THE WEEK IN CHESS 900 6th February 2012 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther
Mobile 07971 920016


1) Introduction
2) Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2012
3) Moscow Open 2012
4) 17th HIT Open 2012
5) 34th Georgi Tringov Memorial
6) Turkish Championships 2012
7) 15th Metropolitan IM
8) Marshall Invitational 2012
9) 14th NordWest-Cup 2012
10) First Saturday February 2012
11) 4th Societat Coral Colon IM
12) Torneo Internacional Apertura 2012
13) ch-CRO w 2012
14) Belgrade Championships 2012
15) Hungarian Teams 2011-12
16) Bundesliga 2011-12
17) Frauenbundesliga 2011-12
18) Active Team Events
19) Queenstown Chess Classic 2012
20) 10th Parsvnath International Open
21) Forthcoming Events and Links

Games Section
Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2012485 games
Moscow Open 2012150 games
17th HIT Open 2012175 games
34th Georgi Tringov Memorial212 games
Turkish Championships 20121679 games
15th Metropolitan IM45 games
14th NordWest-Cup 201223 games
Torneo Internacional Apertura 201245 games
ch-CRO w 20124 games
Belgrade Championships 201217 games
Hungarian Teams 2011-1272 games
Bundesliga 2011-12128 games
Frauenbundesliga 2011-1224 games
Queenstown Chess Classic 2012328 games
10th Parsvnath International Open4 games
3394 games

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1) Introduction

My thanks to Alexander Prokhorov, Roland Wimmer, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Sinisa Joksic, Mitko Iliev, Zenon Franco Ocampos, Franz Jittenmeier, Jack Peters and everyone else who helped with the issue. Indeed thanks to the many, many people that have contributed to, and helped TWIC over the years.

The 10th Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival was one that may go down in history. Nigel Short won after a rapid playoff against Women's World Chess Champion Hou Yifan. Short has had some up and down results in recent years but still plays some of the most entertaining and interesting chess going. The way he beat Krishnan Sasikiran in the final round with black to even get into a playoff was very impressive. However it is the result of Hou Yifan who turned in a 2872 performance that will probably have a lasting significance. She beat amongst others Zoltan Almasi, Le Quang Liem and Alexei Shirov. But it is her win against Judit Polgar in their first game together that carries the most promise. Polgar is suddenly vulnerable as the women's number one to the 17 year old Hou. Polgar has been the only woman in the top 100 players in the world, I think Hou will inevitably join her soon and see top 50 quite probable. There is also the question as to whether she could also become China's top player. The next couple of years will tell. I am sure elite tournament organisers would absolutely love to have another female player they could invite to their tournaments.

This is the 900th issue of TWIC. A landmark to be sure, and only a couple of years short of 1000. TWIC 1 was published on the 17th September 1994. This now seems a lifetime ago. I started to change how I compiled TWIC around three years ago and have written my own programs to help me to do this. This work still has a way to go. At the time I started it was mostly chess journalists that cared about the publication of games, I remember the difficulty in getting games from events such as the FIDE Candidates, VSB Amsterdam and the early Amber tournaments (one year I typed the games in by hand from faxes sent to me by Jon Speelman) and at the start newspapers and magazines were amongst my most important sources. Now top events have superb coverage with videos, photos, articles and interviews and of course the games. It seems to me that the free availability of games is one of the most important factors in promoting the game throughout the world. At one time talented players outside traditional chess centres would not have access to the material they needed to improve, now they have. The live high quality feeds from the Russian events has transformed the experience of watching chess, at least for the journalist (it can actually get a bit tiring now! there is almost too much as I watch things from almost a mini-press centre at home). Last year I upped the numbers of games in the magazine but I've had to cut back again it was proving too exhausting. Games by leading and titled players take the priority. I was never interested in being completist but at the moment I think I have the balance right and get most of the significant material.

I will have to make decisions as to the future of TWIC in the long term. It almost seems that people who one way or another make use of it for their own products get more out of it than I or my sponsor The London Chess Centre do these days. Without the backing of Malcolm Pein and the London Chess Centre it would have been totally impossible for me reach this landmark and I thank them. It does seem to me that the magazine has never been so well appreciated picking up new readers in the last couple of years. The idea of collecting together the week's important games and stories still seems to work well for many of my readers, if only for them to look at the games. I've had to expand other activities such as reports on the front page of the TWIC website, but recently the chess has been really enjoyable. Nevertheless there isn't enough time to do all I want to do. There is a danger of me getting into a situation of jack of all trades and master of none, my web skills are pretty good now but I hardly have time to even partially use them. There are projects such as a compilation of everything so far, better visual appearance and better programs for processing information I would like to do. But that is for the medium term, right now this is still interesting and challenging work for me to do.

I thank everyone for their continued support and as I traditionally say, I hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2012

The Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival took place Tuesday 24th Jan - Thursday 2nd Feb 2012. Peter Svidler, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, Michael Adams, Zoltan Almasi, Le Quang Liem, Alexei Shirov and Judit Polgar were amongst the stars. In the final round Hou Yifan drew against Shakhriyar Mamedyarow which allowed Nigel Short to catch her with a fine win against Krishnan Sasikiran. Short went on to beat Hou in a 2 game 10 mins + 5 seconds per move playoff match 1.5-0.5 but could have won the second game had he needed to do so.

Gibraltar Open Caleta ENG Tue 24th Jan 2012 - Thu 2nd Feb 2012
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
1Short Nigel DGMENG26778.02838.0
2Hou YifanGMCHN26058.02872.0
3Adams MichaelGMENG27247.52807.0
4Mamedyarov ShakhriyarGMAZE27477.52783.0
5Bologan ViktorGMMDA26807.52734.0
6Sutovsky EmilGMISR27037.52669.0
7Le Quang LiemGMVIE27147.02733.0
8Almasi ZoltanGMHUN27177.02730.0
9Howell David W LGMENG26037.02725.0
10Sasikiran KrishnanGMIND27007.02717.0
11Movsesian SergeiGMARM27007.02711.0
12Svidler PeterGMRUS27497.02700.0
13Negi ParimarjanGMIND26417.02694.0
14Polgar JuditGMHUN27107.02693.0
15Laznicka ViktorGMCZE27047.02681.0
16Fridman DanielGMGER26607.02632.0
17Gustafsson JanGMGER26437.02628.0
18Jussupow ArturGMGER25697.02625.0
19Salem A R SalehGMUAE25057.02621.0
20Berg EmanuelGMSWE25507.02603.0
21Sargissian GabrielGMARM26837.02594.0
22Kanep MeelisGMEST25097.02556.0
23Cabrera AlexisGMESP25047.02544.0
24Gopal G NGMIND25666.52647.0
25Shirov AlexeiGMLAT27106.52629.0
26Brunello SabinoGMITA25816.52617.0
27Kulaots KaidoGMEST25816.52604.0
28Erdos ViktorGMHUN26346.52601.0
29Zhu ChenGMQAT24726.52598.0
30Cramling PiaGMSWE24916.52591.0
31Muzychuk AnnaIMSLO25806.52586.0
32El Debs Felipe De CresceGMBRA24976.52582.0
33Nabaty TamirGMISR25636.52575.0
34Stefanova AntoanetaGMBUL25236.52571.0
35Dvirnyy DaniyylIMITA24926.52530.0
36Del Rio De Angelis Salvador GGMESP25316.52528.0
37Gupta AbhijeetGMIND26526.52525.0
38Muzychuk MariyaIMUKR24836.52525.0
39Iturrizaga EdoardoGMVEN26496.52510.0
40Zatonskih AnnaIMUSA25066.52502.0
256 players

3) Moscow Open 2012

The Moscow Open that traditionally leads into the Aeroflot Open took place 29th January - 5th February 2012. Igor Lysyj won the main Open A alone with 7.5/9. Marinia Romanko the women's open with the same score. Ukrainian talent Yaroslav Zherebukh won the young boys masters event with 7/9.

Moscow Open A 2012 Moscow RUS Sat 28th Jan 2012 - Sun 5th Feb 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Lysyj IgorGMRUS26337.550.5638.5
2Inarkiev ErnestoGMRUS26897.052.0537.0
3Kokarev DmitryGMRUS26187.049.0640.0
4Eliseev UriiRUS24357.049.0536.0
5Maletin PavelGMRUS25756.549.5533.5
6Lastin AlexanderGMRUS25386.549.0433.5
7Aleksandrov AleksejGMBLR26126.548.0534.0
8Socko BartoszGMPOL26366.547.5433.5
9Svetushkin DmitryGMMDA25986.547.0533.0
10Dubov DaniilGMRUS24986.546.5435.0
11Chadaev NikolaiGMRUS25566.545.0431.5
12Romanov EvgenyGMRUS26286.544.5433.0
13Kurnosov IgorGMRUS26486.542.5530.0
14Deviatkin AndreiGMRUS25746.540.0527.5
15Goganov AlekseyIMRUS24976.050.5332.5
16Ni HuaGMCHN26416.049.0434.5
17Kovchan AlexanderGMUKR25656.049.0434.0
18Khairullin IldarGMRUS26386.048.5330.5
19Khismatullin DenisGMRUS26646.048.0529.5
20Andreikin DmitryGMRUS26886.047.5432.5
21Bu XiangzhiGMCHN26706.047.5331.5
22Gabrielian ArturGMRUS25456.047.0532.0
23Venkatesh M.R.IMIND24996.047.0332.5
24Volkov SergeyGMRUS26336.046.0431.5
25Demchenko AntonIMRUS25786.045.0529.5
26Tarlev KonstantinIMUKR25236.044.5529.5
27Bocharov DmitryGMRUS26116.044.0429.5
28Vidit Santosh GujrathiIMIND25136.041.5430.0
29Arun Prasad S.GMIND25306.041.0427.0
30Javakhadze ZurabGEO24136.039.5527.5
31Rakhmanov AleksandrGMRUS25936.038.5428.0
32Lintchevski DaniilGMRUS25756.037.5428.0
33Kornev AlexeiGMRUS25305.550.5333.5
34Savchenko BorisGMRUS26095.550.0334.0
35Bartel MateuszGMPOL26585.549.5333.0
36Shimanov AleksandrGMRUS25495.548.0432.0
37Timofeev ArtyomGMRUS26595.546.5530.0
38Gunina ValentinaIMRUS25105.546.5529.5
39Korotylev AlexeyGMRUS25805.546.5428.5
40Chernobay ArtemGMRUS25005.546.0530.0
190 players
Moscow Open Women Moscow RUS Sat 28th Jan 2012 - Sun 5th Feb 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Romanko MarinaIMRUS23897.551.5638.5
2Huang QianWGMCHN23897.057.5538.5
3Charochkina DariaWGMRUS23587.054.0637.5
4Kovanova BairaWGMRUS23837.054.0537.0
5Mirzoeva ElmiraWGMRUS22147.053.0637.0
6Atalik EkaterinaIMTUR24817.052.0538.0
7Paikidze NaziWGMGEO24117.051.0638.0
8Fominykh MariaWIMRUS22536.552.0637.0
9Galojan LilitIMARM23666.551.5532.5
10Bodnaruk AnastasiaIMRUS24196.548.5631.5
11Tarasova ViktoriyaWIMRUS22946.548.0533.0
12Burtasova AnnaWGMRUS22636.547.0633.0
13Gvanceladze AnnaWFMRUS21726.547.0532.0
14Manakova MariaWGMSRB23196.546.5533.0
15Ivakhinova InnaWIMRUS22916.544.0632.0
16Munguntuul BatkhuyagIMMGL24526.052.0431.5
17Ambartsumova KarinaWGMRUS23156.050.5434.5
18Karnaukhova ElmiraWGMRUS23286.048.0633.0
19Ivkina OlgaWIMRUS22756.046.5532.0
20Doluhanova EvgeniyaWGMARM22856.046.5530.5
21Bivol AlinaWFMRUS21486.045.5432.0
22Sukhareva EvgeniyaRUS22126.045.0631.0
23Nakhbayeva GuliskhanWIMKAZ22846.045.0432.0
24Savina AnastasiaIMRUS23376.044.5630.0
25Wang JueCHN23886.044.5427.5
26Timofeeva EkaterinaWIMRUS22776.043.5531.0
27Bezgodova SvetlanaWIMRUS21006.039.0627.0
28Baciu DianaWFMMDA22066.038.0527.5
29Zhai MoWFMCHN21915.551.5532.5
30Cheremnova TamaraWFMRUS22605.549.5432.5
31Makarenko AlexandraRUS20785.547.0531.5
32Xu HuahuaCHN21345.547.0427.5
33Strutinskaya Galina NWGMRUS22985.545.5528.5
34Grabuzova TatianaWGMRUS23405.544.5429.0
35Grigoryeva Olga AWFMRUS21465.544.5428.0
36Enkhtuul AltanulziiWFMMGL22115.544.0329.5
37Nikitina ElenaWFMRUS21045.543.5525.0
38Kostrikina AnnaWFMRUS21855.542.0529.0
39Dordzhieva DinaraWCMRUS20335.542.0427.0
40Kharmunova NadejdaWIMRUS22155.541.0425.0
154 players
Moscow Open D 2012 Moscow RUS Sat 28th Jan 2012 - Sun 5th Feb 2012. Category: 13. Ave: (2562)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Zherebukh, Yaroslav GM UKR 2594 # = 1 = 0 1 1 1 1 1 7 2779
2 Matlakov, Maxim GM RUS 2625 = # = 1 1 = 0 1 1 = 6 2680
3 Robson, Ray GM USA 2596 0 = # 1 1 = 1 0 1 = 5.5 2638
4 Grigoryan, Avetik GM ARM 2621 = 0 0 # 1 = = 1 = 1 5 2599
5 Stukopin, Andrey IM RUS 2460 1 0 0 0 # = = = = 1 4 2531
6 Yilmaz, Mustafa IM TUR 2521 0 = = = = # = = 1 0 4 2524
7 Reshetnikov, Alexey IM RUS 2514 0 1 0 = = = # 0 = = 3.5 2488
8 Ipatov, Alexander GM ESP 2586 0 0 1 0 = = 1 # 0 = 3.5 2480
9 Belous, Vladimir IM RUS 2522 0 0 0 = = 0 = 1 # 1 3.5 2487
10 Swiercz, Dariusz GM POL 2583 0 = = 0 0 1 = = 0 # 3 2435
Moscow Open E 2012 Moscow RUS Sat 28th Jan 2012 - Sun 5th Feb 2012. Category: 4. Ave: (2329)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Batsiashvili, Nino WGM GEO 2426 # = 1 1 = = = 1 1 1 7 2538
2 Ziaziulkina, Nastassia WIM BLR 2290 = # = 1 = 1 1 = = 1 6.5 2499
3 Szczepkowska-Horowska, Karina WGM POL 2377 0 = # = 1 = = 1 1 1 6 2448
4 Goryachkina, Aleksandra WIM RUS 2333 0 0 = # 1 = = 1 1 1 5.5 2408
5 Padmini, Rout WGM IND 2383 = = 0 0 # = 1 = 1 1 5 2366
6 Pustovoitova, Daria FM RUS 2303 = 0 = = = # 1 0 1 = 4.5 2332
7 Kashlinskaya, Alina WGM RUS 2389 = 0 = = 0 0 # 1 1 1 4.5 2322
8 Bulmaga, Irina WIM ROU 2360 0 = 0 0 = 1 0 # 0 1 3 2200
9 Drozdova, Dina RUS 2242 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 1 # 0 1.5 2065
10 Severina, Maria RUS 2185 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 # 1.5 2072

4) 17th HIT Open 2012

The 17th HIT Open took place 27th January - 2nd February 2012. Darko Doric took first place on tie-break from Ognjen Jovanic, Jure Zorko, Artem Smirnov and Alessandro Tonon after all finished on 7/9.

17th HIT Open 2012 Nova Gorica SLO Fri 27th Jan 2012 - Thu 2nd Feb 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Doric, DarkoIM25117 44.5 55.0
2Jovanic, OgnjenGM24837 41.5 52.0
3Zorko, JureIM24607 40.5 51.5
4Smirnov, ArtemIM24287 39.5 48.5
5Tonon, Alessandro22357 37.5 49.0
6Kovacevic, AleksandarGM25576.5 43.0 54.5
7Neverov, ValeriyGM25416.5 41.0 52.5
8Skoberne, JureGM25426.5 39.5 50.5
9Martinovic, SasaGM25056 43.5 54.0
10Ceschia, IvanoFM23196 41.0 52.5
11Popovic, DusanGM25736 40.5 52.5
12Tratar, MarkoGM24996 40.0 51.5
13Milenkovic, MladenIM23966 39.0 50.5
14Mestrovic, ZvonimirIM23766 38.0 49.0
15Pregarac, Valter21316 35.5 45.5
16Kokol, PeterFM22716 34.5 45.0
17-18Tomazini, Zan22626 34.5 44.5
17-18Kralj, Samo19586 34.5 44.5
19Stajner, SamoFM22726 34.0 44.5
20Markoja, Sebastijan19635.5 38.5 48.0
21Znidarcic, Andrej21675.5 36.5 45.5
22Rusjan, Dusan20935.5 36.0 46.0
23Rozic, VesnaWIM22585.5 35.5 46.0
24Suc, Timothy21065.5 35.0 46.0
25Brcar, Ales19905.5 35.0 45.5
26Skok, Joze20195.5 35.0 43.5
27Zupancic, Jernej21605.5 34.5 43.5
28-29Laco, Giuseppe21095.5 33.5 43.5
28-29Kolaric, SpelaWFM20705.5 33.5 43.5
30Mestek, Igor21985.5 32.5 42.5
31Srebrnic, Vojko22635.5 31.0 40.0
32Matijevic, Filip20445 38.0 48.5
33Srebrnic, AnaWGM21895 36.0 46.5
34Hrenic, Misa20775 35.0 45.0
35Sivic, Jernej21295 34.5 44.0
36Debevec, Blaz20645 33.5 44.0
37Popovic, Milan S20455 33.5 43.0
38Khudovekov, Stanislav20885 32.5 41.5
39Leonardi, Caterina18115 31.5 39.5
40Capaliku, Aleks20995 31.0 39.0
104 players

5) 34th Georgi Tringov Memorial

The 34th Georgi Tringov Memorial took place 29th January - 5th February 2012. Ivan Cheparinov took first place on tie-break from Davit Benidze, Kiril Georgiev and Branko Tadic after all finished on 7.5/9.

34th Tringov Mem Plovdiv BUL Sun 29th Jan 2012 - Sun 5th Feb 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
11Cheparinov IvanGMBUL265944½577
28Benidze DavitIMGEO251644½54½6
32Georgiev KirilGMBUL265844566
414Tadic BrankoGMSRB248743½55½6
59Antic DejanGMSRB2504743½55½6
618Stanojoski ZvonkoGMMKD245574253½6
730Lilov ValeriFMBUL2411740½51½6
86Petrov MarijanGMBUL2521739½50½5
959Vlashki NinoBUL223573443½6
103Spasov VasilGMBUL257044565
115Nikolov MomchilGMBUL256043554
1212Grigorov GrigorGMBUL249142544
1341Filev GeorgiFMBUL234941½53½6
1411Drenchev PetarGMBUL249341½535
1528Arsovic GoranIMSRB242240½52½5
1622Bukal Vladimir JrIMCRO243440½526
1726Indjic AleksandarSRB242739½515
187Petkov VladimirGMBUL25193949½6
1931Nikolov SashoIMBUL240738496
2037Mladenov PlamenIMBUL23843848½6
2129Kukov VelislavIMBUL24143848½6
2232Todorovic Goran NIMSRB23973848½5
2349Nenkov LjudmilBUL229737½496
2423Milchev NikolayIMBUL243437½48½6
2570Sofranov VelizarBUL216837475
2620Bruno FabioIMITA2439640½525
2719Arsovic ZoranIMSRB2441640½524
2840Pavlidis AnastasiosFMGRE2359640½50½5
2910Janev EvgeniGMBUL2503640525
3016Smith Bryan GIMUSA246064049½4
3127Georgiev KrumGMBUL2424639½51½5
3257Dobrev NaydenBUL2256639504
3334Pantev VeselinFMBUL238963949½3
344Radulski JulianGMBUL2570639485
3524Enchev IvajloIMBUL2430638½505
3625Ristic NenadGMSRB2427638½504
3751Todorov OgnjanIMBUL2294638½484
3838Marholev DimitarIMBUL2370638495
3946Hadzimanolis AntoniosFMGRE2332638484
4043Lomsadze DavitGEO2341637½49½5
267 players

6) Turkish Championships 2012

The Turkish Championships took place 28th January - 5th February 2012. Dragan Solak in his first Turkish Championship after leaving Serbia won with 8.5/10.

ch-TUR 2012 Kemer TUR Sat 28th Jan 2012 - Sun 5th Feb 2012
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
1SOLAK DRAGANGMTUR26138.562.057.554.75
2ERDOĞDU MERTIMTUR24248.063.558.553.75
5YILMAZYERLİ MERTFMTUR23148.059.053.549.25
6KANMAZALP OĞULCANIMTUR23978.058.553.051.75
9ŞENGÜL CENGİZTUR21688.056.551.048.25
10EMINOV ORKHANTUR22168.054.549.545.25
11ALİ MARANDİ CEMİL CANFMTUR22927.563.558.048.75
12ŞANAL VAHAPCMTUR22787.561.056.046.50
13ERDOĞAN HAKANFMTUR22577.560.054.546.50
14ERŞAHİN BÜLENTTUR21677.558.553.044.50
15KÖKSAL EGETUR21217.558.053.543.00
16BÜKER MUHİTTİNTUR20807.556.552.541.75
17GÜNDOĞAN CEMTUR19157.552.549.037.25
18YILMAZ TURHANIMTUR22547.551.047.040.00
21CAN EMREGMTUR24627.061.556.542.75
23ERTURAN YAKUPIMTUR23727.060.555.543.25
24ERCAN MEHMET FAHRİTUR20227.058.553.038.00
25ASILKEFELİ METİNTUR21087.057.052.538.50
27APAYDIN FETHİTUR22137.056.552.038.00
28DUMAN AYDINTUR22207.055.050.539.50
30KORKMAZ NECMETTİNTUR21647.054.550.037.50
31DOĞAN NAZMİ CANTUR21247.053.548.539.00
32ÜNVER CUMALİTUR19987.051.046.536.25
33BACAK MUMAMMED KAANTUR18287.050.546.534.25
34BAĞCI HİKMETTUR18597.045.542.034.75
35KÜCÜKDÖĞERLİ MURAT CANTUR18737.044.540.534.00
36EMİROĞLU CANKUTCMTUR22366.558.553.039.75
37CITAK SELİMFMTUR23906.558.053.038.50
38IŞIK ENGİN YAŞARTUR22176.558.053.038.00
39SEYHANOĞLU DENİZTUR20646.558.053.036.75
40KELER FARUKTUR22596.558.052.539.00
309 players
ch-TUR w 2012 Kemer TUR Sun 29th Jan 2012 - Fri 3rd Feb 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1OZTURK KUBRAWGM230984943½47,00
2YILDIZ BETUL CEMREWIM2340846½42½42,00
3ARIG BUSRA 182050½45½36,75
4CEMHAN KARDELENWCM195247½42½35,75
5MENZI NEZIHE EZGI 188746½41½33,25
6AKSOY AYCA 169643½39½31,75
7ULUSOY NISAN 169239½3628,75
8PATEL YESIM 182464843½32,75
9OZTURK HILAL 1773643½38½30,00
10FIRAT DENIZ 16326423827,50
11ALEV GONULDEN SEDA 16176363324,25
12KAYA EMELWCM200550½45½29,50
13YILMAZ EZGI 1876484329,00
15SAHIN HANDENUR 17294540½25,25
17TULAY SERAY 18074338½25,75
18ONEY GULUMSER 172641½37½26,25
19KOVAN NAZLI 16173935½22,25
20ONUR CIGDEM 162737½3423,25
21GULAY AYCA NURIYE 1541333019,75
22DURMAZ AYCA FATMA 1823545½4124,00
23AYAN BENGU SENA 1398543½39½22,75
24VATANSEVER BUSE 161254036½19,50
25HEREKLIOGLU SUDE 1637539½3621,25
26SEN BERIL BERFIN 1598539½35½20,50
27AYAZMALI GIZEM 157853935½21,00
28SIMSEK MELTEM 17485393522,50
29GUNDOGAN SINEM CAGLA 1492538½3519,00
30AGUN LUTFIYE SELVA 153353633½16,00
31TEMEL BURCU MELIS 1593535½32½18,25
32ARDA CAGIL IRMAKWCM1576532½3017,25
33IPEKER MELDA 145042½38½18,50
34OKUYAZ DURU 14134036½17,75
35KARGACI HUMEYRA 147738½3616,25
36DAYAN CANSU 38½3517,75
37OZBAY ECE 13363834½14,00
38YILDIRAN NILHAN 16013733½15,50
39ZENGIN HANDE 36½3318,00
69 players

7) 15th Metropolitan IM

The 15th Metropolitan IM tournament took place 25th-29th January 2012. Enrico Sevillano won with 7.5/9.

15th Metropolitan IM Los Angeles USA Wed 25th Jan 2012 - Sun 29th Jan 2012. Category: 2. Ave: (2292)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Sevillano, Enrico IM USA 2490 # = = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 2543
2 Amanov, Zhanibek IM KAZ 2402 = # = = = = 1 = 1 1 6 2405
3 Matikozian, Andranik IM ARM 2414 = = # 0 = 1 = 1 1 1 6 2404
4 Kavutskiy, Konstantin FM USA 2315 = = 1 # 0 = = = 1 1 5.5 2370
5 Duckworth, William Mark FM USA 2313 0 = = 1 # 0 1 1 = = 5 2333
6 Gupta, Ankit USA 2175 0 = 0 = 1 # = = = = 4 2262
7 Akopyan, Harutyun FM USA 2279 0 0 = = 0 = # = = = 3 2169
8 Manukian, Garuch ARM 2303 0 = 0 = 0 = = # 0 1 3 2166
9 Clawitter, Craig USA 2082 0 0 0 0 = = = 1 # = 3 2191
10 Kudryavtsev, Vadim RUS 2151 0 0 0 0 = = = 0 = # 2 2088

8) Marshall Invitational 2012

The Marshall Chess Club Invitational takes place 3rd-12th February 2012. There should be a game file at the end of the event. Mikheil Kekelidze leads with 4/5 in the 9 round tournament.

Marshall Invit 2012 New York USA Fri 3rd Feb 2012 - Sun 12th Feb 2012
Leading Round 5 (of 9) Standings:
1Kekelidze, MikheilGM2458 4.0
2De Firmian, Nick EGM2512 3.5
3Salakhutdinov, Ildar2262 3.5
4Getz, AlecFM2326 3.0
5Wu, Christopher2148 3.0
6Herman, Matthew J2396 2.5
7Sorkin, Igor2374 2.5
8Ostrovskiy, AleksandrFM2319 2.5
9Pujol, CarlosFM2313 0.5
10Pressman, Leif AFM2280 0.0
10 players

9) 14th NordWest-Cup 2012

The 14th NordWest-Cup took place 26th-29th January 2012. Vladimir Epishin took first place on tie-break with 5/7. A small number of games now available.

14th NordWest-Cup Bad Zwischenahn GER Thu 26th Jan 2012 - Sun 29th Jan 2012
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
2Svane,Rasmus GER23585026.032.5206.0
11Rupp,Markus GER22894035.530.5196.5
14Petzold,Golo GER22033045.034.0183.5
19Leisner,Hannes GER21825205.028.0184.0
20Mueller,Tobias GER21104125.028.0183.0
21Meyer,Malte GER23184125.028.0181.0
22Stotyn,Fabian GER20865205.027.5188.0
23Noack,Reiner GER21114125.024.5198.5
24Hundack,Rolf GER21505205.024.5194.5
29Gebhardt,Ulrich,D GER22253134.530.0180.0
30Kyas,Philipp GER21644214.529.5201.5
31Porth,Hartmut GER22013134.529.5198.0
32Juergens,Karlheinz GER21254214.529.5189.5
33Schreiner,Till GER22054214.529.0192.0
34Eschholz,Enno GER22614214.529.0183.0
35Meessen,Max GER21593134.528.5199.5
36Tonndorf,Matthias GER21904214.528.5187.0
37Lampert,Jonas GER21773134.528.0191.0
38Heinemann,Ernst GER21804214.528.0190.0
214 players

10) First Saturday February 2012

The First Saturday tournaments for February take place 4th-14th February 2012.

FSGM February Budapest HUN Sat 4th Feb 2012 - Tue 14th Feb 2012
Leading Round 2 (of 11) Standings:
1Manca FedericoIMITA24252.01.000.02
2Lizak PeterIMHUN24181.51.500.01
3Kislik Erik AndrewFMUSA23801.51.000.01
4Atabayev YusupFMTKM24131.50.750.01
5Horvath DavidHUN23831.01.000.00
Zakhartsov Viacheslav VGMRUS25781.01.000.00
7Harutjunyan GevorgGMARM24821.00.500.01
8Semiev SuhrabIMTKM23860.50.750.00
9Varga ZoltanGMHUN24520.50.500.00
Feher AdamHUN23400.50.500.00
11Battey AlexanderFMUSA23530.50.250.00
Annageldyev OrazlyGMTKM23960.50.250.00
12 players
FSIM February 2012 Budapest HUN Sat 4th Feb 2012 - Tue 14th Feb 2012
Leading Round 2 (of 11) Standings:
1Zakhartsov VladimirRUS22162.00.500.02
2Esenov AnnaberdiFMTKM22871.51.250.01
3Lengyel BelaIMHUN22501.00.000.01
Petran PalIMHUN23741.00.000.01
Atabayev MaksatFMTKM23361.00.000.01
6Galyas MiklosIMHUN24670.50.750.00
7Farago SandorIMHUN22860.50.250.50
Szalanczy EmilIMHUN22640.50.250.50
9Lyell MarkFMENG21950.00.000.00
Musson Adam JENG00.00.000.00
Szeberenyi AdamIMHUN23160.00.000.00
11 players
FSFMA1 February 2012 Budapest HUN Sat 4th Feb 2012 - Tue 14th Feb 2012
Leading Round 2 (of 9) Standings:
1Borda LajosHUN21202.02.000.02
2Kozak AdamHUN19581.51.750.01
3Farkas RichardHUN20471.51.250.01
4Nazarov RustemTKM20481.01.000.01
5Kis BelaHUN20631.00.500.01
6Vecsernyes NorbertHUN18921.00.000.01
Atabayev SaparmyratTKM20651.00.000.01
8Csomor ViktorHUN20900.50.250.50
Havaskori LaszloHUN20040.50.250.50
10Bogad PeterHUN21180.00.000.00
10 players
FSFMA2 February 2012 Budapest HUN Sat 4th Feb 2012 - Tue 14th Feb 2012
Leading Round 2 (of 9) Standings:
1Veliyev SerdarTKM19862.00.500.02
2Amangeldiyev GurbangeldiTKM19881.51.500.01
3Koczo KristofHUN21521.01.000.00
4Meredow ShanepesTKM18601.00.500.01
5Juracsik JozsefHUN21551.00.500.00
6Ortel EndreFMHUN22860.50.500.00
Lakat GyulaHUN18790.50.500.00
Arias Castanedo JacintoESP19400.50.500.00
9Darazs ZoltanHUN21010.00.000.00
Bayramsahedov RovshenTKM19870.00.000.00
10 players
FSFMB February 2012 Budapest HUN Sat 4th Feb 2012 - Tue 14th Feb 2012
Leading Round 2 (of 9) Standings:
1Mayer IstvanFMHUN20692.01.000.02
Bohus AdamHUN16932.01.000.02
3Annageldiyev AshirgeldiTKM18162.00.500.02
4Somogyi AkosHUN12721.00.500.01
5Csiba TiborHUN01.00.500.00
6Gruz JanosHUN18651.00.000.01
7Czipp JanosHUN14220.50.500.00
Kormos LadislavSVK17480.50.500.00
9Lukacs AlbertHUN17390.00.000.00
Csetneki MarkHUN17750.00.000.00
10 players

11) 4th Societat Coral Colon IM

The 4th Societat Coral Colon IM takes place 10th January - 4th April 2012. All-play-all that has a round per week.

4th Coral Colon IM Sabadell ESP Tue 10th Jan 2012 - Wed 4th Apr 2012
Leading Round (of 9) Standings:
1Subirats Ruiz SergiESP21600.00.000.00
Colon Garcia EnriqueFMESP23080.00.000.00
Ryan JosephFMIRL22890.00.000.00
Tallo Dominguez ImarMKESP21700.00.000.00
Avila Gimenez XavierFMESP23290.00.000.00
Lorenzo De La Riva LazaroIMESP24120.00.000.00
Gonzalez Raul OmarFMESP22310.00.000.00
Rojas Keim LuisIMCHI24180.00.000.00
Munoz Pantoja MiguelIMPER24950.00.000.00
Banos OscarMKARG22550.00.000.00
10 players

12) Torneo Internacional Apertura 2012

The Torneo Internacional Apertura 2012 took place in Asuncion 20th-28th January 2012. Neuris Delgado Ramirez won with 7.5/9.

Apertura 2012 Asuncion PAR Fri 20th Jan 2012 - Sat 28th Jan 2012. Category: 1. Ave: (2265)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Delgado Ramirez, Neuris GM COL 2575 # = 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 2503
2 Soppe, Guillermo IM ARG 2424 = # = 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 6.5 2413
3 Valiente, Cristobal IM PAR 2261 1 = # = = = = = = = 5 2308
4 Guimaraes, Wagner Peixoto FM BRA 2259 0 1 = # = = 1 = = = 5 2308
5 Peralta, Eduardo FM PAR 2228 0 = = = # 0 1 = = 1 4.5 2269
6 Latorre, Manuel FM PAR 2299 0 0 = = 1 # 0 = 1 = 4 2218
7 Zacarias, M Ruben D FM PAR 2162 0 0 = 0 0 1 # 1 = 1 4 2233
8 Quinones, Cesar FM PER 2278 0 0 = = = = 0 # 1 1 4 2220
9 Goiriz Y, Damian PAR 2106 0 0 = = = 0 = 0 # = 2.5 2116
10 Roman, Rodrigo PAR 2053 0 0 = = 0 = 0 0 = # 2 2068

13) ch-CRO w 2012

The Croatian women's championship takes place 5th-12th February 2012.

ch-CRO w 2012 Topusko CRO Sun 5th Feb 2012 - Sun 12th Feb 2012
Leading Round 1 (of 9) Standings:
1Medić MirjanaWGMCRO22281.
BaEaj Boćkai SnjeEanaWFMCRO20881.
3Francisković BorkaWIMCRO22720.
Deur Sarić ZrinkaWFMCRO21420.
5Iveković TihanaNMCRO20480.
Sargac RajnaWIMCRO21340.
7Berke AnaWFMCRO21530.
Iveković AnaNMCRO19870.
Ljikar TamaraMKCRO17930.
9 players

14) Belgrade Championships 2012

The Belgrade Championships took place 22nd-30th January 2012. Dejan Pikula won the men's event with 7.5/9. Ljilja Drljevic won the women's event with 8.5/9. Games from the final round now available.

ch-Belgrade 2012 Belgrade SRB Sun 22nd Jan 2012 - Mon 30th Jan 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Pikula DejanGMSRB25227.549.054.044.00
2Milanovic DaniloGMSRB25107.
3Perunovic MiodragIMSRB24667.050.553.038.75
4Cabrilo GoranGMSRB24717.047.051.540.75
5Abramovic BoskoGMSRB24477.044.549.037.00
6Govedarica RadovanIMSRB23946.547.050.534.00
7Sredojevic IvanFMSRB24176.546.050.535.25
8Martic IvanFMSRB23916.544.549.033.75
9Andrijevic MilanIMSRB23386.542.545.031.75
10Velickovic SasaIMSRB23976.538.542.530.50
11Ravic NenadFMSRB23106.047.552.032.00
12Certic BranimirIMSRB24046.047.049.530.00
13Lajthajm BorkoGMSRB24986.046.549.531.00
14Tosic MiroslavGMSRB24356.
15Nenezic MarkoMKSRB23566.045.549.529.50
16Jovanovic Sasa TFMSRB22746.
17Cvetkovic SrdjanIMSRB23956.
18Popovic Aleksandar MFMSRB23196.043.046.528.75
19Pucarevic MilenkoFMSRB22376.
20Markovic AleksandarMKSRB20106.041.043.527.25
21Sorgic DraganFMSRB22426.
22Masic PredragIMSRB23725.545.549.527.50
23Radlovacki JovanIMSRB24215.543.547.527.50
24Dunjic DraganMKSRB21225.543.046.524.75
25Vucinic GojkoMKSRB21575.543.045.024.50
26Savicevic VlatkoMKSRB23215.542.546.526.50
27Kostic Milutin BFMSRB22875.541.044.024.25
28Petrovic PetarFMSRB20955.541.043.524.75
29Dimitrijevic SavaMKSRB19525.540.043.525.25
30Mihajlovic MiodragFMSRB21955.540.043.523.25
31Dimic PavleFMSRB20565.540.042.522.50
32Brujic BozidarFMSRB21725.538.540.520.75
33Jakovljevic ZivotaFMSRB21445.538.540.519.25
34Tisma IvanMKSRB21365.536.038.520.00
35Radovanovic DusanMKSRB23675.049.553.027.00
36Stamatovic AleksandarMKSRB22075.044.547.524.25
37Starcevic GoranFMSRB21815.044.047.521.50
38Dimitrijevic RadmiloMKSRB22595.042.546.023.75
39Jovicic RadosavMKSRB22015.
40Nikolic BranislavMKSRB20765.040.543.520.50
118 players
ch-Belgrade w 2012 Belgrade SRB Sun 22nd Jan 2012 - Mon 30th Jan 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Drljevic LjiljaWIMSRB22658.542.046.042.25
2Djukic SandraWIMSRB21977.543.047.037.25
3Velikic AdelaISRB18676.544.044.526.00
4Panic AnastasijaISRB19286.045.549.030.00
5Miladinovic LenaISRB20785.045.048.522.50
6Zarkovic MilaMKSRB19705.
7Sekulovic DusicaNMSRB18035.036.539.520.25
8Markovic TamaraISRB18074.537.540.516.00
9Sarjanovic AndjelaISRB16304.532.533.012.25
10Milanovic MajaISRB18684.046.049.516.50
11Pihajlic AmalijaWIMSRB19364.043.546.515.75
12Rakic TeodoraISRB18054.042.042.512.50
13Injac TeodoraIISRB17044.033.033.511.00
14Dejanovic IvanaIISRB15124.031.031.511.00
15Ostojic KatarinaIISRB11804.030.030.511.25
16Rudovic AnjaIISRB15873.531.031.58.50
17Milenkovic JelenaIISRB15273.031.532.08.00
18Zivic RadmilaWMKSRB20572.
19 players

15) Hungarian Teams 2011-12

The Hungarian Team Championship take place 25th September 2011 - 20th May 2012. Round 5 took place on 29th January 2012, games now available. Round 6 19th February 2012.

TCh-HUN 2011-12 Budapest HUN Sun 25th Sep 2011 - Sun 20th May 2012
Leading Round 5 (of 11) Standings:
1HVSE 6.5 9.5 89.511.545
2Aquaprofit-NTSK 7 7.56.5 109 40
3ASE Paks 5 9.5 97.58 39
4MLTC 6.56.5 5.57 10 35.5
5Z.Csuti-Hydrocomp SK5.54.5 5.5 7 931.5
6Hungaropharma Decs 8.5 6.5 28.5
7Penzugyor SE2.5 53.57.5 9.5 28
8ASS-Makoi SVSE 236.5 4.5 925
9Honved ASE 34.55 5.5 6.5 24.5
10Komaromi VSK SE4 4 5.53723.5
11Toth Laszlo SE2.5 2 2.5 95.521.5
12Vasas SC0.5 3 3 56.518
12 teams

16) Bundesliga 2011-12

The Schachbundesliga 2011-12 takes place 14th October 2011 - 15th April 2011. The German event is the world's premier national team competition 15 rounds with possible tie-breaks 27th-29th April 2012.

Rounds 10-11 25th-26th February 2012.

Bundesliga 2011-12 Germany GER Fri 14th Oct 2011 - Sun 15th Apr 2012
Leading Round 9 (of 15) Standings:
1Baden * 66651647.5
2Bremen * 4261546.0
3Eppingen4 * 661542.0
4Solingen * 35451342.5
5Wattenscheid5 * 54551138.0
6Katernberg2 * 41133.5
7Berlin26 * 4541036.0
8Trier3 * 4937.5
9Muelheim4 * 56937.0
10Hockenheim443 * 5835.5
11Tegel32 * 24730.5
12Emsdetten44 * 632.5
13Dresden233 * 5430.5
14Hamburg223463 * 4430.0
15Dortmund24 * 4427.0
16Remagen33344 * 230.0
16 teams

17) Frauenbundesliga 2011-12

The Frauenbundesliga takes place 29th October 2011 - 22nd April 2012. Games from Round 5 now available. Rounds 8 and 9 on 11th-12th February 2012.

Frauenbundesliga Germany GER Sat 29th Oct 2011 - Sun 22nd Apr 2012
Leading Round 7 (of 11) Standings:
1OSG Baden Baden7 + 4 61433½
2Hamburger SK 18307 + 43 561127½
3Bad Koenigshofen7 + 3 1125
4Karlsruher SF 185372 + 4 51027
5USV Volksbank Halle7 + 35 925½
6SF Friedberg 1891732 + 3 825
7Rodewischer Schachmiezen7 2 + 3454 721
8SV Mülheim-Nord 19317 33 + 4620
9SV Chemie Guben7½3 ½3 2 + 4 616½
10SV Stuttgart Wolfbusch7 0 ½1½1 + 29
11Rotation Pankow71 22 + 014
12TSV Schott Mainz7½ 01 ½ 2 + 08
12 teams

18) Active Team Events

A list of ongoing team events without an update this week.

TCh-FIN SM-Liiga 2011-12

The Finnish SM Liiga takes place 17th September 2011 - 11th March 2012. Round 7 14th January 2012, games now available. Round 8 11th February 2012.

TCh-FIN SM 2011-12 Finland FIN Sat 17th Sep 2011 - Sun 11th Mar 2012
Leading Round 7 (of 11) Standings:
1Velhot, Porvoo711+20
2Tammer-Shakki, Tampere711+18
3MatSK, Espoo610+11
4HSK, Helsinki710+3
5OSS, Oulu79+2
6SalSK, Salo68+5
7EtVaS, Vantaa78+3
8JoeSK, Joensuu75-5
9VammSK, Sastamala75-6
10Aatos, Helsinki73-12
11TuTS, Turku72-9
12SSK, Helsinki70-30
12 teams

TCh-SVK Extraliga 2011-12

The Slovakian Team Championships take place 22nd October 2011 - 11th March 2012. Round 5-6 14th-15th January 2012. Games Round 5-6 now available. Round 7-8 11th-12th February 2012.

TCh-SVK Ext 2011-12 Bratislava SVK Sat 22nd Oct 2011 - Sun 11th Mar 2012
Leading Round 6 (of 11) Standings:
17 Statocnych Kosice * 5571834.50
2SK Slovan Bratislava * 454561429.50
3SK Caissa Cadca * 461326.00
4INBEST Dunajov3 * 541024.50
5SK Dunajska Streda34 * 454924.50
6SK PK Trencin34 * 57723.02
7MSK KdV Kezmarok2343 * 56723.00
8SK MAGIC Liptov43 * 43523.00
9SK Modra1334 * 4520.50
10SK Doprastav Bratislava415 * 4520.00
11SKS Dubnica n/V42 * 419.00
12SK Prievidza244 * 220.50
12 teams

Swedish Elitserien 2011-12

The Swedish Elitserien takes place 7th October 2011 - 11th March 2012. Round 5 4th February 2012 although rounds don't seem to take place at the same time for different teams. Additional games now available.

TCh-SWE 2011-12 Malmo SWE Fri 7th Oct 2011 - Sun 11th Mar 2012
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
1Team Viking66001237
2SK Rockaden, Sthlm5320625
3Lunds ASK3300619
4SK Rockaden Umea6240420
5Limhamns SK5230419.5
7SS Manhem4220414.5
8Vasteras SK4220412.5
9Solna SS4130212.5
10SK Kamraterna404009.5
10 teams

TCh-CZE Extraliga 2011-12

The Czech League takes place 8th October 2011 - 22nd April 2012.

Extraliga Round 7 on 3rd March 2012. Additional games from the 1st League now available and I give some of the games again as I made a few errors in the names of players who have two people with the same name playing in the competition.

TCh-CZE Ext 2011-12 Prague CZE Sat 8th Oct 2011 - Sun 22nd Apr 2012
Leading Round 6 (of 11) Standings:
1SK Rapid Pardubice4001221.514
21. Novoborsky SK3011022.016
3BSS Frydek-Mistek330925.012
4Slavoj Ostrava - Poruba330922.514
5SK Labortech Ostrava310916.08
6Vystaviste Lysa nad Labem222825.011
7SK Zikuda Turnov211716.58
8Tatran Litovel220616.59
9A64 VALOZ Grygov220616.09
10TJ Bohemians Praha150318.511
11SK Zlin130314.07
122222 SK Polabiny040010.53
12 teams
TCh-CZE Liga 1 Zapad Prague CZE Sat 8th Oct 2011 - Sun 22nd Apr 2012
Leading Round 7 (of 11) Standings:
1SK Mahrla Praha *65572139.513.0
2TJ Slavia Hradec Kralove2 *4551633.510.0
3JOLY Lysa nad Labem B *45461432.511.5
4SK Holdia DP Praha B3 *4561332.511.0
5ERA-Postovni sporitelna A *51234.010.5
6OAZA Praha44 *46927.57.5
7SK AD Jicin334 *554827.57.5
8TJ Pankrac43 *724.56.5
9Sakal Kozolupy2334 *5724.06.5
101. Novoborsky SK B33 *623.55.5
11SK Sokol Vysehrad1½2 *6619.04.0
12ERA-Postovni sporitelna B32½432 *118.03.5
12 teams
TCh-CZE Liga1 Vychod Prague CZE Sat 8th Oct 2011 - Sun 22nd Apr 2012
Leading Round 7 (of 11) Standings:
1A64 Grygov B *45661936.513.0
2TZ Trinec *471934.511.0
32222 SK Polabiny B44 *5441332.511.0
4Sachovy klub Karvina13 *46541130.08.5
5SK Duras BVK Brno-Kralovo Pole4 *5341129.58.0
6Tatran Litovel B3 *3641030.510.5
7Slavia Orlova42 *61030.010.0
8SK Zlin B35 *624.57.5
9SK Stare Mesto22 *624.57.0
10SK Gordic32 *5622.05.0
11Slavia Kromeriz2454 *525.58.0
12Labortech Ostrava B443 *524.06.5
12 teams

50th TCh-DEN 2011-12

The 50th Danish Team Championships takes place 29th October 2011 - 11th March 2012. Round 4-5 14th-15th January 2012 games now available. Round 7 19th February 2012.

50th TCh-DEN 2011-12 Copenhagen DEN Sat 29th Oct 2011 - Sun 11th Mar 2012
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
1Jetsmark 1 1233½
2Bronshoj 1 727½
3Arhus/Skolerne 1 726
4-5K41 1624½
4-5Sydostfyn 1624½
6SK 1968 1723
7Team Nordea Skb423
9BMS Skak 620½
10Hillerod 116½
10 teams

Lithuanian Team Championships 2012

The 7 round Lithuanian Team Championships take place 21st January - 4th March 2012. Round 3-5 of 11th-12th February 2012.

TCh-LTU 2012 Vilnius LTU Sat 21st Jan 2012 - Sun 4th Mar 2012
Leading Round 2 (of 7) Standings:
13VSSSM-Chess United (Vilnius)220049.510.0
25VSK Bokstas (Plunge)220048.58.0
37Mantinga (Marijampole)220048.05.0
41Margiris (Kaunas)220047.59.5
54AG (Kaunas)211026.012.5
62Trys nuliai (Kaunas)211025.512.0
814Siekis-Suduva (Marijampole)200225.08.0
912SK Juodasis rikis (Ukmerge)211025.06.5
108Drakonas (Siauliai)211024.510.0
116Bokstas (Klaipeda)201114.513.0
129Milsa (Kaunas)201113.512.5
1310Akmena (Kretinga)201113.58.0
1413SK Rokiskis201112.512.0
1515Margiris- 2 (Druskininkai)202000.513.0
1616Sirvinta (Vilkaviskis)202000.510.0
16 teams

TCh-BEL 2011-12

The Belgian Team Championships are under way. Round 7 29th January 2012. Games available. Round 8 12th February 2012.

TCh-BEL 2011-12 Belgium BEL Sun 9th Oct 2011 - Sun 1st Apr 2012
Leading Round 7 (of 11) Standings:
1CREC 114148
2Ans 112128
3Amay 110118
4KGSRL 110118
5KSK47-Eynatten 29122
6KSK47-Eynatten 17114
7KSK Rochade 17111
8Fontaine 16111
9Borgerhout 1497
10Anderlecht 1399
11Jean Jaures 1283
12KBSK 1092
12 teams

TCh-AUT 1st Bundesliga 2012

The first three rounds of the Austrian Bundesliga 1st league took place 20th-22nd Janaury 2012 in Baden. Games available from the excellent live coverage. Rounds 4-7 take place 1st-4th March 2012.

TCh-AUT 1st 2012 Vienna AUT Fri 20th Jan 2012 - Sun 22nd Apr 2012
Leading Round 3 (of 11) Standings:
1SK Advisory Invest Baden * 55613.50
2SK Sparkasse Jenbach * 4612.00
3ASVO Wulkaprodersdorf * 35512.50
4SK Hohenems * 4410.00
5ASVO Fundermax St. Veit/Glan * 49.50
6SIR Bernhard Glatz3 * 39.00
7SK Sparkasse Fuerstenfeld * 28.50
8SK MPO Maria Saal1 * 427.50
9SK Zwettl2 * 27.00
10ASVO Poechlarn/Mauerbach1 * 26.00
11SV Raika Rapid Feffernitz2 * 07.00
12SpGem. Kufstein Woergl12 * 05.50
12 players

4NCL 2011-12

The 4NCL started over the weekend of 12th-13th November 2011 in Staverton Park. The second weekend took place 14th-15th January 2012. Games available. Rounds 5-6 11th-12th February 2012.

4NCL 2011-12 Staverton ENG Sat 12th Nov 2011 - Mon 7th May 2012
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
1Wood Green Hilsmark 15½-2½5½-2½8-05-3824
2Guildford 12½-5½6½-1½5½-2½7½-½622
3Barbican 4NCL 23-54½-3½5-35½-2½618 12½-5½5-34½-3½4½-3½616½
5The AD's0-81½-6½4-45-3310½
6Blackthorne Russia2½-5½3½-4½3½-4½4½-3½214
7Bristol 13-53½-4½4-43½-4½114
8Anglian Avengers 13-5½-7½2½-5½3-509
1Cheddleton 14½-3½3½-4½5-36-2619
2Barbican 4NCL 13½-4½4½-3½5-35½-2½618½
3White Rose 13½-4½4½-3½5-34½-3½617½
4Jutes of Kent3-53½-4½5-34½-3½416
5Oxford 14½-3½3-54-3½2½-5½414
6Wood Green Hilsmark 23-53-53½-45-3214½
7Cambridge University 12½-5½3½-4½3½-4½4½-3½214
8Guildford 22-65½-2½3-53½-4½214
16 teams in two groups

Dutch League 2011-12

The Dutch League takes place 17th September 2011 - 22nd April 2012. Round 6: 11th February 2012.

Dutch Teams 2011-12 Amsterdam NED Sat 17th Sep 2011 - Sun 22nd Apr 2012
Leading Round 5 (of 9) Standings:
2De Stukkenjagers2284675929
4Accres Apeldoorn2359534523
5SO Rotterdam2396448428
9HMC Calder2412546324
10 teams

TCh-AUT 2nd Bundesliga 2011-12

The 2nd Division of the Austrian Bundesliga is split into West and Mitte sections. Rounds 7-8 28th-29th January 2012. Mitte Rounds 4-6 2nd-4th December 2012. Rounds 7-8 2nd-3rd March 2012.

TCh-AUT 2 West 2011-12 Vienna AUT Fri 7th Oct 2011 - Sun 29th Apr 2012
Leading Round 6 (of 11) Standings:
1SC Absam*44441226.0
3ATSV Ranshofen*424821.5
5Hohenems II25*42619.0
6Kufstein / Woergl*54618.0
9ASK Salzburg 1½4224*3515.5
10Sparkasse Jenbach 2323*2416.0
12Rochade Rum2224*215.0
12 players
TCh-AUT2 Mitte11-12 Vienna AUT Fri 7th Oct 2011 - Sun 29th Apr 2012
Leading Round 6 (of 11) Standings:
2Union Ansfelden*443351022.5
3SV STEYREGG2*343819.0
4ASK St. Valentin2*3718.0
5Strassenbahn Graz*31717.0
6SpG. Sparkasse Grieskirchen/Schallerbach333*3618.0
7SK Sparkasse Fuerstenfeld233*617.5
8SK MPO Maria Saal33*134516.5
9Union Styria Graz Kleine Zeitung25*24418.0
10ESV Austria Graz154*416.5
11SC Die Klagenfurter332*415.5
12SV ASVO Fundermax St. Veit/Glan32*115.0
12 players

TCh-ISL 2011-12

The Icelandic Team Championships rounds 1-4 took place 7th-9th October 2011. Final Rounds 5-7 2nd-3rd March 2012. Games from rounds 1-4 now available.

TCh-ISL Div1 2011-12 Reykjavik ISL Fri 7th Oct 2011 - Sat 3rd Mar 2012
Leading Round 4 (of 7) Standings:
1TB A*68727.580
2TR A*19.060
3Hellir A*4418.040
4TV A2*16.540
5TB B04*515.550
6SA A3*13.540
8Fjolnir A*7.000
8 teams

19) Queenstown Chess Classic 2012

The Queenstown Chess Classic took place 15th-23rd January 2012. Darryl K Johansen took first place on tie-break after defeating Gawain Jones in the final round. He along with Li Chao B and Zhao Jun finished on 7.5/9. Another 100 games from all rounds now available and a small number of corrected results too. I give all the games again.

Queenstown Classic Queenstown NZL Sun 15th Jan 2012 - Mon 23rd Jan 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Johansen Darryl KGMAUS24037.50.074
2Li Chao BGMCHN26937.50.065
3Zhao JunGMCHN25697.50.064
4Akshat KhampariaIMIND24147.00.065
5Rozentalis EduardasGMLTU25927.00.064
6Tao TrevorAUS24227.00.064
7Hansen Sune BergGMDEN25727.00.054
8Ganguly Surya ShekharGMIND26397.00.054
9Bojkov DejanGMBUL25536.50.065
10Ikeda JuntaFMAUS23496.50.065
11Bird AndrewAUS22166.50.065
12Steadman MichaelFMNZL22586.50.065
13Sukandar Irine KharismaWGMINA23256.50.064
14Dragicevic DomagojAUS22776.50.064
15Illingworth MaxFMAUS23886.50.055
16Cheng BobbyFMAUS23756.00.065
17Smith Robert WFMNZL22736.00.065
18Zelesco KarlAUS19906.00.064
19Stojic DusanFMAUS22946.00.064
20Bischoff KlausGMGER25376.00.055
21Dive Russell JohnIMNZL23456.00.055
22Morris JamesIMAUS23546.00.054
23Zhao XueGMCHN25516.00.054
24Jones Gawain C BGMENG26536.00.054
25Solomon Stephen JIMAUS23756.00.054
26Ly MoulthunIMAUS23766.00.045
27West GuyIMAUS23236.00.044
28Garbett Paul AnthonyIMNZL22905.50.055
29Van Riemsdijk Herman CIMBRA24015.50.055
30Nadig KruttikaWGMIND22345.50.055
31Haznedaroglu KivancGMTUR24555.50.055
32Pyke MalcolmAUS21325.50.055
33Hartvig Ove WeissFMDEN22105.50.055
34Tang JasonAUS20305.50.055
35Wallis ChristopherFMAUS22595.50.054
36Xie George WendiIMAUS24595.50.054
37Gu XiaobingWGMCHN22445.50.054
38Drummond MatthewAUS22275.50.054
39Schon EugeneAUS21885.50.054
40Matheson LaurenceAUS21675.50.045
148 players

20) 10th Parsvnath International Open

The 10th Parsvnath International Open took place 14th-23rd January 2012. Oliver Barbosa won the event with an impressive 9.5/11. Four games from the first round should complete the games section.

10th Parsvnath Open New Delhi IND Sat 14th Jan 2012 - Mon 23rd Jan 2012
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
1Barbosa OliverGMPHI25739.576.569.562.5
2Gomez John PaulGMPHI25069.077.572.065.5
3Lalith Babu M RIMIND24849.074.067.561.0
4Paragua MarkGMPHI25228.575.569.062.5
5Ma QunCHN24758.569.564.058.5
6Deviatkin AndreiGMRUS25748.
7Zeng ChongshengCHN24008.074.568.561.5
8Vaibhav SuriIMIND24488.074.568.061.0
9Shyam Nikil PIMIND24828.073.567.561.0
10Kunte AbhijitGMIND25488.072.566.059.5
11Rathnakaran KIMIND24038.072.066.560.5
12Vidit Santosh GujrathiIMIND25138.
13Thejkumar M SIMIND24558.
14Kravtsiv MartynGMUKR26028.
15Laxman R RGMIND24348.
16Nitin SIMIND23998.
17Gleizerov EvgenyGMRUS25667.573.067.561.5
18Deepan Chakkravarthy JGMIND24957.571.566.060.0
19Ashwin JayaramIMIND24727.571.566.060.0
20Kuderinov KirillIMKAZ24977.571.565.559.5
21Hemant SharmaIND22627.570.565.058.5
22Vishnu Prasanna VIMIND23927.570.564.558.5
23Neelotpal DasGMIND24717.570.564.557.5
24Debashis DasIMIND23897.570.064.558.5
25Ghosh DiptayanFMIND23727.570.064.058.0
26Karthikeyan PIMIND24027.568.563.558.0
27Saptarshi RoyIMIND23787.568.062.556.5
28Oleksienko MikhailoGMUKR25637.568.062.056.0
29Aleksandrov AleksejGMBLR26127.567.561.555.5
30Karthikeyan MuraliIND22257.567.062.056.0
31Shivananda B SIMIND23757.566.561.556.5
32Swapnil S DhopadeIMIND24357.566.561.556.0
33Anwesh UpadhyayaIMIND24137.565.560.054.0
34Hoang Thanh TrangGMHUN24357.565.559.553.5
35Pradeep Kumar R AIND22687.563.558.553.0
36Murali Krishnan B TIMIND23667.563.558.052.5
37Kulkarni ChinmayIND22907.563.057.552.0
38Ravichandran SiddharthIMIND23987.562.558.052.5
39Dzhumaev MaratGMUZB24817.073.567.561.0
40Sandipan ChandaGMIND26287.072.566.560.0
304 players

21) Forthcoming Events and Links

11th Aeroflot Open 2012

Romanian Championships 2012

2nd Ferdowsi Open

3rd Novy Bor Open

Vladimir Petrov Mem 2012

ACP Women Cup 2012

3rd Pfalz Open 2012

10th Nancy Open 2012

11th Rochefort Open

2nd HD Bank Cup 2012

28th Cappelle-la-Grande Open 2012

Reykjavik Chess Festival 2012

1st Lanta Open 2012

35th San Sebastian Open 2012

23rd Lenk Open

Karpos Open 2012

3rd LUCOPEN 2012

12th IPCA Championships 2012

10th Davos Open 2012

11th La Fere Open 2012

2nd Riga Tech Uni Open 2012

All material © Mark Crowther 2012