Chess24 Sadler

THE WEEK IN CHESS 1020 26th May 2014 by Mark Crowther


Contact The Week in Chess
Mark Crowther
Mobile 07971 920016


1) Introduction
2) 15th Karpov Poikovsky 2014
3) US Chess Championships 2014
4) 33rd Zalakaros Open 2014
5) 49th Capablanca Memorial 2014
6) 11th Orlova Open 2014
7) 23rd Chicago Open 2014
8) e2e4 Sunningdale May Congress 2014
9) 32nd Liechtenstein Open 2014
10) 3rd Salento Open 2014
11) XYChess IM 2014
12) ch-BLR U20 2014
13) ch-ISL 2014
14) 6th KIIT Open 2014
15) Anand Rapid Matches in Porto-Vecchio 2014
16) Asian Nations Cup 2014
17) Somov Memorial 2014
18) Liburnija Open 2014
19) Mitropa Cup 2014
20) ch-RUS Rapid 2014
21) Highlands Open 2014
22) WOW air tournament 2014
23) Sant Boi Closed 2014
24) 8th Agzamov Memorial 2014
25) TCh-FRA Top 12 2014
26) TCh-UKR 2014
27) TCh-SUI 2014
28) Israeli Team Championship 2014
29) Active Team Events
30) Forthcoming Events and Links

Games Section
15th Karpov Poikovsky 20145 games
US Chess Championships 201417 games
33rd Zalakaros Open 2014140 games
49th Capablanca Memorial 20141 games
11th Orlova Open 20145 games
23rd Chicago Open 2014135 games
e2e4 Sunningdale May Congress 201490 games
3rd Salento Open 2014144 games
XYChess IM 201430 games
ch-BLR U20 201460 games
ch-ISL 201420 games
6th KIIT Open 201436 games
Anand Rapid Matches in Porto-Vecchio 20144 games
Asian Nations Cup 2014168 games
Somov Memorial 201466 games
Liburnija Open 201468 games
Mitropa Cup 2014120 games
Highlands Open 2014240 games
WOW air tournament 201410 games
Sant Boi Closed 20145 games
8th Agzamov Memorial 201450 games
TCh-FRA Top 12 2014120 games
TCh-SUI 201439 games
1573 games


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1) Introduction

My thanks to Roland Wimmer, Olexandr Prohorov, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Feliks Kwiatkowski, Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh and everyone else who helped with this issue.

Gata Kamsky and Irina Krush retained the US titles but only after tie-breaks last Tuesday. Alexander Morozevich took first place in the Poikovsky with a welcome return to form. After these finished what I thought would be a quiet week has seen quite a bit of chess action with the 33rd Zalakaros Open, Mitropa Cup, French Team Championship, Icelandic Championship all starting this week. June 2nd sees the start of the Norway Chess tournament.

Finally the sad new of the passing of Dragoljub Velimirovic 12th May 1942 to 22nd May 2014 should not go without mention. A fearsome attacking player he lent his name to a suitably sharp variation of the Sicilian Defence. It is sufficient to say he won two Silver medals at the Nice Chess Olympiad 1974 and played in three interzonals Rio de Janeiro 1979, Moscow 1982 and in Szirak 1987. Further reading: Mike Kein obituary and Wikipedia Entry.

Many thanks to those who have donated so far to TWIC following my appeal after my 1000th issue. I will write to those who have contributed recently. I'm very grateful and it has made a big difference to me. If you also wish to donate to help me keep TWIC going and move it forward then you can do so via PayPal at:

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) 15th Karpov Poikovsky 2014

The 15th Karpov GM tournament took place in Poikovsky 11th to 20th May 2014. Jakovenko, Nepomniachtchi, Morozevich, Motylev, Shirov, Bologan, Bacrot, Eljanov, Sutovsky and Ivan Saric made up a very interesting field. Alexander Morozevich won with 6/9.

15th Karpov Poikovsky Poikovsky RUS Sun 11th May 2014 - Tue 20th May 2014. Category: 18. Ave: (2699)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Morozevich, Alexander GM RUS 2719 # = = = = 1 = 1 = 1 6 2822
2 Jakovenko, Dmitry GM RUS 2730 = # = = 0 = 1 1 = 1 5.5 2776
3 Shirov, Alexei GM LAT 2703 = = # = = = = 1 = = 5 2742
4 Bacrot, Etienne GM FRA 2721 = = = # = = 1 = = = 5 2740
5 Nepomniachtchi, Ian GM RUS 2735 = 1 = = # 0 0 1 = = 4.5 2695
6 Motylev, Alexander GM RUS 2687 0 = = = 1 # = 0 1 = 4.5 2700
7 Saric, Ivan GM CRO 2666 = 0 = 0 1 = # 0 1 1 4.5 2703
8 Bologan, Viktor GM MDA 2655 0 0 0 = 0 1 1 # 1 1 4.5 2704
9 Eljanov, Pavel GM UKR 2732 = = = = = 0 0 0 # 1 3.5 2615
10 Sutovsky, Emil GM ISR 2642 0 0 = = = = 0 0 0 # 2 2485
Round 1. Sun 11th May 2014
Morozevich, Alexander 1-0 Bologan, Viktor 96 A07 Reti
Sutovsky, Emil 1/2-1/2 Motylev, Alexander 21 B18 Caro-Kann
Shirov, Alexei 1/2-1/2 Saric, Ivan 45 E94 King's Indian
Jakovenko, Dmitry 1/2-1/2 Eljanov, Pavel 53 C84 Ruy Lopez
Bacrot, Etienne 1/2-1/2 Nepomniachtchi, Ian 36 E60 King's Indian defence
Round 2. Mon 12th May 2014
Motylev, Alexander 0-1 Morozevich, Alexander 52 C84 Ruy Lopez
Eljanov, Pavel 1/2-1/2 Bacrot, Etienne 32 E97 King's Indian
Shirov, Alexei 1/2-1/2 Sutovsky, Emil 45 B90 Sicilian
Saric, Ivan 1-0 Nepomniachtchi, Ian 57 B90 Sicilian
Bologan, Viktor 0-1 Jakovenko, Dmitry 36 D43 QGD semi-Slav
Round 3. Tue 13th May 2014
Morozevich, Alexander 1/2-1/2 Shirov, Alexei 69 B32 Sicilian
Sutovsky, Emil 0-1 Saric, Ivan 45 C91 Ruy Lopez
Jakovenko, Dmitry 1/2-1/2 Motylev, Alexander 15 E11 Bogo-Indian defence, Gruenfeld variation
Bacrot, Etienne 1/2-1/2 Bologan, Viktor 108 D11 QGD Slav
Nepomniachtchi, Ian 1/2-1/2 Eljanov, Pavel 45 A29 English
Round 4. Wed 14th May 2014
Saric, Ivan 1-0 Eljanov, Pavel 56 B12 Caro-Kann
Shirov, Alexei 1/2-1/2 Jakovenko, Dmitry 42 D16 QGD Slav
Sutovsky, Emil 0-1 Morozevich, Alexander 57 B48 Sicilian
Motylev, Alexander 1/2-1/2 Bacrot, Etienne 38 C67 Ruy Lopez
Bologan, Viktor 0-1 Nepomniachtchi, Ian 40 A80 Dutch
Round 5. Fri 16th May 2014
Morozevich, Alexander 1/2-1/2 Saric, Ivan 72 C77 Ruy Lopez
Jakovenko, Dmitry 1-0 Sutovsky, Emil 28 D71 Neo-Gruenfeld,
Bacrot, Etienne 1/2-1/2 Shirov, Alexei 49 B13 Caro-Kann
Eljanov, Pavel 0-1 Bologan, Viktor 53 D31 QGD
Nepomniachtchi, Ian 0-1 Motylev, Alexander 38 B12 Caro-Kann
Round 6. Sat 17th May 2014
Morozevich, Alexander 1/2-1/2 Jakovenko, Dmitry 20 E32 Nimzo-Indian
Saric, Ivan 0-1 Bologan, Viktor 62 B35 Sicilian
Shirov, Alexei 1/2-1/2 Nepomniachtchi, Ian 25 B90 Sicilian
Motylev, Alexander 1-0 Eljanov, Pavel 42 C84 Ruy Lopez
Sutovsky, Emil 1/2-1/2 Bacrot, Etienne 33 C67 Ruy Lopez
Round 7. Sun 18th May 2014
Bacrot, Etienne 1/2-1/2 Morozevich, Alexander 45 A10 English opening
Jakovenko, Dmitry 1-0 Saric, Ivan 50 D78 Neo-Gruenfeld, 6.O-O c6
Bologan, Viktor 1-0 Motylev, Alexander 45 D12 QGD Slav
Nepomniachtchi, Ian 1/2-1/2 Sutovsky, Emil 30 B31 Sicilian
Eljanov, Pavel 1/2-1/2 Shirov, Alexei 42 D11 QGD Slav
Round 8. Mon 19th May 2014
Jakovenko, Dmitry 1/2-1/2 Bacrot, Etienne 20 C67 Ruy Lopez
Morozevich, Alexander 1/2-1/2 Nepomniachtchi, Ian 16 D90 Gruenfeld
Saric, Ivan 1/2-1/2 Motylev, Alexander 18 B12 Caro-Kann
Shirov, Alexei 1-0 Bologan, Viktor 51 C02 French
Sutovsky, Emil 0-1 Eljanov, Pavel 64 B18 Caro-Kann
Round 9. Tue 20th May 2014
Nepomniachtchi, Ian 1-0 Jakovenko, Dmitry 41 A08 Reti
Eljanov, Pavel 1/2-1/2 Morozevich, Alexander 57 E91 King's Indian
Motylev, Alexander 1/2-1/2 Shirov, Alexei 20 B32 Sicilian
Bacrot, Etienne 1-0 Saric, Ivan 45 A20 English opening
Bologan, Viktor 1-0 Sutovsky, Emil 43 D85 Gruenfeld

3) US Chess Championships 2014

The US Chess Championships took place 8th to 20th May 2014. Players: Gata Kamsky, Timur Gareev, Alex Onischuk, Varuzhan Akobian, Sergey Erenburg, Ray Robson, Sam Shankland, Aleksandr Lenderman, Alejandro Ramirez, Mackenzie Molner, Daniel Naroditsky and Josh Friedel. Gata Kamsky won the title for the fifth time, the second in a row. Irina Krush won the women's title for a third time in a row. Neither player had an easy time of it.

ch-USA 2014 Saint Louis USA Wed 7th May 2014 - Wed 21st May 2014
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
1Kamsky, GataGM2713½½½1½½1½½½17.02703
2Lenderman, AleksandrGM25821½11½0011½½7.02715
3Akobian, VaruzhanGM2643½½½½11110½½7.02709
4Shankland, Samuel LGM2634½½½0½10½11½6.02644
5Naroditsky, DanielGM2543½½0½1½1½0½16.02652
6Onischuk, AlexanderGM2668½½½1½½½0½½½5.52605
7Robson, RayGM26311½½0010½1½½5.52608
8Friedel, Joshua EGM25050½½½½11½1005.52620
9Erenburg, SergeyGM26330½½0½½½00114.52543
10Gareev, TimurGM2653½½1100½½00½4.52541
11Ramirez, AlejandroGM2595½½0½100½½½04.02510
12Molner, MackenzieGM2522½½½000½½½½03.52485
12 players
ch-USA TB w 2014 Saint Louis USA Wed 7th May 2014 - Wed 21st May 2014
Leading Final Round 2 Standings:
1Krush, IrinaGMUSA24891=1.5
2Abrahamyan, TatevWGMUSA23660=0.5
2 players
ch-USA Armageddon w 2014 Saint Louis USA Wed 7th May 2014 - Wed 21st May 2014
Leading Final Round 1 Standings:
1Abrahamyan, TatevWGMUSA2366=0.5
2Zatonskih, AnnaIMUSA2469=0.5
2 players
ch-USA Armageddon 2014 Saint Louis USA Wed 7th May 2014 - Wed 21st May 2014
Leading Final Round 1 Standings:
1Akobian, VaruzhanGMUSA264311
2Lenderman, AleksandrGMUSA258200
2 players
ch-USA TB 2014 Saint Louis USA Wed 7th May 2014 - Wed 21st May 2014
Leading Final Round 2 Standings:
1Kamsky, GataGMUSA2713=11.5
2Akobian, VaruzhanGMUSA2643=00.5
2 players
ch-USA w 2014 Saint Louis USA Wed 7th May 2014 - Wed 21st May 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Krush, IrinaGM248911½1½½½1½6.52429
2Zatonskih, AnnaIM2469½11½1110½6.52429
3Abrahamyan, TatevWGM2366101½½1½116.52429
4Nemcova, KaterinaWGM22820½01½11½½5.02311
5Melekhina, AlisaFM2151001½½½0½14.02240
6Zenyuk, IrynaWIM2249½½½½½10½04.02229
7Foisor, Sabina-FrancescaWGM22381100½0½014.02230
8Eswaran, AshrithaNM1979101½001003.52184
9Ni, ViktorijaWIM22060½0½½0½1½3.52197
10Baginskaite, CamillaWGM22670½00½00½01.51997
10 players

4) 33rd Zalakaros Open 2014

The 33rd Zalakaros Open (Hungarian Open) takes place 23rd to 31st May 2014. Interest will centre around Richard Rapport now one of the most enterprising players in the world, Ferenc Berkes, Viktor Erdos, Gawain Jones, Alexander Beliavsky etc.

33rd Zalakaros Open 2014 Zalakaros HUN Fri 23rd May 2014 - Sat 31st May 2014
Leading Round 4 (of 9) Standings:
12Berkes FerencHUN26653.510.59.52862
210Bachmann AxelPAR25893.59.59.52882
314Kovchan AlexanderUKR25583.58.09.02793
49Onischuk VladimirUKR25943.57.58.02752
54Jones Gawain C BENG26453.010.08.52672
615Horvath AdamHUN25313.09.58.02661
720Horvath JozsefHUN25073.08.58.02667
811Papp GaborHUN25803.08.57.52606
912Gonda LaszloHUN25633.08.07.52598
1028Fodor Tamas Jr.HUN24623.07.57.52653
1119Chernyshov KonstantinRUS25082.511.08.02580
121Rapport RichardHUN26982.511.07.52579
1334Korpa BenceHUN24152.510.07.52521
143Erdos ViktorHUN26472.510.07.02574
155Beliavsky Alexander GSLO26202.59.57.52593
1621Donchenko AlexanderGER24982.59.06.52519
176Kovalenko IgorLAT26112.59.06.52515
1816Antal GergelyHUN25292.59.06.52474
1930Petenyi TamasSVK24482.58.57.02566
2027Portisch LajosHUN24642.58.56.52528
218Grigoriants SergeyRUS25952.58.56.52499
2224Romanishin Oleg MUKR24822.58.07.02617
2351Tesik CsabaHUN23292.58.05.52495
2432Nagy GaborHUN24382.57.56.52459
2526Baumegger SiegfriedAUT24692.57.56.02411
2622Nemeth MiklosHUN24922.57.06.52572
2717Medvegy ZoltanHUN25152.57.06.02475
2836Almasi IstvanHUN24032.57.04.52498
2913Horvath CsabaHUN25602.56.05.02406
3035Czebe AttilaHUN24092.55.56.02392
3125Tolnai TiborHUN24692.09.56.02462
3233Seres LajosHUN24352.09.56.02393
3337Balazs GaborHUN23972.09.05.02494
3447Ekdyshman MikhailRUS23512.09.04.52508
357Banusz TamasHUN26072.08.56.02431
3629Bokros AlbertHUN24612.08.56.02417
3738Gledura BenjaminHUN23952.08.04.52520
3852Madl IldikoHUN23282.08.04.52430
3950Radnai AdamHUN23292.07.54.02336
4023Berczes DavidHUN24822.07.05.02390
70 players

5) 49th Capablanca Memorial 2014

The 49th Capablanca took place in Havana 8th to 18th May 2014. Wesley So dominated and took clear first place. Sadly towards the end there were a lot of short draws. Addition games from the Premier section are now available and I'm waiting for the Open section to be completed.

49th Capablanca Mem Elite Havana CUB Wed 7th May 2014 - Sun 18th May 2014
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
11Wesley SoGMPHI2731**½½½1½½30.5
26Lazaro BruzonGMCUB2682½½**½½½½½1½½26.752
33Leinier DominguezGMCUB2768½0½½**½½½½524
45Zoltan AlmasiGMHUN2693½½½½**½022
52Francisco VallejoGMESP2700½0½1**21.25
64Vassily IvanchukGMUKR2753½½½½½½**421.53
6 players
49th Capablanca Mem Prem Havana CUB Wed 7th May 2014 - Sun 18th May 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Bacallao, YusnelGMCUB2522627.25
2Bogner, SebastianGMSUI2593623.25
3Cordova, EmilioGMPER2616623
4Ortiz, ReynaldoGMCUB2588622.25
5Quesada, YunieskyGMCUB2642202
6Quesada, YasserFMCUB2493518.752
7Gonzalez, YuriGMCUB2561415.252
8Dvirnyy, DanyyilGMITA2560312.25
9Hevia, CarlosIMCUB2530250
10Sambuev, BatorGMCAN25627.51
10 players
49th Capablanca Mem Prem Havana CUB Wed 7th May 2014 - Sun 18th May 2014. Category: 13. Ave: (2567)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Bacallao Alonso, Yusnel GM CUB 2522 # 1 = 1 = = = 1 1 0 6 2697
2 Bogner, Sebastian GM SUI 2593 0 # 1 = = = 1 = 1 1 6 2689
3 Cordova, Emilio GM PER 2616 = 0 # = 1 = 1 = 1 1 6 2686
4 Ortiz Suarez, Isan Reynaldo GM CUB 2588 0 = = # = 1 = 1 1 1 6 2689
5 Quesada Perez, Yuniesky GM CUB 2642 = = 0 = # = = 1 1 1 5.5 2638
6 Quesada Perez, Yasser FM CUB 2493 = = = 0 = # = = 1 1 5 2618
7 Gonzalez Vidal, Yuri GM CUB 2561 = 0 0 = = = # = = 1 4 2524
8 Dvirnyy, Danyyil GM ITA 2560 0 = = 0 0 = = # = = 3 2442
9 Hevia Alejano, Carlos Antonio IM CUB 2530 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = # 1 2 2351
10 Sambuev, Bator GM CAN 2562 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 # 1.5 2294
49th Capablanca Mem Op1 Havana CUB Wed 7th May 2014 - Sun 18th May 2014
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
11Obregon Rivero, Juan CarlosIMCUB2509108.56.12.42723
24Nogueiras Santiago, JesusGMCUB24971076.520.482533
39Gerzhoy, LeonidIMCAN24721076.080.922541
416Vera Gonzalez-Quevedo, ReynaldGMCUB24541076.420.582497
523Garcia Pantoja, RobertoIMCUB24381075.971.032514
628Leyva Rivera, YunierFMCUB24171075.121.882553
729Aguero Jimenez, Luis LazaroIMCUB24161075.421.582532
83Obregon, Andres CarlosIMARG2498106.56.97-0.472452
913Jimenez Fraga, Pedro AlejandroIMCUB2463106.55.80.72514
1037Diaz Murgada, RiderFMCUB2375106.54.681.822507
1155Pina Vega, SulennisWGMCUB2313106.53.832.672505
1277Barros Rivadeneira, CristhianIMECU2273106.53.163.342520
135Cuenca Jimenez, Jose FernandoIMESP24891065.920.082493
146Alvarez Pedraza, AramisGMCUB24861066.96-0.962410
157Gonzalez Acosta, BernalIMCRC24821066.49-0.492443
1610Trent, LawrenceIMENG24681066.51-0.512428
1711Abreu Delgado, AryamGMCUB24641066.92-0.922392
1812Martinez Duany, Lelys StanleyGMCUB24641066.87-0.872396
1915Ortega Amarelle, MarianoIMCUB24571066.56-0.562413
2018Fernandez Cardoso, AlexeyIMCUB24501066.13-0.132437
2119Delgado Ramos, HectorIMCUB24471065.90.12452
2220Georgiadis, NicoIMSUI24461066.77-0.772384
2324Rasmussen, KarstenIMDEN24301066.77-0.772370
2427Soto Hernandez, HenryFMCUB24211065.270.732471
2530Blanco Ronquillo, Humberto L.IMCUB24161065.440.562452
2632Sanchez Enriquez, Oscar GerardFMMEX24051065.670.332425
2734Souleidis, GeorgiosIMGRE23871066.24-0.242366
2841Hernandez Gonzalez, WilliamFMCUB2356106602353
2961Batista Suarez, Jeorling YahytFMCUB23051064.211.792438
3062Olivares Canelles, FranciscoFMCUB23051063.862.142462
3163Yanes Canizares, AlejandroFMCUB23051063.862.142461
322Gomez Garrido, Camilo ErnestoIMCUB249995.55.76-0.262475
338Zaragatski, IljaGMGER2480105.56.31-0.812419
3414Espinosa Veloz, ErmesFMCUB2458105.56.9-1.42351
3521Quesada Vera, LiordisFMCUB2440105.56.71-1.212344
3625Oliva Castaneda, KevelFMCUB2428105.55.65-0.152415
3726Borges Feria, YaselFMCUB2427105.56-0.52390
3831Fargere, FrancoisGMFRA240795.55.130.372433
3940Ruiz C, Joshua DIMCOL2362105.55.170.332386
4042Perez Garcia, Rodney OscarIMCUB2355105.55.270.232371
112 players

6) 11th Orlova Open 2014

The 11th Orlova Open takes place 26th May to 1st June 2014.

11th Orlova GM 2014 Orlova CZE Mon 26th May 2014 - Sun 1st Jun 2014. Category: 8. Ave: (2441)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Eggleston, David J IM ENG 2407 # 1 1 2508
2 Simacek, Pavel IM CZE 2472 # 1 1 2456
3 Simantsev, Mikhail GM UKR 2464 # 1 1 2507
4 Kislinsky, Alexey GM CZE 2485 # 1 1 2423
5 Obrusnik, Michal POL 2295 # = 0.5 2390
6 Kriebel, Tadeas FM CZE 2390 = # 0.5 2295
7 Warakomski, Tomasz IM POL 2507 0 # 0 2464
8 Plischki, Sebastian IM GER 2423 0 # 0 2485
9 Cernousek, Lukas IM CZE 2456 0 # 0 2472
10 Andreev, Eduard GM UKR 2508 0 # 0 2407

7) 23rd Chicago Open 2014

The 23rd Chicago Open takes place 22nd to 26th May 2014.

23rd Chicago Open 2014 Chicago USA Thu 22nd May 2014 - Mon 26th May 2014
Leading Round 8 (of 9) Standings:
1Gabriel SargissianGM2684W41D19W60W37W14W7D5D26.5
2Anton KovalyovGM2636D42W31D25W6W39D5W11D16
3Yury ShulmanGM2560W58W21W27L14W25D12W24D56
4Giorgi MargvelashviliGM2550W70W54D28L32W27W53D14W196
5Kayden W TroffIM2484W92W55W69D7W32D2D1D36
6Priyadharshan KannappanIM2420D62W74D10L2W70W68W37W176
7Bartlomiej MaciejaGM2605W34W29W18D5W28L1D19D125.5
8Aleksandr LendermanGM2582D76W42D26D16D15W21W39D145.5
9Fidel Corrales JimenezGM2577L69L80W84W72W34D28W54W325.5
10Conrad HoltGM2555D22W44D6W20W21D14D12D135.5
11Manuel HoyosGM2525D44W22L19W60W76W32L2W285.5
12Eugene PerelshteynGM2513W35H-W66W33D19D3D10D75.5
13Samuel SevianIM2446W77L60W70L54W22W29W45D105.5
14Levan BregadzeIM2428W91W75W17W3L1D10D4D85.5
15Michael A MulyarIM2417D78D49W46D17D8W65D23W245.5
16Michael LeeFM2394W63L17W72D8L36W69W60W235.5
17Julio Catalino SadorraGM2611W56W16L14D15W67D19W26L65
18Dmitry GurevichGM2475W72W30L7H-W43D36D28H-5
19Jeffery XiongIM2412W88D1W11W36D12D17D7L45
20Razvan N PreotuFM2339W83L36W48L10L45W77W58W445
21Seth HomaFM2331W64L3W82W38L10L8W46W455
22Edward Song2233D10L11D50W91L13W82W67W395
23Sergey ErenburgGM2633W43L28W80D27W66D37D15L164.5
24Mackenzie S MolnerGM2522W45W40D32L28W31W54L3L154.5
25Raja PanjwaniIM2444W82D68D2W40L3L45W49D314.5
26Akshat ChandraIM2440D49W71D8D69D42W40L17D344.5
27Artiom SamsonkinIM2415W50W61L3D23L4W56L32W474.5
28Luke Harmon-VellottiIM2396W79W23D4W24L7D9D18L114.5
29Erik Santarius2337W89L7L61W80W35L13D57W564.5
30Roman SapozhnikovFM2329W84L18D49D77D60D46D35W594.5
31Sam A Schmakel2306D80L2W92W75L24W59D38D254.5
32Katerina NemcovaWGM2282W85W65D24W4L5L11W27L94.5
33Gauri ShankarFM2280W86W39D36L12L37D47D48W604.5
34Alexander VelikanovFM2252L7W79L38W48L9W61W66D264.5
35Eugene YanaytFM2226L12W84L39W88L29W83D30W544.5
36Gregory KaidanovGM2575W57W20D33L19W16D18U-U-4
37Alexander ShabalovGM2506D59W47W76L1W33D23L6U-4
38Mesgen AmanovGM2463W48L69W34L21D58W43D31U-4
39Aleksandr OstrovskiyIM2436W73L33W35W68L2W42L8L224
40Tigran Ishkhanov2298W81L24W83L25W61L26L44W714
95 players

8) e2e4 Sunningdale May Congress 2014

The e2e4 Sunningdale May Congress took place 23rd to 26th May 2014. Aman Hambleton won with 6/7.

e2e4 Sunningdale May 2014 Ascot ENG Fri 23rd May 2014 - Mon 26th May 2014
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
1Hambleton, AmanIMCAN24531111½1½6.02647
2Arkell, Keith CGMENG246011½1½½½5.02470
3Fernandez, Daniel HowardIMSIN236711½1½015.02409
4Pert, NicholasGMENG256011=01½½4.52456
5Sarakauskas, GediminasIMLTU240210½½1½14.52247
6Sowray, Peter JFMENG23481011½014.52306
7Bates, Richard AIMENG2337101011½4.52327
8Jackson, James PENG228311011½04.52416
9Locci, DamianoITA21040½11½½14.52174
10Constantinou, PeterFMENG229810½10½14.02173
11Lock, Gavin RENG2177101½½104.02169
12Seymour, Timothy PENG20760½110½14.02201
13Bucher, Grant WENG2060=110½014.02210
14Eden, TomerISR2219=½½½1½-3.52074
15Molofej, DenisLTU20620½11½½03.52176
16Atako, Chino CENG2032=½001½13.52040
17Bonafont, Philip RENG2027=½½0½½13.52086
18Fernandez, MichaelENG1993=1½01½03.52205
19Lunn, MatthewENG2044=½010013.01989
20Kalaiyalahan, AkshayaENG1988=½½01½03.02063
21Savage, Nicholas WENG19770½01½½½3.01981
22Liang, Jake ZENG19440½01½103.02027
23Zhang, Anthony YENG19130½0101½3.01938
24Villiers, ThomasENG2108=½100½02.51952
25Salem, IhabPLE2060=01½0½02.51982
26Rodriguez Diaz, JavierESP1867001001½2.51804
27Altman, JoshuaCMENG1685100100½2.51818
28Roberts, David LENG2019=010½--2.01921
29Burke, Steven JENG199901000102.01851
30Osborne, Marcus EENG2262=1000--1.51800
31Nettleton, Charlie BENG18900½0010-1.51844
32Yiamakis, AlbertENG17290½001001.51763
33Parry, MatthewWLS1726--0----0.01132
34Ratnesan, RadhaENG0 *0------0.0950
34 players

9) 32nd Liechtenstein Open 2014

The 32nd Liechtenstein Open takes place 23rd to 31st May 2014.

32nd Liechtenstein Open Triesen LIE Fri 23rd May 2014 - Sat 31st May 2014
Leading Round 4 (of 9) Standings:
11Bogner SebastianGER25964.011.05.511.00
28Cherniaev AlexanderRUS24294.
310Bruno FabioITA24193.510.55.08.75
47Izsak GyulaHUN24363.510.05.58.50
52Kasparov SergeyBLR24803.510.05.08.75
611Hommeles TheoNED24173.
76Womacka MathiasGER24463.
813Paehtz ThomasGER23693.
912Stets DmitryUKR24103.
103Sergeev VladimirUKR24573.
119Cebalo MisoCRO24233.
1218Kessler LucaAUT22553.
1323Doggers PeterNED22153.
1414Burnier DavidSUI23293.
1520Guenthner OliverGER22383.
1692Poznyak NazarUKR17303.
1734Klerides ParisCYP21343.
1827Neuberger GuidoGER21683.
1917Dittmar PeterGER22973.
2028Rous DanielCZE21613.
2116Friedrich NorbertGER23183.
2253Mann JohannesGER19843.
2344Bogner NorbertGER20353.
2422Peredy FerencHUN22152.512.56.57.25
2515Bezemer ArnoNED23232.512.06.56.75
2630Vanheirzeele DanielBEL21582.510.05.55.50
2742Benes PetrCZE20492.510.05.55.25
284Farago IvanHUN24522.
2925Sucher JohannesAUT21892.
3026Fries FrederikGER21712.
3121Bezler RainerAUT22202.
3252Lassahn HolgerGER19872.
3384Braguine VictorAUS17962.
3419Grabher HeinzAUT22512.
3537Medunova VeraCZE21062.
3662Tschedemnig HerbertAUT19532.
3731Mueller MarkusGER21482.
3829Bahl FelixAUT21602.
3971Ranker KlemensGER18982.
4046Hofer EmilianAUT20312.
105 players

10) 3rd Salento Open 2014

The 3rd Salento Open took place 17th to 24th May 2014. Dragisa Blagojevic won with 7/9.

3rd Salento Open 2014 Salento ITA Sat 17th May 2014 - Sat 24th May 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Blagojevic DragisaGM25187.044.048.02362.3
2Vovk AndreiGM26226.546.049.52342.0
3Antoli Royo Joaquin MiguelIM24296.549.549.52367.7
4Levin FelixGM24896.544.048.02364.9
5Carlo D'AmoreIM24935.542.546.02311.6
6Ledger Dave JFM22245.541.545.02288.3
7Delfino Luigi22125.537.538.02211.1
8Ledger Andrew JIM23925.537.040.02211.0
9Rudolf AnnaWGM22925.535.038.02144.9
10Naumkin IgorGM24305.046.551.02332.6
11Ashton Adam GFM23955.045.550.02370.2
12Di Fonzo Valerio21565.038.542.02201.7
13Nelson Jonathan22285.038.041.02200.2
14Longson AlexanderFM23384.544.548.02286.3
15Walton Alan J21184.535.538.02107.7
16Ledger Stephen C20774.535.037.52097.0
17Callier Christophe20774.535.035.52132.3
18O'Driscoll Kieran21194.534.537.52116.1
19Bongartz Philipp21734.533.035.52058.3
20Pizzuto Samuele Tullio20624.532.032.52073.6
21Lyell MarkFM22284.046.048.52293.9
22Hegarty SarahWFM21004.036.539.02105.1
23Sansonetti Giorgio20193.539.543.02183.1
24Fasiello Andrea19683.539.542.02162.9
25Zhang FanWFM21023.536.039.02106.7
26Paolillo Gaia19143.534.034.52106.7
27Hiller Wieland19513.532.533.02054.9
28Richardt Mike19743.531.532.02056.6
29Livesey Nigel18983.531.031.52019.3
30Inguscio Giorgio19573.036.036.52133.4
31Nepi Ezio24292.5196632.52049.4
32Bernabei Alberto19320.534.049.52001.2
32 players

11) XYChess IM 2014

The XYChess IM tournament takes place 21st to 27th May in Sliema, Malta.

XYChess IM 2014 Sliema MLT Wed 21st May 2014 - Tue 27th May 2014
Leading Round 8 (of 9) Standings:
13Amdouni ZoubaierTUN22755.524.000.04
28Petrisor Adrian-MarianROU24055.518.500.05
310Kohlweyer BerndGER24145.016.750.04
42Pedzich DominikPOL23844.515.250.03
59Zaibi AmirTUN22644.015.500.02
64Joie SebastienFRA23344.015.000.03
75Bouaziz MehdiTUN22594.013.750.02
81Abello SebastienFRA23273.012.000.01
96Healey Michael WENG21322.58.250.01
107Bouzidi AhmedTUN22112.08.000.00
10 players

12) ch-BLR U20 2014

The Belarus Under-20 Championships took place 12th to 21st May 2014. Nastassia Ziaziulkina won with 8/10.

ch-BLR U20 2014 Minsk BLR Mon 12th May 2014 - Wed 21st May 2014
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
11Ziaziulkina NastassiaBLR24038.04.50.06
24Meribanov VitalyBLR23966.02.50.04
32Filipets EgorBLR21555.52.50.03
43Harshkou MikitaBLR22375.02.50.03
55Lopatik NikitaBLR20123.51.50.03
66Yezhel ValiantsinBLR21582.02.00.00
6 players
ch-BLR U20 Girls 2014 Minsk BLR Mon 12th May 2014 - Wed 21st May 2014
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
15Revo TatianaBLR20266.03.00.05
24Malatsilava VolhaBLR19725.53.50.04
31Kaliadzich MaryiaBLR20055.53.00.03
43Beinenson KatsiarynaBLR19615.52.50.04
52Kusenkova NatalliaBLR19804.52.50.03
66Nevioselaya MariaBLR21013.03.00.02
6 players

13) ch-ISL 2014

The Icelandic Championship takes place 23rd May to 1st June 2014.

ch-ISL 2014 Kopavogur ISL Fri 23rd May 2014 - Sun 1st Jun 2014. Category: 9. Ave: (2456)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Stefansson, Hannes GM ISL 2548 # 1 = 1 1 3.5 2778
2 Danielsen, Henrik GM ISL 2483 # = 1 1 = 3 2613
3 Kjartansson, Gudmundur IM ISL 2439 = # = 1 1 3 2637
4 Gretarsson, Hjorvar Steinn GM ISL 2530 0 # = 1 1 2.5 2563
5 Thorfinnsson, Bragi IM ISL 2459 = 0 # = 1 2 2455
6 Steingrimsson, Hedinn GM ISL 2537 = = # = 0 1.5 2352
7 Gretarsson, Helgi Ass GM ISL 2462 0 0 # = 1 1.5 2338
8 Gislason, Gudmundur FM ISL 2319 0 = 0 = # 1 2290
9 Jensson, Einar Hjalti FM ISL 2350 0 = = 0 # 1 2304
10 Thorhallsson, Throstur GM ISL 2437 0 0 0 1 # 1 2298
Round 1. Fri 23rd May 2014
Danielsen, Henrik 1/2-1/2 Kjartansson, Gudmundur 33 A04 Reti v Dutch
Gislason, Gudmundur 0-1 Stefansson, Hannes 76 A15 English opening
Gretarsson, Helgi Ass 1-0 Jensson, Einar Hjalti 47 D34 QGD
Gretarsson, Hjorvar Steinn 1/2-1/2 Steingrimsson, Hedinn 32 D17 QGD Slav
Thorfinnsson, Bragi 1-0 Thorhallsson, Throstur 38 A04 Reti opening
Round 2. Sat 24th May 2014
Kjartansson, Gudmundur 1/2-1/2 Steingrimsson, Hedinn 45 B90 Sicilian
Thorhallsson, Throstur 0-1 Gretarsson, Hjorvar Steinn 41 B90 Sicilian
Jensson, Einar Hjalti 1/2-1/2 Thorfinnsson, Bragi 61 B09 Pirc
Stefansson, Hannes 1-0 Gretarsson, Helgi Ass 33 E09 Catalan
Danielsen, Henrik 1/2-1/2 Gislason, Gudmundur 73 A49 King's Indian
Round 3. Sun 25th May 2014
Gislason, Gudmundur 0-1 Kjartansson, Gudmundur 59 A48 King's Indian
Gretarsson, Helgi Ass 0-1 Danielsen, Henrik 35 C41 Philidor
Thorfinnsson, Bragi 1/2-1/2 Stefansson, Hannes 31 E12 Queen's Indian
Gretarsson, Hjorvar Steinn 1-0 Jensson, Einar Hjalti 101 D11 QGD Slav
Steingrimsson, Hedinn 0-1 Thorhallsson, Throstur 41 A14 English
Round 4. Mon 26th May 2014
Kjartansson, Gudmundur 1-0 Thorhallsson, Throstur 78 A37 English
Jensson, Einar Hjalti 1/2-1/2 Steingrimsson, Hedinn 51 E46 Nimzo-Indian
Stefansson, Hannes 1-0 Gretarsson, Hjorvar Steinn 37 D11 QGD Slav
Danielsen, Henrik 1-0 Thorfinnsson, Bragi 32 A10 English opening
Gislason, Gudmundur 1/2-1/2 Gretarsson, Helgi Ass 30 D17 QGD Slav

14) 6th KIIT Open 2014

The 6th KIIT Open takes place 24th to 31st May 2014.

6th KIIT Open 2014 Bhubaneswar IND Sat 24th May 2014 - Sat 31st May 2014
Leading Round 4 (of 10) Standings:
15Gagunashvili MerabGEO25604.
26Aleksandrov AleksejBLR25543.
33Sandipan ChandaIND25943.
423Swayams MishraIND24423.
528Prasanna Raghuram RaoIND24273.
610Vaibhav SuriIND25243.
734Rathnakaran K.IND23973.
863Karthik V. ApIND22763.
933Sunilduth Lyna NarayananIND24023.
1019Grover SahajIND24693.
1115Oral TomasCZE25123.
1237Karthikeyan P.IND23803.
1327Swapnil S. DhopadeIND24343.
1424Aravindh Chithambaram Vr.IND24393.
1525Das ArghyadipIND24353.
1630Shyam Nikil P.IND24223.
1742Nitin S.IND23573.
1811Papin VasilyRUS25183.
1912Timoshenko GeorgyUKR25163.
55Sardana RishiAUS23163.
2145Himanshu SharmaIND23503.
222Amonatov FarrukhTJK26093.
2371Lokesh P.IND22533.
2426Harutjunyan GevorgARM24343.
2531Narayanan SrinathIND24143.
2620Vokarev SergeyRUS24603.
2788Siva MahadevanIND21583.
2847Ravi Teja S.IND23452.
2965Hemant SharmaIND22672.
3013Deepan Chakkravarthy J.IND25132.
3136Rajesh V A VIND23832.
32104Aradhya GargIND21202.
3373Sidhant MohapatraIND22492.
3438Das SayantanIND23732.
3518Karthikeyan MuraliIND24752.
369Rahman ZiaurBAN25282.
3744Vignesh NrIND23542.
76Gahan M.G.IND22232.
3916Neverov ValeriyUKR25042.
407Ovetchkin RomanRUS25352.
147 players

15) Anand Rapid Matches in Porto-Vecchio 2014

Viswanthan Anand was in Porto-Vecchio in Corsica 19th to 20th May 2014 for a large children's chess festival. Anand played two, chance in a lifetime, rapid (10 minutes plus 3 seconds a move) mini-matches against 22 year old Mickaal Massoni (Bastia) and 31 year old Pierluigi Piscopo (Italy, living in Ajaccio) who actually secured a draw in the second game.

Anand Rapid Matches 2014 Porto-Vecchio FRA Mon 19th May 2014 - Tue 20th May 2014
Leading Final Round 2 Standings:
1ANAND, Viswanathang2794+3B+3N+2B=2N3.542723
2PISCOPO, Pierluigim2360-1N=1B0.582567
3MASSONI, Michaelm2260-1N-1B081983
3 players

16) Asian Nations Cup 2014

The Asian Nations Cup takes place in Tabriz, Iran 21st to 29th May 2014.

Asian Nations Cup 2014 Tabriz IRI Wed 21st May 2014 - Thu 29th May 2014
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
4IRAN A2*2443816.50
6IRAN B½021*510.50
7SRI LANKA00½*258.50
10 players
Asian Nations Cup w 2014 Tabriz IRI Wed 21st May 2014 - Thu 29th May 2014
Leading Round 4 (of 5) Standings:
4IRAN A2*2348.50
6IRAN B½111*03.50
6 teams
Asian Nations Cup 2014 Tabriz IRI Wed 21st May 2014 - Thu 29th May 2014
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
4IRAN A2*2443816.50
6IRAN B½021*510.50
7SRI LANKA00½*258.50
10 players
Asian Nations Cup w 2014 Tabriz IRI Wed 21st May 2014 - Thu 29th May 2014
Leading Round 3 (of 5) Standings:
3IRAN A*2336.50
6IRAN B1½1*02.50
6 players

17) Somov Memorial 2014

The Somov Memorial took place 13th to 24th May 2014. Tigran Harutyunian (born 1997) took first place on tie-break form David Paravyan (born 1998) after both finished on 8/11.

Somov Memorial 2014 Kirishi RUS Tue 13th May 2014 - Sat 24th May 2014
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
1Harutyunian Tigran K.IMARM24218
2Paravyan, DavidIMRUS24178
3Bortnyk, OlexandrIMUKR25167.5
4Yuffa, DaniilIMRUS24307
5Gadimbayli, AbdullaFMAZE21006.5
6Zenzera AlexeyIMRUS24426
6Martirosyan, Haik MFMARM22876
8Golubov SaveliyRUS23444.5
9Nikitenko, MihailBLR21994
10Sarana, AlexeyRUS23773
10Vorontsov, PavloFMUKR24133
12Esipenko, AndreyFMRUS23162.5
12 players
Somov Memorial 2014 Kirishi RUS Tue 13th May 2014 - Sat 24th May 2014. Category: 5. Ave: (2355)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Paravyan, David IM RUS 2417 # 0 1 1 1 = = 1 1 1 = = 8 2525
2 Harutyunian, Tigran K. FM ARM 2421 1 # = 0 = = = 1 1 1 1 1 8 2524
3 Bortnyk, Olexandr IM UKR 2516 0 = # = = 1 1 1 1 = 1 = 7.5 2474
4 Yuffa, Daniil IM RUS 2430 0 1 = # = = = = 1 = 1 1 7 2450
5 Gadimbayli, Abdulla FM AZE 2100 0 = = = # = = 1 1 1 = = 6.5 2443
6 Zenzera, Alexey IM RUS 2442 = = 0 = = # = 1 0 = 1 1 6 2383
7 Martirosyan, Haik M. FM ARM 2287 = = 0 = = = # = = = 1 1 6 2397
8 Golubov, Saveliy RUS 2344 0 0 0 = 0 0 = # 1 1 = 1 4.5 2291
9 Nikitenko, Mihail BLR 2199 0 0 0 0 0 1 = 0 # 1 1 = 4 2267
10 Sarana, Alexey RUS 2377 0 0 = = 0 = = 0 0 # 0 1 3 2178
11 Vorontsov, Pavlo FM UKR 2413 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 1 # = 3 2175
12 Esipenko, Andrey FM RUS 2316 = 0 = 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 = # 2.5 2148

18) Liburnija Open 2014

The Liburnija Open takes place 20th to 27th May 2014.

Liburnija Open 2014 Rijeka CRO Tue 20th May 2014 - Tue 27th May 2014
Leading Round 7 (of 9) Standings:
17Muskardin MarioCRO22315.021.530.03
23Doric NenadCRO22905.021.529.03
32Plenca JulijanCRO23375.020.528.53
41Loncar RobertCRO23715.019.026.04
56Muslija IdrisCRO22684.519.526.52
615Beric ZeljkoCRO18404.517.024.54
74Zelenika SrdjanCRO22744.516.523.53
88Tica SvenCRO21744.023.531.52
95Cucancic SinisaCRO22734.021.028.03
1010Levar NenadCRO21004.019.525.03
1120Cabrijan IvanCRO16914.016.023.04
1212Racki BarbaraCRO19253.518.524.02
1317Tomulic TeoCRO18223.513.520.53
1418Molnar Ivan DorianCRO18223.018.523.53
1519Pijanovic DusanCRO17043.011.516.02
169Vrhovnik DamirCRO21142.521.028.02
1722Becirbasic BajroCRO02.519.026.01
1816Beljan MladenCRO18262.516.523.01
1913Dizdarevic MirsadBIH18632.516.021.52
2011Zrilic BozoCRO19332.514.519.52
2121Radikovic AnamarijaCRO01.014.520.50
2214Jokic MiljenkoCRO18530.012.518.00
22 players

19) Mitropa Cup 2014

The Mitropa Cup takes place 22nd to 31st May 2014.

Mitropa Cup 2014 Ruzomberok SVK Fri 23rd May 2014 - Sat 31st May 2014
Leading Round 4 (of 9) Standings:
1Slovakia A*3610.50
9Czech republic11*215.50
10Slovakia B1½2*15.00
10 players
Mitropa Cup Women 2014 Ruzomberok SVK Thu 22nd May 2014 - Sat 31st May 2014
Leading Round 4 (of 9) Standings:
5Slovakia A*½1144.00
6Slovakia B½½*133.50
Czech republic A011*133.00
9Czech republic B001*32.50
10 players

20) ch-RUS Rapid 2014

The Russian Rapid Championship takes place in St Petersburg 19th to 20th May 2014. As far as I could see there was no live coverage or games.

ch-RUS Rapid 2014 St Petersburg RUS Sun 18th May 2014 - Wed 21st May 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
113Maletin PavelRUS26316.544.533.54
29Potkin VladimirRUS26596.050.033.54
34Khairullin IldarRUS26946.048.033.53
422Bukavshin IvanRUS25906.048.030.54
514Zvjaginsev VadimRUS26306.046.031.53
63Vitiugov NikitaRUS27036.045.530.03
71Malakhov VladimirRUS27766.045.528.55
811Fedoseev VladimirRUS26396.043.031.54
96Inarkiev ErnestoRUS26826.042.027.05
1020Sakaev KonstantinRUS25945.545.025.54
112Dreev AlekseyRUS27135.544.528.03
127Grachev BorisRUS26675.543.528.02
1317Alekseev EvgenyRUS26275.543.030.53
1425Rozum IvanRUS25775.541.525.05
1527Oparin GrigoriyRUS25695.536.522.54
1629Kryakvin DmitryRUS25455.049.029.54
1710Matlakov MaximRUS26505.046.529.53
1830Belous VladimirRUS25425.044.024.54
1912Demchenko AntonRUS26315.042.028.52
2016Dubov DaniilRUS26285.041.525.54
215Najer EvgeniyRUS26845.040.023.05
2228Levin Evgeny A.RUS25525.034.520.04
2338Chigaev MaksimRUS24704.544.024.53
248Bocharov DmitryRUS26594.539.023.53
2531Rakhmanov AleksandrRUS25374.539.021.01
2644Sadovsky ArtemRUS23884.539.017.53
2715Riazantsev AlexanderRUS26294.538.520.53
2834Rychagov AndreyRUS24974.538.018.54
2933Gabrielian ArturRUS25104.536.018.04
3032Goganov AlekseyRUS25344.530.517.54
3119Panarin MikhailRUS25944.044.527.52
3223Bryzgalin KirillRUS25884.043.522.53
3321Lintchevski DaniilRUS25914.039.523.01
3439Chekhov SergeiRUS24644.036.519.04
3518Kobalia MikhailRUS26113.547.525.02
3626Shimanov AleksandrRUS25753.541.020.53
3740Sek KonstantinRUS24473.538.016.53
3835Nevostrujev VladimirRUS24903.538.016.03
3946Sorokin AlekseyRUS23343.537.016.52
4024Tregubov Pavel V.RUS25833.535.018.03
48 players
ch-RUS Rapid w 2014 St Petersburg RUS Sun 18th May 2014 - Wed 21st May 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
12Gunina ValentinaRUS25367.550.536.57
21Kosteniuk AlexandraRUS25797.052.038.56
37Bodnaruk AnastasiaRUS23726.549.533.55
48Savina AnastasiaRUS23366.050.532.06
59Ubiennykh EkaterinaRUS23116.050.031.55
66Kashlinskaya AlinaRUS23866.039.026.04
718Balaian AlinaRUS22175.545.528.55
828Sazonova AnastasiaRUS21065.545.028.04
920Gvanceladze AnnaRUS22095.541.025.03
104Pustovoitova DariaRUS24515.049.030.04
1112Khlichkova TatianaRUS22925.045.025.54
1221Belenkaya DinaRUS22025.043.524.03
1310Strutinskaia GalinaRUS23095.042.527.04
1414Shaydullina SandugachRUS22775.039.526.03
1522Baraeva MarinaRUS21835.035.021.03
1611Ovod EvgenijaRUS23024.546.022.04
173Girya OlgaRUS24604.543.026.03
1826Chernyak ViktoriyaRUS21434.542.025.53
1925Kostitsina LiubovRUS21454.541.520.54
2027Ivanova TatianaRUS21204.541.023.03
2117Sukhareva EvgeniyaRUS22394.540.022.54
2215Tarasova ViktoriyaRUS22614.539.023.53
2316Komiagina MariaRUS22584.538.021.04
2423Avdeenko TatianaRUS21534.535.521.04
2513Drozdova DinaRUS22874.532.019.04
265Guseva MarinaRUS24334.047.027.04
2737Pustovidko AnastasiaRUS19504.043.019.02
2824Baraeva IrinaRUS21514.034.517.53
2930Rodionova DariaRUS20754.032.015.53
3029Styazhkina AnnaRUS20853.538.017.03
3135Andreeva ElenaRUS19723.533.516.03
3238Solozhenkina ElizavetaRUS18553.034.516.02
3319Matveeva OlgaRUS22103.033.515.52
3431Kostrikina AnnaRUS20583.032.512.03
3536Chuprova IrinaRUS19703.028.09.03
3633Rassokhina EkaterinaRUS20372.539.017.01
3734Monina PolinaRUS19992.533.512.52
3832Lomakina GaljaRUS20500.533.04.00
38 players

21) Highlands Open 2014

The Highlands Open took place 17th to 24th May 2014. Sebastian Plischki edged out Mikhail Ivanov, Andrejs Strebkovs and Alexander M. Chudinovskikh on tie-break after all scored 6.5/9.

Highlands Open 2014 Trebic CZE Sat 17th May 2014 - Sat 24th May 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
11Plischki SebastianGER24236.541.552.04
22Ivanov Mikhail M.RUS23726.541.051.54
3Strebkovs AndrejsLAT23566.541.051.54
47Chudinovskikh Alexander M.RUS22826.540.551.05
54Mishuchkov NikolaIRUS23136.041.552.03
66Piankov EvgenijUKR22846.038.549.04
710Bartos JanCZE22326.038.549.03
811Karasek LukasCZE21966.037.549.04
99Chetverik MaximRUS22606.036.547.05
1018Richterova NatasaCZE20536.034.544.54
118Machan JanCZE22615.540.051.53
125Haba ZdenekCZE22975.539.550.53
1312Walek PetrCZE21255.537.047.04
1414Heppell IanENG20905.536.546.54
1545Skorepa TomasCZE18125.536.546.04
1621Miculka PetrCZE20185.533.543.04
1716Hrubant IvanCZE20685.035.045.04
1820Kotva MilanCZE20275.035.045.03
1929Spanton TimENG19615.035.043.05
2019Bradac RomanCZE20315.034.044.54
2113Karban VlastimilCZE21195.034.044.03
2217Andreev AlexandreRUS20625.033.543.54
22Paldus PetrCZE20085.033.543.54
2438Liduch FilipCZE18705.033.040.03
2528Jelinek VaclavCZE19715.032.039.54
2623Cieslak LeszekCZE20075.031.540.54
2724Ruzicka JosefCZE19995.031.040.03
2825Svoboda IvoCZE19935.029.037.04
2930Young MelENG19425.029.037.03
3015Tesar JanCZE20845.028.536.04
3126Pavlis JaromirCZE19755.026.032.51
3232Veznik MichaelCZE19294.530.037.53
3336Mezlik StanislavCZE18794.036.544.03
3437Saroun RadekCZE18754.033.043.02
3535Majerik VladimirCZE18844.033.042.01
3655Doskar MiloslavCZE17034.033.041.52
3742Suchomelova SimonaCZE18344.031.539.52
3839Simkin AlexanderRUS18674.030.539.53
3952Von Keyserlingk ChandaGER17304.030.538.53
4044Bazala VladimirCZE18124.030.537.52
63 players

22) WOW air tournament 2014

The WOW air tournament took place in Reykjavik 31st March to 19th May 2014. Hjorvar Steinn Gretarsson won with 6.5/7.

WOW air tournament 2014 Reykjavik ISL Mon 31st Mar 2014 - Mon 19th May 2014
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
12Gretarsson Hjorvar SteinnISL25116.526.519.024.25
21Stefansson HannesISL25415.029.019.518.50
35Thorhallsson ThrosturISL24354.526.517.516.25
44Kjartansson GudmundurISL24414.525.516.514.25
521Ragnarsson DagurISL21054.029.520.514.50
67Arngrimsson DagurISL23824.028.018.513.25
78Johannesson Ingvar ThorISL23773.527.519.512.75
817Steindorsson Sigurdur P.ISL22153.525.518.511.75
919Halldorsson GudmundurISL21923.524.016.511.25
106Olafsson FridrikISL24063.523.016.511.50
1118Teitsson MagnusISL22073.522.015.510.25
1210Gislason GudmundurISL23143.521.015.09.50
133Kristjansson StefanISL25033.025.518.08.75
1414Ptacnikova LenkaISL22393.024.016.510.00
159Bjornsson SigurbjornISL23603.022.516.09.25
1612Olafsson ThorvardurISL22543.
1713Thorsteinsson ThorsteinnISL22453.021.515.59.25
1816Halldorsson HalldorISL22213.020.514.57.75
1911Thorvaldsson JonasISL22863.017.512.57.75
2022Bjarnason SaevarISL21012.524.517.57.25
2115Omarsson DadiISL22312.026.517.56.00
2220Johannesson OliverISL21152.
22 players

23) Sant Boi Closed 2014

The Sant Boi Closed takes place 4th April to 13th June 2014.

Sant Boi Closed 2014 Sant Boi ESP Fri 4th Apr 2014 - Fri 13th Jun 2014. Category: 3. Ave: (2303)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Perez Mitjans, Orelvis GM ESP 2402 # 1 1 1 = 1 1 5.5 2720
2 Chalmeta Ugas, Ramon FM ESP 2252 # 1 = = 1 1 1 5 2540
3 Lorenzo De La Riva, Lazaro IM ESP 2421 0 # = 1 1 = 1 4 2424
4 Ryan, Joseph FM IRL 2271 0 0 # 1 1 1 1 4 2390
5 Gonzalez Rodriguez, Jorge A. IM COL 2398 0 = = # = 1 = 3 2296
6 Esplugas Esteve, Vicenc ESP 2238 = = 0 0 = # 1 2.5 2292
7 Hernando Rodrigo, Julio Antonio FM ESP 2348 0 0 0 # = 1 1 2.5 2236
8 Dalo, Hermes CM VEN 2235 0 0 = 0 = # = 1.5 2137
9 Ramirez Garcia, Jorge Alberto FM MEX 2287 0 0 0 0 = # 1 1.5 2087
10 Amores Gago, Javier ESP 2174 0 0 0 = 0 0 # 0.5 1929

24) 8th Agzamov Memorial 2014

The 8th Agzamov Memorial took place 14th to 24th May 2014. Abhijeet Gupta wom with 7.5/9.

8th Agzamov Memorial 2014 Tashkent UZB Wed 14th May 2014 - Sat 24th May 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
17Gupta AbhijeetIND26197.5275551.56
22Kuzubov YuriyUKR26487.0269252.05
35Mchedlishvili MikheilGEO26217.0265953.05
44Smirnov PavelRUS26267.0264451.56
53Pashikian ArmanARM26267.0263851.56
61Zhigalko SergeiBLR26756.5260952.05
713Barsov AlexeiUZB24896.5249150.55
811Volkov SergeyRUS25846.5248749.56
99Hovhannisyan RobertARM26136.5240846.05
1012Khusnutdinov RustamKAZ24956.5239447.56
1110Zhigalko AndreyBLR26006.5239447.06
126Filippov AntonUZB26196.0254452.55
138Korneev OlegESP26186.0249546.05
1420Tillyaev UlugbekUZB23376.0245944.56
1521Khoroshev NikitaUZB23206.0244348.55
1617Ziatdinov RasetUSA23876.0237447.55
1729Sattarov BobirUZB22496.0226944.05
1816Egin VladimirUZB23955.5237848.54
1935Kurbonboeva SarvinozUZB22075.5235340.05
2022Kholmirzaev BakhodirUZB23155.5234747.05
2140Rahman AdelUZB21755.5234645.53
2248Yakubboev NodirbekUZB21325.5234148.04
2319Muminova NafisaUZB23385.5229344.54
2418Faizulaev AkmalUZB23795.5227447.04
2531Mirzoeva ElmiraRUS22335.5227042.54
2638Rustamov AlisherUZB21875.5224844.05
2732Anarkulov AlisherUZB22255.5221142.55
2871Abdusattorova BakhoraUZB19745.5217338.05
2930Ismael. Namir Mohammed IsmaelIRQ22475.5216039.55
3060Abdusattorov NodirbekUZB20575.0242651.54
3114Khamrakulov DjurabekUZB24495.0233847.05
3226Abdulwahhab. Ahmed Abdulsattar AIRQ22515.0232044.05
3349Nigmatov OrtikUZB21295.0231344.05
3459Vokhidov ShamsiddinUZB20635.0230342.03
3628Agzamov ViachesiavUZB22495.0225543.54
3737Alikulov ElbekUZB22015.0224745.55
3868Kakhramonova MokhinurUZB20235.0222943.54
3946Guseynov AlihanUZB21515.0222744.03
4062Zhalmakhanov RamazanKAZ20565.0215640.05
101 players

25) TCh-FRA Top 12 2014

The French Team Championship Top 12 takes place in Saint-Quentin 24th May to 3rd June 2014. 11 teams play 11 rounds. Top players include: Alexander Riazantsev, Ivan Sokolov, Michal Krasenkow, Romain Edouard, Andrei Volokitin, Radoslaw Wojtaszek, David Navara, Loek Van Wely, Andrei Istratescu, Tigran Gharamian etc.

TCh-FRA Top 12 2014 Saint-Quentin FRA Sat 24th May 2014 - Tue 3rd Jun 2014
Leading Round 3 (of 11) Standings:
1Mulhouse Philidor3911121
4Chalons en Champagne35-156
7Bois Colombes24154
8Metz Fischer24044
9Evry Grand Roque24044
10Rueil Malmaison33-7411
11Tours de Haute Picardie33-8210
11 teams

26) TCh-UKR 2014

The Ukrainian Team Championship took place in Illichevsk 12th to 20th May 2014. Not hopeful there will be any game file.

TCh-UKR 2014 Illichevsk UKR Mon 12th May 2014 - Tue 20th May 2014
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
1"Absolut" /Ternopil/**253541744.51167.8
2"Chessacademy" /Illichivsk/41**443451736.5982.8
3"Chess Scool" /Odesa/32**541131.0862.0
4"For Peace" /Odesa/1½2**24826.0694.5
5SC "Kryvbas" /Kryvy Rig/2½3214**54726.5710.8
6"Chessacademy Juniors" /Illichivsk/½12212**015.5490.3
6 teams

27) TCh-SUI 2014

The Swiss Team Championship takes place 16th March to 12th October 2014. Round 3 was on 18th May 2014. Round 4 5th June 2014.

TCh-SUI 2014 Zurich SUI Sun 16th Mar 2014 - Sun 12th Oct 2014
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
1Luzern 1618.5
2Reti 1618
3Riehen 1616.5
4Zurich 1414.5
5Geneve 1413
6Winterthur 1211.5
7Schwarz-Weiss Bern 1210
8Mendrisio 109.5
9Trubschachen 105.5
10Neuchatel 103
10 players

28) Israeli Team Championship 2014

The Israeli Team Championship takes place 2nd February to 30th May 2014. There have been 10 rounds so far. I don't know what the chances are of getting any games but I couldn't find any.

TCh-ISR 2014 Jerusalem ISR Sun 2nd Feb 2014 - Fri 30th May 2014
Leading Round 10 (of 11) Standings:
1CC Ashdod Ilit*54551.042.0980.3
2CC Beer Sheva A*44445649.540.5957.0
3Hapoel Kfar Saba2*½5639.033.0762.5
4Feldkelin Rishon Lezion*45537.531.5811.5
5CC Hapoel Petach Tikva A22*45436.031.0730.8
6CC Herzliya12*34433.528.5708.0
7Elitzur "Dov" Petach Tikva223*333622.522.5615.5
8CC Beer Sheva K½2123*21.519.5504.8
9Porat Mathematics½11123*2419.517.5448.8
10Elitzur CC Jerusalem104*18.017.0429.0
11CC Ashdod A½023*18.017.0393.5
12Hapoel Haironi "Dugo" Rishon Lezion½102*
12 teams

29) Active Team Events

A list of ongoing team events without an update this week.

TCh-POL Ekstraligi 2014

The Polish Team Championship takes place 16th May to 3rd October 2014. The first three rounds took place in Gorzow 16th to 18th May, next rounds Wroclaw 5th to 7th September.

TCh-POL Ekstraligi 2014 Gorzow POL Fri 16th May 2014 - Fri 3rd Oct 2014
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
13K.Sz. WASKO HETMAN Katowice26266.014.5
210Akademia Szachowa Future Processing Gliwice24776.011.0
37VOTUM SA Polonia Wroclaw25565.012.0
44Baszta MOS Znin24854.010.0
56MLKS Nadnarwianka Pultusk23902.07.5
68Warsaw Sharks23682.07.0
69KSz Stilon Gorzow Wlkp.25382.07.0
81Rotmistrz Grudziadz24422.06.0
95SSz Gminy Pawlowice22541.05.5
102TS Wisla Krakow23750.06.5
10 teams

TCh-CHN 2014

The Chinese Team Championship takes place 12th April to 9th December 2014. Rounds 5-7 take place 3rd to 5th June 2014.

TCh-CHN 2014 Beijing CHN Sat 12th Apr 2014 - Tue 9th Dec 2014
Leading Round 4 (of 22) Standings:
5Qingdao Experimental School**348.0
12Qingdao Qingwei0203.5
12 teams

Frauenbundesliga 2013-14

The Frauenbundesliga 2013-14 took place Sat 5th Oct 2013 - Sun 30th Mar 2014. SC 1957 Bad Koenigshofen won the title. More games may become available but at the moment I've published.

Frauenbund 2013-14 Germany GER Sat 5th Oct 2013 - Sun 30th Mar 2014
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
1SC 1957 Bad Koenigshofen11 + 545552253
2OSG Baden Baden11 + 44542047½
3SF 1891 Friedberg1112 + 333441534
4Rodewischer Schachmiezen11223 + 434641440½
5USV Volksbank Halle1132 + 1335½
6SK Grosslehna11½3 + 3351134½
7Schachverein Muelheim Nord11½13 + 245932
8SF Deizisau111½34 + 4930½
9Hamburger SK von 1830112 + 65833
10BSV Weissblau Allianz Leipzig111½32 + 4724½
11SK Lehrte11½½201½½0 + 4414
12TSV Schott Mainz111222½12122 + 017
12 players

30) Forthcoming Events and Links

Hofbieber Open 2014

25th Sulzfeld Open 2014

8th Wunsiedel Open 2014

Deltalift Open 2014

1st Lake Maggiore Open 2014

36th Nezhmetdinov Memorial 2014

44th Bosna Open 2014

Grand Europe Albena Open 2014

2nd Norway Chess 2014

67th ch-RUS Higher League 2014

27th Leon Chess 2014

8th BPB Limburg Open 2014

Cez Trophy 2014

Early Bird Rating 2014

Pula Open 2014

18th Voronezh Chess Festival 2014

Grand Europe Open 2014

Teplice Open 2014

World Rapid and Blitz Championships 2014

7th Karen Asrian Memorial 2014

7th New York International 2014

18th Battle of Senta Open 2014

9th Edmonton International 2014

Yuri Privalov Memorial 2014

9th Mikhail Tal Memorial 2014

Opatija Open 2014

Commonwealth Chess Championship 2014

International Championship Central Serbia 2014

Pacific Southwest Open 2014

15th European Individual Womens Championship 2014

4th Amsterdam Science Park Open 2014

Husek Vienna Open 2014

Styrian Open 2014

16th St Lo Chess Festival 2014

25th Czech Open 2014

42nd Dortmund Sparkassen Chess-Meeting 2014

41st GM 2014 Dortmund GER Sat 12th Jul 2014 - Sun 20th Jul 2014
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Caruana, Fabiano GM ITA 2783 2020009
2 Kramnik, Vladimir GM RUS 2783 4101588
3 Adams, Michael GM ENG 2750 400041
4 Leko, Peter GM HUN 2737 703303
5 Ponomariov, Ruslan GM UKR 2723 14103320
6 Naiditsch, Arkadij GM GER 2700 4650891
7 Meier, Georg GM GER 2632 4675789

37th Ikaros Chess Festival 2014

ACP Golden Classic 2014

ch-NOR 2014

XVI Sant Marti Open 2014

47th Biel Chess Festival 2014

MetLife Warsaw Najdorf Chess Festival 2014

2nd Gideon Japhet Memorial Open 2014

25th Panamerican Juniors 2014

101st British Chess Championships 2014

32nd Andorra Open 2014

37th Taminco Open 2014

Politiken Cup 2014

17th Olomouc Chess Summer 2014

41st Olympiad 2014

18th Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament 2014

1st Prague Summer Open 2014

48th Mislata Open 2014

Riga Technical University Open 2014

4th Split Open 2014

89th ch-FRA 2014

BDO Chess tournament 2014

13th World University Chess Championship 2014

2nd Sinquefield Cup 2014

30th European Club Cup 2014

VII Grand Slam Masters Final 2014

World Youth Championships 2014

PokerStars Isle of Man International 2014

World Juniors 2014

Chigorin Memorial 2014

SPICE Cup Open 2014

ch-UKR 2014

European Rapid and Blitz Championships 2014

122nd New Zealand Open 2015

Cork Congress 2015

All material © Mark Crowther 2013