THE WEEK IN CHESS 960 2nd April 2013 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther
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1) Introduction
2) World Chess Candidates 2013
3) 17th Neckar Open
4) Moscow Championship 2013
5) O2C Doeberl Cup 2013
6) 36th San Sebastian International Open
7) Nis Open 2013
8) Norsk Sjakkfestival 2013
9) Danish Championship 2013
10) 40th La Roda Open 2013
11) 44th Marcel Duchamp Open 2013
12) 6th OGD Prinsenstad Tournament 2013
13) 7th Philadelphia Open
14) Bad Ragaz Easter Open 2013
15) HEM Master Open 2013
16) Oberhausen Easter Open 2013
17) Paskturneringen Open 2013
18) e2e4 Dublin Easter International 2013
19) 29th Budapest Spring Open
20) 59th Welsh Chess Championship 2013
21) 19th Schloss Open 2013
22) 6th Montalvo Open 2013
23) 7th Lugano Open
24) Horodok-800 years IM
25) IX Lubuska Wiosna Open
26) LIX Mexico International Open 2013
27) Lviv March Rating 2013
28) North Carolina Invitational 2013
29) Pobeskydi Open 2013
30) 116th YMCA Winter 2013
31) ch-SRB w 2013
32) AICF KIIT Cup 2013
33) Asian Juniors 2013
34) 25th Metropolitan Chess FIDE Invitational 2013
35) TCh-SUI 2013
36) TCh-CAT 2013
37) TCh-SWE Elitserien 2012-13
38) Active Team Events
39) Forthcoming Events and Links

Games Section
World Chess Candidates 201320 games
17th Neckar Open135 games
Moscow Championship 2013100 games
O2C Doeberl Cup 2013146 games
36th San Sebastian International Open149 games
Nis Open 201386 games
Norsk Sjakkfestival 2013116 games
Danish Championship 201330 games
40th La Roda Open 2013180 games
44th Marcel Duchamp Open 2013237 games
7th Philadelphia Open164 games
HEM Master Open 201336 games
Oberhausen Easter Open 201320 games
Paskturneringen Open 201364 games
e2e4 Dublin Easter International 2013144 games
29th Budapest Spring Open173 games
6th Montalvo Open 2013319 games
Horodok-800 years IM45 games
IX Lubuska Wiosna Open30 games
LIX Mexico International Open 201367 games
Lviv March Rating 201345 games
North Carolina Invitational 201315 games
Pobeskydi Open 2013180 games
116th YMCA Winter 201361 games
ch-SRB w 201366 games
AICF KIIT Cup 20136 games
Asian Juniors 201392 games
25th Metropolitan Chess FIDE Invitational 201330 games
TCh-SUI 201339 games
2795 games

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1) Introduction

My thanks to Roland Wimmer, Olexandr Prohorov, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Jan Mazuch, Guil Russek, Jack Peters, Miklos Orso, Walter High, Zlatko Klaric, and everyone else who helped with this issue.

The World Chess Championship Candidates tournament finished with Magnus Carlsen qualifying to play World Chess Champion Viswanthan Anand for the title. The last three rounds saw more drama than could ever have been expected. Carlsen had been the leader since the start and in after defeating Boris Gelfand in Round 10 the event seemed like his to lose. However the final rounds saw Carlsen chased down by Vladimir Kramnik. Kramnik didn't win a game in the first half but started his run with a win against Peter Svidler in Round 8, he had a big advantage from the opening against Carlsen in Round 9 but drew, beat Grischuk in Round 10 (the latter in time trouble had a 50/50 choice and chose the wrong one, later it turned out he claimed he might have been substantially better had be gone the other way), beat Radjabov in Round 11, and then in one of the most astonishingly full blooded struggles of the event beat Levon Aronian after being winning, then equal, then winning and then in the face of an almost certain draw finally winning again. Magnus Carlsen played poorly against Alexander Grischuk and the played "disgracefully" against Vassily Ivanchuk to lose the game and the lead. Round 13 saw Boris Gelfand play well to draw against Kramnik and Magnus Carlsen play on and on until he beat Radjabov to reclaim the advantage although the two were tied the tie-break of most wins came into play in favour of Carlsen. In the final round with both players being nervous Peter Svidler sensed indicision and played a fine attack to beat Carlsen, Kramnik played the Pirc against Ivanchuk and was doing fine until around move 30, just before Carlsen became lost he too made a fatal mistake. Thus Carlsen became challenger by the finest of tie-break margins.

Anyone in the chess game knows that Carlsen is the best challenger in terms of publicity for the game. World number 1 and only 22 he's a gift for that. However Kramnik played not one whit weaker than Carlsen and the final tie-break of wins was an arbitary way to separate the players. I've long been an advocate of moving to this system in preference to the various formats FIDE have chosen over the years but I was shocked when I read the regulations in the first week as to how to break ties. The old way would have been to arrange a match between those tied for first as in 1950 between Bronstein and Boleslavsky. The modern way would have been a rapid and blitz playoff. The former is preferable (and who is to say that wouldn't have been a wonderful event in itself and not short of sponsors) but the latter clearly is the modern way and would have been better than the one chosen. I hope we see the Candidates tournament as the format for the future, the players clearly bought into it and the top 6 finishers had put amazing levels of thought into their preparation and pushed the game forward. Selecting a challenger is the primary focus of the event but historically a proper event at this stage has been shown to progress the game and the players involved.

I had many other comments to make on the event but the were mostly covered in a wonderful interview of the World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand in Indian Express: 'Carlsen will be ridiculously difficult to play against'

I've missed very few deadlines for TWIC but this issue is a day late. But what better excuse than the most thrilling tournament I've reported on in all the years I've been compiling it.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) World Chess Candidates 2013

The FIDE World Chess Championship Candidates took place in London 15th March to 1st April 2013. 14 Rounds 8 players in a double round robin. Magnus Carlsen edged out Vladimir Kramnik on the tie-break of more wins and will go on to play Viswanthan Anand for the World Title.

Candidates 2013 London ENG Fri 15th Mar 2013 - Mon 1st Apr 2013
Leading Final Round 14 Standings:
1Carlsen MagnusGMNOR2872***½ ½1 0½ ½1 11 ½½ 0½ 18.51.0556.25
2Kramnik VladimirGMRUS2810½ ½***½ 1½ 1½ ½½ 1½ 0½ 18.51.0457.75
3Svidler PeterGMRUS27470 1½ 0***½ 1½ ½½ ½½ 11 ½8.01.5452.75
4Aronian LevonGMARM2809½ ½½ 0½ 0***1 0½ ½1 11 18.00.5549.75
5Gelfand BorisGMISR27400 0½ ½½ ½0 1***½ ½½ ½½ 16.51.0243.00
6Grischuk AlexanderGMRUS27640 ½½ 0½ ½½ ½½ ½***½ 1½ ½6.51.0144.00
7Ivanchuk VassilyGMUKR2757½ 1½ 1½ 00 0½ ½½ 0***0 16.00.0343.25
8Radjabov TeimourGMAZE2793½ 0½ 00 ½0 0½ 0½ ½1 0***4.00.0128.25
8 players

3) 17th Neckar Open

The 17th Neckar Open took palce 28th March to 1st April 2013. Richard Rapport won on tie-break from Etienne Bacrot, Yuri Solodovnichenko, Arkadij Naiditsch etc on tie-break after 12 players finished on 7/9.

17th Neckar Open Deizisau GER Thu 28th Mar 2013 - Mon 1st Apr 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Rapport, RichardGMHUN26735047.056.0
2Bacrot, EtienneGMFRA27055047.055.0
3Solodovnichenko, YuriGMUKR25595047.054.5
4Naiditsch, ArkadijGMGER27065047.054.0
4Saric, IvanGMCRO26165047.054.0
6Istratescu, AndreiGMFRA26516127.053.5
7Nisipeanu, Liviu-DieterGMROU26776127.051.5
8Edouard, RomainGMFRA26805047.051.0
8Wirig, AnthonyGMFRA24905047.051.0
8Neuman, PetrIMCZE24655047.051.0
11Anton Guijarro, DavidIMESP25466127.050.5
12Piorun, KacperGMPOL25296127.049.5
12Zaragatski, IljaIMGER24676127.049.5
14Erdos, ViktorGMHUN26364056.556.5
15Kotainy, JensIMGER24136216.555.0
16Korotkjevich, StanislavUKR23895136.552.5
17Gajewski, GrzegorzGMPOL26506216.552.0
18Bluebaum, MatthiasIMGER24805136.552.0
18Wagner, DennisIMGER24745136.552.0
20Burg, TwanIMNED24785136.551.5
21Sanikidze, TornikeGMGEO25594056.551.0
22Milov, LeonidGMGER25284056.550.5
23Skembris, SpyridonGMGRE24485136.548.5
24Forcen Esteban, DanielIMESP24696216.547.5
25Hagen, Andreas SkytteIMDEN24086216.547.0
26Thinius, MarcoIMGER23545136.547.0
27Schulze, UlrichIMGER23186216.546.0
28Gaehler, MarcoFMSUI23035136.546.0
29Zeller, FrankIMGER24205136.544.5
30Schneider, IljaIMGER24924056.544.5
31Solleveld, MaartenGMNED25194146.053.5
31Heimann, AndreasIMGER24884146.053.5
33Lagunow, AlexanderIMGER24374146.051.5
34Farago, IvanGMHUN24724146.051.0
34Demuth, AdrienIMFRA24634146.051.0
36Moser, EvaIMAUT24735226.050.5
36Lobzhanidze, DavitIMGEO24505226.050.5
38Graf, FelixGER24694146.050.0
38Donchenko, AlexanderIMGER24314146.050.0
40Moor, RogerIMSUI23634146.049.5
331 players

4) Moscow Championship 2013

The Moscow Championship took place 22nd to 31st March 2013. Dmitry Gordievsky won with 7/9.

Moscow Champ 2013 Moscow RUS Fri 22nd Mar 2013 - Sun 31st Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Gordievsky DmitryFMRUS24437.039.531.06
2Eliseev UriiIMRUS25416.547.039.05
3Najer EvgeniyGMRUS26346.047.530.55
4Oparin GrigoriyIMRUS24966.047.031.03
5Vavulin MaksimRUS22936.041.024.05
6Stukopin AndreyIMRUS25015.548.031.54
7Reshetnikov AlexeyIMRUS24965.546.026.53
8Balashov Yuri SGMRUS24815.545.531.54
9Vorobiov Evgeny E.GMRUS25785.544.025.54
10Moskalenko AlexanderIMRUS24595.537.527.53
11Deviatkin AndreiGMRUS25495.046.528.02
12Mozharov MikhailIMRUS25235.045.525.03
13Dvalishvili Pavel S.IMRUS24135.043.525.53
14Geivondian ArmanRUS22225.042.524.54
15Paravyan DavidRUS23304.544.524.04
16Nikolenko OlegGMRUS25264.543.527.02
17Antipov Mikhail Al.IMRUS24734.543.023.03
18Ulko JaroslavIMRUS24444.539.022.04
19Gavrilov AlexeiGMRUS24754.532.017.04
20Belous VladimirIMRUS25604.043.025.53
21Naumkin IgorGMRUS24914.042.023.03
22Ljamin VladimirRUS21434.036.519.02
23Ageichenko Genadi AIMRUS22874.032.517.53
24Prokopchuk YuryRUS23053.538.520.02
25Arslanov ShamilIMRUS23943.537.018.53
26Novichkov ValeryIMRUS23713.534.518.01
27Melnik ViktorRUS21383.534.516.51
28Losev DmitryIMRUS22853.533.512.51
29Dragomarezkij EvgeniIMRUS23723.532.513.53
30Tarasov AlexandrRUS21923.531.015.02
31Apryshko GlebFMRUS22952.042.015.51
32Turutin AlexanderFMRUS24042.041.015.51
33Romanov StanislavRUS21041.037.58.00
33 players
Moscow Champ w 2013 Moscow RUS Fri 22nd Mar 2013 - Sun 31st Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Vasilevich IrinaIMRUS23636.547.536.05
2Drozdova DinaWIMRUS22706.546.031.06
3Charochkina DariaWGMRUS23236.046.034.05
4Mirzoeva ElmiraWGMRUS22526.043.028.55
5Gvanceladze AnnaWFMRUS21835.545.027.03
6Savina AnastasiaIMRUS23515.543.527.54
7Bukhteeva ViktoriaWFMRUS21705.035.520.02
8Utiatskaja IrinaRUS20245.035.020.53
9Fominykh MariaWIMRUS22825.034.522.54
10Bezgodova MariaWIMRUS21774.545.025.54
11Pustovoitova DariaFMRUS22694.544.023.03
12Skakun ValentinaRUS19224.537.520.52
13Rodionova PolinaWFMRUS21054.536.019.53
14Kharmunova NadezhdaWIMRUS21964.043.526.53
15Zherebtsova AlexandraRUS20884.040.521.52
16Chasovnikova EugeniaWGMRUS22114.039.518.52
17Saulina VarvaraWFMRUS22664.033.016.03
18Ochneva IngaRUS18572.037.512.00
19Sayafarova AnnaRUS17452.035.511.01
19 players

5) O2C Doeberl Cup 2013

The traditional O2C Doeberl Cup took place 28th March to 1st April 2011. Li Chao took clear first with 7.5/9. The event is paired with the Sydney International Open that starts on Wednesday.

The major was won by Andrew Saint but this has an incredibly sad post-script as he was killed in a horrible car accident. IM James Morris was seriously injured along with other players in the event Anthony Hain and Paul Cavezza. The story is reported in detail: Chess community mourns as two die on Canberra road trip. My thoughts are with the families of the two killed and those injured in the accident. IM James Morris is very seriously injured but having been initially put in an artificial coma seems to have been brought out of it.

O2C Doeberl Cup 2013 Canberra AUS Thu 28th Mar 2013 - Mon 1st Apr 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Li Chao BGMCHN26867.538.549.541.75
2Stocek JiriGMCZE25577.037.548.538.25
3Van Wely LoekGMNED26847.034.545.035.00
4Sethuraman S.P.GMIND25326.538.550.533.00
5Horvath AdamGMHUN25096.536.046.532.00
6Ly MoulthunIMAUS24286.535.045.032.25
7Vajda LeventeGMROU26326.040.552.532.50
8Li Zuhao LukeNZL22856.039.050.530.50
9Zhao Zong-YuanGMAUS25376.038.550.030.50
10Smirnov AntonAUS21945.537.548.026.75
11Lane Gary W.IMAUS24125.536.047.025.50
12Johansen Darryl K.GMAUS24305.535.546.026.50
13Lei TingjieCHN22325.535.546.026.00
14Cheng BobbyFMAUS24255.535.546.025.25
15Wallis ChristopherFMAUS22615.535.545.525.00
16Otgonjargal SengeravdanWFMMGL21715.535.544.525.00
17Stojic DusanFMAUS22285.534.544.024.50
18Illingworth MaxIMAUS24235.534.543.524.50
19Garner David JENG21505.532.541.524.75
20Varga ZoltanGMHUN24465.532.541.523.50
21Akshat KhampariaIMIND23835.532.040.520.50
22Solomon Stephen J.IMAUS23905.039.549.526.50
23Czebe AttilaGMHUN24925.
24Dragicevic DomagojFMAUS22045.
25Laxman R.R.GMIND24355.037.547.524.25
26Palit SomakIMIND24425.036.547.523.75
27Dale AriAUS22255.
28Morris JamesIMAUS23885.033.544.521.00
29Rishi SardanaIND22325.032.541.519.75
30Schon EugeneAUS21695.032.040.518.50
31Stany G.A.IMIND24495.030.539.021.00
32Zelesco KarlAUS21485.028.537.517.50
33Yin WenlinAUS19085.025.033.515.25
34Tan JustinAUS22694.537.047.021.25
35Brown AndrewIMAUS22954.534.544.519.75
36Farrell Roger SAUS21884.531.542.017.25
37Chan MichaelAUS19484.531.541.518.25
38Ambrus EndreFMAUS23244.530.039.515.00
39Bishop JoshuaAUS18614.525.533.516.25
40Beaumont DavidAUS20954.525.532.011.75
77 players

6) 36th San Sebastian International Open

The 36th San Sebastian International Open took place 23rd to 30th March 2013. Daniel Alsina Leal edged out Renier Vazquez Igarza on tie-break after both scored 7.5/9.

San Sebastian Open Donostia ESP Sat 23rd Mar 2013 - Sat 30th Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Alsina Leal DanielESP25187.523222589
2Vazquez Igarza RenierESP25577.523112581
3Vocaturo DanieleITA25117.023202538
4Andres Gonzalez AlbertoESP25427.022152431
5Narciso Dublan MarcESP25517.021942419
6Velten PaulFRA23856.522712445
7Panelo MarceloARG24296.521882327
8Moreno Ruiz JavierESP24956.521142274
9Alonso Rosell AlvarESP25526.022842383
10Bas Mas Jose JoaquinESP22586.022212344
11Osmolny Vladimir I.RUS21806.021832272
12Guerra Bastida DiegoESP24016.021612287
13Favarel AntoineFRA23506.021602288
14Gagarin VasilijRUS23216.021592280
15Pogorelov RuslanUKR24036.021342256
16Silva Rodriguez JulioESP21416.021232241
17Sanz Rodero MikelESP21106.021072313
18Hernandez ElvisDOM22886.021002329
19Rebole Arbea Jose IgnacioESP21836.020842201
20Argandona Riveiro InigoESP24216.020572247
21Prieto Martin AlfonsoESP21816.020452133
22Guijarro Galan Jose LuisESP21546.019942193
23Lakunza Oyarbide Juan CarlosESP21166.019252112
24Gagarin VasilyRUS18386.019172045
25Gonzalez Perez ArianCUB24545.522492346
26Andres Gonzalez IvanESP23315.521162219
27Gonzalez Pereira AsierESP20535.520672207
28Silva Rodriguez FernandoESP21755.520082099
29Picazo Gonzalez AlejandroESP19935.519502051
30Picazo Gonzalez AnaESP17625.519412033
31Ortega Lopez MikelESP20165.519321997
32Segovia Sanchez AntonioESP20185.519302088
33Thomassen ThomasNOR20805.519012031
34Aranzabal Minguez AlexESP18745.517011882
35Etxagibel Larranaga AsierESP21105.021812172
36Thomassen JoachimNOR23945.021372202
37Aranaz Murillo AmaliaESP22755.021182168
38Aranaz Portugues Jose CarlosESP21645.020962136
39Troffiguer OlivierFRA21195.020062057
40Oliveira Maria InesPOR19575.019622006
121 players

7) Nis Open 2013

The Nis Open took place 21st to 28th March 2013. Ljubomir Biljanic edged out Miroslav D Miljkovic on tie-break after both finished on 7.5/9.

Nis Open 2013 Nis SRB Thu 21st Mar 2013 - Thu 28th Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Biljanic LjubomirFMSRB23227.547.50.07
2Miljkovic Miroslav DIMSRB24667.547.00.06
3Zivkovic NemanjaMKSRB22376.049.00.05
4Kostic NebojsaIMSRB23066.047.00.05
5Raicevic IvicaIMSRB22566.045.50.05
6Ilic Zoran SIMSRB22936.045.00.04
7Jovic StanojeFMSRB23386.044.00.05
8Djukic ZeljkoIMSRB23976.041.50.05
9Ilic Slobodan SMKSRB21096.036.00.05
10Rasic JovanMKSRB20155.546.00.04
11Maksimovic BranimirIMSRB24425.543.00.54
12Livaja MarioMKSRB22305.543.00.54
13Stojiljkovic StefanMKSRB20345.542.50.05
14Djordjevic VukMKSRB21405.048.00.04
15Mitrovic Darko RFMSRB22595.042.00.03
16Arandjelovic Aleksandar ZMKSRB19675.041.00.05
17Majstorovic DusanMKSRB20415.039.00.05
18Radoja DjordjeFMSRB22225.039.00.03
19Djuric RankoMKSRB21035.035.50.04
20Radovanovic DankoISRB18765.032.50.04
21Ristic Nebojsa BFMSRB23094.546.50.03
22Perunovic LjubivojeMKSRB19624.538.50.03
23Velickovski-Nejkovic MajaWIMSRB21374.536.00.04
24Nikolic MilaWFMSRB19174.535.50.04
25Krstic ZoranISRB18974.534.50.04
26Stojkovic ZoranMKSRB19624.041.00.04
27Krstic AcaMKSRB19464.039.00.04
28Djokovic NenadMKSRB19174.038.00.03
29Nikic DraganISRB18704.034.00.04
30Djoric KrstaSLO18514.031.50.04
31Stojadinovic TomislavISRB18364.030.50.03
32Vasic ZarkoMKSRB20903.536.50.03
33Djordjevic LazarISRB16613.534.50.03
34Krstic MihailoISRB19253.531.00.02
35Cvetkovic ZoranISRB18413.530.50.02
36Zdravkovic Dragan SMKSRB19133.034.50.03
37Stamenkovic NikolaIISRB03.031.50.01
38Stojiljkovic TamaraIIISRB17743.028.00.02
39Zlatkovic BudimirIISRB03.026.50.01
40Miklos FilipIISRB02.530.50.00
48 players

8) Norsk Sjakkfestival 2013

The Norsk Sjakkfestival took place 23rd to 31st March 2013. Eduardas Rozentalis took clear first place with 7/9.

Norwegian Open 2013 Fagernes NOR Sat 23rd Mar 2013 - Sun 31st Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Eduardas RozentalisGM26167
2Simen AgdesteinGM25556.5
3Sergey VolkovGM25936.5
4Timofey GalinskyIM24166.5
5Maxim TurovGM25996.5
6Frode ElsnessIM24836.5
7Aryan Tari22936
8Normunds MiezisGM25526
9Nikolai NinovGM25086
10Aloyzas KveinysGM25286
10Leif E JohannessenGM25216
12Frode Olav Olsen UrkedalIM24706
13Gudmund Stenersen22196
14Sinisa DrazicGM24595.5
15Andreas G.R. MoenIM23905.5
16Jon Ludvig HammerGM26295.5
17Torbjorn Ringdal HansenIM24635.5
18Nicolai GetzIM23525.5
19Espen LieIM24715.5
20Petter HaugliIM22935.5
21Bjornar ByklumFM22965.5
22Olga DolzhikovaWGM22705.5
23Kristian Stuvik HolmFM23105.5
24Eirik GullaksenIM23915
25Benjamin ArvolaFM23555
26Johan Salomon21155
27Johannes Haug19905
28Christian Laverton20965
29Willy Kristiansen20114.5
30Lars Oskar Hauge21824.5
31Stian Johansen20984.5
32Kim Chr. Astrup22564.5
33Monika Machlik17504.5
34Jo Kristian Loberg20564.5
35Tarjei Joten Svensen20854.5
36Ellinor FriskWFM21934.5
37Edit Machlik17604.5
38Havard M Skagseth19174.5
39Christian Grundekjon19854.5
40Sondre Merkesvik19224.5
74 players

9) Danish Championship 2013

The Danish Championship took place 23rd to 31st March 2013. Davor Palo won with 6.5/9.

ch-DEN 2013 Helsingor DEN Sat 23rd Mar 2013 - Sun 31st Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Palo DavorGMDEN2545*1½½½111106.528.50
2Ziska Helgi DamIMFAI24610*½1½½1½116.023.50
3Schandorff LarsGMDEN2508½½*½½½½1½15.522.75
4Rasmussen Allan StigGMDEN2500½0½*½½01115.019.00
5Andersen MadsIMDEN2483½½½½*½10014.520.75
6Hansen Sune BergGMDEN25590½½½½*½1014.518.75
7Antonsen MikkelIMDEN244100½10½*½114.516.75
8Pedersen Christian KyndelIMDEN24450½0010½*1½3.513.50
9Kristiansen JensGMDEN243400½01100*02.511.75
10Akdag DaraDEN22541000000½1*2.510.75
10 players

10) 40th La Roda Open 2013

The 40th La Roda Open took place 27th to 31st March 2013. Julio Granda Zuniga won the event on tie-break from Alexis Cabrera.

40th La Roda Open La Roda ESP Wed 27th Mar 2013 - Sun 31st Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Granda Zuniga Julio EPER26347.551.556.040.5
2Cabrera AlexisESP25297.549.554.538.0
3Korneev OlegESP26097.051.556.039.5
4Sedlak NikolaSRB25777.
5Ramiro Ovejero Juan LuisESP23687.048.052.538.0
6Popovic DusanSRB25627.047.551.037.0
7Libiszewski FabienFRA25187.045.549.035.0
8Ubilava ElizbarESP24957.045.048.533.5
9Perez Mitjans OrelvisESP24877.043.047.532.0
10Lopez Martinez Josep ManuelESP25006.550.055.037.0
11Strikovic AleksaSRB25006.549.554.037.0
12Pilgaard KimDEN24326.549.053.034.5
13Starostits IlmarsLAT24706.549.052.536.0
14Suba MihaiROU24146.548.552.535.5
15Ibarra Jerez Jose CarlosESP25446.548.052.534.5
16Burmakin VladimirRUS25776.547.551.535.0
17Plaskett H JamesENG25166.547.050.532.5
18Moskalenko ViktorESP25316.546.551.033.0
19Garza Marco SergioESP24496.545.550.033.0
20Sanchez Dengra Jose MariaESP20826.545.549.031.0
21Campora Daniel H.ARG24836.545.050.032.0
22Antoli Royo Joaquin MiguelESP24146.544.048.534.5
23Arribas Lopez AngelESP24786.048.553.034.5
24Munoz Pantoja MiguelESP24836.
25Kovacevic SlobodanSRB23316.
26Serna Lara SergioESP22486.
27Moreno Ibanez MiguelESP20846.046.550.530.0
28Navarrete Espi SamuelESP21806.045.549.530.5
29Monell Camarasa DavidAND22666.044.548.531.5
30Villasenor Rubio Emilio JoseESP22336.
31Nicolas Zapata IreneESP22506.
32Saenz Narciso Miguel AngelESP21796.043.546.530.0
33Lopez Mulet InigoESP20806.
34Sanchez Jerez Emilio MiguelESP22136.042.546.031.0
35Aguera Naredo JavierESP23906.
36Llavador Moron Juan JoseESP21966.
37Navarro Lopez-Menchero DanielESP23136.041.043.529.0
38Santos Ruiz MiguelESP21536.040.544.028.5
39Gonzalez Mateos RafaelESP21106.040.543.528.5
40Garcia Burguillo JavierESP18686.
235 players

11) 44th Marcel Duchamp Open 2013

The 44th Marcel Duchamp Open took place 23rd to 30th March 2013. Leandro Krysa edged out Martin Labollita and Carlos Garcia Palermo on tie-break after all scored 7.5/9.

44th Marcel Duchamp Buenos Aires ARG Sat 23rd Mar 2013 - Sat 30th Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Krysa LeandroIMARG23787.50.038.547.5
2Labollita MartinIMARG23857.50.038.546.0
3Garcia Palermo CarlosGMITA24607.50.036.547.5
4Mareco SandroGMARG25807.
5Perez Ponsa FedericoGMARG24767.
6Rodriguez Vila AndresGMURU25037.
7Hernandez Guerrero GilbertoGMMEX25277.
8Slipak SergioGMARG24387.
9Crespo EugenioARG20927.
10Tristan LeonardoIMARG24576.
11Mayorga NicolasFMARG22846.
12Iermito SebastianIMARG24636.
13Tobares LeandroFMARG23036.50.035.546.0
14Pichot AlanFMARG23276.
15Santiago Yago De MouraIMBRA24116.
16Contin DanielIMITA23666.
17Fernandez Jorge LuisARG22046.50.033.547.0
18Amura ClaudiaWGMARG23126.50.033.545.5
19Mussanti DiegoFMARG23146.
20Perelman HernanFMARG23636.
21Arambel SergioFMARG22926.50.032.543.5
22Pineiro DarioARG21946.50.031.541.0
23De Dovitiis AlejoIMARG23516.50.029.548.0
24Mosconi ArielARG20336.
25Stewart William JohnUSA22816.
26Alonso SalvadorGMARG25216.00.034.547.5
27Pierrot FacundoIMARG24266.
28Martinez De Negri GonzaloARG21536.00.032.544.0
29Kanefsck GustavoIMARG23416.00.032.543.5
30Rosito JorgeIMARG23936.00.031.543.5
31Lingua AlejoARG22446.
32Fidel Roberto OscarARG21436.
33Zuriel MarisaWIMARG22126.
34Benedetti JulioARG21736.
35Lapicki RaulFMARG22396.
36Leskovar MarioIMARG23336.00.030.544.0
37Frayle JorgeARG23706.
38Vazquez MaximilianoVEN21346.
39Anelli AntonioFMARG21026.00.027.539.0
40Ayala GustavoARG19296.
241 players

12) 6th OGD Prinsenstad Tournament 2013

The 6th OGD Prinsenstad Tournament took place 29th to 31st March 2013. Erwin L'Ami won with 5.5/6. The games were broadcast live but I couldn't find a compilation file.

6th OGD Prinsenstad Delft NED Fri 29th Mar 2013 - Sun 31st Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 6 Standings:
12L'Ami, Erwin261521¼2822
21Smeets, Jan262715¼2588
33Reinderman, Dimitri257315¼2562
46Haslinger, Stewart254715¼2542
57Hovhanisian, Mher249415¾2501
65Doel, Erik van den255215½2480
78Kohlweyer, Bernd246014¼2418
814Slingerland, Fred233613¼2538
920von Meijenfeldt, Bart2195410½2420
1016Freeke, Matthieu2320410¾2265
1119Padurariu, Smaranda2201492300
1215van Dijk, Harold23314112173
1312Ootes, Lars235011¼2407
1417de Wit, Michel226011½2385
154Andersson, Ulf256213¾2424
1611L'Ami Motoc, Alina23819¾2242
1713Hoeksema, Erik2347102193
1827Beerdsen, Thomas21169¼2244
1921Legemaat, Gert21959¾2202
2026Vereggen, Lars213892242
2140Thakoerdien, Jerrel20373102275
229Ducarmon, Quinten241638¾2223
2322Barendse, Ted218238½2252
2424Vistisen, Lars217237¼2222
2532Haver, Daan208138½2175
2610Peng, Zhaoqin238538½2140
2723Dijkhuis, Tycho218037½2131
2836Oudewaal, Vincent2059372138
2918Senders, Mischa220835¾2190
3034Voogt, Bob207236¾2106
3144Lecomte, Robin200836¼2151
3225Haver, Bas214736¼2073
3338Roorda, Thijs205135½2156
3443Gerlagh, Joris20286¾2124
3552Cebula, Jerzy19236¾2078
3642Gieben, Stijn20356½2075
3728Bakker, Guido211552153
3831Haslinger, Gareth20885¾2057
3935Ducarmon, Renzo207052023
4029Blum, Gernot210524¾2170
56 players

13) 7th Philadelphia Open

The 7th Philadelphia Open took place 27th to 31st March 2013. Fidel C. Jimenez edged out Daniel A Naroditsky after both scored 7/9.

7th Philadelphia Op Philadelphia USA Wed 27th Mar 2013 - Sun 31st Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Jimenez, Fidel C.GM2601743$4827.00
2Naroditsky, Daniel AIM2472740.5$4658.00
3Panchanathan, MageshGM25796.539$953.00
4Kekelidze, MikheilGM24886.538.5$953.00
5Fishbein, AlexanderGM25046.537$953.00
6Shabalov, AlexanderGM25506.536.5$953.00
7Izoria, ZviadGM2583639.5$402.25
8Yang, DarwinIM2486639.5$402.25
9Jayakumar, AdarshFM2294638.5$1694.00
10Margvelashvili, GiorgiGM2565637.5$402.25
11Pavlovic, Milos MIM2482637$402.25
12Xiong, JefferyFM23305.541.5$282.34
13Hambleton, AmanIM24635.541
14Shen, ArthurFM22275.538$282.34
15Balasubramanian, Adithya22535.537.5$282.34
16Lenderman, AleksandrGM26015.536
17Cheng, BindiIM24095.534
18Ostrovskiy, AleksandrFM2379540.5
19Perez, Robert M2361540
20Kreiman, BorisGM2482537.5
21Bartell, ThomasFM2381536
22Abrahamyan, TatevWGM2300529.5
23Katz, Alexander Ross2254527
24Costa, Lorin A R DIM24164.526
25Vigorito, DavidIM24374.524.5
26Bora, Safal21404.524.5
27Homa, SethFM23074.524
28Chandra, AkshatFM22654.524
29King, Alexander B22444.524
30Smith, Bryan GIM24604.523.5
31Bryant, John DanielFM24544.523.5
32Wang, Kevin22764.522.5
33Rizzitano, James AIM23224.522
34Mo, Kevin22824.522
35Song, Michael21894.522
36Coraretti, Benjamin21234.521.5
37Williams, Justus D21884.520
38Barnett, Alex22144.519.5
39Hua, David2256428.5
40Mandizha, FaraiIM2400427
71 players

14) Bad Ragaz Easter Open 2013

The Bad Ragaz Easter Open took place 28th March to 1st April 2013. Viesturs Meijers edged out Ehsan Ghaem Maghami on tie-break after both scored 6/7. Games from the first couple of rounds only are currently availabile. Hopefully the rest will arrive soon.

Bad Ragaz Easter Op Bad Ragaz SUI Thu 28th Mar 2013 - Mon 1st Apr 2013
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
1Meijers ViestursGMLAT24646.
2Ghaem Maghami EhsanGMIRI25686.032.523.526.75
3Paehtz ThomasGMGER23995.534.024.525.50
4Koepke ChristianIMGER23715.532.523.525.00
5Loetscher RolandFMSUI24015.532.523.024.75
6Vulevic VjekoslavFMMNE23305.529.021.021.50
7Belezky AlexanderIMUKR24475.
8Rusche JohannesGER22255.031.522.520.50
9Habibi AliIMGER22895.
10Filipovic BrankoIMCRO23705.030.021.520.50
11Schneuwly AchimSUI21125.029.520.519.00
12Goldie ThomasSUI19095.027.020.518.50
13Terraz ChristianSUI20995.
14Paladini Jean-MichelSUI20745.
15Meszaros GyulaIMHUN22464.532.523.519.50
16Semenova IrinaWGMRUS22254.531.523.017.50
17Curien NicolasSUI22134.529.521.017.00
18Karl HansFMSUI21454.529.020.516.25
19Mauron PierreSUI21254.528.019.515.75
20Hund BarbaraWGMSUI22074.527.519.517.50
21Kelecevic NedeljkoIMSUI22734.527.019.017.25
22Tillmann MarcSUI20344.526.519.015.00
23Bluhm Sonja MariaGER20144.525.518.513.75
24Siegel Adrian Prof. Dr.SUI20284.523.516.513.25
25Chetverik MaximIMRUS22254.033.523.517.50
26Meduna EduardCZE20464.028.520.014.50
27Neuberger GuidoGER21174.028.019.513.75
28Siclari GiovanniCMITA20214.027.520.514.00
29Remensberger HansuliSUI20674.026.519.512.50
30Bardone LorenzoITA19594.026.519.012.75
31Medunova VeraWIMCZE21184.026.518.514.00
32Hiebeler GernotAUT20754.026.518.512.25
33Arquint AndriSUI20084.
34Diller PeterGER20194.
35Schnelli RomanSUI20504.026.018.512.50
36Jacob Helmut Dr.GER21314.025.518.514.25
37Jud MarcSUI20244.025.018.512.75
38Kock Hans-UweFMLIE19994.
39Remensberger PaulSUI20624.024.517.513.50
40Maurer FritzSUI21204.024.516.512.50
101 players

15) HEM Master Open 2013

The HEM Master Open took place in Korbach, Germany, 27th to 30th March 2013. Hagen Poetsch won with 5.5/7.

HEM Master Open 2013 Korbach GER Wed 27th Mar 2013 - Sat 30th Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
1Poetsch, HagenIMGER24374035.526.019.50
2Schmittdiel, EckhardGMGER24392054.529.018.50
3Kunin, VitalyGMGER25253134.527.015.00
4Izso, Daniel HUN23443134.523.512.25
5Telljohann, SvenIMGER24232144.027.015.25
6Carlstedt, JonathanIMGER23562233.528.011.75
7Penzel, Nils GER21251153.522.09.75
8Stockmann, MichaelFMGER23122233.520.58.00
9Alber, HorstFMGER23361243.022.57.25
10Cordes, Hans-JoergFMGER22891422.024.04.75
11Sroka, Dirk GER20881422.022.54.75
12Kearns, Christopher GER21030431.522.04.25
12 players

16) Oberhausen Easter Open 2013

The Oberhausen Easter Open took place 28th March to 1st April 2013. Valerian Hirschberg won with 6/7.

Oberhausen Easter Op Oberhausen GER Thu 28th Mar 2013 - Mon 1st Apr 2013
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
1Hirschberg, Valerian 228162430
2Hausrath, DanielIM24885.52534
3Podzielny, Karl-HeinzIM24305.52532.5
4Zaitsev, MikhailIM25155.524.532
5Kaufeld, JuergenFM23425.52430.5
6Becker, MarcelFM24045.52331.5
6Wolter, Detlev 22505.52331.5
8Schmuecker, Marcus 22135.52330
9Ciornei, Dragos 21855.522.528.5
10Groenewold, Jan Joris 21565.521.529.5
11Steinle, Carsten 22085.52126.5
12Goedde, Patrick 5.52027
13Levin, FelixGM251252433.5
14Wind, Lutz 2159522.531.5
15Hort, VlastimilGM245352232
16Nagel, Bernhard 219152229
17Rietman, Frits 223152228.5
18Vasiljevs, Jurijs 214652127.5
19Schwalen, Peter 2163520.528.5
20Knol, Geon 2142520.528
21Leveikina, JevgenijaFM209352027.5
22Verfuerth, Thomas 216752024.5
23Heidel, Andre Nicolas 2184519.528.5
24Harff, Marcel 2259519.527
25Krueger, Andre 214951928
26Schwarz, Ingo 201651927.5
26Berger, Konstantin 51927.5
28Braun, Oskar 1887518.527
29Harff, Wilfried 216451826
30Coenen, Michael 23084.522.530
30Esser, Norbert 21594.522.530
32Joergens, Markus 21854.52230.5
33Soehnchen, Andreas 21294.52129.5
34Witke, ThomasFM22424.52030.5
34Hobusch, Jan 20614.52030.5
36Nowak, Steven 20044.519.532
37Fehmer, Carsten 21164.519.529.5
38Doell, Detlef 20514.519.527.5
39Finke, Tobias 4.51928.5
40van der Valk, Niklas 20954.51925
186 players

17) Paskturneringen Open 2013

The Paskturneringen Open in Norrkoping took place 29th March to 1st April 2013. Evgeny Gleizerov edged out Tiger Hillarp Persson on tie-break after both scored 7/9.

Paskturneringen Open Norrkoping SWE Fri 29th Mar 2013 - Mon 1st Apr 2013
Leading Final Round 8 Standings:
1Gleizerov EvgenyGMRUS25467.042.032.535.75
2Hillarp Persson TigerGMSWE25277.042.032.535.50
3Karlsson LarsGMSWE24336.540.030.532.75
4Blomqvist ErikIMSWE24666.539.031.030.75
5Pohjala HenriFMFIN23196.043.534.030.00
6Westerberg JonathanFMSWE23536.041.030.529.75
7Hedman ErikFMSWE23766.040.531.029.25
8Frisk Kockum AntonFMSWE23356.039.529.028.00
9Ahvenjärvi JaniFIN22446.039.528.526.50
10Andreasson IngvarSWE23316.039.029.526.50
11Pettersson AndersSWE22686.037.027.526.00
12Jönsson AmbjörnSWE21336.035.526.024.50
13Ulibin MikhailGMRUS25215.545.035.028.50
14Brynell StellanGMSWE24855.541.532.526.00
15Semcesen DanielIMSWE24805.540.530.525.75
16Olofsson Dolk MattisSWE20195.539.530.025.00
17Kring StephanSWE22165.537.528.024.00
18Nielsen Niels Jorgen FriesFMDEN22965.536.527.524.25
19Hamark JesperSWE23225.536.026.523.25
20Eriksson JörgenSWE22265.535.526.523.25
21Marder SimonSWE20135.535.027.023.00
22Lokander MartinSWE22315.534.526.022.25
23Janse LoveSWE21575.534.025.520.25
24Eriksson LennarthSWE20455.531.524.519.75
25Malmstig ErikFMSWE22915.045.033.526.00
26Forsberg ViktorSWE22415.043.032.524.75
27Zadruzny NicolajSWE22635.039.529.022.25
28Brzezinski AdamSWE21015.039.029.521.25
29Henriksson JohanFMSWE22665.038.528.522.25
30Persson AndreasSWE21645.
31Jönsson KristerSWE21245.
32Tiger Norqvist AxelSWE21015.037.027.520.00
33Arnelind MikaelSWE21735.036.528.020.50
34Torkkola HenriFIN21205.036.527.519.75
35Ask JosefSWE21705.036.527.519.50
36Bit-Narva DavidSWE18545.034.026.519.50
37Norlin EgorSWE21305.
38Cederstam Barsk CarlSWE22435.034.024.520.25
39Kenani DariushSWE20515.
40Rydström TomSWE21395.
146 players

18) e2e4 Dublin Easter International 2013

The e2e4 Dublin Easter International took place 28th March to 1st April 2013. Arik Braun edged out Jonathan Hawkins on tie-break after both finished on 7/9.

e2e4 Dublin Easter Dublin IRL Thu 28th Mar 2013 - Mon 1st Apr 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Braun, ArikGMGER255611½11101½7.02595
2Hawkins, JonathanIMENG25031111001117.02574
3Collins, Sam E.IMIRL24821110½11½½6.52451
4Arkell, Keith CGMENG24721011½1½½½6.02458
5Kalinins, ValentineIRL207401011½½116.02354
6Vaarala, EricSWE2258110½½1½105.52409
7Redmond, John P.IRL223610=1=1=015.52256
8Haria, RaviENG207601011011½5.52206
9Petrov, MarijanGMBUL2508101½11½005.02342
10Gormally, Daniel WGMENG250711½1½0½0½5.02386
11Kosiorek, MarekPOL23661101½0½½½5.02367
12Croad, NicolasFMNZL227211½0½10015.02304
13McMahon, DaireFMIRL215010100½1½15.02227
14Mihajlov, SebastianNOR206301½01½1½½5.02216
15Mishkovski, LubomirBUL2040===½½1½105.02268
16Firstov, JuriEST22610½1½½½½½½4.52064
17Aoustin, ArnaudFRA213010½0½01½14.52068
18Fox, AnthonyIRL210801½½½½0½14.52117
19Quinn, CiaranIRL2092010110½014.52226
20Sorm, DanielFMCZE231711½0==½--4.02299
21Gayson, Peter MENG2215=10½100104.02083
22McPhillips, JosephENG21611001011004.02051
23Madynski, PawelPOL20700110001014.02074
24Cafolla, PeterIRL2051100=½=1=-4.02203
25O`Donnell, ConorIRL197010½10½0104.02141
26O'Rourke, RayIRL20260½½1½00103.52013
27Hayes, Peter J.IRL20200010011--3.01944
28Courtney, JohnIRL20050010100103.01845
29Kalaiyalahan, AkshayaENG1815=0½0½½0013.01895
30Creighton, TerryIRL175600010+0103.01695
31Leichert, PiotrPOL00000101013.01770
32Morriss, PeteIRL20130010½10002.51855
33Daly, ColmFMIRL234001100----2.02049
34Loughran, JohnIRL18880001=½0002.01589
35Mukekwa, Didier KalambaRSA1921--1------1.00
36McKenzie, MarkAUS000000----0.01288
36 players

19) 29th Budapest Spring Open

The 29th Budapest Spring Open took place 18th to 27th March 2013. Florian Hujbert edged out Kristof Koczo on tie-break after both scored 7/9.

29th Budapest Spring Budapest HUN Mon 18th Mar 2013 - Wed 27th Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Hujbert FlorianFMHUN24297.035.0243448.5
2Koczo KristofHUN22197.032.5232448.5
3Nagy ErvinIMHUN22566.535.0235149.5
4Kubacsny LaszloFMHUN22566.533.0226647.0
5Szalanczy EmilIMHUN22376.531.5226847.0
6Piroska IstvanHUN20826.031.0221846.0
7Keschitz GyorgyFMHUN22235.532.5225451.5
8Farkas RichardHUN21215.530.5223749.0
9Juracsik JozsefHUN21365.529.5214843.5
10Horvath DavidIMHUN23895.033.5227749.5
11Brustkern JuergenFMGER22375.029.0214147.0
12Gal Hanna KrisztinaHUN20575.027.5215146.5
13Bodrogi MihalyHUN20765.023.0203739.5
14Cross TedUSA20415.021.0196434.5
15Bach MatthiasFMGER22634.529.0215046.5
16Lim Kian HwaMAS18394.525.0211245.5
17Zentai PeterHUN22694.525.0207943.5
18Borda LajosHUN21354.522.5199838.5
19Opl KlausAUT20104.518.5191937.0
20Pogats Jozsef Jr.HUN17814.516.5191433.0
21Juhasz ArminHUN21924.024.0199443.5
22Marjanovics GyorgyHUN21164.022.0202240.0
23Varga AttilaHUN17584.021.5201641.5
24Letay GyulaFMHUN19674.020.0192237.0
25Domanski LukaszPOL15944.019.5198040.0
26Simon LiliHUN18764.019.5194738.5
27Kun JoanGER18594.019.5191238.0
28Horvath Jeno KalmanHUN20294.018.0183238.0
29Marjanovics AnnamariaWCMHUN19213.520.5203739.5
30Grimm GyorgyHUN20663.520.0188037.0
31Csati OliverHUN19723.518.5196139.5
32Schatzer AndrasHUN17823.516.5186834.5
33Polyanszky-Tamasi ZoltanHUN18113.516.5184435.5
34Wiman KennethSWE19183.512.0164130.5
35Marcu SimonSVK19103.017.0187140.5
36Allahverdi MaryamIRI18072.512.5177733.5
37Dlauchy PeterHUN18322.510.5170633.5
38Kutschker AlexanderAUT17782.012.0177233.5
39Mihaly ZoltanHUN18032.07.0152730.0
40Czipp JanosHUN14262.04.0153128.0
40 players

20) 59th Welsh Chess Championship 2013

The 59th Welsh Chess Championship 2013 took place 29th March to 1st April 2013. Richard S Jones took the title but a full table and final round games are not yet available.

21) 19th Schloss Open 2013

The 19th Schloss Open took place 21st to 24th March 2013. Vladimir Epishin edged out Alexandre Danin on tie-break after both scored 6/7. Games were broadcast live but still no compilation file.

19th Schloss Open Werther GER Thu 21st Mar 2013 - Sun 24th Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
1Epishin, VladimirGMRUS26076.025.532.0
2Danin, AlexandreGMRUS25706.024.527.0
3Meijers, ViestursGMLAT24645.020.530.0
4Hilverda, Alexande GER23215.020.028.5
5Gazic, JosipFMGER22834.520.029.0
6Ackermann, Hans WeFMGER22554.519.526.0
7Melamed, TatjanaWGMGER23684.518.024.0
8Leisner, Hannes GER22414.516.520.0
9Freiberger, Jonas GER22144.515.525.0
10Dargel, ManuelFMGER22384.018.529.5
11Kummerow, HeikoFMGER23294.018.527.5
12Richter, Gerald BEL21014.016.029.0
13Van Der Put, Frank NED21934.016.025.5
14Weimann, Maximilia GER21324.016.022.5
15Hess, ChristianFMGER22684.015.024.5
16Lucas, Michael GER20864.012.024.5
17Schmitz, Philipp GER21363.518.030.0
18Dahmen, Christoph GER20693.514.026.5
19Edel, Thomas GER20823.514.024.0
20Urban, Lars GER21043.512.022.0
21Weiler, Dieter GER21173.511.522.5
22Goecke, Karl Ulrich GER22033.014.523.0
23Haskenhoff, Jan GER20483.014.026.5
24Klatt, Jan GER21483.013.022.5
25Schaffarczyk, Andr GER21243.012.026.5
26Hecht, Carsten GER20793.011.523.0
27Eggenstein, Frank GER20723.011.522.5
28Schwarz, Thomas, Dr GER21543.010.522.0
29Fenner, Martin GER20493.09.517.0
30Kolthoff, Siegmund GER21633.09.019.0
31Reyer, Ulli GER21782.512.526.5
32Emami, Madjid GER20192.511.521.5
33Huckebrink, Chris GER19922.510.022.5
34Zahn, Alina GER19202.59.023.5
35Pollmann, Sascha GER20632.58.018.0
36Plassmann, Dominik GER20592.013.028.5
37Meyer, Juergen GER20182.08.522.0
38Burov, Ilya GER21212.06.021.5
39Meyer, Ulrich GER20752.03.018.5
39 players

22) 6th Montalvo Open 2013

The 6th Montalvo Open took place 25th to 31st March 2013. David Larino Nieto won with 8/9.

6th Montalvo Open Las Palmas ESP Mon 25th Mar 2013 - Sun 31st Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Larino Nieto DavidGMESP25088.051.055.543.0
2Bergez LucIMFRA23757.546.551.037.5
3Barlov DraganGMSRB24547.049.553.035.5
4Robin SamyFMFRA22547.048.552.535.5
5Martinez Ramirez ErikFMESP23026.546.549.534.5
6De La Cruz Sanchez Carlos G.FMESP22426.546.049.535.5
7Vega Gutierrez SabrinaWGMESP23646.545.550.033.5
8Gutierrez Olivares DanielFMESP23676.544.548.034.0
9Bressac StephaneFMFRA22846.542.046.532.0
10Kurajica BojanGMBIH25396.047.551.533.0
11Meneses Gonzalez Kevin MoisesESP23026.045.049.533.0
12Brito Garcia AlfredoIMESP23136.044.548.532.5
13Ramirez Medina VictorESP19306.043.044.528.5
14Lopez Colon FranciscoESP20456.041.545.028.5
15Camino Carrio NicanorESP20146.040.543.528.5
16De La Hoz Sanchez RubenESP19696.
17Alvarado Diaz AlejandroESP22515.549.553.533.5
18Brochet PhilippeIMFRA23965.549.053.534.5
19Illijin NeboisaIMROU21675.547.552.030.5
20Rodriguez Ferraz BorjaESP21965.546.050.031.5
21Capote Robayna NathanielESP20735.545.048.032.5
22Gonzalez Intelangelo GerardoFMESP20225.545.047.529.5
23Herrera Reyes Jose AntonioESP22525.544.048.530.5
24Acosta Sosa Juan ManuelESP21505.544.047.530.0
25Menvielle Laccourreye AugustoFMESP21505.540.544.028.5
26Guerra Arrocha DanielESP18485.540.542.526.0
27Strebkovs AndrejsIMLAT23315.540.043.025.0
28Marrero Cardenes AgustinESP19595.540.042.528.5
29Capote Robayna JohannaESP18135.539.042.026.5
30Espinoza Palomino WillyamFMPER22845.048.052.533.0
31Vega Gutierrez BelindaWIMESP21905.047.050.531.0
32Uta Adeline-RamonaWFMROU20535.044.047.528.0
33Sarmiento Afonso SantiagoFMESP21415.043.547.028.5
34Cruz Ramirez NauzetESP17785.041.044.525.5
35Bismuth LeaFRA19485.
36Diaz Suarez CayetanoESP18485.
37Julien Casteleiro ArielCUB15865.038.040.523.0
38Suarez Ramirez JonayESP16005.
39Quevedo Sarmiento JacintoESP15325.
40Biscarri Candalia OscarESP15375.032.034.520.0
96 players

23) 7th Lugano Open

The 7th Lugano Open took place 29th March to 1st April 2013. Andrei Maksimenko took first place on tie-break from Vladimir Epishin and Istvan Sipos after all scored 4.5/6. I couldn't find any games.

7th Lugano Open Lugano SUI Fri 29th Mar 2013 - Mon 1st Apr 2013
Leading Final Round 6 Standings:
1Maksimenko, AndreiGMUKR254317w112s14w½10s½6w½11s14.518.514.00
2Epishin, VladimirGMRUS260721s016w118s113w15w13s½4.518.015.75
3Sipos, IstvanIMHUN245822w124s110w½4s½12w12w½4.518.012.25
4Hajnal, ZoltanIMHUN234914w131s11s½3w½11s½5w½4.020.011.75
5Sandipan, ChandaGMIND26288w119s½26w111w12s04s½4.019.014.00
6Pavlovic, MilosGMSRB250918s111w021s117w11s½7w½4.018.012.75
7Stips, FelixITA222727w115s½19w112s010w16s½4.017.011.50
8Regez, MarkusSUI21835s023w124s19w020s116w14.016.010.00
9Aranovitch, EmilianoIMITA232824w025s½22w18s115w110s½4.015.012.25
10Kiss, PalIMHUN234823s113w13s½1w½7s09w½3.520.512.00
11Patuzzo, FabrizioFMSUI229725w16s115w15s04w½1w03.519.511.00
12Salvetti, AlecFMITA222630s11w020s17w13s013w½3.519.510.75
13Barletta, MauroCMITA222132w110s014w12s024w112s½3.517.08.25
14De Rosa, MariagraziaWFMITA20634s030w113s028w117s½21w13.515.08.00
15Dragojlovic, AndjelkoIMSRB237220s17w½11s021w19s017w½3.017.59.00
16Colmenares, AurelioFMSUI2243=2s025w126s½18w18s03.017.58.00
17Paleologu, VladimirSUI21601s029w131w16s014w½15s½3.017.05.75
18Boschetti, ClaudioSUI21346w027s12w019s116s028w13.016.56.50
19Luciani, ValerioFMITA223728s15w½7s018w025s½29w13.015.07.00
20Medici, SimoneSUI209915w032s112w027s18w024s13.014.04.50
21Moroni, Luca JrITA21702w126s½6w015s022w114s02.518.08.50
22Lipecki, AlexanderSUI21313s028w½9s029w121s025w12.515.05.00
23Jakob, MarcelSUI202110w08s028s½25w030s132/+2.513.54.50
24Pinchetti, AndreaSUI20159s13w08w031s113s020w02.019.04.50
25Ovsepyan, ArshakGER198811s09w½16s023s119w½22s02.016.05.50
26Vucicevic, MomaFMSRB231329s121w½5s016w½2.016.04.75
27Heinatz, MariaSUI19127s018w030s120w029s0+
28Maffioli, MassimoSUI192619w022s½23w½14s031w118s02.014.02.75
29Giacometto, MarioITA200826w017s032w122s027w119s02.013.02.50
30Schneider, AntonioSUI187112w014s027w032s123w031s12.011.51.50
31Champoud, GillesSUI1507+4w017s024w028s030w01.013.52.50
32Brioschi, CamilloITA183113s020w029s030w0+23/-
32 players

24) Horodok-800 years IM

The Horodok-800 years IM took place 11th to 17th February 2013. Games now available. Vladimir Meleshko won with 7/9.

Horodok-800 years IM Horodok UKR Mon 11th Feb 2013 - Sun 17th Feb 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Meleshko VladimirFMUKR2211*1½½½111½17.028.500.05
2Osmak IulijaWFMUKR21800*1½011½116.022.750.05
3Grekh AndreyIMUKR2373½0*½11½½½15.522.250.03
4Vetoshko VolodymyrUKR2277½½½*1½½½½½5.022.500.01
5Terletsky OlegUKR2250½100*01½115.019.250.04
6Licznerski LukaszFMPOL2321000½1*½1115.017.250.04
7Zajarnyi AnatolyiIMMDA230500½½0½*1½½3.513.501.01
8Berlin DmitriyBLR20650½½½½00*½13.513.500.01
9Sevostianov PavelIMRUS2305½0½½00½½*13.513.250.01
10Chulivska VitaWGMUKR2253000½00½00*
10 players

25) IX Lubuska Wiosna Open

The IX Lubuska Wiosna Open took pace 26th to 30th March 2013. Vladimir Malaniuk won with 6.5/7.

IX Lubuska Wiosna Op Gorzow POL Tue 26th Mar 2013 - Sat 30th Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
11Malaniuk, Vladimir PGM252666.523.5029.50
27Reza, WojciechI++210755.522.0031.50
34Budrewicz, Krzysztofm221455.522.0031.00
43Aliavdin, NikolaiIM234945.023.5033.50
59Grela, KacperI197755.023.0031.50
62Klim, Kamilm237955.019.0026.50
75Wisniowska, Klaudiam218744.521.5031.00
815Dmochowska, AgnieszkaWCM179844.520.5030.00
918Sernecki, FranciszekII+169344.520.0027.50
108Rak, Tomaszk208044.518.5025.00
1110Grzesik, NorbertI+193244.020.5029.50
126Balinski, Damiank215534.020.5028.00
1321Dwilewicz, KatarzynaI162934.017.5024.50
1431Moscicka, PolaI144244.017.0024.00
1516Witczak, JakubII+174934.017.0024.00
1611Gigola, JacekI190533.519.5027.00
1720Kawaler, AdamII+163333.518.0024.50
1813Koszela, StanislawI186423.517.5025.50
1912Grzeskow, AdrianI188533.517.5024.50
2025Dwilewicz, AgataI153433.515.0022.00
2123Wrobel, MichalII159133.514.5021.00
2228Trendowski, MichalII146033.512.0017.00
2314Sokolowski, Romank183623.018.5026.00
2426Czaczka, PiotrII153223.017.0023.00
2517Krolik, WladyslawII170333.016.5022.50
2633Domusa, MateuszII133723.016.0023.00
2727Samson, StefanII151023.012.0018.50
2829Bortnowski, MakaryII145923.010.5015.50
2922Muzyka, DominikII161022.518.5026.00
3037Koziorowicz, MichalII012.517.0022.00
3130Pyka, SlawomirII145022.516.5021.00
3236Krzyszewski, TomaszII012.515.5022.50
3324Matwiej, JozefI155422.514.5019.00
3432Moscicki, SlawomirIII138712.514.5018.50
3534Mike, PatrykII131602.015.5021.00
3635Kaniowska, AnnaII130512.015.0020.50
3719Kulwinski, MarianII165301.012.5020.00
37 players

26) LIX Mexico International Open 2013

The LIX Mexico International Open took place 26th to 31st March 2013. Diasmany Otero Acosta edged out Alejandro Ramirez and Alexander Onischuk on tie-break after all scored 7.5/9.

Mexico In Op 2013 Puebla MEX Tue 26th Mar 2013 - Sun 31st Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Otero Acosta, DiasmanyImCUB2471111½111017.52676
2Ramirez, AlejandroGmUSA25351111½1½½17.52659
3Onischuk, AlexanderGmUSA2663+11½½111½7.52686
4Macieja, BartlomiejGmPOL26301111½101½7.02653
5Cordova, EmilioGmPer2564111½1½½1½7.02625
6Ibarra Chami, Luis FernandIMMEX24811110½1½117.02470
7Perez Rodriguez, Luis ManuGMCUB24151101101117.02502
8Alvarez Pedraza, AramisGmCUB250011½11½1½06.52519
9Almeida Saenz, AlfonsoImMEX233911½1½1½106.52521
10Moradiabadi, ElshanGmIRI2565111½½1½½½6.52536
11Pozo Vera, SandroGmCUB248511½110½1½6.52450
12Nogueiras Santiago, JesusGMCUB2493111½½½1016.52481
13Gonzalez Vidal, YuriGmCUB252511½½1101½6.52488
14Abreu Delgado, AryamGmCUB247711½1011½½6.52440
15Aleskerov, FaikAze240911011101½6.52461
16Rojas Alarcon, Julian AntoFMMEX232111½1½½½½16.52527
17Gonzalez Garcia, JoseGmMEX251711½101½½16.52451
18Della Morte, PabloFmARG23581101101½16.52370
19Garcia Guerrero, Isaac AntMEX21541011½01116.52331
20Mitkov, NikolaGmMkd249311011½10½6.02389
21Leon Hoyos, ManuelGmMEX25821110101016.02426
22Capo Vidal, UrielImMEX23341101101½½6.02322
23Arribas Robaina, MaritzaWGMCUB23211011101106.02318
24Carlos Arriaga, Jesus RobeMEX2054+½10½11½½6.02365
25Zavalza Ramirez, Ivan JNmMEX21681011011016.02294
26Garcia Almaguer, Juan ManuMEX209110½11½0116.02250
27Monjardin Cruz, HeliMEX21111010110116.02240
28Navarrete Mendez, GonzaloCMMEX226001½11½0116.02174
29Martinez Castaneda, AllanMEX2090011011½½16.02340
30Venegas Ocampo, Pablo JuanFMMEX2258==11001116.02294
31Perez Avendano, Paul OmarFMMEX2251001111½1½6.02295
32Alford Phillipe, JasonFmMEX223510½011½116.02182
33Gonzalez Zamora, Juan CarlGMMEX25271111½01005.52493
34Martinez Duany, Lelys StanGMCUB2459111½010105.52350
35Vigoa Apecheche, YaniraWgmCUB23191½1½1½½0½5.52294
36Perez Garcia, Rodney OscarIMCUB23851101½1½0½5.52326
37Huerta Carballo, DayronFmMEX23631½10110105.52193
38Torres Rosas, Luis CarlosMEX229811100½1105.52312
39Tapie Amione, Pablo AdibMEX2258110½110½½5.52226
40Moreyra Tinoco, MaximoMEX22591½½101½105.52265
192 players

27) Lviv March Rating 2013

The Lviv March Rating took place 22nd to 26th March 2013. Mikhail Yarmysty won with 7/9.

Lviv March Rating Lviv UKR Fri 22nd Mar 2013 - Tue 26th Mar 2013. Category: None. Ave: (1214)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Yarmysty, Mikhail UKR 2366 # = = 1 1 = 1 1 1 = 7 2026
2 Prokopchuk, Yarema UKR = # 1 0 1 = 0 1 1 1 6 2023
3 Korobov, Yuriy UKR = 0 # 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 6 2023
4 Sanotsky, Yuriy UKR 1993 0 1 1 # = 0 = 1 1 = 5.5 1880
5 Yavoriv, Roman UKR 0 0 = = # 1 0 1 1 1 5 1898
6 Salevich, Volodimir UKR 2021 = = 0 1 0 # 0 = = 1 4 2023
7 Kovalsky, Vadim UKR 1924 0 1 0 = 1 1 # 0 0 0 3.5 2043
8 Kozak, Dmytro UKR 1936 0 0 0 0 0 = 1 # 1 1 3.5 2040
9 Kolos, Taras UKR 0 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 # 1 2.5 2023
10 Korman, Roman UKR 1898 = 0 0 = 0 0 1 0 0 # 2 2048

28) North Carolina Invitational 2013

The North Carolina Invitational took place 22nd to 24th March 2013. Miles Ardaman, Ronald Simpson and Joshua Wang Mu finished on 3.5/5. My thanks to Walter High for the games and results.

North Carolina Inv Chapel Hill USA Fri 22nd Mar 2013 - Sun 24th Mar 2013. Category: None. Ave: (2210)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pts TPR
1 Ardaman, Miles FM USA 2283 # = 1 1 0 1 3.5 2344
2 Mu, Joshua USA 2185 = # = = 1 1 3.5 2364
3 Simpson, Ronald FM USA 2263 0 = # 1 1 1 3.5 2348
4 Mabe, Chris J USA 2255 0 = 0 # 1 1 2.5 2201
5 Shamilov, Eduard USA 2187 1 0 0 0 # 1 2 2143
6 Timmel, John USA 2087 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 2235

29) Pobeskydi Open 2013

The Pobeskydi Open took place 28th March to 1st April 2013. Jiri Kociscak edged out Vojtech Plat and Jakub Rabatin on tie-break after all scored 7/9.

Pobeskydi Open 2013 Frydek Mistek CZE Thu 28th Mar 2013 - Mon 1st Apr 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Kociscak JiriFMCZE24217.042.553.036.5
2Plat VojtechIMCZE24527.041.553.533.5
3Rabatin JakubCZE21747.
4Farkas GaborSVK23066.039.551.031.5
5Luch MichalIMPOL24326.
6Zasko GrigoryRUS21496.037.549.028.0
7Horak JiriCZE22056.
8Snorek MilanCZE21646.035.547.027.5
9Matras OndrejFMCZE22656.
10Bacak Petr ml.CZE20186.032.542.529.0
11Marikova JanaCZE19806.032.542.029.5
12Fargac MartinCZE20695.540.051.030.0
13Novotny MichalFMCZE22795.539.550.530.5
14Cempel JaroslavFMCZE22285.537.548.527.0
15Raszka JanuszPOL21945.535.545.525.5
16Zavadil MichalCZE20785.535.044.521.0
17Richterova NatasaCZE19525.534.044.531.0
18Novotny AdamSVK19155.534.044.028.5
19Dobes VojtechCZE20355.039.550.028.5
20Novosadova KristynaCZE21445.
21Kubik MichaelCZE21525.
22Petr JanCZE20335.
23Karhanek PavelCZE20305.035.044.527.5
24Bausano MichaelCZE17375.035.043.527.5
25Kozel JiriCZE20625.034.544.022.5
26Ulrych WojciechPOL20045.034.044.530.0
27Chromik TomasCZE18855.033.543.024.0
28Trombik KarelCZE20415.
29Horak AlesCZE17625.033.043.530.0
30Kula DominikCZE18315.033.041.525.0
31Jirousek FilipCZE17495.031.538.024.0
32Kozak PavelCZE20325.031.039.522.5
33Lys JosefFMCZE21315.031.039.519.0
34Kuciel WladyslawPOL20425.030.540.518.0
35Skalicky TomasCZE19605.030.039.523.5
36Sadzikowski MarianPOL18445.030.038.523.0
37Taus MartinCZE21694.540.051.028.0
38Miculka PetrCZE20404.535.545.022.0
39Tsanava TamariRUS04.534.545.029.0
40Rastropin YuriyUKR18784.534.044.525.0
82 players
Interchess Cup 2013 Frydek Mistek CZE Thu 28th Mar 2013 - Mon 1st Apr 2013
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
1Michenka JozefIMCZE23526.028.75
2Vesselovsky SergueiIMCZE23485.025.00
3Jaworski MiroslawIMPOL22905.024.75
4Wiley Tom EFMENG22575.024.50
5Straka JosefFMSVK23464.523.25
6Nguyen Thai Dai VanCZE21214.522.25
6 players

30) 116th YMCA Winter 2013

The 116th YMCA Winter took place 10th Jan to 21st March 2013. Lukasz Jarmula won but there were an awful lot of forfeits so the exact final result isn't really clear.

116th YMCA Winter Warsaw POL Thu 10th Jan 2013 - Thu 21st Mar 2013. Category: None. Ave: (2104)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Jarmula, Lukasz POL 2164 # 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 9 2361
2 Goslawski, Michal POL 2131 0 # 1 = = = 1 1 1 1 = 1 8 2277
3 Choroszej, Aleksander POL 2097 = 0 # 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 2300
4 Kielar, Maciej POL 2106 0 = 0 # = 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 7 2206
5 Szymczak, Rafal POL 2067 = = 1 = # = = = 1 = = = 6.5 2173
6 Sanz Losada, Victoriano ESP 2093 0 = 0 0 = # 1 0 1 1 1 = 5.5 2105
7 Liberadzki, Slawomir POL 2104 0 0 0 = = 0 # 1 1 0 1 4 2034
8 Szewczyk, Mariusz POL 2074 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 # 1 0 1 = 4 2005
9 Luksik, Mateusz POL 2099 1 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 # 1 1 3.5 1997
10 Delega, Tomasz POL 2129 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 1 0 # = 3 1955
11 Zaczek, Jonathon CAN 2100 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 = # 1.5 1810
12 Kaczorowski, Piotr POL 2088 0 0 0 = = = # 1.5 1913

31) ch-SRB w 2013

The Serbian Women's Championship took place 23rd March to 2nd April. Maria Manakova won with 8/11.

ch-SRB w 2013 Pirot SRB Sat 23rd Mar 2013 - Tue 2nd Apr 2013. Category: None. Ave: (2199)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Manakova, Maria WGM 2347 # 1 1 = = = 0 = 1 1 1 1 8 2361
2 Djukic, Sandra WIM 2125 0 # 1 = = 1 = 0 1 1 1 1 7.5 2339
3 Benderac, Ana WGM 2226 0 0 # = 1 1 1 = = 1 1 = 7 2299
4 Maksimovic, Suzana WGM 2201 = = = # 0 = 1 1 1 0 1 1 7 2301
5 Stojanovic, Andjelija WGM 2258 = = 0 1 # 0 = 1 1 = 1 1 7 2296
6 Zarkovic, Mila 2053 = 0 0 = 1 # 1 1 0 = = 1 6 2248
7 Rakic, Marija WIM 2323 1 = 0 0 = 0 # 1 1 1 0 = 5.5 2188
8 Chelushkina, Irina WGM 2281 = 1 = 0 0 0 0 # = = 1 1 5 2156
9 Eric, Jovana WIM 2240 0 0 = 0 0 1 0 = # 1 1 1 5 2159
10 Nonkovic, Bogdana 2052 0 0 0 1 = = 0 = 0 # 1 = 4 2110
11 Miladinovic, Lena WFM 2116 0 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 0 0 # = 2 1945
12 Petrovic, Marija WIM 2166 0 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 = = # 2 1940

32) AICF KIIT Cup 2013

The AICF KIIT Cup took place in Bhubaneswar 17th to 27th March 2013. Olga Girya won with 8/11.

AICF KIIT Cup 2013 Bhubaneswar IND Sun 17th Mar 2013 - Wed 27th Mar 2013. Category: 6. Ave: (2379)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Girya, Olga WGM RUS 2440 # 1 = = = 1 1 1 1 = = = 8 2549
2 Mkrtchian, Lilit IM ARM 2458 0 # 1 = = = 1 1 = = 1 1 7.5 2505
3 Guo, Qi WGM CHN 2435 = 0 # 1 1 = 0 = = = = 1 6 2410
4 Danielian, Elina GM ARM 2466 = = 0 # 1 = = = = 0 1 1 6 2408
5 Padmini, Rout WGM IND 2316 = = 0 0 # = = 1 = 1 = 1 6 2421
6 Karavade, Eesha IM IND 2387 0 = = = = # = = = = = 1 5.5 2379
7 Paehtz, Elisabeth IM GER 2487 0 0 1 = = = # 0 1 1 = = 5.5 2370
8 Foisor, Cristina-Adela IM ROU 2401 0 0 = = 0 = 1 # 1 = 1 = 5.5 2377
9 Gomes, Mary Ann WGM IND 2387 0 = = = = = 0 0 # 1 = 1 5 2343
10 Swathi, Ghate WGM IND 2246 = = = 1 0 = 0 = 0 # = = 4.5 2327
11 Mohota, Nisha IM IND 2325 = 0 = 0 = = = 0 = = # 0 3.5 2251
12 Kiran, Manisha Mohanty WGM IND 2205 = 0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 = 1 # 3 2220

33) Asian Juniors 2013

The Asian Juniors take place in Sharjah 30th March to 6th April 2013.

Asian Junior Boys Sharjah UAE Sat 30th Mar 2013 - Sat 6th Apr 2013
Leading Round 5 (of 9) Standings:
1Narayanan SrinathIMIND24404.516.09.514.00
2Grover SahajGMIND24674.015.58.511.75
3Debashis DasIMIND24774.
4Kowsarinia AmirFMIRI23014.014.08.510.50
5Iyti BasherIMSYR22924.
6Salem A.R. SalehGMUAE25183.517.511.011.00
7Anurag MhamalFMIND24013.513.58.08.25
8Saiyn ZhanatKAZ22783.015.510.08.00
9Ikramul Haque SiamBAN20793.
10Mukashev AssanKAZ22563.
11Sattarov BobirUZB21873.
12Tran Tuan MinhFMVIE23103.
13Gameel MohamedIMYEM22173.
14Hosseinipour MehdiFMIRI22513.
15Zhanbai Uulu ZhokharKGZ02.515.09.06.25
16El Jawich AmroFMLIB21902.513.58.55.25
17Abdel Rabb RaoufYEM20362.512.57.54.00
18Sultan IbrahimUAE18862.512.06.53.50
19Abo-Hazeem MohannedJOR19292.511.57.03.75
20Walid AnwarUAE18932.511.06.03.00
21Chahrour IbrahimFMLIB19742.
22Ali Rashid GhanemUAE17412.
23Jaiswal RupeshCMNEP20142.
24AlTakroori Husam H.D.PLE02.
25Hamdan MarshoolUAE17562.
26Abdulla AbdulwahabUAE17732.
27Ahmed FareedUAE17252.
28Sultan MarshoolUAE17361.511.56.53.00
29Mayed Al-RashediUAE17851.511.07.01.50
30Muhammed ShuaauMDV17121.
31Al-Zaruoni FahadCMUAE16231.
32Abdulla ShaeriUAE16091.
33Sarhan AhmedUAE01.
34Talal M. AlhammadiUAE15960.
34 players
Asian Junior Girls Sharjah UAE Sat 30th Mar 2013 - Sat 6th Apr 2013
Leading Round 5 (of 9) Standings:
1Vo Thi Kim PhungWIMVIE21934.515.09.013.25
2Hakimifard GhazalWIMIRI22504.016.510.512.75
3Ivana Maria FurtadoWIMIND20654.
4Pujari RuchaWFMIND21213.516.510.010.75
5Nguyen Thi Mai HungWIMVIE22713.516.510.010.00
6Saranya JWFMIND21523.516.09.510.25
7Hoang Thi Nhu YWIMVIE22503.514.58.59.00
8Madhurima ShekharIND19913.513.08.57.25
9Nandhidhaa PvIND21503.513.07.59.00
10Kurbonboeva SarvinozWFMUZB20983.510.06.56.75
11Yagi RitaSYR17673.510.06.05.25
12Assaubayeva DianaWCMKAZ19663.
13Shristi J. ShettyIND19133.
14Alymbay Kyzy AizhanKGZ03.
15Derakhshani DorsaWFMIRI20073.
16Adhikari AsmitaNEP17003.
17Savant RiyaWCMIND19132.517.09.58.00
18Shyngys Kyzy AijarkynKGZ02.515.59.06.75
19Bashaer KhalilUAE15452.514.09.05.25
20Khursanova FaridaUZB19132.513.08.04.75
21Al Dhaffari SalmaUAE15742.510.55.52.75
22Al-Zarouni AishaUAE16992.
23Al-Khulaifi Fatima A.WFMQAT16472.
24Safar ReemWFMQAT17162.
25Abeer AliUAE16832.
26Mariam EssaUAE13732.
27Al-Moaamari MozahUAE13232.
28Kalbani WademaWCMUAE13651.514.09.03.25
29Hamda SarhanUAE13491.512.58.01.75
30Faqih YaraPLE01.
31Mira SarhanUAE01.
32Almaini Aishah SarhanUAE01.
33Nihaya AhmedMDV01.
34Saleh Jasim NoorUAE01.
35Al Ali Aisha SaifUAE01.
36Al Zadjali MaramUAE14640.
36 players

34) 25th Metropolitan Chess FIDE Invitational 2013

The 25th Metropolitan Chess FIDE Invitational took place 20th to 24th March 2013. Zhanibek Amanov won with 6.5/10 in a new double round robin format.

25th Metropolitan IM Los Angeles USA Wed 20th Mar 2013 - Sun 24th Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
1Amanov, ZhanibekIMKAZ23996.5
2Matikozian, AndranikIMARM24296
3Viswanadha, KesavUSA21495
4Kalantarian, NorikIMARM24124.5
5Akopyan, HarutyunFMUSA22114.5
6Duckworth, WilliamMarkFMUSA22563.5
6 players

35) TCh-SUI 2013

The Swiss Team Championship takes place 17th March to 13th October 2013.

TCh-SUI 2013 Zuerich SUI Sun 17th Mar 2013 - Sun 13th Oct 2013
Leading Round 1 (of 9) Standings:
1Reti 128
2Riehen 12
2Winterthur 12
4Luzern 12
4Schwarz-Weiss Bern 12
6Wollishofen 10
6Zuerich 10
8Bodan 10
9Geneve 10
10Mendrisio 100
10 teams

36) TCh-CAT 2013

The Catalan Team Championship Division Honor takes place 19th Jan to 13th April most weeks.

TCh-CAT Div Hon Barcelona ESP Sat 19th Jan 2013 - Sat 13th Apr 2013
Leading Round 9 (of 11) Standings:
8SANT ANDREU3.5158.5
12 teams

37) TCh-SWE Elitserien 2012-13

The Swedish Team Championship takes place 5th October 2012 to 17th March 2013. Final Rounds 7-9 were on 15th to 17th March 2013. Still waiting for those games to become available. Limhamns SK took the title.

TCh-SWE Elit 2012-13 Sweden SWE Fri 5th Oct 2012 - Sun 17th Mar 2013
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Limhamns SK 97111541.5
2SK Team Viking 97201449
3Lunds ASK 97201443
4SK Rockaden, Sthlm 96211344
5Vasteras SK 9333935.5
6Burgsvik Alva SK 9135731.5
7Orgryte SK 9243731
8Eksjo SK 9153530.5
9SS Manhem 9162427
10SK Rockaden Umea 9180227
10 teams

38) Active Team Events

A list of ongoing team events without an update this week.

4NCL 2012-13

The 4NCL started in Sunningdale 3rd-4th November 2012. Rounds 9-11 take place 4th to 6th May 2013.

4NCL 2012-13 Sunningdale ENG Sat 3rd Nov 2012 - Sat 11th May 2013
Leading Round 7 (of 11) Standings:
1Guildford 17-16½-1½6-25½-2½825
2Wood Green Hilsmark 15-34-45½-2½5-3719½
3Barbican 4NCL 13-55-36-24½-3½618½
4Cheddleton 14-43-54-45½-2½416½
5White Rose 11-74-42½-5½7-1314½
6Barbican 4NCL 21½-6½2-65½-2½3-5212
7Jutes of Kent2-62½-5½1-75-3210½
8Cambridge University 12½-5½3-53½-4½2½-5½011½
1Wood Green Hilsmark 23½-4½7-15-36-2621½
2Sambuca Sharks4½-3½5½-2½2-65-3617
3South Wales Dragons4½-3½3½-4½4-45-3517
4Warwickshire Select 11-74-44½-3½4½-3½514 12½-5½5-32-66-2415½
6Guildford 26-23½-4½3-54-4316½
7Blackthorne Russia3-53-53½-4½6-2215½
8BCM Dragons2-63-52-64-4111
16 teams

TCh-CZE Extraliga 2012-13

The Czech Extraliga and various quite strong secondary leagues are well under way. Rounds 1-2 of the Extraliga took place 3rd to 4th November 2012. Rounds 3-4 took place 1st to 2nd December 2012. Rounds 5-6 16th to 17th Feb 2012. Rounds 7-8 23rd to 24th March 2013. Round 9 17th March 2013. Round 10 9th April 2013.

TCh-CZE Extraliga Prague CZE Sat 3rd Nov 2012 - Sun 28th Apr 2013
Leading Round 6 (of 11) Standings:
11. Novoborsky ŠK*56451631.08.5
2Rapid Pardubice*66751532.010.5
3TJ Tatran Litovel*1471326.57.5
4A64 VALOZ Grygov*5641024.56.5
5Vystaviště Lysa nad Labem3*41024.05.5
6ŠK Zikuda Turnov2*5924.05.0
7Labortech Ostrava23*922.04.0
8BŠŠ Frydek-Mistek47*726.07.0
9ŠK Slavoj Poruba33*35623.05.5
10AD Mahrla Praha245*421.55.0
11TJ Bohemians Praha1123*315.04.5
12TŽ Třinec344*218.52.5
12 teams
TCh-CZE 1st Zapad Prague CZE Sat 3rd Nov 2012 - Sun 28th Apr 2013
Leading Round 9 (of 11) Standings:
1ŠK Holdia DP Praha B*6552444.016.0
2ŠK ERA Poštovni spořitelna*45642044.514.0
3ŠK AD Jičin4*4451841.510.5
4JOLY Lysa nad Labem B3*4841745.515.0
51. Novoborsky ŠK B*451336.512.5
6TJ Pankrac44*441336.59.5
7TJ Slavia Hradec Kralove4*51332.59.0
82222 ŠK Polabiny A2243*51031.09.5
9QCC Česke Budějovice404*73832.010.0
10TJ Sokol Praha - Kobylisy3333*4732.08.0
11ŠK Sokol Vyšehrad3414*527.56.5
12Sokol Praha - Vršovice45*428.57.5
12 teams
TCh-CZE 1st Vychod Prague CZE Sat 3rd Nov 2012 - Sun 28th Apr 2013
Leading Round 9 (of 11) Standings:
1Šachovy klub Karvina “A“*552443.513.5
2SK Slavia Orlova “A“*54542044.515.0
3ŠK Caissa RHEA Třebič “A“3*551839.011.5
4ŠK Duras BVK Kralovo Pole “A“3*41636.59.5
5ŠK Stare Město “A“3*461337.010.0
6ŠK Zlin “A“4*41137.513.5
7Beskydska šachova škola o.s. “B“*6441136.010.5
8A64 PROCLIENT Grygov “B“44*231132.59.0
9Tatran Litovel “B“½2*441130.08.5
10Slavia Kroměřiž “A“3364*51036.010.5
11ŠK Gordic Jihlava3444543*733.09.5
122222 ŠK Polabiny “B“24*126.55.0
12 teams

Bundesliga 2012-13

The Bundesliga takes place 20th October 2012 to 7th April 2013. Final rounds 13-15 take place on 5th to 7th April 2013. The title is all but decided with OSG Baden-Baden still on a 100% score.

Bundesliga 2012-13 Germany GER Sat 20th Oct 2012 - Sun 7th Apr 2013
Leading Round 12 (of 15) Standings:
3SG Solingen82234461858
4SC Eppingen73244571659
6SG Trier633234441551½
13SF Berlin2913343541
16 teams

TCh-HUN 2012-13

The Hungarian Team Champion take place 16th September to Sun 21st Apr 2013. Round 9 21st April 2013.

TCh-HUN 2012-13 Budapest HUN Sun 16th Sep 2012 - Sun 21st Apr 2013
Leading Round 8 (of 9) Standings:
1Aquaprofit-NTSK5. 97.5963.5
2ASE Paks6.55.587
3HVSE5.56.55.5 6.56688.552.5
4ASS-Makoi SVSE3.546. 5.550
5Penzugyor SE4.55 3.5678.56.5849
6MLTC2 5.55.567.
7Hungaropharma Decs 4.563.554.5686.544
8Dunaharaszti MTK34.5653.55.566 39.5
9Toth Laszlo SE4.52.54 5.54.546839
10BEAC I343.56.545.55.5 436
10 teams

TCh-AUT 2nd Bundesliga 2012-13

The Austrian 2nd Division Mitte division has started. Rounds 4-5 were on 24th-25th November 2012. Round 5-6 22nd-23rd March 2013. In addition I now have games from the East and West divisions.

TCh-AUT2 Mitte12-13 Austria AUT Fri 19th Oct 2012 - Sun 21st Apr 2013
Leading Round 5 (of 11) Standings:
1RbEJ Gleisdorf*435920.00
2Spg. Grieskirchen/B.Schallerbach*3444918.50
3Schachverein Wolfsberg*818.50
4Schachclub MPÖ Maria Saal*818.50
5Schachklub Sparkasse Fürstenfeld3*4515.50
6Spg. Sauwald2*333514.50
7Union Styria Graz3½*4513.50
8ESV Austria Graz2*3315.50
9SC Die Klagenfurter232*313.00
10ASK St. Valentin233*212.00
12SV Steyregg3½*110.00
12 teams
TCh-AUT 2 West 12-13 Austria AUT Fri 19th Oct 2012 - Sun 21st Apr 2013
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
1SIR Bernhard*544352149.0
2Hohenems II*241637.5
4Kufstein / Woergl4*323421235.5
7ASK 1½1432*41128.0
8ATSV Ranshofen332*3931.5
9Rochade Rum12223*333829.5
12 teams
TCh-AUT 2 East 12-13 Austria AUT Fri 19th Oct 2012 - Sun 21st Apr 2013
Leading Round 9 (of 11) Standings:
1ASVO Pamhagen*444441838.00
3Raiffeisen Waehring*2343451231.50
4Zwettl 2½*551230.50
5SK Wien-Ottakring24*31129.00
6Spg Data Technology Eichgraben/P.23*24927.50
7ASVO Mattersburg2½4*53926.50
8Blackburne Nickelsdorf2*5828.50
9ASVOe VHS Poechlarn231*726.00
11ASVO Lackenbach2331*420.50
12SK Hietzing2112*014.50
12 teams

Dutch League 2012-13

The Dutch League takes place 15th September 2012 to 20th April 2013. Round 7 9th March 2013. Games available. Round 8 6th April 2013. Round 9 20th April 2013.

Dutch League 2012-13 Amsterdam NED Sat 15th Sep 2012 - Sat 20th Apr 2013
Leading Round 7 (of 9) Standings:
1En Passant2472 6 61447½
2Accres Apeldoorn24154 1042
3SO Rotterdam2406 5 66938
4Utrecht2374465 6 935½
5Voerendaal2412 7838
6HMC Calder2378½4 56730
7Groninger Combinatie2337 6633
8Kennemer Combinatie2353 4 431
9BSG23264 4435 330
10De Stukkenjagers2280 4025
10 teams

TCh-NOR Eliteserien 2012-13

The Norwegian Teams Eliteserien takes place 2nd November to 7th April 2012. Played in three sets of fixtures. Rounds 1-3 2nd-4th November 2012. Rounds 4-6 11th-13th January 2013 (games available). Rounds 7-9 5th-7th April 2013.

TCh-NOR El 2012-13 Oslo NOR Fri 2nd Nov 2012 - Sun 7th Apr 2013
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
1 OSS2413122332
2 Kristiansund2425922.521.5
3 SK 19112317820.517
4 Asker222561813
5 Moss2304518.513.5
6 Akademisk2200516.59.5
7 Bergens2314516.59
8 Black Knights232341710
9 SOSS Selvaagbygg22713169.5
10 Trondheim2148311.58
10 teams

Chinese League 2012

The Chinese league was a marathon event over 22 rounds. Rounds: Beijing 28th Apr - May 1st, Taizhou 27th-29th June, Shanghai 11th-13th July (turned out to be Tianjin), Shenzhen 14th-17th Sept, Hangzhou 6th-9th October and finally Danzhou 21st-24th Dec 2012. (info Shanghai Jianqiao Academy Team took the title.

I'm hoping an archive of games turns up still, if anyone sees games from the final rounds let me know.

39) Forthcoming Events and Links

Sydney International Open 2013

Sydney Int Open Sydney AUS Wed 3rd Apr 2013 - Sun 7th Apr 2013
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Li, Chao b GM CHN 2686 8604436
2 Van Wely, Loek GM NED 2684 1000268
3 Vajda, Levente GM ROU 2632 1203975
4 Heberla, Bartlomiej GM POL 2562 1115120
5 Stocek, Jiri GM CZE 2544 304760
6 Sethuraman, S.P. GM IND 2541 5021596
7 Zhao, Zong-Yuan GM AUS 2537 3202534
8 Horvath, Adam GM HUN 2509 708003
9 Czebe, Attila GM HUN 2479 705268
10 Palit, Somak IM IND 2449 5010454
11 Stany, G.A. IM IND 2432 5029104
12 Johansen, Darryl K. GM AUS 2430 3200035
13 Laxman, R.R. GM IND 2429 5005361
14 Cheng, Bobby FM AUS 2425 4300033
15 Lane, Gary W. IM AUS 2412 3203301
16 Akshat, Khamparia IM IND 2393 5016541
17 Solomon, Stephen J. IM AUS 2387 3200043
18 Bjelobrk, Igor FM AUS 2329 4300726
19 Li, Zuhao Luke NZL 2287 4303431
20 Hu, Xi CHN 2280 8602557
21 Tan, Justin AUS 2249 3206882
22 Rishi, Sardana IND 2232 25004301
23 Lei, Tingjie CHN 2232 8605114
24 Dale, Ari AUS 2222 3213145
25 Nakauchi, Gene FM AUS 2221 3200698
26 Ayvazyan, Armen AUS 2211 3204170
27 Smirnov, Anton AUS 2194 3208923
28 Otgonjargal, Sengeravdan WFM MGL 2171 4900790
29 Nazari, Sattar IRI 2163 12504750
30 Setiawan, A. INA 2160 7100639
31 Charles, Gareth AUS 2156 3203000
32 Castor, David AUS 2116 3204588
33 Ferozkohi, Ihsan GER 2107 24666866
34 Wei, Michael AUS 2104 3204219
35 Broekhuyse, Paul AUS 2076 3202925
36 Lee, Kah Meng Elgin MAS 2068 5701996
37 Camer, Angelito AUS 2054 3203590
38 Fuatai, Fuatai NZL 2021 4301536
39 Lester, George E AUS 2012 3200639
40 Marner, Gavin NZL 1995 4300653
41 Spuler, David AUS 1987 3217639
42 Ilic, Ilija AUS 1981 3202364
43 Mallari, Donato AUS 1978 3215423
44 Abbott, Peter AUS 1975 3208494
45 Cabilin, Jeff AUS 1950 3202372
46 KUAN, Julian HKG 1948 6001025
47 Davis, Tony J AUS 1922 3205550
48 Puccini, Jack AUS 1891 3213307
49 Selnes, Hamish AUS 1886 3205061
50 Zheng, Shucheng AUS 1852 3221342
51 Press, Harry AUS 1845 3215539
52 Yermolenko, Taras UKR 1816 14135680
53 Wan, Dennis AUS 1798 3207250
54 Buciu, Aurel-John AUS 1783 3208516
55 Kuan, Ying Fatt HKG 1781 6001211
56 Myers, Stephen P AUS 1777 3209300
57 William, Lee Kah Howe MAS 1759 5702240
58 Willathgamuwa, Kevin AUS 1729 3214168
59 Brockman, Roland AUS 1708 3204685
60 Willathgamuwa, Rowan AUS 1683 3214176

TCh-RUS 2013

FIDE Grand Prix Lisbon 2013

48th Capablanca Memorial 2013

Alekhine Memorial 2013

Malahide Millennium Tournament 2013

14th Euro Indiv 2013

American Continental Championship 2013

Norway Chess 2013

Norway Chess 2013 Sandnes NOR Wed 8th May 2013 - Sat 18th May 2013
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Carlsen, Magnus GM NOR 2872 1503014
2 Kramnik, Vladimir GM RUS 2810 4101588
3 Aronian, Levon GM ARM 2809 13300474
4 Radjabov, Teimour GM AZE 2793 13400924
5 Karjakin, Sergey GM RUS 2786 14109603
6 Anand, Viswanathan GM IND 2780 5000017
7 Topalov, Veselin GM BUL 2771 2900084
8 Nakamura, Hikaru GM USA 2767 2016192
9 Wang, Hao GM CHN 2743 8602883
10 Hammer, Jon Ludvig GM NOR 2629 1503707

6th Calgary International 2013

21st Sigeman & Co 2013

FIDE Grand Prix Madrid 2013

43rd Open Bosna 2013

XXVI Ciudad de Leon

27th Pula Open 2013

82nd ch-UKR 2013

Opatija Open 2013

FIDE Grand Prix Berlin 2013

31st Andorra Open 2013

36th Taminco Open 2013

46th Biel International Chess Festival 2013

FIDE World Cup 2013

FIDE Grand Prix Paris 2013

All material © Mark Crowther 2012