THE WEEK IN CHESS 146 - 25th August 1997 by Mark Crowther

Tel or fax      01274 882143 [Bradford England]
Produced for Thoth Communications Corporation part 
of Grandmaster Technologies Incorporated.

1) Introduction
2) FIDE set to challenge gamescore copyright?
3) Interplay US Championships 1997
4) VIII Miedzynarodowy Memorial Szachowy
5) Speed Chess in Villarrobledo
6) 10th Leg of the Russian Cup in Tomsk
7) British Championships Playoffs
8) 72nd French Chess Championships
9) European Youth Championships

Games section

ch-USA Gp 1 + 2 1997             16
ch-USA 1997  (Women)             10
ch-GBR 1997                       6
Rapidplay Villarrobledo ESP 1997 34
ch-FRA Narbonne FRA 1997         72
Russia Cup 1997                 108
MK Cafe Koszalin POL 1997       508
Simul Koszalin POL 1997          28
EuYouth U 1997                 2141

1) Introduction

My thanks to Duif Calvin, Matt Guthrie, Gerald Schendel, Przemek Jahr, net64, ChessAssistant,Iivo Nei and all those who helped out with this issue.

Chess took a back seat in the preparation of this issue. The issue of copyright of games has become an issue. It is an issue about which I cannot be seen to be disinterested. I started on the internet to get hold of top class chess news and results, the internet having the (now realised) potential of avoiding the scant newspaper coverage and delays of chess magazines. I believe copyright of chess games could put this situation back quite a few years. After long thought I hope I have produced a reasonable account of the situation. There are a number of stories and events which have been held over until next week because of this.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) FIDE set to challenge gamescore copyright?

As referred to last week there is a clause in the FIDE regulations for the World Championships which states "The players' score sheets are the property of the players and FIDE, and FIDE has exclusive rights to publication". This is a very vague statement the meaning of which was somewhat unclear. Egon Ditt brought it to the attention of people on the compuserve chess forum and it has provoked heated debate, not least from me. Egon Ditt confirmed the purpose behind it "Perhaps the wording is not good, but the intention is clear and I can confirm it. I have been present at the Cairo Executive Council Meeting 14./15.6.1997 and I have the minutes. The intention is to get the artistic right of the players by contract and to manage and to sell this right." Willy Iclicki (a director of the event but not a FIDE official) also confirmed that there was at least the possibility dependant upon legal advice. My reply in tone was probably not the most temperate but perhaps blaming the messanger is not very productive. Indeed as a person who would be most clearly affected by this potential challenge to the status quo (I run a magazine on zero budget only my own effort) I think objectivity is very difficult. Nevertheless I will try. First of all there is a very clear point (see Duif Calvin below) there is a strong legal precident to say that games are not copyright, FIDE's attitude if anything like the impression gained by reading the posts of Ditt and Iclicki is that this can be challenged. Their position is clear to me, FIDE and by proxy others who want to change the legal understanding of at least half a centuary will try to overturn a position which was well understood. Gamescores are not copyright. If you believe gamescores are not copyright, based on years of precident (which includes some challenges lost in Germany and the Netherlands) you are faced with a difficult decision. In fact those who publish games now without payment may be in breach of copyright, one thing I clearly understand is that with or without claim material which is copyright is protected. It could be that this will be retrospective. If the legal postion changes then games played since the current international copyright understandings were put in place would be protected. Does one proceed or challenge? The law will not change because FIDE wishes it to be so, only because a legal case says it is so (this may need to be confirmed country by country aswell). The fact that FIDE may take the decision to take the copyright law to court would place many in an impossible position. I believe that their chances are only 20% of winning the first case, and that because they have a better lawyer. Whether they should be taking this stance is not a decision they appear prepared to put to the Federations either. The situation is further muddied by the involvement of New in Chess and ChessBase. According to Willy Iclicki "As far that I know FIDE has no intention to go commercial to sell books and disks but they will sell the right to another party. The organiser committe may also sell a daily bulletin like in other tournament. NIC and Chessbase will also be concerned with the copyright of this championship" It would be wrong to imply that these companies necessarily would be prepared to challenge the law, but it would be interesting to know their attitudes. New in Chess could be described as the home of the now defunct GMA. The GMA were in favour of copyright but could not find sufficient grounds when they investigated it in the 1980's, does New in Chess have this hope? ChessBase have a clear attitude that once they have done hard work on a file of games then they claim copyright on that. At the very least one would have to be circumspect about publishing all games from the Championships, at least until the later stages of the championships when the work could definitely be described as trivial. I intend, unless I receive very strong advice to the contrary to publish games from the FIDE Championships and defy any fees demanded. Court cases are not nice at all and if it happens I would use all defences available. I hope it will not come to that.

There is a wider question as to whether it would be a "good thing" for chess games to be copyright. I do not believe it would. I would not expect very much of the potential money to end up in players pockets. It is also hard enough to get the mainstream media to cover events and chess magazines seem more a labour of love rather than a get rich quick scheme. Indeed I'm sure active players know how indifferent many players are to following top class chess. The result would likely be to see casual followers of top class chess turn away. Chess players also build on the past, indeed how much creativity goes into an average game of chess would be an interesting question. The first 20 moves of a game are often either direct copies of the past or close copies. It would be interesting to know the opinions of top grandmasters as to the question of copyright, for it is in their name any action would be taken.

Willy Iclicki promises to interview GS Tabbanne about the issue of copyright in the very near future. We need to await an official statement, and it should follow quickly.

In seeking a clear I view I saw one article which was of great interest. Duif Calvin explains in the most clear manner the copyright law as I understand it. Whilst not an attorney she is a professional author and has followed the issues of intellectual property quite closely. My thanks to her for allowing me to adapt a usenet posting on the subject for use here.

She says

"It is no longer necessary to put ANY indication on a work to preserve copyright--copyright exists at the moment that the work is created and fixed in a tangible medium (including stored on disk).

However, you must register the copyright prior to filing a lawsuit. But you still own the rights from the time of creation.

My understanding on chess scores is that they are literally regarded the same as the "box score" to a sporting event-- a physical record of an event that took place. Box scores have been addressed in US and British copyright law many times. They simply can't be copyrighted. However, the Motorola case last year (which was reversed on appeal) has introduced the concept of the "time value" of events during the time of broadcast. Motorola lost the original case to the NBA (when the NBA attempted to restrict the reporting of scores during an event as being damaging to their commercial interests)--but although much less widely-reported than the original opinion, Motorola WON the case on appeal, the court relying on traditional understanding of what a box score is.

In the case of a chess game, it becomes similar to a sporting event when (the classic example used with other sports copyrights) "3 reporters sitting on three sides of the room would make exactly the same record of the event."

The player plays Nc3. That is, indeed, a creative moment, just as a batter hitting a ball out of the park is individually in control. But the _record_ of that event, the writing down of 1R (or in our case, Nc3) would meet the "historical record" test.

The question, of course, is why is that any different than 3 musicians sitting on three sides of a room and writing down the score of a song being performed?

And the answer, simply, is that law is NOT logical. It is political. It is built on a case by case, vote by vote, precedent by precedent structure. Artists have extended copyright protection. Athletes do not.

If chess is defined as an art, than the argument that the creation is in deciding what move to make, and that should extend to the records made. However, when chess is defined as a _sport_, then the law looks at those records differently.

It is interesting that at the exact same time that FIDE is promoting a definition of chess as a sport, and has official press releases and reports filled with information supporting that definition, the issues regarding copyright as they apply to NON-sports is also coming up. But there may not be a conflict: as the Motorola case showed, many commercial sports leagues are now trying redefine these copyright issues in our high-tech world.

Many people are now reconsidering the issues of the time value of sports records and judges are showing a willingness to hear the arguments, even if they're still ultimately ruling in the other direction.

There are a number of very helpful intellectual property resources on the Web. One of the most popular (and which will address the first set of issues raised, whether a copyright symbol is required) is Brad Templeton's THE TEN


I highly recommend it.

Other good sites include the IP Mall (Franklin Pierce Law Library)

and the International Copyright Resource, a nice list of resources for Australian, Japanese, European, and Canadian copyright issues.

Duif Calvin

3) Interplay US Championships 1997

Matt Guthrie reports that the 1997 US Men's and Women's Championships begin August 23rd at the San Marcos Hotel in Chandler, Arizona. The Women's Championship is a ten player round robin, but for the Men's, a slightly original format is being used:

The field is split into two groups of eight, each of which plays a round robin. The top two players from each group the advance, with the winner of each group playing a four game match against the runner-up of the other.

The winners of these matches then play a six game match for the title.

Round 1 of the US Championships was a relatively quiet affair, with only Nick DeFirmian able to score a full point, after his game with Dimitry Gurevich exploded tactically in mutual time pressure. (And yes, Nick could have played 42...Nc4+, but he was unaware he had already made time control.) Among the drawn games, Zamora's original treatment of the Najdorf (6.Bd3!?) deserves attention, as does Schwartzman's interesting Q sac. (41.Qxe6!?) Shabalov was probably a little disappointed, as he was unable to convert an extra pawn into a full point against Dzindzhi.

On the Women's side, defending champ Belakovskaia won from a clearly inferior position against Shahade, and Khan powerfully dismantled Frenklakh's Benko.

Notes on Round 2: Browne-Fedorowicz was a well played draw in which Walter stated afterwards that he felt a little unlucky not to have won, but that John had defended well. Benjamin won nicely against Ivanov from a Spanish which rapidly took on charecteristics of a Sicilian Sveshnikov. Defending champ Yermolinsky was nicely outplayed by Christiansen, Gulko outplayed Zamora in a time scramble, and Shabalov neatly refuted Schwartzman's sacrificial play. Of the other draws, it is noteworthy that although Seirawn and DeFirmian made only 12 moves, it took them 2.5 hrs to do so.

In the women's tournament, young Irina Krush nicely upended defending champ Belakovskaia. Annotations of this game by the winner will be available on the USCF web site.

Group 1

Round 1 (1997.08.23)

Fedorowicz, John P     -  Benjamin, Joel         1/2   16  A39  English; 1.c4 c5
Ivanov, Alexander      -  Christiansen, Larry M  1/2   40  C10  French
Yermolinsky, Alex      -  Gulko, Boris F         1/2   23  E17  Nimzo indian
Zamora, Jorge          -  Browne, Walter S       1/2   30  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf

Round 2 (1997.08.24)

Benjamin, Joel         -  Ivanov, Alexander      1-0   43  C92  Ruy Lopez
Christiansen, Larry M  -  Yermolinsky, Alex      1-0   48  B57  Sicilian
Gulko, Boris F         -  Zamora, Jorge          1-0   39  E61  Kings indian
Browne, Walter S       -  Fedorowicz, John P     1/2   36  E97  Kings indian; Main line

Chandler USA (USA), VIII 1997                                   cat. XII (2542)
                                      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 
1 Benjamin, Joel         g USA 2580   *   .   .   =   .   1   .   .   1.5  2730
2 Christiansen, Larry M  g USA 2550   .   *   .   .   .   =   1   .   1.5  2800
3 Gulko, Boris F         g USA 2580   .   .   *   .   .   .   =   1   1.5  2703
4 Fedorowicz, John P     g USA 2510   =   .   .   *   =   .   .   .   1.0  2555
5 Browne, Walter S       g USA 2530   .   .   .   =   *   .   .   =   1.0  2440
6 Ivanov, Alexander      g USA 2565   0   =   .   .   .   *   .   .   0.5  2372
7 Yermolinsky, Alex      g USA 2650   .   0   =   .   .   .   *   .   0.5  2372
8 Zamora, Jorge            USA 2370   .   .   0   .   =   .   .   *   0.5  2362

Group 2

Round 1 (1997.08.23)

Dzindzichashvili, Roman  -  Shabalov, Alexander      1/2   52  A10  English; 1.c4
Seirawan, Yasser         -  Kaidanov, Grigory S      1/2   21  D31  Queen's gambit
Gurevich, Dmitry         -  De Firmian, Nick E       0-1   43  E48  Nimzo indian
Schwartzman, Gabriel     -  Kudrin, Sergey           1/2   48  A30  English; 1.c4 c5

Round 2 (1997.08.24)

De Firmian, Nick E       -  Seirawan, Yasser         1/2   12  C10  French
Shabalov, Alexander      -  Schwartzman, Gabriel     1-0   39  C11  French; Classical
Kaidanov, Grigory S      -  Dzindzichashvili, Roman  1/2   51  E11  Bogo indian
Kudrin, Sergey           -  Gurevich, Dmitry         1/2   14  B52  Sicilian

Chandler USA (USA), VIII 1997                    cat. XIII (2569)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 De Firmian, Nick E       g USA 2570  * . . = . . 1 .  1.5  2795
2 Shabalov, Alexander      g USA 2585  . * = . . . . 1  1.5  2720
3 Dzindzichashvili, Roman  g USA 2540  . = * . = . . .  1.0  2592
4 Seirawan, Yasser         g USA 2630  = . . * = . . .  1.0  2585
5 Kaidanov, Grigory S      g USA 2600  . . = = * . . .  1.0  2585
6 Kudrin, Sergey           g USA 2535  . . . . . * = =  1.0  2545
7 Gurevich, Dmitry         g USA 2575  0 . . . . = * .  0.5  2359
8 Schwartzman, Gabriel     g USA 2515  . 0 . . . = . *  0.5  2367

Women's Championship

Round 1 (1997.08.23)

Gulko, Anna             -  Krush, Irina            1/2   46  D27  QGA;
Epstein, Esther         -  Jezierska, Ivona        1-0   42  B07  Pirc
Belakovskaia, Anjelina  -  Shahade, Jennifer       1-0   51  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Khan, Anna              -  Frenklakh, Jennie       1-0   35  A57  Benko gambit
Zitserman, Tatyana      -  Burtman, Sharon         1-0   43  A25  English; 1.c4 e5

Round 2 (1997.08.24)

Krush, Irina            -  Belakovskaia, Anjelina  1-0   44  E99  Kings indian; Main line
Frenklakh, Jennie       -  Zitserman, Tatyana      1-0   40  B24  Sicilian; Closed
Shahade, Jennifer       -  Khan, Anna              1-0   25  B63  Sicilian
Burtman, Sharon         -  Epstein, Esther         1/2   38  A44  Queen's pawn
Jezierska, Ivona        -  Gulko, Anna             0-1   40  A04  Reti (1.Nf3)

Chandler USA (USA), VIII 1997
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Krush, Irina              USA 2260  * = . 1 . . . . . .  1.5  2523
 2 Gulko, Anna            wg USA 2305  = * . . . . . . . 1  1.5  2365
 3 Epstein, Esther        wm USA 2210  . . * . . . . . = 1  1.5  2265
 4 Belakovskaia, Anjelina wg USA 2355  0 . . * . . 1 . . .  1.0  2165
 5 Frenklakh, Jennie         USA 2135  . . . . * 0 . 1 . .  1.0  2192
 6 Khan, Anna             wm USA 2260  . . . . 1 * 0 . . .  1.0  2102
 7 Shahade, Jennifer         USA 2070  . . . 0 . 1 * . . .  1.0  2307
 8 Zitserman, Tatyana        USA 2125  . . . . 0 . . * 1 .  1.0  2097
 9 Burtman, Sharon        wm USA 2060  . . = . . . . 0 * .  0.5  1974
10 Jezierska, Ivona       wf USA 2085  . 0 0 . . . . . . *  0.0      

Coverage and updates are available through the USCF at:

And a page devoted to background information is:

also Smart Chess are covering the event

4) VIII Miedzynarodowy Memorial Szachowy

The Józefa Kochana MK Café Cup took place in Koszalin from August 3-14 1997. This was a strong Swiss Open which saw Igor Khenkin and Jecek Gdanski finish on 7.5 points. Colin McNab's third place is one of his best ever results. My thanks to Przemek Jahr for the games and results from the event. Anatoly Karpov was one of those who gave a simultaneous at the event.

7.5 GM 	KHENKIN, Igor            	ISR	2550	-
    IM 	GDANSKI, Jacek           	POL	2505	2505
7   GM 	McNAB, Colin A           	SCO	2490	-  	
    FM 	CICHOCKI, Adam           	POL	2330	2330	
    GM 	ROMANISHIN, Oleg M       	UKR	2550	-  
    GM 	MALANIUK, Vladimir P     	UKR	2615	-  	
    GM 	KEMPINSKI, Robert        	POL	2530	2530	
    GM 	SHERBAKOV, Ruslan        	RUS	2580	-  	
    GM 	KRASENKOW, Michal        	POL	2645	2645	 
    GM 	BRODSKY, Michail         	UKR	2545	-  	
6.5 GM 	TAIMANOV, Mark E         	RUS	2425	-  	
    IM 	AGAMALIEV, Gamil         	AZE	2480	-  	
    GM 	RIBLI, Zoltan            	HUN	2570	-  	
    GM 	VAULIN, Alexander        	RUS	2530	-  	
    IM 	GRABARCZYK, Miroslaw     	POL	2480	2480	
6   IM 	MACIEJA, Bartlomiej      	POL	2470	2470	
    IM 	PEDZICH, Dominik         	POL	2465	2465	 
    GM 	ZAITSEV, Igor A          	RUS	2475	-  	
    GM 	POLULJAHOV, Aleksandr    	RUS	2510	-  	
    IM 	SOCKO, Bartosz           	POL	2435	2435	
    IM 	MARKOWSKI, Tomasz        	POL	2515	2515	
    GM 	ROZENTALIS, Eduardas     	LTU	2645	-  	
    GM 	TSESHKOVSKY, Vitaly      	RUS	2500	-  	 
    IM 	PROKOPCHUK, Evgeny       	RUS	2475	-  	 
    GM 	LUTHER, Thomas           	GER	2525	-  	
    IM 	RUSTEMOV, Alexander      	RUS	2535	-  	
    GM 	SULSKIS, Sarunas         	LTU	2510	-  	 
    GM 	KUCZYNSKI, Robert        	POL	2495	2495	
    GM 	MILOS, Gilberto          	BRA	2590	-  	
     k  SZELAG, Marcin           	POL	2290	2244	
103 players.

5) Speed Chess in Villarrobledo

Kiril Georgiev was the winner by half a point of a 25 minute 9 round tournament in Villarrobledo. The event was covered on the internet at:

1st Kiril Georgiev 8 points. 2nd Vadim Milov 7.5 3rd Alexander Chernin, Alexei Shirov, Lubomir Ljubojevic, Miguel Illescas, Anatoly Karpov, Henry Urday and Daniel Campora finished on 7.

6) 10th Leg of the Russian Cup in Tomsk

July saw the 10th leg of the Russian Cup in Tomsk. There was a four way tie on 6.5/9. My thanks to ChessAssistant for the games and results. The now have a new address for their www site.

Tomsk July 1997

1 Peregudov N. 6.5/9
2 Yakovich Y. 
3 Filippov V. 
4 Yurtaev L.
5 Voitsekhovsky S.  6
6 Galkin A. 
7 Irzhanov R. 
8 Ulybin M. 
9 Shinkevich 
10 Yandemirov V. 

11 Balashov Y. 5.5
12 Belozerov 
13 Kotsur P. 
14 Kron V. 
15 Loskutov 
16 Nikitin A. 
17 Temirbaev

7) British Championships Playoffs

I inadvertently left out the speed games and playoff table for the British Chess Championships last week. Adams and Sadler shared the title after this single round robin event.

Round 1 (1997.08.15)

Adams, Michael    -  Emms, John M      1/2   48  C78  Ruy Lopez
Sadler, Matthew   -  Miles, Anthony J  1-0   36  C10  French

Round 2 (1997.08.15)

Adams, Michael    -  Sadler, Matthew   1-0   56  B80  Sicilian
Emms, John M      -  Miles, Anthony J  0-1   63  C67  Ruy Lopez

Round 3 (1997.08.15)

Sadler, Matthew   -  Emms, John M      1-0   70  E54  Nimzo indian
Miles, Anthony J  -  Adams, Michael    1/2   36  A47  Queen's pawn

Hove ENG (ENG), VIII 1997                   cat. XV (2618)
                                 1   2   3   4 
1 Adams, Michael    g ENG 2680   *   1   =   =   2.0  2721
2 Sadler, Matthew   g ENG 2665   0   *   1   1   2.0  2726
3 Miles, Anthony J  g ENG 2595   =   0   *   1   1.5  2625
4 Emms, John M      g ENG 2530   =   0   0   *   0.5  2373

www page.


8) 72nd French Chess Championships

The official site for the 72nd French Championship, Narbonne (15-31 August) the games will be covered live there will be video pictures also available. There is a three way tie for the lead after nine rounds.

Narbonne FRA (FRA), VIII 1997                                   cat. IX (2458)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
 1 Marciano, David      m FRA 2470  * = = 1 = . . . = . 1 1 . 1 = .  6.5  2627
 2 Bauer, Christian     m FRA 2525  = * = = . = . . 1 . 1 1 . 1 = .  6.5  2631
 3 Vaisser, Anatoli     g FRA 2575  = = * . 1 . = = . 1 . . 1 . 1 =  6.5  2601
 4 Relange, Eloi        m FRA 2505  0 = . * . = . = . . = . 1 1 1 1  6.0  2561
 5 Anic, Darko          m FRA 2445  = . 0 . * 1 1 = . 1 . = 0 . . 1  5.5  2544
 6 Degraeve, Jean-Marc  m FRA 2540  . = . = 0 * 0 = . 1 = 1 . . 1 .  5.0  2490
 7 Chabanon, Jean-Luc   m FRA 2455  . . = . 0 1 * 1 = 0 . = = . . 1  5.0  2508
 8 Prie, Eric           g FRA 2465  . . = = = = 0 * = = . = . 1 . .  4.5  2490
 9 Hauchard, Arnaud     m FRA 2485  = 0 . . . . = = * 0 0 . 1 . 1 1  4.5  2428
10 Koch, Jean-Rene      m FRA 2495  . . 0 . 0 0 1 = 1 * . = . = . =  4.0  2432
11 Santo Roman, Marc    g FRA 2385  0 0 . = . = . . 1 . * . 0 1 = =  4.0  2408
12 Leski, Marc          m FRA 2435  0 0 . . = 0 = = . = . * 1 . . 1  4.0  2417
13 Bricard, Emmanuel    m FRA 2350  . . 0 0 1 . = . 0 . 1 0 * = = .  3.5  2373
14 Lepelletier, Benoit  m FRA 2480  0 0 . 0 . . . 0 . = 0 . = * 1 1  3.0  2308
15 Neiman, Emmanuel     f FRA 2315  = = 0 0 . 0 . . 0 . = . = 0 * .  2.0  2259
16 Fontaine, Robert       FRA 2395  . . = 0 0 . 0 . 0 = = 0 . 0 . *  1.5  2200

9) European Youth Championships

Iivo Nei, Director of the European Youth Championships in Tallinn 9-18 August 1997 sends the games and final results from this junior event. There were 10 sections. 5 boys and 5 girls sections, under 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18. You can contact the director at also there are full results and games at:

                               BOYS UNDER 10

    No.  PNo. Name                  Fed. Titel  Score Progrrat.  W-WE
     1.   2   RADJABOV,Teimour      AZE    FM   8.0   41.5 2245  +0.23
     2.   5   BARAMIDZE,Davit       GEO         7.5   36.0   0     0
     3.  41   TOMACHEVSKI,Evgueni   RUS         6.5   29.5   0     0
     4.  18   ILJIN,Artjom          RUS         6.0   35.0   0     0
         43   VALEANU,Eduard        ROM         6.0   30.5   0     0
         19   IONESCU,Vlad          ROM         6.0   30.0   0     0
         28   PAPP,Gabor            HUN         6.0   29.0   0     0
          1   NAZAREVICH,Vitaly     UKR         6.0   28.5 2300  +0.18
46 players.


                               BOYS UNDER 12

   No. PNo. Name                     Fed.  Titel Score Progr rat.  W-WE
   1.   8   ZAREZENKO,Ilya           RUS          7.5  36.5  2150  +1.02
   2.   4   GUSEINOV,Gadir           RUS    FM    7.0  36.5  2230  +1.04
   3.   2   RIAZANTSEV,Alexander     RUS          6.5  35.5  2275  -0.28
        6   NAIDICS,Arkadijs         LAT    FM    6.5  32.5  2175  +1.05
   5.   1   MAMEDOV,Nidjat           AZE          6.0  35.5  2295  -0.60
        18  GAGUNASHVILI,Merab       GEO          6.0  31.5   0    +0.50
        46  SHANAVA,Konstantine      GEO          6.0  31.5   0    +0.50
        25  JEREMIC,Veljko           YUG          6.0  28.0   0    2071
54 players


                               BOYS UNDER 14

   No.  PNo. Name                    Fed. Titel  Score Progrrat.  W-WE
    1.  20   DROZDOVSKYY,Yuriy       UKR    FM   7.5   36.5   0   +0.50
    2.  11   ROYZ,Michael            ISR         7.0   36.5 2200  +1.65
    3.  33   IZORIA,Zviad            GEO         6.5   31.5   0   +1.50
         1   MITON,Kamil             POL    FM   6.5   30.5 2350  +0.60
        13   JIANU,Vlad              ROM    FM   6.5   28.5 2155  +1.52
    6.  14   PINTER,Gabor            HUN         6.0   33.5 2155  +1.28
        58   ZUBOV,Oleksander        UKR         6.0   33.0   0   +1.50
        18   MUTTON,Jonathan         ENG         6.0   27.0 2060  +0.52
        56   YUDKOVSKY,Yair          ISR         6.0   26.5   0   +0.50
58 players


                               BOYS UNDER 16

     No.  PNo. Name                Fed. Titel  Score Progrrat.  W-WE
      1.   8   KUNDIN,Alexander    ISR         8.0   40.0 2305  +2.44
      2.   2   ZAKHAROV,Alexandr   RUS         6.5   35.5 2360  +0.83
           4   BOKROS,Albert       HUN         6.5   35.0 2310  +0.70
          15   ARDELEANU,George    ROM         6.5   32.5 2235  +1.74
          28   VINK,Nico           NED         6.5   32.0 2190  +2.38
      6.  11   LE ROUX,Jean-Pierre FRA         6.0   32.0 2265  +0.78
          16   PERT,Richard        ENG         6.0   29.5 2230  +0.72
          10   OLSSON,Anders       SWE         6.0   28.5 2280  +0.12
          17   STOLIAROV,Sergey    RUS         6.0   25.0 2230  +1.44
     10.  12   WORTEL,Marten       NED         5.5   31.5 2255  +0.60
          18   KAPNISIS,Spyridon   GRE         5.5   29.5 2225  +0.07
          29   KAMADADZE,Zviad     GEO         5.5   28.5 2175  +1.69
           9   SARGISSIAN,Gabriel  ARM    FM   5.5   27.0 2295  -0.44
          20   KHAETSKY,Roman      UKR         5.5   26.0 2220  +0.44
           5   KOKOREV,Dmitij      RUS         5.5   25.0 2310  -1.12
           7   EL-KHER,Henrik      DEN         5.5   24.5 2305  -0.47
54 players


                               BOYS UNDER 18

  No. PNo. Name                        Fed. Titel Score Progr rat.  W-WE
  1.   7   MCHEDISHVILI,Mikheil        GEO         6.5  37.0  2380  +1.19
       27  ABBASOV,Farid               AZE         6.5  35.0  2235  +3.71
       6   HALKIAS,Stelios             GRE   FM    6.5  33.5  2385  +1.19
       2   ILJUSHIN,Alexei             RUS   IM    6.5  32.0  2430  +0.20
       5   SMETANKIN,Stanislav         BLR         6.5  30.5  2395  +0.74
  6.   10  SOLAK,Dragan                YUG         6.0  33.5  2345  +1.05
       4   DERVISHI,Erald              ALB   FM    6.0  27.5  2395  -0.03
       22  MATIKOZIAN,Anranik          ARM         6.0  26.0  2290  +0.22
       17  GRUND,Holger                GER         6.0  22.5  2325  +0.46
  10.  20  RAPPOPORT,Evgeny            ISR         5.5  31.5  2310  +0.90
       18  DOETTLING,Fabian            GER   FM    5.5  31.0  2320  +0.82
       11  KEREK,Csaba                 HUN         5.5  29.0  2340  -0.46
       19  KEREK,Kristian              HUN         5.5  27.5  2310  +1.00
       9   ANDREEV,Edouard             UKR         5.5  25.5  2345  -0.78
  15.  16  BAGIROV,Rufat               AZE         5.0  31.0  2325  +0.32
       26  LOPEZ MARTINEZ,Jose Manuel  ESP         5.0  30.0  2255  +1.76
       3   KOSYREV,Vladimir            RUS         5.0  28.0  2425  -1.21
       23  KALLIO,Heikki               FIN         5.0  27.5  2270  +0.10
       39  VUCKOVIC,Bojan              YUG         5.0  27.0  2160  +2.30
       12  PARLIGRAS,Mircea            ROM         5.0  26.0  2340  -0.76
       1   CYBOROWSKY,Lukasz           POL   IM    5.0  24.0  2490  -2.40
       38  UVAROV,Vjacheslav           EST         5.0  21.0  2165  +0.90
  23.  15  BERESCU,Alin                ROM   FM    4.5  25.0  2325  -0.63
       25  KOBRIN,Michael              ISR         4.5  25.0  2255  -0.51
       8   NURKIEWICZ,Maciej           POL         4.5  24.0  2355  -1.44
       21  BEKKER-JENSEN,Simon         DEN         4.5  23.0  2305  -0.60
       28  NJIRJAK,Josip               CRO         4.5  23.0  2235  +0.80
       37  HAGARA,Eduard               SVK         4.5  22.5  2165  +1.78
       34  EINVIK,Gunnar               NOR         4.5  21.5  2190  +0.64
       45  ALIEV,Rassim                AZE         4.5  20.0   0    2245
       41  CHIKOVANI,Vakhtang          GEO         4.5  18.5  2140  +1.10
  32.  14  FRIDMAN,Rafael              LAT         4.0  22.5  2330  -2.26
       42  STOJNIC,Miodrad             SLO         4.0  22.5  2130  +0.76
       51  PIHLAJASALO,Antti           FIN         4.0  21.0   0    2212
       24  VEDMEDIUC,Serghei           MDA         4.0  20.5  2265  -1.60
       31  SAMULEVICIUS,Tomas          FRA         4.0  18.5  2215  -0.55
       49  HOPPER,Paul                 SCO         4.0  18.5   0    2144
       32  EUSEBE,Aurelin              FRA         4.0  16.5  2205  -0.48
       40  VASSILJEV,Arseni            EST         4.0  15.0  2145  -0.80
       13  RIBSHTEIN,Nati              ISR         4.0  15.0  2335  -2.52
  41.  35  LUNDBERG,Bjoern             SWE         3.5  17.0  2170  -0.14
       44  BUCHER,Denis                SUI         3.5  14.0  2060  -0.67
  43.  46  BOTVINNIK,Mikhail           BLR         3.0  18.5   0    2129
       29  ZITIN,Juri                  EST   FM    3.0  18.0  2215  -0.78
       33  SANDHU,Mario                AUT         3.0  16.5  2195  -1.15
       50  LEHTINEN,Antti              FIN         3.0   9.0   0    2017
       43  RUFENER,Markus              SUI         3.0   7.5  2085  +0.25
  48.  36  MASLIK,Miroslav             SVK         2.5  14.5  2170  -0.60
       47  GUECTEKIN,Nuri              TUR         2.5  13.0   0    1971
       52  RIBEIRO,Jose                POR         2.5   9.0   0    1757
  51.  30  NOVAK,Pavel                 CZE         2.0  12.5  2215  -1.65
       48  HARTUNG,Jerry               LUX         2.0  11.5   0    2056

                              GIRLS UNDER 10

      No.  PNo. Name                 Fed. Titel  Score Progrrat. W-WE
       1.   7   DZAGNIDZE,Nana       GEO         8.0   42.0  0    0
       2.  22   MUZYCHUK,Anna        UKR         7.0   39.0  0    0
       3.  23   NAIDICA,Jevgenija    LAT         6.5   34.0  0    0
           36   STOJANOVIC,Andjelija YUG         6.5   33.0  0    0
       5.   5   DIULGHER,Elena       MDA         6.0   33.0  0    0
           30   ROGULE,Laura         LAT         6.0   32.0  0    0
            9   FOMINYKH,Maria       RUS         6.0   31.5  0    0
           40   ZAWADSKA,Jolanta     POL         6.0   29.0  0    0
41 players


                              GIRLS UNDER 12

     No. PNo. Name                  Fed. Titel Score Progr rat.  W-WE
     1.   3   KOSINTSEVA,Nadezhda   RUS   FM    7.0  39.0   0      0
          43  WOREK,Joanna          POL         7.0  34.0   0      0
     3.   12  CHISTIAKOVA,Tamara    RUS         6.5  32.5   0      0
          4   KURSOVA,Marya         RUS   FM    6.5  32.0   0      0
          31  MOTOS,Alina           ROM         6.5  28.5   0      0
     6.   1   PAEHTZ,Elisabeth      GER         6.0  35.0  2175  +0.00
          2   KOSINTSEVA,Tatiana    RUS   FM    6.0  34.5  2115  +0.00
          40  STOJANOVIC,Nadezhda   YUG         6.0  31.0   0      0
          29  MASZOTA,Natalia       POL         6.0  29.0   0      0
          7   BALKIEWICZ,Elizbieta  POL         6.0  28.5   0      0
          9   BRESLAVSKA,Galyna     UKR         6.0  24.5   0      0
45 players


                              GIRLS UNDER 14

    No. PNo. Name                    Fed. Titel Score Progr rat.  W-WE
    1.   1   MATNADZE,Ana            GEO   FM    7.0  36.5  2145  +0.82
    2.   42  ROHONYAN,Katerina       UKR         6.5  35.5   0    +1.50
         3   GOCZOE,Melinda          HUN         6.5  35.0  2115  +0.04
         7   CHARKHALASHVILI,Inga    GEO         6.5  31.5  2080  +0.09
         14  BUDOELINA,Sofia         EST         6.5  30.0   0      0
    6.   46  STIRI,Alexandra         GRE         6.0  35.0   0      0
         26  KIERAN,Rosalind         ENG         6.0  30.0   0    +1.00
         2   GORESKUL,Alyona         UKR         6.0  30.0  2120  +0.00
         25  KHUSNUTDINOVA,Luiza     RUS         6.0  28.5   0      0
50 players


                              GIRLS UNDER 16

    No.  PNo. Name                  Fed. Titel  Score Progrrat.  W-WE
     1.   1   POLOVNIKOVA,Ekaterina RUS         7.5   41.0 2270  +1.02
     2.   4   RADZIEWICZ,Iweta      POL    FM   6.5   34.0 2220  +0.90
          2   CHASOVNIKOVA,Eygenija RUS    FM   6.5   32.5 2260  +1.09
         11   ZIMINA,Olga           RUS    FM   6.5   27.5 2140  +1.16
     5.   5   MOSER,Eva             AUT         6.0   32.0 2215  +0.02
         12   ISMAILOVA,Parvana     AZE    FM   6.0   27.0 2130  +1.09
     7.   7   KOROLOVA,Valeria      RUS         5.5   31.5 2205  -0.70
         24   CEDIKOVA,Katerina     CZE         5.5   31.5   0   +1.00
         10   KVELIASHVILI,Tinatin  GEO         5.5   30.0 2155  -0.42
         38   MORKUNAITE,Euva       LTU         5.5   29.5   0   +1.00
          6   POKORNA,Regina        SVK    FM   5.5   28.0 2210  -0.30
          8   DECSEY,Kata           HUN         5.5   27.5 2195  -0.26
          3   KARLOVICH,Anastazia   UKR         5.5   26.5 2240  -1.20
         23   CALOTA,Alina          ROM         5.5   25.5   0    2172
    15.  21   BAIRAMOVA,Zouleikha   AZE         5.0   28.5   0    2142
44 players


                              GIRLS UNDER 18

    No.  PNo. Name                  Fed. Titel  Score Progrrat.  W-WE
     1.   2   DOROFEEVA,Anna        RUS         7.0   34.0 2275  +0.98
          6   SLAVINA,Irina         RUS         7.0   31.0 2190  +0.50
     3.  12   TSALUGELASHVILI,Lile  GEO         6.5   37.5 2105  +1.77
          5   IWANIUK,Dorota        POL    FM   6.5   34.5 2190  +0.65
     5.   3   IONICA,Iulia          ROM    FM   6.0   32.5 2235  -0.62
          7   BLIMKE,Dalia          POL    FM   6.0   32.0 2180  -0.60
          1   ZOZULYA,Anna          UKR    IM   6.0   29.5 2275  -0.46
     8.   4   KALININA,Vladislava   UKR    FM   5.5   29.0 2215  +0.20
         10   KOUVATSOU,Maria       GRE    FM   5.5   28.5 2135  -0.84
    10.  34   ZAKURDYAJEVA,Irina    RUS         5.0   28.0   0    2161
          9   NILL,Jessica          GER    FM   5.0   26.5 2140  -0.25
         14   HASLINGER,Mandy       ENG         5.0   25.5 2055  +0.50
         11   IZDEBSKA,Maja         POL         5.0   22.5 2120  -0.53
    14.  15   TRTANJ,Tina           CRO         4.5   26.0 2055  +1.12
         17   STOTSKAYA,Elena       BLR         4.5   23.5 2030  -0.22
         27   MIRON,Liat            ISR         4.5   23.0   0    1997
         13   SZOENYI,Kata          HUN         4.5   21.0 2095  +0.06
         21   ERICSSON,Susanne      SWE         4.5   21.0   0    1826
         26   MAMEDOVA,Lala         AZE         4.5   19.5   0    2033
          8   DE MIE,Mariska        NED         4.5   18.0 2150  -0.53
         28   PUTRINSH,Marta        EST         4.5   17.0   0    1414
    22.  22   FONGERS,Joyce         NED         4.0   25.0   0    2069
         16   BALKHAMISHVILI,Tamara GEO         4.0   21.5 2030  -1.15
         32   RIZHNAR,Helena        SLO         4.0   19.0   0    1931
    25.  29   RANTANEN,Tanja        FIN         3.5   23.0   0   +0.50
         31   REZHEK,Anet           CRO         3.5   18.5   0     0
         20   BRAMME,Isabelle       FRA         3.5   17.0   0     0
         18   KAUKAL,Terezia        HUN         3.5   16.0 2015  -0.60
         24   KOSTIC,Dijana         YUG         3.5   10.5   0     0
    30.  19   BEKKER-JENSEN,Anne    DEN         3.0   11.5   0    1941
    31.  33   SCHWARZINGER,Daniela  AUT         2.5   16.5   0    1759
         25   LEIKUTE,Ausra         LTU         2.5   12.0   0     0
         23   KOC,Fatma             TUR         2.5   11.0   0     0
    34.  30   REDUTO,Ana            POR         1.0   3.5    0     0