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Games section
Corus Wijk aan Zee 42 games Corus B Wijk aan Zee 36 games Corus Reserve Tournament 51 games 1st Fraenkische GM Pulvermuele 25 games Brazilian Championships 76 games Bundesliga 64 games Ubeda open 147 games Croatian Championships 21 games Cali Open 125 games 588 games
My thanks to Christophe Bouton of Europe Echecs, GM Schach, Michael Atkins, Maximiliano Alvarez, Gunnar Bjornsson, Dmitry Novikov, Rashid Ziatdinov, Nigel Johnson, Antonio Bento, Juan Manuel Gonzalez, Leonard Barden, John Henderson and all those who helped with this issue.
An enjoyable week of chess from Wijk aan Zee headlines the issue. TWIC has John Henderson sending reports back each night including pictures which you can catch on the homepage. Garry Kasparov and Vladimir Kramnik lead half a point clear of Viswanathan Anand and Peter Leko. Kasparov has played some excellent chess but has also betrayed signs of rustiness, as do a number of players. Layoffs of 6 months lead to missed chances and inprecise play, I expect a tightening up in this aspect in the last half of the event. From Moscow comes the very sad news of the death of Alexey Vyzmanavin at the early age of 40. I've written an editorial on the new FIDE list and the Myanmar (Burma) ratings. It seems to me obvious that when ratings are so at odds with the real strength of players action has to be taken.
Hope you enjoy this issue
The first major tournament of 2000 is well underway in Wijk aan Zee. The Corus Chess tournament in Wijk aan Zee runs 14th-30th January 2000 in the De Moriaan Community Centre. The event sees the top three players in the World Kasparov, Anand and Kramnik and altogether six of the top ten (Morozevich, Leko and Adams also) in this very strong 14 player field which is just shy of Category 19.
Round 3 All the games were finished by first time control. Garry Kasparov said he didn't believe Loek Van Wely's treatment of the Sicilian. He proved his point, taking only 25 moves to demolish the Dutchman's rather loose treatment of the Sicilian. Kasparov's win was matched by most of his rivals. Jeroen Piket took care of Dutch compatriot Jan Timman in only 28 moves, and he was black as well. Vladimir Kramnik beat Nigel Short after the latter mishandled the opening. Viswanathan Anand would have been pleased to hold in form Peter Leko with black even at the expense of temporarily losing ground. In the battle of the tacticians Alexander Morozevich emerged the winner against Judit Polgar. He was black in his pet variation (7. ...a6 of the Classical French) and, after improving his pawn structure, rustled up a winning attack on the Kingside. Korchnoi-Adams and Nikolic-Lputian were fairly uneventful draws. The B event has started, all round one games were drawn (see below).
Round 4Adams-Kasparov was the final game to finish. It saw Adams trying to make something of a very promising position with an extra pawn, he probably did miss something just before first time control. After that Kasparov appeared to hold it without giving a clear winning chance. Anand-Kramnik ended in a draw after the Indian found himself at a disadvantage. He eventually traded into a drawn ending, the game finished on move 40. Piket-Van Wely was a nothing game over in 11 moves, and Morozevich didn't make much headway against Korchnoi's French Defence and the game ended in a draw on move 20. Timman-Nikolic looked as if it might get interesting but a balance was found on move 27. Judit Polgar was doing fine against Nigel Short until she committed a terrible blunder with 32. ...Rxf3 which fails to a one mover (although she continued for a few moves). Lputian-Leko was a complex game where Leko won a pawn in a complex middlegame and Lputian in terrible time trouble couldn't prevent it becoming moblile.
Round five saw Kasparov take on Morozevich. Kasparov kept his 100% lifetime record (2 rapidplay wins in 1995 and a victory in Sarajevo last year). They contested a line of the Slav popular in the 1930's. Morozevich's 11. ...g5 is a highly unusual but known idea and Kasparov met it with the new (?) 12. Ne3. Kasparov stayed on top of the tactics and won a pawn which he then converted. Judit Polgar hasn't had a good tournament and she played very solidly against Anand. The game was drawn on move 27 of a Sicilian Richter Rauser. Korchnoi and Short halved their game after 18 moves of a Tarrach French. Leko tried a Closed Variation of the French (the French is a popular opening in this tournament) against Timman. The game drifted to equality on move 34. Predrag Nikolic and Jeroen Piket contested a Queens Gambit Declined Classical Variation. The game followed theory for around 19 moves. Piket either miscalculated or decided he could hold the Queen and Rook ending a pawn down, I'm not sure which. Nikolic is excellent at these technical endgames and he kept a nagging initiative throughout the game and won on move 61. Kramnik played a closed Catalan Defence against tail ender Smbat Lputian. Kramnik played somewhat riskily in trying to win although perhaps the game was in dynamic balance until move 28 or 29 where Lputian allowed a clear advantage for Kramnik. Kramnik then made the best of the chances in the position to convert to a win. Loek Van Wely and Michael Adams contested a Nimzo-English. Adams gained an advantage just out of the opening, probably Van Wely missed how powerful Adams pawn on d2 was in advance, and the game went into a protracted bishops of opposite colours ending with Adams two pawns up which he won in 76 moves.
Round 6 . The games Short-Kasparov and Timman-Kramnik saw the joint leaders trying too hard with black, although both games were draws white had serious winning chances in both. Short and Kasparov shared the spectators prize for the game of the day but neither played their absolute best. According to Kasparov he got into trouble because he completely missed Short's 16. Nd1. After the game Kasparov demonstrated a winning continuation for Short [25. Rd1 Rd5 (forced) 26. Rxd5 cxd5 27. Qa2 when Queens have to come off and the ending is winning for white]. Early finishers in round 6 were the games Anand-Korchnoi (Korchnoi got into a total mess straight from the opening and had to resign on move 19 with his position just about to fall apart) and Morozevich-Van Wely (Morozevich played some clever tactics which allowed him to carve open the centre of the board with Van Wely's king caught there, however Morozevich didn't think things all that clear until 24. ...Bc8 (24. ...Bd5 and there is still much work to do) then it was over quickly). Other games: Piket-Adams, Piket tried to exploit a superior pawn structure but the game was drawn on move 30; Nikolic-Leko, Leko gradually outplayed Nikolic and he moved into joint third; the Lputian-Polgar, basement battle was the longest of the day, with Lputian eventually winning a very complex ending. This allowed him to catch Polgar in 12th place.
Round 7. A highly interesting situation occurred in round 7 of the Corus Wijk aan Zee tournament. The games Kasparov - Anand and Van Wely - Short transposed into the same line of the Nimzo-Indian with g3 opening. Eventually, when the players realised, it meant that Van Wely and Short (a few moves behind) could follow the course of the Kasparov-Anand game and make their decisions accordingly. The games followed Tal Shaked - Kiril Georgiev from the second round of the FIDE Championships in Las Vegas last year until Kasparov (and subsequently Van Wely) played the novelty 19. Rd2 instead of Shaked's 19. Re1. Anand got into trouble with his 21. ...Bf3 but Short found the superior 21. ...Rfc8 allowing him to draw on move 25. Kasparov pressed hard and seemed to be close to winning until his 35. Rb7? he had missed the strength of Anand's 35. ...f6. Far superior was 35. e5+ with the continuation 35 ...Qc2 36 Qxc2+ Rxc2 37 a5 Ra2 38 Ra8 Kg6 39 g4 h5 40 h3 hxg4 41 hxg4. Anand steered the subsequent rook and pawn ending to a draw on move 56. Leko-Piket was drawn in 46 moves of an Open Ruy Lopez. Kramnik-Nikolic was drawn in 21 moves when Nikolic emerged from the Queens Gambit Declined Exchange Variation with a completely level position. Timman-Polgar was drawn in 31 moves of a Sozin Sicilian. Smbat Lputian having earned his first win against Judit Polgar in round 6 beat Viktor Korchnoi in round 7 on the black side of a 5. Bf4 Queens Gambit Declined. Lputian would have been relieved to have more time than his opponent coming up to the time control for the first time in the event. Korchnoi was worse after move 40 but he quickly lost track altogether he blundered his position away in only half a dozen more moves. Adams-Morozevich was a finely balanced French Tarrasch Defence and perhaps the most interesting game of the day it was the last to finish, a draw in 64 moves.
Round 8. There were a number of draws at the top in round 8. Lputian seems to have adjusted to the level after a bad start. He and Kasparov contested a Grunfeld and although Kasparov equalised the position was dead drawn by move 30. Peter Leko and Vladimir Kramnik drew in 21 moves. A crazy time scramble and complicated play marked the game Piket-Morozevich. Short-Adams was a tough struggle which had interesting play, Short was initially a pawn up, but Adams then got strong counterplay. Adams played a clever sacrifice and he emerged two pawns up and although Short tried hard he was unable to prevent Adams converting his advantage. Van Wely played solidly as black against Anand and a draw in 31 resulted. The longest two games of the day were Nikolic-Polgar a Kings Indian drawn in 72 moves and Timman-Korchnoi a 2. d3 French drawn in 65 moves.
Round 3 (January 18, 2000) Kramnik, Vladimir - Short, Nigel D 1-0 32 D37 Queen's gambit Kasparov, Gary - Van Wely, Loek 1-0 25 B80 Sicilian Leko, Peter - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 27 C42 Petroff defence Timman, Jan H - Piket, Jeroen 0-1 28 A53 Benoni Nikolic, Predrag - Lputian, Smbat G 1/2 40 D55 QGD; Korchnoi, Viktor - Adams, Michael 1/2 22 E15 Nimzo indian Polgar, Judit - Morozevich, Alexander 0-1 36 C11 French; Classical Round 4 (January 19, 2000) Anand, Viswanathan - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 40 B66 Sicilian Piket, Jeroen - Van Wely, Loek 1/2 11 D10 Slav defence Morozevich, Alexander - Korchnoi, Viktor 1/2 20 C11 French; Classical Adams, Michael - Kasparov, Gary 1/2 61 B50 Sicilian Timman, Jan H - Nikolic, Predrag 1/2 27 E32 Nimzo indian Short, Nigel D - Polgar, Judit 1-0 40 B85 Sicilian Lputian, Smbat G - Leko, Peter 0-1 37 A34 English; 1.c4 c5 Round 5 (January 20, 2000) Kramnik, Vladimir - Lputian, Smbat G 1-0 50 E07 Nimzo indian Kasparov, Gary - Morozevich, Alexander 1-0 45 D17 Slav defence Leko, Peter - Timman, Jan H 1/2 34 C00 French Nikolic, Predrag - Piket, Jeroen 1-0 61 D62 QGD; Korchnoi, Viktor - Short, Nigel D 1/2 18 C03 French; Tarrasch Polgar, Judit - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 27 B65 Sicilian Van Wely, Loek - Adams, Michael 0-1 76 A17 English; 1.c4 Round 6 (January 22, 2000) Anand, Viswanathan - Korchnoi, Viktor 1-0 19 C11 French; Classical Piket, Jeroen - Adams, Michael 1/2 30 E05 Nimzo indian Morozevich, Alexander - Van Wely, Loek 1-0 29 B80 Sicilian Timman, Jan H - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 39 B30 Sicilian Nikolic, Predrag - Leko, Peter 0-1 50 D73 1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6 Short, Nigel D - Kasparov, Gary 1/2 34 B26 Sicilian; Closed Lputian, Smbat G - Polgar, Judit 1-0 60 E05 Nimzo indian Round 7 (January 23, 2000) Kramnik, Vladimir - Nikolic, Predrag 1/2 21 D36 Queen's gambit Kasparov, Gary - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 56 E20 Nimzo indian Leko, Peter - Piket, Jeroen 1/2 46 C82 Ruy Lopez Adams, Michael - Morozevich, Alexander 1/2 64 C03 French; Tarrasch Korchnoi, Viktor - Lputian, Smbat G 0-1 47 D37 Queen's gambit Polgar, Judit - Timman, Jan H 1/2 31 B57 Sicilian Van Wely, Loek - Short, Nigel D 1/2 24 E20 Nimzo indian Round 8 (January 24, 2000) Leko, Peter - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 21 B42 Sicilian Anand, Viswanathan - Van Wely, Loek 1/2 31 B80 Sicilian Piket, Jeroen - Morozevich, Alexander 1/2 51 D19 Slav defence Timman, Jan H - Korchnoi, Viktor 1/2 65 C00 French Nikolic, Predrag - Polgar, Judit 1/2 72 E63 Kings indian Short, Nigel D - Adams, Michael 0-1 67 C42 Petroff defence Lputian, Smbat G - Kasparov, Gary 1/2 30 D85 Gruenfeld indian Corus Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), 15-30 i 2000 cat. XVIII (2697) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2758 * . = = . = 1 = = 1 . 1 . . 5.5 2835 2 Kasparov, Gary g RUS 2851 . * . = = 1 = . . = 1 = . 1 5.5 2823 3 Leko, Peter g HUN 2725 = . * = = = . = 1 = . 1 . . 5.0 2783 4 Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2769 = = = * . . . = 1 . 1 . = = 5.0 2796 5 Piket, Jeroen g NED 2633 . = = . * = = 1 0 . . 1 . = 4.5 2743 6 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2748 = 0 = . = * = . . . = . 1 1 4.5 2748 7 Adams, Michael g ENG 2715 0 = . . = = * . . 1 = . = 1 4.5 2747 8 Timman, Jan H g NED 2655 = . = = 0 . . * = . = 1 = . 4.0 2683 9 Nikolic, Predrag g BIH 2659 = . 0 0 1 . . = * = . = = . 3.5 2642 10 Short, Nigel D g ENG 2683 0 = = . . . 0 . = * = . 1 = 3.5 2665 11 Korchnoi, Viktor g SUI 2659 . 0 . 0 . = = = . = * 0 . 1 3.0 2622 12 Lputian, Smbat G g ARM 2605 0 = 0 . 0 . . 0 = . 1 * 1 . 3.0 2612 13 Polgar, Judit g HUN 2658 . . . = . 0 = = = 0 . 0 * = 2.5 2544 14 Van Wely, Loek g NED 2646 . 0 . = = 0 0 . . = 0 . = * 2.0 2521 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
There are additional events taking place in Wijk aan Zee. In the B event Boris Avrukh of Israel on 5 leads Sergei Tiviakov and Alexander Onischuk by half a point.
Corus B Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), 18-30 i 2000 cat. XI (2507) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Avrukh, Boris g ISR 2620 * . . 1 1 = . 1 . = 1 . 5.0 2756 2 Tiviakov, Sergei g NED 2567 . * = . = 1 = 1 . . . 1 4.5 2705 3 Onischuk, Alexander g UKR 2637 . = * = . 1 . . . = 1 1 4.5 2665 4 Reinderman, Dimitri g NED 2561 0 . = * . . . = 1 = 1 . 3.5 2538 5 Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter g ROM 2611 0 = . . * . = . 1 . = 1 3.5 2530 6 Van der Wiel, John g NED 2558 = 0 0 . . * 1 . = . . 1 3.0 2530 7 Nijboer, Friso g NED 2540 . = . . = 0 * 0 . 1 . 1 3.0 2493 8 Hendriks, Willy NED 2373 0 0 . = . . 1 * = . = . 2.5 2450 9 Danailov, Silvio m BUL 2462 . . . 0 0 = . = * 1 . = 2.5 2435 10 Ashley, Maurice g USA 2499 = . = = . . 0 . 0 * = . 2.0 2394 11 Berkvens, Joost NED 2297 0 . 0 0 = . . = . = * . 1.5 2357 12 Delemarre, Jop m NED 2354 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . = . . * 0.5 2161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
In the reserve group Yge Visser leads with 3/3.
Round 3 standings: Corus Reserve Group Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), 21-30 i 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Visser, Yge f NED 2406 +32 +26 + 9 3.0 2 Georgiev, Vladimir m BUL 2538 +34 = 7 + 6 2.5 2637 3 Yuneev, Alexey m RUS 2430 +28 =19 +18 2.5 2602 4 Bellin, Robert m ENG 2351 =11 +29 +19 2.5 2494 5 Ivkov, Borislav g YUG 2450 =13 +23 = 7 2.0 2429 6 Kosteniuk, Alexandra wg RUS 2409 +25 +15 - 2 2.0 2480 7 Afek, Yochanan m ISR 2349 +31 = 2 = 5 2.0 2520 8 Bosboom, Manuel m NED 2461 =12 =14 +28 2.0 2416 9 Romero Holmes, Alfonso g ESP 2483 +33 +10 - 1 2.0 2365 10 Werner, Clemens f GER 2314 +22 - 9 +26 2.0 2315 11 Van den Berg, A.M.J NED 2209 = 4 =20 =14 1.5 2335 12 Andonovski, Ljubisa f FRM 2287 = 8 =16 =17 1.5 2438 13 Kiseleva, Natalia wg UKR 2285 = 5 =17 =16 1.5 2434 14 Van Blitterswijk, Stefan f NED 2308 =16 = 8 =11 1.5 2389 15 Ludden, Gert-Jan NED 2263 +24 - 6 =20 1.5 2385 16 Rowson, Jonathan m SCO 2499 =14 =12 =13 1.5 2293 17 Popov, Luben m BUL 2354 =27 =13 =12 1.5 2262 18 Kalinin, Alexander m RUS 2422 =23 +27 - 3 1.5 2307 19 Keatinge-Clay, Adrian USA 2287 +30 = 3 - 4 1.5 2411 20 Van Geet, Dirk Daniel m NED 2346 =29 =11 =15 1.5 2213 21 Bertholee, Rob f NED 2343 -26 +32 =22 1.5 2107 22 Cheparinov, Ivan BUL 2089 -10 +33 =21 1.5 2219 23 Floor, Dick NED 2278 =18 - 5 +29 1.5 2346 24 Krnic, Zdenko m YUG 2401 -15 =25 +31 1.5 2242 25 Stellwagen, Daniel NED 2265 - 6 =24 +34 1.5 2381 26 Gouw, Carel-Peter NED ---- +21 - 1 -10 1.0 2229 27 Happel, Hendrik A f NED 2215 =17 -18 =30 1.0 2284 28 Stojanovski, Dejan FRM 2279 - 3 +30 - 8 1.0 2322 29 De Mie, Mariska NED 2168 =20 - 4 -23 0.5 2052 30 Van der Weide, Karel m NED 2452 -19 -28 =27 0.5 1987 31 Barendse, Ted NED 2198 - 7 =34 -24 0.5 2088 32 Burlage, Peter NED 2232 - 1 -21 =33 0.5 1976 33 L'Ami, Erwin NED ---- - 9 -22 =32 0.5 1995 34 Strating, Sybolt f NED 2334 - 2 =31 -25 0.5 2060 -----------------------------------------------------------------
The Pulvermuele International took place January 3rd - February 10th 2000. The Category XI was won by Ildar Ibragimov with 7/11. He finished half a point clear of Hichem Hamdouchi who beat Ibragimov in round 2.
Internet coverage at:
Round 5 (January 17, 2000) Ibragimov, Ildar - Blatny, Pavel 1-0 61 A40 Queen's pawn Hamdouchi, Hichem - Bezold, Michael 1-0 40 B42 Sicilian Stefanova, Antoaneta - Wells, Peter K 0-1 51 D00 Queen's pawn Naiditsch, Arkadij - Gabriel, Christian 1/2 38 C68 Ruy Lopez; Exchange Zhu Chen - Bischoff, Klaus 1-0 24 A30 English; 1.c4 c5 Round 6 (January 18, 2000) Blatny, Pavel - Stefanova, Antoaneta 0-1 79 C42 Petroff defence Zhu Chen - Naiditsch, Arkadij 0-1 68 A04 Reti (1.Nf3) Wells, Peter K - Hamdouchi, Hichem 1/2 36 A45 Queen's pawn Gabriel, Christian - Ibragimov, Ildar 0-1 66 B34 Sicilian Bischoff, Klaus - Bezold, Michael 1/2 27 B09 Pirc; Austrian Round 7 (January 20, 2000) Ibragimov, Ildar - Zhu Chen 1-0 51 D11 Slav defence Hamdouchi, Hichem - Blatny, Pavel 1/2 93 B15 Caro-Kann Bezold, Michael - Wells, Peter K 1-0 31 B31 Sicilian Stefanova, Antoaneta - Gabriel, Christian 1/2 62 A07 Reti (1.Nf3) Naiditsch, Arkadij - Bischoff, Klaus 1-0 24 B81 Sicilian Round 8 (January 21, 2000) Blatny, Pavel - Bezold, Michael 1/2 75 B06 Modern defence Naiditsch, Arkadij - Ibragimov, Ildar 1/2 16 C68 Ruy Lopez; Exchange Zhu Chen - Stefanova, Antoaneta 1-0 63 D10 Slav defence Gabriel, Christian - Hamdouchi, Hichem 1/2 52 D45 Semi-Slav Bischoff, Klaus - Wells, Peter K 1/2 30 A13 English; 1.c4 Round 9 (January 22, 2000) Ibragimov, Ildar - Bischoff, Klaus 1-0 41 E13 Nimzo indian Hamdouchi, Hichem - Zhu Chen 1-0 32 B50 Sicilian Bezold, Michael - Gabriel, Christian 1/2 20 C68 Ruy Lopez; Exchange Stefanova, Antoaneta - Naiditsch, Arkadij 1-0 34 A46 Queen's pawn Wells, Peter K - Blatny, Pavel 0-1 63 B00 1.e4 1st Fraenkische GM Pulvermuele GER (GER), 12-22 i 2000cat. XI (2520) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Ibragimov, Ildar g RUS 2611 * 0 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 7.0 2730 2 Hamdouchi, Hichem g MAR 2513 1 * 1 = = 1 1 = = = 6.5 2687 3 Bezold, Michael g GER 2508 = 0 * = = = 1 1 = = 5.0 2564 4 Stefanova, Antoaneta m BUL 2495 0 = = * 1 1 0 0 = 1 4.5 2523 5 Blatny, Pavel g CZE 2512 0 = = 0 * 1 0 1 1 = 4.5 2521 6 Naiditsch, Arkadij m GER 2442 = 0 = 0 0 * 1 1 = 1 4.5 2528 7 Zhu Chen wg CHN 2530 0 0 0 1 1 0 * 0 1 1 4.0 2476 8 Wells, Peter K g ENG 2483 0 = 0 1 0 0 1 * = = 3.5 2444 9 Gabriel, Christian g GER 2564 0 = = = 0 = 0 = * = 3.0 2390 10 Bischoff, Klaus g GER 2544 0 = = 0 = 0 0 = = * 2.5 2351 ------------------------------------------------------------------
The 66th Brazilian Chess Championship takes place in Brasilia-DF, Brasil, (Torre Palace Hotel) January 19th - 25th 2000. 26 players will compete in a 9 rounds swiss tournament. Official coverage at:
Standings after 7 of 9 rounds ch-BRA Brasilia (BRA), 7-19 i 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Vescovi, Giovanni g BRA 2511 + 9 + 5 + 4 = 2 +14 + 3 = 7 6.0 /7 2639 2 Limp, Eduardo BRA 2420 +13 +16 + 6 = 1 + 9 + 8 = 4 6.0 /7 2617 3 Gauche, Charles BRA 2310 =18 + 8 + 7 - 4 +12 - 1 +11 4.5 /7 2400 4 Pelikian, Jefferson m BRA 2393 +21 +17 - 1 + 3 - 8 + 9 = 2 4.5 /7 2402 5 Chemin, Vitorio BRA 2313 +19 - 1 +21 -14 +20 = 6 +13 4.5 /7 2312 6 Disconzi da Silva, Rodrigo f BRA 2365 +14 + 7 - 2 - 9 +10 = 5 = 8 4.0 /7 2327 7 Matsuura, Everaldo m BRA 2441 +10 - 6 - 3 +21 =11 +12 = 1 4.0 /7 2375 8 Coelho, Luis BRA 2091 +12 - 3 =17 +20 + 4 - 2 = 6 4.0 /7 2350 9 De Souza Haro, Paulo Cezar f BRA 2273 - 1 +19 +11 + 6 - 2 - 4 +14 4.0 /7 2362 10 Benares, Ricardo f BRA 2236 - 7 -14 +15 +18 - 6 +21 +19 4.0 /7 2218 11 Tsuboi, Edson Kenji f BRA 2334 =22 =12 - 9 +19 = 7 +14 - 3 3.5 /7 2239 12 Guimaraes, Wagner P BRA 2320 - 8 =11 +13 +17 - 3 - 7 +21 3.5 /7 2271 13 Valle, Adriano BRA 2229 - 2 =20 -12 +16 +17 +15 - 5 3.5 /7 2234 14 Souza Neves, Andrey M BRA 2166 - 6 +10 +16 + 5 - 1 -11 - 9 3.0 /7 2282 15 Silva Sobrinho,A BRA ---- -17 -21 -10 +23 +16 -13 +20 3.0 /7 2129 16 Rios Filho, Hilton Carlos f BRA 2295 +20 - 2 -14 -13 -15 +17 =18 2.5 /7 2056 17 Dejeanne, Francisco ARG 2294 +15 - 4 = 8 -12 -13 -16 +23 2.5 /7 2087 18 De Paula,G BRA ---- = 3 =22 -20 -10 -19 +23 =16 2.5 /7 2041 19 Bastos,W BRA ---- - 5 - 9 +23 -11 +18 =20 -10 2.5 /7 2063 20 Leite Jr,Erasmo BRA ---- -16 =13 +18 - 8 - 5 =19 -15 2.0 /7 1974 21 Roland, Marcos USA 2204 - 4 +15 - 5 - 7 +23 -10 -12 2.0 /7 2085 22 Toth, Peter BRA 2163 =11 =18 . . . . . 1.0 /2 2167 23 BYE BRA ---- . . -19 -15 -21 -18 -17 0.0 /5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Coverage at:
This is followed by the BCX 2000 Brazilian Chess Open which takes place in Brasilia-DF, Brasil (Naoum Plaza Hotel) January 27th - 30th 2000. The event is a 7 rounds swiss tournament
Further details:
The 7th round of the German Bundesliga took place on January 8th 2000. This was a single round
Official site for the competition:
Round 7 Results: Venue SG Porz PSV Duisburg 1:7 SG Porz Venue: SV Castrop SV Castrop-Rauxel 4:4 Godesberger SK Venue Delmenhorst Delmenhorster SK 3½:4½ SV Werder Bremen Venue SG Solingen SG Aljechin Solingen 7½:½ SV Wattenscheid Venue Tegernsee SV Tegernsee 3½:4½ SK Passau Venue Magdeburg USC Magdeburg 3½:4½ SF Neukölln Venue Hamburg Hamburger SK 2½:5½ Lübecker SV Venue Plauen SK König Plauen 3:5 Dresdner SC Standings: 1. SG Porz 39:17 13:1 2. Solinger SG 37,5:18,5 13:1 3. SK Delmenhorst 31:25 11:3 4. Godesberger SK 30:26 10:4 5. SK Passau 29:27 7:7 6. Dresdner SC 27,5:28,5 7:7 7. SV Werder Bremen 27:29 7:7 8. SV Castrop Rauxel 25,5:30,5 7:7 9. SV Tegernsee 27,5:28,5 6:8 10. SFR Neukölln 25,5:30,5 6:8 11. Lübecker SV 28:28 5:9 12. USC Magdeburg 27:29 5:9 13. SK König Plauen 23,5:32,5 5:9 14. SV Wattenscheid 21,5:34,5 5:9 15. Hamburger SK 26,5:29,5 4:10 16. PSV Duisburg 22:34 1:11
Alexey Vyzmanavin 1st Jan 1960 - January 6th 2000. Alexey Vyzmanavin has died in Moscow, probably on January 6th although he wasn't discovered for six days. He was with two friends on January 6th (the Russian Christmas Eve), the last time he was seen alive. The official version is that he died of a stroke. Amongst his chess achievements he shared 1st place in the USSR Championships of 1990. He also played for Russia a number of times including Manila, 1992. He was also successful in the PCA Rapidplay events. His highest ELO was 2620. He had not played in two years and was reported to have suffered from depression in recent times.
The new FIDE rating list was released earlier this month. The most striking thing about the list was the presence of six Burmese players in the top 100. In January 1997 Burma had four rated players (Aung Aung 2205 now 2595, Aung Thant Zin 2245 now 2510, Myo Naing 2240 now 2545 and Zaw Win Lay 2230 now World number 44 and rated 2633). The same players appeared in the June 1997 list with no additional games. However in the January 1998 list things started to change. Lets follow Zaw Win Lay's progress. June 1997 2230, January 1998 2395, June 1998 2465, January 1999 2565, June 1999 2565 (but he played 86 games at this inflated rating) and finally January 2000 2633. Unprecedented progress unless you count the near similar progress of may of his compatriots. I believe all these games were played in Burma. In the same time period Burma went from 4 rated players in 1997 to 16 then 72 in 1998, then 197 in 1999 from where they reached the 202 in the latest list (suggesting that FIDE's action against Scheveningen tournaments outlined below is not at all useful in this case).
After this "progress" was spotted in the last rating list FIDE suspended the Burmese ratings pending an enquiry. These ratings were restored at a meeting during the executive board meeting in Dohar, Qatar, just prior to the rating list release in January. The decision runs as follows. Ratings commission chairman Mr. Mikko Markkula said that "from the information he had, there was nothing to show that there was a dishonest intent on the part of the Myanmar (Burma) players." In addition they chose to abolish the 100 point rule that has stopped even more spectacular progress by the Burmese players as being unfair to a lot of "innocent players" (a highly interesting choice of words). Mr. Markkula did propose that he would ask the Presidential board for powers to require players who had "achieved excessively high ratings from playing in tournaments, especially Scheveningen tournaments within their national Federation, shall be required by the Qualification Commission to play in specially designated international tournaments outside their Federation, where their rating will be closely monitored."
FIDE did vote to not rate Scheveningen tournaments with unrated players (from immediate effect) which has been seen in the past as the most effective way of manufacturing rated players.
So FIDE have endorsed Burma as the joint second (behind Russia, level with England) strongest nation in World chess as measured by those in the top 100. A long acknowledged weakness of the ELO system is that of lots of games being played amongst players in a limited rating pool. This is precisely what has happened in Burma. Manufacture a lot of rated players, play a lot of games between them and you are going to get ratings that have no relation to those outside that pool. In fact FIDE have a precident, one fully approved by the inventor of the rating system Arpad Elo. They decided that most women played events only against women and that their ratings were 100 points too low and added 100 points to all but those of two of the Polgar sisters (as they had played almost exclusively against male oppostion.) A controversial measure at the time as it was seen as being aimed at the Polgar sisters but a highly appropriate precedent here. Clearly FIDE decided not suspend Burma's ratings because they view the situation as an exploitation of the weakness of the rating system rather than fraud. They can surely with a clear conscience and precedent adjust the ratings of the Burmese players down by 200, 300 or even 400 points as a necessary piece of administration. If they don't then in the next rating period we will see a lot of international tournaments where titled foreign players are invited, they pick up a nice fee and lots of free rating points from underrated players whilst the Burmese players pick up titles by getting results amongst themselves. Ironically FIDE's proposed solution that Burmese players should play international chess would make a solution problematic. Having played so few games against the general poll of players means that their ratings have had until now little effect and correction relatively easy. Playing internationally would corrupt the whole list. Inaction would be a severe blow to the credibility of the FIDE rating list which is so important to international chess.
Additional info: The FIDE site at: has the full list. View the Top 100
The 5th and 6th rounds of the 4 Nations Chess League took place last weekend. Games follow next week.
Round 5 22nd January 2000 Barbican 4NCL 1 6-2 North West Eagles Slough 1 6½-1½ Bristol 1 Wood Green 1 5-3 Silvine White Rose Guildford-ADC 4-4 I.K.H.H. 1 The AD's 5½-2½ Richmond Wood Green 2 2½-5½ Bigwood 1 Round 6 23rd January 2000 North West Eagles 3-5 Wood Green 1 Richmond 2½-5½ Barbican 4NCL 1 I.K.H.H. 1 2-6 Slough 1 Bristol 1 2-6 Guildford-ADC Bigwood 1 6½-1½ The AD's Silvine White Rose 5½-2½ Wood Green 2 Division 1 P W D L MP GP 1 Slough 1 6 6 0 0 12 36.5 2 Wood Green 1 6 5 1 0 11 31.5 3 Bigwood 1 6 4 1 1 9 29.0 4 I.K.H.H. 1 6 3 2 1 8 24.5 5 Barbican 4NCL 1 6 3 1 2 7 27.5 6 Guildford-ADC 6 2 1 3 5 25.0 7 Richmond 6 2 1 3 5 22.0 8 Silvine White Rose 6 2 0 4 4 21.0 9 The AD's 6 2 0 4 4 19.5 10 Bristol 1 6 2 0 4 4 18.0 11 NWEagles 6 1 0 5 2 17.0 12 Wood Green 2 6 0 1 5 1 16.5
The V Open "Ciudad de Ubeda" takes place 19th-28th January 2000. After
five rounds Alexander Grischuk, Aleksei Holmsten and Artashes Minasian are on
4.5/5. 114 players.
Coverage at:
Standings after round 5 1 Grischuk, Alexander RUS 2549 4.5 2 Holmsten, Aleksei FIN 2364 4.5 3 Minasian Artashes, ARM 2598 4.5 4 Zvjaginsev, Vadim RUS 2641 4 5 San Segundo, Pablo ESP 2497 2513 4 6 Zakharov, Alexander RUS 2426 4 7 Sorokin, Maxim ARG 2572 4 8 Maherramzade, Javad AZE 2423 4 9 Yagupov, Igor RUS 2482 4 10 Yandemirov, Valeri RUS 2472 4 11 Turov, Maxim RUS 2526 4 12 Motylev, Alexander RUS 2552 3.5 13 Del Rio Angelis, Salvador G ESP 2463 2482 3.5 14 Hauchard, Arnaud FRA 2513 3.5 15 Lobzhanidze, Davit GEO 2448 3.5 16 Korneev, Oleg RUS 2619 3.5 17 Mirzoev, Azer AZE 2438 3.5 18 Dzhumaev, Marat UZB 2483 3.5 19 Tregubov, Pavel V RUS 2615 3.5 20 Salmensuu, Olli FIN 2418 3.5 21 Dolmatov, Sergey RUS 2615 3.5 22 Rashkovsky, Nukhim N RUS 2523 3.5 23 Sargissian, Gabriel ARM 2442 3.5 24 Vokarev, Sergey RUS 2452 3.5 25 Halkias, Stelios GRE 2482 3 26 Candela Perez, Jose ESP 2409 2411 3 27 Fernandez Romero, Ernesto ESP 2285 2266 3 28 Stocek, Jiri CZE 2496 3 29 Ivanov, Jordan BUL 2440 3 30 Peric, Slavisa YUG 2357 3 31 Bykhovsky, Anatoly A RUS 2398 3 32 Gallego Jimenez, Victoriano ESP 2359 2391 3 33 Piankov, Evgenij UKR 2375 3 34 Anastasian, Ashot ARM 2606 3 35 Kalantarian, Norik ARM 2474 3 36 Wohl, Aleksandar H AUS 2438 3 37 Arizmendi Martinez, Julen Luis ESP 2445 2438 3 38 Minasian Ara, ARM 2485 3 39 Sharma, Dinesh K IND 2337 3 40 Bick, John D USA 2266 3 41 Barsov, Alexei UZB 2521 3 42 Pilgaard, Kim DEN 2377 3 43 Hovhanisian, Mher ARM 2361 3 44 Karatorossian, David ARM 2345 3 45 Khamrakulov, Ibragim S UZB 2354 3 46 Bjerring, Kai DEN 2276 3 47 Gerstner, Wolfgang GER 2402 3 114 players
The 8th Croatian closed championships took place in Pula 07th - 19th January 2000. The event saw Krunoslav Hulak and Ivan Zaja finish on 8.5/13.
Coverage at: and
ch-CRO Pula (CRO), 7-19 i 2000 cat. VIII (2450) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hulak, Krunoslav g CRO 2495 * 1 = 0 = 1 = = 1 0 1 1 1 = 8.5 2556 2 Zaja, Ivan m CRO 2452 0 * = 1 = 0 1 = 0 1 1 1 1 1 8.5 2559 3 Palac, Mladen g CRO 2570 = = * 1 = 0 = 1 0 = 1 = 1 1 8.0 2527 4 Kutuzovic, Branko m CRO 2432 1 0 0 * = = = = 1 1 1 = 1 = 8.0 2538 5 Golubovic, Boris m CRO 2449 = = = = * 1 = = = 1 = = 0 1 7.5 2506 6 Feletar, Darko CRO 2410 0 1 1 = 0 * = = 1 = 0 1 = 1 7.5 2509 7 Rogic, Davor m CRO 2494 = 0 = = = = * = 1 = 1 = 0 1 7.0 2475 8 Fercec, Nenad m CRO 2464 = = 0 = = = = * 0 1 0 1 1 = 6.5 2448 9 Kovacevic, Blazimir m CRO 2438 0 1 1 0 = 0 0 1 * = = 0 1 = 6.0 2421 10 Zelcic, Robert g CRO 2529 1 0 = 0 0 = = 0 = * = 1 = = 5.5 2386 11 Krstic, Uros CRO 2386 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 1 = = * = = 0 4.5 2344 12 Stevic, Hrvoje m CRO 2508 0 0 = = = 0 = 0 1 0 = * 1 0 4.5 2335 13 Rezan, Sasa CRO 2291 0 0 0 0 1 = 1 0 0 = = 0 * 1 4.5 2351 14 Novak, Danijel CRO 2377 = 0 0 = 0 0 0 = = = 1 1 0 * 4.5 2345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Juan Manuel Gonzalez reports: The Cali Open in Colombia took place 26th-30th December 1999. The event was won by GM Alonso Zapata, 60 players competed.
Final Standings: 1 GM Zapata, Alonso 2454 8.0 2 IM Alzate, Darío 2403 7.0 3 IM Escobar, Alder 2385 7.0 4 FM Espinosa, Julio 2330 7.0 5 FM Mendoza, Rafael 2340 6.5 6 GM García, Gildardo 2446 6.0 7 Morales, John Alexander 2374 6.0 8 Gamboa, Nelson 2346 6.0 9 IM Pupo, Emilio 2340 6.0 10 Araque, Rafael 2310 6.0 11 Beltrán, Carlos A. 2255 6.0 12 IM Abreu, Arian 2427 5.5 13 Castro, Oscar 2359 5.5 14 Vittorino, Carlos 2300 5.5 15 Contreras, Henry 2265 5.5 16 Echavarría, Johann 2237 5.5 17 IM Herrera, Irisberto 2487 5.0 18 IM González, Renier 2426 5.0 19 IM Szmetan, Jorge 2420 5.0 20 Rentería, Jorge 2308 5.0 21 Gutiérrez, José Antonio 2280 5.0 22 Ruiz, Pablo Alexander 2109 5.0 23 IM Perdomo, Carlos Andrés 2413 4.5 24 IM Cabrera, Alexis 2407 4.5 25 Cuartas, Jaime 2365 4.5 26 Ramirez, Carlos 2324 4.5 27 Ríos, Alejandro 2316 4.5 28 Mosquera, Miguel 2315 4.5 29 IM Cuartas, Carlos 2300 4.5 30 García, Alvaro 2287 4.5 31 Ruiz, Alciguel 2269 4.5 32 Salazar, Jeyksson 1935 4.5 33 Mateus, Marthaunr. 4.5 34 Carvajal, Nolbertounr. 4.5 60 players
Christophe Bouton reports: There was a hurricane in Paris on Dec 26th 1999 with great damage to the city. This includes the grave of Alekhine in Montparnasse Cimetery, in Paris (Lev Polugaevsky was also buried there). Alekhine was buried in Paris in a ceremony attended by the FIDE president, some vice presidents and Botvinnik. It took place on March 23, 1956. Officially the grave should be repaired by the family (according to French law) or by family insurance. It is reported that Alekhine's son lives in the US. Photo
Further details at:
The Cadaqués computer tournament is being held in Spain and is hosted by Prof. Enrique Irazoqui and CSS. Computers are runniing on two PIII-500 with 256 MB RAM. Time controls are 40 moves in 40 minutes, each participants play 20 game matches against all other participants, total 420 games. Competitors: Rebel Century (Ed Schröder Rebel B.v.), Fritz 6a (Frans Morsch ChessBase), Hiarcs 7.32 (Mark Uniacke ChessBase), Junior 6 (Amir Ban ChessBase), Nimzo 7.32 (Chrilly Donninger ChessBase), Rebel Tiger (Christophe Théron Rebel B.v.) and Shredder 4 (Stefan Meyer-Kahlen Millennium). Event runs January 3rd - February 10th 2000.
Internet coverage at:
Michael Atkins reports: The New York Open is back!! Long, the strongest Open tournament in the U.S., the NY Open is scheduled over the period of May 6-14, 2000. The Two Weekend schedule will start May 6-7, and the main Open section will play May 8-14. The class sections will play May 10-14. Playing at the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan, the same site as the last two NYO's, the Open section will feature $50,000 in prizes which is about $10,000 more than in the open section in 1998. All other details will be announced in late January. For more details contact tournament organizer Mr. Jose Cuchi later in the month Stay tuned for upcoming announcements and full details in late January on the New York Open website
The First Saturday GM, IM and FM closed tournaments for February take place in Budapest, 5th-17th February. Contact: Nagy Laszlo, if you wish to play as there are some vacancies.
The participants registered so far:
FIRST SATURDAY GM-tournament: IGM VOLZHIN, A. (RUS), IGM HORVATH, Csaba (HUN), IGM CSOM, Istvan (HUN), JAKAB, Attila (HUN), SZABO, Zsolt, Jozsef (HUN), IM FOGARASI, Tibor (HUN), RIBSHTEIN, Nati (ISR), IM NGUYEN, Anh Dung (VIE), WGM HOANG, Th, Trang (VIE), IM WANG Rui (CHN), FM NI, Hua (CHN), IM LI, Wenliang (CHN), IM YU, Shao Teng (CHN), ZHANG, Pengxiang (CHN). Reserves: IM GINSBURG, Mark (USA), IM VILLAMAYOR, Bong (PHI), IM BURNETT, Ronald (USA), IM VAJDA, Levente (ROM), IM VAJDA, Albert (ROM).
2000 FIRST SATURDAY IM-tournament: IM KAPOSZTAS, Miklos (HUN), IM ZIMMERMAN, Yuri (RUS), IM SINKOVICS, Peter (HUN), IM KAHN, Evarth (HUN), IM SERES, Lajos,(HUN), IM EPERJESI, Laszlo (HUN), JUNGER, Kai (GER), MARXEN, Peter (GER), WOOLRIDGE, Leon (ENG), FM BELOTELOV, Dmitri (RUS), RESIKA, Nathan, (USA), DEMBO, Yelena (ISR), WIM GARA, Anita (HUN), SZEBERENYI, Adam (HUN), WONG, Zi Ling (MAS), ANTAL, Gergely (HUN), IM NEMETH, Zoltan (HUN), GOCZO, Melinda (HUN), WGM VAJDA, Szidonia (ROM) FM PARKANYI, Attila (HUN), COOKE, Eric (USA), YU, Ming Yuan (CHN), FM MURZIN, Lenar (RUS), IM NEMETH. Zoltan (HUN). Reserves: BOGNAR, Csaba (HUN), BALOGH, Csaba (HUN). Planned 2 groups... (10-14 participants each...)
The 9th Aurec Rapid tournament takes place Feb 26th - 27th in Aurec, France. There are 2 tournaments 7 rounds/ 20mins per game. More than FF 45 000 in prizes Invitations for GMs and IMs. Further info: Olivier Deville - Côtevière - F-43110 Aurec Tél. : 0033 4 77 35 41 21 Fax : 0033 4 77 35 23 76 E-mail :
The 12 Hour Brussels Blitz takes place Feb 26th 2000. Salle Sippelberg Avenue Sippelberg, 3 (Metro Osseghem) 70.000 frs in prizes, 1st prize 15.000 frs. Entry: Senior - 400frs, Junior<18 - 250frs Timerate: 5 minutes. Info: B Asman tel 512.48.43 e-mail: M. Grede tel 538.35.75 Chess Club Anderlecht Caïssa Woluwé C.R.E.B. Les Fous du Roy
The Politiken Cup in Copenhagen, Denmark takes place 17th-28th July 2000. There is a new venue at the Nørrebrohallen with room for 500-700 players.
Further information:
The 13th Ciudad de León Tournament will again use the "advanced chess" format (players will be allowed to use a computer for databases and a playing program). The competitors will be Anand, Shirov, Judith Polgar and Illescas. The event will run June 1st-5th 2000 (playing days: June 2nd Shirov-Illescas 2 game match, June 3rd Anand-Polgar 2 game match, June 3rd, final. The venue is the Junta de León” building, with the opening ceremony in the Conde Luna Hotel and the closing ceremony and Judit Polgar simul at the University.
The 19th Reykjavik International Chess Tournament takes place in the Reykjavík City Hall 5th-13th April 2000.
Minimum Prize fund: USD 15.000 1. prize USD 5.000 2. prize USD 3.000 3. prize USD 2.000 4. prize USD 1.500 5. prize USD 1.000 Under 2450 .USD 1.500 Under 2300 .USD 1.000.
9 rounds, Swiss System, Time Limit: 40 moves in 2 hours, 20 moves in 1 hour, and 30 minutes for the rest of the game.
Registration: Please contact the ICELANDIC CHESS FEDERATION, P.O. Box 8354, 128 Reykjavík, Iceland, before Feb. 1st 2000. Tel.: 354 568 9141 Fax: 354 568 9116 Email: Conditions for titled players please contact ICF office. Eligible: All players rated 2000 or more (FIDE rating list). No entrance fee for foreign players.
Coverage at:
The 16th Budapest Spring Festival is a 9 round Swiss Open chess tournament, the event runs 17th-25th of March 2000, Budapest. The planned maximum is 100 participants, 1-3 GM-s, 6-8 IM-s, more, than 50 % ELO-rated, min. 20 % foreigners. Info: Nagy, Laszlo, e-mail: Tel-fax: (361)-263-28-59 Mobile: (36)-30-230-1914 ICQ # 44805877.
The XVIth Cappelle la Grande Open takes place in the "Palais des Arts et des Loisir" 19th-26th February 2000.
Entries: by cheque or money order to "l’Echiquier Cappellois" to:
M. Michel GOUVART 2, Place de Flandre 59180 CAPPELLE LA GRANDE - FRANCE Tél./Fax : 33/ 03 28 64 94 98
Adults : 220 F Juniors and over 60s: 110 F
Dates: Opening ceremony and round 1 19th February 2000 Closing ceremony 26th Feb 2000.
Prizefund: 80 000 F minimum. 1st prize: 10 000 F / 2e: 5000 F / 3e: 4000F / 4e: 3000F / 5e: 2000F / 6e: 1500F / 7e à 10e : 1000F Other prize categories for Elo, Jeunes, Féminins, Vétérans