
THE WEEK IN CHESS 1008 3rd March 2014 by Mark Crowther


Contact The Week in Chess
Mark Crowther
Mobile 07971 920016


1) Introduction
2) 15th European Individual Championship 2014
3) 30th Cappelle-la-Grande Open 2014
4) 74th Noteboom Tournament 2014
5) 6th Batavia Chess Tournament 2014
6) Aarhus Chess House GM 2014
7) 71st ch-GEO w 2014
8) 7th Gora Sw. Anny Open 2014
9) Pierre et Vacances Open 2014
10) e2e4 West Bromwich Congress 2014
11) 13th Rochefort International Open 2014
12) 14th Mediterranean Flower WGM 2014
13) 46th Belgrade WGM 2014
14) 5th Pfalz Open 2014
15) Caissa February 2014
16) First Saturday March 2014
17) Solinger Karnevals Open 2014
18) ch-CHI 2014
19) Chebanenko Memorial IM 2014
20) 2nd Stein am Rhein Open 2014
21) 2nd Montcada Closed 2014
22) TCh-HUN 2013-14
23) TCh-CAT 2014
24) TCh-CZE Extraliga 2013-14
25) TCh-SWE Elitserien 2013-2014
26) Israeli Team Championship 2014
27) 52nd TCh-DEN ExtraCon 2013-14
28) Icelandic Team Championship 2013-14 29) US Amateur Team East 2014
30) Belgian Interclubs 2013-14
31) Active Team Events
32) Forthcoming Events and Links

Games Section
15th European Individual Championship 201450 games
30th Cappelle-la-Grande Open 2014141 games
74th Noteboom Tournament 201474 games
6th Batavia Chess Tournament 201425 games
Aarhus Chess House GM 20145 games
71st ch-GEO w 201430 games
7th Gora Sw. Anny Open 201482 games
Pierre et Vacances Open 20149 games
e2e4 West Bromwich Congress 2014103 games
13th Rochefort International Open 201498 games
14th Mediterranean Flower WGM 20149 games
Caissa February 201460 games
ch-CHI 201467 games
Chebanenko Memorial IM 201430 games
2nd Montcada Closed 201410 games
TCh-HUN 2013-14300 games
TCh-CAT 2014330 games
TCh-CZE Extraliga 2013-1496 games
TCh-SWE Elitserien 2013-201424 games
52nd TCh-DEN ExtraCon 2013-1424 games
Belgian Interclubs 2013-141 game
1568 games


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1) Introduction

My thanks to Roland Wimmer, Olexandr Prohorov, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Marcos Bueno, Miklos Orso and everyone else who helped with this issue.

The start of an extremely busy week with the European Individual Championship starting today, Cappelle la Grande and the Reykjavik Open also have started or are about to. Magnus Carlsen also takes part in a number of exhibition events in Brazil. We're also just 10 days from the start of the Candidates tournament. Exciting times and I'll try and stay on top of them all.

Many thanks to those who have donated so far to TWIC following my appeal after my 1000th issue. I've written my thanks to the people who have contributed so far. I'm very grateful and it has made a big difference to me. If you also wish to donate to help me keep TWIC going and move it forward then you can do so via PayPal at:

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) 15th European Individual Championship 2014

The 15th European Individual Championship takes place in Yerevan 3rd to 14th March 2014.

15th ch-EUR Indiv 2014 Yerevan ARM Mon 3rd Mar 2014 - Fri 14th Mar 2014
Leading Round 1 (of 11) Standings:
11Bacrot EtienneFRA27391.000.00.0
2Eljanov PavelUKR27231.000.00.0
5Malakhov VladimirRUS27171.000.00.0
6Jobava BaadurGEO27161.000.00.0
7Khismatullin DenisRUS27141.000.00.0
8Wojtaszek RadoslawPOL27131.000.00.0
10Tomashevsky EvgenyRUS27111.000.00.0
11Fressinet LaurentFRA27091.000.00.0
12Kryvoruchko YuriyUKR27061.000.00.0
13Areshchenko AlexanderUKR27051.000.00.0
14Almasi ZoltanHUN27041.000.00.0
15Navara DavidCZE27001.000.00.0
16Inarkiev ErnestoRUS26981.000.00.0
18Polgar JuditHUN26931.000.00.0
19Alekseev EvgenyRUS26921.000.00.0
20Rodshtein MaximISR26911.000.00.0
21Riazantsev AlexanderRUS26891.000.00.0
23Cheparinov IvanBUL26811.000.00.0
25Dreev AlekseyRUS26791.000.00.0
29Zhigalko SergeiBLR26711.000.00.0
38Sutovsky EmilISR26521.000.00.0
40Popov IvanRUS26501.000.00.0
41Shimanov AleksandrRUS26491.000.00.0
42Hammer Jon LudvigNOR26471.000.00.0
44Smirin IliaISR26441.000.00.0
46Lupulescu ConstantinROU26431.000.00.0
47Kuzubov YuriyUKR26421.000.00.0
48Fedoseev VladimirRUS26411.000.00.0
50Petrosian Tigran L.ARM26391.000.00.0
53Najer EvgeniyRUS26331.000.00.0
54Swiercz DariuszPOL26311.000.00.0
55Kovalenko IgorLAT26261.000.00.0
56Potkin VladimirRUS26251.000.00.0
57Artemiev VladislavRUS26211.000.00.0
58Dubov DaniilRUS26181.000.00.0
59Perunovic MilosSRB26171.000.00.0
60Ipatov AlexanderTUR26141.000.00.0
62Melkumyan HrantARM26131.000.00.0
63Pashikian ArmanARM26121.000.00.0
64Schlosser PhilippGER26121.000.00.0
258 players

3) 30th Cappelle-la-Grande Open 2014

The 30th Cappelle-la-Grande Open takes place 1st to 8th March 2014.

Cappelle-la-Grande Open Cappelle la Grande FRA Sat 1st Mar 2014 - Sat 8th Mar 2014
Leading Round 4 (of 9) Standings:
1GANGULY Surya ShekhargIND2623469,53057
2MARTYNOV PavelfRUS23523,56,5122776
3VOVK AndreygUKR26053,56,511,52705
4GUPTA AbhijeetgIND26303,56112799
5DING LirengCHN27173,56112792
6FIER AlexandrgBRA25953,56102760
7GUREVICH MikhailgTUR25743,55,592731
8KOVACEVIC AleksandargSRB25723,558,52716
9PIORUN KacpergPOL25703,558,52705
10MAZE SebastiengFRA25453,55102704
11HEBERLA BartlomiejgPOL25443,5592654
12ULIBIN MikhailgRUS24913,5592640
13PAPIN VasilygRUS251536,5112671
14MAIOROV NikitagBLR252036,510,52615
15CARMACIU Lucian-CatalinmROU242336,5112604
16JOVANIC OgnjengCRO252636,510,52561
17KUKOV VelislavmBUL239936,5112534
18ITURRIZAGA EduardogVEN26453610,52631
19VISHNU PRASANNA. VgIND246236112573
20BARBOSA Evandro AmorimmBRA24593611,52568
21VOROBIOV Evgeny E.gRUS25903610,52559
22GAO RuigCHN246836102548
23KOHLWEYER BerndmGER24163610,52544
24CHERNYSHOV KonstantingRUS25043610,52519
25WAN YunguomCHN250436102475
26DRASKO MilangMNE24603610,52463
27WOZNIAK MariolaPOL2099369,52193
28SHINODA TaroJPN1909369,52044
29SUMETS AndreygUKR262835,510,52622
30KVEINYS AloyzasgLTU253035,510,52604
31PETKOV VladimirgBUL256635,592601
32SPRAGGETT KevingCAN255735,510,52588
33NEGI ParimarjangIND263835,59,52578
34VAZQUEZ IGARZA ReniergESP257735,59,52568
35BRODSKY MichailgUKR255435,5102562
36KHARITONOV AlexandrgRUS255435,5102554
37TIMOSHENKO GeorgygUKR253135,5102529
38VELTEN PaulmFRA242935,582495
39PISCOPO PierluigimITA240735,510,52427
40VOLAN Michel FRA149935,58,51992
605 players

4) 74th Noteboom Tournament 2014

The 74th Noteboom Tournament took place 29th February to 2nd March 2014. Predrag Nikolic won the event with 5.5/6.

74th Noteboom 2014 Leiden NED Fri 28th Feb 2014 - Sun 2nd Mar 2014
Leading Final Round 6 Standings:
1Nikolic, PredragGM2624 77W1 71B1 31W1 21W1 15B1 2B½5.52017.52677
2Rausis, IgorGM2557 88W1½R 46B1 4W1 5B1 1W½52519.752768
3Ikonnikov,V.GM2568 6B0 89B1 59W1 31W1 21B1 11W1519.5152510
4Pijpers, Arthur2365 36W½ 29B1 10W1 2B0 39W1 32B14.523.516.752426
5Ketel, Raoul vanFM2260 72B1 26W1 9B1½R 2W0 28B14.52315.752650
6Beeke, Bob2239 3W1 60B½ 74W1½R 24B½ 35W14.521.516.252507
7Erwich, FrankFM2315 43B½1R 49W1 25W½ 13B½ 24W14.52113.752405
8Werf, Mark van derIM2424 14B1 21W0 33B½ 56B1 42W1 25W14.520152369
9Doel, E. van denGM2560 89W1 17B1 5W0 44B1 25B½ 26W14.52013.752455
10Duijker, RickFM2282 81W1½R 4B0 72W1 30B1 27W14.519.512.752354
11Kipper, Jens2389 34B1 75W1 23W1 15B0 17W1 3B0422132369
12Agter, Frank2176 47W1½R 24B½ 23W½ 29B1 18W½421.5142340
13Wantola, IvoFM2351 65W1 41B½ 36W1 22B½ 7W½ 16B½42113.52427
14Ypma, Peter2205 8W0½R 83B1 36B1 41W1 15W½42112.52354
15Tikranian, Alik2025 59W½ 79B1 37W1 11W1 1W0 14B½42112.252396
16Haast, AnneWIM2341 19B1 64W1 21B0½R 63W1 13W½420.5132298
17Bijlsma, Nick2191 66B1 9W0 38B1 57W1 11B0 48W1420.5122364
18Kerkvliet, Max2088 73B½ 28W½ 67B1½R 62W1 12B½41911.752166
19Thakoerdien, Jerrel2147 16W0 76B½ 66W1½R 74B1 47W1418112295
20Wilschut, Peter2257 57B0 93W1 42B½½R 43W1 44B1417.5112234
21Groffen, Hans2165 84W1 8B1 16W1 1B0 3W0 53B½3.524122431
22Andersson, UlfGM2559 45B1 50W1½R 13W½ 26B½0R3.521.513.752494
23Slingerland, FredIM2331 39W1 35W1 11B0 12B½ 33W½ 38B½3.521.512.252263
24Meissner, Felix2296 30W½ 82B1 12W½ 50B1 6W½ 7B03.521112241
25Assendelft, F.vanIM2360 80B1½R 87W1 7B½ 9W½ 8B03.52110.52417
26Miedema, DavidIM2417 90W1 5B0 52W1 61B1 22W½ 9B03.521102341
27Blom, Martijn2011 32B½½R 40W½ 49B1 70W1 10B03.520.510.752160
28Polak, Alexander2004 62W½ 18B½ 43B½ 46W1 45B1 5W03.52010.752206
29Braggaar, Leonore2026½R 4W0 77B1 37B1 12W0 70B13.519.5 9.252252
30Pietrow, Andrzej2046 24B½½R 88W1 58B½ 10W0 69B13.519 9.752243
31Vereggen, Lars2265 86W1 95W1 1B0 3B0 75W1 33B½3.519 7.002278
32IJzermans, Cees2044 27W½ 59B½ 69W1 41B½ 60B1 4W03.518.5 9.502177
33Friesen, Boris2067 94W1 87B0 8W½1R 23B½ 31W½3.518.5 8.752259
34Zon, Stef van der2167 11W0 39B½ 65W½½R 67B1 62B13.518 9.252174
35Ratsma, Midas2148 76W1 23B0 63W½ 53B1 58W1 6B03.518 8.752207
36Schroer, Marcel2170 4B½ 91W1 13B0 14W0 92B1 58B13.518 7.752265
37Termeulen, Albert2092 67W1½R 15B0 29W01R 63B13.518 7.501997
38Heemskerk, WimFM2288 91B½½R 17W0 59B1 61W1 23W½3.517.5 9.252254
39Marel, Bert van der2143 23B0 34W½ 97B1 87W1 4B0 64W13.517.5 7.752234
40Braggaar, Wessel1892½R 43W½ 27B½ 45W0 85B1 60W13.517 9.002103
98 players

5) 6th Batavia Chess Tournament 2014

The 6th Batavia Chess Tournament took place 21st February to 2nd March 2014. David Smerdon won with 6/9 in spite of losing his final round game to tail-ender Steven Geirnaert. Sipke Ernst beat Smerdon's closest rival Twan Burg (5.5pts) in the final round also. Simon Williams missed a very nice forced win against Alina L'Ami. Look at the position after black's move 32 if you want to try and work it out yourself.

6th Batavia 2014 Amsterdam NED Fri 21st Feb 2014 - Sun 2nd Mar 2014. Category: 8. Ave: (2445)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Smerdon, David GM AUS 2508 # 1 1 1 = = = 1 0 = 6 2562
2 Burg, Twan IM NED 2494 0 # = 1 = 0 1 1 1 = 5.5 2519
3 Van Foreest, Jorden NED 2371 0 = # 1 = = 0 = 1 1 5 2496
4 Williams, Simon K GM ENG 2449 0 0 0 # = 1 1 1 = 1 5 2487
5 L'Ami, Alina WGM ROU 2398 = = = = # 0 1 0 = 1 4.5 2450
6 Ernst, Sipke GM NED 2575 = 1 = 0 1 # = = 0 0 4 2387
7 Van Delft, Merijn IM NED 2423 = 0 1 0 0 = # = 1 = 4 2404
8 Van Eijk, Sander IM NED 2438 0 0 = 0 1 = = # 1 = 4 2402
9 Geirnaert, Steven IM BEL 2391 1 0 0 = = 1 0 0 # = 3.5 2370
10 Peng, Zhaoqin GM NED 2398 = = 0 0 0 1 = = = # 3.5 2370

6) Aarhus Chess House GM 2014

The Aarhus Chess House GM tournament took place 17th to 25th February 2014. Jose Cuenca Jimenez and Davor Palo finished tied on 6.5/9. There is one game missing the postponed round 2 game played on Sat 22nd Feb Andrei Maksimenko 1-0 David J Eggleston.

Aarhus Chess House GM Aarhus DEN Mon 17th Feb 2014 - Tue 25th Feb 2014. Category: 9. Ave: (2462)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Palo, Davor GM DEN 2550 # 1 = = = = = 1 1 1 6.5 2618
2 Cuenca Jimenez, Jose Fernando IM ESP 2481 0 # 1 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 6.5 2626
3 Skytte, Rasmus IM DEN 2416 = 0 # 0 1 = 1 1 1 1 6 2592
4 Trent, Lawrence IM ENG 2424 = 0 1 # 1 = 0 0 1 1 5 2509
5 Maksimenko, Andrei GM UKR 2548 = 1 0 0 # = = 1 = = 4.5 2453
6 Andersen, Mads IM DEN 2504 = = = = = # 1 = 0 0 4 2415
7 Pedersen, Nicolai Vesterbaek IM DEN 2390 = 0 0 1 = 0 # = = 1 4 2427
8 Eggleston, David J IM ENG 2423 0 0 0 1 0 = = # 0 1 3 2342
9 Brynell, Stellan GM SWE 2470 0 0 0 0 = 1 = 1 # 0 3 2336
10 Fries-Nielsen, Jens Ove IM DEN 2416 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 0 1 # 2.5 2301

7) 71st ch-GEO w 2014

The 71st Georgian women's championship took place 18th February to 1st March 2014. Lela Javakhishvili won with 9.5/11.

71st ch-GEO w 2014 Tbilisi GEO Tue 18th Feb 2014 - Sat 1st Mar 2014. Category: 3. Ave: (2303)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Javakhishvili, Lela IM GEO 2430 # = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 9.5 2601
2 Khurtsidze, Nino IM GEO 2456 = # = = 1 = = 1 1 = 1 1 8 2464
3 Khotenashvili, Bela GM GEO 2527 0 = # 1 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 8 2458
4 Gvetadze, Sofio IM GEO 2334 = = 0 # 0 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 7 2402
5 Arabidze, Meri WGM GEO 2374 0 0 0 1 # = 1 0 1 1 1 1 6.5 2362
6 Batsiashvili, Nino IM GEO 2428 0 = 1 = = # 0 1 1 0 = 1 6 2328
7 Guramishvili, Sopiko IM GEO 2400 0 = = 0 0 1 # 0 1 1 1 1 6 2330
8 Khurtsilava, Inga WGM GEO 2232 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 # 0 1 = 1 4.5 2245
9 Khomeriki, Nino WFM GEO 2047 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 1 # 1 1 0 3.5 2194
10 Kuchava, Ana GEO 2149 = = 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 # 0 = 2.5 2106
11 Nikoladze, Sopio WIM GEO 2201 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 1 # = 2.5 2102
12 Unapkoshvili, Nani GEO 2061 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = = # 2 2063

8) 7th Gora Sw. Anny Open 2014

The 7th Gora Sw. Anny Open took place 22nd February to 2nd March 2014. Daniel Sadzikowski edged out Piotr Dobrowolski on tie-break after both scored 7.5/9.

7th Gora Sw. Anny Open Gora Swietej Anny POL Sat 22nd Feb 2014 - Sun 2nd Mar 2014
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
1SADZIKOWSKI, DanielIM247067.548.5060.00
2DOBROWOLSKI, PiotrIM242267.545.0054.50
3NURKIEWICZ, Maciej239056.548.5058.50
4SIMANTSEV, MikhailGM245956.547.0058.00
5OBRUSNIK, Michal227866.547.0057.00
6ROZYCKI, Bartlomiej209756.049.0059.50
7KISLINSKY, AlexeyGM250046.046.0056.50
8STACHOWIAK, KamilIM244256.045.5056.00
9KRIEBEL, TadeasFM237556.044.5056.50
10PLICHTA, Kamil224856.041.0049.00
11EGGINK, Ryszard219866.037.5047.00
12PIOTROWSKI, Przemyslaw206255.542.0050.50
13EGGINK, Mateusz207545.044.5055.50
14CUKROWSKI, Filip221545.043.0054.00
15LIZAK, Jakub194855.042.5052.50
16GRELA, Kacper200245.037.5046.00
17PULTORAK, Jan193335.035.0043.50
18LEWTAK, Dominik194344.543.0054.50
19KHAMIDOV, Komil216534.535.5043.50
20OSZCZANOWSKI, Witold200234.535.0043.00
21KRASIEWICZ, Robert206944.037.5048.00
22KULAS, Szymon200924.035.0043.50
23LIBERADZKI, Slawomir209513.539.0048.00
24CZEMPIEL, Henryk194833.531.5039.50
25SLIWICKA, AlicjaWFM184223.031.5039.50
26DMOCHOWSKA, AgnieszkaWCM184123.031.0039.00
27KOLASINSKI, Krzysztof200402.533.5042.00
28MALINOVSKY, Petr200812.035.0045.00
28 players

9) Pierre et Vacances Open 2014

The Pierre et Vacances Open took place in Cannes 23rd February to 2nd March 2014. Only one game per round has been made available. Rajpara Ankit R. edged out Fernando Peralta on tie-break after both scored 7/9.

Pierre & Vacances Op Cannes FRA Sun 23rd Feb 2014 - Sun 2nd Mar 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1ANKIT R. Rajparam24557412716
2PERALTA Fernandog26137382630
3LI Chao Bg2697422647
4BAUER Christiang2624422646
5GREENFELD Along253241½2612
6TKACHIEV Vladislavg263739½2605
7GODENA Micheleg2519392588
8BUKAVSHIN Ivang2585642½2615
9SKOMOROKHIN Romanm23556412597
10YAKOVICH Yurig2533641½2580
11ALSINA LEAL Danielg2553638½2486
12AMIN Bassemg2665633½2468
13APICELLA Manuelg25216362458
14PAEHTZ Elisabethm2459634½2449
15LEI Tingjie2346392525
16ARKELL Keith Cg2449392519
17ARAVINDH Chithambaram Vr.f2381382487
18AGHAYEV Miraghaf2359372455
19FELGAER Rubeng2569392431
20ALOMA VIDAL Robertm2416372427
21MIDOUX Sebastien232534½2420
22VUILLEUMIER Alexandrem233032½2395
23SHOKER Samym2463342386
24BELLIA Fabriziom23985412492
25BEJTOVIC Jasminm24075392457
26SARDO Gabriele2221535½2416
27SANCHEZ Josephg2519539½2389
28SULAVA Nenadg2478536½2374
29BORGO Giuliom2386535½2366
30BASSO Pier Luigif23045362361
31BLECHZIN Igorm2379533½2340
32CAMACHO COLLADOS Josem2388534½2338
33VALLES Manuelf2399531½2308
34WEINDL Alfredm2344531½2300
35DIMITROV Christof23055312282
36KOPYLOV Michaelm2458402446
37DONCHENKO Alexanderm2463402406
38BESHUKOV Sergeig244029¼2351
39QENDRO Llambim233933½2332
40LAMARD Guillaumef2310332320
84 players

10) e2e4 West Bromwich Congress 2014

The e2e4 West Bromwich Congress took place 21st to 23rd February 2014. Mark Hebden won with 4.5/5. Games now available.

West Bromwich Open West Bromwich ENG Fri 21st Feb 2014 - Sun 23rd Feb 2014
Leading Final Round 5 Standings:
1Hebden, Mark LGMENG2549111½14.52585
2Gormally, Daniel WGMENG250611½½14.02451
3Tozer, Philip A AENG2140101114.02139
4Fawole, John OyeyemiNGR2130 *101114.02270
5Sowray, Peter JFMENG23551½0113.52121
6Barnes, Michael HFMENG2205½11013.52059
7Maciol, RyszardPOL219011½103.52365
8Hunt, Malcolm AENG2073½½11½3.52060
9Gostelow, David WENG20591=½1½3.52053
10Doran, ChrisENG1961=11103.52347
11Healey, Michael WENG21351½10½3.02039
12Brotherton, TrevorENG2102 *=½1013.01955
13Stepanyan, HenrikENG2033+½½013.02012
14Prior, Stephen C VENG2022101103.02202
15Cukovs, OlegENG1952 *=½½½13.01836
16Goodhead, James WENG1914=101½3.01951
17Kennedy, CraigSCO1900½10=13.02153
18Asenov, PavelENG1863=½0113.01995
19Smith, Simon CENG1848011013.02119
20Zhang, ZhemingENG1803½+½103.01957
21Paterson, Andrew IENG2142½00112.51828
22Gilmore, Simon NENG2020 *=½0½12.51841
23Bennett, Dominic LENG19731½10-2.51949
24Kingston, IanENG1965=01102.51837
25Wood, Peter RENG1961001½12.51858
26Jaszkiwskyj, PeterENG1955011=02.52016
27Malik, FarazENG1852=½0½12.51961
28Smith, Richard WENG1975 *101002.01902
29Truman, Richard GENG1963110002.01913
30Shaw, MeyrickENG19270½01½2.01740
31Paul, NathanaelENG1890010102.01932
32Burns, Martin JENG1889½½0012.01900
33Potter, StevenENG1867010102.01794
34Bennett, RhysWLS1768=1½002.02064
35Niedbal, PiotrPOL17500½1½02.01920
36Torrance, JohnSCO1703001012.01830
37Adedire, KanmiENG1600 *=100½2.01665
38Willow, Jonah BENG1945 *=0½½01.51630
39Mollison, JamieSCO1857010½01.51786
40Mc Aleenan, CharlesSCO180810½001.51956
47 players

11) 13th Rochefort International Open 2014

The 13th Rochefort International Open took place 22nd to 28th February 2014. Axel Bachmann won with 7/9.

13th Rochefort Open 2014 Rochefort FRA Sat 22nd Feb 2014 - Fri 28th Feb 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1BACHMANN Axelg2577742½2617
2MANEA Alexandrum2385412592
3BARBOSA Evandro Amorimm2459412494
4COLIN Vincentm241240½2537
5KOZHUHAROV Spasm2463382515
6LAGARDE Maximeg2514638½2464
7SOLODOVNICHENKO Yurig25866382500
8VISHNU PRASANNA. Vg2468632½2395
9SAADA Julienf2355402397
10LOISEAU Quentinm239438½2423
11LALIC Bogdang2489352415
12ANTOLI ROYO Joaquin Miguelm241334½2360
13PANBUKCHIAN Valentinm23095402422
14MARHOLEV Dimitarm23155392379
15DEMUTH Adrienm24785382381
16BRUNELLO Marinamf2261537½2373
17SANTIAGO Yago De Mouram2451537½2362
18MILCHEV Nikolaym2465537½2345
19CONSTANTINOU Peterf22705372366
20DUMITRACHE Dragos-Nicolaem24535352309
21RAGHAVI N.mf2213534½2394
22LARAND Manuel2021533½2278
23IDER Boryaf2378392373
24MARZOLF Bruno222134½2208
25OLLIER Milan2212342265
26NGUYEN Chi-Minhm2397342204
27MATEO Ramong241331½2211
28LEVESQUE Thomas1959292161
29MARUEJOLS Claude1952252036
30KAMBRATH Yannickf22934402300
31LEMEAUX David22764352153
32RUDOLF Annagf2297434½2213
33BOULET Philippe21774332215
34PERIC Slavisam21834332118
35RICHARD Emma20714322188
36SEYMOUR Timothy P2082430½2074
37BOZKIEWICZ Eric2106430½2051
38VION Jean-Francois20084302092
39MESSINA Robertaff207533½2147
40MALOBERTI David20833332017
50 players

12) 14th Mediterranean Flower WGM 2014

The 14th Mediterranean Flower WGM takes place 2nd to 8th March 2014.

14th Mediterranean Flower WGM Rijeka CRO Sun 2nd Mar 2014 - Sat 8th Mar 2014
Leading Round 2 (of 9) Standings:
17Videnova IvaBUL22512.00.00.02
22Nikolova AdrianaBUL23411.50.00.01
31Medic MirjanaCRO22351.00.00.50
10Novak KsenijaSLO20821.00.00.50
55Jacimovic SaraBIH20171.00.0-1.01
8Foisor Cristina-AdelaROU23671.00.0-1.01
9Tonel GiuliaITA20361.00.0-1.01
86Purgar IvonaCRO21110.50.00.00
93Ljikar TamaraCRO18870.00.00.00
4Berke AnaCRO20930.00.00.00
10 players

13) 46th Belgrade WGM 2014

The 46th Belgrade WGM takes place 3rd to 11th March 2014.

46th Belgrade WGM 2014 Belgrade SRB Mon 3rd Mar 2014 - Tue 11th Mar 2014
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Szczepkowska-Horowska, Karina WGM POL 2396 1122681
2 Vega Gutierrez, Sabrina IM ESP 2379 2219026
3 Rakic, Marija WIM SRB 2304 936286
4 Stojanovic, Andjelija WGM SRB 2295 928682
5 Chelushkina, Irina WGM SRB 2261 928615
6 Petrenko, Svetlana IM MDA 2216 13900196
7 Eric, Jovana WIM SRB 2209 938238
8 Vega Gutierrez, Belinda WIM ESP 2203 2229994
9 Zarkovic, Mila WFM SRB 2107 900451
10 Velikic, Adela SRB 2078 913553

14) 5th Pfalz Open 2014

The 5th Pfalz Open takes place 28th February to 4th March 2014.

5th Pfalz Open 2014 Neustadt an der Weinstrasse GER Fri 28th Feb 2014 - Tue 4th Mar 2014
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
1Korneev, OlegGMESP26315015.520.0103.0
2Bogner, SebastianGMSUI25655015.520.099.5
3Swaminathan, SoumyWGMIND22645015.519.5101.0
4Baklan, VladimirGMUKR26334025.022.0100.0
5Neiksans, ArtursGMLAT25604025.022.097.0
6Lampert, JonasGER23624025.020.098.0
7Epishin, VladimirGMRUS25464025.019.099.0
8Teske, HenrikGMGER25254114.523.596.5
9Starostits, IlmarsGMLAT24674114.521.094.5
10Mueller, RalfFMGER23934114.520.095.0
11Kantans, TomsFMLAT24193034.520.095.0
12Khanukov, BorisIMGER23504114.520.094.5
13Winterberg, LukasGER23043034.520.094.5
14Karpatchev, AleksaGMRUS24643034.519.098.0
15Yankelevich, LevGER22754114.519.096.0
16Grimberg, BorisIMGER23814114.519.088.5
17Vogel, JohannesGER20964114.518.593.0
18Promyshlyanskyy, VUKR22133034.518.592.0
19Zimmermann, JulianFMGER23104114.518.591.5
20Melamed, TetyanaWGMGER23613034.518.588.5
21Braun, PeterFMGER22324114.518.096.0
22Gschnitzer, OswaldIMGER24123034.518.093.5
23Jacob, VolkerGER22794114.518.091.5
24Kraemer, EnricoGER21553034.518.086.5
25Noe, ChristopherGER22763034.517.590.5
26Bravo Lutz, SebastGER22504114.517.586.5
27Carow, JohannesFMGER24154114.517.098.0
28Hainke, GuntramFMGER22934114.516.089.0
29Sieglen, Joachim, DFMGER22683034.515.589.0
30Dausch, ReneFMGER23663124.022.091.0
31Dauenheimer, TorstGER22142044.021.597.0
32Meskovs, NikitaFMLAT24364204.021.094.0
33Eisenbeiser, AmadeIMGER23523124.020.590.0
34Lambert, AndreasGER21502044.020.096.5
35Buckels, ValentinGER20453124.020.093.5
36Chetverik, MaximIMRUS22453124.019.094.0
37Gretz, DenisGER19573124.019.093.5
38Hauser, CarlosGER22303124.018.589.5
39Gaponenko, InnaIMUKR23892044.018.589.5
40Xiong, FerdinandGER21053124.018.587.0
232 players

15) Caissa February 2014

The Caissa February events took place in Kecskemet 15th to 24th February 2014. Attila Groszpeter won the GM event with 6.5/10.

Caissa GM February 2014 Kecskemet HUN Sat 15th Feb 2014 - Mon 24th Feb 2014
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
1Groszpeter, AttilaHUN24596.5
2Tan, JustinAUS23284.5
3Wang, PuchenNZL24585.5
4Varga, ZoltanHUN24455.0
5Fodor, Tamas Jr.HUN24624.0
6Hunt, Adam CENG24453.5
6 players
Caissa IM February 2014 Kecskemet HUN Sat 15th Feb 2014 - Mon 24th Feb 2014
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
1Becskei, ZoltanHUN23218.0
2Holm, Kristian StuvikNOR23165.0
3Meszaros, AndrasHUN22414.5
4Lopez, JaselARU22034.5
5Farkas, TiborSRB22454.0
6Sarosi, ZoltanHUN22444.0
6 players

16) First Saturday March 2014

The First Saturday March tournaments take place 1st to 11th March 2014.

FSGM March 2014 Budapest HUN Sat 1st Mar 2014 - Tue 11th Mar 2014
Leading Round 1 (of 9) Standings:
13Turov MaximRUS25941.00.000.01
4Benkovic PetarSRB24341.00.000.01
31Korpa BenceHUN24210.50.250.50
5Kantor GergelyHUN23480.50.250.50
6Hujbert FlorianHUN24560.50.250.50
10Wang PuchenNZL24700.50.250.50
72Kosic DraganMNE24930.00.00-1.00
7Havasi GergoHUN22740.00.00-1.00
8Korley KassaUSA23520.00.00-1.00
9Farago IvanHUN24620.00.00-1.00
10 players
FSIM March 2014 Budapest HUN Sat 1st Mar 2014 - Tue 11th Mar 2014
Leading Round 1 (of 9) Standings:
14Golubov SaveliyRUS23251.00.00-1.01
8Balint VilmosHUN22461.00.00-1.01
9Farkas RichardHUN21911.00.00-1.01
10Keschitz GyorgyHUN22561.00.00-1.01
51Nguyen Thi Mai HungVIE22610.00.00-1.00
2Szalanczy EmilHUN22400.00.00-1.00
3Szeberenyi AdamHUN23010.00.00-1.00
5To Nhat MinhHUN23540.00.00-1.00
6Rajlich IwetaPOL24000.00.00-1.00
7Skou NielsDEN21470.00.00-1.00
10 players
FSFMA March 2014 Budapest HUN Sat 1st Mar 2014 - Tue 11th Mar 2014
Leading Round 1 (of 9) Standings:
12Grundekjon ChristianNOR20221.00.00-1.01
4Machlik EditNOR18851.00.00-1.01
10Juracsik JozsefHUN21241.00.00-1.01
45Lukacs AlbertHUN19020.50.250.50
6Steer JozsefHUN19190.50.250.50
61Machlik MonikaNOR19730.00.00-1.00
3Bohus AdamHUN20180.00.00-1.00
7Marcu SimonSVK18920.00.00-1.00
8Schenkerik CsabaHUN20770.00.00-1.00
9Kis BelaHUN20930.00.00-1.00
10 players
FSFMB March 2014 Budapest HUN Sat 1st Mar 2014 - Tue 11th Mar 2014
Leading Round 1 (of 9) Standings:
12Greibrokk Ingrid AndreaNOR16301.00.00
3Jacobsen Elise SjottemNOR16721.00.00
4Szurkos AndrasHUN17401.00.00
5Szlenka AttilaHUN18041.00.00
10Bensaid SimonFRA17821.00.00
61Oberfrank IstvanHUN18200.00.00
6Ongut Tamas GunesHUN15310.00.00
7Machlik EndreNOR17630.00.00
8Jarai CsengeSUI15230.00.00
9Lakat GyulaHUN17890.00.00
10 players

17) Solinger Karnevals Open 2014

The Solinger Karnevals Open took place 28th February to 2nd March 2014. Ventzislav Inkiov won with 4.5/5. No games available currently.

Solinger Karnevals Open Solingen GER Fri 28th Feb 2014 - Sun 2nd Mar 2014
Leading Final Round 5 Standings:
1Inkiov, VentzislavGM24194014.515.578.0
2Schleining, ZoyaWGM23623024.017.571.5
3Mladenov, SvetlinIM24713024.016.072.0
4Peters, Alex22124104.015.571.0
5Naundorf, Maik21303024.014.575.5
6Nagel, Bernhard21914104.012.064.5
7Heinert, Eugen21693113.516.064.0
8Berg, MichaelFM23032033.515.067.5
9Proettel, Swen22072033.515.057.0
10Flesch, Stefan21062033.514.072.5
11Lindam, Ingo20483113.514.065.0
12Haertel, Stephan19263113.513.560.0
13Goerke, Joachim20962033.513.060.5
14Vishanji, Adrian19053113.511.556.0
15Klamp, Christoph20642033.510.568.5
16Marcziter, DmitriiFM22773203.017.066.5
17Rofalski, Stefan18232123.016.567.0
18Gorzinski, Dariusz20182123.016.073.0
19Herzum, Peter19453203.015.063.5
20Drose, Daniela19543203.014.560.5
21Speck, Stefan20012123.013.570.5
22Kolthoff, Siegmund20873203.013.067.5
23Bosbach, Jens20213103.013.054.5
24Vogt, Thomas21393203.012.566.5
25Vranidis, Athanassios18832123.012.566.5
26Zolfagharian, Kevin20582123.012.566.0
27Kaplun, David17962123.012.564.5
28Taeger, Torsten20682123.012.065.0
29Bigott, Martin18903203.011.069.0
30Rieger, Isabelle16923203.011.067.0
31Buss, Harald19452123.010.568.0
32Meckel, Helmut18202123.010.559.5
33Guenaydin, Alperen17083203.09.065.0
34Schaum, Moritz19991132.513.066.5
35Krieger, Alexander17372212.513.064.0
36Peters, Jens17232212.512.564.0
37Bussard, Achim17922212.512.562.0
38Esser, Thomas19842212.511.567.5
39Gula, Julian15862212.511.559.5
40Chittka, Julius19672212.510.062.0
72 players

18) ch-CHI 2014

The Championships of Chile took place 18th to 26th February 2014. Rodrigo Vasquez Schroder took the title after beating Cristobal Henriquez Villagra in a rapid playoff after they tied on 9/11 in the main event.

ch-CHI 2014 Punta Arenas CHI Tue 18th Feb 2014 - Wed 26th Feb 2014
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
111HENRIQUEZ VILLAGRA CristobalCHI24169.00.55.02625
28VASQUEZ SCHRODER RodrigoCHI25519.00.55.02613
35SALINAS HERRERA Pablo PatriciCHI24056.50.03.02429
43LOPEZ SILVA Hugo AndresCHI24146.00.03.02399
56ABARCA GONZALEZ NicolasCHI22675.51.52.02376
69PEREZ GORMAZ MatiasCHI22695.51.01.02331
74GARCIA CARDENAS PabloCHI24205.50.52.02363
812TORRES BRAVO Cristobal RenatoCHI23535.00.02.52310
92VALENZUELA FUENTEALBA LuisCHI24744.51.02.52381
101RIOS ESCOBAR Adan HumbertoCHI22904.50.02.02309
1110OLIVARES OLIVARES ClaudioCHI22402.50.01.02205
127LLORENS SEPULVEDA MarceloCHI23091.50.01.02064
12 players
ch-CHI TB 2014 Punta Arenas CHI Wed 26th Feb 2014 - Wed 26th Feb 2014
Leading Final Round 2 Standings:
18Vasquez Schroder, RodrigoGMCHI2551=11.5
211Henriquez Villagra, CristobalIMCHI2416=00.5
2 players

19) Chebanenko Memorial IM 2014

The Chebanenko Memorial IM tournament took place 24th February to 2nd March 2014. Valeriy Grinev won with 7/9. There will be an international rapid in Chebanenko's honour in Chisinau, March 31st - April 2nd, 2014. Not all the games from the IM event are available yet.

Chebanenko Memorial 2014 Chisinau MDA Mon 24th Feb 2014 - Sun 2nd Mar 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
12Grinev ValeriyUKR23697.031.500.06
26Itkis BorisROU23736.024.250.05
34Danilenko DmitriyUKR23986.020.750.05
49Agafii VictorMDA22625.520.750.04
57Fedotov EduardMDA22015.020.750.02
68Kalinina MariannaUKR20883.513.500.03
75Morozov NichitaMDA21473.512.500.02
810Chircu VadimMDA22073.511.250.03
93Nevednichy Boris MMDA22023.013.250.02
101Bargan SergeiMDA22572.010.500.00
10 players

20) 2nd Stein am Rhein Open 2014

The 2nd Stein am Rhein Open took place 28th February to 2nd March 2014. Miklos Galyas edged out Gabor Nagy and Goran Milosevic on tie-break after all scored 4.5/5. No games available yet.

2nd Stein am Rhein Open Stein am Rhein SUI Fri 28th Feb 2014 - Sun 2nd Mar 2014
Leading Final Round 5 Standings:
12Galyas MiklosIMHUN24214.51517
23Nagy GaborIMHUN24104.514.517
38Milosevic GoranIMSUI23444.51315
44Zelbel PatrickIMGER2403414.516
57Theissl Pokorna ReginaWGMSVK2347413.516
612Niedermeier ThomasGER2165411.513.5
714Erdelyi TamasIMHUN21323.51416
89Michalczak ThomasFMGER23253.51315.5
91Ninov NikolaiGMBUL24763.51315.5
1011Habibi AliIMGER22493.51315
1110Mede IstvanFMHUN23033.512.515
1220Remensberger PaulSUI20453.51214
1332Bischofberger DarioSUI19273.59.510
146Berend FredIMLUX2369314.516.5
155Sorkin IgorISR238431416.5
1618Schaedler JuergenGER2082313.514
1715Cacciola AlfredoITA2120312.514
1822Meier RodrigoSUI2019312.514
1933Schwander LukasSUI191031214.5
2047Boes JulianGER1795311.513.5
2127Bonino MatteoITA194631111.5
2217Schmitz Andreas ArnoldCMGER2087310.512
2316Boschetti ClaudioSUI209531012
2419Zeiler KlausSUI205231011.5
2528Klein LeoGER194231011
2639Bounlom SamyoSUI185631010.5
2721Remensberger HansuliSUI20212.514.516
2838Baier FelixGER18592.51314.5
2925Klein Gernot DrGER19612.512.513
3041Nguyen Nam-KhangSUI18252.51212.5
3161Gherghel Butan MirceaSUI15122.511.513
3229Kristofic MarioAUT19402.51112.5
3343Stutz UrsSUI18192.51112.5
3413Medici SimoneSUI21492.51112.5
3535Koelbl WolfgangGER18922.510.512
3623King AlexanderGER19792.59.511
3740Schneider AntonioSUI18472.59.510
3848Kuenzi AntonSUI17812.59.510
3931Wegelin ReinhardSUI19362.577.5
4034Onda WalterSUI189421213.5
63 players

21) 2nd Montcada Closed 2014

The 2nd Montcada Closed takes place 6th February to 6th March 2014. Luis Rojas Keim and Miguel Munoz Pantoja lead on 5.5/8.

2nd Montcada Closed 2014 Montcada i Reixac ESP Thu 6th Feb 2014 - Thu 6th Mar 2014
Leading Round 8 (of 9) Standings:
12Rojas Keim LuisCHI24085.520.750.03
21Munoz Pantoja MiguelESP24625.519.750.03
35Vidarte Morales ArturoESP23204.518.000.02
46Luna Cortes LuisESP21814.516.000.03
58Dalo HermesVEN22094.514.750.03
69Ryan JoeIRL22634.015.500.02
73Gomez Jurado Luis AlbertoESP23123.514.000.02
84Ramirez Garcia Jorge AlbertoMEX23023.511.750.02
97Sanchez Ibern MarcESP23822.59.000.01
1010Asensio Linan TeodoroESP21992.08.500.01
10 players

22) TCh-HUN 2013-14

The Hungarian Team Championship takes place 8th September 2013 to 27th April 2014. Somehow I forgot about this event until now.

TCh-HUN 2013-14 Budapest HUN Sun 8th Sep 2013 - Sun 27th Apr 2014
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
1Aquaprofit-NTSK-7.577.59 99 49
2ASE Paks4.5-7 5 78.5 10.542.5
3Penzugyor SE55-7.5 7 8840.5
4Dunaharaszti MTK4.5 4.5- 6 679.537.5
5HVSE37 - 6.5667.536
6Budapesti Titanok 56 -
7MLTC35 5.56.5- 77.534.5
8ASS-Makoi SVSE33.5 666.5 -7 32
9Z.Csuti-Hydrocomp SK 4566.555- 31.5
10Decs 1990 1.542. -21.5
10 teams

23) TCh-CAT 2014

The Catalan Team Championships takes place 26th Jan to 5th April 2014. Two groups of 8 and then a final four rounds amongst the top teams to settle the title. I give all the games again. It's been very problematic to get right.

TCh-CAT 2014 Barcelona ESP Sun 26th Jan 2014 - Sat 5th Apr 2014
Leading Round 6 (of 11) Standings:
6PEONA I PEO1.5104
16 teams

24) TCh-CZE Extraliga 2013-14

The Czech Extraliga takes place 2nd November 2013 to 23rd March 2014. Rounds 7-8 15th to 16th Feb 2014. Final rounds 9-11 21st to 23rd March 2014. Vychod and Zapad league updates.

TCh-CZE Ext 2013-14 Prague CZE Sat 2nd Nov 2013 - Sun 23rd Mar 2014
Leading Round 8 (of 11) Standings:
11. Novoborsky ŠK*656572447.516.5
2BŠŠ Frydek-Mistek2*446551738.010.0
3Rapid Pardubice34*4661737.59.0
4Vystaviště Lysa nad Labem4*451438.510.0
5ŠK Zikuda Turnov*455671335.58.0
6Labortech Ostrava4*61331.06.0
7Slavoj Ostrava - Poruba4*3671033.09.0
8ANCORA Tatran Litovel243*1027.55.0
9TŽ Třinec3235*4727.54.0
10A64 VALOZ Grygov12324*4527.07.5
11ŠK Karvina3½1224*418.53.5
12ŠK ERA Poštovni spořitelna321½*322.55.5
12 teams
TCh-CZE Zapad 13-14 Prague CZE Sat 2nd Nov 2013 - Sun 23rd Mar 2014
Leading Round 8 (of 11) Standings:
1ŠK JOLY Lysa nad Labem B*557652443.516.5
2AD Mahrla*5451938.512.5
3ŠK AD Jičin3*451635.511.5
4TJ Slavia Hradec Kralove3*46261332.510.5
51. Novoborsky ŠK B44*5441032.511.5
6QCC Česke Budějovice343*44929.58.0
7TJ Pankrac4*64830.58.5
8ŠK Holdia DP Praha B124*4825.06.0
9ŠK Zikuda Turnov B*646732.510.0
10TJ Bohemians Praha6422*7731.512.0
11Karlovarsky šachklub Tietz23324*1724.07.0
12SK OAZA Praha3444217*628.59.5
12 teams
TCh-CZE Vychod 2013-14 Prague CZE Sat 2nd Nov 2013 - Sun 23rd Mar 2014
Leading Round 8 (of 11) Standings:
12222 ŠK Polabiny “A“*4355641736.011.0
2ŠK Duras BVK Kralovo Pole “A“*3451639.513.5
3Slavia Kroměřiž “A“5*541634.510.0
4ŠK Stare Město “A“3*651533.512.0
5SK Slavia Orlova “A“4*461437.511.5
6ŠK Caissa Pivovar Dalešice52*3461331.59.0
7BŠŠ Frydek-Mistek “B“34*41133.59.5
8ŠK Zlin “A“345*431131.510.0
9TJ Tatran Litovel “B“444*929.59.0
10TJ ŠO Chrudim45*4835.010.5
11TJ Ostrava22*625.57.5
12Lokomotiva Brno “A“43324*224.56.0
12 teams

25) TCh-SWE Elitserien 2013-2014

The Swedish Elitserien takes place 22nd November 2013 to 9th March 2014. Final Round 7-9 7-9 March 2014. Games to round 6 now available.

TCh-SWE Elitserien Stockholm SWE Fri 22nd Nov 2013 - Sun 9th Mar 2014
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
1Lunds ASK*5641132.50
2Team Viking*46931.01
Rockaden Sthlm4*7931.01
4Limhamns SK3*447829.00
5Eksjö SK2*76827.50
6Farsta SK*5624.52
7Västeras SK44*7624.50
8Burgsvik Alva SK241*318.50
9Upsala ASS13*013.00
10Örgryte SK112*08.50
10 teams

26) Israeli Team Championship 2014

The Israeli Team Championship takes place 2nd February to 30th May 2014. There have been four rounds so far. I don't know what the chances are of getting any games.

TCh-ISR 2014 Jerusalem ISR Sun 2nd Feb 2014 - Fri 30th May 2014
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
1CC Ashdod Ilit*525.521.5130.8
2CC Beer Sheva A*44622.518.5157.0
3Feldkelin Rishon Lezion*4519.016.0129.8
4Hapoel Kfar Saba2*17.514.5165.3
5Elitzur "Dov" Petach Tikva*23614.513.5113.8
6CC Hapoel Petach Tikva A24*414.512.5158.3
7Porat Mathematics2*2413.511.574.3
8CC Herzliya3*11.510.5146.0
9Elitzur CC Jerusalem14*9.08.0119.3
10CC Beer Sheva K½2*8.57.588.8
11CC Ashdod A½0*5.55.558.3
12Hapoel Haironi "Dugo" Rishon Lezion½102*3.53.549.8
12 teams

27) 52nd TCh-DEN ExtraCon 2013-14

The 52nd Danish ExtraCon League takes place 2nd November 2013 to 9th March 2014. Round 7 16th Feb 2014 some additional games now available. Final Rounds 8-9 8th to 9th March 2014.

52nd TCh-DEN XtraCon Copenhagen DEN Sat 2nd Nov 2013 - Sun 9th Mar 2014
Leading Round 7 (of 9) Standings:
1Team Nordea Skb Guldmedaljer1337
2Bronshoj 1 Solvmedaljer1236½
3Jetsmark 1 Bronzemedaljer1134
6SK 1968 1424½
9K41 1 Nedrykning422½
10Norresundby Nedrykning322
10 teams

28) Icelandic Team Championship 2013-14

The Icelandic Team Championship took place 10th to 14th October 2013 and the final rounds 27th February to 1st March 2014. Vikingaklubburinn a-sveit won the title. Games from the second half may take a little time to arrive.

TCh-ISL Div1 2013-14 Reykjavik ISL Thu 10th Oct 2013 - Sat 1st Mar 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Vikingaklubburinn a-sveit*4578855.0170
2GM Hellir - a-sveit*558750.5160
3Taflfelag Vestmannaeyja a-sveit4*376850.0130
4Taflfelag Bolungarvikur a-sveit*465844.5110
5Taflfelag Reykjavikur a-sveit354*3644.0110
6Skakfelag Akureyrar a-sveit3125*737.0100
7Skakdeild Fjölnis a-sveit½32*5733.560
8GM Hellir - b-sveit1½323*6525.540
10Taflfelag Reykjavikur b-sveit01½0½½33*10.000
10 teams

29) US Amateur Team East 2014

The US Amateur Team East took place 15th to 17th February 2014. There may be games to follow.

30) Belgian Interclubs 2013-14

The Belgian Interclubs 2013-14 takes place 22nd September 2013 to 14th March 2014. Final Round 11 14th March 2014. Additional moves now available in the round 10 game from the Wirtzfeld - KBSK match between Yuri Boidman and Wouter Gryson.

TCh-BEL 2013-14 Belgium BEL Sun 22nd Sep 2013 - Fri 14th Mar 2014
Leading Round 10 (of 11) Standings:
1KSK47-Eynatten 117194
2Fontaine 116165
3Wirtzfeld 114173
4KSK Rochade 113173
5KGSRL 113172
6Borgerhout 110163
7Amay 110163
8CREC 110157
9CRELEL 18151
10KBSK 15146
11Anderlecht 14139
12Deurne 10122
12 teams

31) Active Team Events

A list of ongoing team events without an update this week.

Bundesliga 2013-14

The Bundesliga takes place 12th October 2013 to 6th April 2014. Rounds 9-10 were on 23rd to 24th February 2014. Final rounds 4th to 6th April 2014.

Bundesliga 2013-14 Germany GER Sat 12th Oct 2013 - Sun 6th Apr 2014
Leading Round 10 (of 15) Standings:
3SC Eppingen71244651649
6SG Solingen631134551340½
9SG Trier5502335551040
12SF Berlin1723344432
16 teams

TCh-AUT 2nd liga 2013-14

The Austrian 2nd Bundesliga takes place 4th October 2013 to 6th April 2014. Rounds 4-5 on 23rd to 24th November 2013 games now available. Round 6-8 take place 21st to 23rd March 2014. The Ost Liga took place 23rd to 24th February 2014.

TCh-AUT 2nd Ost 2013-14 Austria AUT Fri 4th Oct 2013 - Sun 6th Apr 2014
Leading Round 9 (of 11) Standings:
2ASVÖ Pamhagen*4541433.00
3ASVÖ Mattersburg*32341233.50
4SG Hietzing/Ottakring123*551132.00
5Spg Data Technology Eichgraben/P.*4341130.00
6SK Austria42*431129.50
7Blackburne Nickelsdorf12*4826.00
8ASVOE VHS Poechlarn231*725.00
9ASVÖ Wulkaprodersdorf2*54625.00
11SGM Sparkasse Ternitz1½22*5419.50
12Raiffeisen Währing22321*318.00
12 teams
TCh-AUT 2nd Mitte Austria AUT Fri 4th Oct 2013 - Sun 6th Apr 2014
Leading Round 5 (of 11) Standings:
1Spg. Grieskirchen/Sedda B.Schallerbach*4551022.00
2Union Styria Graz*44820.50
3SK Sparkasse Fürstenfeld*3717.00
4Spg. Sauwald*4617.00
5ESV Austria Graz2*4616.50
6RbEJ Gleisdorf*44615.50
7SV Steyregg*326517.00
8ASK St. Valentin23*516.50
9SC MPÖ Maria Saal II124*6415.50
10Strassenbahn Graz232*313.00
11SV Raika Rapid Feffernitz II½22*07.50
12SPG Freistadt/Wartberg1½0½0*02.00
12 teams
TCh-AUT 2nd West Austria AUT Fri 4th Oct 2013 - Sun 6th Apr 2014
Leading Round 8 (of 11) Standings:
2Kufstein / Woergl2*2551229
3Hohenems II24*62331027
5SIR Bernhard 20*243351024
7Rochade Rum443*925.5
11ASK Salzburg 112312*114.5
12 teams

TCh-FIN 2013-14

The Finnish Team Championship takes place 21st September to 14th March 2013. Rounds 9-11 take place 7th-9th March 2014. Games from rounds 7-8 now available.

TCh-FIN SM 2013-14 Finland FIN Sat 21st Sep 2013 - Fri 14th Mar 2014
Leading Round 8 (of 11) Standings:
1Velhot, Porvoo8611132711
2MatSK, Espoo8620122311
3EtVaS, Vantaa852111217
4JyS, Jyvaskyla8521111913
5Tammer-Shakki, Tampere8521111712
6SalSK, Salo843191715
7Aatos, Helsinki834171517
8OSS, Oulu834171217
9TuTS, Turku834171824
10VammSK, Sastamala835061617
11Kimmel, Joensuu81702722
12Garde, Helsinki80800834
12 teams

4NCL 2013-14

The 4NCL takes place 16th November 2013 to 3rd May 2014. Rounds 5-6 15-16th Feb 2014. Rounds 7-8 take place 22nd to 23rd March 2014.

4NCL 2013-14 Hinckley Island ENG Sat 16th Nov 2013 - Sat 3rd May 2014
Leading Round 6 (of 11) Standings:
1Guildford 1 6½-1½5½-2½6-26-26½-1½ 7½-½1238
2Cheddleton 11½-6½ 6-25-36-27-16½-1½1032
3Grantham Sharks 12½-5½ 4½-3½3½-4½5-35½-2½6-2827
4Barbican 4NCL 22-62-63½-4½ 5-35½-2½6-2 624
5Wood Green HK 22-63-54½-3½3-5 3½-4½6-2422
6Blackthorne Russia1½-6½2-63-52½-5½ 5½-2½4½-3½419
7Oxford 1 1-72½-5½2-64½-3½2½-5½ 6-2418½
8Kings Head 1½-7½1½-6½2-6 2-63½-4½2-6 011½
1Wood Green HK 1 5½-2½8-06-25½-2½6-26½-1½ 1237½
2Guildford 22½-5½ 4-4 4½-3½6-27-06½-1½930½ 10-84-4 2½-5½5½-2½5-3 4½-3½721½
4White Rose 12-6 5½-2½ 3½-4½3½-4½5-36½-1½626
53Cs 12½-5½3½-4½2½-5½4½-3½ 6-26½-1½625½
6Barbican 4NCL 12-62-63-54½-3½ 6-25½-2½623
7Cambridge University 11½-6½0-7 3-52-62-6 5½-2½214
8Grantham Sharks 2 1½-6½3½-4½1½-6½1½-6½2½-5½2½-5½ 013
16 teams

Dutch League 2013-14

The Dutch League 2013-14 takes place 21st September to 10th May 2014. Round 6 8th March 2014.

Dutch League 2013-14 Netherlands NED Sat 21st Sep 2013 - Sat 10th May 2014
Leading Round 5 (of 9) Standings:
1En Passant24836 7 1033½
2LSG2408477 829
3Groninger Combinatie23713 7627½
4HMC Calder23833 6 8625
5SO Rotterdam2369 658528
6Voerendaal2378 6 425
7Utrecht23373 44 424
8BSG2339 4 421
9Accres Apeldoorn2387 3 5 9326
10ESG Dr. Max Euwe2224 22 1011
10 teams

TCh-AUT 1st Bundesliga 2013-14

The Austrian League takes place 6th December 2013 to 23rd April 2014. Rounds 4-7 30th Jan to 2nd Feb 2014. Rounds 8-11 20th-23rd March 2014.

TCh-AUT 2013-14 Jenbach AUT Fri 6th Dec 2013 - Wed 23rd Apr 2014
Leading Round 7 (of 11) Standings:
1SK Hohenems*45441428.50
2Schachklub Sparkasse Jenbach*44561229.50
3ASVÖ Wulkaprodersdorf*4331026.00
4SV Raika Rapid Feffernitz22*434924.00
5SV ASVÖ St. Veit/Glan*43922.50
6Schachclub MPÖ Maria Saal I22*45822.50
7SIR Bernhard Glatz333*721.00
8SV Wolfsberg2*335622.50
9SK Advisory Invest Baden132*4516.50
10SK Absam2223*317.50
11Union Ansfelden1132*112.50
12 teams

TCh-SVK 2013-14

The Slovakian Team Championship extraliga takes place 9th November 2013 to 30th March 2014. Rounds 7-8 8th to 9th March 2014.

TCh-SVK Ext 2013-14 Bratislava SVK Sat 9th Nov 2013 - Sun 30th Mar 2014
Leading Round 6 (of 11) Standings:
1TJ INBEST Dunajov*51829.50
2SK Dunajska Streda*51527.50
3SK Doprastav Bratislava*441125.00
4SK Liptov Liptovsky Mikulas4*661029.50
5SK Slovan Bratislava A*6641028.50
6SK Caissa Cadca22*37925.00
7SO SKM Stara Lubovna35*5923.50
8TJ Slavia UPJS Kosice42*4822.50
9SKS Dubnica n/V3214*7722.50
10SK PK Trencin4*3420.00
11SK Slovan Bratislava B5*319.50
12TJ Slavia TU Kosice31*015.00
12 teams

Frauenbundesliga 2013-14

The Frauenbundesliga 2013-14 takes place Sat 5th Oct 2013 - Sun 30th Mar 2014. Round 8-9 8th-9th March 2014.

Frauenbund 2013-14 Germany GER Sat 5th Oct 2013 - Sun 30th Mar 2014
Leading Round 6 (of 11) Standings:
1OSG Baden Baden6+671237
2SV Werder Bremen6+1028
3SG Solingen6+4926½
4SV Hockenheim6+448829½
5Hamburger SK64+457828
6SC Eppingen64+46827½
7SK Turm Emsdetten6+355826½
8SV Muelheim Nord645+56725
9SG Trier63+5625
10SV Wattenscheid6423+522½
11Sportfreunde Katernberg6243+521½
12SV Griesheim613+4320½
13Schachfreunde Berlin64+320½
14FC Bayern Muenchen623+218
15SK Koenig Tegel61+4115
16SC Viernheim6½04+113
16 teams

TCh-NOR Eliteserien 2013-14

The TCh-NOR Eliteserien takes place 1st November 2013 to 23rd March 2014. Rounds 4-6 took place 10-12 January 2014. Final rounds 7-9 21st to 23rd March 2014.

TCh-NOR Elite 13-14 Oslo NOR Fri 1st Nov 2013 - Sun 23rd Mar 2014
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
3SK 1911NOR2270821
6Black KnightsNOR2322619.5
8SOSS SelvaagbyggNOR2273513
9SK 96NOR2247113.5
10 teams

32) Forthcoming Events and Links

Reykjavik Open 2014

Reykjavik Open 2014 Reykjavik ISL Tue 4th Mar 2014 - Wed 12th Mar 2014
Leading Player List of 256 players:
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Naiditsch, Arkadij GM GER 2706 4650891
2 Li, Chao b GM CHN 2700 8604436
3 Berkes, Ferenc GM HUN 2687 718572
4 Rapport, Richard GM HUN 2681 738590
5 Amin, Bassem GM EGY 2657 10601457
6 Jones, Gawain C B GM ENG 2651 409561
7 L'Ami, Erwin GM NED 2646 1007998
8 Kobalia, Mikhail GM RUS 2646 4119150
9 Gajewski, Grzegorz GM POL 2629 1116207
10 Rozentalis, Eduardas GM LTU 2623 12800023
11 Van Kampen, Robin GM NED 2603 1020854
12 Grandelius, Nils GM SWE 2600 1710400
13 Ramirez, Alejandro GM USA 2599 6500617
14 Hansen, Eric GM CAN 2587 2606771
15 Olafsson, Helgi GM ISL 2546 2300010
16 Stefansson, Hannes GM ISL 2541 2300087
17 Molner, Mackenzie GM USA 2528 2021722
18 Gretarsson, Hjorvar Steinn GM ISL 2511 2302241
19 Pavlovic, Milos GM SRB 2506 900389
20 Kristjansson, Stefan GM ISL 2503 2301172
21 Danielsen, Henrik GM ISL 2501 1400185
22 Idani, Pouya IM IRI 2496 12510130
23 Urkedal, Frode IM NOR 2495 1506102
24 Colovic, Aleksandar GM MKD 2493 15000729
25 Krush, Irina GM USA 2490 2012782

12th Meurthe et Moselle Festival 2014

13th Festival da Uva 2014

132nd Varsity Match 2014

14th European Senior Championships 2014

31st Victor Ciocaltea Memorial 2014

UT Dallas Spring FIDE Open 2014

ch-St Petersburg Rapid 2014

48th Begonian Open 2014

FIDE Candidates Tournament 2014

e2e4 High Wycombe Congress 2014

ch-Central SRB 2014

Zagreb Open 2014

e2e4 Sunningdale Congress 2014

30th ChessOrg Schachfestival 2014

2nd Lanta Open 2014

Cork Congress 2014

Karpos Open 2014

2nd Krk Golden Island Open 2014

Russian Team Championship 2014

16th Dubai Chess Open 2014

20th Schloss Open 2014

14th BCC Open 2014

37th San Sebastian International Open 2014

45th Marcel Duchamp Open 2014

ch-DEN 2014

7th Pedro Lezcano Montalvo Memorial 2014

Fagernes Chess International 2014

41st La Roda Open 2014

8th Philadelphia Open 2014

O2C Doeberl Cup 2014

60th Welsh Championships 2014

7th OGD Prinsenstad Tournament 2014

8th Lugano Open 2014

Paskturneringen Open 2014

Vugar Gashimov Memorial 2014

2nd Hofheim Spring Open 2014

5th LUCOPEN 2014

49th Capablanca Memorial 2014

US Chess Championships 2014

15th Karpov Poikovsky 2014

Iasi Open 2014


Somov Memorial 2014

8th Agzamov Memorial 2014

Copenhagen Chess Challenge 2014

ch-RUS Rapid 2014

32nd Liechtenstein Open 2014

TCh-FRA Top 12 2014

Deltalift Open 2014

2nd Norway Chess 2014

8th BPB Limburg Open 2014

Pula Open 2014

Grand Europe Open 2014

Teplice Open 2014

7th Karen Asrian Memorial 2014

9th Mikhail Tal Memorial 2014

International Championship Central Serbia 2014

15th European Individual Womens Championship 2014

4th Amsterdam Science Park Open 2014

101st British Chess Championships 2014

32nd Andorra Open 2014

Politiken Cup 2014

41st Olympiad 2014

4th Split Open 2014

2nd Sinquefield Cup 2014

30th European Club Cup 2014

VII Grand Slam Masters Final 2014

All material © Mark Crowther 2013