THE WEEK IN CHESS 573 31st October 2005 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) 9th Essent Chess Tournament
3) Casino de Barcelona Masters
4) 2nd Femida International
5) Gibraltar Promotional
6) 1st SCG League for Men and Women
7) Belgian Nationale Interclubs
8) II Calvia Chess Festival
9) FIDE Zonal 2.4
10) US Chess League
11) Jababeka Women's International
12) Corisca International Rapid
13) 9th Offene Internationale Bayerische Schach Meisterschaft
14) 27th Arco Chess Festival
15) Zonal 3.3 in Beijing
16) 10th Annual Governor's Cup
17) 31st Guernsey Open
18) 4NCL
19) Bundesliga Starts
20) Liberec Open
21) 11th Green Mountain Open
22) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Jonathan Rowson will be at the London Chess Centre Thursday 3rd November 2005. Book signing from 4pm Lecture from 6:30pm. Rowson will be signing copies of his new book: Chess for Zebras

Games section

9th Essent Chess Tournament            236 games
Casino de Barcelona Masters             18 games
2nd Femida International                36 games
Gibraltar Promotional                    1 game
1st SCG League for Men and Women       173 games
Belgian Nationale Interclubs            48 games
II Calvia Chess Festival               135 games
FIDE Zonal 2.4                          67 games
US Chess League                         12 games
Jababeka Women's International          66 games
Zonal 3.3 in Beijing                    92 games
31st Guernsey Open                       3 games
4NCL                                    96 games
Bundesliga Starts                      152 games
Liberec Open                           169 games
1301 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Thomas Henrich, Valery Maes, Alik Gershon, Toni Ayza, Jordi Parayre, Arthur Brameld, Kristianus Liem, Greg Shahade, Shay Bushinsky, Richard Cantwell, John Robinson, Fred Hamperl, Stewart Reuben, Herman and Marius van Riemsdijk, John Donaldson, George Mirijanian, Ray Clark, Jan Mazuch, Laszlo Nagy, David Llada and everyone else who helped with the issue.

Pentala Harikrishna had one of his best results to date in winning the category XVI Essent tournament in Hoogeveen (along with the 2nd Sanjin Hotel Cup earlier this year). The 19 year old has seen a steady rise in his rating and along with Krishnan Sasikiran and world number two Viswanathan Anand is turning India into a major force in world chess. The World Team Championships start in Beer-Sheva, Israel tomorrow. The favourites are of course Russia but there are strong teams from hosts Israel, Armenia and the Ukraine who should challenge for first place.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) 9th Essent Chess Tournament

The 9th Essent Chess Tournament (Hoogeveen) took place 21st-29th October 2005. Pentala Harikrishna won the event with 4/6 half a point clear of Ivan Sokolov. Vladimir Baklan took clear first in the open.

Official site:

Round 3 (October 25, 2005)

Harikrishna, P        -  Sokolov, Ivan         1-0   40  C54  Giuoco Piano
Sutovsky, Emil        -  Stefanova, Antoaneta  1-0   51  C97  Ruy Lopez

Round 4 (October 27, 2005)

Harikrishna, P        -  Sutovsky, Emil        1/2   32  A31  English Symmetrical
Sokolov, Ivan         -  Stefanova, Antoaneta  1/2   28  D15  Slav Defence

Round 5 (October 28, 2005)

Sokolov, Ivan         -  Harikrishna, P        1/2   36  D17  Slav Defence
Stefanova, Antoaneta  -  Sutovsky, Emil        1/2   48  D80  Gruenfeld 4.Bg5

Round 6 (October 29, 2005)

Harikrishna, P        -  Stefanova, Antoaneta  1/2   11  C54  Giuoco Piano
Sutovsky, Emil        -  Sokolov, Ivan         0-1   57  C83  Ruy Lopez Open

Essent Hoogeveen NED (NED), 21-29 x 2005  cat. XVI (2629)
                                    1  2  3  4 
1 Harikrishna, P        g IND 2673 ** 1= == 1=  4.0  2739
2 Sokolov, Ivan         g NED 2696 0= ** 11 ==  3.5  2664
3 Sutovsky, Emil        g ISR 2654 == 00 ** 1=  2.5  2564
4 Stefanova, Antoaneta  g BUL 2494 0= == 0= **  2.0  2549

Official Final Standings:
  1.    2  Baklan, Vladimir            7.0  50.0  37.25  37.5  2590 2698 +1.15
  2.    7  Nijboer, Friso              6.5  50.5  35.50  34.0  2545 2600 +0.65
        3  Rozentalis, Eduardas        6.5  50.5  35.25  34.0  2585 2601 +0.20
        4  Brodsky, Michail            6.5  50.5  34.75  36.5  2564 2641 +0.92
        9  L'Ami, Erwin                6.5  48.5  33.50  31.0  2541 2547 +0.11
        6  Rogers, Ian                 6.5  47.0  33.50  32.0  2556 2532 -0.25
       10  Goloshchapov, Alexander     6.5  47.0  32.25  32.5  2523 2581 +0.65
  8.    1  Atalik, Suat                6.0  51.5  33.50  33.0  2620 2574 -0.57
       17  Naumkin, Igor               6.0  48.5  31.25  29.0  2445 2513 +0.78
       13  Van der Wiel, John T.H.     6.0  47.5  30.50  32.0  2503 2524 +0.24
       14  Ernst, Sipke                6.0  46.0  29.50  30.5  2473 2499 +0.24
       11  Wells, Peter K.             6.0  41.0  26.50  26.5  2513 2439 -0.84
       12  Cebalo, Miso                6.0  41.0  24.50  31.0  2512 2453 -0.66
       30  Grooten, Herman             6.0  38.5  25.00  26.0  2350 2472 +1.50
 15.   26  Willemze, Thomas            5.5  49.0  27.00  30.5  2363 2519 +1.90
        8  Kharitonov, Alexandr        5.5  46.5  27.75  32.0  2545 2486 -0.71
       16  Jonkman, Harmen             5.5  46.5  25.50  31.5  2446 2473 +0.37
       29  Negi, Parimarjan            5.5  46.0  24.00  27.5  2352 2453 +1.27
       25  Jens, Jelmer                5.5  38.0  20.00  25.0  2366 2389 +0.28
 20.   32  Habu, Yoshiharu             5.0  48.0  24.50  26.5  2341 2428 +1.04
       21  Hoeksema, Erik              5.0  46.0  24.25  28.0  2401 2375 -0.40
       44  Clemens, Adrian             5.0  45.5  24.75  23.5  2272 2431 +1.94
       36  Rothuis, Vincent            5.0  44.0  21.00  29.5  2313 2470 +1.94
       27  Michielsen, Joost           5.0  43.5  20.75  27.0  2362 2371 +0.05
       24  Tate, Emory                 5.0  43.5  20.00  28.5  2371 2385 +0.14
       34  Van Beek, Alexander         5.0  43.0  20.25  25.5  2334 2390 +0.68
       23  Sareen, Vishal              5.0  42.0  21.25  27.5  2375 2341 -0.49
       19  Vul, Arkadi Eremeevich      5.0  41.5  23.25  24.5  2423 2310 -1.39
       37  Pruijssers, Roeland         5.0  41.5  21.00  25.0  2310 2359 +0.59
        5  Kolev, Atanas               5.0  41.0  21.00  25.0  2559 2366 -2.20
       31  Hasanova, Elmira            5.0  41.0  19.50  25.0  2342 2329 -0.16
       20  Souleidis, Georgios         5.0  40.5  19.25  27.5  2421 2364 -0.76
       39  Weisbuch, Udi               5.0  39.0  18.75  22.5  2299 2323 +0.23
       51  Wempe, Joost                5.0  37.0  17.00  22.0  2221 2345 +1.49
       22  Brandenburg, Daan           5.0  34.5  17.25  24.5  2395 2269 -1.48
 36.   28  Spoelman, Wouter            4.5  45.0  19.75  25.0  2362 2370 +0.09
       55  Van Veen, Oscar             4.5  43.5  21.00  23.5  2207 2363 +1.89
       35  Slingerland, Fred           4.5  41.0  19.00  24.5  2325 2328 +0.00
       45  Weeks, Manuel               4.5  41.0  16.75  20.5  2268 2353 +1.08
       33  Fominykh, Maria             4.5  40.0  17.25  24.0  2335 2285 -0.63
       70  Ouwendijk, Vincent          4.5  39.5  18.50  20.5  2107 2281 +2.07
       46  Bitalzadeh, Ali             4.5  39.0  14.25  21.0  2267 2279 +0.18
       18  Wiersma, Eelke              4.5  35.5  16.50  21.5  2431 2241 -2.25
       59  Cako, Laszlo                4.5  34.0  14.00  15.5  2193 2209 +0.18
 45.   38  Van Leent, Dimitri          4.0  44.0  17.25  24.5  2309 2268 -0.50
       50  Vedder, Richard             4.0  43.5  17.75  22.5  2224 2262 +0.36
       15  Henrichs, Thomas            4.0  43.0  18.00  23.0  2447 2230 -2.57
       54  Van der Plas, Rob           4.0  41.0  16.25  21.5  2211 2277 +0.85
       52  Van Ruitenburg, Joost       4.0  40.0  14.50  17.5  2216 2215 +0.04
       66  Rooda, Kai                  4.0  39.0  17.00  20.0  2132 2245 +1.39
       47  Vogel, Jaap                 4.0  39.0  14.75  17.5  2261 2201 -0.68
       48  Doggers, Peter              4.0  39.0  13.75  21.0  2239 2257 +0.22
       49  Meijer, Dolf                4.0  39.0  13.75  19.0  2226 2219 -0.05
       57  Ahlers, Ben                 4.0  38.0  14.75  19.5  2198 2245 +0.58
       76  Van Nies, Pauline           4.0  34.0  12.25  18.0  2063 2150 +0.84
       75  Holscher, Peter             4.0  33.0  10.75  16.0  2069 2173 +1.30
       69  Van Geffen, Ben             4.0  32.0  10.50  15.5  2118 2180 +0.76
       53  Dougherty, Michael          4.0  28.5   8.50  14.5  2212 2200 -0.18
 59.   77  Kleijn, Christov            3.5  46.0  14.50  26.0  2059 2221 +1.38
       43  De Jong, Migchiel           3.5  40.5  15.25  20.5  2277 2231 -0.55
       61  Van Opheusden, Bas          3.5  40.5  14.25  18.5  2190 2228 +0.44
       41  Archangelsky, Mikhail       3.5  30.5   8.00  13.5  2293 2102 -2.35
       62  Van Weersel, Arlette        3.5  29.5   7.50  13.5  2174 2181 +0.04
 64.   63  Dogge, Marc                 3.0  40.0  10.50  18.0  2168 2130 -0.32
       42  Schuurman, Petra            3.0  39.5  10.75  17.5  2279 2176 -1.23
       56  Giddins, Stephen            3.0  38.0  13.50  18.5  2200 2204 -0.04
       67  Potze, Rudolf               3.0  37.5  11.50  14.5  2128 2090 -0.38
       58  Van der Veen, Jan           3.0  34.5  10.25  13.0  2196 2085 -1.32
       64  Hendriks, Richard           3.0  33.0   9.00  13.0  2157 2122 -0.38
       71  Jelic, Bruno                3.0  32.5   7.25  14.0  2104 2029 -0.72
       73  Woudt, Edwin                3.0  32.0  10.00  12.0  2103 2083  2083
       65  Galje, Hans                 3.0  31.5   5.50  12.0  2135 2076 -0.69
       68  Hendriks, Peter             3.0  30.0   6.00  13.0  2121 2018 -1.04
 74.   72  Kulago, Alexander           2.0  35.5   6.25  11.5  2103 2009 -0.97
       60  Drost, Peter                2.0  31.5   6.75  10.0  2190 1972 -2.10
 76.   74  Schelwokat, Peter           1.0  30.5   0.25   1.0  2076 1444 -2.88
 77.   40  Rubingh, Otto               0.5  38.5  15.75   4.0  2296 2189 -0.26

Essent Open Hoogeveen NED (NED), 21-29 x 2005
                                            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1. Baklan, Vladimir         g  UKR 2590  +77 +19 + 6 = 4 +61 = 8 = 2 = 3 +15  7.0  2677 
 2. Nijboer, Friso           g  NED 2545  =41 +33 =16 +30 +31 +17 = 1 = 4 = 3  6.5  2600 
 3. Rozentalis, Eduardas     g  LTU 2585  +62 =16 +18 =17 = 9 +30 +13 = 1 = 2  6.5  2601 
 4. Brodsky, Michail         g  UKR 2564  +65 +28 +20 = 1 = 8 +11 =15 = 2 = 7  6.5  2641 
 5. Rogers, Ian              g  AUS 2556  =21 +52 +32 =24 =22 = 9 +18 =10 +17  6.5  2531 
 6. L'Ami, Erwin             m  NED 2541  +51 +14 - 1 =37 =18 +29 = 9 +30 +16  6.5  2546 
 7. Goloshchapov, Alexander  g  UKR 2523  +53 =18 +40 - 8 +20 =16 +28 +27 = 4  6.5  2581 
 8. Atalik, Suat             g  TUR 2620  =33 +41 +36 + 7 = 4 = 1 =10 =15 =11  6.0  2567 
 9. Naumkin, Igor            g  RUS 2445  -36 +43 +54 +26 = 3 = 5 = 6 =12 +28  6.0  2514 
10. Van der Wiel, John       g  NED 2503  +35 =29 =26 +46 =16 +37 = 8 = 5 =13  6.0  2523 
11. Ernst, Sipke             m  NED 2473  =52 =21 +44 +29 +25 - 4 =24 +22 = 8  6.0  2498 
12. Wells, Peter K           g  ENG 2513  +54 -20 -21 +58 =65 +41 +37 = 9 +31  6.0  2439 
13. Cebalo, Miso             g  CRO 2512  +47 =40 =38 =20 +69 +61 - 3 +24 =10  6.0  2442 
14. Grooten, Herman          m  NED 2350  +71 - 6 =27 -69 +60 +44 =45 +34 +42  6.0  2472 
15. Kharitonov, Alexandr     m  RUS 2545  +44 +37 =24 -61 +32 +22 = 4 = 8 - 1  5.5  2470 
16. Willemze, Thomas            NED 2363  +70 = 3 = 2 +36 =10 = 7 =17 +45 - 6  5.5  2521 
17. Jonkman, Harmen          g  NED 2446  +48 =46 +59 = 3 +24 - 2 =16 +25 - 5  5.5  2472 
18. Negi, Parimarjan            IND 2352  +66 = 7 - 3 +64 = 6 +49 - 5 =23 +44  5.5  2452 
19. Jens, Jelmer             m  NED 2366  +69 - 1 -48 +72 +51 =47 -27 +46 +38  5.5  2389 
20. Habu, Yoshiharu          f  JPN 2341  +39 +12 - 4 =13 - 7 +36 =34 -31 +47  5.0  2429 
21. Clemens, Adrian             NED 2272  = 5 =11 +12 -22 =45 -23 +64 +39 =25  5.0  2432 
22. Hoeksema, Erik           m  NED 2401  +43 -36 +58 +21 = 5 -15 +26 -11 =35  5.0  2376 
23. Vul, Arkadi Eremeevich   g  RUS 2423  =50 =60 =35 =51 =41 +21 =32 =18 =33  5.0  2310 
24. Rothuis, Vincent            NED 2313  +76 +45 =15 = 5 -17 +31 =11 -13 =30  5.0  2471 
25. Sareen, Vishal           m  IND 2375  =60 +50 =29 +53 -11 =26 +47 -17 =21  5.0  2341 
26. Pruijssers, Roeland         NED 2310  =56 +55 =10 - 9 +59 =25 -22 =48 +45  5.0  2360 
27. Kolev, Atanas            g  BUL 2559  -59 +67 =14 +48 -37 +65 +19 - 7 =29  5.0  2365 
28. Michielsen, Joost           NED 2362  +72 - 4 =60 +35 =47 +46 - 7 +32 - 9  5.0  2371 
29. Van Beek, Alexander      f  NED 2334  +75 =10 =25 -11 +53 - 6 =39 +54 =27  5.0  2390 
30. Tate, Emory              f  USA 2371  +63 =61 +64 - 2 +40 - 3 +38 - 6 =24  5.0  2384 
31. Souleidis, Georgios      m  GRE 2421  +67 =59 =46 +38 - 2 -24 +61 +20 -12  5.0  2362 
32. Hasanova, Elmira         wm RUS 2342  =55 +68 - 5 +50 -15 +48 =23 -28 +52  5.0  2335 
33. Weisbuch, Udi               ISR 2299  = 8 - 2 +74 =39 -49 +52 =54 +61 =23  5.0  2322 
34. Brandenburg, Daan           NED 2395  +74 =64 -61 -47 +43 +69 =20 -14 +46  5.0  2269 
35. Wempe, Joost                NED 2221  -10 +75 =23 -28 +66 -45 +56 +65 =22  5.0  2345 
36. Van Veen, Oscar          f  NED 2216  + 9 +22 - 8 -16 =42 -20 =65 +55 =40  4.5  2370 
37. Spoelman, Wouter            NED 2362  +49 -15 +57 = 6 +27 -10 -12 -44 +48  4.5  2370 
38. Slingerland, Fred           NED 2325  =68 +56 =13 -31 =48 +42 -30 +53 -19  4.5  2291 
39. Ouwendijk, Vincent          NED 2107  -20 =47 +52 =33 -46 +51 =29 -21 +59  4.5  2281 
40. Fominykh, Maria          wf RUS 2335  +73 =13 - 7 +60 -30 =50 =53 =47 =36  4.5  2286 
41. Weeks, Manuel            f  AUS 2268  = 2 - 8 =49 +70 =23 -12 +69 -42 +60  4.5  2353 
42. Wiersma, Eelke           m  NED 2431  -64 =74 +70 =59 =36 -38 +50 +41 -14  4.5  2242 
43. Cako, Laszlo                NED 2193  -22 - 9 =75 +56 -34 -66 +73 +63 +61  4.5  2208 
44. Bitalzadeh, Ali             NED 2267  -15 +72 -11 =57 +75 -14 +66 +37 -18  4.5  2279 
45. Henrichs, Thomas         m  GER 2457  +58 -24 -53 +63 =21 +35 =14 -16 -26  4.0  2229 
46. Van Leent, Dmitri        f  NED 2309  +57 =17 =31 -10 +39 -28 +49 -19 -34  4.0  2267 
47. Vedder, Richard             NED 2224  -13 =39 +68 +34 =28 =19 -25 =40 -20  4.0  2267 
48. Van der Plas, Rob           NED 2211  -17 +73 +19 -27 =38 -32 +57 =26 -37  4.0  2276 
49. Rooda, Kai                  NED 2132  -37 =51 =41 +54 +33 -18 -46 =59 =53  4.0  2245 
50. Ahlers, Ben                 NED 2198  =23 -25 +56 -32 +71 =40 -42 -52 +65  4.0  2244 
51. Vogel, Jaap              f  NED 2261  - 6 =49 +55 =23 -19 -39 =67 =60 +71  4.0  2200 
52. Van Ruitenburg, Joost       NED 2216  =11 - 5 -39 =66 +55 -33 +75 +50 -32  4.0  2215 
53. Doggers, Peter              NED 2239  - 7 +66 +45 -25 -29 +73 =40 -38 =49  4.0  2258 
54. Meijer, Dolf                NED 2226  -12 +71 - 9 -49 +70 +62 =33 -29 =57  4.0  2218 
55. Van Geffen, Ben             NED 2118  =32 -26 -51 =67 -52 +76 +62 -36 +73  4.0  2180 
56. Holscher, Peter             NED 2069  =26 -38 -50 -43 +76 +72 -35 +67 =62  4.0  2173 
57. Van Nies, Pauline           NED 2063  -46 +78 -37 =44 =64 =67 -48 +66 =54  4.0  2168 
58. Dougherty, Michael       f  CAN 2212  -45 +76 -22 -12 -73 =75 =68 +72 +69  4.0  2174 
59. De Jong, Migchiel        f  NED 2277  +27 =31 -17 =42 -26 =64 =60 =49 -39  3.5  2230 
60. Van Opheusden, Bas          NED 2190  =25 =23 =28 -40 -14 +71 =59 =51 -41  3.5  2228 
61. Kleijn, Christov            NED 2059  +78 =30 +34 +15 - 1 -13 -31 -33 -43  3.5  2289 
62. Archangelsky, Mikhail    m  RUS 2293  - 3 -70 -66 +76 +63 -54 -55 +75 =56  3.5  2101 
63. Van Weersel, Arlette        NED 2174  -30 =77 =65 -45 -62 =68 +76 -43 +74  3.5  2159 
64. Giddins, Stephen         f  ENG 2200  +42 =34 -30 -18 =57 =59 -21 =69  .   3.0  2204 
65. Schuurman, Petra         f  NED 2279  - 4 =69 =63 +73 =12 -27 =36 -35 -50  3.0  2176 
66. Potze, Rudolf               NED 2128  -18 -53 +62 =52 -35 +43 -44 -57 =68  3.0  2079 
67. Van der Veen, Jan           NED 2196  -31 -27 =71 =55 =72 =57 =51 -56 =70  3.0  2086 
68. Woudt,Edwin                 NED ----  =38 -32 -47 -71 =74 =63 =58 =70 =66  3.0  2083 
69. Dogge, Marc                 NED 2168  -19 =65 +77 +14 -13 -34 -41 =64 -58  3.0  2194 
70. Hendriks, Richard           NED 2157  -16 +62 -42 -41 -54 =74 =72 =68 =67  3.0  2108 
71. Hendriks, Peter             NED 2121  -14 -54 =67 +68 -50 -60 =74 +76 -51  3.0  2062 
72. Galje, Hans                 NED 2135  -28 -44 +76 -19 =67 -56 =70 -58 +75  3.0  2075 
73. Jelic, Bruno                NED 2104  -40 -48 +78 -65 +58 -53 -43 +74 -55  3.0  2072 
74. Drost, Peter                NED 2190  -34 =42 -33 -75 =68 =70 =71 -73 -63  2.0  1978 
75. Kulago, Alexander           RUS 2103  -29 -35 =43 +74 -44 =58 -52 -62 -72  2.0  2009 
76. Schelwokat, Peter           GER 2076  -24 -58 -72 -62 -56 -55 -63 -71 +78  1.0  1808 
77. Rubingh, Otto            f  NED 2296  - 1 =63 -69  .   .   .   .   .   .   0.5  2037 
78. BYE                             ----  -61 -57 -73  .   .   .   .   .  -76  0.0       

3) Casino de Barcelona Masters

The Casino de Barcelona Masters took place 24th-28th October 2005. Vassily Ivanchuk edged out Víktor Moskalenko on Sonnen-Berger tie break both made 4/5. Time rate: 40 moves in 2 hours. Then 1 hour for each player until the flag falls Players could not ask for draw before the first control (40 moves).

Official sites: - and live at:

Round 1 (October 24, 2005)

Ivanchuk, Vassily         -  Felgaer, Ruben            1-0   38  B78  Sicilian Modern Dragon
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  -  Fedorchuk, Sergey A       1/2   27  E12  Queens Indian Petrosian
Narciso Dublan, Marc      -  Moskalenko, Viktor        0-1   39  A84  Dutch

Round 2 (October 25, 2005)

Ivanchuk, Vassily         -  Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  1-0   43  A34  English Symmetrical
Fedorchuk, Sergey A       -  Narciso Dublan, Marc      0-1   45  C07  French Tarrasch
Felgaer, Ruben            -  Moskalenko, Viktor        0-1   42  C12  French MacCutcheon

Round 3 (October 26, 2005)

Moskalenko, Viktor        -  Fedorchuk, Sergey A       1-0   29  E20  Nimzo Indian
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  -  Felgaer, Ruben            1/2   48  D19  Slav Defence
Narciso Dublan, Marc      -  Ivanchuk, Vassily         0-1   49  D90  Gruenfeld Flohr

Round 4 (October 27, 2005)

Ivanchuk, Vassily         -  Moskalenko, Viktor        1/2   32  C06  French Tarrasch
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  -  Narciso Dublan, Marc      1-0   54  D36  QGD Exchange
Felgaer, Ruben            -  Fedorchuk, Sergey A       0-1   41  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation

Round 5 (October 28, 2005)

Moskalenko, Viktor        -  Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  1/2   70  E68  King's Indian Fianchetto
Fedorchuk, Sergey A       -  Ivanchuk, Vassily         1/2   49  C06  French Tarrasch
Narciso Dublan, Marc      -  Felgaer, Ruben            1-0   48  B36  Sicilian Maroczy Bind

Casino Masters Barcelona ESP (ESP), 24-28 x 2005cat. XV (2602)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 
1 Ivanchuk, Vassily         g UKR 2748 * = 1 = 1 1  4.0  2813
2 Moskalenko, Viktor        g UKR 2529 = * = 1 1 1  4.0  2857
3 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  g ESP 2607 0 = * = 1 =  2.5  2601
4 Fedorchuk, Sergey A       g UKR 2564 = 0 = * 0 1  2.0  2538
5 Narciso Dublan, Marc      g ESP 2530 0 0 0 1 * 1  2.0  2544
6 Felgaer, Ruben            g ARG 2636 0 0 = 0 0 *  0.5  2229

4) 2nd Femida International

The 2nd Femida International Chess Tournament took place in Kharkov (Ukraine) 16th-26th October 2005. Georgy Arzumanian won with 7.5/11 in the main category VIII event.

Further details:

Femida Kharkiv UKR (UKR), 16-26 x 2005                   cat. VIII (2435)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Arzumanian, Georgy     m ARM 2447  * 0 = = 1 = 1 1 1 = = 1  7.5  2566 
 2. Sitnikov, Anton        m UKR 2443  1 * 1 0 = = 1 0 1 1 0 1  7.0  2536 
 3. Shalimov, Valery       m UKR 2446  = 0 * = = 1 = 1 0 1 = 1  6.5  2498 
 4. Kovchan, Alexander     g UKR 2504  = 1 = * = = 0 = = = 1 =  6.0  2464 
 5. Burmakin, Vladimir     g RUS 2535  0 = = = * = 1 = = = 1 =  6.0  2461 
 6. Zubarev, Alexander1    g UKR 2505  = = 0 = = * 1 = = = = 1  6.0  2464 
 7. Ivanov, Alexander Al   m RUS 2414  0 0 = 1 0 0 * 0 1 1 1 1  5.5  2436 
 8. Firman, Nazar          m UKR 2466  0 1 0 = = = 1 * = 1 0 0  5.0  2396 
 9. Aveskulov, Valeriy     m UKR 2457  0 0 1 = = = 0 = * = = 1  5.0  2396 
10. Averjanov, Alexey      m UKR 2395  = 0 0 = = = 0 0 = * 1 1  4.5  2373 
11. Khakimov, Timur          RUS 2282  = 1 = 0 0 = 0 1 = 0 * 0  4.0  2346 
12. Reutsky, Sergei        f RUS 2325  0 0 0 = = 0 0 1 0 0 1 *  3.0  2269 

Femida w Kharkiv UKR (UKR), 16-26 x 2005
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Vozovic, Oksana           wg UKR 2327  * = = 1 1 = = 1 1 0 1 1  8.0  2408 
 2. Doluhanova, Evgeniya      wm UKR 2270  = * = = = 1 1 = = 1 1 1  8.0  2413 
 3. Petrenko, Svetlana         m MDA 2327  = = * = = = = 1 = 1 1 =  7.0  2335 
 4. Kochetkova, Julia         wm RUS 2346  0 = = * 1 = 1 = 0 1 1 1  7.0  2333 
 5. Karlovich, Anastazia      wg UKR 2277  0 = = 0 * = = 1 1 = 1 1  6.5  2302 
 6. Maiko, Julia                 UKR 2195  = 0 = = = * 0 = 1 1 = 1  6.0  2281 
 7. Kostiuk, Tatiana          wm UKR 2269  = 0 = 0 = 1 * 0 1 1 = 0  5.0  2202 
 8. Kuzmina, Olga                RUS 2261  0 = 0 = 0 = 1 * 1 = 0 1  5.0  2203 
 9. Alexanian, Nelli          wm RUS 2161  0 = = 1 0 0 0 0 * 0 1 1  4.0  2146 
10. Cherednichenko, Svetlana  wm UKR 2180  1 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 1 * 0 1  4.0  2144 
11. Dvoretska, Olena          wm UKR 2122  0 0 0 0 0 = = 1 0 1 * 1  4.0  2149 
12. Baisalova, Aigul             KAZ 2158  0 0 = 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 *  1.5  1939 

5) Gibraltar Promotional

The Gibraltar Congress takes place 24th January - 2nd February 2006. Further details:

To promote the event there was a special chess challenge on Monday 24th October 2005. Starting at 12.30pm at the RAC, Pall Mall. Grandmaster Alexei Shirov, ranked 14th in the world and Spanish number 1, was partnered by 7 year old Peter Andreev. They played against Jon Speelman, partnered by 8 year old Edmund Harding. They will play a blitz speed match where the partners play alternate moves without consultation. Both children are members of Richmond Junior Chess Club. Peter was chosen because his native tongue is Russian and thus Alexei, originally from Latvia, will be able to discuss strategy in advance by email with Peter. There will be a presentation on the event following the game. Tim Bristow, Chief Executive Officer of Gibtelecom said today, 'Gibtelecom is pleased to be continuing as the main sponsor of the Gibraltar Chess Festival. The Gibtelecom Masters is now one of the strongest open tournaments in the world. This match will demonstrate that, not only is it a serious chess festival, but there is also something for everybody.'

The Game

The time limit was five minutes each with a ten second increment.

Shirov/Andreev - Speelman/Harding

Gibraltar Chess 4 Handed Blitz Giuoco Piano

1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Nf6 4 0-0 Bc5 5 c3 d6 6 d4 Bb6 7 Bg5 h6 8 Bh4 Bg4 9 d5 Nb8 10 Bxf6 Qxf6 11 Nbd2 0-0 12 b4 Nd7 13 Be2 Qe7 14 a4 c6 15 a5 Bc7 16 c4 Rfe8 17 a6 cxd5 18 cxd5 bxa6 19 Rxa6 Bb6 20 Bb5 Red8 21 h3 Bh5 22 Bc6 Rab8 23 g4 Bg6 24 Re1 Nf6 25 Nh4 Nh7 26 Nxg6 fxg6 27 Kg2 Rf8 28 Nc4 Rxf2+ 29 Kg3 Qf6 30 Qc1 Qf3+ 31 Kh4 g5+ 32 Kh5 Qf7 mate 0-1

Moves were made in the following order: Shirov (white), Speelman (black), Andreev (white), Harding (black) so as you play through the moves bear in mind the two grandmasters played the odd-numbered moves.

6) 1st SCG League for Men and Women

The 1st SCG League for Men and Women took place in Vrnjacka Banja, 17th-28th October 2005. Games available.

Official site:

7) Belgian Nationale Interclubs

The Belgian Nationale Interclubs have started. The second round took place on 23rd October 2005. News: Valery Maes.

Further details:

Belgian Nationale Interclubs 2005-2006.

  Round 1 : 09.10.2006
  1. CE Namur    - Borgerhout         5 - 3
  2. KGSRL       - SK Rochade        3½ - 4½
  3. CREC        - Boey Temse         7 - 1
  4. CRELEL      - SK Deurne          6 - 2
  5. KBSK        - Jean Jaurès       5½ - 2½
  6. Eynatten 1  - Eynatten 2         6 - 2 
  Round 2 : 23.10.2006
  1. Borgerhout  - Eynatten 2         6 - 2
  2. Jean Jaurès - Eynatten 1        3½ - 4½
  3. SK Deurne   - KBSK               2 - 6
  4. Boey temse  - CRELEL             5 - 3
  5. SK Rochade  - CREC               3 - 5
  6. CE Namur    - KGSRL              4 - 4

Round 2 Standings:
  1. CREC                12
  2. KBSK                11½
  3. Eynatten 1          10½
  4. CE Namur             9 
     Borgerhout           9
     CRELEL               9 
  7. KGSRL                7½
     SK Rochade           7½
  9. Jean Jaurès          6
     Boey Temse           6 
 11. Eynatten 2           4
     Deurne               4

8) II Calvia Chess Festival

The 2nd Calvià Chess Festival took place October 21st-November 5th 2005. Christian Bauer won the event with 7.5/9.

Official site:

Final Round 9 Standings:
II Open Calvia ESP (ESP), 21-28 x 2005
  1   Bauer, Christian              FRA   2625 gm    7.5      46.5  51.0 41.75
  2   Maze, Sebastien               FRA   2506 im    6.5      49.0  53.5 38.00
  3   Suba, Mihai                   ROM   2512 gm    6.5      48.5  52.5 37.00
  4   Vallejo Pons, Francisco       ESP   2674 gm    6.5      48.5  52.0 35.50
  5   Movsziszian, Karen            ARM   2461 gm    6.5      46.0  50.0 33.75
  6   Campora, Daniel H.            ARG   2538 gm    6.5      46.0  49.5 34.50
  7   Berg, Emanuel                 SWE   2540 gm    6.5      44.0  48.5 34.25
  8   Libiszewski, Fabien           FRA   2459 im    6        46.0  50.5 29.25
  9   Andersson, Ulf                SWE   2565 gm    6        45.5  50.0 32.25
 10   Conquest, Stuart              ENG   2514 gm    6        45.5  49.5 32.00
 11   Vera, Reynaldo                CUB   2481 gm    6        45.5  49.5 31.50
 12   Papp, Gabor                   HUN   2474 im    6        45.5  49.0 31.50
 13   Franco Ocampos, Zenon         PAR   2524 gm    6        45.0  50.0 32.75
 14   Perez Candelario, Manuel      ESP   2522 im    6        43.0  47.0 31.00
 15   Del Rio Angelis, Salvador G.  ESP   2489 gm    6        43.0  47.0 29.50
 16   Kozlov, Oleg                  RUS   2233 im    5.5      48.5  51.5 27.75
 17   Strikovic, Aleksa             SCG   2492 gm    5.5      45.5  50.0 26.25
 18   Fernandez Romero, Ernesto     ESP   2442 im    5.5      44.0  48.5 29.50
 19   Peralta, Fernando             ARG   2538 gm    5.5      44.0  48.0 27.50
 20   Carlsson, Pontus              SWE   2435 im    5.5      42.5  45.5 26.00
 21   Larino Nieto, David           ESP   2325 fm    5.5      42.5  45.5 25.25
 22   Epishin, Vladimir             RUS   2574 gm    5.5      42.0  46.5 28.25
 23   Campos Moreno, Javier B.      CHI   2470 gm    5.5      41.5  45.0 24.75
      Teran Alvarez, Ismael         ESP   2428 im    5.5      41.5  45.0 24.75
 25   Gomez Jurado, Luis Alberto    ESP   2350       5.5      40.0  44.0 24.25
 26   Pena Gomez, Manuel            ESP   2315       5.5      40.0  43.0 21.25
 27   Fischer-Nielsen, Jesper       DEN   2218       5.5      36.0  39.0 21.75
 28   Munar Rossello, Pedro         ESP   2083       5.5      35.5  38.5 17.00
 29   Permuy Lorenzo, Carlos Javier ESP   2376 fm    5        46.0  50.0 20.50
 30   Leskovar, Mario               ARG   2372 im    5        42.5  46.5 23.50
 31   Fokin, Sergey                 RUS   2180       5        42.5  46.5 23.00
 32   Kovacevic, Slobodan           SCG   2339 im    5        41.5  45.0 21.25
 33   Barcelo, Pedro                ESP   2247       5        40.0  42.5 20.25
 34   Mellado Trivino, Juan         ESP   2426 im    5        39.5  43.0 21.50
 35   Olsen, Peter Erik             DEN   2281       5        38.5  42.5 16.50
 36   Pogorelov, Ruslan             UKR   2439 gm    5        38.0  41.5 20.00
 37   Norberg, Johan                SWE   2212       5        38.0  40.0 20.25
 38   Cabrera Trujillo, Jorge       ESP   2121       5        38.0  40.0 16.25
 39   Sion Castro, Marcelino        ESP   2392 im    5        36.5  40.5 22.00
 40   Hoenick, Andreas              GER   2158       5        36.0  38.5 18.50
 41   Tscharotschkin, Michael       GER   2216       5        35.0  37.5 18.50
 42   Rodriguez Lopez, Rafael       ESP   2246 im    4.5      42.0  45.0 20.00
      Nygren, Kim                   SWE   2231       4.5      42.0  45.0 20.00
 44   Jaksland, Tim                 DEN   2323 fm    4.5      40.5  44.0 20.00
 45   Heyken, Enno                  GER   2332 im    4.5      40.0  43.5 19.25
 46   Ilic, Ljubomir                MKD   2242 fm    4.5      40.0  41.0 18.00
 47   Galiana, Juan Ramon           ESP   2239 fm    4.5      39.5  42.5 18.75
 48   Perez Aleman, Pedro Tomÿs     ESP   2202       4.5      37.5  41.5 17.25
 49   Erlandsen, Carsten            DEN   2155       4.5      37.5  41.5 15.50
 50   Machin Arbelo, Pedro Alexis   ESP   2040       4.5      37.0  40.5 19.25
 51   Gomez Baillo, Jorge H.        ARG   2422 im    4.5      37.0  39.5 18.25
 52   Vilar Lopez, Monica           ESP   2180 wfm   4.5      36.0  39.0 17.50
 53   Rhein, Klaus                  GER   2111       4.5      36.0  37.5 11.25
 54   Forsberg, Viktor              SWE   2118       4.5      34.5  36.5 15.75
 55   Ehsan, Ali                    ESP   2083       4.5      34.0  36.5 15.25
 56   Ruiz Vinals, Matias           ESP   2071       4.5      33.5  35.5 14.75
 57   Pont Mulet, Antonio           ESP   2196       4.5      33.0  34.5 13.75
 58   Perez Fungueiro, Manuel A.    ESP   2277       4        41.0  42.5 16.50
 59   Frick, Renato                 LIE   2159       4        37.5  40.5 15.75
 60   Luijpen, Michiel              NED   2143       4        37.0  40.0 15.00
 61   Svendsen, Peter               DEN   2017       4        36.0  39.5 16.75
 62   Johansson, Christian          SWE   2149       4        35.5  38.5 13.50
 63   Valls Casas, Jordi            ESP   2071       4        35.0  38.0 13.00
 64   Recker, Uwe                   GER   1963       4        34.0  35.0 14.25
 65   Nilsson, Lars Kjoller         DEN   2030       4        33.5  36.5 14.00
 66   Franc, Nathalie               FRA   2051       4        30.5  32.5 12.75
 67   Oliver Serrano, Angel         ESP   2111       4        28.0  30.5 11.75
 68   Lucena Cifre, Rafael Jose     ESP   1921       4        28.0  30.0  9.00
 69   Akhanov, Dauren               KAZ   2100       3.5      37.5  40.5 12.25
 70   Mihailovs, Jurijs             LAT   2299       3.5      37.0  39.0 11.25
 71   Svenninggaard, Thomas         DEN   2174       3.5      36.5  39.5 12.75
 72   Enseñat Calafell, Jose Luis   ESP              3.5      34.0  37.0  8.00
 73   Torres Samper, Rafael         ESP   2111       3.5      34.0  35.0 10.25
 74   Edlund, Robin                 SWE   2216       3.5      33.0  35.0 10.25
 75   Planas Gene, Juan             ESP   2203       3.5      32.5  33.5  8.75
 76   Campos Calvo-Sotelo, Juan     ESP   1986       3.5      29.5  30.5  8.50
 77   Diez Fraile, Mariano          ESP   2110       3        35.5  37.5 10.00
 78   Orcera Gomez, Francisco       ESP              3        32.0  34.0  6.00
 79   Moreno Cervera, Jose Luis     ESP   1957       3        31.0  33.0  8.75
 80   Hernandez Rodriguez, Andrea   ESP              3        31.0  32.5  8.50
 81   Abadia Pascual, Luis          ESP              3        30.5  32.5  9.75
 82   Morant Sampol, Jaime          ESP              3        30.5  32.5  9.00
 83   Cerdo Fernandez, Miguel       ESP   2072       3        30.5  31.5  7.00
 84   Kuenitz, Klaus                GER   1891       3        29.0  31.0  8.00
 85   Kuenitz, Michael              GER              3        27.5  28.5  6.00
 86   Juan Mas, Santiago            ESP   2077       2.5      33.5  35.5  7.50
 87   Oliver Font, Jose Luis        ESP              2.5      32.0  34.5  5.25
 88   Gonzalez Campo, Greta         ESP   1900 .     2.5      31.5  33.5  7.50
 89   Devesa Raris, Lorena          ESP   1675       2.5      31.5  33.0  6.50
 90   Lorenzo Serrano, Henar        ESP              2.5      26.5  28.0  3.25
 91   Febrero Perez, Lluis          ESP   1841       2        29.0  31.0  2.75
 92   Pousada Gonzalez, Almudena    ESP   1885       2        26.0  27.0  4.25
 93   Baldo Company, Jordi          ESP              1.5      29.5  31.5  2.00
 94   Guzman Robles, Manuel         CHI   2037       0         4.5   4.5  0.00
      Schaper, Jens                 GER   1881       0         4.5   4.5  0.00

9) FIDE Zonal 2.4

FIDE Zonal 2.4 took place in Sao Paulo 22nd-30th October 2005. Gilberto Milos won with 6.5/9. Mecking and Lima progressed after a tie-break with Leitão. All games ended in a draw and Leitão missed a spot because of his inferior partage system. Vescovi and Milos had already qualified from the Continental Championship. It was the first time that all six Brazilian GMs had played in the same tournament. It's also the first time that Mecking qualifies for the WCC cycle after the Manila Interzonal 1976. Karen Zapata, from Peru, qualified in the women's tournament also after tie-break. Games were played with 1h30 for all moves with an increment of 30 seconds. Tie-breaks with 20 minutes + 10 seconds. News: Herman van Riemsdijk.

Note that Carlos Castana didn't get a bye win in the first round as I reported last week.

Official site:

zt 2.4 Sao Paulo BRA (BRA), 22-30 x 2005
                                               1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1. Milos, Gilberto             g  BRA 2620  +10 =12 + 5 = 2 + 7 = 3 +11 = 4 = 8  6.5  2621 
 2. Mecking, Henrique           g  BRA 2549  +14 = 7 + 6 = 1 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 9 =10  5.5  2591 
 3. Lima, Darcy                 g  BRA 2529  =11 + 9 = 7 +12 = 2 = 1 = 4 = 5 = 6  5.5  2560 
 4. Leitao, Rafael              g  BRA 2586  =13 -11 + 8 = 5 + 9 = 2 = 3 = 1 +14  5.5  2549 
 5. Vescovi, Giovanni           g  BRA 2646  = 9 +13 - 1 = 4 =11 + 7 = 2 = 3 +12  5.5  2544 
 6. Cordova, Emilio             m  PER 2434  +15 +14 - 2 =10 + 8 - 9 +13 = 7 = 3  5.5  2478 
 7. Sunye Neto, Jaime           g  BRA 2522  + 8 = 2 = 3 +11 - 1 - 5 +10 = 6 = 9  5.0  2524 
 8. Di Berardino, Diego Rafael     BRA 2312  - 7 +10 - 4 +13 - 6 +14 = 9 +12 = 1  5.0  2488 
 9. Matsuura, Everaldo          m  BRA 2453  = 5 - 3 =13 +14 - 4 + 6 = 8 = 2 = 7  4.5  2483 
10. Limp, Eduardo               m  BRA 2447  - 1 - 8 +14 = 6 +12 =11 - 7 =13 = 2  4.0  2370 
11. El Debs, Felipe de Cresce   f  BRA 2341  = 3 + 4 =12 - 7 = 5 =10 - 1 -14 =13  3.5  2397 
12. Castaneda, Carlos              PER 2171   .  = 1 =11 - 3 -10 =13 +14 - 8 - 5  2.5  2317 
13. Zambrana, Oswaldo           m  BOL 2409  = 4 - 5 = 9 - 8 -14 =12 - 6 =10 =11  2.5  2251 
14. Assumpcao, Roberto             BRA 2364  - 2 - 6 -10 - 9 +13 - 8 -12 +11 - 4  2.0  2191 
15. BYE                                ----  - 6  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   0.0       

 1 Milos Jr, Gilberto         BRA  2620 6½  19932 34½ 39½  42½
 2*Mecking, Henrique Costa    BRA  2549 5½  20237 30½ 41½  43½
   Lima, Darcy Gustavo        BRA  2529 5½  20151 29½ 41   44 
   Vescovi, Giovanni Portilho BRA  2646 5½  20009 25½ 39   41½
   Leitão, Rafael Duailibe    BRA  2586 5½  19911 25  38½  40½
 6 Sunyé Nt, Jaime            BRA  2522 5   20019 27  41½  45 
   Di Berardino, Diego Rafael BRA  2312 5   19835 22  36   38 
 8 Matsuura, Everaldo         BRA  2453 4½        21  39½  41½
   Córdova, Emilio            PER  2434 4½        20½ 36½  38½
10 Limp, Eduardo Thélio       BRA  2447 4   19551 18½ 36   38 
11 Castañeda, Carlos          PER  2171 3½        21½ 37   39 
   El Debs, Felipe de Cresce  BRA  2341 3½        21  37½  39½
13 Zambrana, Osvaldo          BOL  2409 2½  19583 11½ 36   38 
14 Assumpção, Roberto         BRA  2364 2   19531  7  36   38½

zt 2.4 w Sao Paulo BRA (BRA), 22-27 x 2005
                                 1  2  3 
1 Duarte, Tatiana   wf BRA 2126 ** 00 11  2.0  2107
2 Zapata, Karen     wm PER 2214 11 ** 00  2.0  2063
3 Feliciano,Vanessa    BRA ---- 00 11 **  2.0  2170

zt 2.4 w po Sao Paulo BRA (BRA), 28-28 x 2005
                                 1  2  3 
1 Zapata, Karen     wm PER 2214 ** 11 =1  3.5  2399
2 Duarte, Tatiana   wf BRA 2126 00 ** =1  1.5  2020
3 Feliciano,Vanessa    BRA ---- =0 =0 **  1.0  1977

10) US Chess League

The United States Chess League sees 8 of the strongest cities in the US compete with each other in front of a live Internet audience on ICC. News: Greg Shahade.

Official site:

Week 9 26th October 2005
Carolina-Miami match was postponed due to the hurricane, 
details on that will follow as they come.

(7.0-1.0) New York Knights vs Baltimore Kingfishers (4.5-3.5) (Season Record
in Parenthesis)

Starts at 7:00 PM ET Time Control - Game 90 with 30 second increment

|New York Knights             |    |    |Baltimore Kingfishers       |
|GM Alex Stripunsky - 2663    |0.5 |0.5 |IM Pascal Charbonneau - 2506|
|NM Gregory Braylovsky - 2376 |1.0 |0.0 |FM Tegshsuren Enkhbat - 2453|
|WGM elect Jenn Shahade - 2318|0.0 |1.0 |WGM Katerina Rohonyan - 2309|
|FM Dr. Lewis Eisen - 2325    |0.0 |1.0 |NM John Rouleau - 2302      |
|Avg Rating - 2420            |    |    |Avg Rating - 2392           |
|New York Total -------       |1.5 |2.5 |------- Baltimore Total     |
(3.0-5.0) Boston Blitz vs Philadelphia Masterminds (3.5-4.5) (Season Record
in Parenthesis)

Starts at 7:00 PM ET Time Control - Game 90 with 30 second increment

|Boston Blitz                |    |    |Philadelphia Masterminds  |
|GM Larry Christiansen - 2596|1.0 |0.0 |FM Norman Rogers - 2307   |
|IM Josh Friedel - 2477      |0.0 |1.0 |IM Richard Costigan - 2295|
|NM Charles Riordan - 2272   |1.0 |0.0 |NM Elvin Wilson - 2239    |
|Ilya Krasik - 2123          |1.0 |0.0 |FM Boris Baczynskyj - 2236|
|Avg Rating - 2367           |    |    |Avg Rating - 2269         |
|Boston Total -------        |3.0 |1.0 |------- Philadelphia Total|
Carolina Cobras (2.5-5.5) vs Miami Sharks (5.0-3.0) (Season Record in


|Carolina Cobras  |    |    |Miami Sharks  |
|                 |0.5 |0.5 |              |
|                 |0.5 |0.5 |              |
|                 |0.5 |0.5 |              |
|                 |0.5 |0.5 |              |
|Avg Rating -     |    |    |Avg Rating -  |
|Carolina Total   |2.0 |2.0 |----- Miami   |
|-------          |    |    |Total         |
(2.5-5.5) Dallas Destiny vs San Francisco Mechanics (4.0-4.0)
(Season Record in Parenthesis)

Starts at 8:30 PM ET Time Control - Game 60 with 30 second increment

|Dallas Destiny             |    |    |San Francisco Mechanics     |
|GM Alejandro Ramirez - 2565|0.5 |0.5 |IM Vinay Bhat - 2462        |
|IM Peter Vavrak - 2476     |1.0 |0.0 |FM Dmitry Zilberstein - 2435|
|FM Daniel Fernandez - 2389 |0.0 |1.0 |FM David Pruess - 2432      |
|Andres Suarez - 2087       |0.0 |1.0 |NM Andy Lee - 2231          |
|Avg Rating - 2379          |    |    |Avg Rating - 2390           |
|Dallas Total -------       |1.5 |2.5 |----- San Francisco Total   |
* Team listed first has white on boards 1+3
** Team Avg Rating must be Under 2400 - click here to read about exceptions

The standings are as follows:

|EASTERN DIVISION|W   |L   |Pts./36 games |
|!! New York     |7   |2   |22 (61%)      |
|! Baltimore     |5.5 |3.5 |21.5 (60%)    |
|Boston          |4   |5   |16.5 (46%)    |
|Philadelphia    |3.5 |5.5 |15 (42%)      |
|WESTERN DIVISION|W   |L   |Pts./36 games |
|! Miami         |5.5 |3.5 |19 (53%)      |
|! San Francisco |5   |4   |19 (53%)      |
|Carolina        |3   |6   |15.5 (43%)    |
|Dallas          |2.5 |6.5 |15.5 (43%)    |
! = Clinched Playoff Birth
!! = Clinched Division Title

* Top two teams from each division qualify for the playoffs. Results are calculated by Total MATCH points. Whoever has the most points in the "W" (win) column, is in the lead in the standings. Total game points + win percentage are used as a tiebreaker. To see the rest of the tiebreak procedures click here ** Each division winner will get draw odds in the first round of the playoffs against the division runner up.

11) Jababeka Women's International

The Indonesian Chess Federation organised the Jababeka Women's International Chess Tournament at the Hotel Kartika Chandra, Jakarta, Indonesia, October 21st-27th, 2005. Jana Krivec and Nana Alexandria finished on 9/11. Note Irine Kharisma Sukandar seems to have two entries in the FIDE rating list. One with a rating another with an FM title (Kharisma S., Irene).

The official sites are and

Jababeka Women Jakarta INA (INA), 21-27 x 2005
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Krivec, Jana              wm SLO 2279  * 1 = 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  9.0  2384 
 2. Alexandria, Nana          wg GEO 2323  0 * = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  9.0  2380 
 3. Sukandar, Irine Kharisma     INA 2092  = = * 1 0 1 1 1 = 1 0 1  7.5  2272 
 4. Tamin, Upi Darmayana      wm INA 2219  1 = 0 * = = = 1 1 0 1 1  7.0  2229 
 5. Khegai, Angela            wm UZB 2243  = 0 1 = * 0 1 0 = 1 1 1  6.5  2190 
 6. Lindiawati, Evi              INA 2091  0 0 0 = 1 * = = 1 1 1 1  6.5  2204 
 7. Lumongdong, Lisa Karlina  wm INA 2163  0 0 0 = 0 = * = 1 1 1 1  5.5  2132 
 8. Cheri,Stefani Dian           INA ----  0 0 0 0 1 = = * 0 1 1 1  5.0  2111 
 9. Zakharova, Adelaida       wf RUS 2071  0 0 = 0 = 0 0 1 * = = =  3.5  2008 
10. Vidawati, Sri                INA 2122  0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 = * 1 =  3.0  1961 
11. Hui, Sau-Mun Dawn            SIN 2005  0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 * 1  2.5  1936 
12. Roslina, Marmono             MAS 2016  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 *  1.0  1763 

12) Corisca International Rapid

The Corisca International Rapid takes place in Bastia 30th October - 3rd November 2005. 100,000 Euros of prizes usually attracts a strong field. Leading players include Viswanathan Anand, Judit Polgar, Michael Adams and Etienne Bacrot.

Official site:

13) 9th Offene Internationale Bayerische Schach Meisterschaft

9th Bayerische International Chess Open, takes place in Bad Wiessee takes place 29th October - 6th November 2005. Delchev, Miroshnichenko, Khenkin and Landa are the top seeds.

Further details:

14) 27th Arco Chess Festival

27th Arco Chess Festival takes place 22nd-30th October 2005. Simen Agdestein, Thomas Luther, Sergey Zagrebelny, Mikhail M Ivanov, Jacob Aagaard and Aleksandar H. Wohl are amongst the players.

Official site:

Leading Round 5 Standings:
 1 Agdestein Simen       GM  NOR     4.5   19.5
 2 Ivanov Mikhail M      GM  RUS     4.5   17.0
 3 Manca Federico        IM  ITA     4.5   16.0
 4 Mukic Josko           FM  CRO     4.0   18.0   2.5   4
 5 Luther Thomas         GM  GER     4.0   18.0   2.5   3
 6 Aagaard Jacob         IM  DEN     4.0   18.0   2.0
 7 Bronznik Valerij      IM  UKR     4.0   17.5
 8 Isonzo David          FM  ITA     4.0   17.0   2.5
 9 Bogdanov Valentin     IM  UKR     4.0   17.0   2.0
10 Zagrebelny Sergey     GM  UZB  1  4.0   16.5
11 Wohl Aleksandar H.    IM  AUS     4.0   16.0
12 Moser Eva             IM  AUT     3.5   18.0   2.5
13 Caruana Fabiano       FM  USA     3.5   18.0   2.0
14 Dittmar Peter         FM  GER  1  3.5   18.0   1.5
15 Mazet Julien              FRA     3.5   17.0
16 Scharrer Patrick          ITA     3.5   16.0   2.0 
17 Fossum Oystein Boyum      NOR  1  3.5   16.0   1.0
18 Ager Josef                AUT     3.5   15.5
19 Schacher Gerd             ITA     3.5   15.0   2.5
20 Diotallevi Maurizio       ITA  1  3.5   15.0   1.0
21 Lymar Irina           WG  UKR     3.5   14.5   2.0
22 Dalponte Dino             ITA     3.5   14.5   1.5   2
23 Cazzaniga Walter          ITA     3.5   14.5   1.5   2
24 Crea Vincenzo             ITA  1  3.5   14.5
116 players

15) Zonal 3.3 in Beijing

Zonal 3.3 took place in Beijing, China. If the results derived from the games are correct Yu Shaoteng took first on Sonnen-berger tie-break and Wang Hao took the second place after a playoff match. Hou Yifan won the women's event.

Further details in Chinese:

zt 3.3 Beijing CHN (CHN), 20-25 x 2005           cat. X (2498)
                                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Yu Shaoteng     g CHN 2516  * = = 1 1 1 1 = = 1  7.0  2715 
 2. Wang Hao          CHN 2519  = * = = 1 1 = 1 1 1  7.0  2715 
 3. Wang Rui        m CHN 2474  = = * = 1 1 = 1 1 1  7.0  2720 
 4. Bu Xiangzhi     g CHN 2637  0 = = * = 1 1 = 1 1  6.0  2607 
 5. Liang Chong     g CHN 2515  0 0 0 = * = 1 = 1 1  4.5  2495 
 6. Zhou Weiqi        CHN 2416  0 0 0 0 = * = 1 = 1  3.5  2426 
 7. Zhou Jianchao     CHN 2516  0 = = 0 0 = * = = =  3.0  2370 
 8. Ye Rongguang    g CHN 2472  = 0 0 = = 0 = * 0 1  3.0  2375 
 9. Wu Wenjin       g CHN 2523  = 0 0 0 0 = = 1 * 0  2.5  2329 
10. Wei Chenpeng    f CHN 2390  0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 *  1.5  2236 

Wang Hao  -  Wang Rui  1-0   51  B07  Pirc Defence
Wang Rui  -  Wang Hao  1/2   54  D12  Slav Defence

zt 3.3 po Beijing CHN (CHN), 25-25 x 2005
                       1   2 
Wang Hao    CHN 2519    1   =   1.5  2667
Wang Rui m  CHN 2474    0   =   0.5  2326

zt 3.3 w Beijing CHN (CHN), 20-25 x 2005         cat. V (2354)
                                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Hou Yifan     wf CHN 2220  * 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1  6.0  2493 
 2. Shen Yang        CHN 2326  1 * = 0 1 = 0 1 1 =  5.5  2437 
 3. Qin Kanying   wg CHN 2472  1 = * 0 = = 1 = 1 =  5.5  2420 
 4. Zhao Xue      wg CHN 2478  0 1 1 * 0 1 = 0 1 1  5.5  2420 
 5. Ruan Lufei       CHN 2345  0 0 = 1 * = 1 = = 1  5.0  2398 
 6. Gong Qianyun     CHN 2374  0 = = 0 = * = 1 = 1  4.5  2351 
 7. Wang Yu          CHN 2109  0 1 0 = 0 = * = 1 =  4.0  2338 
 8. Xu Yuanyuan   wg CHN 2420  0 0 = 1 = 0 = * 1 0  3.5  2266 
 9. Li Ruofan     wg CHN 2398  1 0 0 0 = = 0 0 * 1  3.0  2224 
10. Huang Qian    wm CHN 2398  0 = = 0 0 0 = 1 0 *  2.5  2183 

16) 10th Annual Governor's Cup

The 10th Annual Governor's Cup took place in Sioux Falls, South Dakota October 28th-30th 2005. Some games may follow. News: John Donaldson.

Leading Final Standings Open section: 1-3. GM Ehlvest (EST) 2618, GM Yermolinsky 2549 (USA) and IM Simutowe 2458 (ZAM) 4/5 3-6. GM Kudrin 2551 (USA), IM Donaldson 2405 (USA) and FM Karklins (USA) 2246 3.5 =7. GM Wojtkiewicz(USA) 2570, IM Kustar (HUN) 2375 .... 3

17) 31st Guernsey Open

31st Guernsey International Chess Festival 16th-22nd October 2005 The venue was the Cobo Bay hotel in Guernsey. The playing hall had spectacular views over the bay. The blue water was often calm but mainly crashing against the red granite rocks a bit like the chess as well. There were 52 players in the Open tournament and 39 in the Holiday tournament. The tournament began under a cloud with the news of the very sad loss of highly respected arbiter Steve Boniface. One of the players was also a qualified arbiter, and he stepped in until the arrival of BCF chief arbiter David Welch, who kindly rushed to our aid in the sad and unfortunate circumstances. Grand Master Tiger Hillarp-Persson and International Master Robert Bellin both began the tournament with comfortable wins in the first round. Grand Master Oleg Korneev took a half point bye in the first round and began play in round two. Hillarp-Persson and Korneev met in round 5 (Korneev white) and played a very sharp Sicilian which ended in a draw being agreed after 24 moves. Hillarp-Persson this time with white was again held to a draw this time by Bellin in round 6 with an interesting Dutch defence. Korneev and Bellin were not paired in the final round and of course this left the door open for Korneev to take first place outright which he duly did. The day after the close of the tournament it's creator and inspiration for many years also passed away at the grand age of 91. Report: Fred Hamperl.

Crosstable: and website:

31st Guernsey Open Cobo Bay GCI (GCI), 16-22 x 2005
 1.  Korneev, Oleg                     g   RUS  2601  6.0
 2.  Bellin, Robert                    m   ENG  2374  5.5
     Hillarp Persson, Tiger            g   SWE  2534  5.5
 4.  Havenaar, Jan                         NED  2195  5.0
 5.  Roberts, Paul                         SCO  2201  4.5
     Lock, Gavin R.                        ENG  2178  4.5
     Goater, Kevin                         ENG  2178  4.5
     Hensbergen, Willem                    NED  2106  4.5
     Heppell, In                           ENG  2165  4.5
     De Kruif, Kees                        NED  2054  4.5
     Taylor, Martin R.                 f   ENG  2311  4.5
     Carpenter, P                          GCI  ----  4.5
52 players     

18) 4NCL

The first two rounds of the 4NCL League took place over the weekend of 22nd-23rd October 2005. The venue is the Paragon Hotel Birmingham.

The official site reports "In Division 1, only one team managed to win both matches. Barbican 4NCL 1 top the table with convincing wins over their second team and North West Eagles 1. One of the features of the weekend was the strong performance of two of the promoted teams, Slough Sharks 1 and Hilsmark Kingfisher 1. Slough Sharks gave reigning champions Wood Green 1 a tough fight in the first round and were perhaps unfortunate to be held to a 4-4 draw. Likewise, Hilsmark scored a 4-4 draw against Guildford ADC-1, with big-hitter Andrew Greet defeating British Champion Jonathan Rowson. We reckon this is Andrew’s 15th consecutive win in the 4NCL."

The also paid tribute to Chief Arbiter, Steve Boniface (1951 - 2005) who died just prior to the Guernsey Congress. Read a tribute by John Richards:

My thanks to Arthur Brameld for the games.

Official site:

Round 1 

    WOOD GREEN 1               2586   4 - 4   SLOUGH SHARKS 1             2529
w   Shirov, Alexei         g   2710   1 - 0   Kogan, Artur            g   2574
b   Bologan, Victor        g   2682   0 - 1   Navara, David           g*  2646
w   Tiviakov, Sergei       g*  2700   ½ - ½   Berkes, Ferenc          g   2596
b   Speelman, Jonathan S   g   2539   ½ - ½   Wojtaszek, Radoslaw     g   2606
w   Gormally, Daniel W     m   2566   ½ - ½   Pert, Nicholas          g   2500
b   Baburin, Alexander     g   2511   ½ - ½   Czakon, Jakub               2477
w   Emms, John M           g   2502   ½ - ½   Jackova, Jana           m(w)2389
b   Cmilyte, Viktorija     m(w)2480   ½ - ½   Jones, Gawain C B       m   2444

    GUILDFORD-ADC1             2483   5 - 3   GUILDFORD-ADC2              2341
w   Rowson, Jonathan       g   2599   0 - 1   Shaw, John K            m   2432
b   Hebden, Mark L         g   2514   1 - 0   Wallace, John P         m   2392
w   King, Daniel J         g   2526   1 - 0   Buckley, Graeme         m   2391
b   Plaskett, James        g   2485   ½ - ½   Collas, Silvia         wg   2373
w   Cherniaev, Alexander   g   2472   ½ - ½   Povah, Nigel E          m   2353
b   Howell, David W L      m   2475   ½ - ½   Ciuksyte, Dagne        wg   2370
w   Collas, Didier         m   2439   1 - 0   Abayasekera, Roger          2210
b   Lalic, Susan          wg(m)2356   ½ - ½   Anderton, Matthew N         2205

    NORTH WEST EAGLES 1        2249   2½-5½   The ADs 1                   2342
w   Morrison, Graham       f   2326   ½ - ½   Chandler, Murray G      g   2537
b   Littlewood, John E     f   2275   0 - 1   Hennigan, Michael T     m   2400
w   van der Linden, Lukas      2281   0 - 1   Jirka, Jiri             m   2387
b   Carleton, John J           2284   1 - 0   Cernousek, Lukas            2379
w   Kennaugh, Charles W    f   2274   0 - 1   Richardson, John R      f   2356
b   Hague, Ben                 2300   ½ - ½   Wheeler, Darren P           2239
w   Lyell, Mark            f*  2203   0 - 1   Anderton, David         c   2267
b   Milligan, Helen       wf   2045   ½ - ½   Bellin, Jana           wg   2170

    BARBICAN 4NCL 2            2251   2½-5½   BARBICAN 4NCL 1             2385
w   Cox, John J            f   2384   0 - 1   Parker, Jonathan        g   2515
b   Pritchett, Craig W     m   2291   0 -1   Kelly, Brian             m   2496
w   Devereaux, Maxim       f   2344   ½ - ½   Collins, Sam            f   2408
b   Berry, Neil                2289   ½ - ½   Webster, Andrew         m   2411
w   Taylor, Martin R       f   2311   1 - 0   Ferguson, Mark          m   2392
b   Coleman, David   c         2245   ½ - ½   Collinson, Adam         f   2385
w   Taylor, Peter              2241   0 - 1   Knott, Simon            m   2378
b   Smith, Lucy   w            1900   0 - 1   Bhatia, Kanwal K        w   2091

    3Cs OLDHAM 1               2294   4 - 4   HILSMARK KINGFISHER 1       2404
w   Davies, Nigel R        g   2521   ½ - ½   Williams, Simon K       m   2452
b   Haslinger, Stewart     m   2426   0 - 1   Arkell, Keith C         g   2475
w   Gordon, Stephen J      f   2411   0 - 1   Greet, Andrew N         m   2428
b   Ashton, Adam G             2331   1 - 0   Trent, Lawrence         m   2423
w   Longson, Alexander         2264   1 - 0   Berzinsh, Roland        m   2447
b   Bentley, John L            2244   ½ - ½   Crouch, Colin           m   2365
w   Walton, Alan J         c   2197   1 - 0   Houska, Jovanka         m   2351
b   Martin, Katie          w   1956   0 - 1   Broomfield, Matthew         2288

    BETSSON.COM                2296   2 - 6   WOOD GREEN 2                2418
w   Ledger, Andrew J       m   2438   1 - 0   Ward, Christopher       g   2475
b   Ansell, Simon          m   2383   0 - 1   Martin, Andrew D        m   2433
w   Webb, Laurence E       f   2336   0 - 1   Levitt, Jonathan P      g   2448
b   Duncan, Christopher R      2332   ½ - ½   Littlewood, Paul E      m   2366
w   Eames, Robert G        f   2320   ½ - ½   Arakhamia-Grant, Ket.   m(w)2426
b   Ledger, David J        f   2278   0 - 1   Pert, Richard G         m   2429
w   Ledger, Stephen C          2171   0 - 1   Sowray, Peter J         f   2352
b   Tidman, Sophie        wf   2106   0 - 1   Rechel, Bernd           m   2416

Round 2

    HILSMARK KINGFISHER 1      2406   4 - 4   GUILDFORD-ADC1              2483
w   Greet, Andrew N        m   2428   1 - 0   Rowson, Jonathan        g   2599
b   Berzinsh, Roland       m   2447   ½ - ½   Hebden, Mark L          g   2514
w   Williams, Simon K      m   2452   0 - 1   King, Daniel J          g   2526
b   Trent, Lawrence        m   2423   0 - 1   Plaskett, James         g   2485
w   Arkell, Keith C        g   2475   ½ - ½   Cherniaev, Alexander    g   2472
b   Crouch, Colin          m   2365   1 - 0   Howell, David W L       m   2475
w   Houska, Jovanka        m   2351   0 - 1   Collas, Didier          m   2439
b   Cooper, Lawrence       m   2303   1 - 0   Collas, Silvia         wg   2373

    BARBICAN 4NCL 1            2384   5 - 3   NORTH WEST EAGLES 1         2233
w   Parker, Jonathan       g   2515   ½ - ½   Morrison, Graham        f   2326
b   Kelly, Brian           m   2496   0 - 1   Littlewood, John E      f   2275
w   Collins, Sam           f   2408   1 - 0   Kennaugh, Charles W     f   2274
b   Cox, John J            f   2384   ½ - ½   Hague, Ben                  2300
w   Ferguson, Mark         m   2392   1 - 0   Lyell, Mark             f*  2203
b   Webster, Andrew        m   2411   0 - 1   Lund, D Brett               2231
w   Knott, Simon           m   2378   1 - 0   Hulmes, David I             2206
b   Bhatia, Kanwal K       w   2091   1 - 0   Milligan, Helen        wf   2045

    WOOD GREEN 2               2402   2 - 6   WOOD GREEN 1                2586
w   Levitt, Jonathan P     g   2448   0 - 1   Shirov, Alexei          g   2710
b   Martin, Andrew D       m   2433   0 - 1   Bologan, Victor         g   2682
w   Arakhamia-Grant,Ket.   m(w)2426   ½ - ½   Tiviakov, Sergei        g*  2700
b   Pert, Richard G        m   2429   ½ - ½   Speelman, Jonathan S    g   2539
w   Sowray, Peter J        f   2352   1 - 0   Gormally, Daniel W      m   2566
b   Littlewood, Paul E     m   2366   0 - 1   Baburin, Alexander      g   2511
w   Tiller, Bjorn          m   2346   0 - 1   Emms, John M            g   2502
b   Rechel, Bernd          m   2416   0 - 1   Cmilyte, Viktorija      m(w)2480

    GUILDFORD-ADC2             2341   6 - 2   3Cs OLDHAM 1                2294
w   Shaw, John K           m   2432   ½ - ½   Davies, Nigel R         g   2521
b   Wallace, John P        m   2392   1 - 0   Haslinger, Stewart      m   2426
w   Buckley, Graeme        m   2391   ½ - ½   Gordon, Stephen J       f   2411
b   Ciuksyte, Dagne       wg   2370   1 - 0   Ashton, Adam G              2331
w   Povah, Nigel E         m   2353   1 - 0   Longson, Alexander          2264
b   Lalic, Susan          m(wg)2356   ½ - ½   Bentley, John L             2244
w   Cooksey, Paul S            2253   ½ - ½   Walton, Alan J          c   2197
b   Anderton, Matthew N        2205   1 - 0   Martin, Katie           w   1956

    SLOUGH SHARKS 1            2469   6 - 2   BETSSON.COM                 2296
w   Navara, David          g*  2646   1 - 0   Ledger, Andrew J        m   2438
b   Wojtaszek, Radoslaw    g   2606   1 - 0   Ansell, Simon           m   2383
w   Pert, Nicholas         g   2500   1 - 0   Webb, Laurence E        f   2336
b   Czakon, Jakub              2477   ½ - ½   Duncan, Christopher R       2332
w   Jones, Gawain C B      m   2444   1 - 0   Eames, Robert G         f   2320
b   Jackova, Jana          m(w)2389   1 - 0   Ledger, David J         f   2278
w   Gourlay, Iain          f   2363   ½ - ½   Ledger, Stephen C           2171
b   Martyn, Rafe           f   2323   0 - 1   Tidman, Sophie         wf   2106

    The ADs                    2342   4 - 4   BARBICAN 4NCL 2             2245
w   Chandler, Murray G     g   2537   1 - 0   Devereaux, Maxim        f   2344
b   Hennigan, Michael T    m   2400   1 - 0   Berry, Neil                 2289
w   Jirka, Jiri            m   2387   0 - 1   Rogers, Jonathan W      f   2340
b   Cernousek, Lukas           2379   0 - 1   Pritchett, Craig W      m   2291
w   Richardson, John R     f   2356   0 - 1   Taylor, Martin R        f   2311
b   Wheeler, Darren P          2239   0 - 1   Coleman, David          c   2245
w   Anderton, David        c   2267   1 - 0   Taylor, Peter               2241
b   Bellin, Jana          wg   2170   1 - 0   Smith, Lucy             w   1900

4NCL 2005-2006 Division 1
                          P  W  D  L    Gms   Pts
BARBICAN 4NCL 1           2  2  0  0    10.5   4
WOOD GREEN 1              2  1  1  0    10.0   3
SLOUGH SHARKS 1           2  1  1  0    10.0   3
The ADs                   2  1  1  0     9.5   3
GUILDFORD-ADC1            2  1  1  0     9.0   3
GUILDFORD-ADC2            2  1  0  1     9.0   2
HILSMARK KINGFISHER 1     2  0  2  0     8.0   2
WOOD GREEN 2              2  1  0  1     8.0   2
BARBICAN 4NCL 2           2  0  1  1     6.5   1
3Cs OLDHAM 1              2  0  1  1     6.0   1
NORTH WEST EAGLES 1       2  0  0  2     5.5   0
BETSSON.COM               2  0  0  2     4.0   0

19) Bundesliga Starts

The Bundesliga, the German chess league has started its 2005-6 season. Three round 7 matches (a spare round which takes place on various Fridays prior to the main rounds) plus rounds 1 and 2 too place 21st-23rd October 2005. Games now available. 2nd double round on 12th-13th November 2005.

Official site:

Round 7 21st October 2005  
(This round takes place
on several different Fridays
before other rounds)

Venue: Neukölln

SFR Neukölln     4 - 4 SC Kreuzberg
 2 Miroshnichenk 0 : 1 Aronian,Levon  1
 4 Brynell,Stell 1 : 0 Almasi,Zoltan  3
 5 Polzin,Rainer 1 : 0 Socko,Bartosz  4
 6 Berndt,Stepha 0 : 1 Romanishin,Ol  5
 7 Borriss,Marti ½ : ½ Maiwald,Jens-  6
 8 Schneider,Ilj ½ : ½ Kalinitschew,  7
11 Thinius,Marco ½ : ½ Lau,Ralf       8
12 Rudolf,Henrik ½ : ½ Tischbierek,R 10

Venue: OSC Baden-Baden

OSC Baden Baden  7 - 1 SG Kirchheim   
 3 Bacrot,Etienn ½ : ½ Onischuk,Alex  1
 7 Krasenkow,Mic 1 : 0 Wippermann,Ti  2
 8 Movsesian,Ser 1 : 0 Tompa,Janos    5
 9 Huebner,Rober 1 : 0 Beckhuis,Gern  6
10 Dautov,Rustem ½ : ½ Wintzer,Joach  7
11 Schlosser,Phi 1 : 0 Vonthron,Hors  8
12 Buhmann,Raine 1 : 0 Rudolph,Johan  9
13 Doettling,Fab 1 : 0 Zuse,Klaus-Pe 10

Venue: SC Eppingen

SC Eppingen      2½-5½ TV Tegernsee  
 1 Gyimesi,Zolta ½ : ½ Khenkin,Igor   1
 2 Postny,Evgeny ½ : ½ Sokolov,Andre  2
 3 Acs,Peter     0 : 1 Ribli,Zoltan   3
 4 Braun,Arik    ½ : ½ Bischoff,Klau  4
 5 Meier,Georg   0 : 1 Boensch,Uwe    5
 6 Medvegy,Zolta ½ : ½ Hertneck,Gera  7
 7 Mann,Christia 0 : 1 Bromberger,St 11
 9 Miltner,Arndt ½ : ½ Gross,David   12

Bundesliga Round 1 22nd October 2005

Venue: OSC Baden-Baden
OSC Baden Baden  8 - 0 SK Zehlendorf   
 3 Bacrot,Etienn 1 : 0 Richter,Micha  1
 7 Krasenkow,Mic 1 : 0 Werner,Dimo    3
 8 Movsesian,Ser 1 : 0 Janz,Frerik    4
 9 Huebner,Rober 1 : 0 Heinig,Wolfra  5
10 Dautov,Rustem 1 : 0 Carmeille,Lud  6
11 Schlosser,Phi 1 : 0 Klimm,Wolf-Di  7
12 Buhmann,Raine 1 : 0 Ribic,Kasmir  10
13 Doettling,Fab 1 : 0 Kalabic,Faris 12
SG Kirchheim     5 - 3 SC Leipzig Gohli
 1 Onischuk,Alex ½ : ½ Vogt,Lothar    1
 2 Wippermann,Ti ½ : ½ Voigt,Roland   2
 4 Gschnitzer,Os ½ : ½ Roos,Michael   3
 5 Tompa,Janos   1 : 0 Zesch,Ludwig   5
 6 Beckhuis,Gern ½ : ½ Schoeneberg,M  6
 7 Wintzer,Joach ½ : ½ Quast,Michael  7
 8 Vonthron,Hors ½ : ½ Hoffmann,Hend  9
10 Zuse,Klaus-Pe 1 : 0 Schunk,Thomas 12

Venue: Neukölln
SFR Neukölln     2½-5½ SF Katernberg   
 2 Miroshnichenk 0 : 1 Volokitin,And  1
 4 Brynell,Stell ½ : ½ Erenburg,Serg  2
 5 Polzin,Rainer ½ : ½ Kritz,Leonid   3
 6 Berndt,Stepha 0 : 1 Chuchelov,Vla  4
 7 Borriss,Marti ½ : ½ Glek,Igor V    5
 8 Schneider,Ilj 0 : 1 Senff,Martin   9
10 Thiede,Lars   1 : 0 Siebrecht,Seb 10
11 Thinius,Marco 0 : 1 Scholz,Christ 13
SC Kreuzberg     4 - 4 SV Mülheim Nord 
 1 Aronian,Levon ½ : ½ Landa,Konstan  2
 3 Almasi,Zoltan ½ : ½ Fridman,Danie  4
 4 Socko,Bartosz ½ : ½ Levin,Felix    5
 5 Romanishin,Ol 1 : 0 Schebler,Gerh  6
 6 Maiwald,Jens- 0 : 1 Saltaev,Mihai  7
 7 Kalinitschew, ½ : ½ Hausrath,Dani  8
 8 Lau,Ralf      0 : 1 Wegener,Olaf  10
10 Tischbierek,R 1 : 0 Kern,Guido    12

Venue: Wattenscheid
SV Wattenscheid  4½-3½ Hamburger SK    
 2 Sargissian,Ga ½ : ½ Gustafsson,Ja  1
 3 Macieja,Bartl ½ : ½ Ftacnik,Lubom  2
 4 Rustemov,Alex 1 : 0 Kempinski,Rob  3
 5 Johannessen,L ½ : ½ Hansen,Sune B  4
 6 Holzke,Frank  ½ : ½ Reeh,Oliver    7
 8 Appel,Ralf    1 : 0 Heinemann,Thi  8
10 Lemmers,Oscar 0 : 1 Michaelsen,Ni 12
13 Straeter,Timo ½ : ½ Sebastian,Dir 13

SG Aljechin Soli 3½-4½ SV Werder Bremen
 1 Jussupow,Artu 1 : 0 Areshchenko,A  3
 2 Nikolic,Predr 1 : 0 Hracek,Zbynek  4
 3 Sandipan,Chan ½ : ½ Pelletier,Yan  5
 4 Baramidze,Dav 0 : 1 Babula,Vlasti  6
 5 Stellwagen,Da 0 : 1 Nyback,Tomi    7
 6 Naumann,Alexa ½ : ½ Fish,Gennadij  8
 7 Smeets,Jan    0 : 1 Knaak,Rainer  10
 9 Werle,Jan     ½ : ½ Meins,Gerlef  12

Venue: Eppingen

SC Eppingen      5 - 3 Godesberger SK  
 1 Gyimesi,Zolta ½ : ½ Kasimdzhanov,  1
 2 Postny,Evgeny 1 : 0 Jenni,Florian  2
 3 Acs,Peter     ½ : ½ Sprenger,Jan-  3
 4 Braun,Arik    1 : 0 Seel,Christia  4
 5 Meier,Georg   ½ : ½ Langheinrich,  6
 6 Medvegy,Zolta 0 : 1 Grafl,Florian  7
 7 Mann,Christia ½ : ½ Jackelen,Thom  8
 9 Miltner,Arndt 1 : 0 Armbruster,Al  9

TV Tegernsee     4½-3½ SG Köln Porz    
 1 Khenkin,Igor  ½ : ½ Lutz,Christop  2
 2 Sokolov,Andre 1 : 0 Van Wely,Loek  3
 3 Ribli,Zoltan  ½ : ½ Vaganian,Rafa  5
 4 Bischoff,Klau 1 : 0 Timman,Jan H   6
 5 Boensch,Uwe   ½ : ½ Graf,Alexande  7
 6 Kindermann,St ½ : ½ Gurevich,Mikh  8
 7 Hertneck,Gera ½ : ½ Van den Doel, 10
11 Bromberger,St 0 : 1 Rotstein,Arka 14

Bundesliga Round 2 23rd October 2005

Venue: OSC Baden-Baden

SK Zehlendorf    2½-5½ SG Kirchheim    
 1 Richter,Micha 0 : 1 Onischuk,Alex  1
 3 Werner,Dimo   ½ : ½ Wippermann,Ti  2
 4 Janz,Frerik   0 : 1 Gschnitzer,Os  4
 5 Heinig,Wolfra ½ : ½ Tompa,Janos    5
 6 Carmeille,Lud 0 : 1 Wintzer,Joach  7
 7 Klimm,Wolf-Di ½ : ½ Vonthron,Hors  8
10 Ribic,Kasmir  1 : 0 Rudolph,Johan  9
12 Kalabic,Faris 0 : 1 Zuse,Klaus-Pe 10

SC Leipzig Gohli 1 - 7 OSC Baden Baden
 1 Vogt,Lothar   0 : 1 Bacrot,Etienn  3
 2 Voigt,Roland  0 : 1 Krasenkow,Mic  7
 3 Roos,Michael  0 : 1 Movsesian,Ser  8
 5 Zesch,Ludwig  0 : 1 Huebner,Rober  9
 6 Schoeneberg,M 0 : 1 Dautov,Rustem 10
 7 Quast,Michael 0 : 1 Schlosser,Phi 11
 9 Hoffmann,Hend 0 : 1 Buhmann,Raine 12
12 Schunk,Thomas 1 : 0 Doettling,Fab 13

Venue: Neukölln

SF Katernberg    2½-5½ SC Kreuzberg    
 1 Volokitin,And ½ : ½ Aronian,Levon  1
 2 Erenburg,Serg ½ : ½ Almasi,Zoltan  3
 3 Kritz,Leonid  0 : 1 Socko,Bartosz  4
 4 Chuchelov,Vla ½ : ½ Romanishin,Ol  5
 5 Glek,Igor V   ½ : ½ Maiwald,Jens-  6
 9 Senff,Martin  ½ : ½ Kalinitschew,  7
10 Siebrecht,Seb 0 : 1 Lau,Ralf       8
13 Scholz,Christ 0 : 1 Tischbierek,R 10

SV Mülheim Nord  4½-3½ SFR Neukölln   
 2 Landa,Konstan 0 : 1 Miroshnichenk  2
 4 Fridman,Danie ½ : ½ Brynell,Stell  4
 5 Levin,Felix   ½ : ½ Polzin,Rainer  5
 6 Schebler,Gerh ½ : ½ Berndt,Stepha  6
 7 Saltaev,Mihai 1 : 0 Borriss,Marti  7
 8 Hausrath,Dani 1 : 0 Schneider,Ilj  8
10 Wegener,Olaf  0 : 1 Thiede,Lars   10
12 Kern,Guido    1 : 0 Rudolf,Henrik 12

Venue: Wattenscheid

Hamburger SK     3½-4½ SG Aljechin Soli
 1 Gustafsson,Ja ½ : ½ Jussupow,Artu  1
 2 Ftacnik,Lubom 1 : 0 Nikolic,Predr  2
 3 Kempinski,Rob 1 : 0 Sandipan,Chan  3
 4 Hansen,Sune B 0 : 1 Baramidze,Dav  4
 7 Reeh,Oliver   ½ : ½ Stellwagen,Da  5
 8 Heinemann,Thi ½ : ½ Naumann,Alexa  6
12 Michaelsen,Ni 0 : 1 Smeets,Jan     7
13 Sebastian,Dir 0 : 1 Werle,Jan      9
SV Werder Bremen 4½-3½ SV Wattenscheid
 3 Areshchenko,A 0 : 1 Sargissian,Ga  2
 4 Hracek,Zbynek ½ : ½ Macieja,Bartl  3
 5 Pelletier,Yan 1 : 0 Rustemov,Alex  4
 6 Babula,Vlasti 1 : 0 Johannessen,L  5
 7 Nyback,Tomi   1 : 0 Holzke,Frank   6
 8 Fish,Gennadij ½ : ½ Appel,Ralf     8
10 Knaak,Rainer  0 : 1 Lemmers,Oscar 10
12 Meins,Gerlef  ½ : ½ Straeter,Timo 13

Venue: Eppingen
Godesberger SK   4 - 4 TV Tegernsee    
 1 Kasimdzhanov, ½ : ½ Khenkin,Igor   1
 2 Jenni,Florian ½ : ½ Sokolov,Andre  2
 3 Sprenger,Jan- ½ : ½ Ribli,Zoltan   3
 4 Seel,Christia ½ : ½ Bischoff,Klau  4
 6 Langheinrich, 1 : 0 Boensch,Uwe    5
 7 Grafl,Florian ½ : ½ Kindermann,St  6
 8 Jackelen,Thom ½ : ½ Hertneck,Gera  7
 9 Armbruster,Al 0 : 1 Gross,David   12

 SG Köln Porz    5½-2½ SC Eppingen    
 2 Lutz,Christop 0 : 1 Gyimesi,Zolta  1
 3 Van Wely,Loek ½ : ½ Postny,Evgeny  2
 5 Vaganian,Rafa 1 : 0 Acs,Peter      3
 6 Timman,Jan H  ½ : ½ Meier,Georg    5
 7 Graf,Alexande ½ : ½ Medvegy,Zolta  6
 8 Gurevich,Mikh 1 : 0 Mann,Christia  7
10 Van den Doel, 1 : 0 Meinhardt,Max 15
14 Rotstein,Arka 1 : 0 Eisenbeiser,A 16

Round 2 Standings:
  1. OSC Baden-Baden    3  6  22
  2. TV Tegernsee       3  5  14
  3. SC Kreuzberg       3  4  13,5
  4. SG Kirchheim       3  4  11,5
  5. Werder Bremen      2  4  9
  6. Mülheim Nord       2  3  8,5 
  7. SC Eppingen        3  2  10  
  8. SG Porz            2  2  9
  9. SF Katernberg      2  2  8
 10. SG Solingen        2  2  8
 11. SV Wattenscheid    2  2  8
 12. SF Neukölln        3  1  10
 13. Godesberger SK     2  1  7
 14. Hamburger SK       2  0  7
 15. SC Leipzig-Gohlis  2  0  4
 16. SK Zehlendorf      2  0  2,5

20) Liberec Open

6th International Chess Festival Liberec Open 2005 took place 22nd-29th October 2005 in Liberec (Czech Republic). Vladimir Sergeev won with 8/9.

Further details:

Open A Liberec CZE (CZE), 22-29 x 2005
 1 Sergeev Vladimir     m UKR 2436 8.0  51.5 40.0 2572
 2 Trichkov Vasil       m CZE 2333 7.0  53.0 41.5 2434
 3 Baum Bernd Dr        f GER 2160 7.0  49.5 37.5 2399
 4 Golcman Evgeny         RUS 2311 7.0  48.5 37.0 2342
 5 Forman Stepan          CZE 2283 6.5  50.5 39.0 2305
 6 Kaderabek Jiri         CZE 2149 6.5  47.0 37.5 2351
 7 Karhanek Pavel         CZE 2263 6.5  47.0 37.0 2244
 8 Kozak Milos Ing.     f CZE 2245 6.5  46.0 36.0 2287
 9 Krivanek Vladimir      CZE 2066 6.5  44.0 33.5 2339
10 Brauer Christian       GER 2151 6.5  42.5 33.0 2250
11 Sikora-Lerch Jan     m CZE 2313 6.0  55.0 43.0 2316
12 Vyskocil Neklan        CZE 2318 6.0  51.5 39.0 2291
13 Cvicela Anton          SVK 2177 6.0  49.5 39.0 2245
14 Kotan Ladislav       m SVK 2364 6.0  48.5 38.0 2231
15 Balhar Jan             CZE 2175 6.0  47.5 37.0 2252
16 Paldus Petr            CZE 2077 6.0  46.0 36.0 2280
17 Malec Jan Ing.         CZE 2014 6.0  43.0 34.5 2267
18 Mudra Pavel            CZE 2082 6.0  42.0 34.0 2217
19 Zeinert Michal         CZE 2113 5.5  50.5 40.0 2266
20 Schula Michal          CZE 2245 5.5  50.5 38.0 2161
21 Kopal Josef            CZE 2308 5.5  49.5 39.5 2203
22 Almond Richard         ENG 2096 5.5  46.5 36.5 2202
23 Natsidis Christoph     GER 2133 5.5  45.5 36.0 2224
24 Palas Ales             CZE 2030 5.5  44.0 35.5 2201
25 Kana Pavel             CZE 2114 5.5  43.5 33.0 2153
26 Bach Ulf               GER 1943 5.5  42.5 33.5 2211
27 Kovar Vojtech          CZE 2151 5.5  42.5 32.5 2193
28 Norinkeviciute Rasa    LTU 2082 5.5  41.5 32.5 2223
29 Hastik Svatopluk       CZE 2115 5.5  41.5 32.0 2167
30 Valenta Vit            CZE 2180 5.5  40.0 31.0 2069
31 Fales Anatolij         CZE 2049 5.5  38.5 30.5 2149
32 Bartos Jan           f CZE 2249 5.0  53.5 41.5 2190
33 Snorek Milan           CZE 2158 5.0  50.5 40.0 2162
34 Pakosta Miroslav       CZE 2177 5.0  50.0 40.5 2186
35 Benes Petr             CZE 2206 5.0  49.5 38.0 2112
36 Fiala Jaroslav         CZE 2281 5.0  48.5 37.0 2104
37 Tejkal Jiri            CZE 2052 5.0  46.5 36.0 2158
38 Kucera Petr            CZE 1850 5.0  46.5 35.5 2060
39 Cakl Zdenek            CZE 2119 5.0  45.5 35.5 2134
40 Allakhinova Mariana    RUS 2006 5.0  45.0 35.0 2182
41 Ruzicka Milan          CZE 2092 5.0  45.0 33.5 2155
42 Jina Lubos             CZE 2000 5.0  43.0 33.0 2148
43 Hollmann Zdenek        CZE 2041 5.0  41.5 32.0 2177
44 Kopecky Jiri Ing.      CZE 2004 5.0  41.0 33.5 2175
45 Novak Frantisek        CZE 2024 5.0  40.0 30.5 2137
46 Kohout Jan Ing.        CZE 2010 5.0  39.5 31.5 2121
47 Prudek Jiri            CZE 2003 5.0  39.5 31.0 2158
48 Rogalski Krzysztof     POL 2016 5.0  38.5 31.0 2171
49 Voboril Pavel          CZE 2101 5.0  38.0 30.0 2083
115 players

21) 11th Green Mountain Open

George Mirijanian reports: The 11th Green Mountain Open and Vermont State Championship took place 28th-30th October 2005 at the Grand Summit Resort in Mount Snow, Vermont, USA. GMs Alexander Ivanov of Newton, Massachusetts, and Nick de Firmian, a resident of Denmark, tied for 1st-2nd place with scores of 4.5-0.5. They drew each other in Round 3. Runners-up with 3-2 tallies were FM John Curdo of Auburn, Massachusetts, FM Jarod Bryan of Augusta, Maine, and USCF-rated expert Ashok Aaron of Niskayuna, New York. The 2005 Vermont State Championship title went to USCF-rated Class B player William Remick of White River Junction, Vt., who scored 2.5-2.5. The tournament drew 59 players in four sections and was directed by Steve Immitt of New York for the sponsoring Continental Chess Association. Complete crosstables are available at

22) Forthcoming Events and Links

Deep Junior vs Almira Skripchenko Exhibition

Deep Junior will play Almira Skripchenko Deep Junior will play Almira Skripchenko in an exhibition game. in the resort of Madonna di Campiglio, Italy November 30th 2005 14:00 local in the Golf Hotel. The exhibition is part of the Intetain conference featuring intelligent technologies for entertainment. Almira will have the white pieces and the game will be conducted under normal time controls. The following day (Dec. 1st) Almira will make a presentation titled "In the mind of the grandmaster" and will conduct a simultaneous exhibition versus a selected group of the conference attendees.

Further details and registration: as well as

Villa de Bilbao

II Festival Internacional de Ajedrez Villa de Bilbao takes place 19th-23rd November 2005.

Man-Machine event. Players: Ruslan Ponomariov, Rustam Kasimdzhanov and Alexander Khalifman. Machines: Junior, Fritz and Hydra.

Official site:

Wellington College International

FIDE rated, qualifying event for British Champs and part of the BCF Grand Prix. The event takes place over 2 weekends

Friday 27th January to Sunday 29th January 2006 and Saturday 11th to Sunday 12th February 2006

£1,000+ prize fund including a paid place in 2006 British Championships

Venue: Wellington College, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 7PU (35 miles south west of London)

Tournament Director: IM Andrew Martin. Chief Controller: Neville Belinfante (BCF Arbiter)

Entries, requests for accommodation lists, travel details, detailed map and other enquiries should be addressed to :

Ray Clark High Cedars, 17 Oak End Way, Gerrards Cross, Bucks, SL9 8DA England

Tel. (44) (0)7802 306210 (Mon.-Fri. daytime) or Tel. (44) (0)1753 883300 (other times)

E-mail or

World Team Championship

The World Team Championship takes place 31st October (arrival) to 11th November (departure) 2005 in Beer-Sheva, Israel.

Official site:


1    Levon, Aronian             GM    2724  
2    Vladimir, Akopian          GM    2707  
3    Asrian, Karen              GM    2645  
4    Rafael A, Vaganian         GM    2614  
5    Smbat G, Lputian           GM    2614  
6    Ashot, Anastasian          GM    2596  


1    Bu, Xiang Zhi              GM    2637  
2    Liang, Chong               GM    2524  
3    Zhang, Zhong               GM    2608  
4    Zhang, Peng Xiang          GM    2613  
5    Zhou, Jian Chao            GM    2516  
6    Ni, Hua                    GM    2603  

China Women

1    Hou, Yi Fan                NA      
2    Zhao, Xue                  NA    2473  
3    Wang, Yue                  NA    2585  
4    Gong, Qian Yun             NA    2374  
5    Huang, Qian                NA    2398  
6    Shen, Yang                 NA    2326  


1    Lenier, Dominguez Perez    GM    2635  
2    Lazaro, Bruzon Batista     GM    2677  
3    Neuris , Delgado Ramirez   GM    2551  
4    Jesus, Nogueiras Santiago  GM    2547  
5    Walter, Arencibia Rguez    GM    2510  
6    Yuniesky, Quezada Perez    GM    2505  


1    Zurah, Azmaiparashvili     GM    2658  
2    Baadur, Jobava             GM    2601  
3    Giorgi, Giorgadze          GM    2601  
4    Levan, Pantsulaia          GM    2578  
5    Mchedlishvili, Mikheil     GM    2564  
6    Merab, Gagunashvili        GM    2542  


1    Boris, Gelfand             GM    2717  
2    Emil, Sutovsky             GM    2654  
3    Ilia, Smirin               GM    2673  
4    Boris, Avrukh              GM    2653  
5    Sergey, Erenburg           GM    2582  
6    Michael, Roiz              GM    2600  


1    Peter, Svidler             GM    2740  
2    Alexander, Grischuk        GM    2720  
3    Alexey, Dreev              GM    2694  
4    Alexander, Morozevich      GM    2707  
5    Alexander, Motylev         GM    2032  
6    Evgeny, Bareev             GM    2675  


1    Vassily, Ivanchuk          GM    2752  
2    Ruslan, Ponomarow          GM    2704  
3    Andriy, Volokytin          GM    2671  
4    Oleksander, Moiseyenko     GM    2664  
5    Pavlo, Eljanov             GM    2639  
6    Sergey, Karjakin           GM    2645  


1    Alexander, Goldin          GM    2615  
2    Alexander, Onischuk        GM    2628  
3    Boris, Gulko               GM    2589  
4    Gregory, Kaidanov          GM    2614  
5    Igor, Novikov              GM    2589  
6    Ildar, Ibragimov           GM    2605

Hyderabad Open

Chess Players Association of India will be conducting an International Open Chess Tournament at Hyderabad, India from 7th to 18th Dec 2005, with a total prize fund of US$18000 (First US$ 4500).

We request you to give wide publicity for the event in your website. With your help, we are looking forward to have many Titled players from outside India. For any queries please write to or

Further details:

Hungarian Events November 2005 - August 2006

1. 5th-18th of November 2005 FIRST SATURDAY /FS/ GM-IM-FM round robins, 9-13 games, norm possibilities, in Budapest, Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor. Organisation: Nagy Laszlo, FIDE International Chess Organizer /NL/, E-mail:

Website: Other website: Phone-fax: (361)-2632859, cellphone: (36)-30-230-1914 From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time - GMT+1 hour/

2. 17th-25th of November, Harkány Tenkes cup Open, 250 km South West from Budapest, org:Fulop Csaba, mobile: +(36)-30-9276900

3. 19th-29th of November, IM-FM, KECSKEMET,

4. 3rd-16th of December, FS GM-IM-FM, Budapest, (Two GM groups - a cat.VI.-VII and a cat.IX - X.!!!) Org: NL.

5. 27th of December 2005 - 4th of January 2006 IM-FM, Kecskemet,

6. 6th-14th of January 2006, Budapest, TAPOLCA Open, Org. Paréj József, info: Nagy László,

7 4th-17th of February, FIRST SATURDAY GM (cat.VII and cat.IX/) -IM-FM Budapest

8. 4th-17th of March FS GM-IM-FM, Org.NL.

9. 23rd- 31st of March SPRING FESTIVAL 9 rounds Swiss Open Budapest, org.: NL.

10. 1st-14rth of April, FS cat.VII, IX, XII GM events, IM and FM closed tournaments, Budapest, org.NL.

11. 14th-22nd of April, BUDAPEST Open, 9 rounds Swiss, organizer: IM Rigo, e-mail:

12. 6th-18th of May, Budapest, FS GM-IM-FM, org.NL.

13. 20th-30th of May, Budapest, ELEKES memorial GM-IM closed tmt, org.IM Zsinka, e-mail:

14. 3rd-16th of June, FIRST SATURDAY GM /cat.VII and cat IX together/ - IM-FM closed tournaments, Budapest, Org.NL.

15. 17th-25th of June, BALATONLELLE Open, GM-IM closed, org. IM RIGO, e-mail: me-ri@t-online-hu

16. 1st-13th of July, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM closed, Bp. Org.NL,

17. 15th-23rd of July, AGRIA Open 9 rounds Swiss, Eger, 100 km North from Budapest, Org. RAUCH Ferenc, e-mail:

18. 24th-30th of July, SZOMBATHELY SUMMER Open 9 rounds Swiss, 300 km West from Budapest, Org: FM KORPICS, Zsolt, e-mail:

19. 5th-17th of August, FIRST SATURDAY, Bp, GM /cat.XII-IX-VII/ - IM-FM closed, Org: NL.

US Championship

The U.S. Chess Championship returns to San Diego from March 1st-12th, 2006 (note the new dates) and will be held at its new permanent home at NTC Promenade.

The tournament will feature a 64-player field, composed of 19 seeded players (as determined by the October 2005 U.S.C.F Rating List), 43 tournament qualifiers (two of which being online) and 2 wild cards selected by the AF4C. The top seeded players are: 1 Gregory Kaidanov; 2 Gata Kamsky; 3 Alexander Onischuk; 4 Boris Gulko 5 Ildar Ibraigimov; 6 Alexander Shabalov; 7 Varuzhan Akobian; and 8 Igor Novikov. In the women's: 1 Susan Polgar; 2 Anna Zatonskih; 3 Irina Krush; 4 Camilla Baginskaite; 5 Tatev Abrahamyan; and 6 Jennifer Shahade.

Full details:

Caissa Events October

The Caissa tournaments take place in Kecskemét (HUN) 15th-24th October 2005... IM round robin and/or FM tmt, more info Contact Dr. Tamas Erdelyi

Corus Wijk aan Zee 2006

The field for the Corus tournament in Wijk aan Zee has been finalised. The event takes place January 13th-29th 2006.

Players: 1 (2) Viswanathan Anand IND 2788 2 (3) Veselin Topalov BUL 2782 3 (4) Peter Leko HUN 2751 4 (5) Vassily Ivanchuk UKR 2748 5 (7) Vladimir Kramnik RUS 2739 6 (9) Etienne Bacrot FRA 2725 7 (10) Levon Aronian ARM 2724 8 (12) Michael Adams ENG 2718 9 (13) Boris Gelfand ISR 2717 10 (20) Sergey Tiviakov NED 2700 11 (21) Ivan Sokolov NED 2696 12 (23) Gata Kamsky USA 2690 13 (44) Sergey Karjakin UKR 2658 14 (55) Loek van Wely NED 2648. October world ranking in brackets.

Official site:

Linares 2006

Limited information on the Linares tournament this year. I understand it may be a split event between Linares in Spain and an as yet unannounced place in Mexico. Approximate dates 12th Feb - 12th March 2006. Possible lineup: Veselin Topalov (not yet confirmed), Peter Leko, Vassily Ivanchuk, Peter Svidler, Etienne Bacrot, Paco Vallejo and two more possibly including Viswanathan Anand. 8 players. All news yet to be officially confirmed.

Iranian Super League

The second Season of the Iranian Super League starts from 3rd October 2005. News: Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh.

Further details: and

Czech Chess Christmas 2005

Czech Chess Christmas 2005 Litomysl (CZE) 26.12.2005-1.1.2006 7th christmas chess FIDE tournament, swiss system of 9 round, rate of game 2 x 1,5h + 30s/move, prize fund 75.000 CZK (1st prize 20.000 CZK = 680 EUR), special conditions for IM, WGM and GM, New Year’s Eve programme. Contact: Agentura 64, Jaroslav Fuksik, 783 73 Grygov 337, mobil: 608 364 664, e-mail:, web:

Penang International Open

Penang International Open Chess Tournament 2005 is a FIDE-rated, open chess tournament open to all players. It will be held at the tropical island of Penang, Malaysia. The tournament is organized by the Penang Chess Association. Dates: 7th-11th December 2005.


Seagaard ChessReviews

Soren Sogaard has announced that his site Seagaard ChessReviews will be updated after receiving a lot of positive e-mails, "I decided to try to keep running the site. I also got two new reviewers, and the well known danish IM Steffen Pedersen reviews his first book." He'll see if he can keep it going another 6 months.


17th Leuven Open

Chessclub Desperado Leuven organises its 17th Open International Tournament of Leuven, Belgium. It will take place from Thursday November 10th until Sunday November 13th 2005. The Open Tournament consists out of 7 rounds, Swiss pairing system, 2hours/40moves + 15' QPF. Prizemoney adds up to more than EUR 4.500, including several large ratingprizes!

Further info:

Hastings Chess Congress 2005-6

The Hastings Chess Congress takes place 28th December 2005 to 6th January 2006, with a weekend tournament on 7th-8th January 2006.

Further details from Con Power and

Gibraltar Congress 2006

The Gibraltar Congress takes place 24th January - 2nd February 2006. Contact Stewart Reuben for more details:

Further details will eventually be available at:

Singapore News

Singapore Masters & Challengers International Open Tournaments

The Singapore Masters & Challengers International Open Tournaments takes place 25th-31st December 2005. Swiss System; FIDE-rated and titled; Rate of play will be 90 minutes for the whole game with 30 seconds increment for every move starting from the first move. 4. Prize Fund : US$ 18,000 Singapore Masters International Open (US$16,000): For players rated 1801 and above 1st 4000; 2nd 3000; 3rd 2000; 4th 1200; 5th 1000; 6th 800; 7th 600; 8th 400; 9th to 12th 350; 13th to 20th 200 each

Further details: and

Seminars for Arbiters and Trainers in Singapore

Seminars for Arbiters and Trainers will be held in Singapore in conjunction with the Singapore I nternational Chess Convention from 18th-24th December 2005.


The registration forms should be sent back not later than 15 November 2005 to: Singapore Chess Federation, 51 Bishan Street 13, #02-01A, Singapore, International Games Centre, Singapore 579799. or by fax to: (65) 6352 9691, (65) 6358 1483 or by e-mail to,

Asian Schools Chess Festival 2005

Asian Schools Chess Festival 2005 in Singapore, Singapore International Chess Convention The Singapore Chess Federation has the honour of inviting all Asian National Chess Federations affiliated to FIDE to participate in the 2005 Asian Schools Chess Festival (under-9, under-11, under -13, under -15) in Singapore from 17th December (arrival) to 25th December (departure).

Official Site:

World Amateur Open Championship Cancelled

Due to the Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita that recently hit the Gulf Coast area, the World Amateur Open Chess Tournament that was to be held Oct. 7-9, 2005, in Kissimmee, Florida, has been cancelled.

Cajun Chess Web Site will be back soon:

26th International Bethune Open

The 26th International Bethune Open takes place in the room Olof Palme, Commercial centre La Rotonde, Bethune, France (Pas-de-Calais) December 26th-30th 2005. This year the tournament will have 9 rounds instead of 7. The tournament is divided in 2 tournaments: - Tournament A for players whose Elo rating is above or equal to 1600, 1st price : 1500 euros - Tournament B for players strictly below 1800 and not FIDE, 1st price : 300 euros, Fischer pace 1h30+30s KO for each game in both tournaments. At least 5500 euros of prices (7300 euros given in 2004), prices for Elo categories in both tournaments. Entry fee : 40 euros (adults), 20 euros (youngsters under 20), free for IM, GM and FIDE Masters. Special conditions for IM and GM. Contact info: E-mail:

Further details:

Grand Prix d’échecs d’Aix en Provence

The Grand Prix d’échecs d’Aix en Provence takes place 15th-18th December 2005. Magnus Carlsen and Laurent Fressinet will compete.

Official site:

Mezezers International Open 2006

The Mezezers International Open 2006 (110 km from Riga Latvia) takes place 1st-6th July 2005.


Jovan Petronic Website

Jovan Petronic has a new website with some news on it.

GM against the World - Olympiads of Chess, Turin 2006

Sergio Mariotti is the first Grand Master to take on the world from the official Turin Olympiad website starting on 29th September 2005. Just Register on the Olympiad website and wait to receive your password by email. Then Enter the game in PlayArea/play on line

Further details:

World Inter-Varsity Chess Championship

The Rakan Muda Gacc World Inter-Varsity Chess Championship takes place at the Second Residential College University Of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. i. All teams are expected to arrive in Malaysia not later than 6 Dec 2005 and expected to depart earliest on 14 Dec 2005.Participation in GACC World Inter-Varsity Chess Championship is open to all BONA FIDE representatives from universities and colleges. GACC will be conducted as an individual Swiss event. The accumulated results of the best 4(four) individuals from the same university (which is inclusive of at least one female player) will be accumulated for the team results. This format is to encourage more female players to participate. Each University or Institute can send two teams if they wish to.

Contact details: TEL: 03-7957 1706 . FAX: 03-7957 1608 E-MAIL:

Official site:

New RSS Chess Website

Chess Samizdat is a new portal which offers free syndicated chess content to the world via JS and RSS feed.

Scanno Italy

SCANNO (ITALY) GM-IM closed tournaments, 7th-13th of November, Scanno, 50 km West from Pescara, info: IO Nagy Laszlo - e-mail:

Moscow Open 2006

The International Chess Festival "Moscow Open 2006" takes place in Moscow, Russia, 29.01 (31.01, 01.02) - 06.02. 2006. A stage of the Moscow Grand Prix 2006 (, Russia Cup 2006 ( and the ACP Tour 2005-2006 (

Contacts: e-mail: Mr. Igor Glek (IGM, ACP Board Member):, phone/fax: +49-2013162843, +7-0953883328. Mr. Alexander Zlochevsky (IGM, Coach of the Moscow Chess Team):, phone/fax: +7-095-3650757

Further details:

European Team Championship

In addition to Olympiad history there is now European Team Championship history (1957-2005) available at:

Odessa Open - Geller Memorial

Odessa Open - Geller Memorial Two open tournaments will take place in Odessa, Ukraine from 15 - 24 September 2005. The prize fund of A-Open will be 3475 USD (1st prize 1000 USD). The prize fund of B-Open will will be 525 USD.

Details in Russian are available at: Contact with organisers:,

Winton Capital British Chess Solving Championship

Winton Capital British Chess Solving Championship, 2005-2006 The starter round of this competition has now finished and the solution to the starter problem, and other details, is available at the website:

Coral Springs IM

Jon Haskel is running an IM Norm Round Robin in Coral Springs, Florida on September 17, 18, 19, 24 and 25. There will be 1 round on the 19th and 2 rounds on each of the other days. The time control will be 90 minutes with a 30 second increment. He needs 3 players from foreign federations. Contact: Jon Haskel

58th Quebec Open Championship

IM Jean Hébert was the joint winner of the 58th Quebec Open Championship with 6.5/9, with Antoine Berube, Simon Gravel, and FM Vahagn Voskanyan. The tournament is usually Canada's largest open event, although this year its 195 players ranked it just behind the Canadian Open for attendance. Hopefully I can round up all the games at some point.

Games and results:

2nd Varna Chess Festival

The 2nd International Chess Festival Varna, takes place September 7th-15th 2005. Further details: Mr. Boris Hristov 5 Konstantin Fotinov St., Varna 9002 "Seahorse" National Children's Chess Federation Tel: +359/52/642 877; Fax: +359/52/574 940; Mobile: +359/88/6025 403 e-mail:

Peter Leko Official Site

Peter Leko now has a web site.


CC-Calendar. Now 8.092 official computer chess tournaments since 1990. 726 games from older official computer chess tournaments up to 1990. Arena Chess GUI Selection: CC-Calendar New are two computer chess tournaments. CIPS (Italy), chess program Delfi won 5th International CSVN tournament (Netherland), chess program Shredder won. AnMon won the 7th French programmers tourney in Massy.

Obrenovac Open

The Obrenovac Open takes place 22nd-30th November 2005. The event takes place in Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro. 9 rounds Swiss, Prize found: 5250 EURO. First prize: 1000 EURO Info contact: IO Nagy Laszlo, e-mail:

Lugano International Open

The Lugano International Open takes place 18th-20th November 2005. in the Hotel Meister, Via San Salvatore 11, 6902 Lugano-Paradiso 6 round Swiss Schweizer System 36 moves in 90 Mins + 30 Mins for the rest of the game.

Further details:

FIDE Trainers Committee

IM Jovan Petronic. Chairman, FIDE Computer & Internet Chess Committee has written about the FIDE Trainers Committee. Link to his article below. In 1998 FIDE formed a powerful Committee comprising of leading chess trainers around the chess globe. Accordingly, it was named the FIDE Trainers Committee, and below, I will try to summarize the immense useful information for the readers, current major chess training activities and appeals of the Committee, etc. The number of certified FIDE Trainers has grown and they are now (in alphabetical order) - none other than: Alburt Lev (USA), Asanov Bolat (Kazahstan), Azmaiparashvili Zurab (Georgia), Boensch Uwe (Germany), Beliavsky Alexandr (Slovenia), Chernin Alexandr (Hungary), Dorfman Iossif (France), Dvoretsky Mark (Russia), Gelfer Israel (Israel), Georgadze Tamaz (Georgia), Gulko Boris (USA), Illescas Miguel (Spain), Kuzmin Alexey (Katar), Khodarkovsky Michael (USA), Leong Ignatius (Singapore), Mikhalcishin Adrian (Slovenia), Marjanovic Slavoljub (Serbia & Montenegro), Mohr Georg (Slovenia), Nikitin Alexandr (Russia), Petrosjan Arshak (Armenia), Polgar Zsuzsa (USA), Postovsky Boris (USA), Psakhis Lev (Israel), Razuvaev Yuri (Russia), Seirawan Yasser (USA), Sosonko Genna (Netherlands), Schmidt Wlodzimerz (Poland), Tukmakov Vladimir (Ukraine), Ubilava Elizbar (Georgia), Vladimirov Evgeny (Kazahstan), Zapata Alonso (Columbia) and Xie Yun (China).

Read the article: and an update:

Instructional Tactics

There is an instructional tactical site at: compiled by Ward Farnsworth.

Queenstown Chess Classic 2006

The Queenstown Chess Classic 2006 takes place on the South Island of New Zealand January 15th-24th 2006 followed by the NZ Rapid and Blitz Championship on Jan 25th & 26th. This event is being sponsored by NZ GM Murray Chandler and promises to be NZ's largest ever Open International event. The total prize fund is in excess of NZD $35,000. It is endorsed by the NZ Chess Federation and will incorporate the NZ Championship. Entries so far include GM's Chandler, Rogers and Hecht.

Further information:

Kasparov on his retirement

Kasparov's website: gives a diary entry on the reasons for his retirement:

Correspondence Chess - Romanian Chess Federation - 80 Years

Therer will be a CC tournament "Romanian Chess Federation - 80 Years"? which will be one of the strongest CC events of the year 2005 with 4 ICCF-GMs and 4 ICCF-SIMs among the 13 participants.

Every 2-3 months there will be reports on the tournament wrote by GM Dorian Rogozenko, IM Mihai Ghinda, IM Mircea Pavlov, IM Constantin Lupulescu and FM Marius Ceteras including comments around the games in progress (this is something new in CC).

A promo pdf booklet of the event is available in Romanian chess pages , in the section dedicated to this event The booklet contains the introduction of the players, their best games and a short history of the Romanian correspondence chess. Short link for download the promo booklet (archived pdf file)

The tournament will be played at ICCF webserver ( ) .

Computer Chess News

There have been recent computer events. See the Computer Chess Calendar at:

Ratings Article

Jean-Claude Templeur on ratings manipulation:

Final of the WCBCSC 2004-2005

Brian Stephenson of the British Chess Problem Society reports. The Final of the WCBCSC 2004-2005 took place at Oakham School on Saturday 19th February. It was a resounding success for solving GM and Ex-World Champion Jonathan Mestel, who came ahead of two other ex-world champions. The event was sponsored by Winton Capital Management:

The full results can be found at my website. Follow this link for the final table: and this for the problems used:

British Chess Problem Society:

Alushta Diary 2005

Leonid Galperin sends a calendar of planned events in Alushta, Ukraine 2005.

GM Norm events: 6 17.06-27.06. 1.09-11.09 25.09-5.10 7.10-17.10 Rating tournament 5.06 - 13.06 Open tournament (under 16 years) First prize - 200 $ 14.06 - 22.06 Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Blitz tournament 28.06 12.09 Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament (rapid chess) 29 - 30.06 13-14.09 Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament First prize 1000 $ First prize (woman) 500$ 2.07-10.07 15.09-23.09 Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Session of school of Gennadi Kuzmin 5.06-14.06 25.09-4.10 Alushta Individual and group studying

Further information: phone +38 (06560)5-05-32 (for Russian speaking) + 38 050 669-26-04 (for English speaking) e-mail:

Harald Malmgren 100 years Correspondence

31st Dec 2004 saw the start of the first Grandmaster tournament on the ICCF Webserver. The tournament is the "Harald Malmgren 100 years". The occasion is to commemorate the 100:d birthday of Harald Malmgren, Tierp in Sweden. Malmgren was runner up after Cecil Purdy in ICCF's first World Championship and earned his GM title in the event. Malmgren passed away in 1957. In his career he was also second in IFSB Championship 1939 and won the Swedish CC Championship in 1942. Malmgren was a true chess enthusiast and issued a book in 1953 "Mina bästa partier" (My best games) with only CC games he had played.

There are 13 participants and you will be able to follow the results on and as soon as about 10 moves are made in every game, SSKK will open a page for "live" games. That is games according to the ICCF CoC regulations for live games. The Category of the event is 10 which means that all norms are available.The tournament has two sponsors, Schackakademin and Svenska Schackbutiken AB.

The players are: IM Jan Bennborn, Sweden, IM Sture Olsson, Sweden, IM Rune Bergquist, Norway, IM Ervin Liebert, Estonia, IM Taisto Koskela, Finland, IM Leif Åhman, Sweden, SIM Jón A Pálsson, Iceland, SIM Josef Mrkvicka, Czech Rep, GM Matthias Rüfenacht; Switzerland, IM Gary S Benson, Australia, SIM John Pugh, England, Phillippe Chopin, France and Mads Smith Hansen, Denmark. The withdrawing ICCF President keeps playing CC and starts this event on his very last day in office.

Tomas Carnstam, Jonas Dahlgren, Robert Ericsson, Sebastian Nilsson and Per Söderberg wedish Correspondence Chess Federation (SSKK) Board members.

Hamarat Challenge Match

The ICCF World Champion Tunc Hamarat (AUT) who has never lost a single game with White, has challenged the "Rest of the World" to a friendly 2-game match. He will have White in both games. The games (one will start with 1.e4 and one with 1.d4) will be played on the ICCF Webserver and started on 10th February 2005 with the rule "10 moves/70 days".

The players on the "Rest of the World" team will vote on each move. The move receiving the most votes will be selected. Should 2 or more moves receive the same number of votes, the "Rest of the World" will be given 2 more voting days to decide between the tied moves. Participation in this event is open to all players who pay an entry fee of 5 EUR or $7.00 US dollars via their National CC Federation or the ICCF Direct Entry (DE) option. All fees collected will be transferred to the ICCF Development Fund. The money will be used primarily for development and system support of the ICCF WebChess Server. It will be possible to join the "Rest of the World" team at any stage of the game.

The games may be seen "live" by all players and other observers at

Each player who voted for the selected move will receive 1 point per move. The player(s) with the most points at the end of the games will receive an ICCF Gold Book. The list of all entrants will be published on the ICCF webpage.

1st ICCF Webchess Open Tournament

The ICCF have announced the 1st WebChess Open Tournament and invites every player worldwide to participate in the event. The event is to be played on the ICCF dedicated Webserver This tournament is open to all correspondence chess players worldwide, also for those without any previous ICCF experience. Multiple entries are allowed. The tournament will be played in three stages - preliminaries, semifinal and final.


Russia vs ROW Correspondence

The Russian Chess Federation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and is using this occasion to challenge the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each and the start is 15.02 2004. Players include Joop van Oosterom

TWIC Messageboard

You need to register to post and vote. Address: