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THE WEEK IN CHESS 1154 19th December 2016 by Mark Crowther


Contact The Week in Chess
Mark Crowther
Mobile 07971 920016


1) Introduction
2) 8th London Chess Classic 2016
3) British Knockout Championships 2016
4) European Rapid and Blitz Championships 2016
5) Nutcracker Match of the Generations 2016
6) 1st Hainan Open 2016
7) 85th ch-UKR 2016
8) 76th ch-ITA 2016
9) Israel Championships 2016
10) Baltic Zonal Parnu Stage 2016
11) Georgian Cup 2016
12) PSC / Puregold International Open 2016
13) Sunway Sitges Festival 2016
14) Zadar Open 2016
15) 28th Carlos Torre Memorial 2016
16) Australasian Masters 2016
17) 13th Vandoeuvre Open 2016
18) 13th Vasylyshyn Memorial 2016
19) 7th Sharjah Cup for Women 2016
20) 174th YMCA Autumn A 2016
21) 5th Palmanova Open 2016
22) 17th Puhajarve Rapid 2016
23) 68th ch-SGP 2016
24) NFD Cup Final 2016
25) Golden Cleopatra Open 2016
26) Universidad de La Punta GM 2016
27) First Saturday December 2016
28) ch-BLR 1st stage 2016
29) 177th MGU Open 2016
30) 3rd Annual Southeastern Championship 2016
31) TCh-HUN 2016-17
32) TCh-SLO Div 1 West 2016
33) Dutch League 2016-17
34) TCh-FIN 2016-17
35) TCh-SVK 2016-17
36) Active Team Events
37) Forthcoming Events and Links

Games Section
8th London Chess Classic 2016803 games
British Knockout Championships 20164 games
European Rapid and Blitz Championships 20161269 games
Nutcracker Match of the Generations 201624 games
1st Hainan Open 201672 games
85th ch-UKR 201655 games
76th ch-ITA 201650 games
Israel Championships 201648 games
Baltic Zonal Parnu Stage 201612 games
Georgian Cup 201636 games
PSC / Puregold International Open 2016136 games
Sunway Sitges Festival 2016113 games
Zadar Open 2016360 games
28th Carlos Torre Memorial 201640 games
Australasian Masters 201665 games
13th Vandoeuvre Open 201615 games
13th Vasylyshyn Memorial 201645 games
7th Sharjah Cup for Women 201618 games
174th YMCA Autumn A 201691 games
5th Palmanova Open 201650 games
17th Puhajarve Rapid 2016210 games
NFD Cup Final 201660 games
Golden Cleopatra Open 201645 games
Universidad de La Punta GM 201690 games
First Saturday December 201660 games
ch-BLR 1st stage 201654 games
177th MGU Open 201624 games
3rd Annual Southeastern61 games
TCh-HUN 2016-1760 games
TCh-SLO Div 1 West 2016269 games
Dutch League 2016-1750 games
TCh-FIN 2016-1779 games
TCh-SVK 2016-1796 games
4464 games


NIC Magazine 8 2016

Chess and Bridge Gelfand 2 Book Titled Tuesday

ChessBase 14 Ad 7

American Chess Magazine

Dover 1 Endgame Study

Ginger GM - Chess Grandmaster Simon Williams

1) Introduction

My thanks to Olexandr Prohorov, Holger Lieske, Mitko Iliev, Jan Mazuch, Lennart Ootes, David Navara, Grant Oen, TJ, Ular Lauk, Miklos Orso, leonid Sandler and everyone else who helped with this issue.

Wesley So won the last major event of the year and with it the Grand Chess Tour as a whole. So seems now settled after his move to the United States and while some think he's still a little bit too solid on occasion it's clear he's in the top 10 for the forseeable future and will be a force in the next world championship cycle. Predictions are in some ways a bit pointless in chess but I've thought for some time he has what it takes and the next year will tell us more.

Have a great Christmas everybody.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


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2) 8th London Chess Classic 2016

The 8th London Chess Classic took place 7th to 19th December 2016. Players: Fabiano Caruana, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, Vladimir Kramnik, Levon Aronian, Hikaru Nakamura, Wesley So, Viswanathan Anand, Anish Giri, Veselin Topalov and Michael Adams. Alongside was an open where Etienne Bacrot and Sebastien Maze scored 7.5/9. On the final weekend there was a strong rapid open won by Valentina Gunina. Wesley So won the classic with 6/9 and with it the whole Grand Chess Tour. Fabiano Caruana took second place in London and Hikaru Nakamura second on the Grand Chess Tour.

8th London Classic 2016 London ENG Wed 7th Dec 2016 - Mon 19th Dec 2016. Category: 22. Ave: (2785)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 So, Wesley GM USA 2794 # = = = 1 = = = 1 1 6 2909
2 Caruana, Fabiano GM USA 2823 = # = = 1 = = = = 1 5.5 2861
3 Kramnik, Vladimir GM RUS 2809 = = # = = = = = = 1 5 2826
4 Anand, Viswanathan GM IND 2779 = = = # 0 = = 1 = 1 5 2829
5 Nakamura, Hikaru GM USA 2779 0 0 = 1 # = = 1 = 1 5 2829
6 Giri, Anish GM NED 2771 = = = = = # = = = = 4.5 2787
7 Aronian, Levon GM ARM 2785 = = = = = = # 0 1 0 4 2742
8 Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime GM FRA 2804 = = = 0 0 = 1 # = = 4 2740
9 Adams, Michael GM ENG 2748 0 = = = = = 0 = # 1 4 2746
10 Topalov, Veselin GM BUL 2760 0 0 0 0 0 = 1 = 0 # 2 2568
Round 1. Fri 9th Dec 2016
Nakamura, Hikaru 0-1 So, Wesley 29 D85 Gruenfeld
Caruana, Fabiano 1/2-1/2 Anand, Viswanathan 44 A21 English, Kramnik-Shirov counterattack
Kramnik, Vladimir 1-0 Topalov, Veselin 28 D77 Neo-Gruenfeld, 6.O-O
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime 1/2-1/2 Giri, Anish 24 B90 Sicilian
Aronian, Levon 1-0 Adams, Michael 41 C50 Giuoco Pianissimo
Round 2. Sat 10th Dec 2016
Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2-1/2 Aronian, Levon 32 A14 English
Anand, Viswanathan 1-0 Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime 33 B90 Sicilian
So, Wesley 1-0 Adams, Michael 40 E06 Catalan
Topalov, Veselin 0-1 Caruana, Fabiano 38 C02 French
Giri, Anish 1/2-1/2 Nakamura, Hikaru 43 A49 King's Indian
Round 3. Sun 11th Dec 2016
Aronian, Levon 1/2-1/2 So, Wesley 37 A34 English
Caruana, Fabiano 1/2-1/2 Kramnik, Vladimir 46 C53 Giuoco Piano
Nakamura, Hikaru 1-0 Anand, Viswanathan 43 D37 QGD
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime 1/2-1/2 Topalov, Veselin 44 C67 Ruy Lopez
Adams, Michael 1/2-1/2 Giri, Anish 62 B51 Sicilian
Round 4. Mon 12th Dec 2016
Giri, Anish 1/2-1/2 So, Wesley 56 D02 Queen's bishop game
Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2-1/2 Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime 61 A49 King's Indian
Caruana, Fabiano 1/2-1/2 Aronian, Levon 31 C77 Ruy Lopez
Anand, Viswanathan 1/2-1/2 Adams, Michael 32 C53 Giuoco Piano
Topalov, Veselin 0-1 Nakamura, Hikaru 53 B12 Caro-Kann
Round 5. Tue 13th Dec 2016
So, Wesley 1/2-1/2 Anand, Viswanathan 30 D37 QGD
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime 1/2-1/2 Caruana, Fabiano 34 C42 Petrov
Nakamura, Hikaru 1/2-1/2 Kramnik, Vladimir 61 D37 QGD
Aronian, Levon 1/2-1/2 Giri, Anish 20 D77 Neo-Gruenfeld, 6.O-O
Adams, Michael 1-0 Topalov, Veselin 33 C65 Ruy Lopez
Round 6. Thu 15th Dec 2016
Topalov, Veselin 0-1 So, Wesley 27 C53 Giuoco Piano
Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2-1/2 Adams, Michael 39 D05 Queen's pawn game
Caruana, Fabiano 1-0 Nakamura, Hikaru 32 B96 Sicilian
Anand, Viswanathan 1/2-1/2 Giri, Anish 37 B90 Sicilian
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime 1-0 Aronian, Levon 41 C50 Giuoco Piano
Round 7. Fri 16th Dec 2016
So, Wesley 1/2-1/2 Kramnik, Vladimir 36 D37 QGD
Adams, Michael 1/2-1/2 Caruana, Fabiano 46 A37 English
Aronian, Levon 1/2-1/2 Anand, Viswanathan 30 D37 QGD
Nakamura, Hikaru 1-0 Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime 37 B96 Sicilian
Giri, Anish 1/2-1/2 Topalov, Veselin 67 D37 QGD
Round 8. Sat 17th Dec 2016
Caruana, Fabiano 1/2-1/2 So, Wesley 37 C65 Ruy Lopez
Nakamura, Hikaru 1/2-1/2 Aronian, Levon 27 D38 QGD
Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2-1/2 Giri, Anish 46 B91 Sicilian
Topalov, Veselin 0-1 Anand, Viswanathan 34 D37 QGD
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime 1/2-1/2 Adams, Michael 53 C65 Ruy Lopez
Round 9. Sun 18th Dec 2016
So, Wesley 1/2-1/2 Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime 35 A04 Reti opening
Anand, Viswanathan 1/2-1/2 Kramnik, Vladimir 24 D37 QGD
Giri, Anish 1/2-1/2 Caruana, Fabiano 58 D27 QGA
Adams, Michael 1/2-1/2 Nakamura, Hikaru 30 C67 Ruy Lopez
Aronian, Levon 0-1 Topalov, Veselin 53 A37 English
London Classic Open 2016 London ENG Wed 7th Dec 2016 - Mon 19th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
12Bacrot EtienneGM26897.5
9Maze SebastienGM26087.5
34Smirin IlyaGM26697
5Iturrizaga EdoardoGM26527
6Gupta AbhijeetGM26347
10Bok BenjaminGM25987
12Istratescu AndreiGM25967
18Bogner SebastianGM25647
25Karthikeyan MuraliGM25307
107Melkumyan HrantGM26336.5
8Hovhannisyan RobertGM26306.5
13Hawkins JonathanGM25906.5
15Moussard JulesGM25716.5
17Aravindh Chithambaram VrGM25666.5
21Libiszewski FabienGM25476.5
22Sadzikowski DanielIM25476.5
26Handke FlorianGM25156.5
29Hebden Mark LGM24926.5
34Deepan Chakkravarthy J.GM24716.5
44Daulyte DeimanteIM24296.5
46Battaglini GabrielIM24266.5
221Safarli EltajGM26916
3Fressinet LaurentGM26726
14Lenderman AlexGM25816
16Blomqvist ErikGM25676
20Svane RasmusGM25556
23Schroeder Jan-ChristianGM25416
24Ehlvest JaanGM25326
27Bellahcene BilelIM24966
28Fodor Tamas JrGM24946
31Hector JonnyGM24886
32Karthikeyan P.IM24746
33Bellaiche AnthonyIM24726
36Elsness FrodeIM24526
39Nasuta GrzegorzIM24486
42Cherniaev AlexanderGM24396
43Wells Peter KGM24316
45Flear Glenn CGM24286
54Martins David PtFM23826
55Batchelor Peter JFM23656
247 players
London Classic Superrapid London ENG Wed 7th Dec 2016 - Mon 19th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
133Gunina ValentinaGMRUS24919.0
29Safarli EltajGMAZE26538.5
33Bacrot EtienneGMFRA27008.0
4Fressinet LaurentGMFRA26768.0
5Howell David WlGMENG26718.0
7Istratescu AndreiGMFRA26578.0
11Jones Gawain CbGMENG26318.0
13Cornette MatthieuGMFRA25978.0
19Moussard JulesGMFRA25718.0
22Svane RasmusGMGER25328.0
28Blomqvist ErikGMSWE25098.0
35Fodor Tamas JrGMHUN24768.0
132Mcshane Luke JGMENG27097.5
6Iturrizaga EduardoGMVEN26667.5
8Smirin IlyaGMISR26577.5
12Lenderman AlexGMUSA26037.5
16Hawkins JonathanGMENG25797.5
18Nunn John DmGMENG25737.5
20Hovhannisyan RobertGMARM25497.5
21Shabalov AlexanderGMUSA25427.5
30Lalic BogdanGMCRO24947.5
31Zinchenko YaroslavGMUKR24937.5
32Cherniaev AlexanderGMRUS24917.5
37Wells Peter KGMENG24597.5
42Pert Richard GIMENG24267.5
44Polzin RainerGMGER24187.5
45Fernandez Daniel HIMENG24177.5
46Bates Richard AIMENG24147.5
49Rendle Thomas EIMENG24077.5
301Melkumyan HrantGMARM27367.0
14Gupta AbhijeetGMIND25917.0
17Ehlvest JaanGMUSA25767.0
25Speelman Jon SGMENG25227.0
26Turner Matthew JGMSCO25147.0
27Hebden Mark LGMENG25127.0
29Williams Simon KGMENG25047.0
36Hector JonnyGMSWE24647.0
39Deepan Chakkravarthy J.GMIND24527.0
52Grafl FlorianIMGER23947.0
53Arkell Keith CGMENG23867.0
475 players

3) British Knockout Championships 2016

The British Knockout Championships took place 8th to 16th December 2016. It's really part of the London Chess Classic but I found it easier to separate out the two events. Nigel Short beat David Howell 3.5-2.5 in the final winning the last game.

British ch-KO 2016 London ENG Thu 8th Dec 2016 - Fri 16th Dec 2016
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Short, Nigel D GM ENG 2679 400025
2 Jones, Gawain C B GM ENG 2667 409561
3 McShane, Luke J GM ENG 2652 404853
4 Howell, David W L GM ENG 2644 410608
5 Hawkins, Jonathan GM ENG 2590 412686
6 Pert, Nicholas GM ENG 2568 403989
7 Rowson, Jonathan GM SCO 2565 2400561
8 Fernandez, Daniel Howard IM ENG 2468 5801605

4) European Rapid and Blitz Championships 2016

The European Rapid and Blitz Championships took place 15th to 17th December 2016. Alexander Riazantsev won the rapid event on tie-break from Maim Matlakov after both scored 9.5/11. Dmitry Andreikin dominated the blitz scoring 22/26 a point and a half clear of Rauf Mamedov.

European Rapid 2016 Tallinn EST Wed 14th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
114Riazantsev AlexanderRUS26719.50.074.580.5
218Matlakov MaximRUS26629.50.073.579.5
315Mamedov RaufAZE26709.02.079.585.5
45Onischuk VladimirUKR27209.00.077.583.0
54Wojtaszek RadoslawPOL27219.00.076.581.0
635Anton Guijarro DavidESP26058.
719Shirov AlexeiLAT26628.
87Ponomariov RuslanUKR27028.50.077.583.0
99Leko PeterHUN26928.50.077.582.5
103Zhigalko SergeiBLR27288.50.076.581.5
1117Alekseev EvgenyRUS26638.50.075.580.5
1237Kobalia MikhailRUS26048.
1330Potkin VladimirRUS26218.50.074.580.5
148Kovalenko IgorLAT26988.50.074.579.5
1523Bartel MateuszPOL26468.50.071.577.5
1620Motylev AlexanderRUS26618.
1722Vitiugov NikitaRUS26488.
1828Ponkratov PavelRUS26238.
191Andreikin DmitryRUS27598.
2024Fridman DanielGER26398.
2112Naiditsch ArkadijAZE26728.
2231Grandelius NilsSWE26188.00.074.580.0
2329Piorun KacperPOL26218.
2439Novikov StanislavRUS25928.00.073.580.0
2542Tregubov Pavel V.RUS25768.
266Movsesian SergeiARM27178.00.071.577.5
27124Kazakovskiy ValeriyBLR23088.00.071.577.0
2845Ruck RobertHUN25718.
2911Bortnyk OlexandrUKR26788.
3033Zvjaginsev VadimRUS26158.
3127Huzman AlexanderISR26278.
3249Jovanovic ZoranCRO25608.00.069.573.5
3325Turov MaximRUS26328.
3481Luch MichalPOL24458.
3582Pustovoitova DariaRUS24448.
3658Stocek JiriCZE25398.00.066.572.0
3751Kosteniuk AlexandraRUS25538.
3826Rakhmanov AleksandrRUS26307.50.075.580.5
34Andriasian ZavenARM26117.50.075.580.5
4052Meskovs NikitaLAT25527.
550 players
European Blitz 2016 Tallinn EST Wed 14th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 26 Standings:
17Andreikin DmitryRUS271922.00.0439.5454.0
21Mamedov RaufAZE277020.50.0449.0462.0
38Zhigalko SergeiBLR269919.50.0416.5430.0
412Matlakov MaximRUS266819.50.0408.5421.0
59Leko PeterHUN269719.00.0443.5458.0
66Andriasian ZavenARM272019.00.0423.0436.0
74Bortnyk OlexandrUKR274119.00.0418.5431.0
839Bologan VictorMDA258419.00.0416.5428.0
92Navara DavidCZE275419.00.0408.0421.0
1034Anton Guijarro DavidESP260019.00.0403.0415.0
1110Vitiugov NikitaRUS268218.50.0426.0440.0
1238Jovanovic ZoranCRO258518.50.0420.5434.0
1314Wojtaszek RadoslawPOL266618.50.0420.0433.0
1421Vallejo Pons FranciscoESP264818.00.0427.0439.0
1513Kovalenko IgorLAT266718.00.0421.5436.0
1618Ponkratov PavelRUS265718.00.0421.5434.0
1733Grandelius NilsSWE260218.00.0407.0421.0
185Onischuk VladimirUKR274018.00.0401.5414.0
1931Jankovic AlojzijeCRO260618.00.0399.0412.0
2046Huzman AlexanderISR256318.00.0394.0406.5
2151Zelbel PatrickGER253918.00.0390.0403.0
2252Sychev KlementyRUS253517.50.0420.5432.0
2335Plat VojtechCZE260017.50.0418.5433.0
2419Munoz MiguelESP265117.50.0409.0421.0
2526Pavlidis AntoniosGRE261917.50.0406.0418.0
2645Bartel MateuszPOL256917.50.0400.5413.0
2743Kulaots KaidoEST257217.50.0394.0407.0
2823Naiditsch ArkadijAZE264717.50.0393.5407.0
2990Brodowski PiotrPOL239617.50.0392.0403.0
303Ponomariov RuslanUKR274317.00.0426.5440.0
3117Movsesian SergeiARM265817.00.0421.0434.0
3215Saric IvanCRO266417.00.0420.5433.0
3320Kozul ZdenkoCRO264917.00.0416.5431.0
3416Alekseev EvgenyRUS266217.00.0412.0425.0
3537Chigaev MaksimRUS258917.00.0412.0423.0
3644Ruck RobertHUN257117.00.0407.5420.0
3760Castellanos Rodriguez RenierESP249517.00.0405.5417.0
3870Zorko JureSLO247217.00.0403.5414.0
3971Ladva OttomarEST246817.00.0402.0415.0
4022Cvitan OgnjenCRO264717.00.0398.0411.0
510 players

5) Nutcracker Match of the Generations 2016

The Nutcracker Match of the Generations takes place 16th to 23rd December 2016. An experience team of Boris Gelfand, Alexander Morozevich, Alexei Shirov and Aleksey Dreev takes on a team of younger Russian players: Vladimir Fedoseev, Daniil Dubov, Vladislav Artemiev and Grigoriy Oparin. 4 rounds of classical chess and 8 of rapid. This year alongside is match of the generations for women too.

Nutcracker Classical 2016 Moscow RUS Fri 16th Dec 2016 - Fri 23rd Dec 2016
Leading Round 3 (of 4) Standings:
1Oparin, Grigoriy261631½½ 2.0
2Shirov, Alexei26733½½1 2.0
3Gelfand, Boris27253½½½ 1.5
4Dubov, Daniil26603½½½ 1.5
5Artemiev, Vladislav26533½½½ 1.5
6Morozevich, Alexander26763½½½ 1.5
7Dreev, Aleksey2652301½ 1.5
8Fedoseev, Vladimir326673½00 0.5
8 players
Nutcracker Classical w Moscow RUS Fri 16th Dec 2016 - Fri 23rd Dec 2016
Leading Round 3 (of 4) Standings:
1Shuvalova, Polina23833½11 2.5
2Galliamova, Alisa24433½1½ 2.0
3Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra22513½1½ 2.0
4Zaiatz, Elena2313310½ 1.5
5Solozhenkina, Elizaveta22693½½½ 1.5
6Dimitrova, Aleksandra23193001 1.0
7Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina24303½½0 1.0
8Strutinskaia, Galina22663½00 0.5
8 players

6) 1st Hainan Open 2016

The 1st Hainan Open took place 7th to 16th December 2016. Yu Yangyi won with 8/9.

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1st Hainan Open 2016 Danzhou CHN Wed 7th Dec 2016 - Fri 16th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
11Yu YangyiCHN27298.
23Zhou JianchaoCHN26326.50.047.537.5
35Jumabayev RinatKAZ26116.50.047.537.0
46Wen YangCHN26076.
513Tan ZhongyiCHN24966.00.049.538.5
629Peng XiongjianCHN23626.
711Batchuluun TsegmedMGL25216.00.048.536.5
84Lu ShangleiCHN26276.
921Xu YiCHN24306.00.044.535.0
1037Li YankaiCHN23246.
1110Xu YinglunCHN25355.
122Rapport RichardHUN27175.
1318Gusain HimalIND24485.50.048.538.5
1416Tsydypov ZhamsaranRUS24605.50.046.536.5
157Sandipan ChandaIND25935.
1619Dai ChangrenCHN24365.50.044.535.0
1725Liu YanCHN24035.50.044.535.0
1824Liu GuanchuCHN24185.50.043.534.5
1944Nie XinyangCHN22395.
2038Zhu YiCHN23065.50.040.531.5
2140Chen Qi BCHN22905.
2215Hamitevici VladimirMDA24775.00.049.537.5
2322Fang YanCHN24295.
2412Fang YuxiangCHN25105.
259Zhao Zong-YuanAUS25445.00.046.536.5
2614Yermolinsky AlexUSA24865.
278Werle JanNED25605.00.042.533.0
2831Zhao YuanheCHN23515.
2939Xiao YiyiCHN23025.00.041.532.0
3030Nguyen Thi Mai HungVIE23575.00.041.531.5
3135Liu ChangCHN23345.00.040.530.5
3227Li BoCHN23644.
3342Kulkarni BhaktiIND22814.50.044.535.5
3432Rapport JovanaSRB23414.50.040.532.0
3541Chu Wei ChaoCHN22814.50.040.531.0
3647Peng HongchiCHN21694.50.039.531.0
3720Vignesh N RIND24324.
3833Xu MinghuiCHN23414.50.035.527.5
3926Ji DanCHN23984.
4028Wang JueCHN23644.50.033.525.5
69 players

7) 85th ch-UKR 2016

The Ukrainian Championship took place 6th to 17th December 2016. Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko won with 8/11. Elizaveta Malakhova edged out Nataliya Buksa on tie-break after both scored 6/9.

85th ch-UKR 2016 Rivne UKR Tue 6th Dec 2016 - Sat 17th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
13Oleksiyenko MykhayloUKR26158.040.500.06
212Korobov AntonUKR26927.037.500.04
310Moiseenko AlexanderUKR26577.032.500.04
42Areshchenko AlexanderUKR26786.534.250.03
56Kravtsiv MartynUKR26456.530.750.03
67Volokitin AndreiUKR26496.528.250.05
75Efimenko ZaharUKR26516.030.750.03
811Kuzubov YuriyUKR26515.526.750.03
91Kovchan AlexanderUKR25854.521.750.02
109Shtembuliak EvgenyUKR24784.017.250.02
118Bakhmatsky VladislavUKR24463.015.500.01
124Solovchuk AlexeyUKR24091.57.750.00
12 players
85th ch-UKR 2016 Rivne UKR Tue 6th Dec 2016 - Sat 17th Dec 2016. Category: 14. Ave: (2596)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Oleksiyenko, Mykhaylo GM UKR 2615 # 0 1 = 1 1 = 1 = = 1 1 8 2770
2 Korobov, Anton GM UKR 2692 1 # = = = 1 0 = 1 = 1 = 7 2690
3 Moiseenko, Alexander GM UKR 2657 0 = # = = = = 1 = 1 1 1 7 2693
4 Areshchenko, Alexander GM UKR 2678 = = = # = 1 = = = 1 0 1 6.5 2654
5 Kravtsiv, Martyn GM UKR 2645 0 = = = # = = = 1 1 = 1 6.5 2657
6 Volokitin, Andrei GM UKR 2649 0 0 = 0 = # = 1 1 1 1 1 6.5 2657
7 Efimenko, Zahar GM UKR 2651 = 1 = = = = # 0 0 = 1 1 6 2627
8 Kuzubov, Yuriy GM UKR 2651 0 = 0 = = 0 1 # 1 1 = = 5.5 2591
9 Kovchan, Alexander GM UKR 2585 = 0 = = 0 0 1 0 # = = 1 4.5 2532
10 Shtembuliak, Evgeny IM UKR 2478 = = 0 0 0 0 = 0 = # 1 1 4 2505
11 Bakhmatsky, Vladislav UKR 2446 0 0 0 1 = 0 0 = = 0 # = 3 2435
12 Solovchuk, Alexey UKR 2409 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 = # 1.5 2304
76th ch-UKR Women 2016 Rivne UKR Tue 6th Dec 2016 - Sat 17th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
14Malakhova ElizavetaUKR22706.026.500.04
25Buksa NataliyaUKR22646.023.750.05
38Gaponenko InnaUKR24115.524.000.03
41Osmak IulijaUKR23465.022.000.03
59Babiy OlgaUKR23225.020.750.03
63Ivanenko Olga I.UKR22614.517.500.03
710Rakhmangulova AnastasiyaUKR22564.014.750.03
86Tsirulnik MaritsaUKR21613.513.750.02
92Dolzhykova KaterynaUKR22693.012.750.02
107Martynkova OlenaUKR22802.513.250.01
10 players
76th ch-UKR Women 2016 Rivne UKR Tue 6th Dec 2016 - Sat 17th Dec 2016. Category: 2. Ave: (2284)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Malakhova, Elizaveta WGM UKR 2270 # 1 = 1 = = = 1 0 1 6 2411
2 Buksa, Nataliya WGM UKR 2264 0 # 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 = 6 2411
3 Gaponenko, Inna IM UKR 2411 = 1 # = 0 1 = = 1 = 5.5 2350
4 Osmak, Iulija WGM UKR 2346 0 = = # 1 = 1 1 = 0 5 2320
5 Babiy, Olga WGM UKR 2322 = 0 1 0 # = 1 = 1 = 5 2323
6 Ivanenko, Olga I. WFM UKR 2261 = 0 0 = = # 1 0 1 1 4.5 2287
7 Rakhmangulova, Anastasiya WIM UKR 2256 = 0 = 0 0 0 # 1 1 1 4 2244
8 Tsirulnik, Maritsa UKR 2161 0 0 = 0 = 1 0 # = 1 3.5 2218
9 Dolzhykova, Kateryna WIM UKR 2269 1 0 0 = 0 0 0 = # 1 3 2161
10 Martynkova, Olena WFM UKR 2280 0 = = 1 = 0 0 0 0 # 2.5 2118

8) 76th ch-ITA 2016

The 76th Italian Championship took place 7th to 18th December 2016. There was a four way tie between Sabino Brunello, Michele Godena, Alberto David and Pier Luigi Basso on 6.5/11. Alberto David won the rapid tie-break (I couldn't find the time control) with 5/6 two points clear of Sabino Brunello. Michele Godena won a final blitz tie-break with Pier Luigi Basso 2-0 to take 3rd place after both scored 2/6 in the rapid.

76th ch-ITA 2016 Rome ITA Wed 7th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
15BRUNELLO SabinoGMITA25576.5
26GODENA MicheleGMITA25196.5
38DAVID AlbertoGMITA25746.5
410BASSO Pier LuigiIMITA24176.5
51ORTEGA LexyGMITA24736.0
62BELLIA FabrizioIMITA24336.0
74DVIRNYY DanyyilGMITA25545.5
811MOGRANZINI RobertoGMITA25145.5
97LODICI LorenzoIMITA23174.5
109VALSECCHI AlessioIMITA24794.5
1112MORONI Luca jrIMITA24784.5
123BONAFEDE AlessandroIMITA24113.5
12 players
76th ch-ITA 2016 Rome ITA Wed 7th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016. Category: 10. Ave: (2477)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Brunello, Sabino GM ITA 2557 # = = 1 0 1 = = = = = 1 6.5 2535
2 Basso, Pier Luigi IM ITA 2417 = # = = = = = = = 1 1 = 6.5 2548
3 David, Alberto GM ITA 2574 = = # = = = = = = 1 1 = 6.5 2533
4 Godena, Michele GM ITA 2519 0 = = # = = = = 1 1 1 = 6.5 2538
5 Bellia, Fabrizio IM ITA 2433 1 = = = # = = = 1 = 0 = 6 2517
6 Ortega, Lexy GM ITA 2473 0 = = = = # = = 0 1 1 1 6 2514
7 Mogranzini, Roberto GM ITA 2514 = = = = = = # = 1 0 1 0 5.5 2474
8 Dvirnyy, Danyyil GM ITA 2554 = = = = = = = # = = = = 5.5 2470
9 Moroni, Luca Jr IM ITA 2478 = = = 0 0 1 0 = # = 0 1 4.5 2412
10 Valsecchi, Alessio IM ITA 2479 = 0 0 0 = 0 1 = = # = 1 4.5 2412
11 Lodici, Lorenzo IM ITA 2317 = 0 0 0 1 0 0 = 1 = # 1 4.5 2427
12 Bonafede, Alessandro IM ITA 2411 0 = = = = 0 1 = 0 0 0 # 3.5 2350
76th ch-ITA Rapid TB 2016 Rome ITA Sun 18th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 6 Standings:
1David, Alberto25746**11½15.0
2Brunello, Sabino2557600**½13.0
3Godena, Michele25196½0½0**012.06.00
4Basso, Pier Luigi2417610**2.06.00
4 players
76th ch-ITA Blitz 3rd TB Rome ITA Wed 7th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 2 Standings:
1Godena, MicheleGMITA25192
2Basso, Pier LuigiIMITA24170
2 players

9) Israel Championships 2016

The Israel Championships took place 5th to 12th December 2016. Tamir Nabaty edged out Omer Reshef, Avital Boruchovsky and Michael Roiz on tie-break after all scored 6/9. Michal Lahav won the women's event with 8.5/9.

ch-ISR 2016 Tiberias ISR Sun 4th Dec 2016 - Mon 12th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
11Nabaty TamirISR26496.042.54.0
214Reshef OmerISR24356.042.04.0
37Boruchovsky AvitalISR25306.042.03.0
43Roiz MichaelISR26086.041.03.0
55Baron TalISR25365.541.53.0
66Dvoirys Semen I.ISR25345.540.54.0
74Golod VitaliISR25495.539.03.0
82Postny EvgenyISR26205.044.02.0
98Mikhalevski VictorISR25035.043.52.0
1010Kobo OriISR24805.042.03.0
1119Shachar EhudISR23565.040.53.0
1211Steinberg NitzanISR24765.037.53.0
1317Bakalchuk JohnatanISR23895.035.54.0
1412Givon AsafISR24714.544.52.0
1522Drori SaarISR23184.543.03.0
169Soffer RamISR24884.539.01.0
1718Birnboim NathanISR23654.535.03.0
1816Mindlin AlonISR24284.534.03.0
1913Gruenfeld YehudaISR24364.532.52.0
2020Kraus OhadISR23404.531.03.0
2124Chernomordik PavelISR22544.036.52.0
2215Zanan EvgenyISR24344.036.02.0
2328Parkhov YairISR22074.031.51.0
2421Aharon OfirISR23394.031.03.0
2526Gamayev OlegISR22383.536.02.0
2630Gershkowich DavidISR21913.535.02.0
2729Frenkel RanISR22013.034.02.0
2825Lovin BorisISR22543.033.01.0
2923Taichman OriISR22912.032.00.0
3027Kraus YairISR22181.032.00.0
30 players
ch-ISR w 2016 Tiberias ISR Sun 4th Dec 2016 - Mon 12th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
12Lahav Michal21788.542.08.0
25Altshul Limor20228.042.58.0
38Federovski Adi19476.044.05.0
410Vardi Shlomit19265.545.04.0
51Gutmakher Olga22475.044.05.0
64Len Irina21404.545.04.0
712Brusilovski Lena18514.543.04.0
83Nesterovskaya Anzhelika21734.540.54.0
911Ovechkin Lilia18574.538.52.0
107Reprun Nadejda19594.536.53.0
116Haitovich Avital19794.039.54.0
129Dotan Valeria19284.036.03.0
1313Levitan Ronit17124.031.53.0
1418Gitin Yuliya03.532.03.0
1517Zach Asif16323.531.53.0
1616Katkov Michelle16522.530.02.0
1714Levi Shoval16882.032.50.0
1815Bejashvili Irma16561.029.00.0
18 players

10) Baltic Zonal Parnu Stage 2016

The Baltic Zonal Parnu Stage took place 7th to 13th December 2016. Kaido Kulaots won with 7/9.

Baltic Zonal Parnu 2016 Parnu EST Wed 7th Dec 2016 - Tue 13th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
13Kulaots KaidoEST25567.
21Kovalenko IgorLAT26846.533.254.00.0
36Ladva OttomarEST25106.533.004.00.0
42Neiksans ArtursLAT26316.
516Sveshnikov VladimirLAT23985.
610Krivonosov OlegLAT24525.
75Sulskis SarunasLTU25185.
89Zagorskis DariusLTU24695.020.502.00.0
98Meskovs NikitaLAT24895.019.754.00.0
1011Krupenski JuriEST24325.017.504.00.0
1115Starostits IlmarsLAT24134.521.002.00.0
127Miezis NormundsLAT25094.518.502.00.0
1318Rogule LauraLAT22954.516.003.00.0
1413Seeman TarvoEST24204.515.253.00.0
154Kveinys AloyzasLTU25184.
24Stauskas LukasLTU22054.
1712Malisauskas VidmantasLTU24294.
1819Brazdzionis AndriusLTU22854.013.752.00.0
1920Zaksaite SalomejaLTU22744.
2021Sirosh IljaEST22713.513.501.00.0
2117Vovk IljaEST23113.011.751.00.0
2223Narva MaiEST22182.512.002.00.0
2314Pultinevicius PauliusLTU24172.58.502.00.0
2422Vorobjov PavelEST22232.
24 players

11) Georgian Cup 2016

The Georgian Cup takes place 13th to 21st December 2016.

Georgian Cup 2016 Tbilisi GEO Tue 13th Dec 2016 - Wed 21st Dec 2016
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
13Quparadze GigaGEO24815.018.521.04.0
24Beradze IrakliGEO24344.518.020.53.0
32Shanava KonstantineGEO25434.517.520.03.0
46Khurtsidze NinoGEO23814.515.017.54.0
51Paichadze LukaGEO25584.
611Sibashvili GiorgiGEO23514.017.519.53.0
78Tsereteli TamarGEO23703.518.520.03.0
87Gaprindashvili ValerianeGEO23773.518.519.53.0
925Kacharava NikoloziGEO20303.518.020.52.0
109Chkhaidze NikolozGEO23703.517.520.02.0
1119Petriashvili NikolozGEO21693.516.017.52.0
1215Gvetadze SofioGEO22833.515.518.03.0
135Morchiashvili BachanaGEO24203.018.521.02.0
1416Ghvamberia NikaGEO22693.
1526Choladze MariamiGEO20253.016.517.53.0
1623Shamatava AnaGEO20743.
1724Oboladze LukaGEO20623.
1817Tsomaia NikolozGEO22363.013.514.52.0
1920Kokaia GuramGEO21272.518.521.01.0
2018Vakhania AleksandraGEO21862.518.019.02.0
2110Tutisani NoeGEO23542.517.520.01.0
2213Khomeriki NinoGEO23372.516.017.02.0
2327Bokuchava MadonaGEO20142.513.514.50.0
2412Lomsadze DavitGEO23472.014.516.01.0
2521Ebralidze AlexandreGEO21252.
2622Vepkhvishvili VarlamGEO20862.
2729Khmiadashvili TamarGEO19711.514.015.50.0
2828Siprashvili IvaneGEO20081.512.514.00.0
2914Mgeladze TamazGEO22881.013.514.51.0
29 players

12) PSC / Puregold International Open 2016

The PSC / Puregold International Open took place 13th to 18th December 2016. Wang Hao won with 7/9. Final round games not yet available.

PSC / Puregold Open 2016 Subic Bay PHI Tue 13th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
11Wang HaoGMCHN26787.00.0254947.5
24Pantsulaia LevanGMGEO26076.50.0251048.0
36Kovalev VladislavGMBLR25956.00.0252346.0
42Demchenko AntonGMRUS26326.00.0251947.0
57Gagunashvili MerabGMGEO25886.00.0247241.5
610Paragua MarkGMPHI24925.50.0254548.0
78Stupak KirillGMBLR25625.50.0253646.5
85Mchedlishvili MikheilGMGEO26015.50.0248443.5
93Savchenko BorisGMRUS26185.50.0247942.5
1017Garcia Jan EmmanuelIMPHI24385.00.0248143.0
1125Abelgas RoelFMPHI22915.00.0245640.5
1215Kotanjian TigranGMARM24675.00.0235337.0
1320Pascua HaridasIMPHI24014.50.0251145.0
1414Lei TingjieWGMCHN24684.50.0249743.5
1521Tran Minh ThangFMVIE23994.50.0248342.0
1611Antonio Rogelio JrGMPHI24814.50.0247442.5
1713Puranik AbhimanyuIMIND24764.50.0245842.0
1812Tran Tuan MinhIMVIE24784.50.0244641.0
1918Bersamina PauloIMPHI24044.50.0243341.0
2019Dimakiling OliverIMPHI24044.50.0242841.0
219Torre EugenioGMPHI24954.50.0239939.0
2223Raja HarshitIND23404.00.0248342.5
2316Laylo DarwinGMPHI24514.00.0247040.5
2422Nouri HamedPHI23634.00.0243141.5
2531Miciano John MarvinPHI21914.00.0235135.0
2627Andador RolandoPHI22624.00.0233633.0
2728Branzuela AliPHI22544.00.0233232.5
2826Kurbonboeva SarvinozWIMUZB22744.00.0231032.5
2924Frayna Janelle MaeWIMPHI23203.50.0244341.5
3029Panopio Jr RodolfoPHI22233.00.0237136.0
3130Roma AlvinPHI22192.51.5229932.5
3233Secopito CatherineWIMPHI21602.51.0232134.0
3334San Diego Marie AntoinetteWFMPHI20182.50.5230433.5
3432Fronda Jan JodilynWIMPHI21652.00.0230534.0
34 players

13) Sunway Sitges Festival 2016

The Sunway Sitges Festival takes place 16th to 23rd December 2016.

Sunway Sitges Open 2016 Sitges ESP Fri 16th Dec 2016 - Fri 23rd Dec 2016
Leading Round 4 (of 9) Standings:
14GRANDA ZUNIGA Julio EGMPER26464.08.09.510.0
210VAN FOREEST JordenGMNED26053.
317SHYAM Sundar M.GMIND25323.58.510.58.5
46POSTNY EvgenyGMISR26203.
565GU XiaobingWGMCHN23243.
72SASIKIRAN KrishnanGMIND26613.
85ROMANOV EvgenyGMRUS26223.
1114LOPEZ MARTINEZ Josep ManuelGMCAT25523.
1220AROSHIDZE LevanGMCAT25173.
137EDOUARD RomainGMFRA26113.
1428SANTOS RUIZ MiguelIMESP24843.08.510.58.5
32MINKO VladimirIMRUS24293.08.510.58.5
169ZUBOV AlexanderGMUKR26063.08.510.08.5
34LAUBER ArndIMGER24213.08.510.08.5
188VOCATURO DanieleGMITA26063.08.510.08.0
1954INIYAN PIND23633.
2011VOROBIOV Evgeny E.GMRUS25833.
2131SATYAPRAGYAN SwayangsuIMIND24623.
2337KONGUVEL PonnuswamyIMIND24173.
2452MEISTER PeterIMGER23663.
2641COLLAS DidierIMFRA23993.
271KAMSKY GataGMUSA26613.
2861HARSHA BharathakotiIND23323.
2912PERALTA FernandoGMARG25743.
3015SUNILDUTH LYNA NarayananGMIND25413.
3155DEDEBAS Emre EminFMTUR23583.
3226KRYSA LeandroIMARG24912.
3325LIANG AwonderIMUSA24952.58.510.57.5
3421LEMOS DamianGMARG25162.
3586MICHELAKOS PanagiotisGRE22572.
3758NIHAL SarinFMIND23402.
3816BURMAKIN VladimirGMRUS25352.
22PETROV NikitaIMRUS25122.
45ROEDER MatthiasIMGER23862.
175 players

14) Zadar Open 2016

The Zadar Open took place 11th to 17th December 2016. Jinshi Bai won with 7/9.

Zadar Open A 2016 Zadar CRO Sun 11th Dec 2016 - Sat 17th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
16Bai JinshiGMCHN25447.039.048.539.0
212Dragnev ValentinIMAUT24756.534.545.033.0
33Stevic HrvojeGMCRO26006.040.051.534.0
42Palac MladenGMCRO26016.039.550.532.5
522Li DiFMCHN24346.
68Zelcic RobertGMCRO24966.038.549.531.5
71Nikolic PredragGMBIH26156.037.547.031.5
814Schreiner PeterIMAUT24726.034.544.529.0
94Brkic AnteGMCRO25695.538.048.030.0
1013Swayams MishraIMIND24735.537.548.529.5
115Saric AnteGMCRO25475.536.546.530.0
1211Jovanic OgnjenGMCRO24775.535.045.530.0
1329Halvax GeorgFMAUT23955.534.543.028.5
1410Stopa JacekGMPOL24795.534.043.527.5
1517Livaic LeonFMCRO24515.532.542.026.5
1623Plenca JadrankoFMCRO24155.532.040.025.5
1715Xu XiangyuCHN24675.037.046.530.0
187Sebenik MatejGMSLO25415.036.545.529.5
1931Markoja BorisFMSLO23665.036.045.527.0
2018Klekowski MaciejIMPOL24485.035.043.527.5
2144Xiang ZeyuCHN23105.035.042.524.0
2239Mesaros FlorianFMAUT23345.034.042.524.0
2321Kreisl RobertIMAUT24365.032.541.026.0
2416Fercec NenadGMCRO24615.032.040.522.0
2527Schnider GertFMAUT24075.
2620Rezan SasaIMCRO24375.031.539.524.5
2757Krstulovic AlexFMHUN22585.031.539.522.0
2835Bilobrk FranjoIMCRO23545.029.538.521.5
2926Plenca JulijanIMCRO24115.027.534.522.5
3051Blazeka MatejFMCRO22844.533.042.521.5
3132Reich ThomasIMGER23624.532.542.022.5
3234Mencinger VojkoIMSLO23564.531.539.523.0
3330Jakic IvanFMCRO23804.530.539.023.0
3441Bao QilinCHN23314.530.039.019.0
3533Tica SvenFMCRO23594.527.035.516.5
3645Zelic MladenFMCRO23054.034.043.520.5
3728Djurovic GoranIMCRO23964.032.542.024.0
3850Piskur MitjaFMSLO22854.032.541.021.0
3949Glavas DraganFMCRO22864.031.540.522.0
4054Guttenthaler FranzGER22684.030.038.521.5
61 players
Zadar Open B 2016 Zadar CRO Sun 11th Dec 2016 - Sat 17th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
16Bozinovic BogdanFMCRO22027.039.049.535.0
21Medancic RikardIMCRO22676.542.053.036.5
39Berke AnaWIMCRO21686.542.053.035.5
412Stipic MarkoMKCRO21526.541.052.036.0
54Sulc DamirFMCRO22086.540.050.536.0
611Deur Saric ZrinkaWFMCRO21526.538.049.033.5
715Elishev IvanRUS21226.537.548.530.5
824Cvitan EnaNMCRO20796.536.546.532.5
926Egerc JosipMKCRO20626.536.046.531.5
1019Vidovic AnteMKCRO20936.534.044.030.0
113Bozanic IvicaFMCRO22166.
122Muratovic EnverFMBIH22246.037.047.532.0
1314Yordanov NikolayBUL21466.
1416Soric RomeoMKCRO21156.034.544.528.5
1534Kejzar PetraSLO20095.541.050.032.0
1623Brkic IvicaMKCRO20835.539.048.531.5
1721Luetic AnteMKCRO20855.538.049.030.5
187Popovic IvoMKCRO21795.538.048.532.5
1917Tomas AnteMKCRO21075.538.047.531.5
205Mihalinec DamirNMCRO22025.537.548.531.5
2139Buhin DenisICRO19675.537.548.529.5
2225Komljenovic TihomirMKCRO20735.536.547.030.0
2335Spiranec NoemiMKCRO19995.536.047.027.5
2422Valette ChristianAIMFRA20845.535.044.529.0
2520Mandaric AnteICRO20875.534.544.027.5
2628Trippold DeniseWFMAUT20575.533.544.027.5
2751Novak IvoIICRO18675.533.040.524.5
2842Klasan ElvisMKCRO19495.
2940Totic ZeljkoICRO19625.
3046Stojkovic AndrejaMKCRO19105.034.542.027.0
3113Slamar VelimirNMCRO21505.033.542.026.5
3229Bubicic Josip Dr.MKCRO20515.032.542.525.0
3327Gujic VladimirICRO20595.032.542.026.5
3410Jelecevic IvoBIH21675.032.541.526.0
3545Dzaja Martin ZorislavICRO19145.032.041.524.5
3636Miskovic BozoICRO19975.031.541.024.5
3765Katulic ZlatkoICRO17585.030.038.521.0
3831Zezelj VladislavMKCRO20235.029.538.024.0
3938Ikica AnteMKCRO19845.029.538.022.0
4018Babic AndrijaMKCRO20964.538.549.526.5
95 players

15) 28th Carlos Torre Memorial 2016

The 28th Carlos Torre Memorial takes place 15th to 20th December 2016.

28th Carlos Torre Mem Merida MEX Thu 15th Dec 2016 - Tue 20th Dec 2016
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
112Cruz CristhianGMPER25315.00.024.517.0
23Swiercz DariuszGMPOL26465.00.023.515.5
35Shimanov AleksandrGMRUS26335.00.022.515.0
8Durarbayli VasifGMAZE26085.00.022.515.0
57Bruzon Batista LazaroGMCUB26265.
611Rambaldi FrancescoGMITA25515.00.020.513.5
719Espinosa Veloz ErmesIMCUB24994.50.024.517.0
86Quesada Perez YunieskyGMCUB26324.
91Onischuk AlexanderGMUSA26684.
1028Vorontsov PavloIMUKR24624.50.022.515.0
1113Gomez Garrido Camilo ErnestoGMCUB25274.
1216Vera Siguenas DeivyIMPER25164.
132Cordova EmilioGMPER26604.
1430Aguero Jimenez Luis LazaroIMCUB24504.
1510Ortiz Suarez Isan ReynaldoGMCUB25684.
1623Rios Cristhian CamiloIMCOL24824.
179Baryshpolets AndreyGMUKR25844.50.019.513.5
1814Gonzalez Vidal YuriGMCUB25244.50.019.512.5
1921Ali Marandi Cemil CanIMTUR24874.
2018Gonzalez Zamora Juan CarlosGMMEX24994.00.024.516.5
214Cori JorgeGMPER26454.
2215Gorovets AndreyIMBLR25224.00.023.516.0
2320Hernandez Guerrero GilbertoGMMEX24944.
2425Grover SahajGMIND24694.
2517Martinez Duany Lelys StanleyGMCUB25124.00.021.514.0
2643Ordaz Valdes Lisandra TeresaWGMCUB23704.00.020.514.0
2739Leiva GiuseppeIMPER23864.00.020.514.0
2822Alvarez Pedraza AramisGMCUB24844.00.020.513.5
40Elias Reyes Jorge RobertoFMCUB23814.00.020.513.5
3034Diaz Murgada RiderFMCUB24344.
3132Vera Gonzalez-Quevedo ReynaldGMCUB24424.00.019.513.0
3257Chiku-Ratte Olivier-KentaFMCAN23004.00.019.512.5
3375Mateus AlejandroFMCOL22144.
3455Torres Rosas Luis CarlosIMMEX23044.
3526Ruiz Sanchez OrlenIMCUB24644.
3636Lopez Gonzalez Abel FabianIMCUB23994.00.016.511.5
3741Martin Del Campo C. RobertoIMMEX23793.50.022.515.0
3851Diaz Rosas Julio CesarFMMEX23253.
3953Perez Garcia Rodney OscarIMCUB23123.
4033Ibarra Chami Luis FernandoIMMEX24423.
148 players

16) Australasian Masters 2016

The Australasian Masters took place 10th to 18th December 2016. Li Tian Yeoh won the GM group with 7.5/9. Games from the final rounds of the IM group not yet available but should be soon.

Australasian Masters GM Melbourne AUS Sat 10th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
11Smirnov AntonAUS25146.00.0524.50
29Kasparov SergeyBLR24645.50.0223.75
35Ikeda JuntaAUS23755.01.0422.75
43Cheng BobbyAUS24465.00.0420.75
510Izzat KananAZE24564.50.5218.50
68Demuth AdrienFRA25464.50.5120.75
76Solomon Stephen JAUS23774.01.0217.25
82Papin VasilyRUS24664.00.0118.00
97Wallis ChristopherAUS23633.50.0217.00
104Zelesco KarlAUS23533.00.0211.75
10 players
Australasian Masters GM Melbourne AUS Sat 10th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016. Category: 8. Ave: (2436)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Smirnov, Anton IM AUS 2514 # = 0 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 6 2552
2 Kasparov, Sergey GM BLR 2464 = # 1 = = = = = = 1 5.5 2513
3 Ikeda, Junta IM AUS 2375 1 0 # 1 = 1 0 = 0 1 5 2486
4 Cheng, Bobby IM AUS 2446 0 = 0 # 1 1 = 1 0 1 5 2478
5 Demuth, Adrien GM FRA 2546 1 = = 0 # = = = = = 4.5 2424
6 Izzat, Kanan IM AZE 2456 = = 0 0 = # = = 1 1 4.5 2434
7 Papin, Vasily GM RUS 2466 0 = 1 = = = # 0 = = 4 2390
8 Solomon, Stephen J IM AUS 2377 0 = = 0 = = 1 # 1 0 4 2400
9 Wallis, Christopher FM AUS 2363 0 = 1 1 = 0 = 0 # 0 3.5 2364
10 Zelesco, Karl FM AUS 2353 0 0 0 0 = 0 = 1 1 # 3 2320
Australasian Masters IM Melbourne AUS Sat 10th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
11Yeoh Li TianMAS24327.50.0628.00
210Liu XiangyiSGP24317.00.0528.00
39Johansen Darryl KAUS23706.50.0524.25
48Stojic DusanAUS22255.50.0418.25
57Ang Alphaeus Wei ErnNZL22505.00.5414.75
64Brown AndrewAUS22325.00.5218.25
76De Seroux CamilleSUI20693.50.029.00
82Levi Eddy LAUS21522.00.515.50
93Rujevic MirkoAUS21862.00.506.50
105Chan KrisAUS21831.00.003.50
10 players

17) 13th Vandoeuvre Open 2016

The 13th Vandoeuvre Open takes place 17th to 21st December 2016.

13th Vandoeuvre Open 2016 Vandoeuvre les Nancy FRA Sat 17th Dec 2016 - Wed 21st Dec 2016
Leading Round 4 (of 9) Standings:
1FEDORCHUK Sergey A.gUKR261543044
2REAL ThibaultBEL20852748
3WAGNER DennisgGER25482664
4NEVEDNICHY VladislavgROU25522655
5SANIKIDZE TornikegGEO25032638
6THEJKUMAR M. S.mIND24582597
7ZHIGALKO AndreygBLR25862573
8DELORME AxelmFRA25172573
9BAILET PierremFRA247832532
10POETSCH HagenmGER249532520
11YANKELEVICH LevmGER240732511
12TERRIEUX KevinmFRA243732508
13HANSEN MadsfDEN245232501
14HAUB Thorsten MichaelgGER238432466
15MEIJERS ViestursgLAT246232460
16WIRIG AnthonygFRA248032457
17KEYMER VincentGER241532452
18BULMAGA IrinamROU240232423
19BARON TalgISR253632418
20MIDOUX SebastienFRA233832360
21BATTAGLINI GabrielmFRA242632338
22BELENKAYA DinagfRUS234032331
23TAHAY AlexisFRA21552440
24FAVAREL AntoinefFRA24192434
25PHILIPPE GuillaumefFRA23132379
26PIGEAT AlexandrefFRA22882355
27SHIRAZI KamranmFRA23212342
28PUCHER SebastienfFRA23782340
29HELFER RemiFRA20202305
30ABERGEL ThalgFRA24612280
31MICOTTIS DorianfFRA22252276
32VELICKA PetrgCZE24372272
33MALASSAGNE RaphaelFRA21822268
34TADDEI BenoitfFRA22942267
35MULLER EtienneFRA21632242
36EDEN JamesfFRA23562207
37SALLES LouisFRA22312206
38MOUCHEROUD JeremyFRA22312192
39XU XiangyuCHN246722770
40LI DifCHN243422758
103 players

18) 13th Vasylyshyn Memorial 2016

The 13th Vasylyshyn Memorial took place 3rd to 11th December 2016. Oleg Terletsky won with 6/9.

13th Vasylyshyn IM Lviv UKR Sat 3rd Dec 2016 - Sun 11th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
14Terletsky OlegUKR22636.025.250.03
22Plichta KamilPOL23365.524.750.03
35Skawinski ArkadiuszPOL23405.522.000.03
410Anwesh UpadhyayaIND23865.020.500.02
53Golubka PetroUKR24075.020.250.02
61Odnorozhenko EvgenyiUKR23284.019.000.01
79Punin AndriiUKR22594.018.000.00
88Pultorak JanPOL23104.016.500.01
96Bogdanov EgorUKR23963.515.250.00
107Sychevskyy AndriyUKR23152.510.500.01
10 players
13th Vasylyshyn IM Lviv UKR Sat 3rd Dec 2016 - Sun 11th Dec 2016. Category: 4. Ave: (2334)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Terletsky, Oleg FM UKR 2263 # = = = 1 1 = = = 1 6 2467
2 Plichta, Kamil FM POL 2336 = # 1 1 = 0 = = 1 = 5.5 2414
3 Skawinski, Arkadiusz FM POL 2340 = 0 # = = = = 1 1 1 5.5 2413
4 Anwesh, Upadhyaya IM IND 2386 = 0 = # = = = 1 = 1 5 2371
5 Golubka, Petro IM UKR 2407 0 = = = # = 1 = = 1 5 2369
6 Odnorozhenko, Evgenyi IM UKR 2328 0 1 = = = # = = = 0 4 2292
7 Punin, Andrii FM UKR 2259 = = = = 0 = # = = = 4 2299
8 Pultorak, Jan FM POL 2310 = = 0 0 = = = # = 1 4 2294
9 Bogdanov, Egor UKR 2396 = 0 0 = = = = = # = 3.5 2247
10 Sychevskyy, Andriy FM UKR 2315 0 = 0 0 0 1 = 0 = # 2.5 2170
Round 1. Sat 3rd Dec 2016
Odnorozhenko, Evgenyi 1/2-1/2 Anwesh, Upadhyaya 33 C24 Bishop's opening
Plichta, Kamil 1/2-1/2 Punin, Andrii 37 A45 Trompovsky attack (Ruth, Opovcensky opening)
Golubka, Petro 1/2-1/2 Pultorak, Jan 41 D85 Gruenfeld
Terletsky, Oleg 1-0 Sychevskyy, Andriy 52 B57 Sicilian
Skawinski, Arkadiusz 1-0 Bogdanov, Egor 69 B51 Sicilian
Round 2. Sun 4th Dec 2016
Anwesh, Upadhyaya 1/2-1/2 Bogdanov, Egor 11 E62 King's Indian
Sychevskyy, Andriy 0-1 Skawinski, Arkadiusz 50 C77 Ruy Lopez
Pultorak, Jan 1/2-1/2 Terletsky, Oleg 45 E97 King's Indian
Punin, Andrii 0-1 Golubka, Petro 40 C45 Scotch game
Odnorozhenko, Evgenyi 1-0 Plichta, Kamil 32 C44 Scotch gambit
Round 3. Mon 5th Dec 2016
Plichta, Kamil 1-0 Anwesh, Upadhyaya 28 D43 QGD semi-Slav
Golubka, Petro 1/2-1/2 Odnorozhenko, Evgenyi 36 C69 Ruy Lopez
Terletsky, Oleg 1/2-1/2 Punin, Andrii 42 B13 Caro-Kann
Skawinski, Arkadiusz 1-0 Pultorak, Jan 61 B51 Sicilian
Bogdanov, Egor 1/2-1/2 Sychevskyy, Andriy 28 C16 French
Round 4. Tue 6th Dec 2016
Anwesh, Upadhyaya 1-0 Sychevskyy, Andriy 28 A34 English
Pultorak, Jan 1/2-1/2 Bogdanov, Egor 42 E94 King's Indian
Punin, Andrii 1/2-1/2 Skawinski, Arkadiusz 26 E06 Catalan
Odnorozhenko, Evgenyi 0-1 Terletsky, Oleg 29 C44 Scotch gambit
Plichta, Kamil 1/2-1/2 Golubka, Petro 60 D35 QGD
Round 5. Wed 7th Dec 2016
Golubka, Petro 1/2-1/2 Anwesh, Upadhyaya 29 D43 QGD semi-Slav
Terletsky, Oleg 1/2-1/2 Plichta, Kamil 35 C47 Four knights
Skawinski, Arkadiusz 1/2-1/2 Odnorozhenko, Evgenyi 11 C84 Ruy Lopez
Bogdanov, Egor 1/2-1/2 Punin, Andrii 22 C11 French
Sychevskyy, Andriy 0-1 Pultorak, Jan 38 D85 Gruenfeld
Round 6. Thu 8th Dec 2016
Anwesh, Upadhyaya 1-0 Pultorak, Jan 48 B43 Sicilian
Punin, Andrii 1/2-1/2 Sychevskyy, Andriy 22 B31 Sicilian
Odnorozhenko, Evgenyi 1/2-1/2 Bogdanov, Egor 15 B27 Sicilian
Plichta, Kamil 1-0 Skawinski, Arkadiusz 58 D31 QGD
Golubka, Petro 0-1 Terletsky, Oleg 42 C77 Ruy Lopez
Round 7. Fri 9th Dec 2016
Terletsky, Oleg 1/2-1/2 Anwesh, Upadhyaya 11 C01 French
Skawinski, Arkadiusz 1/2-1/2 Golubka, Petro 88 C83 Ruy Lopez
Bogdanov, Egor 0-1 Plichta, Kamil 32 B06 Robatsch (modern) defence
Sychevskyy, Andriy 1-0 Odnorozhenko, Evgenyi 15 A50 Queen's Indian accelerated
Pultorak, Jan 1/2-1/2 Punin, Andrii 29 E32 Nimzo-Indian
Round 8. Sat 10th Dec 2016
Anwesh, Upadhyaya 1/2-1/2 Punin, Andrii 60 A13 English opening
Odnorozhenko, Evgenyi 1/2-1/2 Pultorak, Jan 16 A05 Reti opening
Plichta, Kamil 1/2-1/2 Sychevskyy, Andriy 26 A34 English
Golubka, Petro 1/2-1/2 Bogdanov, Egor 15 A01 Nimzovich-Larsen attack
Terletsky, Oleg 1/2-1/2 Skawinski, Arkadiusz 30 C47 Four knights
Round 9. Sun 11th Dec 2016
Skawinski, Arkadiusz 1/2-1/2 Anwesh, Upadhyaya 30 C67 Ruy Lopez
Bogdanov, Egor 1/2-1/2 Terletsky, Oleg 11 C55 Two knights defence (Modern bishop's opening)
Sychevskyy, Andriy 0-1 Golubka, Petro 31 D34 QGD
Pultorak, Jan 1/2-1/2 Plichta, Kamil 149 E94 King's Indian
Punin, Andrii 1/2-1/2 Odnorozhenko, Evgenyi 11 A38 English

19) 7th Sharjah Cup for Women 2016

The 7th Sharjah Cup for Women takes place 18th to 26th December 2016.

7th Sharjah Cup for Women Sharjah UAE Sun 18th Dec 2016 - Mon 26th Dec 2016
Leading Round 2 (of 9) Standings:
11Kovanova BairaRUS23902.
4Doluhanova EvgeniyaUKR22522.
6Babayan ArmineARM21962.
8Moskalets NataliaUKR21442.
55Gevorgyan MariaARM21972.
9Gaboyan SusannaARM21382.
72Schepetkova MargaritaRUS23022.
7Abdulla KhayalaAZE21862.
93Zozulia AnnaBEL22942.
1018Jehad AyshaUAE16572.
1110Wafa ShrookEGY21371.
16Razan AlshaebyJOR18591.
1319Bashaer KhalilUAE16341.
20Aseel OdehJOR15301.
1511Shamima Akter LizaBAN20931.
13Razh AmalRUS19671.
15Saleh Nora MohdUAE19381.
17Ranasinghe S DSRI17171.
21Al-Hammadi Fatima HusseinUAE15091.
24Almaini Aishah SarhanUAE13961.
26Al-Hammadi Maryam HusseinUAE13111.
28Al Ali Aisha SaifUAE12861.
29Khalil ReemUAE12541.
2412Wafa ShahendaEGY20781.
2514Asgarova TuranAZE19631.
2630Fatima Saif Al-AliUAE12531.
36Jawaher KhalilUAE10641.
39Narch MaissounSYR01.
2922Al-Hammadi Mona HUAE14550.
3027Khalil HananUAE13080.
38Al Balushi Ruqaya AbdullahOMA00.
3223Maitha Easa Al TenejiUAE14450.
25Obaid JawaherUAE13190.
32Nora Mohamed YousufUAE12140.
35Al-Hammadi Manal HusseinUAE11580.
40Shahed Abu QamarJOR00.
3731Al-Ramadan NadyaKUW12140.
33Rayan Mohammad Ali HassanUAE11890.
34Nour Saleh JasimUAE11730.
37Bekheet SuhailahKUW10580.
40 players

20) 174th YMCA Autumn A 2016

The 174th YMCA Autumn A took place 23rd September to 16th December 2016. Maria Malicka and Piotr Wojtaszewski scored 9/13.

174th YMCA Autumn A 2016 Warsaw POL Fri 23rd Sep 2016 - Fri 16th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 13 Standings:
17Malicka, Mariak+190169.056.50
213Wojtaszewski, PiotrI++199869.053.50
33Borowy, CezaryI+201958.047.75
414Goslawski, Michalk215348.046.75
512Piotrowski, ArkadiuszI++192657.542.50
61Sadowski, Miroslawk210047.041.50
75Kasperkiewicz, Pawelk190857.039.00
86Praczukowski, Stanislawk210057.037.00
99Choroszej, Aleksanderk196756.535.25
1011Szymczak, Rafalk200706.039.25
112Rozowski, MarcinI+199626.036.75
1210Kaczmarska, Joannak186235.533.25
138Celinski, KamilI191813.015.50
144Pajak, JakubI++189301.59.50
14 players
174th YMCA Autumn A 2016 Warsaw POL Fri 23rd Sep 2016 - Fri 16th Dec 2016. Category: None. Ave: (1982)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Pts TPR
1 Malicka, Maria POL 1901 # = = = 1 1 1 1 1 = = 0 = 1 9 2129
2 Wojtaszewski, Piotr POL 1998 = # = = 1 = = 1 1 = 0 1 1 1 9 2122
3 Borowy, Cezary POL 2019 = = # = = 1 = 1 0 = 1 0 1 1 8 2066
4 Goslawski, Michal POL 2153 = = = # = 0 1 = = = 1 = 1 1 8 2056
5 Piotrowski, Arkadiusz POL 1926 0 0 = = # = 0 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 7.5 2043
6 Sadowski, Miroslaw POL 2100 0 = 0 1 = # 0 = 1 = = 1 1 = 7 2002
7 Kasperkiewicz, Pawel POL 1908 0 = = 0 1 1 # 0 0 = = 1 1 1 7 2017
8 Praczukowski, Stanislaw POL 2100 0 0 0 = 0 = 1 # 1 = = 1 1 1 7 2002
9 Choroszej, Aleksander POL 1967 0 0 1 = 0 0 1 0 # 1 = = 1 1 6.5 1983
10 Szymczak, Rafal POL 2007 = = = = = = = = 0 # = = = = 6 1951
11 Rozowski, Marcin POL 1996 = 1 0 0 0 = = = = = # = 1 = 6 1952
12 Kaczmarska, Joanna POL 1862 1 0 1 = 0 0 0 0 = = = # = 1 5.5 1934
13 Celinski, Kamil POL 1918 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 = 0 = # 1 3 1776
14 Pajak, Jakub POL 1893 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 = = 0 0 # 1.5 1654

21) 5th Palmanova Open 2016

The 5th Palmanova Open took place 8th to 11th December 2016. Igor Naumkin and Giulio Borgo scored 5/6.

5th Palmanova Open 2016 Palmanova ESP Thu 8th Dec 2016 - Sun 11th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 6 Standings:
13Naumkin IgorRUS24245.019.021.02329
27Borgo GiulioITA23565.018.020.02219
32Fercec NenadCRO24614.521.022.52271
41Kosic DraganMNE25074.520.523.02275
56Laketic GojkoSRB23684.519.522.52247
65Manca FedericoITA23944.518.020.52183
712Zamengo FulvioITA22684.019.521.52218
811Rossi CarloITA22894.016.018.02118
94Drazic SinisaSRB23963.520.522.52164
108Radlovacki JovanSRB23453.520.023.52233
1118Zuttioni FedericoITA21903.519.521.02215
1226Morgunov DanielAUT20483.519.022.02295
1317Sanchez Saez FranciscoESP21983.518.520.02224
149Dappiano AndreaITA23093.518.020.52201
1520Belli GiorgioITA21573.518.020.02153
1610Beletic DanielSLO23033.517.019.52077
1719Gerola FaustoITA21663.516.016.52139
1830Engl StefanITA20183.514.516.02180
1921Bonade MassimoITA20943.514.516.02071
2015Madiai FedericoITA22153.514.014.52073
2116Barp AlbertoITA22123.017.519.52154
2222Simonetto AndreaITA20873.016.518.52078
2332Zamengo BrunoITA20153.016.018.02121
2428Pugnetti SergioITA20263.016.016.52101
2527Capaliku AleksITA20433.015.517.02097
2644Cappelletto JoshuaedeITA18513.012.012.52012
2713Seresin FrancescoITA22513.011.512.01997
2831Marziali GiulioITA20162.518.019.52236
2935Riccobon EliaITA19722.516.518.52144
3023Zenari MarcoITA20552.512.514.02043
3114Bergamasco TommasoITA22162.512.514.01990
3238Beltrame LeonardoITA19502.512.013.52047
3329Ridolfo EnricoITA20232.017.519.52082
3433Laco GiuseppeITA19962.016.518.02166
3525Spiesberger GerhardAUT20502.016.518.02075
3639Simonetto AlessioITA19502.015.016.02097
3736Picco RuggeroITA19702.014.516.52073
3834Morgunov MarcAUT19932.014.516.02104
3937Rumpf WernerAUT19612.014.516.02078
4042Palma MariaITA19241.514.015.52132
44 players

22) 17th Puhajarve Rapid 2016

The 17th Puhajarve Rapid took place 25th to 27th November 2016. This traditional event is a time handicap featuring professional and amateur players. Alexei Shirov scored 31/35.

17th Puhajarve Rapid Puhajarve EST Fri 25th Nov 2016 - Sun 27th Nov 2016
Leading Final Round 35 Standings:
135Shirov AlekseiGMLAT266231.0514.750.027
214Kovalenko IgorGMLAT270128.5450.500.027
34Kulaots KaidoGMEST249427.5424.000.023
419Valgmae ToomasEST234226.5416.000.025
532Shabalov AleksandrGMUSA254226.0386.500.021
617Ladva OttomarGMEST244725.0371.000.022
75Narva MaiWIMEST218724.0383.250.020
829Khalifman, AleksandrGMRUS258924.0375.500.015
928Beliavsky, AleksandrGMSLO263124.0342.250.020
101Schults OlevFMEST226123.0353.250.020
1111Ehlvest JaanGMUSA257623.0334.250.019
1218Medar MartiEST211822.5333.500.018
133Hubner RobertGMGER257521.5323.000.017
1424Petursson MargeirGMISL238721.5322.500.017
1534Puusepp KaimarEST225720.0301.750.011
1625Leito PriitMEST237120.0279.500.012
1713Sepp OlavIMEST242419.5258.250.016
1820Blomqvist ErikGMSWE250919.0263.500.017
1926Reizniece-Ozola DanaWGMLAT233918.0222.500.016
2021Ozolins ArisFMLAT202817.5241.000.011
2115Siemer TambetEST232917.0250.500.011
2231Rotov IgorEST210017.0248.500.012
237Vihmand AntsEST217617.0235.750.013
246Simson UrmasEST217716.0215.000.013
252Kelder HendrekEST205312.5185.250.08
2616Karp LauriEST150012.0147.750.07
2710Jarvet JuriEST201412.0141.500.09
2822Satonen ArtoFIN207211.0110.500.09
2936Otsmann VilluEST186410.0141.000.06
308Virro ToomasEST175010.0103.500.08
3133Tuulik ĂśloEST19018.575.250.08
3212Ozols AndrisLAT16277.598.000.05
3323Schmidt MaitEST17247.063.250.04
3430Baskin RomanEST15006.049.250.05
3527Meidla LauriEST16603.032.000.01
369Kapp ViljarEST15001.522.250.00
36 players

23) 68th ch-SGP 2016

The 68th Singapore Championship takes place 17th to 23rd December 2016.

68th ch-SGP 2016 Singapore SIN Sat 17th Dec 2016 - Fri 23rd Dec 2016
Leading Round 4 (of 9) Standings:
13Tin JingyaoSGP24383.
9Paciencia EnriqueSGP23313.
36Sivakumar AshvinSGP21723.
41Lee Qing AunSGP22492.
58Lee Jun WeiSGP20932.
64Lau Ende MatthewSGP20371.
77Ng JimmySGP20571.
82Goh Sean ChristianSGP19210.
5Tan Poh HengSGP21390.
9 players

24) NFD Cup Final 2016

The NFD Cup Final GM and IM events took place in St Petersburg 9th to 17th December 2016.

NFD Cup Final A 2016 St Petersburg RUS Fri 9th Dec 2016 - Sat 17th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
15Volodin AleksandrEST24627.00.05.05
28Lintchevski DaniilRUS25186.00.03.03
310Shevchenko KirillUKR24395.51.53.03
47Esipenko AndreyRUS24925.51.04.04
51Sharafiev AzatRUS24185.50.54.04
64Moiseenko VadimRUS25304.51.03.03
72Levin Evgeny A.RUS25144.50.02.02
83Sipila VilkaFIN24243.50.03.03
96Gazik ViktorSVK24183.00.01.01
109Rudenko NaumRUS23370.00.00.00
10 players
NFD Cup Final A 2016 St Petersburg RUS Fri 9th Dec 2016 - Sat 17th Dec 2016. Category: 9. Ave: (2455)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Volodin, Aleksandr GM EST 2462 # = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 7 2674
2 Lintchevski, Daniil GM RUS 2518 = # = = = = = 1 1 1 6 2573
3 Shevchenko, Kirill IM UKR 2439 = = # 1 = = 0 1 = 1 5.5 2537
4 Esipenko, Andrey FM RUS 2492 = = 0 # 1 0 = 1 1 1 5.5 2531
5 Sharafiev, Azat IM RUS 2418 0 = = 0 # 1 1 1 = 1 5.5 2539
6 Levin, Evgeny A. GM RUS 2514 = = = 1 0 # 0 = = 1 4.5 2449
7 Moiseenko, Vadim IM RUS 2530 0 = 1 = 0 1 # 0 = 1 4.5 2447
8 Sipila, Vilka IM FIN 2424 0 0 0 0 0 = 1 # 1 1 3.5 2379
9 Gazik, Viktor IM SVK 2418 0 0 = 0 = = = 0 # 1 3 2334
10 Rudenko, Naum FM RUS 2337 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 2468
NFD Cup Final B 2016 St Petersburg RUS Fri 9th Dec 2016 - Sat 17th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
12Iljin TimofeyUKR23136.50.55.05
24Toivonen Alexander V.RUS23126.50.54.04
35Payen ArnaudFRA23245.50.02.02
41Malyshev GrigoryRUS23235.00.04.04
56Gogolev ArtemRUS23434.51.03.03
67Donskov AnatolyRUS23054.50.03.03
79Keinanen ToivoFIN23453.51.53.03
83Gazik IgorSVK23083.51.01.01
98Dilmukhametov ArturRUS23193.50.52.02
1010Solozhenkina ElizavetaRUS22692.00.01.01
10 players
NFD Cup Final B 2016 St Petersburg RUS Fri 9th Dec 2016 - Sat 17th Dec 2016. Category: 3. Ave: (2316)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Toivonen, Alexander V. FM RUS 2312 # = = = = 1 = 1 1 1 6.5 2483
2 Iljin, Timofey IM UKR 2313 = # = 0 1 1 1 = 1 1 6.5 2482
3 Payen, Arnaud IM FRA 2324 = = # = = = = 1 1 = 5.5 2395
4 Malyshev, Grigory FM RUS 2323 = 1 = # 0 0 1 0 1 1 5 2358
5 Donskov, Anatoly FM RUS 2305 = 0 = 1 # 0 = 1 0 1 4.5 2317
6 Gogolev, Artem RUS 2343 0 0 = 1 1 # = = 0 1 4.5 2313
7 Gazik, Igor IM SVK 2308 = 0 = 0 = = # 1 0 = 3.5 2237
8 Dilmukhametov, Artur RUS 2319 0 = 0 1 0 = 0 # = 1 3.5 2236
9 Keinanen, Toivo FM FIN 2345 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 = # 0 3.5 2233
10 Solozhenkina, Elizaveta WIM RUS 2269 0 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 1 # 2 2101

25) Golden Cleopatra Open 2016

The Golden Cleopatra Open takes place 13th to 21st December 2016.

Golden Cleopatra Open Cairo EGY Tue 13th Dec 2016 - Wed 21st Dec 2016
Leading Round 7 (of 10) Standings:
13Mirzoev AzerAZE25276.
27Farahat AliEGY24076.
32Korneev OlegESP25906.
41Georgiev KirilBUL26186.
522Wagdy AndroEGY22666.
649Abdel Moniem MohamedEGY21546.
710Wageih KareimEGY23736.
827El Amary KamalEGY22526.
917Sadek SamehEGY22976.
1035Ashraf ShereifEGY21956.
1114Yousry SalahEGY23196.
1212Hassan Sayed BarakatEGY23326.
136Hesham AbdelrahmanEGY24085.
1413Sarwat WalaaEGY23305.
1511Ibrahim HatimEGY23345.
1630Fadi MarkoEGY22315.
178Labib Ibrahim HasanEGY24065.
1860Yasser MarkEGY21035.
1934Zayan OsamaEGY22085.
99Zayan MohamedEGY20115.
2129El Ghazali Youssef M.EGY22405.
2221Kandil AdhamEGY22685.
2342Nader MohamedEGY21775.
2453Hosni YehyaEGY21305.
192Ahmed Mohamed IbrahemEGY17835.
2644Yousry MohamedEGY21705.
2733Sobh AmrouEGY22115.
2861Elnemr MohamedEGY20925.
2948Rahman YehyaEGY21565.
3038Ibrahim MohamedEGY21865.
319Abdel Razik KhaledEGY23755.
3218Yasseen AlyEGY22875.
3319Abdel Fadil MohamedEGY22875.
57Ismail RedaEGY21105.
3541Salah SayedEGY21815.
3636Abdel Moneim HanyEGY21955.
375Fawzy AdhamEGY24215.
3832Himdan MaherEGY22175.
3916El Arousy Abdul HameedEGY23105.
43Ezat AbdallahEGY21725.
398 players

26) Universidad de La Punta GM 2016

The Universidad de La Punta tournaments took place 12th to 18th December 2016. Diego Flores edged out Ernesto Real de Azua on tie-break after both scored 6.5/9.

Universidad La Punta GM San Luis ARG Mon 12th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
12FLORES DiegoGMARG25796.51.027.754
210REAL DE AZUA ErnestoIMARG24586.50.025.505
38ALONSO SalvadorGMARG25065.00.021.252
45ACOSTA Pablo IsmaelIMARG24264.51.020.251
59ABARCA GONZALEZ NicolasCHI24294.51.018.251
61MOLINA Roberto Junio BritoIMBRA24434.51.017.502
74VILLANUEVA MarioIMARG24254.00.016.252
86PEREZ GORMAZ MatiasFMCHI24383.50.515.752
97GARCIA PALERMO CarlosGMITA24383.50.515.751
103PAVETO KevinIMARG24242.50.09.751
10 players
Universidad La Punta GM San Luis ARG Mon 12th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016. Category: 9. Ave: (2457)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Flores, Diego GM ARG 2579 # 1 = = = 1 = = 1 1 6.5 2609
2 Real De Azua, Ernesto IM ARG 2458 0 # = = 1 1 1 1 = 1 6.5 2622
3 Alonso, Salvador GM ARG 2506 = = # = = = = 1 0 1 5 2494
4 Acosta, Pablo Ismael IM ARG 2426 = = = # = = = 0 1 = 4.5 2460
5 Abarca Gonzalez, Nicolas CHI 2429 = 0 = = # = = = = 1 4.5 2460
6 Molina, Roberto Junio Brito IM BRA 2443 0 0 = = = # 1 1 = = 4.5 2458
7 Villanueva, Mario IM ARG 2425 = 0 = = = 0 # 0 1 1 4 2417
8 Perez Gormaz, Matias FM CHI 2438 = 0 0 1 = 0 1 # = 0 3.5 2379
9 Garcia Palermo, Carlos GM ITA 2438 0 = 1 0 = = 0 = # = 3.5 2379
10 Paveto, Kevin IM ARG 2424 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 1 = # 2.5 2294
Universidad La Punta IM San Luis ARG Mon 12th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
12SOSA TomasIMARG24318.00.033.257
21SANTIAGO Yago De MouraIMBRA24437.00.027.756
34DI GIANNANTONIO NinoFMARG23275.50.519.254
410PIERROT FacundoIMARG23935.50.518.254
55AUCIELLO SergioFMARG23504.50.014.754
63VALENZUELA GOMEZ FernandoFMCHI23694.01.012.504
79PALU AndresFMARG20614.00.012.753
87OCANTOS ManuelLUX22492.50.011.251
98HERNANDEZ AMURA GilbertoARG20902.00.59.750
106JORQUERA MarceloFMCHI22902.00.55.501
10 players
Universidad La Punta IM San Luis ARG Mon 12th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016. Category: 2. Ave: (2300)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Sosa, Tomas IM ARG 2431 # 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 8 2637
2 Santiago, Yago De Moura IM BRA 2443 0 # 1 1 1 1 1 = = 1 7 2504
3 Di Giannantonio, Nino FM ARG 2327 = 0 # = 0 = 1 1 1 1 5.5 2377
4 Pierrot, Facundo IM ARG 2393 0 0 = # = 1 1 = 1 1 5.5 2370
5 Auciello, Sergio FM ARG 2350 0 0 1 = # 0 0 1 1 1 4.5 2295
6 Palu, Andres FM ARG 2061 0 0 = 0 1 # 0 1 1 = 4 2284
7 Valenzuela Gomez, Fernando FM CHI 2369 0 0 0 0 1 1 # 0 1 1 4 2250
8 Ocantos, Manuel LUX 2249 0 = 0 = 0 0 1 # = 0 2.5 2140
9 Hernandez Amura, Gilberto ARG 2090 = = 0 0 0 0 0 = # = 2 2104
10 Jorquera, Marcelo FM CHI 2290 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 = # 2 2081

27) First Saturday December 2016

The First Saturday December IM and FM events took place 3rd to 13th December 2016. Jingyao Tin won the GM group with 7/10.

FSIM December 2016 Budapest HUN Sat 3rd Dec 2016 - Tue 13th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
12Tin JingyaoIMSGP24387.030.500.0
23Ilincic ZlatkoGMSRB23915.527.500.0
34To Nhat MinhIMHUN23155.525.500.0
46Sredojevic IvanIMSRB23554.523.250.0
51Mitsis GeorgiosGRE22474.018.000.0
65Havanecz BiankaWIMHUN22113.517.250.0
6 players
FSFM December 2016 Budapest HUN Sat 3rd Dec 2016 - Tue 13th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
16Juracsik JozsefHUN20898.033.500.06
21Cimpean AndraROU19486.524.000.04
32Baracca PaoloITA20436.024.250.04
43Tin RuiqiSGP18645.017.750.03
54Havaskori LaszloHUN19113.516.500.02
65Jagadics ArnoldHUN19331.03.500.01
6 players

28) ch-BLR 1st stage 2016

The ch-BLR 1st stage took place 3rd to 11th December 2016.

ch-BLR 1st stage 2016 Minsk BLR Sat 3rd Dec 2016 - Sun 11th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
18Filipets EgorBLR23097.040.552.039.50
23Mihajlovskij SergeiBLR24117.036.547.037.75
37Kocheev AleksandrBLR23147.
413Badelka OlgaBLR22186.537.548.534.50
59Zarubitski ViachaslauBLR23066.537.548.532.75
66Lutsko IgorBLR23396.535.545.531.75
711Smirnov ValerijBLR22856.534.544.529.50
82Meribanov VitalyBLR24116.041.051.532.25
91Teterev VitalyBLR25066.038.049.531.25
1019Leinov RomanBLR21296.036.045.528.50
1150Kramich AliakseiBLR17766.034.543.527.25
125Lomako PavelBLR23516.033.543.529.00
1324Elkin LeonidBLR20986.032.542.025.00
1417Milevich AndreyBLR21736.031.040.526.00
1531Tsaruk MaksimBLR20536.028.536.522.75
1623Vashchilov SergeyBLR21055.535.045.526.25
1714Savitski AndreiBLR21995.534.542.521.75
1863Sluchak KirylBLR16665.532.543.024.00
1933Kovalevsky StanislavBLR20275.531.540.522.00
2028Siniauski ArtsiomBLR20725.529.536.024.50
2112Kultiyasov MikhailBLR22735.
2278Perovski VladimirBLR05.
2364Runets IvanBLR16545.036.046.524.00
2435Zhuk IvanBLR19595.036.045.523.25
2529Sarichev SergeyBLR20605.035.544.521.50
2618Ivannikau MaksimBLR21565.035.544.019.00
2743Galkin GlebBLR18755.034.543.021.25
2816Katashuk VBLR21905.034.043.521.75
2915Yezhel ValiantsinBLR21935.
3010Terzi AlexeiBLR22885.034.041.520.25
3179Sokolov EvgenijBLR05.033.543.524.25
3241Masjuk VladimirBLR19015.
3322Huryn ValiantsinBLR21125.030.538.518.00
344Ziaziulkina NastassiaBLR23804.541.051.523.25
3530Golubev VladimirBLR20594.536.046.019.00
3661Naumovich YaroslavBLR16744.535.046.021.50
3751Lazavik DenisBLR17694.534.544.521.50
3846Spizharny MikhailBLR18174.531.040.017.25
3936Bury Gleb MBLR19424.531.039.515.50
4025Kalinouski SiarheiBLR20954.530.540.018.25
81 players

29) 177th MGU Open 2016

The 177th MGU Open took place 17th to 18th December 2016.

177th MGU Open 2016 Sofia BUL Sat 17th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 6 Standings:
11GELEMEROV YaneNM20075.5
22ANDREEV DobrotichNM19735.0
34IGNATOV Bojidar18063.5
43RUSCHUKOV Boyan18613.0
57KOSTOV Nikolay17022.0
69GEORGIEV Nikolay15942.0
712GEORGIEV Plamen02.0
86TSYNTSARSKI Boyko17081.5
98KOSTURKOV Krasimir16731.5
105PUNCHEV Ivan17621.5
1111ILICHOV Ivan13781.0
1210TENEV Bogdan14591.0
12 players

30) 3rd Annual Southeastern Championship 2016

The 3rd Annual Southeastern Championship took place 16th to 18th December 2016. Alonso Zapata won with 4.5/5.

3rd Annual Southeastern Charlotte USA Fri 16th Dec 2016 - Sun 18th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 5 Standings:
1Zapata, AlonsoGMCOL24984.5$1000
2Aaron, DeepakUSA24524$550
3Giannatos, PeterUSA23184$550
4Treger, YefimUSA22783.5$300
5Balleisen, AaronUSA22703.5$300
6Wu, RochelleUSA20843.5$400
7Wang, TianqiUSA23063
8Oussedik, EliasCAN22353$100
9Shen, ChristopherUSA22293
10Panuganti, KireetUSA21533$100
11Pohl, KlausUSA22192.5
12Hechtel, GeorgeUSA21802.5
13Wu, SijingUSA21192.5
14Biernacki, MarkUSA21102.5
15Mishra, PrateekUSA20762.5$50
16Panasenko, NikitaUSA20262.5$50
17Newcomb, BlaineUSA20172.5$50
18Dill, JamesUSA18962.5$50
19Diaz, ReynaldoNCA20542
20Kothapalli, PradhyumnaIND18672
21Myers, DominiqueUSA21791.5
22Zhu, NeoUSA20371.5
23Jones, JeffreyUSA20251.5
24Mason, SuliaUSA19811.5
25Kumar, NamanUSA19161.5
26Tong, AlexanderUSA20721
27Uwakwe, MichaelUSA20641
28Vanapalli, VishnuUSA19601
28 players

31) TCh-HUN 2016-17

The Hungarian Team Championship takes place 30th October 2016 to 9th April 2017. Round 4 11th December 2016. Round 5 29th January 2017.

TCh-HUN 2016-17 Hungary HUN Sun 30th Oct 2016 - Sun 9th Apr 2017
Leading Round 4 (of 9) Standings:
1Aquaprofit-NTSK I-8.59.5101038
3ASE Paks-
4Penzugyor SE4.56.5-6.56.524
5HASE-Lila Futo I64.55.5-622
7Dunaharaszti MTK3.54.567-21
8Z.Csuti-Hydrocomp SK2.557-519.5
9Duocor-Makoi SVSE257-519
10Aquarena Kobanya SC2467-19
10 teams

32) TCh-SLO Div 1 West 2016

The TCh-SLO Div 1 West League took place 11th November to 11th December 2016.

TCh-SLO Div 1 West 2016 Slovenia SLO Fri 11th Nov 2016 - Sun 11th Dec 2016
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1SK Ljubljana DUOL1744.513.51095.0
2SD Posocje1334.58.5832.5
3SK Ig13329.0823.3
4SD BMP Trebnje12285.0668.3
5SD Piran10255.5588.5
6SD Nova Gorica6249.5633.3
7SD Gorenjka Lesce6238.0586.0
8SD Kocevje Inotherm4216.5520.3
9SD Domzale4206.0495.5
10SK Komenda5185.5464.0
10 players

33) Dutch League 2016-17

The Dutch League takes place 17th September to 6th May 2016. Round 5 17th December 2016.

Dutch League 2016-17 Netherlands NED Sat 17th Sep 2016 - Sat 6th May 2017
Leading Round 5 (of 9) Standings:
1Kennemer Combinatie2392XX61031
2Groninger Combinatie2363XX558831
3LSG IntelliMagic2408XX7627
4HMC Calder2374XX625½
5En Passant23685XX4524½
6MuConsult Apeldoorn236953XX6524
8Charlois Europoort234624XX5320
9Pathena Rotterdam23534XX222
10HWP Sas van Gent233245XX120½
10 teams

34) TCh-FIN 2016-17

The Finnish Team Championship takes place 17th September 2016 to 12th March 2017. Next rounds 7-8 4th-5th February 2017.

TCh-FIN 2016-17 Finland FIN Sat 17th Sep 2016 - Sun 12th Mar 2017
Leading Round 6 (of 11) Standings:
1TammerSh, Tampere66001232
2TuTS, Turku65101022
3MatSK, Espoo65101020
4SalSK, Salo6420819
5Aatos, Helsinki6420820
6EtVaS, Vantaa6420818
7JyS, Jyvaskyla6330615
8Velhot, Helsinki6240413
9KS-58, Helsinki614138
10OSS, Oulu615026
11Garde, Helsinki605115
12KarjUra, Karjaa606007
12 teams

35) TCh-SVK 2016-17

The Slovakian League takes place 22nd October 2016 to 26th March 2017. Next rounds 3-4 17th to 18th December 2016.

TCh-SVK 2016-17 Slovakia SVK Sat 22nd Oct 2016 - Sun 26th Mar 2017
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
1Slovan Commander Bratislava*4661023.50
2SK Dunajská Streda*658922.50
3TJ Slávia UPJS Kosice*44818.00
4Reinter Humenné*743718.50
5SKS Dubnica nad Váhom*5615.50
6TJ INBEST Dunajov1*614.50
7Liptovská sachová skola44*517.00
8SK Osuské*44515.00
9SK Prakovce425*413.50
SK Modra234*413.50
11SK Strelec Devínska Nová Ves234*112.50
12SachovĂ˝ klub Sabinov½04*18.00
12 teams

36) Active Team Events

A list of ongoing team events without an update this week.

Belgian Interclubs 2016-17

The Belgian Interclubs season takes place 2nd October 2016 to 23rd April 2017. Round 6 29th January 2017.

TCh-BEL 2016-17 Belgium BEL Sun 2nd Oct 2016 - Sun 23rd Apr 2017
Leading Round 5 (of 11) Standings:
1KSK47-Eynatten 11028.5
2Amay 1924.5
3KGSRL 1724
4KSK Rochade 1721
5Wirtzfeld 1522
6CREC 1520
7Fontaine 1519
8CRELEL 1421
9Borgerhout 1316.5
10KBSK 1215.5
11The Belgian CC 1214
12Wachtebeke 1114
12 teams

TCh-AUT 2nd Bundesliga 2016-17

The Austrian Second Bundesliga Mitte division started 7th October and runs until 26th March 2017. Next rounds Mitte 27th-28th Jan. Ost 3rd Dec. West 25th-27th November.

TCh-AUT 2nd Mitte 2016-17 Austria AUT Fri 7th Oct 2016 - Sun 26th Mar 2017
Leading Round 5 (of 11) Standings:
1SC MPOE Maria Saal 2*62821.50
2Schachfreunde Graz*44819.50
3RbEJ Gleisdorf½*815.50
4Spg. Grieskirchen/Schallerbach*35718.50
5SC DieKlagenfurter03*44715.50
7Union Ansfelden*354517.00
8SPG Spk. Fürstenfeld/Hartberg3*33516.00
9SPG Sauwald23*5314.00
10ESV Austria Graz23*313.50
11SV Wolfsberg½21*06.50
12SV Gmunden½121*06.00
12 teams
TCh-AUT 2nd West 2016-17 Austria AUT Fri 7th Oct 2016 - Sun 26th Mar 2017
Leading Round 6 (of 11) Standings:
2SIR Bernhard 1*35561127.00
3Hohenems II½*41023.50
6Rochade Rum*334618.50
9Jenbach 2224*415.50
11ASK Salzburg01*4210.50
12 teams
TCh-AUT 2nd Ost 2016-17 Austria AUT Fri 7th Oct 2016 - Sun 26th Mar 2017
Leading Round 5 (of 11) Standings:
1ASVÖ Pamhagen*51022.00
3SC Donaustadt*43718.50
4SC Data Technology Pressbaum/E.*335617.00
5SK Austria13*534616.00
6ASVOE VHS Poechlarn1*44615.00
7SK Hietzing322*4515.50
8ASVÖ Mattersburg33*4414.00
9SK Sparkasse Bad Vöslau332*4413.50
10SK Advisory Invest Baden1*413.00
11SZ Favoriten22½*08.50
12Blackburne Nickelsdorf2022*07.00
12 teams

TCh-CZE 2016-17

The Czech League Extraliga Division takes place 8th October 2016 to 2nd April 2017. Round 3-4 10th-11th December 2016. Next rounds 5-6 of the Extraliga 28th-29th January 2017.

TCh-CZE Extraliga 2016-17 Czech Republic CZE Sat 8th Oct 2016 - Sun 2nd Apr 2017
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
11. Novoborsky SK*5681224.510.5
2Vystaviste Lysa nad Labem*5581223.58.0
3SK Rapid Pardubice3*5918.04.5
4SK Slavoj Poruba3*545717.03.5
5SK AD Jicin*3617.55.0
6SK mesta Lysa nad Labem3*446517.03.5
7Labortech Ostrava4*4516.03.5
8Prestige Photo Unichess5*44515.53.5
9BSS Frydek Mistek44*213.02.5
SK DURAS BVK Kralovo Pole2344*213.02.5
11Lokomotiva Brno0024*16.01.0
12Tatran Litovel33*011.00.5
12 teams
TCh-CZE 1 Liga Zapad Czech Republic CZE Sat 8th Oct 2016 - Sun 2nd Apr 2017
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
1SK ZIKUDA Turnov*541020.06.5
2SK AD Jicin B*36922.09.5
3GROP Praha*7918.56.5
42222 SK Polabiny*55918.06.5
5TJ Neratovice3*4717.04.0
6QCC Ceske Budejovice4*46517.56.0
7Bohemians Praha4*4517.05.0
8TJ Pankrac53*43415.04.0
9TJ Slavia Hradec Kralove44*4315.54.5
10SK OAZA Praha125*311.52.0
11SK Sokol Vysehrad24*111.04.0
12SK AD JC Smichov½34*19.01.5
12 teams
TCh-CZE 1 Liga Vychod Czech Republic CZE Sat 8th Oct 2016 - Sun 2nd Apr 2017
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
1TZ Třinec*41021.58.5
2Slavia KroměřĂ­ž*6920.57.5
3Agentura 64 Grygov*53919.06.5
4TJ Ostrava*56917.05.0
5Moravská Slavia Brno4*65718.55.5
6Region Panda3*5617.05.5
7BSS Frýdek-Místek "B"2*615.55.0
8KVS EKODIVIZE Opava2*55614.55.0
9SK Gordic Jihlava33*5314.54.5
10SK StarĂ© Město533*314.53.5
11BanĂ­k HavĂ­řov*39.02.0
12SK ZlĂ­n233*010.53.5
12 teams

Bundesliga 2016-17

The Bundesliga takes place 15th October 2016 to 1st May 2017. Next rounds 18th-19th February 2017.

Bundesliga 2016-17 Germany GER Sat 15th Oct 2016 - Mon 1st May 2017
Leading Round 6 (of 15) Standings:
1OSG Baden-Baden66001236.5
2SG Solingen66001234.5
3SV 1930 Hockenheim65101030
4SV Muelheim Nord65101028
5SK Schwaebisch Hall6411928.5
6Hamburger SK6330625
7USV TU Dresden6222625
8SV Werder Bremen6330624.5
9SF Berlin 19036231525
10SG Trier6132422.5
11DJK Aufwaerts Aachen6240421.5
12SG Speyer-Schwegenheim6240419
13FC Bayern Muenchen6141318
14SV Griesheim 19766150216
15SK Koenig Tegel6042215.5
16MSA Zugzwang 826051114.5
16 teams

2nd Bundesliga 2016-17

The German Bundesliga 2nd Division has four divisions. They take place 15th October to 7th May 2017.

2nd Bundesliga Nord 2016-17 Germany GER Sat 15th Oct 2016 - Sun 7th May 2017
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
1SV Glueck auf Ruedersdorf3300615.5
2SK Norderstedt 19753300615
3SG Turm Kiel3300614.5
4Hamburger SK II4211517
5SV Werder Bremen II3210413
6SK Zehlendorf3120212.5
7HSK Lister Turm Hannover3120211.5
8SF Berlin 1903 II4031112
9Preetzer TSV3030010
10Rotation Pankow303007
10 teams
2nd Bundesliga West 2016-17 Germany GER Sat 15th Oct 2016 - Sun 7th May 2017
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
1Schachgemeinschaft Porz3300619.5
2SV 1920 Hofheim3300618.5
3Duesseldorfer SK 1914/19253201515.5
4SC Hansa Dortmund3210412
5SV Wuerselen 19263012210
6SF Katernberg301229.5
7SG Bochum 31312029
8Aachener SV 1856302119.5
9SV Muelheim Nord II302119
10SG Solingen II302117.5
10 teams
2nd Bundesliga Ost 2016-17 Germany GER Sat 15th Oct 2016 - Sun 7th May 2017
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
1Erfurter SK64021028
2SK 1908 Goeggingen5401927.5
3ESV Nickelhuette Aue5401926.5
4SC Forchheim6321723
5SC Erlangen6231523
6TSV Bindlach-Aktionär5230419
7SK Koenig Plauen6240416.5
8SC Garching 19805131319
9SF Anderssen Bad Mergentheim5140218.5
10SK Passau 18695041115
10 teams
2nd Bundesliga Sud 2016-17 Germany GER Sat 15th Oct 2016 - Sun 7th May 2017
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
1Schachfreunde Deizisau3300618.5
2SC Eppingen3300617
3SC Emmendingen3300617
4SC Heusenstamm3210413
5SC Viernheim3120212
6SC Untergrombach 19463120211.5
7TSV Schoenaich3120210.5
8SC Caissa Schwarzenbach312028.5
9TSV Schott Mainz303007
10Schachfreunde Schoeneck303005
10 teams

55th TCh-DEN ExtraCon 2016-17

The 55th TCh-DEN ExtraCon takes place 29th October 2016 to 19th March 2017. Round 4 7th January 2017.

55th TCh-DEN Ex 2016-17 Denmark DEN Sat 29th Oct 2016 - Sun 19th Mar 2017
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
1Bronshøj 1616
2Philidor 1513½
3Jetsmark 1413
4SK 68 1313
5Hillerod 1311½
6Team Nordea Skanderborg 1211
6Aarhus/Skolerne 1211
8Nordre 1010
9Nordkalotten 13
10K41 10
10 teams

4NCL 2016-17

The 4NCL takes place 19th November 2016 to 1st May 2017. Next rounds 3-4: 14th to 15th January 2017.

4NCL 2016-17 Reading ENG Sat 19th Nov 2016 - Mon 1st May 2017
Leading Round 2 (of 11) Standings:
1Cheddleton 17-17½-½414½
23Cs 15½-2½8-1413½
3Barbican 4NCL 13½-4½5½-2½29
4Guildford 22½-5½4½-3½27
5Blackthorne Russia1-74½-3½2
6Celtic Tigers ½-7½4½-3½25
7South Wales Dragons3½-4½3½-4½07
8Kings Head1-82½-5½0
1Guildford 16-27½-½413½
2White Rose 15-37-1412
3Grantham Sharks 15-35-3410
4Wood Green HK3-56-229
5Oxford 11-75½-2½2
6Anglian Avengers 12-63-505
7North East England2-62½-5½0
8Barbican 4NCL 2½-7½3-50
16 teams

TCh-NOR League 2016

The Norwegian Codanserien takes place 28th October 2016 to 5th March 2017. Next rounds 4-6 13th to 15th January 2017.

TCh-NOR Codanserien Norway NOR Fri 28th Oct 2016 - Sun 5th Mar 2017
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
1SK 191124156.014.55.00
6SK 9622032.08.00.00
8Black Knights21561.03.50.50
10 teams

TCh-AUT 2016-17

The Austrian League takes place 20th October 2016 to 22nd April 2017. Next rounds 5-8: 23rd to 26th March 2017. Final rounds 9-11 20th to 22nd April 2017.

TCh-AUT 2016-17 Austria AUT Thu 20th Oct 2016 - Sat 22nd Apr 2017
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
1SV Raika Rapid Feffernitz*344714.50
2Schachklub Sparkasse Jenbach*434714.50
3SC MPÖ Maria Saal2*614.50
4SV Jacques Lemans St. Veit3*33514.50
5SK Hohenems3*513.50
6Schachclub Sparkasse Götzis*5414.50
7mpimmo Wien - SK Ottakring23*3412.50
8Schachklub Absam23*4310.50
9ASK St. Valentin½3*39.50
10ASVÖ Wulkaprodersdorf2*210.50
12Blackburne Nickelsdorf21*07.00
12 teams

TCh-SWE Elitserien 2016-17

The Swedish Team Championship takes place 14th October 2016 to 26th March 2017. Next round 14th January 2017.

TCh-SWE Elitserien Sweden SWE Fri 14th Oct 2016 - Sun 26th Mar 2017
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
1SK Rockaden, Sthlm3300615.5
2Lunds ASK3300615.5
3SK Team Viking3201514.5
4Malmo AS3201514
5Eksjo SK3111311
6Limhamns SK3120213
7SK Rockaden Umea312029.5
8Farsta SK3021110
9SS Manhem303009
10 teams
TCh-SWE Superettan Sweden SWE Fri 14th Oct 2016 - Sun 26th Mar 2017
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
1Upsala ASS3300616.5
2Stockholms SS3201515.5
3Burgsvik Alva SK3210416
4Schack 08, Norrkoping3210414.5
5SK Rockaden, Sthlm II3102412.5
6Vasteras SK3210412
7SK Kamraterna3111311.5
9Orgryte SK303007
10Vaxjo SK303006
10 teams

Fraubundesliga 2016-17

The Fraubundesliga takes place 22nd October 2016 to 1st May 2017. Always a difficult event to cover with live broadcasts, games, schedules and results scattered all over the place. Next round 21st Jan 2017.

Fraubundesliga 2016-17 Germany GER Sat 22nd Oct 2016 - Mon 1st May 2017
Leading Round 2 (of 11) Standings:
1OSG Baden-Badenxxx5410½
2Rodewischer SMxxx55410
3SC Bad Koenigshofenxxx54
3SK Schwaebisch Hallxxx64
5Karlsruher SFxxx4448
6SF Deizisauxxx27
7Hamburger SKxxx26
8FC Bayern Muenchen12xxx03
9SG Augsburg½2xxx0
9SV Medizin Erfurt1xxx0
11SK Lehrte11xxx02
12TuRa Harksheide0xxx0
12 teams

TCh-ISL 2016-17

The Icelandic Team Championship had the first five rounds 29th September to 2nd October 2016. The final rounds are 2nd to 4th March 2017. My thanks to DavĂ­d Kjartansson and Gunnar Bjornsson for the games.

TCh-ISL Div 1 2016-17 Reykjavik ISL Thu 29th Sep 2016 - Sat 4th Mar 2017
Leading Round 5 (of 9) Standings:
1Skakfelagid Huginn a-sveit*5730.5100
2Taflfelag Reykjavikur a-sveit*66628.080
3Skakdeild Fjölnis3*4522.050
5Taflfelag Bolungarvikur1*4519.070
6Skakfelag Akureyrar½44*16.540
7Skakdeild KR33*16.520
8Skakfelag Reykjanesbaejar2*3616.020
9Skakfelagid Huginn b-sveit25*15.520
10Taflfelag Reykjavikur b-sveit2*15.040
10 teams
TCh-ISL Div 2 2016-17 Reykjavik ISL Thu 29th Sep 2016 - Sat 4th Mar 2017
Leading Round 4 (of 7) Standings:
1Skakfelagid Huginn a-sveit*5730.5100
2Taflfelag Reykjavikur a-sveit*66628.080
3Skakdeild Fjölnis3*4522.050
5Taflfelag Bolungarvikur1*4519.070
6Skakfelag Akureyrar½44*16.540
7Skakdeild KR33*16.520
8Skakfelag Reykjanesbaejar2*3616.020
9Skakfelagid Huginn b-sveit25*15.520
10Taflfelag Reykjavikur b-sveit2*15.040
10 teams

37) Forthcoming Events and Links

Wei Yi - Richard Rapport Match 2016

Wei Yi - Rapport Match Yancheng CHN Tue 20th Dec 2016 - Fri 23rd Dec 2016
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Rapport, Richard GM HUN 2717 738590
2 Wei, Yi GM CHN 2707 8603405

54th Groningen Chess Festival 2016

Pozarevac Open 2016

World Rapid and Blitz Championships 2016

25th Donau Open 2016

26th Erfurt Schachfestival 2016

26th North American Open 2016

33rd Boeblinger Open 2016

40th Zurich Christmas Open 2016

5th Lorca Open 2016

7th Arco Christmas Open 2016

Czech Christmas 2016-17

13th Paderborner Schachtuerken-Cup 2016

27th Cracovia 2016-17

46th Rilton Cup 2016-17

5th Ramon Escudeiro Tilve Mem 2016

Karlstad Open 2016

Pan-American Intercollegiate 2016

92nd Hastings Congress 2016-17

5th Gabicce Mare Deluxe 2017

Australian Open 2017

Verona Open 2016

79th Tata Steel 2017

16th Prague Open 2017

15th Khazar Cup 2017

3rd Floripa Open 2017

Orsha Open 2016

16th Marienbad Open 2017

Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2017

39th Bulgarian Open 2017

19th Lienz Open 2017

Sharjah Grand Prix 2017

Graz Open 2017

8th Pfalz Open 2017

17th Liberec Open 2017

Jurmala GM 2017

Mikhail Tal Memorial 2017

1st Rottal Chess Open 2017

Reykjavik Open 2017

Moscow Grand Prix 2017

22nd Stuttgart Open 2017

5th Norway Chess 2017

30th Leon Chess 2017

Geneva Grand Prix 2017

5th Kings Place Festival 2017

40th Eastman Open 2017

11th Portoroz Open 2017

6th Fano Summer Open 2017

Palma De Mallorca Grand Prix 2017

European Rapid and Blitz Championships 2017

Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2018

All material © Mark Crowther 2016