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1) Introduction
2) Novgorod Tournament won by Kasparov
3) New FIDE rating list
4) Aarhus Denmark Category 14
5) Broekhuis Dutch Chess Championships
6) Sigeman & Co Chess Tournament 1997
7) First Saturday June
8) Dury Lane Masters
9) Quebec Invitational chess championship
11) Chess News from Australia by Gary Bekker
12) José González vs Claudia Amura match
13) Upcoming Events
14) Theoretical Corner by Marco R. Martini (ITA)
Games Section
It Novgorod RUS 1997 15 Skolernes Skakklub Aarhus DEN 1997 20 ch-NED Rotterdam NED 1997 18 Sigeman and Co Malmoe SWE 1997 12 FSGM June Budapest HUN 1997 44 FSIM June Budapest HUN 1997 63 Drury Lane London ENG 1997 35 Quebec Inv. Longueuil CAN 1997 45 Open Gold Coast AUS 1997 10 Open Noosa AUS 1997 3 Match Mexico City MEX 1997 1
My thanks to Novgorod University, Net64/El Pais, Johan Sigeman, Alexei Shirov, Laszlo Nagy, Manuel Lopez Michelone, Guil Russek, Roberto Alvarez, Pablo Rodriguez, FIDE www site, Skolernes Skakklub, Lost Boys, Adam Raoof, Richard Berube, Gary Bekker, José González, Marco R. Martini and all those who helped with this issue.
Another action packed week of chess. Kasparov had to sit and wait after holding an agressive Nigel Short to a draw in Novgorod before he scored another fine victory in a Category 19 event. Although he was less convincing in the second half Kasparov's excellent play was matched with the difficulty in beating him. I will be in Frankfurt for their speed chess event later in the week and will be back in time to compile a brief twic next week.
Hope you enjoy this issue
Gary Kasparov had a nervous wait in the final round to see if he was the sole winner of the Novgorod event. He played a lively game with Nigel Short which ended in perpetual check. Vladimir Kramnik had an edge over Boris Gelfand which although he made some progress didn't prove sufficient for a win.
The second half of the tournament was to me a little bit of a disappointment. Not through lack of effort but the quality of the games did seem to decline somewhat (a very subjective opinion and one offered from someone of only modest talent) with far more errors. With many of the players complaining of tiredness at the Las Palmas tournament last year one wonders if the move towards ever lengthening time-controls (I believe 8 hour sessions, 7 hour sessions are virtually standard with adjournment on its way out) is good for the standard of chess produced. Another explanation might be the football match that the players were scheduled to take part in on one of the rest days. Regional and City Administration vs Chess Grandmasters. There is no report available as to whether some if not all the players took part, who played in goal and who got to be striker. The World needs to know these things. One person who this didn't apply to was Nigel Short who won in the 7th, 8th and 9th round and took the battle to Kasparov in the 10th. However it was harder to understand the play of his opponents in these rounds with Gelfand sacrificing a number of pawns to no apparent effect, Kramnik burying his Queen and Topalov losing the initiative as white right out of the opening (this was Short's best game as he completely outplayed the Bulgarian). Kasparov too was not unaffected, he was in some trouble against Bareev and did not seem to make the best of his chances against Kramnik. The key clash was the round 9 clash between Kasparov and Kramnik. Kasparov appeared to have a nice initiative from the opening but Kramnik came back to hold a slight initiative before move 40. Kasparov appeared to have managed to put the breaks on the position (I gather although I have seen no analysis that 39. ...Qxh5 is a draw) and the game was soon drawn.
The new scoring system seemed to have no real effect. I was not clear what effect it was to have on the prizes but it only resulted in tying the final three players.
In general the event was a most enjoyable with a lot of fine chess, especially in the first half and this type of event certainly gives me the most pleasure. It was nice to see both Short and Bareev do so well, for the latter this was his first really big invitation for some time and certainly I was pleased to see that. Topalov's form has been patchy for some time, he hasn't found the form of last year, or players have found ways of avoiding the positions he plays best. Gelfand performed only 50 points below his expected rating, this was almost entirely due to a 2-0 whitewash by Nigel Short against whom he has lost a match (these psychological advantages are sometimes important).
ChessAssistant have annotated the first 6 rounds of the event eventually to be followed by the rest at:
Kasparov moves on to play an internet simultaneous (address http://www.elpais.es/p/d/graficos/simulta.htm ) on June 26th.
The event was covered live on the internet at: http://chess.novgorod.ru
Round 6 (1997.06.17) Short, Nigel D - Bareev, Evgeny 1/2 24 C02 French; Advance Topalov, Veselin - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 21 B57 Sicilian Gelfand, Boris - Kasparov, Gary 0-1 41 E12 Nimzo indian Round 7 (1997.06.19) Kasparov, Gary - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 30 C78 Ruy Lopez Kramnik, Vladimir - Bareev, Evgeny 1/2 30 A87 Dutch defence Gelfand, Boris - Short, Nigel D 0-1 38 A40 Queen's pawn Round 8 (1997.06.20) Short, Nigel D - Kramnik, Vladimir 1-0 30 B32 Sicilian Bareev, Evgeny - Kasparov, Gary 1/2 42 D27 QGA; Topalov, Veselin - Gelfand, Boris 0-1 29 A29 English; 1.c4 e5 Round 9 (1997.06.22) Kasparov, Gary - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 41 B66 Sicilian Topalov, Veselin - Short, Nigel D 0-1 60 B40 Sicilian Gelfand, Boris - Bareev, Evgeny 1/2 100 D48 Meran Variation Round 10 (1997.06.23) Kramnik, Vladimir - Gelfand, Boris 1/2 76 D15 Slav defence Short, Nigel D - Kasparov, Gary 1/2 25 B87 Sicilian Bareev, Evgeny - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 17 E97 Kings indian; Main line Novgorod RUS (RUS), VI 1997 cat. XIX (2719) ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Kasparov, Gary g RUS 2795 ** 0= 1= 1= == 11 6.5 2814 2 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2740 1= ** 10 == 1= == 6.0 2787 3 Short, Nigel D g ENG 2690 0= 01 ** 0= 01 11 5.0 2725 4 Bareev, Evgeny g RUS 2665 0= == 1= ** 0= == 4.5 2694 5 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2725 == 0= 10 1= ** 00 4.0 2646 6 Gelfand, Boris g BLR 2700 00 == 00 == 11 ** 4.0 2651 ------------------------------------------------------------ Alternate scoring system 3 points for a win 1 for a draw. Novgorod RUS (RUS), VI 1997 cat. XIX (2719) ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Kasparov, Gary g RUS 2795 ** 0= 1= 1= == 11 17 2814 2 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2740 1= ** 10 == 1= == 15 2787 3 Short, Nigel D g ENG 2690 0= 01 ** 0= 01 11 14 2725 4 Bareev, Evgeny g RUS 2665 0= == 1= ** 0= == 10 2694 5 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2725 == 0= 10 1= ** 00 10 2646 6 Gelfand, Boris g BLR 2700 00 == 00 == 11 ** 10 2651 ------------------------------------------------------------
The FIDE rating list is the most important list for professional players, especially top professional players. Organisers of all-play-all events want the strongest event they can in terms of category and frequently use the list to settle their lineups. The internet has allowed the list and many other pieces of information to be made available quickly (although the list of corrections such as that made to Michael Adams' January rating would be very helpful). The consequence of tardiness by organisers (5pm on May 31st was the deadline for submission of results to FIDE) or errors in calculations can be loss of income for the players concerned. For instance Alexei Shirov points out that at least two important events were missing from the rating list. The Ter Apel tournament (March 1997) where he expected to gain 11,5 rating points was missing. Turning a potential 2710 ELO to 2700. The organisers say they faxed the event to FIDE on May 30th. This is probably not going to have too crucial effect for Shirov as he might have only gained one place (or indeed no places at all). However probably a bigger loser is Alexander Khalifman who looked likely to gain about 10 points from Ter Apel and another 5 points from the St. Petersburg tournament in May which was also missing. The compilation of the rating list is a huge task these days (I printed the tournaments included in the list for a friend and it ran to 9 pages of double column small type) so mistakes and omissions are inevitable.
Full ratings details are available at (they appear to be using numbers for the FIDE www site.)
Gary Kasparov achieved a new record high by going to 2820 in this list. This reflects his superb results in Las Palmas and in Linares. Vladimir Kramnik leapfrogs Anand to take second in the rating list. Anand's rating did not change. Topalov gained 20 points to catch up with Karpov who slipped 15 points. Ivanchuk's drop reflects the disaster he had at Linares. Gata Kamsky has gone to medical school and the question is will he play again? Alexander Beliavsky makes a shock return to the top 10 by gaining 45 points which he worked very hard playing 72 games. Alexei Shirov gains 10 to enter the top 10 again and Boris Gelfand loses 5 points but retains his position.
A number of British chess journalists were speculating that both Sadler and Adams would be above 2700. They both have overtaken Nigel Short the former number one who lost 30 points but are quite short of the 2700 mark. Judit Polgar and Kiril Georgiev both have gained 25 points and Aleksej Aleksandrov has 45 points. Peter Svidler is making steady progress up the rating list and Joel Lautier gained a huge 30 rating points most of which will have come at Ubeda. Young players Peter Leko and Vadim Zvjaginsev gained points to be 2635.
Below are the top 100 in rating order. I have put the January 1997 figures in as well to show the gains and losses for the players.
JAN97 JULY97 1 Kasparov, Gary g RUS 2795 2820 21 13.04.63 2 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2740 2770 34 25.06.75 3 Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2765 2765 30 11.12.69 4 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2725 2745 39 15.03.75 5 Karpov, Anatoly g RUS 2760 2745 19 23.05.51 6 Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2740 2725 21 18.03.69 7 Kamsky, Gata g USA 2720 2720 0 02.06.74 8 Beliavsky, Alexander G g SLO 2665 2710 72 17.12.53 9 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2690 2700 50 04.07.72 10 Gelfand, Boris g BLR 2700 2695 35 24.06.68 11 Adams, Michael g ENG 2660 2680 59 17.11.71 12 Salov, Valery g RUS 2665 2680 31 26.05.64 13 Georgiev, Kiril g BUL 2645 2670 35 28.11.65 14 Polgar, Judit (GM) g HUN 2645 2670 29 23.07.76 15 Bareev, Evgeny g RUS 2665 2670 25 21.11.66 16 Sadler, Matthew g ENG 2645 2665 11 15.05.74 17 Akopian, Vladimir g ARM 2655 2660 60 07.12.71 18 Aleksandrov, Aleksej g BLR 2615 2660 57 11.05.73 19 Short, Nigel D g ENG 2690 2660 50 01.06.65 20 Svidler, Peter g RUS 2640 2660 44 17.06.76 21 Lautier, Joel g FRA 2630 2660 28 12.04.73 22 Van Wely, Loek g NED 2645 2655 59 07.10.72 23 Khalifman, Alexander g RUS 2650 2655 46 18.01.66 24 Yermolinsky, Alex g USA 2630 2650 62 11.04.58 25 Rublevsky, Sergei g RUS 2645 2650 16 15.10.74 26 Krasenkow, Michal g POL 2615 2645 56 14.11.63 27 Rozentalis, Eduardas g LTU 2650 2645 47 27.05.63 28 Oll, Lembit g EST 2625 2645 41 23.04.66 29 Azmaiparashvili, Zurab g GEO 2650 2645 26 16.03.60 30 Chernin, Alexander g HUN 2635 2640 53 06.03.60 31 Jussupow, Artur g GER 2665 2640 42 13.02.60 32 Vaganian, Rafael A g ARM 2585 2640 38 15.10.51 33 Andersson, Ulf g SWE 2655 2640 19 27.06.51 34 Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2650 2640 17 30.01.69 35 Sokolov, Ivan g BIH 2615 2635 55 13.06.68 36 Leko, Peter g HUN 2600 2635 44 08.09.79 37 Zvjaginsev, Vadim g RUS 2610 2635 33 18.08.76 38 Milov, Vadim g SUI 2610 2635 25 01.08.72 39 Piket, Jeroen g NED 2640 2630 41 27.01.69 40 Speelman, Jonathan S g ENG 2610 2630 34 02.10.56 41 Nikolic, Predrag g BIH 2655 2630 33 11.09.60 42 Seirawan, Yasser g USA 2630 2630 0 24.03.60 43 Onischuk, Alexander g UKR 2580 2625 51 03.09.75 44 Giorgadze, Giorgi g GEO 2595 2625 50 10.10.64 45 Timman, Jan H g NED 2630 2625 49 14.12.51 46 Granda Zuniga, Julio E g PER 2620 2625 26 25.02.67 47 Gurevich, Mikhail g BEL 2585 2620 23 22.02.59 48 Nunn, John D.M g ENG 2605 2620 16 25.04.55 49 Malaniuk, Vladimir P g UKR 2610 2615 62 21.07.57 50 Almasi, Zoltan g HUN 2595 2615 60 29.08.76 51 Dvoirys, Semen I g RUS 2590 2615 38 02.11.58 52 Alterman, Boris g ISR 2595 2615 35 04.05.70 53 Tkachiev, Vladislav g KAZ 2630 2615 28 . . 54 Korchnoi, Viktor g SUI 2635 2610 73 23.03.31 55 Yakovich, Yuri g RUS 2575 2610 55 30.11.62 56 Ehlvest, Jaan g EST 2635 2610 53 14.10.62 57 Yudasin, Leonid g ISR 2600 2610 26 08.08.59 58 Huzman, Alexander g ISR 2585 2610 19 10.04.62 59 Portisch, Lajos g HUN 2630 2610 12 04.04.37 60 Adianto, Utut g INA 2615 2610 9 16.03.65 61 Kozul, Zdenko g CRO 2590 2605 87 21.05.66 62 Nijboer, Friso g NED 2555 2605 49 26.05.65 63 Hjartarson, Johann g ISL 2585 2605 44 08.02.63 64 Hracek, Zbynek g CZE 2630 2605 33 09.09.70 65 Lalic, Bogdan g CRO 2585 2600 69 08.03.64 66 Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter g ROM 2545 2600 69 01.08.76 67 Fedorov, Alexei g BLR 2580 2600 63 27.09.72 68 Smirin, Ilia g ISR 2575 2600 44 21.01.68 69 Morovic Fernandez, Ivan g CHI 2580 2600 39 24.03.63 70 Kaidanov, Grigory S g USA 2590 2600 38 11.10.59 71 Hansen, Curt g DEN 2605 2600 27 18.09.64 72 Dorfman, Josif D g FRA 2585 2600 25 01.05.53 73 Komarov, Dimitri g UKR 2615 2600 24 01.12.68 74 Spasov, Vasil g BUL 2585 2600 18 17.02.71 75 Miles, Anthony J g ENG 2550 2595 95 23.04.55 76 Dautov, Rustem g GER 2590 2595 45 28.11.65 77 Wahls, Matthias g GER 2605 2595 35 25.01.68 78 Goldin, Alexander g RUS 2590 2595 19 27.02.65 79 Vyzmanavin, Alexey g RUS 2585 2595 9 01.01.60 80 Atalik, Suat g TUR 2555 2590 88 10.10.64 81 Hodgson, Julian M g ENG 2560 2590 56 25.07.63 82 Sutovskij, Emil g ISR 2560 2590 54 19.09.77 83 Eingorn, Vereslav S g UKR 2595 2590 46 23.11.56 84 Pinter, Jozsef g HUN 2575 2590 45 09.11.53 85 Lutz, Christopher g GER 2555 2590 42 24.02.71 86 Novikov, Igor A g UKR 2580 2590 40 23.05.62 87 Kengis, Edvins g LAT 2585 2590 29 12.04.59 88 Sakaev, Konstantin g RUS 2580 2590 26 13.04.74 89 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2595 2590 25 18.07.77 90 Tiviakov, Sergei g RUS 2600 2590 22 14.02.73 91 Milos, Gilberto g BRA 2605 2590 19 30.10.63 92 Ibragimov, Ildar g RUS 2555 2585 74 16.08.67 93 Bologan, Viktor g MDA 2575 2585 52 14.12.71 94 Ftacnik, Lubomir g SVK 2595 2585 52 30.10.57 95 Kotronias, Vasilios g GRE 2590 2585 47 25.08.64 96 Shabalov, Alexander g USA 2555 2585 47 12.09.67 97 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel g ESP 2635 2585 43 03.12.65 98 Nenashev, Alexander g UZB 2585 2585 43 25.08.62 99 Sokolov, Andrei g RUS 2580 2585 32 20.03.63 100 Sturua, Zurab g GEO 2560 2585 27 08.06.59 101 Lputian, Smbat G g ARM 2615 2585 17 14.02.58 102 Hellers, Ferdinand g SWE 2585 2585 9 28.01.69 103 Vladimirov, Evgeny g KAZ 2585 2585 0 20.01.57
The Skolernes Skakklub is celebrating its 25th anniversary. The are holding a festival between June 20th to June 29th which includes a closed cat. 14 round robin-tournament, an international open featuring strong title holders. Guaranteed 1st prize DKK 6,000 (approximately US$1000), tournaments for the average player, chess ball - combined chess and soccer event, simultaneous exhibitions, blitz tournaments as well as live coverage on the internet
The play has been generally cautious in the early rounds a couple of games caught my eye. Adams lost in the first round to Khalifman he also drew a very strange game against Bent Larsen in the 3rd round. Also I hope that Larsen's short draw in the fourth round doesn't indicate that he is poorly as he usually plays combatively.
Round 1 (1997.06.20) Nielsen, Peter Heine - Schandorff, Lars 1/2 26 D46 Semi-Slav Stefansson, Hannes - Kengis, Edvins 0-1 31 B42 Sicilian Hellers, Ferdinand - Hansen, Curt 1/2 35 B46 Sicilian Rozentalis, Eduardas - Larsen, Bent 1-0 23 B30 Sicilian Adams, Michael - Khalifman, Alexander 0-1 36 B50 Sicilian Round 2 (1997.06.21) Khalifman, Alexander - Nielsen, Peter Heine 1/2 27 E11 Bogo indian Kengis, Edvins - Schandorff, Lars 1/2 27 B33 Sicilian; Sveshnikov Stefansson, Hannes - Rozentalis, Eduardas 1-0 37 C06 French; Tarrasch Larsen, Bent - Hellers, Ferdinand 1/2 34 B20 Sicilian Hansen, Curt - Adams, Michael 1/2 31 A17 English; 1.c4 Round 3 (1997.06.22) Nielsen, Peter Heine - Hansen, Curt 1-0 44 A35 English; 1.c4 c5 Schandorff, Lars - Khalifman, Alexander 1/2 22 A59 Benko gambit Hellers, Ferdinand - Stefansson, Hannes 1/2 23 B66 Sicilian Rozentalis, Eduardas - Kengis, Edvins 1/2 17 A46 Queen's pawn Adams, Michael - Larsen, Bent 1/2 42 C08 French; Tarrasch Round 4 (1997.06.23) Kengis, Edvins - Khalifman, Alexander 0-1 35 A04 Reti (1.Nf3) Stefansson, Hannes - Adams, Michael 1/2 27 C88 Ruy Lopez Rozentalis, Eduardas - Hellers, Ferdinand 1/2 53 B22 Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3) Larsen, Bent - Nielsen, Peter Heine 1/2 6 D00 Queen's pawn Hansen, Curt - Schandorff, Lars 1/2 28 B33 Sicilian; Sveshnikov Aarhus DEN (DEN), VI 1997 cat. XIV (2585) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Khalifman, Alexander g RUS 2650 * = = 1 . . . . . 1 3.0 2764 2 Nielsen, Peter Heine g DEN 2525 = * = . . . . = 1 . 2.5 2666 3 Schandorff, Lars g DEN 2510 = = * = . . . . = . 2.0 2591 4 Kengis, Edvins g LAT 2585 0 . = * 1 . = . . . 2.0 2591 5 Stefansson, Hannes g ISL 2555 . . . 0 * = 1 . . = 2.0 2621 6 Hellers, Ferdinand g SWE 2585 . . . . = * = = = . 2.0 2582 7 Rozentalis, Eduardas g LTU 2650 . . . = 0 = * 1 . . 2.0 2561 8 Larsen, Bent g DEN 2520 . = . . . = 0 * . = 1.5 2519 9 Hansen, Curt g DEN 2605 . 0 = . . = . . * = 1.5 2484 10 Adams, Michael g ENG 2665 0 . . . = . . = = * 1.5 2495 -------------------------------------------------------------------
A category 12 National Championships with their top rated player missing is a great achievement for the Dutch. They have Predrag Nikolic playing as I believe a guest (he is resident in the Netherlands but still I believe Bosnian) the event should be very interesting. Early leader is defending Champion Jan Timman who won a playoff match against Ivan Sokolov last year. The 11 round event still has a long way to run and the leaders are going to have to be ruthless with the players in the bottom half of the table. This is a classic mixed (strength) event which used to be the norm but which are rarely held these days.
There is www coverage from Lost Boys at http://www.lostcity.nl/chess/nk97/
Round 1 (1997.06.21) Piket, Jeroen - Nijboer, Friso 1/2 22 E71 Kings indian Van der Wiel, John T.H - Van der Sterren, Paul 1-0 36 C69 Ruy Lopez; Exchange Sosonko, Gennadi - Timman, Jan H 1/2 15 E00 Nimzo indian Sokolov, Ivan - Cifuentes Parada, Roberto 1/2 42 D28 QGA; Riemersma, Liafbern - Van der Weide, Karel 1-0 38 E94 Kings indian Van den Doel, Erik - Nikolic, Predrag 0-1 85 C92 Ruy Lopez Round 2 (1997.06.22) Timman, Jan H - Riemersma, Liafbern 1-0 22 D86 Gruenfeld indian Nikolic, Predrag - Van der Wiel, John T.H 1/2 37 A21 English; 1.c4 e5 Piket, Jeroen - Sokolov, Ivan 1-0 40 D91 Gruenfeld indian Cifuentes Parada, Roberto - Sosonko, Gennadi 1/2 20 D32 Queen's gambit Nijboer, Friso - Van der Sterren, Paul 1/2 56 C00 French Van der Weide, Karel - Van den Doel, Erik 0-1 32 B06 Modern defence Round 3 (1997.06.23) Van der Wiel, John T.H - Van der Weide, Karel 1/2 23 B34 Sicilian Sosonko, Gennadi - Piket, Jeroen 1/2 17 E04 Nimzo indian Sokolov, Ivan - Nijboer, Friso 1/2 58 A48 Queen's pawn Van der Sterren, Paul - Nikolic, Predrag 1/2 30 A13 English; 1.c4 Riemersma, Liafbern - Cifuentes Parada, Roberto 0-1 35 B50 Sicilian Van den Doel, Erik - Timman, Jan H 0-1 42 C82 Ruy Lopez Rotterdam NED (NED), VI-VII 1997 cat. XII (2535) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Timman, Jan H g NED 2630 * . . . . = . . . 1 1 . 2.5 2733 2 Nikolic, Predrag g BIH 2655 . * . . = . . . = . 1 . 2.0 2625 3 Piket, Jeroen g NED 2640 . . * . . = = 1 . . . . 2.0 2686 4 Cifuentes Parada, Roberto g NED 2515 . . . * . = . = . 1 . . 2.0 2646 5 Van der Wiel, John T.H g NED 2555 . = . . * . . . 1 . . = 2.0 2633 6 Sosonko, Gennadi g NED 2515 = . = = . * . . . . . . 1.5 2595 7 Nijboer, Friso g NED 2555 . . = . . . * = = . . . 1.5 2590 8 Sokolov, Ivan g BIH 2615 . . 0 = . . = * . . . . 1.0 2445 9 Van der Sterren, Paul g NED 2515 . = . . 0 . = . * . . . 1.0 2463 10 Riemersma, Liafbern m NED 2435 0 . . 0 . . . . . * . 1 1.0 2375 11 Van den Doel, Erik m NED 2430 0 0 . . . . . . . . * 1 1.0 2421 12 Van der Weide, Karel f NED 2355 . . . . = . . . . 0 0 * 0.5 2200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Sigeman & Co chess tournament in Malmoe Sweden was won in impressive style by Ferdinand Hellers. Ironically he beat the top four rated players in the event and drew with everyone else. There was a four way tie for second place. Top international women's player Pia Cramling, veteran ex-World Champion Vassily Smyslov (undefeated he won one messy game against Jonny Hector and drew the rest some very briefly) Curt Hansen and Ivan Sokolov.
The event has been Sweden's regular top all play all event for the last few years and this year it is a Category 13 event. A couple of corrections from last week. Hellers beat Hansen in round three something which I corrected in one file but unfortunately it made its was to the games and tables section (the game itself ended with mate yet was shown as a draw!) Also Smyslov's last move in round 1 has been corrected.
Online results and games available were available online at: http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-18393/limhamn
Round 1 (1997.06.10) Round 3 (1997.06.12) Hellers, Ferdinand - Hansen, Curt 1-0 25 C19 French; Winawer Round 8 (1997.06.17) Hellers, Ferdinand - Rozentalis, Eduardas 1-0 79 C43 Petroff defence Smyslov, Vassily - Timman, Jan H 1/2 14 A48 Queen's pawn Hansen, Curt - Hector, Jonny 1-0 41 C89 Ruy Lopez Sokolov, Ivan - Akesson, Ralf 1/2 54 E12 Nimzo indian Hellsten, Johan - Cramling, Pia 1/2 20 B40 Sicilian Round 9 (1997.06.18) Cramling, Pia - Hansen, Curt 1/2 14 D41 QGD; Tarrasch Defence Timman, Jan H - Hellsten, Johan 1-0 39 E11 Bogo indian Rozentalis, Eduardas - Smyslov, Vassily 1/2 10 D02 Queen's pawn Akesson, Ralf - Hellers, Ferdinand 1/2 15 D85 Gruenfeld indian Hector, Jonny - Sokolov, Ivan 0-1 34 C47 Four knights Malmoe SWE (SWE), VI 1997 cat. XIII (2563) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hellers, Ferdinand g SWE 2585 * = = 1 1 1 1 = = = 6.5 2726 2 Cramling, Pia g SWE 2545 = * = = 1 = 0 = = 1 5.0 2608 3 Smyslov, Vassily g RUS 2500 = = * = = = = = = 1 5.0 2613 4 Hansen, Curt g DEN 2605 0 = = * = = 1 = = 1 5.0 2601 5 Sokolov, Ivan g BIH 2615 0 0 = = * 1 1 = = 1 5.0 2600 6 Timman, Jan H g NED 2630 0 = = = 0 * = 1 1 1 5.0 2598 7 Rozentalis, Eduardas g LTU 2650 0 1 = 0 0 = * 1 = 1 4.5 2553 8 Akesson, Ralf g SWE 2515 = = = = = 0 0 * = 1 4.0 2525 9 Hellsten, Johan m SWE 2485 = = = = = 0 = = * 0 3.5 2491 10 Hector, Jonny g SWE 2500 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 * 1.5 2297 --------------------------------------------------------------------
Laszlo Nagy reports on the First Saturday Tournament in June. The GM event was won by Tal Shaked who was half a point shy of the GM norm of 10 points. In the July 1997 rating list he is rated 2500 so it seems to be only a matter of time before he becomes America's newest Grandmaster. Shaked had to play a number of games early in order to return to the US to participate in the US Under 20 Championships in Bloomington, Illinois). Peter Acs I believe has all the IM norms he needs so there were no norms in this event.
Ludger Keitlinghaus withdrew from the event after playing his round 8 game.
Attila Czebe and Balazs Szuk won the IM event the latter scoring an IM norm. Janos Strausz withdrew from the event with three round to go.
First Saturday Web Page Organiser Laszlo Nagy has started a news page for Hungarian Chess. It will be updated at least once a week on a Saturday and possibly more frequently. The news will be available at his web site: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/chess_first_saturday_hu/ You can contact Laszlo Nagy in the following ways: Postal address: H-1101 Budapest, Hungaria krt. 5.-7. XI.ep.I.em.7. Tel-fax: int-(361)-263-28-59 E-mail address: chess_first_saturday_hu@compuserve.com or 100263.1700@compuserve.com
First Saturday GM Event.
Budapest HUN (HUN), VII 1997 cat. VII (2416) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Shaked, Tal m USA 2445 * = 1 = = 1 = 1 1 1 = = = 1 9.5 2589 2 Dao Thien Hai g VIE 2555 = * 1 = = 1 0 1 1 = 1 = = 1 9.0 2546 3 Acs, Peter f HUN 2420 0 0 * 0 = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 + 8.5 2526 4 Waitzkin, Joshua m USA 2440 = = 1 * 1 = 0 = = = = = 1 1 8.0 2501 5 Csom, Istvan g HUN 2460 = = = 0 * = = = = = 1 1 1 = 7.5 2470 6 Bunzmann, Dimitrij GER 2385 0 0 = = = * 1 1 0 1 = = 1 0 6.5 2418 7 Vadasz, Laszlo g HUN 2365 = 1 0 1 = 0 * 0 = 0 1 1 = 0 6.0 2391 8 Krizsany, Laszlo m HUN 2435 0 0 = = = 0 1 * = = 1 = 0 + 6.0 2386 9 Videki, Sandor m HUN 2375 0 0 0 = = 1 = = * = = = = + 6.0 2390 10 Borocz, Istvan m HUN 2420 0 = 0 = = 0 1 = = * 0 = 1 = 5.5 2359 11 Lorscheid, Gerhard f GER 2330 = 0 0 = 0 = 0 0 = 1 * 1 = + 5.5 2366 12 Hoang Thang Trang m VIE 2355 = = 0 = 0 = 0 = = = 0 * = + 5.0 2334 13 Kolbus, Dietmar GER 2330 = = 0 0 0 0 = 1 = 0 = = * 0 4.0 2282 14 Keitlinghaus, Ludger m GER 2515 0 0 - 0 = 1 1 - - = - - 1 * 4.0 2267 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IM Event Budapest HUN (HUN), VII 1997 cat. I (2270) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Czebe, Attila m HUN 2325 * = 1 = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 = 8.5 2476 2 Szuk, Balazs f HUN 2340 = * 1 = 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.5 2474 3 Senff, Martin GER 2250 0 0 * 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 1 + 8.0 2446 4 Kahn, Evarth m HUN 2370 = = 0 * = = = 1 = = = = 5.5 2260 5 Aumann, Welf GER 2340 0 1 = = * 0 1 0 0 = 1 1 5.5 2263 6 Farago, Sandor m HUN 2250 = = 0 = 1 * = 1 = 0 0 = 5.0 2235 7 Peredy, Ferenc HUN 2200 = 0 = = 0 = * 1 = = 0 1 5.0 2240 8 Horvath, Gabor f HUN 2280 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 1 1 1 + 5.0 2233 9 Salinnikov, D.Y RUS 2260 0 0 0 = 1 = = 0 * 1 0 1 4.5 2205 10 Schlusnik, Nandor HUN 2225 0 0 0 = = 1 = 0 0 * 1 + 4.5 2209 11 Erdei, Andras HUN 2210 0 0 0 = 0 1 1 0 1 0 * = 4.0 2173 12 Strausz, Janos f FRA 2190 = 0 - = 0 = 0 - 0 - = * 2.0 2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------
In spite of having a healthy number of Grandmasters most of the British Chess players play abroad. We are likely to see a number of them play in the British Championships this year but a strong home tournament is still some way away. Adam Raoof has organised a number of event in Britain over the last couple of years and he is building his experience as an organiser. This Category 10 event is the strongest all-play-all in London since 1986 which probably says everything about the chess scene in England but perhaps it will be the start of better times.
The event is covered at the Barnet Chess Club page http://www.gtryfon.demon.co.uk/bcc/drury.htm
The event is being held at the Drury Lane Moat House Hotel between 16th-24th June. It is a category 10 all-play-all event (av. 2485) with a target of 6/9 for a GM norm. After seven rounds Jacob Aagaard has scored an IM norm and needs 2/2 for a GM norm. Dharshan Kumaran and Jonathan Parker need to score 1.5/2 to secure a GM norm.
The event has been supported by the BCF, The Friends of Chess, Mr David Sedgwick, Chess Events 96 who are producing the bulletin and Tournament Chess Supplies (01707 659 080) who are supplying the equipment.
London ENG (ENG), VI 1997 cat. X (2485) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Emms, John M g ENG 2535 * . = 0 . 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 2692 2 Lalic, Bogdan g CRO 2585 . * = = = = 1 . 1 1 5.0 2619 3 Kumaran, Dharshan m ENG 2500 = = * . 0 = 1 . 1 1 4.5 2589 4 Aagaard, Jacob DEN 2440 1 = . * 0 = 0 1 . 1 4.0 2548 5 Parker, Jonathan m ENG 2495 . = 1 1 * . 0 = = = 4.0 2532 6 Hoffmann, Michael m GER 2440 0 = = = . * . 1 = = 3.5 2489 7 McDonald, Neil R g ENG 2490 0 0 0 1 1 . * = = . 3.0 2446 8 Summerscale, Aaron m ENG 2500 0 . . 0 = 0 = * 1 1 3.0 2416 9 Pedersen, Steffen m DEN 2420 0 0 0 . = = = 0 * . 1.5 2276 10 Dunnington, Angus J m ENG 2445 0 0 0 0 = = . 0 . * 1.0 2190 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Richard Berube reports that in Montreal, June 5 to 15, 1997 took place the Quebec Invitational Championships. More detailed information at
A final round game was forfeited by Shleifer to Hebert.
Quebec Invitational (CAN), VI 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Lesiege, Alexandre m CAN 2500 * 1 1 = = = = 1 1 1 7.0 2436 2 Hebert, Jean m CAN 2465 0 * = 0 1 1 + 1 1 1 6.5 2385 3 Linskiy, Oleg M CAN 2200 0 = * 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 5.5 2423 4 Mikanovic, Goran YUG 2305 = 1 0 * 0 0 = 1 1 1 5.0 2256 5 Goldenberg, Danny CAN 2270 = 0 0 1 * = = = 1 1 5.0 2261 6 Moussa, Alaa-Eddine PLE 2235 = 0 0 1 = * = = = 1 4.5 2266 7 Schleifer, Michael CAN 2320 = - 0 = = = * = 1 = 4.0 2202 8 Filion, Charles CAN 2155 0 0 1 0 = = = * 0 1 3.5 2225 9 St Pierre,B ---- 0 0 1 0 0 = 0 1 * 1 3.5 2165 10 Cote,Jacques ---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 * 0.5 1862 ------------------------------------------------------------------
June 26th - 29th. 1997 sees this speed chess event. I will be there for the first three days. More information available in German at the www site:
Gary Bekker reports on two weekend tournaments in Australia. The Noosa Open held 14/15th June 1997 in Australia. Noosa is about 100 km north of Brisbane and the Gold Coast Open, held on the weekend 21/22nd June 1997. The Gold Coast (Surfers Paradise) is about 100km south of Brisbane.
The 1997 Noosa Open tournament attracted 82 players, including competitors from as far away as Victoria and Tasmania. Also competing, was FIDE Master Bob Smith all the way from New Zealand! The other top seeds were GM Ian Rogers, IM's Stephen Solomon and Alex Wohl, and FM Dinh Duc Trong. There was also a good number of junior and female players taking part.
The 1997 Noosa Open was the first event in Queensland to use DGT electronic clocks to introduce "Fischer" time finishes. After reaching the end of the first 60 minute time control, players received an additional 10 seconds per move to finish the game. Most players found the electronic clocks simple to use. Occasionally, however, players were not sure whether their opponent's time had run out. Others were caught out by the fact that after their initial 60 minutes on the clock ran out, they were required to complete the move they were considering within 10 seconds.
Competition throughout all levels of the tournament was intense. The struggle between players competing for the senior prize was particularly tough.
Going into the second day of play, four players - GM Rogers, IM Solomon, IM Wohl and FM Dinh - were still on a perfect score. In the next two rounds, Rogers drew with Dinh and then Solomon, while Solomon and Dinh both won against Wohl. Going into the final round, Dinh and Solomon were joint leaders, half a point ahead of Rogers, Smith and Casey. Solomon defeated Dinh to win the tournament outright, while Rogers could only draw against New Zealand's Bob Smith. Noosa club player Paul Summers defeated Andrew Allen to join Rogers, Dinh, and other last round winners Stephson and Pardoen, in a six-way tie for equal second.
Thanks must go to Gerry O'Connor and the organising committee for their work. I would also like to personally thank Paul Summers for the technical support he provided with the use of the Swiss pairings computer program, and Bill & Maxine Powell for their hospitality.
1997 SUNCOAST/NOOSA OPEN Final Standings Name rtng rd 1 rd 2 rd 3 rd 4 rd 5 rd 6 rd 7 TOT 1 SOLOMON, Stephen IM.2378 + 38 + 23 + 6 + 8 + 13 = 2 + 3 6.5 2 ROGERS, Ian GM......2682 + 37 + 22 + 16 + 5 = 3 = 1 = 4 5.5 3 DINH, Duc Trong FM..2244 + 48 + 7 + 10 + 18 = 2 + 13 - 1 5.5 4 SMITH, Robert FM....2200 + 49 + 41 = 11 = 9 + 28 + 15 = 2 5.5 5 STEPHSON, David.....2127 + 50 + 24 + 12 - 2 + 18 = 6 + 8 5.5 6 PARDOEN, Alain......1915 + 62 + 28 - 1 + 32 + 34 = 5 + 16 5.5 7 SUMMERS, Paul.......1644 + 78 - 3 = 44 + 62 + 42 + 37 + 14 5.5 8 CASEY, Kevin........2026 + 43 + 47 + 19 - 1 + 40 + 17 - 5 5.0 9 LOVEJOY, David......2000 + 44 = 26 + 35 = 4 - 12 + 28 + 22 5.0 10 SMERDON, David......1771 + 56 + 32 - 3 - 34 + 50 + 44 + 26 5.0 11 DIZDAREVIC, M.......1761 + 70 + 33 = 4 - 14 + 35 + 12 = 13 5.0 12 STAWSKI, Nik........1746 + 57 + 34 - 5 + 36 + 9 - 11 + 33 5.0 13 WOHL, Alex IM.......2305 + 42 + 20 + 17 + 15 - 1 - 3 = 11 4.5 14 ALLEN, Andrew.......2121 + 51 + 25 - 18 + 11 + 22 = 16 - 7 4.5 15 CABILIN, Jeff.......2000 + 52 + 27 + 31 - 13 + 23 - 4 = 18 4.5 16 MULJADI, Haris......1910 + 39 + 29 - 2 + 27 + 60 = 14 - 6 4.5 17 DUNCAN, Kevin.......1881 + 53 + 30 - 13 + 31 + 39 - 8 = 20 4.5 18 CLARKE, Richard.....1745 + 58 + 64 + 14 - 3 - 5 + 31 = 15 4.5 19 CHALUPA, Paul.......1736 + 63 + 60 - 8 = 42 - 37 + 36 + 39 4.5 20 CRAVEN, Mark........1657 + 71 - 13 + 43 - 39 + 38 + 60 = 17 4.5 21 MYERS, John.........1862 + 55 - 31 + 54 - 28 - 49 + 62 + 44 4.0 22 HARRIS, John........1705 + 59 - 2 + 38 + 33 - 14 + 45 - 9 4.0 23 MEHLTRETER, Otto....1661 + 65 - 1 + 49 + 53 - 15 = 34 = 37 4.0 24 JAKSIC, David.......1626 + 66 - 5 = 62 - 44 + 70 = 42 + 48 4.0 25 JEFFRIES, Derrick...1475 + 79 - 14 - 39 - 70 + 66 + 56 + 52 4.0 26 WARD, Warren........1460 + 61 = 9 = 36 - 60 + 53 + 49 - 10 4.0 27 HARPER, Lin.........1448 + 74 - 15 + 56 - 16 = 43 + 51 = 35 4.0 28 CRABBE, Peter.......1446 + 75 - 6 + 55 + 21 - 4 - 9 + 60 4.0 29 WILKES, Allan.......1420 + 76 - 16 - 60 H--- = 56 + 70 + 49 4.0 30 THORVALDSEN, Arne...1420 + 82 - 17 = 64 + 78 - 44 + 43 = 34 4.0 31 ROBERTS, Laurie.....1414 + 77 + 21 - 15 - 17 + 58 - 18 + 50 4.0 32 KNEGT, Koert........1409 + 80 - 10 + 72 - 6 - 45 + 58 + 53 4.0 33 JEMPSON, Ross.......1386 + 69 - 11 + 74 - 22 + 63 + 40 - 12 4.0 34 ROSENOW, Manfred....1384 + 45 - 12 + 69 + 10 - 6 = 23 = 30 4.0 35 DAVIDSON, Nathan....1366 H--- + 73 - 9 + 64 - 11 + 68 = 27 4.0 36 CROCKER, Michael....1343 H--- + 68 = 26 - 12 + 52 - 19 + 47 4.0 37 JONES, Evan.........1330 - 2 = 58 + 73 + 54 + 19 - 7 = 23 4.0 38 COOPER, Michael.....1316 - 1 + 63 - 22 + 66 - 20 + 73 + 46 4.0 39 SONTER, Matthew.....1224 - 16 + 77 + 25 + 20 - 17 + 41 - 19 4.0 40 EDWARDS, Jacob......1670 - 64 + 70 + 48 + 52 - 8 - 33 = 42 3.5 41 ROGERS, Cathy.......1627 + 72 - 4 - 52 + 55 + 48 - 39 = 45 3.5 42 STEWART, Craig......1315 - 13 + 59 + 46 = 19 - 7 = 24 = 40 3.5 43 VAN BEEK, Ralph.....1298 - 8 + 67 - 20 + 72 = 27 - 30 + 62 3.5 44 NORRIS, Shiloh......1289 - 9 + 79 = 7 + 24 + 30 - 10 - 21 3.5 45 PRAZERES, Gonzo.....1268 - 34 - 74 + 67 + 69 + 32 - 22 = 41 3.5 82 players
The 1997 Gold Coast Open got off to a smooth start, with a field of 109 players participating, including Grand Master Ian Rogers and Norwegian Grand Master Simen Agdestein. The nine top seeds were rated over 2000 and a very large contingent of promising juniors also took part.
Digital Game Timers were used at this event, with a 10 second per move "Fischer" time finish. Unlike at the Noosa Open, which was held the weekend before using the same time control, most players were familiar with the use of the digital clocks at the Gold Coast Open. This was largely because electronic clocks have been in use at the Gold Coast chess clubs since the start of this year.
At the end of the first day's play, only three players - GM Ian Rogers, GM Simen Agdestein and Brisbane's Nik Stawski - were on a perfect score. Nik had been lucky to be a joint leader, after he won his round four game, against Andrew Meldrum, on time while he was the exchange down. In round five, the two top seeds GM's Rogers and Agdestein fought out a long, tough game which resulted in a draw when Agdestein, with the advantage, repeated the position three times while under time pressure. This allowed a number of players to join Rogers and Agdestein as joint leaders going into round six.
In round six, Agdestein beat Wohl and Solomon beat Lee Jones, while Rogers could only draw against Max Leskiewicz. This meant that Agdestein and Solomon, with 5.5 points, were joint leaders going into the final round, with a large number of players right behind them on 5 points. During the final round encounter between them, Simen Agdestein had the advantage for nearly all of the game but eventually lost on time to Stephen Solomon.
As in the Noosa Open, Stephen Solomon won the tournament outright, and now leads the Australian Chess Grand Prix by a wide margin. Equal second were GM Ian Rogers, FM Dinh Duc Trong and Brian Jones.
Congratulations to Graeme Gardiner, the tournament organiser, for attracting such a large number of players and thanks for his work to ensure the tournament ran smoothly and professionally.
1997 GOLDCOAST OPEN Final Standings Name rtng rd 1 rd 2 rd 3 rd 4 rd 5 rd 6 rd 7 TOT 1 Solomon Stephen....2376 + 65 + 37 + 8 = 9 + 12 + 18 + 5 6.5 2 Rogers Ian.........2682 + 54 + 16 + 10 + 3 = 5 = 9 + 11 6.0 3 Dinh Duc Trong.....2244 + 56 + 25 + 21 - 2 + 15 + 13 + 9 6.0 4 Jones Brian........2063 + 66 + 40 + 61 - 5 + 35 + 20 + 10 6.0 5 Agdestein Simen....unr. + 64 + 51 + 11 + 4 = 2 + 6 - 1 5.5 6 Wohl Aleksander....2305 + 55 + 24 + 20 = 18 + 7 - 5 + 19 5.5 7 Lovejoy David......unr. + 68 + 42 + 28 H--- - 6 + 23 + 18 5.5 8 Dizdarevic M.......1762 + 91 + 44 - 1 + 89 = 45 + 57 + 31 5.5 9 Leskiewicz Max.....2049 + 82 + 39 + 15 = 1 + 14 = 2 - 3 5.0 10 Myers John.........1862 + 57 + 89 - 2 + 44 + 39 + 12 - 4 5.0 11 Smerdon David......1771 + 84 + 43 - 5 + 41 + 16 + 34 - 2 5.0 12 Stawski Nik........1746 + 93 + 45 + 31 + 19 - 1 - 10 + 36 5.0 13 Byrom Patrick......1727 - 30 + 96 + 82 + 49 + 48 - 3 + 45 5.0 14 Edwards Jacob......1670 + 85 = 17 + 47 + 58 - 9 = 31 + 50 5.0 15 Selnes Hamish......1569 + 94 + 63 - 9 + 28 - 3 + 43 + 42 5.0 16 Roberts Laurie.....1415 + 96 - 2 + 30 + 73 - 11 + 49 + 34 5.0 17 Fauzi Prastudy.....1218 + 98 = 14 + 23 = 34 + 21 - 19 + 33 5.0 18 Jones Lee R........2001 +102 + 41 + 35 = 6 + 36 - 1 - 7 4.5 19 Meldrum Andrew.....1980 + 83 + 62 = 36 - 12 + 47 + 17 - 6 4.5 20 Switzer Timothy....1756 + 92 + 90 - 6 + 42 + 37 - 4 = 27 4.5 21 Manongas Jesse.....1667 + 69 + 53 - 3 + 43 - 17 = 44 + 52 4.5 22 Rogers Cathy.......1627 + 70 - 28 = 57 = 59 + 56 + 48 = 26 4.5 23 Lip Michael........1612 + 71 = 47 - 17 + 65 + 58 - 7 + 53 4.5 24 Cohn Alexander.....1390 + 74 - 6 = 65 - 47 + 55 + 54 + 58 4.5 25 Szabo Michael......1372 + 88 - 3 + 72 + 29 - 34 = 30 + 57 4.5 26 Davidson Nathan....1366 H--- - 46 + 55 + 67 = 59 + 69 = 22 4.5 27 Hamilton Don.......1314 H--- +103 - 58 = 95 + 66 + 74 = 20 4.5 28 Kospartov Nick.....1193 +104 + 22 - 7 - 15 + 94 = 35 + 51 4.5 29 Valladolid Dom.....unr. +101 - 36 + 81 - 25 + 78 + 39 = 32 4.5 30 Caballes Jose......unr. + 13 - 34 - 16 + 98 + 40 = 25 + 61 4.5 109 players
In a match styled as "the battle of the sexes Argentinian Claudia Amura took on 1996 Mexican Champion José González between 10th - 16th of June in a six game match. Online results. at
FM Guil Russek reports that Claudia Amura is South America's strongest woman player and José González has returned to Mexico after a year in Hungary and Spain.
As reported last week José González won the match after 5 of the 6 games. The final game was drawn.
My thanks to Manuel Lopez Michelone and Guil Russek.
6) Amura, Claudia N - Gonzalez Garcia, Jose 1/2 34 D00 Queen's pawn Mexico City MEX (MEX), VI 1997 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Gonzalez Garcia, Jose m MEX 2475 1 = 1 = = = 4.0 2485 Amura, Claudia N wm ARG 2360 0 = 0 = = = 2.0 2350 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Hans Groffen reports that the Hogeschool Zeeland Chess Tournament in Vlissingen (The Netherlands) will take place from July 5 - July 11. It is an open tournament, 7 rounds Swiss, FIDE-rated. 100-120 particpants are expected.
At this moment already 9 GM's have confirmed their participation: Loek van Wely, Mikhail Gurevich, John van der Wiel, Igor Glek, Xie Jun, Daryl Johansen, Alexander Finkel, Igors Rausis and Mikhail Ivanov.
For more information see their homepage:
The 26th-27th July 1997 sees the PT Group International Open.
Location: Pavilhão da Académica da Amadora - Av Dr José Pontes - Reboleira (near Estrela da Amadora Stadium and Pool).
The Tournament will be an Active (15-minute) Chess Tournament with 15 rounds.
Details at:
Nigel Davies reports that he is seeking players for the 4th Owens Corning International, a ten player category VII GM tournament in Wrexham, North Wales, October 14-22 1997. Prizes are £1,000, £700, £400, £100 with a £100 best game prize to be judged by Raymond Keene of the Times. The playing conditions and hospitality have been much praised by previous years competitors.
Non-Grandmasters should be rated at least 2250 (more likely in the 2300-2450 range) and have to pay their own accommodation charges (£160) plus a £100 entry fee. Grandmasters will receive accommodation plus a fee according to rating and status.
Interested parties should contact me on wrexham.chess@dial.pipex.com or at the following address:
International tournament (attn Nigel Davies), Lydstep Cottage, The Green, Gresford, Clwyd, LL12 8RG Wales (U.K.)
Ivan Morovic has confirmed his playing in Colombia. The tournament, a round-robin, will be played 20-30 June in Casanare, Yopal, 250 miles from Bogota. The confirmed list of players is:
Ivan Morovic g 2580 (CHI) Peter Leko g 2600 (HUN) Anthony Miles g 2550 (ENG) Stuart Conquest g 2540 (ENG) Gilberto Milos g 2605(BRA) Walter Arencibia g 2560 (CUB) Amador Rodriguez g 2555 (CUB) Alonso Zapata g 2515 (COL) Gildardo Garcia g 2485 (COL) Nelson Gamboa 2415 (COL)
Ratings are from January 1997 list, making it a cat. XII tournament (2541).
The sponsor is The British Petroleum Company and there is a total prize fund of $25,000 (dollars), $5,000 for the winner.
Harry Cattoir reports that this annual tournament attracts between 300 - 500 players and has a very good prize money. During the tournament the streets in the City of Gent are a big festival with folk, rock, blues, theatre, art, etc... Many players are attracted by this combination of chess and fun. (therefore there are no games in the morning)
The 20th OPEN INTERNATIONAL CHESS TOURNAMENT GENT (BELGIUM will be held from 19/07 till 23/07/1997.
REGISTRATIONS: Dirk Schutyser Vrijheidslaan 6 B9000 GENT BELGIUM
E-mail: Dirk.Gregoir@ping.be
Special section in the games section Email: avvmartini@mailbox.icom.it WWW : http://www.icom.it./user/scac