Masters Bulletin

THE WEEK IN CHESS 985 23rd September 2013 by Mark Crowther


Contact The Week in Chess
Mark Crowther
Mobile 07971 920016


1) Introduction
2) FIDE Grand Prix Paris 2013
3) Topalov-Laznicka Match 2013
4) World Chess Championship Women 2013
5) World Juniors 2013
6) FIDE Women Grand Prix Tashkent 2013
7) Baku Open 2013
8) 2nd GP Pyramides de Port-Marly 2013
9) Azuqueca Chess Classic 2013
10) First Saturday September 2013
11) Werder Bremen GM 2013
12) Dnipropetrovsk Autumn 2013
13) e2e4 Bedford Congress 2013
14) Mohamed Slama Memorial Scheveningen 2013
15) Nona Gaprindashvili Cup 2013
16) 1st League Central SRB 2013
17) US Chess League 2013
18) 63rd TCh-BUL 2013
19) TCh-CRO I Liga 2013
20) TCh-Moscow 2013
21) Active Team Events
22) Forthcoming Events and Links

Games Section
FIDE Grand Prix Paris 201312 games
Topalov-Laznicka Match 20138 games
World Chess Championship Women 20133 games
World Juniors 2013576 games
FIDE Women Grand Prix Tashkent 201330 games
Baku Open 201350 games
2nd GP Pyramides de Port-Marly 201332 games
First Saturday September 201383 games
Werder Bremen GM 201315 games
Dnipropetrovsk Autumn 201340 games
e2e4 Bedford Congress 2013114 games
Mohamed Slama Memorial Scheveningen 201350 games
Nona Gaprindashvili Cup 201310 games
1st League Central SRB 2013288 games
US Chess League 201332 games
63rd TCh-BUL 2013244 games
TCh-CRO I Liga 2013438 games
TCh-Moscow 201312 games
2037 games


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1) Introduction

My thanks to Roland Wimmer, Olexandr Prohorov, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Miklos Orso, Peter Stuart, Henri Koskinen, Dennis Monokroussos, Ida Vandermeulen and everyone else who helped with this issue.

Another very busy week of interesting chess. Hou Yifan regained her title of women's world champion in crushing style against Anna Ushenina. It's difficult to avoid the thought that Hou was simply in a different class to her opponent as reflected in the 100 point gap in rating. The final FIDE Grand Prix in Paris (well actually Elancourt which is hardly Paris at all). At stake is a final Candidates place with Grischuk (whose loss in round 2 can hardly have helped his cause) and Caruana looking for first place. The series has had some successful events and some not so much. Hard to say just yet what will happen in this one. The series has had it's problems especially in finding sponsors and venues. The idea that Candidates places are available through rating, World Cup and tournament play is a reasonably sound one. There is competition to hold the next Candidates because of the success of the last one. I have a modest suggestion. Don't have a Grand Prix series next time have a single 16-20 player all-play-all in the good old interzonal style with two qualification places. Who knows? That might also be an event sponsors might fight to hold. If the Grand Prix series can be financed and 6 events held in good style, stick with the Grand Prix, but if not why not consider creating a single event of real quality? Elsewhere there's a women's Grand Prix in Tashkent, Veselin Topalov is in Novi Bor, the World Juniors enters its final rounds etc. Some lesser events might be missing from this issue due to time constraints as I played my first weekend tournament (as opposed to just playing for teams) in over 20 years. If I can get the TWIC website to produce then there will be more. At the moment however I'm very far short of the income I need to even survive and I will have to address that in the next few weeks. TWIC will continue whatever but somewhere I need more work or more money from the website.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) FIDE Grand Prix Paris 2013

The final FIDE Grand Prix of the series takes place in Paris 22nd September to 5th October 2013. Players: Boris Gelfand, Etienne Bacrot Fabiano Caruana, Leinier Dominguez Peres, Laurent Fressinet, Alexander Grischuk, Vassily Ivanchuk, Hikaru Nakamura, Ruslan Ponomariov, Evengey Tomashevsky, Wang Hao and Anish Giri play. Grischuk and Caruana need to win this event to qualify for the Candidates via the Grand Prix otherwise Mamedyarov takes that place.

FIDE GP Paris Elancourt FRA Sat 21st Sep 2013 - Sat 5th Oct 2013. Category: 20. Ave: (2746)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Fressinet, Laurent GM FRA 2708 # = 1 1.5 2964
2 Gelfand, Boris GM ISR 2764 # = 1 1.5 2913
3 Tomashevsky, Evgeny GM RUS 2703 = # = 1 2768
4 Nakamura, Hikaru GM USA 2772 = # = 1 2730
5 Caruana, Fabiano GM ITA 2779 # = = 1 2730
6 Ponomariov, Ruslan GM UKR 2756 = # = 1 2723
7 Ivanchuk, Vassily GM UKR 2731 # = = 1 2740
8 Bacrot, Etienne GM FRA 2723 = = # 1 2755
9 Dominguez Perez, Leinier GM CUB 2757 = = # 1 2752
10 Wang, Hao GM CHN 2736 = # = 1 2782
11 Giri, Anish GM NED 2737 0 = # 0.5 2567
12 Grischuk, Alexander GM RUS 2785 0 = # 0.5 2529
Round 1. Sun 22nd Sep 2013
Fressinet, Laurent 1/2-1/2 Ponomariov, Ruslan 46 B51 Sicilian
Grischuk, Alexander 1/2-1/2 Wang, Hao 30 C11 French
Caruana, Fabiano 1/2-1/2 Bacrot, Etienne 33 C45 Scotch
Ivanchuk, Vassily 1/2-1/2 Dominguez Perez, Leinier 19 D37 QGD
Nakamura, Hikaru 1/2-1/2 Tomashevsky, Evgeny 30 D31 QGD
Gelfand, Boris 1-0 Giri, Anish 53 D12 QGD Slav
Round 2. Mon 23rd Sep 2013
Tomashevsky, Evgeny 1/2-1/2 Gelfand, Boris 20 D94 Gruenfeld
Ponomariov, Ruslan 1/2-1/2 Giri, Anish 50 C42 Petrov
Dominguez Perez, Leinier 1/2-1/2 Nakamura, Hikaru 44 C80 Ruy Lopez
Bacrot, Etienne 1/2-1/2 Ivanchuk, Vassily 18 D30 Queen's gambit declined
Wang, Hao 1/2-1/2 Caruana, Fabiano 40 D90 Gruenfeld
Fressinet, Laurent 1-0 Grischuk, Alexander 44 E12 Queen's Indian

3) Topalov-Laznicka Match 2013

Veselin Topalov in in Novi Bor playing Viktor Laznicka in a 6 game match. Topalov took the lead after winning game 4.

Match Novi Bor
Topalov, Veselin - Laznicka, Viktor 1-0 39 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Laznicka, Viktor - Topalov, Veselin 1-0 39 A29 English Four Knights
Topalov, Veselin - Laznicka, Viktor ½-½ 35 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Laznicka, Viktor - Topalov, Veselin 0-1 37 E21 Nimzo Indian 4.Nf3

Match Novi Bor (CZE), 19 - 25 ix 2013
Name Ti NAT Rtng 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Perf
Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2769 1 0 ½ 1 . . 2772
Laznicka, Viktor g CZE 2677 0 1 ½ 0 . . 2682
Match Novi Bor
Kriebel, Tadeas - Romanishin, Oleg M ½-½ 44 C92 Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Romanishin, Oleg M - Kriebel, Tadeas 1-0 45 A07 Barcza System
Kriebel, Tadeas - Romanishin, Oleg M 1-0 54 C96 Ruy Lopez
Romanishin, Oleg M - Kriebel, Tadeas ½-½ 36 A15 English counter King's Fianchetto

Match Novi Bor (CZE), 19 - 25 ix 2013
Name Ti NAT Rtng 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Perf
Romanishin, Oleg M g UKR 2499 ½ 1 0 ½ . . 2 2365
Kriebel, Tadeas f CZE 2365 ½ 0 1 ½ . . 2 2499

4) World Chess Championship Women 2013

The FIDE Women's World Chess Championship 2013 took place in Taizhou, China 11th to 20th September 2013. Anna Ushenina (rated 2500) was became surprise women's champion in a knock-out last year. However Hou Yifan (2609) had a huge rating advantage and she was a big favourite. Ushenina's excellent preparation was the key for her chances especially as Hou Yifan has now become a student. It turned out that Hou Yifan was a class above Ushenina (who was also in terrible time trouble in many games) overpowering her in middle-game tactics for a crushing 5.5-1.5 win. Hou Yifan will have to defend her title in another knock-out event currently in the calendar (venue undecided) 11th to 31st October 2014.

WCh Women 2013 Taizhou CHN Tue 10th Sep 2013 - Sat 28th Sep 2013
Leading Round 7 (of 10) Standings:
12Hou YifanGMCHN26091½1½½11
21Ushenina AnnaGMUKR25000½0½½00
2 players
WCh Women Taizhou
Ushenina, Anna - Hou, Yifan 0-1 41 E32 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Hou, Yifan - Ushenina, Anna ½-½ 33 B33 Sicilian Sveshnikov
Ushenina, Anna - Hou, Yifan 0-1 24 E32 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Hou, Yifan - Ushenina, Anna ½-½ 31 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Hou, Yifan - Ushenina, Anna ½-½ 61 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Ushenina, Anna - Hou, Yifan 0-1 40 E17 Queens Indian
Hou, Yifan - Ushenina, Anna 1-0 40 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation

WCh Women Taizhou (CHN), 11 ix 2013
Name Ti NAT Rtng 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Perf
Hou, Yifan g CHN 2609 1 ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 . . . 2730
Ushenina, Anna g UKR 2500 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ 0 0 . . . 2379

5) World Juniors 2013

The World Junior Chess Championships take place in Kocaeli 13th to 26th September 2013. 13 round tournament for this prestigious title. Yangyi Yu, Alexander Ipatov, Jorge Cori, Nils Grandelius, Samvel Ter-Sahakyan, Saleh AR Salem, Vladislav Kovalev, Santosh Gujrathi Vidit, SP Sethuraman and star of the World Cup Yi Wie are the top seeds.

World Juniors 2013 Kocaeli TUR Fri 13th Sep 2013 - Fri 27th Sep 2013
Leading Round 10 (of 13) Standings:
1110WEI YIGMCHN2551721809
1962FANG YANCHN228121459
2118IDANI POUYAIMIRI2480622029
2270WANG YIYECHN2258621950
3337BAI JINSHICHN2412621059
3435SANAL VAHAPIMTUR2419620983
3834FIRAT BURAKIMTUR2423619872
118 players
World Junior Girls Kocaeli TUR Fri 13th Sep 2013 - Fri 27th Sep 2013
Leading Round 10 (of 13) Standings:
154WANG JUEWGMCHN2392620567
1727XIAO YIYIWFMCHN2163619924
269ZHAI MOWIMCHN230919981
3136SARANYA JWFMIND209418556
3937KUCHAVA ANAGEO2092519292
4041IMEEVA AISARUS2067519158
77 players

6) FIDE Women Grand Prix Tashkent 2013

The FIDE Women's Grand Prix takes place in Tashkent 17th September to 1st October 2013.

FIDE WGP Tashkent Tashkent UZB Wed 18th Sep 2013 - Mon 30th Sep 2013. Category: 10. Ave: (2479)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Koneru, Humpy GM IND 2607 # = = 1 1 1 4 2746
2 Harika, Dronavalli GM IND 2475 # 1 = 1 = 1 4 2693
3 Lagno, Kateryna GM UKR 2532 = # = = 1 1 3.5 2658
4 Zhao, Xue GM CHN 2579 # 0 1 1 1 = 3.5 2559
5 Khotenashvili, Bela IM GEO 2514 0 1 # 1 0 1 3 2502
6 Stefanova, Antoaneta GM BUL 2496 = # 0 = 1 = 2.5 2472
7 Ju, Wenjun WGM CHN 2535 0 = = 1 # 0 2 2409
8 Girya, Olga WGM RUS 2439 0 = 0 = # 1 2 2403
9 Muminova, Nafisa WGM UZB 2293 0 0 1 0 # 1 2 2403
10 Kosteniuk, Alexandra GM RUS 2495 0 0 0 1 # = 1.5 2391
11 Nakhbayeva, Guliskhan WGM KAZ 2307 = = 0 0 0 # 1 2231
12 Danielian, Elina GM ARM 2470 0 0 0 = = # 1 2281

7) Baku Open 2013

The Baku Open takes place 18th to 28th September 2013.

Baku Open 2013 Baku AZE Thu 19th Sep 2013 - Sat 28th Sep 2013
Leading Round 5 (of 9) Standings:
13Zhigalko SergeiBLR26644.0257130.0
21Alekseev EvgenyRUS27104.0255730.0
318Mamedov NidjatAZE26094.0253040.0
42Dreev AlekseyRUS26684.0249130.0
513Smirnov PavelRUS26274.0247830.0
626Jumabayev RinatKAZ25623.5257220.0
75Efimenko ZaharUKR26613.5255220.0
817Iordachescu ViorelMDA26093.5254020.0
935Rasulov VugarAZE24883.5253030.0
1010Mamedov RaufAZE26413.5252720.0
114Smirin IliaISR26633.5249930.0
1212Mchedlishvili MikheilGEO26333.5244920.0
137Safarli EltajAZE26603.5242820.0
1416Solak DraganTUR26153.5240520.0
1519Pantsulaia LevanGEO25963.5238020.0
1657Izzat KananAZE23473.0259420.0
1734Krush IrinaUSA24923.0256620.0
1823Goganov AlekseyRUS25773.0253520.0
1971Khalafova NarminAZE21313.0253320.0
2028Ghaem Maghami EhsanIRI25493.0253210.0
216Khismatullin DenisRUS26613.0253020.0
228Sutovsky EmilISR26603.0252220.0
2322Kotronias VasiliosGRE25793.0252020.0
2414Korneev OlegESP26213.0250020.0
2533Abasov NijatAZE24923.0249120.0
2615Guseinov GadirAZE26163.0248730.0
279Shimanov AleksandrRUS26553.0246220.0
2825Shanava KonstantineGEO25673.0246120.0
2944Anurag MhamalIND24263.0245720.0
3027Artemiev VladislavRUS25603.0244320.0
3111Azarov SergeiBLR26363.0244220.0
3232Maghalashvili DavitGEO25023.0242720.0
3331Nigalidze GaiozGEO25083.0238030.0
3459Aghayev MiraghaITA23092.5252820.0
3560Pourkashiyan AtousaIRI23032.5251820.0
3668Aliakbarov AnarAZE22322.5251620.0
3743Mammadov ZaurAZE24362.5251520.0
3830Rogozenco DorianROU25152.5248520.0
3937Rzayev BahruzAZE24642.5244610.0
4021Muzychuk AnnaSLO25852.5243910.0
72 players

8) 2nd GP Pyramides de Port-Marly 2013

The 2nd GP Pyramides de Port-Marly was a two day event. The first day there was a rapid won by Maxime Vachier-Lagrave. I managed to save some of the live games. Day two I believe was some kind of handicap blitz. I couldn't see games for that.

2nd GP Pyramides Le Port Marly FRA Sat 21st Sep 2013 - Sun 22nd Sep 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1VACHIER-LAGRAVE Maximeg2733855½40½
2GULIYEV Namigg25565841
3SHCHEKACHEV Andreig25165539
4DGEBUADZE Alexandreg2527755½38
5TREGUBOV Pavel V.g255875538½
6DOURERASSOU Jonathanm2506752½37
7KAMBRATH Yannick2290745½32
8LE ROUX Jean-Pierreg25695536½
9SHOKER Samym25145436½
10BARSOV Alexeig252151½34½
11SKRIPCHENKO Almiram24305034½
12RAKOTOMAHARO Fy Antenaina199065235
13DLUGY Maximg2543651½34½
14SHIRAZI Kamranm2386649½33
15DAURELLE Hervef220065032
16LEMPEREUR Frederic2230648½30
17MULLON Jean-Baptistem2380647¾31
18SOTELO Renzo2140647¼31
19PIETRASANTA Jeremyf249064830
20ADEIMI Michel215064629
21KARAGYOZIAN Edgar197064627
22KIRSZENBERG Marc2220644½30½
23MOINGT Jean-Claudef222364225
24MONROY Charlesm24685032
25RODRIGUEZ Adrien206048½30
26COTONNEC Melkiorf24204829
27COUPET Pascal227044½29½
28TOUBALE Tarek20604128
29TOURE Vasanth192043½23
30OULD AHMED Samy20004025½
31LAMBERT Romain214055028
32BRUNNER Nicolasm237854930
33MULLER Annemf215354629½
34LAUNIAU Stephane2030544½30
35PEPIN Olivier198054326
36VAYSSE Gerard2150544½23½
37CHAILLOT Alain2060543½26
38PARTAC Elenagf2200545½27
39KOLODZIEJCZYK Stephane2078544½24
40LUTZ Eric220054427
108 players

9) Azuqueca Chess Classic 2013

The Azuqueca Chess Classic took place 15th to 22nd September 2013. Lazaro Bruzon Batista won with 7/9. I'm hopeful there will be a game file as at the moment I have only a very incomplete file of games from the live coverage of later rounds.

Azuqueca Classic Azuqueca de Henares ESP Sun 15th Sep 2013 - Sun 22nd Sep 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
11Bruzon Batista LazaroCUB26997.
27Perez Mitjans OrelvisESP24296.552.041.035.5
36Huerga Leache MikelESP24336.552.040.032.5
44Moreno Ruiz JavierESP24696.550.039.036.5
515Moreno Ibanez MiguelESP21586.543.535.030.5
65Fernandez Romero ErnestoESP24656.
72Castellanos Rodriguez RenierESP25096.052.541.533.5
83Del Rio De Angelis Salvador GESP24996.050.039.532.0
913Martin Duque JesusESP22296.
1014Saenz Narciso Miguel AngelESP21966.045.034.527.0
1121Nunez Miranda AdrianESP20066.041.534.028.0
129Ortega Ruiz Jose MiguelESP23385.552.040.532.0
1311Gascon Jose RafaelVEN22685.548.538.529.5
1412Sanchez Jerez Emilio MiguelESP22675.547.037.029.5
1516Gil Quilez SoniaESP20725.544.534.527.5
1624Moya Mallafre ErikESP19335.544.534.025.5
1726Dierssen Garcia-Barredo GuillESP19215.542.532.024.5
1836Palenciano Escolar AdrianESP17385.041.032.525.5
1925De La Orden Alcocer AlejandroESP19325.040.533.024.0
2023Marcos Herrero FranciscoESP19494.544.535.527.0
2122Martinez Fernandez AngelesESP19684.543.033.024.0
2229Ananian ArmanESP18704.542.032.024.5
2320Palomino Menendez SalvadorCUB20134.541.032.024.0
2433Garces Adan Jose A.ESP17884.540.030.019.5
2547Romero Moreno VicenteESP13594.537.529.018.5
2627Munoz Cebey RicardoESP19014.536.028.519.5
2719Aziz Ortego Omar LuisESP20294.
2830Jones Chris SENG18564.041.532.019.5
2950Rodriguez Valero MartinESP04.039.531.520.0
3035Lacaci Otero IvanESP17404.
3128Camarero Izquierdo Juan CarloESP18934.037.529.520.5
3234Fernandez Munoz EmilianoESP17524.037.528.518.0
3332Callejo Hernanz Jesus MariaESP17954.034.025.515.0
3439Febrero Perez LluisESP15994.032.526.518.0
358Taboas Rodriguez DanielESP23993.542.533.023.5
3631Martin-Consuegra Barrilero JaESP18353.540.032.021.0
3718Ledo Galan Jose EmilioESP20443.538.529.521.5
3838Zuazua Conde Ivan JavierESP16343.537.530.018.0
3946Rodriguez Romero MartinESP13663.534.027.517.0
4037Martinez Miura EnriqueESP17273.532.526.016.0
52 players

10) First Saturday September 2013

The First Saturday September tournaments took place 7th to 18th September 2013. Krisztian Szabo won the GM event with 7/9.

FSGM September 2013 Budapest HUN Sat 7th Sep 2013 - Wed 18th Sep 2013. Category: 7. Ave: (2415)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Szabo, Krisztian GM HUN 2561 # = = 1 1 1 = 1 = 1 7 2619
2 Lizak, Peter IM HUN 2408 = # 1 = = 0 = = 1 = 5 2459
3 Camarena Gimenez, Rufino IM ESP 2354 = 0 # = = 1 = = 1 = 5 2465
4 Kislik, Erik Andrew IM USA 2368 0 = = # 1 = = = = 1 5 2463
5 Andersen, Mads IM DEN 2479 0 = = 0 # 1 = 1 1 = 5 2451
6 Arngrimsson, Dagur IM ISL 2381 0 1 0 = 0 # = 1 1 1 5 2462
7 Varga, Zoltan GM HUN 2444 = = = = = = # = = = 4.5 2412
8 Garcia Roman, Daniel IM ESP 2399 0 = = = 0 0 = # = 1 3.5 2337
9 Czebe, Attila GM HUN 2492 = 0 0 = 0 0 = = # = 2.5 2241
10 Schneider, Veronika WGM HUN 2266 0 = = 0 = 0 = 0 = # 2.5 2266
FSIM September 2013 Budapest HUN Sat 7th Sep 2013 - Wed 18th Sep 2013. Category: 2. Ave: (2281)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Pts TPR
1 Sean, Winshand Cuhendi INA 2338 # 1 1 1 1 0 = = 1 = 1 0 1 8.5 2434
2 Szeberenyi, Adam IM HUN 2320 0 # = = 1 = 1 1 = 1 0 1 1 8 2403
3 Blazeka, Matej FM CRO 2312 0 = # 1 = = 1 1 = 1 = = = 7.5 2374
4 Lyell, Mark FM ENG 2220 0 = 0 # = 1 = 1 0 1 1 1 1 7.5 2381
5 Farago, Sandor IM HUN 2254 0 0 = = # 1 1 0 = = 1 1 1 7 2340
6 Pribyl, Josef IM CZE 2314 1 = = 0 0 # 0 = = 1 = 1 1 6.5 2307
7 Kojima, Shinya FM JPN 2357 = 0 0 = 0 1 # = 1 0 1 1 1 6.5 2304
8 Rudakov, Aleksandr RUS 2209 = 0 0 0 1 = = # 1 = 0 1 1 6 2287
9 Szalanczy, Emil IM HUN 2261 0 = = 1 = = 0 0 # = = = 1 5.5 2254
10 Verstraeten, Rein BEL 2298 = 0 0 0 = 0 1 = = # = 1 1 5.5 2251
11 Fayard, Alain FM FRA 2259 0 1 = 0 0 = 0 1 = = # = 0 4.5 2196
12 Dokuchaev, Andrey RUS 2239 1 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = # 0 2.5 2055
13 Moeldner, Juergen GER 2273 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 # 2.5 2052
FSFMA September 2013 Budapest HUN Sat 7th Sep 2013 - Wed 18th Sep 2013. Category: None. Ave: (2067)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Bodi, Tibor HUN 2035 # 1 1 1 = 1 0 = 1 = 6.5 2236
2 Farkas, Richard HUN 2173 0 # = = = 1 1 1 1 1 6.5 2221
3 Borda, Lajos HUN 2151 0 = # = 1 = = 1 = 1 5.5 2138
4 Juhasz, Bela FM HUN 2187 0 = = # = = = 1 = = 4.5 2054
5 Terbe, Zsuzsanna HUN 1944 = = 0 = # 0 1 = = 1 4.5 2081
6 Mayer, Istvan FM HUN 2047 0 0 = = 1 # = 1 = = 4.5 2069
7 Bartha, Sandor FM HUN 2144 1 0 = = 0 = # 0 = 1 4 2015
8 Terbe, Julianna HUN 2017 = 0 0 0 = 0 1 # 1 1 4 2029
9 Hocevar, Nikola SLO 2018 0 0 = = = = = 0 # = 3 1947
10 Letay, Gyula FM HUN 1953 = 0 0 = 0 = 0 0 = # 2 1860
FSFMB September 2013 Budapest HUN Sat 7th Sep 2013 - Wed 18th Sep 2013. Category: None. Ave: (1720)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Marcu, Simon SVK 1888 # 0 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 1974
2 Lukacs, Albert HUN 1917 1 # = = = 1 1 = 1 1 7 1918
3 Bacsi, Andras HUN 1845 0 = # 1 = = 1 = 1 1 6 1831
4 Gruz, Janos HUN 1803 = = 0 # = = = 1 1 1 5.5 1791
5 Steer, Jozsef HUN 1911 0 = = = # = = 1 1 1 5.5 1779
6 Karacsonyi, Gellert HUN 1737 0 0 = = = # = 1 1 1 5 1761
7 Bakos, Viktor HUN 1595 0 0 0 = = = # = = 1 3.5 1654
8 Csiba, Tibor Dr. HUN 1574 0 = = 0 0 0 = # 1 1 3.5 1656
9 Szabo, Miklos Istvan HUN 1321 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 # 1 1.5 1491
10 Brassoi-Tarnovszki, Aurel HUN 1609 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 1732

11) Werder Bremen GM 2013

The Werder Bremen GM tournament takes place 21st to 29th September 2013.

Werder Bremen GM Bremen GER Sat 21st Sep 2013 - Sun 29th Sep 2013. Category: 9. Ave: (2464)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Babula, Vlastimil GM CZE 2571 # 1 1 1 3 2435
2 Bluebaum, Matthias IM GER 2514 # = 1 1 2.5 2763
3 Meins, Gerlef IM GER 2448 = # = 1 2 2600
4 Burg, Twan IM NED 2490 = # = 1 2 2570
5 Fish, Gennadij GM GER 2464 = # = 1 2 2546
6 Ohme, Melanie WGM GER 2350 0 = # 1 1.5 2464
7 Nyback, Tomi GM FIN 2599 0 0 # 1 1 2377
8 Bekker-Jensen, Simon IM DEN 2420 0 0 # = 0.5 2195
9 Asendorf, Joachim FM GER 2357 0 0 = # 0.5 2174
10 Joachim, Sven IM GER 2422 0 0 0 # 0 2489

12) Dnipropetrovsk Autumn 2013

The Dnipropetrovsk Autumn took place 15th to 22nd September 2013. Women's event has games but the stronger open doesn't at least yet.

Dnipropetrovsk A Dnipropetrovsk UKR Sun 15th Sep 2013 - Sun 22nd Sep 2013. Category: None. Ave: (2225)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Fominykh, Maria WIM RUS 2266 # 1 0 1 1 = 1 1 1 = 7 2441
2 Doluhanova, Evgeniya WGM ARM 2323 0 # 1 = = 1 = 1 1 = 6 2340
3 Kalinina, Olga WGM UKR 2290 1 0 # 0 1 = = 1 1 1 6 2343
4 Gritsayeva, Oksana WFM UKR 2346 0 = 1 # 1 0 1 = = 1 5.5 2292
5 Petrenko, Svetlana IM MDA 2184 0 = 0 0 # 1 = 1 1 1 5 2273
6 Sukhareva, Evgeniya RUS 2215 = 0 = 1 0 # = = 0 1 4 2184
7 Balaian, Alina WIM RUS 2226 0 = = 0 = = # = 1 = 4 2182
8 Orlyanskaya, Darya WFM UKR 2053 0 0 0 = 0 = = # 1 = 3 2120
9 Tsirulnik, Maritsa UKR 2174 0 0 0 = 0 1 0 0 # 1 2.5 2065
10 Eidelson, Rakhil WGM BLR 2177 = = 0 0 0 0 = = 0 # 2 2011
Dnipropetrovsk Open B Dnipropetrovsk UKR Sun 15th Sep 2013 - Sun 22nd Sep 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
113Sivuk VitalyUKR24867.555.043.531.5
26Baryshpolets AndreyUKR25447.056.043.531.0
319Golichenko IlijaUKR24297.054.543.031.5
41Kononenko DmitryUKR26117.052.541.029.0
52Bogdanovich StanislavUKR25817.052.540.529.0
64Solodovnichenko YuriUKR25777.052.040.529.0
73Zubov AlexanderUKR25807.051.540.529.0
87Zubarev AlexanderUKR25427.050.039.528.5
95Borovikov VladislavUKR25566.551.541.029.5
1023Shagbazyan TaronUKR23786.551.040.029.0
1116Matjushin GennadyUKR24586.550.038.527.5
1210Ivanov Oleg VUKR25176.546.535.525.0
1321Tverdohlebov ViktorUKR24036.545.035.524.5
1430Skliarov ViktorUKR23396.540.031.522.5
1511Bernadskiy VitaliyUKR25106.
168Vysochin SpartakUKR25276.051.039.527.5
1718Kuzmin Gennadi PUKR24376.
1828Melnichuk MikhailUKR23456.049.538.527.0
1912Kharchenko BorisUKR25016.049.037.526.5
2017Bortnyk OlexandrUKR24556.049.037.526.5
2180Eliseev EvgeniyUKR20956.048.537.026.0
2237Borisenko ViacheslavUKR22986.047.538.026.5
2336Kigel DmytroUKR23016.046.538.027.0
2414Maximov DmitryUKR24826.045.535.024.5
2539Martynov RomanUKR22856.044.033.523.0
2625Grinev ValeriyUKR23636.043.533.023.5
2740Naboka SergeyUKR22836.042.033.524.5
2868Lomakin ViktorUKR21386.041.031.523.0
2950Vatinyan GorUKR21976.040.532.524.0
309Kislinsky AlexeyCZE25175.551.042.030.0
3115Vedmediuc SergheiMDA24655.549.539.528.5
3270Mukha NikolayUKR21325.549.040.028.5
3327Dmitrenko ViktorUKR23535.548.537.527.5
3443Punin AndriiUKR22495.548.037.526.0
3535Olenichev DmitriyUKR23175.547.537.527.5
36130Druchinin AleksandrUKR05.545.536.026.0
3745Bogdanov EgorUKR22435.545.535.025.0
3832Litvak MikhailUKR23215.545.033.523.5
3947Kovalchuk AlexeyRUS22315.544.535.525.5
4026Duzhakov IlyaRUS23565.544.034.024.0
161 players

13) e2e4 Bedford Congress 2013

The e2e4 Bedford Congress took place 20th to 22nd September 2013. David Eggleston won with 4.5/5,

e2e4 Bedford Bedford ENG Fri 20th Sep 2013 - Sun 22nd Sep 2013
Leading Final Round 5 Standings:
1Eggleston, David JFMENG23371111½4.52669
2Wells, Peter KGMENG2485110114.02517
3Arkell, Keith CGMENG2451½111½4.02426
4Fernandez, Daniel HowardIMSIN2388011114.02380
5Slavin, AlexeyIMRUS23661½11½4.02481
6Chapman, Terry P DFMENG23121½11½4.02495
7Harvey, Marcus RENG2207110114.02454
8Roberson, Peter TFMENG238410½113.52254
9Jackson, James PENG223111½013.52357
10Maroroa, SueWIMENG209910½113.52433
11Hunt, Adam CIMENG2426101103.02270
12Sowray, Peter JFMENG2341111003.02253
13Tan, JustinFMAUS2333101103.02316
14Merry, Alan BFMENG2310011013.02123
15Mangione, ClaudioITA21460½1½13.02233
16Gormally, Daniel WGMENG25121½10-2.52334
17Williams, Simon KGMENG246911½0-2.52337
18Player, Edmund CENG22531½1002.52175
19Burrows, Martin PENG21420½½½12.52085
20Batchelor, Peter JENG2132½10102.52275
21Sathyanandha, SaravananENG2127=½0½12.52154
22Salem, IhabPLE2114001½12.51960
23Goodger, MartynENG2111=10012.52158
24Burgin, RyanENG2055010½12.52101
25Amato, GiampieroITA20150½1012.52095
26Calvert, D IanENG1985010½12.52165
27Fernandez, MichaelENG1942=10012.52047
28Redman, David JENG1797=01102.51987
29Ledger, Dave JFMENG22881010-2.02192
30Eames, Robert SFMENG2223101002.02063
31Mercs, Peter JENG2106=010½2.01842
32Doci, StefanSVK2075=10½02.02101
33Molofej, DenisLTU2053010102.02036
34Gibson, Christopher AENG2014=01½-2.01963
35Oyama, AkitoENG1990=0½½½2.02031
36Dixit, KumarENG1931=00½12.01965
37Sisoev, RobertBUL1791000112.01946
38Collins, AndrewENG1737000112.01821
39Bonafont, Philip RENG2033=10001.51912
40Macreamoinn, BrianIRL2024 *0½0101.51783
51 players

14) Mohamed Slama Memorial Scheveningen 2013

A second Mohamed Slama Memorial event took place 16th to 22nd September 2013.

Slama Mem Team 2013 Monastir TUN Mon 16th Sep 2013 - Sun 22nd Sep 2013
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
ALazic MiroljubGMSRB24391001½1½½11½½6.5
ABouzidi AhmedTUN2196100½01½100104.0
AZaibi AmirFMTUN22271010½½110½½16.0
ADrasko MilanGMMNE2464101½½11½½0½16.5
AMiladinovic IgorGMSRB2572101½1111½1119.0
BBoudriga Med AliTUN2274101½½½½½½1½16.5
BVan Hoolandt PatrickFMMNC22111010000000½01.5
BTaeib SahbiTUN2117100½½00010002.0
BKaabi MejdiIMTUN23301001100½11½05.0
BPayen ArnaudIMFRA2318100½½0½0½½0½3.0
10 players

15) Nona Gaprindashvili Cup 2013

The Nona Gaprindashvili Cup took place 9th to 17th September 2013. Luka Paichadze edged out Levan Pantsulaia on tie-break after both scored 7.5/9. I'm hopeful a game file will become available. I saved the games from the final round live coverage.

Gaprindashvili Cup Tbilisi GEO Mon 9th Sep 2013 - Tue 17th Sep 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
14Paichadze LukaGEO25537.544.554.539.0
22Pantsulaia LevanGEO25967.543.555.039.0
37Quparadze GigaGEO25037.
428Petrosyan Tigran S.ARM23387.
53Gagunashvili MerabGEO25857.042.554.537.0
61Korneev OlegESP26217.042.053.538.0
734Salih Akar Ali SalihIRQ23037.
88Maghalashvili DavitGEO25026.540.552.034.0
931Beradze IrakliGEO23196.540.551.035.0
105Benidze DavitGEO25136.538.049.532.5
1121Purtseladze MakaGEO23686.537.548.534.5
126Nigalidze GaiozGEO25086.537.548.032.0
1311Javakhishvili LelaGEO24596.537.547.532.0
149Azaladze ShotaGEO24916.043.555.036.5
1510Khurtsidze NinoGEO24606.041.052.535.5
1622Lomineishvili MaiaGEO23626.
1717Chighladze IveriGEO23916.039.551.034.0
1829Shahinyan DavidARM23236.039.049.533.0
1943Sevdimaliyev UrfanAZE22266.038.549.530.5
2026Vardanian Haik G.ARM23396.038.049.530.5
2120Shalamberidze AkakiGEO23766.036.547.531.0
2250Torosyan NorayrARM21706.036.546.529.0
2345Matevosyan SedrakARM22066.
2425Charkhalashvili IngaGEO23406.035.547.530.0
2551Tiraturyan DavidARM21666.
2616Batsiashvili NinoGEO24196.
2737Dilanyan GrigorARM22816.034.544.029.5
2832Gvetadze SofioGEO23186.
2936Mikadze MirandaGEO22886.
3012Chibukhchian ArturARM24545.541.052.533.5
3119Tsereteli TamarGEO23835.540.051.032.5
3227Lomsadze DavitGEO23395.539.550.532.5
3318Shavtvaladze NikolozGEO23855.538.049.533.5
3439Abdulwahhab Ahmed AbdulsattarIRQ22545.537.047.030.5
3548Ismael Namir Mohammed IsmaelIRQ21905.536.046.029.0
3649Sibashvili GiorgiGEO21805.536.046.029.0
3789Danielyan VaheARM18755.535.543.527.5
3838Khachatryan VahagnARM22715.535.044.531.0
3954Chkhaidze NikolozGEO21315.535.044.028.0
40161Mikaelyan ArmanARM22575.534.543.527.0
162 players

16) 1st League Central SRB 2013

The 1st League of Central Serbia took place in Kragujevac 14th to 22nd September 2013. Jelica PEP - Goracici won the title.

1st League Cent-SRB Kragujevac SRB Sat 14th Sep 2013 - Sun 22nd Sep 2013
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
1Jelica PEP - Goracici*33454452948
2Sloga - Kraljevo3*4552842.5
5OSK Paracin22*3331833
6Celin kamen - Donja Studena½3*34341530
7Sloga - Petrovac na Mlavi233*3321333.5
8Progres - Pirot1333*41230
9Glubocica - Leskovac2½2*431028.5
11Sabacki SK½223423*5829
12Priko - Prijepolje112½2321*118
12 teams

17) US Chess League 2013

The US Chess League takes place every week between 27th August to 23rd November 2013. Group stages followed by knockout. The games take place on the internet on

US Chess League 2013 INT Tue 27th Aug 2013 - Sat 23rd Nov 2013
Leading Round 4 (of 10) Standings:
1New York2418162.51.59.5
3New Jersey2388161.52.57.5
1New England2368163.50.510.5
3St. Louis2413162.02.08.5
1San Francisco2392163.01.010.5
3Los Angeles2417161.03.06.0
16 teams

18) 63rd TCh-BUL 2013

The 63rd TCh-BUL takes place 19th to 25th September 2013.

63rd TCh-BUL A 2013 Sunny Beach BUL Thu 19th Sep 2013 - Wed 25th Sep 2013
Leading Round 5 (of 7) Standings:
1''Abritus''. Razgrad*4551021.00
2''Nayden Voynov''. Vidin*344717.00
3''Lokomotiv''. Plovdiv3*3254617.00
4''Lokomotiv''. Sofia23*35616.50
5''Marek-Union Ivkoni''. Dupnitsa24*33615.50
6''Lokomotiv 2000''. Plovdiv133*3312.50
7''Energiya 21''. Dobrich1133*210.50
8''Maritsa-Iztok''. Radnevo122*010.00
8 teams
46th TCh-BUL w 2013 Sunny Beach BUL Thu 19th Sep 2013 - Wed 25th Sep 2013
Leading Round 5 (of 7) Standings:
1Lokomotiv. Plovdiv*2244814.50
2Shah XXI. Sofia2*23814.00
3CSKA. Sofia*234714.00
4Lokomotiv 2000. Plovdiv22*24713.50
5Marek-Union Ivkoni. Dupnitsa1½*259.50
6Spartak Pleven XXI2½12*348.50
7Ivis-plus. Sofia0½½2½*13.50
8Viktory. Blagoevgrad0001*02.50
8 teams
TCh-BUL B 2013 Sunny Beach BUL Thu 19th Sep 2013 - Wed 25th Sep 2013
Leading Round 7 (of 9) Standings:
1''Yuri Benderev 1912''. Pernik*54541225.00
2''Silistra''. Silistra1*343461025.50
3''CSKA''. Sofia*454821.50
4''Slavia''. Sofia23*33719.01
5''Victory''. Blagoevgrad23*44719.01
6''Tundzha''. Yambol323*419.00
7''Lovech''. Lovech1212*413.00
8''Vratsa''. Vratsa22*3314.50
9''Slivnishki geroy''. Slivnitsa023*111.50
9 teams

19) TCh-CRO I Liga 2013

The Croatian 1st Leagues and Women's Leagues took place in Bol 14th to 22nd September 2013. LIBURNIJA Rijeka won the main title.

TCh-CRO Ia Liga 2013 Bol CRO Sat 14th Sep 2013 - Sun 22nd Sep 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1LIBURNIJA Rijeka*443451536.0192.75
2ETF-OSIJEK Osijek2*341333.0162.50
3MLADOST Zagreb2*33341129.0132.75
4SOLIN-CEMEX Solin33*331026.5130.50
5ZAGREB Zagreb33*234928.0122.00
6RIJEKA Rijeka24*3926.0114.25
7VARAŽDIN Varaždin1233*3724.084.75
8ĐAKOVO-MD PROFIL Đakovo*24624.581.50
9VUKOVAR '91 Vukovar32334*2522.562.75
10GORAN Bibinje½2324*520.561.75
10 players
TCh-CRO Ib Liga 2013 Bol CRO Sat 14th Sep 2013 - Sun 22nd Sep 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1ŠK Sljeme-Agroproteinka. Sesvete*335334441432.5179.25
2GŠK Požega. Požega3*3441431.5179.00
3ŠK „Đuro Đaković“. Slavonski Brod33*44441229.5157.50
4ŠK „Brda“. Split1*41228.5155.00
5ŠK Stridon. Štrigova32*31027.0123.00
6ŠK Slaven. Vukovar323*354928.5116.25
7ŠK Šibenik“. Šibenik3*34627.067.75
8ŠK Dubrovnik“. Dubrovnik21*42622.582.00
9ŠK Pula“. Pula22232*524.061.00
10ŠK Junior”. Rijeka2222224*219.022.50
10 players
TCh-CRO w Liga 2013 Bol CRO Sat 14th Sep 2013 - Sun 22nd Sep 2013
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
1ŠK Liburnija. Rijeka*22234915.547.75
2ŠK Goran. Vrbovsko2*2233915.547.50
3ŠK Draga. Rijeka2*2813.041.50
4HAŠK Mladost. Zagreb22*233713.535.75
5ŠK Polet. Buševec2½22*33712.535.00
6ŠK Goranka. Ravna Gora1111*328.55.50
7ŠK Dama. Đakovo01111*05.50.00
7 players

20) TCh-Moscow 2013

The Moscow Team Championships take place 21st September to 1st October 2013. Some games are broadcast live. I couldn't find an archive.

TCh-Moscow GpA 2013 Moscow RUS Sat 21st Sep 2013 - Tue 1st Oct 2013
Leading Round 2 (of 7) Standings:
3SDYUSSHOR Youth of Moscow*354104
5The orientation2*45003
6School Anatoly Karpov*41900
7Gureev chess team*33800
8Team Andrew Kalinicheva½3*26201
8 players

21) Active Team Events

A list of ongoing team events without an update this week.

TCh-SUI 2013

The Swiss Team Championship takes place 17th March to 13th October 2013. Round 6-7 7th-8th September 2013 games now available. Final rounds 8-9 12th-13th October 2013.

TCh-SUI 2013 Zuerich SUI Sun 17th Mar 2013 - Sun 13th Oct 2013
Leading Round 7 (of 9) Standings:
1Riehen 11235½
2Reti 11235½
3Winterthur 11032½
4Zuerich 1933
5Luzern 1932
6Geneve 1830½
7Mendrisio 1418½
8Schwarz-Weiss Bern 1321½
9Bodan 1320½
10Wollishofen 1020½
10 teams

Chinese Team Championship 2013

The Chinese Team Championship takes place 20th April to 19th December 2013. I managed to grab games from rounds 9-10 before they were perminantly lost. I believe the current round of games may be taking place in Wuxi. I continue to hope for a full file.

Chinese Teams 2013 Beijing CHN Tue 30th Apr 2013 - Thu 19th Dec 2013
Leading Round 10 (of 22) Standings:
12 teams

TCh-CRO II Liga 2013

The Croatian Teams 2nd league takes place 5th to 10th November 2013. Rounds 4-6 take place 4th to 6th October 2013.

TCh-CRO II Liga 2013 Split CRO Fri 5th Apr 2013 - Sun 10th Nov 2013
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
1ŠK Zadar. Zadar*4613.020.50
2GŠK Mravince-Cemex 2. Mravince*34511.516.25
3ŠK Mornar. Split*5412.010.50
4ŠK Petar Sedlar-Pepe. Kaštela*449.018.00
5ŠK Makarska. Makarska3*439.514.75
6ŠK Primošten. Primošten2*4339.012.00
7ŠK Sveti Vid. Klis2*338.512.50
8ŠK Sveti Vid. Privlaka223*17.04.50
9ŠK Omiš. Omiš123*16.04.25
10ŠK Petar Žaja. Aržano*04.50.00
10 teams

22) Forthcoming Events and Links

12th Forchheim Sparkassen-Open 2013

Norwegian Club Championship 2013

Vasteras Open 2013

Grand Open Blagoevgrad 2013

St Petersburg Rapid Cup 2013

Oslo Chess International 2013

Russian Championship Super Final 2013

Chigorin Memorial 2013

7th Kings Tournament 2013

17th Unive Ches Tournament 2013

European Club Cup 2013

14th Liberec Open 2013

World Chess Championship 2013

European Teams 2013

25th Leuven Open 2013

4th Brno Open 2013

10th Vasylyshyn Memorial 2013

5th Pilsen Open 2013

5th London Chess Classic

89th Hastings Congress 2013-14

Bay Area International 2014

Prague Open 2014

13th Marienbad Open 2014

Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2014

Zuerich Chess Challenge 2014

Reykjavik Open 2014

2nd Lanta Open 2014

All material © Mark Crowther 2013