THE WEEK IN CHESS 53			15/10/95	Mark Crowther

1) Introduction
2) Kasparov wins the PCA World Championship
	The last Rites
	Christoph Pfrommer notes.
	Some post-match comments
	BBC CHESS PROGRAMME (Karpov and Campomanes speak)
	What is known about the proposed Chess unity documents?
	Bourgas Bulgaria
	World Computer Championships reference
	News from Norbert.Friedrich
		The Bundesliga starts this weekend.
		InterZonal for Women
5) Junior World Championship 1995 by Otto Borik
6) Anthology of Chess Combinations by Gordon Taylor
7) BOOKS, BOOKS and more of them (2) by Bertrand Weegenaar
8) Tournament Calendar by Michael Niermann

	Kasparov - Anand Match INTEL World Championships	 2 games
	Bourgas Bulgaria					 2 games
	Villa Martelli Pro-Am					39 games
	World Junior Championships U20 Mens Championships	57 games
	World Junior Womens Under20 Championships		35 games
	BOOK REVIEW GAMES					25 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Christoph Pfrommer, Roberto Alvarez,
Norbert.Friedrich, Otto Borik, Gordon Taylor, Heinse van Houten,
Bertrand Weegenaar and Michael Niermann.

Highlight of this issue (and very hard to do, so excuse any errors)
are long quotes from the TV program that Campomanes and Karpov both
appeared on on BBC TV. Campomanes assures us that there will be a
Karpov-Kamsky match, and Karpov makes it clear that he totally
recognises Kamsky's right to challenge him before a World Title
match. I'm just hoping for some big international tournaments soon,
Bourgas is an event I hope to get a significant amount of games
from and Groningen (around Christmas) has Karpov and Kamsky as its
big stars.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Kasparov wins the PCA World Championship

New York (USA), IX 1995.
                                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Kasparov, Gary      g RUS 2795  = = = = = = = = 0 1 1 = 1 1 = = = = 10.5  2782
Anand, Viswanathan  g IND 2725  = = = = = = = = 1 0 0 = 0 0 = = = =  7.5  2738

The last Rites

With the match effectively over at the end of last week the only
question was how the event would end. What happened was that Anand
got a very strong position against Kasparov's Dragon and only just
failed to convert a probably winning position. In the final game
Kasparov offered a draw after 12 moves, there was no reason for
Anand to play on. In the end the FIDE ratings proved correct, Anand
just picking up the odd rating point in the match. This probably
points up one thing. For someone to take Kasparov's title they must
actually perform well enough in the next two years to actually
challange his number one status, to do this requires much of the
talent discipline that is needed to take the title itself.

Christoph Pfrommer notes.

Anand,V - Kasparov,G [B78]
New York PCA-Wch (17), 1995

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be3 Bg7 7.f3 0-0 8.Qd2
Nc6 9.Bc4 Bd7 10.h4 h5 11.Bb3 Rc8 12.0-0-0 Ne5 13.Bg5 Rc5 14.Kb1 Re8

This move is a quite new idea popular since 1994 when it was announced
as a novelty in Informator 61. However, there are some older games
with this move being played before.


   [15.g4 hxg4 16.h5 Nxh5 17.Rxh5 gxh5 18.Qh2 Ng6 19.Nd5 (19.Qxh5 Rxg5 20.
   Qxg5 e6 21.Qxg4 Qf6 22.Qg3 Qe5 23.Qxe5 Bxe5 24.Nce2 Kg7 25.Rg1 Kf6 26.
   c3 Rh8 27.Rg4 Rh2 28.f4 Bxd4 29.Nxd4 e5 30.fxe5+ dxe5 31.Nf5 Rh1+ 32.
   Kc2 Nf4 33.Rg7 Be6 34.Rg8 Rh2+ 35.Kb1 Bxf5 36.exf5 Nd3 37.Rf8 Kxf5 38.
   Rxf7+ Ke4 39.Rxb7 Rxb2+ 40.Ka1 Rh2 41.a4 Nc5 42.Rb4+ Kd3 43.Bd5 e4 44.
   Rb5 Nd7 45.Bc6 e3 46.Rd5+ Kxc3 47.Rxd7 e2 48.Re7 Rf2 49.Bb5 Rf1+ 50.Ka2
   e1Q 51.Rxe1 Rxe1 52.Bd7 Kb4 53.Kb2 Re2+ 54.Kb1 Rd2 55.Bb5 Kb3 56.Kc1
   Rd8 57.Bf1 Kxa4 58.Kb2 Rb8+ 59.Ka2 Rh8 60.Bc4 Rh4 61.Bd3 Rh2+ 62.Ka1
   Kb3 63.Be4 Ra2+ 64.Kb1 Rd2 65.Ka1 a5 66.Bf5 Ra2+ 67.Kb1 Re2 68.Ka1 a4
   0-1 Glimbrant,T-Pavlovic,Mi/Barbera del Valles 61/232 1994) 19...Rxd5 20.
   Bxd5 Qb6 21.c3 e6 22.Bb3 a5 23.fxg4 h4 24.Be3 a4 25.Bc2 a3 26.Bb3 Bc6
   27.Qc2 Qc7 28.bxa3 d5 29.exd5 Bxd5 30.Bc1 Qe5 31.Ka1 Be4 32.Qf2 Rd8 33.
   Qe3 Bg2 34.Qg1 h3 35.Rd2 Nh4 36.Qf2 Nf3 37.Kb1 Nxd2+ 38.Bxd2 Be4+ 39.
   Kb2 Rxd4 40.Bf4 Qc5 41.Be3 Rd2+ 0-1 Enders,P-Cao,S/Budapest FS-Sep-GM
   (1) 1995]


   [15...b5 16.f4 Neg4 17.e5 dxe5 18.fxe5 Rxe5 19.Nc6 Bxc6 20.Qxd8 Rxe1 21.
   Qc7 Rxd1+ 22.Nxd1 Bxg2 23.a4 bxa4 24.Bxa4 Ra8 25.Qxe7 Bf8 26.Qe2 Bd5 27.
   Nc3 Be6 28.Qf3 Rb8 29.Bxf6 Nxf6 30.Qxf6 Bg7 31.Qf4 Rd8 32.Bb3 Bxb3 33.
   cxb3 Rd4 34.Qb8+ Bf8 35.Qxa7 Rxh4 36.Nd5 Rh1+ 37.Ka2 Rd1 38.Ne7+ Kg7 39.
   Qe3 h4 40.Nf5+ Kh7 41.Qe8 gxf5 42.Qxf7+ Kh6 43.Qf6+ 1-0 Zude,A-Reschke,
   S/Schoeneck GER (2) 1991]


   [16.f4 Nc4 17.Bxc4 Rxc4 18.Bxf6 Bxf6 19.Nd5 Qxd2 20.Nxf6+ exf6 21.Rxd2
   f5 22.b3 Rc3 23.Rd3 Rxd3 24.cxd3 fxe4 25.dxe4 Bf5 26.Nxf5 gxf5 27.e5
   .5-.5 Beliavsky,A-Georgiev,Ki/Wijk NED YB/3-50 39/273 1985

   AND [16.f4 Neg4 17.e5 dxe5 18.Bxf7+ Kxf7 19.Nb3 Qc7 20.Nxc5 Qxc5 21.Bxf6
   Nxf6 22.fxe5 Bg4 23.exf6 Bxd1 24.fxg7 Bg4 25.Ne4 Qc4 26.b3 Qc6 27.Qh6
   Bf5 28.Ng5+ Kf6 29.Re2 Rg8 30.g4 hxg4 31.h5 Qh1+ 32.Kb2 Qxh5 33.Nh7+
   Kf7 34.Qe3 e6 35.Ng5+ Kf6 36.Nxe6 Bxe6 37.Qxe6+ Kxg7 38.Qe7+ Kh6 39.Qc7
   Qf5 40.Qh2+ Kg7 41.Re7+ Kf6 42.Qd6+ Kg5 43.Re5 Rh8 44.Qd2+ 1-0 Boudre
   Jean-Pierre-Koch Robert/Ch France Royan (France) 1987] ]


   [16...Rec8 17.Re3 Qd8!? preparing b5 and a5. Just an idea of mine.]

17.Bxf6 exf6

   [17...Bxf6? 18.Nd5 Qxd2 19.Nxf6+ exf6 20.Rxd2+/-]

18.Nde2 Rc6

   [18...b4? 19.axb4 Qxb4 20.Qxd6 Be6 21.Na4 Bf8 22.Qd4 Rc7 23.Bxe6 fxe6 24.
   Qxb4 Bxb4 25.c3 This isn't a promising line: Being a pawn down black
   has no attacking chances any longer.]

19.Nd5 Qxd2 20.Rxd2 Nc4

   [20...f5? 21.exf5 Bxf5 22.Nd4+-]

21.Bxc4 bxc4 22.Red1 f5 23.exf5!

[Speelman says this is good, it avoids 23. Nb4 Rc7 24. Rxd6 fxe4 25. Rxd7 Rxd7
26. Rxd7 exf3 for instance.]

Bxf5 24.Nd4 Bxd4 25.Rxd4 Re2 26.R4d2 Rxd2
27.Rxd2 Kf8 28.Kc1

   [28.Nb4! c3 (28...Rb6 29.Rd5 Bc8 30.Ra5 a6 31.Kc1 White exercises an
   immense pressure.) 29.Rd5 Rc4 30.g3! winning a pawn, because 30...Ke7 31.
   Ra5 threatens both Rxa7 and Sd5+. As Seirawan notes Anand missed the
   move 30.g3! in his calculations.]

28...Be6 29.Rd4 Bxd5!

Kasparov was happy to get rid of the dominating knight.

   [29...Rc5 30.Nc3 Ke7 31.Kd2 Rc8 Black should still be able to survive
   though he is worse.]

30.Rxd5 Ke7 31.Rb5 Ke6 32.Rb7 Rc5?

   [32...a6 looks better than sacrificing the a-pawn: 33.Kd2 c3+ 34.bxc3 Rc5
    or 33.Ra7 Rb6 ]

33.Rxa7 g5 34.Ra8! gxh4 35.Re8+ !

[Kasparov missed this according to Speelman]


The black king has the task to stop the passed a-pawn.

36.Re4 c3!? 37.Rxh4?

The champion agrees with commentators who think Anand has missed a win here.
''I was surprised Vishy didn't go for that,'' Kasparov said.

   [37.b4! Rg5 38.Rxh4 Rxg2 39.Kb1 Rf2 40.Rxh5 Rxf3 41.Ka2 f5 42.Kb3 d5 43.
   a4 The connected passed pawns (a+b) will decide the day.]

37...cxb2+ 38.Kxb2 Rg5

Anand is a pawn up, but he can't protect all of his weak pawns.
However, every trade of pawns helps Kasparov to get the game drawn.
The champion now defends acculately and in a convincing manner.

39.a4 f5!

   [39...Rxg2? 40.Rxh5 Rg3 41.Rf5 Ke6 42.Rf4 f5 43.a5 +- A line given by


   [40.f4! may have been a better try:
      A) 40...Rxg2 41.Rxh5 Ke6
         A1) 42.Rh6+!? Kd5 (42...Ke7? 43.a5 Rg4 44.a6 Rxf4 45.a7 Ra4 46.Rh8+-) 43.
         Rf6 Ke4 44.Rxd6 Kxf4 45.Re6 Rg8 46.a5 Kg3 47.a6 f4 48.a7 f3 49.
         Rg6+ Rxg6 50.a8Q f2 51.Qh1 Re6 52.Qf1 Re1=;
         A2) 42.a5 42...Rg4 43.a6 Rxf4 44.Rh3 Rg4 45.a7 Rg8 46.Ra3 Ra8 47.Kc3
      B) 40...Rg4?! 41.Rxg4 fxg4 42.a5 h4 43.a6 Kc7 44.f5 h3 45.gxh3 gxh3 46.
      a7 Kb7 47.f6 h2 48.f7 h1Q 49.f8Q Kxa7 50.Qxd6+/-]


   [40...Kc7? 41.f4+-]

41.a6 Kc7!

   [41...Kc6? 42.Rxf4 Rxg2 (42...Kb6 43.Ra4 Ka7 44.g4 h4 45.Kc3 h3 46.Ra1
   Rg8 47.Kd4 h2 48.Rh1 Rh8 49.Kd5+-) 43.Rf7 Rg8 44.a7 Ra8 45.f4 Kb6 46.f5
   is very dangerous for black.;
   41...Ra5? 42.Rxf4 Rxa6 43.Rf5 h4 44.Rf4 White is winning another pawn.]

42.Rxf4 Rxg2 43.Rf7+ Kb8 44.Kc3 h4 45.Kd3 Rf2!

   [45...h3 46.Rh7 h2 47.c4 Ra2 48.Ke4 Rxa6 49.Kd5 Ra3 50.Rxh2 Rxf3 51.Kxd6
   Rg3 also seems to draw the game.]


This move was widely critizised, but I failed to find a win with any
of the alternatives.

   [46.c3 Kasparov 46...Ra2 47.a7+ (47.Ke4 Rxa6 48.Rh7 Ra4+ 49.Kd5 Rf4 50.
   Kxd6 Rxf3=) 47...Ka8 48.Rh7 Ra4 49.c4 Rxa7 50.Rxh4 Ra3+ 51.Ke4 Kb7 52.f4
   Kc6 53.f5 Rc3=;
   46.Ke4 Kasparov 46...Rxc2 47.f4 h3 48.Rh7 h2 49.f5 Rf2=;
   46.f4 Seirawan 46...h3 47.Ke4 h2 48.Rb7+ Ka8 49.Rh7 Rxc2 50.f5 Rf2 51.a7
   d5+ 52.Ke5 d4=]

46...Ra2 47.Ke4

   [47.a7+ Rxa7 48.Rxa7 Kxa7 49.Ke3 Kb6 50.f4 d5! This move was later
   described as a "miracle" by Kasparov. 51.cxd5 Kc5=]

47...Rxa6 48.Rh7 Ra5 49.f4 Kc8 50.f5 Kd8 51.Kf4 Rc5 52.Kg5 Rxc4 53.Kg6
Rg4+ 54.Kf7 d5 55.f6 Kd7 56.Kf8+ Ke6 57.f7 Rf4 58.Kg8 d4 59.f8Q Rxf8+ 60.
Kxf8 Ke5 61.Rxh4 d3 62.Rh3 Ke4 63.Rxd3 1/2-1/2

Kasparov, G - Anand, V
New York (18), 1995

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be2 e6 7.0-0 Be7 8.a4 Nc6
9.Be3 0-0 10.f4 Qc7 11.Kh1 Re8 12.Bf3 [On Kasparov's proposal. We've been
here before in the match of course. As below.]
   [12.Bd3 Nb4 13.a5 Bd7 14.Nf3 Rac8 (14...Bc6 15.Bb6 Qc8 16.Qe1 Nd7 17.Bd4
   Nc5 18.Qg3 f6 19.e5 Rf8 20.Bxc5 dxc5 21.Bc4 Bd5 22.Nxd5 exd5 23.Bb3 c4
   24.Ba4 Nc6 25.c3 fxe5 26.Nxe5 Nxe5 27.fxe5 Qe6 28.Bc2 Rxf1+ 29.Rxf1 Rf8
   30.Rxf8+ Bxf8 31.Qf4 g6 32.Bd1 Qf7 33.Qd4 Qf1+ 34.Qg1 Qxg1+ 35.Kxg1 Kf7
   36.Bg4 b6 1/2-1/2 Anand, V-Kasparov, G/New York (3) 1995) 15.Bb6 (15.Qe2 Bc6
   16.Bb6 Qb8 17.Nd4 Nxd3 18.cxd3 d5 19.Qf3 Nd7 20.Nxc6 bxc6 21.Na4 Qd6 22.
   Qe3 Qb4 23.Rfc1 c5 24.Qf3 Nf6 25.Nc3 Bd8 26.exd5 exd5 27.Nxd5 Nxd5 1/2-1/2
   Anand, V-Kasparov, G/New York (5) 1995) 15...Qb8 16.Bd4 (16.e5 dxe5 17.
   fxe5 Nfd5 18.Nxd5 exd5 19.Re1 h6 20.c3 Nxd3 21.Qxd3 Bc5 22.Qxd5 Be6 23.
   Qd2 Bxb6 24.axb6 Rc6 25.Ra4 Rxb6 1/2-1/2 Anand, V-Kasparov, G/New York (7)
   1995) 16...Bc6 17.Qd2 Nxd3 18.cxd3 Nd7 19.Bg1 Qc7 20.Nd4 1/2-1/2 Kasparov, G-
   Anand, V/New York (16) 1995;
   12.Bf3 Bd7 13.Nb3 Na5 14.Nxa5 Qxa5 15.Qd3 Rad8 16.Rfd1 Bc6 17.b4 Qc7 18.
   b5 Bd7 19.Rab1 axb5 20.Nxb5 Bxb5 21.Qxb5 Ra8 22.c4 e5 23.Bb6 Qc8 24.
   fxe5 dxe5 25.a5 Bf8 26.h3 Qe6 27.Rd5 Nxd5 28.exd5 Qg6 29.c5 e4 30.Be2
   Re5 31.Qd7 Rg5 32.Rg1 e3 33.d6 Rg3 34.Qxb7 Qe6 35.Kh2 1-0 Anand, V-
   Kasparov, G/New York (9) 1995;
   12.Qd2 Bd7 13.Rad1 Rad8 14.Nb3 Bc8 15.Bf3 b6 16.Qf2 Nd7 17.Nd4 Bb7 18.
   Bh5 Rf8 19.Qg3 Nxd4 20.Bxd4 Bf6 21.Be2 e5 22.fxe5 Bxe5 23.Qf2 Nc5 24.
   Bf3 Rfe8 25.h3 a5 26.b3 Bc6 27.Rfe1 h6 1/2-1/2 Anand, V-Kasparov, G/New
   York (1) 1995]


So the match came to an end, with Kasparov offering a draw on move
12 of game 18. Kasparov had offered the first 7 draws and also ones
in games 11 and 14 which he also won. Anand said to Kasparov that
if white wants a draw there is nothing I can do (in the position
where the final game was drawn.). Danny King said that Anand had
been expecting an early Blitzkrieg from Kasparov and was even
prepared to be one down early on. Kasparov himself was seriously
distracted in his preparation by political matters that he had to

To my mind there has been too much criticism of Anand's match
strategy. Also Anand has taken the blame for the number of draws in
the match.  In games 1-7 Kasparov offered all the draws. Kasparov
offered draws also in games 11 and 14 both of which he went on to
win. Kasparov took most of the winning chances given to him in the
match, Anand had wins in games 3 and 17 and was very much better
during game 14 at one stage. Anand simply couldn't afford the
blunders in game 11 and 13, and not taking his chances in games
3,14 and 17. No match strategy will work under these conditions,
and Anand's post-match comments about losing control in the match
during these games shows he recognises this.

Anand's problem in the match was that at the very moment he
intended to step up the pressure against Kasparov he wandered into
a theoretical refutation of a key line of his and he had the twin
shock of a Dragon and a massive blunder in the following game.
Anand certainly isn't the first player to struggle after receiving
this kind of blow, and he won't be the last.

I am perfectly sure that Kasparov would love an opponent to try to
blitzkrieg him off the board, you have to be by far the stronger
player to do this. You cannot dictate to the players how they
conduct the match, you simply must allow them to conduct it in
whatever way they see fit. If that means short draws, it means
short draws. The World Championship match is either a showcase or a
competitive match, it can't be both, although when true excitement
occurs in a competitive match it is real not synthetic and that is
the nature of sport. Anyone who didn't realise that Anand would
take a short draw if offered in game 18 is very naive, the match
was over why should Anand play on? A World Championship Match
Tournament would be better for the publicity of the game and you
would get more games and the chance of more countries being
involved, there also would be issues of ranking amongst the players
right until the end too, but I hear no suggestion that this will

Kasparov played, as you might expect, to a high standard throughout
the match. Not as high a standard as in some stages of his career,
but one of his great merits is that he is rarely capable of the
truely dreadful, in fact he rarely plays to anything less than 2700
strength.  At his heights you might think him unplayable, but we
saw nothing of this during this match (possibly because it wasn't
needed). Good psychological strength, a fine piece of preparation
in game 10 and a killing psychological switch to the Dragon Defence
(which databases reveal that Anand is uncertain against) were the
keys along with a feel for the jugular at the weakest moments. His
draw offers in games 11 and 14 were finely timed and maybe did
effect the results of those games, of course it is even worse to
lose when you were offered an earlier draw.

As to the next cycle (I will leave aside any discussion of the
proposed reunification match between the winner of Karpov and
Kamsky match) there are only a very few players with a serious
chance of qualifying. Non of these players is a perfect combination
in terms of temperament, experience and skill. In retrospect it is
unrealistic to believe that Kasparov will be dethroned until
Kasparov's position as No1 in the World Rating lists is threatened.
Anand to my mind has started on the right road, he played few
events last year, and spent much of the time studying. Kramnik too
appears to have cut down his appearances and is doing the same.
Kasparov has always limited his performances too. To dominate
events you do play and to play them at full strength, to work hard
at every aspect of your game and to have full confidence in it is
the hallmark of every upcoming champion. Kasparov with all his
other interests will not be able to match this kind of work if one
of his rivals undertakes it, of course this was the road he himself
took and much of the work has already been done, but he would be
under serious threat. Anand has seriously closed the gap, and will
be disappointed to have had such a weak patch in the match, he now
knows what weapons he needs and has much of the experience required
for match play. He won the cycle above one of his closest rivals
Kamsky and should be formidable next time. Remember that Smyslov
(in 1954), Spassky (in 1958 and 1966) Fischer (in 1962) and
Petrosian (in 1956) all had serious reversals in the World
Championship Cycles, most associated with nerves. All took the
title later when they were confident enough of their all round
game, experienced enough and ambitious enough to realise that there
time was due. I do not believe that because most of the top players
in the World are young at the moment, that the old wisdom that you
are at your best at 32-35 has changed. I believe that most of the
players around now at the top will be still there in ten years time
and that they will be far better than they are now too. Kasparov's
capacity to be a better player is limited, he has been so superb.

Don't look outside Anand, Karpov, Ivanchuk, Kamsky and Kramnik for
your next potential challanger. Watch out for Almasi, Topalov and
Leko they have the potential to have a good first cycle. Almost
anyone in the top 50 can actually qualify from the InterZonal so
good nerves will be essential to qualify from that event alone.

Some post-match comments

[Kasparov said on BBC TV Footage]:

"I hope that chess could attract people, even without major
scandles, Lible, lies, accusations that are unfortuately so common
for World Championship matches."

"I was very worried about the outcome of the match. For the first
time in a World Championship match. By tension it can be compared
only to Seville in 1987 which I played with Karpov. I couldn't
regain my confidence in the early games of the match and that's why
its a very sweet victory and I am very happy."

[Kasparov quoted in Special Report to Internet Chess Club Game 17]

"I played a very tough match. With his preparation and strategy, he
could have beaten another opponent easily. I played a very
interesting and good match. Don't be misled by those draws. There
was great tension and great preparation for this match. The
preparation was so good for this match."

[Anand said on BBC TV Footage]:

"Between Games 10 and 14, I lost control. He had chances but so did
I, especially in Game 14. He took his chances and I did not."

Kasparov explained Anand's problems this way:

[Kasparov quoted in Special Report to Internet Chess Club Game 17]

Another questioner asked, "You're plus three after seventeen games.
Are you that much better or did Anand play badly?" Kasparov
responded, "Anand lost the match in five games, Games 10 to 14. I
lost many games in a row to Karpov in the first match I played with
him, but I don't think he was that much better. It was a great
experience for me. Anand wasn't paying enough attention with his
team to the fact that he was playing the World Championship. He has
never played such a strong opponent for such a long event. You
can't compare his match with Kamsky in April to the match we have
played here."

Again, a question about Anand's team: "Sometimes you've praised
Anand's preparation and other times you've criticized his seconds.
Is that inconsistent?" Unhesitatingly, Kasparov returned, "I don't
think there's any contradiction. I'm criticizing the strategy. He
could have played without a fixed strategy and adjusted during the
match. The chess preparation was excellent, but there was some
psychological advice not appropriate..."

[Kasparov on BBC TV Footage]

"Probably his coaches wanted him to stick too much to one strategy.
And thats why probably they narrowed the field where he could
operate and probably killed some of his inspiration. Which he was
very dangerous with and I think that the first 8 games proved this
for me. That Anand was not playing the kind of chess I was
expecting. In which he was more dangerous. [UNCLEAR BIT followed
by] The great thing was to escape and go back to his normal game. I
think this is purely, although it is very hard to judge, a very
serious mistake of someone lets say, who was in charge of Anand's
ideology in his team."

Kasparov was asked if his crown was now safe for the forseeable

[Kasparov on BBC TV Footage]

"Definitely now, if I am not collapsing. I don't see any players
amongst the youngsters (that are now the potential challangers)
that could challange me with clear chances of winning. Because this
match was also a very important lesson. I believe the next
Championship I will play differently and I will not be caught in
such trouble as I was at the beginning of the match. If I want to
go, if I want to play, if I have enough energy, enough motivation,
enough chess stamina, [I will retain the title] until the end of
the century."


Anatoly Karpov, Florencio Campomanes, Bill Hartston, Danny King
(via satellite from the States), David Norwood and BBC presenter
John Snow (given as [BBC] in the below interview and normally a
presenter on Newsnight where he has been known to give polititions
a hard time. He seemed to know just one thing about Anand, which
was that he was supposed to be the fastest player in the World,
something which got very grating very fast) all gathered in the
final program of the BBC coverage of the match. Below are some of
the important exchanges. I have abbreviated most of the questions.

[BBC] Is this as well as Kasparov has ever played? He destroyed Anand
after all?


What I am to say? [Pause] If he will play with me like that I will
be glad.

[General laughter]

[BBC] But he destroyed Anand.

[Karpov] Anand destroyed himself, this is clear. Anand had many
chances, especially in the first 10 games. No I mean in a few games
of 10. But Kasparov had less chances. But then game 9 and then
Anand was distoyed by games 10 and I think game 11.

[BBC] Kasparov is now the undisupted World Champion?

[Karpov] Why?

[BBC] Surely now?


No, no, look we actually had big dispute and the 1993 match didn't
happen. Then we had Linares tournament which Kasparov won and I was
No. 2. And he said that this was Official World Championship and
the next year I won the tournament 2.5 points ahead of Kasparov.

BBC [John Snow] interviews Campomanes in the studio after showing
comments showing the somewhat confused state of World Chess at the

[BBC] Do you accept the blame for this shambles?


What blame? We have the World Chess Federation, it has its 154
members working for chess every day of the year. Long after many of
the people here, including myself are gone, the World Chess
Federation will be there.

[BBC] How are you going to bring the two Federations together?


We have already in Moscow, at the Congress signed a declaration of
unity with the PCA and we are working out the agreement that will
make possible the play between the winner of this match (that you
have so kindly put on TV) and the winner of the Karpov-Kamsky
match. The two winners will get to play next year when we get to
sign a reasonable agreement with the PCA.

[BBC to Karpov] Does that sound OK to you?


No, you know Mr Campomanes just mentioned the Moscow Congress and I
think that this was the most dirty congress in the chess World and
maybe in sports history.

[BBC] Why?


Very dirty congress saw the organisers refuse to invite Botvinnik
for the opening ceremony. So the President of the Russian Chess
Federation Makarov, close friend of Mr Campomanes now, he expelled
my team and the Champion, FIDE World Champion from the Olympiad.
Even Organisers had the chance to present 2 or even 3 teams. It
happens in history. And so they feel betrayed completely because
now I can say that, in Russia, we had chances to get [the FIDE]
match in 3 cities, St Petersburg was very clear and it was blocked
by Mr Makarov who is a memeber of the Presidential Board if FIDE.
And then Offia Kazan [these last two words very unclear to me]

[BBC to Campomanes] This does sound like a very complicated and
bitter business.


Business? We have taken every possible measure to have a
Karpov-Kamsky match and we will....

[BBC] When is it going to be?


Please let me finish .... We will have a Karpov - Kamsky match and
the winner, if and when we do sign the agreement with the PCA, will
play each other next year. If you ask be when it will be, to take
off from the bard, only the event will tell us in this hour.

[BBC] When?


The whole trouble is as early as about 6 months ago, when people
were negotiating this. Already some friends of erm, maybe they are
friends even of Mr Kasparov but actually they are not, tried to
destablise FIDE by saying "Where is the World Championship match
going to be?" and some time before a match takes place, we never
have anything sure until the final moment when you have everything
put down on paper.

[Hartston complements Campomanes on past fundraising achievements.
But asks about the money this time.] "Either you're not trying or
you are losing your touch, which is it?"


As I said, as I answered, no amount of statements, announcements,
doubts on your part, announcements on my part will make any
difference to when the match actually takes place.


I spoke to Kasparov and Bob Rice last night. They've formulated a
contract, they've sent it to Mr Campomanes, ready for him, or
rather FIDE to sign and also for the two potential challengers
Kamsky and Karpov to sign that they're in agreement with the PCA
proposals. Now Kasparov says that they are ready for the match next
year, they already have sponsors lined up, and are ready with a
[next 3 words emphasised] VERY GENEROUS OFFER to FIDE, basically to
support FIDE financially. In effect the PCA will be buying off the
World Championship from FIDE and will be giving FIDE a very decent
financial settlement. Kasparov is just waiting for signatures.

[BBC to Campomanes] Do you welcome this?


There will be a Karpov-Kamsky match, come, I would...

[BBC] When?

Mr Snow because you have never been in FIDE. So you don't know that
things materialise only when they do materialise.

[General laughter]

The fact is why should you be privy to what we do? The fact is that
we will have the match and I have assured Mr Karpov and Mr Kamsky
that we will have the match...

[Karpov apologises for interupting and says:]

This is nice to hear. We had an absolutely clear situation with
Kamsky. But for the last month people try to seperate us. So this
is Kasparov's team. They are spreading the rumour that Kamsky will
be kicked out and I play the match with Kasparov straight.

[King is asked at the end of the show of the prospects of
a possible Karpov-Kasparov next year]


Kasparov was actually rather dismissive of Karpov. Please don't
blame the messanger here. He said: I have beaten him so many times
before. Its going to be dead easy.


In addition to the note below, the agenda for the Paris meeting was
available on Compuserve, I apologies that I forgot to bring this
with me today. The PCA/FIDE agreement is near the top of the


Lausanne, 3 October 1995

Ref: 1995 FIDE Congress

The French Chess Federation withdrew its request for an
Extraordinary General Assembly on 8 November 1995.

The Qatar Chess Federation, "in the principle of keeping FIDE
united," withdrew their confirmed bid to hold the 66th FIDE
Congress, 18-25 November 1995 in Doha.

The President consulted with members of the Presidential Board on
the course of action of FIDE. The Board on 21 September decided on
a new bidding process for the organization of the 1995 FIDE
Congress on the same dates announced, 18-25 November 1995.

On receipt of confirmation on 2 October 1995 of the payment of
arrears of the French Chess Federation and bid fee, we have awarded
the organization, in accordance with FIDE regulations, of the 66th
FIDE Congress scheduled 18 to 25 November 1995 at the Hotel
Atria-Novotel, Marne-la-Valle Porte de Paris, France.

Truly yours,

Casto P. Abundo Permanent Secretary


What is known about the proposed Chess unity documents?

Here are two known releases dating back to the Olympiad:

According to a press release from Campomanes and Kasparov the
proposed deal for chess unity is as follows:

1) A reunification match to be organised in 1996 after the
completion of the PCA and FIDE cycles.

2) A Joint commission to be formed on an equal representation basis
with regulations to be finalised by May 1st 1995.

3) To reunite the World Championship under a joint PCA/FIDE Logo.
To reform the World Championship cycle with a view to cutting

4) A Commission to unite the two rating lists with the idea of
producing a bi-monthly list of the top 500 players.

5) The PCA, as a commercial entity, will manage commercial events
and guarantee an annual payment towards FIDE expenses. Division of
profits from joint events will be regulated by special agreement.

6) FIDE to restructure its organisation in order to make it
commercially more efficient and the payment of stipends to elected
officials to be stopped.


In the spirit of unity and with the view of future cooperation,
we, Florencio Campomanes, as FIDE President, and Garry Kasparov,
representing the PCA Board, hereby declare:

FIDE and the PCA both recognize that the split which occurred in
March-April 1993 could have been avoided had both adopted less
confrontational stances. At the same time, they recognize that
the split engendered positive developments, primarily an increase
in fund-raising activities which have identified new sources of
financial support for chess.

To nurture these new sources and to strengthen the trend towards
commercial and multinational sponsorship which will hasten the
steady development of the chess world, it is now essential to
avoid any possibility of irresponsible action promoted by
factions with vested interests.

This Declaration aims to remove any negative potential of the
current split which will harm not only chess players but also
their Federations. We intend it to lead the way to an Agreement
between FIDE and PCA which will usher in a new chess era based
upon full and vigorous cooperation between the two organizations.

We believe that it is essential now to combine our forces in
order not to lose this historic momentum that has been generated
in the chess world. We are convinced that by integrating our
policies and unifying our efforts we can make chess a professional
self-financed sport capable of diving into the mainstream to
become a marketing by-word and a universal sport.

(signed)                 (signed)
Florencio Campomanes     Garry K Kasparov
FIDE President           For the PCA Board

Moscow, 8 December 1994


Bourgas Bulgaria

1.  Topalov, Veselin 		g BUL 2640  40 15.03.75 M	6	/9
    Georgiev, Kiril 		g BUL 2605  39 28.11.65 M	6
3.  Short, Nigel D. 		g ENG 2645  58 01.06.65 M	5
    Dolmatov, Sergey 		g RUS 2615  11 20.02.59 M	5
5.  Gulko, Boris F 		g USA 2620  50 09.02.47 M	4.5
    Miladinovic, Igor 		g GRE 2555  45 25.01.74 M	4.5
7.  Tukmakov, Vladimir B.	g UKR 2600  48 15.03.46 M	4
    Azmaiparshvili, Zurab 	g BIH 2620  33 16.03.60 M	4
9.  Alterman, Boris 		g ISR 2595  52 04.05.70 M	3.5
10. Kolev, Atanas 		g BUL 2500   8 15.07.67 M	2.5

Short started with 3/4.


The annual Groningen Tournament and Chess Festival will run
19th - 30th December. 11 of the 12 players were reported
on Dutch Teletext, they are:

Karpov, Anatoly 	g RUS 2775  37 23.05.51 M
Kamsky, Gata 		g USA 2735  16 02.06.74 M
Adams, Michael 		g ENG 2660  63 17.11.71 M
Tiviakov, Sergei 	g RUS 2655  53 14.02.73 M
Lautier, Joel 		g FRA 2635  51 12.04.73 M
Svidler, Peter 		g RUS 2635  54 17.06.76 M
Hansen, Curt 		g DEN 2620  33 18.09.64 M
Almasi, Zoltan 		g HUN 2630  90 29.08.76 M
Sokolov, Ivan 		g BIH 2630  69 13.06.68 M
Piket, Jeroen 		g NED 2625  49 27.01.69 M
Van Wely, Loek 		g NED 2585  59 07.10.72 M

World Computer Championships reference

The World Computer Championships are continuing at the moment.
Details are available at:

13th WMCCC Standings

News from Norbert.Friedrich


In this weeks issue of DER SPIEGEL is a long interview with Vishi
Anand. I had the impression that he was not only frustrated with
his play but also with the atmosphere of a WC in general... ("It
seems more professional than it is...", "Garri was very friendly
during the first 8 games.  Then he went back to his normal

The Bundesliga starts this weekend.

Bundesliga 1995/96

German "Bundesliga" starts on 14th/15th.Oct.1995 and finishes
20th/21th.Apr.1996.16 clubs playing each other 15 rounds. Teams
consist of 8 players, two of them might be non-german. Total of 55
GMs, 13 players over 2600, 48 foreingers from 20 nations.

Additional background information is availabe via:

Results and standings can hopefully be found then at:

InterZonal for Women

Final standings of women interzonal in Kischinjow (Moldavia)
02-17.09.1995, 52 Participants, 13 Rounds CH

1.Arachamia,K (Georgia)              9,5
2.Kachiani-Gersinska,K (Germany)     9
3.Ioseliani,N (Georgia)              8,5
4.Galliamova-Ivanchuk,A (Ukr)        8,5
5.Maric,A (Serbia)                   8,5
6.Peng,Z (China)                     8,5
7.Misanovic,V (Bosnia)               8
8.Gurieli,N (Georgia)                8
9.Matvejeva,S (Russia)               8
10.Bojkovic,N (Serbia)               7,5

1-7 qualify for the next stage of the _FIDE_ woman Wch.

by Roberto Alvarez

Last month took place an strong open tournament at "Villa Martelli
Chess Club" 10 Km from Buenos Aires City, capital of Argentina.
Then 9 rounds, swiss system, 1h 30 min /30 moves then 1 hour finish
by player, Russian IGM Maxim Sorokin (recently married to an
argentine woman) won the first place with 7.0 /9 rounds.  Second
(with the same points but lesser Bucholz system) was the young IM
Andres Rodriguez (from Uruguay).  Half a point behind were IM
Soppe, IM Hoffman, IM Bianchi, FM Scarella, IGM Oscar Panno and FM
Bulcourf. Panno lost at the 2nd round against Jorge Martino, a
player with local ELO near 2000 after a great struggle. The
tournament was directed by Mr. Petrucci and J.Rubinstein was the
main arbiter. 80 players, prizes U$S 5.000 .

Final Standings

01.Sorokin,Maxim	RUS	GM		7,0
02.Rodriguez,Andres	URU	IM		7,0
03.Soppe,Guillermo	ARG	IM		6,5
04.Hoffman,Alejandro	ARG	IM		6,5
05.Bianchi,Guillermo	ARG	IM		6,5
06.Scarella,Enrique	ARG	FM		6,5
07.Panno,Oscar		ARG	GM		6,5
08.Bulcourf,Carlos	ARG	FM		6,5
09.Paglilla,Carlos	ARG	IM		6,0
10.Spangenberg,Hugo	ARG	IM		6,0
11.Cwirin,Leandro	ARG			6,0
12.Arregui,Jose Luis	ARG			6,0
13.Dolezal,Cristian	ARG			6,0
14.Berrocal,Jorge	BOL	FM		5,5
15.Vega,Fabian		ARG			5,5
16.Iglesias,Jorge	ARG			5,5
17.Caramia,Javier	ARG			5,5
18.Cervetto,Esteban	ARG			5,5
19.Escandell,Juan C	ARG	FN		5,5
20.Sola,Ruben		ARG			5,5

.... 80 players

5) Junior World Championship 1995 by Otto Borik
(for boys and girls under 20 years)

Junior World Championship 1995 has been held from September 23rd
till October 7th in Halle, a town in eastern Germany. In the
tournament for BOYS two players tied for the first place: IM Roman
Slobodjan (Germany, Elo 2500) and the pre-tournament favourite GM
Alexander Onishuk (Ukraine, Elo 2575). Slobodjan had better
Buchholz-Rating and so he was declared to the World Junior Champion
1995. Slobodjan is native Ukrainian; he is the son of a sergeant of
a Red Army unit which left Eastern Germany after the
re-unification. Roman, who spent 15 of his 20 years in Germany, did
not follow his home-returning father and stood in the german town
Magdeburg. He was two-times German Junior Chess Chamion in a row.

In the tournament for GIRLS won Nino Khurtsidze from Georgia, ahead
of Eve Repkova (Slowakia), who is the girl-friend of Russia's
top-grandmaster Vladimir Kramnik. Zhu Chen (China) did not retained
her title which she won 1994 in Brasil.

Final Standings -- Boys
1.	Slobodjan, Roman	IM	GER	10.0	73.5
2.	Onischuk, Alexander	GM	UKR	10.0	69.0
3.	Spangenberg, Hugo	IM	ARG	9.5	67.5
4.	Vescovi, Giovanni	IM	BRA	9.0	61.5
5.	Fridman, Daniel	IM	LAT	8.5	64.0
6.	Oral, Tomas	IM	CZE	8.5	63.5
7.	Kaminski, Marcin	IM	POL	8.5	61.0
8.	Vydeslaver, Alik		ISR	8.5	60.0
9.	Nalbandian, Tigran	IM	ARM	8.5	60.0
10.	Irzhanov, Ruslan	IM	KAZ	8.5	59.0
11.	Gabriel, Christian	IM	GER	8.0	58.5
12.	Georgiev, Vladimir	IM	BUL	8.0	53.5
13.	Istratescu, Andrei	GM	ROM	7.5	60.5
14.	Iordachescu, Viorel	IM	MDA	7.5	60.5
15.	Maherramzade, Jav		AZE	7.5	60.0
16.	Pavasovic, Dusko	IM	SLO	7.5	56.0
17.	Shulman, Yuri	IM	BLR	7.5	56.0
18.	Hellsten, Johan		SWE	7.5	55.0
19.	Dyachkov, Sergej		RUS	7.5	54.5
20.	Krakops, Maris	IM	LAT	7.5	53.5
21.	Pelletier, Yannick	FM	SUI	7.5	52.5
22.	Kumaran, Dharshan	IM	ENG	7.5	52.0
23.	Prhl, Holger		GER	7.5	51.5
24.	Zhu, Chunhui	FM	CHN	7.5	50.5
25.	Berezin, Oleg		UKR	7.5	47.0
26.	Rowson, Jonathan		SCO	7.0	54.5
27.	Hausrath, Daniel		GER	7.0	49.0
28.	Shaked, Tal	IM	USA	7.0	48.5
29.	Quinn, Mark		IRL	7.0	48.5
30.	Petrov, Jole		CRO	7.0	48.5
31.	Pedro, Aderito	IM	ANG	7.0	47.0
32.	Sergejev, Roman		EST	7.0	46.0
33.	Manik, Mikulas		SVK	7.0	46.0
34.	Sylvan, Jacob		DEN	7.0	44.5
35.	Kasimdzhanov, Rusta	FM	UZB	6.5	58.0
36.	Relange, Eloi	IM	FRA	6.5	55.5
37.	Wallace, John Paul		AUS	6.5	50.5
38.	Sammalvuo, Tapani	FM	FIN	6.5	50.0
39.	Solak, Dragan		YUG	6.5	50.0
40.	Dos Santos, Ramiro	FM	ARG	6.5	48.0
41.	Kurniawan, Bobby	FM	INA	6.5	47.5
42.	Kunte, Abhijit		IND	6.5	47.0
43.	Van De Mortel, Jan	FM	NED	6.5	45.0
44.	Garbisu, Unai		ESP	6.5	42.5
45.	Riegler, Primoz		SLO	6.5	41.0
46.	Lehmann, Zoltan		HUN	6.5	40.0
47.	Perdomo, Carlos And		COL	6.5	39.0
48.	Dervishi, Erald	FM	ALB	6.5	38.5
49.	Kashasvili, Alexand		GEO	6.5	36.5
50.	Tzoumbas, Anastasio	FM	GRE	6.0	47.5
51.	Hagesaether, Paal V		NOR	6.0	47.5
52.	Vitor, Antonio		POR	6.0	43.0
53.	Taleb, Mousa		UAE	6.0	41.5
54.	Zaveskis, Laurynas		LTU	6.0	41.0
55.	Reschun, Sascha		AUT	6.0	41.0
56.	Ortiz, Waldemar		PUR	6.0	38.5
57.	Mayorga, Juan		ECU	6.0	35.0
58.	Isonzo, Davide		ITA	6.0	35.0
59.	Naumann, Alexander		GER	5.5	49.0
60.	Campos, Eugenio	IM	ANG	5.5	39.0
61.	Hernandez, Alexander	VEN	5.5	38.0
62.	Chan, Mark		SIN	5.5	38.0
63.	Avdic, Adnan		BIH	5.5	37.5
64.	Theocharides, Cons.		CYP	5.5	35.0
65.	Mifsud, Timothy		MLT	5.0	38.5
66.	Maarten, Praet		BEL	5.0	36.0
67.	Arias, Jorge		URU	5.0	35.0
68.	Krstevski, Sasko		FRM	5.0	34.5
69.	Cukier, Marcelo		BRA	5.0	33.0
70.	Mensing, Fabio		NLA	5.0	25.0
71.	Amarasinghe, R.		SRI	4.5	30.5
72.	Adnan, Faisal		BAN	4.5	29.5
73.	Pettinger, Jean-P.		LUX	4.5	29.0
74.	Karatekin, Tamer		TUR	4.5	25.5
75.	Cheng-Ho, Fai		MAC	4.5	25.5
76.	Moisan Plante, M-O		CAN	4.0	33.0
77.	Mogasha, Chilipi		BOT	4.0	25.5
78.	Matsuo, Tomohiko		JPN	4.0	18.5
79.	Chersich, Matthew		RSA	2.5	19.5
80.	Hoboshe, Andrew		RSA	2.5	13.0

Final Standings -- Girls
1. 	Khurtsidze, Nino	WGM	GEO	11.0	79.5
2.	Repkova, Eva	WIM	SVK	9.5	73.0
3.	Peptan, Corina	WGM	ROM	9.5	68.5
4.	Zhukova, Natalia	WIM	UKR	9.5	64.5
5.	Zhu, Chen	WGM		CHN	9.0	66.0
6.	Medvegy, Nora		HUN	8.5	61.5
7.	Edzgveradze, Natali	WIM	GEO	8.5	59.5
8.	Xu, Yuhua	WIM		CHN	8.0	62.0
9.	Danielian, Elina	WGM	ARM	8.0	60.5
10.	Gaponenko, Inna	WGM	UKR	8.0	59.5
11.	Skripchenko, Almira	WGM	MDA	8.0	54.5
12.	Segal, Anna	WGM	ISR	8.0	54.0
13.	Khurtsilava, Inga	WIM	GEO	8.0	54.0
14.	Saljova, Silvie	WIM	CZE	7.5	60.0
15.	Bobrowska, Monika	WIM	POL	7.5	59.5
16.	Kadimova, Ilaha	WGM	AZE	7.5	58.0
17.	Hoang Th., Trang	WGM	VIE	7.5	55.5
18.	Werner, Veronika		GER	7.5	54.0
19.	Majigsuren, Dovdon	WFM	MGL	7.5	51.0
20.	Eserkepova, Altyn		KAZ	7.5	49.0
21.	Hagesaether, Nina		NOR	7.5	48.0
22.	Kiseleva, Natalia	WFM	UKR	7.0	55.0
23.	Grosar, Kiti	WFM	SLO	7.0	53.0
24.	Vedenina, Oksana		LAT	7.0	49.0
25.	Vijayalaxmi, Subram	WIM	IND	7.0	49.0
26.	Sheldon, Ruth	WFM	ENG	7.0	48.0
27.	Martyniouk, Tatiana		BLR	7.0	46.5
28.	Abdullaeva, Ulvija		AZE	7.0	45.0
29.	Weng, Annegret	WFM	GER	7.0	45.0
30.	Timon Prote, Silvia		ESP	7.0	39.5
31.	Velcheva, Maria	WIM	BUL	6.5	59.5
32.	Hagarova, Zuzana		SVK	6.5	51.5
33.	Meissner, Claudia		GER	6.5	47.0
34.	Djingarova, Emilia		BUL	6.5	46.5
35.	Glaser, Andrea		GER	6.5	44.0
36.	Apkhaidze, Natia	WFM	GEO	6.5	44.0
37.	Frenklakh, Jennie		USA	6.5	40.5
38.	Mashinskaia, Joulia		RUS	6.0	49.5
39.	Fierro, Martha	WFM	ECU	6.0	47.0
40.	Porras-Rodr., Myriam	MEX	6.0	45.5
41.	Milasiute, Vygante		LTU	6.0	41.5
42.	Khegay, Anjela		UZB	6.0	39.5
43.	Tuvshintugs, Batts.		MGL	6.0	39.0
44.	Todorovic, Violeta		YUG	6.0	39.0
45.	Kouwenhoven, Marisc	NED	6.0	33.0
46.	Abisheva, Anna		EST	5.5	45.0
47.	Gatine, Aurelia		FRA	5.5	42.5
48.	Duarte, Tatiana		BRA	5.5	36.5
49.	Hadzinikola, Eleni		GRE	5.5	36.5
50.	Schmid, Shahanah		SUI	5.5	36.5
51.	Mihalincic, Irena		CRO	5.5	33.0
52.	King, Alyson		SCO	5.5	31.0
53.	Maggiolo, Sonia		ARG	5.5	28.0
54.	Mueller, Andrea		GER	5.0	36.0
55.	Bijoux, Caroline		RSA	5.0	35.5
56.	Kiema, Nina		SWE	5.0	33.0
57.	Klimenko, Veronica		AUS	5.0	33.0
58.	Rasaki, Neiko		INA	5.0	33.0
59.	Carvalho, Alda		POR	5.0	30.0
60.	Hoyos, Astrid		COL	4.5	36.0
61.	Sommer, Sonja		AUT	4.5	32.0
62.	Agosto, Erika		ITA	4.5	28.5
63.	Janevska, Aleksandra	FRM	4.5	23.0
64.	Smajlovic, Lejla		BIH	3.0	21.5
65.	Can, Burcu		TUR	2.5	16.5
66.	Radesha S.F., Th.		SRI	1.5	7.0

6) Anthology of Chess Combinations by Gordon Taylor

                         Book Review of
    The Anthology of Chess Combinations, Chess Informant 1995
                      by Gordon Taylor, FM

This very nicely produced 423 page hard cover anthology presents
2001 combinations, each with diagram, source reference and solution
in "Informatese" - the language free system of symbols used in all
the Informant publications.  In some sense it is an update and
refinement of the Encyclopedia of Chess Middlegames, published in
1980, which gave 1817 combinations over 351 pages.  There is a
large intersection of content between the two.  For example the
Anthology has 25 combinations by Mikhail Tal, 12 of which are
identical to Encyclopedia combos and two others differ only by a
move or two.

The improvement in production is striking.  The Encyclopedia had 12
diagrams per page, the Anthology just 9, and this makes for a more
comfortable layout.  But the big improvement is in the quality of
the print, both for diagram and solution, which is now very clear
and clean.  You really need a copy of the old Encyclopedia to
compare and appreciate the difference!

The question of what constitutes a combination is a contentious
one.  Botvinnik, for one, felt a sacrifice was necessary, even if
that sacrifice was only temporary.  The preface to the Anthology
states in bold face: "Chess combination is a forced variation with
a sacrifice which leads to a positive result."  While we may
continue to debate the point, the Anthology has used this concept
nicely to classify its 2001 examples.  Thus the 30 examples in the
first chapter "Pawn A" feature the sacrifice of one or more Pawns,
but no pieces; the 204 examples in chapter "Rook C" feature the
sacrifice of one Rook and one Knight, etc.  This classification is
effective and useful but does give the solver a really big hint!
Further hints are also provided with each diagram using two other
classification schemes: one identical to that used formerly in the
combination section of the Informants, the other a simplified
version of the scheme used in the old Encyclopedia.  Consider
example #1050 from chapter "Rook D":

             #1050                        I  h

             Geller - Novotelnov, USSR Ch 1951

             |   |///|   |///|   |/n/| k |///|   5nk1
             |///|   |/b/|   |/q/|   |/p/|   |   2b1q1p1
             |   |///| p |///|   |///|   |///|   2p5
             |///|   |///| p |/P/|   |/p/| Q |   3pP1pQ
             |   |/r/|   |/P/|   |///| P |///|   1r1P2P1
             |///|   |///| B |///| R |///|   |   3B1R2
             |   |///|   |///|   |/P/| P |///|   5PP1
             |///|   |///|   |///|   |/K/|   |   6K1

As a combo from "Rook D" it will feature the sacrifice of one Rook
and one Bishop.  The extra reference "I h" tells us it is a mating
attack with a decoy theme.  The solution runs: 1.Rxf8+! Kxf8
[1...Qxf8 2.Bh7+ Kh8 3.Bg6+ +- ] 2.Qh8+ Kf7 3.Bg6+! Ke6 [3...Kxg6
4.Qh5#] 4.Qg8+ Kd7 5.Bf5+ 1:0  No mention is made of the dual
4.Qc8+ Qd7 5.Bf5+ which might upset some solvers.

The lack of words in a solution has some restrictions, but
experienced readers can generally supply them themselves.  Some
solutions are quite short (#1450 1.Qh6! 1:0), others fairly long:
#1600, the famous game Polugaevsky - Nezhmetdinov, USSR 1958, runs
to 30 lines.  These notes are attributed to Nezhmetdinov but I'm
certain his annotations were in Russian so someone has worked hard
to transcribe them to Informatese.  There are lots of two and three
movers, and many of the positions and solutions have been lifted
verbatim from the Informants, but I have no objection to that.
There is also a good mix of new and old.  The chapter "Bishop D"
(two Bishop sacrifice) has Lasker - Bauer, Amsterdam 1889 and
Nimzowitsch - Tarrasch, Petersburg 1914 of course, but of the 18
examples, 14 were played in 1960 or later.

The proof reading is very good as we expect from the Informant
publications.  So far I've found but one typo: the solution to #502
gives a perpetual but evaluates it +-.

I do have a problem with example #847:

             #847                         I  a

            Alekhine - Asztalos, Kecskemet 1927.

             |   |///|   |/r/| b |///| k |///|   3rb1k1
             |///| r |///|   |/q/| p |/b/|   |   1r2qpb1
             |   |///| p |///| p |///|   |///|   2p1p3
             |///|   |/P/|   |/N/|   |///| p |   2P1N2p
             | p |///| B |/P/|   |/Q/|   |///|   p1BP1Q2
             |/P/|   |///|   |///|   |///|   |   P7
             |   |///|   |///|   |/P/|   |///|   5P2
             |///|   |///| R |///|   |/R/| K |   3R2RK

The solution runs 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg1+ Kh7 [2...Kf8 3.Qh6#] 3.Nxf7!
[3...Qxf7 4.Bd3+ +-] 1:0

This stems from an old Alekhine note and is frankly wrong.  After
4.Bd3+ Qg6 5.Bxg6+ Bxg6 6.Rxg6! Kxg6 7.Qe4+ Kg7 8.Qe5+! Kg6 9.Qxe6+
Kg7! White is much better, and should win eventually, but there is
no way he picks up a Rook as Alekhine wrote in his "My Best Games
of Chess 1924-37".  Instead we have a tedious Queen vs two Rooks
endgame that White can win with best play.  The truth is that
3.Nxf7 is poor, while 3.Nf3, (threatening 4.Ng5+) should get the
exclam, as British Columbia Master Bob Zuk discovered long ago.
Perhaps you doubt me?  Well try playing this position against a
good computer, first with 3.Nxf7?! and then with 3.Nf3! and you'll
appreciate the difference.  In the first case you'll have lots of
work to do and I suspect the computer will hold the draw, in the
second case you'll have the pleasant experience of watching a
computer squirm.

A lesser complaint is that the famous combination E. Adams - C.
Torre, New Orleans 1920 is presented as legit (#1949).  However,
the present wisdom is that it was composed by Torre to immortalize
his teacher and friend Edwin Z. Adams (see the article Spurious
Games in the "Oxford Companion to Chess").  The Anthology thus
perpetuates the hoax.

Here is another curious position (#1997):

             #1997                        I  h

             P. Schmidt - Richter, Hamburg 1946

             | r |///| b |///|   |/r/|   |///|   r1b2r2
             |///|   |///| p |/N/| p |/k/| p |   3pNpkp
             |   |///|   |/p/| n |///| p |///|   3pn1p1
             |///|   |/p/| N |///|   |///| P |   2pN3P
             |   |///| P |/n/| P |///|   |///|   2PnP3
             |/q/|   |///|   |/Q/| P |///|   |   q3QP2
             |   |///|   |///| B |/K/| P |///|   4BKP1
             |///| R |///|   |///|   |///| R |   1R5R

The solution is justly famous: 1.Qh6+! Kxh6 [1...Kh8 2.Nf6 +-;
2.Qxh7+! +-] 2.hxg6+ Kg5 3.Rh5+! Kxh5 4.f4+ Nxe2 [4...Qf3+ 5.Bxf3+
Nxf3 6.Rh1+ Nh4 7.Nf6+ Kh6 8.Rxh4+ Kg7 9.Ne8+! +-] 5.Nf6+ Kh6
6.Rh1+ Kg7 7.Ne8+! Rxe8 8.Rxh7+ Kf6 9.Rxf7# 1:0

Fantastic!  Maybe too fantastic.  This position was given in the
Oxford Companion, 1984 ed., under Sacrifice, as a friendly game
between P.F. Schmidt - P.R. Schmidt, but with two extra Black Pawns
on a2 and b7.  Now the Black player is given as Richter.  Is this
the famous Richter?  Is it just me or do others find this position

All in all this is a lovely book and is highly recommended.  Learn
all these 2001 combinations by sight and you'll be a monster
tactician.  My only reservation, as usual these days, is the price
-- about USD 42.00.

7) BOOKS, BOOKS and more of them (2) by Bertrand Weegenaar

This issue will bring latest books from Batsford (congratulations
with getting the British Chess Federations BOOK OF THE YEAR 1995
award for the excellent John Nunn's Best Games.), books from Chess
Enterprises and several others. At the end of this issue I've
catalogued the introduced books by topic. I hope this will be a
help to you and future readers in finding what they are looking
for. Together with the addresslist you can quickly get access to
the publisher you like to know more about.

And every time when I have them some tips to buy:

Tennison Gambit 1.Nf3 d5 2.e4, W.John Lutes, Chess Enterprises 1995, 102 p.
(ISBN 0-945470-55-X)

Jubileumsturnier 40 Jahre BdF, M.Gluth, 1995, 144 p.

But first something about correspondence chess and opening theory.
My experience from the last months is that among writers of opening
books, looking at material provided by CC-practice, isn't that
usual. Several big volume books don't contain any CC-game
references. Is this a problem? Sometimes, ask V.Anand who twice in
his latest matches was surprised by an opening novelty from his
opponents (Kamsky and Kasparov) which could have been found from
CC-practice. In the Kasparov match I refer to the 10th and probably
deciding match game where 15.Nb3! wasn't a complete Kasparov
novelty, and knowing that Kasparov has a big volume database
(1,800,000 or more), he must have known the CC-game Berg-Nevesteit,
cr Norwegian teamtournament and published in Postsjakk volume
4/1991. (For those interested this game can be found in the game

Therefor a tip, to those interested in following CC-practice: Jaap
v.d.Kooij every month publishes his small but rich Schaak!
(Chess!), a collection of around 1100 CC-games from his 1 Million
games database. Every issue has it's own topic and after 10 years
there are 224 titles available. Besides that, for the chess
database fanatic, every month he brings a disk with 1000 CC-games
from all sorts of sources. So every year 12.000 new CC-games!? The
prices: $2 per booklet and $8 (or equivalent in your local
currency) for a disk (postage airmail included). If you are
interested, you can write to Jaap van der Kooij, I.da Costastraat
373, NL-3221 TJ Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands.

The last 24 issues of Schaak!:
200   Scandinavian      Marshall gambit
201   Queenindian       Nimzowitsch 4...Ba6
202   Queengambit       Exchangevariation
203   Spanish           Bogoljubov 10.Be3
204   Twoknights        Ulvestad
205   Grunfeldindian    Threeknight
206   Schottish         Belgrad 4.d4 ed4 5.Nd5
207   Reti
208   Lopergame         1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nf6
209   Bird              1.f4 d5
210   Bird              1.f4 d5 (II)
211   Benoni            Wolgagambit
212   Owen              1.e4 b6 2.d4 Bb7
213   Sicilian          Nimzowitsch
214   Slav              Exchange
215   Queengambit       Capablanca
216   Chigorin
217   CaroKann          Knightsvariation 4...Nf6
218   CaroKann          Knightsvariation 4...Nf6 (II)
219   Nimzoindian       Ragozin
220   Frans             Classical Steinitz
221   Twoknights        Lvov
222   Ponziani          Janisch 3..f5
223   v.Geet            1.Nc3 d5
224   Spanish           English attack

Chess Enterprises is an active chess book publisher. Their
catalogue has several authors of which two are very busy: Eric
Schiller and Bill Wall. Besides a lot of original stuff, Chess
Enterprises also produces a lot of reprints. One of their
specialities is games collections, which they proove to do quite

500 French Miniatures (II), Bill Wall, Chess Enterprises 1995, 117
p. (ISBN 0-945470-54-1) Price: $ 7.50

500 fast blitzgames in all French variations.  Most of the games
have annotations by the author.

How to play the Dillworth Attack, Eric Schiller, Chess Enterprises
1995, 98 p. (ISBN 0-945470-52-5) Price: $ 9.95

To find a certain line in this interesting opening book on a sharp
piece sacrifice is sometimes difficult, but the setup is rather
unusual for an opening book: it also looks very deeply in the
endgame types which can arise! After a short middlegame (fast
exchange of the heavy pieces) there often results a Bishop+knight
versus Rook or 2 Bishops versus Rook-endgame. With a lot of
examples these endgametype are explaned. But on the theory side, I
have two complaints: Eric Schiller gives a lot of attention to
15.Nb3, for a long time already regarded as not the best move to
play, a conclusion that can be found in this book as well. After
15.Kg1, the interesting answer 15...g5!? 16.Qe1!, played by
Dilworth himself for decades), couldn't be found at all. In the
gamesection I have added several games to this line for the
interested reader. But none the less, the book gives a very good
impression of the typical 'Dilworth'-game.

When you are not that interested in long theoretical discussions up
to the endgame, the following two books are recommended for you:

1.Nc3 Dunst Opening, Bill Wall, Chess Enterprises 1995, 104 p.
(ISBN 0-945470-48-7) Price: $ 6.95

By the authors this line (when not transposing to the French,
Vienna or another 'normal' opening) is called the Dunst after Ted
A.Dunst (1907-1985) who has a lot of success with this move. In
Europe it lives with the name Van Geet, named after Dutch CC-GM and
FIDE-IM Dick van Geet, who also playes it a lot with a lot of
success. In CC-practice also Danish GM O.Ekebjaerg, plays 1.Nc3
with very good results. And last but not least Aasum (Denmark) must
be mentioned as someone who does a lot of theoretical investigation
into this line.

A lot of attention goes to the 'main'-line 1.Nc3 d5 2.e4 d4 3.Nce2
e5, but a lot of other replies are given focus, like Nf6 2.f4 e5,
g6 2.h4 and many others.

Added at the games collection of this issue are four wins with
1.Nc3 by Dick van Geet played in the In memoriam Frau Bertl von
Massow-tournament (Bdf/40) (see on this book elsewhere in this

(A booktip for Bill Wall: 1.Pc3 van Geet, by Dick van Geet
published by Interchess, accompanied with a disk (NicBase-format)
with around 1600 games.)

Tennison Gambit 1.Nf3 d5 2.e4, W.John Lutes, Chess Enterprises
1995, 102 p. (ISBN 0-945470-55-X) Price: $12.95

This book, and more special this gambit is a real goody for the
lover of the romantic, wild and unknown. Not only can the Tennison
be reached by 1.Nf3 d5 2.e4, but also from 1.e4 d5 2.Nf3, and it
can be denied reaching the Elephant, Sicilian or French Queenside
gambits etc. And last but not least it has great strategic
simalerities with the Budapester-gambit 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5 3.de5 Ng4.
But this booklet is more then an overview on an exotic opening.
Mr.Lutes has dug very deep into the history of this variation, but
also on the personal history of Captain Otto M.Tennison
(1834-1909). Using old dusty libraries and modern databases, Lutes
in many very interesting notes to the several (side)-lines shows
his joy in doing this. Lately theory on this subject was supported
by a strong themetournament, which had added great practical value
to this book. This book is more then a opening book, it's a
lifelong work, which deserves (and the variation has its potential)
to be tried by you, the chessplayer. To give some stimulation I've
added 9 wins with this opening to the game selection.

Panov Attack, Volume II, Eric Schiller, Chess Enterprises 1995, 127
p.  (ISBN 0-945470-47-9) Price: $ 9.95

This second volume on the Panov gives the line 5.e6 6.Nf3 Bb4 7.cd5
Nd5. One of the interesting aspects of the Panov defence, is that
it's classified by the Caro Kann, but that it can be reached (and
often is reached) through opening like the Queens gambit (Ragozin),
Tarrasch or the Nimzoindian. A second interesting aspect is the
often seen struggle against Whites isolated d-pawn, and all motives
like blocking the d5-square (effective pieceplacing), breakthroughs
with d4-d5 etc.

The book is divided in 4 parts: an introduction, illustrative
games, game selection and a very large tree of variations. A last
point of good work in this book is the very thoughtful way diagrams
are used. At all thematic places they are put and the reader can
see at a glance that a game contains a certain thematical aspect as
given before.

The Daily Telegraph Chess Puzzles, David Norwood, Batsford 1995,
128 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7815-2) Price: UK Pounds 8.99

If you like to solve a good puzzle before you go to bed, then this
can be a good book to have near your pillow. But as in my case, it
also can lead to many sleepless hours, sneaking to the chessboard
and looking if my thoughts where correct. Seldomly I must confess.
To get some sleep, the only way was to look at the solution! The
puzzles Norwood for years selected for the readers of The Daily
Telegraph are divided into two parts: those arising from normal
chessplay, and those created by problemists, endgame-theorists etc.
In the first part of the book topics are :Mates in 1,2,3 and more
move, combinations and the always fun part: giving up in winning
positions (the chapter is called: Chess, the cruel game.) The
second consists of studies, direct mate-problems, help- and
selfmates and retro puzzles. This chapter (and puzzle-type) is
highly recommended. It's like the crypto in wordpuzzles. Look at
the following position : White: Kc8, Bg1 and pawn h2 Black: Ka8 and
nothing more! Question: what was Blacks last move and White's
before that?

Each chapter has an introduction to the puzzle-type and several
puzzles "to-play-with". FUN.

The Times Winning Chess, Raymond Keene, Batsford 1995, 144 p.
(0-7134-7842-X) Price :UK Pounds9.99

Another learning book for the "advanced beginner". With his
experience as chess journalist for The Times, Raymond Keene
presents several analyses games, positions and problems for chess

Beating the Sicilian 3, John Nunn & Joe Gallagher, Batsford 1995,
224 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7844-6)

The unique approach from John Nunn in Beating the Sicilian and BTS
2, giving an agressive repertoire for White against the Sicilian
complex. In this third volume he teams up with Joe Gallagher. The
chooses made for the different systems are sometimes surprising:
6.f4 against the Najdorf, the Keres attack (6.g4) against the
Scheveningen and 9.0-0-0 and 10.Qe1 against the Dragon (Something
for Anand in the future?). Also systems against the other Black
Sicilian setups are given like the Pelikan, the Maroczy, the Pin,
Kan and Taimanov and many others. When you want to update your
strategy against the Sicilian, and eventually gide you through
Sicilian Love or the latest Informator: this is the book.

The Big Book of Busts, Watson & Schiller, Hypermodern 1995, 293 p.
(ISBN 1-886040-13-3) Price: $22,95

The authors give more then 80 lesser known openings or variations
which they give one or more examples and a marker. The marker
states the impression Watson and Schiller have of the line, a
finger down, not recommended, a smiley, lips up, the line is
recommended and poisonous, that playing this line deserves to lose.
OK, for some lines this may be true, the Gibbins-Weidenhagen 1.d4
Nf6 2.g4 is poison, but several judgements I like to question, not
from a objective point of view, but looking at chess practice:
giving the Sokolsky a 'Mickey' (opening based on a few tricks. Not
worth playing) is somewhat careless. 1.b4 can be seen as a system,
and often the White player is very well known with the middlegame
types arrising for 1.b4, often he is prepared to play a difficult
middlegame, while his opponent is seeking direct opening advantage.
Something similar goes for example the Tennison (thumbs down, (this
line is not recommended at all.) In this Books a book on this
unexplored territory is introduced, showing very intesting play for
White. Maybe not as good as 20 moves Spanish or Sicilian-theory,
but Black faces problems right from the start.

Every opening line can be a dangerous wapen, if good prepared.
Using 6...b6 against Winckelmann in his 'own'
Winckelmann-Reimergambit (1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.a3 Bc3 5.bc3
de4 6.f3!?) will be loosing a point with Black. It will be met with
7.Nh3! (Winckelmann) p.e. Bb7 8.fe4 Be4 9.Ng5 and White is jumping
effectfull at Black's troat. No useful moves after 6..b6?. Black
should look into 6...c5.

(In the next Books a review on Thomas Winckelmanns book on his
opening will be added.)

E.C.O. Busted!, Sid Pickard, Hays 1993, 234 p. (ISBN 1-880673-92-4)
Price: $21,00

This book gives 535 busts, recommendation etc. to the ECO
(Encyclopedia of Chess Openings). From very different sources the
tips and tricks are collected. Highly recommended.

Jubileumsturnier 40 Jahre BdF, M.Gluth, 1995, 144 p. Price: DM 24

The In memoriam Frau Bertl von Massow-tournament, specially
organised to celebrate the 40 years of the Deutscher Fernschachbund
(BdF) had a very strong field of players. The first three: 1.D.van
Geet 11/14, 2.S.Webb (ENG) 10,5 3.G.J.Timmerman 10,5. The level of
play was very high, and fortanetly a beautiful tournamentbook with
all the games, a lot deeply analysis by the players is presented.
Clear layout. The book can be ordered at M.Gluth Verlag, Ahornallee
9, D-02708 Luebau, Germany.

Julius Nielsen Memorial, J.A.Nielsen, Dansk Skak Union, 1991, 70 p.
(ISBN 87-983828-0-2) Price: =F1$14

The Julius Nielsen Memorial was an invitation tournament for the
memory of chessplayer and organisor Julius Nielsen. The tournament
had a strong international field of competitors including
J.Penrose, D.Mohrlok, from Danmark O.Ekebjaerg, L.Hyldkrog and
A.Ingerslev. The tournament ended in a victory by J.Penrose 11,5 of
14, 2 pionts ahead of O.Ekebjaerg.

The booklet can be ordered via J.A.Nielsen, Postbox 1861, DK-8270
Hojbjerg, Danmark Adresses

Batsford Ltd
4 Fitzhardinge Street
London W1H 0AH
E-mail: (Graham Burgess, managing editor)

Cadogan Books
London House
Parkgate Road
London SW11 4NQ
Also distributing for Pickard&Sons, Grandmaster Publishing, Hypermodern Press
and Hays Publishing in Europe

Chess Enterprises
107 Crosstree Road
Moon Township, PA 15108-2607
E-mail: Dudley@Robert Morris.EDU

Drukkerij van Spijk
P.O.Box 210
NL-5900 AE Venlo

Dreier Verlag
Reinhold Dreier
Seydlitzstrasse 13
D-67061 Ludwigshafen

P.O.Box 3053
NL-1801 GB Alkmaar

S1 Editrice
Via Porrettana 111
I-40135 Bologna

Verlag Medler
Lilienthalstrasse 52
D-40474 Dusseldorf

Rochade Verlag
Vogelsbergstrasse 21
D-63477 Maintal
Books reviewed in Books
(??) gives issue of WIC where book was reviewed.


Winning with the Benko, Byron Jacobs, Batsford 1995, 144p. (ISBN
0-7134-7232-4) Price: UK Pounds 12.99

The complete Vienna, M.Tseitlin en I.Glazkov, Batsford 1995, 144 p.
(ISBN 0-7134-7606-0) Price : UK Pounds 12.99

The complete Benoni, Lev Psakhis, Batsford 1995, 256 p. (ISBN 0
7134 7765 2) Price: UK Pounds 15.99

The Semisch King's Indian, Joe Gallagher, Batsford 1995, 240 p.
(ISBN 0 7134 7730 X) Price: UK Pounds 14.99

The Latvian Gambit,Tony Kosten, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0 7134
7619 2) Price: UK Pounds 12.99

Nimzo-indian Defence Classical Variation, I.Sokolov, Cadogan Press
1995, 148 p. (ISBN 1 85744 120 6) Price: $17.95

Ruy Lopez Arkhangelsk System (C78), J.Konikowski, S1 Editrice,
1995, 283 p. (ISBN 88-86127-36-7) Price: 30.000 Lires

Queen's Gambit Accepted (D20-D29), S1 Editrice, 1995, 179 p. (ISBN
88-86127-34-0) Price: 26.000 Lires

King's Indian Defence Semisch Variation (E80-E89), M.Tirabassi
e.a., S1 Editrice, 1995, 330 p. (ISBN 88-86127-35-9) Price: 32.000

Slav: Botvinnik Variation, Rini Kuijf ,Interchess 1995, 108 p.
(Book: ISBN 90-71689-80-8) Price: $25 (book + disk, NIC-limited
edition to use gamefile) (Text in Dutch, English and German)

Sicilian: English Attack, Alexander Nikitin, Interchess 1995, 108
p. (Book: ISBN 90-71689-88-3) Price: $25 (book + disk, NIC-limited
edition to use gamefile) (Text in Dutch, English and German)

Das Mittelgambit im Nachzug, J.Konikowski and M.Gupta, Medler 1994,
130 p. (ISBN 3-925691-07-3) Price: DM 28

Angenommenes Damengambit I-II, E.Varnusz, Madler 1994, 328 p. (ISBN
3-925691-11-1) Price: DM 29.80

Enzyklopedie der Aljechin-verteidigung Band A Der
Vierbauernangriff, Erich Siebenhaar, Verlag Reinhold Dreier, 1995,
294 p. (ISBN 3-929376-29-6) Price: DM 34.80

Neuerungen im Slawisch, E.Varnusz, Dreier Verlag 1994, 104 p.(ISBN
963-04-4408-9) Price: DM 19.80 (CAL-disk + 10 DM)

Schara-Hennig Gambit, E.Siebenhaar and B.Weigand, Dreier Verlag
1994, 110 p. Price: DM 19.80


Secrets of Minor Piece Endings, John Nunn, Batsford, 1995 (ISBN 0
7134 7727 X) Price: UK Pounds 17.99

Winning Endgame Technique, A.Beliavsky and A.Mikhalchishin,
Batsford 1995, 192 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7512 9) Price: UK Pounds 13.99


Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, Batsford, 1995, 240 p. (ISBN 0
7134 7812 8) Price: UK Pounds 14.99

Capablanca's 100 Best Games, Harry Golombek, Batsford, 1995, (ISBN
0-7134-4650-X) Price: UK Pounds 10.99

Garry Kasparov's Fighting Chess, G.Kasparov, J.Speelman en B.Wade,
Batsford 1995, 312 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7919-1) Price : UK Pounds 14.99

Vishy Anand Chess Super-Talent, David Norwood, Batsford 1995, 144
p. (ISBN 0-7134-7816-0) Price: UK Pounds 12.99

Taimanov's Selected Games, M.Taimanov, Cadogan, 1995, 198 p. (ISBN
1-85744-155-9) Price: $19.95

Alexej Schirow, H.Wieteck, Rochade Europa 1993, 80 p. (ISBN
3-920748-07-7) Price: DM 9.80 84 games from 1987-1993

Gata Kamsky 2.0, N.Heymann, Rochade Europa 1995, 80 p. (ISBN
3-920748-20-4 Price: DM 9.80 97 games from 1986 - 1995

Leonid Stein, H.Wieteck, Rochade Europa 1994, 64 p. (ISBN
3-920748-16-6) Price: DM 9.80 Language German,moves as figurines.
40 games all analysed

Wer wird Kasparows herausforderer Jan Timman/Nigel Short,
L.Steinkohl, Rochade Europa 1992, 80 p. (ISBN 3-920748-05-0) Price:
DM 9.80 Language German, moves as text. 57 games

Potpourri seiner Schacherzehlungen, E.Gufeld, Rochade Europa 1995,
80 p. (ISBN 3-920478-19-0) Price: DM 9.80


Sicilian Love, Polugaevsky, Piket and Gueneau, Interchess 1995, 324
p.(ISBN 90-71689-999) Price: $35

NBC 25 year, van Spijk 1995, (ISBN 90 6216 128 6) Price: DFL 29,75

Kurt Klar Gedenkturnier, H.Heemsoth, Medler 1994, 119 p. (ISBN
3-925691-08-1) Price : DM 22.80 (German and figurines)


Think like a grandmaster, Alexander Kotov, Batsford, 1995, 188 p.
(ISBN 0-7134-7885-3) Price: UK Pounds 13.99

Technique for the Tournament Player, M.Dvoretsky en A.Yusupov,
Batsford 1995, 240p. (ISBN 0 7134 7722 9) Price: UK Pounds 17.99

Planning, Neil McDonald, Batsford, 1995, 112 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7573
0) Price: UK Pounds 7.99

Gambits, Graham Burgess, Batsford, 1995, 112.p. (ISBN 0 7134 7574
9) Price: UK Pounds 7.99

Chess for Tomorrow's Champions, J.Walker, Cadogan ,1995, 144 p.
(ISBN 1-85744-195-8) Price : $14.95

A primer of Chess, Jose Capablanca, Cadogan 1995, 150 p. (ISBN 1
85744 165 6) Price: $15.95


Secrets of Spectacular Chess, Jonathan Levitt en David Friedgood,
Batsford, 1995, 222 p (ISBN 0 7134 7721 0) Price: UK Pounds 14.99

Schach und Schalom, Ludwig Steinkohl, Medler 1995, 189 p. (ISBN
3-925691-1-12-X) Price: DM 24.80

Schach-Mekka Berlin in den "roaring twenties", H.Wieteck, Rochade
Europa 1995, 217 p. (ISBN 3-920748-18-2) Price: DM 19.80

8) Tournament Calendar by Michael Niermann

Many thanks to all who have sent us some tournament informations,
but we still need some help.  If you want to support us, please
send infos about tournaments in your country to

To the organizers of tournaments: It would be much easier for me,
if you could send me in addition to the announcement a short
description in the format below.

October 15,16,22,23  Lucca (ITA), VI. Festival "Citta' di Lucca",ELO, 8xCH,
                       20/60+G/60, entry 50.000 lit
                       Tel +39-583-997652(Luigi Del Dotto)

October 14-15        Boston, MA (USA), Sixth Harvard Cup Human Versus Computer
                       Chess Challenge (participation by invitation only;
                       spectators welcome)
                       Computer Museum
                       tel 617-876-5759; fax 617-491-9570;

October 14-22        Toscolano Maderno (ITA), Lago di Garda, 1st INTERNATIONAL
                       CHESS FESTIVAL, ELO, 9xCH, 5 classes (Magistrale >1900)
                       playing room: Serraglio-Gonzaga Palace, Prize money:
                       Lit 11.000.000, Inscription fee Lit 60.000, Free for IM
                       and GM, detailed info in TWIC 45,
                       Tel +39 365 642249 Massimiliano Tonghini
                           +39 30 390005  Messaggerie Scacchistiche
                       Fax +39 365 541039
                           +39 30  306600

October 15-19        Las Vegas, Nevada, (USA), 1995 U. S. Senior Open, Open to
                       all over 50 years old.  Riviera Hotel and Casino. 5xCH.
                       See Chess Life for detale information
                       tel USA 702-384-7910 Ken Horne

October 17-22        Weilburg (GER), 9xCH, 40/120+G/30
                       ELO/DWZ calculation
                       prices:DM 2000,1500,1000,800,700,600,500,400,300,200
                       special prices for women: DM 200,100,80
                       special prices for seniors (from 60): DM 200,100,80
                       special prices rating to  1599: DM 150
                                          1600 - 1799: DM 150
                                          1800 - 1999: DM 150
                                          2000 - 2199: DM 150
                       entry fee DM 80, students DM 60, after 01.10. DM +20
                       GM,IM free,limited amount of free accomodation available
                       Info: Hans Kubaszek,Kruppstr.15,D-35781 Weilburg,
                               Germany, Tel:++49-6471-30602
                           Heinz-Juergen Deuster,Wingerstr.18,D-35781 Weilburg,
                               Germany, Tel:++49-6471-39635

October 19-          Crete (GRE), 1st INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT SERIES
      November 16      "CRETE '95",  GREECE.
                       Consisted of the following Open Chess Tournaments:
                        1st  Agios Nikolaos Open  (October 19 - 27)
                        3rd Heraklio Open  (October 28 - November 5)
                        2nd Rethimno Open (November 8 - 16)
                       Conditions for EACH tournament :
                        9xCH, ELO/norms, 40/120+G/60, Entry 10000 Drs (jun.5000)
                        Prizes(x 10000 Drs): 50/30/15/10/7.5/5x5/15x2.5/15x2,
                        women: 8/4, juniors: 4/2, girl: 2,kadett: 2, unrated: 3,
                        more details in TWIC 48,
                        Tel (00301) 9581729 George Mastrokoukos
                         or (00301) 7666944 Angelos Tzermiadianos
                        Fax: (00301) 7253317

October 27-29        Gold Coast, Queensland (AUS) Gold Coast Classic, 8xOT,
                       G/60, Prizes $AUS2000, 1st $750, Entry fee $60,
                       Ian Murray,
                       Tel/fax +61 7 3349 5648

October 28 -         Heraklio (GRE), 3rd Heraklio Open
        November 5     see October 19, details in TWIC 48

November 3-5         Sunshine Coast, Queensland (AUS) Suncoast Open, 7xOT,
                       Rounds 1-5 G/60, Rounds 6-7 G/90, Prizes $AUS4000,
                       1st Open $1000, 1st Under 1600 $600,
                       Entry fee $55 Open, $50 Under 1600,
                       Ian Murray
                       Tel/fax +61 7 3349 5648

November 5,6,12,13   Genova (ITA), QUINTO FESTIVAL LIGURE WEEK-END 1994, 8xCH,
                       20/60+G/60, entry 60.000 lit,
                       Tel +39-10-815995
                        or +39-10-2425678

November 8-16        Rethimno (GRE), 2nd Rethimno Open
                       see October 19, details in TWIC 48

November 9-12        Leuven (BEL), 7th Leuven Open, 7xCH, 40/120+G/15, no elo,
                       1st prize=30000 BEF, total>=100000 BEF, entry fee
                       1100 BEF,
                       Tel +32-16-623268 (Johan Vanhaverbeke)
                       Tel +32-16-405517 (Boni Vandermeulen)
                       Email : (Stef Renkens)
                       detailed info in TWIC 30

November 10-12       Brisbane, Queensland (AUS), Redcliffe Challenge, 6xOT,
                       40/90+G/30, Prizes $AUS1500, 1st $500, Entry fee $45,
                       Ian Murray,
                       Tel/fax +61 7 3349 5648

Nov 24-26            Kilkenny,Ireland
                       "Kilkenny Masters" 6 round weekender,
                       All moves 1 3/4 hours
                       3 Sections Masters,Major,Junior
                       (Part of the Leigh Grand Prix Circuit)
                       G.M./I.M. Free Entry
                       Entry fee #20-Masters,#15 Major
                       1st prize #500!!
                       Tel Irl 056 22221 Jack Lowry
                       E-mail mbuckley

December 18-30       Groningen (NED), Koop Tjuchem Toornoi,
                         I. closed GM tmt, cat XVI, 11xRR, 19.12-30.12.
                        II. open GM tmt, 11xCH, just players > 2200 or
                            female players > 2100, 40/120+20/60+G/30,
                            prize fund dfl 22500 (1st dfl 6000), 19.12-30.12.
                            entry fee dfl160 (GM,IM <2400 dfl 100,GM,IM >2400
                       III. 2 open tournaments (1800-2200, <1800), 9xCH,
                            40/120+20/60+G/30, prizes dfl 5500/4000,
                            (1st dfl 1500/1000), entry fee dfl 110/85
                        IV. mini tournaments (5xCH) for <2300, 20.12-24.12
                            and 26.12-30.12.
                         V. closed rapidtoornoi 22./23. 12.
                       Tel +31-50-222637
                       Fax +31-50-250155

December 26-30       Brugge (BEL), 9xCH, prizes 210.000 bef, entry fee 1.250bef,
                       GM,IM,FM free, many Youth + Senior tournaments,
                       Tel +32 (050)358932 Mr Barzeele
                        or +32 (09)2233811

December 26-29       New York,NY (USA), Pan American Intercollegiate Team Chess
                       Championship, Site: Manhattan Conference Center,
                       Fiterman Hall, 30 West Broadway, prize fund $3000,
                       4 player teams of college/university students of the
                       same school, more details in TWIC 53 (wrong dates in
                       TWIC47 !),
                       Tel: 212-580-6920
                       Fax: 212-496-2464
                       Pan-Am Web Homepage:

January 20-28        Geneva (SUI), 12th Geneva Open
                       9xCH, 40/120+20/60+G/30, Entry fee CHF 120 (GM MI free)
                       Masters tourneament (>2000)
                         Prizes CHF 5000, 4000, 3000, 2000, 6x1000, 5x500,
                         5x250, 5x150
                       General tourneament (<2000)
                         Prizes CHF 1500, 1000, 750, 500, 3x250, 4x150, 4x100
                       Tel +41-22-3292816 (Federation Genevoise d'Echecs)
                       Fax +41-22-3292809
                       E-mail :


                           GENEVA OPEN '96
                        JANUARY 20 to 28, 1996

           Salle de Planpalais - 52, rue de Carouge - Geneva

MASTERS TOURNEAMENT (valid for FIDE rating and norms):
  Players with rating > 2000 Elo
  25 prizes, total CHF 24500: 1st CHF 5000, 2nd 4000, 3rd 3000, 4th 2000,
  5th-10th 1000, 11th-15th 500, 16th-20th 250, 21st-25th 150.

  Players with rating < 2000 Elo
  15 prizes, total CHF 5500: 1st CHF 1500, 2nd 1000, 3rd 750, 4th 500,
  5th-7th 250, 8th-11th 150, 12th-15th 100.

  Players with rating between 1976 and 2024 can choose whether to play in
  the Masters or General tourneament.

TIME CONTROL: 40 moves in 2h + 20 moves in 1h + 30' to terminate the game.

PRIZE SHARING: In case of ties a player will receive half of the prize-money
  based on his final rank (Buholz), the other half is equally shared among
  tying players.
  Unrated players are not entitled to receive prize-money.

ENTRY FEE: CHF 120 (free for GM and IM) to be paid by I.M.O. to
  Federation Genevoise d'Echecs, c.p. 631, CH-1211 GENEVA 4
  postal account 12-22223-8 Geneva.


ACCOMODATION: Ask for special offers before December 13th 1995.
  A lodging desk will be open during check-in time at the entrance of
  the tourneament hall.

SCHEDULE: Check-in (compulsory) saturday January 20th from 10:00 to 17:00
  Round 1 Sat 18:00-01:00       Round 2 Sun 15:00-22:00
  Round 3 Mon 18:00-01:00       Round 4 Tue 18:00-01:00
  Round 5 Wed 18:00-01:00       Round 6 Thu 18:00-01:00
  Round 7 Fri 18:00-01:00       Round 8 Sat 15:00-22:00
  Round 9 Sun 10:00-17:00       Prize distribution/cocktail Sun 18:00

  Smoking is forbidden inside the tourneament hall.

  Federation Genevoise d'Echecs, c.p. 631, CH-1211 GENEVA 4
  Tel +41-22-7382265
  Fax +41-22-7382948

Name: Pan American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship

Date: December 26-29, 1995

City, State: New York, NY

Country: USA

Tournament Site: Manhattan Conference Center, Fiterman Hall, 30 West
Broadway (site of the 1995 New York Intel Grand Prix Qualifier)

Description: The Pan-Am is open to college/university students
in degree-granting programs. Players compete on four-person teams;
all team members must attend the same school. A total prize fund of
$3000 is guaranteed. Excellent hotel accomodations have been
arranged for all participants. Contact Dan Edelman below for entry
and hotel information.

History: The Pan-Am celebrates its 50th anniversary this year
and is the most prestigious collegiate chess event in the world.
Teams from North, South, and Central America will compete although
all university teams from around the world are invited.

Tournament Organizer: IM Dan Edelman

Contact: International Sports & Games
         P.O. Box 20131
         NY, NY 10025 USA

Phone: 212-580-6920

Fax: 212-496-2464


Pan-Am Web Homepage:
