THE WEEK IN CHESS 16 22.01.95 Mark Crowther. ------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction. 2) 57th HOOGOVENS TOURNAMENT. Wijk ann Zee. 3) Heinrich Jellissen. 4) Rilton Cup - Stockholm 5) Christmas Open in Zurich 6) Linares 1995 Category 18. 7) PCA World Championship Match in Dortmund falls through. 8) St Peter's de Beauvoir - 4 Nations Chess League Tournament - London. 9) Gausdal Troll Masters 10) Linares OPEN Tournament 1995. 11) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski12) Tournament Chess Events. by Michael Niermann 13) GAMES SECTION Hoogovens Tournament - Wijk aan Zee - Standard Timerate games. 25 games Hoogovens Tournament - Wijk aan Zee - Speed Playoff games. 21 games Hoogovens Tournament - Wijk aan Zee - Open Tournament. 3 games St Peters de Beauvoir Tournament. 1 game Gausdal Troll Masters. 4 games Bundesliga Round 7. 1 game 1) An interesting week in Wijk aan Zee is the highlight of this issue. My thanks to Wlodek Proskurowski and Michael Niermann for their contributions and to Otto Borik for help with detail from the Wijk aan Zee event. The biggest news of the week is that Linares is on, and after being all but confirmed Dortmund is off as a venue for the PCA. Mark Crowther. 2) 57th HOOGOVENS TOURNAMENT. Wijk ann Zee. -------------------------------------------- This year's event follows the format of recent years with a 32 player knockout alongside an Open Tournament. When a player is eliminated from the knockout he is assigned a score for the open and continues to play in that event. The mini-matches are of the following format. Two standard timerate games (40 moves in 2 hours followed by 20 in 1 followed by a half hour blitz finish.) In the event of a tied match then a mini-match of two 30 minute per side games is played, followed by as many 15 minute sudden death games as is needed to provide a winner. Please note that last week I got the year wrong in the games section. (Now corrected at my www site.) ROUND 2 over two games. 16, 17 Jan 1995. Playoffs 18 Jan. --------------------- PAIRINGS. PLAYOFFS ROUND 3 QUALIFIERS --------- -------- ------------------- 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Peter Leko 2555 (Hun) = 0 .................................. Evgeny Bareev Evgeny Bareev 2675 (Rus,1) = 1 -------------- Jeroen Piket (8) 2670 (Ned) 1 0 = = 0 .................................. Jan Timman Jan Timman 2635 (Ned,10) 0 1 = = 1 Zoltan Almasi 2590 (Hun,11) = = 0 = .................................. Alexander Khalifman Alexander Khalifman 2635 (Rus,5) = = 1 = --------------- Michael Adams 2655 (Eng,3) = = = 0 .................................. Christopher Lutz Christopher Lutz 2560 (Ger,14) = = = 1 Alonso Zapata 2535 (Col) 0 0 .................................. Alexey Dreev Alexey Dreev 2650 (Rus,4) 1 1 --------------- Predrag Nikolic 2645 (Bos,6) 1 0 = = = = = 0 .................................. Yasser Seirawan Yasser Seirawan 2600 (US,12) 0 1 = = = = = 1 Sergei Tiviakov 2625 (Rus,9) 1 = .................................. Sergei Tiviakov Ivan Sokolov 2645 (Bos,7) 0 = --------------- Nigel Short 2655 (Eng,2) = 1 .................................. Nigel Short Alexander Onischuk 2590 (Ukr,16) = 0 ROUND 3 over two games. 19, 20 Jan 1995. Playoffs 21 Jan. --------------------------------------------------------- PAIRINGS. PLAYOFFS ROUND 4 QUALIFIERS --------- -------- ------------------- 1 2 1 2 3 Evgeny Bareev 2675 (Rus,1) = = = = 1 ................................................. Evgeny Bareev Jan Timman 2635 (Ned,10) = = = = 0 ------------- Alexander Khalifman 2635 (Rus,5) = = = 1 ................................................. Alexander Khalifman Christopher Lutz 2560 (Ger,14) = = = 0 Alexey Dreev 2650 (Rus,4) 1 0 1 1 ................................................. Alexey Dreev Yasser Seirawan 2600 (US,12) 0 1 0 0 ------------ Sergei Tiviakov 2625 (Rus,9) 0 = ................................................. Nigel Short Nigel Short 2655 (Eng,2) 1 = SEMI-FINALS over two games. 22, 23 Jan 1995. Playoffs 24 Jan. ------------------------------------------------------------- PAIRINGS. PLAYOFFS ROUND 2 QUALIFIERS --------- -------- ------------------- 1 2 1 2 Alexander Khalifman 2635 (Rus,5) 0 .................................................... Evgeny Bareev 2675 (Rus,1) 1 Nigel Short 2655 (Eng,2) 0 .................................................... Alexey Dreev 2650 (Rus,4) 1 Wijk aan Zee Open ----------------- Wijk aan Zee Open Round 1 - 16/01/95 ----------------------- Roberto Cifuentes 2535 (Ned) 0-1 Vadim Zvjaginsev 2585 (Rus,15) Loek Van Wely 2575 (Ned) 1-0 Pavel V. Tregubov 2515 (Rus) Friso Nijboer 2510 (Ned) 1/2 Vladislav Tkachiev 2575 (Kaz) John Van Der Wiel 2570 (Ned) 1/2 Luc Winants 2500 (Bel) Gabriel Schwartzman 2495 (Rom) 1/2 Lars Bo Hansen 2565 (Den) Paul Van Der Sterren 2560 (Ned,13) 1-0 Alfonso Romero Holmes 2455 (Spa) Mark Van Der Werf 2415 (Ned) 0-1 Krunoslav Hulak 2545 (Cro) Michail Brodsky 2535 (Ukr) 1-0 Jop Delemarre 2235 (Ned) Wijk aan Zee Open Round 2 - 17/01/95 ----------------------- Vadim Zvjaginsev 2585 (Rus,15) 1-0 Paul Van Der Sterren 2560 (Ned,13) Krunoslav Hulak 2545 (Cro) 1-0 Loek Van Wely 2575 (Ned) Vladislav Tkachiev 2575 (Kaz) 1/2 Michail Brodsky 2535 (Ukr) Lars Bo Hansen 2565 (Den) 1/2 John Van Der Wiel 2570 (Ned) Luc Winants 2500 (Bel) 1-0 Friso Nijboer 2510 (Ned) Pavel V. Tregubov 2515 (Rus) 0-1 Gabriel Schwartzman 2495 (Rom) Jop Delemarre 2235 (Ned) 1-0 Roberto Cifuentes 2535 (Ned) Alfonso Romero Holmes 2455 (Spa) 1/2 Mark Van Der Werf 2415 (Ned) Wijk aan Zee Open Round 3 - 18/1/95 ------------------------- Krunoslav Hulak 2545 (Cro) 1-0 Vadim Zvjaginsev 2585 (Rus,15) Michail Brodsky 2535 (Ukr) 1-0 Luc Winants 2500 (Bel) Gabriel Schwartzman 2495 (Rom) 1-0 Jop Delemarre 2235 (Ned) Loek Van Wely 2575 (Ned) 1/2 Lars Bo Hansen 2565 (Den) John Van Der Wiel 2570 (Ned) 1/2 Vladislav Tkachiev 2575 (Kaz) Paul Van Der Sterren 2560 (Ned,13) 1-0 Mark Van Der Werf 2415 (Ned) Friso Nijboer 2510 (Ned) 1-0 Alfonso Romero Holmes 2455 (Spa) Roberto Cifuentes 2535 (Ned) 1/2 Pavel V. Tregubov 2515 (Rus) Wijk aan Zee Open Round 4 - 19/1/95 ------------------------- Gabriel Schwartzman 2495 (Rom) 0-1 Krunoslav Hulak 2545 (Cro) Jeroen Piket (8) 2670 (Ned) 1-0 Michail Brodsky 2535 (Ukr) Michael Adams 2655 (Eng,3) 0-1 Alexander Onischuk 2590 (Ukr,16) Vadim Zvjaginsev 2585 (Rus,15) 1/2 Predrag Nikolic 2645 (Bos,6) Ivan Sokolov 2645 (Bos,7) 1/2 Paul Van Der Sterren 2560 (Ned,13) Peter Leko 2555 (Hun) 1/2 Zoltan Almasi 2590 (Hun,11) Alonso Zapata 2535 (Col) 1-0 John Van Der Wiel 2570 (Ned) Vladislav Tkachiev 2575 (Kaz) 0-1 Loek Van Wely 2575 (Ned) Lars Bo Hansen 2565 (Den) 1-0 Friso Nijboer 2510 (Ned) Luc Winants 2500 (Bel) 1/2 Jop Delemarre 2235 (Ned) Alfonso Romero Holmes 2455 (Spa) 1/2 Roberto Cifuentes 2535 (Ned) Mark Van Der Werf 2415 (Ned) 1-0 Pavel V. Tregubov 2515 (Rus) Wijk aan Zee Open Round 5 - 21/1/95 ------------------------- Krunoslav Hulak 2545 (Cro) 1/2 Alonso Zapata 2535 (Col) Alexander Onischuk 2590 (Ukr,16) 1/2 Jeroen Piket (8) 2670 (Ned) Predrag Nikolic 2645 (Bos,6) 1/2 Peter Leko 2555 (Hun) Loek Van Wely 2575 (Ned) 0-1 Ivan Sokolov 2645 (Bos,7) Zoltan Almasi 2590 (Hun,11) 1-0 Gabriel Schwartzman 2495 (Rom) Michail Brodsky 2535 (Ukr) 0-1 Vadim Zvjaginsev 2585 (Rus,15) Paul Van Der Sterren 2560 (Ned,13) 1/2 Lars Bo Hansen 2565 (Den) Luc Winants 2500 (Bel) 0-1 Michael Adams 2655 (Eng,3) Jop Delemarre 2235 (Ned) 1/2 Vladislav Tkachiev 2575 (Kaz) John Van Der Wiel 2570 (Ned) 1-0 Mark Van Der Werf 2415 (Ned) Friso Nijboer 2510 (Ned) 1-0 Roberto Cifuentes 2535 (Ned) Pavel V. Tregubov 2515 (Rus) 1/2 Alfonso Romero Holmes 2455 (Spa) Wijk aan Zee Open Round 6 - 22/1/95 ------------------------- Ivan Sokolov 2645 (Bos,7) 1-0 Krunoslav Hulak 2545 (Cro) Jeroen Piket (8) 2670 (Ned) 0-1 Zoltan Almasi 2590 (Hun,11) Jan Timman 2635 (Ned,10) 1-0 Alexander Onischuk 2590 (Ukr,16) Vadim Zvjaginsev 2585 (Rus,15) 1/2 Sergei Tiviakov 2625 (Rus,9) Alonso Zapata 2535 (Col) 0-1 Yasser Seirawan 2600 (US,12) Michael Adams 2655 (Eng,3) 1-0 Christopher Lutz 2560 (Ger,14) Lars Bo Hansen 2565 (Den) 1-0 Predrag Nikolic 2645 (Bos,6) Peter Leko 2555 (Hun) 1-0 Paul Van Der Sterren 2560 (Ned,13) Friso Nijboer 2510 (Ned) 1-0 Loek Van Wely 2575 (Ned) Gabriel Schwartzman 2495 (Rom) 1/2 Michail Brodsky 2535 (Ukr) Jop Delemarre 2235 (Ned) 0-1 John Van Der Wiel 2570 (Ned) Alfonso Romero Holmes 2455 (Spa) 1/2 Luc Winants 2500 (Bel) Vladislav Tkachiev 2575 (Kaz) 1-0 Pavel V. Tregubov 2515 (Rus) Roberto Cifuentes 2535 (Ned) 1-0 Mark Van Der Werf 2415 (Ned) ROUND 6 STANDINGS ------------------ 1-5 Almasi, Hulak, Seirawan, Sokolov, Timman 4.5 6-10 Adams, Hansen, Leko, Tiviakov, Zvjaginsev 4 11-16 Lutz, Nijboer, Onischuk, Piket, Van der Wiel, Zapata 3.5 17-21 Brodski, Nikolic, Schwartzman, Tkachiev, Van der Sterren 3 22-23 Van Wely, Winants 2.5 24-26 Cifuentes, Delemarre, Romero Holmes 2 27 Van der Werf 1.5 28 Tregubov 1 3) Heinrich Jellissen. ---------------------- On the 19th of December 1994 Heinrich Jellissen died of a heart attack at the age of 54. He was one of the most significant promoters of chess in the World. In particular he was responsable for many of the chess events that took place in Munich. He was also involved in introducing events sponsored by Credit Suisse and Hegener and Glaser AG's. The future of these events, and others, even this year must be put severely in doubt. He is a great loss to chess. 4) Rilton Cup - Stockholm ----------------------- The top finishers in this open event were: 1. M.Krasenkov 7.5 2.= J.Gleiserov, J.Agrest, A.Orstein, M.Taimanov, 7 L.Brynell, L.Degerman 8.= T.Ernst, P.Cramling, L.Couso, B.Ahlander, C.Hartman 6.5 J. Furhoff, T.Wedberg, R.Astrom, L.Sandstrom, T.Hillarp 5) Christmas Open in Zurich ------------------------- 72 players. Top finishers were: 1.= V.Tukmakov, N.Kelecevic 6 2. O.Cvitan 5.5 3.= I.Rogers, M.Mikavica, J.Gallagher, D.Pavasovic, 5 O.Sutter, R.Ekstrom, D.Knodler. 11.= M.Ballmann, M.Hochstrasser, F.Maeser 4.5 19 players tied on 4. RGCers may recognise the last players name on 4.5 points! 6) Linares 1995 Category 18. -------------------------- Linares GM Tournament - Feb. 28th - Mar. 18th Contrary to what appeared in TWIC 15 Linares is on again. Here is the fullest list I have. Karpov, Kasparov, Shirov, Kramnik, Ivanchuk, Short, Adams, Judit Polgar, Bareev, Lautier, Illescas Cordoba, Yusupov, Topolov Note I only have 13 names so there will be one further competitor. 7) PCA World Championship Match in Dortmund falls through. -------------------------------------------------------- The City of Dortmund will not host the PCA-Worldchampionship between Gary Kasparov and Gata Kamsky or Vishy Anand in September/October 1995, a spokesman for the city announced yesterday. Negotiations between the city and the PCA were at a very advanced stage but finally the PCA failed to sign a contract in time. It is rumoured (and this is so extraordinary that I would need some pursuading that it is true) that PCA asked for a provision in the contract to enable them cancel the event up to 6 weeks before the start, a provision which Dortmund obviously could not accept because of the money that would be required to be invested by that late stage. It is said the PCA are still looking for German sponsors as they have promises of very good TV coverage. One imagines the PCA are still looking for the dates around Sep. 10th - Oct. 14th for any new venue. 8) St Peter's de Beauvoir - 4 Nations Chess League Tournament - London. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Ben Martin (New Zealand) 6/9 2. Whiteley 5.5 3. Dunworth, Harley, McDonald, Olesen (Denmark) 5 7. Fatin (Egypt) 4.5 8. Pigott 3.5 9. Carton (Ireland) 3 10. McFarland 2.5 9) Gausdal Troll Masters ---------------------- Scanty information about this ongoing tournament. I believe Rogers leads and Kinsman is second. 1. Ian Rogers 2. Andrew Kinsman 4.5/6 10) Linares OPEN Tournament 1995. ----------------------------- This strong open tournament in Spain was won by Johann Hjartarsson with 8/9. Matthew Sadler of England was 3rd equal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski ------------------------------------------------------- TWIC 16 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | M.Botvinnik +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | k | | | | | | | Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1939, 4th prize +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | o | | | | | | | | W: Kg5, p.a4,d4 (3) +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | o | | | o | | | K | | B: Kb7, p.a5,a6,d5 (4) +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | + | | | + | | | | | White to move and win +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Solution. It is easy to win the d-pawn: 1.Kf5 Kb6 2.Ke5 Kc7! 3.K:d5, although after 3...Kd7 4.Kc5 Kc7 it becomes clear that Black draws as wK cannot reach the b5 square. To win then White needs first to annihilate the pawn a6. The only way to do so leads via the improbable a8 sqare. Knowing that the rest is relatively easy. 1.Kf5! White must be careful to maintain the opposition, 1.Kf6? Kb6! draws. Kb6 2.Kf6! Kb7 3.Kf7 Kb8 Of no help is 3...Kb6 4.Ke8 Kc6 5.Kd8 Kd6 6.Kc8 etc. 4.Ke6 Kc7 5.Ke7 Kc6 6.Kd8 Kd6 7.Kc8 Kc6 8.Kb8 Kb6 9.Ka8! wins 12) Tournament Chess Events. by Michael Niermann -------------------------------------------- [British events source Adam Raoof at Chess Circuit] Jan 28-29 2nd SPECTRUM CONGRESS Sheffield (GB) - part of the Spectrum Grand Prix Norman Went, 53 New Zealand Way, Rainham Essex RM13 8JT. (0708) 551617 An exiting new venture by this organiser. Ring him for details of the series. Jan 29 16th KINGS HEAD RAPIDPLAY: Porchester Hall, Queensway, London W2 (GB) (W A Suttill, 7 Lonsdale Road, London W11 2BY Tel: 071 930 6641) Jan 29 MORECAMBE RAPIDPLAY: Town Hall, Morecambe (F S Rushworth, 21 Douglas Drive, Morecambe, Lancs LA3 2LW Tel: 0524 859860) Feb 4 GOLDERS GREEN Under 150: pounds100 1st, pounds50 2nd prize Adam Raoof, PO Box 1962, London NW4 4NF. (0181) 202 0982 Feb 4-5 18th KIDLINGTON CONGRESS: Exter Hall, Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxford (Tom Williams, 13 Sunderland Avenue, Oxford OX2 8DT Tel: 0865 57428) A very popular event, which often has to turn away enries on the day. Feb 4-5 AYLESBURY VALE CONGRESS: Aylesbury Civic Centre, Bucks. Tony Corfe, 51 Borough Way, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 3HA. (01707) 659080 Feb 5 STOCKPORT RAPIDPLAY: Alma Lodge Hotel, Buxton Road, Stockport (Ray Bradney, 6 Shropshire Avenue, Brinnington, Stockport SK5 8HE Tel: 061 494 8585) Reputedly a very big event Feb 5 AYLESBURY VALE UNDER 126 RAPIDPLAY: Aylesbury Civic Centre Tony Corfe, 51 Borough Way, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 3HA. (01707) 659080 a superb event for novices, held in splendid surroundings. Feb 10-12 ROLLS ROYCE CREWE CONGRESS: Rolls Royce Motors, Pyms Lane, Crewe (Roger Edwards, 490 Chell Heath Road, Chell Heath, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 6QD Tel: 0782 818560) February 10th-18th Bern (SUI) 9xCH, ELO, norms Tel +41 31 9217110 Fax +41 31 3388414 February 10th-19th Giessen (GER) 9/13xRR, IM-tmt (Kat 3-6), women's tmt, ELO tmt Tel +49 6403 69270 Fax +49 6403 69200 Feb 11-12 2ND MILL HILL CONGRESS: Open, U160 and U120. Venue as 22 Jan, contact Adam Raoof (0181) 202 0982 or Tony Corfe (01707) 659080 Feb 11 WESTMINSTER RAPIDPLAY: John Sargent, 903 Longbridge Road, Dagenham, Essex RM8 2BU. (0181) 595 5881. A good place to buy Chess Circuit! February 11th-19th Cannes (FRA) Tel +33 933 94139 Fax +33 933 85762 Feb 12 TIVERTON RAPIDPLAY: (J Frost, 20 Cowleymoor Road, Tiverton, Devon EX16 6HH Tel: 0884 253844)Feb 12-19 10th SOUTH HAMS CHAMPIONSHIPS: Hallsands Hotel, Nr Hallsands, Kingsbridge, South Devon (Clifford Peach, 108 Fore Street, Kingsbridge South Devon TQ7 1AW Tel: 0548 853235) Feb 17-19 PORTSMOUTH CONGRESS: Portsmouth Grammar School, Portsmouth (P McEvoy, 77 Lime Grove, Paulsgrove, Portsmouth P06 4DQ Tel: 07056 388341) Very good organisation by Pat McEvoy and his team. February 19th-26th Le-Mont-Saint-Michel (FRA) 9Rd Tel +33 31660832 Feb 24-26 11th "GEEST PLC" SPALDING OPEN CONGRESS: St Nicholas Church Hall, The Vista, Churchgate, Spalding, Lincs (Francis Bowers) February 25th Paris (FRA) FIDE-Open + Youth-Open -March 5th Tel +33 1 46201314 February 25th Capelle la Grande (FRA) 9xCH, ELO -March 4t Tel/Fax +33 28662913 Feb 26 MILTON KEYNES & OPEN UNIVERSITY RAPIDPLAY The Open University, Milton Keynes David Phillips, 136 Ramsons Avenue, Conniburrow, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK14 7BH (Tel: 0908 675587) A potential "biggie" and worth travelling to. Mar 3-5 24th DYFED PREMIER CONGRESS: The Cliff Hotel, Gwbert-on-Sea, Cardigan, (T L Jones, Dolnant, Pontgarreg, Llandysul, Dyfed SA44 6AR (Tel: 0239 654324) Mar 3-5 GLENROTHES CONGRESS: Lomond Centre, Glenrothes (Walter J Pearson, 140 South Parks Road, Glenrothes KY6 1JA Tel: 0592 751161) Mar 4-5 3RD MILL HILL CONGRESS March 8th-12th Leipzig (GER) 7xCH, no ELO Tel +49 341 6515547 March 10th-18th Bad Woerishofen (GER) 9xCH, ELO, norms Tel +49 6898 62022 Fax +49 6898 62858 Mar 10-12 BLACKPOOL CONFERENCE: Winter Gardens, Chapel Street, Blackpool (G M Jones, 27 Clarke Street, Leigh, Lancs WN7 4HU Tel: 0942 604262) Mar 11 WESTMINSTER RAPIDPLAY: See Feb 11th Mar 12 KENSINGTON RAPIDPLAY: Imperial College, Prince Consort Rd London SW7 11am start. U210, U165, U135 sections. D. Agble, (0171) 594 9456 (home) or (0171) 594 5620 (work). A hard fought event, whichever section you enter. Mar 12 14th TEIGNMOUTH RAPIDPLAY: Trinity School, New Road, Teignmouth (J G Gorodi, 52 Coniston Road, Ogwell, Newton Abbot TQ12 6YJ Tel: 0626 55360) Mar 12 NUNEATON ONE DAY CONGRESS Mar 18-19 1ST INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CONGRESS: 229 Gt Portland St. W1 A new London Congress which has the potential to become a permanent fixture on the calendar. Support this congress! One hundred entries guarantees the prize fund! J. Weightman, Flat 1, 225a Finchley Road, London NW3 6LP. (0171) 435 7205. March 18th-26th Saarbruecken (GER) Open + many one-day-tournaments Tel/Fax +49 6851 70074 March 24th Bled (SLO) 9xCH, ELO, norms -April 1st Fax +386 64 221 377 Mar 24-26 MIDLAND INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP: Derby Assembly Rooms, Bob Milner, 411 Cheadle Road, Cheddleton, Leek, Staffs ST13 7BH Tel: 0782 550112) Mar 24-26 EAST DEVON CONGRESS: St Georges Hall, Exeter (E G Sparke, 12 Westbourne Terrace, Budleigh Salterton, Devon, EX9 6BR Tel: 0395 442585) Mar 25 GOLDERS GREEN OPEN, plus Under 160, Under 120 Adam Raoof, PO Box 1962, London NW4 4NF. (0181) 202 0982 Mar 26 ATHERTON RAPIDPLAY: Jubilee Hall, Atherton (G M Jones, 27 Clarke Street, Leigh, Lancashire WN7 4HU Tel: 0942 604262 or 0942 877269) Apr 2 LETCHWORTH RAPIDPLAY CONGRESS: Plinston Hall, Broadway, Letchworth Tim Thurstan, 33 Brampton Park Road, Hitchin (0462) 459873 April 8th/9th Eupen (BEL) 7xCH, no ELO Tel +32 87 742587 Fax +32 87 552716 April 14th-17th Passau (GER) 7xCH, ELO, no norms Tel +49 851 83811 Fax +49 851 81889 May 10-20 Waikiki, Hawaii (US) 10x CH, ELO, norms e-mail Eric Schiller, May 27th-June 3rd Mainz (GER) 9xCH, ELO Tel +49 6131 223990 or Tel/Fax +49 6131 85399 May 25th-28th Erlangen (GER) 7xCH, no ELO Tel +49 9131 47703 June 17th-19th Tartu (EST) 9xCH + Blitz, no ELO Tel +372 7 421281 July 21st Biel (SUI) 12 tournaments, Open: 9-11xCH, ELO, norms -August 5th Tel +41 32 534040 Fax +41 32 228688 or +41 32 535925 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Hawaii International May 10-20, 1995 Ocean Resort Hotel, Waikiki 10 rounds, Swiss. Open to all FIDE rated players IM norms will be available Hotel rates: an amazing $50 per room (very large, 2-4 people) Total prizes: $2500 Limited to 50 players, so early registration required. Free entry to GM, IM, WIM, WGM FM and non-US players: $75 Other $100 to $200 depending on rating Contact: Eric Schiller, It is possible to play the National Open in Las Vegas just before this Hawaiian event. A round robin tournament may be organized in San Francisco following the Hawaiian tournament. Contact for more information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | _____ | | Michael Niermann / /\ | | Universitaet Dortmund / / \ | | Fachbereich Mathematik / / \ | | Lehrstuhl VI / / /\ \ | | 44221 Dortmund / / / \ \ | | / / /\ \ \ | | / / / \ \ \ | | / /__/____\ \ \ | | / \ \ \ | | /________________\ \ \ | | \_____________________\ / | | | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------