THE WEEK IN CHESS 464 29th September 2003 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) European Club Cup
3) Beijing (International Kings) Chess Challenge
4) 12th Monarch Assurance
5) FIDE Zonal 2.5
6) FIDE Zonal 2.4
7) Greece vs Georgia Match
8) Marshall CC v Mechanic's Institute
9) 2nd Edward Levy Memorial
10) 74th New York Masters
11) European Chess Championships Under 10/12/14/16/18
12) 63rd Armenian Championships
13) Hungarian Women's Championships
14) 3rd European Senior Championship
15) Professional World Chess Ranking
16) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

European Club Cup                      156 games
Beijing Chess Challenge                  6 games
12th Monarch Assurance                  97 games
FIDE Zonal 2.5                         108 games
FIDE Zonal 2.4                          43 games
Greece vs Georgia Match                 54 games
Marshall CC v Mechanic's Institute       4 games
2nd Edward Levy Memorial                30 games
73rd-74th New York Masters               8 games
3rd European Senior Championship       155 games
661 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk, Yin Hao, Fang Zhang, Laszlo Nagy, Mirjana Medic, Pablo Sierra, Vladimir Dvorkovich, John Fernandez, Robson Aladic, Rumen Angelov, Gagik Khanamiryan, Thomas Henrich, John Donaldson, Zenón Franco Ocampos, Hassan Khaled, Kenny Chern, Andy McFarland, Cesar Cardozo and everyone else who helped with the issue.

The European Club Cup is underway with a stellar set of players including Kasparov, Rublevsky, Smirin, Bologan, Grischuk, Svidler, Adams, Lautler, Shirov, Bareev, Ivanchuk, Gelfand, Dreev, Malakhov, Onischuk, Morozevich, Khalifman and Korchnoi. So there is much to look forward to with not only elite meeting but games like Kasparov's first round where he scored a nice victory against Vladimir Chuchelov using 1.d4, these days only an occasional part of his opening repertoire.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) European Club Cup

The European Club Cup for Men & Women takes place in the CRETA STAR HOTEL 27th September-5th October 2003.

Official site:

Garry Kasparov plays for Ladia-Kazan (other players include Sergei Rublevsky (2672), Ilia Smirin (2656), Viktor Bologan (2650) and Alisa Galliamova (2502). The French NAO Chess Club of Paris is also fielding an exceptionally strong team, comprising of Alexander Grischuk (2732), Peter Svidler (2723), Michael Adams (2719), Joel Lautler (2677), Vallejo Pons Francisco (2662), Etienne Bacrot (2645), Laurent Fressinet (2640) and Igor-Alexandre Nataf (2549). Bosna Sarajevo have Alexei Shirov, Evgeny Bareev and Ivan Sokolov, other players include Vassily Ivanchuk, Boris Gelfand, Alexey Dreev, Vladimir Malakhov, Alexander Onischuk, Alexander Morozevich, Alexander Khalifman, Konstantin Sakaev and Viktor Korchnoi.

Round 1 Results 29th September 2003

NAO Chess Club                FRA  5½-½   CZE TZ Trinec Chess Club 
Limhamns SK                   SWE  2-4    BIH Bosna Sarajevo 
Ladya Kazan                   RUS  6-0    BEL Rochade Eupen 
Skolernes Skakklub Aarhus     DEN  1-5    RUS Norilsk Nikel 
Tomsk-400-Yukos               RUS  6-0    FIN Jyväs-Shakki Jyväskylä 
Sparkasse Gleisdorf           AUT  0-6    BIH Kiseljak 
Polonia Plus Warsaw           POL  6-0    ISL Hellir Chess Club Reykjavik 
Cercle Royal des Echecs Liege BEL  0-6    RUS St. Petersburg Lentransgaz 
Corpora Martin                SVK  5½-½   NOR Asker Schahhlub  
ESV Austria Graz              AUT  0-6    FRA Clichy Echecs 92 
Tbilisi                       GEO  3½-2½  GRE Kydon S.C. Blue Star Ferries Chania
Joensu Chess Club             FIN  ½-5½   ISR Beer-Sheva Chess Club
Chess Club Alkaloid Skopje    MKD  6-0    GRE OAA Herakleion
SK Glasinac                   BIH  ½-5½   HUN Zalaegerszeg-Hydrocomp 
Werder Bremen                 GER  5-1    LUX C.E. "de Sprenger" Echternach 
TED Sport Club Ankara         TUR  2-4    POL GKSz Polfa Groddzisk Mazowiecki
AV Momot Chess Club           UKR  5½-½   AUT SV United Chocolates Tschaturanga
Cardiff Chess Club            WAL  1-5    BEL Eynatten
ASA Shlomo Har Zvi Tel Aviv   ISR  4½-1½  BLR VCA Vitebsk
Klubi i shahut Drita Therandë ECU  2½-3½  GER Schachfreunde Neukölln
Vesniaka Minsk                BLR  5½-½   WAL Nidum Liberals Chess Club
Phibsboro Chess Club          IRL  ½-5½   ENG Barbican Chess Club

NAO Chess Club       (FRA)5½-½  TZ Trinec Chess Club (CZE)
Svidler, P.      2723 RUS  1-0  SWE 2530 Cicak, S. 
Adams, M.        2719 ENG  1-0  CZE 2466 Rasik, V. 
Lautier, J.      2677 FRA  1-0  CZE 2403 Langner, L. 
Vallejo Pons, F. 2662 ESP  1-0  CZE 2381 Nadela, V. 
Bacrot, E.       2645 FRA  1-0  CZE 2324 Sikora-Lerch, J. 
Fressinet, L.    2640 FRA  1/2  CZE 2332 Walek, M. 

Limhamns SK          (SWE) 2-4  Bosna Sarajevo (BIH)

Hellsten, J.     2511 SWE  1/2  RUS 2721 Bareev, E. 
Brynell, S.      2511 SWE  1/2  ESP 2732 Shirov, A. 
Ahlander, B.     2393 SWE  1/2  NED 2693 Sokolov, I. 
Helgason, R.     2336 SWE  0-1  UZB 2664 Kasimdzhanov, R. 
Eriksson, M.     2322 SWE  1/2  MKD 2637 Georgiev, K. 
Schneider, S     2319 SWE  0-1  BIH 2558 Kurajica, B. 

Ladya Kazan          (RUS) 6-0  Rochade Eupen (BEL)

Kasparov, G.     2830 RUS  1-0  BEL 2608 Chuchelov, V. 
Bologan, V.      2650 MLD  1-0  BEL 2256 Marechal, A. 
Rublevsky, S.    2672 RUS  1-0  BEL 2279 Meesen, R. 
Kharlov, A.      2591 RUS  1-0  BEL 2282 Huesmann, T. 
Timofeev, A.     2575 RUS  1-0  GER 2275 Petzold, K. 
Hasangatin, R.   2515 RUS  1-0  BEL 2220 Plummans, D. 

Skolernes Skak.Aarhus(DEN) 1-5  Norilsk Nikel (RUS)

Rasmusen, K.     2437 DEN  1/2  RUS 2605 Dolmatov, S. 
Christensen, T.  2371 DEN  0-1  RUS 2698 Dreev, A. 
Boe, M.          2366 DEN  0-1  RUS 2607 Galkin, A. 
Jelling, E.      2400 DEN  0-1  RUS 2696 Malakhov, V.
Ochsner, T.      2362 DEN  0-1  RUS 2653 Zvjaginsev, V. 
Pedersen, F.     2282 DEN  1/2  RUS 2608 Najer, E. 

Tomsk-400-Yukos      (RUS) 6-0 Jyväs-Shakki Jyväskylä (FIN)
Khalifman, A.    2678 RUS  1-0  RUS 2523 Solozhekin, E. 
Morozevich, A  . 2679 RUS  1-0  FIN 2381 Karttunen, M. 
Kobalia, M.      2656 RUS  1-0  FIN 2410 Salmensuu, O. 
Belozerov, A.    2541 RUS  1-0  FIN 2357 Nevanlinna, R. 
Filippov, V.     2630 RUS  1-0  FIN 2269 Franssila, T. 
Landa, K.        2614 RUS  1-0  FIN 2260 Laiohonen, P.

Sparkasse Gleisdorf  (AUT) 0-6 Kiseljak (BIH)
Mueller, K.      2521 GER  0-1  GEO 2702 Azmaiparashvili, Z.
Schwarz, M.      2409 GER  0-1  HUN 2655 Almassi, Z. 
Schlosser, M.    2367 AUT  0-1  BLR 2659 Aleksandrov, A. 
Kotz, H. P.      2354 AUT  0-1  BIH 2649 Nikolic, P.
Perhinig, R.     2215 AUT  0-1  BLR 2595 Fedorov, A. 
Poeltl, T.       2182 AUT  0-1  CRO 2561 Palac, M.  

Polonia Plus         (POL) 6-0  Hellir Chess Club Reykjavik (ISL)
Ivanchuk, V.     2710 UKR  1-0  ISL 2513 Gretarsson, H. A.  
Macieja, B.      2627 POL  1-0  ISL 2323 Sigfusson, S. 
Markowski, T.    2610 POL  1-0  ISL 2321 Asmundsson, I. 
Krasenkow, M.    2585 POL  1-0  ISL 2302 Bjornsson, S. 
Kempinski, R.    2565 POL  1-0  ISL 2253 Edvardsson, K. 
Socko, B.        2551 POL  1-0  ISL 2238 Halldorsson, B. 

C.L. Echecs Liege    (BEL) 0-6. St. Petersburg Lentransgaz (RUS)
Winants, L.      2501 BEL  0-1  RUS 2655 Sakaev, K. 
Cekro, E.        2441 BEL  0-1  RUS 2620 Volkov, S. 
Gulbas, C.       2340 BEL  0-1  SUI 2628 Korchnoi, V. 
Hautot, S.       2317 BEL  0-1  RUS 2629 Smirnov, P. 
Goossens, E.     2234 BEL  0-1  RUS 2566 Lugovoi, A. 
Dal Borgo, A.    2198 BEL  0-1  RUS 2550 Yemelin, V. 

Corpora Martin       (SVK) 5½-½ Asker Schahhlub (NOR)
Sutovsky, E.     2639 ISR  1-0  NOR 2385 Carlsen, M. 
Movsesian, S.    2647 SVK  1/2  NOR 2469 Ostenstad, B. 
Navara, D.       2608 CZE  1-0  NOR 2481 Tsidall, J. 
Ftacnik, L.      2598 SVK  1-0  NOR 2226 Ekeberg, C. F.  
Stohl, I.        2556 SVK  1-0  NOR 2256 Jansson, J. 
Timoscenko, G.   2530 SVK  1-0  NOR 2180 Hammerstad, A.  

ESV Austria Graz     (AUT) 0-6  Clichy Echecs 92 (FRA)
Fahrner, K.      2369 AUT  0-1  RUS 2635 Tregubov, P. 
Herndl, H.       2334 AUT  0-1  FRA 2589 Bauer, C. 
Ebner, H.        2256 AUT  0-1  FRA 2513 Relange, E. 
Loebler, H.      2216 AUT  0-1  FRA 2541 Degraeve, J.-M.  
Pfaffel, T.      2126 AUT  0-1  ENG 2560 Conquest, S.  
Herndl, G.       2181 AUT  10-  FRA 2522 Apicella, M. 

Tbilisi              (GEO)3½-2½ Kydon S.C. Blue Star Ferries (GRE)
Jobava, B.       2596 GEO  1/2  GRE 2478 Nikolaidis, I. 
Kacheishvili, G. 2603 GEO  1/2  GRE 2492 Grivas, E. 
Gagunashvili, M. 2577 GEO  0-1  GRE 2382 Souleidis, G. 
Mchedlishvili, M 2566 GEO  1-0  GRE 2067 Kouvatsos, F. 
Izoria, Z.       2541 GEO  1/2  GRE 2138 Sandalakis, A. 
Pantsulaia, L.   2461 GEO  1-0  GRE 2035 Stavrianakis, I. 

Joensu Chess Club    (FIN) ½-5½ Beer-Sheva Chess Club (ISR)
Kiik, K.         2433 EST  1/2  ISR 2574 Huzman, A. 
Nyysti, S.       2399 FIN  0-1  ISR 2554 Roiz, M. 
Nivala, T.       2196 FIN  0-1  ISR 2557 Avrukh, B. 
Kosmo, S.        2180 FIN  0-1  ISR 2556 Greenfeld, A. 
Porrasmaa, T.    2219 FIN  0-1  ISR 2555 Golod, V. 
Saastamoinen, A. 2170 FIN  0-1  ISR 2449 Vydeslaver, A. 

CC Alkaloid Skopje   (MKD) 6-0  OAA Herakleion (GRE)
Akopian, V.      2703 ARM  1-0  GRE 2418 Tzermiadianos, A.  
Tkachiev, V.     2654 FRA  1-0  GER 2417 Paehtz, E. 
Nedev, T.        2480 MKD  1-0  GRE 2363 Mastrokoukos, G. 
Stanojoski, Z.   2496 MKD  1-0  GRE 2255 Logothetis, S.  
Bogdanovski, V.  2449 MKD  1-0  GRE 2158 Kounalakis, E.  
Stojanoski, D.   2440 MKD  1-0  GRE 0 Petsetidi, M. 

SK Glasinac          (BIH) ½-5½  Zalaerszeg-Hydrocomp (HUN)

Jeremic, V.      2467 SCG  1/2  HUN 2586 Portisch, L. ½-½ 
Scekic, M.       2434 SCG  0-1  HUN 2521 Sax, G. 0-1 
Benderac, S.     2345 SCG  0-1  HUN 2519 Horvath, J. 0-1 
Batinic, P.      2191 SCG  0-1  HUN 2503 Horvath, A. 0-1 
Plakalovic, P.   2168 SCG  0-1  HUN 2513 Hovath, C. 0-1 
Kosonic, S.           BIH  0-1  HUN 2502 Groszpeter, A. 0-1 

Werder Bremen        (GER) 5-1  C.E. "de Sprenger" Echternach (LUX)
McSchane, L.     2619 ENG  0-1  GER 2407 Boidman, Y.  
Hracek, Z.       2584 CZE  1-0  GER 2336 Koerholz, L.  
Babula, V.       2550 CZE  1-0  LUX 2245 Brittner, S.  
Knaak, R.        2480 GER  1-0  GER 2202 Trauth, M. 
Joachim, S.      2438 GER  1-0  LUX 2183 Oberweis, P. 
Meins, G.        2454 GER  1-0  LUX 0 Corbin, P.  

TED S.C. Ankara      (TUR) 2-4  GKSz Polfa Mazowiecki (POL)

Arduman, C.      2336 TUR  1/2  HUN 2606 Acs, P. 
Yilmaz, T.       2314 TUR  1-0  POL 2550 Cyborowski, L.  
Ipek, A.         2232 TUR  1/2  POL 2546 Milton, K. 
Ulucan, T.       2103 TUR  0-1  POL 2508 Grabarczyk, M. 
Solakoglu, O.    2084 TUR  0-1  POL 2420 Heberla, B.  
Akman, O.        2013 TUR  0-1  POL 2419 Radziewicz, I. 

A.V. Momot           (UKR)5½-½  SV United Chcolates (AUT)
Kuzmin, G.       2516 UKR  1/2  AUT 2288 Wukits, R. 
Efimenko, Z.     2546 UKR  1-0  AUT 2207 Schwaninger, W.  
Areshchenko, A.  2542 UKR  1-0  AUT 2201 Kriendl, H.  
Lahno, K.        2439 UKR  1-0  AUT 2189 Lenz, A. 
Ivanov, O. V.    2457 UKR  1-0  AUT 2118 Zsifkovits, R.  
Kuzubov, Y.      2400 UKR  1-0  AUT 2004 Petschar, H. 

Cardiff Chess Club   (WAL) 1-5 Eynatten (BEL)
Cobb, C.         2393 ENG  1-0  GER 2574 Naiditsch, A. 
Kett, K.         2145 WAL  0-1  UKR 2574 Goloschapov, A. 
Spice, A.        2181 WAL  0-1  GER 2451 Roeder, M.  
Trevelyan, J.    2150 WAL  0-1  NED 2391 Welling, G. 
Dawson, G.            WAL  0-1  GER 2380 Sonntag, H.-H. 
Davies, P.       2042 WAL  0-1  NED 2188 Huizer, M. 

Shlomo Har Zvi Tel Aviv   4½-1½ VCH Vitebsk (BLR)
Zoler, D.        2539 ISR  1/2  BLR 2497 Teterev, V. 
Kantsler, B.     2472 ISR  1-0  BLR 2390 Lukashok, A. 
Bitansky, I.     2378 ISR  1-0  BLR 2354 Paramonov, D. 
Finkel, A.       2458 ISR  1-0  BLR 0 Sarbai, A. 
Stisis, Y.       2397 ISR  1-0  BLR 0 Kul, I. 
Ribshtein, N.    2324 ISR  0-1  BLR 0 Lavryk, V. 

"Drita" Therandë     (ECU)2½-3½ Schachfreunde Neukölln (GER)
Fejzullahu, A.   2306 SCG  1/2  GER 2464 Polzin, R. 
Nujupi, B.       2205 SCG  1/2  GER 2462 Berndt, S. 
Makoli, P.       2236 SCG  0-1  GER 2445 Boriss, M. 
Hondozi, M.           SCG  1-0  GER 2404 Poldauf, D. 
Idrizaj, A.      2242 GER  1/2  GER 2440 Thiede, L. 
Bytyqi, R.            SCG  0-1  GER 2316 Rudolf, H. 

Vesnianka Minsk      (BLR)5½-½ Nidum Liberals (WAL)
Azarov, S.       2530 BLR  1-0  WAL 2063 Jones,R 
Zhigalko, A.     2466 BLR  1-0  WAL 2170 Walsh,C. 
Zhigalko, S.     2399 BLR  1-0  WAL 2104 Cast,A.  
Tihonov, Y.      2382 BLR  1-0  WAL 2170 Saunders,R. 
Mochalov, E.     2417 BLR  1-0  WAL 2010 Sinnett,G. 
Ginzburg, M.     2294 BLR  1/2  WAL      Cast,J. 

Phibsboro Chess Club (IRL) ½-5½ Barbican Chess Club (ENG)
Brady, S.        2336 IRL  1/2  ENG 2541 Parker, J. 
Fitzpatrick, B.  2052 IRL  0-1  IRL 2487 Kelly, B. 
Llorens, I.           IRL  0-1  ENG 2438 Palliser, R.  
Hofstra, H.           IRL  0-1  ENG 2377 Ferguson, M.  
Salter, D.            IRL  0-1  ENG 2323 Dishman, S.  
Mooney, A.            IRL  0-1  ENG 2308 Cox, J. J. 

Women's Round 1
St. Petersburg Lentransgaz  RUS  0-4  SCG Internet Podgorica
ULIM Sport Club             MLD  2-2  FRA Cannes Chess Club 
Tomsk-400-YKOS              RUS  ½-3½ SCG BAS Beograd
NTN Tbilisi                 GEO 3½-½  GRE Kydon S.C. Chania FILMNET 
Maccabi Afek                ISR  1-3  RUS Ladya Kazan 
South Urals Cheliabinsk     RUS  1-3  SWE Kristallen S.K.
Hellir Chess Club Reykjavik ISL       BYE

3) Beijing (International Kings) Chess Challenge

The Beijing (International Kings) Chess Challenge Match took place September 22nd-23rd 2003, in China Resources Hotel, Beijing between Chinese teams and an International team. As reported last week on Day 1 the score was International Team 5 - Chinese Team 4. On day two there was a 4.5-4.5 draw between the international team and the Chinese B Team. Games from the final round are currently unavailable.

It has been reported that this is Yasser Seirawan's last event as a professional player.

International Kings Challenge
Round 1 (September 22, 2003)

Zhang Zhong       -  Bareev, Evgeny    0-1   58  C00  French Defence
Seirawan, Yasser  -  Ye Jiangchuan     1-0   56  E70  King's Indian Fianchetto
Xu Jun            -  Short, Nigel D    1/2   48  D34  Tarrasch Defence, Main Line

Round 2 (September 22, 2003)

Xu Jun            -  Seirawan, Yasser  1/2   38  E39  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Bareev, Evgeny    -  Ye Jiangchuan     1/2   42  A16  English Opening
Short, Nigel D    -  Zhang Zhong       1-0   32  C51  Evans Gambit

Round 3 (September 22, 2003)

Bareev, Evgeny    -  Xu Jun            0-1   76  A34  English Symmetrical
Ye Jiangchuan     -  Short, Nigel D    1/2   46  C76  Ruy Lopez Modern Steinitz
Seirawan, Yasser  -  Zhang Zhong       0-1   66  E38  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2

Round 4 (September 23, 2003)

Bareev, Evgeny    -  Bu Xiangzhi       1/2   65  D94  Gruenfeld Closed
Zhang Pengxiang   -  Seirawan, Yasser  1-0   58  B12  Caro Kann Advanced
Short, Nigel D    -  Ni Hua            0-1   40  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov

Round 5 (September 23, 2003)

Bu Xiangzhi       -  Seirawan, Yasser  1/2   26  D63  Queens Gambit Main Line with 7.Rc1
Ni Hua            -  Bareev, Evgeny    1/2   21  C02  French Advance
Short, Nigel D    -  Zhang Pengxiang   1-0   33  B25  Sicilian Closed

Round 6 (September 23, 2003)

Zhang Pengxiang   -  Bareev, Evgeny    0-1    
Bu Xiangzhi       -  Short, Nigel D    1-0    
Seirawan, Yasser  -  Ni Hua            1-0    

International Kings Challenge Beijing CHN (CHN), 22-23 ix 2003
                                 1  2  3  4  5  6
International Team
1 Bareev, Evgeny    g RUS 2721  +9 =7 -4 =5 =6 +8  3.5 /6  2666
2 Seirawan, Yasser  g USA 2626  +7 =4 -9 -8 =5 +6  3.0 /6  2609
3 Short, Nigel D    g ENG 2701  =4 +9 =7 -6 +8 -5  3.0 /6  2609
China A
4 Xu Jun            g CHN 2626  =3 =2 +1 .  .  .   2.0 /3  2807
7 Ye Jiangchuan     g CHN 2683  -2 =1 =3 .  .  .   1.0 /3  2557
9 Zhang Zhong       g CHN 2658  -1 -3 +2 .  .  .   1.0 /3  2557
China B
5 Bu Xiangzhi       g CHN 2588  .  .  .  =1 =2 +3  2.0 /3  2807
6 Ni Hua            f CHN 2533  .  .  .  +3 =1 -2  1.5 /3  2682
8 Zhang Pengxiang   g CHN 2567  .  .  .  +2 -3 -1  1.0 /3  2557

4) 12th Monarch Assurance

The 12th Monarch Assurance Isle of Man International takes place at the Ocean Castle Hotel, Port Erin, Isle of Man, from 27 September to 5 October 2003. The total prize fund has gone up to 16,500 GBP (= 26350 USD) with a first prize of 2,500 GBP (= 4000 USD). There is a strong field however this was weakened by the withdrawal of Nigel Short who objected to being re-paired in round 1 after his opponent didn't turn up and withdrew.

Official site:

12th Monarch Assurance Port Erin IOM (IOM), 27 ix-5 x 2003
 1. Del Rio Angelis, Salvador G  g  ESP 2479 2.0       
 2. Emms, John M                 g  ENG 2520 2.0       
 3. Iordachescu, Viorel          g  MDA 2606 2.0       
 4. Sulskis, Sarunas             g  LTU 2578 2.0       
 5. Wells, Peter K               g  ENG 2481 2.0       
 6. Kogan, Artur                 g  ISR 2534 2.0       
 7. Korneev, Oleg                g  RUS 2561 2.0       
 8. Al-Modiahki, Mohamad         g  QAT 2574 1.5  2652 
 9. Davies, Nigel R              g  ENG 2482 1.5  2623 
10. Devereaux, Maxim             f  ENG 2329 1.5  2491 
11. Halkias, Stelios             g  GRE 2560 1.5  2462 
12. Mikhalevski, Victor          g  ISR 2523 1.5  2431 
13. Moreno Carnero, Javier       m  ESP 2512 1.5  2642 
14. Kotronias, Vasilios          g  CYP 2602 1.5  2512 
15. Pert, Richard G              m  ENG 2380 1.5  2503 
16. Psakhis, Lev                 g  ISR 2550 1.5  2383 
17. Sandipan, Chanda             m  IND 2469 1.5  2767 
18. Williams, Simon              m  ENG 2381 1.5  2518 
19. Zatonskih, Anna              wg USA 2423 1.5  2570 
20. Agdestein, Simen             g  NOR 2571 1.5  2635 
21. Motwani, Paul                g  SCO 2525 1.5  2452 
22. Kuzmin, Alexey               g  RUS 2583 1.5  2511 
23. Stubberud, Ornulf               NOR 1965 1.5  2379 
24. Van der Weide, Karel         m  NED 2412 1.5  2489 
25. Barsov, Alexei               g  UZB 2526 1.5  2597 
26. Adams, Phil                     ENG 2115 1.5  2399 
27. Timmermans, Ivo                 NED 2213 1.5  2491 
97 players

5) FIDE Zonal 2.5

Fide Zonal 2.5 tournament took place in Asunción Paraguay from September 13th-24th 2003. Winner Ruben Felgaer and 2nd place Daniel Campora took the qualification place. I've corrected an error to the naming of Carlos Gamarra in the PGN file and standings. My thanks to Cesar Cardozo.

Women's Zonal 2.5 takes place in Chile 23rd-29th August 2003.

Coverage:, alternate:

zt 2.5 Asuncion PAR (PAR), 14-23 ix 2003
                                            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1. Felgaer, Ruben           g  ARG 2551  +10 +19 = 7 + 4 + 6 + 5 + 3 = 2 + 8  8.0  2795 
 2. Campora, Daniel H        g  ARG 2510  +14 = 3 = 4 =19 + 7 + 6 + 5 = 1 + 9  7.0  2652 
 3. Pierrot, Facundo         m  ARG 2417  +16 = 2 - 5 + 9 +23 +12 - 1 + 7 = 4  6.0  2534 
 4. Flores, Diego               ARG 2439  +18 +17 = 2 - 1 - 5 +19 +12 + 6 = 3  6.0  2553 
 5. Labollita, Martin        m  ARG 2454  +15 = 6 + 3 + 7 + 4 - 1 - 2 - 8 +10  5.5  2519 
 6. Mahia, Gustavo           f  ARG 2377  +21 = 5 +12 + 8 - 1 - 2 +17 - 4 +16  5.5  2461 
 7. Rodriguez, Andres        g  URU 2485  +13 + 9 = 1 - 5 - 2 +14 + 8 - 3 =11  5.0  2465 
 8. Vasquez, Rodrigo         m  CHI 2514  =11 =12 +13 - 6 +10 + 9 - 7 + 5 - 1  5.0  2454 
 9. Giardelli, Sergio C      m  ARG 2437  +23 - 7 +10 - 3 +22 - 8 +11 +19 - 2  5.0  2422 
10. Llorens, Marcelo            CHI 2374  - 1 +11 - 9 +16 - 8 +23 +22 +17 - 5  5.0  2401 
11. Valiente, Cristobal      m  PAR 2322  = 8 -10 =16 =17 =18 +21 - 9 +12 = 7  4.5  2339 
12. Crosa, Martin            f  URU 2412  +22 = 8 - 6 +14 +19 - 3 - 4 -11 +18  4.5  2356 
13. Sosa Harrison, Jorge     f  PAR 2294  - 7 +20 - 8 =15 -17 +24 =14 =18 +23  4.5  2322 
14. Izquierdo, Daniel        f  URU 2302  - 2 +24 =23 -12 +20 - 7 =13 =21 +19  4.5  2301 
15. Espinoza, Edgar             PAR 2290  - 5 =16 =18 =13 -21 -20 +24 +22 +17  4.5  2232 
16. Bergonzi, Osvaldo           PAR 2170  - 3 =15 =11 -10 +24 -22 +23 +20 - 6  4.0  2237 
17. Cubas, Jose Fernando     m  PAR 2419  +20 - 4 -19 =11 +13 +18 - 6 -10 -15  3.5  2253 
18. Peralta, Eduardo         f  PAR 2279  - 4 =22 =15 =20 =11 -17 +21 =13 -12  3.5  2193 
19. Rojas, Luis              m  CHI 2433  +24 - 1 +17 = 2 -12 - 4 +20 - 9 -14  3.5  2303 
20. Vera, I Jorge               PAR 2189  -17 -13 +21 =18 -14 +15 -19 -16 +24  3.5  2180 
21. Zacarias, M Ruben D         PAR 1966  - 6 -23 -20 +24 +15 -11 -18 =14 +22  3.5  2176 
22. Lipiniks, Leonardo          PAR 2129  -12 =18 +24 =23 - 9 +16 -10 -15 -21  3.0  2136 
23. Gamarra Caceres, Carlos  f  PAR 2228  - 9 +21 =14 =22 - 3 -10 -16 +24 -13  3.0  2128 
24. Figari, Esteban             PAR 2195  -19 -14 -22 -21 -16 -13 -15 -23 -20  0.0       

6) FIDE Zonal 2.4

FIDE Zonal 2.4 took place in Sao Paulo Chess Club September 19th-26th, 2003. Darcy Lima won the event with 7/9 half a point clear of Rafael Leitao, these two took the qualification places. Former Candidate Henrique Mecking took 3rd place, favourite Julio Granda Zuniga finished on 50%. The women's zonal was won by Luciana Morales Mendoza and she took the one qualifying place. My thanks to Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk.

Internet coverage: and

zt 2.4 Sao Paulo BRA (BRA), 19-27 ix 2003                    cat. IX (2451)
                                             1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Lima, Darcy                  g BRA 2519  * = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 =  7.0  2663 
 2. Leitao, Rafael               g BRA 2550  = * = = = 1 1 1 = 1  6.5  2606 
 3. Mecking, Henrique            g BRA 2556  0 = * = 1 = 1 = 1 1  6.0  2564 
 4. Milos, Gilberto              g BRA 2592  = = = * = = 1 0 1 1  5.5  2515 
 5. Zambrana, Oswaldo            f BOL 2404  = = 0 = * = = 1 1 1  5.5  2536 
 6. Granda Zuniga, Julio E       g PER 2641  0 0 = = = * 1 1 0 1  4.5  2429 
 7. Teixeira, Ricardo da Silva   f BRA 2338  0 0 0 0 = 0 * 1 = 1  3.0  2338 
 8. Sierra, Miguel               f PER 2256  0 0 = 1 0 0 0 * 1 0  2.5  2306 
 9. Disconzi da Silva, Rodrigo   f BRA 2377  0 = 0 0 0 1 = 0 * =  2.5  2293 
10. Ramos, Ernesto               f PER 2277  = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = *  2.0  2250 

zt 2.4 w Sao Paulo BRA (BRA), 19-27 ix 2003
                                        1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Morales Mendoza, Luciana wf PER 2051 ** =1 1= 11 11 11  9.0  2423
2 Delai, Paula             wf BRA 2066 =0 ** 01 01 11 11  6.5  2164
3 Chang, Suzana1              BRA 2140 0= 10 ** 1= == 11  6.0  2112
4 Chaves, Joara            wm BRA 2083 00 10 0= ** 11 11  5.5  2087
5 Martinez,Lourdes            BRA ---- 00 00 == 00 ** 0=  1.5  1772
6 Martinez,Janine             BOL ---- 00 00 00 00 1= **  1.5  1772

7) Greece vs Georgia Match

There was a Greece vs. Georgia Match Athens September 18th-24th 2003. There were men's and women's events both won by Georgia. My thanks to Thomas Henrich.


GRE-GEO Match m Athens GRE (GRE), 18-24 ix 2003
Georgia 20.5
 1. Kacheishvili, Giorgi       g  GEO 2603 4.0  2641 
 2. Gagunashvili, Merab        g  GEO 2577 4.0  2641 
 3. Jobava, Baadur             g  GEO 2596 4.0  2641 
 4. Izoria, Zviad              g  GEO 2541 3.5  2573 
 5. Mchedlishvili, Mikheil     g  GEO 2566 3.0  2516 
 6. Khetsuriani, Besarion      m  GEO 2368 2.0  2391 
Greece  15.5
 1. Nikolaidis, Ioannis        g  GRE 2478 3.5  2598 
 2. Vouldis, Angelos           m  GRE 2539 3.5  2598 
 3. Halkias, Stelios           g  GRE 2560 3.0  2541 
 4. Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios   m  GRE 2493 3.0  2541 
 5. Banikas, Hristos           g  GRE 2530 2.0  2416 
 6. Mastrovasilis, Athanasios  m  GRE 2499 0.5  2140 

GRE-GEO Match w Athens GRE (GRE), 18-24 ix 2003        cat. V (2356)
Georgia 10.5
1. Dzagnidze, Nana        wm GEO 2446   4.0  2424 
2. Lomineishvili, Maia    wg GEO 2409   3.5  2356 
3. Matnadze, Ana          wg GEO 2386   3.0  2299 
Greece   7.5
1. Makropoulou, Marina    wg GRE 2225   3.0  2413 
2. Botsari, Anna-Maria    wg GRE 2380   2.5  2356 
3. Fakhiridou, Ekaterini  wm GRE 2292   2.0  2288 

8) Marshall CC v Mechanic's Institute

John Fernandez reports: On Sunday, September 28th, two world famous chess clubs, the Marshall Chess Club ( and the Mechanics' Institute Chess Club ( squared off despite being being separated by 2600 miles (4150km), in what will hopefully be the first in a series of distance matches between the famous New York City and San Francisco clubs.

This match pitted four of New York's best players under the age of 16 versus four of Northern California's best and brightest. The games were played at a Game 90 + 30 second increment over the Internet Chess Club (

In four very exciting games, the Marshall Chess Club won the match with the score of 3 wins to 1 loss. On board one, FM Igor Schneider and Matthew Ho went into some deep preparation in the Centre Counter Defense, based on the Anand - Lautier clash from Biel 1997. On board two, Nicholas Yap and WFM Laura Ross played an exciting game in the Sveshnikov variation of the Sicilian Defense. Yap excellently controlled the center and created tactical problems with his passed b pawn, forcing home the full point with good technique. On board three, FM Fabiano Caruana chose the Two Knights variation of the Caro Kann Defense versus Drake Wang. In a shocking blunder, Wang hung mate in one on move 9, although it must be admitted that his position was probably already quite critical. On board four, Ewelina Krubnik went headlong into Marc Tyler Arnold's Benko Gambit. Arnold played a brilliant game in true Benko Gambit style, pressuring the b2 weakness, trading queens, and winning the game. Especially pleasing was Arnold's beautiful geometric motif of Ba6-Be2-Bb5-Bd3! on three consecutive moves to seal the game, and his exchange sacrifice on b2 to tear Krubnik's position to shreds.

9) 2nd Edward Levy Memorial

US Champion Alex Shabalov continued his stellar year on American soil (1st US Championship, 1st Chicago Open, 1st US Open, =1st World Open), winning the 2nd Edward Levy Memorial held September 18-21 in Denver. Shabalov's score of 4 1/2 from 5, which included wins over GMs Dmitry Gurevich and Alexander Stripunsky plus IM Varuzhan Akobian, earned him $5000. His only draw was with IM Nazar Firman of Ukraine in round 5. Firman tied for second with Stripunsky and GM Viktor Mikhalevski in the 42-player top section which included 16 GMs and 6 IMs. A total of 260 players competed in the Continental Chess Association organized by Bill Goichberg.

Full Crosstables for the event can be found at

Levy mem Denver USA (USA), 18-21 ix 2003
 1. Shabalov, Alexander      g  USA 2575  4.5  $5188.00
 2. Stripunsky, Alexander    g  USA 2543  4.0  $1458.34
 3. Mikhalevski, Victor      g  ISR 2523  4.0  $1458.34
 4. Firman, Nazar            m  UKR 2513  4.0  $1458.34
 5. Novikov, Igor A          g  USA 2598  3.5  $ 260.84
 6. Goldin, Alexander        g  USA 2608  3.5  $ 260.84
 7. Kudrin, Sergey           g  USA 2538  3.5  $ 260.84
 8. Ibragimov, Ildar         g  USA 2587  3.5  $ 260.84
 9. Blatny, Pavel            g  CZE 2503  3.5  $ 260.84
10. Khachiyan, Melikset      m  USA 2473  3.5  $ 260.84
11. Nakamura, Hikaru         g  USA 2568  3.0
12. Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander  g  USA 2543  3.0
13. Yermolinsky, Alex        g  USA 2551  3.0
14. Ivanov, Alexander        g  USA 2538  3.0
15. Sharavdorj, Dashzeveg    g  MGL 2411  3.0
16. Kraai, Jesse             m  USA 2436  3.0
17. Kustar, Sandor           m  HUN 2373  3.0
18. Ehlvest, Jaan            g  EST 2587  2.5
19. Akobian, Varuzhan        m  USA 2533  2.5
20. Sevillano, Enrico        m  USA 2490  2.5
21. Gurevich, Dmitry         g  USA 2502  2.5
43 players

10) 74th New York Masters

Jaan Ehlvest won the 74th New York Masters on 23rd September 2003 with 3.5/4. News John Fernandez. Games from the 73rd Masters also now available.


74th New York Masters Action USA (USA), 23 ix 2003
                                     1   2   3   4   Total
  1. Ehlvest, Jaan        g EST 2574 +13 + 9 = 2 + 3   3.5  ($300)
  2. Yudasin, Leonid      g ISR 2558 + 6 = 3 = 1 + 5   3.0  ($100)
  3. Wojtkiewicz, Aleks   g USA 2543 +14 = 2 + 4 - 1   2.5  ($ 15)
  4. Mikhalevski, Victor  g ISR 2523 + 8 =10 - 3 + 7   2.5  ($ 15)
  5. Maier, Christian     f GER 2370 =   +12 + 9 - 2   2.5  ($ 15)
  6. Bonin, Jay           m USA 2368 - 2 - 7 +13 +12   2.0  ($ 35)
  7. Furdzik, Rafal         USA 2254 - 9 + 6 +10 - 4   2.0  ($ 35)
  8. Corbblah, Jonathan     USA ---- - 4 +13 =12 ---   1.5
  9. Stripunsky, Alex     g USA 2543 + 7 - 1 - 5 ---   1.0
 10. Shahade, Greg        m USA 2441 =12 = 4 - 7 ---   1.0
 11. Franklin, David        USA ---- --- --- --- +13   1.0
 12. Olsen, Robert          USA 2111 =10 - 5 = 8 - 6   1.0
 13. Privman, Boris       f USA 2222 - 1 - 8 - 6 -11   0.0
 14. Mitchell, Jeff         USA 2089 - 3 --- --- ---   0.0


1ST   - $300
2ND   - $100
3RD   - $ 45
U2400 - $ 70

11) European Chess Championships Under 10/12/14/16/18

The European Chess Championship Under 10/12/14/16/18 2003 took place in Budva (Montenegro) on the Adriatic coast approximately 540 km south of Belgrade. 12th-23rd September 2003. Games should follow next week. In the Boys under-18 event IM Mateusz Bartel of Poland took Gold with an 8½/9 score an ELO performance of 2817.

Further details:

European Youth Championship Boys-U10
 1    Ter Sahakyan Samvel        0 ARM 8  50  52½ 7 
 2    Sjugirov Sanan          2296 RUS 7½ 49  54  7 
 3    Bazeev German              0 RUS 7  44  48  7 
 4    Galopoulos Nikolaos        0 GRE 7  41½ 43½ 7 
 5    Bogdanovych Stanislav      0 UKR 6½ 43  46  6 
 6    Rzaev Bahruz               0 AZE 6½ 41  44  6 
 7    Swiercz Dariusz         1990 POL 6  51  54  5 
 8    Mihok Oliver            1956 GER 6  49½ 53½ 5 
 9    Belous Vladimir            0 RUS 6  49½ 53  6 
10    Csata Marcell              0 HUN 6  47½ 52  5 
11    Yaramchuk Maksim           0 BLR 6  44½ 49  6 
12    Firat Burak                0 TUR 6  40  43½ 6 
13    Lortkipanidze Nodar        0 GEO 6  39½ 42  5 
69 players

European Youth Chamiponship Boys-U12
 1    Safarli Eltaj           2190 AZE 7½ 48½ 52½ 7 
 2 FM Onischuk Vladimir       2174 UKR 7½ 45  48  6 
 3    Klimov Anton            2150 RUS 7  47  50  6 
 4    Bojchev Marian          2174 BUL 7  43  45½ 6 
 5    Gritsenko Andrey           0 RUS 6½ 40½ 44½ 5 
 6 FM Fodor Tamas Jr          2111 HUN 6  46½ 50  6 
 7    Chirila Ioan Cristian   2183 ROM 6  43½ 47  5 
 8    Simonyan Hrayr          2270 ARM 6  43  47  5 
 9    Tvarijonas Povilas      2121 LTU 6  42½ 45  5 
10    Kosov Ivan              2203 RUS 6  42  46  4 
11    Martinovic Sasa         2080 CRO 6  41½ 43  5 
12    Szabo Leon              2116 HUN 6  40  42½ 5 
13    Saatdjian Thomas        2051 FRA 6  39  41  4 
14    Patsia Zviad               0 GEO 6  35½ 38½ 6 
65 players

European Youth Championship Boys-U 14
 1    Zhigalko Sergei         2399 BLR 7  46½ 50½ 6 
 2    Sanikidze Tornike       2250 GEO 7  44  48  5 
 3 FM Carlsen Magnus          2385 NOR 6½ 47½ 51  6 
 4    Andriasyan Zaven        2311 ARM 6½ 47  51½ 5 
 5    Rodshtein Maxim         2344 ISR 6½ 45½ 49½ 4 
 6 FM Nepomniachtchi Ian      2432 RUS 6½ 42  45½ 5 
 7    Chernobay Artem         2261 RUS 6  45  49  4 
 8    Bindrich Falko          2334 GER 6  44  47  5 
 9    Margvelashvili Giorgi   2181 GEO 6  44  46½ 3 
10    Potapov Pavel           2210 RUS 6  41½ 45  4 
11    Olszewski Michal        2227 POL 6  40½ 44  6 
12    Figura Atila Gajo       2111 GER 6  40½ 44  5 
70 players

European Youth Championship Boys-U-16 
 1 IM Balogh Csaba            2463 HUN 7  49  52½ 5 2521 
 2    Mamedov Rauf            2409 AZE 7  48½ 53  5 2504 
 3    Magalashvili Davit      2250 GEO 7  48½ 51½ 6 2539 
 4 FM Romanov Evgeny          2408 RUS 6½ 46  49  4 2446 
 5    Czarnota Pawel          2353 POL 6  47½ 51½ 5 2398 
      Kaplan Sasha            2208 ISR 6  47½ 51½ 5 2429 
 7    Ponkratov Pavel         2296 RUS 6  43½ 45½ 4 2419 
 8    Valeanu Eduard          2222 ROM 6  43  46½ 5 2391 
 9 FM Kuzmicz Krystian        2312 POL 5½ 44½ 48  5 2246 
10 FM Moranda Wojciech        2356 POL 5½ 44½ 47  5 2233 
11    Zinchenko Yaroslav      2322 UKR 5½ 44½ 47  4 2274 
12    Ragger Markus           2347 AUT 5½ 41½ 44  4 2214 
13 FM Papin Vasily            2374 RUS 5½ 40  44  5 2259 
14    Miron Lucian-Costin     2175 ROM 5½ 39½ 39½ 4 2248 
15 FM Lenic Luka              2386 SLO 5½ 38½ 41½ 4 2198 
16    Eisenbeiser Amadeus     2233 GER 5½ 36½ 39  4 2097 
54 players

European Youth Championship Boys U-18
 1 IM Bartel Mateusz          2453 POL 8½ 44½ 48½ 8 2817 
 2    Wojtaszek Radoslaw      2462 POL 7  45½ 50  6 2604 
 3 IM Kharitonov Alexandr     2437 RUS 6½ 42  46  6 2460 
 4    Pakleza Zbigniew        2340 POL 6½ 41½ 44  5 2444 
 5 IM Grachev Boris           2500 RUS 6  45½ 49½ 5 2522 
 6 IM Smeets Jan              2477 NED 6  41½ 45  5 2404 
 7    Meszaros Tamas          2307 HUN 6  34½ 36½ 5 2416 
 8    Jakymov Volodymyr       2363 UKR 5½ 49  53½ 4 2482 
 9    Esen Baris              2217 TUR 5½ 41½ 44  5 2450 
10 FM Laznicka Viktor         2446 CZE 5½ 40  43½ 3 2408 
11    Gerzhoy Leonid          2410 ISR 5½ 37½ 41½ 4 2300 
12    Karakehajov Kalin       2331 BUL 5½ 36½ 38½ 3 2375 
13 IM Zhigalko Andrey         2466 BLR 5  48  52  4 2437 
14 FM Gasthofer Alexander     2412 GER 5  42½ 45  4 2357 
15 FM Barnaure Vlad-Victor    2317 ROM 5  42  44½ 4 2346 
16    L'Ami Erwin             2439 NED 5  40½ 44½ 4 2403 
17    Seifert Volker          2371 GER 5  40½ 43  3 2307 
18    Tallaksen Geir S        2285 NOR 5  40  43  2 2364 
19    Cornette Matthieu       2366 FRA 5  39½ 42½ 4 2291 
20    Krivokapic Marko        2312 YUG 5  39½ 42½ 2 2273 
21 FM Manescu Tiberiu         2354 ROM 5  38½ 42  4 2266 
22    Tronenkovs Valdis       2218 LAT 5  38  41  2 2277 
23 FM Borisek Jure            2443 SLO 5  37  39½ 3 2327 
24 FM Miljkovic Miroslav      2414 YUG 5  36½ 40  3 2291 
25 IM Murariu Andrei          2389 ROM 5  36  39½ 4 2235 
53 players

European Youth Championship Girls U-10
 1    Paikidze Nazi                GEO 8  48½ 52½ 7 
 2    Kashlinskaya Alina           RUS 7  46  48½ 7 
 3    Olsarova Karolina            CZE 6½ 48  51  5 
 4    Mammadbayova Farida          AZE 6½ 46  50  6 
 5    Bulmaga Irina                MDA 6½ 45  49  6 
 6    Foisor Veronica              ROM 6  48½ 51  4 
 7    Butuc Maria                  MDA 6  44½ 48  5 
 8    Sokolova Vera                RUS 6  43½ 47½ 4 
 9    Ostrowska Dominika           POL 6  43  47½ 6 
10    Efremova Daria               RUS 6  40  42  5 
48 players
European Youth Championship Girls U-12
 1     Bodnaruk Anastasia     2071 RUS 9  48  49½ 9 
 2 WFM Tairova Alena          2206 RUS 7  50½ 55½ 7 
 3 WFM Guramishvili Sopiko    2113 GEO 7  47½ 50½ 7 
 4     Skinke Katrina            0 LAT 6½ 48  52½ 6 
 5 WFM Stock Lara             2075 CRO 6  49½ 53½ 6 
 6     Ozturk Kubra           1959 TUR 6  47  50½ 6 
 7     Askarova Turan            0 AZE 6  41½ 44½ 6 
 8     Muzychuk Mariya        2150 UKR 5½ 46  50½ 5 
 9     Korniyuk Mariya           0 UKR 5½ 43  47  5 
10     Warakomska Anna           0 POL 5½ 41  45  5 
11     Repina Varvara            0 RUS 5½ 39½ 42½ 4 
12     Eric Jovana               0 SCG 5½ 39  42  5 
46 players

European Youth Championship Girls U-14
 1 WIM Muzychuk Anna          2293 UKR 7½ 48  53  6 
 2     Mikadze Miranda        2007 GEO 7  46  50  6 
 3     Foisor Sabina          2074 ROM 6½ 45  48½ 5 
 4 WFM Gunina Valentina       2260 RUS 6½ 44  47½ 5 
 5 WFM Ambartsumova Karina    2124 RUS 6½ 42½ 45½ 5 
 6     Mamedyarova Turkan     2245 AZE 6½ 42  45  6 
 7     Traistaru Teodora      2125 ROM 6  46  50½ 4 
 8 WFM Tarasova Viktoriya     2144 RUS 6  45  49  5 
 9     Leks Hanna             2039 POL 6  41  44  5 
10     Kruljac Petra          1861 CRO 6  40½ 43½ 4 
11     Daulyte Deimante          0 LTU 6  39  40½ 5 
57 players

European Youth Championship Girls U-16
 1     Fominykh Maria         2237 RUS 7½ 47  51  6 2438 
 2     Purtseladze Maka       2217 GEO 7  45½ 49½ 6 2385 
 3 WFM Czarnota Dorota        2216 POL 6½ 45½ 48½ 6 2292 
 4     Malysheva Polina       2157 RUS 6½ 40½ 42½ 6 2250 
 5     Borosova Zuzana        2056 SVK 6½ 38½ 42  6 2234 
 6 WFM Kirillova Varvara      2117 RUS 6  43½ 47  5 2269 
 7 WFM Gilbert Jessie         2109 ENG 6  43½ 47  3 2279 
 8     Zawadzka Jolanta       2275 POL 6  42  45½ 4 2188 
 9     Majdan Joanna          2170 POL 6  41½ 45  6 2204 
10     Cherenkova Khristina   2173 RUS 5½ 45½ 49½ 4 2184 
11 WFM Rozic Vesna            2138 SLO 5½ 44  47½ 4 2146 
12     Kovanova Baira         2183 RUS 5½ 42½ 44½ 3 2061 
13     Kozak Magdalena        2055 POL 5½ 35  37  5 2128 
14     Padurariu Smaranda     2101 ROM 5½ 33½ 34½ 5 2079 
48 players

European Youth Championship Girls U-18
 1 WIM Pogonina Natalija      2340 RUS 7½ 46½ 50½ 6 2476 
 2 WIM Kursova Maria          2264 RUS 7½ 45  48½ 7 2498 
 3 WIM Hasanova Elmira        2214 RUS 7  45½ 46½ 6 2437 
 4 WGM Korbut Ekaterina       2317 RUS 6½ 49  52  6 2387 
 5 WFM Worek Joanna           2241 POL 6  41  44½ 6 2288 
 6 WIM Vozovic Oksana         2363 UKR 5½ 47  51  3 2288 
 7 WFM Motoc Alina            2387 ROM 5½ 42½ 46½ 4 2249 
 8 WIM Kadziolka Beata        2255 POL 5½ 42  46  4 2228 
 9     Gutsko Anastasia       2184 UKR 5½ 41½ 44½ 5 2242 
10     Gregorova Zuzana       2198 SVK 5½ 38  41½ 5 2183 
11     Papadopoulou Vera      2211 GRE 5  43  47  3 2181 
12 WFM Ciobanu Camelia        2251 ROM 5  41½ 45½ 3 2162 
13 WFM Mijovic Aleksandra     2089 YUG 5  41  44  4 2187 
14 WFM Bronnikova Elizaveta   2271 RUS 5  41  42  4 2148 
15     Andriasyan Siranush    2160 ARM 5  39½ 42½ 5 2135 
16 WFM Vasic Milena           2179 YUG 5  39  42½ 3 2148 
17     Belko Irina            2019 BLR 5  38½ 41½ 2 2095 
18 WFM Meshcheriakova Evgenia 2257 RUS 5  36  40  4 2088 
19     Svent Suzana           1960 SLO 5  36  39½ 4 2159 
20     Bednikova Stefi        2171 BUL 5  34  37  3 2024 
43 players

12) 63rd Armenian Championships

The 63rd Armenian Championships took place Yerevan (ARM), 15th-25th September 2003. Gabriel Sargissian won a playoff against Arman Pashikian after both finished on 6.5/9. Games should follow. My thanks to Gagik Khanamiryan for the information.

CXIII Armenian Championships Yerevan (ARM), 15-25.IX.2003 cat. X (2476)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Sargissian, Gabriel     g ARM 2600  * = = 1 = = = 1 1 1  6.5   
 2. Pashikian, Arman          ARM 2366  = * 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1  6.5  
 3. Asrian, Karen           g ARM 2601  = 1 * 0 1 0 1 = 1 1  6.0  
 4. Anastasian, Ashot       g ARM 2593  0 0 1 * = = 1 = 1 1  5.5   
 5. Minasian, Artashes      g ARM 2571  = 1 0 = * 0 1 = 1 1  5.5   
 6. Yegiazarian, Arsen      g ARM 2524  = 0 1 = 1 * = 1 0 0  4.5   
 7. Petrosian, Tigran L       ARM 2444  = 0 0 0 0 = * 1 1 1  4.0   
 8. Galstian, Beniamin        ARM 2271  0 0 = = = 0 0 * 1 1  3.5   
 9. Haruriunyan, Gevorg       ARM 2380  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 1  2.0  
10. Mkrtchian, Lilit (im)  wg ARM 2413  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 *  1.0  

Play-off for 1st  place (25 mins + 10 seconds), Yerevan (ARM),

Sargissian, Gabriel - Pashikian, Arman   1-0  1/2-1/2

13) Hungarian Women's Championships

The Hungarian Women's Championships. I have few details. The scores after possibly the final round are below. I'm interested in the games and final scores.

Some details:

 1. Dembo Yelena       7,5
 2. dr. Medvegy Nóra   7 
 3. Vajda Szidónia     5,5
 4. Gara Anita         5
 5. Gara Tícia         4,5 
 6. Lakos Nikoletta    4,5
 7. Göczo Melinda      4,5
 8. Ignácz Mária       3
 9.Tóth Lili           2
10. Rudolf Anna       1,5

14) 3rd European Senior Championship

The 3rd European Senior Championships took place in Saint-Vincent (Italy) September 17th-25th 2003 149 players, 8 GMs. Congratulations to regular TWIC contributer Sinisa Joksic for taking first with 7.5/9.

Internet coverage:

3rd ch-Euro Senior Saint Vincent ITA (ITA), 17-25 ix 2003
 1. Joksic, Sinisa          m  YUG 2253  7.5
 2. Murey, Jacob            g  ISR 2459  7   (44)
 3. Taimanov, Mark E        g  RUS 2407  7   (40.5)
 4. Klundt, Klaus           m  GER 2359  7   (39)
 5. Tatai, Stefano          m  ITA 2343  6.5 (42.5)
 6. Hecht, Hans-Joachim     g  GER 2404  6.5 (41.5)
 7. Klovans, Janis          g  LAT 2480  6.5 (41)
 8. Tseitlin, Mark D        g  ISR 2456  6.5 (40.5)
 9. Chernikov, Oleg L       g  RUS 2455  6.5 (39.5)
10. Ljubarskij, Jurij          GER 2307  6.5 (39.5)
11. Bukal, Vladimir         m  CRO 2408  6.5 (38)
12. Jakobsen, Ole           m  DEN 2381  6.5 (38)
13. Rahls, Peter            f  GER 2300  6.5 (38)
14. Petkevich, Jusefs       g  LAT 2442  6.5 (37.5)
15. Blaustein, Boris           ISR 2120  6.5 (36)
149 players

15) Professional World Chess Ranking

The Professional World Chess Ranking for players rated 2500 and higher for October 1st 2003 has been released. Produced by Ken Thomson, San Jose and calculated by Vladimir Dvorkovich, Moscow.

NN Name                    Birthday    NAT Rat  Var
 1 Kasparov,Garry          13.04.1963  RUS 2784 130
 2 Kramnik,Vladimir        25.06.1975  RUS 2730 131
 3 Anand,Viswanathan       11.12.1969  IND 2712 166
 4 Shirov,Alexei           04.07.1972  ESP 2702 164
 5 Topalov,Veselin         15.03.1975  BUL 2699 172
 6 Svidler,Peter           17.06.1976  RUS 2691 130
 7 Bareev,Evgeny           21.11.1966  RUS 2686 194
 8 Polgar,Judit            23.07.1976  HUN 2680 159
 9 Grischuk,Alexander      31.10.1983  RUS 2676 152
10 Leko,Peter              08.09.1979  HUN 2671 166
11 Ponomariov,Ruslan       11.10.1983  UKR 2667 168
12 Malakhov,Vladimir       27.11.1980  RUS 2662 168
13 Azmaiparashvili,Zurab   16.03.1960  GEO 2661 152
14 Morozevich,Alexander    18.07.1977  RUS 2659 195
15 Adams,Michael           17.11.1971  ENG 2653 136
16 Ivanchuk,Vassily        18.03.1969  UKR 2650 125
17 Gelfand,Boris           24.06.1968  ISR 2646 148
18 Short,Nigel D           01.06.1965  ENG 2639 152
19 Graf-Nenashev,Alexander 25.08.1962  GER 2636 152
20 Karpov,Anatoli          23.05.1951  RUS 2633 136
21 Sokolov,Ivan            13.06.1968  NED 2631 141
22 Ye Jiangchuan           20.11.1960  CHN 2627 162
23 Bologan,Viorel          14.12.1971  MDA 2625 185
24 Dreev,Alexey            30.01.1969  RUS 2624 159
25 Sasikiran,Krishnan      07.01.1981  IND 2621 163
26 Vallejo Pons,Francisco  21.08.1982  ESP 2618 150
27 Khalifman,Alexander     18.01.1966  RUS 2616 140
28 Nisipeanu,Liviu-Dieter  01.08.1976  ROM 2615 132
29 McShane,Luke James      07.01.1984  ENG 2615 170
30 Kasimdzhanov,Rustam     05.12.1979  UZB 2614 164
31 Akopian,Vladimir        07.12.1971  ARM 2612 166
32 Sakaev,Konstantin       13.04.1974  RUS 2611 142
33 Van Wely,Loek           07.10.1972  NED 2610 176
34 Radjabov,Teimour        12.03.1987  AZE 2609 170
35 Lautier,Joel            12.04.1973  FRA 2605 138
36 Aronian,Levon           06.10.1982  ARM 2604 178
37 Aleksandrov,Aleksej     11.05.1973  BLR 2603 148
38 Georgiev,Kiril          28.11.1965  BUL 2602 158
39 Bacrot,Etienne          22.01.1983  FRA 2599 153
40 Fressinet,Laurent       01.11.1981  FRA 2599 169
41 Gurevich,Mikhail        22.02.1959  BEL 2599 171
42 Goldin,Alexander        27.02.1965  ISR 2597 165
43 Sutovsky,Emil           19.09.1977  ISR 2597 183
44 Nikolic,Predrag         11.09.1960  BIH 2594 140
45 Kobalia,Mikhael         03.05.1978  RUS 2594 173
46 Onischuk,Alexander      03.09.1975  USA 2593 196
47 Mamedyarov,Shakhriyar   12.04.1985  AZE 2592 157
48 Zvjaginsev,Vadim        18.08.1976  RUS 2591 146
49 Rublevsky,Sergei        15.10.1974  RUS 2590 162
50 Movsesian,Sergei        03.11.1978  SVK 2589 159

16) Forthcoming Events and Links

European Team Championships

Plovdiv in Bulgaria hosts the European team championship October 10th-21st 2003. 37 men's and 30 women's teams have confirmed their participation. Bareev, Svidler, Grischuk, Morozevich and Khalifman are in the Russian team. Shirov plays for Spain, Gelfand for Israel, Topalov for Bulgaria, Van Wely for the Netherlands and Ponomariov for the Ukraine are all listed too.

Official site:

II Benidorm International Chess Festival

The II Benidorm International Chess Festival takes place 21st-29th November 2003.

The event will include a part 27th-29th November 2003 with starts including: Viswanathan Anand IND 2774 g Veselin Topalov BUL 2735 g Judith Polgar HUN 2718 g Francisco Vallejo ESP 2699 g Anatoli Karpov RUS 2688 g Teimour Radjabov AZE 2648 g Sergey Karjakin UKR 2527 g etc

Further details:

7th Itau Cup

The 7th Itaú Cup takes place 27th September - 5th October 2003.

Further details: and

6th Tanta Open

6th TANTA OPEN 2003 -This year the 6th Tanta festival will be held 7th – 17th DEC . at Tanta City about 90 Km. from Cairo, Egypt. -The event will be a Swiss Sytem – 9 Rounds, two sections: -New Fide Time Control ( 90 Min for all game and 30 Sec. Added for every move) - play starts at 5 p.m. daily from 7 to 16 DEC. , Rest Day 12 DEC., Arrival 6 DEC. , 1st Round 7 DEC. , last Round 16 DEC. , Closing Ceremony 17 DEC. 4 p.m. then departure. A) closed section : (40 players) (5G.M. + 25 I.M.+ 10 egyptian players ,the highest ratings) Prizes in L.E (Egyptian Pounds) 1st till 9th (5000 - 4500 - 3750 - 3000 - 2250 - 1500 - 1500 - 1250 -1250 ( 1US$ ~ 6.5 L.E) B) open section : Open for all players. - Prizes in L.E ( Egyptian Pounds) 1st till 15th (1000 - 900 - 800 - 700 - 600 -500 - 400 - 300 - 300 - 200 - 200 - 200 - 150 - 150 - 150 ) -Prizes are distributed according to Hort system (between the number of players corresponding to number of advertised prizes ) -Players who wants to participate will pay (25)US$ daily for full accommodation in Doubl Bedroom or (30) US$ for single Room 4 Star Hotel – (20) US$ daily for Double Bedroom or (25) US$ for Single Room 3 Star Hotel That included : Free transportation inside Egypt , including from and to Airport; Free Tourist tour; Free entry fee ; Daily Bulletin , and Book of the tournament distributed on Closing Ceremony -Special conditions for limited no. of GMs and IMs. ( Organizers asks for only one invited player from each country) Last day for registering is 30/11/2003. Contact: E-Mail and Hassan Khaled - General Director - Egyptian Chess Federation Phone +20-2-3378987 and Mobile:+20-10-5003063 Egyptian Chess Federation : Phone and Fax : +20-2-2604285

Cairnhill Chess Festival 2003

The Cairnhill Chess Festival 2003 will take place from 6th-21st of December 2003 in Singapore. This year's events include the 21st Cairnhill International Open Chess Championship ?The Cairnhill?s Cup? as well as other side events such as Blitz, Rapid and Closed tournaments.

Complete details will be announced in due course.

7th email Afro-Asian championship

7th email Afro-Asian championship. The preliminaries of this competition will start on 15.01.2004 , all players from Africa and Asia who wish to participate, should send their application to M. Samraoui email address : before 30.11.2003 . Like the previous editions there is two stages, preliminaries and a final with qualified players. The number of sections will depend upon entries. No entry fees required.

Corus Wijk aan Zee

The Corus Chess Tournament in Wijk aan Zee takes place 9th-25th January 2004. There is yet again a tremendous field for the Category 19 A Group.

Players: Kramnik 2785 2 Anand 2774 3 Leko 2739 4 Shirov 2732 7 Svidler 2723 8 Bareev 2721 9 Adams 2719 10 Akopian 2703 14 Sokolov 2693 20 Morozevich 2679 23 van Wely 2661 31 Zhang Zhong 2658 33 Bologan 2650 42 Timman 2575.

Garry Kasparov was invited but his manager said the event doesn't fit into his schedule.

Further details:

Mystery Consultation Match

There is a mystery consultation match with two teams of three players being held by the NAO Chess Club. White is a team captained by Igor Nataf (average ELO 2601) Black a team captained by the club sponsor Mme Nahed Ojjeh (average ELO 2681). There is a weeks break during the European Club Cup.

Internet coverage:

2 tournaments in Israel in October

2 tournaments in Israel in October:

12th-17th October- Open Israeli Championship 1st prize-4000$

19th-28th October 2 round robin tournaments with GM and IM norm opportunities.

Conditions for international players with FIDE ratings. Contact: e-mail to

Links: and

First Saturday October

First Saturday October tournaments take place 4th-17th October 2003. Players can still contact the organiser Laszlo Nagy if they wish to play. Contact Nagy Laszlo e-mail: phone-fax: 00-(361)-2632859 mobile: 00-(36)-30-2301914

GM cat.VII-VIII 10-14 participants

IGM ANKA, Emil (HUN), IGM KOSANOVIC, Goran (YUG), IGM CZEBE, Attila (HUN), IM BUI, Vinh (VIE, 2469), FM NGUYEN, Ngoc Truong Son (VIE,2435), IM SHNEIDER, Dmitry (USA), IM SZEBERÉNYI, Ádám (HUN), IM BALOGH, Csaba (HUN), IM HORVÁTH, Péter (HUN), IM JAKAB, Attila (HUN), IM TAYLOR, Tim (USA, 2401), IM ANTAL, Gergely (HUN, 2473). Reserve: IGM ILINCIC, Zlatko (YUG), IGM CHATALBASHEV, Boris (BUL).



There are also FM events.

Cap D'agde

The Cap D'agde tournament takes place 23rd-30th October 2003.


Two Czech Tournaments

1) Friendship chess tournament (11.-19.11.2003, Cartak - Czech Rep.) A - round-robin grandmaster tournament with possible fulfilling IGM and IM norms B - round-robin master tournament with possible fulfilling IM norms C - FIDE open of youth (born 1985 and younger) Other info -

2) OPEN LILIE LITOMYSL 2003 (26.12.2003-1.1.2004, Litomysl - Czech Rep.) 5th christmas chess tournament, FIDE open 9 rounds, rate 2 x 1,5h + 30s/move, prize fund 60.000 CZK (1st prize 20.000 CZK - cca. 650 EUR). Other info -

III Salou Tournament

The III Salou Tournament takes place 7th-18th October 2003. Confirmed players: GM Kogan GM Korneev GM Movsisian GM Oratovsky GM Tyomkin IM Thal.


European Club Cup

The chess champions league in Crete The European Club Cup Men & Women takes place in the CRETA STAR HOTEL 27th September-5th October 2003.

More than 400 chess players, the best in the world, will come to Crete in order to claim the Champions League Title of Men and the Women. 7 round Swiss there will be teams of 6 for the men and the right to use two substitutes, and the teams of women will use 4 players.

Garry Kasparov will play for Ladia-Kazan (other players Sergei Rublevsky (2672), Ilia Smirin (2656), Viktor Bologan (2650) and Alisa Galliamova (2502)) in the event.

The French NAO Chess Club of Paris is also fielding an exceptionally strong team, comprising of Alexander Grischuk (2732), Peter Svidler (2723), Michael Adams (2719), Joel Lautler (2677), Vallejo Pons Francisco (2662), Etienne Bacrot (2645), Laurent Fressinet (2640) and Igor-Alexandre Nataf (2549).

Internet site:

Team lists:

Kasparov visit to the London Chess Center

Garry Kasparov will be at the London Chess Centre on the 21st October 2003 to promote his highly successful book series 'Garry Kasparov on My Great Predecessors'. Volume One sold out and has been reprinted now. Kasparov will sign your copy of the book, which can be bought on the day in the store, or online at

Further details:

Kasparov vs Azmaiparashvili Rapid and Blitz Match

Garry Kasparov takes on Zurab Azmaiparashvili in a 4 rapid game and four blitz game match in Crete 23th-24th September 2003.

Official site:

4NCL Fixtures

The 4NCL starts on 18th October 2003. Fixtures are now out.


4th Liberec Open

4th International Chess Tournament Open Liberec 2003 takes place 25th October - 1st November 2003 in the town of Liberec (Jizerske mountains in the Czech Republic). This tournament is a part of the Czech Tour 2003-2004.

Further details:

Vilnius European GP

The Vilnius Championships a European Grand Prix event takes place September 27th - October 4th 2003.

Details: and details of the GP standings at:

3rd Bangkok Open

The 3rd Bangkok Open is a FIDE rated tournament in Pattaya Resort Town (1-2 hours from Bangkok) October 22nd - 26th 2003. Due to the size of the venue there are only 150 max number of players allowed. 121 have registered so far.


Hungarian Tournaments October 2003 - January 2004

Hungarian chess tournaments, Oct-Nov-Dec-Jan 2003-2004:

1. "FIRST SATURDAY", GM-IM-FM closed, Budapest, 4th-17th of October, org: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail: Website:

2. IM-closed, Kecskemet, 18th-28th of October, /100 km East from Budapest/, org. dr.Erdelyi Tamas, e-mail:

3. "FIRST SATURDAY", FS-GM-IM closed, Budapest, 1st-13th of November, org. NL.

4. PAKS GM-IM closed, 100 km South from Budapest, 19th-29th of November, org: IM Videki, his e-mail:

5. "TENKES CUP", 9 rounds Swiss Open, 21st-29th of November, Harkany /250 km West from Budapest/, org: Fulop Csaba, his e-mail,

6. "FIRST SATURDAY", FS-GM-IM closed, Budapest, 6th-19th of December, org. NL.

7. TAPOLCA Open 9 rounds Swiss, 9th-17th of January, Budapest, org.: Parej Jozsef, More info:

1st Samba Cup

The Skanderborg Chess Club is organising a new GM tournament in Denmark. The field for 1st Samba Cup is now complete, and it will be Denmark's first cat. 16 tournament ever. Amongst players are many of this year's tournament winners. The final line-up is Vassily Ivanchuk UKR, Nigel Short ENG, Victor Bologan MDA, Rustam Kasimdzhanov UZB, Julio Granda Zuniga PER, Peter Heine Nielsen DEN, Curt Hansen DEN, Evgeny Alekseev RUS, Darmen Sadvakasov KAZ and Davor Palo DEN. ELO average is 2634.

Dates of play: October 10th-20th 2003. Venue: Hotel Skanderborghus in Skanderborg, Denmark.

Internet coverage:

Jamaican Championships

The Jamaican Championships take place August 2nd - September 7th 2003.

Internet coverage: and

12th International Raiffeisen Donau Open

12th International Raiffeisen DONAU OPEN 2003 26th-31st December 2003 Place: Aschacher Veranstaltungszentrum Bahnhofstrasse 6 A- 4082 Aschach an der Donau AUSTRIA Turnaments A - FIDE Open open to all B - Turnier Elo under 2000 C - Turnier Elo under 1600 7 rounds - Swiss system - FIDE rated time: 40 moves/2 hours, then 1 hour for the rest Information Günter Mitterhuemer Seebach 19, A-4070 Eferding Tel.: 0 72 72 / 43 98 , Fax 0 72 73 / 63 36 15 E-mail:

J.F. Kjolbro 2003

2nd Klaksvik International The 2nd Klaksvik International will take place from 7th -11th October 2003. It will be a 10 players Round Robin Tournament. The players are IM Kim Pilgaard DEN, IM Klaus Berg DEN, IM Johan Eriksson SWE, GM Colin McNab SCO, FM Flovin Tor Naes FAI, IM Saevar Bjarnason ISL, FM Heini Olsen FAI, Olavur Simonsen FAI, Martin Poulsen FAI and Eydun Nolsoe FAI. Average of the players' rating about 2325. The time control is 90'+30"/every move. Four prizes DKK 6000, DKK 2500, DKK 1200 and DKK 800. Special prize DKK 2000 to every player from The Faroe Islands who obtains an IM-norm.

Live broadcast from the tournament at where you also find further details.

13th World Championship for Seniors 2003

13th World Championship for Seniors 2003 takes place in Bad Zwischenahn (Germany) November 16th-29th 2003.

11 rounds Swiss system, 2h /40 moves , than 1h rest prizefund: 12.000 Euro entry-fee 120 Euro The winner get the fide-title of grandmaster.

Information and applications: Jürgen Wempe Herbartstr. 7 26160 Bad Zwischenahn

Futher details:

Kasparov vs. Fritz X3D match

Official announcement of the dates and details of when Kasparov will take on an X3D version of Fritz in a match in New York 11th-18th November 2003. (Link) Kasparov drew with Deep Junior in January. The site will again be promoting the event. Kasparov has played high profile matches against Karpov and Junior for the company before.

ESPN will have 17.5 hours of coverage of the match.

Kasparov Chess Academy Schools Tournament

The Kasparov Chess Academy is organising the 3rd Open Russian School Chess Team Championship.The next tournament is planned to begin in the period October - November 2003 with the finals in January of 2004.

All teams broken into Elementary (up to 12), Junior High, (Up to 18) categories. Entitled to participation are chess players who shall not have reached the age of 12 and 18 by January 1st of 2004 - 4 Member Teams / 4 Alternatives, 1 coach - Game / 20 min.+12sec/move Time Control.

Entry is free - Total prize fund about 100.000 roubles.

The Academy provides all the teams (4 chess players and 1 coach), qualified for the finals, with full board and lodging as well as 3000 roubles to refund traveling expenses.

Further details Contact Yuri Zelenkov E-mail, Telephone 007- 095 245-3510.

VII Paks Cup

VII. Paks Cup Hungary, 19-29 Nov 2003 GM Tournament (11 rounds) &IM, FM Tournaments (9-11 rounds, 19-27 Nov 2003) Inscription and Information: Vid‚ki S ndor Paks, Fenyves Str. 13/7. H-7030Tel.: 0036-75-421225 Mobile: 0036-30-4012866 E-mail:

Australian Championships Playoff

The play-off for the Australian Championships Title between GM Darryl Johansen and Nick Speck will be held at the Gardiner Chess Centre, Gold Coast, Queensland from Tuesday to Friday 23-26 September. Games will commence at 6pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (9am London, 4am New York, 1am Los Angeles) on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and if the result is still live on the Friday, the game will start at 4.30pm AEST, leaving time for a two game rapid play-off later in the evening if still tied.

Games will be relayed live to the internet from the Gardiner Chess webpage:

22nd North American Open

Aug. 29-Sept. 1   22nd North American Open (Oklahoma)  USCF GPP: 40 10SS, 25/80, SD/60. Holiday Inn, 2515 W. Sixth Ave (HWY-51) Stillwater, OK 74074 USA. EF: $60, $30Jrs U19. EF refunded to rating +2300 men, +1700 women who finish tnmt. $$Gtd: $800-$600-$400-$200. Eleven class plaques and $ per entries. Reg: Noon-1:30pm Fri, Rds: 2-7, 9-2-7, 9-2-7, 9-2. 2 byes rds 1-8. Free Parking. HR: $60(1-4) 405-372-0800. Ent: Jim Berry P O Box 351, Stillwater, OK 74076. 405-624-2281. WGMs Goletiani and Zatonskih will play. Email:

II Benidorm Chess Festival

The II Benidorm Chess Festival takes place 21st-29th November 2003.

Includes an event 27th-29th November with Viswanathan Anand IND 2774 g Veselin Topalov BUL 2735 g Judith Polgar HUN 2718 g Francisco Vallejo ESP 2699 g Anatoli Karpov RUS 2688 g Teimour Radjabov AZE 2648 g Sergey Karjakin UKR 2527 g etc

Further Information:

Winterthur Chess Week

The 3rd Winterthur Chess Week takes place in Winterthur (Switzerland) October 3rd-11th 2003. The main event is a 9-round Open with a total prize money of CHF 10750 (EUR 6900, USD 7600). The final two rounds of the Swiss Team Championship will also be played at the same location October 4th and 5th. Other events include a Youth Open (7 rounds October 6th-10th) and two Blitz tournaments.

Further details:

1st Vilnius International

Lithuanian Chess Federation organises the first Vilnius International Chess Championship September 27th - October 4th 2003 in Vilnius.

Further details:

GM Chess at Somerset House

Your Chance to Play a Grandmaster! Every Saturday throughout September, October and November a Grandmaster will be playing blitz against visitors to the Somerset House Art of Chess Exhibition (extended to November 30th). Participating Grandmasters include John Nunn, Danny King, John Emms, Jonathan Levitt and Chris Ward. The event is free, so come along to the Seamens Hall at Somerset House (a fabulous venue by the river Thames near Aldwych and the Strand) any Saturday afternoon between 2 and 5 PM for this fun opportunity to pit your wits against a leading player.

Further information: Email: Tel: 020 7420 9406

Further details:

Winton Capital British Chess Solving Championship Results

The Winton Capital British Chess Solving Championship (WCBCSC) is run annually by the British Chess Problem Society (BCPS). It is sponsored by Winton Capital Management. As well as a cash prize and a trophy, the winner receives a guaranteed place in the British team for the next World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC). Results now available.


British Team results from the World Chess Solving Championship in Moscow. Detailed results:

Indian National B

Indian National "B" tournament is in progress currently at Nagpur. The tournament is a qualifier for the Indian Premier "A" Championship. 12 players will qualify. The event has attracted GM Koneru Humpy and 20 IM/IWMs.

Official site:

Znojmo Open

3rd International Chess Tournament OPEN ZNOJMO 2003 will be held 20th-27th September 2003 in Znojmo (the Czech Republic).

Complete information about above events are also published at

Gausdal Tournaments

The Gausdal Classics II 2003 take place 21st-29th October 2003. There will be 1 GM-group, 1-2 IM groups and 1-2 ELO-groups. Each group will include 12 players playing 11 rounds, giving "triple chances" for title norms as such norms can be based upon round 1-9, 1-10 or 1-11.

Further details

Gausdal Troll Masters 2004 take place 26th January - 3rd February 2004. 10 round Swiss in 9 days. 60-70 players are expected including 12-15 GMs or IMs and only 6-8 without a FIDE-ELO.

Further details:

Organiser and contact for events: IA & IO Hans Olav Lahlum (NOR) -

Ashdod Chess Festival, Israel

The Ashdod Chess Festival (Israel) takes place October 12th-17th 2003. The festival will include the Israeli open championships (9 swiss rounds, prize fund Prize fund: USD15,500 First Prize: USD4000 ), youth tournaments, a simul and many more events.

Further information in Hebrew: and now English:

Jassy - Romania

An 11 round Swiss takes place in Jassy, Romania 1st-10th August 2003. M. Sadoveanu Chess Festival has prizes of 4000 Euros. Organisers V Manole and V Ungureanu. I don't have results and games.

6th Pelikán Memorial

The 6th Memorial of Professor Jaroslav Pelikán (13th International Chess Holiday) takes place in Prague - Czech Republic, 19th-26th July 2003, 26th July - August 2nd 2003 and 2nd-9th August. There are tournaments for strong and weak chessplayers, both men and women of all ages. Closed groups and each one consists of 10 players. Chess + accommodation under the same roof - Tourist Hotel. A rich programme for chessplayers and non-chesplayers too. 7 days hotel/shower+WC, bed and breakfast, chess, souvenir prizes for all chessplayers, sightseeing in Prague, trips, a farewell party - for 245 Eur to 275 Eur. It is possible to order lunch, dinner - every meal 5 Eur. A offer of Theatre Performances. Discounts for children, students, retired and those who have already been to the International Chess Holiday. In groups the tenth person free of charge.

Entries till 30.06. 2003 Info: Jindra Kollerová U Plynárny 15, 140 00 Praha 4 - Michle Czech Republic Tel: + 420 2 41407355 Fax: + 420 2 61210054 E-mail:

24 Hours Blitz Brussels

Anderlecht Chess Club (Brussels-Belgium) have revived after 5 years the 24 Hours Brussels Blitz . It will be held 30th-31st August 2003. The competition is for individual players (no teams) and is approved by the Belgian Chess Federation (Fide Member). Fide rules for Quick Games will be used. Please find attached a competition flyer.

Further details:

Vilnius International Open

The 1st Vilnius International Chess Championship takes place September 27th - October 4th 2003 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Further details:

Essent 2003

The Essent 2003 tournament starts 10th October 2003. Anatoly Karpov, Judit Polgar, Ivan Sokolov and Levon Aronian play.


Singapore Chess Carnival on the internet

There is a huge chess Carnival taking place in Singapore. Last years' event ( had 2100 participants from schools all over Singapore.

This year the event is international with a 7 round blitz (time limit 5+0) qualifier every Thursday (19.00 h MESZ (GMT +2) on Chessbases' chess server The tournaments take place on the server in the room of the Singapore Chess Carnival. The first three of each qualifiers qualify for the final on September 6th 2003.

Further details:

The first prize will be 1000 ducats (100 Euros), a one-year Gold-membership at ( ), plus a one-year membership on the correspondence chess server ( ). The top ten finishers will receive prizes, which will be announced at a later date. Sponsors Chessbase, Chessfriend, and ( ).

Any queries on how to compete in this event contact Junior Tay . The next qualifier is on 24th July 2003 and every subsequent Thursday till the end of August.

Gligoric visits Gothenburg

Zeljko Kartal reports that the chess legend, GM Svetozar Gligoric will visit Gothenburg, Sweden 19th-20th September 2003 in the City Museum of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Timetable: Friday 19 September 12.00 - Simultaneous, The City Museum - Free entry Players: 25

Saturday 20th September 12.00 - 16.00 Tolk, The City Museum - Free entry Gligoric will to talk about his long chess life, books, friendship with Robert Fischer ...

Official site (english):

7th Bayerische Meisterschaft

7th Bayerische Meisterschaft International Open 2003 takes place in Bad Wiessee - Tegernsee 8th-16th November 2003 in the Wandelhalle des Jod- und Schwefelbades.

Further Info: Telefon / Fax: 02323 / 18112 W. Buchholz 44623 Herne Grenzweg 24 oder

Kurt Geiß Tel: +49-(0)8022 / 86060 Fax +49-(0)8022 / 8606-155 E-Mail:

Official site:

7th Corsica Open

The 7th Corsica Open takes place in Bastia 29th October - 2rd November 2003.

Further details:

Massy Computer Tournament

The final results of the French programmer tournament in Massy can be found on the Jester webpage (also a lot of pics): Jester (Stéphane N.B. Nguyen):

More information about Massy 2003 available in French programmers Yahoo group under: French programmers Yahoo group: Replay Zone (FCP Forum, Replay-Zone): CC-Calendar under: Christophe Theron (ChessTiger, Guadeloupe) took the first place.

Live chat with Anand

On June 17 Vishwanathan Anand took part in an on-line chat on Chennaionline.

Read transcript:

Richard Palliser book reviews

All Richard Palliser book reviews have now been archived at:

Los Angeles Open

October 3rd-5th 2003, Los Angeles Open. 5-SS. Los Angeles Airport Radisson, Los Angeles, CA. $10,000 based on 200 players, $5000 guaranteed. Top section FIDE-rated. Details: .

British Rapidplay Chess Championships 2003

British Rapidplay Chess Championships 2003. This years competition has now been provisionally confirmed: 15th/16th November 2003 North Bridge Leisure Centre Halifax West Riding of Yorkshire.

Further details when available:

GACC World Inter Varsity Chess Championship

University of Malaya, Malaysia will organize GACC World Inter Varsity Chess Championship in October 2003, it had received support from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippine, Brunei, China, India, Sri Lanka, Iran, UAE etc in the past 7 years. For detail please visit:

Friends of Hastings International Chess Congress

A new fundraising scheme has been launched by Hastings International Ches s Congress. Hastings Borough Council has generously agreed to continue its support of this important historic event but funding for 2003/04 has been cut from £32,740 last year, to £21,000 with a promise of a further £5,000 if £5,000 match funding can be secured by the Congress. Details available at:

SEA Games Chess Championships 2003

The 22nd SEA Games Chess Championships 2003 takes place 4th-14th December 2003 at the Rex Hotel, Ho Chi Minh City. There will be 2 types of events for men and women. 1 Standard Chess - 90 minutes with increment of 30 seconds per move. 2 Rapid Chess - 25 minutes with increment of 10 seconds per move.

For each type, there will be individual and team events. The men and women shall compete separately.

Further details: E-mail: Website:

World Youth Championships

The World Youth Chess Championships 2003 and the 74th FIDE Congress takes place 24th October - 2nd November 2003 in Halkidiki, Greece.

Internet coverage:

New York Masters

Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.

Further details: