THE WEEK IN CHESS 136 - 16th June 1997 by Mark Crowther

Tel or fax      01274 882143 [Bradford England]
Produced for Thoth Communications Corporation part 
of Grandmaster Technologies Incorporated.

1) Introduction
2) Novgorod Tournament has exciting start
3) Leon Tournament and Anand match
4) New FIDE rating list
5) Sigeman & Co Chess Tournament 1997
6) Villa Martelli Masters by Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk
7) First Saturday June
8) José González vs Claudia Amura match
9) International Open 92nd anniversary of Club Atletico Boca Juniors"
10) Morovic to play in Colombia II by Pablo Rodriguez
11) Upcoming Events
12) Theoretical Corner by Marco R. Martini (ITA)

Games Section

It Novgorod RUS 1997            15
Match Leon ESP 1997              4
It Leon ESP 1997                25
Sigeman and Co Malmoe SWE 1997  34
It Villa Martelli ARG 1997      17
FSGM June Budapest HUN 1997     28
Match Mexico City MEX 1997       5
Clarin GP 1997                 128

1) Introduction

My thanks to Novgorod University, Net64/El Pais, Johan Sigeman, Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk, IM Alejandro Hoffman, Alexei Shirov, Laszlo Nagy, Manuel Lopez Michelone, Guil Russek, Roberto Alvarez, Pablo Rodriguez, Marco R. Martini and all those who helped with this issue.

The Novgorod Tournament now a fixture on the International tournament scene has assembled a Category 19 field which is producing some fascinating chess. As the first appearance of Gary Kasparov since his disastrous match against IBM's computer in New York it was of course of interest. Kasparov started well playing along with Vladimir Kramnik the most convincing chess. Kramnik's victory over Kasparov opened the event up a little and the second half promises to be a treat.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Novgorod Tournament has exciting start

Vladimir Kramnik leads at the half way stage

The Novogorod Tournament in Russia has reached its half way stage with Vladimir Kramnik leading by half a point from Gary Kasparov. These two have played the most impressive chess so far and I expect that the winner will come from one of these two. In the fifth round Kramnik who had white won against Kasparov in quite drastic style. He found a combination which exploited Kasparov's weak kings position an introduced his final inactive piece into the game it brought about Kasparov's almost instant resignation. For the tournament itself it is a good result it may mean that Kasparov will need to win against Kramnik in the final game of the event where he has white.

The event is testing a 3 point for a win 1 point for a draw. This is an alternate system which they are using. I'm unclear how it will be used in the distribution of prizes. The normal system of scoring will be used as the official result of the tournament. At the moment in one way it has made little difference as the ranking of the players remains unaltered. It is unclear whether the rather bloodthirsty play is down to this or the natural aggression of the players.

The event started with three wins for white. Kramnik's win over Topalov initially caught my eye as the game of the round. 29. …Bg7 is a suggestion of a clubmate which might be an improvement over the game. Kasparov's win against Gelfand initially looked less impressive because of Gelfand's rather desperate 22. …Rc3 however on looking at the game again it was a fine performance by Kasparov which left Gelfand in an absolutely desperate position by this stage. Round 2 was a poorer round with Short the only winner. Round 3 was another 100% result for white. Gelfand's very fine positional play being crowned by a vicious attack with reduced attacking forces. Kasparov against Bareev was a fascinating struggle in all phases. Bareev appeared busted but continued to find resources. The ending of two rooks vs rook and knight was probably drawn but at the end of such a long game it is no surprise he blundered then. Short should probably have drawn against Kramnik even when he was hit by a tactic winning the exchange, the pressure of maintaining his position eventually proved too much and Kramnik made a decisive reorganisation of pieces. Topalov recovered from a poor start with wins against Bareev and Short in rounds 4 and 5 and perhaps will do better in the second half of the event. Gelfand has performed to around his grade in the first half of the event his two losses with rather odd exchange sacrifices in the first two rounds were with black, meaning he will have white for the second half. Bareev is the lowest rated and a dangerous player. He has performed to his rating and may do better in the second half. Short has shown a mixture of bad openings and bad form so far. For some time it has been obvious that some hard work on his opening repertoire has been necessary, especially if he wishes to compete at this level.

There is a live web site.

Round 1 (1997.06.11)

Kramnik, Vladimir  -  Topalov, Veselin   1-0   41  E94  Kings indian; Classical
Kasparov, Gary     -  Gelfand, Boris     1-0   37  E15  Nimzo indian
Bareev, Evgeny     -  Short, Nigel D     1-0   39  D10  Slav defence

Round 2 (1997.06.12)

Topalov, Veselin   -  Kasparov, Gary     1/2   29  B97  Sicilian; Najdorf
Bareev, Evgeny     -  Kramnik, Vladimir  1/2   23  E32  Nimzo indian
Short, Nigel D     -  Gelfand, Boris     1-0   39  B91  Sicilian; Najdorf

Round 3 (1997.06.13)

Kramnik, Vladimir  -  Short, Nigel D     1-0   58  D02  Queen's pawn
Kasparov, Gary     -  Bareev, Evgeny     1-0   73  C11  French; Classical
Gelfand, Boris     -  Topalov, Veselin   1-0   42  E12  Nimzo indian

Round 4 (1997.06.15)

Kasparov, Gary     -  Short, Nigel D     1-0   31  C18  French; Winawer
Topalov, Veselin   -  Bareev, Evgeny     1-0   37  C02  French; Advance
Gelfand, Boris     -  Kramnik, Vladimir  1/2   17  D37  Queen's gambit

Round 5 (1997.06.16)

Kramnik, Vladimir  -  Kasparov, Gary     1-0   32  E97  Kings indian; Main line
Bareev, Evgeny     -  Gelfand, Boris     1/2   30  E34  Nimzo indian
Short, Nigel D     -  Topalov, Veselin   0-1   45  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf

Novgorod RUS (RUS), VI 1997                  cat. XIX (2719)
                                 1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Kramnik, Vladimir  g RUS 2740 ** 1. 1. =. =. 1.  4.0  2955
2 Kasparov, Gary     g RUS 2795 0. ** =. 1. 1. 1.  3.5  2853
3 Topalov, Veselin   g BUL 2725 0. =. ** 0. 1. 1.  2.5  2718
4 Gelfand, Boris     g BLR 2700 =. 0. 1. ** =. 0.  2.0  2651
5 Bareev, Evgeny     g RUS 2665 =. 0. 0. =. ** 1.  2.0  2658
6 Short, Nigel D     g ENG 2690 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. **  1.0  2485

Alternate system
Novgorod RUS (RUS), VI 1997                  cat. XIX (2719)
                                 1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Kramnik, Vladimir  g RUS 2740 ** 1. 1. =. =. 1.  11.0  2955
2 Kasparov, Gary     g RUS 2795 0. ** =. 1. 1. 1.  10.0  2853
3 Topalov, Veselin   g BUL 2725 0. =. ** 0. 1. 1.   7.0  2718
4 Gelfand, Boris     g BLR 2700 =. 0. 1. ** =. 0.   5.0  2651
5 Bareev, Evgeny     g RUS 2665 =. 0. 0. =. ** 1.   5.0  2658
6 Short, Nigel D     g ENG 2690 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. **   3.0  2485


3) Leon Tournament and Anand match

Viswanathan Anand duly completed a comfortable win against Spain's top home grown player by 4.5-1.5 His wins in games two and three established control of the match and he finished the match off with a calm refutation of Illescas' play.

Net 64/ El Pais covered the event on the internet.

Anand, Viswanathan        -  Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  1/2   43  E11  Bogo indian
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  -  Anand, Viswanathan        0-1   21  D27  QGA;
Anand, Viswanathan        -  Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  1-0   43  A75  Modern Benoni
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  -  Anand, Viswanathan        1/2   24  D27  QGA;
Anand, Viswanathan        -  Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  1/2   55  D63  QGD;
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  -  Anand, Viswanathan        0-1   37  D27  QGA;

Leon ESP (ESP), VI 1997
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 
Anand, Viswanathan        g IND 2765   = 1 1 = = 1  4.5  2828
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  g ESP 2635   = 0 0 = = 0  1.5  2572

Granda Zuniga won the Category ten event with 6.5/9. The event was not generally a good one for the top seeds. Granda Zuniga only gained a few rating points for winning the event and only a late rally retrieved some rating points for second placed John Nunn. Daniel Campora of Argentina lost over 100 points as the majority of the players who were in the 2400's in terms of rating almost all overperformed.

Round 5 (1997.06.09)

Granda Zuniga, Julio E       -  De la Villa Garcia, Jesus M  1-0   30  A34  English; 1.c4 c5
Izeta Txabarri, Felix        -  Lima, Darcy                  1/2   33  D16  Slav defence
Sion Castro, Marcelino       -  Del Rio, Salvador Gabriel    1/2   17  C18  French; Winawer
Campora, Daniel H            -  Nunn, John DM                1/2   20  B45  Sicilian
Estremera Panos, Sergio      -  Mellado, Juan                1/2   25  A33  English; 1.c4 c5

Round 6 (1997.06.10)

Granda Zuniga, Julio E       -  Estremera Panos, Sergio      1-0   33  A34  English; 1.c4 c5
Del Rio, Salvador Gabriel    -  Campora, Daniel H            1-0   41  C47  Four knights
Mellado, Juan                -  Izeta Txabarri, Felix        1/2   75  B07  Pirc
Lima, Darcy                  -  Sion Castro, Marcelino       1/2   32  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
De la Villa Garcia, Jesus M  -  Nunn, John DM                0-1   64  B45  Sicilian

Round 7 (1997.06.11)

Nunn, John DM                -  Del Rio, Salvador Gabriel    1/2   50  C19  French; Winawer
Izeta Txabarri, Felix        -  Granda Zuniga, Julio E       1-0   34  A47  Queen's pawn
Sion Castro, Marcelino       -  Mellado, Juan                1/2   34  C13  French; Classical
Campora, Daniel H            -  Lima, Darcy                  1/2   23  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Estremera Panos, Sergio      -  De la Villa Garcia, Jesus M  1-0   46  A89  Dutch defence

Round 8 (1997.06.12)

Granda Zuniga, Julio E       -  Sion Castro, Marcelino       1/2   33  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Estremera Panos, Sergio      -  Izeta Txabarri, Felix        1-0   48  B14  Caro-Kann
Mellado, Juan                -  Campora, Daniel H            1/2   33  B07  Pirc
Lima, Darcy                  -  Nunn, John DM                0-1   67  B45  Sicilian
De la Villa Garcia, Jesus M  -  Del Rio, Salvador Gabriel    1/2   24  C08  French; Tarrasch

Round 9 (1997.06.13)

Nunn, John DM                -  Mellado, Juan                1-0   40  C02  French; Advance
Izeta Txabarri, Felix        -  De la Villa Garcia, Jesus M  1/2   43  E60  Kings indian
Sion Castro, Marcelino       -  Estremera Panos, Sergio      1/2   34  B89  Sicilian
Del Rio, Salvador Gabriel    -  Lima, Darcy                  1/2   11  C47  Four knights
Campora, Daniel H            -  Granda Zuniga, Julio E       1/2   29  B06  Modern defence

Leon ESP (ESP), VI 1997                                      cat. X (2489)
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Granda Zuniga, Julio E       g PER 2620  * 1 0 = = = 1 1 1 1  6.5  2639
 2 Nunn, John DM                g ENG 2605  0 * = = = = = 1 1 1  5.5  2555
 3 Izeta Txabarri, Felix        g ESP 2490  1 = * = 1 = 0 = = =  5.0  2531
 4 Sion Castro, Marcelino       m ESP 2440  = = = * = 1 = = = =  5.0  2536
 5 Del Rio, Salvador Gabriel      ESP 2400  = = 0 = * 1 = = = =  4.5  2498
 6 Campora, Daniel H            g ARG 2555  = = = 0 0 * 1 = = =  4.0  2438
 7 Estremera Panos, Sergio      f ESP 2430  0 = 1 = = 0 * = 0 1  4.0  2452
 8 Mellado, Juan                m ESP 2430  0 0 = = = = = * 1 =  4.0  2452
 9 Lima, Darcy                  m BRA 2420  0 0 = = = = 1 0 * =  3.5  2416
10 De la Villa Garcia, Jesus M  m ESP 2495  0 0 = = = = 0 = = *  3.0  2362

4) New FIDE rating list

The new rating list for July is expected in the next week Gary Kasparov will be top with a rating of 2815 but there could be a number of surprises. Kramnik is likely to gain rating points and Anand lose them. To show a little national bias the English in the list will be very interesting. According to some the excellent performance of Matthew Sadler in the European Team Championships should take him to a rating of over 2700 and remove Short as our number one. Closely behind is expected to be Michael Adams, again over 2700.

5) Sigeman & Co Chess Tournament 1997

The Sigeman & Co chess tournament in Malmoe Sweden is underway. Online results and games available online at: The event has been Sweden's regular top all play all event for the last few years and this year it is a Category 13 event. The event is an attractive one with uncompromising players such as Jan Timman, Eduardas Rozentalis and Ivan Sokolov. A couple of games to look at might be Ferdinand Hellers attractive finish against Curt Hansen and Sokolov's finish against Timman.

Round 1 (1997.06.10)

Hellers, Ferdinand    -  Hector, Jonny         1/2   36  C88  Ruy Lopez
Hansen, Curt          -  Hellsten, Johan       1/2   32  B42  Sicilian
Smyslov, Vassily      -  Akesson, Ralf         1/2   26  D02  Queen's pawn
Sokolov, Ivan         -  Cramling, Pia         0-1   66  A57  Benko gambit
Timman, Jan H         -  Rozentalis, Eduardas  1/2   44  A47  Queen's pawn

Round 2 (1997.06.11)

Hansen, Curt          -  Sokolov, Ivan         1/2   40  C80  Ruy Lopez
Cramling, Pia         -  Hellers, Ferdinand    1/2   31  D89  Gruenfeld indian
Hellsten, Johan       -  Rozentalis, Eduardas  1/2   23  E14  Nimzo indian
Akesson, Ralf         -  Timman, Jan H         0-1   35  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Hector, Jonny         -  Smyslov, Vassily      0-1   55  C30  Kings gambit

Round 3 (1997.06.12)

Hellers, Ferdinand    -  Hansen, Curt          1/2   25  C19  French; Winawer
Smyslov, Vassily      -  Cramling, Pia         1/2   32  D03  Queen's pawn
Rozentalis, Eduardas  -  Akesson, Ralf         1-0   41  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Sokolov, Ivan         -  Hellsten, Johan       1/2   52  E11  Bogo indian
Timman, Jan H         -  Hector, Jonny         1-0   33  C88  Ruy Lopez

Round 4 (1997.06.13)

Hansen, Curt          -  Smyslov, Vassily      1/2   21  C67  Ruy Lopez
Cramling, Pia         -  Timman, Jan H         1/2   41  E11  Bogo indian
Sokolov, Ivan         -  Hellers, Ferdinand    0-1   45  A45  Queen's pawn
Hellsten, Johan       -  Akesson, Ralf         1/2   41  B50  Sicilian
Hector, Jonny         -  Rozentalis, Eduardas  0-1   62  C10  French

Round 5 (1997.06.14)

Hellers, Ferdinand    -  Hellsten, Johan       1/2   21  B43  Sicilian
Smyslov, Vassily      -  Sokolov, Ivan         1/2   42  B54  Sicilian
Rozentalis, Eduardas  -  Cramling, Pia         1-0   36  B40  Sicilian
Timman, Jan H         -  Hansen, Curt          1/2   40  D43  Semi-Slav
Akesson, Ralf         -  Hector, Jonny         1-0   29  D48  Meran Variation

Round 6 (1997.06.15)

Hellers, Ferdinand    -  Smyslov, Vassily      1/2   26  C60  Ruy Lopez
Hansen, Curt          -  Rozentalis, Eduardas  1-0   43  C43  Petroff defence
Cramling, Pia         -  Akesson, Ralf         1/2   21  E12  Nimzo indian
Sokolov, Ivan         -  Timman, Jan H         1-0   28  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Hellsten, Johan       -  Hector, Jonny         0-1   46  A07  Reti (1.Nf3)

Round 7 (1997.06.16)

Smyslov, Vassily      -  Hellsten, Johan       1/2   45  B40  Sicilian
Rozentalis, Eduardas  -  Sokolov, Ivan         0-1   52  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Timman, Jan H         -  Hellers, Ferdinand    0-1    0
Akesson, Ralf         -  Hansen, Curt          1/2   24  D45  Semi-Slav
Hector, Jonny         -  Cramling, Pia         0-1   40  B48  Sicilian

Malmoe SWE (SWE), VI 1997                          cat. XIII (2563)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Hellers, Ferdinand    g SWE 2585  * = = = . 1 1 = . =  4.5  2656
 2 Hansen, Curt          g DEN 2605  = * . = 1 = = = = .  4.0  2618
 3 Cramling, Pia         g SWE 2545  = . * = 0 1 = . = 1  4.0  2620
 4 Smyslov, Vassily      g RUS 2500  = = = * . = . = = 1  4.0  2600
 5 Rozentalis, Eduardas  g LTU 2650  . 0 1 . * 0 = = 1 1  4.0  2606
 6 Sokolov, Ivan         g BIH 2615  0 = 0 = 1 * 1 = . .  3.5  2571
 7 Timman, Jan H         g NED 2630  0 = = . = 0 * . 1 1  3.5  2573
 8 Hellsten, Johan       m SWE 2485  = = . = = = . * = 0  3.0  2517
 9 Akesson, Ralf         g SWE 2515  . = = = 0 . 0 = * 1  3.0  2509
10 Hector, Jonny         g SWE 2500  = . 0 0 0 . 0 1 0 *  1.5  2328

6) Villa Martelli Masters by Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk

Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk and IM Alejandro Hoffman reports on this all-play-all in Argentina. ( Young untitled player Gustavo Germán from Argentina needs only one point out of 3 to get his first gm result.

Kazakhstan's Vladislav Tkachiev and Estonian Jaan Ehlvest won the Villa Martelli Masters in Argentina. In the last round Ehlvest got the better of it against Slipak while Tkachiev drew against Sorokin. Uruguyan Andrés Rodríguez got his final norm for the GM title drewing against Brazilian Milos in the last round. As he has been rated more than for a long time, he should get his GM title in next Fide Congress.

Argentinian Gustavo Germán didn't make the 6,5 points, but had registered a GM norm after round 9. He made a so called 'short norm'.

Round 8 (1997.06.08)

Sutovskij, Emil        -  Hoffman, Alejandro     1-0   29  C11  French; Classical
Rodriguez, Andres      -  Ginzburg, Maximiliano  1/2   47  C43  Petroff defence
German, Gustavo        -  Milos, Gilberto        1/2   43  B05  Alekhine defence
Sorokin, Maxim         -  Slipak, Sergio         1-0   56  A14  English; 1.c4
Ricardi, Pablo         -  Ehlvest, Jaan          0-1   40  B89  Sicilian
Spangenberg, Hugo      -  Tkachiev, Vladislav    0-1   12  C48  Four knights

Round 9 (1997.06.09)

Ehlvest, Jaan          -  German, Gustavo        1-0   74  A30  English; 1.c4 c5
Tkachiev, Vladislav    -  Ricardi, Pablo         1/2   64  B01  Scandinavian
Milos, Gilberto        -  Sorokin, Maxim         1/2   22  B89  Sicilian
Hoffman, Alejandro     -  Spangenberg, Hugo      1-0   32  A42  Queen's pawn
Slipak, Sergio         -  Rodriguez, Andres      0-1    0  A00  Irregular
Ginzburg, Maximiliano  -  Sutovskij, Emil        0-1   48  B91  Sicilian; Najdorf

Round 10 (1997.06.10)

Rodriguez, Andres      -  Sutovskij, Emil        1/2   35  B70  Sicilian; Dragon
German, Gustavo        -  Tkachiev, Vladislav    0-1   36  B06  Modern defence
Sorokin, Maxim         -  Ehlvest, Jaan          1/2   23  D17  Slav defence
Ricardi, Pablo         -  Hoffman, Alejandro     0-1   56  B51  Sicilian
Slipak, Sergio         -  Milos, Gilberto        1/2   17  E92  Kings indian; Classical
Spangenberg, Hugo      -  Ginzburg, Maximiliano  1/2   82  C43  Petroff defence

Round 11 (1997.06.11)

Ehlvest, Jaan          -  Slipak, Sergio         1-0    
Tkachiev, Vladislav    -  Sorokin, Maxim         1/2    
Sutovskij, Emil        -  Spangenberg, Hugo      1/2    
Milos, Gilberto        -  Rodriguez, Andres      1/2    
Hoffman, Alejandro     -  German, Gustavo        1/2    
Ginzburg, Maximiliano  -  Ricardi, Pablo         0-1    

Villa Martelli ARG (ARG), VI 1997                       cat. XIII (2551)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Ehlvest, Jaan          g EST 2635  * = = = 1 1 = 1 = 1 = 1  8.0  2718
 2 Tkachiev, Vladislav    g KAZ 2630  = * = = 1 1 = = 1 = 1 1  8.0  2719
 3 Sutovskij, Emil        g ISR 2560  = = * = = 0 1 1 1 = = 1  7.0  2652
 4 Rodriguez, Andres      m URU 2565  = = = * = = = 0 1 1 1 =  6.5  2615
 5 German, Gustavo          ARG 2500  0 0 = = * = 1 1 = 1 1 0  6.0  2591
 6 Milos, Gilberto        g BRA 2605  0 0 1 = = * = 0 = = 1 1  5.5  2546
 7 Sorokin, Maxim         g RUS 2560  = = 0 = 0 = * = = 1 = =  5.0  2514
 8 Ricardi, Pablo         m ARG 2575  0 = 0 1 0 1 = * 0 = 0 1  4.5  2484
 9 Hoffman, Alejandro     m ARG 2480  = 0 0 0 = = = 1 * = 1 0  4.5  2492
10 Slipak, Sergio         m ARG 2505  0 = = 0 0 = 0 = = * = 1  4.0  2453
11 Spangenberg, Hugo      g ARG 2550  = 0 = 0 0 0 = 1 0 = * =  3.5  2418
12 Ginzburg, Maximiliano  m ARG 2450  0 0 0 = 1 0 = 0 1 0 = *  3.5  2427

7) First Saturday June

Laszlo Nagy reports on the First Saturday Tournament in June. The GM event is a close tussle but it seems unlikely that anyone will score the required 10/13. To clarify Tal Shaked's position he requires one more norm of any sort aswell as a higher rating to get the GM title. As it is he is in a battle for first place with a number of the players and the final rounds should be interesting.

Ludger Keitlinghaus withdrew from the event after playing his round 8 game.

Balazs Szuk leads the IM event.

First Saturday Web Page Organiser Laszlo Nagy has started a news page for Hungarian Chess. It will be updated at least once a week on a Saturday and possibly more frequently. The news will be available at his web site: You can contact Laszlo Nagy in the following ways: Postal address: H-1101 Budapest, Hungaria krt. 5.-7. XI.ep.I.em.7. Tel-fax: int-(361)-263-28-59 E-mail address: or

Budapest HUN (HUN), VII 1997                                    cat. VII (2416)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
 1 Shaked, Tal           m USA 2445  * = = 1 . . 1 = . 1 1 = . =  6.5 / 9  2588
 2 Dao Thien Hai         g VIE 2555  = * = 1 = . . . 1 = 1 = . 1  6.5 / 9  2582
 3 Waitzkin, Joshua      m USA 2440  = = * 1 . . . = = = 1 1 . =  6.0 / 9  2542
 4 Acs, Peter            f HUN 2420  0 0 0 * = . . . = 1 + 1 1 1  6.0 /10  2496
 5 Csom, Istvan          g HUN 2460  . = . = * = = 1 = . = . = 1  5.5 / 9  2495
 6 Videki, Sandor        m HUN 2375  . . . . = * = = 1 = + = = =  5.5 / 9  2479
 7 Krizsany, Laszlo      m HUN 2435  0 . . . = = * = 0 = + 0 1 1  5.0 /10  2398
 8 Hoang Thang Trang     m VIE 2355  = . = . 0 = = * = = + = 0 .  4.5 /10  2381
 9 Bunzmann, Dimitrij      GER 2385  . 0 = = = 0 1 = * . 0 . 1 .  4.0 / 9  2392
10 Borocz, Istvan        m HUN 2420  0 = = 0 . = = = . * = . 1 .  4.0 / 9  2390
11 Keitlinghaus, Ludger  m GER 2515  0 0 0 - = - - - 1 = * 1 1 -  4.0 /13  2267
12 Kolbus, Dietmar         GER 2330  = = 0 0 . = 1 = . . 0 * . =  3.5 / 9  2350
13 Vadasz, Laszlo        g HUN 2365  . . . 0 = = 0 1 0 0 0 . * 1  3.0 / 9  2285
14 Lorscheid, Gerhard    f GER 2330  = 0 = 0 0 = 0 . . . + = 0 *  3.0 /10  2285
IM Event
FIRST SATURDAY IM-tournament 7th-17th of June 1997

                                          1 1 1
   Name des Spielers    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2  Pkte    SB_I

 1 Szuk,Balazs          * = 1 = 0   1   1 1 1 1   7.0   27.25
 2 Czebe,Attila         = * 1 = 1 =   1 =   1 =   6.5   28.50
 3 Senff, Martin        0 0 *   =   1 1 = 1 1 1   6.0   20.00
 4 Kahn, Evarth         = =   * = = = 1   = = =   5.0   21.25
 5 Aumann, Welf         1 0 = = * 0   0 1 =   1   4.5   19.50
 6 Farago, Sandor         =   = 1 * 0 1 = 0 = =   4.5   18.50
 7 Erdei,Andras         0   0 =   1 * 0 1 0 1 =   4.0   14.50
 8 Horvath,Gabor          0 0 0 1 0 1 * 0 1 1     4.0   14.50
 9 Peredy, Ferenc       0 = =   0 = 0 1 *     1   3.5   14.50
10 Schlusnik,Nandor     0   0 = = 1 1 0   * 0     3.0   13.25
11 Salinnikov,Denis     0 0 0 =   = 0 0   1 * 1   3.0    9.75
12 Strausz,Janos        0 = 0 = 0 = =   0   0 *   2.0   10.00

8) José González vs Claudia Amura match

In a match styled as "the battle of the sexes Argentinian Claudia Amura took on 1996 Mexican Champion José González between 10th - 16th of June in a six game match. Online results. at

FM Guil Russek reports that Claudia Amura is South America's strongest woman player and José González has returned to Mexico after a year in Hungary and Spain.

The first game started with a normal Queens Gambit however Claudia chose a dubius plan, intending the exchange of pieces with 13...Nc3 and 14...Nd7 but she got a very passive game. After 18...Ne5 the capture 19.Re5 was strong but the choice of José gave him a positionally won game and the sacrifices against black king were inevitable and decisive.

The second game was drawn and the third seemed to be a case of Amura trying too hard to get back in to the match, she eventually lost a rook and pawn ending. The fourth game was drawn and Gonzalez won the match with a draw in the 5th game in which he missed a direct win with 33. Rf3!. After 33. Bc3 Claudia found an impressive resourse (33... Be5!!) and saved the game, but anyway lost the match. They will play the last game today.

My thanks to Manuel Lopez Michelone and Guil Russek.

Gonzalez Garcia, Jose  -  Amura, Claudia N       1-0   31  D60  QGD;
Amura, Claudia N       -  Gonzalez Garcia, Jose  1/2   43  D00  Queen's pawn
Gonzalez Garcia, Jose  -  Amura, Claudia N       1-0   64  E10  Nimzo indian
Amura, Claudia N       -  Gonzalez Garcia, Jose  1/2   40  D20  QGA;
Gonzalez Garcia, Jose  -  Amura, Claudia N       1/2   40  D66  QGD;

Mexico City MEX (MEX), VI 1997
                                    1   2   3   4   5   6 
Gonzalez Garcia, Jose  m MEX 2475    1   =   1   =   =   .   3.5  2509
Amura, Claudia N      wm ARG 2360    0   =   0   =   =   .   1.5  2326

9) International Open 92nd anniversary of Club Atletico Boca Juniors"

Another win for Grand Master Pablo Ricardi by Roberto Alvarez

IGM Pablo Ricardi took a very serious approach for his "comeback" to "open" tournaments finishing 1st (amongst 136 players including 7 IGM) in the first leg of "CLARIN Newspaper" Grand Prix, held between 26th April and 1st of May in a historic place: Club Atletico Boca Juniors.

Boca Juniors are the most popular soccer club in Argentina. In whose teams emerged the best soccer player in the history (sorry brasilian friends:-) ) Diego Maradona, who is now training for another 'comeback'. This club organised a very good chess event, which promise to be a "classic" encounter in future years.

  1. RICARDI Pablo         GM                         7.5        50.0   43.00                        
  2. SOROKIN Maxim         GM                         7.0        49.5   42.0                      
  3. RODRIGUEZ Andrés      MI                         7.0        47.0   39.50                    
  4. SPANGENBERG Hugo      GM                         7.0        46.5   40.00              
  5. CATIVELLI Gerardo        2000 A 2199 SNG         7.0        46.5   39.00                
  6. GERMAN Gustavo                                   7.0        45.0   38.00                 
  7. SLIPAK Sergio         MI                         6.5        49.0   41.50                 
  8. HOFFMAN Alejandro     MI                         6.5        48.0   41.00               
  9. ZARNICKI Pablo        GM                         6.5        48.0   41.00            
 10. PIERROT Facundo       MI                         6.5        47.0   40.00               
 11. GIACCIO Alfredo       MI                         6.5        47.0   39.50                     
 12. GINZBURG Maximiliano  MI                         6.5        45.0   38.00                  
 13. SZMETAN Jorge         MI                         6.5        43.0   36.00                    
 14. SERVAT Roberto        MI                         6.5        39.0   33.50                      
 15. FIORITO Fabian        MI                         6.0        50.0   43.00                      
 16. MINZER Claudio        MI                         6.0        49.0   42.00                    
 17. TEMPONE Marcelo       MI                         6.0        43.5   36.50                      
 18. BARRIA Daniel                                    6.0        43.0   36.00                     
 19. SCARELLA Enrique      MF                         6.0        43.0   36.00                   
 20. SORIN Ariel           GM                         6.0        42.5   35.00                   
 21. ROSETTO Hector        GM                         6.0        40.5   33.50                     
 22. PANNO Oscar           GM                         6.0        39.0   33.50                    
 23. MAURIÑO Lucio            1800 A 1999 SNG         6.0        37.5   31.50                  
 24. RODRIGUEZ Jorge       MF                         5.5        47.5   40.50                       
 25. MORENO Javier                                    5.5        46.5   39.50                   
 26. LABOLLITA Martin      MF 2000 A 2199 SNG         5.5        44.5   38.00                  
 27. MADINA Martin            2000 A 2199 SNG         5.5        44.0   37.50                     
 28. VARELA Gaston            2000 A 2199 SNG         5.5        44.0   37.00                  
 29. PEREYRA ARCIJA Diego  MI                         5.5        44.0   37.00           
 30. ALONSO Salvador                                  5.5        43.5   37.00                       
 31. SCHWEBER Samuel       MI                         5.5        43.0   36.50                        
 32. BERMEJO Julian                                   5.5        42.0   36.00                     
 33. SOPPE Guillermo       MI                         5.5        41.5   35.00                      
 34. DE LAS HERAS Juan C.     2000 A 2199 SNG         5.5        41.5   34.00                    
 35. BERNARDO Walter       MF 2000 A 2199 SNG         5.5        41.0   34.00                       
 36. GIARDELLI Sergio      MI                         5.5        40.5   33.50                    
 37. PODESTA Dardo            2000 A 2199 SNG         5.5        39.0   32.50                        
 38. VAN RIEMSDIJK Herman  MI                         5.5        39.0   32.00                     
 39. FERRARA Alexis           1800 A 1999 SNG         5.5        38.5   32.00                    
 40. JUAREZ Alberto        MF 2000 A 2199 SNG         5.5        36.5   30.00                   
 41. NIEGOVICH Jorge          1800 A 1999 SNG         5.5        36.0   30.00                  
 42. CIANNI Pablo             2000 A 2199 SNG         5.5        33.5   27.00
 136 players

10) Morovic to play in Colombia II by Pablo Rodriguez

Pablo Rodriguez adds to the report from the Chilean newspaper "El Mercurio" which said that

GM Ivan Morovic was play in a cat. XIV tournament in Colombia, June 20th to July 4th. Shirov pointed out that the participation of Short and Adams was unlikely as they were committed elsewhere and Pablo Rodriguez checked with Morovic who said he had been informed that they weren't playing and that the conditions had somewhat changed so his participation was under review.

11) Upcoming Events

VI° International Chess Festival "Montecatini Terme" Italy

From August, 1st to August, 9th the VI° International Chess Festival will take place in Montecatini Terme, Italy.

The prize money will be more than Lit. 22.000.000.

Many GM and IM have been invited by organization staff.

Last year three IMs obtained the GM norm in the tournament A

(open ELO > 2000)

For more informations


Dr.Wolfgang Gabriel ( sends news of the Frankfurt West Chess Classic. (incidentally there is a good chance I will be there.)

What: 4th tournament of Chess Classic (Open tournament 11 rounds active chess,Masters and Simultan)

with: WM Anatoli Karpow ELO 2760 World Champion FIDE

GM Viswanathan Anand ELO 2765 Vize World Champion PCA

GM Veselin Topalov ELO 2725 Number 6 of World Champion List

GM Eric Lobron ELO 2570 One of the best german Players

24 Grandmasters will be awaited so far!!

*** Masters tournament with: Karpov, Anand, Topalov, Lobron

*** Simultaneous with: GM Topalov ( 40 chessbords, all opponents will have black )

CHESS CLASSICS Open tournament 1997: with many Grandmasters from all over the world!

*** Special guest: Chess program FRITZ4 will fight against Grandmasters! ***

*** Special price: Each opponent of FRITZ will get a version of FRITZ4! ***

Winners of the last CHESS CLASSICs Open in Frankfurt:

1996: 1. GM Lobron, 2. GM Lutz, 3. GM Djuric ( 264 chess players were playing!)

1995: 1. GM Lalic, 2. GM Christiansen, 3. GM Chernin

1994: 1. GM Chernin, 2. GM Gutman, 3. GM Khenkhin

When: June 26th - 29th. 1997

Where: Germany, Frankfurt/Main - Zeilsheim, Stadthalle Zeilsheim

Prices: There are a lot of very attractive rating prices! More than 25000 DM !

1st price: 2500 DM 2nd: 1800 DM 3rd: 1500 DM 4th: 1300 DM and so on!

Many special prices for women, seniors and juniors!

*** Who is the manager of CHESS CLASSIC 1997: Hans-Walter Schmitt

*** Showmaster of CHESS CLASSIC 1997: Dr. Helmut Pfleger (well known from TV)

Registration/Contact: Hans-Walter Schmitt, Alte Ziegelei 5, D-65812 Bad Soden,

Phone: 06196/22726 FAX: 06196/22796

Registration Fee: 50 DM ( for GM and IM free! )

All chess players can stay in a very good hotel near the Stadthalle Zeilsheim!

Hotel Holiday Inn at Main-Taunus-Zentrum (Single room: 120 DM, Double room: 90 DM)

12) Theoretical Corner by Marco R. Martini (ITA)

Special section in the games section
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