronic means.
Initial rapidplay time limit:
If the match of standard time rate games is drawn then the players
will play two rapidplay games at a time rate of 25 minutes for all the
moves with the addition of 10 seconds a move.
Secondary rapidplay time limit:
If the first series of rapidplay time rate games is drawn then the
players will play two further rapidplay games at a time rate of 15 minutes
for all the moves with the addition of 10 seconds a move. [This second
series of games will not apply to the first round where the players will
move straight to the sudden death games.]
Sudden death time limits:
The tight scheduling necessitates provision for sudden death games to
bring a definite end to matches. The players will draw lots before each
game for colour and white will receive four minutes and black five
minutes. There will be an additional 10 seconds per move played. These
games will be played until there is a decisive result. If due to a number
of draws the arbiter decides these sudden death games are going on too
long they will move to a single game where white receives 6 minutes with
no additions and black 5 minutes. In this case the winner of the game goes
through to the next round or in the case of a draw the player with the
black pieces.
What is the prizefund?
The prize-fund is $5 million distributed in the following way.
Losers in round 1 $6000
Losers in round 2 $12000
Losers in round 3 $24000
Losers in round 4 $48000
Losers in round 5 $96000
Losers in round 6 $192000
Losers in the semi-final $375000
Loser in the final $768000
Winner $1,370,000
[There is a straight 20% deduction on all figures above which goes
straight to FIDE.]
There will be daily coverage on my pages on the event. Also there is Dutch coverage which should include live coverage: http://www.nn-online.nl/
The pairings
Layout by Massimiliano Orsi. Names in brackets indicate the expected
qualifier in terms of rating.
Gelfand, B......BLR 2695 ..\ bye..................... ../Gelfand........ .. bye..................... ..\bye............ ..\ bye..................... ../ Gelfand........ .. Barua, D........IND 2515 ..\ (Lautier)...... ..\ Hracek, Z.......CZE 2605 ../(Hracek)....... ../ | bye..................... ..\Lautier........ .. | Lautier, J......FRA 2660 ../ (Gelfand)...... .. Salov, V........RUS 2680 ..\ (Salov)........ ..\ bye..................... ../Salov.......... .. | | Tkachiev, V.....KAZ 2615 ..\(Tkachiev)..... ..\ | | Fominyh, A......RUS 2535 ../ (Salov)........ ../ | Oll, L..........EST 2645 ..\ (Oll).......... .. | Petursson, M....ISL 2555 ../(Oll).......... ../ | Morozevich, A...RUS 2590 ..\(Morozevich)... .. | Smyslov, V......RUS 2480 ../ (Gelfand)...... .. Seirawan, Y.....USA 2630 ..\ (Ivanchuk)..... ..\ Anastasian, A...ARM 2545 ../(Seirawan)..... .. | | bye..................... ..\Ivanchuk....... ..\ | | Ivanchuk, V.....UKR 2725 ../ (Ivanchuk)..... .. | | Kaidanov, G.....USA 2600 ..\ (Zvjaginsev)... ..\ | | bye..................... ../Kaidanov....... ../ | | | Zvjaginsev, V ..RUS 2635 ..\(Zvjaginsev)... .. | | | Benjamin, J.....USA 2580 ../ (Ivanchuk)..... ../ | Sadler, M.......ENG 2665 ..\ (Sadler)....... .. | bye..................... ../Sadler......... .. | | Ehlvest, J......EST 2610 ..\(Ehlvest)...... ..\ | | Van Der Wiel, J.NED 2525 ../ (Sadler)....... ../ | Dreev, A........RUS 2640 ..\ (Dreev)........ .. | bye..................... ../Dreev.......... ../ | Nenashev, A.....UZB 2585 ..\(Nenashev)..... .. | Hoeksema, H.....NED 2400 ../ (Ivanchuk)..... .. Anand, V........IND 2765 ..\ (Anand)........ ..\ bye..................... ../Anand.......... .. | | bye..................... ..\Nikolic........ ..\ | | Nikolic, P......BIH 2630 ../ (Anand)........ .. | | Khalifman, A....RUS 2655 ..\ (Khalifman).... ..\ | | bye..................... ../Khalifman...... ../ | | | Nijboer, F......NED 2605 ..\(Nijboer)...... .. | | | Glek, I.........RUS 2505 ../ (Anand)........ .. | | Polgar, J.......HUN 2670 ..\ (Polgar)....... ..\ | | bye..................... ../Polgar......... .. | | | | Almasi, Z.......HUN 2615 ..\(Almasi)....... ..\ | | | | Peng, X.........CHN 2530 ../ (Polgar)....... ../ | | | Jussupow, A.....GER 2640 ..\ (Jussupow)..... .. | | | bye..................... ../Jussupow....... ../ | | | Illescas, M.....ESP 2585 ..\(Illescas)..... .. | | | Gretarsson, H...ISL 2475 ../ (Anand)........ ../ | Shirov, A.......ESP 2700 ..\ (Shirov)....... .. | bye..................... ../Shirov......... .. | | Granda Zuniga...PER 2625 ..\(Granda Zuniga) ..\ | | Kurajica, B.....BIH 2545 ../ (Shirov)....... .. | | Yermolinsky, A..USA 2650 ..\ (Yermolinsky).. ..\ | | Kindermann, S...GER 2570 ../(Yermolinsky).. ../ | | | Milos, G........BRA 2590 ..\(Milos)........ .. | | | Murshed, N......BAN 2490 ../ (Shirov)....... ../ | Akopian, V......ARM 2660 ..\ (Akopian)...... .. | bye..................... ../Akopian........ .. | | Portisch, L.....HUN 2610 ..\(Portisch)..... ..\ | | Luther, T.......GER 2525 ../ (Akopian)...... ../ | Vaganian, R.....ARM 2640 ..\ (Vaganian)..... .. _________________/ bye..................... ../Vaganian....... ../ / Bologan, V......MDA 2585 ..\(Bologan)...... .. | Umgayev, A......RUS 2000 ../ (Anand)........ ..\Karpov......... .. Azmaiparashvili.GEO 2645 ..\ (Topalov)...... ../(Anand)........ .. bye..................... ../Azmaiparashvili .. | Leko, P.........HUN 2635 ..\(Leko)......... ..\ \_________________ Slobodjan, R....GER 2550 ../ (Azmaiparashvi) .. \ Aleksandrov, A..BLR 2660 ..\ (Aleksandrov).. ..\ | Gulko, B........USA 2580 ../(Aleksandrov).. ../ | | Hjartarson, J...ISL 2605 ..\(Hjartarson)... .. | | Sulskis, S......LTU 2510 ../ (Aleksandrov).. .. | Bareev, E.......RUS 2670 ..\ (Bareev)....... ..\ | bye..................... ../Bareev......... .. | | | Malaniuk, V.....UKR 2615 ..\(Malaniuk)..... ..\ | | | Hamdouchi, H....MAR 2535 ../ (Bareev)....... ../ | | Krasenkow, M....POL 2645 ..\ (Krasenkow).... .. | | Van Der Sterren.NED 2555 ../(Krasenkow).... ../ | | Sutovskij, E....ISR 2590 ..\(Sutovskij).... .. | | Garcia, G.......COL 2480 ../ (Bareev)....... .. | Beliavsky, A....SLO 2710 ..\ (Beliavsky).... ..\ | bye..................... ../Beliavsky...... .. | | | bye..................... ..\Timman......... ..\ | | | Timman, J.......NED 2625 ../ (Beliavsky).... .. | | | Rublevsky, S....RUS 2650 ..\ (Rublevsky).... ..\ | | | Spraggett, K....CAN 2575 ../(Rublevsky).... ../ | | | | Morovic, I......CHI 2600 ..\(Morovic)...... .. | | | | Shaked, T.......USA 2500 ../ (Beliavsky).... ../ | | Short, N........ENG 2660 ..\ (Short)........ .. | | bye..................... ../Short.......... .. | | | Korchnoi, V.....SUI 2610 ..\(Korchnoi)..... ..\ | | | Hernandez, H....MEX 2525 ../ (Short)........ ../ | | Chernin, A......HUN 2640 ..\ (Chernin)...... .. | | Istratescu, A...ROM 2550 ../(Chernin)...... ../ | | Sokolov, A......RUS 2585 ..\(Sokolov, A)... .. | | Kobese, W.......RSA 2315 ../ (Beliavsky).... ../ Topalov, V......BUL 2745 ..\ (Topalov)...... .. bye..................... ../Topalov........ .. | bye..................... ..\Piket.......... ..\ | Piket, J........NED 2630 ../ (Topalov)...... .. | Van Wely, L.....NED 2655 ..\ (Van Wely)..... ..\ | bye..................... ../Van Wely....... ../ | | Hansen, C.......DEN 2600 ..\(Hansen)....... .. | | Miladinovic, I..GRE 2500 ../ (Topalov)...... .. | Georgiev, K.....BUL 2670 ..\ (Georgiev)..... ..\ | bye..................... ../Georgiev....... .. | | | Alterman, B.....ISR 2615 ..\(Alterman)..... ..\ | | | Wells, P........ENG 2530 ../ (Georgiev)..... ../ | | Andersson, U....SWE 2640 ..\ (Andersson).... .. | | Christiansen, L.USA 2550 ../(Andersson).... ../ | | Kotronias, V....GRE 2585 ..\(Kotronias).... .. | | Mohamed, E......EGY 2460 ../ (Topalov)...... ../ Adams, M........ENG 2680 ..\ (Adams)........ .. bye..................... ../Adams.......... .. | Giorgadze, G....GEO 2625 ..\(Giorgadze).... ..\ | Bacrot, E.......FRA 2545 ../ (Adams)........ .. | Rozentalis, E...LTU 2645 ..\ (Rozentalis)... ..\ | Lerner, K.......UKR 2560 ../(Rozentalis)... ../ | | bye..................... ..\Tiviakov....... .. | | Tiviakov, S.....RUS 2590 ../ (Adams)........ ../ Svidler, P......RUS 2660 ..\ (Svidler)...... .. bye..................... ../Svidler........ .. | Adianto, U......INA 2610 ..\(Adianto)...... ..\ | Wang, Z.........CHN 2520 ../ (Svidler)...... ../ Sokolov, I......BIH 2635 ..\ (Sokolov, I)... .. bye..................... ../Sokolov, I..... ../ bye..................... ..\Epishin........ .. Epishin, V......RUS 2570 ../
The European Team Championships were won by Ladia from Azov in Russia. The event took place in Kazan in Russia over the weekend 28th-30th November 1997. Ladia beat the three of the four strongest teams in the competition. In round 1 they beat Merker Graz, in round 2, Sberbank Tatarstan of Kazan in Russia and in the final Polonia. The highlight of their victory in round 2 was Evgeny Bareev's win over Vladimir Kramnik, and with the black pieces too. Kramnik misjudged an unusual variation 1. Nf3 d5 2. d4 Nf6 3. c4 e6 4. Nc3 Bb4 5. Qa4+ Nc6 6. a3 Be7. Kramnik broke up Bareev's Queenside but failed to defend against a quite crude Kingside attack down the h file. In the third round all the games were drawn in the match against Polonia from Warsaw. They edged a victory in the speed playoffs that followed.
Games from http://www.chessassistant.com
1st round Ladia (Azov, Russia)- Merkur (Austria) 4,5:1,5 1 Bareev - Chernin 1/2 2 Svidler - Razuvaev 1/2 3 Krasenkow - Novikov 1:0 4 Zvjagintsev - Agrest 1/2 5 Onischuk - Stanec 1:0 6 Dolmatov - Felsberger 1:0 Yerevan (Armenia) - Sberbank Tatarstan-1(Kazan, Russia) 2:4 1 Akopian - Kramnik 1/2 2 Lputian - Jussupow 0:1 3 Anastasian - Dreev 1:0 4 Minasian - Rublevsky 1/2 5 Petrosian - Ibragimov 0:1 6 Nalbandian - Kharlov 0:1 Hertzliya (Israel) - Polonia (Warsaw) 2,5:3,5 1 Psakhis - Rozentalis 1/2 2 Zilberman - Oll 0:1 3 Zifroni - Wojtkiewicz 1:0 4 Lev - Gdanski 0:1 5 Slutzky - Macieja 1/2 6 Haimovich - Socko 1/2 Rezina GAZ (Kishinev, Moldova) - Sberbank Tatarstan-2 (Kazan, Russia) 3:3 1 Chernov - Galliamova 1/2 2 Slovineanu - Yandemirov 0:1 3 Kushch - Panchenko 1/2 4 Svetushkin - Gabdrakhmanov 1:0 5 Sanduleac - Akhmadeev 1/2 6 Nevednichy - Hasangatin 1/2 2nd round Sberbank Tatarstan-1(Kazan, Russia) - Ladia (Azov, Russia)- 2,5:3,5 1 Kramnik - Bareev 0:1 2 Jussupow - Svidler 0:1 3 Dreev - Krasenkow 1:0 4 Rublevsky - Zvjagintsev 1/2 5 Ibragimov - Onischuk 0:1 6 Kharlov - Dolmatov 1:0 Polonia (Warsaw) - Sberbank Tatarstan-2 (Kazan,Russia) 3:3 1 Rozentalis - Galliamova 1/2 2 Oll - Yandemirov 1/2 3 Wojtkiewicz - Panchenko 1/2 4 Gdanski - Gabdrakhmanov 1:0 5 Macieja - Akhmadeev 1/2 6 Pedzich - Hasangatin 0:1 Merkur (Austria) - Yerevan (Armenia) 4:2 1 Chernin - Akopian 1:0 2 Razuvaev - Lputian 1:0 3 Novikov - Anastasian 1/2 4 Agrest - Minasian 0:1 5 Stanec - Petrosian 1/2 6 Felsberger - Nalbandian 1:0 Rezina GAZ (Kishinev, Moldova) - Hertzliya (Israel) 2,5:3,5 1 Chernov - Psakhis 0:1 2 Slovineanu - Zilberman 1/2 3 Kushch - Zifroni 1:0 4 Svetushkin - Lev 0:1 5 Sanduleac - Slutzky 1/2 6 Nevednichy - Haimovich 1/2 3rd round FINAL Polonia (Warsaw) - Ladia (Azov, Russia) 3:3 1 Rozentalis - Bareev 1/2 2 Oll - Svidler 1/2 3 Wojtkiewicz - Krasenkow 1/2 4 Gdanski - Zvjagintsev 1/2 5 Macieja - Onischuk 1/2 6 Socko - Dolmatov 1/2 FINAL PLAYOFF (30 min games) Polonia (Warsaw) - Ladia (Azov, Russia) 4:2 1 Bareev - Rozentalis 1/2 2 Svidler - Oll 1:0 3 Krasenkow - Wojtkiewicz 1:0 4 Zvjagintsev - Gdanski 1/2 5 Onischuk - Macieja 1/2 6 Dolmatov - Socko 1/2 3rd-4th place playoff Sberbank Tatarstan-2 (Kazan, Russia) - Sberbank Tatarstan-1 (Kazan, Russia) 1:5 1 Galliamova - Kramnik 0:1 2 Yandemirov - Jussupow 1/2 3 Panchenko - Dreev 0:1 4 Gabdrakhmanov - Rublevsky 0:1 5 Akhmadeev - Ibragimov 1/2 6 Mashinskaya - Kharlov 0:1 5th-6th place playoff Merkur (Austria) - Hertzliya (Israel) 3,5:2,5 1 Chernin - Psakhis 1/2 2 Razuvaev - Zilberman 1/2 3 Novikov - Zifroni 1:0 4 Agrest - Lev 1/2 5 Stanec - Slutzky 1/2 6 Felsberger - Haimovich 1/2 7th-8th place playoff Yerevan (Armenia) - Rezina GAZ (Kishinev, Moldova) 5:1 1 Akopian - Chernov 1:0 2 Anastasian - Slovineanu 1:0 3 Minasian - Kushch 1:0 4 Petrosian - Svetushkin 1:0 5 Nalbandian - Sanduleac 1:0 6 Kalantarian - Nevednichy 0:1 FINAL STANDINGS 1 Ladia (Azov, Russia) 2 Polonia (Warsaw) 3 Sberbank Tatarstan-1 (Kazan, Russia) 4 Sberbank Tatarstan-2 (Kazan, Russia) 5 Merkur (Austria) 6 Hertzliya (Israel) 7 Yerevan (Armenia) 8 Rezina-GAZ (Kishinev, Moldova)
As reported last week the 1st Hoogovens USA Chess Festival took place over the weekend November 28th - 30th. The final round saw Loek Van Wely catch the leader Jan Timman to share first place. There was the question of who would take the trophy for the event. At the closing meal Timman beat Van Wely in a blitz game to secure it, Timman had draw odds and black. My thanks to Richard Reich for the game.
Coverage on the internet was by Lost Boys at:
Inside Chess at:
My thanks to Gerald Schendel for sending the results of the Bundesliga for rounds 5-6 which took place December 6th-7th. The original internet source was http://members.aol.com/SchachBL/BED/bl06ef.htm
The key result was SK Passau 5 - 3 Solinger SG which left only SG Koeln Porz as the team with the only 100% record.
Bundesliga Round 5 (6 December) Castrop Rauxel 3 - 5 Turm Duisburg SG Bochum 2 - 6 SG Koeln Porz SCA St. Ingbert 4½-3½ SV Empor Berlin SK Fr.Zaehringen 3 - 5 SFR Neukoelln SV Erfurt West 5½-2½ SVg Plettenberg SK Passau 5 - 3 Solinger SG USG Chemnitz 2½-5½ Hamburger SK Dresdner SC 2½-5½ SV Werder Bremen Castrop Rauxel 3 - 5 Turm Duisburg 1 Rozentalis ½ : ½ Sax 3 2 Van der Ster 1 : 0 Enders 5 3 Conquest ½ : ½ Kraut 6 4 Gallagher 0 : 1 Unzicker 7 5 King 0 : 1 Thesing 8 6 Hoffmann 0 : 1 Pirrot 9 10 Brendel 0 : 1 Zude 10 12 Sehner 1 : 0 Prang 11 SG Bochum 2 - 6 SG Koeln Porz 1 Georgiev ½ : ½ Lutz 1 2 Krasenkow 0 : 1 Van Wely 2 4 Keitlinghaus 0 : 1 Khalifman 3 6 Schmittdiel ½ : ½ Vaganian 6 7 Bosch ½ : ½ Nijboer 7 8 Ellers 0 : 1 Stangl 9 9 Backwinkel ½ : ½ Vogt 10 10 Ankerst 0 : 1 Van Der Wiel 11 SCA St. Ingbert 4½-3½ SV Empor Berlin 1 Dautov ½ : ½ Epishin 1 3 Bauer 0 : 1 Muse 3 4 Degraeve 1 : 0 Poldauf 4 6 Kachiani-Ger 1 : 0 Volke 5 7 Werner ½ : ½ Hetey 6 9 Becker ½ : ½ Thinius 7 10 Gross 0 : 1 Richter 8 11 Kummerow 1 : 0 Deev 9 SK Fr.Zaehringen 3 - 5 SFR Neukoelln 2 Cvitan 0 : 1 Movsesian 1 3 Siegel 1 : 0 Stohl 2 4 Baklan 1 : 0 Hellsten 4 5 Roos,D ½ : ½ Polzin 5 6 Toth 0 : 1 Bunzmann 6 7 Maier 0 : 1 Schoene 7 11 Roos,J 0 : 1 Berndt 8 14 Vatter ½ : ½ Rudolf 11 SV Erfurt West 5½-2½ SVg Plettenberg 2 Votava 0 : 1 Balashov 1 3 Casper ½ : ½ Kupreichik 2 4 Kuczynski ½ : ½ Danner 4 5 Mueller 1 : 0 Baumegger 5 6 Renner 1 : 0 Luecke 6 8 Fuhrmann ½ : ½ Schroll 7 11 Foetsch 1 : 0 Thiel 8 14 Voekler 1 : 0 Michalczak 12 SK Passau 5 - 3 Solinger SG 2 Schlosser 0 : 1 Jussupow 2 3 Ribli ½ : ½ Speelman 5 4 Smejkal ½ : ½ Gabriel 6 5 Wells 1 : 0 Huebner 7 6 Pichler 1 : 0 Bischoff 9 7 Klebel 1 : 0 Lau 10 8 Schmidt 0 : 1 Norwood 12 13 Kaiser 1 : 0 Reeh 13 USG Chemnitz 2½-5½ Hamburger SK 1 Womacka ½ : ½ Ftacnik 1 2 Roesch ½ : ½ Wahls 2 3 Kunze ½ : ½ Mueller 4 4 Lorenz 0 : 1 Heinemann 5 5 Kyas 0 : 1 Wilhelmi 8 8 Ahner ½ : ½ Loeffler 9 9 Helbig,J ½ : ½ Sievers 10 13 Sobeck 0 : 1 Gustafsson 11 Dresdner SC 2½-5½ SV Werder Bremen 1 Shirov 0 : 1 Hracek 1 2 Almasi 0 : 1 Knaak 3 4 Lanka 0 : 1 Babula 4 5 Boensch 0 : 1 Meins 5 6 Tischbierek ½ : ½ Heissler 6 7 Uhlmann 1 : 0 Floegel 10 8 Maiwald ½ : ½ Meyer 11 9 Borriss ½ : ½ Hedke 12 Bundesliga Round 6 (7 December) Turm Duisburg 4 - 4 SG Bochum SG Koeln Porz 4½-3½ Castrop Rauxel SV Empor Berlin 2½-5½ SK Fr.Zaehringen SFR Neukoelln 4 - 4 SCA St. Ingbert SVg Plettenberg 4 - 4 SK Passau Solinger SG 4 - 4 SV Erfurt West Hamburger SK 2½-5½ Dresdner SC SV Werder Bremen 5½-2½ USG Chemnitz Turm Duisburg 4 - 4 SG Bochum 3 Sax 0 : 1 Georgiev 1 5 Enders ½ : ½ Krasenkow 2 6 Kraut ½ : ½ Keitlinghaus 4 8 Thesing 1 : 0 Schmittdiel 6 9 Pirrot ½ : ½ Bosch 7 10 Zude 1 : 0 Ellers 8 11 Prang 0 : 1 Backwinkel 9 12 Schmitz ½ : ½ Ankerst 10 SG Koeln Porz 4½-3½ Castrop Rauxel 1 Lutz ½ : ½ Rozentalis 1 2 Van Wely ½ : ½ Van der Ster 2 3 Khalifman 1 : 0 Conquest 3 6 Vaganian ½ : ½ Gallagher 4 7 Nijboer 0 : 1 King 5 9 Stangl ½ : ½ Hoffmann 6 10 Vogt ½ : ½ Appel 8 11 Van Der Wiel 1 : 0 Brendel 10 SV Empor Berlin 2½-5½ SK Fr.Zaehringen 1 Epishin 0 : 1 Cvitan 2 3 Muse ½ : ½ Siegel 3 4 Poldauf 0 : 1 Baklan 4 5 Volke 1 : 0 Roos,D 5 6 Hetey ½ : ½ Toth 6 7 Thinius ½ : ½ Maier 7 8 Richter 0 : 1 Roos,J 11 9 Deev 0 : 1 Herbrechtsme 13 SFR Neukoelln 4 - 4 SCA St. Ingbert 1 Movsesian ½ : ½ Dautov 1 2 Stohl 1 : 0 Bauer 3 4 Hellsten ½ : ½ Degraeve 4 6 Bunzmann ½ : ½ Kachiani-Ger 6 7 Schoene ½ : ½ Werner 7 8 Berndt ½ : ½ Becker 9 9 Thiede 0 : 1 Gross 10 11 Rudolf ½ : ½ Kummerow 11 SVg Plettenberg 4 - 4 SK Passau 1 Balashov ½ : ½ Schlosser 2 2 Kupreichik 0 : 1 Ribli 3 4 Danner 1 : 0 Smejkal 4 5 Baumegger 0 : 1 Wells 5 7 Schroll ½ : ½ Pichler 6 8 Thiel ½ : ½ Klebel 7 11 Oswald ½ : ½ Schmidt 8 12 Michalczak 1 : 0 Gross 10 Solinger SG 4 - 4 SV Erfurt West 2 Jussupow ½ : ½ Votava 2 5 Speelman ½ : ½ Casper 3 6 Gabriel ½ : ½ Kuczynski 4 7 Huebner 1 : 0 Mueller 5 9 Bischoff 0 : 1 Renner 6 10 Lau ½ : ½ Fuhrmann 8 12 Norwood 1 : 0 Foetsch 11 14 Schaefer 0 : 1 Voekler 14 Hamburger SK 2½-5½ Dresdner SC 1 Ftacnik 0 : 1 Shirov 1 2 Wahls ½ : ½ Almasi 2 4 Mueller ½ : ½ Lanka 4 5 Heinemann ½ : ½ Boensch 5 8 Wilhelmi 0 : 1 Tischbierek 6 9 Loeffler 0 : 1 Uhlmann 7 10 Sievers ½ : ½ Maiwald 8 11 Gustafsson ½ : ½ Borriss 9 SV Werder Bremen 5½-2½ USG Chemnitz 1 Hracek ½ : ½ Womacka 1 3 Knaak 1 : 0 Roesch 2 4 Babula ½ : ½ Kunze 3 5 Meins 1 : 0 Lorenz 4 6 Heissler ½ : ½ Kyas 5 10 Floegel ½ : ½ Ahner 8 11 Meyer 1 : 0 Helbig,J 9 12 Hedke ½ : ½ Sobeck 13 Table 1. SG Koeln Porz 6 32½:15½ 12- 0 2. Solinger SG 6 30½:17½ 9- 3 3. SV Werder Bremen 6 27½:20½ 9- 3 4. SCA St. Ingbert 6 25½:22½ 8- 4 5. SG Bochum 6 25 :23 8- 4 6. Castrop Rauxel 6 27½:20½ 7- 5 7. Hamburger SK 6 25½:22½ 7- 5 8. Turm Duisburg 6 25 :23 7- 5 9. SV Erfurt West 6 24½:23½ 7- 5 10. SK Passau 6 23½:24½ 5- 7 11. SFR Neukoelln 6 22½:25½ 5- 7 12. SK Fr.Zaehringen 6 23 :25 4- 8 13. Dresdner SC 6 22½:25½ 4- 8 14. SVg Plettenberg 6 20½:27½ 3- 9 15. SV Empor Berlin 6 18½:29½ 1-11 16. USG Chemnitz 6 10 :38 0-12
A correction from last week. The standings I was sent turned out to be
the round 8 standings although the first two placings at least were
uneffected (probably the source of the mistake.) My thanks to Philipp
Schlosser for pointing out the error. The 1st Bavarian Masters
International open in Bad Wiessee took place November 15 - 23. The event
was won by Alexander Khalifman. US IM Maurice Ashley and Yannick Pelletier
scored GM norms. There were 274 participants coming from 26 different
nations, 121 with ELO rating. 21 GM, 17 IM, 14 FM and 3 WIM took part in
our event. The best female player was Ketino Kachiani-Gersinska (GER), the
best senior was Alexander Kamink (UZB) and the best U20-player was Marcin
Kaminski (POL). There is a selection of 40 games in the games section. My
thanks to Thomas Leckner for the news and results. Check out the web site
for more information:
LEADING FINAL STANDINGS 1 1 GM KHALIFMAN,ALEXANDER 2655 RUS SG PORZ 7.5 050.5 2 8 GM EPISHIN,VLADIMIR 2570 RUS 7.5 049.0 3 12 IM KASIMDZHANOV, RUSTAM 2545 UZB 7.0 051.5 4 28 IM PELLETIER,YANNICK 2465 SUI TSV SCHOTT MAINZ 7.0 051.0 5 2 GM ALTERMAN,BORIS 2615 ISR 7.0 050.5 6 3 GM NISIPEANU,LIVIU-DIETER 2600 ROM 7.0 050.0 7 29 IM ASHLEY,MAURICE 2445 USA 7.0 049.0 8 4 GM DAUTOV,RUSTEM 2595 GER SC ST.INGBERT 7.0 048.0 9 6 GM GABRIEL,CHRISTIAN 2575 GER SG SOLINGEN 7.0 047.0 10 13 GM KAMINSKI,MARCIN 2540 POL 7.0 045.0 11 16 GM ENDERS,PETER 2535 GER SGEM DUISBURG 7.0 044.5 11 31 IM WAITZKIN,JOSHUA 2435 USA 7.0 044.5 13 25 IM GRABARCZYK,MIROSLAW 2480 POL SV GRIESHEIM 7.0 042.5 14 17 GM KEMPINSKI,ROBERT 2530 POL 6.5 051.5 15 7 GM GAVRIKOV,VIKTOR 2575 SUI PASSAU 6.5 050.0 16 18 GM HERTNECK,GERALD 2525 GER MUENCHEN 1836 6.5 049.5 17 34 GM KACHIANI-GERSINSKA,KETINO 2415 GER SC ST. INGBERT 6.5 047.5 18 14 IM SIEGEL,GEORG 2540 GER 6.5 046.5 19 19 IM MARKOWSKI,TOMASZ 2515 POL 6.5 046.0 20 9 GM HICKL,JÖRG 2565 GER 6.5 044.0 20 38 IM REEFSCHLÄGER,HELMUT DR. 2345 GER DELMENHORSTER SK 6.5 044.0 22 15 GM BEIM,VALERY 2535 ISR TV TEGERNSEE 6.5 043.5 22 50 FM KRANZL,PETER 2265 AUT SC SIMBACH 6.5 043.5 22 53 FM NAIDITSCH,ARKADIJ 2247 LAT SF BRACKEL 6.5 043.5 25 62 TAUBER,MANFRED 2214 GER SF BLAUSTEIN 6.5 042.5 26 54 KAMINIK,ALEXANDER 2245 UKR 6.5 041.5 27 33 IM GORBATOW, ALEXEJ 2420 RUS 6.5 039.5 28 10 GM BLATNY,PAVEL 2555 CZE SABT WERDER BREME 6.0 051.0 28 20 IM IORDACHESCU, VIOREL 2500 MDA DRESDENER SC 6.0 051.0 30 22 GM ROGOZENKO,DORIAN 2490 MDA 6.0 049.5 31 36 IM KLUNDT,KLAUS 2360 GER TV TEGERNSEE 6.0 049.0 32 23 IM BEZOLD,MICHAEL 2490 GER 6.0 048.5 33 5 GM HUEBNER,ROBERT,DR. 2580 GER SG SOLINGEN 6.0 046.5 33 32 MESROPOV, KONSTANTIN 2430 RUS 6.0 046.5 35 273 TIMAGIN,PIOTR 0000 RUS 6.0 046.0 36 60 FM HELLMAYR,ALOIS 2220 AUT 6.0 045.5 37 11 GM SCHLOSSER,PHILIPP 2550 GER SK PASSAU 6.0 044.5 38 55 STOLL,FERDINAND 2240 GER SABT SINDELFINGEN 6.0 044.0 39 63 ROHRMÜLLER,ULRICH 2230 GER SC GRÖBENZELL 6.0 043.0 39 65 FM TÄGER,WINFRIED 2192 GER TV TEGERNSEE 6.0 043.0 39 89 DUPPEL,MATHIAS 2124 GER TSV DITZINGEN 6.0 043.0 42 88 HEIMRATH,RAINER 2125 GER SF FÜRTH 6.0 042.0 43 69 FM PHILDIUS,BERNHARD 2181 GER SC GRÖBENZELL 6.0 041.0 44 66 WIM KOGLIN,ANKE 2190 GER KREFELDER SV 6.0 039.0 45 49 FM LENTRODT,THOMAS 2280 GER MÜNCHEN 1836 6.0 037.5 46 97 JAEGER,GANJA 2095 GER SV HERMANNIA KASSE 6.0 036.0
Good sponsorship and organisation together with a reputation for being an enjoyable tournament away from the board got a tremendous field together for the 6 round Swiss event in Kilkenny Ireland. The annual Iona Technology Masters in Kilkenny, Ireland took place 28th - 30th November 1997. A strong field of five Grandmasters and four International Masters battled it out for the first prize of #1,000 at the Club House Hotel in Kilkenny. For the second year running Michael Adams took first with a score of 5.5/6 only drawing with second placed Alexander Baburin. Adams' most spectacular win was undoubtedly his fourth round encounter against fellow GM Danny King. The evaluation of what looked like a promising position for Black was soon turned upside down when Adams uncorked the spectacular 27 Qh6+!!, leading to a won endgame in all variations, thanks to the handy knight fork on f6. [Information from John Henderson]
Final results 1 GM M Adams (Eng) 5.5/6 2 GM A Baburin (Ire) 5.0 3 IM M Orr (Ire) 4.5 4-9 M O'Cinneide (Ire), GM D King (Eng) 4.0 GM J Nunn (Eng), IM M Hennigan (Eng), IM L McShane (Eng) & M Heidenfeld (Ire)
As reported last week Anatoly Karpov was in Singapore from 26 - 28 November. He maintained his globe trotting this week. On Thursday 3rd December alone he was in Moscow, Italy and London. On December 4th he was in Germany playing an exhibition rapid chess match against Eric Lobron.
Gerald Schendel reports that the 11th SAP art exhibition presented Bill C. Ray Alaska Light (impressions in oil on canvas) and chess pieces of the private collection Collection Caissa of Rainer Grund. Rainer Grund (member of the organization Chess Collectors International) is a teacher in a school near Heidelberg. He started collecting historical and modern chess pieces and sets in 1973 during a sojourn in London. Now his Collection Caissa consists of about 25.000 chess pieces, the largest private collection worldwide. The 11th SAP art exhibition presented some of his chess pieces ( about 8.000) and sets from Asia (19th/20th century). The meeting on Friday, 5th December, was unusual and very well attended event with more than 600 spectators, which far exceeded the expectations of the organizers. The mixture of art and chess turned out to be successful and went down very well at the audience. Speeches were held by Hannelore Adametz (SAP), Bill C. Ray, Rainer Grund and Eberhard Beikert (president of the German chess association Badischer Schachverband), then FIDE World Champion Anatoly Karpov (Moscow) played a rapid chess match against GM Eric Lobron (Wiesbaden).
Rainer Grund knows Anatoly Karpov since the edition of the excellent illustrated book fascination chess (authors: Auer-Grund-Karpov) in 1994. The games were transmitted live via video camera on the net - the first SAPNet Live Chess. Professor Hermann Schreiner was the arbiter. Anatoly Karpov gave the impression of being vigorous and played with concentration although he had a tremendous schedule in the two days before this exhibition match (Moscow-Milan-London-Walldorf).
You can visit the exhibition until March 1998: SAP - International Training Center, Walldorf (near Heidelberg), Neurottstrasse 20. Open: December daily 10:00-17:00; January-March Mo-Fr 10:00-17:00. For this exhibition a catalogue was published in respect of the paintings of Bill C. Ray. Further informationregarding the chess pieces is in the book Faszination Schach - it is available in the the SAP International Training Center in Walldorf, but you could also contact: Autorengemeinschaft Auer-Grund-Karpow Beethovenstr. 37 68766 Hockenheim Germany Fax 06205-17079 Special price: DM 78.-
More on the homepage of the Badischer Schachverband http://www.members.aol.com/sibschach/newindex.htm
In London the day before Anatoly Karpov went to the London Chess Centre for the launch of a Batsford Chess Book in association with Disney, Disney's Chess Guide by Anatoly Karpov. Present Chess Editor for Batsford books, IM David Cummings. I [MC] was also there and managed to ask some questions to the FIDE World Champion. Karpov took many questions and was a very smooth operator. When asked about the match against Kasparov he said that a possible deal with Las Palmas fell through after he left when Kasparov talked down the value of the match due to Karpov's poor placing. I asked Karpov about the speeding up of time-rates from 40 in 2.5 hours in 1990 to the current 7 hour sessions to a finish. He thought that this had a detrimental effect on the standard of chess (my view also) and suggested that perhaps 40 moves in 2.5 hours, 20 moves in one hour followed by 10 in half an hour would mostly produce positions that were almost always resolved. When questioned about the FIDE knockout he said that the player who would qualify to meet him would either be the best prepared or the luckiest. He suggested that a return to the old Candidates tournaments would be his favoured option. He deflected the most awkward questions with some skill. When Jonathan Manley of Kingpin asked him about Kasparov's recent statement that he (Karpov) was no longer strong enough to play him in a match. He feigned deafness even on the repetition of the question before smiling broadly, he wasn't going to get caught answering that one. However he added that he thought Kasparov's position was similar to Fischer's after 1975, that he is now outside the official system. Later he talked to many of the visitors and it was clear he still retains great belief in his own abilities fearing no-one but himself. He explained away his loss to Adianto in the "Clash of the Titans" by saying that although Adianto played very well he had not been able to sleep due to noise in the hotel the entire time he had been there. Over all he seemed very relaxed and at ease, extremely professional at this kind of event. You might not agree with some things he does and says but you can't argue with this level of professionalism.
The 4th Loures Young Masters a category II event will take place
December 3rd - 13th. News at:
9th anniversary International Chess Festival PARDUBICE 10 - 26 July 1998
A) open grand master tournament with credit for FIDE (participation of
players with ELO FIDE 2200 min.)
B) open rating tournament with credit for FIDE (players with ELO FIDE
or ELO national 1950 min.)
C) open performance tournament (players without ELO FIDE with ELO
national 1700 min.)
D) open amateur tournament (players without any ELO or with ELO
national 1950 max.)
E) open tournament of 4-member teams (players without age or
performance limits, speed 2 x 1 hour)
F) open tournament of 4-member teams of youngsters by 16 years
(players born in 1982 and younger, speed 2 x 1 hour)
G) open tournament in active chess (open start for all interested)
H) fast chess Marathon (open start for all interested)
I) fast chess tournament (open start for all interested)
Time schedule of the festival:
Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. A - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B - - - - - - - - 1 2 3,4 5 6 7 8 9 C - - - - - - - - 1 2 3,4 5 6 7 8 9 D - - - - - - - - 1 2 3,4 5 6 7 8 9 E 1-2 3-6 7-9 - - - - - - - - - - - - F - - - 1-2 3-6 7-9 - - - - - - - - - - G - - - 1-3 4-9 - - - - - - - - - - - H - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - History of the festival Participation in main tournaments (played at unshortened speed): year players/countr. out of that share of players with ELO FIDE native foreign A tournament B tournament 1990 40/ 3 22 18 (45%) 6/ 24 (25%) 0/ 16 ( 0%) 1991 262/ 9 202 90 (31%) 33/186 (18%) 0/ 68 ( 0%) 1992 464/15 285 179 (39%) 85/112 (76%) 14/164 ( 9%) 1993 570/23 281 289 (51%) 132/170 (78%) 32/202 (16%) 1994 792/25 374 418 (53%) 229/268 (86%) 48/206 (24%) 1995 835/29 366 469 (56%) 255/292 (88%) 59/200 (30%) 1996 869/27 398 471 (54%) 268/286 (94%) 82/215 (38%) 1997 1014/35 429 585 (58%) 252/252 (100%) 163/312 (52%)
In 1997 23 grand masters and international masters, both men and women, played in A tournament. The average ELO of the first 10 players was 2568, the average ELO of the whole tournament was 2331. The overall number of international standards fulfilled was 18, out of that 6 GM, 10 IM and 2 WIM. The overall number of players including all concomitant tournaments, was 1460. More detailed information may be requested at the following address: AVE-KONTAKT, Sukov a 1556, 530 02 PARDUBICE, CZECH REPUBLIC tel./fax +420-40-512 380, e-mail: avekont@pce.cz
Laszlo Nagy is organising the 1st Kluger memorial from 7th until 19th of February 1998 in Budapest. It is a category VII-IX. GM closed tournament, with 600-500-400 USD prizes. More information at: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/chess_first_saturday_hu/