THE WEEK IN CHESS 108 02/12/96 Mark Crowther --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- E-Mail www Tel or fax 01274 882143 [Bradford England] Produced for Thoth Communications Corporation part of Grandmaster Technologies Incorporated. --------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) European Club Cup 3) Lautier vs Piket in Monaco 4) Judit Polgar in Brazil 5) Sonnevanck Tournament - Wijk aan Zee. 6) Four Nations Chess League 7) Team Championship of Belgium 8) German National Championships 9) Italian National Championships 10) Brazilian National Championships 11) Israel Women ch. - missing results by Ram Soffer 12) Disney event. Information from Christophe Bouton. 13) The Czech System - 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6!? - Part VII GAMES SECTION EuClub Cup Final, Budapest HUN 1996 90 Match, Sao Paulo BRA 1996 4 Match, Monaco 1996 8 Sonnevanck, Wijk aan Zee 1996 25 ch-BRA, Sao Paulo 1996 18 Extra Section ch-GER, Dudweiler 1996 180 ch-ITA, Mantova 1996 45 ch-ITA 1996 30 ch-ITA, Mantova 1996 45 Belgian Teams tt, Brussels BEL 1996 366 1) Introduction My thanks to Marco Martini, Gerald Schendal, Marcel Lafosse Ram Soffer, Jose Alberto, Herman Claudius, Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk, Antonio Bento and Miguel Hemzo, Massimiliano Orsi, Bas Van den Burg, Christophe Bouton and everyone else who helped out on this issue. Lots of news and games as many countries are holding their National Championships. This time next week will be the Las Palmas Tournament. Hope you enjoy this issue Mark 2) European Club Cup Finals 21-24 November 1996 -------------------------------------------- The Russian team Tattrangaz Kazan beat the Croatian team Borovo Bukovar in the European Club Cup. However this bad tempered nationalistic competition will surely have to change radically before it is re-run next year. The question of regulations over religious observance needs to be addressed directly. The event itself only had a few interesting games, including all four involving Korchnoi were worthy of interest. Stars included Kramnik (one interesting game against Korchnoi) Shirov (couple of nice wins and a loss), Leko (just one win), Dreev (one win against Vaganian), Bareev (one win 3 draws), Khalifman (four draws), the bigger Russian names seemed to be content to draw most of their games. The event needed players Kasparov, Karpov, Salov, Anand etc all of whom have played the event before. The two biggest names (Kramnik and Shirov) played for the same team this time. The final between Kazan of Russia and Vukovar of Croatia was pretty dull. Two very short draws on the top two boards, Kharlov-Hulak was the only decisive game, Hulak's position collapsed like a pack of cards at the end but he surely wasn't in that much trouble out of the opening. The other three games were also drawn. The German team Empor Berlin smashed their final round opponents to show what might have been if they hadn't carelessly been eliminated in round two. Kramnik did not play the last two rounds. Drastic finishes included Kharlov-Hulak (4), Boensch-Maiwald (4), Kalantarian-Horvath (3). Source of games and protest letter Chess Planet ( European Club Cup Final Results. Results for the first 3 days are in TWIC 107. Matches from the final day. First place match Tatrangaz Itil KAZAN (RUS) - Borovo VUKOVAR (CRO) 3.5 -2.5 3rd place Mursa OSIJEK (CRO) - Sibecobank NOVOSIBIRSK (RUS) 2:4 5th place Empor BERLIN (GER) - DRESDENER SC (GER) 5:1 7th place Partizan BEOGRAD (YUG) - PETAKH TIKVA (ISR) 6:0 (See letter below) 9th place Csuti SK HTR (HUN) - Universitet ST.PETERSBURG (RUS) 1.5 - 4.5 11th place Honved-Mediflora (HUN) - Yerevan (ARM) 3:3 Rapid playoff games which Honved won 4,5 - 1,5 13th place Kaise VILNIUS (LIT) - Rochade Eupen - Kelmis (BEL) 3.5 - 2.5 15th place BEER SHEEVA (ISR) - CLICHY (FRA) 3:3 Beer Sheeva won because it had a victory on the highest decisive board. Info from Laszlo Nagy organiser of the FIRST SATURDAY Budapest tournaments E-Mail - The Israeli Chess Federation issued sent a letter to FIDE President Kirsan Iljumzhinov dated November 29 1996 signed by Joseph T. Lapid and Almog Burstein. Dear Mr. Iljumzhinov, We strongly protest the completely unacceptable behaviour of the Chief Arbiter of the European Club Cup Finals in Budapest, Mr. Werner Stubenwall, who decided to reject the request (six months old!!) of our national team champion, Elitzur Petach-Tikva, to avoid play during the Sabbath (from Friday's sunset through Saturday's sunset). Our representatives informed Mr. Stubenwall (before going to Budapest!) that their participation was conditioned on acceptance of not playing on the Sabbath, as they are an orthodox team. Mr. Stubenwall replied that he was sorry that he had forgotten to advise the other teams about this condition, but confirmed that our problem would be solved in any case, as was the case in Bulgaria, where we played the preliminaries, and as it was in Yerevan, where the Armenian men's team and the Romanian women's team agreed to postpone their games against Israel on the holy day of Yom Kippur. True, the Russian team of Kazan refused to play our team at 10.00 a.m. instead of 2.00. They even refused to play at 12.00 (we were ready to play the match using 1 hour instead of 3!). But, Mr. Stubenwall could and should have let our people play. The hour 2.00 p.m. is not sacred. It is even not a part of the FIDE Laws of Chess, that, on the contrary, respects religious and physical constraints. It is accepted norm today, in the entire civilised world, to allow minorities to observe their religious practises, particularly when, as in this case, they don't materially interfere with the way other people conduct their affairs. We ask you kindly, Mr.President, to make sure that such un sporting behaviour will never happen again in FIDE competitions, and that Mr. Stubenwall shall be removed from his office as Director of the European Club Cup. He certainly shall not officiate in any event that Israeli players in general and orthodox Jews in particular take place. We would also appreciate if you issued a strong statement condemning such behaviour and assuring all FIDE members, that their human rights will be fully respected. Sincerely Yours, Joseph T. Lapid and Almog Burstein 3) Lautier vs Piket in Monaco ------------------------------ Match drawn between Joel Lautier and Jeroen Piket, Monaco. The Association Max Euwe organised a match between Dutch star Jeroen Piket and the French No. 1 Joel Lautier. It finished 1st December after all 8 games being drawn. Piket won 4.8 Elo points from the match. Lautier, Joel - Piket, Jeroen 1/2 82 D48 Meran Variation Piket, Jeroen - Lautier, Joel 1/2 22 D27 QGA; Lautier, Joel - Piket, Jeroen 1/2 65 D36 Queen's gambit Piket, Jeroen - Lautier, Joel 1/2 17 D26 QGA; Lautier, Joel - Piket, Jeroen 1/2 48 D15 Slav defence Piket, Jeroen - Lautier, Joel 1/2 27 D21 QGA; Lautier, Joel - Piket, Jeroen 1/2 33 D47 Semi-Slav Piket, Jeroen - Lautier, Joel 1/2 23 E05 Nimzo indian Monaco (MCO), XI 1996. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Lautier, Joel g FRA 2620 = = = = = = = = 4.0 2580 Piket, Jeroen g NED 2580 = = = = = = = = 4.0 2620 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Judit Polgar in Brazil --------------------------- Judit Polgar beats Gilberto Milos in Sao Paulo Brazil. Live coverage was at Judit Polgar was in Brazil and won a four game match against local star Gilberto Milos. She won the match +2 -1 =1 with a smashing win with black in the final game of the match. There is a Brazilian Internet Site with annotations in Portuguese. Time rate: 1 hour for the first 30 moves and then half an hour for the rest of the game. Final game live on the Brazilian site on the 29th November. The Prize-fund is $20,000 (US) with $12,000 for the winner (Sponsors are Equitel, DirectTV and the São Paulo Business Center). Game 4 was a cracking example of attacking chess by Polgar. Thursday 28th November is a "rest" day. Gilberto Milos and World U-18 Champion Rafael Leitão will play a series of 21 minutes games (called dynamic chess in Brazil) against Judit and Sofia Polgar. The two Brazilians will play the two Polgars twice. The prize fund for this event is $8,000 (US) with $5,000 for the winners. (The sponsor for this event is the company Schahin Cury). Judit also played three simuls. One on Thursday 28th November over 20 boards, sponsored by Schahin Cury. Another on Friday 29th November, also over 20 boards, sponsored by Itaú Bank. Judit finished her Brazilian tour by giving a 30 boards simul on Saturday morning (30th November) in the 'A Hebraica' Club. News from Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk (Arbiter of the Match and Dynamic Chess Tournament), Antonio Bento and Miguel Hemzo. Polgar, Judit - Milos, Gilberto 1-0 34 B80 Sicilian Milos, Gilberto - Polgar, Judit 1-0 35 B57 Sicilian Polgar, Judit - Milos, Gilberto 1/2 35 B49 Sicilian Milos, Gilberto - Polgar, Judit 0-1 29 B82 Sicilian Sao Paulo BRA (BRA), XI 1996. ------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------- Polgar, Judit g HUN 2665 1 0 = 1 2.5 2700 Milos, Gilberto g BRA 2605 0 1 = 0 1.5 2578 ------------------------------------------------------- 5) Sonnevanck Tournament - Wijk aan Zee. ------------------------------------- Wijk aan Zee has two major tournaments a year. The Sonnevanck tournament has now run for a few years. Favourite Ian Rogers had a bad start but had tonight reached 50%. Stefan Loeffler lead the event after 5 rounds. www coverage at these three sites: Round 1 (1996.11.26) Loeffler, Stefan - Claesen, Pieter 1-0 29 A34 English; 1.c4 c5 Bricard, Emmanuel - Rogers, Ian 1/2 37 A16 English; 1.c4 Delemarre, Jop - Armas, Jorge 0-1 46 A56 Benoni Willemze, Jeroen - Janssen, Ruud 1/2 29 B76 Sicilian; Dragon Jonkman, Harmen - Reinderman, Dimitri 0-1 34 C42 Petroff defence Round 2 (1996.11.27) Reinderman, Dimitri - Claesen, Pieter 1/2 47 A08 Reti (1.Nf3) Janssen, Ruud - Delemarre, Jop 1/2 45 A55 Benoni Rogers, Ian - Loeffler, Stefan 0-1 43 B03 Alekhine defence Armas, Jorge - Bricard, Emmanuel 1/2 19 B19 Caro-Kann Jonkman, Harmen - Willemze, Jeroen 1/2 51 B22 Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3) Round 3 (1996.11.28) Loeffler, Stefan - Armas, Jorge 1-0 53 E90 Kings indian; Classical Bricard, Emmanuel - Janssen, Ruud 1-0 31 B22 Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3) Delemarre, Jop - Jonkman, Harmen 1/2 67 A06 Reti (1.Nf3) Claesen, Pieter - Rogers, Ian 1/2 27 B10 Caro-Kann Willemze, Jeroen - Reinderman, Dimitri 1/2 28 B07 Pirc Round 4 (1996.11.29) Reinderman, Dimitri - Rogers, Ian 1-0 36 C04 French; Tarrasch Janssen, Ruud - Loeffler, Stefan 1-0 40 A35 English; 1.c4 c5 Willemze, Jeroen - Delemarre, Jop 0-1 44 A06 Reti (1.Nf3) Armas, Jorge - Claesen, Pieter 0-1 51 C05 French; Tarrasch Jonkman, Harmen - Bricard, Emmanuel 0-1 30 B06 Modern defence Round 5 (1996.11.30) Loeffler, Stefan - Jonkman, Harmen 1-0 25 D27 QGA; Bricard, Emmanuel - Willemze, Jeroen 1/2 29 B10 Caro-Kann Delemarre, Jop - Reinderman, Dimitri 1-0 45 A57 Benko gambit Claesen, Pieter - Janssen, Ruud 1/2 41 A14 English; 1.c4 Rogers, Ian - Armas, Jorge 1-0 42 B32 Sicilian Wijk aan Zee (NED), XI-XII 1996. cat. VI (2388) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Loeffler, Stefan m GER 2410 * . . . 0 1 . 1 1 1 4.0 2635 2 Bricard, Emmanuel m FRA 2475 . * . . 1 . = = = 1 3.5 2494 3 Delemarre, Jop f NED 2360 . . * 1 = . 1 . 0 = 3.0 2402 4 Reinderman, Dimitri m NED 2500 . . 0 * . = = 1 . 1 3.0 2438 5 Janssen, Ruud NED 2270 1 0 = . * = = . . . 2.5 2363 6 Claesen, Pieter f BEL 2410 0 . . = = * . = 1 . 2.5 2430 7 Willemze, Jeroen NED 2160 . = 0 = = . * . . = 2.0 2314 8 Rogers, Ian g AUS 2575 0 = . 0 . = . * 1 . 2.0 2366 9 Armas, Jorge m CUB 2395 0 = 1 . . 0 . 0 * . 1.5 2297 10 Jonkman, Harmen f NED 2325 0 0 = 0 . . = . . * 1.0 2141 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6) Four Nations Chess League ------------------------- The Four Nations Chess League is the UK's team tournament. Rounds 3 and 4 were played last weekend 23rd-24th November 1996. My thanks to Nigel Johnson for sending the games and results. 25th November 1996 Round 3 - Saturday 23rd November 1996 Moat House Hotel - West Bromwich Slough Result Guildford 1 w A. Kosten 1-0 A. Kinsman 2 b A. Summerscale 1-0 N. Povah 3 w S. Lalic 1-0 C. Kennaugh 4 b M. Houska 1-0 I. D. Thompson 5 w A. P. Smith 1-0 R. Abayasekera 6 b R. M. Webb 1-0 M. Forster 7 w S. Deighton 1-0 M. Anderton 8 b J. Houska 1-0 P. Nunn 8-0 Wood Green Result Richmond 1 w J. Emms 1-0 R. Bates 2 b M. Pein 0-1 S. Williams 3 w P. Littlewood 0-1 L. McShane 4 b A. Law 1/2 G. Wall 5 w P. Sowray 1-0 P. Johnstone 6 b G. Lee 1-0 M. Franklin 7 w J. Conlon 0-1 I. Galloway 8 b S. Jackson 1-0 Ruth Bates 4.5-3.5 North West Eagles Result Invicta Knights 1 w G. Quillan 0-1 C. Ward 2 b J. Littlewood 0-1 N. McDonald 3 w R. Sheldon 1-0 E. Sakhatova 4 b D. Tebb 0-1 D. Gormally 5 w J. Merriman 1/2 J. Vigus 6 b W. Giblin 1/2 N. Dickenson 7 w A. A. Smith 1-0 S. Bibby 8 b D. James 0-1 L. Gurr 3-5 South Wales Dragons Result Bristol 1 w D. Cummings 1-0 C. Baker 2 b J. Cooper 1/2 G. Burgess 3 w S. Zeidler 1-0 C. Beaumont 4 b M. Saunders 1/2 K. Mah 5 w C. Morris 1-0 R. Cole 6 b A. Spice 1-0 D. Collier 7 w An. Dyce 1/2 R. Phillips 8 b Ab. Dyce 0-1 M. Buckley 5.5-2.5 Midland Monarchs Result Wessex 1 w K. Arkell 1-0 J. Poulton 2 b J. Parker 1/2 P. Rossiter 3 w G. Buckley 1/2 A. Corkett 4 b M. Ferguson 1/2 M. Yeo 5 w A. Collinson 1/2 I. Upton 6 b L. Cooper 1-0 A. Brameld 7 w D. Mason 1/2 R. Noyce 8 b N. Regan 1-0 E. Howard 5.5-2.5 Witney Result Na Fianna 1 w S. Ansell 0-1 D. King 2 b S. Taulbut 1-0 J. Richardson 3 w J. Cobb 0-1 C. O'Shaughnessy 4 b C. Cobb 0-1 M. Heidenfeld 5 w M. Truran 0-1 M. Lyell 6 b T. Headlong 1-0 P. Wallace 7 w R. Haydon 1-0 R. McMichael 8 b F. Headlong 0-1 M. O'Siochru 3-5 Northumbria Vikings Result Barbican 1 w J. Rowson 1/2 C. Crouch 2 b A. Ledger 1-0 C. Pritchett 3 w S. Bell 1-0 S. Dishman 4 b T. Wall 1/2 J. Rogers 5 w D. Ledger 1/2 M. Twyble 6 b C. Waters 0-1 D. Sands 7 w J. King 1/2 G. Kenworthy 8 b L. Barnes 0-1 H. Lang 4-4 Hertford Result Celtic Knights 1 w S. Swanson 1/2 L. Williams 2 b C. Duncan 0-1 C. Walsh 3 w D. Coleman 1-0 J. Gilbert 4 b A. Hanreck 1/2 A. Musson 5 w E. Dearing 0-1 A. Sheehan 6 b P. Thethi 1/2 D. Hill 7 w J. Denton 1-0 G. Sinnett 8 b J. Badger 1-0 Lynne Williams 4.5-3.5 Croydon 1859 Result B.C.M. 1 w J. Wilson 0-1 M. Chandler 2 b A. Harley 1/2 A. Mestel 3 w S. Lazarus 0-1 R. Bellin 4 b D. Gunter 1-0 D. Friedgood 5 w R. Coathup 1/2 B. Cafferty 6 b J. McGrath 1/2 J. Bellin 7 w R. DeCoverley 1/2 D. Anderton 8 b S. Turvey 0-1 R. Edwards 3-5 Round 4 - Saturday 24th November 1996 Moat House Hotel - West Bromwich Ref : 006 Barbican Result B.C.M. 1 w C. Crouch 1/2 A. Mestel 2 b C. Pritchett 0-1 M. Chandler 3 w S. Dishman 1/2 R. Bellin 4 b J. Rogers 1-0 B. Cafferty 5 w K. Bowden 1-0 D. Friedgood 6 b M. Twyble 1/2 D. Anderton 7 w D. Sands 1-0 J. Bellin 8 b H. Lang 0-1 R. Edwards 4.5-3.5 Bristol Result Midland Monarchs 1 w C. Baker 0-1 K. Arkell 2 b G. Burgess 0-1 J. Parker 3 w C. Beaumont 0-1 G. Buckley 4 b K. Mah 0-1 M. Ferguson 5 w R. Cole 1/2 A. Collinson 6 b D. Collier 1-0 H. Hunt 7 w R. Phillips 1/2 L. Cooper 8 b M. Buckley 1/2 N. Regan 2.5-5.5 Invicta Knights Result South Wales Dragons 1 w C. Ward 1-0 D. Cummings 2 b N. McDonald 1-0 J. Cooper 3 w E. Sakhatova 1-0 S. Zeidler 4 b D. Gormally 1-0 C. Morris 5 w J. Vigus 0-1 A. Spice 6 b N. Dickenson 1-0 J. Saunders 7 w S. Bibby 0-1 An. Dyce 8 b L. Gurr 1-0 Ab. Dyce 6-2 Slough Result Northumbria Vikings 1 w A. Miles 0-1 J. Rowson 2 b A. Kosten 1/2 A. Ledger 3 w A. Summerscale 1/2 S. Bell 4 b S. Lalic 1/2 T. Wall 5 w M. Houska 1-0 D. Ledger 6 b A. P. Smith 0-1 C. Waters 7 w R. M. Webb 1/2 J. King 8 b J. Houska 1-0 L. Barnes 4-4 Celtic Knights Result Wood Green 1 w L. Williams 0-1 J. Emms 2 b C. Walsh 0-1 P. Littlewood 3 w J. Gilbert 1/2 A. Law 4 b A. Musson 0-1 P. Sowray 5 w A. Sheehan 1/2 G. Lee 6 b D. Hill 1/2 J. Conlon 7 w G. Sinnett 1/2 S. Jackson 8 b Lynne Williams 0-1 H. Tebbs 2-6 Richmond Result Wessex 1 w L. McShane 1-0 J. Poulton 2 b S. Williams 1-0 P. Rossiter 3 w R. Bates 0-1 A. Corkett 4 b G. Wall 0-1 M. Yeo 5 w P. Johnstone 1/2 I. Upton 6 b M. Franklin 1-0 A. Brameld 7 w I. Galloway 0-1 R. Noyce 8 b Ruth Bates 1-0 E. Howard 4.5-3.5 Hertford Result Witney 1 w C. Duncan 1/2 S. Ansell 2 b S. Knott 1/2 S. Taulbut 3 w D. Coleman 0-1 J. Cobb 4 b A. Hanreck 1/2 C. Cobb 5 w E. Dearing 1/2 M. Truran 6 b P. Thethi 0-1 T. Headlong 7 w J. Denton 0-1 R. Haydon 8 b J. Badger 1-0 F. Headlong 3-5 North West Eagles Result Na Fianna 1 w J. Littlewood 1/2 D. King 2 b G. Quillan 1-0 J. Richardson 3 w R. Sheldon 1/2 C. O'Shaughnessy 4 b A. Smith 0-1 M. Heidenfeld 5 w W. Giblin 1-0 M. Lyell 6 b J. Merriman 1-0 R. McMichael 7 w D. Tebb 1-0 Suzanne Connolly 8 b P. Garrett 1-0 M. O'Siochru 6-2 Guildford Result Croydon 1859 1 w A. Kinsman 1/2 J. Wilson 2 b N. Povah 1/2 A. Harley 3 w C. Kennaugh 1/2 S. Lazarus 4 b I. D. Thompson 1-0 D. Gunter 5 w R. Abayasekera 1-0 R. James 6 b M. Forster 1/2 J. McGrath 7 w M. Anderton 1-0 R. DeCoverley 8 b P. Nunn 1-0 S. Turvey 6-2 League Table after 4 rounds. 1 2 3 4 P W D L MP GP Invicta Knights 6.0 6.5 5.0 6.0 4 4 0 0 8 23.5 Midland Monarchs 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.5 4 4 0 0 8 23.0 Wood Green 6.5 5.5 4.5 6.0 4 4 0 0 8 22.5 Slough 4.5 5.0 8.0 4.0 4 3 1 0 7 21.5 Northumbria Vikings 5.5 5.5 4.0 4.0 4 2 2 0 6 19.0 BCM 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.5 4 3 0 1 6 18.5 Barbican 4.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 4 2 1 1 5 16.5 North West Eagles 3.5 4.5 3.0 6.0 4 2 0 2 4 17.0 Na Fianna 6.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 4 2 0 2 4 15.0 Richmond 3.0 4.0 3.5 4.5 4 2 0 2 4 15.0 South Wales Dragons 2.0 4.5 5.5 2.0 4 2 0 2 4 14.0 Wessex 5.0 3.0 2.5 3.5 4 1 0 3 2 14.0 Witney 3.5 2.5 3.0 5.0 4 1 0 3 2 14.0 Hertford 1.5 2.5 4.5 3.0 4 1 0 3 2 11.5 Guildford 2.0 3.0 0.0 6.0 4 1 0 3 2 11.0 Celtic Knights 2.0 3.0 3.5 2.0 4 0 0 4 0 10.5 Croydon 1859 3.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 4 0 0 4 0 10.5 Bristol 2.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 4 0 0 4 0 9.0 7) Team Championship of Belgium -------------------------------- The first four rounds of the Belgian Team championships of Belgium have taken place. Marcel Lafosse sends the standings and some games. Division I Pts Pts M. Tessenderloo 1 23,5 4 Rochade 1 20 4 Eupen 1 19 2,5 CREB 1 16,5 2 Leuven 1 16 2,5 Mons 1 15,5 2,5 KGSRL 1 15,5 2 Anderlecht 1 14,5 2 Boitsfort 1 14,5 1 MSV 1 13 1 Hoboken 1 12 0,5 Jean Jaurès 1 12 0 8) German National Championships ----------------------------- Matthias Wahls is the 1996 German Champion. My thanks to Gerald Schendal for the final round games. The games were available at the www site The German National Championships were held in Dudweiler between November 22nd-30th. The nine round Swiss event was quite a strong tournament eventually Matthias Wahls just pipped Stefan Kindermann to the title. Dudweiler (GER), XI 1996. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Wahls, Matthias g GER 2540 +29 =10 +22 +23 = 2 + 3 + 5 = 7 = 4 7.0 2678 2 Kindermann, Stefan g GER 2530 =11 +38 +10 + 3 = 1 + 8 = 4 = 9 = 7 6.5 2617 3 Mueller, Karsten m GER 2490 +16 +25 + 8 - 2 + 7 - 1 +13 = 6 = 9 6.0 2588 4 Bischoff, Klaus g GER 2530 =12 +18 =19 =13 =14 +20 = 2 + 8 = 1 6.0 2544 5 Lagunow, Alexander m GER 2425 =28 +34 +24 + 9 - 8 +22 - 1 =12 +11 6.0 2502 6 Rabiega, Robert m GER 2475 =34 +28 =14 =22 =13 +24 =11 = 3 +12 6.0 2475 7 Lutz, Christopher g GER 2565 =18 =12 +20 =14 - 3 +10 +15 = 1 = 2 5.5 2510 8 Mainka, Romuald g GER 2455 +33 +20 - 3 +12 + 5 - 2 = 9 - 4 +17 5.5 2502 9 Slobodjan, Roman m GER 2520 +31 +21 =23 - 5 +10 =15 = 8 = 2 = 3 5.5 2518 10 Zeller, Frank GER 2410 +39 = 1 - 2 +34 - 9 - 7 +30 +22 +23 5.5 2516 11 Miltner, Arndt f GER 2330 = 2 -14 +39 +18 =15 +19 = 6 =21 - 5 5.0 2448 12 Heidrich, Manfred f GER 2340 = 4 = 7 +30 - 8 =16 +27 +22 = 5 - 6 5.0 2468 13 Gisbrecht, Ewgeni GER 2370 +35 -23 +26 = 4 = 6 +25 - 3 =24 =16 5.0 2411 14 Zude, Arno m GER 2410 =38 +11 = 6 = 7 = 4 =26 =16 -17 +25 5.0 2415 15 Schmaltz, Roland m GER 2440 +27 -22 +17 =25 =11 = 9 - 7 =26 +24 5.0 2399 16 Glienke, Manfred f GER 2325 - 3 -26 +35 +28 =12 +23 =14 =19 =13 5.0 2394 17 Wesseln, Kai f GER 2320 -23 +35 -15 =21 =18 +34 +20 +14 - 8 5.0 2421 18 Gross, Georg GER 2355 = 7 - 4 +36 -11 =17 +29 +25 -23 +32 5.0 2379 19 Pirrot, Dieter m GER 2415 +37 =24 = 4 =27 =25 -11 +26 =16 =21 5.0 2370 20 Schulz, Karsten f GER 2360 +36 - 8 - 7 +32 +27 - 4 -17 +31 +26 5.0 2345 21 Bangiev, Alexander m GER 2400 +40 - 9 -27 =17 =29 +33 +31 =11 =19 5.0 2377 22 Bastian, Herbert f GER 2365 +32 +15 - 1 = 6 +23 - 5 -12 -10 +27 4.5 2378 23 Movsziszian, Karen g GER 2470 +17 +13 = 9 - 1 -22 -16 +38 +18 -10 4.5 2380 24 Schwing, Hans-Elmar GER 2245 +30 =19 - 5 =29 +31 - 6 +27 =13 -15 4.5 2386 25 Siebrecht, Sebastian f GER 2390 +26 - 3 +31 =15 =19 -13 -18 +28 -14 4.0 2321 26 Kirschbaum, Gunnar GER 2195 -25 +16 -13 +38 +30 =14 -19 =15 -20 4.0 2328 27 Homuth, Manfred GER 2275 -15 +32 +21 =19 -20 -12 -24 +34 -22 3.5 2220 28 Walther, Gunter GER 2275 = 5 - 6 =29 -16 +32 =30 =33 -25 =35 3.5 2214 29 Hennings, Artur m GER 2340 - 1 =39 =28 =24 =21 -18 =37 =33 =34 3.5 2240 30 Hetey, Laszlo GER 2410 -24 +37 -12 +33 -26 =28 -10 =32 =31 3.5 2205 31 Steinkohl, Thomas GER 2330 - 9 +40 -25 +36 -24 +39 -21 -20 =30 3.5 2232 32 Enigk,Frank GER ---- -22 -27 +37 -20 -28 +40 +39 =30 -18 3.5 2219 33 Dietz, Holger GER 2285 - 8 -36 +40 -30 +34 -21 =28 =29 =37 3.5 2225 34 Schmitzer, Klaus f GER 2325 = 6 - 5 +38 -10 -33 -17 +35 -27 =29 3.0 2202 35 Loehn, Carsten GER 2195 -13 -17 -16 =40 -38 +36 -34 +39 =28 3.0 2132 36 Klein, Joachim GER 2090 -20 +33 -18 -31 -39 -35 =40 =37 +38 3.0 2141 37 Haist, Wolfgang f GER 2260 -19 -30 -32 =39 +40 -38 =29 =36 =33 3.0 2182 38 Klemm, Dietmar GER 2220 =14 - 2 -34 -26 +35 +37 -23 -40 -36 2.5 2130 39 Becking, Stephan GER 2200 -10 =29 -11 =37 +36 -31 -32 -35 =40 2.5 2127 40 Bischoff, Dieter GER 2195 -21 -31 -33 =35 -37 -32 =36 +38 =39 2.5 2106 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Italian National Championships ------------------------------ The 56th National Championships of Italy took place in Mantova Italy. They were won by Bruno Belotti an Italian IM rated 2400 with 6.5 from Renzo Mantovani on 6 points. Pre-tournament favourite Michele Godena was third. The 23rd National Women's Championships finished in a tie between A Riegler and V Goi. I believe Riegler got the title on a tie-break. The www site covering the event was and thanks to Massimiliano Orsi for sending the games. It is uncertain whether Isonzo-Bellini (round 3) and Godena-Tatai (Round 7) are complete after the adjournment. Mantova ITA (ITA), XI-XII 1996. cat. VI (2383) --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Belotti, Bruno m ITA 2400 * = = = = = 1 1 1 1 6.5 2547 2 Mantovani, Renzo m ITA 2360 = * = = 1 1 = = 1 = 6.0 2510 3 Godena, Michele m ITA 2550 = = * 1 = = = = = 1 5.5 2444 4 Bellini, Fabio f ITA 2390 = = 0 * = = = 1 1 = 5.0 2425 5 Tatai, Stefano m ITA 2375 = 0 = = * = 1 0 1 1 5.0 2426 6 Arlandi, Ennio m ITA 2445 = 0 = = = * = = 1 1 5.0 2419 7 Sarno, Spartaco m ITA 2410 0 = = = 0 = * 1 1 1 5.0 2423 8 Manca, Federico m ITA 2350 0 = = 0 1 = 0 * = = 3.5 2306 9 Borgo, Giulio m ITA 2375 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 = * 1 2.0 2163 10 Isonzo, Davide ITA 2175 0 = 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 * 1.5 2133 --------------------------------------------------------------- 23rd Women's Championships Mantova ITA (ITA), XI-XII 1996. ------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ------------------------------------------------------ 1 Riegler,A ---- ** 10 == 11 10 11 7.0 2 Goi,V ---- 01 ** 10 10 11 11 7.0 3 Sirletti,S ---- == 01 ** =0 10 11 5.5 4 Varinelli,S ---- 00 01 =1 ** == 11 5.5 5 Fittante,G ---- 01 00 01 == ** 11 5.0 6 Jordan,J1 ---- 00 00 00 00 00 ** 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------ 10) Brazilian National Championships -------------------------------- Sao Paulo saw the start of the Brazilian National Championships on November 30th. After two rounds the standings are: The event is covered at My thanks to Jose Alberto and Herman Claudius. Round 1 (1996.11.30) Lima, Darcy - Disconzi da Silva, Rodrigo 1/2 29 C07 French; Tarrasch Marques,Adriano - Vescovi, Giovanni 0-1 35 B22 Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3) Leitao, Rafael - Loureiro, Luiz 1/2 42 D19 Slav defence Souza, Ivan - Van Riemsdijk, Herman C 1/2 33 C99 Ruy Lopez De Toledo, James Mann - Gomes, Luiz A 1/2 25 B92 Sicilian; Najdorf Matsuura, Everaldo - Toth, Christian Endre 1/2 36 B47 Sicilian Round 2 (1996.12.01) Disconzi da Silva, Rodrigo - Matsuura, Everaldo 1-0 49 D36 Queen's gambit Souza, Ivan - Leitao, Rafael 1/2 61 B48 Sicilian Van Riemsdijk, Herman C - Vescovi, Giovanni 1/2 20 D76 1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6 Loureiro, Luiz - Lima, Darcy 0-1 54 D41 QGD; Tarrasch Defence Toth, Christian Endre - De Toledo, James Mann 1/2 28 B46 Sicilian Gomes, Luiz A - Marques,Adriano 0-1 36 A56 Benoni Round 3 (1996.12.02) Vescovi, Giovanni - Gomes, Luiz A 1-0 51 D76 1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6 Lima, Darcy - Souza, Ivan 1/2 33 E97 Kings indian; Main line Marques,Adriano - Toth, Christian Endre 1-0 31 E87 Kings indian; Saemisch Leitao, Rafael - Van Riemsdijk, Herman C 1/2 43 D36 Queen's gambit De Toledo, James Mann - Disconzi da Silva, Rodrigo 0-1 57 B12 Caro-Kann Matsuura, Everaldo - Loureiro, Luiz 1/2 40 B14 Caro-Kann Sao Paulo BRA (BRA), XI-XII 1996. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Disconzi da Silva, Rodrigo f BRA 2345 * . = . . . . 1 . 1 . . 2.5 2678 2 Vescovi, Giovanni m BRA 2490 . * . 1 . . = . . . . 1 2.5 2560 3 Lima, Darcy m BRA 2430 = . * . . = . . 1 . . . 2.0 2456 4 Marques,Adriano ---- . 0 . * . . . . . . 1 1 2.0 2518 5 Leitao, Rafael m BRA 2475 . . . . * = = . = . . . 1.5 2358 6 Souza, Ivan BRA 2285 . . = . = * = . . . . . 1.5 2443 7 Van Riemsdijk, Herman C m BRA 2425 . = . . = = * . . . . . 1.5 2416 8 De Toledo, James Mann m BRA 2400 0 . . . . . . * . . = = 1.0 2220 9 Loureiro, Luiz BRA 2365 . . 0 . = . . . * = . . 1.0 2305 10 Matsuura, Everaldo m BRA 2385 0 . . . . . . . = * = . 1.0 2238 11 Toth, Christian Endre m BRA 2380 . . . 0 . . . = . = * . 1.0 2392 12 Gomes, Luiz A BRA 2310 . 0 . 0 . . . = . . . * 0.5 2252 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) Israel Women ch. - missing results by Ram Soffer ------------------------------------------------ Ram Soffer now has the full table for the Israeli Championships. Also there were a couple of corrections to the names. The Ostravsky,A was picked up as a GM instead of the unrated player in the event and Anna Golod is still in the rating list as Anna Ratner. She is now married to GM Vitaly Golod. Jerusalem (ISR), X 1996. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Tsifanskaya, Ludmila A ISR 2230 +10 + 8 + 7 = 9 + 4 - 3 + 2 = 6 + 5 7.0 2352 2 Pitam, Ela wf ISR 2255 + 3 = 7 + 6 + 5 +10 + 8 - 1 = 9 = 4 6.5 2280 3 Yudasina, Irina ISR 2205 - 2 + 6 - 5 +10 + 8 + 1 + 9 = 4 + 7 6.5 2356 4 Chervonenko, Irina ISR 2145 = 6 + 5 +10 - 8 - 1 + 9 = 7 = 3 = 2 5.0 2048 5 Bar Shalom,Oshra ---- - 9 - 4 + 3 - 2 + 6 = 7 +10 = 8 - 1 4.0 2119 6 Srumin, Galina ISR 2095 = 4 - 3 - 2 + 7 - 5 -10 + 8 = 1 + 9 4.0 2181 7 Yakovleva, Tatiana ISR 2130 + 8 = 2 - 1 - 6 = 9 = 5 = 4 +10 - 3 4.0 2050 8 Ratner, Anna UKR 2125 - 7 - 1 + 9 + 4 - 3 - 2 - 6 = 5 +10 3.5 1903 9 Ostrovsky,Alexandra ---- + 5 -10 - 8 = 1 = 7 - 4 - 3 = 2 - 6 2.5 1939 10 Vydeslaver,Alla ---- - 1 + 9 - 4 - 3 - 2 + 6 - 5 - 7 - 8 2.0 1860 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) Disney event. Information from Christophe Bouton. ------------------------------------------------- Disney Invites Young Chess Stars to the Mickey for Kids World Rapid Chess Championship, December 12 to 14, 1996 at Disneyland Paris More than 50 Countries Represented at Event, under the Patronage of the French and World Chess Federations and UNESCO Paris, November 21, 1996 D For the fourth consecutive year, Disney Consumer Products, Europe/Middle East & Africa organizes a youth rapid chess championship at Disneyland Paris from December 12 to 14, under the official patronage of the French Chess Federation (FFE), the World Chess Federation (FIDE) and UNESCO. The event, international since 1995, brings together the brightest young chess talents from 51 countries in a nine-round tournament from which four winners emerge. All participants are champions of local chess tournaments held under the auspices of the FIDE. They meet at Disneyland Paris for two days of exciting rounds, pitting the world's top young players against one another in four categories: boys and girls under 12, and boys and girls aged 12 to 14. Anatoly Karpov, World Chess Champion and European Rapid Chess Champion will preside over the Awards ceremony. Renamed the Mickey for Kids World Rapid Chess Championship, the event is an evolution of Disney's first European championship of 1993. Since then, the tournament has gained increasing recognition from world chess federations, and attracts players from all five continents. The new name (formerly Disney's Rapid Chess World Championship) reflects an association with Disney's new Mickey for Kids brand of licensed products, which is all about fun and stimulating the imagination. The Mickey for Kids World Rapid Chess Championship underscores Disney's commitment to learning through fun. Like the annual Children's Summit, organized in cooperation with UNESCO, it is evidence of Disney's ongoing preoccupation with activities that contribute to the overall development of children. Chess fans can follow the Mickey for Kids World Rapid Chess Championship on the Internet, complete with photos, beginning December. Contact for More Information Susanne Travers Tel: (33-1) ---------------------- More than 50 Countries Represented at Event, Joined by Anatoly Karpov and 1996 Olympic Gold Medalists For the fourth consecutive year, Disney Consumer Products, Europe/Middle East & Africa organizes a youth rapid chess championship, under the official patronage of the French Chess Federation (FFE), the World Chess Federation (FIDE) and UNESCO. The event, international since 1995, brings together the brightest young chess talents for a two-day nine-round tournament from which four category winners emerge: boys and girls under 12, and boys and girls aged 12 to 14. All participants are champions of local chess tournaments held under the patronage of the FIDE. A special guest of honor this year will be Anatoly Karpov, recently named rapid chess world champion. Mr. Karpov will join the children in the final rounds of the competition. Another highlight of the event will be the exhibition round played by several 1996 Olympic gold medalists who are also amateur chess players. The sports stars from various disciplines will play the young winners of the championship, aided by Mr. Anatoly Karpov. The Mickey for Kids World Rapid Chess Championship underscores Disney's commitment to learning through fun. Like the annual Children's Summit, organized in cooperation with UNESCO, it is evidence of Disney's ongoing preoccupation with activities that contribute to the overall development of children. 13) The Czech System - 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6!? - Part VII ------------------------------------------------------------------ By Marco R. Martini (ITA) - Email: - WWW : htpp:// 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6 4.f3 e5 [4...b5!? 5.Be3 (5.Bd3 e5 6.dxe5 dxe5 7.Be3 Nbd7 8.Qd2 Bc5 9.Nd1 0-0 10.Ne2 Qb6 11.0-0 a5 12.Kh1 Rd8 13.Bxc5 Nxc5 14.Qe3 Qa7 15.Nf2 Be6 16.b3 h6 17.Rad1 a4 18.g4 Nh7 19.Kg2 Qe7 20.Rh1 axb3 21.axb3 Ra2 22.Nc3 Raa8 23.Ra1 Nf8 24.Rxa8 Rxa8 25.Ne2 Ng6 26.Kg3 Nh4 27.Rd1 g5 28.Rh1 Ng6 29.Kg2 Ra2 Abdullah-Mortensen/Thessaloniki ol (01) 1988/ 0-1 ) A) 5...Nbd7 6.Qd2 (6.a4 b4 7.Nb1 g6 8.Nd2 Bg7 9.a5 0-0 10.Bd3 e5 11.Ne2 d5 12.0-0 exd4 13.Nxd4 c5 14.Nc6 Qe8 15.Bb5 d4 16.Bf4 Qe6 17.a6 Nb6 18.Na5 Bd7 19.Bd3 Nh5 20.Bg5 h6 21.Bh4 Nf4 22.Bg3 Nxd3 23.cxd3 Bb5 24.Nb7 Rfc8 25.Nd6 Bxd3 26.Nxc8 Qxc8 27.Re1 Bxa6 28.Bd6 Bb5 29.e5 Nd5 30.Rc1 Ne3 Lukasiewicz,Grzegorz-Agrest,Evgeny/ Mikolajki tt (01) 1991/ 1/2 (47)) Nb6 (6...Qc7 7.Nge2 e5 8.g4 Nb6 9.Ng3 g6 10.g5 Nfd7 11.h4 h5 12.f4 b4 13.Nd1 c5 14.dxe5 dxe5 15.a4¾ Starvev,N-Popchev,M Bulgaria 1994) 7.b3 Qc7 8.Bd3 e5 9.Nge2 Be7 10.0-0 0-0 11.Nd1!? Rd8 12.Nf2 (12.Qe1!? Agrest,E) c5! 13.c3 c4 14.Bc2 a5 15.f4 Bb7 16.Qe1 Nbd7 17.g4 h6¾ Pisulinski,J-Agrest,E/ Polska (ch) 53/(121) 1991; B) 5...Qc7 6.Nge2 e5 7.g4 a5 8.Ng3 Ba6 9.Qd2 g6 10.0-0-0 B1) 10...Nfd7? 11.d5 +/- 11...b4 12.dxc6 bxc3 13.cxd7+ Nxd7 14.Qxc3 Qxc3 15.bxc3 Be7 16.Kd2! 0-0 17.Rb1 Nc5?! (17...Bxf1!? 18.Rhxf1 Rfb8 with idea Nf8-e6) 18.Bxa6 Rxa6 19.Bxc5! ( 19.Rhd1 Ne6 with idea Bg5) dxc5 20.Rhd1 Rd8+ 21.Ke2 Rxd1 22.Kxd1 Bg5 23.Ke2+- Ehlvest,J-Rivas Pastor,M/Logrono 1991; B2) 10...b4 11.Na4 Bxf1 12.Rhxf1 Nfd7 unclear] [4...Qb6!? 5.Bc4!? e6 += (5...e5 6.Nge2 Be7 7.Be3 Qc7 8.a4 0-0 9.Qd2 a5 10.d5 Na6 11.g4 Nb4 12.g5 Nd7 13.h4 Nb6 14.Bb3 cxd5 15.Bxb6 Qxb6 16.Nxd5 Nxd5 17.Bxd5 Be6 18.0-0-0 Rac8 19.Ng3 Rfd8 20.Nf5 Kf8 21.g6 hxg6 22.Bxe6 fxe6 23.Nxe7 Kxe7 24.Qg5+ Kf8 25.h5 Qf2 26.c3 gxh5 27.Rxh5 Qxf3 28.Rd2 Kf7 29.Qh4 Qf4 30.Qh1 Legaspi,Edmundo-Magomedov,Magaram/Doha open (07) 1992/0-1)] [4...Qc7 5.Be3 e5 6.Qd2 Nbd7 7.Bc4 b5 8.Bb3 a6 9.Nge2 Bb7 10.Ng3 g6 11.0-0-0 Nb6 12.Bg5 Be7 13.dxe5 dxe5 14.Bh6 a5 15.a4 b4 16.Nce2 c5 17.Bg7 Rg8 18.Bxf6 Bxf6 19.Qd6 Bd8 20.Qxc7 Bxc7 21.Nf1 Ba6 22.Neg3 c4 23.Ba2 Bd8 24.Ne3 Rc8 25.Rd6 b3 26.Bb1 Bg5 27.Re1 Rb8 28.Rc6 Kd7 29.Rc5 Nxa4 30.Rxe5 Rudolf,Michal-Gawronski,Miroslaw/Warszawa LEG open (10) 1992/1-0 ] [4...Nbd7 5.Be3 (5.Bc4 e5 6.Nge2 Be7 7.Ng3 0-0 8.Nf5 exd4 9.Qxd4 d5 10.Nxe7+ Qxe7 11.Bd3 dxe4 12.Nxe4 Nxe4 13.Qxe4 Qxe4+ 14.Bxe4 Nc5 -/+ Silva-Ribeiro, Lisbona 1995) A) 5...e5 6.Qd2 (6.d5 Be7 7.Qd2 0-0 8.Nge2 cxd5 9.exd5 a6 10.Ng3 Re8 11.a4 Bf8 12.Be2 b6 13.0-0 Bb7 14.Nge4 Rc8 15.g4 Be7 16.Ng3 Rxc3 17.bxc3 Nxd5 18.Nf5 Nxe3 19.Nxe7+ Rxe7 20.Qxe3 Nc5 21.Rfd1 Qc7 22.Bc4 Bc6 23.Bb3 h5 24.g5 Qd7 25.Rd2 Qh3 26.Rf1 Rd7 27.Bd5 Bxd5 28.Rxd5 Nxa4 29.Rfd1 Qe6 30.Qd2 Nb2 Korenev,A-Pribyl,J/Belgorod B 1991/0-1 ) A1) 6...Be7 7.Bd3 (7.Nh3 0-0 8.a4 exd4 9.Bxd4 Ne5 10.Nf4 Re8 11.Be2 Bf8 12.0-0 Qe7 13.a5 Ng6 14.Rfe1 Nxf4 15.Qxf4 Nd7 16.Bf1 Ne5 17.Qg3 f6 18.f4 Nf7 19.Qf2 a6 20.Na4 Be6 21.c4 Nh6 22.b4 f5 23.Nb6 Rad8 24.exf5 Nxf5 25.Bc3 Qf7 26.g4 Qg6 27.h3 h5 28.g5 d5 29.cxd5 cxd5 30.Rad1 Nd6 31.Be5 Ne4 Priehoda,Vitezslav-Pribyl,Martin/Brno IV (10) 1991/1-0 (42))( 7.0-0-0 b5 8.g4 b4 9.Nce2 Qa5 10.Kb1 Nb6 11.Nc1 Be6 12.g5 Nh5 13.Nb3 Qa4 14.dxe5 dxe5 15.Qf2 0-0 16.Bd3 Rfc8 17.Bc5 Bxc5 18.Qxc5 Nd7 19.Qd6 Nf4 20.Ne2 Nxd3 21.Qxd3 c5 22.Qe3 c4 23.Nbc1 c3 24.Nb3 cxb2 25.Kxb2 Nb6 26.Qd3 Bc4 27.Qd2 Qa3+ 28.Ka1 Na4 0-1 Mihevc,Narcisa-Yermolinskaya,M (ISL/Manila ol-W (11) 1992) b5 8.Nge2 0-0 9.0-0 b4 10.Nd1 d5 11.Nf2 c5 12.dxc5 Nxc5 13.Rad1 dxe4 14.fxe4 Nxd3 15.cxd3 Qa5 16.b3 Rd8 17.Qb2 Ng4 18.Nxg4 Bxg4 19.h3 Bxe2 20.Qxe2 Bc5 21.Bxc5 Qxc5+ 22.Qf2 Qxf2+ 23.Kxf2 Rd6 24.Ke3 Rad8 25.Rf2 Rc6 26.Rfd2 Rd4 27.a3 f6 28.axb4 Rxb4 29.Ra1 Rxb3 30.Rxa7 Rd6 31.Ke2 h5 1/2 Belkhodja,Slim-Hartoch,Rob/ Dieren open (09) 1989; A2) 6...b5 7.Bd3 Bb7 8.Nge2 Be7 9.0-0 0-0 10.Nd1 d5 11.Nf2 a6 12.c3 c5 13.Ng3 Re8 14.Rad1 Rc8 =+ Kogan,A-Oratovsky,M Israele 1992; B) 5...Qc7 6.Qd2 b5 7.0-0-0 Bb7 8.g4 Nb6 9.g5 Nfd7 10.d5 a6 11.f4 cxd5 12.Nxd5 Nxd5 13.exd5 Nb6 14.Bxb6 Qxb6 15.Bg2 g6 16.Nf3 Bg7 17.Rhe1 Qc7 18.Qe2 Rc8 19.Bh3 Bxb2+ 20.Kb1 0-0 21.Bxc8 Bc3 22.Rd3 Rxc8 23.Nd2 Qa5 24.Nb3 Qb4 25.Rxc3 Qxc3 26.Rd1 Rc7 27.Rd3 Qc4 28.Qd2 Bc8 29.Nd4 Bd7 30.Kb2 b4 1-0 Friedman,Aviv-Pettersen/ Philadelphia open (02) 1990; C) 5...Qa5 6.Qd2 e5 7.0-0-0 b5 8.Kb1 a6 (8...Be7 9.g4 Nb6 10.b3 b4 11.Nce2 c5 12.dxc5 dxc5 13.Ng3 Be6 14.Nf5 Bxf5 15.gxf5 0-0 16.Qe1 Rfd8 17.Rxd8+ Rxd8 18.Bd3 Nfd7 19.Nh3 c4 20.Be2 Nc5 21.Rg1 cxb3 22.cxb3 Nba4 23.bxa4 Nxa4 24.Bc4 Nc3+ 25.Ka1 Rc8 26.Bb3 Qb5 27.Bh6 Ne2 28.Rxg7+ Kh8 29.Rxf7 Qb6 30.Bg7+ 1-0 Tia,Rudy jr-Haque,Rezaul/Kuala Lumpur open (06) 1992) 9.g4 Be7 10.h4 Nb6 11.dxe5 dxe5 12.Nd5 Qxd2 13.Nxf6+ Bxf6 14.Rxd2 Rb8 15.g5 Be7 16.f4 c5 17.Nf3 Bb7 18.Nxe5 f6 19.Ng4 f5 20.Nf2 fxe4 21.Bg2 Nc4 22.Re2 0-0 23.Bc1 e3 24.Bxb7 Rxb7 25.Bxe3 Nxe3 26.Rxe3 Rxf4 27.Nd3 Rd4 28.Rhe1 Bd6 29.h5 c4 30.g6 hxg6 31.hxg6 Rb8 32.Ne5 Bf8 33.Nc6 1-0 Schmitzer,K-Hertweck,M/2BLSW 8889 Hofheim-E 1989] [4...Qa5 5.Be3 e5 6.Qd2 Nbd7 7.Rd1 Be7 8.Nh3 0-0 9.Nf2 exd4 10.Bxd4 d5 11.exd5 Nxd5 12.Nxd5 Qxd5 13.c4 Qh5 14.Be2 a5 15.0-0 Nc5 16.f4 Qg6 17.Qe3 Ne6 18.Bc3 Bc5 19.Qf3 Qh6 20.g3 Bb4 21.a3 Bxc3 22.Qxc3 c5 23.Ng4 Qh3 24.Ne5 Nd4 25.Rfe1 f6 26.Nf3 Nxe2+ 27.Rxe2 Be6 28.Rde1 Bd7 29.Nd2 Bc6 30.Nf1 a4 31.Ne3 Qh5 32.Nd5 Bxd5 33.cxd5 Qxd5 34.Rd2 Qf7 35.Qxc5 Rfe8 36.Red1 Rac8 37.Qxc8 Rxc8 38.Rd8+ Qf8 39.Rxf8+ Kxf8 40.Rd2 Rc6 41.Kf2 Rb6 42.Ke3 Ke7 43.g4 Rb5 44.Ke4 h5 45.gxh5 Rxh5 46.Rg2 Kf7 47.Rc2 Rb5 48.f5 Kg8 49.Kf4 Kh7 50.Rd2 Rb3 51.Rc2 b5 52.Rd2 b4 53.axb4 Rxb4+ 54.Kf3 Kh6 55.Rg2 1/2 Tan,W-Levitt,M/32nd ol, Yerevan ARM (03) 1996] 5.Be3! [5.dxe5!? dxe5 6.Qxd8+ Kxd8 7.Bc4 (7.b3 Be6 8.Bb2 Kc7 9.Nge2 Nbd7 10.Nc1 Bc5 11.Nd3 Bd4 12.0-0-0 Rad8 13.Be2 b5 14.Kb1 Nc5 15.Nxc5 Bxc5 16.a4 a6 17.axb5 axb5 18.Na2 Nd7 19.g3 f6 20.Bc3 Bd6 21.Ba5+ Nb6 22.Nb4 Be7 23.Nd3 Ra8 24.Bc3 Nd7 25.f4 Bd6 26.Rd2 c5 27.Rhd1 exf4 28.Nxf4 Bxf4 29.gxf4 b4 30.Bb2 Rhd8 31.Bf3 Rac8 32.Rg2 g6 33.h4 1-0 Nunez,Vallina-Iglesias,Francisco/Oviedo rapid (04) 1991) A) 7...Be6 8.Bxe6 fxe6 9.Nd1!? += (9.Nh3 h6 10.Nf2 Nbd7 11.Nd3 Kc7 12.Be3 Bd6 13.0-0-0 Rhf8 14.Rd2 Rad8 15.Na4 b6 16.Rhd1 Nb8 17.b4 Nfd7 18.Ndb2 Kb7 19.Nc4 Bc7 20.Nab2 b5 21.Nd6+ Ka8 22.a4 bxa4 23.Nxa4 Na6 24.b5 Bxd6 25.Rxd6 1-0 Savova,Stefka-Ilieva,Hristina/ Bankia ch-BG-W (03) 1991); B) 7...Ke8 B1) 8.a4 a5 with idea Na6-b4; B2) 8.Be3 Nbd7 with idea Bc5 (8...Nbd7 9.Nge2 Bc5 10.Kf2 Ke7 11.Rhd1 Bxe3+ 12.Kxe3 Nb6 13.Bb3 Be6 14.Bxe6 Kxe6 15.b3 Rhd8 16.h3 Nfd7 17.Rd2 Nc5 18.Rad1 Rxd2 19.Rxd2 Ke7 20.Nc1 1/2 Gullaksen,E-Eriksson,J/Gausdal Internationa (02) 1990); B3) 8.Bg5 Nbd7 9.Nge2 b5 10.Bd3 Nc5 11.Bxf6 gxf6 12.Ng3 Nxd3+ 13.cxd3 Rg8 14.Nd1 Be6 15.Ke2 Bc5 16.Ne3 Bd4 17.Rhb1 Rg5 18.Nc2 Bb6 19.Rc1 Kd7 20.a4 h5 21.a5 Bc5 22.Ne1 Bd4 23.Rc2 h4 24.Nf1 f5 25.exf5 Bxf5 26.Nd2 Rag8 27.Nb3 Bxb2 28.Ra2 Bd4 29.Nxd4 exd4 30.Rab2 Kd6 31.Rb4 Kd5 32.Rb1 Rxg2+ 0-1 Sokolov,A-Bologan,V/ Jurmala 1991; B4) 8.Nge2!? Nbd7 (8...Bc5 9.Bg5!?) 9.a4 a5 10.g4!? Nc5 11.h4 h5! 12.g5 Nfd7 13.f4! +=] 5...Be7 [5...exd4 6.Qxd4] [5...Nbd7 6.Nge2 A) 6...b5 7.Ng3 (7.Qd2 Nb6 8.b3 Qc7 9.g4 a5 10.a4 b4 11.Nd1 Ba6 12.Ng3 Bxf1 13.Kxf1 h5 14.dxe5 dxe5 15.Bxb6 Qxb6 16.g5 Rd8 17.Qg2 Nd7 18.g6 fxg6 19.Ne2 Kf7 20.Nb2 Bc5 21.Qh3 Bd4 22.Nxd4 exd4 23.Nc4 Qc7 24.Rg1 Rhe8 25.Rg5 Nb6 26.Nb2 Rxe4 27.fxe4 Qf4+ 28.Ke2 Qxg5 29.Qg3 Qxg3 30.hxg3 Ke6 31.Rf1 Nd7 Calderin,R-Urday,H/Capablanca mem-A 1992/0-1 ) h5 8.Qd2 h4 9.Nge2 b4 10.Nd1 d5 11.exd5 Nxd5 12.Bf2 h3 13.Ne3 hxg2 14.Bxg2 Qg5 15.Nxd5 Qxd2+ 16.Kxd2 cxd5 17.dxe5 Nxe5 18.Rae1 Be6 19.f4 Ng4 20.Bg1 Bd6 21.f5 Bxf5 22.Nd4+ Be4 23.Bxe4 dxe4 24.Rxe4+ Ne5 25.Nf5 0-0-0 26.Kc1 Nc6 27.Nxg7 Be5 28.Nf5 Rh5 29.Nh4 Bf6 30.Ng2 Ra5 31.Ne1 Rxa2 Arencibia,Walter-Urday Caceres,Henry/Pamplona open (02) 1990/0-1 ; B) 6...d5 7.exd5 +/-] [5...Qb6!? 6.a3!? with idea Qd2] 6.Nge2 [6.Qd2 0-0 (6...Qa5 7.0-0-0 Be6 8.Kb1 exd4 9.Bxd4 Nbd7 10.Nge2 b5 11.Nf4 Qc7 12.g4 Ne5 13.Qf2 h6 14.h4 0-0-0 15.Bxa7 +/- Tischbierek,R-Huemmer,B/BL 9091 Frankfurt-Nu 1990)(6...Nbd7 7.Nh3 0-0 8.a4 exd4 9.Bxd4 Ne5 10.Nf4 Re8 11.Be2 Bf8 12.0-0 Qe7 13.a5 Ng6 14.Rfe1 Nxf4 15.Qxf4 Nd7 += Priehoda,V-Pribyl,M Brno 1991) 7.0-0-0 b5 8.g4 exd4 (8...Qa5!? 9.Kb1 b4 10.Nce2 Be6 11.Nc1 c5 12.d5 Bd7 13.Nge2 +=)(8...b4 9.Nce2 exd4 10.Nxd4 c5 11.Nf5 with initiative (Stohl)) 9.Qxd4 (9.Bxd4 b4 10.Nce2 c5 11.Bxf6 Bxf6 12.Qxd6 Qa5 with compensation (Stohl)) Be6 10.g5 Ne8 (10...c5 11.Qd3! c4 12.Qe2! Ne8 13.Nxb5 +/-) 11.f4 Qa5 12.a3 A) 12...f5? 13.exf5! Bxf5 14.Nge2 +/- 14...Nc7 15.Ng3! Bg4 ( 15...Ne6 16.Qd2 Bg4 17.Re1) 16.Bd3!? (16.f5!? Bxd1 17.Nxd1¿)( 16.Qe4! Bxd1 17.Bd3 g6 18.f5! Bf3 19.Qxe7!? Rf7 20.Qd8+ Rf8 21.Qxd6 Bxh1 22.fxg6+-) d5 17.f5 (17.Rde1 c5 18.Qe5 Nc6-+) Bxd1 18.Nxd1 (18.Rxd1? Qb6 19.Qe5 Bd6 20.Qxd6 Qxe3+ 21.Kb1 Ne8 22.Qd8 Nf6! 23.Qc7 Qxg5 24.Qb7 Nbd7 25.Qxc6Á)(18.f6! Rxf6! 19.gxf6 Bxf6 20.Qf4 Bxc3 21.Rxd1 +/-) Bd6? (18...c5! 19.Qg4 c4 20.Be2 Bd6 21.f6 g6 unclear) 19.Qh4 Ne8 (19...Nd7 20.f6 g6 21.Qh6 Rf7 22.Bxg6 hxg6 23.Qxg6+ Kf8 24.Nf5+-) 20.Bd4+- Anand,V-Izeta,F/ Madrid 1993; B) 12...f6!? Izeta,F 13.h4 Nc7 unclear; C) 12...c5 13.Qd2 b4 14.Nb1! Nc6 15.Nf3 Rb8 16.f5! Ba2! 17.b3! Bxb1 18.Kxb1 bxa3 19.Qxa5 Nxa5 20.Ka2 +=] 6...Qc7 [6...Nbd7 A) 7.Ng3 0-0 8.Nf5 d5 9.exd5 Nxd5 10.Nxd5 cxd5 11.dxe5 Nxe5 12.Nxe7+ Qxe7 13.Qd4 Nc6 14.Qc5 Qh4+ 15.g3 Qf6 16.0-0-0 Be6 17.Bg2 Rac8 18.Bf4 Qg6 19.Rd2 a5 20.Qb6 Nb4 21.Kb1 Rxc2 0-1 Brix,B-Glaser, 1989; B) 7.Qd2 b5 (7...Qa5 8.Nc1 exd4 9.Bxd4 Ne5 10.Nb3 Qc7 11.a4 Be6 12.Qf2 c5 13.Nb5 Qc8 14.Nxc5 Nxf3+ 15.gxf3 dxc5 16.Bxf6 gxf6 17.Qg3 a6 18.Nc7+ Kd7 19.Nxa8 Qxa8 20.Bh3 Qf8 21.0-0-0+ Kc8 22.Bxe6+ fxe6 23.Qg4 f5 24.exf5 exf5 25.Qc4 h5 26.Rhe1 Bd6 1-0 Wirius,Stefan-Denk,Adolf/Austria Bundesliga (02) 1991)(7...0-0 8.g4 b5 9.Ng3 exd4 10.Bxd4 Ne5 11.Be2 Ne8 12.Nd1 Nc7 13.Nf2 Ne6 14.Be3 d5 15.exd5 cxd5 16.Nf5 Bb7 17.0-0-0 b4 18.Nd4 Qa5 19.Kb1 Rac8 20.b3 Nc6 21.Nxc6 Bxc6 22.a4 Bf6 23.Nd3 Bc3 24.Qc1 Rfe8 25.Nb2 Nc5 26.Bxc5 Qxc5 27.Bd3 Rc7 28.Rhf1 Rce7 29.f4 Bd4 30.Qd2 Be3 31.Qg2 Qc3 32.Qh3 g6 33.Bb5 Bxb5 34.axb5 Rc8 35.Rxd5 Qxc2+ 36.Ka2 Bc1 37.Rxc1 Qxc1 38.Qd3 Re1 0-1 Hoiberg,Nina-Richtrova,Eliska/ Lyngby LAR-mem (03) 1991)(7...h5 8.Nc1 b5 9.d5 cxd5 10.Nxd5 Nxd5 11.Qxd5 Rb8 12.Nb3 a6 13.Qd2 0-0 14.Be2 Nb6 15.Na5 Qc7 16.0-0 Be6 17.f4 d5 18.f5 Bc8 19.exd5 Bc5 20.c4 bxc4 21.Bf3 Bxf5 22.Nc6 Bxe3+ 23.Qxe3 Bd3 24.Nxb8 Qxb8 25.Rf2 Qd6 26.Re1 f6 27.Rd1 Nxd5 28.Rxd3 cxd3 29.Qxd3 Rd8 30.Rd2 Qc5+ 31.Kh1 f5 32.Bxd5+ Kh8 33.Qf3 g6 34.Rd1 Kh7 35.Bb3 e4 36.Qe2 Re8 37.Qxa6 Re7 38.Qe2 f4 39.Re1 Qb4 40.Bd5 e3 41.a3 1-0 Galkin,A-Iordakesku,V/URS-chJ Jurmala 1992) 8.a3 Bb7 9.Ng3 g6 10.Bd3 a6 11.0-0 0-0 12.Nce2 d5 13.Bh6 Re8 14.c3 c5 15.exd5 exd4 16.cxd4 c4 17.Bc2 Nxd5 18.Ne4 f5 19.N4c3 N7b6 20.Rad1 Bf6 21.Kh1 Qd7 22.Ng3 Bg7 23.Bg5 a5 24.Nge2 b4 25.Nxd5 Nxd5 26.Bb1 h6 27.Bf4 Rxe2 28.Qxe2 Nxf4 29.Qxc4+ Bd5 30.Qc5 Ne6 0-1 Autowicz,Zenon-Titov,German/Warszawa LEG (01) 1990; C) 7.g4! d5 8.g5!? Nh5 9.Rg1 exd4 10.Qxd4 Bc5 11.Qd2¼ += XNh5] 7.Qd2 Nbd7 8.g4 Nf8 9.Ng3 h6 10.Nf5 Bxf5 11.gxf5 Nh5 12.0-0-0 Nh7 13.Ne2 Bg5 14.f4 exf4 15.Nxf4 Nxf4 16.Bxf4 0-0-0 17.h4 Bxf4 18.Qxf4= Rasik,V-Chytilek,R Czechoslovakia 1993 Line