THE WEEK IN CHESS 394 27th May 2002 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Sarajevo International
3) Julian Borowski Tournament
4) FIDE Moscow Grand Prix
5) More Prague
6) Russian Team Championships
7) NAO Chess Club 2nd IM tournament
8) Vedior Trophy
9) Lithuanian Championships
10) Tanta Open
11) Final Coupe de France
12) Czech Championships in Ostrava
13) 3rd European Individual Women's Championships
14) Koneru Close to Record
15) Andbanc Blitz
16) V Vila Real de Santo Antonio
17) Turkish Junior Championships
18) Open du Parc Paris
19) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Sarajevo International          30 games
Julian Borowski Tournament      21 games
NAO Chess Club tournament       10 games
Vedior Trophy                   42 games
Lithuanian Championships        66 games
Tanta Open                     220 games
Final Coupe de France            4 games
Czech Championships in Ostrava  66 games
Ostrava Open                   277 games
Andbanc Blitz                   14 games
V Vila Real de Santo Antonio    35 games
Turkish Junior Championships    66 games
Open du Parc Paris               3 games
836 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Aard Daanen, Laszlo Nagy, Vladimir Talla, Eugeny Atarov, David Llada, Hassan Khaled, Aydin Saray, Yasser Seirawan, Shamsul Arefin Shaikh, Lanfranco Bombelli and all those who helped with this issue.

The Julian Borowski saw Vadim Zvjaginsev score a fantastic result which should propel him up the rankings and hopefully more invitations. This week will see the conclusion of the Sarajevo International and the start of the FIDE Moscow Grand Prix. The main story is the participation of Kasparov, the first product of the agreement in Prague. Yasser Seirawan gives his personal account of the Prague negotiations. Its clear the key power brokers regarded Kasparov's participation as essential to make it work, hence Kasparov in spite of losing his title to Kramnik ended up level in status with the two champions Ponomariov and Kramnik. The unification of the title is essential for chess to even think about halting the decline of publicity in recent years, I don't like the details but if it were to fall apart now it would be a disaster. Half the top 20 players in the World have signed a letter about certain aspects of the deal. If these and more top 20 players can come to an agreement as to what is in their best interests and speak with a single voice then they have a chance to be heard.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Sarajevo International

The 32nd traditional Bosnian tournament takes place in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina 21st-31st May 2002. The event is Category 16 (2628).

Daily Internet coverage by the Sah BIH Portal

Round 1 (May 22, 2002)

Movsesian, Sergei  -  Smirin, Ilia       1-0   39  B35  Sicilian Defence
Georgiev, Kiril    -  Radjabov, Teimour  1/2   58  E63  King's Indian 6...Nc6
Dizdarevic, Emir   -  Dreev, Alexey      1/2   24  A11  Reti Opening
Kozul, Zdenko      -  Shirov, Alexei     1/2   26  D27  QGA
Kurajica, Bojan    -  Sokolov, Ivan      0-1   31  C44  Scotch Gambit

Round 2 (May 23, 2002)

Smirin, Ilia       -  Radjabov, Teimour  1/2   92  C05  French Tarrasch
Movsesian, Sergei  -  Kozul, Zdenko      1-0   39  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Shirov, Alexei     -  Kurajica, Bojan    1-0   34  B28  Sicilian Early a7-a6
Sokolov, Ivan      -  Dizdarevic, Emir   1-0   42  A41  Modern Defence
Dreev, Alexey      -  Georgiev, Kiril    1/2   20  D37  QGD 5.Bf4

Round 3 (May 24, 2002)

Georgiev, Kiril    -  Sokolov, Ivan      1/2   45  D11  Slav Defence
Radjabov, Teimour  -  Dreev, Alexey      1/2   28  D48  Queens Gambit Meran
Dizdarevic, Emir   -  Shirov, Alexei     1/2   41  A07  Barcza System
Kozul, Zdenko      -  Smirin, Ilia       0-1   63  D90  Gruenfeld Flohr
Kurajica, Bojan    -  Movsesian, Sergei  0-1   32  A11  Reti Opening

Round 4 (May 25, 2002)

Smirin, Ilia       -  Dreev, Alexey      1/2   17  C42  Petroff's Defence
Movsesian, Sergei  -  Dizdarevic, Emir   1/2   60  C41  Philidor's Defence
Shirov, Alexei     -  Georgiev, Kiril    1/2   20  C67  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Sokolov, Ivan      -  Radjabov, Teimour  1-0   49  E61  King's Indian Defence
Kozul, Zdenko      -  Kurajica, Bojan    0-1   52  E11  Bogo Indian Defence

Round 5 (May 26, 2002)

Georgiev, Kiril    -  Movsesian, Sergei  1-0   48  D11  Slav Defence
Dreev, Alexey      -  Sokolov, Ivan      1-0   63  D51  Queens Gambit Cambridge Springs
Radjabov, Teimour  -  Shirov, Alexei     1/2   31  D97  Gruenfeld Russian
Dizdarevic, Emir   -  Kozul, Zdenko      0-1   35  A25  English Sicilian Attack
Kurajica, Bojan    -  Smirin, Ilia       0-1   50  A26  English Sicilian Attack

Round 6 (May 27, 2002)

Smirin, Ilia       -  Sokolov, Ivan      1-0   69  C99  Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Movsesian, Sergei  -  Radjabov, Teimour  1/2   26  C02  French Advance
Shirov, Alexei     -  Dreev, Alexey      1-0   39  D48  Queens Gambit Meran
Kozul, Zdenko      -  Georgiev, Kiril    1/2   54  E05  Catalan
Kurajica, Bojan    -  Dizdarevic, Emir   1/2   13  D13  Slav Exchange

Bosnia GM Sarajevo BIH (BIH), 22-30 v 2002      cat. XVI (2628)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Smirin, Ilia       g ISR 2685 * 0 . . 1 = = . 1 1  4.0  2743
 2 Movsesian, Sergei  g CZE 2624 1 * . 0 . . = = 1 1  4.0  2729
 3 Shirov, Alexei     g ESP 2704 . . * = . 1 = = = 1  4.0  2727
 4 Georgiev, Kiril    g BUL 2654 . 1 = * = = = . = .  3.5  2699
 5 Sokolov, Ivan      g BIH 2647 0 . . = * 0 1 1 . 1  3.5  2674
 6 Dreev, Alexey      g RUS 2677 = . 0 = 1 * = = . .  3.0  2637
 7 Radjabov, Teimour  g AZE 2610 = = = = 0 = * . . .  2.5  2608
 8 Dizdarevic, Emir   g BIH 2526 . = = . 0 = . * 0 =  2.0  2508
 9 Kozul, Zdenko      g CRO 2595 0 0 = = . . . 1 * 0  2.0  2499
10 Kurajica, Bojan    g BIH 2555 0 0 0 . 0 . . = 1 *  1.5  2437

3) Julian Borowski Tournament

The Category 16 Julian Borowski tournament took place in Essen 16th-25th May 2002. The event was won by Vadim Zvjaginsev who scored a 2900+ performance in scoring 7.5/9 and taking clear first. Peter Leko came second with one of his best results in some time, 7/9 would have been enough to win most events. Victor Korchnoi had a lively tournament drawing only one game, a draw he agreed in a winning position!

Internet coverage:

Round 6 (May 22, 2002)

Zvjaginsev, Vadim     -  Lutz, Christopher     1/2   31  D32  Tarrasch Defence
Leko, Peter           -  Krasenkow, Michal     1-0   41  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Fridman, Daniel       -  Jussupow, Artur       1/2   25  E08  Catalan
Korchnoi, Viktor      -  Luther, Thomas        1/2   20  E04  Catalan
Dautov, Rustem        -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1/2   28  D37  QGD 5.Bf4

Round 7 (May 23, 2002)

Lutz, Christopher     -  Dautov, Rustem        1-0   49  B19  Caro Kann
Krasenkow, Michal     -  Korchnoi, Viktor      1-0   53  D38  QGD Ragozin
Jussupow, Artur       -  Leko, Peter           1/2   26  D93  Gruenfeld 5.Bf4
Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  -  Fridman, Daniel       1/2   27  C42  Petroff's Defence
Luther, Thomas        -  Zvjaginsev, Vadim     0-1   63  B27  Sicilian Early Fianchetto

Round 8 (May 24, 2002)

Zvjaginsev, Vadim     -  Krasenkow, Michal     1-0   40  A84  Dutch
Leko, Peter           -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1-0   86  C81  Ruy Lopez Open Keres Variation
Lutz, Christopher     -  Luther, Thomas        1/2   49  B04  Alekhine's Defence
Korchnoi, Viktor      -  Jussupow, Artur       1-0   36  D30  Queen's Gambit (without Nc3)
Dautov, Rustem        -  Fridman, Daniel       1/2   54  D12  Slav Defence

Round 9 (May 25, 2002)

Krasenkow, Michal     -  Lutz, Christopher     1/2   31  E12  Queens Indian Petrosian System
Fridman, Daniel       -  Leko, Peter           1/2   22  E10  Blumenfeld Counter Gambit
Jussupow, Artur       -  Zvjaginsev, Vadim     1/2   26  D47  Queens Gambit Meran
Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  -  Korchnoi, Viktor      1-0   34  C11  French Defence
Luther, Thomas        -  Dautov, Rustem        1/2   28  A40  Unusual Replies to 1.d4

4th Borowski GM Essen GER (GER), 16-25 v 2002         cat. XVI (2634)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Zvjaginsev, Vadim      g RUS 2645  * = = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1  7.5  2905 
 2. Leko, Peter            g HUN 2707  = * 1 1 = = 1 1 1 =  7.0  2845 
 3. Lutz, Christopher      g GER 2644  = 0 * = = 1 = 1 = 1  5.5  2712 
 4. Krasenkow, Michal      g POL 2641  0 0 = * = 1 1 1 = 1  5.5  2712 
 5. Fridman, Daniel        g LAT 2571  0 = = = * = = 0 = =  3.5  2560 
 6. Jussupow, Artur        g GER 2618  = = 0 0 = * = 0 1 =  3.5  2555 
 7. Kasimdzhanov, Rustam   g UZB 2674  0 0 = 0 = = * 1 = =  3.5  2549 
 8. Korchnoi, Viktor       g SUI 2635  0 0 0 0 1 1 0 * = 1  3.5  2553 
 9. Luther, Thomas         g GER 2566  0 0 = = = 0 = = * =  3.0  2516 
10. Dautov, Rustem         g GER 2636  0 = 0 0 = = = 0 = *  2.5  2467 

4) FIDE Moscow Grand Prix

The FIDE Moscow Grand Prix takes place 1st-6th June 2002. Garry Kasparov and Ruslan Ponomariov are the top two players participating.


Players list:
Kasparov, Garry        RUS g 2838 
Ponomariov, Ruslan     UKR g 2743 
Bareev, Evgeny         RUS g 2724 
Ivanchuk, Vassily      UKR g 2711 
Grischuk, Alexander    RUS g 2702 
Khalifman, Alexander   RUS g 2698 
Svidler, Peter         RUS g 2688 
Smirin, Ilya           ISR g 2685 
Akopian, Vladimir      ARM g 2678 
Dreev, Alexey          RUS g 2677 
Polgar, Judit          HUN g 2677 
Azmaiparashvili, Zurab GEO g 2676 
Lautier, Joel          FRA g 2675 
Kasimdzhanov, Rustam   UZB g 2674 
Vaganian, Rafael A.    ARM g 2664 
Beliavsky, Alexander   SLO g 2661 
Sutovsky, Emil         ISR g 2660 
Rublevsky, Sergey      RUS g 2657 
Georgiev, Kiril        MKD g 2654 
Bacrot, Etienne        FRA g 2653 
Nikolic, Predrag       BIH g 2653 
Bologan, Victor        MDA g 2652 
Gurevich, Mikhail      BEL g 2641 
Onischuk, Alexander    USA g 2641 
Sasikiran, Krishnan    IND g 2633 
Seirawan, Yasser       USA g 2631 
Motylev, Alexander     RUS g 2622 
Radjabov, Tejmour      AZE g 2610 
Ehlvest, Jaan          EST g 2588 
Ghaem, Ehsam Maghami   IRI g 2519 

5) More Prague

Half the top 20 players in the World have signed a letter about Prague. Their main points are about missing players in the current setup who will have "no opportunity to take part in the World Championship until 2005" and worries that the "that the Grandmasters' Committee has not been established yet". Signatories are World Number 3 Anand, Viswanathan IND 2752, 7 Bareev, Evgeny RUS 2724, 8 Morozevich, Alexander RUS 2718, 11 Leko, Peter HUN 2707, 12 Shirov, Alexei ESP 2704, 13 Grischuk, Alexander RUS 2702, 14 Khalifman, Alexander RUS 2698, 16 Svidler, Peter RUS 2688, 17 Smirin, Ilia ISR 2685, 18 Akopian, Vladimir ARM 2678, 23 Lautier, Joel FRA 2675, 24 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam UZB 2674, 29 Sutovsky, Emil ISR 2660, 31 Rublevsky, Sergei RUS 2657, 33 Georgiev, Kiril BUL 2654, 37 Bologan, Viktor MDA 2652, 39 Sakaev, Konstantin RUS 2649, 41 Zvjaginsev, Vadim RUS 2645, 42 Lutz, Christopher GER 2644, 50 Dautov, Rustem GER 2636, 71 Jussupow, Artur GER 2618 and 87 Glek, Igor V GER 2605.

Grandmasters’ open letter to FIDE

We, leading Grandmasters of the world, realize the undeniable significance and importance of a possible reunification of the chess world. However, we have to express our concern about the reunification plan that has just been presented in Prague. If implemented in the current form, sports principles would then be violated, as most of the top chess professionals will have no opportunity to take part in the World Championship until 2005. FIDE declared that rights and interests of all chessplayers will be taken into consideration, but it is completely unclear how (and whether at all) this will be done in practice.

We hope that all parties will have enough goodwill and common sense to resolve the unjustice. We understand that the situation is complicated, but at the same time, we are sure that there are better ways of reunification than the one which has been considered in Prague.

We also express our concern about the fact that the Grandmasters' Committee has not been established yet, though such a body could become the media of expression for chessplayers in issues that are directly related to their professional interests. We hope that such a Committee will be created in the nearest future. It should be delegated all rights necessary for its activities, meaning that it will not become an amorphous structure and that the election of its members should be held on a democratic basis, through a vote by the leading chessplayers of the world. It is very important that its members would be respectful, competent and fair-minded professionals. Only in such circumstances will it really be useful for the chess world.

We think that this letter is one step further towards true reunification and we hope that our voice will be heard and are looking forward to a constructive reply.


Vladimir Akopian
Viswanathan Anand
Evgeny Bareev
Viorel Bologan
Rustem Dautov
Kiril Georgiev
Igor Glek
Alexander Grischuk
Artur Jussupow
Rustam Kasimdzhanov
Alexander Khalifman
Joel Lautier
Peter Leko
Christofer Lutz
Alexander Morozevich
Sergey Rublevsky
Konstantin Sakaev
Alexey Shirov
Ilya Smirin
Emil Sutovsky
Peter Svidler
Vadim Zvjaginsev

Contact address for the letter

Yasser Seirawan on Prague

Yasser Seirawan has produced a huge document giving his personal account of the events leading up to the Prague agreement. Too large to put in this magazine you can read it on the TWIC site. Links: Part 1 and Part 2. Part 3 including detailed annex of future proposals for cycles. One point to emerge is that neither Ponomariov or Kasparov will not get draw odds in their match.

6) Russian Team Championships

Eugeny Atarov reports on the Russian Team Championships which took place in Ekaterinburg 17th-26th May 2002. Sixteen teams in two subgroups of eight produced three winners from each group who played in the final for the title of the champion of Russia, and a place in the European Club Championships. Ladia Kazan won the event, more details to follow.

Internet coverage:

Final Standings:
1st "Ladia" Kazan                 7 pts
2nd "Norilsky nikel"              7 pts
3rd "Lentransgaz" St.Petersburg   5 pts
4rd "Tomsk-400"                   4 pts
5rd "Gazovik" Tumen               4 pts
6th "Universitet" Majkop          3 pts

7) NAO Chess Club 2nd IM tournament

The NAO Chess Club 2nd IM tournament took place in Paris 13th-21st May 2002. IM Cyril Marcelin won the event with 6.5/9.

Internet coverage:

2nd NAO Masters Paris FRA (FRA), 13-21 v 2002          cat. V (2352)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Marcelin, Cyril       m FRA 2452  * = 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1  6.5  2506 
 2. Guidarelli, Laurent   f FRA 2366  = * 1 = = 1 1 = 0 1  6.0  2475 
 3. Inkiov, Ventzislav    g BUL 2440  0 0 * 1 = 1 1 1 = 1  6.0  2467 
 4. Bonnet, Edouard1        FRA 2194  0 = 0 * 1 = 0 1 1 1  5.0  2412 
 5. Habu, Yoshiharu         JPN 2342  1 = = 0 * = 0 0 1 1  4.5  2352 
 6. Taimanov, Mark E      g RUS 2423  0 0 0 = = * 1 1 1 =  4.5  2343 
 7. Lupu, Mircea-Sergiu   g FRA 2470  1 0 0 1 1 0 * 0 1 0  4.0  2295 
 8. Midoux, Sebastien       FRA 2288  0 = 0 0 1 0 1 * 1 =  4.0  2315 
 9. Serafimov, Tervel       BUL 2284  0 1 = 0 0 0 0 0 * 1  2.5  2193 
10. Marchand, Francois    f FRA 2259  0 0 0 0 0 = 1 = 0 *  2.0  2142 

8) Vedior Trophy

The "Vedior Trophy" in Milan was a Cat I Tournament taking place May 16th-26th 2002. FM Llambi Qendro of Albania won the event with 8/11. Sponsor Vedior and Bugnion. 12 players. Valenti defaulted his last three games, Van Hoolandt the final game.

Details: and

Vedior Trophy Milan ITA (ITA), 16-26 v 2002                  cat. I (2270)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Qendro, Llambi          f ALB 2331  * 1 = = 1 = = 1 = = 1 1  8.0  2439 
 2. Drazic, Sinisa          g YUG 2474  0 * = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 = =  7.5  2384 
 3. Contin, Daniel          m ITA 2338  = = * = = 1 = = 1 1 1 =  7.5  2397 
 4. Geenen, Marc            f BEL 2332  = 0 = * = 1 = = = 1 1 1  7.0  2366 
 5. Isonzo, Davide          f ITA 2360  0 = = = * = = 1 0 1 1 1  6.5  2327 
 6. Astengo, Corrado          ITA 2180  = = 0 0 = * 1 = = 1 = 1  6.0  2314 
 7. Lanzani, Mario          m ITA 2362  = 0 = = = 0 * = 1 1 = 1  6.0  2298 
 8. Di Fonzo, Valerio         ITA 2208  0 0 = = 0 = = * = 1 1 1  5.5  2276 
 9. Bertazzo, Giorgio         SUI 2139  = 0 0 = 1 = 0 = * = 1 =  5.0  2246 
10. Van Hoolandt, Patrick     MNC 2157  = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = * 1 1  3.0  2105 
11. Valenti, Giuseppe         ITA 2268  0 = 0 0 0 = = 0 0 0 * 1  2.5  2059 
12. Straub, Peter             GER 2096  0 = = 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 *  1.5  1977 

9) Lithuanian Championships

The Lithuanian Championships took place in Vilnius May 17th-25th 2002. The favourite Eduardas Rozentalis won with 8/11.


ch-LTU Vilnius LTU (LTU), 17-25 v 2002                       cat. IX (2462)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Rozentalis, Eduardas     g LTU 2586  * 1 = 1 = = = 1 1 0 1 1  8.0  2625 
 2. Malisauskas, Vidmantas   g LTU 2514  0 * = 1 = = 1 0 = 1 1 1  7.0  2558 
 3. Zagorskis, Darius        m LTU 2469  = = * = = = = = = = 1 1  6.5  2526 
 4. Sulskis, Sarunas         g LTU 2577  0 0 = * 1 1 0 = 1 1 = 1  6.5  2516 
 5. Kveinys, Aloyzas         g LTU 2559  = = = 0 * = = = 1 = = 1  6.0  2488 
 6. Sakalauskas, Vaidas      m LTU 2424  = = = 0 = * = = = 1 = 1  6.0  2501 
 7. Ruzele, Darius           g LTU 2545  = 0 = 1 = = * 0 0 1 = 1  5.5  2454 
 8. Piesina, Gintautas       m LTU 2411  0 1 = = = = 1 * 0 1 0 0  5.0  2430 
 9. Samulevicius, Tomas        LTU 2286  0 = = 0 0 = 1 1 * = = 0  4.5  2412 
10. Asauskas, Henrikas         LTU 2384  1 0 = 0 = 0 0 0 = * 1 1  4.5  2403 
11. Sarakauskas, Gediminas   m LTU 2388  0 0 0 = = = = 1 = 0 * 0  3.5  2335 
12. Zapolskis, Antanas       m LTU 2397  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 *  3.0  2292 

10) Tanta Open

The Tanta Open was held 13th-23th May at Tanta City about 90 Km from Cairo, Egypt. The event was a Swiss Sytem. Spartak Vysochin was the clear winner with 8/9. There were 112 Players, 45 of them FIDE rated, 5 GMs and 10 IMs. Information Hassan Khaled.

 Final (Round 9) Standings 
 1 Vysochin, Spartak        UKR GM 2545 8.0 42.5 2388 7 6.0 1.03  2697
 2 Krivoshey, Sergei        UKR IM 2472 7.0 38.5 2384 8 6.0 1.04  2577
 3 Sameeh, Hany             EGY FM 2333 7.0 36.5 2349 9 7.0 2.68  2569
 4 Vuckovic, Bojan          YUG GM 2456 6.5 37.5 2411 8 5.5 1.02  2552
 5 Kengis, Edvins           LAT GM 2577 6.5 36.5 2363 8 5.5 -0.66 2504
 6 Jonkman, Harmen          NLD GM 2520 6.5 36.0 2346 9 6.5 -0.07 2512
 7 De Vreugt, Dennis        NLD GM 2457 6.5 35.5 2358 8 5.5 0.38  2499
 8 Ezat, Mohamed            EGY IM 2324 6.5 35.0 2311 8 5.5 1.34  2452
 9 Halkias, Stelios         GRE IM 2566 6.5 34.0 2328 8 5.5 -0.9  2469
10 Hassan, Sayed Barakat    EGY IM 2355 6.5 32.5 2219 8 5.5 0.06  2360
11 Hakki, Imad              SYR IM 2431 6.5 32.0 2253 9 6.5 -0.07 2419
12 Ahmed, Esam Aly          EGY IM 2395 6.5 31.5 2266 8 5.5 0.14  2407
13 Abdel Razik, Khaled      EGY FM 2356 6.5 31.0 2245 5 2.5 -0.75 2245
14 Othman, A. Moussa        UAE FM 2367 6.5 27.5 2182 4 3 0.04    2375
15 Frhat, Ali               EGY FM 2303 6.0 32.5 2262 5 2.0 -0.8  2190
16 Ismail, Hamed            EGY    2287 6.0 31.5 2247 5 2.5 -0.3  2247
17 El Arousy, Abdul Hameed  EGY IM 2229 6.0 31.5 2342 5 2.0 -0.15 2270
18 Sarwat, Walaa            EGY IM 2402 6.0 30.5 2228 9 6.0 -0.57 2353
19 Tahoun, Emad             EGY    2097 6.0 30.0 2250 6 3.0 1.2   2250
20 Georg, Magdy             EGY FM 2279 6.0 30.0 2293 5 2.0 -0.4  2221
21 Elbasuny,Fahmy           EGY    2232 6.0 30.0 2287 6 3.5 0.98  2344
22 Abdel Samee, Mohamed     EGY    2225 6.0 29.0 2243 4 1.0 -0.88 2050
23 Meged, Elsdayed A.       EGY    2177 6.0 29.0 2330 4 1.0 -0.2  2137
24 Rahman, Yehya            EGY IM 2345 5.5 32.0 2272 8 4.5 -0.3  2315
25 Naby, Saiid A.           EGY    2266 5.5 31.5 2380 6 2.5 0.46  2323
26 El Ghazali, Youssef M.   EGY IM 2303 5.5 31.5 2355 6 2.5 -0.08 2298
27 El Amary, Kamal          EGY    2238 5.5 29.5 2344 4 0.5 -0.94 2022
28 Amin, Ashraf             EGY    2262 5.5 28.0 2412 2 0.0 -0.6  1735
29 Amin, Bassem             EGY FM 2202 5.5 28.0 2415 3 0.5 -0.19 2142
30 Anwar, Ashraf            EGY    2128 5.5 27.0 2307 4 1.0 -0.08 2114
31 Fouad, Samy              EGY    0    5.5 26.0 2291 5 2.5 2291  2291
32 Hendawy, Adel            EGY    0    5.5 25.5 2160 4 1.0 1967  1967
33 Elmossalamy, Aly         EGY    0    5.5 25.5 2256 5 1.5 2107  2107
34 Lowis, Magdy             EGY    2131 5.5 24.5 2386 3 1.0 0.43  2261
112 players

11) Final Coupe de France

Boris Spassky was the hero of the NAO Chess Club in their match against Montpellier in the final of the Coupe de France. He was the only winner, against Marc Santo Roman which was enough for a 2.5-1.5 win for NAO. Vallejo Pons held Vladimir Kramnik with black for Montpellier.

Internet coverage:

Final (May 25, 2002)

Kramnik, Vladimir  NAO   -  Vallejo Pons, Francisco    1/2   30  D43  Anti-Meran Gambit
Hamdouchi, Hichem        -  Bacrot, Etienne        NAO 1/2   57  C24  Bishop's Opening
Maze, Sebastien    NAO   -  Prie, Eric                 1/2   50  B13  Caro Kann Exchange
Santo Roman, Marc        -  Spassky, Boris V       NAO 0-1   35  C45  Scotch Game

12) Czech Championships in Ostrava

Vladimir Talla sends news and games from Ostrava where the Czech Championships and an international open took place 16th-26th May 2002. Petr Haba took first place on SB tie-break from David Navara in the Category IX Czech Championships. In the international open Alexandr Kharitonov, Serguei Vesselovsky and Jozef Michenka finished on 7.5/10.

ch-CZE Ostrava CZE (CZE), 16-26 v 2002                 cat. IX (2456)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Haba, Petr         g CZE 2493  * = = = = 0 1 1 = 1 1 =  7.0  2554 
 2. Navara, David      m CZE 2543  = * 0 = 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1  7.0  2550 
 3. Jirovsky, Milos    m CZE 2446  = 1 * = = 0 1 0 1 0 1 1  6.5  2522 
 4. Velicka, Petr      m CZE 2437  = = = * = = = = 1 1 0 =  6.0  2494 
 5. Vokac, Marek       g CZE 2487  = 0 = = * = 1 = = = = 1  6.0  2489 
 6. Berezjuk, Sergej   m CZE 2430  1 0 1 = = * 0 0 1 0 = 1  5.5  2458 
 7. Vavra, Pavel1      m CZE 2419  0 1 0 = 0 1 * = 1 = = =  5.5  2459 
 8. Konopka, Michal    m CZE 2468  0 0 1 = = 1 = * 0 0 1 1  5.5  2455 
 9. Blatny, Pavel      g CZE 2444  = 1 0 0 = 0 0 1 * 1 1 0  5.0  2421 
10. Biolek, Richard    m CZE 2446  0 0 1 0 = 1 = 1 0 * = 0  4.5  2392 
11. Kalod, Radek       m CZE 2472  0 0 0 1 = = = 0 0 = * 1  4.0  2352 
12. Chytilek, Roman    m CZE 2390  = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 1 1 0 *  3.5  2329 

Open A Ostrava CZE (CZE), 18-26 v 2002
                                           1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10 

 1. Kharitonov, Alexandr    m  RUS 2438  +23 +19 +17 +24 = 2 =18 + 5 = 3 = 6 = 4  7.5  2485 
 2. Vesselovsky, Serguei    m  CZE 2415  +29 +40 + 7 = 9 = 1 +24 =18 = 4 + 5 = 3  7.5  2484 
 3. Michenka, Jozef         m  CZE 2325  -46 =51 +41 +26 +22 + 9 +11 = 1 + 7 = 2  7.5  2404 
 4. Mudrak, Josef           f  CZE 2387  =43 +35 +15 =10 -24 +31 +17 = 2 +18 = 1  7.0  2401 
 5. Klima, Lukas               CZE 2357  +33 +22 - 9 +27 +20 + 7 - 1 +18 - 2 +10  7.0  2423 
 6. Pisk, Petr              m  CZE 2365  +48 =25 -18 -31 +26 +36 +19 +21 = 1 +12  7.0  2344 
 7. Lys, Josef                 CZE 2353  +45 +46 - 2 +21 +17 - 5 =10 +15 - 3 +18  6.5  2369 
 8. Korolchuk, Nikolav         BLR 2252  =50 +42 +12 -18 -11 =41 +43 =14 +21 +19  6.5  2286 
 9. Lahner, Jakub              CZE 2235  +16 +34 + 5 = 2 -18 - 3 +39 -12 +28 =15  6.0  2282 
10. Firt, Stanislav         f  CZE 2366  +39 +27 -24 = 4 =15 +25 = 7 =11 +20 - 5  6.0  2329 
11. Hladik, Oto                CZE 2259  -54 =41 +49 +46 + 8 +13 - 3 =10 -12 +30  6.0  2264 
12. Pokorny, Petr              CZE 2263  -31 +45 - 8 =39 +38 +46 =27 + 9 +11 - 6  6.0  2244 
13. Jasny, Stanislav           CZE 2285  =35 +43 =25 +36 =31 -11 -21 +39 +24 =17  6.0  2239 
14. Bartos, Jan                CZE 2211  -34 =16 +50 =42 =36 =32 +48 = 8 +22 =20  6.0  2195 
15. Orzechowski, Jacek         POL 2258  =26 +32 - 4 +51 =10 +48 =24 - 7 +27 = 9  6.0  2270 
16. Vesely, Martin             CZE 2074  - 9 =14 =33 +29 -25 -43 +51 +44 +31 +24  6.0  2221 
17. Adamek, Jiri               CZE 2227  +49 +54 - 1 +25 - 7 +22 - 4 =27 +38 =13  6.0  2282 
18. Smistik, Milan             CZE 2238  =30 +26 + 6 + 8 + 9 = 1 = 2 - 5 - 4 - 7  5.5  2332 
19. Bures, Martin R            CZE 2205  +28 - 1 +39 -22 +43 =27 - 6 +25 +32 - 8  5.5  2213 
20. Trombik, Karel             CZE 2263  =42 +50 =36 +32 - 5 =21 +31 =24 -10 =14  5.5  2218 
21. Kozak, Milos               CZE 2194  =38 =30 +54 - 7 +28 =20 +13 - 6 - 8 +33  5.5  2218 
22. Karhanek, Pavel            CZE 2136  +52 - 5 +34 +19 - 3 -17 =32 +26 -14 +38  5.5  2228 
23. Vratny, Radim              CZE 2144  - 1 =28 -26 =47 +49 +51 =33 =31 =25 +32  5.5  2136 
24. Machycek, Lubomir          CZE 2258  +41 +31 +10 - 1 + 4 - 2 =15 =20 -13 -16  5.0  2267 
25. Slavicek, Martin           CZE 2157  +37 = 6 =13 -17 +16 -10 +41 -19 =23 =28  5.0  2177 
26. Holeksa, Zdenek            CZE 2087  =15 -18 +23 - 3 - 6 +47 +29 -22 +46 =27  5.0  2190 
27. Malik, Jan                 CZE 2188  +53 -10 +30 - 5 +42 =19 =12 =17 -15 =26  5.0  2194 
28. Macicek, Jan               CZE 2021  -19 =23 =43 +45 -21 =44 +35 +33 - 9 =25  5.0  2155 
29. Kolar, Stanislav           CZE 2127  - 2 +47 -32 -16 +30 =35 -26 =37 +50 +42  5.0  2095 
30. Garlik, Michal             CZE 2078  =18 =21 -27 -40 -29 +52 +53 +48 +41 -11  5.0  2185 
31. Kalivoda, Jiri             CZE 2103  +12 -24 +40 + 6 =13 - 4 -20 =23 -16 =35  4.5  2198 
32. Gil,Karel                      ----  +44 -15 +29 -20 =33 =14 =22 +46 -19 -23  4.5  2137 
33. Toman, Jaroslav            CZE 2112  - 5 =52 =16 =34 =32 +42 =23 -28 +39 -21  4.5  2112 
34. Chlevistan, Jakub          CZE 2054  +14 - 9 -22 =33 -39 =37 +40 -41 =53 +48  4.5  2083 
35. Weissmann, Lukas           CZE 2106  =13 - 4 =37 =38 =51 =29 -28 =47 +45 =31  4.5  2070 
36. Vysoglad, Petr             CZE 2154  =51 +38 =20 -13 =14 - 6 -46 =42 =49 +47  4.5  2106 
37. Ling,Bronislav                 ----  -25 =48 =35 =44 -41 =34 =45 =29 =40 +46  4.5  2087 
38. Pardy, Martin              CZE 2009  =21 -36 =48 =35 -12 +50 +44 +43 -17 -22  4.5  2120 
39. Nabelek, Marek             CZE 2099  -10 +53 -19 =12 +34 +40 - 9 -13 -33 +49  4.5  2142 
40. Potomak, Vladimir          CZE 2201  +47 - 2 -31 +30 -48 -39 -34 +53 =37 +41  4.5  2060 
41. Staszko, Martin            CZE 2089  -24 =11 - 3 +52 +37 = 8 -25 +34 -30 -40  4.0  2131 
42. Kubacak, Lubomir           CZE 2099  =20 - 8 +52 =14 -27 -33 =47 =36 +43 -29  4.0  2116 
43. Holusova, Tana             CZE 2120  = 4 -13 =28 +54 -19 +16 - 8 -38 -42 +51  4.0  2070 
44. Papan, Cyril               CZE 2170  -32 -49 =47 =37 +54 =28 -38 -16 =52 +53  4.0  2000 
45. Smetana, Jaroslav          CZE 2112  - 7 -12 +53 -28 -47 +49 =37 =50 -35 +54  4.0  2027 
46. Slovak, Petr               CZE 2106  + 3 - 7 =51 -11 +50 -12 +36 -32 -26 -37  3.5  2042 
47. Snopek, Jiri               CZE 2016  -40 -29 =44 =23 +45 -26 =42 =35 =48 -36  3.5  2021 
48. Hlubina, Pavel             CZE 2115  - 6 =37 =38 +49 +40 -15 -14 -30 =47 -34  3.5  2015 
49. Dziadykiewicz, Tadeusz     POL 2066  -17 +44 -11 -48 -23 -45 +52 +51 =36 -39  3.5  2062 
50. Hladik, Lumir              CZE 2084  = 8 -20 -14 +53 -46 -38 +54 =45 -29 =52  3.5  2051 
51. Juroszek, Radomil              ----  =36 = 3 =46 -15 =35 -23 -16 -49 =54 -43  2.5  1951 
52. Biolek, Richard         m  CZE 2446  -22 =33 -42 -41 -53 -30 -49 +54 =44 =50  2.5  1899 
53. Macejovsky,Igor                ----  -27 -39 -45 -50 +52 +54 -30 -40 =34 -44  2.5  1959 
54. Dvorak, Vladimir           CZE 2090  +11 -17 -21 -43 -44 -53 -50 -52 =51 -45  1.5  1865 

13) 3rd European Individual Women's Championships

The 3rd European Individual Women's Chess Championship takes place May 26th - June 9nd 2002 in Varna, Bulgaria. Round 1 today, Monday 27th May 2002.

Further details:

Start List:
GALLIAMOVA Alisa (IM)         wgm 2500 RUS 18.01.1972 
IOSELIANI  Nana (IM)          wgm 2491 GEO 12.02.1962 
KOVALEVSKAYA Ekaterina (IM)   wgm 2482 RUS 17.04.1974 
PEPTAN Corina (IM)            wgm 2480 ROU 17.03.1978 
STEFANOVA Antoaneta (IM)      wgm 2473 BUL 19.04.1979 
PENG Zhaoqin (IM)             wgm 2472 NED 08.05.1968 
KACHIANI-G. Ketino (IM)       wgm 2465 GER 11.09.1971 
MARIC Alisa (IM)              wgm 2455 YUG 10.01.1970 
KHURTSIDZE Nino (IM)          wgm 2446 GEO 28.09.1975 
DWORAKOWSKA Joanna (IM)       wgm 2445 POL 21.10.1978 
FOISOR Cristina Adela (IM)    wgm 2437 ROU 07.04.1967 
MATVEEVA Svetlana             wgm 2437 RUS 04.07.1969 
BOJKOVIC Natasa               wgm 2431 YUG 03.08.1971 
STEPOVAIA-DIANCHENKO Tatiana  wgm 2428 RUS 23.09.1965 
ARAKHAMIA-GRANT Ketevan (IM)  wgm 2425 GEO 19.07.1968 
ZHUKOVA Natalia               wgm 2425 UKR 05.06.1979 
PRUDNIKOVA Svetlana           wgm 2422 YUG 18.03.1967 
VASILEVICH Tatjana            wgm 2421 UKR 14.01.1977 
GAPONENKO Inna                wgm 2418 UKR 22.06.1976 
HUNT Harriet (IM)             wgm 2415 ENG 04.02.1978 
ALEXANDROVA  Olga (IM)        wgm 2413 UKR 28.01.1978 
DANIELIAN Elina               wgm 2411 ARM 16.08.1978 
ZIELINSKA Marta               wgm 2410 POL 30.01.1978 
SEDINA Elena (IM)             wgm 2407 ITA 01.06.1968 
KLINOVA Masha                 wgm 2393 ISR 18.11.1968 
MKRTCHIAN Lilit               wgm 2391 ARM 09.08.1982 
GRABUZOVA Tatiana             wgm 2388 RUS 09.02.1967 
CHELUSHKINA Irina             wgm 2385 YUG 01.02.1962 
PAEHTZ Elisabeth              wgm 2385 GER 08.01.1985 
OVOD Evgenija (IM)            wgm 2379 RUS 10.11.1982 
KISELEVA Natalia              wgm 2373 UKR 27.05.1978 
KOSINTSEVA Tatiana            wgm 2373 RUS 11.04.1986 
SEBAG Maria                   wim 2371 FRA 15.10.1986 
KONONENKO Tatiana             wgm 2370 UKR 05.12.1978 
LOMINEISHVILI Maia            wgm 2370 GEO 11.11.1977 
SLAVINA Irina                 wgm 2370 RUS 10.08.1979 
POLOVNIKOVA Ekaterina         wgm 2366 RUS 14.11.1982 
SHUMIAKINA Tatiana            wgm 2366 RUS 04.10.1965 
GALIANINA-RYJANOVA  Julia     wgm 2362 RUS 15.05.1974 
ZIMINA Olga                   wim 2360 RUS 14.05.1982 
ZAIATZ Elena                  wgm 2346 RUS 16.06.1969 
REPKOVA Eva                   wgm 2345 SVK 16.01.1975 
CIUKSYTE Dagne                wgm 2340 LTU 01.01.1977 
GAPRINDASHVILI Nona(GM)       wgm 2336 GEO 03.05.1941 
KOSINTSEVA Nadezhda           wim 2336 RUS 14.01.1985 
ALEKSIEVA Silvia              wgm 2334 BUL 04.05.1974 
DEMINA Julia                  wgm 2334 RUS 03.02.1969 
BOSBOOM-LANCHAVA Tea          wgm 2330 NED 11.09.1974 
VELCHEVA Maria                wgm 2327 BUL 14.10.1976 
JACKOVA Jana                  wgm 2325 CZE 06.08.1982 
VELIKHANLI Firuza             wgm 2320 AZE 26.10.1970 
SAUNINA Ludmila               wim 2319 RUS 09.07.1952 
ZAKURDJAEVA Irina             wim 2318 RUS 30.11.1982 
DJINGAROVA Emilia             wim 2315 BUL 06.08.1978 
BENDERAC Ana                  wim 2313 YUG 25.01.1977 
MAMEDJAROVA Zejnab            wim 2312 AZE   
ZAKURDJAEVA Irina             wim 2310 RUS 30.11.1982 
NEPEINA-LECONTE Maria         wim 2308 FRA 12.03.1970 
MASHINSKAYA Lulia             wgm 2300 RUS 18.02.1977 
TE-LLALEMAND Rosa             wgm 2300 FRA 08.8.1961 
VOISKA Margarita              wgm 2300 BUL 03.04.1963 
CALOTESCU Ana Cristina        wim 2299 ROU 03.07.1983 
SIKOROVA Olga                 wim 2298 CZE 04.03.1975 
RAIZNIECE Dana                wgm 2296 LAT 06.11.1981 
KRUPKOVA Petra                wgm 2293 CZE 23.04.1976 
ANDREEVA Nataliya             wim 2289 RUS 22.02.1980 
SCHUURMAN Petra                   2283 NED 09.06.1968 
CALZETTA Monika               wim 2278 ESP 29.11.1972 
LAHNO Katerina                wim 2277 UKR 27.12.1989 
KRIVEC Jana                   wfm 2271 SLO 30.05.1980 
DIMITRIJEVIC Aleksandra       wfm 2269 YUG 03.10.1986 
BEZGODOVA-FILICHKINA Svetlana     2264 RUS 21.04.1971 
HASANOVA Elvira               wim 2256 RUS 10.07.1985 
MUZYCHUK ANNA                 wim 2256 UKR 28.02.1990 
RICHARDS Heather              wfm 2252 ENG 27.03.1983 
KAPS Darja                    wfm 2251 SLO 26.11.1981 
BOGZA Adina                   wim 2251 ROU 25.08.1979 
HERNANDEZ Yudania             wim 2247 ESP 13.04.1973 
SHAIDULLINA Sandugach         wfm 2245 RUS 16.12.1981 
GEORGIEVA Liubka                  2241 BUL 25.10.1983 
HLGATIAN Goar                 wim 2239 ARM 14.05.1975 
OVCHINNIKOVA Julia            wim 2235 RUS 03.10.1965 
KADZIOLKA Beata                   2235 POL 26.06.1986 
KOUVATSOU Maria               wgm 2232 GRE 02.11.1979 
IONICA Iulia                  wim 2228 ROU 04.07.1980 
AGREST Svetlana               wim 2225 SWE 28.08.1966 
KOSKOSKA Gabriela             wim 2225 MKD 14.02.1969 
GASPARIAN Narine              wim 2204 ARM 10.07.1982 
KHARASHKINA Bairta            wfm 2193 RUS 08.02.1982 
JOHANSSON Viktoria            wim 2189 SWE 12.03.1974 
MAKKA Ioulia                      2188 GRE 10.12.1983 
BEDNIKOVA Stefi                   2184 BUL 09.11.1986 
ZAWADZKA Jolanta                  2181 POL 08.02.1987 
PAPADOPOULOU VERA                 2170 GRE 14.12.1986 
MULLER Anne                       2167 FRA 07.08.1974 
SAVOVA Stefka                 wim 2165 BUL 28.11.1958 
GALOJAN Lilit                     2163 ARM 17.06.1983 
MILLIET Sophie                    2163 FRA 02.11.1963 
ISMAILOVA Aytaj                   2157 AZE   
GERASIMOVITCH Olga                2153 BLR 18.01.1985 
POLUSHKINA Svetlana           wfm 2152 GER 19.04.1982 
PARTAC Elena                  wim 2152 MDÀ 25.03.1984 
SMOKINA Karolina              wfm 2143 MDÀ 13.06.1977 
LOMAKINA Galja                    2142 RUS 26.08.1974 
ZLATANOVA Emilia              wim 2137 BUL 22.03.1958 
LAUTERBACH Ingrid             wim 2127 ENG 06.06.1960 
MIRA Helene                   wim 2127 AUT 18.11.1954 
YORDANOVA Svetla                  2125 BUL 08.05.1976 
ANDERSSON Christin                2119 SWE 16.11.1974 
GUENTHER Anetta                   2116 GER 17.06.1973 
DIMOVSKI Aleksandra               2114 YUG 23.02.1985 
JIRETORN Eva                      2114 SWE 07.01.1971 
SARAKAUSKIENE Zivile              2105 LTU 06.11.1978 
RAEVA Elitsa                      2101 BUL 13.03.1987 
OTTEN Colleen                     2099 NED 09.03.1956 
SEPS Monika                       2095 SUI 22.02.1986 
DONCHEVA Marinela                 2077 BUL 26.02.1958 
BRATIMIROVA Dimitrinka            2076 BUL 05.02.1958 
SHTEREVA Slaveja                  2071 BUL 01.03.1984 
STOILKOVSKA Sanja                 2049 MKD 12.12.1981 
CAVUSOGLU Yildiz                  2036 TUR 14.12.1980 
GJERGJI Rozana                    2029 ALB   
TOPEL Zehra                       2023 TUR 13.04.1987 
OZTURK Kubra                      2017 TUR 11.05.1991 
INGOLFSDOTTIR Hapra               2002 ISL 03.09.1964 
ALTUNBAS Filiz                         TUR 05.10.1984 
ALTUNBAS Zuhal                         TUR 24.09.1985 
HAGESAETHER Torill                     NOR 11.05.1982 
ONEY Fatma Nur                         TUR 23.03.1961 
YILDIZ Betul Cemre                     TUR 16.05.1989 

14) Koneru Close to Record

Humpy Koneru of India is playing in the Elekes Memorial Grandmaster Chess Tournament 18th-28th May 2002. Leading with 7/9 she needs only a draw against Peter Lukacs to score her final GM norm and beat Judit Polgar's women's record as the youngest GM ever.

Further information:

15) Andbanc Blitz

David Llada reports: the Grup Agricol Reig, Andbanc blitz knockout tournament took place May 17th-18th 2002. Timerate: 5' + 3". Paco Vallejo ran out an easy winner over the two days. Broadcast by SIC.

Further information:

First Semifinal:
Paco Vallejo        ESP 2650    1 1 1 ½   - 3½
Raül Garcia         AND 2249    0 0 0 ½   - 0½

Second Semifinal:
O. de la Riva       AND  2496    1 1 1 1  - 4
Ruben Gallego       AND  2273    0 0 0 0  - 0

Paco Vallejo      ESP 2650      1 1 0 1 1 ½   - 4½   [2689] 
O. de la Riva     AND 2496      0 0 1 0 0 ½   - 1½   [2445]   

16) V Vila Real de Santo Antonio

The V Vila Real de Santo Antonio tournament takes place May 20th-28th 2002. After 7 rounds Kevin Spraggett leads with 5.5/7.

Internet coverage:

V It Vila Real de Santo Antonio POR (POR), 20-28 v 2002     cat. IX (2453)
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Spraggett, Kevin            g CAN 2515  * 0 1 1 1 1 = . 1 .  5.5  2700 
 2. Fernandes, Antonio          m POR 2449  1 * = = = = . 1 . 1  5.0  2610 
 3. Korneev, Oleg               g RUS 2599  0 = * 0 . 1 1 1 . 1  4.5  2531 
 4. Fernandez Romero, Ernesto   f ESP 2352  0 = 1 * 0 . = = 1 .  3.5  2484 
 5. Campora, Daniel H           g ARG 2544  0 = . 1 * . = 0 = 1  3.5  2422 
 6. Damaso, Rui                 m POR 2434  0 = 0 . . * = = 1 1  3.5  2457 
 7. Galego, Luis                g POR 2532  = . 0 = = = * . 0 1  3.0  2404 
 8. Pinheiro, Jose              f POR 2368  . 0 0 = 1 = . * = =  3.0  2395 
 9. Fernando, Diogo             f POR 2383  0 . . 0 = 0 1 = * 0  2.0  2285 
10. Dias, Paulo                 f POR 2357  . 0 0 . 0 0 0 = 1 *  1.5  2242 

17) Turkish Junior Championships

Dr. Aydýn Saray reports: The Turkish Junior Championship Finals took place in Kocaeli 13th-22nd May,2002. The 11 player, all-play-all was won by Kerem Laciner won the title for 2002.

Web site:

JCh-TUR Kocaeli TUR (TUR), 14-21 v 2002
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Laciner, Kerem            TUR 2194  * = 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 =  8.0  2298 
 2. Esen, Baris               TUR 2178  = * = 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 =  7.5  2253 
 3. Citak, Selim              TUR 2035  0 = * = = = 1 1 = 1 1  6.5  2184 
 4. Isik, Engin Yasar         TUR 2054  0 0 = * 1 1 1 1 0 = 1  6.0  2144 
 5. Ataman, Alper             TUR 2191  0 = = 0 * = = 1 1 1 =  5.5  2095 
 6. Ayaz, Ilker               TUR ----  1 0 = 0 = * 0 0 1 = 1  4.5  2042 
 7. Yarligan, Taylan          TUR 2130  0 = 0 0 = 1 * 1 0 = =  4.0  1993 
 8. Donmez, Yusuf             TUR ----  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 * 1 1 1  4.0  2006 
 9. Cil,Hassan Kivanc             ----  0 0 = 1 0 0 1 0 * 0 1  3.5  1968 
10. Ozdemir,Ozan                  ----  0 0 0 = 0 = = 0 1 * =  3.0  1929 
11. Kahramanmarasli,Tutku         ----  = = 0 0 = 0 = 0 0 = *  2.5  1885 

18) Open du Parc Paris

The Open du Parc took place in Paris 18th-20th May 2002. Vladimir Okhhotnik won the event 6.5/7.

Further information:

Open du Parc Paris FRA (FRA), 18-20 v 2002
 1 Okhhotnik, Vladimir  IM UKR   6.5
 2 Lukov, Valentin      GM BUL   6.0
 3 Payen, Arnaud        IM FRA   6.0
 4 Piot, Oliver            FRA   5.5
 5 Battaglini, Gabriel     FRA   5.5
 6 Dubois, Loic            FRA   5.5
 7 Valuet, Bertrand        FRA   5.5
 104 players

19) Forthcoming Events and Links

Politiken Cup

24th Copenhagen Open POLITIKEN CUP 15th - 26th of July 2002. Politiken Cup will be an 11-round open tournament played in one big group - from novices and club players to strong grandmasters. The Tournament takes place from the 15th to the 26th of July 2002 at Nørrebrohallen, Bragesgade 5, 2200 København N.


First Saturday June

There will be GM, IM and FM events as part of the First Saturday June tournaments. Places still open contact: Nagy, Laszlo International Chess Organizer E-mail: phone-fax: (361)-263-28-59 mobile: (36)-30-230-1914

FSGM June cat.VII-VIII. 10-14 participants.

IGM LECHTYNSKY, Jiri /CZE, 2413/, IGM VAJDA, Levente /ROU, 2535/, IGM SAHOVIC, Dragutin /YUG, 2371/, IM BAKRE, Tejas /IND, 2458/, IM ERENBURG, Sergei /ISR, 2450/, IM POSTNY, Evgeny /ISR, 2482/, WGM TRANG, Hoang /VIE, 2426/, FM LORSCHEID, Gerd /GER, 2331/, WGM KONERU, Humpy /IND, 2486/, IM FLUMBORT, András /HUN, 2414/, IM HANDKE, Florian /GER, 2427/, WGM DEMBO, Yelena /HUN, 2363/, IM BLAUERT, Jörg /GER, 2390/, IM SHIRAZI, Kamren /USA, 2486/. Reserves: GERZHOY, Leonid /ISR, 2355/, IM JAKAB, Attila /HUN/, IM ANTAL, Gergely /HUN/, IM ESTRADA, Julian /MEX/.

FSIM June 10-14 participants

IM FARAGO, Sandor /HUN/, IM LENGYEL, Bela /HUN/, IM EPERJESI, Laszlo /HUN/, IM HUSARI, Satea /SYR/, FM SCHWARTZ, Ylon /USA, 2322/, FM BRUSTKERN, Juergen /GER/, ALFRED, Nathan /ENG/, COOKE, Eric /USA/, BUI, Vinh /VIE/, KONGSTED, Christian /DEN/, FM DUB, Zeev /ISR/, BERCZES, David /HUN/. Reserves: IM NEMETH, Zoltan /HUN/, IM ZIMMERMAN, Yuri /RUS/, FM BERCZES, Csaba /HUN/, MARTINI, Balazs /HUN/.


ZIEGLER, Peter /GER, nonrated/, VIAKOVSKY, Partik /GER, nonrated/, SEIFERT, Norbert /GER, nonrated/, NIELSEN, Jan-Mose /DEN, 2070/, GANESH, D.V. /IND/, nonrated/, PHANIKANTH, J.S.S./IND, nonrated/, SCHNEIDER, Veronika /HUN,2103/, LADÁNYI, Gyula /HUN, 2037/, ZOLTÁN, András /HUN, 2100/, SZIRMAI, Eduárd /HUN, 2135/, KOCZÓ, Kristóf /HUN, 2100/, VARGYAS, Zoltán /HUN, 2105/, ZENTAI, György /HUN, 2090/, FRANK, József /HUN, 2060/, HEGEDÜS, Gyula /HUN, 2090/, DANI, Tamás /HUN, 2065/, CSÁSZÁR, Gyula /HUN, 2103/. Reserves: CSASZAR, Gyula /HUN, 2103/, MARTINI, Balázs /HUN, 2220/.

Hastings 2002

The 78th Hastings International Congress will take place 28th December 2002 - 5th January 2003. The official entry form will be published early in August and will appear on the website

Events schedule is as follows: The Premier Tournament will run from 28th December 2002 to 5th January 2003. It will be an all-play-all event for 10 invited players.

The Challengers Tournament will also run from 28th December to 5th January. This will be a Swiss event and will provide opportunities for title norms and for FIDE ratings.

A new event this year will be an opening Weekend Congress running on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th December 2002. It will probably be in four graded sections and will comprise five games - three on Saturday and two on Sunday. Christmas Tournament will be in its usual format - participants will be divided into graded sections of about 16 players. It will run from Monday 30th December to Friday 3rd January 2003 The final Weekend Congress will run from Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th January 2003 As usual there will be six games and the event will be in four graded sections.

All events will take place at Horntye Park Sports Complex, Bohemia Road, Hastings

Complete details (entry fees, rates of play, grading limits etc) will be announced in due course.

As well as the above events, additional evening events are planned - once again sponsored by the Pig in Paradise. It is hoped that the local community will become more involved.

For information re entries contact: Con Power, Congress Director, 418 Harold Road, Hastings, East Sussex TN35 5HG Tel and fax: 01424 431970 e-mail:

Additional information from Pam Thomas, Press Officer 5 High Wickham,Hastings,East Sussex,TN35 5PB Tel/Fax 01424 445348 e-mail:

Anand vs. Ponomariov Rapid Match

Chess Classic Mainz will hold an 8 game match Viswanathan Anand and FIDE world champion Ruslan Ponomariov. August 15th-18th 2002.

5th Jaroslav Pelikan Memorial

The 5th Jaroslav Pelikan Memorial takes place in Prague - Czech Republic 20.07 - 27.07, 27.07.-03.08 and 03.08-10.08. The 12th International Chess Holiday has Tournaments for strong and weak chessplayers, both men and women of all ages. A rich programme for chessplayers and non-chessplayers too. 7 days hotel/shower+WC, bed and breakfast, chess, souvenir prizes for all chessplayers, sightseeing in Prague, trips, a farewell party - for 230 Eur to 260 Eur /210 USD - 240 USD/. It is possible to order lunch, dinner - every meal 5 Eur /4,5 USD/. A offer of Theatre Performances. Discounts for children, students, retired and those who have already been to the International Chess Holiday. In groups the tenth person free of charge.

Entries till 30.06 2002 Info: Jindra Kollerov  U Plyn rny 15, 140 00 Praha 4 - Michle Czech Republic Tel: + 420 2 41407355 Fax: + 420 2 61210054 Mobil: + 420 777 677899 E-mail:

Festival Schneider Bohemia" Pilsen

The 8th International Chess Festival "Festival Schneider Bohemia" Pilsen 2002 takes place 17th-25th August 2002 at "Strelecky stadion" Pilsen Lobzy (The Czech Republic). The main tournament of this Festival is International Open Czech Championship ( 1st prize 20 000 CZK, sum of prizes 81 000 CZK ).


Chesmayne Chess Dictionary

The 2002 edition of the Chesmayne Chess Dictionary is now available at a new permanent address. It has 100,000+ chess related keywords, AZ indexes, pictures, midi's, graphics etc.


Magnus Carlsen vs. The World

11 year old Magnus Carlson is playing the rest of the net in a match organised by the Norgwegian TV Channal TV2. Internet coverage

There have been more than 100.000 hits and 8.000 votes. The moves so far: Magnus Carlsen vs The World: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 b5 6. Bb3 Bc5 7. c3 Nxe4?!? 8. Qe2 d5 9. d3 Now grandmaster Simen Agdestein has suggested 9... Nf6 or 9... Bxf2+, the latter probably a novelty. Voting closes at 08.00 GMT Tuesday. Week days voting is daily.

1st Condom International Open

The 1st Condom International Open takes place 13th-19th July 2002. 9 round FIDE. Total prize : 8000 EURO 1st prize : 1200 EURO

Further details:

Pancevo (YUG) closed

International Closed Tournaments, FIDE Category 8 City: Pancevo (10 kilometers from Belgrado), Yugoslavia Date: 24 June - 4 July 12 players, 11 rounds info: Sinisa Drazic sdrazic@eunet.yu Tel. 00381.64.1249741. Today (25 May) there are still 3 places available.

Stork Young Masters - Hengelo (August 5-10) and other Dutch events

The Royal Dutch Chess Federation (KNSB) invites strong players born after January 1st, 1982 to the second Stork Young Masters. This is a 9 round Round-Robin IM tournament (at least category 4). During the first edition 3 IM-norms and 1 WGM where scored.

Conditions: A. For IM or GM with FIDE Elo above 2400: - Full board and lodging (4-10 August) during the tournament and EURO 115,- pocket money. B. Player with FIDE Elo above 2350: - Full board and lodging during the tournament.

Prize money: 1st EURO 700,- 2nd EURO 450,- 3rd EURO 350,- 4th EURO 250,- 5th EURO 200,- 6th EURO 150,- 7th EURO 100,-

Interested players can contact Harry Kroeze (

Other interesting tournaments in Holland during the summer: Jul 8-18: Dieren: Open Dutch Championships (; Jul 26-Aug 4: Amsterdam: 10th Lost Boys (; Aug 5-10: Hengelo: Open Dutch Junior championships (U20, U16, U14, U12).

Contact for general information.

1st Davos Chess Summer

The 1st Davos Chess Summer takes place 4th-10th August 2002. Venue the Sunstar Parkhotel in Davos. 7 round Swiss.

Further information: E-Mail:; Internet:

15th Kiel Open

The 15th Kiel Open takes place 10th-16th August 2002.


Brno closed and open tournaments

SK Duras BVK Kralovo Pole in cooperation with city of Brno chess federation and SK Brno-Zabovresky presents the Duras Cup in Brno 5th-14th July 2002. This will be a Round-robin of 9-11 rounds, category III-IV. There is also a 9 round Swiss at the same time and place. For further information:

Internet -

E-mail - Phone - Petr Mlynek, +4205 49273402 (home) Fax - Petr Mlynek, +4205 48215239 (office)

European Club Cup 2002

Information about the European Club Cup 2002 "The Champions League" takes place 22nd - 28th September in Kallithea -Halkidiki.


VII Memorial Nacional De Ajedrez

The VII Memorial Nacional De Ajedrez takes place 8th-9th June 2002.


Aristophanes Publishers

Paul Connors of Aristophanes Press at startup company in California/Colorado is looking for chess authors. If you are interested in finding out more you can contact him at

4th ShakkiNet International

The 4th ShakkiNet International will take place in Helsinki from June 24th to July 4th, 2002. There are three different 12-player round-robin (all-play-all) groups: Group A for players rated over 2400, Group B for players rated over 2200, Group C for players rated between 1900 and 2200. All groups are ELO-rated, in Group A there is a possibility to achieve GM-norm, in Group B there is a possibility to achieve an IM-norm. Playing times In all groups: 2 h / 40 moves + 1 h / 20 moves + 30 min to finish the game Entry fees Group A: EUR 200, Group B: EUR 150, Group C: EUR 100 Prizes for three best players in each group: Group A: EUR 600, EUR 400, EUR 200, Group B: EUR 450, EUR 300, EUR 150, Group C: EUR 300, EUR 200, EUR 100. Money prizes will be shared equally between players with same amount of points.

Registration Players interested to participate, please contact the organizer Mr Sami Hämäläinen, email: In GM- and IM-events (groups A and B) the organizer reserves the right to choose players from the interested players so that there is a possibility to reach international title norms (minimum requirements: 3 GMs in group A, 3 IMs in group B, 4 non-Finnish players from at least two different countries in both groups). In group C the players will be chosen by the order of registration.

Olomouc Chess Summer Festival 2002

The Olomouc Chess Summer Festival 2002 in the Czech Republic takes place 31st July - 8th August 2002. The event includes: 1) 3-4 groups of round-robin IM tournaments, category 3-4 FIDE (10-12 players) 2) FIDE open - swiss, 9 rounds, 2/40+1, 1st prize 10000 CZK 3) open for youngsters up to 18 years of age.

Detailed information at:

IV Sants Hostafrancs

IV Sants Hostafrancs I La Bordeta Open takes place in Barcelona 30th August - 8th September 2002.

Details of entry:

Tiviakov in Egypt

Tiviakov reports on his victory in the 6th Golden Cleopatra Chess Open with a huge photo report including sight seeing around the pyramids where he claims to have photographed a "creature from the the parallel world"!

Reports in Russian and English

Ikaros Chess Festival

The Ikaros Chess Festival 2002 takes place from 7th-23rd of July 2002. The Ikaros Chess Festival has been held for the last 24 years on Ikaria island, one of the most picturesque aegean islands of Greece. This year's events include the traditional open international tournament "Open Aegean Championship" (13th-21st July 2002) as well as plenty of other side events such as Women, Junior and Veteran tournaments, blitz, rapid and simultaneous exhibition events, blindfold chess, chess lectures and many others.

Full details at:

XX Andorra International Open

The XX Andorra International Open takes place 6th-14th July 2002.

Details of prizes and entry

Bled and Ljubljana Opens

The 23rd Chess Festival Bled is taking take place from 2 July to 10 July 2002 in Bled (Slovenia). Open A (ELO > 2200): PF 15.500 EUR, 1st Prize: 2.500 EUR, For EU-Grand Prix, sensor boards and direct internet transmition of games Open B (ELO < 2300): 6.000 EUR, 1st Prize: 600 EUR, Summer Open Seniors Juniors Tournaments will be played 9 rounds, swiss, 90 min+30 sec/move. Rounds at 6 p.m. Further details:

It is possible to combine play in this tournament with the 13th Ljubljana Open which takes place 22nd-30th June 2002. Further details:

Korinthos Computer Event

Korinthos will hold a man maching event with two Grand Masters Belgian Mikhail Gurevich and Christodoulos Banikas taking on Junior 7 on a Pentium 4 at 2000 MHz and RAM 1 GB

Schedule 13 - 16/5/2002 Gurevich vs Junior 7 (rapid games of equal number - 60 minutes for each player) 17 & 18/5/2002 Chr. Banikas vs Gurevich (6 rapid games - 25 minutes for each player)

Coverage: Hellas Chess Club

North Sea Cup

The North Sea Cup takes place in Esbjerg Denmark July 5th-13th 2002. The event is organised by the Esbjerg Chess Union and is a 10-player category 14 round-robin with: Alisa Galliamova, Lazaro Bruzon, Leinier Dominguez, Sergey Tiviakov, Hannes Stefansson, Igor Glek, Andrey Volokitin, Peter Heine Nielsen, Curt Hansen and Sune Berg Hansen.

Internet coverage:

Gausdal Tournaments

Hans Olav Lahlum has put more details on his the web site for this tournament. It now includes: 1) Introduction and basic information about the tournament. 2) Portraits of all 40 participants. 3) Results and moves of all 180 games. 4) Bulletins with round reports covering all 180 games. 5) Commented grades and ELO-calculations for all 40 participants. 6) A list of quotes from the tournament (!?). The final results and games appeared in last weeks TWIC.

Internet site:

Qingdao Festival including the Tan Chin Nam Cup

The Qingdao Chess Festival will take place July 4th-8th, 2002. Qingdao, known as Tsingdao, is a seaside city located in the east coast of China. At 2008 Olympic Games, the sailing events will take place there.

Four events: 3.1 Tan Chin Nam Cup GM International Open 2002 (Section A) For players 2450 and above. Most US players who will attend the China – USA Chess Summit 2002 have confirmed their participation. 3.2 IM Open (Section B) For players 2150 and above 3.3 NM Open (Section C) For players below 2150 and unrated 3.4 Senior Open (Section D) For players aged 55 years old and above as on January 1st 2002.

Prize fund: 5.1 Section A (total US$ 21,100) 5.2 Section B (total US$ 8900) 5.3 Section C (total RMB 8500, 1 US$ = 8.3 RMB)

In the Section A, there are financial Guarantees for GM: Players with 2500-2549 shall get the at least US$ 400, with 2550-2599 shall get the at least US$ 600, with 2600-2649 shall get the at least US$ 800, with 2650 and above shall get the at least US$ 1000. In every different category, the first 8 GM with earliest entry can have the conditions mentioned above. Other GM¡ s financial guarantees will depend on sponsorship.

Contact addresses: Tel: 86-532-296 7803 Fax: 86-532-282 0125 E-mail:,

Full details:

Swiss Chess Tour event 2002

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2002" will continue in Basle with the State (Bundesturnier) Championship May 9th-12th, 2002. “Swiss Chess Tour” is providing a second year in a row a most popular chess competition in Switzerland. The championship consist 5 groups (category). Two of that are senior’s groups. The host and one of the sponsors is Hotel “Hilton”. Swiss system, 7 rounds (seniors 5 rounds); 36 moves for 90 minutes and 60 minutes till the end. Group 1 (1800 and more) prizes are: 1.500/1.200/900/700/600/500/400/300/2x200 SF Entry fee: 120 SF (juniors 60+ FIDE masters) GM + IM free. Group 2 (1600-1839) prizes are: 1.000/800/600/500/400/300/2x200/2x150. Entry fee: 110 SF (juniors 55 SF) Group 3 (less then 1600) prizes are: 800/600/500/400/2x300/2x200/2x150. Entry fee: 100 SF (juniors 50) Senior 1 (1600 and more) prize are: 400/300/200. Entry fee: 60 SF Senior 2 (less then 1600) prize are: 300/200/100. Entry fee: 60 SF At the door 10 SF for the all players.

Time table: May 9th 10.00-11.30 last registration; 11.30 opening ceremony; Round 1st 12.00-17.00 (for all tournaments); Rounds 2nd 17.30-22.30 May 10th Round 3rd (seniors 2nd) 10.00-15.00; Round 4th (seniors 3rd) 15.30-20.30 May 11th Round 5th (seniors 4th) 10.00-15.00; Round 6th 15.30-20.30 May 12th Round 7th (seniors 5th) 10.00-15.00 Closing ceremony 16.00

Beochess +41+34+424-01-06 (Robert Spoerri) or Further information:

Cesenatico International Open

The Cesenatico International Open takes place in Italy 2nd-8th September 2002.

Further Information and entry at:

3rd European Individual Championships

The 3rd European Individual Championships will be held in Batumi, Georgia, June 11th-27th 2002.

Further details:

Jeff Sonas Statistics on World Championship Formats

Jeff Sonas presents a statistical analysis of various world championship formats, especially evaluating the FIDE, Einstein Group, and Seirawan approaches in detail.

Championship Chessmetrics Analysis by Jeff Sonas (version 2)

Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting

The Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting 2002 takes place 6th-21st July 2002. The main event is a Candidates tournament to find a challenger for Vladimir Kramnik's Einstein Group World Chess title.

Seven of the top ten players in the World will compete. They are split into two preliminary groups:

Group I:
1. Veselin Topalov      BLG (1) 
2. Boris Gelfand        ISR (4) 
3. Alexei Shirov        ESP (5) 
4. Christopher Lutz     GER (8) 

Group II:
1. Alexander Morozevich RUS (2)
2. Michael Adams        ENG (3)
3. Peter Leko           HUN (6)
4. Evgeny Bareev        RUS (7)

The top two from each group will go forward to the semi-finals. Sadly Garry Kasparov, Viswanathan Anand and Ruslan Ponomariov will not be playing they are probably the top three Candidates you would want to see.

Official website:

Advanced Chess in Leon

Vladimir Kramnik and Viswanathan Anand will play an Advanced Chess Match in Leon, Spain June 20th to June 24th 2002.

They will be playing Advanced Chess with both players consulting with their databases and chess programs (Chessbase is one of the sponsors of the tournament). Each player has 1 hour for the whole game. Schedule: Drawing of lots June 20th at the Conde Luna Hotel of León. The event will be played in 3 sessions: 2 games on Friday 21st, 2 games on Saturday 22nd and the last 2 games on Sunday 23rd . If the tournament finishes 3 to 3, there will be a tiebreak blitz match to decide the winner.

Probable web page:

5th Malbork Castle Cup

The 5th Malbork Castle Cup (Poland) 14-15 September 2002 (swiss type, open tournament in 9 rounds, 30' game, prizes fund 7000 PLN (about 2000 Euro). The Castle Malbork was honoured with an entry into UNESCO's List of the World's Cultural Heritage. The city populated by forty-thousand inhabitants is visited each year by half a milion tourists.

Detailed information (English, Germany and Polish) at:

7th Computer Olympiad

The 7th Computer Olympiad (including World Chess Championship) takes place in Maastricht July 5th-11th 2002.

Internet coverage:

3rd Asean Age-Group Championships

The 3rd Asean Age-Group Championships take place in Singapore 8th-14th June 2002.

Internet coverage:

South African and Open Chess Championships

The South African and Open Chess Championships take place in Boardwalk Casino & Entertainment Centre (Tsitsikama Conference Hall) Port Elizabeth South Africa 1st-13th July 2002.

Further details:

Frank Quisinsky Computer Chess

Frank Quisinsky's Computer Chess pages have been updated. Computer Chess calendar and a database computer games since 1990 are availble.


Bergen Chess International

The Bergen Chess International 2002 takes place 20th-28th July 2002 in Bergen, Norway. Open GM-tournament 9-round Swiss 7-hour playing session Side events: Lower section, Cafe Chess Championship, Blitz tourneys

Further information:

6th Voronezh International Chess Festival

The 6th Voronezh International Chess Festival takes place June 10th-21st 2002.

Further details:

12th Heart of Finland Open

The 12th Heart of Finland Open takes place in Jyväskylä, July 17th-21st 2002. The tournament is played in one group with Swiss system. The event is FIDE-rated, and there are possibilities to reach title norms. There is the option to start the tournament from the 2nd round with a ½ point bye. Time rate: 2 hours / 40 moves + 1 hour to finish.

Entry fees GM/IM free (must register May 31 at the latest), FM/U20 50 EUR, ELO-players 60 EUR, others 80 EUR. 10% discount from the entry fee if registration before May 31, 20% discount if registration before March 31. Total prize fund approx. 7000 EUR, also rating prizes.

Contact info: Sami Hämäläinen: Tel. +358-9-3238840 Email:

New Internet Correspondence Game to Begin

Beginning March 11th, 2002 the World Team will begin a new game against GM Nick de Firmian. Having most recently finished the second of two games against Chinese IM Yin Hao (WT 1.5 YH 0.5) the World Team now will play against three-time U.S. champion Nick de Firmian, who will play the white pieces.

The World Team consists of players from around the World, many of whom came together for the first time during the Kasparov vs. World Internet Game held in 1999. The games against Yin Hao attracted players from Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and the United States.

Everyone willing to follow the rules of the game is welcome to play in this new game against GM de Firmian. To participate or observe go to the World Team strategy board and official site at

More details about the game (and how to join the World Team) can be found at the Game Info and Rules link at the official site. It should be fun and "A Serious Game Among Friends".

Plaskett vs The ROW

GM James Plaskett will play the Rest of the World starting 1st March on the internet at:

The match will be played at the rate of 5 days per move. Players will vote their moves by clicking on the chess board while discussing and formulating strategies and tactics in the Rest of World team forum. This match is open to all who visit Those wanting to play Plaskett will need to login and follow the Opponents menu to 'Play the Expert'.

Pardubice Chess and Bridge Festival

The 13th International Chess & Bridge Festival CZECH OPEN 2002 will be held 11th-28th July 2002 in Pardubice, Czech Republic. Further details:

BCF Grading Questionaire

Results of the British Chess Federation Grading Questionaire are available at the British Chess Federation site.

Internet site:

Savaria Summer

SAVARIA SUMMER International Chess Open Szombathely (Hungary), 26th July- 1st August 2002. Two events an "A" group- for FIDE-Elo and a "B" group- for children under 13. Further details from: KORPICS Zsolt H-9700 Szombathely, Rohonci 13. +(36)-30/951-0063

NK Snelschaken Voor Clubteams

The NK Snelschaken Voor Clubteams takes place 1 June 2002 at the Golden Tulip Bel Air hotel, Johan de Witlaan, Den Haag organised by the SC De Vogelwijk Further information: Ruud Vissers, 010-2207070 (kantoor) of 06-26776496

X Lasker Memorial Barlinek Poland

The X Lasker Memorial Festival in Barlinek Poland takes place 17th-27th July 2002. Blitz, rapid, open A, open B and under-16 events. Further details: Krzysztof Kedzior E-Mail:

17th North Sea Cup

Esbjerg will stage a 17th North Sea Cup July 5th-13th 2002, probably category 13-14. A 10 player round-robin hoping to carry on the reputation with previous tournament winners like Short, Jusupov, Adorjan, Larsen, Vaganian, C.Hansen, Svidler etc. Info: Brian Isaksen at

New FIDE Sites

There are two new FIDE sites. Chess Daily has individual FIDE rating calculations. Also the FIDE site for the World Championships in Moscow has been launched at:

ChessMetrics Site

Jeff Sonas has updated his site: It now has lots of colorful graphs. It includes ratings based on ChessBase games from 1851 to 1998, and then weekly rating lists based on TWIC issues from January 1999 to September 10th 2001.

Hawaii International Chess Festival Postponed

The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information: